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This document is designed to serve the local face-to-face game and the online game, being a bridge between the two.
To provide a common playing table for all online and local face-to-face adventures using the Woldian game setting.
The Wold uses the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and all of the Beastiaries. The Pathfinder Advanced Player Guide (APG) is not allowed at all as a general rule; APG base classes are never allowed. Traits are also never allowed, including formerly used Woldian traits. In order to make use of the interesting variety in the APG, you may submit a request for the use of an APG rule (spell, feat, core class archetype, magic item, etc) to your DM and the ACDMs; if approved, you can use that single rule for your PC. You are more likely to obtain permission if the rule fits your character concept, if it is not over-powerful, and if you are currently using no other APG options. The online SRD at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ is used for reference and errata of changes to the Core Rulebook. In cases where rules or mechanics differ, the SRD trumps. You may also use the SRD located at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ -- however, that site makes it sometimes difficult to tell which rules are core only and which are from other sources. You may not use the Classes, Feats, Spells, Domains, etc in the SRD that are not also found in the Core Rulebook.
The Wold uses the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and all Bestiaries.  
The Pathfinder Advanced Player Guide (APG) specific rules are allowed by exception. To gain exception, a Player must submit a request for the use of an APG rule (spell, feat, core class archetype, magic item, etc) in the [[Black_Genie_Centre#Form_for_Use_of_APG_Rules|]], for recommendation, then submit to your DM and the ACDMs for approval.  If approved, that Player can can use that single rule for their one PC. You are more likely to obtain permission if the rule fits your character concept, if it is not over-powerful, and if you are currently using no other APG options. APG classes, and traits are never allowed.
No other books are allowed.
Pathfinder Bestiaries can be used:
* DMs can use any source, including any Bestiary, to create NPCs and foes.
* PCs can use the Bestiary “monster feats” if having prerequisites. (Craft Construct is not available to player characters).
* PCs can use abilities to shape into creatures from Bestiary I or II only.
* Summon spells only summon creatures from the specific list. If no list, PCs may only use Bestiary I.
* Animal Companions, Familiars and the like are limited to that specific ability or feat list.
* Players can ‘reskin’ a Companion, Familiar, and the like for roleplay purposes. (Ex: A PC has a Chicken Familiar with the stat block of a Hawk. The familiar looks and acts like a chicken, but all its abilities of a hawk.)
New characters are created using 25 point Point Buy. All ability scores will be role-played, from the low 8s and 9s to the high 18s and above.
New characters are created using 25 point Point Buy. No PC can have a stat with a value less than 8 (after racial adjustments). The Wold does NOT use age modifications to ability scores.
Note: Players will role-play ability scores below 10. MUST be role-played, from the low 8s and 9s to the high 18s and above.  
CDM Note: ''We are FORCING players who CHOOSE to min/max to role-play scores below 10 as a weakness.  The Player will state how they will roeplay a score below 10 in the PC background AND get DM approval (The DM has the final say on how low scores may be roleplayed in a game).  The DM can "Choose" when a low score is affecting a PC by requiring an Ability Check.''
''Example: A Player has a PC with an 8 Charisma, and puts in the PC Backgroud they are occasionally "obnoxious".  The Player doesn't want to mess up a diplomatic situation (or WANTS to mess it up deliberately!)  The DM calls for an Ability Check and adjusts the PCs actions based on the roll, not the Player's role-play.''
We use the Pathfinder medium XP track.   
Experience Points (XP)The Wold does not use XP: all heroes level twice a year (July, December).
DMs will ensure PCs do not exceed the recommended PF wealth by character level table, found here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering. DMs will track the Board Total Treasure on each module. Dragon Consortium games ONLY are authorized at twice the recommended PF wealth.  
Starting Level.  All Players in a game will be same level and same maximum wealth. New characters, when they join a game, will begin at the same level and with the same WBL as the other PCs in the game.
New characters entering games after first level begin with the same number of experience points as the lowest character in the party and gain starting wealth appropriate for their level to spend on equipment.
The Wold uses the Pathfinder Wealth-By-Level (WBL): [http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/gamemastering.html#table-12-4-character-wealth-by-level found here]
PCs will have minimum WBL listed on the Table, but no more than the next highest Level adding up all possessed or loaned Equipment, Organization Dues, and Magic. (Example:  A 2nd level PC will have a minimum of 1,000gp and a maximum of 3,000gp total wealth)
DMs will annotate starting WBL and ending WBL in each adventure module.
DMs will review PC sheets when PCs gain a level.
DMs can require Players to reduce PC wealth to WBL.
Woldian games use most of the core races, classes and prestige classes, as well as several additional Woldian unique options. Please see  [[Races]] and [[Classes]]
Woldian PCs can use any  race, class, or prestige class listed in the Pathfinder Corebook or Woldipedia options. See [[Races]] and [[Classes]].
No player character may have more than four classes, including Prestige Classes. After 6th level, you must advance from 1st to 2nd in all your classes before you can go higher in the others (ie: no single-level dipping in classes).
Woldian PCs must have 2 levels in every current Class before adding another class, with no more than 4 Classes total (Base or Prestige) (ie: no single-level dipping in classes).
All classes get maximum hit points at 1st level. At levels above the 1st, all ones are re-rolled. Online, all hit point rolls must be rolled in the Loot and Booty. Hero Points may NOT be used to re-roll hit dice. Keep records of how many hps are rolled at each level noting any Con Adjustments.
Woldian PCs have maximum hit points at 1st level. When gaining levels, all 1s are re-rolled. For Online play, all hit point rolls must be rolled in the Loot and Booty. Hero Points may NOT be used to re-roll hit dice.  
There is no official listing of alignments in the Wold. All characters, however, must be good. This includes Druids since Woldian Druids are not neutral; druids in the Wold may be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Chaotic Good. Permission must be granted for any non-good alignment situations and logged in the DM's log as an official decision.
Alignment will: (1) Be Good (Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, or Lawful Good), including Druids*; (2) be listed on the character sheet, and (3) the background section will include how the PC role-plays the chosen alignment (DM approved).  
*Woldian Druids are not neutral (See Spirituality section in Woldipedia)
If at any time a PC becomes non-good without permission, that PC immediately is taken over by the DM and is played by the DM until the alignment reverts to normal (if that occurs). If three evil acts are committed during the same adventure, alignment change may occur. Players will be informed quickly of any evil actions being counted against a character. Online this will occur via email. Locally, the player will be drawn aside and informed as soon as is practical.
If at any time a PC becomes non-good without permission, that PC immediately becomes an NPC played by the DM until the alignment reverts to normal (if that occurs). DM, ACDM, or CDM will quickly inform a Player of Evil or Neutral PC actions.  
===How to Play Good Player Characters===
Only spells that are listed in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook or on the website as Original Woldian Spells are available for use in Woldian games. Some spells in the Advanced Players Guide may be used if the PTB permit individual characters to do so.
Any ones rolled during any type of positive energy healing are re-rolled until something other than a one is obtained.
Wold PCs will be aligned "-Good", but each alignment represents a broad range of personality types. A towering shield of the law, a compassionate supporter of life, and a tireless tracker of evil can all be Lawful Good and display it in different ways. Yet every one of them live in accordance with the Pathfinder Corebook guides for alignment.  “Good implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others ... Most neutral characters probably think of good as better than evil. They are not personally committed to upholding good in an abstract or universal way.
In general, any item that may be created using the Pathfinder rules is available for purchase or creation on the Catacombs Board.
In the Wold, a character’s actions count: whether any standard, move, swift, immediate, or free action. A PC Hero can be offensive/rude/abrasive at times, minor flaws can challenge them from time to time, but repeated Neutral or Evil actions are not tolerated. (For Example, a hero can see himself as an intimidating person and can think about how it would be simpler to force information from people, but not to the extent that they use their Skills to Intimidate bystanders or innocents.)
Magic Items may be renamed, but the original name must appear in parenthesis on the character sheet. (Example: Fez of Charisma (Headband of Charisma) )
*Lawful - Rules are important     - Playable
*Neutral  - Bending rules is OK     - Playable
*Chaotic  - Rules are not important  - Playable
*Good - Morals are important     - Playable
In the Wold, returning a fallen ally to life is far more than casting a spell.  The resurrection line of spells enable transport to the realm of Gargul, Lord of Death.  There you must bargain for the spirit.  The type of resurrection spell cast still determines the state of the spirit, after being resurrected.  
*Neutral - Bending morals is OK     - NO
*Evil - Morals are not important - NO
Reincarnation can be cast in one of two ways:
Bending morals is Neutral. Doing anything to get by, doing bad things for good reasons, only taking care of your friends and family, kill them all and let the deities sort them out, being selfishThese are all morally Neutral concepts and not allowed for Woldian PCs.
The caster can seek the permission of Gargul, Lord of Life and Death, when they cast reincarnateIf they do so, the spell gains a 5000gp Diamond as a material component, and acts exactly as a Raise Dead spell does in the Wold.
If the caster does not seek permission of Gargul, the spell functions as normalHowever, this runs the risk of raising the ire of Gargul or his minions, should they find out. DM's are urged to consult with the Campaign DM in this situation.
''DM Responsibilities for Good Heroes''
Any moral situation must have a Good option outcome. Woldian DMs will not have a ‘lesser of two evils’ or ‘no way out’ moral situation for PCs. (Players may have to work to discover which option is actually ‘Good’.) Contact the CDM/ACDMs when there is a PC who is not predominantly Good.
''Player Responsibilities for Good Heroes''
Understand the difference between Good and Neutral play. Contact the DMs when you feel you are in a no-win situation, or that an action is going to create a moral crisis. Heroic and Good PCs are selfless: they sacrifice their resources (money, equipment, time, lives), they defend those who cannot defend themselves, and they stand between their loved homes and the war's desolation. They can make mistakes, they have flaws (see below), or they can have any number of quirks, but in the end, they have a "concern for the dignity of sentient beings."
*Example: A PC continuously has an inner monologues on following the Law or the Good of every situation, and, eventually, chooses to do what is Good.
*Example: A PC uses his sneaking and stealing to leave gifts for neighborhood children and make up for a less than savory past.
*Example: A PC has vowed revenge against all undead for what they did and promises both Jancassis and Gargul that she will end their unnatural life.
===Good Heroes and Flaws===
If the MAIN point of a Player's PC is a non-good “flaw” then the PC is not Good.
*Example: If your PC is short tempered and that is the MAIN point of your character, they are not good.
*Example: If your PC trait is used to getting their way by insisting others do what the PC says all the time, they are not good. This is selfish, bullying, and evil.
*Example: If your PC does not “play well with others” and that is her MAIN trait, then why is he in an adventuring with others?
Best Practice for Flaw:
*Example: My PC has seen a lot of abused children from when he was a child. Most of the time, he is the most patient caring guy you’d ever chance to meet. However, if he sees a child being abused, he is likely to lose his temper. His good friend Hargon had to keep him from killing a mom whipping her daughter once. That mom deserved some of her own punishment, but killing her was not the solution. He is lucky to have Hargon watching his back...and watching out for his righteous temper!
The flaw is still there, but it is the exception, not the main PC trait. If a flaw is your main character trait, you likely are not trying to be a good PC nor heroic.
One of the most common moral dilemmas that comes up in the Wold is what to do with prisoners. There is often debate around questions such as: what will happen if they are set free? What if they hurt others after release? Is it right to kill an unarmed prisoner? To allow games to resolve questions like these, the Wold has a framework that allows adventurers to show mercy where possible and to slay monsters without remorse when necessary.
* It is NOT an evil act to kill evil creatures that won't repent or change their ways. If prisoners do repent of their misdeeds, they deserve the chance, and they will follow through. They cannot lie or bluff about it. If they don't agree to change their ways, then tradition, law, and the gods themselves  allow you to slay them to keep innocents safe. Creatures that are inherently evil (such as demons, devils or creatures with the 'evil' subtype) will never repent.
* If you opt to let your prisoners live, you can choose other non-lethal solutions, including handing them over to the local authorities, banishing, casting enchantment spells, or simply releasing them. Whatever approach you choose, you needn't worry about what they do in the future. A captive that has been released will no longer pose a threat to the Wold. They will go into isolation, or meet a foul end, or reform of their own accord, or some other such thing. The Wold will be safe from them.
The intent here is to allow adventurers to show that mercy and respect for life are stronger forces in this fantasy world than cruelty, deception, and ambiguity may be in other worlds. You have won the day and can move on knowing that you have done the right thing.
Woldian PCs can only use Pathfinder Core Rulebook or Woldipedia original spells. Advanced Players Guide spells may be used with PTB permission on a case-by-case basis (See Official Books above).
Healing. Re-roll any 1 used for any type of positive energy healing until something other than a one is rolled.
Ethereal/Astral/Shadow.  Any spell or item with the ethereal or astral descriptor uses the Woldian Realm of Shadows.
Magic Item Reskin. Players may 'reskin' magic items, but the original name must appear in parenthesis on the character sheet, and it takes thes same slot. (Example: Fez of Charisma (Headband of Charisma) )
Sometimes a magic item is unique but does not rise to artifact level. These items are Fate Items. They may not be bought or sold in the Catacombs (but the Catacombs Staff can tell you if you have one). PCs cannot make them. Within the owning PC's game, it may be possible to share, sell, buy, steal, lose, or give away a Fate Item -- or might not be! A Fate Item may "stick" with an owner. Trying to get rid of a Fate Item that does not want to go may be "Tempting Fate." Sometimes a Fate Item goes missing for no obvious reason. Sometimes Fate Items have drawbacks. Sometimes their powers can be shared. Within your game, bards, diviners, seers, or sages may be able to tell you more about a Fate Item.
A unique magic item that is not an artifact. PCs cannot make a Fate Item, and cannot buy or sell in the Catacombs. DMs get approval to introduce and use Fate Items by writing them into adventure modules. DMs control what PCs can do with Fate Items (share, sell, buy, steal, lose, give away, etc)
One kind of very minor fate item are gifts, prizes, and awards detailed in the [[Gift Rules]].
One kind of very minor fate item are gifts, prizes, and awards detailed in the [[Gift Rules]].
The Wold follows standard Pathfinder item creation rules, and has some additional item creation feats. 
The Wold follows standard Pathfinder item creation rules with Woldian house rules:
Anyone who successfully researches a new item in the BGC is allowed to place their name on the item and receives the full 10% commission on future sales, even if they do not have any item creation feats. Also see the [[Catacombs]] Rules page.
1) Needed Magic Supplies are at 3/4 cost (75% of base price) in gold pieces, NOT 1/2 as as listed in the Core Rules Book. PCs can only craft magic items listed in Core Rules Book (no artifacts).
2) A PC with crafting feats may loan magic items to other PCs, but must pay all crafting costs personally and accept no payment for them from any other PC. The item still officially belongs to the crafter, until used up or returned, and the gold spent to craft the item counts against the crafter’s wealth. Crafted items may be sold to NPCs or to the Catacombs for 50% of book price.
Role-playing will be awarded with experience during both play and when the story bonus experience is awarded.
3) All crafted items must be labelled as such on the PC’s character sheet with their crafted cost. The character sheet must list any crafted items that have been loaned to other PCs. The PC’s total wealth must be totaled and documented. Note that only the crafting cost, being 75% of book value counts against the crafter’s WBL allowance. (Example documentation on a PC sheet: “Crafted Long Sword +1 (2,315gp base price * 75% = 1,736.25 gp).
'''Acquiring''': Hero points are rewards the DM gives to a player when they perform an action that is heroic in nature. Each character begins play with one hero point at first level. Newly created characters entering a game after first level receive one hero point per level, up to three.  
'''Maximum''': A character can have a maximum number of hero points equal to their current level
4) Any players who successfully research new Woldian items in the BGC are allowed to name their items after their characters and will also receive a 10 percent commission on future sales, even if they do not have any item creation feats. The commission goes to the character, not the player, and after the character retires, they receive no further commissions. Also see the [[Catacombs]] Rules page. A note with the player’s name appears at the bottom of the Woldipedia listing. For example: [[Item: Bill's Pants of Plenty|Bill's Pants o' Plenty]].
'''Spending''': You may spend hero points to affect certain die rolls. Using a hero point is a free action. Multiple hero points may be spent in one round. Once used, they are gone and are not regained except when new ones are earned. Hero points may be spent by the player in the following ways:
The Wold uses the Hero Point ruleset as outlined in the [http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedPlayersGuide/advancedNewRules.html#hero-points Pathfinder APG]
*''Bonus'': A hero point grants you a +2 bonus to any one d20 roll or +10% to any d100 roll -- you can apply the bonus retroactively after the roll is made. You can use a hero point to grant this bonus to another character, as long as you arte in the same location and your character can reasonably affect the outcome of the roll (such as distracting a monster, shouting words of encouragement, or otherwise aiding another with the check). Hero points spent to aid another character grant a lesser bonus: +1 or +5% retroactively after the roll.
This includes the sections on 'Awarding' and the 'Using' of hero points with the following alterations:
* A character can have a maximum number of hero points equal to their current level
* The 'Act out of Turn' ability is not used, as the Wold does not use normal Initiative
* The 'Cheat Death' ability is not used
*''Extra Action'': You can spend a hero point on your turn to gain an additional standard or move action.
The section on additional rules (including Hero Point feats, spells and magic items) remain off limits.
*''Inspiration'': If you feel stuck at one point in the adventure, you can spend a hero point and petition the DM for a hint about what to do next. If the DM feels that there is no information to be gained, the hero point is not spent.
DMs are encouraged to find ways to award hero points to PCs on a regular basis. This fits with the Wold theme of PCs being good AND heroic.
*''Reroll'': You may spend a hero point to reroll any one d20 or d100 roll you just made. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse.
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A dying character loses 1 hit point every round. This continues until the character dies or becomes stable.  A PC will survive an extra round for each hero point that he has unspent. Thus, a Character with 4 Hero Points and a 14 Constituion score dies at -18.
A dying character loses 1 hit point every round. This continues until the character dies or becomes stable.  A PC will survive an extra round for each hero point that he has unspent. Thus, a Character with 4 Hero Points and a 14 Constituion score dies at -18.
All magic with a 'raise dead' feature only enables transport to the Lands of Rest and the throne of Gargul.  There, the living and dead heroes must face the Lord of Death who will judge the worthiness of the resurrection plea.  Depending on the role-play and circumstances, Gray One may demand a penance or bargain.  Gargul will always be played by the CDM or an ACDM as a guest-DM on the Board.
The Leadership Feat requires the approval of the Campaign DM due to the potential to affect local population, political, and economic demographics.  
Rumor suggests that Reincarnation or Wishing magic can return the dead to life without the intercession of Gargul, but those who try to cheat the Lord of Death are taking a calculated risk.  The DM will inform the CDM and ACDMs of any attempt of returning the dead to life without Gargul.
Cohorts, followers, and henchmen never travel with the PC. There are no exceptions.  
Animal Companions and Familiars cannot be raised from the dead.
Cohorts, followers, and henchmen may be created and managed by the Player, and must be approved by the DM. As with any other NPC, the DM has the prerogative to take control of NPC actions.
Your PCs are guaranteed a path to advance from level 1 thru 20.  If your game unfortunately ends for some reason, the PC will be able to join another game and continue on to level 20. When this happens the PC will have to adjust its level for the new game.  We will aim to find a game near to your PCs current level and to give you as much choice as possible.
A '''Cohort''' can have magic items, but this is subtracted from the overall magic allowed the PC. A Cohort can Aid Another, Craft, and provide Knowledge checks up to a maximum of +10 bonus to the check. Other similar actions are allowable with the approval of the DM.
Retiring PCs: When PCs reach level 20, their game ends and they retire their PCs in glory with a celebration on our Giggling Ghost Inn board and all Woldian members join in the celebration. Each player will have the opportunity to turn their retiring PC into a NPC within the Wold campaign setting. An NPC writeup will be completed.  In the future, DMs of other games may use the NPCs in their games.
'''Followers''' only use NPC classes. Followers can Aid Another, Craft, and provide Knowledge checks as CohortsThese effects do not stack. Followers can provide limited income, up to your leadership score * 10 in gold, per month after all business expenses (this supercedes the Business House Rule). Followers used in business ventures must be 1/3 domestic support (housekeeping, gardening, business staff, etc). Remaining professions are Player choice with DM approval.
Veteran Games:  At 10th level we will declare that your game a veteran game. If the game is not full with 8 players, the players will be given a month to recruit players to fill their gameThe reason for this is that veteran games cannot recruit "new" players for their game.  They may, however, recruit from inactive players or DMs that do not have a 2nd game. If at any point a veteran game only has 4 players left, the game will end. The remaining players move their current PC to another game close to their PC level that has openings, because the site goal is for all PCs to adventure from levels 1 to 20. They will adjust their PC’s level to match their new game. (This can vary some depending on the openings in other games, etc.)
===Running a business===
The players in a Veteran Game may decide as a group to inform their DMs that they want to adventure in one of our designated Epic Locations. You can find more about Epic Locations [https://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Epic_Locations here]
PCs are allowed to own/manage a business with DM approval. PC owned businesses are primarily a role-playing opportunity and not intended to circumvent character wealth levels. Woldian heroes being, well, heroes, thier primary income is from adventuring. PCs are allowed to invest up to 1,000 gold pieces per PC character level in their business once per module (normally during the conclusion). The DM then rolls a d100 die and consults the below table to determine the fluctuation of business opportunity.
Retiring Games:  When games end at level 20, a new game is planned to begin at 1st level in a new location within the Woldian campaign world. The retiring players may choose to join this new game or ask to join a different game with a new PC.
Roll d100:
*d01-10--business is extremely slow. Lose 20% of money to be earned this level for the character.
*d10-20--business is very slow. Lose 10% of money to be earned this level for the character.
*d20-30--business is slow. Lose 5% of money to be earned this level for the character.
*d40-60--business maintains current level. No gain or loss of money to be earned this level for the character.
*d70-80--business is good. Gain 5% of money to be earned this level for the character.
*d80-90--business is very good. Gain 10% of money to be earned this level for the character.
*d90-100--business is extremely good. Gain 20% of money to be earned this level for the character.
Modifiers: Skill Ranks in Profession related to the business provide a +1 per Rank bonus to the roll. Venturer PrCs provide a +5% per Venturer Level to the Roll. Skill rank and Venturer bonuses stack.
===Companions and bonded creatures===
===Companions and bonded creatures===
Companions are defined as creatures associated with your PC as a result of a class feature. They include familiars, druidic animal companions, and the paladin's warhorse, or any creatures you can purchase in the Players Handbook (such as mounts). Companions may not be gained through the Leadership feat. Summoned/enspelled creatures, creature-like magic items, and NPCs controlled by the DM are not companions and do not fall under these house rules.
Companions are defined as creatures associated with your PC as a result of a class feature. They include familiars, druidic animal companions, and the paladin's warhorse, or any creatures you can purchase in the Players Handbook (such as mounts). Summoned/enspelled creatures, creature-like magic items, and NPCs controlled by the DM are not companions and do not fall under these house rules.
All companions that travel with you must be registered with the Campaign DM (Jerry), unless they are companions purchased through the PHB.
All companions that travel with you must be registered with the Campaign DM (Jerry), unless they are companions purchased through the PHB.
You must declare companions as either active, or roleplaying:
You must declare companions as either active, or roleplaying:
*Roleplaying companions are companions that provide no mechanical advantages. They may not attack, increase your combat speed, make skill checks, or otherwise assist your character. They may include pets or other strange creatures. They may be pack animals, or mounts, provided you do not use them when combat rounds start. They are purely for roleplaying purposes, Roleplaying companions do not take damage, are not targeted by enemies, and are universally ignored in combat.
*'''Roleplaying companions''' are companions that provide no mechanical advantages. They may not attack, increase your combat speed, make skill checks, or otherwise assist your character. They may include pets or other strange creatures. They may be pack animals, or mounts, provided you do not use them when combat rounds start. They are purely for roleplaying purposes, Roleplaying companions do not take damage, are not targeted by enemies, and are universally ignored in combat.
*Active companions are companions that provide some mechanical advantage during combat rounds. The only companion's allowed other than ones granted by class levels are non exotic mounts (Horses, Warhorses, Pony's, etc). Combat companions may attack, use skills, be ridden, carry items for you, be equipped, scout use abilities and otherwise provide mechanical advantage. They may in turn be attacked.
*'''Active companions''' are companions that provide some mechanical advantage during combat rounds. The only companion's allowed other than ones granted by class levels are non exotic mounts (Horses, Warhorses, Pony's, etc). Combat companions may attack, use skills, be ridden, carry items for you, be equipped, scout use abilities and otherwise provide mechanical advantage. They may in turn be attacked.
Companions may be described for role play reasons ("reskinned"), looking like one type of animal with the template of another animal with the following restrictions.   
Companions may be described for role play reasons ("reskinned"), looking like one type of animal with the template of another animal with the following restrictions.   
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In Pathfinder, familiarity for the Wild shape ability is determined if you can successfully make an appropriate Knowledge check vrs a DC of 10 + the monsters Challenge Rating, taking ten on the rollThe table below includes creature types only the Woldian Shapeshifter can assume. Note that this is not a houserule, but a clarification of Pathfinder rules.
Characters using polymorph effects, including spells such as Alter Self and Beast Shape, as well as any character using the Wild Shape rules, can only change a target creature into a familiar form. In the Wold, there are forms that are so rare that casters are unable to gather enough information to become familiar with themFurther, as casters grow in power, they also expand their ability to be familiar with more powerful forms. Therefore, the Wold uses the following House Rules.
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
* You cannot assume the form of a creature with a template or an advanced version of a creature.
* You cannot assume the form of a creature with a CR higher than your character level.
|+'''Table: Wildshape Familiarity'''
* If you can summon a creature using Summon Monster or Summon Nature’s Ally, then you are familiar with its form.
|- style="background:#efefef;"
* You may also be familiar with forms from the Pathfinder Bestiary I and II -- if, taking 10 on the appropriate Knowledge skill, your check result beats a DC of 10 + the creature’s CR, then you are familiar with the form of that creature. The Knowledge skill used is Knowledge Nature, except for Magical Beasts, for which Knowledge Arcana is used.
!Creature Type!!Knowledge Skill
* You may only polymorph into the form of a dragon if you can take 10 on a Knowledge Arcana check to beat a DC of 15 + its CR, and if you are wearing dragonhide armor or possess a scale from a dragon of the same sort.
|- align="left"
|Animals || Nature  
|- align="left"
|Elementals || Nature
|- align="left"
|Plant || Nature
|- align="left"
|Magical Beasts || Arcana  
|- align="left"
|Giants || Nature
|- align="left"
|Dragons || Arcana
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Dragons were created by Gargul (chromatic dragons) and Alemi (metallic ones) in the first age of the Wold. There may be consquences for assuming the form of a Dragon. Form of the Dragon spells, the Draconic Bloodline for Sorcerors, and the Dragon Disciple prestige class are rare, and those using these options may face unknown special limitations or consequences.  
Dragons were created by Gargul (chromatic dragons) and Alemi (metallic ones) in the first age of the Wold. There may be consequences for assuming the form of a Dragon. Form of the Dragon spells, the Draconic Bloodline for Sorcerers, and the Dragon Disciple prestige class are rare, and those using these options may face unknown special limitations or consequences.
Items made of out of dragons, or using dragon body parts as ingredients and components, also face special limitations. The Catacombs cannot buy or sell [[Item:_Woldian_Dragonhide|dragonhide armor]] at all. Dragonhide armor must be obtained and/or crafted in game, usually by killing a dragon. The Catacombs CAN enchant or upgrade existing dragonhide armor that is brought in to the magic shop. Armor made of metallic dragons is possible, but in good societies it is vanishingly rare because the murder of metalic dragons is seen as an evil act, and the use of its hide for armor is suspect. Other parts of dragons -- such as scales, blood, heart, etc. -- may have magical properties in the Wold as well. Spells such as Draconic Reservoir and Dragon's Breath can be cast, but the components for such spells, such as a dragon scale, must be obtained in-game, since they are never sold in the Catacombs.
Items made out of dragons, or using dragon body parts as ingredients and components, also face special limitations. The Catacombs cannot buy or sell dragonhide armor at all. Dragonhide armor must be obtained and/or crafted in game, usually by killing a dragon. The Catacombs CAN enchant or upgrade existing dragonhide armor that is brought in to the magic shop. Armor made of metallic dragons is possible, but in good societies it is vanishingly rare because the murder of metallic dragons is seen as an evil act, and the use of its hide for armor is suspect. Other parts of dragons -- such as scales, blood, heart, etc. -- may have magical properties in the Wold as well. Spells such as Draconic Reservoir and Dragon's Breath can be cast, but the components for such spells, such as a dragon scale, must be obtained in-game, since they are never sold in the Catacombs.
'''Woldian dragons do not correspond with the Bestiary entries. All are very intelligent and unique. You will never meet one "as listed" in any Bestiary.''' (For example the bestiary entry on white dragons describes them as "the weakest and most feral of the chromatic dragons." In the Wold this is not the case.) The alignments typically associated with the different scale colors etc. are not set in stone.  A dragon's alignment and motivations must be discovered through interaction or other means before heroes can pass judgement on it.
As part of this rule, player characters may not use the Improved Familiar feat to gain a pseudodragon familiar.
Characters may be modified by the player via character surgery with the approval of the players DM and the Campaign DM.   
Characters may be modified by the player via character surgery with the approval of the player's DM and the Campaign DM.   
In addition, if the Campaign DM determines at any time that any PC has become too powerful in any way, he reserves the right to strip a PC of anything he feels is needed. If he decided to do this, the player may always choose to retire the character rather than undergo surgery. Retired characters may return with permission, subject again to possible surgery. Remember, D&D is a game. It is not as fun for your friends or the DM to play, if a PC is too dominant, overbearing or is exhibiting behaviors that the Campaign DM believes is contrary to the precepts with which he runs the game.
In addition, if the Campaign DM determines at any time that any PC has become too powerful in any way, he reserves the right to strip a PC of anything he feels is needed. If he decided to do this, the player may always choose to retire the character rather than undergo surgery. Retired characters may return with permission, subject again to possible surgery. Remember, D&D is a game. It is not as fun for your friends or the DM to play, if a PC is too dominant, overbearing or is exhibiting behaviors that the Campaign DM believes is contrary to the precepts with which he runs the game.
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All players and the DM are expected to control their tempers and language at all times. If you cannot do this, please remove yourself from the game until you remember that we do really "like" you and it is just a game. Honesty is expected from everyone at all times. Failure to control yourself is reason for player discipline.
All players and the DM are expected to control their tempers and language at all times. If you cannot do this, please remove yourself from the game until you remember that we do really "like" you and it is just a game. Honesty is expected from everyone at all times. Failure to control yourself is reason for player discipline.
That applies to post length too: Every minute it takes for your DM to read your comment/request is a minute longer it will take to complete the day’s DM post.  If you write “a book,” your DM will likely skim it -- or ignore it.  We generally expect posts to be limited to about 20 lines of roleplay text, excluding tracking info (spells prepped, resources, used, and other “DM Sanity Info” that your DM has requested.  Posting time for most of us is limited.  Life is busy.  After working all day, the mind is tired.  Be courteous and respectful!
Further, the following rules are aimed at helping DMs and Players get along:
* Each player gets one “challenge flag” or “questioning of the DMs rulings” per combat via email.  This includes throwing in comments ahead of time such as, “You should rule this in this way because of this rule.” [The DM may request that a player give advice with certain things.]
* After combat, a player may email the DM inquiring about another ruling or two, but this WILL BE respectful and short.  There will not be debates.
* Players will not post OOC discussions of any kind on our boards.  OOC discussion will take place via email.  We have no problem with players strategizing via email.
* The “After the Fact, Jack” rule:  Any DM post will not be changed once posted.  If the DM decides that an error has been made AND can be duly rectified, he or she may alter things with the next post and do it in character if possible."
* The “Fair Death” rule:  If the DM determines that a character went unconscious or died due to an incorrect DM decision, the condition will be reversed with the next DM post.  This will be done in character, even if the effect comes off as a bit hokey.
* A good player understands that they post only their own actions (and those of their bound companions). Do not post actions for other characters or for NPCs or the larger Wold in general.
* Where there is rules ambiguity, the DM will give the party advantage IF he has not set that rule up before the combat so that all are aware of it
Repeated instances of sportsmanship and etiquette issues by a player will result in probation, or banning for a period of time.
The Wold does not allow crude language at all. Please do not use blasphemy or obscenity when making in-character posts or out-of-character posts. Such language is not even allowed in Woldian e-mail. The Wold is heroic and family friendly.  Crude language includes but is not limited to common "curse" words, scatalogical and sexual exclamations, and words that are intended to demean or belittle a person's race, gender, or creed.
If players feel exclamations or colorful adjectives enhance a post, previous acceptable examples have included; "By Domi!" "Light!" "Lem's lungs!" and "Tinker berates the recruit in a one-sided conversation that would make a sailor blush." From the real world, "heck, gosh, good grief, and darn" are okay; anything more extreme is not.
The following actions will occur on instances of crude language in posts or emails;
- DMs/ACDMs will edit all such words in a post and note on the post.  (ex:  [deleted by ACDM SteveK for crude language] ).
- Editor will send an e-mail to remind the player of the House Rule on Crude Language and cc CDM Jerry.
- Repeated instances of crude language will result in the member being suspended for a period of time by CDM Jerry.

Latest revision as of 11:36, 31 July 2024


To provide a common playing table for all online and local face-to-face adventures using the Woldian game setting.


The Wold uses the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and all Bestiaries. The Pathfinder Advanced Player Guide (APG) specific rules are allowed by exception. To gain exception, a Player must submit a request for the use of an APG rule (spell, feat, core class archetype, magic item, etc) in the [[Black_Genie_Centre#Form_for_Use_of_APG_Rules|]], for recommendation, then submit to your DM and the ACDMs for approval. If approved, that Player can can use that single rule for their one PC. You are more likely to obtain permission if the rule fits your character concept, if it is not over-powerful, and if you are currently using no other APG options. APG classes, and traits are never allowed. No other books are allowed.

Pathfinder Bestiaries can be used:

  • DMs can use any source, including any Bestiary, to create NPCs and foes.
  • PCs can use the Bestiary “monster feats” if having prerequisites. (Craft Construct is not available to player characters).
  • PCs can use abilities to shape into creatures from Bestiary I or II only.
  • Summon spells only summon creatures from the specific list. If no list, PCs may only use Bestiary I.
  • Animal Companions, Familiars and the like are limited to that specific ability or feat list.
  • Players can ‘reskin’ a Companion, Familiar, and the like for roleplay purposes. (Ex: A PC has a Chicken Familiar with the stat block of a Hawk. The familiar looks and acts like a chicken, but all its abilities of a hawk.)


New characters are created using 25 point Point Buy. No PC can have a stat with a value less than 8 (after racial adjustments). The Wold does NOT use age modifications to ability scores.

Note: Players will role-play ability scores below 10. MUST be role-played, from the low 8s and 9s to the high 18s and above.

CDM Note: We are FORCING players who CHOOSE to min/max to role-play scores below 10 as a weakness. The Player will state how they will roeplay a score below 10 in the PC background AND get DM approval (The DM has the final say on how low scores may be roleplayed in a game). The DM can "Choose" when a low score is affecting a PC by requiring an Ability Check.

Example: A Player has a PC with an 8 Charisma, and puts in the PC Backgroud they are occasionally "obnoxious". The Player doesn't want to mess up a diplomatic situation (or WANTS to mess it up deliberately!) The DM calls for an Ability Check and adjusts the PCs actions based on the roll, not the Player's role-play.


Experience Points (XP). The Wold does not use XP: all heroes level twice a year (July, December).

Starting Level. All Players in a game will be same level and same maximum wealth. New characters, when they join a game, will begin at the same level and with the same WBL as the other PCs in the game.

Wealth. The Wold uses the Pathfinder Wealth-By-Level (WBL): found here PCs will have minimum WBL listed on the Table, but no more than the next highest Level adding up all possessed or loaned Equipment, Organization Dues, and Magic. (Example: A 2nd level PC will have a minimum of 1,000gp and a maximum of 3,000gp total wealth) DMs will annotate starting WBL and ending WBL in each adventure module. DMs will review PC sheets when PCs gain a level. DMs can require Players to reduce PC wealth to WBL.


Woldian PCs can use any race, class, or prestige class listed in the Pathfinder Corebook or Woldipedia options. See Races and Classes.


Woldian PCs must have 2 levels in every current Class before adding another class, with no more than 4 Classes total (Base or Prestige) (ie: no single-level dipping in classes).


Woldian PCs have maximum hit points at 1st level. When gaining levels, all 1s are re-rolled. For Online play, all hit point rolls must be rolled in the Loot and Booty. Hero Points may NOT be used to re-roll hit dice.


Alignment will: (1) Be Good (Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, or Lawful Good), including Druids*; (2) be listed on the character sheet, and (3) the background section will include how the PC role-plays the chosen alignment (DM approved).

  • Woldian Druids are not neutral (See Spirituality section in Woldipedia)

If at any time a PC becomes non-good without permission, that PC immediately becomes an NPC played by the DM until the alignment reverts to normal (if that occurs). DM, ACDM, or CDM will quickly inform a Player of Evil or Neutral PC actions.

How to Play Good Player Characters

Wold PCs will be aligned "-Good", but each alignment represents a broad range of personality types. A towering shield of the law, a compassionate supporter of life, and a tireless tracker of evil can all be Lawful Good and display it in different ways. Yet every one of them live in accordance with the Pathfinder Corebook guides for alignment. “Good implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others ... Most neutral characters probably think of good as better than evil. They are not personally committed to upholding good in an abstract or universal way.”

In the Wold, a character’s actions count: whether any standard, move, swift, immediate, or free action. A PC Hero can be offensive/rude/abrasive at times, minor flaws can challenge them from time to time, but repeated Neutral or Evil actions are not tolerated. (For Example, a hero can see himself as an intimidating person and can think about how it would be simpler to force information from people, but not to the extent that they use their Skills to Intimidate bystanders or innocents.)

  • Lawful - Rules are important - Playable
  • Neutral - Bending rules is OK - Playable
  • Chaotic - Rules are not important - Playable
  • Good - Morals are important - Playable
  • Neutral - Bending morals is OK - NO
  • Evil - Morals are not important - NO

Bending morals is Neutral. Doing anything to get by, doing bad things for good reasons, only taking care of your friends and family, kill them all and let the deities sort them out, being selfish. These are all morally Neutral concepts and not allowed for Woldian PCs.


DM Responsibilities for Good Heroes

Any moral situation must have a Good option outcome. Woldian DMs will not have a ‘lesser of two evils’ or ‘no way out’ moral situation for PCs. (Players may have to work to discover which option is actually ‘Good’.) Contact the CDM/ACDMs when there is a PC who is not predominantly Good.

Player Responsibilities for Good Heroes

Understand the difference between Good and Neutral play. Contact the DMs when you feel you are in a no-win situation, or that an action is going to create a moral crisis. Heroic and Good PCs are selfless: they sacrifice their resources (money, equipment, time, lives), they defend those who cannot defend themselves, and they stand between their loved homes and the war's desolation. They can make mistakes, they have flaws (see below), or they can have any number of quirks, but in the end, they have a "concern for the dignity of sentient beings."

  • Example: A PC continuously has an inner monologues on following the Law or the Good of every situation, and, eventually, chooses to do what is Good.
  • Example: A PC uses his sneaking and stealing to leave gifts for neighborhood children and make up for a less than savory past.
  • Example: A PC has vowed revenge against all undead for what they did and promises both Jancassis and Gargul that she will end their unnatural life.

Good Heroes and Flaws

If the MAIN point of a Player's PC is a non-good “flaw” then the PC is not Good.

  • Example: If your PC is short tempered and that is the MAIN point of your character, they are not good.
  • Example: If your PC trait is used to getting their way by insisting others do what the PC says all the time, they are not good. This is selfish, bullying, and evil.
  • Example: If your PC does not “play well with others” and that is her MAIN trait, then why is he in an adventuring with others?

Best Practice for Flaw:

  • Example: My PC has seen a lot of abused children from when he was a child. Most of the time, he is the most patient caring guy you’d ever chance to meet. However, if he sees a child being abused, he is likely to lose his temper. His good friend Hargon had to keep him from killing a mom whipping her daughter once. That mom deserved some of her own punishment, but killing her was not the solution. He is lucky to have Hargon watching his back...and watching out for his righteous temper!

The flaw is still there, but it is the exception, not the main PC trait. If a flaw is your main character trait, you likely are not trying to be a good PC nor heroic.


One of the most common moral dilemmas that comes up in the Wold is what to do with prisoners. There is often debate around questions such as: what will happen if they are set free? What if they hurt others after release? Is it right to kill an unarmed prisoner? To allow games to resolve questions like these, the Wold has a framework that allows adventurers to show mercy where possible and to slay monsters without remorse when necessary.

  • It is NOT an evil act to kill evil creatures that won't repent or change their ways. If prisoners do repent of their misdeeds, they deserve the chance, and they will follow through. They cannot lie or bluff about it. If they don't agree to change their ways, then tradition, law, and the gods themselves allow you to slay them to keep innocents safe. Creatures that are inherently evil (such as demons, devils or creatures with the 'evil' subtype) will never repent.
  • If you opt to let your prisoners live, you can choose other non-lethal solutions, including handing them over to the local authorities, banishing, casting enchantment spells, or simply releasing them. Whatever approach you choose, you needn't worry about what they do in the future. A captive that has been released will no longer pose a threat to the Wold. They will go into isolation, or meet a foul end, or reform of their own accord, or some other such thing. The Wold will be safe from them.

The intent here is to allow adventurers to show that mercy and respect for life are stronger forces in this fantasy world than cruelty, deception, and ambiguity may be in other worlds. You have won the day and can move on knowing that you have done the right thing.


Woldian PCs can only use Pathfinder Core Rulebook or Woldipedia original spells. Advanced Players Guide spells may be used with PTB permission on a case-by-case basis (See Official Books above).

Healing. Re-roll any 1 used for any type of positive energy healing until something other than a one is rolled.

Ethereal/Astral/Shadow. Any spell or item with the ethereal or astral descriptor uses the Woldian Realm of Shadows.

Magic Item Reskin. Players may 'reskin' magic items, but the original name must appear in parenthesis on the character sheet, and it takes thes same slot. (Example: Fez of Charisma (Headband of Charisma) )


A unique magic item that is not an artifact. PCs cannot make a Fate Item, and cannot buy or sell in the Catacombs. DMs get approval to introduce and use Fate Items by writing them into adventure modules. DMs control what PCs can do with Fate Items (share, sell, buy, steal, lose, give away, etc)

One kind of very minor fate item are gifts, prizes, and awards detailed in the Gift Rules.


The Wold follows standard Pathfinder item creation rules with Woldian house rules:

1) Needed Magic Supplies are at 3/4 cost (75% of base price) in gold pieces, NOT 1/2 as as listed in the Core Rules Book. PCs can only craft magic items listed in Core Rules Book (no artifacts).

2) A PC with crafting feats may loan magic items to other PCs, but must pay all crafting costs personally and accept no payment for them from any other PC. The item still officially belongs to the crafter, until used up or returned, and the gold spent to craft the item counts against the crafter’s wealth. Crafted items may be sold to NPCs or to the Catacombs for 50% of book price.

3) All crafted items must be labelled as such on the PC’s character sheet with their crafted cost. The character sheet must list any crafted items that have been loaned to other PCs. The PC’s total wealth must be totaled and documented. Note that only the crafting cost, being 75% of book value counts against the crafter’s WBL allowance. (Example documentation on a PC sheet: “Crafted Long Sword +1 (2,315gp base price * 75% = 1,736.25 gp).”

4) Any players who successfully research new Woldian items in the BGC are allowed to name their items after their characters and will also receive a 10 percent commission on future sales, even if they do not have any item creation feats. The commission goes to the character, not the player, and after the character retires, they receive no further commissions. Also see the Catacombs Rules page. A note with the player’s name appears at the bottom of the Woldipedia listing. For example: Bill's Pants o' Plenty.


The Wold uses the Hero Point ruleset as outlined in the Pathfinder APG

This includes the sections on 'Awarding' and the 'Using' of hero points with the following alterations:

  • A character can have a maximum number of hero points equal to their current level
  • The 'Act out of Turn' ability is not used, as the Wold does not use normal Initiative
  • The 'Cheat Death' ability is not used

The section on additional rules (including Hero Point feats, spells and magic items) remain off limits.

DMs are encouraged to find ways to award hero points to PCs on a regular basis. This fits with the Wold theme of PCs being good AND heroic.


Ranged special attacks, such as using bolas to trip a foe, or a sharpshooter's tricks to disarm or sunder, use the attacker's dexterity score, not strength, to calculate CMB.


When your character's current hit points drop to a negative amount equal to his Constitution score or lower, or if he succumbs to massive damage, he's dead. A character can also die from taking ability damage or suffering an ability drain that reduces his Constitution score to 0.

A dying character loses 1 hit point every round. This continues until the character dies or becomes stable. A PC will survive an extra round for each hero point that he has unspent. Thus, a Character with 4 Hero Points and a 14 Constituion score dies at -18.


All magic with a 'raise dead' feature only enables transport to the Lands of Rest and the throne of Gargul. There, the living and dead heroes must face the Lord of Death who will judge the worthiness of the resurrection plea. Depending on the role-play and circumstances, Gray One may demand a penance or bargain. Gargul will always be played by the CDM or an ACDM as a guest-DM on the Board.

Rumor suggests that Reincarnation or Wishing magic can return the dead to life without the intercession of Gargul, but those who try to cheat the Lord of Death are taking a calculated risk. The DM will inform the CDM and ACDMs of any attempt of returning the dead to life without Gargul.

Animal Companions and Familiars cannot be raised from the dead.


Your PCs are guaranteed a path to advance from level 1 thru 20. If your game unfortunately ends for some reason, the PC will be able to join another game and continue on to level 20. When this happens the PC will have to adjust its level for the new game. We will aim to find a game near to your PCs current level and to give you as much choice as possible.

Retiring PCs: When PCs reach level 20, their game ends and they retire their PCs in glory with a celebration on our Giggling Ghost Inn board and all Woldian members join in the celebration. Each player will have the opportunity to turn their retiring PC into a NPC within the Wold campaign setting. An NPC writeup will be completed. In the future, DMs of other games may use the NPCs in their games.


Veteran Games: At 10th level we will declare that your game a veteran game. If the game is not full with 8 players, the players will be given a month to recruit players to fill their game. The reason for this is that veteran games cannot recruit "new" players for their game. They may, however, recruit from inactive players or DMs that do not have a 2nd game. If at any point a veteran game only has 4 players left, the game will end. The remaining players move their current PC to another game close to their PC level that has openings, because the site goal is for all PCs to adventure from levels 1 to 20. They will adjust their PC’s level to match their new game. (This can vary some depending on the openings in other games, etc.)

The players in a Veteran Game may decide as a group to inform their DMs that they want to adventure in one of our designated Epic Locations. You can find more about Epic Locations here

Retiring Games: When games end at level 20, a new game is planned to begin at 1st level in a new location within the Woldian campaign world. The retiring players may choose to join this new game or ask to join a different game with a new PC.


Companions and bonded creatures

Companions are defined as creatures associated with your PC as a result of a class feature. They include familiars, druidic animal companions, and the paladin's warhorse, or any creatures you can purchase in the Players Handbook (such as mounts). Summoned/enspelled creatures, creature-like magic items, and NPCs controlled by the DM are not companions and do not fall under these house rules.

All companions that travel with you must be registered with the Campaign DM (Jerry), unless they are companions purchased through the PHB.

You must declare companions as either active, or roleplaying:

  • Roleplaying companions are companions that provide no mechanical advantages. They may not attack, increase your combat speed, make skill checks, or otherwise assist your character. They may include pets or other strange creatures. They may be pack animals, or mounts, provided you do not use them when combat rounds start. They are purely for roleplaying purposes, Roleplaying companions do not take damage, are not targeted by enemies, and are universally ignored in combat.
  • Active companions are companions that provide some mechanical advantage during combat rounds. The only companion's allowed other than ones granted by class levels are non exotic mounts (Horses, Warhorses, Pony's, etc). Combat companions may attack, use skills, be ridden, carry items for you, be equipped, scout use abilities and otherwise provide mechanical advantage. They may in turn be attacked.

Companions may be described for role play reasons ("reskinned"), looking like one type of animal with the template of another animal with the following restrictions. 1. A Player can only "reskin" if he wants the look of an animal that is not available through normal class or feat. (example: to get a homonoculus familiar, a mage must have Improved Familiar Feat). 2. A Player and DM must work together to identify the closest base template that would match the 'reskinned' creature. 3. The Player will annotate the "reskinnning" by placing the ACTUAL creature name used for game statistics must be listed in parenthesis to the right of the ROLE-PLAYING name on the character sheet. (example: The Paladin Braugh has a mount -- "Baby" Bear (Horse) -- that has horse stats, and is just called and described as a "bear")

Magic items for companions and bonded creatures

Companions of all types have their own set of slots for Magic Items which are different than the standard “bipedal” slots. The following slots will be used for all companions:

  • Armor: suits of armor
  • Belts: belts and girdles
  • Chest: mantles, shirts, and vests
  • Eyes: eyes, glasses, goggles
  • Head: circlet, crown, hat, helm, mask
  • Headband: headbands and phylacteries
  • Neck: amulets, brooches, medallions, necklaces, periapts, and scarabs. Also Collars for animals take this slot.
  • Special: Specially identified magic items for animals are allowed for that creature type. Example: Horseshoes for horses.

Slotless items are available to PCs and Companions in the Catacombs The cost is X2 [double] for all Slotless Magic Items. Names of Magic Items may be changed for role-playing reasons; however, the ACTUAL name must be listed in parenthesis to the right of the ROLE-PLAYING name on the character sheet.

Revisions to the stock Share Spells ability for bonded creatures

The following applies to all bonded creatures in the Wold, including familiars, spirit familiars, wild siblings, animal companions, eidolons, special mounts, etc.

Share Spells: You may cast a spell with a target of "You" on your bonded creature (as a touch spell) instead of on yourself. You may cast spells on your bonded creature even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the companion's type. Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants or advances the power of the bonded creature as a class feature. This ability does not allow the bonded creature to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

The Improved Share Spells feat as presented in the APG has been altered in the Wold. The revised version is here.


Characters using polymorph effects, including spells such as Alter Self and Beast Shape, as well as any character using the Wild Shape rules, can only change a target creature into a familiar form. In the Wold, there are forms that are so rare that casters are unable to gather enough information to become familiar with them. Further, as casters grow in power, they also expand their ability to be familiar with more powerful forms. Therefore, the Wold uses the following House Rules.

  • You cannot assume the form of a creature with a template or an advanced version of a creature.
  • You cannot assume the form of a creature with a CR higher than your character level.
  • If you can summon a creature using Summon Monster or Summon Nature’s Ally, then you are familiar with its form.
  • You may also be familiar with forms from the Pathfinder Bestiary I and II -- if, taking 10 on the appropriate Knowledge skill, your check result beats a DC of 10 + the creature’s CR, then you are familiar with the form of that creature. The Knowledge skill used is Knowledge Nature, except for Magical Beasts, for which Knowledge Arcana is used.
  • You may only polymorph into the form of a dragon if you can take 10 on a Knowledge Arcana check to beat a DC of 15 + its CR, and if you are wearing dragonhide armor or possess a scale from a dragon of the same sort.


-- Ebryon, king of the fey, slept for many ages of the Wold. But he was awakened, defeated, and pardoned for his crimes -- on the condition of REFORM and ATONEMENT. The following house rules reflect his influence on the Wold.


(1) Druids and rangers gain Lesser Planar Ally as a 4th level spell. Druids and rangers can only use the spell to call a fey from the Fae Realm. Druids gain Planar Ally as a 6th level spell and Greater Planar Ally as an 8th level spell. Druids can cast these Planar Ally spells spontaneously, just as they can cast Summon Nature's Ally.

(2) The Cradled, Lost Child, and Defender of the Awakened prestige classes are now available in the Wold.

(3) Certain Fey-oriented spells and magic items are now available in the Wold, such as Ebryon's Tears.

(4) Witches, druids and clerics may honor Immortal Powers. Some Powers are nature or fey related, including the Fae King Ebryon, and his Queen Maab. Some natural regions are Powers, such as the Culverwood. There are special rules for clerics who honor an Immortal Power.


Animals, plants, and other natural creatures are thriving in the Wold. Fey creatures are more common. There are rumors about talking animals.

Geographic areas

(1) Many geographic areas have alignments. All creatures in the area who share the area's alignment gain a bonus on all d20 checks.

(2) Nature is not neutral in the Wold; the Fae King's influence makes places more aligned, and even self-aware. Aligned places have ways of influencing the creatures within their domains. The more strongly a place is aligned, the greater its self-awareness, the more complex its personality. Some self-aware places have become Immortal Powers, and clerics, druids, and witches honor them.


Dragons were created by Gargul (chromatic dragons) and Alemi (metallic ones) in the first age of the Wold. There may be consequences for assuming the form of a Dragon. Form of the Dragon spells, the Draconic Bloodline for Sorcerers, and the Dragon Disciple prestige class are rare, and those using these options may face unknown special limitations or consequences.

Items made out of dragons, or using dragon body parts as ingredients and components, also face special limitations. The Catacombs cannot buy or sell dragonhide armor at all. Dragonhide armor must be obtained and/or crafted in game, usually by killing a dragon. The Catacombs CAN enchant or upgrade existing dragonhide armor that is brought in to the magic shop. Armor made of metallic dragons is possible, but in good societies it is vanishingly rare because the murder of metallic dragons is seen as an evil act, and the use of its hide for armor is suspect. Other parts of dragons -- such as scales, blood, heart, etc. -- may have magical properties in the Wold as well. Spells such as Draconic Reservoir and Dragon's Breath can be cast, but the components for such spells, such as a dragon scale, must be obtained in-game, since they are never sold in the Catacombs.

Woldian dragons do not correspond with the Bestiary entries. All are very intelligent and unique. You will never meet one "as listed" in any Bestiary. (For example the bestiary entry on white dragons describes them as "the weakest and most feral of the chromatic dragons." In the Wold this is not the case.) The alignments typically associated with the different scale colors etc. are not set in stone. A dragon's alignment and motivations must be discovered through interaction or other means before heroes can pass judgement on it.

As part of this rule, player characters may not use the Improved Familiar feat to gain a pseudodragon familiar.


Characters may be modified by the player via character surgery with the approval of the player's DM and the Campaign DM.

In addition, if the Campaign DM determines at any time that any PC has become too powerful in any way, he reserves the right to strip a PC of anything he feels is needed. If he decided to do this, the player may always choose to retire the character rather than undergo surgery. Retired characters may return with permission, subject again to possible surgery. Remember, D&D is a game. It is not as fun for your friends or the DM to play, if a PC is too dominant, overbearing or is exhibiting behaviors that the Campaign DM believes is contrary to the precepts with which he runs the game.

The Campaign DM retains the right to inform any player that they should find somewhere else to play. This Surgery Clause may be used if the actions of any player are preventing other players from enjoying the game and having fun. The Campaign DM also retains the right to change any House Rules without vote to preserve game balance and continuance.


All players and the DM are expected to control their tempers and language at all times. If you cannot do this, please remove yourself from the game until you remember that we do really "like" you and it is just a game. Honesty is expected from everyone at all times. Failure to control yourself is reason for player discipline.

That applies to post length too: Every minute it takes for your DM to read your comment/request is a minute longer it will take to complete the day’s DM post. If you write “a book,” your DM will likely skim it -- or ignore it. We generally expect posts to be limited to about 20 lines of roleplay text, excluding tracking info (spells prepped, resources, used, and other “DM Sanity Info” that your DM has requested. Posting time for most of us is limited. Life is busy. After working all day, the mind is tired. Be courteous and respectful!

Further, the following rules are aimed at helping DMs and Players get along:

  • Each player gets one “challenge flag” or “questioning of the DMs rulings” per combat via email. This includes throwing in comments ahead of time such as, “You should rule this in this way because of this rule.” [The DM may request that a player give advice with certain things.]
  • After combat, a player may email the DM inquiring about another ruling or two, but this WILL BE respectful and short. There will not be debates.
  • Players will not post OOC discussions of any kind on our boards. OOC discussion will take place via email. We have no problem with players strategizing via email.
  • The “After the Fact, Jack” rule: Any DM post will not be changed once posted. If the DM decides that an error has been made AND can be duly rectified, he or she may alter things with the next post and do it in character if possible."
  • The “Fair Death” rule: If the DM determines that a character went unconscious or died due to an incorrect DM decision, the condition will be reversed with the next DM post. This will be done in character, even if the effect comes off as a bit hokey.
  • A good player understands that they post only their own actions (and those of their bound companions). Do not post actions for other characters or for NPCs or the larger Wold in general.
  • Where there is rules ambiguity, the DM will give the party advantage IF he has not set that rule up before the combat so that all are aware of it

Repeated instances of sportsmanship and etiquette issues by a player will result in probation, or banning for a period of time.


The Wold does not allow crude language at all. Please do not use blasphemy or obscenity when making in-character posts or out-of-character posts. Such language is not even allowed in Woldian e-mail. The Wold is heroic and family friendly. Crude language includes but is not limited to common "curse" words, scatalogical and sexual exclamations, and words that are intended to demean or belittle a person's race, gender, or creed.

If players feel exclamations or colorful adjectives enhance a post, previous acceptable examples have included; "By Domi!" "Light!" "Lem's lungs!" and "Tinker berates the recruit in a one-sided conversation that would make a sailor blush." From the real world, "heck, gosh, good grief, and darn" are okay; anything more extreme is not.

The following actions will occur on instances of crude language in posts or emails;

- DMs/ACDMs will edit all such words in a post and note on the post. (ex: [deleted by ACDM SteveK for crude language] ).

- Editor will send an e-mail to remind the player of the House Rule on Crude Language and cc CDM Jerry.

- Repeated instances of crude language will result in the member being suspended for a period of time by CDM Jerry.