
If we take the right arm of the Man symbol we have the High Woldian symbol for Arm. There are literaly hundreds of derivatives from this simple glyph.

By the addition of an object symbol Object symbol we can specify an portion of the arm, for example:.

Shoulder Elbow Hand

Of these, Hand is by far the most important of the arm derivitives, and spawns some important words that in turn combine with others.

The hand is the most flexible of human tools. With it we can build, destroy, caress and kill. It is no surprise that Hand features heavily in a large number of High Woldian pictograms. Here are some examples of combining indications of directions, objects and place with the symbol for Hand to create entirely new words..

Hand and object
Hand and direction
Hand and direction
Hand and direction
Hand, Direction and object
Hand, Direction and object

The Give and Take symbols can be combined to form the symbol for Exchange or Commerce, though this symbol does tend to adapt throughout the centuries. Its most common and aestheticaly pleasing form is

The Place symbol can also be used:

Point and Place
Point and Place
Point, Place and Plural
Point, Place and Plural

As previously described, the Force symbol is frequently combined with pictograms to alter meanings. Here are some examples.

Hand and Force
Hand and Force
Hand and Force
Take and Force

These symbols can be further embellished to form new meanings. The addition of an action such as Go To to the Carry symbol creates the symbol for Bring or Bear: By further adding the Man symbol (used in its diminutive form) we get the word Bearer:

The Steal symbol can be combined with the Man symbol (used in its diminutive form) to create Man who Steals, or Thief.

As previously discussed, the symbol for Change is a powerful one, denoting the movement from one position (or state) to another. It is closely linked to the symbol for Make (which combines Hand and Change: ). Indeed the two symbols are so close in the High Woldian psyche that they are frequently both represented by the same symbol . This is a fundemental symbol to High Woldian, and is used in countless words.

Make and Change can be combined to give Use:

And Hold and Make/ Change combine to give us Tool: