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"Of his bones are coral made;" (DM Stephen)  d20=20 d20=10 d4=4 d4=3 d4=1 d20=13 d20+1=5 d20+1=2 d20+1=17 d20+1=3 d20+1=8 d20+1=19 d20+1=15 d20+1=7 d20+1=12 d20+1=6 d20+5=12 d8=6 d20+5=22 d20+5=18 d20+5=9 d20+5=11 d20+5=7 d20+5=25 d20+5=9 d8=7 d20+3=21 d20+3=11 d20+3=15 d20+3=8 d20+3=14 d20+3=7 d20+3=17 d6+2=3 d6+2=8 d6+2=7 d6+2=3 d20=17 d20+2=19 d20+2=4 d20+2=3 d20+2=21 d6+2=6 d6+2=7 d6+2=3 d6+2=3 d20+2=22 d20+2=7 d20=14 d20+2=19 d20+2=7 d20+2=16 d20+2=21 d20+2=8 d20+2=4 d20+2=4 d20+2=12 d20+2=21 d20+2=6 d20+2=6 d20+2=16 d20+2=11 d20+2=22 d6+2=5 d6+2=8 d6+2=4 d6+2=7 d6+2=4 d6+2=7 d6+2=5 d20+2=16 d20+2=7 d20+2=9 d20+2=21 d6+2=8 d6+2=3 d100=52 d20+2=4 d20+2=5 d20+2=4 d20+2=18 d20+2=3 d20+2=8 d4=2 d20+2=16
Thursday April 4th, 2002 1:21:32 AM

(BTW, the title is a quote from Shakespeare's "The Tempest.")

Valanthe swings at the skeletons, but they duck under the blade.

Ari jumps on the rigging and notices that this ship only has a single sail mast. He wont be able to swing very far. He finds the tack rope that turns the yard arm. Ari can only hope to swing from starboard to the port side. Ari cuts the rope and with a running start, swings across to the port side in a wide circular path. (ooc: lucky dog, I rolled for you, a perfect 20! and your able to hang too!) Ari swings into 3 skeletons as they make their way up the ships hull. They splash back into the water. Ari continues on to swing around uncontrolably, he missed his landing!

Ashira's first strike smashes a skeleton into pieces. The second skeleton is sliced in two. Missing its lower half, it crawls on the floor and biting at Ashira's leg.

Bart ducks Ari's swing by, and smashes another skeleton to the floor.

Redux casts his Web spell. Two skeletons save at the railing. One climbing up the hull manages to dodge the webing, but is slowed. Seven are entangled in the web and are held.

Appolo swings at a skeleton that flanks Val, and misses.

Rigging cuts the rope. The three skeletons holding on get left behind.

Six crew make little work of the skeletons trapped in the Redux's web. Seven make it over to help Bart. Three of the skeletons surrounding Bart get ripped to shreds! The last one has an arm chopped off.

The two stray skeletons mixed with crew aren't given a chance. The remaining crew rush to help Rigging, Val and Appolo. All four skeletons around Rigging meet their end. Two more skeletons are destroyed between Val and Appolo. Oh, and the one biting Ashira is trampled in the process.

The captain jumps down from the forecastle deck and hacks at the five skeletons that dangle from the starboard rail.

Only three skeletons are up on the main deck. Five others are stuck to the outer hull with the spell.

The Hammerhead is at almost full speed and has gained 50 feet of distance between it and the Dandy. The crew starts to cheer.

The captain shouts, "Prepare the aft catapult. When we reach a 100-ft, let loose the firey hounds of hell!"

The Dandy

The fog grows thick and already begins to obscure the Dandy. Dozens of skeletons can be seen swimming back to their ship. The decks are still covered with countless hordes of skeletons. All laughing and massing on the bow to watch the Hammerhead stream away.

The Skeleton Captain swings his sword in the air and laughs ... still!!

The last skeleton on Bart takes a single attack with his one arm. He misses, miserably!

Two skeletons attack Val and Appolo. Appolo takes 2 points of damage.

The last skeleton on the side of the hull, not stuck in the web, holds his position. He too also laughs!!

Bart  d20+10=24 d10+7=10
Thursday April 4th, 2002 2:00:58 AM

laughing hé, take this! says Bart as he makes another swing to a skeleton in front of him
(ac 24 for 10)

Valanthe  d20+7=19
Thursday April 4th, 2002 12:00:02 PM

Val takes a step back and gages her undead opponent. Seeing as her scythe isn't very effective, Val decides to use the large weapon another way. With and upward slice, Val lodges the blade under the skeletons ribcage. Gripping the scythe with two hands, she lifts the Skeleton up over her head and slams him into the deck. [hit ac 19 for an unknown amount of dmg]

Appolo  d20+5=22 d4+2=3
Thursday April 4th, 2002 3:15:15 PM

Appolo seeing Val pick up the skeleton and smash it the ground Appolo says"Very good, now your doing the monster mash." he follows her up by stomping down hard on the thing.

OOC:Hit Ac 22 for 3 points kicking damage.

Ashira (Barkskin)  d20+9=29 d8+4=5
Thursday April 4th, 2002 6:24:41 PM

To no one in particular, Ashira says "I don't like this....it's almost as if they WANT us to enter the fog." Since Rigging is free, Ashira advances on one of the skeletons around Appolo and Valanthe. Using her longsword as a bat, Ashira smashes into the creature, but doesn't do as much damage as she'd like to have.

OOC (Long. Att=29, Dam.=5)

(DM Stephen - You aren't "entering" the fog. You've been in the fog since the first evening after you left the island.

Rigging  d20+1=19 d20+1=21 d20+7=14
Thursday April 4th, 2002 7:24:03 PM

Rigging is amazed that he wasn't cut to ribbons. He heads over to the Captain and will engage any skeletons who get in his way. Once he arrives, "Captain might I suggest we get on with our mission. Fighting an enchanted ship of the undead will not find us Valdor." Rigging will then head for the rail and look around. He wonders at the skeletons being able to swim. Without flesh and inflated lungs, how do they keep a float. He thought they would have sunk straight to the bottom. He makes a mental note to look into this in his spare time.

Thursday April 4th, 2002 7:26:20 PM

OCC sorry on the last post first two rolls were for any attacks you might have needed and the last was a spot check. The last roll was wrong. Should have been plus 5 not plus 7

Weathered ribs & ragged sails (DM Stephen)  2d4(1+3)=4 d6=1 d20=15 d20=3 d20+2=20 d20+2=8 d20+2=21 d20+2=11 d20+2=17 d20+2=17 d20+2=12 d20+2=11 d20+2=12 d20+2=10 d20+2=15 d20+2=5 d20+2=18 d20+2=17 d20+2=9 d20+2=16 d20+2=3 d20+2=5 d20+2=18 d20+2=22 d20+2=19 d20+2=9 d20+2=22 d20+2=3 d20+2=6 d20+2=6 d20+2=6 d20+2=21 d20+2=14 d20+2=16 d20+2=12 d20+2=8 d20+2=17 d20+2=11 d20+2=10 d20+2=11 d20+2=13 d20+2=11 d20+2=18 d20+2=19 d20+2=13 d20+2=22 d20+2=4 d20+2=9 d20+2=19 d20+2=17 d20+2=19 d20+2=12 d20+2=18
Thursday April 4th, 2002 11:39:58 PM

Bart slams the skeleton and it falls to pieces.

Val sends her skeleton on a trip to the deck. Bones smash on impact, but Appolo finishes it off.

Ashira cuts into the skeleton, but he doesnt go down. As Rigging passes by, his strike puts the last skeleton to rest.

The crew roars with cheer as they raise there weapons into the air. The captain joins them in their celebration.

"Hey ... hey," yells the captain with a toothy grin, "The pirates' bones are dust, and their swords to rust, their souls be with the saints, I trust! Hahahahaha!!" The crew join him in laughter.

One couldn't help but notice a similarity between todays pirates and the skeletons.

The captain turns to Rigging and answers his question, "Yes, we be best to be on our way."

After all commotion begins to die down a bit, a single laugh can still be heard. Anyone interested in locating the sound reports there is still one last skeleton klinging to the port side of the ship. The skeleton looks up when he spots all the onlookers. He stops laughing as something steals his attention. The skeleton turns his gaze toward the bow and begins to laugh even louder.

Ding ding ding ding ding, rings a warning bell!!! "ALL STOP, ALL STOP," screams the coxswain, "SHIP OFF THE BOW, SHIP OFF THE BOW.... WE'RE GOIN' TO HIT... AIIIIIEEE!!!!"

Suddenly out of the fog, directly in the Hammerhead's path, is the bow of the Dandy with its morbid crew.

Too sudden to steer the Hammerhead out of its way and going far faster than ramming speed, the coxswain and Nipper jump down a open hatch to the deck below.

The Hammerhead tears into the Dandy, completely shattering the rotten bow of the once great Draco Corsair class pirate ship.
The sudden collision throws both crews forward and down onto their decks. Spray from the sea wet down some of the crew.

The impact throws some skeletons from the Dandy and down onto the Hammerhead and the surrounding water.

To avoid the collision, Talon takes to the air. From his prospective, the Dandy has swallowed the head of the big hammer-shaped fish!!

(ooc: Everyone make a Dex check of DC 20 or be knocked to the deck!)

Ari  d20=3
Friday April 5th, 2002 12:03:35 AM

Ari finds himself whipped about and unbalanced as the tries to finish out his little ride on the rope.

Valanthe  d20+5=13
Friday April 5th, 2002 12:09:04 AM

Val tries to steady herself but the collision sends her sprawling to the deck.

Bart  d20+4=22 d20+10=17 d10+7=10
Friday April 5th, 2002 2:53:36 AM

Bart manages to stay on his feet and goes forward to a "living" skelleton lying on deck of the Hammerhead (ac 17 for 10), first things first dead to the undead and let others worry about the collision with the rotten wreck

(OOC I am on my work and dont know my exact modifyer I believe Barts dex =16 so a +4, but at least a +2 so it beats dc 20)

(Stephen - the modifier for a 16 is +3, you still make your save, good goin'!)

Ashira (Barkskin)  d20+2=17
Friday April 5th, 2002 8:39:47 AM

Try as she might to stay on her feet, the half-elf is thrown to the deck rather unceremoniously. Picking herself up, Ashira wonders how they're going to get themself out of this battle.

OOC(So...since the Dandy engulfed the Hammerhead, does that mean that we can board the Dandy?)

(Stephen - Just the bow of the Hammerhead is stuck inside the Dandy. You could get aboard the Dandy but before you do, make a Intelligence or Wisdom check DC 8!)

Appolo:HP:28  d20+10=28
Friday April 5th, 2002 10:27:33 AM

Appolo easily maintians his footing. Seeing Valanthe sprwaled on the deckhe quickly goes down on one knee to see if she is alright"Valanthe are you alright!" he will then make sure Ashira is ok as well"Ashira are you ok!!"

Balance check 28

Rigging  d20+7=21 d20+8=20 d20+8=24
Friday April 5th, 2002 3:41:53 PM

Rigging stumbles forward but is able to keep his feet. Rigging quickly assesses the situation putting his skill as an engineer to use. "Quickly! Grab those bars. We have to get the ship released before we are overrun!" Rigging grabs a crowbar and starts picking up crewmen and directing them in the release effort. OOC First roll was for keeping balance, Second roll was for engineering skill to help get the ship unstuck. Third roll was in error

Jack hammered (DM Stephen)  d6=5 d6=3 d6=6 d6=1 d6=6 d6=1 d6=2 d6=2 d6=5 d6=4 d6=4 d6=1 d6=1 d6=5 d6=2 d6=4 d6=4 d100=80 d20=13 d20=12 d20=3 d20=12 d20=15 d20=11 d20=1 d20=13 d20=16 d20=19 d20=12 d20=15 d6=6 d6=1 d6=4 d6=5 d20+9=22 d20+18=31 d20+9=16 d20+16=28 d20+7=17 d20+17=21 d20+9=15 d20=14 d20=7 d20=20 d20=15 d20=14 d6=4 d20+13=14 d20+40=58 d20+14=23
Saturday April 6th, 2002 3:00:57 PM

Nearly all the crew are thrown to the deck. One of the few still left on his feet is the Jack. He makes his way back up to the forecastle deck to inspect the situation.

Rigging takes some to the crew to get the 12-ft casting poles unfastened from the base of the decks railing.

Appolo tends to the fallen Valanthe and Ashira.

Bart finishes off an injured skeleton spawled out on the decks floor.

Ari finally finds his feet back on the deck once again.

Redux, still up in the rigging of the mast, has the best view of all. He can see the stern of the Dandy dip into the water. Skeletons are moving toward the bow. Some jump into the water and begin to start swimming around.

All is silent with the exception of the rocking waves. The Dandy begins to creak and moan. Everyone can hear the old rotting wood breaking apart. The Dandy's stern is beginning to dramatically dip into the sea. The area of the bow is starting to tilt upward. The only thing keeping the Dandy above water is the bow of the Hammerhead.

No one can see over the mangled bow of the Dandy (except Redux and Talon). The angle of the sinking ship obstructs everyones view. Then boney heads start to appear climbing up the sloped deck and amass at the top.

On one of the forward leaning masts on the Dandy appears a solitary skeleton. This one, however, has a glowing sword. The mast cracks at its base and slowly falls forward, onto the Hammerhead. The Skeleton Captain rides it down and lands, feet first, on the main deck.

Everyone has little trouble dodging the slow falling mast, but a few crew members take minor damage. The Skeleton Captain coldly stares down the frozen crew of the Hammerhead. Ashira takes advantage of her "opportunity." With her long sword she lashes out at the captain (hit ac 22). Her sword misses. The Skeleton Captain attacks her sword and knocks it from her hands. He then grabs at Ashira's hair. Ashira tries to push him away but can't (opposed str. checks 21 vs. 17, Ashira loses). The Skeleton Captain looks down at Ashira with his empty eye sockets. He pulls her into him by her hair. "You call ME a coward," as he starts to laugh. "Didn't you know it's bad luck to have a woman on a ship, Hahahahahahahaha!!!" The laughing skeleton bends down and plants a tooth-filled kiss on the Ashira. He then pushes her back into the arms of her crew.

A wave of angery crew who are within range make there attacks of opportunity. One actually hits for minor damage. The skeleton smacks the "lucky" sailor with the hilt of his sword, knocking him unconscious.

"Fools, only a Captain can kill a Captain," roared the skeleton. Then the Jack answers, "Well mate, I be more than willing to oblige!" "Excellent," says the skeleton as he turns his head to face the captain!

The skeleton makes an amazing standing vertical 8-ft leap up into the air. After a flip, he lands on the forecastle deck directly in front of the Jack.

The skeleton minions roar with cheer. The Skeleton Captain bellows, "ATTACK!!!" The skeleton crew charge forward parting only to allow the two captains to duel. They literally throw themselves at the Hammerheads crew and the adventurers. Bart, Ashira, Appolo, and Ari find themselves staring down a skeleton charge from both sides of the ship. 12 skeletons are imediately on the main deck but can't act this round. Countless others wait in line on the stairs and deck of the Forecastle. Many impatient skeletons take to the water and some already start to climb the outer hull of the Hammerhead.

The Master of Arms and 6 crewmen back on the stern castle catapult immediately begin to rotate the catapult to face the bow.

The Jack stabs at the Skeleton Captain but misses. They continue to fight. The other skeletons leave the two alone to duel and concentrate on the crew and the adventurers.

The situation looks quite dire. The Hammerhead quickly starts to resemble a mound of bone.

Bart  d20+6=21 d20+8=24 d4+3=4 d10+6=7
Sunday April 7th, 2002 4:13:58 AM

No options left, Bart rushes in and attacks the nearest skeleton with his dagger and sword (ac 21 and 24 for 4+7 damage).

Appolo:28 hp 
Sunday April 7th, 2002 7:49:47 PM

Appolo, after seeing the way the boney fiend treated Ashira, yells to Redux, "Give our captain all the help you can. If we can take out Captain Bone then the rest of this mutinous scum will fall as well." He then sees the line of charging skeletons and sprints straight for them. When he gets within ten feet or so, he drops and rolls straight at them.

Rigging  d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Monday April 8th, 2002 8:57:58 AM

Rigging hears what Appolo says and heartily agrees with him. He murmurs a few words and holds forth his hands and 2 glowing missiles shoot forward and strike the skeleton captain in the head. He says to Ashira, "Shield me so I can do some more magic without interference love."

Rigging "Spells Spells he he Spells!  d20=3 d20+9=29 d20+9=15 d20+9=13 d20+9=23 d20+9=22 d20+9=18 d20+9=14 d20+9=18
Monday April 8th, 2002 9:08:23 AM

First roll in error
Successful for mirror image,
Missed See Invisibility
Missed True strike
Success for Animate Rope
Success for Bull's Strength
Success for Resist Elements
Missed Pro for Arrows

Second attempt successful for See Invisibility

What happens to the scrolls when I do this. Are they used up or do I still have them. Just curious for my character sheet. Do I need to list them or not?

Valanthe  d20+7=26 2d4(3+1)+2=6
Monday April 8th, 2002 11:40:53 AM

Val tries to move toward the skeletal captain. She grips the end of her scythe in both hands and swings at a skelton. She hopes that her scythe will catch in the skeleton's ribs. [hit ac 26 for 6 dmg]

Redux  d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=3
Monday April 8th, 2002 11:58:34 AM

Redux is thankful he's up in the crows' nest at this point. Seeing the situation below, he casts Magic Missiles (13 hp damage) against the invading captain. He has Talon fly around to the other side of the enemy ship to look for anything shiny/glowing or any other inhabitant of the ship. He's to report findings only and not land anywhere but up here.

Ari  d20=11
Monday April 8th, 2002 3:24:00 PM

Thinking that he's not enjoying the odds, Ari continues to concentrate on their situation and try to find some solution as to what is going on. He continues to try to watch for any more information that may come from the Dandy. He tries to watch as Captain Bone takes on Jack, and tries to figure out if there are any connections between Captain Bone and his crew and his ship. He considers that there must be some other way to figure out how to defeat this ghost ship.

While he is thinking he tries to form up a defensive line/perimeter/stance and does his best to parry blows for now as he's just trying to see if any pieces of the puzzle come together.

Ashira (Barkskin)  d2=2 d20+8=12 d6+3=4
Monday April 8th, 2002 7:12:19 PM

Unbelievably, Ashira is able to keep her emotions in check. It takes every ounce of her self control, but Ashira sticks with Rigging. "All right dear, I'll cover you, but we need to get my sword back. Move that way while I retrieve it." Ashira slices at the nearest skeleton with her shortsword, trying to make her way to the longsword to retrieve it. If the longsword is close enough to retrieve this round, Ashira tries to retrieve it instead of attacking.

(OOC d2=2 Roll to see if Ashira loses it and chases the Captain. Short Attack=12, Dam=4.)

More bones about!! (DM Stephen)  d4=1 d4=2 d20+3=12 d20+3=20 d20+3=15 d20+3=15 d20=14 d20=18 d20=2 d6=3 d6=2 d6=1 d20=11 d20=11 d20=3 d20=16 d20=3 d20=12 d20=19 d20=19 d20=6 d20=19 d20=20 d20=7 d20=17 d4=2 d20=13 d20=20 d20=6 d20=17 d20=4 d20=20 d20=16 d20=18 d20=7 d20=14 d4=4 d4=1 d4=2 d4=3 d20=15 d20=19 d20=20 d20=13 d4=4 d4=4 d20=16 d20=14 d20=12 d20=2 d20=9 d20=7 d20+17=31 d20+12=24 2d4(3+2)+7=12 2d4(3+4)+7=14 2d4(1+3)+7=11 d20+8=22 d20+19=24 d20+19=27 d20+14=31 d20+11=18 d8+7=8 d8+7=8 d8+7=12 d20=8 d20=4 d20=18 d20=13 d20=1 d20=3 d20=2 d20=8 d20=17 d20=18 d20=11 d20=7 d20=9 d20=11 d20=20 d20=1 d20=13 d20=18 d20=2 d20=14 d20=16 d20=16 d20=10 d20=20 d20=8 d20=19 d20=7 d20=2 d20=9 d20=1 d20=9 d20=2 d20=13 d20=14 d20=18 d20=4 d20=11 d20=2 d20=1 d20=12 d20=19 d20=6 d20=5 d20=8 d20=5 d20=10 d20=20 d20=3 d20=7 d20=1 d20=17 d20=7 d20=1 d20=19 d20+2=18 d20+2=15 d20+2=7 d20+2=5 d20+2=22 d20+2=3 d20+2=14 d20+2=17 d20+2=10 d20+2=11 d20+2=19 d20+2=20 d20+2=10 d20+2=15 d20+2=6 d20+2=11 d20+2=19 d20+2=19 d20+2=18 d20+2=18 d20+2=8 d20+2=9 d20+2=10 d20+2=17 d20+2=7 d20+2=7 d20+2=15 d20+2=16 d20+2=4 d20+2=13 d20+2=8 d20+2=9 d20+2=17 d6+2=4 d6+2=4 d6+2=4 d6+2=5 d6+2=4 d6+2=7 d6+2=8 d6+2=5 d6+2=5 d6+2=7 d6+2=8 d6+2=4 d6+2=4 d6+2=3 d6+2=6
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 2:39:37 AM

Bart smashes a skeleton. Two skeletons attack with four attacks. Two hit for 8 points of damage.

Appolo rolls into the skeletons with his trip attack. One successfully jumps over him, but three skeletons go down. Surrounding skeletons make 4 attacks of opportunity and all miss. The ones that fall take minor damage. Appolo is attacked by the same four skeletons with 8 attacks. Four hits make their target for 10 points of damage.

Rigging and Redux fire a flurry of magic missiles at the skeleton captain. Doing a total of 20 points of damage. The Skeleton Captain recoils from their sting. The Skeleton shouts, "Yes...yes, do your best!! Hahahahaha!"

Valanthe realizes that the skeleton captain is 15-ft away plus 6 to 7-ft higher on the forecastle deck fighting the Jack. So her attack slams into the directly in front of her. The skeleton gets sliced in half and falls to the ground. It continues to move however. One skeleton steps up and attacks with two claws. The skeleton on the floor attempts to claw at Val's leg. All miss.

Ari takes a full defensive stance (+4 ac) as he stares on at what is happening around him. He notices that the Dandy is continuing to sink. The stern is almost completely submerged. Its hull continues to splinter and break apart. The Dandy makes a horrible moaning and creaking noises, but it sounds like music to your ears. You notice the skeletons climbing up the both sides of the Hammerhead and the master of arms on the stern has almost rotated the catapult in the forward position. The main deck is almost completely covered with skeleton, the party and crew. Three skeletons claw at Ari with 6 attacks. One hits for 2 points of damage.

Ashira notices that her sword is in reach. Thanks to Appolo's tripping attack, she can grab it without taking attacks of opportunity. After grabbing her long sword, she attacks a fallen skeleton lying next to it. She reduces its head to dust. One skeleton attacks Ashira with two attacks. Both miss miserably. The skeleton looks at its claw in amazement. She felt like wood!!

The Jack and the Skeleton continue to duel on the forecastle deck. Jack attacks with his large falchion with three attacks. Two massive blows strike the skeleton captain and chips of bone go flying off. It shrugs back, "Yessss ... yeesss, give me more ... give me mooooreee!!!!" The Skeleton answers back with four attacks. Three hit the captain. He growls at his bony combatant. Some notice that the captain was visibly shaken by the attack, but he fights on with greater determination.

Skeletons clamber over each other trying to climb up the hull of the Hammerhead. Twenty four skeletons make it to the top. The crew swing at the skeletons has they rear their ugly heads over the railing. Thirteen of the skeletons fall back into the sea in a rain of bones.

The Master of Arms with some crew have turned the catapult in the forward position. They now begin to load the shot. The Master of Arms frantically checks the presets and makes sure the all points are in alignment.

The Dandy continues to sink and the skeletons in the water surround the Hammerhead. They claw at its hull. Hordes continue to climb from all sides. Everyone quickly notices that there are far more skeleton crew than a normal ship should have!!! The situation is really beginning to look extremely dire!!! Will our young adventurers see another day?

Bart, 8 wnds  d20+6=20 d20+8=23 d4+3=4 d10+6=15
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 3:43:03 AM

It looks like Boney over there likes the pain, he welcomes it. Maybe he can't be killed with weapons or magic missiles.

Bart starts moving slightly forward slashing through the skelletons surrounding him (AC 20/23 for 19)

Ari (2 points dam) 
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 6:31:03 AM

Thinking that there has to be something more to this scene. There is something surreal about what is happening. If there are definitely more skeletons here than there should be, why? Captain Bone seems to like taking damage. What are they distracting us from doing? Why are they so careless about what they are doing? Moving on nothing but a hunch, Ari shouts, "Sink the Dandy and protect yourself. They must be distracting us from something." Looking around and above Ari calls out, "Redux what can you see? What can you think of? Why are they distracting us? What time is it?"

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=3
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 8:08:25 AM

Rigging hears Ari's yell and agrees with his assessment of the situation. He just doesn't know how he can sink the ship. He repeats his last spell and lanches 2 more missiles at the Skeleton captain.

Valanthe  d20+7=23
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 1:37:51 PM

Attacking the skeletal crew was getting her knowhere. Holding her scythe horizontally at chest level, Val tries to run through the crowd and jump up to the platform.

OOC: jump check 23, distance increased by 1/3 due to her base speed of 40ft.

Appolo -10 pts  d20+8=12
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 4:10:51 PM

Appolo continues to sprint ahead toward the Captian. He move ont he defensive totally.
As Appolo sprints forward he asses the situation,then yells" The sword, Captian Attack his sword." he then produces his grapling hook and sprints up to the for castle.

Appolo wil then hurl the grappling hook at Captain Bone's sword and try to jerk the sword out of his hand.

Rolled a 12.

Ashira (Barkskin)  d20+7=10 d20+6=18 d8+4=11 d6+2=3
Tuesday April 9th, 2002 5:20:56 PM

Feeling full force with the return of her longsword, Ashira launches attacks on the nearest skeletons, trying to keep them away from Rigging. In between blows, she tries to assess the battle. Talking to Rigging over her shoulder, she says "I think we should head over to Captain Bone. It seems like his crew is very loyal to him. If we can take him out of the picture, maybe the others will stop. We might just stand a chance if all of us gang up and attack him."

OOC (Long, Att=10, Dam=11; Short, Att=18, Dam=3)

Tuesday April 9th, 2002 10:46:05 PM

Redux calls down to the ships mage and tells him to get the ship moving, in any direction possible. He tells them that the best hope of slowing the rate of new skeletons on the ship might be if they are moving. Assessing the situation below, he calls out suggestions for movements (to avoid where the skeletons are the worst) to bring his team mates closer together and to rendezvous at the two captains fighting; calling for them to tackle the skeleton captain once there. Redux calls to Talon, wanting to know where he is and what is going on.

Finally and Dandy (DM Stephen)  d20=15 6d6(4+3+5+4+4+5)=25 d100=91 d100=53 d100=17 d20=8 d20=2 d20=9 d20=18 d100=86 d4=1 d20+5=21 d20=4 d20=12 d20=5 d20=9 d20=9 d20=5 d20=10 d20=3 d20=19 d20=10 d4=1 d4=4 d20=8 d20=4 d20=14 d20=14 d20=20 d20=1 d20=12 d4=4 d4=3 d20+6=8 d20=7 d20=16 d20=19 d20+7=17 d20=17 d20=19 d4=2 d20=13 d20=10 d20=6 d20=10 d20+17=27 d20+12=15 2d8(4+4)+7=15 d20+18=25 d20+13=18 d20+8=27 d20+18=20 d8+7=12 d8+7=12 d100=100 d20=4 d20=8 d20=15 d20=18 d20=11 d20=11 d20=18 d20=5 d20=12 d20=19 d20=1 d20=4 d20=13 d20=16 d20=17 d20=5 d20=18 d20=17 d20=11 d20=6 d20=14 d20=16 d20=18 d20=8 d20=4 d20=20 d20=9 d20=15 d20=4 d20=15 d20=3 d20=13 d20=16 d20=2 d20=17 d20=9 d20=6 d20=1 d20=6 d20=16 d20=6 d20=12 d20=13 d20=3 d20=15 d20=5 d20=1 d20=5 d20=6 d20=12 d20=2 d20=13 d20=10 d20=12 d20=5 d20=18 d20=19 d20=12 d20=6 d20=2 d20=18 d20=14 d20=5 d20=7 d20=11 d20=18 d20=15 d20=7 d20=13 d20=3 d20=12 d20=12 d20=16 d20=5 d20=8 d20=6 d20=14 d20=4 d20=19 d20=10 d20=8 d20=5 d20=5 d20=9 d20=4 d20=13 d20=12 d20=7 d20=13 d20=3 d20=18 d20=15 d20=4 d20=5 d10=10 d6=5 d20=3 d20=6 d20=18 d20=9 d4=2 d20+2=12 d20+2=21 d20+2=20 d20+2=5 d20+2=15 d20+2=12 d20+2=6 d20+2=4 d20+2=10 d20+2=6 d20+2=19 d20+2=12 d20+2=5 d20+2=8 d20+2=20 d20+2=7 d20+2=9 d20+2=9 d20+2=12 d20+2=3 d20+2=10 d20+2=11 d20+2=10 d20+2=4 d20+2=17 d20+2=17 d20+2=19 d20+2=16 d20+2=17 d20+2=12 d20+2=16 d20+2=15 d20+2=8 d20+2=4 d20+2=4 d20+2=10 d20+2=10 d20+2=16 d20+2=21 d20+2=21 d6+2=5 d6+2=7 d6+2=6 d6+2=7 d6+2=8 d6+2=3 d6+2=7 d6+2=4 d6+2=7 d6+2=4 d6+2=3 d6+2=7 d6+2=8 d6+2=8 d6+2=6 d6+2=6 d6+2=3 d6+2=6 d6+2=6 d6+2=4 d6+2=6 d6+2=5 d6+2=6 d6+2=8 d6+2=6 d6+2=8 d4=4 d4=2 d4=4 d4=3 d4=2 d4=1 d4=1 d4=3 d4=4 d4=4 d4=4 d4=1 d4=1 d4=3 d4=3 d4=1 d4=3 d4=3 d4=2 d4=4 d4=4 d4=2 d4=3 d4=4 d4=1 d4=2 d20+1=19 d20+1=15 d20+1=20
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 1:42:04 AM

"Mark ... ready ... FIRE," yells the Master of Arms. With a mighty swooosh, the catapult sends its infernal load airborne. Redux couldn't help but submit to his reflexes. The flaming shot flies over head and skull and crashes into the Dandy. An explosion erupts sending bits of the Dandy and flame in all directions. Countless skeletons, bones and pieces of the Dandy fly all about and rain down on both crews.

Luckily the blast knocks the Hammerhead loose from what's left of the Dandy. The Dandy quickly sinks leaving only bits and pieces of burning hull left floating on the waters surface.

Hordes of skeletons flail and slap at the water where the Dandy once was. The roar of their shrieks fill the air. The skeletons pause for a short moment. Looking back at the fallen ship and then at themselves. One skeleton looks at Ashira and says, "woo ... wor ... worthy?" "NO... NOT WORTHY," screams the Skeleton Captain!! "Not yet anyway," he mutters with a low voice (Listen check DC 15 to hear the muttering).

Valanthe seizing the opportunity charges with the broadside of her scythe knocking through two rows of skeleton. Not having much running room for a running jump (minimum of 20-ft), she does a standing jump with all her might. Jumping 3-ft into the air, she is able to pull herself halfway up between the two decks. Before she could swing one leg up and over the skeleton captain takes his opportunity and gives her a swift kick. Surprisingly, Valanthe hangs on and isnt thrown back onto the main deck.
(Lucky, 5 points damage and you can get up and attack the skeleton captain next turn. I made your dex check of 21, [dc 15+dmg] just enough!!)

The Skeleton Captain yells, "NO ... Only a Captain can kill a Captain! 15 beats ye sluggards ... 15 BEATS!!" The skeletons charge with even more fury!!!

Rigging lets another sortie of magic missiles fly. They strike straight and true (8 points damage). His skull cracks and a few pieces blast away.

Ari finds himself completely surrounded by skeletons. Five skeletons all claw into him with 10 attacks. Only two hit for 5 points of damage (Lucky sea dog!!!)

Redux can only confirm what everybody else can see! Talon lands back on the rigging next to Redux to avoid any more flying firebombs.The ship is completely covered with skeleton and living crew. The forward bridge has been abandoned. The coxswain is not in sight. Skeletons play with the controls but don't comprehend their function.

Bart dismembers two skeletons with little effort. Two more skeletons quickly take their place. Three skeletons attack and one hits for 4 points of damage.

Appolo realizes that the distance between him and the forecastle deck is only 7-ft (no need for a rope and grapple). Appolo hops up only 2 feet to him pull himself up to the forecastle deck. However three skeletons are closed with Appolo and and try to grab on. Two are able to grab on and Appolo strains against their pull (str check: combined skeletons 36 vs. Appolo's 17, skeletons win). The skeletons pull Appolo off the wall and back onto the main deck (sorry, nice try).

Ashira attacks and misses with the long sword but hits with the dagger. It does minimal damage. Two skeletons attack Ashira. All attacks miss.

The Jack attacks the skeleton captain with another series of devestating blows from his massive falchion. One hits and smashes through his rib cage. The skeleton captain stumbles slightly but regains his footing. "Yeeeeessssss," the crumbling skeleton hisses! The boney captain retaliates with four slashing attacks. Two attacks hit slice into the Jack. The Jack grabs at his wounds and blood can be seen, but he stands tall and continues to hold his ground.

The 13 skeletons that successfully climbed the hull and survived the last attack jump into the crowd and start clawing away. 32 more skeletons climb the hull and make ready to attack. There are 4 skeletons in Riggings reach (two behind and two outside the railing), two can only attack this round. One hits Rigging for a mere 2 points.

The crew fight back destroying 18 skeletons, but at a high price. Six crewmen go down, many others take injuries. The young cleric starts to heal the most injured. Three other crew try to bind wounds. Amazingly they all make their heal checks and stablize the fallen. Must be very well trained!!!

Seems like more and more skulls are poking up over the railing. It is apparently clear that if something doesn't happen fast, the ship will fall to the Skeleton Captain.

Ashira (Barkskin)  d20+7=19 d20+6=24 d8+4=10 d6+2=8
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 11:16:39 AM

Ashira smiles as she continues to slice away at the skeletons around Rigging. "Keep it up dear. I think it's working. Capt. Bone is the key...let's get up there and kick some bones!"

OOC (Long. Att=19, Dam=10; Short. Att=24, Dam=8...oh, and BTW...it's a shortsword, not a dagger :))

Bart  d20+6=19 d20+8=26 d4+3=5 d10+6=13
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 11:34:43 AM

"Bloody *beep*" shouts Bart "we need some wardogs overhere" Bart moves further forward in the direction of Boney and the King, slashing through the skeletons around him with his dagger and sword (ac 19/26 for 5+13)

OOC couldn't help to do some selfcensorship :-)

Redux  d20+3=20 d20+4=15 d20+6=17
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 2:41:03 PM

Redux is beginning to wonder about the creepy goings on below him. Looking for the ships mage, he again strongly suggests to get the ship moving again. Judging his distance (x<=35 feet otherwise he will drink the levitation potion and tie a 50' rope to his waist and the mast) to the two captains currently engaged, he casts Ray of Enfeeblement at the skeleton captain (to hit=20). Talon just hops from foot to foot in excitement (battle) / wonder (living bones). (Redux listen=15) (Talon listen=17)

Appolo  d20+20=35
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 3:44:03 PM

After being slammed down Appolo quickly wiggle free of any grasping hands."Bart over here,I need some help." he yells."Redux, Rigginghurl your magic at Captain Bone's sword or sword arm. Some one get up there and heal our Captian!!" He yells this then sprints through the crowd agian totally defensive heads upthe stairs. Grapling hook and rope in hand. he will agian try to get in position thook Captian Bone.

Escape Artist Roll: 35 ,Armour of Slipperiness+10 to escape.

Rigging  d20+4=24 d20+1=16 d20+1=4 d6=4
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 4:32:14 PM

Rigging hears the muttering and listens to catch the words. (Very successful listen check). He says to Ashirca, "I am out of spells. Let's help the Captain the old fashion way. I will take these guy! You go!" Rigging has pulled his weapons and engaged the skeleton who injured him with the flat of his blades.

Ari  d20+1=9
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 7:08:32 PM

Too caught up on keeping his head attached to his neck, Ari tries his best to maneuver where he can be useful to someone or something. He hopes he doesn't become a door mat anytime soon!

Redux  d6+2=8
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 10:25:32 PM

OOC (Strength reduction if Ray of Enfeeblement hits)

Valanthe (5pts of dmg)  d20+7=8
Wednesday April 10th, 2002 11:08:34 PM

OOC: Was there a penalty to Val's jump? A standing jump has a distance of 3 ft +1ft/ 2 points above 10. Val got a 23 on her jump check, armor penalty was included. She should have jumped up 9ft not 3ft.

Val climbs to her feet and takes an off balanced swing at the Skeletal Captain. Her scythe, yet again, passes through parts of the captain that aren't there. (hit ac 8) dang!

(Stephen - That would be true if you were making a standing long jump, but you were attempting a standing "HIGH" jump which is +1 foot/8 points above 10. Otherwise, you would have landed face-first into a wall!! The minimum is 2-ft, you were able to add an extra foot. Every basketball player wishes they could do a 3-ft standing high jump!! The skeleton captain had to roll a jump check of 58 to do a standing high jump of 8 feet. He had magical help!)

Cuts to the Bone! (DM Stephen)  d20+5=21 d20=5 d20=13 d20=11 d20=19 3d20(1+10+7)=18 d20+5=21 d20=7 d20=18 d20=9 d20=19 d20=5 d20=18 d20=6 d20=11 d20=13 d20=20 d20=1 d20=4 d20=13 d20=16 d20=10 d20=13 d20=11 d4=1 d4=2 d20+15=18 d20+18=24 d20+11=26 2d4(4+1)+4=9 d20+18=32 d20+17=32 d20+12=27 2d4(1+4)+8=13 2d4(4+4)+8=16 d20=8 d20=10 d20+8=11 d20+8=13
Thursday April 11th, 2002 1:51:53 AM

Ashira with renewed confidence and purpose slices into two skeletons and drops them both.

Bart in turn smashes his grim combatant to pieces.

A ray shoots out from the hand of Redux, striking the boney captain. It absolutely has no affect on the skeleton. He mockingly laughs at your attempt. (Make a Intelligence or Arcane knowledge check of DC 12 to understand why! If you make make your check, Redux will understand that undead are dead creatures that have no Constitution score, and therefore have no Fortitude. And with no fortitude, they are immune to effects that drain energy or ability scores that require a fortitude save!)

Ashira had smashed one of the skeletons next to Appolo so only two skeletons makes attacks of opportunity while he grabs his rope and grappling hook. Both miss! Appolo double times it to the stairs. Three more skeletons are waiting. Appolo attempts to power his way through the three. (Combined skeleton str. check 18 vs. Appolo's 21, Appolo wins...Way to go!) Appolo makes it to the top of the forecastle deck while rushing through his skeleton attackers. All attacks by the skeletons miss. Appolo can do no other actions this round.

Riggings blades strike into the first skeleton and it falls to pieces.

Ari tries his best to dodge the onslaught of attacks from all the surrounding skeletons. After another 10 attacks, two hit this time for 3 points of damage.

Valanthe, to the Skeleton Captain's surprise, gets to her feet and swings at the skeleton. Nothing but air. The Skeleton captain attempts to strike her weapon. Valanthe takes her opportunity and hits this time with minor damage. The Skeleton Captain succeeds at striking Val's weapon and it falls to the deck. He then kicks her scythe to the lower deck. "I SAID, ONLY A CAPTAIN CAN KILL A CAPTAIN," rages the skeleton!!!

With the Skeleton Captain distracted from Valanthe's actions, the Jack strikes with every ounce of his strength, "THEN DIE BY THE HANDS OF A CAPTAIN ... AAIIIIEEEE YAAHHH," yells the Jack!!!! Each hit make their mark. The Skeleton Captain slumps down to the floor and falls apart. The bones start to glow a white light and the fog begins to swirl above its remains.

All the skeletons stop what they are doing to watch. Then one by one, they start to chant, "Worthy, worthy, worthy, WORTHY, WORTHY!!!" They begin to dance and shout and sing. Those holding weapons drop them to the deck. Even the skeletons in the water stop to twirl about in an aquatic dance. Some attempt to whistle, but fail to remember they have no lips!!!

Oddly enough, out of nowhere, what appears to be liquor jugs; are being pass around and being offered to the crew. Skeletons drink from them and the liquid pours down their bones and onto the deck.

Rigging gets patted on the back. Many offer hands in friendship. A jug is shoved in Bart's hands. Many skeletons attempt to try and dance with Valanthe and Ashira.

Most of the living crew are struck dumb. They stare on with dazed bewilderment. Some crewmen still try taking swings at a few. But they merely dodge each swing and dance off.

Redux and Talon look at each other in disbelief. Ari is getting all kinds of hugs, but he quickly wiggles out of them. A skeleton tries to raise the hand of the Jack, but he sends the skeleton sailing through the air. After landing in the water, the skeleton continues to celebrate.

The whole dire scene has now turned into a party. The fog continues to swirl and the bones glow ever brighter. The words of praise and "worthiness" continue to echo from all around. Joy joy!!

Thursday April 11th, 2002 5:09:36 PM

It looks like they are waiting to be killed. Bart takes the jug of the skelleton but doesn't drink it. He set the jug on deck, maybe an wizard or priest can investigate it later. He moves forward to Rigging and the King and asks, What we do now throw the boney's overboard?

Appolo -20pts 
Thursday April 11th, 2002 8:48:50 PM

Appolo reaches the top of the stairs bleeding from several wounds just in time to see Valanthe and the Captian finish the Skeleton Captian off. Then watches as a party breaks out."Well Captian looks like you've got a new crew.' He then proceeds to slump to thee deck exhuasted and bleeding.

Thursday April 11th, 2002 9:34:47 PM

Rigging casts a detect magic and gazes around. He takes a hard look at the sword and the liquid being drunk by the weird skeletons.

Valanthe (5pts) 
Thursday April 11th, 2002 10:43:23 PM

Val watches everything with astonishment. When the captain was destroyed she expected the skeletal crew to leave. Instead they are staying and trying to celebrate. "Rigging what are we suppose to do? They aren't leaving."

Ashira (Barkskin) 
Friday April 12th, 2002 12:14:06 AM

The half-elf looks around in bewilderment at the spectical around her. Definately not what she thought was going to occur. She turns and looks at Rigging as she shoves the skeletons who are trying to dance with her away. There is more than a hint of sarcasim in her voice as she says "Golly gee wilikers Rigging, that was a close one there. Boy howdy, thought we would be gonners for sure."

Redux  d20+2=14
Friday April 12th, 2002 12:36:01 AM

As the ray misses doing what he intended it to, Redux remembers what's wrong and why it won't work; nice try, though, he thinks to himself, he was trying to do something.

Dead things never cease to amaze Redux. You always have to have one trick up your sleeve when you deal with them for when they forget what they are. Still, no sense in being a stick in the mud (as he was sometimes accused). Redux crawls down from the crow's nest, giving Talon strict orders to stay put, just in case. He will go down to shake hands with the Captain and see what kind of drink the skeletons are offering. He hopes it's not any of that 'watered down beer.' Can't stand things that are watered down; probably why he likes the pirates as a group. But, then again, these pirate types will probably just get drunk and start a fist fight. He shakes his head and continues down, wondering what they were all worthy of.

Star Light, Star Bright (DM Stephen)  d20+4=10 d20+4=7 d20=5
Friday April 12th, 2002 1:56:36 AM

The skeletons continue to dance and pass along the jugs of spirits. Rigging casts Detect Magic and begins to concentrate on his surroundings. The glow around the captain's bones was almost blinding in its brightness. A strong magic still permeates. The sword glowed no more than Ashira's longsword. The jugs of liquor had no auras. The surrounding fogs however had a faint aura of transmutation. The jewelry that the captain had worn also glowed. The waters around the Hammerhead were electric with magical energy. One look over board, Rigging can see the skeletons starting to dive down to the glow beneath the waves. The light is getting closer. Then it is clear that something was rising toward the surface.

Then the area around the captain's bones starts to glow even brighter. Mist swirls all about and forms a circular column around the Skeleton Captain's bones. The bones start to gently float up off the deck as if caught in a current of water. Could it be!!! The bones are starting to reattach. The skeletons start to cheer, "The curse is over, the curse is over!!" A skeleton comes walking up out from the Jack quarters from below deck. He holds a violin. "Put that BACK ye bag of ... bones! Bah, I be talkin' to bones," bellowed the Jack! A group of skeletons mass together and put their arms around one another's bony shoulders as the skeletal musician begin to play. They begin to sway back and forth as they sing a song.

"There once was a pirate named Jack.
He had a very bad back.
One day he had fell,
Down into a well,
That hopeless old pirate named Jack

There once was a pirate named Jack,
Who wore a tattoo on his back,
He loved to fight,
In the dead of the night,
That funny old pirate named Jack.

There once was a pirate named Jack,
Ships he was cursed to attack,
Their captain had luck,
And the Dandy was sunk,
That defeated old pirate named Jack."

One skeleton yells out, "The curse be gone, have nothing to fear, so dance with us and have some beer!!" They all laugh and slap one another.

Nipper sticks his head from out of a barrel from where he was hiding and sniffs the air. He sees the jug that Bart had placed on the deck next to him. He gingerly gets out and continues to sniff. His eyes become wide. He takes a sip and his hair on his feet just became curly. With a big smile, he grabs the jug and races down below deck!

The clouds open up to expose the stars and the moon once again. What happens next wasn't meant for the eyes of the living. Everyone hides their eyes, as a shaft of blinding light beams down from the stars themselves. When the light subsides, everyone notices that all the bones that were scattered across the decks are gone and a group of semi translucent humanoids stand in their place. Humans, half-elves and a dwarf or two stand together with warm smiles. Each of them has a slight glow.

A tall muscular, and to Ashira's surprise, attractive human male stands where the captain's bones once lay. He had an air about himself, a natural confidence that comes from leadership. His long black hair flows in the wind as his eyes look all about and scan across the Hammerhead. He stoops down and takes his fallen sword and gracefully sheathes it. To all surprise, he bares the marks of a Jack. He turns to the Hammerheads captain, "My most worthy captain, the name is Captain Patros Gaff, at your service. Is it too late to ask permission to come aboard?" Captain Gaff continues, "Tonight you all have accomplished what no other band of pirates could have ever done." He turns to Ashira and hops down to the main deck. He gently tries to take Ashira's hand. The ghostly crews begin to snicker. Gaff gives them a quick look and they stop. With his attention back on Ashira, he smiles and says, "And you all deserve your just rewards. Oh, and Ashira, don't take your victory so lightly. You ALL almost became a member of MY crew this very night!!"

With those words, the Dandy rises up out of the water (where Rigging saw the large glow), right next to the Hammerhead. This time, the Dandy looks to be completely restored to its former majesty. Her decks covered in ghostly crewmen.

Friday April 12th, 2002 10:40:44 AM

As the parts of the puzzle start to fall into place about the skeleton captain and his crew. Ari realizes that he does not have the current time to enjoy the proceedings. He begins helping out with all the healing and cleaning up with the crew.

Appolo -20pts 
Friday April 12th, 2002 3:31:16 PM

Appolo leans against the wall trying to stop the bleeding. "Hey someone want to help me out here? Oww - I'm hurt pretty good over here you know. I'm glad the curse is over and all but I really could use a hand here," he says.

Patros Gaff 
Friday April 12th, 2002 4:11:13 PM

Without taking his eyes off Ashira, he says, "Appolo, what are these injuries in which you speak?!"

Appolo checks himself again and to his shock, he has no wounds. In fact, no one is wounded!!

"Now that's out of the way; Willie ... play a nice waltz." Patros turns back to Ashira, "How about we have the next dance, its been too long."

Friday April 12th, 2002 5:12:20 PM

Rigging looks around in delight. He is suddenly concerned with the attention that Ashira is getting. He heads over and says, "Sorry Captain, This dance is mine." He whirls Ashira away dancing with grace and style.

He murmurs into her ear with a happy smile plastered on his face. "Ashira, please be careful here. There is strong and powerful magic going on. I am not sure if the curse is broken or just taking a different form. They might not be skeletons anymore but the aren't human either. Whatever this magic is... it is strongest on Patros. I hope the curse is over and we have a new ally, but let's not jump to conclusions." Rigging is still looking around as he dances. When he finishes the dance, he will lead Ashira back and introduce himself to Patros, still studying the magic glowing around him.

Friday April 12th, 2002 8:58:00 PM

After the momentary shock of suddenly finding himself healed, Appolo gets up. Watching Rigging he thinks {good he needs to be more aggressive in that department.}"Well what next?" he says as he wonders over to Valanthe.

Ashira (Barkskin)  d20+9=14
Saturday April 13th, 2002 1:31:26 AM

Ashira gracefully and skillfully glides across the deck with Rigging, not minding at all at being wisked away from the ghostly Captain. Smiling as she listens to Rigging's advice on Patros, Ashira whispers back "Yes, I think caution should be warranted. Besides, I don't like him anyway. And I still say you look twice as good as he does!" Ashira gives Rigging a quick peck on the cheek when their dance ends, and strides over to Patros. Clearly furious, the half-elf nearly spits on the Captain. "Look, I don't know how you know all our names, and I don't really care. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY insults me during combat." Ashira aims a wild swing at the ghostly Captains jaw, and misses him by a mile. A little more subdued, she continues "Besides, why in the name of Lem's golden hide would I WANT to dance with you when a few moments ago you and your chums were trying to kill us?! Besides, didn't you say that it was bad luck to have a WOMAN aboard?!"

OOC (Don't think a 14 will hit Patros.)

Saturday April 13th, 2002 1:54:56 AM

Redux cautiously sniffs and experiments with one of the jugs that is being passed about. He recognizes the authority and rank that this Patros Gaff fellow is displaying and knows that the magic is surely powerful. He pauses to think a moment about the story he remembered about the Dandy and how old the story might be. To Captain Gaff he asks, "How long have you been living your curse now? This is certainly a large crew you have accumulated. Will this be your last party or will you sail on forever and frequently cross our path? Surely the rewards you spoke of are not simply a fine ship's party with fine spirits and fine music?" He says this last part with a nod towards the dancing, acknowledging the crew of the Hammerhead that are starting to join in.

Saturday April 13th, 2002 2:48:14 PM

Yet again Val is surprised by what has happened. Still she's ever grateful that their apparent doom is over. Val doesn't pay much attention to the captain. Instead she talks to the Dandy's crew. Specifically the elves and dwarves.

Saturday April 13th, 2002 4:41:06 PM

Appolo just follows Valanthe around.

The Curse of Patros Gaff (DM Stephen) 
Saturday April 13th, 2002 5:06:40 PM

After Ashira's missed slap, his phantasmic facade slightly fades exposing the skeleton beneath for a moment. Patros regains his composure and the smile returns to his face. "Do you know how beautiful you are with fire in your eyes, hee hee hee." The other ghostly pirates laugh with him.

"I'm sure you all have many questions, well I will answer them." After a short bow and a glance back at his crew, "Ever since you entered the fog I could hear you speak and talk to one another. That is how I learned your names. When you looked out into the fog, I was looking back. The fog is a part of the curse and is responsible for the product of what you see before you now. The obscuring mist that entrapped you keeps us here in the land of the living. All within I can see and hear. I can pass through effortlessly. That is how I became off your bow after you ran from us. There was no escape from us, you were ours." An affirmation of nodding heads and "aye's" from the crew agreed with his words.

"Your only hope for survival was to first sink the Dandy and for your Captain to defeat me in one-on-one battle. Which my fellow Jack, here did quite splendidly." Patros gives him a short bow. He turns to Valanthe, "As always, I'm become distracted by a fine woman!" Patros blows Val a kiss and a wink. "The curse forced us to attack our own, we couldn't hold back. Our only way we could fight the curse was to be careless in our attack. It's a loophole in the curse. I see you took advantage of our carelessness, good show!"

Patros's eyes linger a little longer on Valanthe as once again he becomes distracted. "Oh yes, let me continue. You know when you're DEAD," his crew laughs, "one forgets about the passing of time. Time is only relevant to the living. We have no idea how long we have been doing this, but I have accumulated quite a large crew over the years. For each ship I claim, their crew becomes mine. They join my curse, and are subject to the same compulsions as I. A curse for defying the gods is a nasty one." The crew continue their nodding.

Patros turns to his ship covered with crewman from bow to stern. "All this time you have had to serve me because of no fault of your own. For that I am truly sorry. To the members of the Sojourn, the Windsplinter, the Johnny Gee, the Strata, the Exile, the Best Shot, the Black Witch, the Lem's Fire, the Windsinger, the Mean-N-Nasty, the Seafarer and any others I failed to mention, you are free. You've been out to sea for far too long. If you wish, you may finally get your rest and be with your loved ones in the place after." Patros's becomes visibly shaken as he spoke those words. They are words he has wanted to say for a long time. His crew that stands nearby gathers around their captain for pats on the back and hardy handshakes. His grief stricken face formed a slight smile with the support of his crew.

On the Dandy, scores of spirits started to chant, "Thank you captain, and thank you most worthy Hammerhead." Their voices echoed as one by one a crewman would plunge themselves into the deep, never to resurface again. The sea embraced them as she laid them down to rest on the oceans sandy floor.

Two thirds of the Dandy's crew is gone, the single crewman shouts back, " We wish to stay aboard captain. We can think of no other place we would rather be than aboard a mighty ship on a course to never ending adventure." With a great smile Patros steps forward to accept his crew. "And adventures we shall have mates, adventure we shall, ha ha ha!" Cheers ring out among them all.

Patros turns back to the Captain and crew of the Hammerhead. "As time may not be important to us, I reckon it still is to you all. So as for your reward," Patros turns back to his ship and claps his hands. Six crewmen exit the Dandy with two chests, one large and the other small. A plank extends from one ship to the other and the chests are deposited at the feet of the Captain. "The large chest is filled with gold. It is yours to split among the crew. It is also for a purchase of weapons. As you can tell, ours have seen better days." The dead pirates laugh as they present an old corroded blade that easily crumbles to dust before them. " I hope you have plenty in your stores beneath your decks." Patros continues while yelling for his crew to hear, "We will need better weapons if we are to.... RAID THE AISILDURIAN NAVY!!!" His crew roars with cheer and acceptance. Even the Hammerheads Captains couldn't keep from laughing. The Captain walks up to Patros and says, "Deal ... you'll have your weapons if they be find'in their way into a navy seaman's gizzard!" The ghostly crew cheer once again.

Patros takes the smaller chest and walks over to Rigging. "From what I understand, you are the leader of this small band of adventurers. And I heard you speak of your mission too. I have something that allowed me to speak with the stars." Patros opens the small chest and takes out an instrument that is contained in a leather pouch. He pulls the device out of its pouch. Everyone recognizes it as a Sextant (an instrument used to chart and navigate a ship on the open sea by looking at the stars). It's made of materials from all around the Wold. Materials like Iron Darkwood, mitheral, adamantine, and not to mention, gold and silver. "This is the Nautaoculus, an ancient artifact that can show the direction to any place you wish to go. It will also give you the ability to change the weather and control the winds to your favor. When we were cursed we are on the same heading to where you are going. This sextant requires another artifact from the great city on the plateau. With both combined, you can find your way home, and I'm not taking about Aisildur. I'm talking about your true homeland. Just imagine what secrets and mysteries you can unravel. Alas, the Nautaoculus doesn't function in my hands after I died. Here is a scroll that gives instructions with its use."

Patros hands it to Rigging. Once in Rigging's hands, he feels that whatever he knew about the sea and stars was nothing until now. The sea is now like an open book.

(ooc: I will have a detailed description of the Nautaoculus by tomorrow or Monday. Enjoy, you now possess an ARTIFACT!!)

Sunday April 14th, 2002 3:10:11 PM

When Captian Patro goes into his explanation and let's his eyes linger a little to long on
Valanthe. Appolo replies "Yes she is rather distracting isn't she." Moving in a little closer to Valanthe. He then just watches and listens to the proceedings.
when Captian Patro gives his crew leave to go and more then half his crew disappears. Appolo isn't surprised.

Then the skelletons purchase weapons and supplies. Captian Patro gives Rigging a gift Appolo warches and listens carefully.

Sunday April 14th, 2002 5:29:09 PM

CaptiaN Petros let the hand of Domi leads to our victory! A mighty friend we have know this is a big step forwards in our battle.

Sunday April 14th, 2002 10:13:33 PM

Ari listens in on the history and background information that Paltros gives the crew. As Paltros lists the names of the ship, Ari quickly does his best to try to write down the ship names, in order to see if there is any more information about them. Thinking quickly while he's writing down the names of the ships Ari asks, "Are there any other messages that should be passed on for anyone that you can think of."

Sunday April 14th, 2002 11:16:31 PM

Val watches the events unfold and leans on Appolo. Part of her doesn't trust Captain Petros, but he did give Rigging an Artifact. With her adrenaline gone fatigue sets in. Fighting off her constant headaches takes alot of strength and the shock of swarming undead didn't help any. At least things were quiet for the time being. "Appolo can you help me downstairs? I need to lie down."

Monday April 15th, 2002 1:48:34 AM

"Sure Sunshine." Appolo quickly discards his gear then sweeps Valanthe into his arms and carries her downstairs to her quarters.

Rigging (precious...my precious) 
Monday April 15th, 2002 10:36:07 AM

Rigging takes the offered item with awe in his eye. "I don't know how to thank you for this. It is obviously worth a lot. I swear to you that I will put it to good use against our enemies." Rigging face takes a look of extreme concentration. He turns to his captain and says,"Captain about a mile north of here is a current which will help us get to the Plateau City even more quickly." Rigging turns to Patros and asks, "Captain. How did you fall into the curse in the first place? Hopefully it didn't have anything to do with this." Rigging holds up the artifact.

Sailor to the Bone (DM Stephen)  d20+18=26 d20+7=27 d3+2=3 d20+10=21
Tuesday April 16th, 2002 12:44:33 AM

Captain Patros looks somewhat startled at Appolo's eagerness and the manner of acting when Valanthe spoke. "That surprises me, I would have never thought she was a slave owner," Patros says laughingly! His crew follow up his remark with the same.

"Ari, my friend, everyone on my ship have no living family, they died long ago. Those who wish to leave will be with them in the place after." Patros puts his hand over his eyes and shakes his head.

Patros turns back to Rigging, "the gods curse was from an act of defiance on my part. It was because I ... I!?" Patros scratches his head and turns around to look at his crew. His crew look back with blank stares. "I ... I can't ... remember!! I did something against their will, that I know, but my memory of it is gone. Maybe the gods took the memory from me in order to prevent me from repeating it!"

"Well, we must be off to recruit some Aisildurian seamen, hahahaha! This time, lets take their ships too, the Dandy is still a little crowded," bellows the Dead Pirate Gaff.

The ghostly crewman cheer as they load a chest of short swords and clubs. Patros continues to admire Ashira with winks and blown kisses. By everyones surprise, the crew, so eager to get started, draw back the plank and start to set sail.

With lightning speed, Captain Gaff quickly gives Ashira a small peck on the hand. This time Ashira's slap makes a connection (rolled a perfect 20 for you!) It felt like bone!!

Patros puts his hand to his cheek with a little shock. He then snaps his jaw back in place. Then a big smile forms across his face. "Good one, my dear, ha haaa," boasts the phantom!!!

He quickly grabs a loose rope, and with a running start, Patros swings across to the Dandy. He grabs on to the rigging and shouts back as the boat swiftly pulls away, "If any of you ever find yourselves on the other side of the living, you are more than welcome to sail with me. Especially you Ashira, hahahahahaha!!"

The Jack nudges Rigging with his elbow and whispers in his ear, "Aye, looks like you be havin' sum competition, hee hee!" He continues at normal volume, "Umm well ... if ye can find the coxswain, tell him yur headings, I make ye the Master of Navigation."

(Your cut of the gold is 50gp x your rank. The rest of the trip to Plateau city will last 2 weeks. Post whatever you want to do in that time, but if any thing you do changes your character sheet, please send me an update by Friday. The game will continue tomorrow as if two weeks have passed.)

Tuesday April 16th, 2002 8:25:29 AM

Rigging spends the rest of his two weeks working on his spellbooks adding the rest of the spells to it. When not working on that, he will be working with Nautaoculus. Learning its properties as best he can. With his normal duties he is quite busy. In any other free time, he will ask Apollo to work on him with his thief skills.

Tuesday April 16th, 2002 1:58:08 PM

Appolo spens the 2weeks learning how to use a
long sword, teaching Rigging the finer points
of being a thief and tickling as well imforming him how much Ashira likes and that he should try it sometime. He also spends his time attending Valanthe.

Tuesday April 16th, 2002 6:13:35 PM

Bart does some training with Appolo so he can improve his fighting with his longsword. These lessons are open to the other members of the family and the rest of the crew as well. Teaching them will also improve his own fighting techniques. Bart talks with Rigging about the artifact and tries it once or twice if Rigging allows him of course.

Tuesday April 16th, 2002 10:43:59 PM

The first week of the voyage Ashira spends mostly to herself, avoiding the others, and particularly Rigging. She is frustrated at not being able to defeat the skeleton Captain, and VERY disgusted at the chauvinism still at work in the Pirates. Why can't men see her for the Pirate and college that she is instead of some sort of trophy?!

Calming down in the second week, Ashira joins in the melee practices with Bart and the others, honing her skills with the long and shortswords. Practicing with a renewed zeal, Ashira looks forward to the impending battle with the Aisildurian forces. Finding herself with more free time than she's had in a long time, Ashira decides to fulfill her longstanding debt, and begins to teach Valanthe how to read and write Elven.

Redux (Janell) 
Tuesday April 16th, 2002 11:35:30 PM

The young mage spends the better part of his voyage copying spells from his spellbook onto scrolls. Working steadfastly, Redux takes only a few brakes dividing his time between trying to strike up a conversation with the ship's mage, and watching the warriors drilling their killing skills. He wonders sometimes how different his life might have been if only he had been born a little stronger. Maybe he might have joined the hack-n-slash club too. During the nights the youthful scholar amuses himself by releasing some of the caged mice on the top deck. With a broad smile on his face, he watches as Talon dilligently hunts them down and then plays with them for a few minutes before killing them and eating them.

Tuesday April 16th, 2002 11:44:11 PM

Valanthe passes on the longsword practices. She can use the weapon, but doesn't like it. Something about the weapon doesn't sit right with her. Maybe thats why she chose the scythe all those years ago. Val finds her reading and writing lessons most difficult. Many times she gets frustrated and angry. However she doesn't give up.

Come Sail Away! (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday April 17th, 2002 12:43:40 AM

The Hammerhead finds the currents that Rigging was talking about. The ship makes good time as she sails for Plateau City.

Shorty after their departure from the Dandy, the Captain calls Appolo into his quarters. After the captain lets Appolo in, he checks the hallway for any other sailors. Satisfied that there wasn't any hanging around, he closes the door behind himself.

The Captain begins, "Ye all fought well with the skeletons and ye all have shown to be worthy sailors and pirates, BUT...," and the Jack stands to his feet and with a grimacing expression, he gets down into Appolo's face! "IF YE EVER BERATE ME IN FRONT OF ME CREW EVER AGAIN, I WILL MAKE SURE YE WILL SERVE ON THE DANDY. DO I BE CLEAR?"
(he is referencing your remark, "I told you to sink it didn't I.")

After he calms down. "At least I berate ye in private, but I will not show ye that priviledge next time. So if ye don't want to be a duece, I advise to get ye back on deck and leave me be!" The captain shows Appolo out.

The rest of the trip goes by pleasant enough, and the Hammerhead approaches the Plateaus.

From the crows nest, a crewman yells out, "Ships off the bow!" Everyone takes a look. The ships are far off in the horizon. The captain takes out his telescope to get a better look.

"Aye, I see 7... no, 8 ships! They look to be anchored in position around the plateaus. Much like a siege. I suspect there be more." And yes, as the Hammerhead gets a little closer, dozens of ships can be seen. The ships appear to be in a siege formation around the plateaus. Not allowing anyone to enter or leave. On the shore, smoke can be seen rising from the surrounding towns and cities.

The captain turns to the party. "Looks like Plateau City be under attack!!! We can't enter any of the harbors. We'll have to find a new landin' point. I'm open to ideas."

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 9:29:20 AM

Rigging raises his hand to catch the Captain's eye and says, "Captain, Why don't you give me a few minutes to try our new toy here. I will make myself familiar with the surrounding seas and see if I can find a good area to land and harbor." If the Captain agrees, Rigging will move slightly apart and put the artifact to use.

Captain Jack 
Wednesday April 17th, 2002 9:46:21 AM

"Go right ahead, might as well use whatever we can."

(ooc: go ahead and post again, Rigging; and tell me which affect you are using.)

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 11:19:21 AM

After being berated by the Captian, Appolo disappears he is angry and has chosen to be alone. He is not with the others, when the ships are spotted. He is somewhere down below in the cargo hold whittling on a piece of wood.

Nipper the Halfling 
Wednesday April 17th, 2002 12:30:08 PM

Making his way down to the lower cargo hold of the Hammerhead, Nipper is startled by Appolo.

"Are you still upset from the Captain? That was two weeks ago, you're going to need to develop a tougher skin if you want to continue being a pirate!!"

Nipper pulls a bottle out from one of the grain sacks. "This my friend is my secret to dealing with the captain!" Nipper pulls the cork and takes a drink. "MMMMmm, hits the spot! Here have some, it's from the captain's own stash, hee hee!"

"Better hurry topside anyway, we may be in for some trouble!" Nipper listens to the air and starts his way back up to the main deck. "Duty calls ... by the way, staying down here is no way at getting back into the captain's good graces ... if he has any!"

With his final bit of advice, Nipper is gone.

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 2:04:16 PM

I wonder what is going over there, are those ships fighting against an already Ga'al infested city, Or are the ships of the cultgods followers trying to take over the city?

Either way we have to be carefull and sent some scouts to investigate what's going on.

Have you found a good landing spot Rigging?

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 3:17:26 PM

"Finding another way in might be beneficial either for their Navy, or for supply routes. "

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 7:50:32 PM

Appolo heads topside after taking a swigg. He makes a point to avoid the Captian as he has done for two weeks. He stands there looking at the armada laying siege to the city. Appolo thinks to himself{ to bad we didn't bring the rest of the pirate fleet with. We could brek thier backs right now, positioned as they are.}
As stands there awaiting orders.

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 8:42:51 PM

Rigging decides he should save the general questions for now and use Nautaoculus's abiliy
to find the quickest and closest anchorage which can hide the ship but keep it relatively close to the Plateau City. He figures an inlet or river or even a stream. When he has this information he will go to the Captain and say,
"I have a couple of choices for you." Rigging will then list the options. He also suggests they sail away for now and come back at night. Rigging is confident he will be able to guide them in. "When we have anchored I will do a more general search looking for other ships and nasty sealife in the area." He heads over to Ashira and says, "I like this artifact. The Nautaoculos is helpful but sort of takes the fun out of figuring things out for myself. I hope I don't become to reliant on it and lose my touch."

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 10:44:01 PM

Valanthe looks at the blockade and back to the captain. She didn't believe that things were going to get worse after the battle with the Dandy. Somehow they always do. Since her input doesn't matter in these situations, Val just stands back and waits for orders.

Wednesday April 17th, 2002 11:05:08 PM

When Rigging comes over, Ashira smiles weakly at him and says "Who says you ever had a touch to begin with?" Nodding at the ships in the horizon, Ashira says "Looks like we just might be in time to save the day. Although, it's going to make finding this Valdor person a little more tricky. You ready for a little night recon? Maybe our rings might just come in handy after all."

Thursday April 18th, 2002 12:10:01 AM

Redux joins the Captain and Rigging. He suggests that we not forget an important ally, namely Ashira. "She's the best swimmer and she can breath underwater. She could slip right past them and bring back information from anywhere, even the ships and their movements. Don't forget, either, we have those 2 potions of underwater breathing that anyone else might use. Adding the touch of making them invisible, we could make it a little easier on ourselves. Still, only a small party could get in and we'd have to set up a meeting place to get back with the ship. At night I will send Talon up for some recon in order to keep us on clear path."

Crossing the line (DM Stephen) 
Thursday April 18th, 2002 1:26:15 AM

Rigging looks through the eye piece of the Nautaoculus. Amazingly he can see the stars throught the veil of daylight of the deep blue sky. A thin beam of starlight twinkles and shoots down pointing Rigging in the right direction. This beam is unseen to all but Rigging.

Pointing in the direction of the beam, the Captain takes his telescope and looks off in that direction. "Aye, there be a mouth of a river flowin' from the east to the west side of the plateaus. There be three ships guarding it, anchored right in front. Hard to tell what type!!"

Turning to Redux the captain continues, "That is an excellent idea. Prepare Talon for his trip." Back to Rigging, "Tell the coxswain to turn this ship around and position us just a little ways back and drop sails. That should hide us from view. Lets pray they didnt see us already. Good thing we have the sun at our backs. It be dark soon, but we need to be gone by the morning or we be sittin' ducks."

"Ashira, can you pull a small boat while swimming underwater? Near those ships, the wild paddling of these swabs would give ye all away! One of you wizards should be able to make a small boat invisible. I've seen assassins do it."

Addressing Bart, "Those ships are facing land. That tells me that they be attackin' the Plateaus not defendin' them. Talon should shed more light on that matter."

"EVERBODY ... look lively, and those preparin' to go ashore, get ready!"
Evening comes and Talon takes to the air. Talon with his empathic connection to Redux reports all he sees to the best of his ability.

Talon's thoughts run wild. "I see big boats with smelly ugly people. They look different. Skin like dark smoke color. Big ones and smaller ones. One just ate a rat. Some sleep and walk on the ground next to river on both sides. They have fire burning animals to eat. They carry sharp pointy sticks. Some sleep and walk on big boats. They smell. I see big barking animals. It barked at me!! I dont like big barking animals. They smell much worse than you. They look mean, I dont like them. There are small boats next to land. Some are broken and full of water. A walking dark smoke person with teeth see me. I am coming back now!! Hey, there's a fish! Do you want one?"

(ooc: You're a little under a mile from the rivers entrance. The small 20-ft long boat has a small retractable mast with a single sail (very simple rigging). Rowing ores and a pair of smaller paddles are also available. There is also a 50-ft coil of rope already tied to a loop on its bow. It has a rudder in the rear for steering. All of this is yours to use if you choose to use it.)

DM Stephen 
Thursday April 18th, 2002 5:20:05 PM

(I made some corrections to my DM post, since last night. I read my maps wrong. Please re-read before you go any further.)

Thursday April 18th, 2002 5:35:09 PM

After Redux reports back the survey of Talon. Bart says "looks like the are under a heavy siege. Maybe we can use the small boat to go ashore on a beach do some scouting and come back at this point.

Is it possible to make the boat invisible? So we can come close enough to the boats and set them on fire?

Thursday April 18th, 2002 5:59:59 PM

Rigging looks to his team and says, "I am open to suggestions. I don't have an invisibility spell prepared so I can't turn the boat invisible. How about you Redux? I suggest that we take the small boat in to shore after dark. We will run with sails and I will use Nautaoculus to help speed us along. It should be more quiet than rowing. Can anyone cast a quiet spell? I think we should use the rings to keep 2 of us invisible at all times as an ace in the hole in case we are boarded. We hide the boat and try to slip into the city and do a recon. Captain if we don't get back tonight. We will meet you here the following night around midnight. If for some reason you can't meet us we will try the same for the next night." If that won't work, Rigging leads him over to a chart and points our an area around 10 miles to the south where they will try again.
"Any one else have any suggestions? Lets get our gear together. Make sure we pack some supplies and water."

Thursday April 18th, 2002 8:55:49 PM

Appolo walksover mto Rigging."You kow boss the problem isn't getting ashore. It's getting into the city. They're not just going to let us walk in you know. The defenders that is."
Appolo is standing ready with complete gear.
including the ring of invisibility. and a coupleof healing potions.

Thursday April 18th, 2002 9:48:00 PM

Redux sighs at the thought. "How heavy exactly is that boat, ya think, less that 400 lbs? And the invisibility will only last about 40 min, so we'd either better be fast getting in or cast the invisibility on the go. Maybe the ships mage can make it last longer and on a larger boat? Another thing, I think that I only can make 5 of us invisible, 2 may use the new rings, and I guess that Ashira would be visible underwater; do keep an endurance potion handy, Ashira. Does all of that sound OK to everyone?"

(OOC Redux will cast invisibility as needed as the consensus is drawn.)

Thursday April 18th, 2002 10:41:53 PM

"I think we should risk going ashore without using invisiblity. We have a better chance of getting ashore than into the city. The rings will enable 4 of us to get in 2 at a time. The rest will need invisiblity as well. This is a bad situation, but it fits with everything else we do."

Thursday April 18th, 2002 11:43:28 PM

"I agree with Val. If we go tonight, then I don't think we'll have too much of a time getting to the coast. We should hold off on the invisibility until we need it. And no, I don't think I could pull the boat...it looks a wee bit heavy to me. If you'd like me to, I don't mind swiming ahead and providing a distraction. Otherwise, Rigging's right, let's use the artifact to get us in, and then do the best we can to make our way into the city."

Smoke over Water - Fire in the Sky! (DM Stephen) 
Friday April 19th, 2002 1:23:01 AM

The captain looks at everyone, up and down. "I supposed ye all are ready. The ship will stay here until sunrise. We will return each night, if we can, to this spot of water. Don't forget! The Hammerhead will stay in the area as long as we can, as long as a week or two."

The Captain continues, "Remember you are entering a war zone, don't be getin' involved if you don't have to. Your mission is to get to Plateau City."

All of a sudden, at the top of the 2nd plateau, balls of fire and explosions rain down to the lower plateau. Even from 11 miles back, it's hard not to notice in the night's sky.

The Captain clears his throat to get everyone's attention once again. "If this is not a good time to go ashore, see what ye can, and head back to the Hammerhead. We try tomorrow night with a better plan.

With those last words, everyone loads into the boat and prepare to leave. Good thing that the sail is black. The hull is smooth and light. Looks like it was made for nighttime invasions. It leaves little wake and moves quietly like a ghost. Rigging concentrates for a moment and a breeze takes hold of the sails and the boat quietly heads inland.

Now only a few hundred yards from shore and the mouth of the river, everyone can see the town more clearly. The town doesn't seem very big, not to be called a "city" anyway. Some buildings are still burning. One look through the telescope, one can see humanoid figures standing next to a large campfire. (If anyone knows what orcs and goblins are, that is what they see) With the wind at the party's backs, you all are just now beginning to smell the smoke mixed with other odors. (Intelligence or Wisdom check DC 14 to recognize the scent.)

Hordes of these creatures can be seen tearing buildings apart and loading the lumber onto wagons. The hammers of blacksmiths can be heard pounding on metal. It is easy to see that this army has occupied this town for many weeks. From what you can tell, the invading army has completely overtaken the town. They appear to have the run of the place.

Strangely, Rigging just seems to know this is not the place. He feels "compelled" to follow the river, however! The river is more than large enough for the small boat, but not for the hulking ships. To enter the river, they will have to maneuver the boat between two of the three ships guarding it.

Rigging seems to "understand" that they need to make their way to the upper plateaus, some 20 miles away. The plateaus are high and massive, and as Rigging looks up to the highest plateau, he can see the faint lights of what could be a great city reflecting off the low lying clouds.

Huge explosions continue to echo by as more bright fireballs rain down on the invading army. The battlefront looks to be raging about 10 miles inland.

(BTW, I love the title of this post. Fits perfectly. It's a song title to those who don't get it. You are all close enough to start casting spells and peforming different strategies.)

Friday April 19th, 2002 11:58:51 AM

Can you produce a map of the situation?

DM Stephen 
Friday April 19th, 2002 12:08:33 PM

Click here to see Map 1
Click here to see Map 2

Here is a brief description of the scene. You are on a small boat 200-yrds from shore. The small harbor of the town is loaded down with one huge ship and hundreds of smaller boats. Two large ships are archored 60 feet out from the mouth of the river. There is a 30-ft gap between the ships. Of the two ships, the right one has a wrecked half sunk ship off to its right. It is partially beached and pieces of its wreckage is floating about. The left ships left side faces the town and the docks of the harbor. Many orcs, goblins and other strange creatures are walking around sleeping, eating, preparing for battle, tearing buildings down that arent already burned. The mouth of the river is 80-ft wide at the opening.)

Valanthe  d20+1=5
Friday April 19th, 2002 9:36:22 PM

Val keeps a lookout for any trouble.

OOC: Sorry for the short post. I don't feel very well tonight.

Ashira  d20+3=18 d20+2=14
Friday April 19th, 2002 11:38:53 PM

The half-elf readies herself for impending conflict, checking her weapons and armor, making sure they are nice and secure. She places her barkskin potion and a cure moderate wounds potion in a pouch on her belt. Whispering to Rigging she says "Who do you want to be invisible first?" She breathes in the night air and catches the scent of something familiar on the breeze.

OOC (Spot=18, Wisdom=14)

Redux  d20+6=22 d20+4=10 d20+4=9
Saturday April 20th, 2002 12:17:46 AM

Redux readies his spell casting. If he was told by the captain that the ship was less than or equal to 400 lbs. he will offer to make the ship invisible for the passage between the ships using his memorized spell. Being told of the layout and the docks to their left, Redux considers casting Dancing Lights (and will do so unless told not to or unless he casts invisibility this round) in that direction, intending to cast it so that the lights are visible to the dock and the large ship to the left but not the large ship on their right. This will help them slip between the two large ships. He suggests that those not invisible lie down on the deck (or below??) for the beginning of the passage. Talon is on the top of the mast, enjoying the breeze and keeping a watch (Spot=22). Redux sees (10) and smells (9) but isn't identifying much without being told by others in the group (either by signal or low whispers).

Saturday April 20th, 2002 3:01:59 AM

Concern knitting Ari's brow, he lets the others talk about what's to come. Ari doesn't ahve anything to really add to the conversation at this point.

Bart  d20+1=20 d20+3=21
Saturday April 20th, 2002 3:22:04 AM

Can we slip through and sail inland or do we have to go ashore somewhere else and try to reach the upper plateau?

The Smoke (DM Stephen) 
Saturday April 20th, 2002 12:39:48 PM

For those who recognize the smell, it is the scent of death; rotting and burning flesh. If any of you get any closer without holding your breath or covering your nose, the nauseous odor will become unbearable.

The young pirates look to Rigging for his orders.

Saturday April 20th, 2002 5:52:00 PM

Rigging has doubts about being able to slip through the two ships. Suddenly the others feel the boat turning away heading east. When they look back they see that Rigging has changed the direction. "OK guys, I want to find a good spot to carry the boat up shore. We will need to hide it so look for a good place. We are going to walk to the City." When Rigging finds a suitable spot he will beach the boat. OOC The ideal spot wood be a wooded area about a mile or so from the town. Sorry guys but I think we are going to need our invisibility spells to slip through to the city.

(DM Stephen - You probably mean you want to follow the coastline either North of South. East takes you directly up the river and inland. West takes you back out to sea to the Hammerhead.)

Appolo:HP:28  d20+1=18
Saturday April 20th, 2002 11:01:31 PM

Appolo watches the light show. "Looks like someone's throwing a great party. Hope we don't miss it," he comments.

Then when Rigging turns the ship around and says they have to walk, he asks, "Do you think it's wise? I mean we will have to walk uphill through enemy territory. If we do this we should do it at dawn, then. From what I read about these creatures, I don't think they like daylight too much," he says. From his tone of voice you can tell he is clearly worried. (Int check 18.) "Personally I say we head back to the Hammerhead and report the city surrounded, unable to get through. I really don't feel like being roasted." It is clear that Appolo is frightened and slightly unnerved by what he sees, hears and smells in the area.

Saturday April 20th, 2002 11:19:36 PM

As Ashira senses the change in course, her eyes go wide in disbelief. Stalking over to Rigging, she barely manages to keep her voice to a coarse whisper. "Are you INSANE?!" she hisses "There are MILES of enemy lines we would have to make our way through. We don't stand a prayer that way! At least we have a chance trying to get through those ships. Change course NOW, while we still have a chance! Or at least let me swim up the river and make my way into the city first. This is insanity!"

The Might of Donyra! (DM Stephen) 
Sunday April 21st, 2002 12:22:23 AM

As the boat begins to turn the Nautaoculus starts to vibrate in Riggings hands. The wind that blows the sails stop completely. The little compulsions that has been directing Rigging up to this point, has turned into what can be best described as a forceful voice. One look through the Nautaoculus shows a bright beam from the stars above pin pointing a spot on the lower walls of the second plateau. Your still too far to see what that spot is. The "voice" in Rigging's head continues to say, "take the river - east - 10 miles - eta 80 minutes.

One look north and south on the coastline reminds everyone that the plateaus are surrounded by a massive armada of war ships. The armies of orc, goblin and others outside the town are busy cutting down what trees they can find. Looks like they may be building siege towers to over take the rocky cliffs of the 2nd plateau. The redish glow of camp fires can be seen all up and down the coast.

Then from up above a human voice can be heard. Appearing from the night sky, from the east, a man dressed in ornamented breastplate armor and long flowing robes flies above the town and toward the sea. In his hands, a glowing golden trident and from around his neck dangles a silver flute. Tears drip from his eyes as he shouts to the army.

From his trident, bolts of lightning strike the large ships. Bits of the ships burst into the air. Explosions of bright light and sparks stream out from their decks. The two ships in front of the river start to burn. The big ship tied up at the docks blows up in a massive ball of fire (must have ignited something)!! Splintered wood rain down all over the area. The evil army gather together on the shore and start to fire volley after volley of arrows at the flying cleric. The arrows seem to bounce off an invisible barrier. Arrows that miss strike the water.

He yells into the sky weepingly, "Oh Donyra, my goddess ... look what they have done to my home, my families, my friends ... oh goddess!!" His expression turns cold as his saddness turns to focused rage. With his back to the party, he flies backwards out to sea, never taking his eyes off the town. "They must pay, Donyra, they must pay." As he flies over the party in their little boat, he does not notice them.

The army at the shore start to try and put the fires out. Others, in a frantic, load into the smaller boats to chase the cleric.

The cleric continues to rant. "Oh mighty Donyra, I have served you faithfully all my life and have asked for nothing, until now." The clouds start to roll and grow dark, the winds begin to blow. Flashes of lightning light up the sky above the cleric. "May vengence be served this night, show the minions of Marteaus the fury of the winds and the seas!"

His body begins to glow. He spreads his arms out wide as he struggles with the powerful divine magics that surge through his body. Suddenly beams of light shoot out from his hands and feet. His robes and his hair whips around in the turbulent winds as light bursts out of his eyes and mouth. The cleric seems to have become a holy font of pure divine energy.

A ray of light shoots down into the deep. A wall of churning water slowly begins to rise up out of the ocean. This wall of water looks to run north and south as far as you can see. The wall is now up to 50-ft into the air and continues to grow. "May the sea claim these foul wretches. OH DONYRA, MY GODDESS ... MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE!!"

The Nautaoculus begins to violently vibrate. Everyone in the boat can feel its voice in their minds as it screams, "GO EAST ... THE RIVER!!"

(ooc: a 50-ft wall of water grows behind you about 80-ft away. The cleric struggles with the energies that flow through his body. He can no longer hear or see anything. The spheric barrier that surrounds him begins to glow as it "heats up" from all the magics that pours out.)

Sunday April 21st, 2002 12:38:13 AM

"Quickly up the river !! Now!! Before he does whatever he is going to do!!" there is clear panic in his voice.

Sunday April 21st, 2002 3:43:45 PM

Rigging mumbles to himself. "OK I can take a hint." He turns the tiller back to the river and summons the winds to the sails once more. "Redux" Rigging says in a harsh whisper. "Get Talon up to be our eyes. Prepare that invisibiity spell(s) but don't use them unless we are spotted. Everyone prepare for battle but don't shoot, smile or make the slightest noise unless we are seen and attacked. Stealth and speed is the answer here, not force of arms. I want everyone to keep low. In my studies, I have learned that these creatures possess night vision and can see heat." With that said, Rigging puts Nautaoculus to the test and tries for even more speed. He aims to go to the right of both burning boats. Less eyes to see them that way.

Sunday April 21st, 2002 4:16:01 PM

Take us out of here!!

Monday April 22nd, 2002 5:46:38 AM

Unless there is some way for Ari to assist the ship, he'll do what is recommended, and get as low in the ship as he can. if there's any blankets or stuff of that nature that can be used to shield heat, he'll put it around himself as he sits lower in the boat. Praying to Lem that the current action is distracting those in the other boats.

Monday April 22nd, 2002 10:45:21 AM

Val watches everything with wide eyes. Never had she seen such a display of power. Lightning exploding everywhere, the ocean rising up to swallow his enemies. Val was amazed. Since this was the perfect distraction, she kept quiet and hoped everything went well.

CDM Jerry 
Monday April 22nd, 2002 11:51:15 AM

OOC: Rigging and Bart, watch the language please. I believe I need to redefine what I want. I want a clean game. I do not want words that refer to rude body sounds. I do not want any kind of allusion to hell or god, etc. in a as a slang word.

I hate to get all authoritarian on ya, but any further infractions of this type could result in players being asked to leave The Wold. No threat intended.

I am simply trying to communicate exactly how I will have things done here in The Wold.

DM Stephen, delete this post at the end of the week and edit the posts I've referred to.

The Wall (DM Stephen) 
Monday April 22nd, 2002 5:56:59 PM

The wall of water rises to 80-ft. The winds continue to pick up speed.

Monday April 22nd, 2002 6:40:12 PM

Appolo sees the 80 foot wallof water heading their mway. "Come on Rigging!!' He pulls out an oar and begins to paddle toward the river mouth. Clearly panicing.

Monday April 22nd, 2002 11:12:50 PM

Her eyes wide with terror mixed with awe, Ashira takes a length of rope and wraps it around her waste, lashing herself to the vessel. She does everything possible/needed to get the vessel moving in the right direction before the wave consumes them.

Monday April 22nd, 2002 11:39:28 PM

Redux says a short, very short, thank you to the gods help. He tells Talon to fly and stay above them. He need to keep a watch out and warn him of obstacles in the river (rocks, other boats) and bad, smelly guys along the banks. Seeing Ashira lash herself to the boat, he lays down and does the same. He searches his bag for a potion of underwater breathing that Gastu gave to the party. He says a quick prayer "Oh, Alemi, be merciful to us as these creatures are destroyed."

Shootin' the Curl (DM Stephen) 
Monday April 22nd, 2002 11:54:13 PM

The churning wall of water has now risen to 120-ft into the air. The Cleric of Donyra, with his face streaking with tears, lets his arms fall to his side. The great wall of water then rolls over and collapses upon the shores.

The little boat, after it passes by the ships that block the river, races upstream. Its little sail taking the full embrace of the wind. Goblins, Orcs and Trolls can do nothing but stare at their impending doom. Some take a second glance at the pirates but take nothing more. Others not frozen in fear drop whatever weapon they were holding and begin to run for them lives.

The skies ring with the sounds of a womans laughter as the tidal wave hits the beach. It quickly picks up the ships and drives them inland right behind the pirates boat. The ships being tossed about barrel down on the small water craft.

Just as soon as Rigging clears the stone bridge, the huge ships smash into it. The ships explode into a million pieces. The wave easily engulfs the bridge and continues on up river chasing the young pirates.

Ashira and Redux think quick and tie themselves down.

As you all speed your way east, you witness the looks of horror in the faces of thousands and thousands of Marteaus's army. The curling wall of water overtakes everything smuthering out all life.

As everyone looks back to face their watery predator, they can see it gets closer and closer. Infact the lip of the wave starts to pick up the stern. The little boat starts to gather more and more speed as it rides the wave. The sails go limp for they are now traveling faster than the air itself.

Enhanced by the Nautaoculus, Rigging ceases to lose his concentration as he reads every ripple, every little swirl and curve and turn of the river.

All of a sudden, everyone sees a step in the river up ahead. A 4-ft high step up with a large stone in the middle. The stone is water worn and smooth and tilts up forward out of the water. Rigging realizes that the bow is too low. It needs to tip upward if they are to have any chance of making it over the falls.

(ooc: The 4-ft waterfall runs on either side of a large round stone. The stone comes up out of the water at an angle that points away from your boat. Like a flat tablet that lays over from the bottom to the top of the falls. The lip of the wave slightly picks up the tail of the boat. If anyone looks back, they can literally reach back and touch the wave. Rigging make 5 Knowledge (navigation) and Profession (Sailor) checks. Everyone else make 5 Dex or Str checks. Whichever is higher. Ashira and Redux add a +10 to your rolls! Good goin!)

Appolo:HP:28  d20+4=20 d20+4=12 d20+4=19 d20+4=11 d20+4=6
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 12:05:46 AM

Appolo is bounced about and looses his oar.
He looks up and sees the stone and water.
"OO Noo!!Look Out!!" He yells,pointing at the stone.

OOC:Dex checks 20,12,19,11,6

Bart  d20+4=18 d20+4=22 d20+4=24 d20+4=20 d20+4=17 d100=99
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 3:36:23 AM

Bart sits in front of the small boat and holds himself at a bench as they ride the wave inlands. He does a little prayer speaking out loud "Lem help us" (rolled percentage 99)
(strenght checks 18 22 24 20 17)

Ari  d20+3=18 d20+3=13 d20+3=15 d20+3=12 d20+3=10
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 7:03:07 AM

Realizing the upcoming wall is going to be a problem. Ari quietly prays to Lem. (18,13,15,12,10)

The ride reminds Ari a little bit about the time he was in the crates as he made his initial escape from his hometown. Being bounced around, this way and that.

Ashira  d20+10=12 d20+10=20 d20+10=22 d20+10=22 d20+10=11
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 8:21:49 AM

For the first time in her life, Ashira is scared sensless. Her eyes wide with terror, Ashira screams "Lookout!" as she sees the stone. Bracing herself for impact with the wave, Ashira hopes for the best, and thanks the gods, not for the first time, that she is able to breath underwater.

OOC (Above are the requested rolls...not sure if you wanted us to add the strength on top, so I didn't. Strength modifier is +2)

Redux  d20+12=21 d20+12=14 d20+12=17 d20+12=31 d20+12=14
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 3:01:55 PM

As terror fills the mages mind Talon emits a scream in the air. Redux' face shows ghost white to anyone who could see. As he holds on with everything he is worth he struggles with an incantation he once heard, not wanting to become undead.

Valanthe  d20+5=22 d20+5=15 d20+5=14 d20+5=18 d20+5=11
Tuesday April 23rd, 2002 8:10:43 PM

As she watches her impending doom, Valanthe hears a primal scream layered with fear. Only after it dies down does she realize it was her own scream. She grabs hold of the boat and hangs on for dear life.

OOC: Dex rolls 22,15,14,18,11

Between a Rock and a Wet Place! (DM Stephen)  d20+29=43 d20+29=37 d20+29=39 d20+29=31 d20+29=33 d20+4=21 d20+4=17 d20+4=21 d20+4=21 d20+4=18
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 12:05:54 AM

Everyone gets tossed around but manage to stay in the boat. Ari comes close to meeting a watery end, but the others manage to hang on to him.

Riggings ability to maneuver the boat is nothing short of godlike. With the extra knowledge of the Nautaoculus, Rigging is enlightened to techniques never before imagined by sailors. Loosening the ropes to the bottom of the jib, he enables the sail to take a more horizontal winged position. Then with a little concentration, he directs the wind to curl up and lift the sail. The bow of the boat rises into the air just as it hits the smooth rock. Using the rock as a ramp, the boat is sent flying high up into the air. Everyone lets out a long continuous scream!!

The boat not designed for air travel begins to slow down as the front of the wave below passes beneath them. The boat comes splashing down on top of the tidal wave 50-ft above the ground. Catching a secondary wave on the tidal waves back, amazingly Rigging is able to keep control as they rush forward to the near 5000-ft high wall of the first plateau.

The ride on top of the tidal wave is much smoother than down below. However, you all can now see that behind you all, the wave carries all the debris from the town and the surrounding countryside. Everyone understands that stopping or turning the boat would mean sudden death from the tens of thousands of tons of debris that chases them. The wall of the plateau is getting closer and closer in front of them.

The only thing that each of you can do is stare back at one another. Knowing that this may be your last moments alive.

The closer you get to the plateau; the great waterfall can be seen that flows from above. The water falls so far that by the time it makes it down to the ground, it is nothing but a heavy rain. The party feels the rain begin to hit and their eyes turn away from each other and toward the rock face that speeds ever closer to them.

Talon, instead of flying way, decides to land on Reduc's arm and leans in for a final hug. Rigging and Ashira take each other's hand and Appolo and Valanthe do the same.

The front of the tidal wave, which is now 80-yrds ahead, crashes against the plateau wall and begins to swell. The wave recoils and begins to return back on the pirates. The boat hits the returning wave and again they take to the air. The boat flies into the rocky wall .....

What the... (DM Stephen)  2d6(5+1)+5=11
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 12:20:55 AM

The boat hits the wall ... and went through it!!!

The boat slams down onto the floor of a cave as everything goes dark. An explosion of sounds echo and ring in your ears as the debris hit the plateau wall outside.

The boat slides across the cavern floor and slams to a complete stop at a wall on the far side of the cave. Everyone takes 11 points of damage from the impact. The boat, amazingly, remains intact.

The rest of the water that followed you in runs out the front of the cave. However none you see the entrance. There is a dim amber light source that glows from some strange structures, but you can't make them out.

Amazingly, by some strange miracle, you are all alive. A bit bruised, but alive!

(ooc: I will have a map sometime tomorrow afternoon. The cavern looks to be a 100-ft long and 30-ft wide. In the center there apears to be a rounded section with strange block-shaped structures. There are strange bizarre writings all over the walls. Seems to look like a combination of pictagraphs and elaborate letter-like forms, but it is nothing like any of you have seen before.)

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 8:29:48 AM

Panting, it takes Ashira a few minutes to realize she's not dead. Untying herself from the boat, Ashira barely feels the tenderness underneath where the rope has cut into her skin. She hurries over to where Rigging is and helps him to his feet. Once up, Ashira kisses the young leader for a long time. "You were spectacular at the rock!"

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 12:56:14 PM

It takes a few seconds for Ari to transition from the noise of riding the river to the quietness of the cavern. As soon as the silence registers on Ari he quickly realizes that the boat has come to a complete stop, and he is intact with only minor damage.

"Holy Moly, what a ride." As his breathing comes back to normal Ari looks around to get familiar with the cavern that they are in. While he's looking around he pats Riggings on the back for a job well done.

Redux (9 HP)  d20+6=18
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 4:16:24 PM

Redux stays put for a few seconds longer, not comprehending right away that the ride has stopped and why it has gotten quiet. Talon, (ooc oh, to be simple minded) ruffles his feathers and begins to fly about (ooc spot=18). Redux can hear "Hey, what's this?" and "Hey, look over here!" Redux realizes that he hasn't died or soiled himself and that they are now much safer that the river. He gets himself unwound from the boat and rope and sits up. After a few moments he is clearer with his surroundings and gets up to take a few wobbly steps to what Talon may have found interesting. His head hurts, along with a some good bruises; he is visibly weakened. He remembers to say 'thank you' to Alemi for his mercy. To anyone in the room "Does anyone have a spare healing potion?"

(DM Stephen - King Black gave everyone a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds before you all left. What happened to that one?)

Redux (HP=24)  2d8(3+1)+5=9 d8=7
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 4:36:12 PM

..."Oh, never mind," he mumbles, "I have one here." And he feels much better.

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 5:09:53 PM

Thank you Lem!! and Domi too, I was sure we where dead meat on the cliff. no broken bones? Where are we any way?

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 8:37:25 PM

As they go hurtling toward the cliff wall, Appolo grabs Val and pulls her toward him, he then moves to shield her from the impact,by turning his back on the cliff face.

Then suddenly they go striaght through it and crash in a cave. Appolo is thrown down with Val on top of him. He quickly gets up."Val are you all right speak to me he says." while while holding her. "We 're alive. What a ride. Way to go Rigging. Whatever you did you did it right." he his crying tears of joy and doesn't even know it. He continues to hug Val. He doesn't even realize that he's hurt.

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 10:17:24 PM

OCC Sorry guys for missing some posts. Had a family emergency. My father had a stroke but looks like he is going to be OK.)

Rigging looks dazed himself. He stares wondering at the Nautauoculus as he accepts the pats and congradutions of his friends. Not even Ashira's kiss breaks his stare at the artifact. When he finally does break his concentration, he says to his friends, "Don't thank me, thank the Nautaoculus. We would have been fish food if it wasn't for the skill it gave me. I almost feel empty without it. It is almost as if my head was a sink and someone pulled the plug. The knowledge just drains out of my head." Rigging shakes himself. "OK, enough back slapping. Let's find out where we are and if we can find a way up to the city. Everyone gear up. Let's go spelunking."

Valanthe (11 hp down) 
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 10:46:26 PM

Val rolls onto her hands and knees. She starts coughing hard and releases the water she swallowed the wrong way. Her ribs and back were tender from the impact, but she's had worse. "I'm okay Appolo. Just a little battered from the crash. Though it felt like my heart was going to burst. Thanks the gods we landed here. I noticed that nothing else followed us through."

The Map (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 10:47:56 PM

Click here to see Map

Wednesday April 24th, 2002 11:14:02 PM

Appolo tries to stand up and falls back down. "Woo - I guess I am a little dizzy and my head hurts something ferocious. It does look like we all made it, but where are we?" He then looks over at Rigging, "Will you forget about that thing and kiss her back you blockhead. We'll find out where we are in due time I guess." He then lays back down. "Yeah this feels better. I think I'll just lay here for a while." He has a nice bump on his head and a slight bit of bleeding. He pulls out a potion of cure moderate wounds and drinks it.

The Voices of Gods [CDM Jerry] 
Thursday April 25th, 2002 12:12:38 AM

Throughout The Wold, voices are heard. The Voices of Gods.

"So mother, you have truly fallen and become that which your former priests spoke against for so long: A slave to Passion!"

"No daughter, I have evolved. I have found the truth. Love hurts. Passion brings joy. I am now dedicated to forcing the Races of The Wold to realize this truth. Only the truth will let the races evolve. Only the truth will bring balance to The Wold. Today I am here to teach you this truth. You have always been my favorite daughter. You always went with your passions and used your god given abilities to force those who loved deeply to see the joy that only passion can bring.

"Now however, daughter, you have regressed and embraced the pain of deep love. You have failed. Your teachings of deep love must and will end. I have brought a strong handsome god with me. Ga'al, meet Flower, my daughter. Is she not beautiful?"

"Yes. Very."

"I have not failed. I have seen the truth. Passion brought me nothing but pain and deep love has saved me. I have learned the love of family, friends, and even learned to love you, whom I once despised. Most of all, I have learned to love the people of The Wold, from whom I once took so much."

"Flower you have learned nothing. I will teach you to evolve. You will learn passion...with Ga'al."

"Caeroldra, you are so misled. I am truly sad. I will have nothing to do with a Cult God. I leave you. However, the next time we meet, even though I love you deeply, we meet as enemies. Goodbye mother....for all time"

"Fine. Die in ignorance."




"I AM ALEMI! Carol, what have you done?"

"You do not control me any longer, Alemi!"

"I never controlled you. I simply loved you. Now it is my duty to judge you. I find you guilty of murder. The sentence is Oblivion!"


::The sky turns pink and then red as the Goddess of Love and the Goddess of Passion are slain.::

"Ga'al. Look upon me and recognize me.


"For crimes against the Noble Races, I hereby judge the self-named Cult Gods GUILTY and declare HOLY WAR upon them!

"Now go, Ga'al and speak my words to your cowardly brethren. The next time we meet IT WILL BE WAR!!

"May The Wold mourn the passing of the GODDESS OF LOVE.

"I go to mourn the passing of an old friend."

::...And it begins to rain.::

- - - - - - - - - -

[Clerics of Caeroldra or Flower need to make a Will save DC 14 plus your Cleric Class Level. If you succeed, you are still beset with feelings of obsessive love or the urge to give in to your desires, but are able to control them to an extent. If you fail, your DM will tell you the results and the options available to you.]

[All non-Clerics must make a Will save DC 12 plus half your Character Levels. If you succeed, you are still beset with feelings of obsessive love or the urge to give in to your desires, but are able to control them to an extent. If you fail, your DM will tell you the results and the options available to you.]

Arousing Suspicions (DM Stephen) 
Thursday April 25th, 2002 1:14:33 AM

(Go ahead and make your saves)

Already, passions begin to swell. Emotions are strung tight after recovering from a death-defying boat ride. Then hearing the voice of the most hated Ga'al. The cries of dying gods.

Now the sounds of cool wet dripping water in a dark sultry cavern seems to sing like bards of passion and mirth.

As the hot west winds feed the fires that burn across the plateaus coast, so to the powers of lust become inflamed!

(ooc: need I say more!)

Ari  d20+9=11
Thursday April 25th, 2002 6:53:23 AM

failed roll

(DM Stephen - Ashira and Valanthe are lookin' goooooood!! The fact that Ashira and Valanthe are soaking wet does NOT help the situation. Give in to your passions but be careful how you word it!! I know it's a challenge! Go ahead and post again.)

Rigging  d20+4=16
Thursday April 25th, 2002 9:12:53 AM

Rigging feels the passion overwhelm him. He knows this is wrong and sets his will against it. He must remain in control. His family is in danger. He will protect them. More Goddesses have died. One for good and one for evil. What shape will this land take when this "holy war" is over. Rigging shakes these thoughts from his head. His friends are in danger and he must help them. "Everyone listen!
I know what you are all feeling. Fight it! Uncontrolled passion is not love! We aren't animals. We need to get to the city and this would be the perfect time. Fight it!"

(DM Stephen - The way Ashira whips her wet hair around is simply irresistable, but you hold on by mere threads!!)

Thursday April 25th, 2002 10:27:54 AM

Smiling seductively at the ladies Ari comments, "You two are looking so goooooooooooooood after that near death experience. I wish I had a bottle of wine, so that we could celebrate our survival!" Shrugging Ari continues, "Eh, who needs wine. Let's celebrate!".

Throwing caution to the wind and feeling his passions letting loose, Ari does his best to sidle up to the two ladies.

Appolo Hp 28  d20=18
Thursday April 25th, 2002 12:17:28 PM

After taking his potion and laying down for a few minutes he feels much better. Appolo then stands up and has a look around.

Thats when he hears the voices and feels his passions inflamed. He imediatly fights for control. Val and Ashira look awfully good.

Ari then makes amove toward Val and Appolo
moves quickly to black his path. "Ari my you need to calm down now. Just ignore it. If I can control myself you can." he then puts his hands out in front of him and will move defensively to keep Ari from getting to the women."Rigging we have a problem,"
OOC:Made Will check 18

(DM Stephen - But still, Valanthe's skin seems too glisten in the warm amber light!!) :)

Bart  d20+1=12
Thursday April 25th, 2002 3:10:01 PM

failed roll
even our beloved gods fall due to the games of Ga'al

(DM Stephen - Just as Ari, you too are overwhelmed with uncontrolable passion and lust. Continue with your post.)

Ashira  d20+3=17 d20+10=13
Thursday April 25th, 2002 8:05:59 PM

Ashira grimaces when she hears the voice of the gods, her face twisted with rage when she hears Ga'al's. Then when the two goddesses die, feelings of passion that the half-elf thought she had curbed long ago rise to the surface with a vengance. She begins to take more notice of Rigging, and can't help but notice how tight his pants are when he's sopping wet. After all she's been through, surely it wouldn't be a crime to throw caution to the wind.... After all, isn't it about time that she fulfilled her inner most desires...it has been a LONG time...the cave seems secure enough... Ashira shakes her head. "No!" she says out loud, as if to the thoughts in her head. "Now is not the time...we've got a job to do. Come on...let's find a way out of this cave and find this Valdor person." Ashira begins to examine the cave, looking for an entrance into the city.

OOC (17=Will, 13=Search)

Redux  d20+4=8
Thursday April 25th, 2002 9:08:41 PM

(ooc gotta love failing the save the worst)

Redux' mind clouds to the point that he no longer hears his winged friend's excitement. A weird smile forms on the mage's face. To everyone's amazement Redux moves towards Ashira as in a hypnotic trance on his face and a swagger to his step.. He pushes Rigging aside and firmly grabs the sultry, glistening half elf around the waist and attempts to plant a solid kiss on her face. His actions are deliberate and without the clumsiness you'd expect from a love lorn mage. There is no mistaking his intent and that forcing the issue is well within what he's willing to do.

Thursday April 25th, 2002 9:43:31 PM

Appolo looks over his shoulder and watches in amasement as Redux looses his mind and plants one on her. He nearly breaks out in laughter.

Valanthe  d20+2=3
Thursday April 25th, 2002 10:31:43 PM

Val closes her eyes and tries to shut out he voices. Her mental strength has worn away over the weeks. Her only release from the pain is the reverie. When the lust and passion hit, Val has no strength to resist. First her Scythe drops to the ground in a clang. Piece by piece her armor follows. Grabbing her shirt, Val raises her arms and tosses it aside. Nude from the waist up, Val hugs Appolo from behind and starts kissing his neck.

OOC: I hope this is clean enough.

(DM Stephen - I'm not sure!?!) >(:O

Appolo:HP:28  d20=4
Friday April 26th, 2002 12:52:47 AM

Whem Valanthe jumps on his back and starts kissing his neck Appolo, he starts to protest but can't it feels so good. He reaches around and pulls her to hhhis front." Rigging!!" he regians his self control for the moment."I can't resist her for very long. Ari back off and now!!!" The tone of his voice sends aclear warning to stay away from her. He really is at a loss as to what to do with her a real war is going on inside of him. Inside he is also cursing the gods everyway he knows how and he hopes thier listenning.

OOC:Made will roll to resist Valanthe's advances .Failed rolled a 4. If unneccessary please disregard.

Close Encounters Part 1 (DM Stephen) 
Friday April 26th, 2002 1:30:24 AM

(anyone who made their save and are not locked in some kind of embrace can make a Spot Check DC 12. If successful, you notice the "sexy" amber light start to glow a little brighter.)

Rigging watches his party in shock. Ashira finds herself the focus of three different men. Appolo finds himself pressed up against the stone wall by very bare barbarian.

(I know nothing else to say. Let the scene continue.)

Friday April 26th, 2002 2:40:56 AM

Bart falls to his knees in front of Ashira, oh my Lady I always loved you in the deepest of my heart, until now I never spoked out, you are the Sunshine in my live, the reason why I exist. I can only hope that you share those feelings with me. Bart takes Ashira's hand a gives an passionate kiss on it.

Ashira  d20+7=14 d3=1 d20+2=9
Friday April 26th, 2002 8:40:40 AM

The aquan half-elf is slightly taken aback by the ferocity of Redux's advance. Then her cheeks flush as he kisses her. Her right hand balls up into a fist, and she takes a mighty swing at Redux's jaw. If she is sucessful in clocking the mage, Ashira takes a step back and says "If you ever try that again, I will personally dispatch you to the Abyss!"

OOC (14=Unarmed attack to Redux, 1 pt. dam; 9=Spot...I guess Ashira's too "distracted" to notice anything!)

If she is unsucessfull, Ashira takes a step back from the mage, trying to make her way so she can get her back to a wall. Drawing her sword, she attempts to fend off the enchanted mage. "Rigging, a little help here, if you please! Or would you rather I kill him?" When Bart makes his proposal, Ashira says "I am sorry, Bart, but I simply can't accept your affections right now." The half-elf never takes her eyes off the crazed mage as she removes her hand from his and gently pats the young warrior on the shoulder (Ashira uses her off hand...the one NOT holding her longsword). "I am sure that one day a very special woman will come along and you two will be very happy together." Ashira parries another advance from Redux with the flat of her blade as she continues. "I'm afraid you and I could never be happy together." Ashira continues to inch toward the wall. "Rigging, get over here now!"

Appolo:HP:28  d20+5=15
Friday April 26th, 2002 11:45:08 AM

Appolo is barely in control and is about to give in when he makes a decision. His right hand flashes out, a dagger in it. He quickly reverses it and clocks Val behind the head with it, going for the knockout. "Please forgive me Sunshine."

Then, assuming he is successful, he wraps her gently in his cloak and places her on the ground. Appolo looks at Bart. "Hey buddy that's my line. You need to come up with something of your own." He then looks around to see if he can find some rope. "Ashira put that sword away and just knock him out, he's a mage. I'll deal with Ari."

Friday April 26th, 2002 3:52:34 PM

Rigging goes over to Ashira's aid. "Hey guys, Get control of yourselves." He murmurs to Ashira, "Did you get an invisiblity ring. I will activate mine and you yours and we will slip from this noose."

Friday April 26th, 2002 10:20:29 PM

Redux is taken aback, as he rubs his jaw. It never occurs to him that she would resist or pull away from his advances (she never did in his mind). "But you don't understand the beautiful magic we would make together," he says to her. And with that he casts Dancing Lights all around her. "See, they dance just for you; just like you. Never would I hurt you. I would always protect you; show you the light you are to me."

Saturday April 27th, 2002 3:05:03 AM

Oh no Ashira it is only you who I desire, I can't live without you I will always be on your side and never leave it

Close Encounters Part 2 (DM Stephen) 
Saturday April 27th, 2002 10:45:29 AM

With all the groping and pledges of love no one seems to notice that the symbols on the six sarcophaguses start to glow.

Appolo whacks Valanthe on the back of the head but it's not near enough to knock out the barbarian (sneak attack is not a factor because Valanthe cannot be flatfooted - uncanny dodge). Valanthe pauses only to rub the back of her head and she turns back to Appolo with a wiley expression. She slams Appolo even harder against the stonewall. "So you like it rough," says Valanthe with a growl. She continues to kiss Appolo ... not taking no for an answer!

Rigging and Ashira have their hands full with the other three.

The lids to the sarcophaguses spring open with a hiss of steam. Two alien looking creatures exit from each. Their bodies appear to be short, naked and frail. Their skin is transparent and all their internal organs and bones can be seen. One alien wears a necklace with a gem. They all turn to watch the party. They begin to whisper to one another as they watch on.

The leader begins to concentrate and the gem starts to glow. Each of you feel your passions subside to a controlable level. Redux's Dancing Lights snuffs out completely. A chorus of alien creatures start to humm and every symbol etched into the walls begins to glow. Everyone is bathed in a bright white light, but it doesnt sting of burn your eyes.

The leader begins to speak. "We are the Teucri, and we have finally returned to this world to be the heralds and to witnesses of the last days ... FOR THE END OF THE WOLD IS NIGH!"

The Teucri begin to walk to different circles on the floor and quickly disappear. All but one remains. "Yes, the end to the Wold is coming. Alas, do not lose hope, you still have a chance to save the Wold. To do so you must kill a god. There is a way for a mere mortal to kill a god. You are on the right path to finding it."

Sunday April 28th, 2002 12:05:30 AM

Val rubs her head and looks around. Quietly she redresses and puts her armor back on. She desperately wanted to ravish Appolo but now she could control herself. Looking back, Valanthe is ashamed of her actions. She always prided herself on independence. The death of a god enflamed her passion and she couldn't control it. Val couldn't let that happen again.

One thing is for sure, seeing an ancient race with incredible power, is a sobering experience. "What is the path? How do we kill a god?"

Sunday April 28th, 2002 9:21:20 PM

Temporarily forgetting her suitors, Ashira watches the Teucri with distrust, her sword ready should she need it. Then, as it becomes clear that the creatures are not hostile, Ashira listens intently. She thinks to herself that if is truly is possibly to kill a god then freedom for Aisildur might yet be achievable.

Sunday April 28th, 2002 9:29:16 PM

Rigging will walk towards the strange creature with his hands down to his side in a non-threatening manner. He gives a quick bow and says, "Sir, My name is Arrack Von Palin. I and my friends working towards freeing the Wold from the influence of Ga'al and his heartseeds. Is this the God you are referring to? Or is it another God who must be sacrificed?
Any help or advice you could give us, we will use in fighting for our people and the Wold."

Sunday April 28th, 2002 10:49:00 PM

After his move to sub Valanthe fails and he gets slammed agianstthe wall hard enough to knock the windout of him, Appolo gives in. He has already been half stripped anyway and his tunic is in tatters.. Thats when the ghosts appear when and Valanthe backs off. Now Appolo is slightly perturbed by this change of attitude, but quickly cover Valanthe with his cloak and helps her gather her things .
When the ghosts spout of about the end and mortals killing gods,Appolo pipes in"Yeah> Now tell us something we don't know. " He then turns to Valanthe"I'm sorry I hit you. Don't feel bad Redux, Ari and Bart all did pretty much the same thing. You should of seen the kiss redux laid on Ashira. Now that was something. he got a busted lip out of the deal.
But I'd say it was a fair exchange." He says this while helping her dress by using his claok as a screen. He doesn't seem to interested in the ghosts now that it has been determined that they're not a threat.

Monday April 29th, 2002 2:16:23 AM

Bart shivers when the the influence of the fallen Love God falls away. He stands up and says I'm sorry Ashir I bothered you in this way, only a part f it was true I will always protect my family. Bart walks towards the Teucri and listen to them knowing deep in his mind that the haven't hostile intentions, that they are here to help.
He says to the creature "Yes show us the way and we will try our best to kill Ga'al, or is it Marteaus the one who killed Domi?

Monday April 29th, 2002 9:05:36 PM

Redux cannot believe what he was just doing. The passion urges subside and change to the extreme desire to run away and hide. The alien beings remind him of the business at hand. He will do his job; but he may never look Ashira in the eye again. To the Teucri "Wait, where are you going? Can we follow you?" (hoping the answer is yes, so that he can get out of these surroundings).

Close Encounters Part 3 (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 12:43:55 AM

The Teucri looks upon Rigging. You can see his internal organs throb and twitch. Low dull sparks of electrical impulses dance around what appears to be his brain. "Ga'al may be a formidable god and opponent, but he is merely a pawn of Marteaus's will. Killing Ga'al wont save you and the Wold from Marteaus."

Seeing the barbarian putting back on her clothing. "Don't cover yourself at my expense. We Teucri don't believe in clothing. We see it as a sign of dishonesty, but I understand it is your way." The Teucri rubs his hands together pondering her question, "I am so sorry, I can not tell you your way to kill a god; even if I knew. But you have with you the ability to find what will. Alas, we are not to interfere, we can only observe and tell you our message."

Hearing that Appolo has called him a ghost, the Teucri chuckles with laughter. "I can assure you, we are not ghosts. We are an ancient race from other worlds. We came to the Wold a long time ago. We occupied these plateaus and were the founders of Plateau City, where our pyramid structures still stand. We also built what you Woldian's call the Floating City."

Turning to Redux and Bart, the Teucri continues, "You can not follow our path, for you have your own to follow. However, I might be able to bend our rules and help you on your path to Plateau City." The Teucri points to a circle on the floor and it starts to glow blue. "This door will take you to one of our pyramids in southern Plateau City. I believe it would be next to impossible for you to enter the city any other way. You will also be able to leave the city through the same way. I will leave the door open for you."

"The only other words I can give you is ... listen to your hearts and minds. Believe in the power of one and how one can make a difference. The bravery and valor that you show in your struggle for survival will be the key, don't rely solely on death to bring you your victory."

The Teucri turns away and concludes with a final statement. "I must go now. I encourage you to take some rest here and continue when the light fills the sky. I bid you all farewell, and good luck."

Stepping on one of the circles in the floor the Teucri disappears and the party is left alone. Waves of passion still linger but are managable. After what you all have just been through, a rest should be most inviting.

(ooc: Everyone should rest and study spells and prepare for the next day. Decide what next to do.)

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 5:46:09 AM

Ari is facinate by the look of these 'teucri'. He tries to make careful scrutiny of these creatures and files away what they said about being covered.

For the duration he'll rest and study spells. Given the little embarrasing incident, if noone approaches him, he'll be happy enough being off by himself.

Rigging  d8+3=11
Tuesday April 30th, 2002 8:44:17 AM

Rigging will rest and study his spells as well. (OOC Switching over to his combat set listed on character sheet.) He will take one of his normal healing potions to get himself up to fighting strength. He will notice some of the discomfort of his friends and pull Ashira aside and say, "You better give a general apology to those three or they will not be able to look you in the eye for a week. I don't think we need the distraction now." When everyone is awake and rested, Rigging will call them all together for a chat and planning session. "Our friendly visitor mentioned we have the ability to find what will kill Marteaus. I think it has to be tied into Nautauoculus. He mentioned that we have the ability to find the way to kill Marteaus. Captain Skeleton mentioned the the second part of the artifact which would make it more powerful is in the Plateau City. I know our first mission is to find this Valdor fellow but everyone keep your eyes open for hints to the second piece of the artifact."

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 11:57:54 AM

The half-elf stares at Rigging with disbelief when he askes her to appologize. She whispers harshly to him "Tell me one good reason why I should appologize! They are the ones who threw themselves on me! Or do you think I should appologize for defending myself?!" Ashira stalks over to a corner and spends the rest of the night alone. In the quiet of the cave, those who have keen hearing make out sounds that might just be prayer to some god.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 3:05:06 PM

After taking care off Valanthe Appolo watches Ashira march off by herself. Appolo walks over to Rigging"GO after her, don't let her be alone and appologize for whatever you said. Just admit you were wrong and stay with herNow go<" he then returns to Valanthe and helps make a comfortable bed in the boat. After thats done he strips down and changes clothes. He the gathers his gear and weapons."Well sunshine do want to join? Bed's ready."

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 5:52:27 PM

Bart is taking care of his wounds and weapons and harnass, seawater isn't good for steel, so he carefully polish and blackens his weapons, and slighty oils his chain.

During this task he prays silently to Domi, he still believes Domi is alive as long as people believe in Him.

Tuesday April 30th, 2002 10:52:05 PM

"Well, I got us an easier passage out of here and to the city," Redux says not having anything better to say. Very ashamed of his behavior but not able to talk about it, Redux tries to cover his emotions up, wanting to believe it never happened but not able to. He searches out an unoccupied corner of the cavern and sits down and tries to meditate himself to sleep. This proves impossible and he finds he must say something to someone. Knowing that Rigging is close to Ashira but more the leader of the group, he goes to him and taps him on the shoulder, wanting to ask him aside to talk. He rambles on and on until Rigging stops him or until he is able to say all of the things on his mind. "Rigging, really, you did a great job getting us this far without losing anyone or getting us killed. Can you believe those beings? I mean, that trick with the sail was awesome! Isn't it amazing that we can get finish our trip to the city and have a way out? What in the wold is going on here? I promise I've never thought of getting between you and Ashira. How do you think those circles work? I think they have something to do with the dimensional travel my Mentor is able to use. Wouldn't you love to study with these Teucri? Could they be the race that developed the script we use for casting spells? What about that jewelry they had? Very powerful. You aren't mad at me about kissing her, are you? She packs quite a punch. I can't believe I actually said 'think of the magic we could make.' How hokey. We should use those rings to send in someone first to make sure the portal on the other side is clear. You can count on me in the morning. I'll be ready. Don't you worry, I'll stay out of your way with Ashira. Just say the word and I'll do whatever you need. You'll be covered, I promise." Redux really needs to be reassured by Rigging that everything will be alright after losing control of himself. After the talk he feels much more at ease and is able to rest and prepare his spells for the coming day.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 12:05:16 AM

Val stretches and yawns. She was more fatigued than she realized. Perhaps resting is the best idea right now. Once again removing her weapons and armor. Val climbs into the boat and slips into the reverie.

Day Breaks (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 12:38:35 AM

A redish glow from the entrance fills the cavern and brings life back to the party. The light filters through what now appears to be an illusionary wall that covers the front of the cave. Everyone realizes that is why they never saw it. The illusion mimics the cliff face.

The circle on the floor still glows and welcomes the first of who wishes to pass through.

Anyone who sticks their head out through the illusion can see the aftermath of the tidal wave. Much of the land is covered with debris and bodies of Marteaus's army. Debris that wasn't left behind must have been taken back out to sea. The river is still visible but is now surrounded by large pools of water as far as you can see. What few plants and trees that survived the inital wave now start to wither from the salt water that saturates the ground.

Besides the dying plants, no other life can be seen.

(ooc: Decide what your going to do. Your destiny awaits!!)

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 2:35:53 AM

Appolo imediately falls ito adeep slumber next to Valanthe. He sleeps deeply and peacefully and late. Doesn't have a care in the world, it is the sleep of an exhausted young man. He also has bruises on his chest and back as well as several scrathes.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 7:36:41 AM

Rigging starts to follow Ashira when Redux stops him. He listens patiently as the young mage rambles. He places his hand on Redux's shoulder and says, "Your right. I can't believe you said 'What beautiful magic you could make together' either." Rigging shows he is teasing by the big grin on his face. "Redux, You are my brother. I trust and respect you. Two goddesses died and their passing drove you to this. It wasn't your fault and nothing to be ashamed of. Ashira understands that also. Be at peace." Rigging pats Redux's shoulder a few times and heads after Ashira. He slips up behind her and wraps his arms around her. "Ashira, please forgive me. I misspoke myself. I meant to say you will need to provide a blanket amnesty to the other three. You have nothing to apologize for. I just wish I had lost my head as well. Maybe I could have gotten a few kisses in my beloved." Rigging gives her a hug and kisses the back of her head. Rigging then releases her and heads back to the boat. He gets his sleep and studing done. When morning arrives he will look at the out the cave mouth. "What a mess." he murmers to himself. "OK folks lets get to the city." Rigging grabs his gear and heads over to the portal. When the others have formed up he will step through.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 11:52:08 AM

Valanthe stretches as she wakes from reverie. Silently she straps on her armor. In a sinlge, fluid motion, Val spins her cloak and fastens it on. "Well destiny awaits." Val steps through the portal.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 11:53:38 AM

Appolo continues to sleep and dream.He refuses to wake."What's the hurry. You as soon as we get there, there's going to be trouble. I for Iam going to sleep some more." He rolls over and goes back to sleep.

Bart  d8+3=10
Wednesday May 1st, 2002 1:41:57 PM

When Bart sees Val stepping into th e portal he sips a cure light potion. He wants to follow Val but he sees and hears that Appolo turns himselfaround and sleep a bit longer So walks to Appolo and kicks at his his feet and says wakeup you sleepy head where going away! Bart takes out his sword and follows Val into the portal.

(DM Stephen - Remember, potions of cure light wounds will have at least a +3 bonus for caster level.)

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 5:31:55 PM

Appolo gets up "Man I guy get even get a few extra hours sleep. Hey where's breakfast?" he says as he stretches gets dressed, gathers his gear and rummages about for some rations. He then falls theothers throught the portal, while eating some beet jerky and bread.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 9:24:21 PM

Ari has troubling dreams about the fact that there are more than one God as has been taught. Then to top it off, gods can be killed. And the Teucri have said that G'aal is just a pawn of Marteaus. Ari doesn't get much comfort in those thoughts.

Making sure all of his equipment is in place, Ari takes another quick look around the place before following the others into the portal.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 10:09:07 PM

As the group readies themselves and heads through the portal, Ashira checks her armor and weapons. When Ari has departed, Ashira draws her swords and readies a couple of potions. She walks over to Rigging and gives him a quick kiss. "I've got a bad feeling about this. But hey, who wants to live forever?" She strides toward the portal and enters it.

Wednesday May 1st, 2002 10:32:38 PM

Well, I would have suggested an invisible recon of the area before we all stepped thru, Redux says to himself since everyone else has gone on. Calling Talon over to him, he places the bird on his shoulder. He then casts mage armor on himself and Talon. "Let's not keep the fool hardy bunch waiting in a war zone without us." And he steps thru the portal.

Big City lights (DM Stephen) 
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 12:59:45 AM

(Here is the map of the quarter of Plateau City you are in. Its the one from this site, but I can probably put together a better one tomorrow. You are all at the top of the Abandoned Pyramid.)
Click here to see Map
As soon as you all enter the portal you find yourself in another stone room. Suddenly everyone feels nautious and dizzy. After 10 or so seconds it goes away.

A large circular stone, much like a giant stone coin covered in runes, is up against one of the walls. It suddenly rolls to the side, exposing a doorway that is bathed in a blinding light ... the light of the morning sun!

As you approach the exit, everyone can see the wide expanse of a majestic city. Everyone realizes that they are on top of one of the largest structures of Plateau City. You can see all around the surrounding plateaus. The view is breathtaking. It appears you are standing miles above sea level. You can barely make out little ships the surround the plateaus. Columns of smoke still rise from the lower plateaus. The armies of New Elenna mass around the upper plateaus edge.

A wide stairway goes down 200-ft to the street on one side.

(Everyone make a Spot check DC15)

Valanthe  d20+3=16
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 10:54:44 AM

Val stares out at the city. "Amazing." She looks around the room and then back out at the city. "So now we have to find this Valdor. What if Valdor isn't in this city?"

Bart  d20+3=18
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 12:21:55 PM

It sure is Val, where can he be I suggest we go to an inn and start our search there. And there is also an part of the articact to find maybe it is in this building.

Appolo  d20+4=21
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 4:16:46 PM

Appolo almost loses his breakfast,just managing to keep it down as hecomes through.
Stepping forward munching on his food as does. He looks around in amasement. He quickly gulps it down"Well this was definitely worth the price of admission. What a view. Well we better get going We also need to be careful and stay away from the athourities, we don't want to get impressed into the army now." He then walks over to Valanthe" Are you hungry, I have some rations. You do look lovely in the morning, especially with the wind blowing in you hair."

Spot 21

Ashira  d20+3=17
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 6:21:38 PM

Ashira takes in the city with awe. Whistling at the size of the army ammased, she says "So...this is what war really looks like." She heads over to Rigging "We should probably send Appolo in to scout out the area. We also need to find some place to stay. And like Appolo said, we should be cautious...they may not like us just popping into their city during a war." Ashira begins to decend the stairway. "Well, let's move out."

Rigging  d20+5=8
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 6:59:03 PM

Rigging quells his rebellious stomach and looks around enjoying the view. "I wouldn't worry to much about being impressed into an army. I say we were already. Yes we must be cautious in making contact but I believe that making contact with the authorities is the only way to find Valdor. Besides someone higher up than us needs to know about this entrance or exit and the Teucri." Rigging shoulders his pack and starts picking his way down the pyramid.

Redux  d20+4=21 d20+6=17 d20+6=24
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:32:49 PM

(ooc Spot check Redux=21, Talon=17)
I don't mean to argue, boss, but what if Valdor isn't the most popular. How much do we really know about this fellow or what he's doing in this town. These folks might not like us if we go passing his name around foolishly. Speaking of foolish, Ashira, Val, do either of you remember any of those tricks that ALryck used to disguise you in Wedding City? Might come in handy. Hey, I know, let's find the Aisildurian Embassy and ask them, they should be friendly enough. Surely the mighty Aisildur has relations with other countries. And besides, if we give up the way we were let in by the Teucri, we might have to find another way out. How about instead, we keep our cards a little closer to our chests and say we rode in on that wave or something?

Shaking his head slightly, Redux holds back and allows the rest to start down. Looking at Talon, he asks his friend to look around a little more and see what he can see especially areas of more people or less people (spot=24). With the initial report in he continues to follow the group down and tells the group anything additional Talon might find.

Ari  d20+1=3
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:36:22 PM

Ari stares in awe and amazement at the size and magnitude of Platau City....... (and doesn't notice a thing! ;) ). Ari can find no words for the feelings he is experiencing right now. Not including the height. Geesh, would you look at how high we are.

Ga'allee!! (DM Stephen)  d100=99 d6=5
Friday May 3rd, 2002 12:39:20 AM

Most of you instantly spot the flags and the colors of Aisildur. Those with eyes to see, also notice the unholy symbol of Ga'al. Just under 150 yards away is the Aisildurian Consulate in a smaller neighboring pyramid. There also seems to be flags of many other nations scattered about in front of other pyramid structures.

As you make your way down the steps you see signs in all languages that say this is the Foreign Market of the Foreign Quarter. It is still early morning and the shops are just beginning to prepare to open for the day. People walk up and down the street performing their early morning routine. They pay little to no attention to you.

There is a tavern nearby called the Flying Monkey. It appears to be open and a few late night drinkers wobble out and attempt to make their way home.

A burly dwarf notices you all make your way down the stairs as he opens his blacksmith shop. He waits until you get close enough to bark out pleasantries. "GOOD mornin all ... I see someone has finally opened that baby up. Ya find anything interesting? Come and have some mornin brew! I hate to eat and drink my first meal of the day alone!!"

(Rolled a 99 on your reception by the locals. A high roll meant something very good or very bad was going to happen. Then I rolled a d6 to decide a good/bad response. Well the "odd" number rolled meant a good response. So you all get a welcome, breakfast and blend in flawlessly. If I had rolled an "even" number, Ga'al himself could have come down and stomped you into a mud hole!!! Just wanted to tell you how close you came to disaster!!! Lucky!!)

Friday May 3rd, 2002 12:49:50 AM

Val sees the flags and tenses. Her gaze is fixed and her kuckles turn white. She has an intense desire to go down there and start hacking away. Somehow she manages to keep her feet from moving.

Rigging ( I feel lucky) 
Friday May 3rd, 2002 8:40:40 AM

Rigging strides up to the dwarf letting a smile cross his face. "Now that is an offer I can't refuse. I think I have cobwebs sticking in my throat." Rigging sticks out his hand and continues, "I am called Rigging. I might want to discuss some business with you after we enjoy or breakfast. My sword has a notch that I just can't get out." Rigging turns to follow the dwarf into his shop. When the dwarf turns his back, Rigging will point at Appolo and circle his finger making it apparent that he wants Appolo to do a little recon of the area and keep a lookout.

Friday May 3rd, 2002 9:53:22 AM

OOC: for some reason my browser only showed the first part of the DM's post yesterday

Val heads inside gratefull for the chance of a good meal. Things have been rather hectic lately. Val sits at a table and starts rubbing her temples. Perhaps some wine will lessen the throbbing behind her eyes. "So Rigging what will we do today?" Val asks in way implying the armies of ga'al are a couple hundred yards away. We are in some big time trouble.

Appolo  d20+11=29 d20+12=16 d20+6=24 d20+3=23 d20+3=20
Friday May 3rd, 2002 11:28:58 AM

Appolo notices how tense Valanthe gets when she sees the Temple of G'aal."Don't worry we'll deal with them in good time. Now is not the time>" he whispers to her.
When Rigging signals him to do some recon,Appolo slips down the block quitly. He will circle the shop and quickly as possible look for anything that might be of interest to the party. I.E enemies, other temples, priests of G'aal and the like.

OOC: I rolled for Move silenly 29, hide 16,Spot 24,search 23, and listen 20

Friday May 3rd, 2002 3:34:50 PM

Good day to yo u Mister Dwarf, I always enjoy a good meal. Let's go that inn of yours so we can eat and drink one or two

Friday May 3rd, 2002 10:15:02 PM

The half-elf smiles at the dwarf's greeting. "I haven't had a drink all morning! I would love to join you! Some storm last night, eh?!" Ashira follows the dwarf, anxious to get out of sight of the Aisildurian consulate.

OOC (I know I didn't say it in my last post, but Ashira sheathed her weapons before she got to the bottom of the stairs.)

Friday May 3rd, 2002 11:19:03 PM

Redux is grateful for the warm welcome. Looking into the sky at Talon and smiling he suggests he find a dark corner of the building and take a watchful rest of the front door, reminding him to look out for the distinctive red scarf of the priest of ga'al. Remembering the pain he's been thru because of the 'sacrifice sweep' and how it started from crossing the threshold of a town tavern like this one, he rubs his chest briefly where the heart seed is located. One day he'll be free of it, he might have to die first but he'll be free. The memory fades and he composes a smile and walks thru the doorway and into a warm breakfast. Stretching slightly he pulls out a few spare coins from their trip to Waha, not wanting to use Aisildurian coins here. He inhales deeply at the smell of a good cook and plenty of good food. When served he asks what the specialty of the house is and orders it along with some light drink.

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