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Thursday October 31st, 2002 1:10:08 PM

Drew looks up at Jes's request and nods, unstrapping his axe he stands beside her, silently waiting for her to lead. It is at moments like this that it is easy to see why members of his race are feared and hated. The half orc looks deadly and focused.

Tionel  d20=20
Thursday October 31st, 2002 6:29:18 PM

Tionel sticks around the half-orc and Jez, as one is particularly tough and the other the obvious candidate for sensibility.
"Sounds good... Jez, Drew, and I look along the shore a bit, while Barick, Gordo, and Turon, er, Turin," he corrects himself quickly, "will investigate a bit into the jungle. We'll all meet back here shortly, I'm sure. Just in case, though...here, let Mya here go with you. She can find me pretty easily, most of the time." Tionel whistles lightly, and a common black sparrow, the type that one would never pay notice to, flies down and lightly lands on his sleeved arm. He seems to speak with him slightly, though it's really just a trained response, and the bird warbles than takes flight again, but now hangs around them. "Just whistle to bring him down, and you can tie a note to his foot or whatever. Or he'll come to me if you guys get in danger."

(Sorry about the lack of posting, but I've had midterms this week. Ugh...)

Into the jungle (DM Kim) 
Thursday October 31st, 2002 8:44:23 PM

Barick, Krug, Gordo, Turin and Syr begin to make their way into the jungle. The foliage is dense, and they have to push their way through - in some cases cut their way through the entangled vines and branches. There is no question of 'keeping it quiet' while going through. Even Krug finds forward motion difficult. Noise of sticks breaking, of stumbles here and there, of branches thwapping backwards after initially being pushed aside would make it difficult for any nearby not to hear. Except that Barick does not seem to have as much trouble as the others.

Along the shore it is not as consistently dense. But as Jez, Drew and Tionel walk along the shore, at one point, Tionel notices a small scrap of torn fabric - brown in color - on a branch about three and a half feet above the ground. Just a couple of feet beyond that, signs of passage of someone else are fairly clear. By this time, they are only about two hundred fifty yards away from where the boat was beached.

The recently-made path of broken branches leads diagonally into the jungle, and at least initially, looks like it might in time intersect with the straight-on-ahead direction that Gordo et al took.

Turin, just for a moment, felt as though something was probing his head, ruffling his hair from behind. He looks behind, and sees it is just a heavy vine swinging slightly from their passage. Stupid branches.

Krug, after a hundred yards on the new path, raises his hackles, and begins a low growl. But after a half minute, his ears resume their forward position, and his hackles subside. He continues pushing ahead.

Friday November 1st, 2002 12:32:53 PM

"This looks like it. Go and get the others and Ill wait here."

Friday November 1st, 2002 12:45:08 PM

"I've never been in a place with such thick vegetation, this is amazing! Look at all these different plants. I've heard of such places but I'm truly in awe. I can barely move. Everything is so," he thinks, "heavy." Barick keeps pressing forward as he scans the environment for signs of whatever may be lurking within.

Friday November 1st, 2002 3:03:02 PM

Turin looks around, shivering. "This place gives me the creeps. Half the world knows where we are and it's next to impossible to see anything." He looks above. "I mean, what could be hiding up there? Snakes? People?"

Saturday November 2nd, 2002 6:55:16 PM

"Perhaps seperating wasn't the best of ideas. I don't want to shout, and make our quarry aware of us. Lets run back to our boat, and just remember where this is. We should be able to catch up to them if we hurry. I wish we had thought to bring some machettes for this thick vegitation."

Sunday November 3rd, 2002 8:23:13 AM

Being in such a hostile environment doesn't seem to bother Gordo at all. Though bathed in sweat (he has removed his leather waistcoat and tucked it into his pants, leaving him bare from the waist up) he seems as jolly as ever as he clatters and crashes through the undergrowth.

Grinning at Turin he says "Ah, worry not lad! 'Tis a rare day when you get to see such marvels! Look at these plants! Smell the exotic perfumes on the air! Listen to those sounds! We have found another world, lad, and it is beautiful!"

He beams at Turin, then presses on, filled with the unwavering (and quite possibly unfounded) certainty that everything will work out for the best. He starts to hum a cheery marching hymn to himself as he wrestles noisily with the folliage.

Monday November 4th, 2002 1:10:56 AM

"Sounds like a good idea to me, Mizz Jez. Actually, when we head into the jungle, let me lead the way. Tis unknown musical symphony to my forest-trained ears." Tionel stops, realizing he's being faintly abstract and probably confusing. "I get around well in most woods..."

Syr  d20=2
Monday November 4th, 2002 1:40:29 AM

Looking at Turin and grinning, "Half the world knows where we are? I wouldn't worry too much about that, no one on the Big Float even knows where in the Wold the city is. If half the world knows where we are, can someone please tell them?" With a shy smirk, he puts Gordo between he and Turin.

The elf seems a bit nervous as listens to his own voice to determine reality, "You know, it's been so long since I was on solid ground. I've been on the Float for two decades. I always thought things were taller."

Recalling Mother's note, "Why are we looking for a purple tree again? err I mean purple leaved tree? How would Mom know where to look? Me and trees just don't get along."

Monday November 4th, 2002 9:17:09 AM

Drew nods to Jez and motions for the others to head back and hell take the rear guard.

In the jungle (DM Kim) 
Monday November 4th, 2002 1:43:37 PM

The two segments of the party regroup with the Barrick - Gordo - Turin - Syr contingent, and the discovered pathway is mentioned. After a brief discussion, the group figures following the established trail makes sense. Getting there is not too difficult, as the way has already been trampled.

Monday November 4th, 2002 3:22:59 PM

"If Tionel takes lead then Krug and I will flank either side of the trail. If the boys have passed here already there's still no telling what they may have run into up ahead."

Barick motions towards Krug and the wolf stalks off to the right side of the trail while the man takes to the left. They begin advancing forward each keeping their senses keen to the foriegn environment.

Monday November 4th, 2002 4:04:21 PM

Turin walks along warily, looking for anything hanging down from above, as well as making sure he doesn't stumble.

And deeper still (DM Kim) 
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 4:48:31 AM

Finally, after many scrapes, and stumbles, the party sees ahead a tree with purple leaves. Notably, sparkles can be seen among the slender leaves. The foliage surrounding the tree is still dense compared to most forests - but quite a bit less so than what the adventurers have been fighting and hacking their way through. Off to one side is a thick tree with brown bark -- and the sound of, what? Whimpering? Several one- to two-inch thick bamboos will need to be navigated through to reach either tree, as well as a few smaller bushes here and there. The purple one is about sixty feet ahead, and the brown one some twenty or so feet beyond that, to the right.

Make spot checks, and describe your actions.

Drew  d20=18
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 10:50:14 AM

Drew stands at the rear of the party taking up the guard and watching carefully over his family.

SPOT 18+

Gordo  d20+3=4
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 11:13:02 AM

Seeing the tree, Gordo speeds up, marching towards it purposefuly. The strange sound does nothing to slow his advance. "Shh... do you hear that sound?" he says, as he approaches the purple tree, and peers around, in particular at the brown tree. But sweat dribbles into his eyes, blinding him momentarily (Spot 4, nat 1). He wipes his sweating face with his hankerchief, pleased that they have found their first goal.

Turin  d20+4=17
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 12:47:54 PM

Turin follows Gordo, looking around for anything besides weird-colored trees out of the ordinary.

Tionel  d20+5=9
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 2:18:43 PM

The elf in the lead blinks at Gordo's words, looking at the trees, and letting him take the lead. "Watch out, these jungles have a plethora of forgotten animals..." Just in case, the cautious elf takes out his stick and cocks his head, listening. (Can I roll a listen check? I have a +10 on that roll...)
[Sure, Mikey, you can make a listen check, or other skill checks you feel might be helpful, generally without prior approval. -DM Kim]

Barick  d20+3=16
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 3:37:38 PM

Seeing Gordo go straight for the purple-leaved tree Barick decides to check out the whimpering near the brown tree. He signals for Krug to follow him as he begins to negotiate the bamboo.

Syr  d20+5=19 d20+3=12
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 4:32:54 PM

Syr looks warily at both trees (spot 19) and decides caution is the best approach. He stops briefly and concentrates, after a moment his skin seems to become thicker (Lesser Natural Armor: AC +1). Then he follows the rest of the group to the purple tree. As he hears the faint whimpering, he pauses a second time to see if he can determine more (Listen 12). "Tionel, do you hear that? I can't quite make it out."

Jezebella  d20+5=8
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 6:20:13 PM

(spot 8 )

Jez heads toward the brown trunked tree, cautiously. "Hello? Is someone hurt...?" She calls out.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 11:30:51 AM

Drew continues to guard...

Purple and Brown (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 6th, 2002 3:11:30 PM

Barick is the first to see some legs hanging down from a stout branch on the brown-barked tree. One foot is wrapped in dirty cloth, knotted at the ankle, and the other wears a shoe. The brown pants are torn in several places, and scratches are visible on the pale skin beneath.

On top of the branch sits a boy, maybe ten or twelve years old, his arms wrapped around the rough trunk of the tree. His dirty red hair is tangled, and a twig clings to the hair near his left ear. His brown shirt also is fairly torn up. His sobbing continues, and he does not seem to be aware of the party's arrival.

Jezebella comes and sees the same.

The purple tree is oddly beautiful. The finger-width leaves look soft and feathery. The edges are a rich purple, and the center of the leaf is of a lavender hue. The bark of the tree also is purple. Concentrated towards the ends of the branches are lavender flowers. Six petals surround clear and tiny crystals at the center of the flower.

Turin is the first to spot a figure in the tree above. Branches and leaves nearly encompass a gray figure. It's hard to make out, but it looks about the right size and shape to be a humanoid figure, wrapped up.

From the brown tree, the boy cries out, quite loudly, "RICA-A-A-A-RD! WHERE ARE YOUUUU!?"

Krug paces back and forth in front of the purple tree, but stays away from its foliage. The black sparrow, Mya, lands on top of a bamboo nearby.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 3:57:46 PM

Turin looks at the person in the purple tree. "Psst. Look up there," he says to the others, pointing.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 11:50:22 PM

Barick gives a quick whistle up the tree, "Hey, what are you doing up there? Come down so we can get you home. Jump for it, I'll catch you."

Tionel  d20+5=13
Thursday November 7th, 2002 12:52:01 AM

The elf looks at the boy concernedly, but tugs on the sleeve of the person next to him. "I don't like the look of these plants...brightly colored ones, this large, can sometimes be dangerous," he announces to the group.

Syr  d20+7=26
Thursday November 7th, 2002 2:34:49 AM

Syr hears the elf's words and searches around for something to throw. Spying a old stick, (I trust there are sticks or rocks in a forest) he scoops it up and hurls it at the one of the flowers (ranged attack 26).

Thursday November 7th, 2002 8:53:44 AM

Hearing the child's cry Gordo races over to the brown tree and peers up, a kindly smile on his face. "Hey there, youngun', you lost someone? Anything I can help with?"

He squats down at the foot of the tree, still looking up and smiling, as he opens his pack and starts to prepare himself some cheese on crusty bread.

Thursday November 7th, 2002 12:15:18 PM

Drew growls deep in his throat, not likeing this at all. But upon seeing the boys quickly races foreward and shots up for their attention, looking closely to see if its the boys they are after.

A map is on the way 
Friday November 8th, 2002 4:41:48 AM

Have tried, unsuccessfully, to email out a map. Once more, with gusto!

Friday November 8th, 2002 10:12:52 AM

Drew holds....

Saturday November 9th, 2002 4:09:10 PM

(Ooc: Ping?)

Monday November 11th, 2002 10:00:55 AM

Continues to hold...

Monday November 11th, 2002 11:38:52 PM

After making his short warning to the others, the quick-tongued bard decides something. "Just so you guys know, having some knowledge of nature, I'd hate to say this, but it appears that that purple plant has someone enveloped in it." Nervously, he stays around it, as the elf quickly follows Gordo up to the brown tree after giving the warning. "Little one, are you okay...?" he asks in a sonorous, kindly voice. "Tell you what...come on down, and we'll bring you back to your parents."

Turin  d20+5=23
Tuesday November 12th, 2002 1:03:52 AM

Turin slowly approaches the purple tree, making as little noise as possible (Move Silently 23). He stops as soon as either the tree or whatevers inside it moves.

DM Jerry (OOC) 
Tuesday November 12th, 2002 12:45:50 PM

I will be posting in the evenings, usually between 5-7PM Woldian/central time.

Note that this module has run WAAAY long. It will end very quickly. Sorry for that. Not my fault, but we must move on.

My first post will be tonight.

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 3:24:38 PM

Drew holds .. . .

Regurgitation! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday November 12th, 2002 11:27:35 PM

Suddenly the purple plant shudders. Then again.

Looking as if the plant has an adam's apple, the stem coils along with the flower and throws up, disgorging the occupant. The ponytailed man you know as your upstairs neighbor. Almost at the same moment, the other two boys are released.

A spirit steps ghostlike from within the plant and looks at Turin.

It whispers so that all can hear, "Turin, take these boys back ashore. Once there they will tell the truth. We will meet again Druid. I am a friend. Farewell."

The plant shrivels up and dies.

The two red headed boys are coughing. The ponytailed one looks stunned. He is covered in plant juices.

Oh the stench!

Two nearby trees begins to release feelers and ivey that starts creeping towards you!

Everyone hears the spirit: "Hurry!"

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 12:37:41 AM

Barick looks blinkingly at the disgorged crew, "Well I didn't quite think that would happen. I say we listen to that spirit and beat feet." He then runs over to the boys and scoops the smaller of the two under his arm as he begins running back to the boat. "Come on Krug, let's get out of here!"

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 1:44:45 AM

Not wasting any time, the smooth-tongued elf steps between the plants and the boys as the plants advance dnagerously. "Hurry!" Tionel draws a scimitar and slashes wildly at a vine that snakes too fast towards them, then turns and darts after the others with the grace of one in tune with the woods...

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 9:02:59 AM

Ensuring that both boys are being carried to safety, the big man grabs the ponytailed man. If he is out cold he heaves him over one broad shoulder and carries him away from the creeping vines, otherwise he he helps the fellow away from the animated plants, making sure the fellow doesn't get out of his sight.

He moves swiftly through the jungle, sticking the the path the group cut down to get here.

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 10:05:44 AM

Drew picks up the other boy and begins to run back with the others. "Syr take the back behind me everyone else MOVE!!" Drew loosens his axe as he and Syr wattch the backs of the fleeing party. As they move Drew speaks to his brother. "If we get ambushed one of us takes the boy and the other holds it off...agreed?"

Obey Me! [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday November 13th, 2002 8:19:37 PM

Our heroes race along a cut corridor of plant pseudopods that seem to be regenerating at a rapid pace. Roots break the ground as if to grab those treading above and stop their pounding.

The trail seems three times as long on the way back as the party trips over vines and roots that grab and poke.

Then the lake comes into view and the boats. Hope is renewed!

Once out on the lake in the boats all is once again peaceful. The long-haired pony tailed freak of a neighbor who started all this comes to.

"What? You? Nah! No way."

He whips his head around.

He looks at Drew. Looks at him hard.

"Your name is Drew. You are strong. Obey me!"

[Drew, make a Will Save at DC 12 or be under the control of the pony tailed freak.]

Turin  d20+3=14 d3+1=3
Wednesday November 13th, 2002 8:48:27 PM

Turin, expecting something to happen now, quickly punches at the man (AC 14 hit, if hits, 3 subdual damage), hoping to take his attention away.

Barick  d20+3=12 d6+1=6 d20+3=7 d6+1=6
Wednesday November 13th, 2002 9:42:37 PM

"Not today dirt bag!" yells Barick as he draws his club and charges into the fray. "Bring 'im down Krug!" Barick swings at the pony-tailed man (12 to hit, 6 damage) while Krug lunges in with a bite (7 to hit, 6 damage).

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 9:44:48 PM

Syr brings up the rear as the party moves back toward the shore. "Yup, Since you have the boy, I'll hang back a bit." He follows the rest of the party at a slightly slower pace eyes scanning the jungle for signs of a threat. carrying his axe close to his chest, he trails the big half-orc.

Thursday November 14th, 2002 2:25:19 AM

The elf, not seeing the danger in the person, frowns at the commanding tone in his voice. "Tut, tut...not the nicest words when we're not yet in the clear." He moves out towards the boats, his scimitar still in hand though now held midst fingers relaxedly.

Gordo  d20+5=8 d20+3=18
Thursday November 14th, 2002 8:46:02 AM

"Now then lad, Drew obeys no-one but himself and his god, and it's not polite to go imposing yerself like that. Stay out of his head, you hear?"

And so saying he aims a cuff at the side of the fellow's head, though the rocking of the boat throws off his aim (AC 8).

At the same time he does his best to keep from rocking the boat too much (Dex 18).

Drew  d20+4=13 d20+8=21
Thursday November 14th, 2002 9:21:09 AM

(Save at 13)

Drew sets down the boy and looks back at the man. Then when everyone begins to move in and attack the man he bellows "Stop!!! He hasn't done anything, and at this moment he stands innocent, don't make me protect him from you lot." Then looking back at the man he speaks again, "Domi asks us to protect the innocent and so I will but if you were trying some sort of spell or something it didn't work. I'm thinking maybe you're just a bit out of your mind but if you were trying something look around you. You could have commanded me to keep three or four of these boys busy, but the other two would have put you out before you could say Jack Rabbit. So now we're going to get these boys back to their mother and you all will be questioned by the authorities. So you have three choices. One: I pick you up and throw you in the lake to cool you off and you take your chances with the things down there. Two: You take off into the Jungle which almost killed you once already, or Three..." Drew growls deep in his throat and gets right in his face. (Intimidate Of 21) "You can step into the boat while we go home and you don't even blink wrong the WHOLE WAY THERE."

Syr, making sure to check BEFORE he presses submit 
Thursday November 14th, 2002 10:28:42 AM

Syr echoes Drew's command, "Hold! He has done nothing wrong. While the tone was quite rude, there could be many explanations for it. It's not every day someone gets coughed up by a plant."
He slides over to Drew's side and looks at him carefully for any sign of something out of the ordinary. "How is the boy doing?"
Going to one knee in front of the boy he asks, "What's your name?"

Obey Me? [DM Jerry] 
Thursday November 14th, 2002 11:11:32 PM

Turin punches at the freak. Something about his eyes when he said that. The boy turns his body in the boat to look at Turin. The "look" causes Turin's punch to go just a bit to far to the right and misses. [Reflex check DC 8 or fall overboard]

Barick attempts a charge with a club in a boat! Again he meets the eyes of the freak. His club overbalances him, the charge attempt in the boat goes astray, and Barack falls head over heels into the water! [Swim check DC 10]

One of the red haired boys comes to and laughs at Barick's antics.

"Heh. Good work sir."

Gordo attempts to cuff the freak and perhaps discipline him as well. Typical adult. [grin] He catches the eye of the freak and misses. His attempt to steady the boat succeeds! [Gordo earns a hero point. Email me about hero points Carl if you have a question.]

The boy turns to Gordo and faking surrender with a sneer says, "Well sure sir. I'll leave the monster alone. But as for you sir?"

::he whispers::

"Obey me!"

[Gordo make a Will save at DC 12]

Anyone not attacking hears the whisper.

[So everyone can be involved in this finale, we're going to assume that everyone is in the same boat.]

Barick  d20+3=4
Friday November 15th, 2002 12:57:05 AM

Barick falls headlong into the water and seems to be drowning, sputtering and disoriented (Swim 4).

OOC: From bad to worse, I won't for get this lesson anytime soon.

Friday November 15th, 2002 2:07:45 AM

The elf, somewhat unused to travel in a boat, barely manages to keep his balance. "Sit down, everyone!" He follows his own advice. Suddenly, he hears sputtering and splashing as one goes overboard and blinks...
Using his oaken stick, Tionel makes an attempt to save the drowning man by offering a lifeline, gently nudging Barick and hoping that the guy grabs on.

Gordo  d20+8=12 d20+5=20 d20+4=23 d6+2=7 d20+4=13 d20+3=15
Friday November 15th, 2002 4:57:53 AM

"I.. will... obey..." murmers Gordo, his eyes beginning to glaze over. Then he shakes his head furiously, breaking the man's control through sheer force of will (Will 12; phew!).

"Never!" he roars. Stay out of my head, I tell you! There's room in here for me and Domi and no-one else!" Gordo moves in close and attempts to grapple the pony tailed man (hit AC 20, grapple check 23 to pin, 7 HP subdual damage (not sure about damage, put it in just in case)), hoping to pin him to the bottom of the boat.

All the while he attempts to maintain his footing in the rocking boat as best he can (Dex 15).

"Drew! I could use a hand here, lad! And someone blindfold this fella, before he has us all hopping into the drink!" he shouts. "Anyone got any rope? He could probably do with tying up too!"

Drew  d20+8=28
Friday November 15th, 2002 9:08:19 AM

Drew unslings his Axe and roars louder than anyone has ever heard. "ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! THIS WILL STOP NOW OR THERE WILL BE PAIN AND FEAR THE LIKE OF WHICH YOU HAVE NEVEN KNOWN!" The ferocity in Drews eyes seems to be as fire, and the power in his form seems to pulse off the half Orc like magic. (INTIMIDATE NAT 20)

Syr  d20+7=24 d4+4=8 d20+4=20
Friday November 15th, 2002 6:15:23 PM

Syr looks up from in front of the boy and promptly cuffs him hard on the side of the head. (attack 24, subdual damage 8?). "You spend too much time with the freak, that is no way to address your elders. Maybe a year of doing the laundry for Mother Flaust will teach you some respect."

Keeping his center of gravity low, he easily stays in the boat (dex check 20).

Turin  d20+5=23 d20+5=22 d20+1=12
Friday November 15th, 2002 6:47:20 PM

Turin catches himself against edge of the boat (Reflex 23), and spins around, looking at the freak. "That's it." He pulls his chain and aims at his leg, catching and pulling, ready to drop the chain if necessary. (Trip attack, is a melee touch attack, hits AC 22, strength roll of 12, against his dex or strength, whichever is higher. If I win, he's tripped, if I lose, he gets a strength check against my dex or strength to trip, but if he wins, I can drop the chain.)

Hip Hip Hooray! [DM Jerry] 
Saturday November 16th, 2002 2:17:37 AM

Barick catches the oar proferred by Tionel and is saved, despite his propensity to sink.

Drew causes everyone to cower and cease hostilities, even his friends.

Syr's cuff stops inches from the freaky-eyed pony-tailed boy's face after Drew's words.

The Pony-Tailed boy with the freakish eyes, is cowed as well and is easily chained by Turin.

The party safely returns to the harbor of the Great Float and is met by sailor friends and the city guard.

The poly-tailed boy and his cohorts are taken into custody and the gem is returned to Gordo.

The next day, the guard knocks upon the apartment door of the group and tells them that several cash rewards have been awarded to them for the arrest of Torl, the blond pony-tailed older boy with the freakish eyes.

The total of the 4 outstanding rewards for stolen property and mischief is:


Black oak chests with the emblem of the Overlord now appear from around the corner of the building carried by city guards with huge grins on their faces. Flaust approaches from somewhere nearby smiling followed by cheering orphans!

Hip Hip Hooray!

Hip Hip Hooray!

Hip Hip Hooray!

In the crowd forming in the street, several sailors raise beer mugs in your honor and arm in arm parade down the street singing:

"The life of a sailor is a glorious one..."

[End of module. Next module begins on Monday. Congratulations! All current players earn 1500xp! I suggest that you start emailing how you wish to divide treasure and get your shopping done. Updated character sheets are due next Friday! The new module begins on Monday and we'll rocking and rolling from the start so we need the sheets in. Thanks for the great roleplaying this week folks! I am proud to be your DM. I need you to email Anthony and I with any recommendations you have for hero points during the last module. I'll be sending you the Online Combat Rules so that you can review Hero Points. With me as your DM you'll need them if you can get them. Anth, who was in the game all during the last module can decide who deserves Hero Points if anyone. I'm also sending you a copy of the Online Character Creation Rules which has an example character sheet. Use that as a template model for yours. Make yours look like that one. I'll be around to help.]

Sunday November 17th, 2002 5:05:02 PM

Gordo is flattered by all the cheering, but rather embarassed by it. He tries to disguise this by harumphing and looking a bit cross, but it is a pretty transparent act.

He turns to his newfound companions and smiles however, as he thinks back over the last couple of days. "Friends, I'm glad I met you all!" he grins , and he shakes hands with everyone."A finer bunch I've never come across. My thanks to you all."

Monday November 18th, 2002 1:08:11 AM

The elf takes the proferred hand and grins, "First hugging everyone and now shaking everyone. You sure are a touchy person." Softening his words, "However, I'm sure everyone will agree that your heart is bigger than your body. It was great seeing you again, why don't you hang around for a while longer. We have a small place across the street. You can stay with us."

Looking at the rest of the group he realizes how many new faces there are. Addressing everyone, "That offer goes out to everyone else too."

Monday November 18th, 2002 9:34:22 AM

Drew Blushes

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