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Thursday September 13th, 2001 6:46:12 PM

Ok Rigging, Apollo, what now? the ship? interview this guy? follow the others? Lem seems to happy to do whatever is asked.

Blue  d8+5=13 d8+5=11
Thursday September 13th, 2001 7:32:54 PM

The young cleric is puffing openly as he walks along with Val and Appolo. He says between breaths to Val, "You are right Apollo is hurt". He turns to Appolo as he pulls two vials from his belt. He holds one out to his friend and says in a somewhat stern voice, "Now set a good example and drink this healing potion"(1d8+5=13pts).

Blue then turns to Val and lets out a big sigh, and says, "Val I know how you feel about people interferring with your free will...and I wouldn't think of imposing on you to change your mind about your course of action, however I need your help.

You know one of my responsibilities is the health of the family. We need your strength and skill and we need you to be in top form. My sister, your wounds jeopardize us all, please drink this." The boy in blue holds out the last vial and implores her with his big brown eyes (healing potion, 1d8+5=11pts).

Thursday September 13th, 2001 9:12:33 PM

Saying things in Aquan that her mother wouldn't approve of if she were still living, Ashira grabs the woman's skirt and heads back to the surface. Bursting through the surface waters, Ashira continues her tirade in Aquan, the eerie tones punctuating the Waha night. Pulling herself up to the wooden deck, the half-elf throws the useless piece of cloth to the deck. Realizing that she is still swearing in Aquan when some of the party being to stare at her, Ashira becomes quiet. She heads over to where she left her gear, and fishes out a piece of cloth in her backpack with which she drys herself. Gazing down at the blood and gunk stained cloth, Ashira realizes for the first time that she has been wounded. Checking her body over, Ashira discovers several wounds, some of which blood flows freely from after her swim. Ripping shreds from the cloth, Ashira begins to bind her wounds. Once finished, Ashira gingerly begins to don her black studded armor. Still infuriated by the thought that a sea-elf is involved in evil, Ashira makes a mental note to talk to Shursora after she has rested.

Thursday September 13th, 2001 10:40:54 PM

OCC: good thing you didn't try the sleep spell since she's immune to them.

Val looked at the potion for a long moment. Normally she didn't like magical healing. They made her feal weak and unskilled. Except now it would enable her to continue hunting for the sea elves. The fact that they were cousins, caused her anger to boil. Val grabs the potion and drinks it down. All her wounds heal except for a couple scratches. "I guess a thank you is in order. Now I can continue my search."

Friday September 14th, 2001 8:43:50 PM

Rigging sees Val, Apollo, and Blue heading away and yells, "Val! Blue! Apollo! Where are you going?! Get back here now! We are not splitting up!" When Rigging sees Ashira splash out of the water, he murmurs, "Thank Lem." He decides it is time to organize the trooops and get the prisoner away. "Redux, just have Talon keep tracking the two that escaped." Rigging will go over to Ashira and give her a hug. He will say in elven, "I was worried about you beautiful." To the others, "Ok before anything else happens, lets grab the prisoner and Pip and get to the magistrate. Leave the dead where they are. I don't want to be burdened with them if we are attacked again. Ari and I will carry the prisoner. Redux, You carry Pip. Apollo, you are our advanced scout. Stay in sight. You other burly types protect the burdened ones and keep an eye out. Let's get out of here before a crowd develops and we have to answer a lot of questions."

Friday September 14th, 2001 11:10:29 PM

Val isn't happy about Riggings order. All they would do is sit on their asses instead of looking. The enemy was hit just as hard as they were. She almost says hell with it and walks off. But she heads on back anyway. She owed these people her life, but that doesn't mean that she has to enjoy it. If there was any trouble on their way back to the hotel she would use it to vent her frustrations. Once Val reaches the group, she just keeps on walking past them torward the hotel.

Small Fury (DM Lee-Anne) 
Saturday September 15th, 2001 12:11:08 PM

With the corpses hid and the prisoner secured, the young friends set off into the night.

Pip awakens when disturbed and jumps to his feet. He takes in the slightly battered appearance of many of the group and reaches a tentative hand to one temple, where drying blood is the only remaining sign of his own injury. "Oh, Master Rigging, I's sorry." The boy looks miserable and anxious. "Somebodies jumped me. Look like they jumps you, too. Where we goin? Do you --"

Suddenly recognizing the man carried by Rigging and Ari, the boy growls and lauches himself at the prisoner, clearly bent on revenge.

Sunday September 16th, 2001 4:46:05 PM

Hearing Rigging yelling"OK,OK!! Chill OUT Will Ya!! We Weren't going any where!!"Appolo Yells back as he walks beside Valanthe."What's wrong?"
He asks again"You should be little bit nicer to Blue here.After ll he does care about your well
being.."He adds after a few steps.
"Why don't you take piont whith me."As moves to take the lead.

Sunday September 16th, 2001 9:45:35 PM

Too distracted to follow through with Rigging's command, Redux remains standing where he was, confusion written clearly on his face. Realizing that the party is leaving, Redux begins to slowly travel in the same direction, although he remains obviously distracted. Letting his concentration slip, Redux voices the mental conversation he is having with Talon. "They did what! No, you've got to be mistaken...people don't just walk into fountains and disappear! Well, all right, you don't have to be so huffy about it! NO, NO, do NOT try to follow them, perch high above the fountain, and maintain watch." Suddenly aware that he has been talking out loud, Redux blushes. He heads toward Rigging to inform him of where the escapees headed when Pip begins his attack.

Ashira  d20+4=10
Sunday September 16th, 2001 10:22:50 PM

Noting that Redux is too distracted to follow Rigging's command, Ashira shrugs and picks up the unconscious boy. Hefting him over her shoulder, she follows Rigging. Caught up in her own thoughts, Ashira doesn't even notice when Pip wakes up. Suddenly jarred from her private thoughts, as the youngster wrestles free, Ashira attempts to grab (10) the young Pip, but fails. Watching the youth launch himself onto the captive, Ashira stammers "What the.....".

Rigging  d20+1=21
Monday September 17th, 2001 12:20:42 AM

Rigging is listening to Redux's conversation and excitement swells in his breast as he realizes that they might have found a secret entrance to their enemies lair. Rigging is distracted by the sounds of Pip's struggling and easily grabs the boy and holds him back from attacking the prisoner. "Pip! Calm down! We need him alive for questioning. What is the problem?"

Monday September 17th, 2001 1:10:43 AM

Seeing Pip head for the prisoner, and then caught by Riggings. Ari does his best to shift the prisoner into a fireman's carry, so that Riggings can deal with Pip. When Riggings asks the question, Ari answers, " he was one of the two men that jumped him. Though he's not thinking that we have him well in hand" as indicates by pointing and tugging on the man's bindings.

Blue  2d8(8+3)+4=15
Monday September 17th, 2001 2:08:09 AM

As Blue heads back towards the others he yells over his shoulder to Appolo, "Appolo, don't waste that potion, please drink it...we need you in top shape to ya know".

The young cleric nears Rigging and the others and is relieved to see Ashira. He hurries to her side and immediately looks her over, top to bottom. Blue casts cure moderate wounds (2d8+4=15pts) on his blue skinned friend and then notices the commotion with Pip.

Monday September 17th, 2001 10:50:05 AM

Being clearly more worried about Valanthe then himselfe.Appolo forgets to drink the potion in his hand until Blue mentions it.He then pops the top and slams it down."Thanks Blue!!"He says as he joggs by.

Moving Out (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday September 17th, 2001 1:56:00 PM

Pip relaxes, but continues to growl at Ari's burden. In language learned on the streets and best left to the imagination, the boy explains that the prisoner is the one who knocked him out.

(OOC: Your friendly DM, dressed in hotel livery complete with cute little pill cap, ushers you into the Waha elevator. "What floor, please?"

ie. Where is the group going? - DM Lee-Anne Confused O'Reilly)

Monday September 17th, 2001 5:58:21 PM

Rigging sees Val heading in the wrong direction and says, "Val, I am sorry if I wasn't clear. We are heading straight to Gastu's"

Monday September 17th, 2001 7:13:12 PM

Val curses to herself and changes her coarse, looking for any taverns along the way. "I need a drink." She says to nobody in particular. Reembering that Appolo asked her a question she responds with a bit on anger in her voice. "Whats wrong, plenty. Now's not the time for that though."

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 12:06:01 AM

Blue puts away his bandages and antiseptics. He gathers up the rest of his kit and follows the group to Gastu's.

Quietly, to himself he murmurs a quick prayer to the Dragon..."Thank you mighty Lemtrovex for keeping my family safe...grant them courage and serenity to do thy will".

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 11:50:54 AM

Smiling weakly at Blue, Ashira stands patiently through his examination, Pip dangling over her shoulder. After the cleric has cast his spell, Ashira's smile grows brighter. "Thank you, my friend."

When Rigging corrects Val's course, Ashira notices for the first time that something seems to be bothering the young elf. Striding forward to join her, Ashira arrives just in time to hear her stated need for refreshment. Nodding her approval, Ashira smiles and says "Yes, I could use something stiff also, but lets not make the same mistake twice. First we deliver our captive together, then we tend to our own needs."

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 11:57:14 AM

Waiting for the commotion to die down, Redux approaches Rigging when he has a free moment. "Rigging, Talon followed the escapees, and they seems to have disapeared into a fountain. He is still standing guard there. Once we deliver the captive, I think we should check out this new lead before it becomes too cold. Perhaps we can track them. By the way, what happened back there?"

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