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Some Enchanted Evening

Up and At 'Em (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 2:28:00 PM

Pip rouses again as the group begins to stand. He appears to have missed the last question completely. He blinks owlishly and tags along.

Bart follows the others, shaking his head. "I don't recognize the description, and it doesn't sound anything like Wynfrea."

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 2:39:02 PM

Ashira watches with interest as Redux is handed the message, then listens in as the party is briefed, and plans are made. At Rigging's mention of naked ladies, Ashira presses up seductively against his body and whispers "I didn't know you were interested." in his ear. Then, before Rigging can react, she thrusts away from him, a mischevious grin on her face.

On their way up to the rooms, she listens to Redux's plan thoughtfully. "That's fine, I can hang out at the Salty Dog for a while and snoop around, but I want to make sure we check out Fletcher's ship before tomorrow. I guess an hour will be enough time..." Looking over at Rigging, she says "Whatever distraction you decide on is fine with me, but may I suggest a "cat fight" between Val and myself. Given the lustfull nature of most pirates, that would attract quite a bit of attention. We could pretend to be drunk and fighting over the affections of Captain Long. Maybe we'll even be able to cause enough rucuss to get the Captain up top so that Appolo can do more snooping." Ashira waits for a discission by Rigging and then heads over to her room and freshens up for the night.

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 4:25:44 PM

"There is no way that I'm showing my body to a bunch of lecherous pirates. I'm sure that I could fake a fight over Captain Long even though I don't think all that much of him." Val smiles and looks at Ashira, "Be warned, I'm known to play rough."

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 12:13:36 PM

After the docks our work at he docjks, I will go with Ashira to the Salty Dog. I stay outside and I will watch the street for that woman. Ashira can do the same inside, and in case she need some help I'm there in notime.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 12:25:19 PM

Appolo drifts in and out of the conversation,
nodding in agreement occasionally.Then when th party gets up to leave"Ok we check out the Green fish and the Salty Dog and meet at the docks in
1 hour.As far as distractions go keep it reasonable,we don't want the whole crew up on deck.We'll discuss further in one hour.Who goes where.Lem when we get to the docks,would you mind coming aboard with me?"He then calmly waits for a reply.

Splitting Up (DM Lee) 
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 1:42:22 PM

The group gets organized and splits up, some companions passing through the Market to The House of the Green Fish, near the edge of dry land. The rest accompany Ashira deeper into the maze of stilt buildings, to The Salty Dog. As you approach each establishment, loud sounds of music, conversation, and laughter dominate the night air.

((OOC Please state clearly in your next post which tavern you have chosen, how you approach, etc.))

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 7:33:36 PM

looking around Blue looks at Apollo and says, I will go to the docks with you I should be able to help during the escape and I can keep watch as well.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 7:35:22 PM

When Apollo asks him to accompany him on board, Lem smiles a little smile. "why I would be glad to my friend. I do have pretty good luck escaping from tight places.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 9:46:35 PM

Rigging decides he will go to the Salty Doy. He says, "Redux why don't you, Lem, and Bart, and Ari check out the Green Fish and the rest of us will check out the Salty Dog. Should about evenly split our strength if any group should get into trouble." Rigging will head off in the direction of the Salty Dog. "Ashira, I think a cat fight is a good idea. I will stand by in the shadows with a sleep spell ready as back up." He then lewdly looks her up and down and says with a grin, "By the way, I have always been interested."

Redux  d20=8
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:15:36 PM

Nodding approval of Rigging's decision, Redux says "Fine, then we'll meet near the docks in about an hour." Redux goes up stairs, and freshens up. Once downstairs, he meets up with Lem, Bart, and Ari and says "Well, let's go grab a drink or two."

As the party makes its way to the Green Fish, Talon takes to flight. Disappearing for a few minutes, he alights on Blue's shoulder, a dead mouse in his beak. Intelligent brown eyes peer into Blue's as the small bird of prey drops the mouse into the cleric's front pocket. Laughing, Redux turns to Blue and says "It's his way of showing affection. If I didn't know better, I'd think he likes you!" Chuckling all the way inside the Green Fish, Redux notices the regal look on Talon's face. Once inside the Tavern, Redux approaches the bar and orders a glass of the candy wine. The mage then proceeds to examine the crowd to see if he can spot any of Fletcher Long's crew (looking for their distinctive dress) (or maybe even Mr. Handsome himself) (Spot=8).

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:40:20 PM

(OCC Well, it was a fun idea, sorry Blue, I think you might of gone to the other pub, just be warned of what could be comming your way)

Ashira  d20+3=23
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:41:34 PM

Flipping a swatch of blue hair out of her face, Ashira smirks at Rigging and says "I guess it's always good to know where you stand… But for now, I'm afraid you'll have to control your hormones. I haven't decided whether I like you or not." Suddenly all business, Ashira leads the small group over to the Salty Dog. Once there, she enters the establishment, orders a pitcher of ale and several glasses, and finds a table for the party. Sitting down, she pours herself a glass and quaffs it while she searches the crowd to see if she can spot any person matching the description of Tekol's assailant.

(OOC d20+3=23 for Spot)

Oh Pirate, Where Art Thou? (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 3:22:27 PM

The Green Fish - Redux & ?

There are quite a few sailors at The Green Fish tonight, though none stand out, to Redux' eye, as belonging to Captain Long's crew. The same bard who played here last night is leading a pair of fiddlers in a foot-stomping chanty. Over near the back wall, the familiar figure of Wynfrea shares a table with a pair of merchants. She spots Redux and his companions, and waves them over.

The Salty Dog - Ashira, Bart, Rigging, Pip & ?

Inside The Salty Dog, the patrons range from the well-to-do, right through to the crusty pirate look. None of the better-dressed customers match the description from the note. While the harried server plonks Ashira's order down on her table, eager patrons hurry to clear a space at the front of the room. A young man in loose-fitting clothes stands in the cleared area and shakes his tambourine. A roar goes up from the crowd, "Addin!"

The massed shout is so loud that Bart can hear it clearly from where he watches outside the tavern.

((OOC. If you haven't said so yet, be sure to post where your character is.))

Ari (The Green Fish) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 4:38:23 PM

Watching to see if Redux cares to join the lady, Ari nods in her direction. "She might be able to tell us more about what or who is here"

Blue (kent) green fish 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 7:53:46 PM

Startled as Talon lands on his shoulder without warning, Blue jumps a bit as he feels the razor-sharp claws dig in to his shoulder. Realizing it is Talon, he relaxes a bit, noting the mouse drooping from the owl's beak. As Talon drops his gift in to Blue's robe pocket, a look of alarm crosses his face and almost immediatly his hand darts to the pocket to remove the dead rodent. A slight look of distaste crosses his face as he grabs the bloodied rodent and holds it out away from his body. As Redux makes his commentary, Blue smiles a tight smile and nods a nod of thanks to Talon and palms the mouse as he supposedly puts it back inhis pocket but in reality drops it on the ground behind him.

Thursday August 16th, 2001 7:58:46 PM

Following along beside Blue, Lem all but jumps out of his robes as Talon makes his descent to Blue's shoulder, and he noticably moves further away from the owl's location. He chuckles a bit at the mousey situation and tries to think if he has seen anyone anywhere that matches the description read in the note.

Val (Salty Dog) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 9:23:11 PM

OCC: You guys move quick for those of us that don't internet at work.

Val follows along quietly and takes a seat at the table next to Ashira. She drinks the ale grudgingly. It tastes bad and she would need alot to get slightly drunk.

Rigging (Salty Dog) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 9:57:05 PM

Rigging sits down and pours himself a drink. He glances around the room and watches the floor show. He looks for any distinct uniforms.

Appolo{SALTY DOG} 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 11:24:42 PM

Appolo follows Rigging and the rest of his group to the Salty Dog.Once there he meanders up to the bar looking for any of Capt.Handsomes crew
and listening to the conversations going oaround him.When he reaches the bar he turns around with his back to the bar and surveys the room."Interesting goings on tonight,wonder what happened??"Hesays to the nearest person.Before ordering a drink.

Redux (Green Fish) 
Friday August 17th, 2001 12:11:02 PM

Smiling at Ari, Redux says "Why not, we might as well use any tools at our disposal." Redux walks over to Wynfrea's table. "Wynfrea, pleasure to see you again. Couldn't sleep, what with all the strange happenings tonight, so I decided to drop by for a drink." Redux looks around the bar. "Quite a big crowd tonight...guess that's because the port's closed. Funny though, I don't see any of Fletcher Long's crew here..."

Ashira (Salty Dog)  d20+3=10
Friday August 17th, 2001 12:23:56 PM

Pouring herself another round, Ashira scans the room once again for the mysterious lady mentioned in Redux's letter. Unable to spot anyone fitting the description, Ashira watches the proceedings at the front of the room with interest. Turning to Val she says in Elven "Well little one, in one short hour, you're going to be facing the toughest advesary in your life...me!" Chuckling a bit she adds "I'll try to take it easy on you, though I will worn you that nothing will get between Mr. Handsome and myself!" Ashira smiles at the young elven warrior, and lets her mind wander to other people and other places.

OOC (d20+3=10 for Spot)

Meeting People in Bars (DM Lee-Anne) 
Friday August 17th, 2001 2:46:39 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Ari, Blue, Lem

The morose, older merchant sitting beside Wynfrea snorts. "And not likely to. Fletcher runs a tight ship. He'll keep 'em aboard the Spray so's he can ship out with a sober crew."

Wynfrea nods. "Redux, this is Ohron. He operates one of the larger stone warehouses by the docks. And your loss of sleep is our gain in pleasant company. Will your friends join us? I thought you'd like to meet Janre, here. He was a friend of Tekol's." The moneychanger gestures to the other merchant, a mustached fellow obviously well into his cups.

Lem may roll an Int check to try to place the woman's description.

The Salty Dog - Ashira, Bart, Rigging, Pip, Valanthe, Appolo

As Appolo moves through the crowd, he picks up the general gist of conversation, which seems to be devided equally between the port closure and the murder: complaints about the first, and wild speculation about the second. The young woman beside him at the bar interrupts his question with shushing motions. "Addin's dancing, so button it! We don't get to see this treat often."

Indeed, most of the attention in the room shifts to the young dancer as a reed pipe starts up a slow, eery tune. The youth begins to move, punctuating his supple and compelling steps with taps and shimmies on his tamboure. The crowd picks up the slow beat with stomps and claps, loudly cheering the dancer's more acrobatic twists. Pip sips innocently at a beer and watches the dancer.

The patrons wear a wide variety of clothing, showing Waha to be a society of individuals. The closest thing Rigging sees to people in uniform is a pair of young women at a nearby table. They wear long blue tunics with embroidered yellow smocking across the front -- they have more the feel of livery than uniforms.

Outside, Bart sees two sailors stumble out of the tavern and weave drunkenly off along the boardwalk. A short woman emerges from a narrow walkway and passes them, heading into the Salty Dog. Her dark gown and hair are elegantly designed, but she wears little jewelry on her portly form. She climbs the steps up to the tavern's entrance and moves inside. (Spot checks from the folks inside, please.)

Rigging  d20=20 d20+3=8
Friday August 17th, 2001 4:07:29 PM

(Spot check of 20) Rigging notices the woman come into the bar and gives a quick elbow to Ashira to point her out. "I think that she is our friendly neighborhood slaver. I want to try my new spell out. Cover my back if I need it." Rigging stands up and starts to amble in her direction trying to stay out of her line of sight. (Second roll is hide in shadows. Don't know if I get any pluses for the crowd) Rigging will try to get close enough and when he is he will murmer a few words under his breath and cast detect thought.

Lem (Green Fish)  d20=19
Friday August 17th, 2001 7:49:03 PM

(Int Check 19) Slowly strolling through the inn making his way back to Winfrea's table, Lem takes extra time to search faces as he makes his way to join Redux.

Valanthe  d20=9 d20=6
Friday August 17th, 2001 9:50:27 PM

"Well Ashira don't get too carried away or I'll snap. I won't be able to control myself and I would hate to hurt you badly." Val takes a drink of her ale and wonders why the gods put her with the pirates of Jack.

(OCC: ignore the second d20 roll. It was an accidental click of the button. Eitherway Val doesn't notice the woman)

Blue (Green Fish) 
Saturday August 18th, 2001 3:06:19 AM

(OOC: I am back from the open road, thanks for the cover Kent, Daniel)

Blue follows Redux to join Wynfrea and her companions. When introduced to Janre, Blue sits down beside him and says, "It is good to meet you sir". The young cleric offers his hand to the furry lipped man beside him. "Can I offer you another drink?"...Blue motions for the waitress and requests a modest round of drinks for the table. "I understand sir that you lost a friend today...tsk tsk, that is terrible...the troubles that can befall a hard working man such as Tekol. What do you make of it good sir?".

Appolo{SALTY DOG}  d20+4=14
Saturday August 18th, 2001 5:34:25 PM

When the woman speaks to him,Appolo just nods his head and turns to watch the show keeping his eyes and ears open.

OOC:Spot 14

Sunday August 19th, 2001 3:29:38 PM

That could be the lady we whee informed about I will have a quick look through the window and find out if she have any bussines inside, MMm i thin its better to follow her inside and give a sign to Ashira or Rigging

Ashira (Salty Dog)  d20+3=16
Monday August 20th, 2001 8:40:00 AM

Before Rigging leaves, Ashira focuses on the woman he points out and says "You've got it." She remains focused on the two, ready to lend assistance if necessary. As she watches Rigging go, she notices for the first time that she is slightly attracted to the human. She tries to convince herself that her feelings are more like big sister little brother, but she is unable to. Unwilling to dwell on the consequences of such a relationship, Ashira nudges Val and says "I think Rigging found our target. He going to check her out. Be ready in case anything happens."

OOC (d20+3=16 for Spot)

Redux (Blue Fish) 
Monday August 20th, 2001 8:54:04 AM

Smiling at Wynfrea, Redux says "No, no, the pleasure is all mine. Ohron, Janre, it's a pleasure to meet you. Of course we would love to join your company tonight." Redux signals to the rest of the party to join the table. Before sitting down, he draws Ari closer to him and whispers "Ari, go down to the Salty Dog and tell Rigging that all of the crew are going to be on board the Sea Spray, and they're going to be sober. Ask if he wants to modify the plan." Sitting down, Redux waits for Janre to answer Blue's inquiry, then says "Poor Tekol, poison is such a terrible way to die. It's hard to believe, but it would appear that he had enemies."

The Mysterious Woman (DM Lee-Anne)  d20=14
Monday August 20th, 2001 4:46:28 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Ari, Blue, Lem

Though Lem is sure he's seen women who would fit that general description, none of them were here in Waha.

At the table, sour-faced Ohron musters up a grimace of welcome that softens a bit when Blue's order arrives. Janre is more friendly, pumping Blue's hand, and slurring each companion's name as he is introduced. "Yes, yes, s'a terrible thing. Wasz prolly a jealous mershant did him in. Never a bezzer drinking companion than that Tekol. Always a word for a friend. Many's the night he helped me home, or I him."

The Salty Dog - Ashira, Bart, Rigging, Pip, Valanthe, Appolo

All characters inside the tavern become aware of the woman, who stops just inside the door and scans the crowd. When her gaze comes to rest on the energetic dancer, the woman's face twists into a sneer of distaste. She makes her way to the front of the room, to where two other musicians rest beside the reed horn player.

Rigging and Ashira notice a heavy ruby flashing from the ring on her right hand. As Rigging's spell goes into effect, it takes him some concentration to sort through the mental babble in the room, trying to tune into the mind of the mysterious woman. [What is the Save DC for Rigging's spell?]

Monday August 20th, 2001 4:54:13 PM

Rigging is confused by the babble of thoughts entering his mind and tries to concentrate on his intended target. He moves discreetly closer trying to bring her thoughts in line.
OCC She makes a will saving throw to defeat the spell.

Monday August 20th, 2001 7:50:55 PM

As he listens in on the introductions and conversation at Redux's table, Lem chimes in after Janre's comments. "I heard it was a "black cloak" as killed Tekol. An I also heard there was more of them in the city." But then with all the kidnappings as are going on, what matters a few killings?"

Appolo{SALTY DOG} 
Monday August 20th, 2001 8:39:39 PM

Appolo watches thelarge woman in black come in and move across.He then sees Rigging get up and move closer to her.Thinkng things could get interesting,he moves his left hand back under his cloak,takes a drink with his hand,while letting a dagger slip into his left.he then turns toward the dancer and comments"Yes he is rather goo,isn't he."To the woman who originally
spoke to him.

Monday August 20th, 2001 11:19:04 PM

Ari makes his introductions to the group as needed. When prompted he'll order a glass of wine. For not he is content to let the others talk, as he lets his eyes and his thoughts wander.

(ooc Riggings has a DC for every level of his spells. Like Ari's 1st level spells have a DC of 12, unless noted otherwise. (I think) ;))

Blue (Yellow Fish) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 1:05:12 AM

Having a sip of his beverage when it arrives Blue listens to Janre's comments. He then replies, "Maybe a fellow merchant who was jealous of Tekol's smuggled trade. To bad he is gone, I know a buyer who would pay twice what Tekol was getting for his special goods".

Redux (Purple Spotted Fish) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 12:02:29 PM

Gently nudging Ari after he places his order, he once again whispers "We should make sure that Rigging knows about Long's crew. Would you please go tell him?"

After Blue makes his comments about trade, Redux adds "Yes, it's so difficult to find as good a businessman as Tekol. Especially when it comes to hard to find goods. I am at a loss now as to where we should go to look for our special order."

Ashira (Salty Dog) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 12:06:34 PM

Remembering the nasty way that Tekol died, Ashira decides not to let Rigging get too far out of reach. Looking over at Val she says "Let's move a little closer." Ashira gets up and works her way through the crowd to a spot closer to the action, keeping a close eye on Rigging and the assasin.

Valanthe (Salty Dog) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 12:14:06 PM

Gladly, Val leaves her mug on the table and she follows Ashira. "Okay, sounds good." With a crowded tavern, anybody could be working with the old woman. This could make the tavern a very deadly place. "I don't think the old woman would come here alone. We should keep an eye on the other patrons."

Bart  d20=9
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 2:40:30 PM

When Bart comes in he sees the lady crossing the room, he also spots Rigging so he knows she is spotted by him also. Bart decides to go back outside. There he waits again in the shadows (roll dc=9)

Attracting Attention (DM Lee-Anne)  d20=20 d20=20
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 4:22:21 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Ari, Blue, Lem

Ohron's gaze sharpens on Lem. "Murder is bad for trade. Just look at tonight's mess, with the port closed." The gloomy merchant jerks a thumb in the general direction of the docks. "The safer Waha is, the more useful it is as a freeport. But what's this about black cloaks and kidnappings? Who's been taken? When?" He raises his brows when Blue mentions smuggling, and Wynfrea watches all with great curiosity.

Janre, on the other hand, seems to miss most of the byplay. He wipes foam from his mustache and thumps his tankard on the table. "What's this? We'll not shpeak ill of the dead tonight. I drank wif ol'Tekol right here at this tavern near evry night for yearsh! Never a hint of shmuggling. But he went on and on about those special carpets of hish from the West. Hot Lands, or Fiery Playshes, or wherever. You," he leans over to whisper loudly in Redux' direction, "won't find anosher mershant with his contacts, nosir!"

The Salty Dog - Ashira, Bart, Rigging, Pip, Valanthe, Appolo

Appolo's young bar companion flashes him a more friendly grin as she joins the rest of the crowd in a roar of approval for one of Addin's trademark leaping twists. Then she lightly knocks Appolo's mug with her own and mutters soto voice, "To men who know how to move!" She gulps from her drink without taking her gaze from the dancer.

Try though he may to concentrate on the richly dressed woman's thoughts, Rigging finds that he mind slides away from the focus of his spell. Even as he tries, the woman speaks into the ear of the unoccupied harpist, who nods when she slips him a coin that glints golden. The mysterious woman stands, and her sweeping gaze halts on Val, alone with Pip at the table. The woman frowns slightly and searches the room until she spies Ashira moving her way. Without hesitation, the woman heads directly back to the front door.

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 6:48:19 PM

Rigging seeing his quarry get spooked will block off her exit route. He will quickley decide on draconian measures and mumble a few word casting a sleep spell on her. If it takes effect he will move to catch the swooning lady and carry her out of the bar.

Appolo{SALTY DOG} 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 8:31:31 PM

Appolo Smiles at the young woman and says"You
know I can move pretty good myselfe"As he watches the large woman in black say something to the harpist and give him a coin.Then turn and take a look around the room and apparently not likeing what she sees.As the woman prepares to make a quick exit,Appolo notices Rigging still closing whith her in looking like he he is going to cut her off,whith Ashira coming up behind him.He thinks 'Dam whatever he's planning
I wish Rigging would just let her go I can follow her.'He then turns his attention back to the dancer and the woman next to him.Taking a
sip from his mug.Hs left hand still gripping his dagger under his cloak.

Blue (plaid fish) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 10:59:19 PM

The young cleric frowns slightly at the poor return for his and Redux's coaxing. he thinks, "doesn't anybody know anything sinister in this town". He looks over at Wynfrea and notices her curious expression and he wonders, "Hmmm...does she know more then she is letting on?...she does seem to be gathering more information than she is sharing". The stocky lad decides that he will continue to keep an eye on her.

Valanthe (Salty Dog) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 11:12:36 PM

Seeing the old woman leave, Val pushes her way through the crowd torward the back door and the old woman.

Ari (pickled fish) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 12:48:04 AM

(ooc sorry. missed the earlier post Redux)

Having been distracted by all the talking around him, Ari realizes that Redux has been talking to him. Coming to his senses Ari whispers to Redux to repeat his message. Once it has been repeated Ari nods in his direction, excuses himself from any conversations, and heads on out the door towards the Salty Dog.

Ashira (Salty Dog) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:17:16 AM

Seeing her quarry fleeing, and then Val persuing, Ashira thinks "Well, I would have preferred a more subtile means of acquiring our information, but oh well." Ashira joins in the hunt, attempting to prevent the well dressed lady from leaving the Salty Dog.

Redux (The Amazing Technicolor Fish) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:32:03 AM

The black clad mage pats Janre on the shoulder consolingly. "Yes, you're right, Tekol was a fine man, and nothing more need to be said than that." Huddling closer to the table, Redux whispers conspiratorily to Ohron. "You mean you haven't heard yet? When we got into port, we started hearing rumors about people robbed in black cloacks that are kidnapping people. At first, we thought it was just stories meant to frighten the new arrivals, but now with Tekol's murder..." Redux looks around the Green Fish as if he expects someone to jump out of the shadows at any moment.

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 4:31:38 PM

Appolo takes another drink and glances around the room.He notices the others closing with the well dressed woman.He thinks 'dam can't they stick with the plan.'He then says to the young woman"I don't think we've been properly introduced,my name is Speed."Putting his drink
down and extending his hand.As he watches the dancer.

Sleeping on the Job (DM Lee-Anne)  2d4(2+2)=4 4d20(17+2+17+6)=42 d20=9
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 4:37:28 PM

Le poisson vert - Redux, Blue, Lem, and Ari's heels

Ohron shifts his heavy chair closer to Redux, and drops his voice. "So? I've seen such strangers -- or the same one -- in the Market and moving through the docks from time to time in recent months. Am I in any danger, do you think? I've had dealings with Tekol before --"

Wynfrea looks puzzled, while Janre traces patterns on the table in the moisture condensed from his cup.

Exit Ari, stage left, into the cool Waha night.

The Salty Dog - everybody else

Appolo's companion turns back to give him an appraising look just as things inside the Salty Dog get strange. The player of the reed horn slumps over with a last wheezing gasp from her instrument. Addin stumbles to a halt and rushes to check on his accompanist. Their audience does not respond well to this interruption, shouting an assortment of boos, complaints, and demands. Unnoticed in their midst, a young man collapses onto his table, snoring gently.

Not one to be left behind, Pip trails Valanthe as she moves toward the elegant woman, who stops about 10 feet from the door to regard Rigging and Ashira with a cool gaze. "Can I help you with something?"

(Bart, please make a Spot check.)

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:12:19 PM

When the music stops and the player slumps over.
Appolo says"Hey what's going.Looks like she fainted.Gues that's the end of tonights entertainment."He then puts a coin on the bar and heads for the doorswiftrly and smoothly
Stopping just be hind the lady."Come on, out of the way."Then stepping up besides her.

Ari (well heeled) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 12:18:03 PM

Distracted by his own thoughts, Ari doesn't do anything special other than head to the Salty Dog. Occasionally he looks back in the corner of his eye, to see if he's being followed. But he's not expecting anything, so his watchfulness is sort of lackadaisical.

Ashira (Mad Dog) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 12:59:06 PM

When questioned by the women, Ashira's face lights up with rage. "Yes, you hussy, you can help me. You can stay the hell away from my man! I saw the way he looked at you across the room, and now I find him chasing after you. Well, I won't have it! I'm warning you, stay away from him, or you'll live to regret it!" Ashira steps in between Rigging and the woman and shakes her fist at the stranger.

Redux (A Fish of a Different Color) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 1:05:39 PM

Still whispering, Redux looks at Ohron and says "I don't think so, though, who knows? From what I've heard, the attacks are random so far. And who would have thought that anyone would want to harm poor Tekol?" Glancing at Wynfrea, Redux notices the confused look on her face. "Wynfrea, you mean to tell me that you haven't heard about any suspicious happenings in Waha?"

That Was a Short Stay (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 4:44:40 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Blue, Lem

"Whatever our new friend believes," Ohron says, slanting a glance at the drunken merchant, "Tekol was a bit unsavoury. I had my suspicions about his -- business practices." He nods to Blue, who first mentioned smuggling. "So he might have had enemies. I wonder if these other attacks were as random as they seem. What do you know about them?"

Wynfrea grins at Redux, and winks. "I hear about most suspicious happenings in this town, but this business of cloaks and kidnappings is news to me. I thought you were interested in smuggling."

On the Road - Ari

The young man reaches the deserted market, and begins cutting through the silent rows of tents and stalls.

The Seasoned Canid - Elvis

The mysterious woman, though obviously aware of Appolo, chooses to ignore him. "Young -- lady -- I'm not interested in your boy," she husks. "If you want to keep him safe, tighten his leash." The woman pushes past Ashira and out the door.

A few heads at nearby tables turn to watch this local disturbance, while at the front of the room, the harpist and his companion drummer start a loud and rousing ballad to appease the angry crowd. Addin successfully wakes his accompanist, who blinks sleepily.

Blue (Poached Fish in a Shrimp Cream Sauce) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 6:06:42 PM

The young cleric's ears perk somewhat at Ohron's comments. He takes another long sip of his drink and focuses intently on the grumpy yet interesting Ohron. He also notices the play between Wynfrea and Redux. He thinks, "This Wynfrea is up to no good for sure".

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 7:03:48 PM

Rigging motions to his comrades to follow and spins on his heels and follows the woman out the door. Once they make it outside,
Rigging will say, "Excuse me Madam, but I would like a word with you. I have been asked by Magistrate Gastu to invite you to see him. I am only following orders but I must insist that you come with us." Rigging rests his hands on his weapons and comes up on his toes tensing for a fight.

Lem (the rainbow trout from The Windhorn game)  d20+2=20 d20+5=25
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 9:35:31 PM

Listening to the by play and watching the participants, Lem no longer takes place in the conversation, instead taking the time to observe each person not of the Jacks for signs of tension, nervousness, unease, and anxiety to try and tell if anyone is lying. Lem also looks at the patterns that Janre is tracing on the table. (spot skill 20, knowledge arcana 25)

Ashira (Just outside the Salty Dog) 
Friday August 24th, 2001 9:57:48 AM

Following Rigging, Ashira moves into position to help intercept the woman if she resists. "Well dearie, it seems that my man has some official business with you. Best do as he says, or I'll have to restrain you for your own good. It seems that women just can't keep their hands off of my man!" She too prepares to draw her weapons. Not taking her eyes off the woman, Ashira speaks to Rigging in Elven. "Sorry Rigging, I was trying to stall for time, and I wanted to get her away from any friends she might have in there."

Redux (el pez verde) 
Friday August 24th, 2001 10:19:03 AM

Redux shrugs, seemingly disturbed "Well, I must confess I don't know much... From what I heard, the black cloaks take their victims from the market place at varying times of day. I've even heard that some of the victims were children. I tell you, Waha is a very frightening place to be right now."

Friday August 24th, 2001 1:14:17 PM

Appolo staggers a little feigning drunkenness and allows the woman to move forward shoving past Rigging and Ashira, only to be cut off again just outside the Salty Dog on the porch.

While Rigging and Ashira confront her, Appolo quickly comes up behind her to her right, throwing his cloak over her left shoulder and bringing his dagger up to her rib cage. He whispers in her ear, "Move it or I'll shove eight inches of steel stright into your heart. No false moves and keep your hands where my friends can see them and your mouth shut!!" He says this with as much malevolence as he can summon, lowering his voice a couple of octaves.

He then uses his weight and leverage to get her to start moving, using his dagger to emphasise his point. The tip pokes through her dress just enought to scratch her slightly.

Valanthe (outside the salty dog) 
Friday August 24th, 2001 9:22:58 PM

The elegant woman defiantely didn't like her. Val's keen elven ears perked up when Ashira claimed Rigging as her man. Were the two closer that she thought or is it a ploy. Val would have to ask later. She casually walked outside to join the others. Instead of preparing to draw her weapon like the others, Val grabs the scythe off her back and spins it in one hand.

Bart (outside the salty dog)  d20=3
Monday August 27th, 2001 7:46:32 AM

Apparently Bart doesn't see the lady coming out of the bar, because his eye is attracted to a good looking girl walking a little bit further in the street. But when the others also leave the inn and trey to hold the woman Bart goes slowly to them blocking the only path left for the woman.

The Fine Art of Kidnapping (DM Lee-Anne)  d20=1 d2=1 d20=5
Monday August 27th, 2001 1:35:04 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Blue, Lem

Scowling, Ohron responds, "I don't like the sound of that at all, not at all. The Council should have alerted us that we're in danger." The merchant frowns harder as a thought occurs. "Might not be safe to walk alone at night. What do you folks say to escorting a tired man safe to his home?"

The moneychanger shakes her head, looking amused. "Come now, Ohron. You believed yourself safe enough when you sat down to drink. I doubt the night has grown claws so quickly. But it seems a good time to go; old Janre here will need some help getting home." Janre doodles on, oblivious, in what seems to Lem to be random patterns. To the monk, it seems that Ohron is sincerely worried, and that Wynfrea has more interest in the proposed group jaunt than her scoffing would seem to suggest.

On the Road - Ari

Past the market, Ari enters the outskirts of the stilt-house maze. There are few people abroad at this hour as he moves along the boardwalks toward The Salty Dog.

Outside The Salty Dog - La Gang

The mysterious woman opens her mouth to reply, when Appolo makes his move. She wisely chooses silence, but the arrogant glares she directs at Rigging and Ashira speak volumes. She stands relaxed in Appolo's grip, apparently unresisting. (Spot checks from all, please.)

A pair of sailors stumble out of the tavern, pushing past Valanthe and mumbling drunken complaints about Addin's interrupted performance. They weave off down the boardwalk, oblivious to the conflict they've interrupted. Pip also moves past Valanthe to stand just behind the elbow of Rigging's off-hand.

Rigging  d20=13
Monday August 27th, 2001 5:24:06 PM

(Spot check roll 13)Rigging says to his friends, "Let's get out of the open." Rigging moves to a quieter and darker alley and says to Appolo, "Search her" To Bart and Ashira, "Watch her closely. Kill her if she tries anything. Remember that she is an assassin and will be sneaky" Turning to Pip, Rigging leads him away for a few steps, scanning all around looking for danger. "Pip, run to the Green Fish and tell the others to meet us at the magistrates now."

Lem (The moldy fish) 
Monday August 27th, 2001 7:45:26 PM

Pondering what he has observed Lem leans over and whispers in Redux's ear. "If we're to go 'twer best we go sooner than late."

Monday August 27th, 2001 8:35:33 PM

Appolo forces the woman into the alley. "OK -- up against the wall, hands above your head and spread your legs." He forces her against the wall, kicks her legs apart and begins to search her. "No funny business now, or else." He will take everything away from her -- jewelry, knives, daggers, her pouch. He performs a complete and through search -- sending his hands places he has never sent them before, at least not on a woman's body.

When he is done and satisfied, he says, "There's some rope in my pack. Could someone please get some out and cut a couple of pieces, so we can properly tie her up. I don't trust her."

He says this while keeping his dagger pointed in to her rib cage, never taking his eyes off her.

Tuesday August 28th, 2001 8:27:42 AM

Ari travels through the market place noting some of the obvious details (lack of people, it's a market ;) ). But his thoughts on centered on his concern for the course the group has chosen to travel.

Appolo  d20+4=19
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 10:38:36 AM

OOC:Forgot Appolo's spot check. Spot check 19.

Ashira (Outside Salty Dog)  d20+3=17 d20+5=17
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 11:31:38 AM

Watching Appolo at work, Ashira is ready in case things get out of control (Spot=17). She follows Apollo into the alley and removes the rope from his pack. Cutting off the appropriate size length, Ashira begins to tie the group's new captive's hands behind her back (Use Rope=17). As her hands skilfully weave the knots, she says to the woman "Normally, I'm not into bondage, but I'll make a special exception for you."

Redux (Green Fish) 
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 11:39:53 AM

Nodding toward Ohron and Wynfrea, Redux says "Yes, I believe it would be best to retire for the night. Don't want to be out too late... There's safety in numbers, so we should probably go together." Giving a quick glance at Lem, Redux pauses "Ah, but we must hurry, my friend here has pressing business to attend to tonight." Redux gets up from the table, pays the tab, and heads out into the cool Waha night.

Valanthe  d20+1=15
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 11:55:57 AM

Val watches the old woman get escorted into the alley. Since the old woman was under control, Val leans against the side of the building facing the street.

Bart  d20=8
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 12:01:25 PM

(spot dc=8) Bart wonders why Appolo treats this lady like he does. There is an other way to do it! He will speak to him aboat that later. In the meantime he remains in the background, ready to react when something unexpected occurs.

End First Movement (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 2:18:35 PM

Wynfrea jumps to follow Redux, and helps to guide the weaving Janre out of The Green Fish. "Where's home, friend?" she asks the mustached merchant. He gestures vaguely out toward the maze of stilt buildings.

"I'm closer -- not far from the temple. Save time if you're in a hurry, friend Lem." Ohron hesitates, scowling at Janre. "But I suppose we should see him safe first. Haven't lost a drinking companion yet. Won't start now."

Meanwhile, outside the Salty Dog, Pip pipes a happy, "Sure thing, boss!" and speeds off, leaving the others to molest their captive in peace. Well, in what peace can be found, with the loud racket of celebration pouring out the windows of the tavern. Addin, apparently, has resumed his interrupted performance.

Appolo easily divests the woman of her few belongings -- the ruby ring and a plain gold band, her very light pouch, and a pair of embossed silvery hair pins, long as his hand and quite sharp at the tips. The woman's dark curls tumble down to frame her angry features, but she makes no move to stop the tying of her hands.

Valanthe sees a young woman come along the street down which Pip disappeared. She stares at the elf's naked scythe as she climbs the stairs to the tavern.

Somewhere between the two groups, Ari's odyssey continues.

Blue (Green Fish) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 12:02:04 AM

The cleric stands and says, "Come Ohron lets you and Janre home safe". Blue follows the others out, keeping a close eye to Wynfrea.

Ashira (Alley outside Salty Dog)  d20+3=8
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 9:13:13 AM

Finished tying up her captive, Ashira resumes her watch (Spot=8), prepared to hack her down if she should attempt an escape. Looking over at Rigging she says "Darling, don't you think we ought to gag her also? Don't want to have any trouble taking her to the magistrate!"

Redux (Green Fish) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 9:24:04 AM

Heading off in the direction that Janre indicated, Redux keeps a wary eye on his surroundings. Sticking close to Ohron, Redux says "What do you mean you had suspicions about Tekol's business practises? Who did he do business with?"

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 10:46:10 AM

"We ned to hurry this up,can we go now!"Appolo
then adds"No,I don't think a gag is necessesary.
She knows what will happen if she doesn't keep her mouth shut.Don't you!!"While twirling a dagger in ech hand menacingly.

Bart Alley  d20=1
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 12:02:36 PM

Bart follows the at 15 meters distance If the streets becomes more crowdy he closses this gap. He looks around for anything unusual. (spotcheck =1)

Ari (this is not the Odyssey Channel) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 12:12:05 PM

Doing his best to move along, Ari continues to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. His thoughts are worried about his friends, and about the course of action that they've been thinking about. He wonders whether these decisions have been made too hastily. He remembers something about counting chickens, and continues walking on.

Safety in Numbers . . . (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 2:04:49 PM

Wynfrea takes the lead, supporting Janre and prompting him for directions at intervals. Musing, Ohron trails after. "Not so much who he did business with, as how. Leased him space in my warehouse a time or two. No trouble from him, until the time old Merith was sharing space in the same building. Called me in one night -- Tekol was upset because Merith's people were doing inventory. Why should her inventory interfere with his carpet storage? Very strange. Another time, he was in a panic because we were late delivering a large shipment of his from the warehouse to his customer. What difference could a day's delay make when I know the Gant's Folly wasn't to ship out for another two? We're talking about carpets, not perishable fruit. Was very unreasonable about it, he was."

(Spot and Listen checks from Ari, please.)

More coming up . . .

. . . If the Numbers are Enough (DM Lee)  d2=2 d20+2=5 d20+2=9 d20+2=5 d20-2=0 d20-2=1 d20-2=6 d4+1=5 d4+1=4 d20+4=15
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 2:37:09 PM

As the young kidnappers move out toward Gastu's temple, Appolo and Ashira each notice movement amongst the shadowed stilts of nearby buildings. Before they have a chance to give warning, shots fly toward the group, seemingly from all around. Arrows and quarrels fly harmlessly past the characters, but two blue bolts of energy fly unerringly toward Appolo, doing 9 hp of damage to the young monk.

The mysterious woman, not the least surprised by the attack, uses the opportunity to kiss Appolo full on the lips. (Appolo please roll a Will Save.)

Rigging, Valanthe and Bart are caught off-guard by all this. (No actions permitted.)

Ashira and Appolo now have initiative in the surprise round. They may each take one partial action.

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 6:06:39 PM

Rigging's mouth drops open in surprise as an arrow speeds by his head and thunks into the wall. His hands drop to his weapons but he doesn't draw them. He hopes Pip got ok.

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 7:55:44 PM

Blue walks along with other listen intently to the conversations. after Ohron speaks, Blue quickly asks, "Do you know who Tekol's customers were?"

Appolo  d20=18 d20+5=21 d20+5=7
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 8:22:15 PM

As they begin to move,he notices movement ahead of the party,but before he can do anything,arrows start ot fly and he is hit by
something.He he sreams in pain and then iskissed on the lips by the woman.While she is kssing him he takes the oppurtunity of her being so close toram both his daggers home right into
gut ripping upward.

Will roll 18,Attack 21
OOC.Appolo is a thief.I'm not sure wether he is
-1 or postive one on his will roll.
His attack should be automatic.Pleas ignore second attack roll mistake.

Ari (See Spot Hear something)  d20+1=16 d20+1=17
Thursday August 30th, 2001 3:26:44 AM

As Ari nears the end of his little journey, his senses give him warning..... (spot=16, Listen=17)

Thursday August 30th, 2001 12:03:23 PM


Ashira (Alley outside Salty Dog)  d20=2
Thursday August 30th, 2001 12:24:17 PM

Anger floods Ashira's face as the new events unfold before her eyes. "Told you we should have gagged her!" Arrows begin to whiz, and Ashira is determined not to let her captive get away so quickly. "Sorry dearie, but I believe my darling has this dance...I won't allow anyone to interfer!" Ashira takes a swipe at the captive, but misses terribly (hitting Apollo?).

OOC (I have no idea how to modify an unarmed strike, so I didn't add any bonuses...which really doesn't matter, because Ashira misses any way you look at it.)

Redux (Following drunk Janre home) 
Thursday August 30th, 2001 12:33:43 PM

Redux listens with rapt attention to Janre. "Yes, you're right, that is highly unusual behavior. Maybe we can uncover the mystery of Tekol's death by learning who was close to him. It seems like whoever killed him knew him...can you tell me who some of his close associates were?"

A Pleasant Stroll - Blue, Redux, Lem (DM Lee) 
Thursday August 30th, 2001 3:11:56 PM

Ohron shakes his head. "Didn't know the man well, outside of our business. Could check my records, get a list of deliveries we did for him, other customers he shared warehouse space with. That's it."

The night is quiet as the mismatched group makes its way between dark market stalls . . .

Pip Down! - Ari (DM Lee)  d2=1
Thursday August 30th, 2001 3:13:00 PM

Nearing the tavern, Ari begins to hear faint sounds of celebration drifting through the night. Overlying these, his keen ears pick out a faint cry from nearby, just as he crosses a narrow alley between two building. He glances that way in time to see Pip drop bonelessly to the boardwalk, a thin rivulet of bright blood trickling from his temple. The two sailors standing over the boy, about 10' down the alley, see Ari at about the same time. One holds a reversed short sword in his hand, the other a dagger and a small coil of rope.

Ari has initiative . . .

Blue (The Pleasant Strollers) 
Thursday August 30th, 2001 4:13:44 PM

Pleased with Ohron's enthusiasim for the search of information, Blue encourages him, "that sounds promising Ohron, maybe we can find out who and what is behind these dastardly deeds."

As Janre appears to be listing heavily, the stocky young cleric sidles up and props him somewhat, trying to dodge the man's lethal breath in the process.

Ambush! Round 1 - Pirates (DM Lee)  d4+2=3 d20+2=9 d20+2=6 d20+2=10 d20+2=9 d20+2=20 d20+2=10 d20+1=17 d20+1=10 d6=3 d6=1 d8=2 d4+1=2 d4+1=4
Thursday August 30th, 2001 4:15:15 PM

Although Appolo's dagger does draw blood, he gets that his blade just barely reached the mysterious woman's flesh. As she dodges Ashira's wild swing, the woman steps back out of reach of both of her attackers. She smiles widely at Ashira and taunts, "You were right about the gag, elf. Now FREEZE." (Ashira, Will Save vs DC 13 or do your best to freeze for one round.)

Two pirates emerge from amongst the pilings of the nearest building and hurry over to the erstwhile captive. Pirate #1 cuts her bonds while Pirate #2 tosses her a trident. They flank the mysterious woman with their swords drawn.

Another flurry of shots fills the street, most again missing or lodging in armor. However, Rigging (3hp) and Appolo (1hp) are both struck by arrows, and Valanthe takes a quarrel in her thigh (2hp). The visible archers drop their bows and four pirates emerge from the shadows, drawing blades and moving into easy reach of the characters in the street. #3 faces Valanthe and #4 faces Rigging beside him. #5 and #6 flank Bart. A couple more pirates hang back from the fight.

A blonde woman, partly hidden behind a thick pilon about 40' down the street, launches two more magic missiles. They strike Ashira square in the chest, doing 6hp damage.

The party has initiative.

Thursday August 30th, 2001 6:21:12 PM

walking along with the others escorting the drunk merchants, Lem worries about the others and walks up near Redux and whispers. "we are supposed to be meeting Apollo at the docks about now." We really ought to be heading to find them."

Ashira (Alley outside Salty Dog)  d20+3=10
Friday August 31st, 2001 10:50:58 AM

Struck by the awesome power of the former captive's word, Ashira remains stock still while her captive makes her escape good. A mere grunt escapes from her lips when the two energy bolts explode into her chest. Her green eyes burn with fury as she struggles to reach her weapons, but is unable to move a muscle. "This isn't over yet!" she screams at the lady.

Redux (Just out for a stroll) 
Friday August 31st, 2001 11:03:00 AM

Responding to Ohron, Redux says "Well, that's too bad, seems like Tekol was a bit of a loner when it came to business." When Lem comes over and whispers to him, Redux nods and then looks over at Ohron and Wynfrea "I'm terribly sorry, but my friend Lem here really must be heading back. And with all the frightening occurences recently, I think it would be best if Blue and I go with him. It looks like you two will be able to handle Janre alright, and we've seen you past some of the worst parts of town, so I doubt you'll encounter any trouble tonight. So, if you will excuse us, we really must be on our way. It's been a pleasure, maybe we can meet again tomorrow." Redux excuses himself with a bow, and gets ready to head back with the others. After they have gone a little way, Redux sends Talon off into the night air. "I've sent him off to the docks, so that hopefully the others won't worry about us."

Bart  d20+8=14 d10+5=7
Friday August 31st, 2001 12:07:14 PM

Bart draws his sword and attacks the pirate at his left, hitting ac 6+8=14 (7hp damage if hits). He is using his bastard sword single handed, and tries to draws his dagger after his attack.

Friday August 31st, 2001 2:43:15 PM

After his failed attack Appolo grunts with pain.
He sees that Ashira is in troulbe and cannot move,thinking "great" as magical energy blasts into Ashira.Appolo then moves quickly and grabs
Ashira pulling her down and out of the line of fire.He quickly pullls he over to the other side of the alley.He yells "Rigging,Bart, Val,retreat there's to many of them,we need to get out of here."He looks at the woman while he stands gaurd over Ashira.Appolo nods his admiration for the well laid and excuted ambush."Very good,my
Lady" he says to her.Holding a dagger in his left hand and a having drawn his shortsword in his right.He is also staying low trying to use any trash or junk in the alley as cover.

Rigging  d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Friday August 31st, 2001 5:26:41 PM

Rigging grunts in pain, as the arrow grazes him,
He sees the sailor come up, sword in hand and a sneer crosses his face. "One for you." he murmurs before he raises his arms and launches two darts of energy at the sailor sqaring up against him. Rigging will then draw his weapons, while backpedaling a few steps.

Friday August 31st, 2001 5:33:14 PM

Looking down at Ashira "Are you ok!!"He kneels down beside her.Crouching on the balls of his feet.

Friday August 31st, 2001 5:57:01 PM

The young cleric tentively steps away from Janre, waiting to see if the merchant will fall, perhaps dragging Wynfrea with him, however he maintains his uprightedness and they continue along the road.

Agreeing with Redux, Blue says, "Yes you should all be safe enough now, goodnight to you". The boy turns and follows Redux and Lem.

Valanthe  d20+6=15 2d4(2+4)+2=8
Friday August 31st, 2001 11:07:51 PM

Val welcomes the stining pain in her thigh. It lets her know that she's still alive. Considering the hell that is Waha, she wasn't so sure. Val grits her teeth and brings her scythe down savagely on the pirate before her.
(OCC: 15 to hit, if hit then 8 points of dmg)

Splitting Up -- Again (Redux, Lem, Blue) 
Monday September 3rd, 2001 12:16:50 PM

At mention of splitting up, Ohron's expression grows even more morose, but he voices no complaints. "I'll look into my records. Find me at my warehouse." He hurries to catch up with Wynfrea and her wobbling charge.

As Redux, Lem, and Blue reverse course back through the market, Talon wings off to the docks. There he sees plenty of late night activity, but no familiar faces. . .

Ambush! Round 1 - Party (DM Lee) 
Monday September 3rd, 2001 1:21:57 PM

Bart's sword strikes a spark off one of the studs on Pirate #5's armor.

Appolo successfully drags Ashira over the wooden planks to the edge of the boardwalk. They fetch up against the stilt of a nearby building, whose floor is raised at elbow-level to Appolo. An arm's length below the boardwalk, water laps gently at the support pilons and stilts. When he drops his dagger to draw the sword, Appolo notices that the shorter blade is indeed stained with the blood of the mysterious woman.

Rigging's spell drops Pirate #4 to the wooden planks, even as the mage backs away, weapons in hand.

Beside him, Pirate #3 reels from the force of Valanthe's blow . . .

Ambush! Round 2 - Pirates (DM Lee)  d20+3=18 d8+1=7 d20+4=18 d6+2=7 d20+6=22 d20+6=9 d6+2=4 d20+6=13 d20+6=21 d6+2=6 d20+8=14 d4+1=4 d4+1=4
Monday September 3rd, 2001 1:55:12 PM

The mysterious woman snarls and starts after the retreating pair, but stops instead to attack Rigging as he backpedals into her path. "Your keeper is right again, boy," she says, stabbing his gut with her trident (7hp damage). "It isn't over yet, but it will be, soon!"

Pirate #1 rushes past her to attack Appolo (7hp damage).

Pirate #2 steps forward to flank Valanthe with #3. They attack the elf simultaneously, and #2's blade slices the barbarian's arm (4hp).

A short distance away, Pirates #5 and #6 repeat the same maneuver on Bart, and Pirate #6 catches the boy with a well-timed strike (6hp damage). She wipes some of the blood from her blade and grins, showing Bart her bloody finger.

Another sailor (#7) emerges from beside the building that shelters Appolo and Ashira. He attacks the prone woman, but Ashira, now free of the mysterious woman's Command, is able to roll aside. The pirate's sword gouges the stilt beside her head.

From down the street, the blond spellcaster settles on Rigging as the biggest threat, and sends a new pair of magic missiles flying his way. (8hp)

The party has initiative. Combat Map

Rigging  d20=20 d20=10 d20+1=17 d6=3 d6=2 d4=1
Monday September 3rd, 2001 5:40:09 PM

OCC Forgot to put my modifiers in with the rolls, so add +1 to each die roll. First roll was rapier, second was main-gauage and 3rd was for critical hit) Rigging swoons in pain from the multiple attacks, but snaps himself together and slashes the assasin/cleric across the face with his rapier. It was a cunning blow aimed at her eyes and his attack was successful. He hopes this will slow her down so he can take out the mage. He follows up with a thrust of his main-gauche to her stomach.

Appolo  d20+2=18 d8+2=8
Monday September 3rd, 2001 7:27:09 PM

Appolo screams in pain and slashes out at his attacker with his shortsword for 8 points of damage, then side steps and assumes a purely defensive posture. (D20+2=18, D8+2=8)

Valanthe  d20+6=20 2d4(3+1)+2=6
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 12:22:35 AM

Val turns so her back is to the wall. She spins her scythe and attacks #3 with a hide and wide arc desgned to keep #2 back.

(OCC: 20 to hit #3, 6 for dmg)

Bart  d20+8=26 d10+5=12
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 5:35:47 AM

Bart atacks the female pirate he can't stand people who put there fingers up. She soon will found out!!!
#hit ac 26#
He slashes his bastardsword over her chest making an nice diagonal stripe over it!!
#12 dam#

Say again?? You filty slut!

Ari (better late than ever) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 7:48:52 AM

Seeing the fallen Pip, Ari does his best to move quickly. Checking the rest of the street out for other members of this gruesome twosome. Ari mutturs, "Lem protect us", and casts entangle at the two standing sailors. Once the spell is cast, Ari will draw his rapier, and try to help Pip.

Pip Down! Round 1 (DM Lee)  d20+2=17 d20+2=20 d20+4=14 d6+2=3 d20-2=12 d4+2=6
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 9:09:19 AM

Long water weeds respond to the call of Ari's spell, stretching upward from the bay below and extending between the planks of the boardwalk and over its edges. The slimy fronds and stems curl around Pip and the lower legs of his attackers. The sailors, however, manage to keep from being held fast, dancing and kicking their feet free.

Sailor #1 reverses his sword and kicks his way to the edge of the entangled area, where he attacks Ari, connecting for 3hp damage.

His partner looses his dagger, and the short blade slices Ari's arm open (6hp) before thunking to the boardwalk behind him. Sailor #2 jerks and pulls his way to his partner's side, drawing his own sword. The two now block the mouth of the narrow alley, and stand just inside the entangling area.

Ashira (Laying down on the job) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 11:46:13 AM

After Appolo drags her aside, Ashira manages to get out between gritted teeth. "Yeah, I'll be alright." Then the next wave of attacks is launched, and Ashira moves quickly to avoid becoming "Half-elf on a stick". She rolls a little further and quickly gets to her feet, drawing her longsword. Eyeing her new adversary, she says "You're going to wish you never did that!"

OOC (Is Ashira able to draw two weapons in one round, since she is treated as having the two-weapon feat? If so, then she will draw her long and shortswords.)

Redux (Out and about) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 12:00:51 PM

After recieving Talon's report that Rigging's group is not at the docks, he begins to worry. Gathering his party together, he whispers "They're not at the docks yet...I'm sending Talon over to the Salty Dog to see if they're still there. Let's get moving that way." Redux begins to set a fast pace toward the Salty Dog, thinking that in a town like Waha, lots of things could go wrong.

Blue (Out and about) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 2:25:46 PM

Blue hears a tone of concern in Redux's voice. He wonders what his friends could be up too?
The stocky cleric picks up his pace and stays with Lem and Redux.

Ambush! Round 2 - Party (DM Lee) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 3:01:03 PM

As Appolo did before him, Rigging finds the mysterious woman to be tougher than she looks. His main-gauche doesn't penetrate the cloth of her dress. The rapier, though, opens a nasty gash on her forehead, that bleeds heavily.

Pirate #1 can't help but put a hand over the newly-opened wound in his side as Appolo steps (OOC. Which direction? W, NW or NE)

Valanthe's swing catches #3 unprepared. He grunts as the wind is knocked out of him, while his partner ducks the amazon's follow-through.

Pirate #6 loses her mocking grin when Bart cuts her down. A heartbeat later she is on the ground, her blood soaking the wooden boards.

Ashira's attacker doesn't look as confident now that he faces two blades and a mobile opponent. . .

Reverse Course! (DM Lee-Anne)  d2=1 d20+14=21
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 3:17:02 PM

Redux, Blue and Lem retrace their steps through the market and clatter out onto one of the wider wooden streets. A short distance ahead, Wynfrea peers at them over Janre's shoulder, throwing them a perplexed look. "Changed your minds, eh?" call Ohron.

From somewhere overhead, Talon spots Ari fighting with a few people. He gives Redux the impression that something weird is happening to the water in that viscinity, something that he is reluctant to approach. . .

Ambush! Round 3 - Pirates (DM Lee)  d100=24 d100=43 d100=79 d20+3=17 d8+1=2 d20+4=21 d6+2=8 d20+6=11 d20+6=16 d20+4=12 d20+4=23 d20+4=9 d6+2=4 d8+1=8 d20+5=19 d8+4=7 d4+1=3 d4+1=2 d8+1=3
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 4:01:29 PM

"So, the pretty boy has teeth." With blood obscuring her vision on one side, the mysterious woman has trouble finding Rigging with her weapon -- only one of the tines jabs his hip, doing 2hp damage. "Maybe I'll offer to buy him after all," she calls to Ashira. She wipes the blood from her face with a forearm and shuffles east, putting herself between her opponent and Pirate #2.

Pirate #1 keeps one hand on his gut as he continues to exchange blows with Appolo. One of his attacks gets through the young thief's guard, stabbing under his arm (8hp).

#2 and #3 press their tag-team attack on Valanthe, but neither is able to land a hit.

Pirate #5, clearly unnerved by Bart's swift and viscious revenge on his partner, takes a half-hearted swing and then steps back northward, looking nervously around.

#7 sneaks a stab between Ashira's flashing blades (4hp). He also backs up, stepping east away from the half-elf.

Three more pirates emerge from among the pilons of surrounding buildings. Pirate #8, a burly woman armed with a longsword and an unruly expression, calmly crouches by #4, pops the cap on a small vial, and pours its contents down the fallen sailor's throat. #4 chokes, coughs, and fumbles for his weapon.

A short distance away, a ninth pirate does the same with Bart's fallen opponent, while Pirate #10, a tall, grizzled fellow, moves right in and swings his longsword 2-handed at Bart. The blade dig's heavily into the youth's shoulder. (7hp damage)

The spell-slinging blond woman, generous with her wealth of glowing bolts, picks Bart as her next recipient. (5hp damage from magic missiles)

The party has initiative.

Combat Map

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 7:09:02 PM

As Redux passes on his message Lem swears. "OK you two find the others and get to the docks. I'm going after Ari." After getting a firm idea of where to find him, Lem takes off at a sprint (4x movement) slowing down as he gets with in 50 feet of the scuffle.

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 8:13:35 PM

As Appolo side steps to his left,he reaches up and cuts his cloak and pack free letting them
drop to the floor.He is trying toflank his opponent.When the pack hits the floor back kicks it and his cloak away.If can't flank his opponent then he play defence until the right opurtunity presents itself.He is also being careful not get get outflanked himself.Trying
to watch the others as well.

Ari (to fight, or to flee, that is the question)  d20-1=17 d6+3=7 d20+3=11
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 11:45:16 PM

Hoping to give the plants another try at the sailors, Ari uses his expertise to go into full defensive mode. (+4 AC (+2 Expertise, +2 defensive mode, -1 overall attack (-2 via expertise, -4 for defensive mode))) (AC now 16). Doing his best lunge that he can, he attacks the sailor in front of him. Assuming he hits (AC 17), he quickly flicks his opponents shoulder for 7 points of damage. (Concentration check for spell, if needed. =11)

Ashira  d20+4=12 d20+2=9 d8+3=7 d6=5
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 11:21:51 AM

Angry at letting herself walk into an ambush, Ashira unleashes a full attack on Pirate #7 (assuming he's only 5 ft. away, otherwise she goes after Pirate #1), but is so frustrated, that she doesn't live up to her full potential. Not taking her eyes off her adversary, she shouts to Rigging and Val in Elven "We need to take that spellcaster out of the fight somehow.".

OOC (Longsword=12, shortsword=9...I doubt either hit, but rolled damage anyway).

Redux (Out and About) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 11:25:56 AM

Increasing his speed a bit, Redux isn't really aware of Ohron's comment. He strides ahead, anxious to find out why Rigging's group is detered. With Lem going to help out Ari, Redux asks Talon to proceed to the Salty Dog and check for Rigging's group.

Bart  d20+6=7 d20+5=11 d4+1=3
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 11:58:01 AM

"If it's blood you want it will be your own," says Bart as he attacks number 10, due to the damage he has he misses with his bastard sword ac 7 and his dagger maybe he hits a arm if he is lucky hit ac 11 for 3 dam.

Pip Down! Round 2 (DM Lee)  d20+2=3 d20+2=17
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 3:09:34 PM

Ari's opponent cries out and drops into the writhing mass of water weeds. His partner is momentarily distracted by this, becomes entangled, himself. He uses a very rude word and struggles desperately, finally pulling free of the slimy vegetation to stand in the street beside Ari.

Rigging  d20+1=20 d20+1=12 d20+1=3 d6=5 d6=3
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 3:19:22 PM

A fury overcomes Rigging as he sees his friends injured. He knows he must take down his opponent quickly.He presses the battle to her. He attacks scoring another hit on the cleric.

On Course (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 3:35:03 PM

With Redux and Blue hustling behind him, Lem runs ahead, his steps pounding hollowly on the wooden boards. After a good sprint, the young monk arrives at an intersection with Ari's boardwalk. He can hear the sounds of cursing and fighting coming from nearby and north around the corner.

Meanwhile, Talon locates the rest of the party and reports the large altercation, not far from Ari's position. (Talon may join this combat in Round 4.)

Redux and Blue will pass Ari's position on the way to the others.

Ambush! Round 3 - Party (DM Lee)  d100=53
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 3:49:34 PM

Appolo and Ashira split up, with Appolo unable to flank this turn. Ashira steps east and engages in inconclusive weapons-drill with #7. Bart has similar trouble with Pirate #10.

The mysterious woman drops her smug expression when Rigging again gets past her guard.

Ambush! Round 4 - Pirates (DM Lee)  d20+3=12 d20+4=8 d20+4=9 d20+4=16 d6+2=5 d20+5=6 d20+5=16 d4+1=5 d4+1=2
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 4:32:55 PM

The mysterious woman checks over her shoulder and, spying Pirate #5, snarls, "Take her and go!" With her attention divided, her attacks against Rigging are unsuccessful. She continues to shift east. Climbing to his feet and obviously fit and ready for action, #4 stands shoulder to shoulder with the priestess.

Pirate #1 crab-walks sideways to keep Appolo between himself and the nearby building, and tests the youth's defenses with his blade.

Pirate #2 backs away from Valanthe on full defensive and moves north of Bart. (Valanthe may make an AoO against #2.) #3 tries to distract the barbarian, but can't seem to touch her.

Following orders, Pirate #5 loops around to join #9. Together, they pick up the unconscious female pirate and haul her away. (Bart may make an AoO against 5,6, or 9.)

#7 holds his position and scores another careful hit on Ashira (5hp). He grins widely at Pirate #8 as she joins him in line and presses his own attack against the half-elf.

The grizzled #10 misses his own attack on Bart.

Perhaps for fairness' sake, the skinny blond tags Valanthe this time around. (7hp damage from magic missiles)

The party has initiative. Combat Map

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 8:53:08 PM

Appolo continues fight trying to circle his opponent and stay out of harms way.Seeing Valanthe take a hit he attempts to move closer to her.His head on a swivel.Grunting and groaning as he moves bleeding from his own wounds.

Lem  d20+7=27 d20+7=27 d4+3=6 d4+3=6
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 10:15:29 PM

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Lem readies his sling and then peers around the corner looking for a target. If within range Lem lets fly with a bullet.(critical threat 20, critical hit 20. Damage 12 points)

Ari  d20-1=0
Thursday September 6th, 2001 12:38:32 AM

Continuing to rely on the plants, Ari continues on in full defensive mode. (AC 16) Trying to move in a direction that keeps the sailers back to the plants, Ari does his best to prod the sailor into the plants. But the plants don't know how to interpret what Ari is thinking. So when Ari trips on one of the plants, choas seems to be the new word of the day.

Bart  d20+6=25 d10+5=13 d10+5=14 d20+6=26 d10+5=10 d10+5=8 d20+5=12
Thursday September 6th, 2001 6:17:10 AM

Whwen they try to take there comrade away Bart tries to push his sword in the back of pirate #5 He succeeds wonderfully he drives his sword deep in his spine doing 27 points of dammage (crit)
He swirls around (AoO, cleave skill) and attacks number 10 hiting him in the chest for 18 points (crit) and his dagger follows his sword but he misses him with that.

Valanthe  d20+6=8
Thursday September 6th, 2001 10:30:06 AM

Val swings at the retreating pirate but misses. (AoO) Val looks at the skinny blond and then at the pirate before her. Anger seeps from her eyes as she lets loose her rage (OCC: val is using her rage for the day) intent on going through the pirate to get the skinny blond.

Ashira  d20+4=16 d20+2=14 d8+3=7
Thursday September 6th, 2001 11:45:00 AM

Concentrating on Pirate #7 for the moment, Ashira lashes out once again with her long (16) and shortswords (14).

Redux (Out and About) 
Thursday September 6th, 2001 12:01:32 PM

Redux recieves Talon's report with growing anxiety. "Blue, they're in trouble! Let's get over there now!" Before breaking into a full out run, Redux pauses a few moments and casts Mage Armor on himself. He then frees his mind, and asks Talon to scout out the battle, noting were each of the party members are, and how many adversaries they face, making sure to stress that Talon should not endanger himself to gather the information.

Valanthe- enraged  d20+7=9
Thursday September 6th, 2001 1:42:26 PM

Val turned her gave of hate and anger torward the 3rd pirate. Val didn't appear any stronger, but you could feel the strength radiating off of her. She clenching her scythe so hard her knuckles turned white. Val twirled the scythe infront of her and brought the point over her head down at the pirate and missed terribly.

Rigging (by Lee)  d20+1=15 d20+1=11
Thursday September 6th, 2001 1:51:55 PM

Rigging continues to harry the priestess. He is sure his blade touches her at one point, but it does no injury.

Pip Down! Round 3 (DM Lee-Anne)  d100=64 d100=63
Thursday September 6th, 2001 2:17:33 PM

While Ari stumbles for balance, he hears a sickening crunch. His opponent lands heavily beside the other sailor. The side of the poor man's head looks staved-in.

Lem's sling is still swinging when Redux and Blue come pelting by, running full-tilt toward The Salty Dog.

Talon reports 'more than two claws' of human opponents, and a general impression that they surround Redux' friends. One is closer along Redux' route, at the intersection of this street with that of the tavern.

(Redux, Blue, and anyone who joins them, may roll Spot check vs. DC 13 to see the skinny blond spellcaster in time to target her for one standard action next round.)

Ambush! Round 4 - Party (DM Lee)  d20+6=10 d20+6=26 d20+6=7
Thursday September 6th, 2001 2:51:04 PM

The cowardly Pirate #5 won't live to fight another day, as Bart's astonishing blow cuts him nearly in two (d20+6=26 threat, d20+6=26, crit). #9 is left dragging the unconscious female sailor by himself.

Bart's follow-through with the Cleave doesn't hit #10, however (rolled for you d20+6=10). When he continues to press his attack, he hits with the sword (rolled for you d20+6=26 threat, d20+6=7 no crit) for 10hp damage. Pirate #10 follows the pieces of #5 to the ground.

All the pirates seem to pause in horror, giving Ashira the opening she needs to drop #7 with her quick blow. Appolo shuffles northeast while his opponent is distracted. . .

Ambush! Round 6 - Scaredy-Pirates (DM Lee)  d20+4=22 d100=12
Thursday September 6th, 2001 3:12:18 PM

The mysterious woman screams, "Go! Go! Go!" and the pirates scatter in all directions, some pulling their injured comrades with them. While her minions run, the mysterious woman ducks inside Rigging's reach to buss him on the lips. "Another time, pretty boy," she sneers, before diving into the space between buildings just northeast of the party. At the midpoint of her arc, her features seem to shift. She appears to be an aquan elf when she cuts cleanly into the waters of the bay.

Rigging, please roll a Will save.

The followin AoO are available as the pirates run. Each character may do one AoO:
Bart - #2, #10
Appolo - #1
Valanthe - #3, mysterious woman
Rigging - mysterious woman, #4, #8
Ashira - #7, #8

(Redux et al: anyone who succeeded at that Spot check sees the blond slip between the stilts of the building on the corner and disappear below the level of the boardwalk.

Valanthe- enraged  d20+7=16 2d4(4+3)+3=10 d20+7=15 2d4(4+2)+3=9
Thursday September 6th, 2001 4:12:50 PM

Needing something to take her anger out on, Val locks on to two figures running past her. Val runs after them attempting to cut them down.

OCC: 16 to hit #3 and 10 points of dmg
OCC: 15 to hit MW and 9 points of dmg.

Regardless of the attack result, Val pursues demanding vengence.

Thursday September 6th, 2001 5:39:58 PM

Momentarily watching his bullet fly, Lem allows a brief smile of satisfaction cross his face as he watches if fly true. He then comes around the corner tucking his sling in his belt ready to attack anyone that needs dispatching.

Rigging  d20+2=17 d20+1=17 d20+1=13 d6=3 d4=3
Thursday September 6th, 2001 6:50:10 PM

Occ Sorry, I am on the road and don't know the pluses for an AoO. First roll is for saving throw save.) Rigging feels rage as the woman actually tries to kiss him. As she tries to slip away, he will slash her with sword and dagger again. "Enjoy the scars bitch!" Rigging yells in fury.

Appolo  d20+4=13 d20+4=14 d8+2=7 d4+2=6
Thursday September 6th, 2001 8:48:55 PM

Appolo sees his opponent become distracted then turn to leave,that's when Appolo sees his oppurtunity and attacks once with his shortsword once with his dagger.

13,14 to hit with shortsword and dagger
7,6 to damage if Appolo hit his target.

He then walks over to the wall and slumps down exhausted,moaning in pain,while he attempts to bind his wound on his leg.Seemingly oblivious to anything else.

Thursday September 6th, 2001 11:49:32 PM

Panic rises in the young cleric as he runs with Redux. He sees fleeing forms and bloodied comrades. His battered friends stand, stagger and chase, thrusting sword and fist toward the darting torn shadows. Hurtled threats and vows fall on the now emptying cobble.

Blue moves as if in slow motion, scanning the hurts and wounds. The shocked boy fumbles with his sacks and belt searching for potions and bandages, mumbling something about a dragon's mercy.

Friday September 7th, 2001 1:34:40 AM

A minute later Appolo sees Blue come around the corner.He calls to the young cleric"Over here!!"

Ari  d20+6=16 d8+1=8
Friday September 7th, 2001 2:30:12 AM

(ooc I'm assuming the other pirate is caught by the plants).

Scanning the plants for any movement from the one remaining pirate. If there's no immediate threat from the pirate, Ari moves over to Pip and turns his healing skills on him (Heal=16). Hoping that his actions stop the bleeding, or the loss of life. Ari then moves to secure the remaining pirate. Once the remaining pirate is bound, Ari will dismiss the spell, and give thanks to Lem for their response. With that settled, Ari will move back to Pip. If he's still alive, he will then cast CLW (8 points), to heal up Pip.

Ashira (Pissed)  d20+4=23 d20+2=3 d8+3=7 d20=18 d8=2
Friday September 7th, 2001 9:34:53 AM

Watching with disbelief as the ambushers attempt to make a clean escape, Ashira shouts out to no one in particular "I don't think so!". Her weapons arc, the longsword striking home slicing through her opponent (Pirate #8) like butter, while the shortsword misses terribly. A terrible rage fills the half-elf when she discovers that the mysterious woman is one of her own people. A curious look flashes across her face after she mows down her foe, and Ashira begins to strip in preparation to jump in the water after the traitor.

OOC (Need to explain rolls...d20+4=23 longsword, d20+2=3 shortsword, d8+3=7 damage for longsword...didn't realize it was crit. hit at first...d20=18, yep, it's a crit. hit...so add d8=2 dam to first roll)

Redux (Help is on the way)  d20+2=15 d4+1=2 d4+1=5
Friday September 7th, 2001 10:26:18 AM

As he turns the corner, Redux spots (15) the blonde fleeing. Since she is his closest opponent, Redux decides to focus on her. Redux traces an ornate pattern in the air while chanting. Two green bolts of energy pass from his hands tracing their way to the blonde and doing 7 points damage.

Bart  d20+6=14 d10+5=12 d20+5=10
Friday September 7th, 2001 12:03:24 PM

After his successful swirl attack, Bart attacks pirate 10 again. If he is lucky he will hit her in her back (12 dam).
(ooc Sorry I forgot the threat rule, I used the old 2nd ed crit rule!)

Like Cockroaches from the Light (DM Lee-Anne) 
Friday September 7th, 2001 3:48:04 PM

Lem and Ari find the two sailors unconscious and bleeding. When Ari first reaches Pip, the boy is pale, with a purpling lump forming on his temple. The healing spell takes care of that, and the boy settles into a more natural sleep, a healthy flush suffusing his cheeks.

Down the street and around the corner from them, Valanthe, Appolo, and Bart each manage to drop a retreating pirate. Rigging and Valanthe wound the mysterious woman before she splashes into the bay. Ashira's opponent, though badly wounded, still manages to drag #7 out of reach and off the boardwalk. The skinny blond screams in pain just as she disappears beneath the building.

Redux and Blue come around the corner to see their five friends, wounded, but more-or-less upright. The street around them is strewn with dropped weapons, spilled blood, two bodies, and the gory severed halves of a third.

Friday September 7th, 2001 5:36:01 PM

Lem helps Ari secure the two wounded and tangled pirates and then drags them as far away from any watery escape path and then ties them to a post or or pole. and then goes about collecting stray weapons.

Friday September 7th, 2001 10:33:42 PM

Seeing the elves dive into the water, Val takes her aggression out on the surrounding area. She punches several holes in the wall, kicks a barrel into pieces and throws another one into the water. Breathing heavily, her anger starts to subside.

Friday September 7th, 2001 11:44:51 PM

Blue hears Appolo's call and turns to see his brother slumped at the base of a wall. he hurrys to his side and drops to a knee and quickly starts to bind the wound on youth's leg. As he puts his hands on Appolo he runs energy and healing (lay on hands, chr bonus,2xlevel,4 = 8 restored ht pts.)

As the young cleric finishes binding the wound he waits to see his friend's recovery. Before he gives Appolo more healing, the lads turns to view the damages of his other family members.

Saturday September 8th, 2001 6:27:02 AM

After blue heals his leg Appolo says"Thank you
my friend.Now go see to the others,I'm just going to gather up my things and check the bodies."He then stands up shakely walks over and picks up his gear then starts to go over the fallen enemy,taking everything that might be valuable or useful in someway."

OOC:Appolo still has everything he took from the
MYsterious Woman in his pack.

Saturday September 8th, 2001 12:01:19 PM

Bart wipes the sweat from his head and kneels on the ground, and grabs his wounded shoulder and he tries to stop the bleeding.

Ari (Aftermath (But it's not the answer! ;) )) 
Sunday September 9th, 2001 11:22:44 PM

After securing the two pirates with Lem's help. Ari wanders around making sure everyone in the family is not going to bleed to death. As he touches base with everyone that was at The Salty Dog, Ari lets them know that he found Pip in the alley just up the street. After finding out what happened, Ari surmises that Pip stumbled on the Ambush some how.

Once things are stabilized with injured party members, Ari starts collecting things from the dead, and looking for any identifying marks or possesions.

Rigging  d4=1 d4=4
Sunday September 9th, 2001 11:51:40 PM

Rigging yells, "I want prisoners even if we have to use healing spells on them!" Rigging then rushes to the pier and looks for people in the water. If he doe see any he will cast a magic missile spell on the cleric first or any of the pirates second. (forgot to add the +1 to those rolls total damage is 7.)

Ashira  d20+3=13
Monday September 10th, 2001 8:32:29 AM

Further frustrated after her opponent manages to escape, the half-elf finishes striping down to her scivies, and grabs her longsword and scabbard. After lashing them to her back, she dives into the water after the mysterious woman. She begins to search (13) the waters for any trace of which way the evil elf has passed.

Redux  d20+4=6 d20+6=23
Monday September 10th, 2001 11:54:31 AM

Sensing that the situation is pretty well under control, Redux summons Talon to him. He follows after the blonde woman to see if he can find her.

OOC (d20+4=6 for Redux, d20+6=23 for Talon)

Monday September 10th, 2001 1:21:04 PM

After limping around and searching the bodies,stripping them of anything of value.Appolo hears Rigging say something about prisoners in reply"I think Ari and Lem may have captured one or two."He says as he walks toward
Rigging.He then looks around "Where's Ashira and Redux they haven't gone in pursuit have they?"He leans agianst the railing.

In Wet Pursuit (DM Lee-Anne)  d100=96 d100=60 d100=28 d100=81 d20+1=2 d20-1=3
Monday September 10th, 2001 1:21:46 PM

The racket of Valanthe's fit is covered by a loud roar of enthusiastic applause from the nearby tavern as the music inside comes to an end.

Secured to a nearby pilon, Ari and Lem's prisoners bleed heavily while Ari searches them. Appolo finds that the remaining pirates are indeed dead. (Search and Spot checks from Ari and Appolo, please.)

By the light of the second moon, Rigging and Redux see a small punt emerge from behind the corner building. The skinny blond and a wounded sailor are both rowing frantically deeper into the maze of stilt buildings. Rigging tags the blond just before the punt disappears under the bulk of a distant house. Talon is able to pursue them easily.

Beneath the inky mirror of the bay, Ashira finds the mysterious woman's waterlogged skirt suspended near a thick bed of shallow-water weeds. (Wilderness Lore DC 23 to track, Spot check if successful)

Appolo  d20+4=5
Monday September 10th, 2001 1:28:24 PM

Appolo Spot=5Whatever it is he missed it.

Monday September 10th, 2001 1:31:09 PM

As Appolo is better able to get around, Blue gathers his supplies and calls out to the family members, "Who needs immediate healing?" The young cleric starts over to where Bart is trying to staunch his shoulder wound. He listens as he goes for any requests for immediate aid.

Monday September 10th, 2001 6:53:10 PM

Rigging says to Apollo after his magic barrage, "They are both injured! Find a boat now and maybe we can catch them." Rigging calls out to Ashira, "Ashira!! They are in the boat! Catch them if you can!"

Monday September 10th, 2001 7:04:35 PM

"Dammit we've got injured as well,including me!!
And you want to pursue them.We've already got to
prisoners.Just let them go!!"He shakes his head walks
back over to were his pack reaches in and pulls out a water skin and drinks some before sitting
down and resting his ribs are sore and it hurts to breath.

Monday September 10th, 2001 8:48:29 PM

Looking down at his two prisoners after collecting the weapons, Lem sees what he can do to stop any major bleeding in order to keep them alive. Rigging let Talon track them we can find them later!

Ari (to search, or not to search. it's all in how ya throw the dice)  d20+2=11 d20+1=6 d20+6=26 d20+6=11
Monday September 10th, 2001 11:30:10 PM

Seeing the prioners conditions, and hearing Rigging's command. Ari works on staunching the flow of blood (heal 26, and 11) for the two prisoners. While he's healing the prisoners he looks around to see what else is going on. (Search=11 Spot=6)

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 10:23:44 AM

Cathing something about them being in a boat,Val walks over to Rigging. With blood dripping from seemingly unimportant wounds she says, "Where did they go?"

Ashira (Underwater)  d20+7=10
Tuesday September 11th, 2001 11:47:40 AM

Bursting with frustration, Ashira is unable to focus enough to remember her father's instructions on how to track undersea prey. She tries to calm herself and look for signs of the mysterious woman's passing, but her mind burns with thoughts about her kin involved in slave trading and some sort of evil cult.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 11:59:33 AM

Instructing Talon to maintain vigilence at a safe distance, Redux approaches Rigging. "Talon is following the two that got away. If we can find a boat, we might be able to pursue and overtake them." Redux searches the area for any available watercraft.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 12:18:38 PM

Thank you for that Blue, I needed it. Let get those bodys of the middle of the street.

Searching (DM Lee-Anne)  d100=31 d2=1 d20=9
Tuesday September 11th, 2001 12:57:13 PM

The prisoner with the cracked skull breaths his last, but Ari manages to save one of the injured sailors. The pirates carry little of value; between them, Ari and Appolo find a few small purses (3gp, 11sp, 16cp) and a stoppered vial. The grizzled sailor wore a necklace of shark teeth and a tatoo of an anchor on one arm. Otherwise, no identifying marks are found.

Although this area of Waha is normally littered with small craft, there are none nearby. Redux has to go some distance to find a little rowboat secured to the boardwalk by a frayed line. By this time, Talon has tracked the two escapees to shore near the market. They abandon their punt and head inland. (Spot check for Talon, please)

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 5:49:40 PM

Rigging's battle rage drains away from him as he watches the boat slip away. As the adrenaline disapates, Rigging feels the pain of his many wounds. He will limp over to Blue while watching everyones efforts. "Blue, Do you have any healing left? I am not feeling so good." After hearing about Talon, Rigging says to no one in particular, "Let's get this dung tied up and over to the magistrate for questioning." pointing to the sailor. We need to bring any bodies as well. Gastu might be able to summon their spirits for questioning.
An idea pops into Riggings head and he opens up the dead sailors shirt checking for a heartseed.
"Redux, have you ever heard of an aquatic elven cleric of Ga'al?"

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 9:30:47 PM

Val is a little more than just angry at the way Rigging walked away and ignored her. (OCC: see earlier post) Val turned on her heels and grabbed her scythe leaning against the wall. After getting stabbed and slashed a few times, she really didn't need this. She storms off down the docks needing to be somewhere else.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 9:39:09 PM

Appolo watches the proceedings with apparent indifference.Things seem to be calming down,
when for some reason he sees Valanthe charge
off down the board walk.He quickly picks up his
gear and gives chase.Breathing heavily and wincing in pain as he does so.After a few paces
he yells"Hey Val hh Wait up!!"Panting heavily.

OOC:He uses his feat RUN tocatch up to her.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 10:29:12 PM

OCC: Val is just walking at a brisk pace. Normal running would be fast enough so Apollo would get there in no time.

Val stops and turns to look at Apollo. "You should be resting, your injured." Val's armor is coated with blood in a few places from her own wounds.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 11:32:35 PM

"Ya,so are you.I think we'll both live.Let's head back to the Aviary and get cleaned up
and some rest.By the way what's wrong?"Appolo seems to be generally and truely concered with her.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 11:39:32 PM

Ari will continue to clean up the area. Keeping an eye to whether anyone is watching the group, or anything else unusal. Should Blue need any assistance with healing, Ari will help out.

Blue  d8+4=10 2d8(7+5)+4=16
Wednesday September 12th, 2001 12:31:06 AM

Blue quickly cast cure light wounds and sends healing energy into Bart (1d8+4=10pts). The youth then turns to Rigging and runs to his side. After a look at his leader's wounds, Blue casts cure moderate wounds (2d8+4=16pts). The lad watches as some relief washes over Riggings face.

The young cleric looks to his friends to see who next needs his services. He finds a large pool of blood which trails towards the waters edge. He walks to the edge and looks into the murky depths. Under his breath he prays, "By Lem's mercy bring Ashira back to us safely". Seeing no sign of the elf he turns back to his business.

The next large stain leads away from the fight. When he looks up he sees Appolo following the stain...to Valanthe. As quickly as his stout legs can carry him he heads in the couple's direction.

Wednesday September 12th, 2001 7:42:26 AM

Seeing the otherws all wandering around, Lem remains stationed near the prisoners, aware and cognizant of what is going on around him.

Wednesday September 12th, 2001 7:49:00 AM

Rigging sees Val stalk off and Apollo and then Blue give chase. He realizes in his shock and pain he ignored the young elven woman. He sighs and makes a mental note to apologize later. His thoughts go to beautiful Ashira. "I should have never told her to pursue them. She could be in trouble and I don't know how to help her." Rigging looks at Redux and says, "Talon have any sign of Ashira?"

Wednesday September 12th, 2001 11:52:16 AM

Bart lies the bodies asisde and waits for Redus to come back with an craft

Redux  d20+6=26
Wednesday September 12th, 2001 12:45:22 PM

Redux recieves Talon's report just after finding the boat. "It figures" the black robed mage says out loud. Redux returns to Rigging. "The enemy's boat has landed near the market place, and the two have disembarked. If you want to try to catch them, then we need to head that way now. When Rigging asks him about Ashira, a concerned look crosses his face. "No, Talon made no mention of Ashira. I hope our friend is alright." Almost forgetting Rigging's previous question about the sea-elves serving Ga'al, Redux shakes his head. "No, Rigging, I've never heard of the sea-elves serving anyone but their own god. I would think it would be strange for them to be in league with Ga'al, since he put up a barrier to prevent elves entering into his territory. Generally speaking, Ga'al followers think very little of any species other than humans, and elves despise Ga'al."

Meanwhile, Talon continues to wing his way through the night airs of Waha tracking (Spot =26) the two escapees. Talon has no problem following the two as they enter the market place.

Wednesday September 12th, 2001 9:11:48 PM

"I'm not hurt that badly. I can bandage my wounds later. Right now I'm going to look for them and finish what I started." val's wounds obviously aren't scratches no matter what she says. When Blue runs up she says, "It's good your here. Apollo seems to be injured from the battle."

Thursday September 13th, 2001 11:33:05 AM

Appolo hearing Valanth's takes blue aside and lets Valanthe continue a few steps.He then wispers in Blues ear "You got a sleep spell.
Looks like someone needs a nap."Nodding toward
Valanthe"If we don't do something she's going to get herself seriously hurt."He then waits for
Blues reply while urging Blue on as they follow

Trail's End? (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday September 13th, 2001 1:14:03 PM

There are no heart-seed thorns on the four dead pirates, either at heart, neck, or belly. The single living prisoner is similarly free of thorns. He is also unconscious and tied up. A small cluster of late-night patrons clatter down the steps of the nearby tavern, laughing and chatting happily.

Tracking underwater is tricky indeed, and Ashira finds no further sign of the mysterious woman's trail.

Talon has better luck from on high, as he follows the two escapees into a more run-down area of Waha. The owl loses them finally in a small courtyard, where they appear to climb directly into a fountain, and disappear from his view.

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