On to the Emporium (DM Donna) Monday September 16th, 2002 10:23:17 AM
The Hamleteers catch a quick forty winks and are able to go check out Elmo's Gaming Emporium the next day. It is late afternoon when the group arrives at the casino's location in the Trading Quarter (OOC: expect an email with the map of the casino's location.)
Elmo's Gaming Emporium is a casino/gaming establishment in the Trade Quarter; it's in the large, L-shaped building on the corner of Helm's Way and Sheila Street. It's a large, ornately-carved stone building that has bas-relief and statuary designed to convey a sense of excitement and hospitality. The Hamleteers can see that the joint is jumping, although it is also not so rowdy as to bother the merchant traffic going on in the Quarter, either.
The time of your visit is late afternoon, so there is a moderate volume of people going into the building via the front entrance (double doors that face west--the circular steps lead to them.) On the north side of the building is a public display of several creatures that are advertised to be part of Zigfreed & Roi's Showcase of Illusion show that Elmo's will be featuring tonight. The magical-forcefield-enclosed spaces have several dire lions, dire tigers and even a hippogriff! That must be some show!
There is also an employee entrance in the southernmost wall of the building (OOC: the "top" of the upside-down L). It's locked, though you've seen the odd person or two go up to the door and knock. A peephole is slid open from inside and the door is quickly opened to admit the recognized person.
These are the two obvious entrances into the casino.
Renik d20+10=23 Monday September 16th, 2002 4:16:07 PM
Before leaving the rogue spends a little time subtly altering his appearance. You would be hard pressed to point out exactly what it is he has changed about his appearance, but it is effective nonetheless (Disguise 23).
As they approach the building Renik says quietly "Well if it's all the same to you, boss, I'm for the front entrance. Perhaps we can visit the side route once we have gathered some information. Does anyone want to join me? My name's Nornan for this caper, by the way." You realise that even his voice is changed, rougher and more gutteral than his normally smooth tones.
He awaits their leader's decision about the best plan of action before teaming up with another party member, and entering the establishment chatting cheerfully.
Bill Troublefind... er, Barco, the lounge lizard d20+18=33 Monday September 16th, 2002 5:08:15 PM
Bill also makes adjustments to his attire and visage. From beneath a jaunty cap, curly hair and magnificent sideburns frame his now gnomish face, red-veined bulbous nose forming a countenanced bullseye.
"Barco - my name is Barco," he tells his friends. His backpack he leaves home, and rearranges what he brings in his capacious pants pockets. "Front door sounds fine to me, Nornan. That's a good way to go in to places, sometimes! Maybe we can build up our personal equity in a place such as this, know what I mean?"
Draax Monday September 16th, 2002 11:19:04 PM
Draax changes his appearance to a well groomed and dressed human male in his mid twenties. "Tonight my name will be Fenian Longshadow." The disguised half-elf waits for his assignment.
Feng Tuesday September 17th, 2002 12:22:31 AM
He watches as the others begin to hide who they are. Things like that never sat well with him. Sometimes it was necessary to lie about who and what he is, but that doesn't mean Feng likes it. It didn't take Feng long to make up his mind. "I will stay as I am."
Hobbes Tuesday September 17th, 2002 1:53:23 AM
"Half a moment," says Hobbes quietly, pondering the situation. As the others depart for the front entrance, Hobbes starts sidling to the other way casually walking to the alleyway near the employee entrance dressed as the near-sighted beggar Ivan. He waits in a secluded area not too far away but unnoticeable and watches the entrance.
He studies the way people enter, whether they have a secret tap on the door or say a certain thing, then, most importantly he watches for a reasonably good-looking MALE person to exit and deeply studies their features as they go by. Then, when the person is out of sight, he uses the hat of disguise to morph into that person and approaches the door, knocking on it and awaiting to be let in.
He does not speak, but rather grunts and coughs "yeses and no" answers, stating, "I forgot something." Only if he is confronted or stopped. Otherwise he will just wait to be let in... then proceed inside.
"This subterfuge skill is quite marvelous. It does have its advantages to the headache of beating information out of people. I must inform the clerics at the temple of its use," Hobbes smugly thinks to himself.
Entrez-Vous..? (DM Donna) Wednesday September 18th, 2002 7:55:58 AM
Those Hamleteers entering the casino with the rest of the customers find themselves in a sizeable, roughly rectangular chamber with the other wannabe gamblers. A courteous but attention-getting voice repeats over the murmurs of the crowd: "There IS a one gold piece cover charge to be admitted into Elmo's Gaming Emporium. Thank you."
Customers are lined up to go through a narrow doorway that is flanked by two pedestals upon which are what look like big, feathery balls of pink-white fluff. While you are waiting for your turn in the line, a bit of an event takes place:
A skinny, elderly human man steps up to the door. The half-orc bouncer asks: "You gottum any bad magic..?"
"NO, of course not!" the man says in an offended sort of tone.
"Okay--you go in!" the half-orc grunts, waving the customer through the door--but suddenly the two puffballs are yipping and yapping like killer Texas poodles! The bouncer yanks the customer back and--quite roughly--pats the guy down...and comes up with a ring that he waves at the closest puffball. The puffball goes nuts, snarling and yipping and showing some teeth. (No eyes or ears or nose--just a mouth with teeth!)
"AhHA! This is luckstone on ring--out! Out you gettum!" the bouncer growls, kicking the man in the butt. The man wants his ring back. The bouncer shows all his teeth in a smile that is NOT friendly.
"You wantum ring..? Okay--you gettum ring..!" The bouncer tosses the ring, but it falls short of the man. "Fluffy--Go GETTUM!!!" The bouncer points at the man--and one of the puffballs bounces off the pedestal and after the fleeing would-be cheater...all teeth and fluff! The pair disappear out the exit and out of sight.
"And don't gettum you back!" the half-orc yells after them. The bouncer goes on to the next customer, and--while that one assures the bouncer that they also do not have "bad magic", Fluffy bounces back in and onto its pedestal, burping.
Soon it is your turn to fork over your gold piece and be asked by the bouncer whether or not you all "gottum any bad magic..?" Fluffy and the other puffball take this opportunity to stir slightly, smacking their maws.
Meanwhile, the disguised Hobbes sees a half-elf male roughly his own height exit the back door of the casino. If Hobbes still intends to try to enter the casino through the back door, then he must make a Disguise check that will be compared to the NPC's skill to Spot the deception.
Hobbes d20+14=27 Wednesday September 18th, 2002 1:52:50 PM
Hobbes studies his target succinctly and with the hat's help is able to adjust his features to look like the half-elf. Through a little practice, he gets his walk correct and approaches the door...then knocks as he saw others knock before.
[Disguise check 27]
Renik d20+7=22 Wednesday September 18th, 2002 4:49:10 PM
Silently cursing his lack of foresight Renik approaches the bouncer and says smoothly "Greetings good sir! Now I do have in my possession two items that may (if one were to be harsh about it) be construed as "bad magic".
He displays his Gloves of Dexterity and Shades of Bluffing, though he gives no further details as to their natures.
"In truth it had entirely slipped my mind that these items (which I find convenient in my line of work) might prove unwelcome at your establishment. The fault is entirely mine, and I apologise humbly for it. Therefore I will be glad to seal them within this pouch, and swear upon my honour as a trader, guildsman and gentleman not to make use of them within your fair establishment, upon pain of ejection and permenant barring." (Bluff 22: Shades bonus not included!)
Should the bouncer insist upon holding the items at the door, Renik will begrudgingly agree, though he will ask for a reciept.
Draax (disguised as Fenian) Wednesday September 18th, 2002 8:24:18 PM
The disguised half-elven warrior steps up to the bouncer. "Bad magic? No bad magic here." Draax waits until he is given permission to enter.
Arien Thursday September 19th, 2002 2:49:49 AM
Arien pays the gold piece cover charge and proceeds to the bouncer. "I don't believe I have anything that would constitute bad magic. However if I do have something your two friends here would object to I would gladly seal it in a bag for the time that I am within this establishment."
((OOC: Well its official, my old computer is dead, thats why I've been missing since last Wednesday. So I've got a new, and better one now.))
Barco (Bill) Thursday September 19th, 2002 3:25:38 AM
As the gnome steps up, he says, "Waell, this is the first time I've been here. Got some magic. Don't know the rules. Tell me if it's good or bad. But if you send your furballs after me, nobody'll be happy. We unnerstand each other? You figure it's bad, I'll take it out. I aim to play by the rules - but I don't even know the rules, yet. 'kay?"
Admittance! (DM Donna) d20=19 Thursday September 19th, 2002 6:44:14 AM
At the front door, the half-orc bouncer eyes the disguised Renik as he presents the gloves and shades. The bouncer then eyes Fluffy and friend. Neither of the puffballs seem to react.
"Is okay--you gottum good magic," the bouncer says to Renik, "Bad magic changes odds--makes dice fall funny--stuffum like that. One gold piece and you go play."
Anyone making either a Knowledge (arcana) check or an Intelligence check versus DC10 instantly realizes that the "bad magic" being sought are items that can allow a person to cheat at the games being played in the casino...even those items that can shift the odds into a player's favor (like that luckstone ring the ousted man was trying to sneak inside.)
The bouncer uses the fuzzballs to scan for items like this--anyone who willingly submits to a search and possesses any items like this will have the items confiscated, but the bouncer does, indeed, issue receipts for the items. He also collects that one gold piece cover charge from each of you before allowing you through the door.
The Emporium is a nice, classy kind of establishment with wagering of all types allowed here. As you come in through the door, you can see there's a bar and a restaraunt area to your immediate right, as well as a bard platform where a band plays for the entertainment of all (it's located in the northeastern corner of the place.) And, of course, games of all kinds: dice, roulette, cards, "magic matchers" which resemble slot machines--there's even firebeetle races. The odds of winning any game vary with whatever the gamblers pick to play, but (being a casino, of course!) the odds always favor the house.
Meanwhile, in the rear:
Hobbes knocks on the door. The peephole opens and a pair of dark eyes blink at him.
"Farol..?" a gruff male voice asks. "What are doing back already." Hobbes coughs his readied answer, but the eyes stare at him for a long moment...then the sound of a bolt being shot back can be heard.
"Come on, ya puddin' head!" the darkskinned doorman beckons the disguised cleric inside. "You'd forget your head if'n it weren't attached to your shoulders!"
Hobbes is admitted into the space, which is a ten-foot-by-ten-foot room with only one other door. There's a tall stool next to the exit that Hobbes was just admitted through.
"Well, g'wan...I'm busy..!" the doorman growls, sitting on the stool once more and pulling out a scroll that he unfurls and begins reading with great interest.
Going through the other door will bring Hobbes into a very large, VERY busy kitchen. The kitchen is roughly 40 feet long by about 20 feet deep; there are double doors that lead directly north--probably to the dining area of the establishment. There is a wide single door that leads west. The single door is closer to the doorway that Hobbes now stands in.
Renik d20+8=22 Thursday September 19th, 2002 5:56:59 PM
Renik looks around, taking in the sights. Well, there is certainly money to be made here; and lost.
Well, they are here, he thinks to himself. Now what?
As he watches the bustle of activity he wonders if perhaps the token is a false lead. And yet it was the only thing the attackers had with them, other than their combat gear... it has to signify something...
He wanders over to a nearby game, and under the guise of sizing it up as a game to join he studies the tokens in play for signs of difference to the one they have (Spot 22). Perhaps it is a marker of some kind, a way of identifying...
A sudden thought pops into the rogue's head. Nudging his nearest companion he says in a low voice, "You don't think that token might be a pass to the back door, do you?"
Feng d20=17 Thursday September 19th, 2002 6:01:18 PM
Feng sees nothing of interest on the gaming floor. If they weren't here on business then he wouldn't be here at all. The burly half-orc makes his way over to the bar and takes a seat in the middle. He tries to ignore the sounds of gambling and concentrates on those talking around him. Hopefully any parties involved either ignore the half orc and speak of private matters in hushed tones [Listen check 17]. Or the second option is that somebody will recognize him and send some guys to deal with the situation.
Barco the Gnome (Bill) Thursday September 19th, 2002 9:28:16 PM
"Dunno, Nornan," Barco answers. "But I'm gonna try this wheel thingee." He finds a stool of suitable height, and joins in the roulette table, experimentally placing a gold piece on black for the next spin. He closes his eyes for a moment as the wheel and ball move in counterrotation.
'The messenger had the token. Perhaps his contact is here. Let's sit and learn before we take any action,' Renik (aka Nornan) 'hears' telepathically.
He opens his eyes to see where the ball lands.
Fenian (Draax) d20+3=17 Thursday September 19th, 2002 10:26:12 PM
In his guise as Fenian the human, Draax walks around the Emporium as if he is trying to decide which game to play. He tries to locate any exits other than the door they entered and also takes notice of the positions of the visible security in the place (spot check 17).
Roger d20+9=23 d20+9=14 Friday September 20th, 2002 2:26:20 PM
Doing his best to hide outside for the time being. Roger does his best just to watch the comings and goings of the patrons of the emporium.
(Hide 23 and Move Silently 14)
Casing the Casino (DM Donna) d2=1 d20+4=7 d20-4=10 Monday September 23rd, 2002 2:28:58 AM
From what Renik can tell, the token that he has is the same as the others that are being used for the majority of the games here--he can see that some of the patrons opt to feed their tokens into the magic matchers and pull the levers of the devices, while others place tokens on the various spaces near the roulette wheels.
Feng finds that the bartender is a bit busy with some patrons at one end of the bar, but one of the barmaids on duty comes over to him: a smiling halfling maid with curly red hair and sparkling green eyes.
"Greetings, sir!" she says in a sincere voice. "I'm Lacey--whatever food or drink you require is my pleasure to get for you..." She stands hopefully by him, expecting an order. All Feng overhears at the moment is people either discussing whether the cards are luckier than the dice and various "systems" about wagering.
Barco (Bill) finds that his gold is immediately exchanged for 10 tokens. Since the "gnome" leaves all of them there once the ball is in play, he is rewarded with another 10 because the roulette wheel comes up on 19 Black.
"Very good luck there, sir!" the spinner says, pushing 20 tokens Barco's way. "Will the winner let it ride, or take a chance on the 5-to-1 payoff for a lucky number..?"
The security people are many and easy for Fenian (Draax) to pick out of the crowd. They range from fighter types to a few spellcasters, but they aren't necessarily out of line for working in a classy casino.
Outside the front entrance of Elmo's, Roger notices that--as the day wanes--the influx of customers into the joint gets a bit heavier.
And--in the kitchen of the casino--one of the busy cooks nearly runs into the disguised Hobbes.
"Farol, move your lardbutt, willya?" the peeved help snaps. "I gotta get these nuts restocked!" The half-elf glares at Hobbes, expecting him to move. (OOC: failed to overcome Hobbes' Disguise check of 27.)
Barco the gnome (Bill T) d20+18=24 Monday September 23rd, 2002 2:42:02 PM
"I won? Bowko-wowko!" Barco pulls back fourteen tokens, and places four on the five-to-one payoff spot, and two on the green double-zero (32-to-1? or whatever). "I'm new at this, so I wanna go slow," he answers the spinner, memorizing his (or her) face as he looks up (Autohypnosis 24). He also takes the time as he plays to look around the room to see who else is there, and get a feel for the patterns of movement - who watches whom. He does so with an open, guileless face, as though marveling at the wonders of so many games to play. He steels himself to not let his eyes linger long on the halfling waitress he sees talking with Feng. Green eyes. Oh!
Feng Monday September 23rd, 2002 3:05:22 PM
Feng looks at the halfling, "Well Lacey I'd like some chicken and a pint of Ale." Feng reaches into a pouch and flips her a gold piece. "That should take care of everything."
Renik (Nornan) Monday September 23rd, 2002 3:17:33 PM
"Hey-heey! Wardd is with you tonight, Barco!" grins the disguised rogue, slapping Bill gently on the back.
He watches to see how the next bet goes with considerable interest.
Roger Tuesday September 24th, 2002 5:08:52 AM
Roger continues to watch from outside the emporium. Hoping that he might notice something that might help out with the current situation.
Hobbes d20+8=21 d20+8=14 Tuesday September 24th, 2002 6:03:50 AM
Hobbes (as Ferol) shrugs his shoulders with a dim look at the gruff bouncer and as the man turns his back and reads his scroll, Hobbes steals a glance at it as he turns to open the door. [21 Spot] He walks through and closes the door behind him. In the kitchen he drifts cautiously through as the half-elf trying to see anything or anyone that might be a connection to either Ferol or the poisoned man. [Spot 14] And indeed he almost runs into one of them. He grins apologetically and meekly steps out of the way of the nut-carrying halfelf.
"Hmmm, tis a good sign," Hobbes ponders, "This Ferol was either a stockperson like this one perhaps ...or a cook. I'll wander some more...now, could THAT be the employee's changing area?"
He steps aside of the halfelf, lightly smiling and politely nodding his head to him, then walks toward the wide single door to the left and goes on through.
Casino Night (DM Donna) d100=11 d100=15 d20=14 Tuesday September 24th, 2002 8:03:17 AM
Barco's observations note the spinner's face (human female), as well as very well-trained casino operators, but there is nothing dishonest about any of what he sees (as Renik's casing has also confirmed). The wheel spins--and stops on red 15. Oooo--and Barco's number had been red 11! The spinner commiserates with cheerful empathy as she rakes in the all the losing bets and congratulates those players who won as she pays out. Then she urges everyone to take another chance on this wheel of fortune--bet black or red, a specific number...or even on the 100-to-1 longshot of 00 coming up on the wheel..! Take a chance, take a chance...
"Today's special is roast chicken, sir," Lacey says, "Fresh from the spit--skin-crisp, medium or well done..?" The nimble halfling catches the gold piece in mid-air, grinning as she pockets the coin. (OOC: skin-crisp means that only the skin of the chicken is really cooked, the rest of the meat is practically raw.)
OUTSIDE: Roger sees that the flow of customers into the casino increases as the night grows older.
IN THE KITCHEN: The kitchen staff continues to scurry about the area, yelling and hollering orders for food and drinks and order's up and all manner of things while Hobbes slips off to that single door.
Hobbes finds himself in a relatively quieter part of the casino--definitely not part of the public areas. It's a long hallway that has four doors spaced down one side...there's an open doorway immediately opposite him that Hobbes can see leads to a large pantry/food storage area that obviously augments the kitchen. The other three doors--further down the hallway--all have wooden doors closed in the frames.
Feng Tuesday September 24th, 2002 6:21:34 PM
Feng thinks for a moment. "Medium will do. I'm not one to eat things almost raw or struggle through overcooked."
Fenian (Draax) Tuesday September 24th, 2002 10:24:54 PM
Fenian looks around the place not sure what he is looking for, but hopes that he will recognize a clue if one presents itself. Looking over at Barco playing one of the games of chance, the disguise warrior decides that he might as well do a little gambling before he starts looking out of place. He exchanges 2 gold pieces for tokens and walks over to one of the magic matchers and begins to put the tokens in the machine one token at a time. He waits until a waiter/waitress walks by and orders a drink. When his drink is brought to him Fenian says to the employee, "Are there any job openings in the Emporium and are they hiring. If they are, who do I need to talk to?"
Renik d20+2=3 Wednesday September 25th, 2002 5:51:37 AM
Renik looks around, but for the life of him acn't think of what to do next. (Int check 3 (nat 1!) This is just a dead end, he thinks to himself. Better by far that they concentrate on Balentyne.
He smiles as he recalls the previous breakins.
Hobbes Wednesday September 25th, 2002 9:07:26 PM
Hobbes walks down the hall casually and purposefully, checking each door as he passes it to see if anything (a sign perhaps) is written there to tell him where the doors lead. He does not go in any of them.
Roger Thursday September 26th, 2002 2:04:49 PM
Roger tries his best to see if any of the incoming patrons is either one of the two people that he thinks is connected with all this the priest or Lord Balentyne. Continuing to be discreet and moving around the gaming building Roger looks over the building for any little detail.
Barco (Bill) Thursday September 26th, 2002 7:20:24 PM
Barco lays a single token on #42. "Same odds as double aught, I assume?"
As he sits at the roulette table, he chats up the spinner a bit, asking her how long she's worked at Elmo's, and whether she oversees the other games. He asks for her recommendation for what else to play. He also gives a rough description of the fellow he claims let him know about Elmo's. "Didn't get his name, though. Sound familiar to you?" He described the facial features of the man they met next to the Golden Arena - without telling her anything about when, where or how he met him. "He a regular here, or somethin'? Maybe you don't know him. Say, who makes these roulette wheels, anyhow?" In his role as a gnome, Barco takes a decided interest in the construction of the wheel, looking underneath to see if that shows him anything. "This thing have ball bearings?" he inquires.
Still In The Casino (DM Donna) d100=96 d100=30 d20=3 Friday September 27th, 2002 7:21:20 AM
Lacey nods at Feng.
"Very good, sir--I'll be back in a jiffy..!" the pretty halfling waitress hustles off. It's only a few minutes later when she returns with a plate of roasted chicken (mmm! mmm! smells great with that herb rub on it!) and a metal tankard of ale, which she puts down in front of Feng with a smile and a query whether this would be all..?
Fenian's machine comes up with five matching unicorn heads, and the tokens come avalanching out into the jackpot receptacle at the bottom front of the machine--he now has 25 tokens! Instantly a pretty half-elf female casino aide appears and gives Fenian a large cup to hold his winnings, relaying the drink order to a wandering waiter and telling the winner that all applications for employment are accepted during the daytime hours--just go around to the back door of Elmo's, knock and tell the person who answers the door that you're looking for a job.
The spinner assures Barco that the odds for hitting 00 remain the same, and spins the wheel for a result of black 30. She commiserates with Barco and pays off the lucky few who bet on black. She has been at the casino for about a year; she started as a barmaid and worked her way to being the spinner at the wheel; so far she hasn't been assigned to oversee any of the other games yet.
When Barco describes the murdered stranger, the spinner's face grows thoughtful.
"You know--that sounds like one of the waiters here..." she says, "...but I don't know all of them very well these days--being a spinner now and all--but...hey, I bet Lacey can tell you about him--she's that redhead with the half-orc over there..." The spinner gestures toward where Feng is now being served his chicken and ale by the female halfling.
IN THE HALLWAY: Hobbes sees no signage or identifying marks on any of the doors, and the one furthest down the hall is the only one that isn't locked.
OUTSIDE: Roger continues to keep watch, but sees nobody that he can recognize, either friend or foe. The only thing he notices is that Hobbes is no longer hanging around in the back of the building.
Hobbes d20+8=23 Friday September 27th, 2002 8:11:38 PM
Hobbes casually enters each of the first two rooms mostly just to see what they are, paying particular attention to objects therein where employees might have left personal belongings. After that he goes back down the hall and, when the hall is devoid of people, knocks quietly on the locked door. (Loud enough for those inside to hear it).
If there is no answer, he waits for the hall to be clear again and then waves his hands quickly and succinctly uttering "Gog' Blunkam Da!" and in an instant he is transported inside the room on the other side of the door. Once inside, if it is dark he utters, "Sunnal Eiey!" and lights his holy symbol up keeping it on his chest in front of him as to block as much light as possible. He quickly scouts the room and its belongings.
[The first spell is dimension door, followed by light. Spot check 23 to see things I may want to see.]
Renik d20+12=31 Saturday September 28th, 2002 6:29:31 AM
Renik has all but given up hope when he hears Barco's line of questioning bear possible fruit. So their contact worked here?
Slipping on his shades he moves over to where Feng is being served and, not acknowledging that he knows the big half orc, flashes a dazzling white smile at the waitress.
"Excuse me my dear, ah, it's Lacey isn't it? A pleasure to make your acquaintance, dear lady." He bows and kisses her hand. "I wonder if you might be able to help me? It's regarding a fellow who I believe works here..." and he describes the stranger as best he is able.
He attempts to engage the halfling waitress in cheerful, flirtatious banter, keeping his motives vague, but attempting to extract as much information about the fellow as he is able from the waitress (Bluff (flirt) 31). His eyes never leave hers as she speaks.
Fenian (Draax) Sunday September 29th, 2002 7:13:57 PM
Fenian smiles at the half-elven casino aide, "Thank you for the cup, for relaying the drink order, and for the employment information. One more question and I will let you get back to work and I will see if this machine can bare more fruit and who knows, if it bares enough I might not have to enquire about that job (smiles). My question is, I know the place is called Elmo's, but who is the owner or is Elmo the name of the owner?"
He waits for an answer before going back to feeding the machine. He takes notice of how the employees move around the place and guesses what each employee's job might be. He wonders if the connection to the casino that they are looking for is Marcus' or Balentyne's. With all the money that passes through the place he can see the connection to Balentyne, but he is sure that Marcus had some extra income also. Fenian sighs as he realizes that without any proof all this speculating is getting him nowhere. He wonders if the others are getting any information.
Barco (Bill) d100=60 d100=26 d20+6=13 Monday September 30th, 2002 2:48:28 AM
Since Renik appears to be on a roll, Bill smiles inwardly. Barco lays down a bet to cover 56-60 and another one for 26-30, one token each. "One in twenty odds, each. Right?" he asks. Meanwhile, he works on eavesdropping on the Renik/Lacey conversation (listen 13).
The Jackpot That Counts (DM Donna) d20+3=5 d100=56 d20=4 d100=57 Monday September 30th, 2002 6:55:16 AM
Renik engages Lacey in flirtatious dialogue, and the experienced waitress finds herself smiling in spite of herself. She tells Renik that Tezo is a nice guy! He's polite to everyone (not just the tipping customers) and very reliable. He isn't at work tonight, though, which is very unusual. However, she DID have to cover for him about a month ago when he got a visit from his cousin Mark. Tezo begged Lacey to cover for him, left the casino for about an hour and came back. Ever since then, Tezo has been a lot less likely to join the staff for after-work gatherings. Perhaps his cousin Mark is proving to be more of a handful than Tezo can manage..?
(OOC: Marcus dropped out of sight about a month ago.)
The casino aide speaking to Fenian tells him that the original casino owner/operator was Elmo, but he died about three years ago or so, and now Mrs. Elmo owns the casino. She's insistent that everyone in the casino--customer and employee alike--must play fair and never cheat. The magic matcher doesn't match the next time that Fenian pulls the lever, however.
Barco's token on the 56-60 box returns 20 tokens as red 56 is the result of the next spin! And--sharp as the halfling spy's hearing may be--his Listen check does not overcome the DC25 that exists due to being at least 70 feet away in a noisy casino. He can see, however, that Lacey seems to be VERY cooperative with Renik, if the charmed smile on her face is anything to judge by.
IN THE BACK OF THE CASINO: (OOC: the previous post stated that two of the three doors are locked, while the door that was furthest away from Hobbes is the unlocked one. I'm assuming that Hobbes is going to open the unlocked door first.) The unlocked door leads to a small room (about fifteen feet square) that has four chairs lined up against a wall and a desk with a pretty young human woman sitting at it, next to which is a door opposite the one that Hobbes has just opened. She looks up from the paper she is scribing when Hobbes opens the door.
"Farol?" she asks, puzzled. "What are you still doing here? I thought you couldn't wait to get some sleep..?"
OUTSIDE THE CASINO: Roger can only see that the casino is still a very popular place for people to come, but no one person catches his eye.
Feng Monday September 30th, 2002 12:49:53 PM
Feng starts eating his roasted chicken. He devours the chicken, though neatly. Feng watches his surroundings for something interesting. He would probably have to wait for something to happen. If the man who hired the assasins was here, it would take time to deal with the situation. That's if he was here.
Arien Monday September 30th, 2002 3:29:55 PM
Arien listens in on Renik's conversation with the waitress from nearby, filing away the information for later. Arien wonders to himself about any connection of Mark to Marcus.
Renik d20+12=24 d20+4=8 Monday September 30th, 2002 5:35:39 PM
"Tezo is lucky man to have so fine a friend as you!" winks the rogue, though behind his smile he feels a sudden tug of guilt and sorrow, knowing Lacey's fine friend is dead.
He continues to chat in a friendly manner, gathering any other snippets that he can without attracting undue suspicion (Gather Info 8).
Kim OOC Monday September 30th, 2002 7:00:32 PM [OOC: Guys - remember - Tezo is technically not dead. He is in a coma. Hobbes & Bill discovered it, and Morphia confirmed it. -Kim]
(OOC: Oops! Good point Kim! Thanks! -Carl)
Fenian (Draax) Monday September 30th, 2002 9:46:01 PM
Feeling that he has gotten no imperative information, the disguised warrior decides to enjoy himself playing the game until it is time to go or he see something that catches his attention. He figures that maybe he will find out something when everyone puts their information together.
Barco (Bill) Tuesday October 1st, 2002 12:57:45 AM
"Hey-hey! Binko-winko!" Barco exults at hitting one of his bets. "Better quit this while I'm ahead. Thanks, dearie," he says to the spinner, leaving her a five token tip, and collecting the rest of his winnings, which he holds in the tail of the shirt he untucks.
He waddles over to join his friend Renik. "Hey, Nornan. Hi, mistress Lacey." His thumb points over his shoulder back in the general direction of the roulette table. "She told me your name. Call me Barco. 'M new here at Elmo's. Nice place." He jingles the shirt-held assemblage of gaming tokens to show Nornan. "Looky what I won here. Hit it big!" Then, returning his attention to Lacey, he asks, "Say, you got some of them salty potato fries here, with some of that saucy tomato dip? Could really go for somethin' like that right now. And a good gnomish yellow ale, if'n they're available. I think I can afford it tonight!" he cackles with delight.
Inside, he's thinking how much he'd rather meet Lacey as himself, rather than playing a gnomish rube. Ah, well. Then, quickly as he thinks this, he tells his psycrystal, William, that he is not to communicate this thought to anyone else. 'Understand, my brave little friend?'
When she is gone to take the order, Bill asks Renik telepathically, 'So, learn anything, Mr. Smooth?' He wonders if Renik is irritated at him for interrupting his pleasant conversation.
William the PsiCrystal Tuesday October 1st, 2002 9:10:06 AM
The little gem glows a gentle pink at Bill's thoughts.
"Never to be repeated! Of course, mighty Bill! Perish the thought!"
Is that an uncharacteristicaly mischievous undertone in William's telepathic voice?
Roger Tuesday October 1st, 2002 12:03:58 PM
Roger continues his scanning of the crowd and begins to relax a little bit. Knowing that it takes time to gather information, Roger wanders around a bit in the square, just to return every so many minutes in case he's needed.
Hobbes Tuesday October 1st, 2002 9:16:19 PM
[OOC: You are correct, Donna, I misread the post. I thought it said that only the last door was locked.]
As Hobbes is greeted by the female voice and her retort of sleeping, he blinks sleepily at the woman and nods. He then inquisitively looks toward the opposite door and points to it. He turns his head toward her, still pointing at the door inquisitively and lets out a big yawn.
He awaits her response.
Casino Conclusions (DM Donna) d100=69 d100=30 d100=91 d20=10 Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 6:59:56 AM
Renik continues to talk to Lacey, whose friendly responses yield even more information: Tezo lives in a rooming house provided by Mrs. Elmo, the casino's owner. Lacey gives clear directions to the modest building, which is actually only a couple of streets south of the casino itself. Tezo lives in Room 303.
Feng and Arien easily overhear this information for themselves. (And that chicken & ale are most excellent, by the way!)
Fenian loses another two tokens in the magic matcher, but the little windows in the machine match up five portraits of grapes on his third attempt, hooting until the casino aide comes over to reset the machine.
"Congratulations, sir," she says, presenting Fenian with a full wineskin, "You've won a container of Cinnamon Valley Merlot!"
Lacey beams Barco a genuine smile, nodding and fetching the potatoes-and-tangy-sauce combo for the garrulous gnome. The order (including the drink) comes to 1sp--the equivalent of one of Elmo's tokens.
OUTSIDE THE CASINO: Roger continues to cool his heels without any specific customers catching his attention.
IN THE BACK OF THE CASINO: The woman at the desk rolls her eyes at "Farol".
"Of course she's in!" the woman says in an exasperated voice. "But Hektre is with her, and they're going over last month's books...it's going to take them another hour at least..!" She shakes her sandy head and bends over her paper again, returning to her scribing.
"You oughtta wait until before your next shift--Mrs. Elmo is a lot more likely to be able to see you then..."
Renik Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 5:30:51 PM
Well, a solid lead perhaps? They have an address, perhaps a swift search of the comatose victim's property might turn up some more clues. Renik makes eye contact with Feng and Arien, and indicates that perhaps they have learned as much here as they can by glancing towards the door.
Hobbes Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 7:20:10 PM
Hobbes pulls his finger back sadly, shrugs. Resolved, he smiles politely, waves a hand bye to her and lets himself back out the door.
Back in the hall he breathes a sigh of relief, then makes his way to the first locked door in the hall. He knocks on it quickly and softly. If there is no answer, he goes to the other door with the same thing. If there is an answer at either door he will try to get in by miming he lost his key. After briefly discovering what's in the room he will leave it.
After that, Hobbes gets an idea. If he can't get into either room, he goes back through the kitchen nonchalantly and goes through the other door into the dining area and eventually into the casino. What he is looking for, or rather, WHO he is looking for, is Arien, but any of his companions or their recent disguises will do.
Fenian (Draax) Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 11:34:35 PM
Fenian smiles, showing genuine surprise at receiving the full wineskin as his winning. He looks around to see if the others are still about. He decides to wait 10 minutes after the last of his comrades leave before he departs himself.
Feng Thursday October 3rd, 2002 4:24:36 PM
Feng stands up and steps back away from the bar. He gives Lacey a polite nod before taking a walk around the casino. Appearing to be dissatisfied with the games, Feng leaves out the front. Once outside he walks away from the casino and looks for the others.
Arien Thursday October 3rd, 2002 4:38:49 PM
Arien replies to Renik with a minute nod of his head and also quickly glances towards the door. He quickly scans the crowd before casually getting up and heading for the door.
Roger Friday October 4th, 2002 5:27:45 AM
Roger hopes his companions are safe for the time being. Roger continues to mull over what could be going on with Marcus, Balentyne and the priest of Ga'al.
In Conclusion (DM Donna) Friday October 4th, 2002 7:06:12 AM
Renik manages to give everyone the high sign to depart--even Hobbes, who receives odd looks from various staff members for going out into the casino proper. Cashing in the assorted tokens, the party finds that each is redeemed for a silver piece. Once outside and in a relatively private area, everyone manages to compare notes and come up with their next destination: Tezo's room at the boarding house.
It is early evening by the time the Hamleteers arrive at the old clapboard building. The streetlights are aglow and there aren't nearly as many people about here as there were by Elmo's. Taking some time to observe the area, the party can tell that they can easily enter the building without raising suspicion at all.
Renik d20+15=18 d20+25=29 d20+5=10 Saturday October 5th, 2002 4:46:29 PM
"Well, my friends, everything seems to be safe. Unless anyone objects, I say we take a quick look around."
Assuming there are no objections the rogue makes his way into the building, ensuring as he does so that he is unheard and unobserved (Move Silent 18, Hide 29).
Once inside he scans the room quickly (Search 10), looking for anything that might offer a further clue as to the young man's relationship with Marcus, or any indication that others have beaten them to the search.
Not Seen, Not Heard...and Not Alone! (DM Donna) Sunday October 6th, 2002 6:54:12 AM
Renik manages to recon the location of Tezo's room--but he sees that there are several people inside Room 303...all of them dressed in dark clothes and ransacking the place!
(OOC: The door to Room 303 is open, revealing at least half a dozen people poking through the various containers and furnishings of the front 15'x15' room--there is another door opposite the entry door. It, too, is open and a ransacked bedroom can be glimpsed through it.)
Renik d20+15=30 d20+25=42 d20+7=19 d20+2=13 Sunday October 6th, 2002 4:19:15 PM
The rogue signals urgently to his companions. "My friends, someone has beaten us to it! Before we attack, let us think on this; this may present us with an opportunity to steal a march upon our enemies. We may learn more through subtlety and subterfuge than through combat. Let me attempt to observe them and find out what they are looking for before we attack. They may let some useful information slip. It might even prove beneficial to tail them back to their HQ? Boss, unless you have any objections I'll go in up front to gather intelligence. Come a-running if you hear me call out! I say attack them when they leave, if we attack at all. That way we can ambush them, and I'll be in a position to hit them from behind."
Assuming Rond and the others do not object, Renik slips away from the group, creeps up to the doorway, and attempts to get as close as possible to the black-clad burglars without being observed (Move Silent 30, Hide 42), slipping into the apartment itself if possible.
Once he has located a suitable hiding place (one which looks like it has already been searched!) he does his best to eavesdrop on the crooks, and determine exactly what it is they are looking for (Listen 19, Int 13).
Draax Monday October 7th, 2002 12:54:45 AM
Upon hearing Renik's report about the group ransacking the room, Draax's first instinct is to go in and attack them while the group has the advantage. Listening to the rogue's idea Draax remembers that the most important thing is to get information about Marcus. He also reminds himself that they have no idea who these guys are. He can guess that they are the bad guys, but breaking in and searching the room does not make the group evil, especially since the group beat him and his comrades to the punch.
Draax nods his head in agreement with Renik's plan and waits to see if it is approved. "Do we have the means to make you invisible? You might be able to get closer and maybe more information."
Hobbes Monday October 7th, 2002 2:11:15 AM
Hobbes remains behind at Elmo's trying to enlist Arien and Bill to assist him in seeing what's in the other locked doors. Some Invisibility and Lock-opening spells would surely help, he explains, trying not to seem obvious.
Rond Monday October 7th, 2002 4:01:07 AM
Looking at Bill briefly Rond softly comments, "Can William help out with this in any way? You know the usual stuff, and can he do anything to mark or follow these cutpurses?"
Barco (Bill) Monday October 7th, 2002 6:45:26 AM
When Hobbes asks Bill to stay behind at Elmo's, Barco declines. Telepathically, the disguised Hobbes 'hears' these words: 'I think it best we stick together. Happy to help you later on this, though. Let's go together now.'
"Yes, Rond. William, you'll stick with Rond for now, okay? I'll head in for surveillance with Renik, and you can relay what I'm telling you about to our friends outside. Capiche?" He gives William ectoplasmic limbs, so that, should the need arise, the psicrystal has his own motive power.
All within sixty feed of Rond, and therefore William, will be able to pick up on the psicrystal's telepathic news updates. That is, all in that area whom William chooses to tell.
Barco (Bill) disappears. (Invisibility.) Via William, people hear that Bill plans to join in the reconnaissance. He flies in, following Renik, but staying near the ceiling, in order to learn what the room ransackers are up to.
William the Psicrystal Monday October 7th, 2002 11:32:40 AM "Capiche, Mighty Bill. Prepare yourselves, stalwart companions!" pipes William. "I shall relay unto you the observations of the fearless Bill Troublefinder (Esq.) as he braves the very jaws of death for our noble cause! Is he not masterful? Is he not wise? Is he not... Sorry Mighty Bill, what was that? Oh. Well, if you insist..."
The crystal's eulogy comes to a sulky halt, as he awaits Bill's words to relay to the others.
The Conversation (DM Donna) Monday October 7th, 2002 2:15:17 PM
Hobbes is with the rest of the party, who are all just outside the boarding house except for Renik and Bill, who are each directly eavesdropping on the ransackers inside the building. The conversation they manage to overhear in spite of the fact that it is whispered has most of the mysterious people checking in with one specific guy. His reply is VERY interesting:
"...all clear..? Good! We can tell Balentyne that nobody can possibly find any clues about Marcus now! Let's go..!"
The group moves to exit the room and, presumably, the building itself...
Feng Monday October 7th, 2002 3:55:58 PM
The burly half-orc waits outside with the others, his axe gripped lightly in his hands. "It's good that we didn't attack. More than likely there was nothing in the apartment. Now maybe we can learn something from the men."
Arien Monday October 7th, 2002 4:55:57 PM
"Hmm, Balentyne again, I say we take out these guys and then disguise ourselves as them, go to Balentyne's home and then, when we get in;" Arien concludes his statement by simply punching one hand with the other lightly. "If that is suitable might I suggest we spread out a bit, after all this is a decent place to spring a trap, and I wouldn't want one of my spells to hit the wrong person. Also, we might want to have William relay our intentions to Bill and Renik. Being attacked from all sides at once should keep this quick, clean and quiet."
Renik Monday October 7th, 2002 5:00:43 PM
The Rogue grits his teeth. These hoods were not searching for clues; they were removing them! This is far, far worse than they thought; Marcus is obviously in the hands of Balentyne!
His mind works fast; if these men were removing evidence then perhaps they should attack now, try to get their hands on that evidence. If they manage to take out the whole team, they may even be able to use their identities to infiltrate the Baron's lair.
But if any should escape their attack, they are as good as handing Marcus his death sentence, assuming he isn't dead already. Perhaps following these men back to wherever they have Marcus holed up is a more prudent plan...
The decision rests with Rond, and he holds his position, awaiting orders.
Barco (Bill) (Invisible, Flying, & Blinking) Monday October 7th, 2002 5:54:21 PM
Bill mentally relays what he sees and hears to William, for him to pass on to those outside.
And he suggests telepathically to Renik, allowing William to transmit to the rest, "Let's get 'em on the stairs,' as they are up on the third floor [I assume - room 303 and all]. 'Renik and I'll take them from behind. You take them from below. Rond, whisper to William if this plan is a go.' He keeps his eyes and ears on the leader, and looks for Marcus-related evidence perhaps carried by one or more of the black-clad men.
Bill also starts blinking.
Draax Tuesday October 8th, 2002 1:36:07 AM
Draax stands ready as he looks at Rond to see if the team will go with the plan that was relayed telepathically or if Rond has a plan of his own.
Rond Tuesday October 8th, 2002 3:10:32 AM
He grinds his teeth as he realizes that the group is going to encounter Balentyne. Wondering at the gall of Balentyne, Rond is sure there is going to be a reckoning sometime in the future.
Rond nods his head at Barco's suggestion to hit the group from the steps. Hoping William picks up his thought Rond thinks, "Let's see if we can setup a complete ambush. Rond and Arien to intercept or hide at the base of the steps. Once we've been engaged by the exiting group, Barco and Renik come in from the behind. Once we see whether they have any other skills, everyone else come to the base of the steps." (ooc should be draax and feng)
"Any other ideas let me know via William while we set up."
Kim to all, OOC, re: telepathy Tuesday October 8th, 2002 3:22:43 AM [OOC: Todd, and all, Bill has explained before to Rond and the others that in order to communicate with William, you have to talk out loud. Rond does not possess telepathy, and William is not, save in the case of Bill, a mind reader. William's telepathic communication is bidirectional with Bill. The psicrystal can telepathically tell Rond & the others things - unidirectionally. To answer, they must speak aloud. Don't ask me how, but psicrystals can hear. That's why I had Bill saying via Wm, 'Rond, whisper to William if this plan is a go.' So, I'm going to assume Rond spoke, rather than attempting telepathy himself.]
Barco (Bill) (Invisible, Flying, & Blinking) - Tactical reply Tuesday October 8th, 2002 3:26:25 AM
Relayed via William: 'Rond, I'd like to take a bunch of the guys in back on the steps - just as the ones in the lead open the door. I need to shape my attack so I don't catch you in it. Oh, skills. Well, um, they are skilled at searching rooms and making a mess. All I can tell for sure right now.' He gives a physical description of the man who appears to be the leader.
Poof, Gone..! (DM Donna) Tuesday October 8th, 2002 6:23:33 AM
The surreptitious burglars group at the door that exits Room 303...and close the door. Bill sees the man everyone else was checking in with pull out some sort of scroll and read off a spell...(If Bill makes a Knowledge [Arcana/Psionics] check versus DC15, he realizes with a drop of his stoic halfling heart that the man's reading off a group Teleport spell!)
The group is gone.
Renik Tuesday October 8th, 2002 3:03:52 PM
As the group vanish Renik emerges from his hiding place, swords in hand. He swings furiously at the spot just vacated by his enemies, frustration getting the better of him.
"Now what? We have no way of tracking them, and they have taken any clues to Marcus' whereabouts with them. Curses!" He kicks at an overturned chair, then makes an effort to calm himself, rights it and sits down.
"Well, my friend," he says to the thin air, addressing his comments to the invisible Bill Troublefinder floating above him. "I think we only have one route left open to us. We must strike at Balentyne's home, as we did before. Only this time we do more than gather information. First we need to try and work out where they are holding Marcus. And then we need to put an end to Balentyne and his cronies once and for all."
Barco / Bill (Invisible, Flying, & Blinking) (Teleported, or Clairvoying/Clairauditing) d20+18=29 d20+18=33 Tuesday October 8th, 2002 6:10:54 PM
As he observes the group gathering together, keeping his eyes on the leader, when he sees him pull a scroll from his clothes, Bill swoops down to join in the group, invisibly snuggling in to a place within five feet of the reader. [Knowledge Arcana/Psionics 29 - Teleportation Circle, 9th level Sorcerer/Wizard spell.] [As there is no intent to cause harm, I don't believe any touch constitutes an attack, and therefore his invisibility should remain intact.]
If it worked If Bill's move is successful, and he is included in the teleportation, he will first make sure he clears away from the other men - heading vertical (with eyes up so he does not bounce his head against a ceiling), then off in whatever direction seems safest. He mentally communicates with William (if within one mile of the psicrystal) to let him know what's happened, and to describe his surroundings as he gets his bearings.
If it did not work If for some reason Bill did not teleport with the group, then he will write down the exact sounds (using his personal system of writing) he heard the leader make, perhaps finding in them a clue as to the destination of the teleporting group [Autohypnosis, memorize, DC 33]. "Just a sec', friend," he answers Renik.
And he will activate clairvoyance into Balentyne's house (with which he is familiar), to see if the men headed there - and if not, to see who may be home. If he sees them there, he adds clairaudience, to hear what they have to say. He passes on his descriptive running stream of consciousness to William.
Arien Wednesday October 9th, 2002 1:15:46 AM
Hearing Renik's shout of dismay, Arien rushes up the steps to see what happened. "Well," he remarks, "They were heading to Balentyne's but they didn't know about us. Given the reaction of the one ambusher before I would say that they were all going to die regardless so their presence isn't missed. Its entirely possible that Balentyne and his cronies aren't aware of just how close we are to him. So if we strike quickly and hard I believe we should catch him off guard, or at least not as prepared as he could be. I dislike fighting on an enemies home ground but I do like the thought of taking the fight to the scum. I say we go now and teach him what it means to mess with Plateau City and its inhabitants."
Farsight--it's a Good Thing (DM Donna) Wednesday October 9th, 2002 6:24:35 AM
Renik and Bill both try to act, but--alas!--the men in black disappear, leaving the Hamleteers behind them. Since the clever halfling has, indeed, visited Balentyne's estate before, his unique psychic gift allows him to confirm that the group has teleported itself into the large, ground-floor room that has the staircase that goes up to the upper story of the fancy house... but the burglars take the stairs going down into the basement level--the one part of the house that none of the Hamleteers have been in... yet.
Feng Wednesday October 9th, 2002 10:48:43 AM
As a newcomer to the group, Feng doesn't totally understand the situation. "These methods do detest me but I understand the importance of finding Marcus. Still who is this Balentyne and how did the situation just get worse?" The half orc pulls a comb out of his pocket and straightens his small beard. The few strands that fell out of place are put back in line with the others. Glancing down Feng brushes some dirt from his shoulder and straightens his clothes. What he really desires is a hot bath. With the short timetable to find Marcus, Feng wishes he could clean up. He can almost feel the grime spreading like a bad rash.
Rond Wednesday October 9th, 2002 11:52:06 AM
Meeting up with Renik and Bill after the party disappears, Rond hears what they have observed so far. As soon as they've reported Rond comments, "We should double check the room and make sure they've gotten all clues. Can any of our spell casters playback the last 30 minutes of action, in order to see what it was these thugs took? I wonder if the clergy could help us with this at all, whether we should send a runner to get some help with this, before everything goes dead here."
When Feng asks Rond responds, "Balentyne is a council member with questionable ethics. He's aligned himself with Mar... That one.... He was causing Marcus some trouble as far as we know, but we don't know what. Seems he's caused a whole lot more."
Renik d20+5=7 Wednesday October 9th, 2002 5:47:54 PM
"So they returned to Balentyne's home? Then we can be even more certain where to strike. I agree, Arien. Balentyne and his men almost certainly don't know we're on to them, and are likely to be feeling secure now that they've tidied up any loose ends here. If are going to strike we should do so now. The longer we delay the more chance there is that we will find Marcus dead."
That said, he sees the value in one last sweep of the property. He hunts through the upturned apartment, but his heart is not really in it (Search 7); he is thinking of the battle to come.
Draax d20+3=18 Wednesday October 9th, 2002 9:07:54 PM
Draax helps with the searching of the apartment (search 18). "Yeah, let's go after Balentyne before it is too late. I wonder if, what did you say his name was? Tezo, yeah that's it. I wonder if Tezo had a locker or something at the casino, if Balentyne doesn't lead us to Marcus, it would be worth a shot to check and see if Tezo left anything at his place of work."
Barco (Bill) Thursday October 10th, 2002 3:55:41 AM
Using his farsight, Bill attempts to follow the cleanup crew down the stairs to the basement level. He adjusts his point of view, looks down the stairs, adjusts his point of view to the furthest point he can see, takes advantage of the new vantage point, etc. - following them down the stairs, into the basement - where he looks around some more.
Into the Lions' Den (DM Donna) d20=18 d20=17 d20=17 d100=91 Thursday October 10th, 2002 9:41:05 AM
Bill is pretty sure that there's some kind of specialized field interfering with his psionic scrying, because as he attempts to follow the hirelings down the stairs, his vision fuzzes out.
It looks like the Hamleteers--now that they know where to go--are going to go in without seeing the basement level before they get there.
In spite of the follow-up search by the party, there are no longer any items or clues that suggest that anyone other than Tezo lived in Room 303, nor that Tezo may have been connected to any other employer other than Elmo's Gaming Emporium.
It's time to go beard the lion in its den. State whatever preparations your characters are making, and then pick up the posting at the rear entrance to the Balentyne estate, since the rolls I made for your group indicate that you lucky devils have evaded the guards, disarmed the alarm and even managed to open the door without being noticed by any of the patrols.
Renik d20+25=38 d20+15=35 d20+5=19 Thursday October 10th, 2002 4:52:20 PM
Before the adventurers make their move on Balentyne's HQ, Renik says,
"Well we need to prepare for this one. First off defensive magics certainly wouldn't hurt. If anyone can cast bless, or bull's strength, or cat's grace, anything to make us harder to hit and more capable of dishing out damage, or less vulnerable to enemy magic. I would be grateful for any spells that could be cast on me.
"Second, we need to keep the element of surprise. If anyone can cast a spell of silence over the area we attack first, that might help prevent the alarm being raised early. Play it sneaky until we encounter real opposition, then let rip.
"Third, assuming we clear the upper house without alerting those in the basement, we should make a sudden, devastating entrance, keep them on the back foot. If there is a cellar door perhaps use of a ring of the ram to blow it off its hinges, followed by area-affecting spells to soften up any defenders and a round of flashpellets and thunderstones, followed by a charge, all in rapid succession. That cellar entrance is a bottleneck, and if we don't get in quick we could be stuck there, fighting those below as well as a rearguard action against any guards coming from the rest of the house or grounds.
"The fact that the cellar is magically protected suggests that we are up against some pretty powerful wizardry; I say we target the magic users as a priority.
"And we need to have healing spells ready to roll; we may find Marcus in a pretty bad way, and we may get beaten up pretty badly too. Anyone who gets badly cut up, call out! It can be hard to keep track of these things in the heat of battle.
"Ooh, I just hope I reach that Marteaus-worshipping scum Balentyne first!"
Once the others manage to shut the voluble rogue up, he readies himself, checking armour and sharpening weapons. That done, he makes his way with the others, and is pleasantly surprised to find their entrance to the building is pretty much plain sailing. It's almost too quiet...
At the door Renik wraps himself in his cloak, seeming to sink into the shadows, and slips inside, scouting ahead carefully for any sign of enemy guards (Hide 38, Move Silent 35). He moves with almost preternatural stealth, checking as he goes that he does not set off any alarms or traps by mistake (Search 19).
Bill (Fly 90' 50 min., Prot fr Elements (fire) (60 pts) 50 min., Verve 9 rnds, Det. ps/magic 9 min. HP 55. AC 22) Friday October 11th, 2002 2:54:22 AM
"Well, Feng, you've been around town during the time that Baron Balentyne was given authority to levy taxes on the citizens of Plateau City, and to conscript whom he willed into military service," Bill begins to answer the half-orc servant of the Woldian gods. "You have heard from us that he served Marteaus. And you were around when Mechina told us some things about him. So you're not entirely unaware of him. But before you joined us, some of us here, and some others, investigated, at Marcus' behest, Balentyne's manse. In a nutshell, Balentyne was in cahoots with the Provost Marshall, and the - it goes without saying - evil priesthood of the cult of Marteaus, the Dark Lord. They expressed their distain for the 'commoner' blood of Marcus, spoke disrespectfully of him as the Lord High Mayor Sturtavent's 'lackey,' and plotted his demise. We informed Marcus of this. Marcus took steps to protect some of his sources, the mayor, and himself. He let us know he would be going incommunicado for a period of time. It appears as though his precautions may have saved him for a time, but it is unclear as to whether he is still somewhat safe, or has come into the clutches of the Baron.
He shows him his sketches of Balentyne's manse, updated with any furniture he observed in his most recent farsight glance. And shows him a sketch of the Baron's face, as well as that of the Marshall Prelate, "Just in case he's there, too." He lets his other friends see, in case any may need their memories refreshed.
"That is what we hope to uncover tonight. To shine light into dark places, good paladin," Bill says. "If you'd like more details, assuming we make it through the night, I can read from my journals to you. But for now, it's time to work. The Baron is a master manipulator and a politician. The bad variety. His policies have meant evil for this city. He tricked the poor and downtrodden into becoming sacrificial offerings on the altar of an evil godling, all so that he might himself gain power. Oh, yeah, and he keeps a mistress, whom he flatters, and gives paste jewelry to."
Bill prepares several bags of surprises, mixing in such things as tanglefoot bags, thunderstones, acid, alchemical fire, a big glob of cold spaghetti noodles, a separate thin bag with crushed dry noodles, water bladders, a tangle of rope, flash pellets, scentbreaker, a one pound bag of fine sifted flour, crumbled hard crusts of bread, a pouch of cayenne pepper, a vial of bacon grease, a cold tea-filled stoppered clay jug, some sunrods ... and the like. Some of the bags he places in the pockets of his pants of plenty, some in the bag of holding in his backpack. "Anybody want a bag? I like to put three to five different things in each bag. Then you hold from the bottom, pull the string that unties the bow, and swing it toward your targets. Wham! Blam! Whoosh!"
He clears some things out of his bag of holding, leaving some room in case the party finds it necessary or expedient to haul off something from the Baron's abode.
He lets his friends know he has a potion of ventriloquism, if anybody thinks that might be useful, and wants to carry it for this mission. He also offers a potion of neutralize poison. And a potion of cure moderate wounds. "Who can heal those that need it? I have four scrolls of cure light wounds for anyone who can read them effectively." He also says he has a few doses of antitoxin. "Drink it, and it'll help protect you for about an hour against some poisons." [+5 alchemical bonus to Fortitude saves vs. poison for one hour.]
"I've got a few charges left in this wand of levitation." the halfling adds. "Anybody want to be able to float up and down?" If any do (up to four), he levitates them (keeping one last charge in the wand if all four are used).
Bill warns his friends that he may lay down a grease spot at some point, "So watch your step."
"I might also use stomp to knock people on their keisters, or a cone of sound to rattle their bones."
He thinks a moment. "If need be, I can knock open a locked door."
Bill lets his friends know in advance the magic and psionics he plans to use. "So, Ari, if you want to throw a fireball, and I'm in the area, go ahead. Unless it will crisp the rest of our friends, or Marcus, if he's there."
"OK, William, are you ready? You can be the official tactical relay coordinator, if that's okay with Rond."
He consumes a potion of flying just prior to entering the grounds, followed by a potion of protection from elements (fire). He activates verve as they descend the stairs (+1 hit point for 10 rounds), and detect psionics/magic (duration up to 9 minutes, range 60').
Feng Friday October 11th, 2002 6:50:42 PM
"Do you think it would be possible for somebody to sneak inside? He must have servants doing all sorts of things." Feng removes his hat of disguise. "Marcus gave me this hat of disguise when I infiltrated the group of assassins. I'm not much of a stealth person. Though somebody may find this useful in a situation such as this. If somebody knows Balentyne enough they could look like him and act appropriate enough to fool the guards."
Anybody Home..? (DM Donna) Saturday October 12th, 2002 8:12:18 AM
Luck seems to be with the Hamleteers--they enter the Baron's house and advance into a richly-appointed parlor of sorts. Nobody else is about. They quickly sneak over to a large doorway (no door in it--it's just an open doorway) and see a grand staircase that goes up...and a set of stairs going down.
Bill lets the others know that this is the set of stairs he "saw" the ransacking crew descend before the anti-scrying magic kicked in.
Renik Saturday October 12th, 2002 12:15:17 PM
Renik whispers to the floating halfling "Bill, could you mentally scan the rest of the house for occupants? It would be good to eliminate any threat upstairs before we make our move on the basement."
Bill Troublefinder Sunday October 13th, 2002 2:38:04 AM 'You check the stairs, Renik, for traps and such, while I do as you suggest,' Bill relays to the party via William.
The halfling quickly clairvoys upstairs, then around the main floor. He passes on the salient points of what he sees through the Tactical Relay Coordinator (aka William), then prepares to descend the stairs, flying just a couple feet or so off the ground.
Not A Creature Is Stirring (DM Donna) d20=4 d20=10 d20=4 d20=18 Monday October 14th, 2002 6:49:29 AM
Bill sees that there are a handful of domestic personnel in their quarters in the top floor of the house--they are all sleeping.
Whatever the magical anti-scrying field/area happens to be will not allow for the halfling's attempts to see downstairs...apparently only physically going to do so will allow the Hamleteers to find out the layout of the basement level.
Renik's attempts to Detect Traps on the stairs and the door that leads into the basement (at the bottom of the stairs) reveal no devices, and the rogue's nimble digits easily open the lock on the door. All that remains is for the party to actually open the door and go through it.
Draax Monday October 14th, 2002 8:13:41 PM
Draax stands by, ready to enter when he is given a signal.
Barco (Bill) (Fly 90' 49 min., Prot fr Elements (fire) (60 pts) 48 min., Blinking, Verve 8 rnds, Elfsight 9 rnds, Det. ps/magic 9 min., HP 55+1. AC 26) d10=9 Tuesday October 15th, 2002 12:16:16 AM
Bill goes invisible. He begins to blink in and out, bouncing between the material plane and whatever other place it is now (used to be ethereal). It is now that Bill activates verve as they descend the stairs (+1 hit point for 10 rounds), followed by elfsight (low-light vision), and next by detect psionics/magic (duration up to 9 minutes, range 60'). He looks ahead at the door, seeing if magic is there. Unless it looks like some highly daunting magic, Bill gets next to the door, toward the top, tells all through William, 'I'm popping through - come on in,' and he blinks his way through to the other side (1-5 on d10 - he bumps something on the way through. 6-10 - he makes it through relatively unscathed, unless something unusual precludes his transpassage. Rolled a 9).
He hopes Renik, or Rond, or someone opens the door soon. In the interim, if he has made it through, he quietly looks about to see what, and whom, he might. If there is room to move forward, or off to one side, he does so, looking to travel as much distance as he can, if such seems reasonable to him once he sees the other side.
Renik Tuesday October 15th, 2002 3:07:42 AM
Renik draws his bow, notches an arrow, and nods to the others. "Right lads, here goes nothing! Get ready with those area spells, folks!" he grins, as he pushes (or pulls!) open the doorway, his arrow coming up swiftly to aim at any inside.
If no immediate targets are visible he moves quickly inside, making space for the others to pass.
Sneak, Sneak, Sneak... (DM Donna) d20=1 d20=9 d20=3 d20=1 d20=7 d20=19 Tuesday October 15th, 2002 6:13:59 AM
The party sees that there is an empty 15' square room beyond the doorway...there are items scattered about that would confirm that this is a typical sort of basement storage area (a few crates, the odd bag of fertilizer, etc...quick inspection reveals nothing remarkable about any of these things). There is no apparent way out, but your experience as secret operatives makes you 99% sure that there's a secret something somewhere in this place--and you're right!
An innocuous-looking cabinet in one corner swings away from the wall, revealing an obviously-manmade five-foot-wide, ten-foot-high tunnel. The tunnel is dark--and initial inspection shows it is longer than the limits of torchlight, lowlight vision and/or dark vision.
And it's VERY quiet, too.
Barco (Bill) (Fly 90' 48 min., Prot fr Elements (fire) (60 pts) 47 min., Invisible, Blinking, Verve 3 rnds, Elfsight 4 rnds, Det. ps/magic 9 min., HP 55+1. AC 26, 50% chance opponent's otherwise successful attacks against him will fail) Tuesday October 15th, 2002 10:12:58 AM
So, we go down the tunnel. Bill pulls out a sunrod, and activates it, handing it back to one of his friends. He flies down, looking for magic, and whatnot. His psicrystal goes with him.
Rond Tuesday October 15th, 2002 11:25:59 AM
Pulling the slippers of spider climbing out of his pack Rond whispers, "I still have the slippers that can be used by someone if needed." If no one wants to use the slippers, Rond will then put them on himself.
"Usual tactics. Bill ahead and communicate back with us. Renik follow up behind using your usual tactics, and we'll follow. Yell if you need us quickly."
Renik Tuesday October 15th, 2002 11:34:37 AM
"Aye aye skipper!" grins the rogue, and sets off after the halfling, keeping a close eye out for danger. He keeps his bow at the ready.
Feng Tuesday October 15th, 2002 1:22:37 PM
Feng draws his double axe and keeps it non-flammable. In close quarters he wouldn't want to set anybody on fire. As he follows the others through the tunnel Feng tries to sense any evil around him.
Draax Tuesday October 15th, 2002 4:37:38 PM
Draax draws his sword and readies his shield as he gets in line to follow Bill and Renik into Balentyne's lair.
Arien Wednesday October 16th, 2002 1:07:11 AM
Following suit, Arien readies his dagger and whispers to the others. "If we run into anyone down here, get out of the way, quick. I wouldn't want to hit any of you with a lightning bolt."