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Big City lights (DM Stephen) 
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 12:59:45 AM

(Here is the map of the quarter of Plateau City you are in. Its the one from this site, but I can probably put together a better one tomorrow. You are all at the top of the Abandoned Pyramid.)
Click here to see Map
As soon as you all enter the portal you find yourself in another stone room. Suddenly everyone feels nautious and dizzy. After 10 or so seconds it goes away.

A large circular stone, much like a giant stone coin covered in runes, is up against one of the walls. It suddenly rolls to the side, exposing a doorway that is bathed in a blinding light ... the light of the morning sun!

As you approach the exit, everyone can see the wide expanse of a majestic city. Everyone realizes that they are on top of one of the largest structures of Plateau City. You can see all around the surrounding plateaus. The view is breathtaking. It appears you are standing miles above sea level. You can barely make out little ships the surround the plateaus. Columns of smoke still rise from the lower plateaus. The armies of New Elenna mass around the upper plateaus edge.

A wide stairway goes down 200-ft to the street on one side.

(Everyone make a Spot check DC15)

Valanthe  d20+3=16
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 10:54:44 AM

Val stares out at the city. "Amazing." She looks around the room and then back out at the city. "So now we have to find this Valdor. What if Valdor isn't in this city?"

Bart  d20+3=18
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 12:21:55 PM

It sure is Val, where can he be I suggest we go to an inn and start our search there. And there is also an part of the articact to find maybe it is in this building.

Appolo  d20+4=21
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 4:16:46 PM

Appolo almost loses his breakfast,just managing to keep it down as hecomes through.
Stepping forward munching on his food as does. He looks around in amasement. He quickly gulps it down"Well this was definitely worth the price of admission. What a view. Well we better get going We also need to be careful and stay away from the athourities, we don't want to get impressed into the army now." He then walks over to Valanthe" Are you hungry, I have some rations. You do look lovely in the morning, especially with the wind blowing in you hair."

Spot 21

Ashira  d20+3=17
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 6:21:38 PM

Ashira takes in the city with awe. Whistling at the size of the army ammased, she says "So...this is what war really looks like." She heads over to Rigging "We should probably send Appolo in to scout out the area. We also need to find some place to stay. And like Appolo said, we should be cautious...they may not like us just popping into their city during a war." Ashira begins to decend the stairway. "Well, let's move out."

Rigging  d20+5=8
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 6:59:03 PM

Rigging quells his rebellious stomach and looks around enjoying the view. "I wouldn't worry to much about being impressed into an army. I say we were already. Yes we must be cautious in making contact but I believe that making contact with the authorities is the only way to find Valdor. Besides someone higher up than us needs to know about this entrance or exit and the Teucri." Rigging shoulders his pack and starts picking his way down the pyramid.

Redux  d20+4=21 d20+6=17 d20+6=24
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:32:49 PM

(ooc Spot check Redux=21, Talon=17)
I don't mean to argue, boss, but what if Valdor isn't the most popular. How much do we really know about this fellow or what he's doing in this town. These folks might not like us if we go passing his name around foolishly. Speaking of foolish, Ashira, Val, do either of you remember any of those tricks that ALryck used to disguise you in Wedding City? Might come in handy. Hey, I know, let's find the Aisildurian Embassy and ask them, they should be friendly enough. Surely the mighty Aisildur has relations with other countries. And besides, if we give up the way we were let in by the Teucri, we might have to find another way out. How about instead, we keep our cards a little closer to our chests and say we rode in on that wave or something?

Shaking his head slightly, Redux holds back and allows the rest to start down. Looking at Talon, he asks his friend to look around a little more and see what he can see especially areas of more people or less people (spot=24). With the initial report in he continues to follow the group down and tells the group anything additional Talon might find.

Ari  d20+1=3
Thursday May 2nd, 2002 11:36:22 PM

Ari stares in awe and amazement at the size and magnitude of Platau City....... (and doesn't notice a thing! ;) ). Ari can find no words for the feelings he is experiencing right now. Not including the height. Geesh, would you look at how high we are.

Ga'allee!! (DM Stephen)  d100=99 d6=5
Friday May 3rd, 2002 12:39:20 AM

Most of you instantly spot the flags and the colors of Aisildur. Those with eyes to see, also notice the unholy symbol of Ga'al. Just under 150 yards away is the Aisildurian Consulate in a smaller neighboring pyramid. There also seems to be flags of many other nations scattered about in front of other pyramid structures.

As you make your way down the steps you see signs in all languages that say this is the Foreign Market of the Foreign Quarter. It is still early morning and the shops are just beginning to prepare to open for the day. People walk up and down the street performing their early morning routine. They pay little to no attention to you.

There is a tavern nearby called the Flying Monkey. It appears to be open and a few late night drinkers wobble out and attempt to make their way home.

A burly dwarf notices you all make your way down the stairs as he opens his blacksmith shop. He waits until you get close enough to bark out pleasantries. "GOOD mornin all ... I see someone has finally opened that baby up. Ya find anything interesting? Come and have some mornin brew! I hate to eat and drink my first meal of the day alone!!"

(Rolled a 99 on your reception by the locals. A high roll meant something very good or very bad was going to happen. Then I rolled a d6 to decide a good/bad response. Well the "odd" number rolled meant a good response. So you all get a welcome, breakfast and blend in flawlessly. If I had rolled an "even" number, Ga'al himself could have come down and stomped you into a mud hole!!! Just wanted to tell you how close you came to disaster!!! Lucky!!)

Friday May 3rd, 2002 12:49:50 AM

Val sees the flags and tenses. Her gaze is fixed and her kuckles turn white. She has an intense desire to go down there and start hacking away. Somehow she manages to keep her feet from moving.

Rigging ( I feel lucky) 
Friday May 3rd, 2002 8:40:40 AM

Rigging strides up to the dwarf letting a smile cross his face. "Now that is an offer I can't refuse. I think I have cobwebs sticking in my throat." Rigging sticks out his hand and continues, "I am called Rigging. I might want to discuss some business with you after we enjoy or breakfast. My sword has a notch that I just can't get out." Rigging turns to follow the dwarf into his shop. When the dwarf turns his back, Rigging will point at Appolo and circle his finger making it apparent that he wants Appolo to do a little recon of the area and keep a lookout.

Friday May 3rd, 2002 9:53:22 AM

OOC: for some reason my browser only showed the first part of the DM's post yesterday

Val heads inside gratefull for the chance of a good meal. Things have been rather hectic lately. Val sits at a table and starts rubbing her temples. Perhaps some wine will lessen the throbbing behind her eyes. "So Rigging what will we do today?" Val asks in way implying the armies of ga'al are a couple hundred yards away. We are in some big time trouble.

Appolo  d20+11=29 d20+12=16 d20+6=24 d20+3=23 d20+3=20
Friday May 3rd, 2002 11:28:58 AM

Appolo notices how tense Valanthe gets when she sees the Temple of G'aal."Don't worry we'll deal with them in good time. Now is not the time>" he whispers to her.
When Rigging signals him to do some recon,Appolo slips down the block quitly. He will circle the shop and quickly as possible look for anything that might be of interest to the party. I.E enemies, other temples, priests of G'aal and the like.

OOC: I rolled for Move silenly 29, hide 16,Spot 24,search 23, and listen 20

Friday May 3rd, 2002 3:34:50 PM

Good day to yo u Mister Dwarf, I always enjoy a good meal. Let's go that inn of yours so we can eat and drink one or two

Friday May 3rd, 2002 10:15:02 PM

The half-elf smiles at the dwarf's greeting. "I haven't had a drink all morning! I would love to join you! Some storm last night, eh?!" Ashira follows the dwarf, anxious to get out of sight of the Aisildurian consulate.

OOC (I know I didn't say it in my last post, but Ashira sheathed her weapons before she got to the bottom of the stairs.)

Friday May 3rd, 2002 11:19:03 PM

Redux is grateful for the warm welcome. Looking into the sky at Talon and smiling he suggests he find a dark corner of the building and take a watchful rest of the front door, reminding him to look out for the distinctive red scarf of the priest of ga'al. Remembering the pain he's been thru because of the 'sacrifice sweep' and how it started from crossing the threshold of a town tavern like this one, he rubs his chest briefly where the heart seed is located. One day he'll be free of it, he might have to die first but he'll be free. The memory fades and he composes a smile and walks thru the doorway and into a warm breakfast. Stretching slightly he pulls out a few spare coins from their trip to Waha, not wanting to use Aisildurian coins here. He inhales deeply at the smell of a good cook and plenty of good food. When served he asks what the specialty of the house is and orders it along with some light drink.

Sunday May 5th, 2002 2:17:53 AM

Aye mister dwarf do you have an interesting story to tell?

Breakfast of Champions (DM Stephen)  d20=7 d20=17 d20=2 d20=3 d20=17
Sunday May 5th, 2002 2:10:54 PM

Appolo makes his way to a better spot to look at the Aisildurian consulate. He isnt noticed but no one is really paying attention to their surroundings. They merely go along with their morning routines. Talon also takes up a good position on a roof. Both see two young males dressed in black robes with their hoods pulled back. They sweep the dust from the front steps of the Temple of Ga'al. They do not wear red scarves. There is a bulletin board where messages can be posted off to the side. One message looks like an official Aisildurian message. It's is adorned with the colors and symbol of Ga'al. Appolo is too far away to be able to read it.

The others take advantage of the Flying Monkey's comforts. Rigging and Ashira notice a message posted next to the door as they enter. It contains the colors and the symbol of Ga'al. It has a short well written message.

"We, the priests of Ga'al would like to welcome everyone in these trying times to worship at the Temple of Ga'al. Be not afraid to join us, Valdor and his evil Gold Dragons are being hunted down this very moment for their massacre of countless innocent worshipers. These outlaws will be dealt with for Ga'al is a god of truth, morality and justice. So come and join us for worship. Find strength, happiness and wholeness of soul and spirit in the light of Ga'al."

As you all sit down at a table the dwarf introduces his self. "My name is Oreson Ironheels, I'm an armor and weaponsmith. Im well known amongst the dwarves for my wares. That is why I put up my shop close to the Dwarven Consulate. My work is becoming rather popular with the other races. Lately with the war, I'm being commissioned to make fast cheap weapons for the army. I HATE making mediocre crap, but it the army pays me well. So I swallow my pride." With an smirking grin, "Now, adventuring groups, like yourselves, are the customers I preferr."

Turning to Ashira, "What storm ... I saw some clouds and some lightning flash way off in the west but no storm hit here. Are you talking about the front lines of the war. The sounds of war echo all across the plateaus. Were you all there? I hear horrible nasty stories of death and destruction at the front line."

A waitress brings boiled eggs, bread and a wedge of cheese to the table. Then sets large cups of warm ale in front of each.

Monday May 6th, 2002 7:31:02 AM

Rigging looks to the dwarf and then away again, an obvious look of grief on his face. He grabs and cracks an egg and starts peeling it. "Yes, we have seen our share of combat." Rigging takes a bite and chews slowly. "So Oreson, we are new to the city. I noticed the proclamation of Ga'al posted next to the door. Are they taking all races as worshipers now? I thought they only allowed humans." Rigging leans back and watches Oreson over the rim up his mug.

Monday May 6th, 2002 11:11:17 AM

Noting that the others of the group are taking care of chatting up the Dwarf. Ari takes his time to study the dwarf as he can. Since he's not seen too many of these peoples, he's facinated by the many differnces that he can detect just by looking at the dwarf. If the Dwarf seems to get uncomfortable somehow, ARi will quickly look away and study some other aspect of the area around them.

Monday May 6th, 2002 12:27:33 PM

My name is Bart Oreson I'm happy to know a masterweaponsmith who can make excellent armor and weapons. Is it allright if I visit your workshop later on? I don't need anything know but I want to admire your craftmanship

Monday May 6th, 2002 7:57:50 PM

The half-elf smiles at Oreson as she downs her ale. "No, I'm afraid it wasn't anything as exciting as that...just saw the storm from the top of the pyramid. You wouldn't believe what you can see from up there!" When Rigging makes his query about Ga'al, Ashira listens with interest. "Yes, and who is this "Valdor" person they make mention off? Must be some sort of trouble maker to attract all the attention." Asira slices off a piece of cheese and munches on it as she listens to the dwarf.

Monday May 6th, 2002 10:24:27 PM

Redux scratches his chest again and asks the dwarf inquisitively, "I've heard a few things about this Ga'al. Please tell me more. The last temple I was in, however, was the beloved of Agla. Shortly after that we were invited to the church of Caeroldra, but circumstances took us away before we could partake. Alas, we will not have another chance, may her glory continue." He takes a moment to sample the food in front of him and nods and smiles at the waitress.

Say it, don't Spray it! (DM Stephen)  d20+5=16
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 1:09:01 AM

Upon hearing Ashira's words, Oreson sprays a mouthful of ale into a fine mist!! "Whaaa ... excuse me, but ... who's Valdor!!!! That is like asking who's Domi!!! Valdor is a living legend, him and his Gold Dragons. You must be joking ... everybody knows who Valdor is. Hahahahahaaaa, that was a good one!!" Personally, I can not believe that they killed those innocent people. Valdor commands the respect of the Dragons themselves, why would they kill women and children. I never thought I'd see the day that they would be hunted like dogs.

Many people have felt sorry for the Ga'alian Priests for the terrible massacre of their worshipers. Several priests were killed too. They have just recently reopened their temple after repairs and a good cleaning. I hear that it was a gruesome sight. Blood covered everything everything. Some say that some blood had even splashed up on the ceiling!! Oh excuse me, this is not the right discussion to have at the breakfast table."

Oreson turned to Rigging, "As far as I've known, they have accepted anyone interested in worshipping Ga'al. A few dwarves were killed in the ... well, you know!"

Oreson takes two more eggs and eats them both with one bite. When he has swallowed enough to allow speech, he continues to talk while facing Redux. "I don't ... ummm ... know much about Ga'al or ... urk ... his religion." Gulp, "I never had the need to attend a service. I'm sure you all would be welcome!"

Redux pauses to wipe little bits of egg from his shirt, compliments of Oreson!

Downing the last of his ale, Oreson wipes his mouth and drys his hand on his shirt. Then Oreson gets a strange look in his eyes and he opens his mouth. "BOOLLAACCCKKK," belched the dwarf. A loud cracklin' one!!! So loud, that it rattles the dishes on the table. The stinch is horrible. "Sorry about that, you know, it's even better the second time!!

"How about after breakfast we can go back to my shop and I can show you my wares. I have certainly enjoyed myself. I can never find anyone to dine with!!"


Out across the temple, Appolo and Talon keep their watch. Suddenly the two young men stop their sweeping and a tall fellow comes walking out. He is dressed in black robes like the boys, but he wears a crimson scarf. The young boys bow their heads as the priest speaks to them. Appolo can't make out what he was saying, but it wasnt much. The two young men quickly enter the temple. The priest exchanges a few greetings with people in the street. As he scans all who pass by, he pauses as he looks in Appolo's direction. Appolo feels he may have been spotted. The priest backs off slowly and spins around and disappears into the temple.

Talon relays back to Redux that he saw a man black as night but with a bright red neck! He looked at Appolo.

(ooc: the priest's spot check was the same as Appolo's hide check, 16.)

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 3:54:23 AM

After the priest heads back into the temple, Appolo goes into the shop. He walks over to the dwarf and asks where the restroom and quickly heads in that direction looking over his shoulder and indicating by jerking his head that Rigging should follow him.

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 8:43:28 AM

Rigging stands up and says, "Mastersmith thank you for the breakfast. Why don't we head over to your shop and look at your wares and you can sharpen up my blades. I am headed for the jakes. Be right back." Rigging follows Appolo over to the bathroom.

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 1:19:27 PM

Val remained silent and enjoyed the chance to sit down and relax. When Oreson mentions the Ga'alian massacre, Val mutters "Good." She watches Appolo and Rigging dissappear into the bathroom. Leaning closer to Oreson, she says quietly "Stay away from Ga'al. Keep anybody close to you away from Ga'al. If you follow those two guidlines, life will be good. Anyway, Valdor must not be that big of a legendif all parts of the Wold haven't heard of him. Do you have any idea where I can find Valdor?"

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 4:35:35 PM

Sure would like to see you shop, ever sold Valdor or his mates any of your weapons? I wish I could meet a legend like Valdor and maybe even learn some tricks of him.

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 5:35:51 PM

Appolo goes to the rest room and washes up, when Rigging arrives he gives hin a full report."I was spotted by a priest of G"aal,bastard went straight back inside. I think we should be mosing along. It looks like G'aal and his crew are pretty well entrenched around here. I mean with such a large and prominent Temple and all. I also think it would be better if we didn't ask so many questions about Valdor. I think if we just listen and watch for few days, maybe get jobs or something. We'll find out what we need to know without drawing to much attention to ourselves.' He then heads back to the table and takes aseat next o Valanthe"Be ready my sunshine." he whispers to her. then proceeds to order his breakfast.

Ashira  d20+3=5
Tuesday May 7th, 2002 10:33:47 PM

The odd looking half-elf smiles when the dwarf is incredulous, but doesn't comment. She strains to hear what Val says to Oreson, but isn't able to make it out. They've already learned quite a bit about the condition of the city and the character of Valdor, so even if they have to leave now, at least they're better off than they were before.

Tuesday May 7th, 2002 11:02:36 PM

'Ya know, Oreson, as much as I marvel at how you take material and shape it into a useful tool, are there any other shops around you'd recommend? I need some general provisions plus a few special medicinal type products. If you just point me in the right direction I'll take it from there. Maybe you can explain to my friends here how things work in this part of the world? We travel around and like to get to know the people and take on work.

Oreson Ironheels (DM Stephen)  d20+2=18 d100=19 d6=2
Wednesday May 8th, 2002 1:19:38 AM

Oreson turns to Valanthe, "What do you know of Ga'al. Why, is this Ga'al evil. I knew I had bad feelings about those people."

"By the way if you dont mind me asking, but where are you all from. I have never seen the unsual style of your clothes, armor and weapons. I didnt think much of it being in the Foreign Quarter of Plateau City and all."

Oreson scratches his head, "And you claim not to know anything about Valdor and the Gold Dragons. You also say that Valdor isnt a legend in all parts of the Wold. What part of the Wold would that be?"

After hearing Redux's question, "You don't know the city very well either!! And now the Abandoned Pyramid is open ... Oh ...oooh!"

Oreson pulls out a highly ornamented dagger and stabs it into the table. "Valdor has its brother, an exact duplicate of this one. Go ahead and touch it." One of you take the blade in your hand and it feels light and well-balanced. The blade is incredibly sharp. Oreson smiles and says, "I'm glad to see the blade accepts you, so Valdor must too. Otherwise, the blade would have revealed your true nature. It would have slid away from your touch. The blade is holy!"

Oreson starts to whisper, "You were called by the Dragonstone ... yesss, that is it isn't it?" Oreson gets to his feet, "I will help you as much as I can. Lets get back to my shop."

Revisiting Redux's question, Oreson continues, "There is a place here in Plateau City that has everything you could ever imagine ... The Catacombs!! It's on the extreme north side of the city in Magic Square of the Dragon Quarter. It is a stones throw from the Gold Dragon Castle. However, the Gold Dragons have not been seen since the massacre.

Wednesday May 8th, 2002 2:30:24 PM

Rigging will pick up the dagger and heft it from hand to hand. He looks at the dwarf and says, "We all have seen Ga'al's dark works." Rigging looks around and lowers his voice. "Ga'al doesn't love his worshippers. He only wants slaves to do his bidding. We know first hand." Rigging looks around again and hands the dagger back. In a louder voice, he says, "Thank you for breakfast good dwarf but you will not get a higher price on your work for the giving of it. Let's head back to your shop and discuss the details of the work we wish commissioned." Rigging heads for the door. As he passes Ashira, "Be on guard, Apollo sighted priests of Ga'al and they spotted him back."

Ashira  d20+3=15
Wednesday May 8th, 2002 3:33:23 PM

The half-elf smiles as Rigging passes on his warning. "If you don't mind, before we leave, I'd like to visit the privy." Ashira motions for Val to join them and says "Besides, I think Val was saying that she wanted to do a little shopping while we're here, so why don't we catch up to you guys in a little while. Oh, and don't do me a favor and disappear on me, ok?!" Then Ashira whispers in Elven "Your invisible guardians will watch over you." She heads in the general direction of the privy, and tries to find a nice secluded area in which to activate her invisibilty ring, checking to make sure that no one is watching the two (Spot=15).

Appolo  d20+6=19 d20+3=8
Wednesday May 8th, 2002 8:04:29 PM

Appolo finishes his breakfast while listening to the others. He calmly gets up and follows the others."No need to get excited, just be on alert." To the dwarf in dwarven"Thank you and we wpold be veryinterested in seeing your shop." As they leave he is careful to look around.

OOC: Spot 19, Listen 8

Wednesday May 8th, 2002 9:40:29 PM

Rigging, maybe it's a good idear to go back to the pyramid and give it a better look. Bart stands up and says to the dwarf I sure would visit your shop, but first I want do something else. Bart pays for his meal and goes outside waiting for Rigging to discuss the situation.

Wednesday May 8th, 2002 10:00:12 PM

"I guess I drank a little too much. If you'll excuse me." Val gets up and follows Ashira. When nobody is looking she will slip on her invisibility ring.

Redux  d20+6=25
Wednesday May 8th, 2002 11:31:02 PM

Redux is taken aback slightly at the presence of such a beautiful blade. To Oreson, "On second thought, I think I'll join you on a tour of your shop. You obviously have some fine work to display. My shopping can be done anytime and you've changed my mind about what might be gained from such an adventure. Lead the way, my good fellow." He relays to Talon what their plans are and has the bird change his focus to follow their path but to stay put until they are out of sight in a direction and then to circle around to where the party has gone. At the start he is to report anyone leaving the temple and traveling in their same direction. Once they are at their destination, Talon is to take up a similar post as the one now, again looking for anyone who may have followed them. (Talon spot=25)

Lets go to War-Mart! (DM Stephen) 
Thursday May 9th, 2002 1:35:02 AM

Oreson watches the two women go to the restroom. "Why is it that women always go to the restroom in pairs? Oh nevermind!"

Before they exit the tavern, Oreson sees the message on the wall about the Ga'al temple. He quickly grabs it and proceeds to wad it up with a low growl.

They make their way across the street to Oreson's shop; apparently without the two ladies!! The shop is dusty and all the normal weaponry and armor is displayed about the front room. A heavy smell of hot metal, soot, and burnt hair is in the air.

Oreson holds out his hands and spins around. "What do you need, I have everything from the mundane to the exotic. I make them all! I recently worked on a suit of armor with another smithy for Valdor. A beautiful suit of +5 Mithral Full Plate of Greater Fortitude!! Well worth more than 130,000 gold!!! I swear he is the largest half-elf I have ever seen. Had to make it extra bulky to fit around all his muscles!!"

Talon notices two young men dressed in robes that are dark as night. "One carries a very long stick that is shinny. The other carries a book, like yours Redux. A ball swings back and forth and it's on fire!! It smells good though. They talk with other people in the rocky path. Now they are walking away to talk to other people! Want me to follow them? I see a rat, Im hungry!"

Thursday May 9th, 2002 3:53:43 AM

Ari follows the group over the Dwarf's place. When the Oreson asks everyone what they might be looking for, Ari starts looking over his selection of daggers.

Thursday May 9th, 2002 5:41:50 AM

Weel Oreson it's very nice work you have here, but I don't have a lot of money now. I don't think you want to trade this chain for another do you. I sure wil come back if I have more to spent.

Bart waves to Rigging and says to him I really think we need to go back to the pyramid, I think we missed something overthere.

Thursday May 9th, 2002 3:34:17 PM

When Rigging enters the shop he takes everything in at a glance. "Oreson, I think it is time for a formal introduction. My name is Arrack Von Palin." Rigging rolls up his sleeve and shows his tattoo. "I am a six and the leader of this squad. We were sent by the Black King of Jacks to search out Valdor. The pirates of Jack have been fighting against Ga'al's oppression for many years. We don't have time to get into the stories of cruelty, degradation, and slaugher all done in the name of Ga'al, but believe me everyone in my squad could share stories which would turn your hair grey. If you know where Valdor is or where some of his allies are we need to get together with them. I understand trust is a rare commodity these days but I am willing to meet any conditions necessary to make a meeting. Can you help us?" Rigging then listens to Bart's comments and adds, "Yeah we never checked to see if the portal works both ways. We could be trapped. I know..."

Ashira (Invisible)  d20+3=10 d20+3=15
Thursday May 9th, 2002 11:33:39 PM

Shortly after she and Val activate their invisibility rings, she follows the rest of the party. Staying about 20 feet away, she keeps a careful eye on her surroundings, making sure that they aren't being followed by priests of Ga'al. When the party arrives at Oreson's shop, Ashira posts herself near the front doorway to prepare a nasty welcoming party should any priests arrive. Once again, she strains to detect any sign of enemy arrival (Spot=10, Listen=15).

OOC (I'm sorry I wasn't clear in my last post, Ashira wanted to become invisible, and then follow the party.)

(Stephen - I understood! It was apparent that the ladies didnt cross the street because they were (invisible) not seen doing so!!)

Friday May 10th, 2002 12:08:12 AM

Thinking to Talon. Yes, eat and rest nearby. As long as those black robes are away from here we'll be ok. Keep an eye open for them while you eat, ya hear.

To Oreson: "This is an interesting town you have here Oreson. I can't help but gather from you that that pyramid wasn't built by the current residents around here. There might even be some around with an interest in the cultures that have come and gone. Me and my friends here are just trying to make a difference and stop the evil from spreading. It kind of seemed to me that those who built the pyramid were not the type to have the kind of conflict we are in today. Who knows, they might even be here to watch us destroy ourselves? What Rigging says is true, we are seeking Valdor. Our comrades across the sea sent us here to find him and find out how to kill a god. Before we leave here we must find an artifact that will help us on our journey back. We may look like a motley crew but we have the luck of waard to keep us well."

Call to Worship (DM Stephen)  d100=75 d100=54 d100=3 d100=40 d100=63 d20=18 d20=1 d20=15 d8=5 d10=1 d10=8 d100=66 d20+5=8 d20+5=9 d20+2=3 d20+2=17 d20+10=14 d100=49
Friday May 10th, 2002 1:40:06 AM

Oreson looks perplexed as he hears the story. "I have heard of the pirates of Jack, but you are all labeled as thieves and assassins of the high seas! Of course, these are stories that are spread by the Aisildurian ambassadors." Turning to each one (he can see), Oreson looks into each of your eyes. He sees the shadows of horrors witnessed and the scars they have left behind. Oreson walks up to Rigging and looks at his tattoo and back up into his eyes. He reaches out and grabs Rigging's hand with a vice-like grip. " I believe you brother!"

Turning to Redux, "Well Valdor, like I said, is in hiding. They have been declared outlaws. I would suspect that their castle has been siezed by the local law enforcement and is surrounded by city guards."

"I have no idea where Valdor and the Gold Dragons can be. They can be just about anywhere. Last I heard, they were preparing to fight a major battle. I heard rumors that they have allied themselves with the dragons, and Valdor commands them! Can you imagine the great dragon slayer now the leader of an army of dragons."

Talon communicates with Redux. "Redux, the two human males that are black like night are walking down the rocky path toward you. The one with the big shinny stick now swings a ding-a -ling. They talk to people on the path as they walk. That rat was good, it was stuffed with cheese and bread!"

All your ears confirm that you hear a small bell being rung in the distance and getting closer.

Oreson looks up when he hears the bell. "It's those Ga'alian alter boys calling for worshipers again. Those pale-skined lads stop by here every day asking me to join them for worship. The are quite obsessive! You all make your way to the back and I will shoo them away like I normally do. Unless you have any other ideas!!"

Ashira and Val remain invisible.

Ari spots a very fine dagger with a handle in the shape of dragon.

Bart spots a curious looking shield.

Appolo finds a slender dagger that has a dull black blade. It has a scabbard that looks to be able to hold liquid.
(DM Stephen - I mean to say that the color of the black is dull; without shine of luster. The blade is very sharp!)

Valanthe (invisible) 
Friday May 10th, 2002 2:50:29 AM

Val stays in her spot, resisting the urge to gut the two priests. Since Ga'al is accepted with the city authorities, killing the priests would do any good. Pissed off she waits and watches.

Friday May 10th, 2002 11:46:03 AM

Appolo is looking over the dwarfs wares when he discovers a interesting looking dagger.
"Excuse me, but how much for this dagger? My friend." When Rigging and Redux give up the ghost so to speak Appolo just shakes his head.
When the young priests arrive Appolo moves toward the side of the door hoping Valanthe can keep control.

Saturday May 11th, 2002 5:00:09 PM

Even though she's invisible, being in another room would be best. That way she won't kill one of them. Silently, Val heads into the back.

Saturday May 11th, 2002 9:24:02 PM

If the dragon dagger is out in the open Ari catches the Dwarf's eye to see if he can look at the dagger. If it's in a display case, then Ari will take an obvious interest in the dagger. "that's a fine looking dagger!"

When Oreson motions for the party to move to the back of the shop and become as non descript as possible.

Ashira (Invisible)  d20+3=10
Saturday May 11th, 2002 10:29:34 PM

The half-elf draws her longsword as she hears the priests coming down the road toward the shop, eagerly anticipating being able to slaughter them. Then she hears Val move into the store (Listen=10). "Alright" she thinks..."let's lure them into the store where we can finish them off without being seen. At least that way it will take a while for their friends at the temple to figure out where they are." She moves into the store after Val, looking for a spot where she can set up a nice ambush for her prey.

OOC (Gave Ashira 50/50 odds to hear Val go back in...she barely made it.)

Redux  d20+4=18
Saturday May 11th, 2002 10:55:15 PM

Redux retreats to the back as quickly and as quietly as he can (move silently=18). He is ready to cast magic missiles immediately if they are discovered in the back. He asks Talon if either of these priests have a scepter similar to the time he was caught by the sweep so long ago that caused him so much pain.

(ooc sorry about being late, i guess i got used to having extra time on Friday)

Sunday May 12th, 2002 2:00:07 PM

Bart alao retreats to the back and draws his sword waiting for wat is coming next.

Sunday May 12th, 2002 7:09:58 PM

Rigging surveys his friends and notices they are getting ready for combat. "OK people, I know we want to kill the priests. So do I but now isn't the time. Our mission is to find and establish contact with Valdor. We don't need the extra heat right now. Stand down unless we are attacked. Everybody understand?" Rigging then murmurs a few quick words and casts a detect magic cantrip. He looks around in interest while getting his own weapons lose in the scabbards.

Hearing the Calling (DM Stephen)  d100=66 d6=6 d20+2=14 d20+2=18
Monday May 13th, 2002 12:44:57 AM

After casting his spell, Rigging begins to notice several things around the shop begin to glow. The dragon dagger that Ari was asking about is one that glows as well.

Two dark shadows break the rays of light that silhouette the door. The doors open and two young teenage boys dressed in black robes stand before all that is present. They are missing the red scarves that priests of Ga'al wear but they wear his symbol around their necks. One holds a long ornate staff that is decorated in gold and silver. At the top is mounted a larger unholy symbol of Ga'al. In his other hand is a bell.

The second robed figure has a book, like Talon had said. In his other hand dangles a golden censer that lightly smokes with burning incense.

They both step inside the shop with smiling faces. The doors close behind them. The boy with the book speaks. "Good morning, one should delight in the start of such a beautiful day." They look at one another with continued smiles. "One would find such enlightenment in the light of Ga'al. A time of worship is about to start. One would do good to come!"

Oreson feels a bit nerviousness and angery but he tries to keep to a proper level of civility. "No not today, I have ... uh .. too much work. If I dont start, I wont finish in time."

Oreson doesnt lie too well. His eyes dart about and sweat drips down is brow. The two boys look at one another gain. They sense he is not telling the truth. They have not seen Oreson act this way before.

"If one does not mind, may we inquire what be your trouble. One can be sure that Ga'al can ease one's worries," says the boy with the staff.

None of their items appear to be magical. They give no glow and Riggings spell fails to detect magic from them.

Rigging  d20+8=22
Monday May 13th, 2002 8:58:53 AM

Rigging steps forward and greets the young men,
"I am sorry but it is I who am keeping the master smith chained to his forge. We are working on some new armor designs. No disrespect intended of course, but we are just to busy to attend services today. Perhaps tommorrow." Rigging gently grasps them and starts to lead them from the shop. "What is in that book anyway? Is it the teachings of Ga'al?" He turns to the other and asks, "What kind of incense do you burn? Definitely nicer than the smell of burnt hair." When they are outside the shop, Rigging will pretend to trip over the feet of the priest with the book and will catch himself on the young man. He will deftly run his hands over the lads chest and stomach feeling for a heartseed. (rolled 22 on pickpocket skill) "I am so sorry. I drank a little to much wine last night and still feeling the effects a touch. Here let me make a contribution." Rigging pulls out a silver piece and hands it over to the bood wielder. "Have a glorious day!" Rigging then turns around and heads back into the shop closing the door behind him ignoring any attempts for the priests to reengage him in conversation.

Monday May 13th, 2002 9:15:15 AM

When the two acolytes step into the shop Ari unconsciously holds his breath. While the two talk with Oreson Ari scrutinizes over their gear, and their speak. Remembering to breath Ari softly sighs as they two continue to speak with Oreson.

As Riggings steps in to help out the frightened/nervous Oreson Ari prays that Riggings can turn the two around and get them out of the shop. Quickly he looks at the others in the store to see if once again the group may be dragged into combat.

Appolo  d20+6=26 d20+11=23
Monday May 13th, 2002 12:43:06 PM

APpolo is leaning agianst the side of the door whent he priests enter he calmly watches as Oreson trys unsuccessfully to get hem to leave. He is about tosay something when Rigging steps in. appolo watches as Rigging hustles them out of the shop. He quietly follows Rigging out making sur the goofballs don't try anything. He wathes Rigging run his hands over the one with the book.

Rolled Spot 26, Move Silently 23

Monday May 13th, 2002 6:28:40 PM

Bart waits until the two boys leave and then reenters the shop admiring the fine shield he saw before. Oreson is Valdor really a dragon slayer? If it is he is truly a powerfull man, Can you tell us the way to his his castle?

Monday May 13th, 2002 11:48:35 PM

After the two priests are gone and away, confirmed by Talon, Redux commends Oreson for how he stood up to the two nosey page boys. That could have been a lot worse. "Now, those two, being who they are likely to suspect you're up to something, whether they recognize Rigging's dress, manner of speech or the coin he gave them." He looks at Rigging like he might have just blown their cover, but doesn't say anything more. "What will be best everyone, I think, would be for us to part company shortly and let the heat die down, if there is any. Is there anyplace that we could meet more who are like minded and might be able to lead us further on our quest for Valdor; a favorite drinking place or shop, perhaps?"

Ashira (Invisible) 
Monday May 13th, 2002 11:56:09 PM

The half-elf watches the exchange with the priests and Oreson with mounting tension. As they notice the dwarves anxiety, she grips her sword until the leather binding on the hilt begins to bite into her palm. She watches and waits, prepared to deliver a quick blow to the priest with the book if things escalate. Then when Rigging steps forward, Ashira almost chokes. "I sure hope he knows what he's doing!" she thinks to herself as she watches to make sure that he is successful in ditching the priests, prepared to take a slice out of one of them if things get ugly.

Valanthe (Invisible)  d20+3=21
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 12:26:39 AM

Val doesn't watch the priests. There are enough people to do that. Instead the invisible elf maiden looks around to see who else might be interested in this encounter.

(OOC: 21 for spot check)

Felt the Urge! (DM Stephen)  d100=89 d6=2 d20+2=18 d20+2=22
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 11:18:16 AM

Rigging felt a lump on the chest of one of the boys. The Ga'alian alter boys leave and continue down the street talking to people.

Everyone turns to Oreson. Sweat still trickles down his face. The expression of exertion is on this face. "I'm sorry everyone, I don't understand what happened to me. I never get this way. I felt something strange!" He takes his shaking hands and wipes the sweat from his brow. Looking at his shaking hands, "Didnt you all feel that? The compulsion to go with them. If you all hadn't told me about them, I would have gone to the temple. I fought the urge with everything I got!" He turns to the others, "What was happening to me?"

Talon from outside talks to Redux. "Some people are dropping what they are carrying and walking down the stone path to the den of the bad man! What do I do?"

Oreson continues, " You may exchange your armor with what I have. You can better blend in with plateauonians."

"Appolo, that is a Masterwork Assassins Dagger. It is designed to easily be palmed and the scabbard holds poison. The dagger also acts as a seal to the scabbard. It prevents poison from spilling out."

"Ari, that is a +2 Dragon dagger." (On a critical hit, it does an additional 2d6 fire damage.)

"Bart, that is a +1 Floating shield." (When activated the shield floats around the user allowing the user to use both his hands, or use a two-handed weapon.)

"I dont believe Valdor and any of his friends are in the city. If they are, they are in hiding. You can try and scry out their locations, but of course, they may have wards against that." Oreson looks out his door, "Something needs to be done with those blasted priests of Ga'al. I don't know if I can fight off the compulsions again. I sure don't want to be forced to betray you to them!!" Oreson grabs his head, "Uuuh ... please ... help me!! I still hear their voices!!"

Ashira and Val are still invisible.

Val spots no one interested.

Tuesday May 14th, 2002 6:04:26 PM

Rigging closes the door and leans against it listening. He gets up and heads over to the dwarf and grasps both of his shoulders with his hands and gives him a gentle shake. "Now you understand what we are fighting against. Marteaus and Ga'al want to enslave you and the rest of the people in this city like they did my entire country. I believe you when you tell us that you don't where Valdor is, but do you have an idea of someone who might? Who was that other smith who helped you make Valdor's armor? Will he know?" Rigging leaves the pondering dwarf and goes over to the door. He opens it and takes a quick look around. He then says, Ashira...Val Get in here." He turns and heads back to the group. "Redux please have Talon keep an eye out. Bart why don't you change armor. We might need to fit in more."
Rigging paces around hand on chin his mind a whirl. When the pretty ladies have reappeared he will say, "Well guys, How do you feel about another assault on a temple of Ga'al. If Ga'al's priests are able to sway the people enough, they just might open the gates to Marteaus' armies. We can't allow that to happen."

Ashira (Invisible No more) 
Tuesday May 14th, 2002 10:34:29 PM

Hearing Rigging's summons, Ashira walks over to Rigging, and plants a kiss on his cheek as she deactivates her ring. "Sweetness, I thought you would never ask! Nothing says I love you like killing a bunch of evil priests! Oh, and by the way, Val and I were in here the whole time, so no need to brief us. I would prefer it if we to find Valdor first, but I'm not sure how to go about it. He seems to be a wanted man, so that's going to make it even harder to find him. So I guess it's Ga'al hunting after all!" Ashira sheathes her longsword, and looks around the shop. As she runs her fingers through her blue hair, she muses. "Well, it's going to be kind of hard for me to fit in...even if I changed armor. Probably be best for me to do most of the recon. Still, there are some beautiful weapons in here!"

Wednesday May 15th, 2002 12:11:15 AM

Nodding at Rigging's suggestion of a raid on the ga'al temple, Redux purses his lips. "Well, if we want to attract the attention of Valdor and those who know him, might as well do something worthy of notice. Oreson, do you know of a place we could rest and prepare ourselves; someplace where questions are few. Actually, why wait. there's a service just calling us to attend. Might not want to send us all in to the service right away, however, Ari and I could provide some backup for when things get sticky," rubbing his heartseed slightly so that Rigging will understand. "That would just leave having an escape route. Oreson, that must be where you come in. Could you provide a rough layout of where the temple is and the fastest ways away from the temple to any place to hide like to something underground? You ever think of yourself as a hero? Come on, you've dreamed of how these fine tools you make might be used. I bet you can even use a few better than Valdor himself, huh?" Redux smiles broadly at Oreson, waiting for his reply.

Wednesday May 15th, 2002 12:17:26 AM

Ari listens to Oreson as he tells him the background on the dagger. When Oreson pauses Ari asks him "How much for the dagger?"

As the party reassembles, Ari listens to everything being said.

"I would say that we would do that afterwards. We were sent here to contact Valdor as best we can. Should something go terribly awry with our hunting expedition, then our mission is forfeit, and the temple to G'aal is still operational."

As Oreson explains his dilemma with the voices, Ari looks to the other spell casters to see if they have any idea what we can do for the Dwarf.

Wednesday May 15th, 2002 1:02:58 AM

Oreson how much is the floating shield, I don't think I can afford it, but it is a fine piece of equipment. Is my chain good enough a chain is achain isn't it or do yo have another type in this city. I don't want to wear heavier armor because the hinder my movements. Mayebe i can change my magical chain for another more appropiate chain

The Plan (DM Stephen)  d100=11 d6=3 d100=51 d6=5
Wednesday May 15th, 2002 1:53:48 AM

After being shook, Oreson looks up to Rigging. His face becomes very serious, "Uh ... Mastersmith Talgor, he wouldnt know where Valdor is. He is only a inhouse mastersmithy at the Catacombs! He's a brilliant smithy, but very abscent minded. Always losing his hammer!"

Looking at Riggings hands on his shoulders, he looks back up to Rigging. "I understand what you're doing and I appreciate it. However, when dealing with dwarves, don't ever shakem!! Don't worry, no harm done!

Oreson rubs his head one last time. "Good, the voices are leaving!" His eyes widen with the spark of an idea. "You can all stay here. No one really saw you enter my place and the priests think you're customers." With that thought, Oreson mutters a few words of power and wiggles his fingers. "Pound on the anvil with my hammer," demands the dwarf. Oreson's hammer lifts up off a work bench and starts to pound on the anvil. "Unseen Servants are very useful. If I am to be working, people need to hear my hammer!" Everyone looks surprised as the smelly dwarf casts the spell, "How do you expect a dwarf to make magical wares if he can't cast spells."

Oreson walks over to a grate in the floor. He bends down and lifts it up. "Here is a passage down into the sewers of the city. The sewers go just about everywhere. Some of the sewers meet up with ancient tunnels that join all the pyramids together. There is a tunnel that leads southeast to the Aisildurian Consulate and the Temple of Ga'al. I can lead you there. Tunnels are a dwarfs best friend."

After hearing Redux, Oreson reaches back behind a counter with a grimacing expression on his face. He slams on a shiny metal helm and grabs a massive battle axe. "Never ask a dwarf he knows how to fight!! He just might show you!!" His grimacing expression gives way to a wiley smile.

"If it would help get rid of the Ga'al priests," turning to Ari, "you can have that dagger. All of you can take something if you wish. It would be worth every gold piece to be rid of this Ga'al!"

Oreson looks up and down at Bart's chain armor. "The style of your armor is not much different from ours. You look OK. The same deal that applies to Ari is the same for all of you. If you take care of the priests, the shield is yours!"

Looking back to Rigging, "So, what do you want to do?"

Wednesday May 15th, 2002 1:44:23 PM

Appolo follows Rigging back inside. He yhrn settles back, watches, listens.He then comments as takes the assins dagger"Thank you my friend.
We will put these to good use," he then secuseres it to his belt. He drops his pack taking his thieves, weapons, rope, grapling hook only making sure everything is secure and nothing dangle or makes noise. He really doesn't think this is a good idea, but no one listens to him anyway. He then walks over to Redux"Yeah dwarves love a good fight>"

Wednesday May 15th, 2002 5:24:07 PM

Rigging asks Oreson, "Do you any magical rapiers or daggers not already given to my companions?" Rigging then hands the dwarf one of his healing potions. This might come in handy. It is only for minor wounds but anything at the right time could be helpful." Turning to Redux, "Can you have Talon scout the temple from above. I am sure he will only see people gathering but he might notice soldiers or guardsmen." After listening to the dwarf's answer on the weapons, Rigging will head over to the sewer entrance and climb in. If needed Rigging can cast a dancing lights spell to light the way.

Wednesday May 15th, 2002 9:42:26 PM

Ashira examines Oreson's wares with wonder and a small amount of awe. She takes particular note of the short and longswords. "Excuse me Oreson, but when you're done with the others, could you please show me some of these swords?" Ashira also examines Bart's shield with some interest, and might consider taking it if the big fighter doesn't want it.

When Rigging heads over to the sewer, and begins climbing in, Ashira grabs his shoulder. "Wow there, big guy. Let's think this through. Why don't we give Appolo one of the rings and have him scout the area out first, since he's so sneaky. That way we'll have an idea of how many priests there are, and where any guards are. Also, we should evaluate our supply situation...perhaps a few more potions would come in handy." Ashira shoots Rigging one of her infamous grins. "Now I'm just as anxious to get in their and start slaughtering them as everyone else, but let's think it through first."

Redux  d20+6=17
Thursday May 16th, 2002 12:46:58 AM

Nodding approval at the dwarfs show of his capabilities, Redux smile broadens. "Well, well. A new ally. Waard is definitely on our side and watching over us. Your offering of both equipment and services is gladly accepted. Might I inquire about the possibility of bracers that would protect me but that won't interfere with my spell casting?" To Rigging, "Yes, I will ask Talon to take a quick search, but I'd like to have him with us underground, don't you think?" And to Talon, telepathically, "Quickly, if you will, fly to where the black robes are gathering people and tell me what you see. Does it look guarded by men with weapons?" (spot=17) Then to all, "Yes, let's take a moment to scout above and below and decide how best to enter the place. It won't do us any good to get caught up in a fight before we get inside."

(OCC: how much time is past? asking to determine how much time is left on Redux' mage armor spell. thanks)

Preparing for Battle (DM Stephen)  d100=48 d100=81 d100=4 d100=15 d20+2=19 d20-2=3
Thursday May 16th, 2002 1:07:05 AM

Oreson pulls out a the holy dagger that he had showed him earlier in the tavern. He flips it over and catches it by its blade and hands it to Rigging. "Here have this +1 Holy Dagger, just like the one Valdor has." It may will help you in battle against evil, and may bring you closer to Valdor."

"Ashira," answers Oreson, "The war has claimed all my best swords. My swords I have left are fine indeed, but won't serve you any better than what you already have." Oreson thinks a little bit. I do have something that might interest you. Another female warrior about your size commissioned me to create...," pauses Oreson as he digs out a dusty suit of armor. "Here we go, this is a suit of +1 Mithral Breast plate armor. As you can see it is black with blue trim and is designed to accommodate the uh ... female figure." Oreson slightly blushes. Ashira is amazed how light the armor is. (The armor is considered light armor and shouldnt interfer with your two-weapon fighting.) Rigging takes one look at the shinny black shapely armor and his silent expression seems to scream, "Whoa ... I likey!!

Turning to Redux, Oreson looks about and says, "Sorry, this is a warriors shop, not many wizards come here for supplies. There hasnt been any demand for bracers. (sorry rolled a 4).

Talon flies around and sees that the alter boys have returned to the temple with almost a dozen worshipers. He flies back and joins Redux inside the shop.

All who decide to enter the sewers do so as the unseen servant continues to hammer away. Oreson leads the party through the maze of corridors and passage ways, and you all come to a tunnel that looks much different than the sewers. The closer you all get to the Aisildurian Consulate a old stench becomes stronger. The smell of rot and wet rats is nausiating. Frightened rats scurry about and the walls of the tunnels, especially around a grate that leads up into the consulate, is coated with old blackened dried blood. Bones and bits of clothing are strewn about. Everyone can hear the echo of familiar ritualized chants of a worship service dedicated to Ga'al.

Oreson motions for you all to stop and to be quiet. He then points to the grate. He checks it gently to see that it is loose, and it is!

(Oreson makes his Move Silent check of 19. The priests listen check of 3 has no chance of hearing.)

Bart  d20+3=11
Thursday May 16th, 2002 1:51:16 AM

Thank you Oreson for let me using the shield if I can find a proper way to pay you back I will says Bart as he follows Oreson and the res of the party into the sewers (move silent 11)

Before they enter the tunnel he asks Rigging what are we going to do hit and run tactics against the Ga'al temple? Sounds good to me.

Valanthe  d20+7=24
Thursday May 16th, 2002 4:45:39 AM

Valanthe looked around Oreson's shop. If this is what his shop looked like now, it must have been something when fully stocked. Val climbs down into the sewers anxious to find some ga'al priests. [move silent check- 23, forgot aboutt he -1 acp]

Thursday May 16th, 2002 9:29:46 AM

As the group heads into the Sewers Ari asks, "Do we want to consider taking our time, so we can set up spells differently?"

Ari wonders about the bloodthirstiness of the group. He's worried about what the group can accomplish if they keep setting their sites on killing priests of G'aal. He wonders if there is something bigger a foot with what this Valdor person has said.

Appolo HP:28 AC:18 Ring of invisiblity  d20+11=16
Thursday May 16th, 2002 4:03:58 PM

Appolo moves silently behind the others. He quietly pionts out to Ashira that he already has one of the Rings. He is worried,he doesn't like this the oodds aren't in their favor.

Thursday May 16th, 2002 5:09:27 PM

Rigging says, "Ari, I agree that this is a little rushed but we don't know the enemies timetable. If Ga'al can influence enough people to open the gates from the inside this city is doomed. We need to get into the temple and see what they are doing to cast this mass compulsion." Rigging turns to Bart and says, "Yes we want to get in and out fast. Kill some priests and try to find whatever magic they are using. If we see another one of those new blood vines we should try to destroy it." As they approach the grate, Rigging whispers, "OK Apollo. You and me are going to do a recon. We climb the best and we both have rings." Rigging will quietly cast a spell and he feels much stronger. (ooc Cast Bull Strength on self but don't have the book so don't know what die to roll) Rigging signals to Oreson to quietly remove the grate. When it is down, he will activate his ring and climb into the tunnel.

Thursday May 16th, 2002 9:59:50 PM

Before going down into the tunnel, Redux places a very small set of blinders over Talon's eyes. Remember, friend, he coos, we are working now. There will be a time for feasting later.

Down in the tunnels, Talon can smell the prey and sense their presence. He is very restless but Redux keeps him close. Redux is glad his robes shed the filth they are moving thru, he thinks to himself that he'd like a pair of boots that do the same. Ooh, what was that I just slipped on?! At the base of the grate, Redux awaits information about what and who they face and mentally prepares himself for what is to come (which is easy compared to what they are currently in, i.e. a priest of ga'al will have to die for what I have had to go thru to get here.)

Thursday May 16th, 2002 10:37:09 PM

As the half-elf slogs through the filth of the sewer, the only thing that keeps her marching ahead is the joyous thought of running her sword through a priest. As they reach the gate, Ashira whispers to Rigging "Be careful. You still stink, and you're going to leave footprints."

Squish!! (DM Stephen)  d20+2=14 d20-2=6 d20+3=8 d20+3=18 d20+3=22 d20+3=18 d20+4=14 d20+2=3 d20+2=17 d8=4 d6=2 d6=5 d6=1 d100=80 d6=2
Friday May 17th, 2002 1:23:06 AM

Oreson gently removes the grating and Rigging and Appolo go invisible. They easily climb up through the opening. The room is dark except for two continual flame torches that are mounted on the walls. The room is 30-ft wide and 60-ft long. The ceiling is only 15-ft above you.

The room is a mess. What looks to be old dried blood is still splattered all about the walls and floor. The room looks to be used for storage. There is extra furniture. Some of the furniture is marked with hacks and slashes. The signs of a battle. Buckets, mops, brooms and filthy brushes are piled in the corner. Large piles of dirty rags lay near the hole in which you climbed through.

There is a wooden door on the wall, 30-ft away on the left. You can hear the sounds of chanting from the worship service on the other side. On the far side of the room is a spiral staircase going up. Light seems to trickle down from the upper floors.

There is a shelf of tattered books that are stacked without care. At first glace, they appear to be hymnals. They too are blood stained. Some look to have been sitting in pools of blood.

Nothing can be heard from up the stairs.

A peek through the keyhole in the door, one can barely make out a figure in a dark robe. It wears a red scarf and is occupied with the services of his god.

Rigging and Appolo arent sure which is worse, being in this room or down in the sewers. Both are disgusting and sickening.

Friday May 17th, 2002 7:59:39 AM

Rigging whispers into the air, "Stay here and watch the red scarf." Rigging heads back over to the grate and whispers, "Come on up but keep quiet." As his companions join him he will appraise them of the situation. "I think we need to take the guy in the tower first. Don't like leaving priests behind me."

Appolo HP:28 AC:18 Ring of invisiblity 
Friday May 17th, 2002 1:09:44 PM

Appolo quietly follows Rigging up into to the room and begins to give everything the once over.
He then watches the priest through the key hole
as Rigging brings the others up. He has the assins dagger readie to be drawn.

Friday May 17th, 2002 5:22:25 PM

Bart stays in the back of the party ready to rush forward if something goes wrong at the front

Ashira (In her shiny new armor!) 
Friday May 17th, 2002 11:27:31 PM

The half-elf climbs up through the opening, and moves to the side, making sure there is plenty of room for the others. "I don't like this, smells like a trap." she thinks as she drinks her barkskin potion and quietly draws her weapons.

Redux - Mage Armor AC=18 
Friday May 17th, 2002 11:49:39 PM

Ewww - the first thought that comes to Redux' mind. Taking the blinder's off of Talon he verbalizes Ashira's summary of their situation. "This place looks like this has been done before; and without much success, they're still here," Redux says in a whisper. "If we're to have any success, we must all go at once and over take him fast, and have our blades ready to slit his throat before he calls friends. Does the door seem locked?"

Saturday May 18th, 2002 10:18:29 PM

Val climbs up and looks around but stays near the opening. If things get really bad we can retreat to a better position.

Sunday May 19th, 2002 11:23:52 PM

Prior to going up into the temple, Ari quickly and quietly casts Shield on himself. He then moves into the room and scans the objects. Once he's up in the room he moves out of the way of the others, and get his weapons ready.

Preparing for Battle (DM Stephen)  d100=64 d6=5 d20+2=17
Monday May 20th, 2002 9:28:58 AM

Same as before, this room is disgustingly foul with all the dried blood splattered about.

The door is unlocked. All attempts to see through the key hole show that the room appears to be the main worship area. One piest can be made out. One of the alter boys are their as well. A dozen or so worshipers can be heard repeating the priests chants.

Oreson makes his way into the room with a look of continued disgust and revoltion. He remains quiet.

The scene is exactly as it was before. The air drips with tension.

Party's initiative.

Rigging  d20+7=20
Monday May 20th, 2002 2:28:04 PM

Rigging whispers to his friends, "Make a battle plan on attacking the temple. I am going to check on that staircase real quick. Figure a couple magic missile spells and a sleep.' Rigging then creeps up the stairs silently still invisible.

Monday May 20th, 2002 5:17:29 PM

Storming into the temple during a service isn't a good idear I thin we have to sneak into the private quarters do some dammage there taking some relics and disapear again

Monday May 20th, 2002 11:14:56 PM

Whispering to the invisible comment, "We need some kind of recon first"

Ashira (Barkskin) 
Monday May 20th, 2002 11:32:44 PM

The half-elf motions for the party to gather around her. She whispers as quietly as possible. "Alright, Bart, I don't like this either, but we've got to help those people and stop Ga'al before he takes over the city. So let's strike hard and fast. Wait until Rigging gets back. I think people will notice once we open the door, so recon is out of the picture. Val, once we open the door, do you think you can hit that priest with an arrow? Then Appolo can try and get in there for the backstab, and Rigging can take on the alter boy. The rest of us will come in to back you up. Mostly, we want to break up the service and scare off the people. Redux, do you think you can help with that. If we can kill the priests, go ahead, but mostly we just want to break it up. Then it's back into the sewers and run for your lives! Any other suggestions?"

Redux (Mage armor) 
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 12:19:08 AM

"Quite right," Redux whispers. "Rigging may come back with something more along those lines, Bart, but our best course may be to open that door and interrupt the service. When we are all ready, I'll open the door wide so that Appolo and Val can give us a good start. We got all dressed up and slogged thru the sewers. I think we should at least kill one priest and be able to take home some clean shoes."

Redux will then cast spectral hand. He plans to cast ghoul touch and open the door, unless Rigging has some better plan up the stairs. Once the door is opened, he plans to send the hand to the priest for an attack. He sets Talon to the side where he will be free to fly into the next room if, and only if, the party doesn't immediately need to retreat.

Battle Plans (DM Stephen)  d100=82 d6=4 d20=10
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 2:03:05 AM

Rigging slowly creeps up the stairs. He travels up what seems to be close to 50 feet. After reaching the top, a 30-ft long narrow hallway runs to Rigging's left.

Suddenly, for some strange reason the nautaoculus begins to slowly and quietly vibrate in its pouch.
The end of the hallway empties into a room. You only see a little portion of the room. A pale blue light glows from its open doorway.

Once entering the hallway, Rigging instantly notices he can no longer hear any sound. No more echoing chants from downstairs, no footfalls, not even his own heart beat; absolutely nothing. He can, however, feel that the nautaoculus is vibrating faster.

Rigging swallows and more carefully steps down the hallway. Once he gets near the opening into the room with the spooky blue light. Rigging can see that the hallway continues ahead of him on the other side of the room and is too dark to see down. After carefully approaching the doorway, Rigging's ears are once again flooded with sounds, the sound of muffled screams of extreme pain.

Rigging looks around the corner and he sees a horrific scene. A teenaged boy is shackled face-first against the north wall; with his arms spread out wide. His mouth is gagged and his upper body is striped down to his bare skin. A high priest of Ga'al stands behind him with a highly ornate dagger. He carefully carves into the flesh of the boys back. Fresh blood streams down his legs and is caught by a large bowl that he stands in. The teenaged boy twitches about with every little cut. The priests observes how the blood runs and the way the boy moves and reacts to the cuts. It seems like the priest is attempting to read some kind of hidden message, as if trying to scry! "Ah yess, I see," says the high priest, "There are new ones in the city, pirates to be exact! Sorin, my boy, you were right to suspect the dwarf." The boy gives a thankful moan! "Where are they now, is the question? The dwarf's shop is empty! Fear not my lad, I will locate them," he chuckles! The unholy man continues to slice into the young mans back.

The nautaoculus is vibrating rapidly now.

As Rigging scans the room he sees a elaborate painting. It depicts and stylized figure of Ga'al standing in the clouds above a gathering of priests. Flocks of worshipers give praise and thanks with smiling faces. The painting also incorporates images of Aisildurian naval ships sinking tattered pirate ships in the heat of battle.

Next to the painting is a framed map of the known Wold. It appears very ancient. A land mass appears on the map that you are not familiar with. A table below the map is covered with nautical equipment. Compasses, calipers, scales, a telescope made of gold and silver, rulers, pens and vials of ink, and a small pile of journals and scrolls. For reasons Rigging doesnt understand, he is drawn to the objects on the table.

A rope hangs down through a small hole in the cieling next to the other door.
Back down with the rest of the group on the ground floor, they continue to plan. To anyone who is aware of a traditional Ga'al worship service, they begin to hear that the service is about to end. A few more prayers and the congregation will soon be able to leave.

Rigging has been away for almost 10 minutes and have heard nothing from him.

Ashira's skin becomes rough and hard.

A spooky translucent hand appears floating next to Redux.

Oreson picks his nose and then rubs a ring on his finger. He slowly blends with the wall. If you didnt know he was there, you would have never noticed him.

Appolo HP:28 AC:18 Ring of invisiblity  d20+11=20 d20+10=29 d20+6=22 d20+3=15
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 3:37:59 AM

"I am going after Rigging he's been gone to long and the service is about to end" With that he moves quickly and silently up the stairs. Assins dagger and short at the ready.

Rolled: Hide 20. Move silent 29,Spot 22, Listen 15

Rigging  d20+7=21
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 9:30:11 AM

Rigging heads back down the stairs moving as quickly as he can while still going silently. When he joins up with the others, he will whisper, "Change in plans. Follow me but move quietly." As he moves back up the stairs he will explain what he saw. "The high priest is up stairs. He is scrying for us and might already know we are here so we must act fast. Ashira, and Val activate your rings. "Rigging pulls out a scroll and cast an invisbility on Bart." You three close and attack the priest. Don't take him lightly. You will see a boy being tortured, kill him as well. He is a willing participate in the scrying and is ok with the bloodletting. He will try to attack you I am sure. Nautaoculus was acting very strange. I think its other half might be in the room so we will have to retrieve it. Lets hit hard and fast. Kill the two priests and get out."

Bart ;Ac 20; HP 36  d8+3=10 d20+10=30 d20+10=17 d10+7=16 d10+7=9
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 4:26:09 PM

Alright Rigging and barts quaffs a potion of cure light wounds so he has no more wounds left of the crash the night before, After activating his shield he Takes out his sword and goes upstairs. Ready to do attack the priest no remorse so if his back is near it will be his back he hits (threat-crit? 17 for 16+9 dam)
After his initial hit he takes out his dagger too.

Valanthe (Invisible,11 hp down)  d20+6=11 d20+7=26 2d4(4+2)+2=8
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 5:17:25 PM

Valanthe puts her bow away and draws her scythe, she heads upstairs as quiet as she can [move silent, 11]. She creeps into the room and takes a big swing at the high priest. [hit ac 26 for 8 dmg]

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible)  d8+1=8 d20+7=21 d8+4=10
Tuesday May 21st, 2002 10:23:51 PM

The half-elf smiles when Rigging comes back. When he mentions a change of plans, she whispers "No problem." as she activates her ring. As Rigging casts invisibility on Bart, Ashira drinks one of her Cure Light Wounds potions, wanting to be at the top of her fighting form. She heads up the stairs after Bart and Val, and tries to get an attack in on the high priest, if there is room. Otherwise, she will attack the nearest threat, or try to secure the room, whichever seems more useful.

OOC (Hehe, almost forgot about the damage from the collision. Thanks Bart! d8+1+8 for Cure Light Wounds, d20+7=21....should be d20+9=23...attacking with longsword only, since I can't do a full attack this round. Damage=10)

Ari  d20=7
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 12:20:08 AM

Doing his best to move silently and backup the party, Ari moves to the back of the party in case there is any re-enforcements that try to come in upon the commencement of the attack. (MS=7)

Redux  d6=6
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 12:42:31 AM

Redux takes a moment before following the others to cast Hold Portal on the door to the worship sanctuary. He posts Talon on the stairwell just out of sight of the entry to the worship area to give a warning of anyone entering. If a warning is given, Talon is to fly up the stairs to join the party. Upon entering the battle area, Redux will cast chill touch and send his spectral hand to touch the boy.

Sheathed in rage the vengeful blade. (DM Stephen)  d100=66 d6=6
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 1:44:36 AM

The party, with eager blades in hand, assend the stairs. As they rush through the silenced hallway, Rigging notices that it is much colder than before. Everyone sees their breath begin to billow from their mouths. The sudden chill sends shivers down your spines.

As you enter the room where the high priest once was, everyone notices that the priest can no longer be seen. The half-naked young man, now unshackled, stands in the north west corner. He too shivers with his pale white body covered in blood and sweat. He leaves a crimson trail from the bowl of his blood that he once stood in. A sadistic grin is on his face. "WE FOUND YOU ... WE SEE YOU ... WEE KNOWW YOOUU," he chuckles with a grim satisfaction!!

Bart immediately charges at the boy and runs him through. Bart adds a twist to the blade and the young man starts to choke. Sorin holds out his hands to feel Barts now visible face. "i seee yoooouu...," and then he goes limp. The lifeless body slides off the blade and onto the floor.

A laughing voice echoes throughout the room. Then a sickening word is chanted over and over, "Desecrate ... desecrate ... DESECRATE!!" With the end of the chant follows more laughter. Rigging recognizes the voice of the high priest.

The evil spell seems to spread around the room. A flood of negative energy quickly overtakes all. The lights suddenly goes dim. The profane magics that swirl about doesn't harm anyone, but it feels like death is all around you.

Everyone can now see what Rigging saw before. With the exception of the slain body on the floor.

Everyone wildly spin around to find the high priest.

Talon sits at the bottom of the stairs and watches the door.

(Everyone make a Listen check DC 30 and a Spot check DC 25.)

Ari  d20+1=13 d20+1=18
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 7:46:02 AM

Spot 13 Listen 18

Shivering from the effect of the spell and the laughter Ari looks around to try to find the source of the laughter. With no real success Ari ducks over to the rope and looks up to see what can be seen.

Rigging  d20+4=11 d20+5=16
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 8:16:15 AM

Rigging pulls out Nautocolous and whispers, "Can you help? What did you sense before?" Rigging looks up and around, but isn't able to see anything.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible?)  d20+3=18 d20+3=8
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 8:36:12 AM

Ashira shivers slightly in the cold, thinking "Drat! Rigging should have run him through when he saw him. Now we get to wait for him to play with us first." Speaking in Elven, Ashira says "Rigging, get what you came for. We'll deal with the priest if and when we can. We either need to be able to find him or to blind him, can you help with either?" Ashira looks around the room desperately trying to locate the priest, knowing that this will turn very bad very fast if they can't isolate him soon.

OOC (Don't know why I bothered with Spot (18) and Listen (8) rolls, there is no possible way for Ashira to find the priest.)

(DM Stephen - Always success on a natural 20. There is always a chance!)

Nautaoculus  by DM Stephen
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 9:31:01 AM

Vibrating wildly in Rigging's hands, a single word whispers in his head, "Brother!"

Rigging notices that the closer he gets to the table, the more the Nautaoculus vibrates!

The pouch that holds the Nautaoculus grows and reshapes with a new extra compartment. It seems to conform to a cylinder shape.

Redux  d20+4=11 d20+4=10
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 12:27:59 PM

(occ, missed checks by a long mile)

Hey, everyone! Hold hands or grab some rope to hold on either end. Somebody take the wall, we'll walk together and may find him before he gets far enough to cause problems. Keep your eye on that dead kid in case he gets up or something. If we don't find him fast, lets get back to where we came from.

Bart  d20=4 d20+3=19
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 2:02:59 PM

Bart hears the priest but it looks like the sounds comes from everywhere around him, he makes a few turns but he can't see him nor can he locate where the sound is coming from. Redux plan sounds good so he grabs Redux arm with his free hand and the sword in his other in this way they can cover a wide area

Appolo HP:28 AC:18 Ring of invisiblity  d20+4=22 d20+6=21 d20+11=14 d20+10=21 d20+11=25
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 2:38:11 PM

Appolo silently slips back into the corner waiting for the priest to expose himself. He concentraing as hard as can but still can not find the priest.

Listen 22, spot 21, move silently 21, Hide 25.
Used Hero piont to reroll Hide check.

Valanthe (11 down)  d20+6=14 d20+3=5 d20+7=8
Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 9:16:02 PM

Valanthe sees the priest and moves brings her scythe down in a wicked slash that misses badly.
[failed the listen and spot checks]

(DM Stephen - the dead body is prone and is an automatic hit!)

Wednesday May 22nd, 2002 10:51:12 PM

OOC (Umm...just a reminder...you can use hero points to up a roll by +2 per point, so if anyway (say, maybe Appolo with that awesome Spot check) wants to use up a few hero points, we could find the priest.)

A frightful fiend doth tread close behind! (DM Stephen)  d6+4=10 d20+10=26 d20+4=10 d20+4=20
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 1:28:39 AM

"CHILDREN ... thou art! Hath traveled a long journey only to die in the service of Ga'al. Thou flesh shall betray thee," hisses a grisly voice.

Another dark spell begins to be cast. The words are unknown to all, but sounds foul to all your ears.

The body of the dead priest begins to quiver and shake. A sizzling sound of bubbling blood and muscle fills the air with a grotesque stench. The skins begins to turn gray and becomes completely covered with bruising. Coaulated blood and steam sputters out of open wounds. The body slowly begins to move and stands up from the floor. Skin rips and tears around joints with every little movement. His eyes open to reveil solid white eyeballs. Entrails dangle out of gapping holes in it gut. A languid tongue licks its lips. The ghastly figure mumbles, "I seeee ya yooouu allll!" It starts to limp his way toward, the now visible, Bart and Valanthe.

The nautaoculus continues to vibrate.

Appolo is well hidden, especially when invisible!

Ari looks up at the hole on the ceiling that the rope comes out of. The hole is just about 2-inches in diameter, nothing can be seen. It seems the rope was meant to be tugged. He thinks it must activate something.

(Everyone needs to make a Fort. Save DC 15 or recieve a -2 penalty to attacks, saves and skill checks for the next 10 minutes. The stench from the corpse is very nausiating.)

(Everyone make a Spot and Listen check of DC 20. Apply penalties if you succumb to the stench.)

Oreson Ironheels  d20+10=26 d20+4=10 d20+4=20
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 1:35:38 AM

Oreson shakes off the stench. After hearing the voice of the high priest, he realizes where the source comes from. "The priest is above us somehow!"

(The ceiling is 15-ft high)

Ari (Shield) AC 19  d20+7=10 d20-1=8 d20-1=1 d20+2=6 d20-1=5
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 7:54:12 AM

Ari quickly feels the ill effects of the new being. Feeling as ill as he does, it is everything he can do to keep is focus on the task at hand (failed spot and listen). At least he has something that he can destroy. Moving quickly Ari says, "Find that priest, I will delay this one. If I lose control of myself, do what you must!" Moving up to the abomination Ari says, 'You are an abomination to this world. Arislan Brentwood denies you existance!" Ari swipes with his rapier to no effect, and then stabs with is dagger and not finding a mark. (AC 6 and 5)

Rigging  d20+2=18 d20+4=11 d20+4=6
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 8:12:43 AM

Rigging shakes off the smell but doesn't seem to be concentrating on anything else but what the artifact is trying to tell him. He will quickly approach the table feeling Naulaoculus vibrate stronger and stronger. Rigging heads straight for the telescope that he saw before and picks it up first. It seems to be well made and looks like it would fit into the new pouch. He will try sliding it in to see if it fits.

Bart AC20  d20+4=17 d20+3=14 d20=11 d20+6=10 d20+8=23 d10+6=14
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 1:09:25 PM

The stench has no effect on Bart and he attacks the corpse in front of him "Feel the power of Domi,you fool!" (ac 23 for 14). He hears the highpriest but he can't locate him, can he be upstairs as Oreson says? Maybe but first handling this "creature"
(is there a candle or torch burning in this room?)

Oreson Ironheels 
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 2:07:57 PM

"No, I don't mean upstairs. I mean, above us in this room!!"

(DM Stephen - There are two Continuous Flame torches with blue flames on each wall. But their light has been dimmed. They produce no heat.)

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible)  d20+8=14 d20+4=8 d20+4=11
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 5:02:34 PM

Thinking that the sewers smelled worse than this undead, Ashira goes on about her business. Seeing that Bart and Ari have the undead under control, Ashira continues to search for the priest to no avail. Swearing, she says to Rigging in Elven "Hurry up, we could use your help. Val, can you see the priest, we need to shoot him down or something." The odd looking half-elf suddenly wishes she had replaced her bow that she lost so long ago.

OOC (Used hero point to bump up Fort. So...d20+8+2=16, Spot=8, Listen=11...I am assuming that the priest is hearseeded, so applied my +1 for 2nd favored enemy.)

Appolo HP:28 AC:18 Ring of invisiblity  d20+7=16 d20+6=9 d20+6=23 d20+3=23 d20+8=15 d20+11=20 d20+10=24 d4=3
Thursday May 23rd, 2002 8:54:34 PM

Appolo quietly looking and listening for the priest. He spots the priest and locates where he is and hurls a dagger at him then quickly
quickly and silently changes position.

Fotitude 16,rerolled using hero point Spot 23,listen 23, Attack 15,Damage 3,Move Silently 20, Hide 24

Redux (mage armor)  d20+3=21 d20+4=8 d20+4=16 3d4(3+3+3)+4=13
Friday May 24th, 2002 1:06:47 AM

(listen=8, spot=16)
Redux curls his nose at the dead boy now moving but is not affected by the stench. Listening and Looking around and not immediately catching anything himself he follows Appolo's dagger, if he sees it strike he will follow it with magic missiles to the same place (dmg=13 if used).

The Chill of Battle (DM Stephen)  d20+6=14 d20+4=7 d20+4=22 d4=2 d6+4=5 d20+10=26 d20+11=31 d12+5=13 d8+13=18
Friday May 24th, 2002 1:42:22 AM

Bart slices into the ghast. It stumbles a little and lets out a wicked hiss. Ari takes his swings and both miss. Oreson charges through several party members and attacks the undead boy. His great axe nearly cuts the thing in two.

"Hungerrrr," screams the ghast!! It decides to attack Bart, his killer, with bites and clawing hands at his neck and face. (rolls: 14, 7, 22) The second and final claw attack connects and rakes across his neck. (2 points of damage, Make a Fort. Save DC 15 or be paralyized for 5 minutes.)

Appolo sees the steamy breath of the high priest up against the ceiling. His wildly thrown dagger misses the priest and clangs against the wall and falls to floor. Appolo becomes visible and then tries to hide. The priest has no trouble seeing him.

Since Appolo's dagger didn't connect, Redux's Magic Missile spell was not cast for lacking a target.

Rigging sees that the telescope fits perfectly and the vibrating stops. The other items looks nice as well. The map on the wall has a curious land mass that he has never seen before. It is marked with writing but he is too far to read it.

All the others continue to search for the high priest but their search will soon end for he is about to reveil himself.

"Children, thy time of play cometh to an end and so it shall be." Again the profane words of an evil power assaults everyones ears. Everyone feels a breeze from above lightly blow their hair. "May the power of Ga'al bring death to you all!" A burst of negative energy spreads throughout the room. Everyone feels it nawing away at their lifeforces. (Everyone takes 18 points of damage. Make a Fort. Save of DC 19 for half damage.)

The high priest's spell that hurts the party actually heals the ghast. Wounds it had taken from Bart and Oreson have almost been completely erased.

The high priest now appears looming over head hovering parallel with the ceiling. He chuckles and laughs at you all.

Oreson Ironheels  d20+10=15 d20+11=15 d20+6=22 d12+4=10
Friday May 24th, 2002 1:56:46 AM

Oreson fails his savethrow and takes the full amount of damage from the priests spell. He pays little attention to it however and attacks the ghast with two deadly blows. The first misses and second connects for 10 points of damage.

Ari 18 points down, AC 19  d20+5=8 d4+1=3
Friday May 24th, 2002 3:50:54 AM

Feeling the negative energy take hold, and hearing the priests word, Ari looks up to note that the priest is visible. "For the heart of Aisildur, I expunge thee". Ari takes a 5 ft step back and chants out a magic missle aimed at the priest for 3 points.

Rigging (bull strenth, 18 hps left)  d20+3=19 d4+1=2 d4+1=3
Friday May 24th, 2002 7:57:19 AM

Rigging sees the mad priest and launches 2 missles his way doing 5 points of damage.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible)  d20+8=22 d20+7=23
Friday May 24th, 2002 9:09:35 AM

Ashira barely notices the effects of the negative energy (Fort=22) as she FINALLY notices her prey. Dropping her weapons to the floor, she reaches in her pack and withdraws her grappling hook. She begins to swing it back and forth, readying it to swing at the priest. She lets the hook fly (Att=23), attempting to connect with him in the hopes that she can pull him down.

(OOC Don't know if I'm allowed to attack after retrieving and item...kinda fuzzy on that part of the rules. Also, didn't know what to do, so applied ranged modified to roll.)

(DM Stephen - Since you didnt move, I will allow you to get the item from your pack and throw it.)

Appolo -9 hp  d20+7=22 d20+8=20 d20+5=17 d20+5=10 d20+5=10 d20+5=11 d20+5=19 d20+5=22 d20+5=13 d20+5=15 d4=3 d4=3
Friday May 24th, 2002 11:14:41 AM

After shaking off most of the effects of the priests spell Appolo hurls another dagger at the priest. Then charges right behind hind moving with swiftnes, surety and an eerie calm,
swinging his word with deadly intent.

Rolled 22 Fortitude, 20 Dagger, 17 Sword.
OOC: Sorry about the extra rolls, I screwed up please ignore them.

Valanthe (20 down)  d20+5=15 d20+5=22
Friday May 24th, 2002 11:47:29 AM

(OCC: Sorry about my lack of posts, but I've been busy these last couple of days)

Val steeles her resolves and manages to resist the evil forces that tried to smother her. She drops her scythe and draws her bow, notching an arrow.

(DM Warning - When you entered the room, you closed with the young priest who is now a Ghast. If you attempt to fire at the high priest with an arrow you will draw an attack of opportunity and possibly paralyzation!!! You may continue with this action or attack the ghast and withdraw. Then you can move away from the ghast and fire arrows next round without AOO (Attacks of Opport). You may repost if you wish, but do it before I post tonight.)

Bart AC 20 HP27  d20+4=15 d20+4=19 d20+6=17 d20+8=19 d4+3=6 d10+6=9
Friday May 24th, 2002 11:50:59 AM

Bart isn't paralyzed by the attack of the ghast and also shakes of most of the priest spells (phew). In return he attacks the boy with his dagger and sword (ac 17/19 for 6+9)

Redux (1hp)  d20+3=8 d20+3=14 3d4(2+1+2)+1=6
Friday May 24th, 2002 11:42:55 PM

(ooc failed fort role, used 1 hero point to re-role, also failed, down to 1 hit point total and) Feeling very bad suddenly it is all that Redux can do to complete the magic missiles (8pts dmg, forgot to add the additional +1 for each d4), not doing near the damage he should have but very glad to be on his feet. He mentaly checks in with Talon, assuring the friend that he does not need his help and to stay put "I will be there very soon, be ready."

Hook, Line and Preacher (DM Stephen)  d100=96 d6=5 d6=4 d20+5=17 d20+7=26 d20+2=7 d20+2=19 d4=3 d20+9=29 d20+9=28 3d8(4+8+3)=15 d20+6=18 d8=3 d6+5=6 d4+2=5 d20+6=26 d20+6=20 d8+1=5 d8+1=5 d20+8=8 d6+5=11 d20+5=15 d100=89 d6=2 12d6(6+1+6+3+4+3+6+1+5+6+3+6)=50 d20+3=10 d20+3=13
Saturday May 25th, 2002 3:31:35 AM

Ashira's grappling hook (rolled 26, hit) does more than snags the high priest, it rips into his side and hooks him. The priest yells out a loud piercing cry!!! Ashira begins to tug on the rope with an ravenous expression. The high priest resists by grabbing the rope to pull against Ashira. He continues to wale in extreme pain.

The magic missiles from Rigging, Redux and Ari pelt the high priest back into the ceiling.

Appolo's dagger connects this time for 5 points. The high priest shakes in agony.

Valanthe pulls out her bow and sends an arrow at the priest. (dropping her scythe is a free action, grabbing her bow is a move-equivalent, so this allows a partial action to fire an arrow. Roll a 29 to hit, crit 28. I am rolling too good!! Does 15 points) The Ghast, close by, takes his opportunity to strike. It hits with a bite for 4 points. Make a Fort save of DC 15 or be paralyized for 11 minutes.

Bart cuts into the ghast with both attacks. The ghast falls back but is still up. Bart recoils in disgust as the undead grabs its lifeless heartseed and rips it from his chest. After licking it for a taste, he throws it at Bart. As Bart tries to dodge the flying heartseed, the ghast attacks Oreson. His bite hits Oreson and takes a chunk out of his arm. (hit 26, crit 20. Im rolling too good!) Oreson drops his weapon and falls down onto the floor. He appears wide awake but he doesnt look like he can move! The ghast then jumps down and stradles Oreson's body. The dead priest licks his bloody lips and prepares to start feeding. Oreson looks on in horror.

The high priest rages on with obscenities and in his madness he lets go of the rope to cast a spell (flamestrike!). The instant tension of the rope yanks at the priest's wound. He loses his concentration and the spell goes off incorrectly.

Suddenly down the second hallway a massive column of bright searing flame shoots into the room. Additional screams can be heard from down the corridor. One young priest goes running through the room, on fire, and exits down the first hallway. Another priest stumbles into the room and slumps onto the floor. He is charred and burned beyond recognition.

The high priest rolls his eyes annoyingly. He takes hold of the rope again to give himself some slack. His blood is beginning to drip down on the party below.

Talon tells Redux that somebody has started to try and open the door. "They are hitting the door really hard!!"

Appolo  d20+5=23 d6+2=4 d20+2=5
Saturday May 25th, 2002 4:27:57 AM

Appolo slashes the priest with his short sword.
He appears to be completely calm and fliud hradly breaking a sweat."Let's finish this and get out of here." he says loud enough for everyone to hear, but with an eerily calm and cool voice. With his off hand he produces the assassins dagger and misses the priest.

Short Sword Attack 23, Damage 4 Dagger attack 5.

(DM Stephen - The high priest is 10-ft above you, floating with his back to the ceiling. You cannot reach. You can post again!)

Bart Ac20 Hp 27  d20+1=18 d20+3=17 d4+8=10 d10+11=20
Saturday May 25th, 2002 7:34:20 AM

Bart attacks with all his strenght (power attack -5 to att +5 to dam) at the Ghast whos starting to eat Oreson (ac 18/17 for 10+20)
After slicing the ghast in two (i hope) Bart is pulling Oreson away back the way they came from

Valanthe (15 down)  d20+5=15 d20+9=27 d8=8
Saturday May 25th, 2002 9:53:28 AM

Val cringes a bit when the Ghast sinks his teeth into her. She feels the paralyzation moving through her andthen receeding [fort save 15]. She was lucky this time. Next time might be different. Val notches another arrow and lets it fly at the high priest. [hit ac 27 for 8 dmg]

Appolo-9  d20+8=24 d4=1
Saturday May 25th, 2002 11:20:42 AM

Appolo hurls the Assassins dagger at the priest.

Attack 24 damage 1

Oreson Ironheels 
Saturday May 25th, 2002 12:41:27 PM

Oreson looks on with a expression of horror frozen on his face.

He tries to speak but it only comes out as a faint squeal.

Ari -18hps AC 19 
Saturday May 25th, 2002 12:44:10 PM

Not wanting to the same fate to happen to Bart as has happend to Oreson, Ari tosses a minature cloak at Bart and mutter, 'for the protection of friends.' (casts spell 'resistance'. +1 to all saves) (ooc sorry, not much of a magic 'word' person. :) )

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Saturday May 25th, 2002 9:48:06 PM

Rigging looks at the priest and murmers a few more words which nobody else can understand. Two more darts fly into the clerics body smashing him into the ceiling again. (total of 9 points of damage)

Sunday May 26th, 2002 9:00:21 AM

Redux likes what he sees Ashira doing and moves over to where she is and grabs the rope as high as he can and pulls for all that he can, picking his feet up off of the floor so that his weight can help the pull. He'd love the opportunity to keep this priests head on their way out of town.

Ashira (Barkskin) 
Sunday May 26th, 2002 10:17:01 PM

Lust for the kill clear on her face, Ashira tugs for all her worth on the rope. The crazed ranger leans back and attempts to use her mass more than her upper body strength. Ashira's objective is to pull the priest down so her friends can finish him off. If however, it looks like all the pulling will loosen the grappling hooks hold on the high priest, then Ashira will intermittently tug on the rope in order to prevent him from casting further spells.

Cold Fingers of Death (DM Stephen)  12d6(4+6+6+6+4+1+3+1+5+4+2+2)=44 d4=2 d20+10=14 d6=4 d6=5 d20+8=14 d4=4
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 1:06:32 AM

As Bart has his sword swung back ready to strike, the ghast looks up from his dwarven meal with wide greyish eyes. Bart strikes straight and true. "Uhhhhhh...,"says the ghast right before his head gets sliced off and sent flying up into the air. The high priest struggles with the grappling hook stuck in his side and continues to grab at the rope. He becomes startled by the cold dead stare of the flying head before it makes its way back down. The head lands perfectly in Ari's hands; as if catching a ball. The head continues to twitch in Ari's grasp.

Bart then grabs Oreson and drags him to the hallway from which they came. The headless body of the ghast still draped over Oreson gets taken with him.

Appolo's assassin's dagger merely scratches the high priest. However, the priest turns very pale and his eyes turn red with blood. He becomes visibly shaken with sudden chills.

As Redux helps Ashira to pull on the rope, Rigging sends another sorte of magic missiles at the high priest. Again they rip into his robes and knocks him back into the ceiling.

Valanthe shoots another arrow at the priest. Hits directly in the chest. The high priest lets go of the rope and grabs at the arrow. He shrieks in pain as both Ashira and Redux send the priest crashing down onto the floor.

Motionless the priest appears to be dead. Then suddenly, his eyes open and roll back into his head. He mutters profane words of power. His hand turns black as pitch but the bones within glowing an eerie green color. He grabs at Ashira and takes hold of her right leg. The blackness oozes into Ashira's leg and begins to spread across her body. Ashira falls to the floor. Her skins slowly begins to return to normal, but she feels as if her life is slipping away from her.

The high priest still on the floor starts to cough up blood has he laughs.

Talon from below urgently talks to Redux. "They stopped hitting the door. I heard them say that they were going to go around the other way!"

Rigging hears two voices in his head. They both say, "mapp ... maapp!"

(Sorry Ashira, no savethrow allowed - death attack!!! BTW, you came close 2 dying and you feel like it. You still have all your current hitpoints!!!!)

Valanthe (15 down) 
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 2:48:30 AM

Val slings her bow across her back once again. Angrily she grabs her scythe and beheads the priest. "[Curses], I think we need to leave immediately." One hand on her scythe, the other grabs Ashira and tosses her over her shoulder. "Hang on Ashira, we will be out of here in no time."

Tuesday May 28th, 2002 8:24:10 AM

Rigging yells, "Ari, Help Ashira! Redux. Help me get this map! Don't argue, the artifacts are telling me we need it." Rigging leaps over to the map and lifts it from the wall. If he can roll it up he will. If not he will remove it from the frame and then roll it up. When done he will announce. "OK back the way we came. Everyone be careful and be sharp."

Ashira (Barkskin) 
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 11:34:09 AM

Ashira screams as the negative energy courses through her body, more frightened than she's ever been in her life. Dying is one thing, but being drained so quickly....

Uncontrollably shaking, Ashira struggles weakly against Valanthe as she picks her up. "Put me down, you can carry me around in a few minutes when I pass out." Although there is an edge of humor to her words, one look at Ashira shows that there is deep meaning to them. She returns to her feet and retreaves her weapons. If the priest is truly dead, then Ashira will examine the body, looking for the priest red scarf to take as a trophy. Once located, she will very careful remove it using a strip of cloth rather than her hands to touch the unholy item. As she works she says "Rigging, Redux is hurt just worse than I am. Give him a potion."

OOC (Thanks for the effort Val, but Ashira has a few things she wants to do. Also, I wanted to make sure that Stephen allows the decapitation before Ashira goes trophy hunting. If you can't take a scarf without being hurt by it, then obviously, Ashira won't take it.)

(DM Stephen -Sure take a trophy, it sounds decaptivating!!)

Tuesday May 28th, 2002 12:42:25 PM

Bartr comes back to the room not sure if the priest is killed by his friends. He sees that Domi was once again on there side. He says "Rigging, Redux get the scrolls and the journals too but first damage that painting of Gaal. I wil get Oreson."

He removes the ghast from Oresons body and tugs Oreson over his shoulder. Carying him the way the came in.

Dowwn in the storage room Bart caries Oreson through the opening and then goes back to help his friends and cover their retreat.

Tuesday May 28th, 2002 8:21:29 PM

Bart, Ari and Valanthe get the wounded out of here that includes you Ashira. I'll take care of the bodies don't worry. He gegins to swiftly and surely cut out the heartseeds, then Appolo throws them in corner and kicks the heads into another corner. He then finds some oil and flamable material and begins to light the bodies ,head and heartseeds on fire, along with the rest of the room moving as fat as he can. he will also help Rigggoing wit h map by cutting it out of it's frame. "Move!!"

Tuesday May 28th, 2002 8:25:29 PM

Appolo also quickly gathers his weapons as he leaves He will also set the rom the came outof on fire just before he jumps down the whole.

OOC:Sorry about the double post.Thank You

Redux (1hp) 
Tuesday May 28th, 2002 10:45:18 PM

Blinking twice Redux realizes that he needs to tell everyone what he just heard from Talon. When things move, they move fast. To Ashira, in an amazed tone, " I saw what he did. I almost can't believe you are still walking." Before the priest (not page-ghoul boy) gets burned Redux gives him the once over for anything other than clothing. "Thanks, Appolo, he must be burned. Someone this powerful has toys. Where's that dagger he used to scry on the boy? What about scrolls & rings? We can sort out their uses later." After he attends to the priest, Redux will comply and help Rigging with the map and anything of value on the desk. With time short, and the room going up he begins to make his way out of the room. Running is a struggle and someone may need to help him along the way. The stairs are more of a semi-controlled fall rather than a hop and a jump.

Making a Run for it. (DM Stephen)  d100=83 d100=58 d20=15 d20=1 d10=6 d100=10 d100=46 d100=54 d100=58 d100=69 d100=43
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 1:16:35 AM

Valanthe's strike finishes off the high priest. The head rolls away with the same evil grin still etched into it.

Appolo gets busy with his grim work while Redux searches the body. He finds two rings, a scroll, the dagger, a wand, two vials of clear liquid and a necklace with Ga'als symbol. However, while holding the dagger, Redux can feel the evil of the blade. He feels like a lesser man for holding it!!

Rigging hastingly breaks the glass of the frame and rolls up the map. He then scoops all the other things that are scattered across the table. Rigging did it so quickly, he isnt sure what all he took.

Bart comes back with the ghast's body and dumps on the high priest. He then takes the painting of Ga'al from the wall and begins to shred it with his dagger. He then adds it to the pile.

Ashira finds the red scarf, now dripping in blood. The red of the scarf matches the color of the blood almost too perfectly. Satisfied with the results, Ashira begins to make her way down the stairs with the help of Valanthe and Ari. Rigging and Redux follow close behind.

Bart lifts up Oreson and throws him over his shoulder. They make it down the stairs.

Appolo, after finding some lantern oil, spinkles the area around the pile. Taking a piece of the smoldering cloth of the burnt priest (from the misplaced flamestrike spell), he throws it upon the pile and it bursts into flames. Appolo looks on for a few short moments to admire his work. He then makes his way down the stairs.

Talon is happy to see the party coming, especially Redux!

(The room at the bottom of the stairs is not set on fire, because you havent gotten that far yet. At your next initiative, the party is just making it down to the bottom.)

Ari  d8+2=6
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 2:32:10 AM

Noting that Redux is severly injured, Ari gives him a quick booster shot. (CLW for 6 points) Looking at Redux Ari says, " that should help for now. Looking at the others, Ari makes sure that no one else is as close to unconsciousness as Redux was. Ari puts away his weapons and then helps with transporting the wounded back into the sewer.

Rigging -20hps bull strength  d8+3=7
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 6:07:00 AM

Rigging calls a quick halt on the stairs and fishes out 7 flasks from his pack. Rigging hands one to each of his companions and says, "Quickly everyone drink up. I don't think we are out of this yet." OCC Everyone gets a cure light potions except for Ashira who got a cure moderate. Sorry I am on the road and going from memory on the cure light roll. If I did it wrong please reroll

Wednesday May 29th, 2002 11:32:38 AM

The trip down the stairs is almost too much for Ashira, even with Val and Ari's help. Still shaking uncontrollably, Ashira is drenched in sweat when she reaches the bottom. As Rigging calls the party to a rest, Ashira breathes a sigh of relief. Turning to Val, she says "I've never been this exhausted in my life! I've got to lay down for a minute." With Val's assistance, Ashira props herself against one of the walls in the room and closes her eyes. Her greenish gray skin is noticeably paler than anyone has ever seen it. A particularly violent spasm racks her body, and she opens her eyes again. Smiling weakly at Rigging as he hands her the potion she says "We did it didn't we!". Another seizure pulses through her body, and the potion falls to the floor. Her eyes widen with fear for a brief moment, and then soften with relief as if she can no longer feel the pain that racks her body. Her voice little more than a whisper, Ashira looks up at Rigging. "I'm sorry. There's so much left to do. I always loved you. Remember me." Her body suddenly becomes limp, and Ashira closes her eyes.

Wednesday May 29th, 2002 12:31:06 PM

When he reaches the room Appolo sees Ashira pass into uncon ciousnes and moves quickly.He grabs his potion of healing{CSW}and starts puoring it down her throat spilling alittle on her face."Your not going let some loser like
G'aal take you out are you. No I vwon't let you die!!" He then turns to the rest of the open that whole we need to getout of here. He then goes back trying to keep Ashira alive.

Valanthe (7 down)  d8+3=8
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 12:36:06 PM

OCC: I didn't see this coming

Val shakes Ashira. Hoping she will suddenly wake up. Val can't believe or accept what's happened. With teary eyes she runs over and starts crying on Appolo's shoulder. She cries hard and occasionally mumbles something. Val sees her weapon on the floor. Strangely enough, she gives Appolo a kiss and says, "It's all their fault." Val pushes Appolo backwards, grabs her Scythe, and tears off down the hallway. A scream along the way tells how bad she failed anger management 101. [Val raged and is looking for anything that resembles a ga'al uniform or symbol]

Wednesday May 29th, 2002 12:52:53 PM

Thanks Rigging but give it to Redux, Bart hand the potion over to Redux.
But when he sees the state Ashira is in, he says Redux can you do something she is only unconscious or not???!!!

Bart Sees Val raging up Val calm down we can do nothing now we have to go, most of us are to much wounded for another fight. Help to get Oreson into the sewers

Redux (HP=9)  d8+3=8
Wednesday May 29th, 2002 12:59:02 PM

"Val, NO!!" It is a somber moment when Redux witnesses Ashira's passing. "I knew the touch of death when I saw it, couldn't have been anything else. She held on longer than she should have. She must have been blessed by the gods. She doesn't deserve to be left to rot like those below we passed in the sewer. We must take her with us. I'll do it if there is no one else will." Redux looks into his bag for his last potion of bull strength. To Talon: Follow her. Report what she gets herself into. To the rest, "We better split up in order to get out of here. Someone go after her and give her this necklace to destroy. If she comes to her senses, follow as quickly as you can, otherwise send Talon and we will come back after we have rested these two away from here." (ooc note: he did not take the potion of bull strength yet, waiting for someone else to step up)

Death in the Family (DM Stephen)  d20=19 d20=10 d20=11 d20+6=24
Thursday May 30th, 2002 12:08:53 AM

All eyes are fixed on Ashira. She is still and quiet. Through her pale skin, blackened veins can be seen. Her pulse can no longer be felt. Her lungs exhale for the last time. It is easy to see that the spirit is gone, Ashira is dead.

The door to the worship hall is still locked by Redux's spell. After furiously trying to force her way through the door, Val turns for the stairs and charges back up. Screaming and wailing all the way, she makes it back to the room where they were once before.

Ablaze in the middle of the room are the dead priests. On the other side of the flame, two more priests try and beat the fire out. Valanthe shreiks in rage at the sight of them. The fires reflect in her wide crazed eyes. Both are caught off guard from the sudden appearance of the barbarian. They both become intimidated by her and start to back away. They both pull daggers. Valanthe whirls her scythe with one hand; as if like an extension of her own body. Both hot with the blood lust.

Talon relays what he sees, "Ohhh noo, two bad men are about to die!!!"

The party below in the storage room are still in shock. Nothing can explain the delayed effects of the death touch. All that is certain is that Ashira died. However not alone, but in the arms of her loved ones.

Appolo -9 
Thursday May 30th, 2002 12:39:48 AM

Appolo slowly stands up. "Take care of her. I'll be back. Rigging get out of here." With that Appolo sprints up the stairs. Sword and dagger in hand, he follows Val into combat. "Valanthe, it's time to go, my love, my sunshine. I can't afford to lose you too, my heart is under enough strain as it is. Please let's leave!!" If Valanthe stays Appolo will too, if she leaves he will follow. He feels that he failed again. No matter what he does he can't protect his family. He is very down cast and upset.

Thursday May 30th, 2002 12:58:45 AM

With a broken voice Bart says "Rigging, Ari, Redux come on it sounds harsh but we have to go into the sewers, we will take Ashira with us. Ari help me with Oreson, Redux help Rigging with Ashira.

(when they are in to the sewer)
If the three of you can cary both Ashira and Oreson I will wait here for Val and Appollo if they arent here in a minute i will go back and i will search for them for another minute and then come back.

Thursday May 30th, 2002 1:31:41 AM

Having seen death before within his family, Ari does a quick prayer. 'Lemtrovex, our family guardian, I hope that you can send our previous members to help Ashira to her family. I suspect we might need help again.' Sighing inwardly, Ari finishes his prayer and helps with Ashira's physical remains down into the seweres. Looking back at where the other two family members have gone, Ari hopes they are okay.

Valanthe (Raged, 7 down)  d20+7=27 d20+7=26 2d4(4+2)+4=10 2d4(4+4)+4=12 2d4(2+2)+4=8 2d4(3+2)+4=9
Thursday May 30th, 2002 3:24:22 PM

Val looks upon the priests with a murderous rage in her eyes. Valanthe always tried to avoid crossing that line, but that was before Ashira died. Sure they had their problems, but Ashira deserved far better than what she got. Certain myths describe the Scythe as the weapon of death. It's time she showed the priests of Ga'al why. Val weaves the scythe in a repeating x pattern, spins around, and slashes a priest with everything she has.
[nat 20, crit. She does a total of 39 dmg]

Redux (9HP, str=15)  d4+1=3
Thursday May 30th, 2002 9:36:08 PM

"Talon says Val's about to kill 2 more page boys. Only a stupid kid would get in her way now." Redux drinks up the bull strength potion. He remembers when he gave this maiden his dancing lights in a profession of love. He remembers that feeling as he picks up her body and carries her away from the scene of battle. He remembers the magic he once claimed they would make. Now he holds onto the faintest hope of seeing her brought back. He's seen it, once. It was high magic that was never wasted on commoners. Ashira was not common. She was... "We will need to make our way to our boat tonight. We must get out of the city. Rigging has what we need, even if we didn't find who we were sent for. Maybe he'll contact us anyway." Redux falls silent for a while. He will insist on carrying his burden alone, only getting help where it would be impossible to walk and carry someone (like getting thru the hole to the sewer).

Payback's a Ba..Ba..Barbarian!! (DM Stephen)  d20+6=18 d6=3 d20=3 d100=87
Friday May 31st, 2002 1:55:29 AM

Valanthe leaps over the flames, ignoring its sting (1 hitpoint of damage). Her strike slices the poor page in two. From the upper left shoulder to the lower right torso. The boy never had a chance to scream. The spray of blood is dramatic. Everything within 10-ft is covered in it. Valanthe screams in rage as she becomes drenched in the bloodbath.

The second alter boy drops his dagger and attempts to flee. He slips in the pool of blood that now covers the hallway (dex check 3). The silence barrier mutes his screams for mercy. He holds out his hands begging her to stop.

Appolo makes it to the top. Looking through the flames, he can see the gruesome event continuing to unfold. His pleas were never heard. In the first hallway, he too stands in a field of silence.

Ari finishes his prayer. Afterward, he couldnt help, but feel reassured, hopeful even. Like in this dark time, he doesnt feel alone. As if all of a sudden he can finally see a small speck of light in the darkness. Ari feels like his words were not in vain; that someone was actually listening.

Rigging, Bart and Redux carry Ashira and Oreson down into the sewer. They start their way back to the shop. Movement begins to return to Oreson's body.

Talon hides his eyes with one of his wings. "Redux ... I can't watch this, Val is meaner than a badger right now!!!"

Friday May 31st, 2002 1:57:02 AM

Tears stream down the young man's face. Silent sobs wrack Rigging's body. He keeps whispering "No...no...no." He hears what the others are doing but he is paralized with emotions. When Redux tries to pick up Ashira, the spell is broken and Rigging says harshly, "No! I will carry her. I failed her. I didn't protect her! The least I can do is carry her from this evil and vile place." Redux sees an insane rage in Rigging's eyes. Rigging roars, "Ashira I will avenge you! Rigging then sobs, "I will avenge you. He heads to the sewers carrying the shell that was he beloved muttering over and over, "I will avenge you."

Appolo  d20+5=20
Friday May 31st, 2002 4:10:27 AM

Appolo move quickly forward and finishes the young priest with his sword. Stabbing the fallen boy right in the back and carving out his heartseed afterwards. He then Grabs Valanthe and attemps to pull her back out off the fire.

Ari  d8+3=8
Friday May 31st, 2002 5:04:16 AM

"Do not lose heart here. Remember Lemtrovex and be at peace. Remember our fallen friends await her on the other side.

We must live to see another day, and things will once again renew themselves somehow. There is still time and hope for all things for there are those like us that still oppose G'aal. I feel that we are supported in our efforts, somehow."

With what words that he could find, stated plainly, Ari then speaks toward Riggings. "if you are to carry her, then you take my potion and get back to health. I will also give what aid that I can." Gently touching Rigging's shoulder, Ari restores 8 hps (CLW #2). If Riggings allows more than himself to continue carrying Ashira, Ari will help. Otherwise he'll keep his eyes and ears on the sewer both behind and in front. As motion comes back to Oreson Ari comments, "Oreson, we have returned to the sewers and that battle is done........for now."

Valanthe (Raged, 8hp down) 
Friday May 31st, 2002 3:18:16 PM

Some say that they were blinded by rage. This is definately the case for Valanthe. Right now she's operating on a primitive, kill or be killed level. Appolo grabs her and she whirls to look at him. For a moment she doesn't recognize him. Still consumed by her ever growing rage, Val pulls free and runs deeper into the temple.

Rigging -5 hps, bullstrength spell 
Friday May 31st, 2002 5:13:46 PM

Rigging gets to the sewer entrance and sets the limp elven form down. He brushes back her hair tenderly and plants a kiss on her forehead. "Ari, you stay here and watch over our dwarf friend. Bart you and I need to go retrieve our friends. I refuse to lose any more friends here." Rigging brushes the tears away from his eyes and stands a little straighter. Rigging then wraps his arms around Ari in a brief hug and whispers, "Thanks for reminding me that she isn't alone." He casts a quick spell on Bart and suddenly the fighter is missing. You are our surprise. Don't waste it, that was my last invisibility spell." Rigging begins trotting back to the last spot where he saw Val.

Friday May 31st, 2002 5:36:56 PM

"COUGH ... COUGH, Redux it's getting hard to breathe ... too much smoke. Cough ... it's going to take forever to get the smell out of these feathers! I'm coming to you, this room is starting to spin!!"

Bart Ac 20 Hp 27 
Friday May 31st, 2002 6:13:11 PM

Just the way I thought we have to do Rigging, do you mind that i Take the invisibilityring of Ashira it can save our lives (bart only takes the ring if Rigging approves it) Bart rushes back to the temple sword and dagger drawn

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