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    <allpages gapcontinue="Retired_Games" />
      <page pageid="1919" ns="0" title="Recruiting Policy">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">'''Ongoing recruiting'''

In the past, we at Woldiangames have attempted to recruit new players in &quot;waves&quot;, essentially waiting for a period of time for openings to build up and then attempting to fill all of them en masse.   With the creation of a DM level Recruiter position, and the reclassification of games into the Career Game and Challenge Game categories, we will be changing to an &quot;ongoing&quot; recruiting policy.  The Woldian Recruiter will attempt to fill any openings as soon as they occur.

'''Career Games'''

Openings in Career Games will first be filled by any volunteers from Challenge Games.  The Woldian Recruiter will announce openings in Career Games on the Loot and Booty Board.  In order for a player in a Challenge Game to move to an opening in a Career Game, they must meet the following pre-requisites:

1)  Must be an active poster on their Challenge Game for the past three months.
2)  May not already have a PC in any other Career Game.
3)  Must give up the Challenge Game they are currently in (the player is switching games, not adding one).

If the Career Game opening is not filled within one week of the Recruiter's announcement on the Loot and Booty Board, the Recruiter will then attempt to fill as if it was a Challenge Game.

'''Challenge Games'''

Openings for Challenge Games will be advertised on the various DnD web sites, as well as on the Loot and Booty Board.

'''Bring in your friends!'''

It has occurred to the Woldian Recruiter that the current members of the Wold ought to have a friend or two that might be interested in joining.  In order to encourage such actions, anyone who brings a friend into the Wold (ie - he or she joins a game and is active for one month) will receive a Hobgoblin Seal of People Skills - Add +2 to next CHA based skill check Anyone who recruits three new players will also receive a Hobgoblin Seal of Stubbornness - Add +2 to next Will Save.
(Note this seal is level dependent, see Rules regarding Hobgoblin Seals on Woldipedia).

'''Email Contact'''

The Woldian Recruiter has set himself up a &quot;recruiting only&quot; email to answer all your questions and welcome all those new folks.  If you have any questions, or are interested in joining our site, please contact me at gargulus2000 at yahoo dot com.</rev>
      <page pageid="1565" ns="0" title="Red Hills">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">[[Image:redhills.jpg]]


Named for the color of the soil which is rich and dark red, this region is known as being both chaotic and primitive rather than chaotic and evil as [[Geography: Izen|Izen]] is. When one speaks of the Red Hills, one usually means the part of the region north of the plateaus and south of [[Geography: Culverwood| Culverwood]]. Notable among the people of the Red Hills are the various tribes of halflings having varying levels of sophistication. How these tribes continue to survive among the other inhabitants of the area is a mystery, but the halflings who live north of the Red Hills, in [[Geography: Crescent Valley|Crescent Valley]], are lucky to have certain magical protections. 

Many travelers avoid halfling villages for the diminutive folk are repeatedly in need of rescuing, and are too cute to refuse. Many Hill and Fire Giants along with ogres and trolls have their homes in the Red Hills. They frequently cause problems with the border cities of [[Geography: New Elenna|New Elenna]], but leave halfling settlements alone because of the bad luck they bring giantkind. 

The potporri of peoples who inhabit the Red Hills include demikind as well as monsterkind and dragonkind, the latter having increased in number over the last few years. No one has ever even attempted to unite these diverse peoples for a single purpose. It is unlikely that anyone ever will. 

The northern route to the west traverses this area before skirting Culverwood and [[Geography:The Scab|The Scab]]. This road is known as Chaos Road or the Road of Troubles. Few choose to travel this route. Most prefer the western route through Izen.  It is difficult to put in script specifics concerning the Red Hills because it is constantly changing in every way. Just remember that Chaos rules this land and sometimes it is more dangerous than the known evils of Izen.

==Traders Corner==

Traders Corner is a small village just inside the [[Culverwood]] where two branches of the Eastern Peaseblossum meet before running into the Red Hills. It “boasts” a dock, a couple warehouses, a boatwright — maybe a dozen buildings total, and it would be a compliment to actually call half of those ramshackle structures “buildings.” Two of the sturdiest are a general store and a pub.

A big sign of a mug of ale leaves no doubt as to which is the pub. It has two stories, shutters on the lower floor, and windows in the upper story. The place is dim, with light mostly coming through the open door and through shutters. It is run by a brewer, Brock, and his wife, Markie, both half-orcs. The place is known for Brock's Delicious Hard Cider and Brock's Best Beer, the latter of which is actually quite exceptional, and commands a hefty gold piece per mug at Brock’s place. Exported elsewhere, the price rises considerably, especially since the brew bruises easily if handled roughly in transit.

[[Category:Geography|Red Hills]]
[[Category:The Continent of Yrth|Red Hills]]</rev>