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Scene 4: Torl's Doom

Turin Wins! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday January 21st, 2003 4:25:06 PM

The entire place lights up as the dwarves are suddenly lit up head to toe with fire. Lucky is calling for water one minute and then for everyone to evacuate a second later as he realizes it's too late.

Daphne takes Turin's hand as he leaves shouting, "The winner!....I think."

The party races outside and into the wagon. The ratwoman immediately gets the carriage racing at full speed heading for the upramp.

Diving out the window and quickly stealing a wagon nearby, Torl and his gang begin to give chase!

Behind them, two thieves on horseback race after Torl's wagon.

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 1:24:04 AM

Having just barely jumped onto the stoop of the carriage and grabbed the door before it took off, Tionel grins and waves his fist at Torl's gang on their wagon, playfully calling to them.
"HAH! You'll never catch us, you troll-kissing warty filthy whore-mongering worm eating dung-filled scathy vagabondish warthog blistering blue barnacled bull-headed brine-covered snake sheathing prissy porkchop rotten greedy backstabbing slug-nosed cowardous typically idiotic creeps! You'll catch us when a monkey-faced bandit marries the queen of faeries! Rats on the waterfront have to hide when you come, for the stench of your putrid sewer-washed flesh causes even the cockroaches to..."
Tionel continues on merrily, using many colorful vexations that hopefully cause crowds of drunks to cheer in amusement.

Syr  d20+5=7
Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 2:00:01 AM

Syr takes advantage of being the first one to the carriage and moves through it to the other door. Climbing up to join the driver, he tries to help with the team (Aid another dex check 7). Rather than helping, he seems to be getting in the driver's way. Exasperated, he ceases his efforts and just hangs on for the ride. Calling back to the others he asks, "I assume we have the mask? and more importantly, What did Turin win?"

Without waiting for an answer he yells back, "Gordo! Any ideas where we can go to make a stand?"

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 8:51:37 AM

"Yeeee-HAAAA!!" yells Gordo as the carriage rattles along at breakneck speed. He clings to the side, peering back at their pursuers. He grins at Tionel's colourful tirade (though he hopes no littleuns overhear his more choice epithets), then turns to Syr as he asks where best to go.

"w-w-well, son" he shouts over the clatter of cartwheels over cobbles, "When in doubt call in the Law, that's what I say. I reckon we head straight over to the nearest guardhouse and inform them we have rescued this stolen mask from a desperate gang, and wish to see it restored to its rightful owner. And, while we're at it, we want to see that self same gang (who pursue us even as we speak) placed behind bars. I'm sure they'd be interested to speak to our friend Torl again, after his recent escapades! Once that's all taken care of, we can talk to the owner of Dartt's Used Maskshop about buying the thing back fair and square, and taking it to our client. Never profit by another's misfortune, as my old mam used to say."

He looks around to check where they are. They seem to be heading for the upramp.

"I say we head for the Barracks Level, and the nearest guardhouse!"

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 9:11:06 AM

Drew seeing the other carrage chassing them leans out of the carrage and waits till they go through a tight passage with many people and then throws a huge handful of silver out into the street screaming "Free Silver!!!" Tossing it out into the street behind them hoping to cause a roadblock that the other carrage to get through.

50 silver

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 5:11:01 PM

Turin shakes his head. "You heard the story of this mask. Keep the mask out of it, just tell them these guys are chasing us."

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 4:26:26 AM

Bog stands up in the rumbling cart and begins pounding on the ceiling toward the front.

"Yoo cull this fahst?? Git a move-on missy'r you'll haf mer trubble'n dat'f dose broxyers 'f kichop ta yoo!"

He sits back down in his seat, almost pouting. "'nd dat war good sil'var too."

Crash! [DM Jerry] 
Thursday January 23rd, 2003 7:47:11 AM

Our favorite Rat-faced driver looks grinning back at Bog says, "Allright cutie! Ya got it!"

She hands the reigns to Syr and pulls two sugarcubes colored purple. "Watch this!"

She extends the sugar cubes to the horses on a forked stick with one cube stuck to each end.

The horses, evidently used to this tactic, each turn their head to eat the sweet with relish.

All of a sudden, each of them doubles their speed!!!

Tearing through the town the party goes on a wagon totally not meant to travel this fast!

It shakes!

It shimmies!

It....What's that cart doing there?

The cart is destroyed as the wagon tears through it. A scream is heard as a smallish human is thrown in the air over the wagon!

Holy Lem! I hope someone can catch her!

[This is Aleyna's (and Tiree's) re-entrance into the game folks. Welcome her back.....oh and save her please!]

Behind, Torl and the gang sends people scattering right and left.

Looking out to the side, you see the sun coming up. Almost immediately you hear the sound of trumpets! Dawn has come and the trumpets announce the start of the Mask Procession. However will our heroes get the mask to Lady Firiona in time now?!!!!

Gordo  d20+3=13
Thursday January 23rd, 2003 8:39:43 AM

"Look out for that-" begins Gordo, but too late. There is an almighty crash. As bits of wagon fly through the air he sees a small figure come sailing towards him. "Go limp, lass!" he yells, as he makes a grab for her (Dex 13).

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 8:59:17 AM

Drew keeps his silver and ruses out the door and looks about fo the scream and then rushes to her aid if need be.

Gordo  d20+3=13
Thursday January 23rd, 2003 9:03:01 AM

"Look out for that-" begins Gordo, but too late. There is an almighty crash. As bits of wagon fly through the air he sees a small figure come sailing towards him. "Go limp, lass!" he yells, as he makes a grab for her (Dex 13).

He looks up desperately towards the Gold Level, as the sun rises. So near and yet so far; he had no idea that dawn was so close! All they need to do is get to the Gold Level and show the ring hanging from the necklace about his neck to a guard up there and they will be escorted at once to the Lady Firiona.

"To the Gold Level!" he yells to the driver. As quick as you can!"

"Any of you folks back there have any spells you can use to slow those wronguns down?"

Tiree True  d20+11=25
Thursday January 23rd, 2003 11:49:56 AM


Thrown into the air, a scream tears itself from the girl's throat. Moving too fast to tell where she is going, does the best she can to keep herself from getting hurt and from landing heavily on anyone else (Tumble 25).

"Look out below!"

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 4:25:50 PM

Bog straightens up in surprise at the rat-woman's response. His face turns from crusted mud brown to crusted mud brown highlighted with a pale red.

"Shucks, missy," he says brushing back his hair and leaning forward, "say, yoo wanna goo anwar per aaftor dis?"

He looks back over his shoulder at Gordo, "Shhhhh, ahm bizzy wit dis heer wat."

Syr  d20+5=16
Friday January 24th, 2003 3:04:51 AM

Syr holds tightly to the reins as the rat-woman causes chaos in the streets with her sugar. The carriage careens wildly when he takes a hand off the reins to straighten his tiger mask. As the body flies up and over, he thinks for a second that he should know that person. Before he can figure out where, he turns his attention to steering (Handle Animal 16).

Shouting back, "Are you SURE that the best place for the mask is the authorities? Given it's history does anyone really own it?"

(HEY! Welcome back Aleyna!)

Friday January 24th, 2003 10:28:19 AM

Drew rushes out to check on Tiree...

Tionel  d20+1=5
Friday January 24th, 2003 4:29:00 PM

"Let's not go back to the authorities! We gotta get to the lady on the upper level! Quick! Full speed ahead!" The usually nimble elf then attempts to climb up to the front of the carriage, but nearly loses his grip and barely hangs on by the door...

To the Aid of The Lady! [DM Jerry] 
Friday January 24th, 2003 9:15:18 PM

As the party reaches Gold Level, they near the parade. Careening toward it in their wagon moving at incredible speed. they pass the crowd on either side who shout in alarm. You can just make out the Overlord in the distance, a look of surprise on his face at the renegade wagon coming his way out of control.

It is then that you hear a high pitched female voice in the crowd and a hanky waving in the air.

"Yahooooooo..." The sing song voice breaks through the crowd noise, "Overrrrr Heeeereya!"

There she is!

If only you can get to her before the Overlord reaches her place in the parade.

Saturday January 25th, 2003 12:36:19 AM

Turin hands the mask out to someone who can possibly throw it or hand it to the lady.

Saturday January 25th, 2003 11:49:03 AM

"EVERYONE OUT OF THE WAY!" Roars Gordo at the crowd as they come racing on. "Driver, aim for that waving hanky, and try not to flatten the owner!"

He clings on to the side of the carriage, trying to keep Lady F in sight through the eyeslits of his mask.

Tionel  d20+3=16
Saturday January 25th, 2003 2:48:50 PM

Tionel manages to pull himself back into the doorway of the carriage, barely. Hearing Gordo's roar, Tionel laughs. "Double-time it, my fair carriage-lady!" He looks to make sure the other carriage isn't too close, and if they are, will toss something at them...probably a boot. (16 to hit! Yay!)

Drew  d20+10=26 d20+11=27 d20+5=19
Monday January 27th, 2003 9:29:47 AM

Drew yells "Quick, give me the mask, I can make it to her!" Then once getting the mask he weaves his way through the crowd using all his skills where needed. Growling where it will do the most good, weaving and bobbing where that wont work and then where nothing else will work he simnply shoulders his way through.

Intimidate 26
Tumble 27
Strength 19

Monday January 27th, 2003 10:51:08 AM

Not sure exactly what has happened to her, Tiree sits where she landed (?) and tries to take everything in.

Syr  d20+7=21 d20+11=21
Monday January 27th, 2003 1:53:15 PM

The elf notices Tiree's confusion and takes a moment to excitedly fill her in, "BoyIsurehave missedyou!" He gives her a quick hug, "Basically, Drew has the Mask of Illgilon. The mask is magic and prevents the person wearing it from being chosen on Mask Day. We have been matched against a punk named Torl to return it to Lady Firiona. That's the Lady Drew is taking it to." With a final smile, "I gotta go help the big guy, bye!"

With that he leaps into the fray following the half-orc. (Jump 21, Tumble 21)

I need some help here! [DM Jerry] 
Monday January 27th, 2003 11:33:58 PM

Turin looks to hand off the mask. Gordo warns the crowd.

Drew takes the mask and dives off the side of the wagon. [Tumble or Reflex save of 18 to immediately come to your feet.]

Tiree having landed on top of the wagon must hold on for dear life as it careens towards the Overlord and his retinue!

Syr jumps off to help Drew. [Tumble or Reflex save of 18 to immediately come to your feet.]

The Ratwoman tries to bring the carriage to a stop. "I'm gonna crash it. Don't worry Overlord sir! I'm not like an assassin or anything!

"Oops I shouldn't have said that."

She pulls hard on the reigns, but her speed induced horses continue on!

"I need some help here!"

The rich lady in horror screams, "They are going to crash into the Overlord!"

Suddenly dozens of archers surrounding the Overlord in the procession draw their bows. Soldiers quickly begin to pull the Overlord to the side.

Gordo  d20+3=19 d20+2=15
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 5:16:03 AM

Despite knowing next to nothing about horses, Gordo's seen enough to know how to stop them.

Clambering round to the front of the carriage (Dex 19) he sits down next to ratwoman and bellows "WOOOAAAHH HORSIES!", tugging wildly on the reigns (Str 15).

"Was that right?" he asks of ratwoman, as the Overlord and his deadly guard of elite archers grow ever closer.

Drew  d20+11=23
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 9:15:12 AM

Drew tummbles up from the ground with the mask and keeps moving, looking back he sees the horses so he casts "Command" on one of the horses. "STOP!" He commands, and then without watching to see if works he continues on toward the lady.

Save DC (14 - 18 depending on how reasonable the request is.)

OOC: Im confused I thought our wagon fell to pieces, I allready thought we were on the ground.

Tiree  d20=12 d20+13=33
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 10:13:16 AM

Tiree holds on for dear life (Str 12, Balance 33, nat 20) on top of the carriage. She can hear voices inside that she recognizes and some she can't. She then sees Drew jump out and start running, something in his hand.

Able to do nothing for anyone other than herself, Tiree watches in horrified suspence to the going ons around her.

Syr  d20+5=22 d20+4=12
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 2:48:47 PM

Syr rolls as he lands and pops right up (Reflex 22). The elf doesn't slow as Drew pauses and plows into the tangle of bodies ahead of the half-orc trying to force a path through for him to follow (str 12).

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 3:43:17 PM

Bog looks in wonder at the girl that just dropped in, then looks up at the sky hoping for more. When no more arrive, he leans down to the frightened Tiree and mutters, "Soooo war yoo frum?"

He is jostled again by the reminder that he is in a speeding vehicle. He turns around and waves his hands about and claps, "Outta nuthin' cum raat here. Fly up dere 'n try to steer!"

[Cast Unseen servant, directing it to move forward and pull the horses's reins hard to the left trying to make them go right. (It grabs the reins about halfway between the horses and the ratwoman)]

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 5:02:33 PM

Turin rolls down and finds a good place to brace himself.

"Woah!" [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 8:17:14 PM

Between Gordo's efforts, and Bog's Unseen Sevant, the horses begin to skid to a stop.
[Everyone on board make a Reflex Save of 15 to not take 1d6 damage from the wagon as it careens to a stop and literally falls apart around you.]

Drew and Syr push forward to the lady and reach her.

Suddenly from behind, a second wagon is heard. "Woah!"

Bodies fly out the windows into the crowd as their wagon flies into the remains of the ratwoman's wagon.

Syr sees his life pass in front of his eyes as a man he's pushing to the side is all of a sudden chosen by the Overlord's Crown to serve underneath. He as in a daze walks out into the street and towards the Overlord.

Tiree  d20+8=15
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 11:06:59 PM

Tiree is barely able to keep from hurting herself as the carriage falls apart beneath her (Reflex 15).

She moves around checking on the others from the carriage underneath her to see if they're hurt. Not knowing that the ones that come crashing in are the "bad guys" she checks on them as well.

Tionel  d20+5=20
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 2:09:43 AM

Tionel screeches (very much like a girl) as the carriage rocks back and forth. He manages to grab onto the doorknob and hold onto it, his soft slippers not giving him much purchase on the ground.

Gordo  d20+6=12 d6=2
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 6:39:13 AM

Gordo is taken by complete surprise by the sudden halt of the carriage, and goes sailing over the top of the two horses. Luckily he lands on his head (2HP).

Staggering to his feet he sees the second carriage arriving, and moves to intercept anyone trying to pursue Drew and Syr. "No way through here, boys." he says. "The contest is over."

Wednesday January 29th, 2003 9:03:00 AM

Drew upon recognizing the woman hands the mask over to her.

Turin  d20+5=14 d6=6
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 12:53:10 PM

Turin gets thrown much like a cannonball into the crowd, and, dazed, figures on the ground is a good place to stay for now.

Syr  d20+9=27
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 2:47:20 PM

The elf stands stunned for a moment as the man is chosen right beside him. As he stands gaping the thought of leaving his friends crosses his mind and he mumbles, "no, tiree just came back...." Realizing his situation, he checks his tiger mask and then tries to blend in with the crowd (hide 27). He then watches as Drew hands over the mask. Quietly he whispers to her, "Milady, you mentioned something about a reward...?"

Bog (Down 5 hp)  d20+3=9 d6=5
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 3:52:10 PM

Bog smiles a crackly smile as he turns around to the lady.

"Y'see? Thotwarn't nuttin. Naw...war war we?"

As Bog turns around he realizes to his dismay that the lady is no longer there. In fact, the seats, floor, ceiling, and walls have gone. Strangely all he does see is a crowd of people some 10 feet below him and a cart racing through an area with 4 wagon wheels and the former walls of their carriage. He ponders this strange turn of events as he continues sailing through the air and then lands on a man carrying a goat.

"Thank ye sir fir breckin' my fall. Aaaaaaow!"

Mission Accomplished? [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 11:22:46 PM

Drew gives Lady Firiona the mask and she quickly dons it, losing the one she was wearing. Soldiers rush forward clearing the wagons from the road and pulling all those in the street from both wagons to the side and begin asking them questions.

Then from nowhere, from above someone grabs the mask. Turning visible and floating above, Torl laughs in triumph, putting on the mask.

Suddenly a shaft of light, like lightning, shoots from the crown of the Overlord and streaks up into the sky hitting the Mask of Illgilon.

Torl screams, "NOOOOOOOOO!"

Slowly and surely, Torl and the mask are drawn into the group beside the Overlord who have been chosen.

Like a marionette, he walks behind the Overlord as he proceeds down the street.

Unmasked, Lady Firiona faints from shock.

Syr  d20+7=14
Thursday January 30th, 2003 1:30:28 AM

Seeing Lady Fionna wilt, Syr moves to catch her (Reflex 14). Looking over at Drew he asks, "I thought the mask was supposed to prevent one from being chosen?"

Thursday January 30th, 2003 2:55:36 AM

Tionel laughs at the whole thing...He laughs and laughs, and claps Syr on the back. "That's what she thought, too... I guess the mythical mask is a bit different than we thought it'd be! I just wonder if we'll still get paid... Say, you okay there, Gordo? You hit those flagstones pretty hard..."

Gordo  d20+3=20
Thursday January 30th, 2003 7:23:05 AM

"Nothing to worry about, lad" laughs Gordo back at Tionel, rubbing his head. "You'd need a sledgehammer to crack this nut!"

He too is highly amused (if slightly confused) at the irony of this turn of events. But he's never been one for losing sleep over things he doesn't understand. "He places Lady F's discarded mask back on her face, and kneels at her side attempting to bring her round (Heal 20).

"Come on there lass, time to wake up. Looks like everything worked out for the best, eh?" he says still chuckling, part of him glad that Torl has finally got his come-uppance, part of him feeling sorry for the boy.

Drew  d20+6=15
Thursday January 30th, 2003 9:14:16 AM

Drew suddenly concerned kneels and fans the lady checking her pulse and tempature. (Heal Check 15) Then looking at Syr "Superstisions all of it. I would warrent that appearing from being invisable above everyones head and placing a mask on your face while laughing maniacaly would draw much attention to you."

Thursday January 30th, 2003 10:37:16 AM

After taking care of the people around her, Tiree makes her way toward Drew and Syr. Looking at her two brothers, she tries for a flippant tone. "So what's been going on? Did you miss me?"

Thursday January 30th, 2003 1:26:16 PM

Turin sort of sits there, dazed, watching what he can through the crowd.

Thursday January 30th, 2003 7:10:54 PM

Bog gets up and rubs his backside. Making his way through the crowd, he returns to the company of his traveling companions.

"Sssssay thar, frends. Whazit all dese here actin so fonny? All Zombish and such.", he says pointing at Torl.

::SMOOOOOCH::! [DM Jerry] 
Thursday January 30th, 2003 7:55:50 PM

Lady Firiona comes to quickly and thanks the party by kissind Drew full on the lips in exuberance.


"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"My heroes!"

"Hey girls! Meet my new friends and heroes!

They are orphans! How cool is that!"

Soon the party is surrounded by fat rich women hugging them and pinching their cheeks and kissing them and thanking them and squeezing coins in their pockets as they pat your heads and run their fingers through your hair.

Friday January 31st, 2003 3:12:56 AM

Amid the hugging and pinching the elf makes time to address Tiree, "Miss you? What's your name again? I think I know you from somewhere?" Grinning like an idiot, he spares a hug for the girl.

"Let's see, what's new? Well, appearantly our neighbor upstairs just decided to join the ranks of the overlord. Can I stake a claim on his now vacant bedroom? Anyway, we've been playing tag with him for a while." Syr shrugs nonchalantly.

Nudging the half-orc, "Drew here, has become fond of making speeches and I think he's finally coming out of his shell."

Nodding to the big man, "You probably recall Gordo from when he helped out the orphanage years ago. For an OLD guy, he's okay."

"The laughing elf is Tionel, decent set of pipes that one and more importantly, he seems to know the songs that Mother Flauset wouldn't let us hear." He grins and winks at Tiree.

Shaking Turin's shoulder's "Turin, you okay there?"

Wrinkling his nose, "Lastly, our newest friend is 'Bog'?" Turning to Bog, "What kinda name is that, a nickname or birthname? Anyway, he's probably the reason we don't want to take a coach back. No one wants to sit next to him." Clapping his arm across Bog's back, he tries to show he means nothing by his comments.

Friday January 31st, 2003 10:44:00 AM

As soon as Tiree speaks Drews eyes fly open and he whirls around "Tiree!!" He screams and then leaps to his feet dumping the poor lady ontt Syr and hugging poor Tiree in his crusshing arms and laughing then just as suddenly he screams out "Firiona!!!" and drops Tiree and cradles the l;ady again tring to discover if she is all right as she comes too and kisses him Drew turns a violent shade of embarressed purple. The more pincing and cuddling that is bestowed upon the half orc the purpler his face becomes. Mostly he stands and takes it all the while holding his tounge and staring at the ground.

Friday January 31st, 2003 1:43:24 PM

Unlike the others, Tionel actually enjoys being kissed and stuffed with money by fat rich women, so he returns the favors with many bows, gracious and charming smiles, and kisses on the cheeks of his own. "Thank you, my beautiful, kind ladies. We try to do our best." Having no clue what exactly he's talking about (but at least it sounds polite and nice), he blabs on like that to the women.

Friday January 31st, 2003 5:34:51 PM

Turin, having finally got to his feet, says, "Uhhh, yeah. I think. Was that Torl that went off with the Overlord?"

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