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Scene 3: The Brawl For It All

Git that guy...er....gal! [DM Jerry]  d20+9=27 d20+4=15
Wednesday January 8th, 2003 7:54:40 PM

The thieves run after the girl and Drew's words fall upon empty space.

Screaming one says, "The Mask is in play! Converge!"

Syr sees the two thieves threatening him run for the street forgetting him totally.

Beanpole looks in shock as Gordo leaps through the glass window after the girl.

Turin jumps through after Gordo.

[Both need to make Reflex saves at DC 20 to roll and come to your feet. Failure is 1d4 damage from the glass and the rough landing.]

As the girl rolls [d20+9=27] and comes to her feet, Bog casts his spell. The Girl suddenly screams as she is surrounded by a swarm of beetles. The mask suddenly flies from her grasp [d20+4=15] and crashes through the bay window of the inn!

[Gordo and Turin need to roll even/odd to be out of the area of the swarm. Odd is always success with such rolls.]

[Sorry Turin is not close enough to make his attack]

Tionel  d20+9=25 d20+7=24
Thursday January 9th, 2003 12:44:28 AM

Tionel is currently in the inn, grinning at the ghost and launching into a ditty about a drunk centaur and an elven woman, when he hears Gordo calling for him... He'd almost forgotten about the quest. He stands up and slowly makes his way along to the front while playing (DC 25! Sweeeeeet!), and just as he finishes the song the window next to him crashes open! With his quick reflexes, he pulls his cloak about his face, and glances to see what made the crashing sound.. (Spot DC 24! :) ) If he sees the mask, he stumbles slightly as though in pain, falls next to the mask (his hand and cloak conveniently covering it) and tucks it into his jacket pocket. (Should I make a roll to do so?)

Gordo  d20+5=19 d4=3 d20=11
Thursday January 9th, 2003 9:00:22 AM

"Hoop-la!" grins Gordo as he sails through the window. "Ouch!" he grunts as he lands in a shower of glass (Reflex 19, Dmg 3HP). Stumbling he fails to spot the swarm of insects heading his way.

"Ouch! Ow! Ooh! Get off!" comes the big man's muffled voice from within the swarm, followed by "Ack! Ptui! Phut! Yuck!" as he tries to spit out bits of beetle.

Turin  d20+5=23 d2=1 d20+4=6
Thursday January 9th, 2003 11:45:02 AM

Turin manages to avoid the glass as he leaps through, and rolls, unawares, to the side of the swarm. "What the... where'd she go?" Turin looks around, wildly. (Spot check of 6)

Thursday January 9th, 2003 2:52:15 PM

Syr sees the two thieves bolt for the street and proceeds to follow. Gritting his teeth, he puts on an extra burst of speed (Use Burst, +10 movement). Making it back to the street he looks for the girl that Gordo was bellowing about. As his eyes sweep the crowd, he also makes sure he knows where the two thieves are.

Thursday January 9th, 2003 3:08:58 PM

Seeing the girl and swarm in front of him his eyes follow the path of the mask. Sparing a concerned look for the bug spitting big man, he moves protectively over Tionel and faces all that are looking for the mask. Softly to Tionel he says, "Get back in that carriage, I will protect you."

Enjoy and begin! [DM Jerry]  d20+5=18 d20+7=21 d20+9=25 d20+11=20 d20+2=8 d20+10=13 d20+7=20 d20+6=8 d20+5=6 d20+4=15 d20+3=18 d20+8=13
Thursday January 9th, 2003 10:41:54 PM

Tionel seems to have a very popular idea. People in the inn, seem to strangely be waiting for something and this mask coming in through the window must have been it. For at least a dozen people pounce, pretend to fall, or just literally dive for the mask.

Like a bobbing ball the mask bobs from fingertip to fingertip.

Tionel, make a Reflex save. Highest roll gets the mask! My rolls are: d20+5=18 d20+7=21 d20+9=25 d20+11=20 d20+2=8 d20+10=13 d20+7=20 d20+6=8 d20+5=6 d20+4=15 d20+3=18 d20+8=13 (Beat a 25!)

Outside, all see the girl struggling with the beetles along with Gordo. All also see the mask to flying inside.

Meanwhile, a ghost-like figure appears in the broken window and talking to everyone outside and inside yells in a loud, but cute, voice, "Wardd has provided us a great premise for tonight's entertainment! So tonight's scheduled "Brawl For The Fun of It", brought to you, sponsored and repairs paid for by the "Ye Old Magic Shop" is a "Get the Mask contest!

"Get the mask and bring it to Lucky and you win the 200gp! Remember! No weapons! No spells that do damage! All damage is subdual! And, of course, no hitting the pretty waitress ghost...namely me! Good luck patrons! Enjoy and begin!"

Tionel  d20+5=8 d20+4=24 d20+2=16 d20+2=3 d20+2=10
Friday January 10th, 2003 1:17:06 AM

(Er...does an 8 beat a 25? Bleh!)
Tionel does his best to get the mask, but at the last moment someone steps on his hand, and then it's lost in a scurry of feet and a pile of people. Oh well, he thinks to himself. He charges at the lucky sod carrying the mask, attempting to grapple with him and/or anyone else who gets a hold of it. Problem is, he's usually not too good at this sorta thing.. but somehow, luck is with him, and he plows into the guy with a full-on tackle (Attack grapple roll of 24!). His next round, he attempts to grapple with him, trying to wrestle the mask out of his hands (Grapple check at 16!) Then, the next round (if it gets that far!) he will attempt to break free...(At this point, he probably gets bogged down by realizing he has no clue how to wrestle. Attempts at 3 and 10 :P )

Gordo  d20+3=16 d20+3=13 d20+4=22
Friday January 10th, 2003 8:36:41 AM

The big man bursts out of the cloud of insects (taking more damage?) and seeing that everyone else is running for the inn across the street (Spot 16) he follows at high speed (Fast Movement, 40').

He is just in time to hear the ghost's challenge, and bursts into laughter as he runs towards the gathering melee. This sounds like his sort of scrap!

"Don't start without me!" he bellows joyfully, barrelling into anyone he sees who stands between him and the mask (Spot 13, Charge, Bull Rush 22).

Syr  d20+5=10
Friday January 10th, 2003 1:33:18 PM

The elf stands outside the melee searching for his friends and any sign of the mask. (Spot 10)

Drew  d20+5=13
Friday January 10th, 2003 1:57:34 PM

Hearing the ghost, Drew leaps into the mass of bodies searching for the mask (spot 13). Unable to spot the mask, he decides to help Tionel struggling with someone (aide another).

Friday January 10th, 2003 4:37:41 PM

Turin finally sees the mask and the crowd, and works his best at pushing his way through around the beetles.

Friday January 10th, 2003 7:51:43 PM

Bog smiles at the chaos in front of him he caused.

"Hmmmhmmhmmhmmhmmhmm. I miss dat."

Taking his leisurely time he trudges forward to the area in between the crashed-thru window and the swarm of insects.

"May dat be lesson to ya, lassie. F'in ya wanna git out den jist git out."

He pokes his head into the window, (hopefully not through the ghost) and mutters,

"D'inyone see some garsh thu 'ere?"

Saturday January 11th, 2003 12:47:14 AM

Very tired. Will post during the weekend.

DM Jan  d20+5=6 d20+7=13 d20+9=18 d20+11=19 d20+2=11 d20+10=17 d20+7=15 d20+6=22 d20+5=15 d20+4=15 d20+3=14 d20+8=13 d20+5=24 d20+8=28
Monday January 13th, 2003 2:29:14 PM

Looking through the window, Bog sees utter and absolute chaos as a sea of folk inside the Inn scramble for the mask. A chair sails overhead and crashes just inside the window in front of him.
Turin makes his way into the Inn, spotting Syr nearby - looking for everyone else.

Right now, Syr can't see his friends, but he does see the two thieves sneaking in to join the 'melee'. No sign of Torl as yet.

Turin is almost pushed off his feet as the young girl, also clear of the beetles, runs inside.

Tionel scrambles for the mask and misses, instead he finds himself in a mass of bodies, fighting, punching and grabbing. It lessens slightly as Drew arrives to stand by his side.
((If Drew's 'aid another' attack roll beats AC10 - it gives Tionel a +2 bonus))

Gordo manages a rather spectacular entry into the fray, acting like a bowling ball through the crowd.

The mask dances from hand to hand, above everyone's heads - elusive but soooooo near to hand. Everyone makes an attempt to reach it.
((Again - highest reflex check gets it - highest other patron is DC22))

Someone makes a lunge for Tionel's feet, in an attempt to stop him from grabbing for the mask again, and tries to bite his ankles.
((Grapple check 24 ))

A tall, strapping young lad from the Trash Level also takes exception to Gordo barreling through everyone and tries to grab him in a head lock.
((Grapple check 28 ))

If you get caught in a grapple, you are unable to grab for the mask in this round.

Tionel  d20+2=12 d20+2=7
Monday January 13th, 2003 3:05:17 PM

(Gee...was there any way I could get a grapple check of 24? hah!)
Tionel's fumbling fingers almost manage to grasp it, but then someone grabs his ankle, and he trips falling to the floor. Someone bites, and he yelps most unmusically, kicking and struggling against the person. He tries to break away from the person, but flails ineffictively and bangs his head against a chair leg. (Grapple escape roll 7)

Turin  d20+5=8
Monday January 13th, 2003 3:41:01 PM

Turin tries to push forwards to the mask, but it tumbles away from him. He curses quietly, and tries to do better.

Monday January 13th, 2003 4:57:26 PM

Bog frowns and looks at the chair.

"Nooo. Dat warn't it."

He scratches his head as he sees two of his new companions fall on the floor.

"Awwwwwwww. Naow dat warn't ev'n nehborly eever."

He pushes up his sleeves and twiddles his fingers in a twiddly sort of way and utters, "Blathy gimble, slimy boar. Slipp'ry make it...all fall t'the floor!"
[Grease on 10x by 10 area centered on the mask]

Gordo  d20+5=11 d6+2=3 d20+6=13 d20+4=12
Monday January 13th, 2003 5:26:22 PM

(OOC: PHB page 137: "You provoke an AoO from the target you are trying to grapple. If the AoO deals you damage, you fail to start the grapple.")

As the large lad reaches out to grab him Gordo aims a hooked kick towards the back of his knee (AC 11, 3HP subdual).

If the attack connects Gordo ducks as the fellow's lunge goes wide, and leaps as he sees the mask go sailing past (Reflex 13). Unfortunately he is far too slow.

If the big lad avoids his kick Gordo finds himself grabbed in a vice-like grip.

"Hey there son!" comes his muffled voice from somewhere in the big lad's armpit, somehow still sounding cheery. "I'd say it's long past your annual bath day!"

Syr  d20+5=12
Tuesday January 14th, 2003 2:11:18 PM

The elf quickly hops on to the ledge of the bay window. Recognizing the two thieves, he strains his neck following them through the pile of bodies while searching for the mask. (Spot 12)

Reluctant to enter the fray he decides to guard one of the few ways out if anyone other than his friends emerges with the mask.

Drew  d20+5=22 d20+5=8
Tuesday January 14th, 2003 2:18:34 PM

Drew sees the mask sliding around the pile of bodies and makes a stab for it. (Reflex 22)
With a dive, he latches a hand on the mask only to discover someone else has it! Without much leverage he tries to wrestle the mask from the other (str check a big 8).

DM Jan 
Tuesday January 14th, 2003 11:30:58 PM

The pandemonium intensifies.

Tionel and Gordo seem resigned to a wrestling bout as their assailants keep their grip. However - all this changes as Bog's grease spell takes effect and all bets are off.

People slide all over the place.
Drew thinks he has it, but once again, the mask slips out of the other person's hands, dancing out of reach. It's almost as if the thing has a mind of it's own.

Keeping his eye on the thieves, Syr sees them join the throng. He also spots someone who looks suspiciously like Torl heading up the stairs to the balcony.

Suddenly, everyone sees the girl leap up and grab the mask, which she hurls upward toward Torl.

It's in his hands in an instant, and he makes a break for one of the upper room doors.

Gordo  d20+6=23
Wednesday January 15th, 2003 8:11:23 AM

Managing to keep his feet despite the treacherous conditions (Reflex 23), Gordo slips and out of the area of the Grease (half move speed), and races up the stairs after Torl (Fast Movement 40').

"I see you son!" he calls out, "And I'm hot on your heels!"

Wednesday January 15th, 2003 12:03:11 PM

Bog hmmms again and saunters around the side of the building. Trying to judge where exactly those stairs lead he does his best to monitor the two sides of the building where people might escape from and passes around as need be when he hears other things.

Wednesday January 15th, 2003 2:00:07 PM

Syr hops down from the ledge and moves around the outside of the building. Seeing Bog he yells, "Hey pigpen!" With a smile and a wink he tries to show Bog he is only teasing. "You go around the left and I'll take the right, shout if you see something? The guy who has the mask is named Torl."

Drew  d20+5=18
Wednesday January 15th, 2003 2:08:21 PM

Drew sees the mask moving upward and yells, "Quickly everyone, last time we chased Torl upstairs, he eluded us. There will not be a second time!"

Picking his way through the slick area, he races up the stairs after Torl (40').

Turin  d20+5=24
Wednesday January 15th, 2003 4:05:21 PM

Turin, having been outside the grease area, dances over a couple of sliding people, and rushes up the stairs after Torl, not caring who else is on the way. (running for a full movement of 120')

DM Jan 
Thursday January 16th, 2003 12:23:15 AM

As Torl runs toward a bedroom door on the upper landing, Gordo, Tionel and Drew charge upstairs, overtaken by the fleet feet of Turin. The two thieves aren't far behind.

At Gordo's cry - Torl turns, his lips twisting, about to give a retort. Thats when he runs smack bang into an old dwarf dressed in nothing but a towel, who's stepped outside the bedroom door to see what all the fuss is about.

Things seem to run in slow motion, as the mask is dropped, and it bounces and skids along the floor toward Turin, Gordo and Drew.

((Trying to catch it? Reflex DC 8 for Turin, DC 11 for Gordo and Drew))

Meanwhile, Syr and Bog's reconaissance reveals no particular escape route from the upstairs room Torl was heading for.

Tionel  d20+5=24
Thursday January 16th, 2003 1:56:13 AM

Tionel manages to actually stand amidst the incredible grease. He somehow skidders, rolls, and slides with the grace of an athlete over the bodies over to the edge of the spell. Combing his slicked hair back, he has a burst of inspiration and quickly hums a tune, attempting to charm the woman who's been helping Torl with a quick cantrip. (DC 14 to resist)

Thursday January 16th, 2003 5:48:02 AM

The elf looks around in frustration. With a yell he catches Bog's attention, "HEY! No way out... let's get back inside to see what's going on?"

Gordo  d20+6=20 d20+3=17
Thursday January 16th, 2003 8:59:56 AM

Gordo reaches down and neatly snatches up the mask (Reflex 20). "My ball!" he cries with a grin. Quick as a flash he stuffs the mask into his knapsack and looks for Lucky (Spot 17). He means to win this little game!

"Drew! Turin! Run interference for me! Block off any attacks if you can, and I'll see this thing got to Lucky over there! Get the others to do the same! Once we're all together we stand a better chance of holding on to it!"

He sets off at a run (Fast Movement, 40'), weaving and bobbing as he goes.

Turin  d20+5=25 d20=10 d20=1 d20+5=7
Thursday January 16th, 2003 3:49:10 PM

Turin grabs the mask easily, and ducks back down the stairs, and he goes down, he fakes handing it off to both Gordo and Drew (10 on the bluff check, accidentally hit it twice), and then hides it on his person, doing his best to fade into the crowd (hide check of 7)

Drew  d20+10=28
Thursday January 16th, 2003 4:24:09 PM

Unsure of who actually has the mask, but knowing that it is one of his friends, the big half-orc decides to clear a path to Syr and Bog. Moving quickly to the door, Drew uses his strength and size to plow through anyone in his way. (overrun/trip attack 28)

Thursday January 16th, 2003 11:10:06 PM

Bog shouts back to Syr, "S'no bothur. 'v bin called wors'n dat b'fore. Bog's wot dey uswally say."

He hurries after the other elf which still isn't very fast, as they head for the front door.

DM Jan 
Friday January 17th, 2003 1:44:22 AM

Syr runs back to the front, followed by Bog, hurrying to keep up.

Inside, despite all the mayhem - the group has managed to get their hands on the mask.
Drew brushes aside the two thieves, as only a half orc can, while Turin and Gordo head back downstairs as fast as their legs can carry them.

Torl is looking on with horror, but he's blocked from following by a rather irate dwarf who's demanding to know why he was interrupted in the middle of braiding his beard.

The girl has her beady eyes on Turin and is trying to follow him through the crowd. She is distracted however, by the sound of a tune, and she glances toward Tionel.

Back on the ground floor - the crowd appears to be a little confused as to what has happened. Some think its upstairs, some think it's down.

Gordo  d20=20 d20+5=20
Friday January 17th, 2003 8:48:30 AM

Sticking near to Turin Gordo pretends he has the mask (Bluff nat 20!). "Stay close, friends! Don't let them get near me!" he bellows, stuffing the non-existent mask in his pack.

He makes himself as big a target as possible, hoping to attract any intercepting attack towards himself, allowing Turin to reach Happy guarded by Drew and the others.

But he ensures that he keeps close enough to Turin to offer his help if the ruse is seen through (Aid Another, AC 20: +2 to Turin's AC if he is attacked).

Friday January 17th, 2003 11:06:30 AM

Turin follows behind Drew, and keeps the mask well hidden as he moves quickly.

Friday January 17th, 2003 3:31:49 PM

Syr's eyes glaze over for a moment as he tries to understand his new friend. Shaking his head, he moves to the entrance only to see his friends bulling their way out of the inn, "Bog, it's time to make use of that tip you gave the coach. Looks like it's time to leave!"

Believing Gordo has the mask, he runs interference with the crowd for him.

Friday January 17th, 2003 3:32:47 PM

Drew continues charging outside trusting the others to follow. Once outside, he makes his way towards the carriage.

Tionel  d20+2=5 d20+7=15 d20+4=12 d20+2=3
Friday January 17th, 2003 10:02:11 PM

Tionel attempts to see where the mask is and has no clue. (5)
Tionel whistles at the girl and motions for her to come to him...He asks her, "Wouldn't you rather just give up on the whole mask and join me for a drink?" He puts on his best air (Diplomacy 15) and smiles charmingly at her. When Torl finally finishes with the dwarf, seeing as the guy will probably furiously charging after Gordo and the others, he quickly moves through the crowd and tries to 'accidentally' stumble hard into their opponent (Really a bull rush, Bluff 12), attempting to push him into the grease-filled area. But knowing his luck, he probably just bounces off the human bullet that is Torl (Blech...3).

Saturday January 18th, 2003 2:34:55 AM

Bog Stands still scratching the fuzz on his chin and hmmms for a moment at Syr's words of wisdom. "Ygyotcha!" he calls back and separates himself from Syr's trail and doubles back to the coach.

"Hye, friend!" he yells to the coachman, "Winny say ngo. you ngo fest!"

He tosses up another silver piece and crawls inside the coach, leaving the door wide open behind him. He pops the bridge of his long nose over the edge of the window and peers out anxiously at the throng that throbs and pulses within the inn.

Fire! [DM Jerry] 
Saturday January 18th, 2003 6:04:52 AM

Suddenly as if in slow motion, Happy screams and begins running towards the greased area!

Noooo! AHhhhhhhh! NOoooo!

The dwarf with the towel meets up with the braided dwarf near the bottom of the stairs. Looking at each other in confusion they scream at each other trying to hear what the other is saying. Realizing the noise is great, they shrug, grin, put a table and bench up on their legs snd sit down. Both pull out a long pipe shaped like a dragon breathing. Both light their pipe.


[Glad to be back! Can you tell?]

Monday January 20th, 2003 3:55:06 PM

Unsure what is going on behind him, Gordo continues his dash for the gettaway vehicle.

Anthony as Drew 
Tuesday January 21st, 2003 1:25:39 AM

Drew continues to make his wat to the carrage. While looking to see who has the mask and that they are ahead of him and safe.

Tuesday January 21st, 2003 1:33:37 AM

Syr's head whips around at the explosion to see his friends emerging from the building. Waving both his hands he gets their attention and leads them to the carriage.

Tuesday January 21st, 2003 2:31:57 PM

Bog peers from over the carriage's windowledge. His widened eyes make room for his nose which slips back inside to safety.

"Git raady..." he mutters and waves an arm at the others.

Tuesday January 21st, 2003 3:36:14 PM

Turin just runs. Whatever that sound is, it can't be good.

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