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Tuesday February 4th, 2003 1:23:55 PM

A treasure Hunt? Hmmm sounds interesting. I think i go to the Happy Harpy to see that smiling Pete

Smilin' Jack (DM Donna) 
Tuesday February 4th, 2003 2:34:44 PM

(OOC: thank you, Greg, for helping the game out when I needed you. Now--let's rock, Wildcards!)

An out-of-breath footman knocks before promptly bursting into the shared parlor of the area inhabited by the Wildcards.

"The Jack--he's ready t'make his announcement--he'd be right well pleased if'n ya go to the public hall!" he blurts out, then turns and scurries for the door. He pauses just as he skids through.

"Oh, yeah--*I* won th'pool!" the grinning servant adds, then runs off.

According to the clock, it's a good 20 hours or so since the Jack first ensconced himself with the three Kings of the Islands. Their debate lasted all that time, and now you are about to hear their decision.

Inside the public audience chamber, the Jack--resplendent in a red velvet coat and fine lawn ruffled shirt--paces up and down instead of sitting in the throne-like chair that is there. Once the Wildcards arrive, he goes to Rigging and firmly clasps the canny mage's hand with both of his.

"We had us a full-on shoutin' match, that we did, me bucko," the Jack says, "The King o' Coins was wantin' to dose all of the major heads of the temples of Ga'al, while King Swords was just as keen as t'keep all the potion here for researchin'. The third King was th'Voice of Reason, though--she pointed out there was more'n enough potion to split th'difference...thus do I have a present for ye..!" The Jack bellows loud, and a page runs into the room with a basket containing five bottles.

"We be keepin' the research potion in that fancy bottle ye got in Isildur." he tells you. "We put five separate doses into five regular potion bottles--Rushcant made sure that they lost NONE of their effectiveness...but she warns ye that these aren't magicked vessels like the Feybelle bottle...they can be unmagicked if'n a spellcaster of the right level makes the attempt. Otherwise, they are five doses of Heart Healin' potion...an' I be happy to say that you all may use them as YOU see fit. I trust yer judgement, maties...I just know ye'll use 'em fer the best!" The Jack of Trumps grins and slaps Rigging's back.

"Now--I got me own ship to tend to, me fine pirates--I'll leave ye to yer rest an' relaxation...little birdies of th' mansion tell me that ye plan to visit the Happy Harpy Tavern, an' I can heartily recommend it!" With this, the Jack winks at you and takes his leave in a swirl of fine velvet and spicy cologne.

You are free to follow up on your stated plans to go to The Happy Harpy.

Tuesday February 4th, 2003 9:01:21 PM

Congratulations on your restart! Enjoy the game! (Donna delete this in a few days. ;)

Tuesday February 4th, 2003 10:05:17 PM

The young paladin grins from ear to ear as the Jack makes the decision of the council public to the WildCards, though she is baffeled by the idea of being in control of five doses. She smiles wickedly and pats Rigging on the back.

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 9:26:25 AM

Rigging feels a conflict of emotions rush through him mind. Joy at being able to save 5 indiviuals from the heartseed. He also feels the crush of responsibility on having to protect the doses and choose 5 worthy individuals.

Rigging reaches forth and accepts the basket. "Thank you my Jack," he murmurs and bows.

"Wildcards, Please attend me for a moment." Rigging will walk to his and Ashira's room. He will turn to his family and say, "I want to divide these up without prying eyes. Protect these with all your bravery and honor." The mage hands out a potion to Val, Bart, Ashira, Redux and Ari. "Appolo, it up to you and I to protect the others. Takes a thief to catch one," Rigging says with a grin.

Rigging suddenly grins, "Who wants a drink? I am ready to head over to the Happy Harpy. If the Jack recommends it, it has to be good. He seems to know his bars."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 11:44:01 AM

Moving into the audience chamber Ari listens to what the Jack has to say.

Happy that the family was able to get 5 doses back, Ari then takes his dose when Riggings gives it back to him.

Since the Jack recommended it and there might not be time for another outing of the family. Ari decides that he'll join the gang at the Happy Harpy.

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 1:00:56 PM

The healer is able to rejoin the party in the public hall in time for the Jack's announcement. He is pleased with their decision.

Once Rigging distributes the remaining vials, Akerin says, "It is wise to place each egg in a separate basket. And I shall join you, Rigging and Appolo, in protecting those baskets, though I do not profess to being a thief."

As plans are discussed for where to go, Akerin pulls from his sleeve a straight, deep brown wooden wand. "Alemi has blessed me and, I trust, all of us, in allowing me to create this wand. It can heal the hurts we sustain." He turns to Ashira. "Are you able to heal wounds? That is, do you know the power to cure light wounds? If so, I may have something for you." He turns to the rest of the party. "Or, if there are any others among us with the power, we have another wand, of similar effect, that one of you can use."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 1:31:00 PM

Val wonders what the treasure hunt will be like. It might be fun to let go for a few hours and engage in some meaningless fun. Not that they haven't already. If the treasure hunt turns out to be a bust she could always sneak off somewhere with Appolo.

"So does anybody know anything about this treasure hunt?"

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 3:30:39 PM

Ashira takes the vial and tucks it in a VERY safe place in her backpack. "I will protect it with my life," she says to no one in particular.

When Akerin asks about her healing ability, Ashira blushes. "Ummm... no, my lord Alemi has not seen fit to give me that ability yet. Ari can though." Oddly enough, Ashira seems to be ashamed of this lack in her abilities.

At Rigging's suggestion of the Happy Harpy, Ashira brightens. "Yes, a night out on the town would be fun." She turns to gather a few of her things when she notices the package lying on her bed. A very curious expression on her face, Ashira inspects the box, then opens it. Finding her armor inside, Ashira looks slightly confused. A smile slowly spreads over her face, and she catches Valanthe's face. Nudging Rigging, she says, "I think I smell a rat."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 3:45:40 PM

OOC: Oops sorry Akerin. Knew I was forgetting someone. Only got 4 hours sleep last night and it is showing.

[No prob. I understand sleep deprivation. -Kim] :-)

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 7:18:45 PM

Appolo listens to the Jack, nodding in agreement with the decision.

He then joins the rest of the group with Rigging and again nods in agreement with Rigging's decision.

When the talk turns to the treasure hunt, Appolo says, "Well let's go, we got a treasure hunt to win."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 11:13:24 PM

Redux accepts the potion from Rigging with a smile. "May Wardd smile on our adventures and lead the recipients of this nectar of Alemi to our path. Ya know the bright side of all of this, don't you? Two things. Replicating the potion will be a boon to our cause. And this way we only have to find 5 people, not 10; that either makes it more valuable or easier to get rid of. Let's be off for more smiles as a family--off to the Happy Harpy and find out more about this treasure hunt."

Thursday February 6th, 2003 3:09:16 AM

"No, Ashira - do not feel this way," Akerin tells the green-complected half elf. "In his time, I am confident he will vouchsafe to you this skill. For you are a woman of noble spirit."

On the way to the Happy Harpy, the monk makes inquiries of his friends to see if he can find out from them what this contest is all about.

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