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To continue, or to rest? (ADM Matt) 
Friday January 24th, 2003 11:27:26 AM

Thr girl doesn't stop crying in K'Nara's arms to verbally answer, but does shake her head no. Olana's investigation of the other cages also turns up no other children.

Orson looks much better after Bertram recites the scroll, and Bertram heals his own wounds as well, both those caused in this battle, and the one caused at his capture.

Everyone stands in the small temple, the only obvious exits being the hole in the ceiling the snake attempted to escape through, and of course the way you came in. Who knows however, what other things may be discovered with a more detailed investigation of the room.

Lian (Cat's Grace, dex 22), 8 CON (-2), 32 of 32(39) 
Saturday January 25th, 2003 6:08:17 AM

The monk sits, meditating, until a decision is made about what the Talons will do next.

Milo (bull's strength, levitate)(sub Jay) 
Saturday January 25th, 2003 6:14:44 AM

After Milo has handed out his few potions to the select Talons, he sits and waits for the Talons leader to make up her mind.

"Not that I'm impatient, but we should check the higher recesses of this building, soon."
Then hearing Figments statement about the fate of the serpent, Milo yawns.
"Well, okay then." He begins to unbundle his sleeping gear.

Maloray (15 HP of 47, but 7 lost due to -2 CON) 
Saturday January 25th, 2003 8:47:59 AM

The half-elf seems to be in kind of a daze, wandering about, lost in thought, as he cleans and rewraps his father's sword.

Saturday January 25th, 2003 10:38:01 AM

The mage activates his Detect Magic and he goes around the room examining everything he can see or that anyone uncovers.

Olana  d20+13=26 d20+17=32
Monday January 27th, 2003 2:24:39 AM

Olana also takes a good look around, after coming to the conclusion that no more children are locked away in those cages.

((Spot check dc 26, Search check dc 32))

"Hey, there's quite a lot of coins here," she says, poking at the clay pots.

Monday January 27th, 2003 9:23:18 AM

"I'd like to know what these...things here were trying to do." K'Nara said, nodding towards the corpses of the yuan-ti and company. "As I have my hands full, I'm relying on the rest of you to completely search this immediate area for any kind of clues." The warrior woman cradles the sobbing girl a little awkwardly, but with a fierce kind of empathy as well. "We should also see what's inside these other, ahhh, structures as well." She glanced pointedly at the smaller structures (they were square structures labeled "Building 1" and "Building 2" on previous combat maps.)

Milo (bull's strength, levitate) 
Monday January 27th, 2003 3:29:36 PM

Milo smiles over at Olana... "Hey... that's my line. I must be slipping. I didn't even think to look." Milo nods at K'nara in understanding, and then begins searching for any clues as to the snake-mens' purpose here, beyond kidnapping that is. (OOC: Milo 'takes 20' to search the area as thoroughly as possible that hits DC 30)

Ingrge Mirror image (4 additional images, cat's grace) 
Monday January 27th, 2003 4:55:35 PM

Aiding with the search, all 5 Ingrges approach Bldg #1 and peer in.

Brother Bertram  3d8(4+5+4)+7=20
Monday January 27th, 2003 7:53:58 PM

Bertram approaches Lian and lays his hands upon his pale friend. He prays to remove any leftover effects from the poison and for healing for his friend.

(OOC will trade Divine Power for Restoration, then trade Magical Vestments for Cure Serious Wounds 20 Points)

No Exit? (ADM Matt) 
Monday January 27th, 2003 11:03:04 PM

K'Nara continues to sooth the young girl, who quiets down finally after a few minutes. She orders everyone else to begin a search, though many have already begun that. A search of the out two buildings offers little information, those containing only two beds, and a few spare arrows. "*Sniff*, can I go home now?" The girl quietly asks K'Nara as the other begin their searching.

Those who search the interior of the room turn up very little beyond what was initially visible. The exit through the ceiling, and the doors the talons entered remain the only ways out, even under the carful searching of Olana and Milo. The clay pots stacked in the corner ALL seem to contain coinage, which could house quite a fortune, though there seems to be alot of copper and silver mixed in along with gold. Four small humanoid skulls are also found within the stacked pots, and other bones can also be seen, here and there. Investigating the treasure pile first, Olana also finds what looks like shedded skin from a very large snake, some older ones broken up and mixed with the coins, and a fairly new skin coiled around the jars, winding its way toward the top.

The altar in the center of the room draws the most attention though, as it may hold information. It is a large circular stone table, crafted once again in the demonic snake scheme that the Talons are almost getting used to. Atop it runes are carved into a circle around the circumfrance of the circle, and another larger symbol in the center. What seems to be dried blood cakes the cakes the entire top surface of the altar. With a closer look, what seems to be small chips are missing around the middle of the circle, as if hacked at with a sharp instrument of some sort. Suprisingly, a sharp instrument of some sort lies near the edge of the altar, a wavely cerimonial dagger, the end also stained with blood. Milo's keen eyes spot a hidden shelf underneath the large stone slab, holding a small bag resting on a few sheets of old parchment.

After some investigating is done, Figment fires up his detect magic, scanning across the room. Unfortunately, he finds no magical auras at all, besides the ones his fellow talons, and Bertram brought with them.

Bertram considers healing his friend Liam, but finds he doesn't have the proper energies attuned for the day.
OOC:Unless a Wold 'house rule' that I know not of, you cannot spontaneous cast cleric spells into Restoration spells, only into 'cure' spells. That is, spells specifically having 'cure' in the name (Cure Minor Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, etc.). You cant for instance, spon. cast even a Heal or Healing Circle spell. I may be missing that house rule, and if it is there, then Bertram will of course heal Liam's Con and Hp damage. Let me know if this is so, please, one of you DM types :)

Lian (Cat's Grace, dex 22), 8 CON (-2), 32 of 32(39) 
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 12:00:32 AM

OOC: Due to loss of Con, LIAN'S hit points are down.

Lian continues to meditate while the others search, he'll stay put until someone decides to nudges him awake.

Milo (bull's strength) 
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 2:31:41 AM

Milo picks up the small bag, setting it on the ground next to his feet. He then reaches in, and practicing extreme care, due to their age, he removes the sheets of old parchment. "I've found something here folks," the halfling speaks up to anyone that may be listening.

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 8:17:01 AM

"We will get you home very soon now, little one." K'Nara promised the girl. "We need to make sure that this place no longer holds any threat to you and your home." After the subsequent investigation turned up relatively few other clues, the tall human female frowned contemplatively.

"We need to get the girls home." K'Nara said firmly. "I don't know if anyone else here has the strength or the backpack space to carry the contents of these jars--we can leave them and come back after we've rested and recovered.

"I definitely need a volunteer to carry..." K'Nara's voice trailed off and her hazel eyes fixed pointedly on the tiny body of the girl who'd been killed by the arrows of the enemy. "We also need to figure a way to get everyone up out of the exit."

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 12:26:02 PM

"Are we sure that leads out?" Orson mentions, glancing towards the hole. "As for carrying the jars out, I'd say theres at least a good 1000 lbs. of coin there, don't think we need to be weighing ourselves down with that until we are sure its safe."

Following K'Nara's gaze, Orson moves and picks up the dead child solemnly. "And we could just go out the way we came..." Orson says, glancing back toward the darkness still covering the other end of the cavern.

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 9:52:38 PM

Viewing the other 4 dead children, the mage glowers. "We need to take the remains to the villagers. They need to know to what happened to their kids... I'd say we take the gold and leave the rest for the others to come and get. I also think we need to see where the tunnel in the ceiling goes - to make sure there is no more complex left.".

Brother Bertram 
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 11:47:54 PM

Bertram grimaces and looks to Lian apologetically. "I am sorry Friend Lian, but alas I dont believe I will be able to heal you. Remain strong and we will get you healed."

Olana  d20+17=24 d20+13=29
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 12:11:47 AM

Olana's nose wrinkles up as she finds the snakeskin.
"Ewww..... hey Ingrge, Figment," she asks while examining it. "Do either of you need this kind of thing for your spells?

"Please be careful, Milo," she whispers as her halfling friend examines the bag.

As for the hole in the ceiling -

"You know - if that was a quick way out of here - it would save an awful lot of time and energy, not to mention having to renegotiate that pit."

She has a closer look with a torch, wondering if there are hand holds cut in it or something.

((Search DC 24, Spot DC 29))

Lian (Cat's Grace, dex 22), 8 CON (-2), 32 of 32(39) 
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 5:22:44 AM

The monk simply shakes his head to confirm he heard Bertram.

Tunnel leads up and out (ADM Matt) 
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 1:44:57 PM

Olana's search of the tunnel reveals the small groove winding its way up along the walls of the shaft, and it would make perfect hand and foot holds for someone who tried to climb.

Figment further investigates the tunnel making use of his still active flight spell, discovering it shoots straight to the surface, though curves slightly at the entrance, concealed in an outcropping of rocks.

Milo lifts the small bag carfully, setting it to the side. As he lifes it and sets it down, small sounds like rock sliding against rock, or maybe glass against glass, can be heard from the bag. Retrieving the papers, Milo finds them in sturdy condition, despite how old they seem. He is unable to make out the writing upon them, looking somewhat like draconic symbols, but nothing recognizeable.

Milo (bull's strength) 
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 5:46:50 PM

Holding the papers up, "Hey guys... there are some papers with strange writing here, though I can't make it out... Anybody else wanna give it a shot... how about you Ingrge?" Then setting the parchment down on the floor, Milo begins to investigate the bag, looking up at Olana, he smiles, "Don't worry... its me." The halfling opens it very carefully to get a view of its contents.

Wednesday January 29th, 2003 6:58:20 PM

As Figment checks out the tunnel, Ingrge goes over and checks out the parchments that Milo has found. Taking a quick look at them he turns to the others. I will be the last one out of here. And I will make sure that the alter no longer exists. Let's go."

Maloray (HP 27) CON -2 poison  2d8(2+8)+2=12
Wednesday January 29th, 2003 11:56:47 PM

The half-elf shakes himself out of his daze and swigs down the Cure Moderate Wounds potion provided by Milo.

Glancing around, he sees the group's present dilemma.

"If it would help matters, Orson and I could run the young human quickly back to her parents, while the rest of you stay here and investigate. We'll return when we see her safely home."

Lian (Cat's Grace, dex 22), 8 CON (-2), 32 of 32(39) 
Thursday January 30th, 2003 8:58:06 AM

The monk, with his eyes shut, responds to the Maloray.
"Maloray, my young barbaric cousin-kin, you are quite impatient. In the Talons, we all go or we all stay. We do not leave behind our friends, no matter how dire. The young one travels with us all."
Silent once more, the monk remains sitting until a travel plan can be arranged.

Olana  d20+12=28 d20+13=27
Thursday January 30th, 2003 10:51:47 AM

"I say we all saddle up and get out of here through this vertical shaft. There's enough of us to carry the children and some gold. I can climb up and secure a rope to help with the climbing for everyone else."
She winks and smiles at the little girl.
"Almost home," she says.

Olana will offer to take some of the gold, leaving her hands free, and then attempt to scale the shaft and attach a rope at the top.

((Climb check DC 28, Rope Use check DC 27))

Out of the Snakes Lair (DM Matt) 
Friday January 31st, 2003 5:06:06 PM

K'Nara agrees with the retreat up the tunnel, not wishing to navigate the pit again.

With the groove providing effective hand and foot holds, Olana quickly and easily makes it up the 50ft. of tunnel, securing the rope to the rocks that hide the tunnels exit.

Meanwhile, down below Milo investigates the pouch, as Ingrge examines the parchments. It wasn't glass he heard shift within the bag, but jewels, the bag containing a multitude of small precious stones. Like Milo, Ingrge cannot make out the script on the papers, but is sure it is some language closely related to draconic.

Following K'Nara's orders, and after those who wish to load up on coin do so, the Talons slowly begin their climb to the surface, and after a while everyone safely reaches the top of the tunnel, standing now in a small opening with a light forest.

Bertram recognizes the spot, being the same place he had set up camp two nights prior, and had been ambushed by the snake creatures. They should be about 3 miles east of Edenmoor.

Ingrge  14d6(5+6+5+5+3+6+5+5+3+4+5+3+6+2)=63 7d6(4+3+6+5+6+3+4)=31 7d6(6+6+4+5+6+4+4)=35
Friday January 31st, 2003 7:26:48 PM

Putting the parchments away Ingrge turns to leave. As the others make their way up the tunnel to the outside, Ingrge waits and starts up last.

As soon as everyone is out of the way and He has started up he sends two Lightening bolts arcing into the center of the Alter. (63 points)

As he makes it halfway up the tunnel he lets off a Fireball to cave-in the tunnel behind him.(31 points)

As he exits the tunnel he backs everyone up and sends yet another fireball arcinginto the tunnel to yet again make it impassable. (35 points)

Friday January 31st, 2003 9:30:09 PM

The mage watches Ingrge's work. "Not shabby... not shabby at all...". He helps the others get to the top.

Milo (bull's strength) 
Saturday February 1st, 2003 1:11:00 AM

Milo looks up from the pouch, "Gems... found some gems folks... I wonder if any of them are magical." Slipping the pouch into his own pack, Milo leaves that rumination for later, and exits the unholy site with the rest of the group, leaving Ingrge to defile the altar as he chooses.

Closed for good (DM Matt) 
Sunday February 2nd, 2003 11:12:16 PM

Everyone finishes up the climb to the surface, a few people making a couple trips to get the rest of the treasure from the room. Ingrge's magic streaks across the alter, collapsing the small structure, incinerating everything not made of stone. After everyone is out, His fireball does indeed collapse the lower portions of the tunnel, and his second makes little work of the entrance.

It is late afternoon, and only a short 3 mile trek back to Edenmoor, though the amount of coinage that was recovered weighes everyone down considerably. For simplicity, Ill assume there is enough pack space for it all :)

K'Nara still holds the living child, who has fallen asleep, exhausted from all that has occured.

Lian, still not feeling well 
Monday February 3rd, 2003 4:56:55 AM

The monk carries his share of treasure, but not before groaning about it. He offers to carry the child.
After the hike, Lian simply says, "I need to rest."

Milo (bull's strength)  d20+11=13 d20+12=18
Monday February 3rd, 2003 3:30:33 PM

Thankful for the bull's strength spell about now, Milo hauls all the treasure he can carry, and still keeps his eyes out for enemies and assailants along the way. (OOC: Spot and Listen checks at DCs 13 and 18 respectively)

Brother Bertram 
Monday February 3rd, 2003 9:20:02 PM

Bertram reaches for the load the Lian carries. "Friend Lian, let me lighten your load as much as I can. It pains me to see you suffer until Domi restores my healing to me. Perhaps all of us can split up your load even more. I am willing to bear more for my friend!"

Monday February 3rd, 2003 9:49:34 PM

The mage carries the dead child with great effort - both in physical and mental exertion.

Monday February 3rd, 2003 10:54:28 PM

"Well I'm glad we put a stop to that!" says the elf, her voice laced with righteous indignation as Ingrge blows the place up.

She heads with the others back to Edenmoor, carrying what she can.

Tuesday February 4th, 2003 2:42:46 PM

The human bladesinger made sure that everyone was together and headed straight for their host's house. She told the man that the Talons had fought to free the captive girls, and were lucky to free the lone living child. K'Nara expressed her condolences about the fate of the children killed by the strange snake-worshipping cult.

"I hope we can try to find out a little more from the girl we rescued," the leader of the Emerald Talons added, "But she's still rather upset by what's happened just now."

Tuesday February 4th, 2003 6:02:21 PM

Walking along with the others, Ingrge is mostly silent and then lets out an audible curseand hurries over to Figment. "Hey is there any way, while your fly spell is still active, you could zip over to the entrance to that cursed place and destroy it as well so that place truly can't be used again. I took care of the alter and the exit, but I forgot all about where we came in. As it is it can stil be used, and I am all out of offensive spells."

If Figment agrees, Ingrge will relieve him of his physical burdens until he returns.

Tuesday February 4th, 2003 10:36:10 PM

The mage shrugs at Ingrge's suggestion. "I'm afraid I'm about in the same boat you are, my friend. Perhaps it would be better to let the villagers decide if they would like to examine the place themselves anyway. If they don't I'll be happy to oblige tomorrow after I replentish."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 2:05:17 AM

"I am going to find someplace to rest."

OOC: Isn't posting supposed to be more regular than this? Just a concern.

Back in Edenmoor (DM Matt) 
Wednesday February 5th, 2003 2:51:27 AM

The Emerald Talons make their way back to Edenmoor without incident. Several townspeople see them enter town, and can be seen running off in the direction of Dak's house. As they make their way and finally arrive at the residence, they have acquired quite a crowd, both of curious townfolk, and the saddened look of hopeful parents, hoping to see their children again.

Dak rushes out of the home once the Talons are in view, hoping for the best and fearing the worst. "Jane!" he cries, sprinting to scoop the young girl from her carrier, clutching her close against him. "Thank you so much!" After a moment of silence just holding his daughter, he passes the girl to her worried mother. "What of the others?" he asks quietly, his eyes then resting on the body of the dead child in Figments arms. After an answer, he turns, shaking his head towards a man standing a little ways off, who begins to comfort his wife who breaks into tears.

"Well, you must all be exhausted. Please use the home we offered before for as long as you need. And please join my family again for dinner, its the least we can do. You can tell me of what happened then." The father of the dead child solemnly take the girls body, clutching her dead form as he finally breaks down and begins to cry as well. Dak once again leads the talons to the homestead they slept in the night before, again asking the talons to join him for dinner.

After any conversation, the Talons unpack, rest a while, and sort through what was found. The funds looted from the pots total around 30,000gp (Actually, EXACTLY 30,000 gp), and Milo's bag contains 50 gems, mostly bloodstones, but a few Emeralds, and over a half dozen yellow topaz.

Also everyone gains 3,500 XP. Please update you character sheets, XP and treasure (however it is decided to be divided), and then send the updated sheet to me at xellos_mt@hotmail.com. Thanks.

Also, Very sorry about the spuratic and minimal posting. Yes I should be posting more that I have the last few days. Have been doing inventory at work last week and finishing it up this week, so very little time to check and post at work. Plus I've been having major computer problems at home, and finally just did a full reformat.

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 7:00:32 AM

After resting awhile and shortly after the loot is counted, the monk states his opinion on what should be done with the gems and gold.

"Well, I believe, and of course this is my NON professional opinion, but I think we should divide the gold among us evenly, setting aside the odd hundred or more for the villagers who lost a child. The gems should be appraised I think, and then cashed in for the gold, which should also go to the childrens familiies, unless the magic users need them for spells... or something."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 1:57:16 PM

Orson nods in agreement with Lian. "The old mans right, we should give what we can to help those who lost their children." He spends most of his relaxation time cleaning up his armor and weapons, wiping off both the snakemen's greenish blood, as well as his own.

Also, introducing himself to Bertram, "The names Orson. So you used to travel with this fine group of people here? And thanks again for the healing, thought I was in trouble there for a while."

Brother Bertram 
Wednesday February 5th, 2003 3:07:24 PM

Bertram offers his hand up to Orson. "Well met Friend Orson. I did indeed find myself forunate enough to travel with the Talons for quite a bit of time. As for your healing, think nothing of it. It is what a Priest of Domi is supposed to do. I just wish that I had been able to heal Friend Lian's afflictions as well. I must pray and see what can be done to remedy his illness."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 8:11:43 PM

Getting back to Edenmoor with the others, Ingrge doesn't much take part in the counting of gold and such and after a brief time playing with several children remembers the parchments from the temple. Knowing that he couldn't read them he checks with Figment and Bertram to see if they have any clue as to what they are.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 1:30:48 AM

The monk finds a calm corner to meditate in and rests until Bertram can heal him. He doesn't talk much more over the course of the night.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 3:15:54 AM

After returning, Milo hands the bag of gems over to K'nara for her purusal, and once in the home of Dak again, sits by the fire and contemplatively drums his forefinger against his chin. He just can't help shake the feeling that they were missing something. Though his fears are temporarily dispelled as he notes that Olana is relatively unharmed, and even winks at the elf maiden playfully when he catches her eye.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 7:58:11 AM

K'Nara nodded to Milo as she was handed the gems, putting them aside to count later. (OOC: kindly let me know how many of what kind of gems the group now has, o mighty DM.)

"We'll need to rest up and see if we can't get the magic needed to cure up the effects of that rather nasty poison." the tall human woman said. "I can't read any of that...stuff on the papers, there, but I'm hoping that between Ingrge and Figment, we might be able to find out what the writing means and maybe even what those...snakey things were doing here."

Thursday February 6th, 2003 11:08:08 AM

Worn out after the ordeal with the snake people, Olana sits down by the fire, resting her head on Milo's shoulder, and not saying much.

She never did like snakes, and these creatures had been nasty. Not quite as nasty as some of the magic snakes in Culverwood, but bad enough just the same. Nasty evil things drained her physically, but at the same time strengthened her resolve to fight them.

She agrees with the rest of the group about giving some of the loot to the village. These people had gone through enough.

Mention of a Stranger (DM Matt) 
Thursday February 6th, 2003 1:04:56 PM

Finishing up the sorting of the rest of the treasure, Milo (or someone with appriase, if he doesn't, don't have his sheet :P) spends some time looking over the gems, valuing the 40 bloodstones at about 50gp apeice. The two emeralds are of excellent quality, worth about 1000gp each. the 8 yellow topaz are worth about half that of the emeralds, each probably selling for 500gp.(So 30,000gp, and gems worth 8,000 : 38,000 total to distribute)

Hours later the Talons are treated to a very large dinner, in which Dak and his wife repeatedly express their thanks and praise the groups efforts. Little Jane tries to recount what happened to her, but is very vague and didn't understand alot of it. She mentions that when taken, everything around her got really big, and when a snake tried to pull her away, she tried to fight it, but her arms and legs wouldn't work, almost like they weren't there. She gives no insight as to what they were up to, having woken up in the cage the Talons rescued her from.

After dinner Dak leads the party back to their temporary residence. "Again, feel free to stay hear as long is needed." As he begins to walk back towards his home, he stops, turning back around. "Oh, I almost forgot. There was a man looking for you here in town while you were out. Looked to be a warrior of some sort, though never mentioned his name. He said he would return later, hopefully you would be back." He then wishes everyone a good night, and heads back to his home.

After being enlightened on the wonderous method of assigning Hero Points, and Jay mentioned that some people may actually want them, I'll allow you to send in recommendations to assign hero points for the last module, as I understand has been done before. So send them to me at xellos_mt@hotmail.com, I'll give everyone until Wednesday to get them in.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 6:36:08 PM

With Olana next to him, Milo wills himself to relax, and gently stroking her hair, drifts off into sleep.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 10:55:09 PM

The mage decides to spare the other families of his theory that the others were eaten by the serpents in some sick ritual. He makes sure that all the remains are returned. "I'd say a good rest is in order, then maybe we can find out about this warrior who is trying to find us...". The mage graciously thanks his hosts complimenting them on their fine cooking, and then retires.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 11:02:23 PM

OOC: If we each take 4000gp, the villagers could get 2000gp.

Lian bows to Dak and retires.

Friday February 7th, 2003 6:15:40 PM

"So what are the Talons plans now that this is finished" Orson asks the group as a whole, after dinner. "I wouldn't mind sticking around, so long as its for a good cause. Don't want to be doing your green lizards dirty work."

Brother Bertram 
Sunday February 9th, 2003 4:58:56 PM

Bertram finally falls into a troubled sleep and prays for renewal of his ability to heal his friend.

Monday February 10th, 2003 6:40:24 AM

The live girl was returned to her family, and K'Nara thanked Dak for his continued hospitality. Once the Talons were alone in the quarters provided to them, the tall redhead turned narrowed hazel eyes towards the two relative newcomers to the group.

"Orson...Maloray..." she addressed them in a rather frosty voice, "...I'm sure that you now know just how golfuddling close you two came to getting yourselves killed with that stupid 'let's just LEAP over the pit!' stunt you both pulled!

"If you plan to remain a part of the Emerald Talons, gentlemen, then I strongly suggest that you exercise a little more common sense and discipline--or the next time you rush ahead of everyone else into a combat, I will drop-kick you into next week!" K'Nara growled, then sighed, her voice softening a bit.

"Your instincts were noble--and your actions heroic...but dead heroes can't help anybody."

K'Nara went on to a rough summary of their funds, and voiced the option of trying to get a cleric to use a Raise Dead spell on the little girl whom had been killed while the Talons were trying to rescue the live children.

"Though we know that both girls were obviously going to wind up like the others," the human bladesinger said grimly, "I can't help but feel responsible for the girl who was shot in our presence...we have to try something to make up for our inability to keep her from harm."

No sign of the Stanger (ADM Matt) 
Monday February 10th, 2003 11:37:44 AM

The Talons continue their discussion on raising the child, and finish up any dealings with the acquired treasure. Eventually they all fall into slumber, peaceful for some, troubled for others, but welcome after their long day.

The morning brings no sign of the warrior that was looking for the them, and the group prepares to set out to acquire the means of raising the child.

Waiting on character sheets on a few people still, then will start the new module Lets get raising the child wrapped up first part of this week (scroll will be the easiest option [and preferred]), then hopefully we'll be ready to move on.

Monday February 10th, 2003 11:49:07 AM

Orson stares back calmly at the bladesinger, listening, but not ready to concede. "And common sense would have had us hop across slowly while they continually shot at us? It was obvious they were waiting to ambush us on the pillars, getting across fast at least let us deal with them."

Sighing, he turns away, figuring its not best to get into an arguement with the leader of the group he was traveling with. "I'll try to be more 'sensible'," he concedes, but doesn't believe he was in the wrong at that instance.

Monday February 10th, 2003 8:09:42 PM

The elf wakes from her reverie in time to see K'Nara lay into Orson and Maloray.
She rises, hoping not to disturb Milo too much.

Speaking quietly, she says to them both -
"K'Nara is right, but I just want to say that I admired your courage."

She then approaches their leader.
"K'Nara. This 'someone' who's looking for us. It might be an idea to try and find him sooner rather than later. If it's trouble...."

Monday February 10th, 2003 8:30:51 PM

Ingrge spends his time scowling at Olanna and Milo, whenever they are together and hanging out with the village children when he has free time. Otherwise he sleeps and studies.

(Matt I will get My new sheet to you this week I need to decide on a few things with my level change, so......)

Brother Bertram 
Monday February 10th, 2003 10:15:53 PM

After morning prayers, Bertram lays hands on Lian, curing him of his affliction.

(OOC Restoration)

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 1:10:27 AM

Milo awakens from slumber and after preparing himself for the day through prayer and cleansing, joins the group. Approaching Olana and K'nara, "I agree with Olana, we should resolve the raising quickly, and then look for this man, whomever he is. I don't like the idea of being looked for... I like to be the one doing the looking. If you know what I mean?"

Lian (Restored) 
Tuesday February 11th, 2003 1:23:44 AM

Lian wakes comes out of trance to find his Friend Bertram hanging over him, "I feel much better after the rest. Am I healed? Thank you, I do feel better."

I'm not sure what gp or items Lian ended up with, so I can't send the character sheet yet with out that info.

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 4:24:48 PM

"Yes, the stranger..." K'Nara mused, nodding her filleted head, "...odd about that--especially since there wasn't anyone that I know of besides Parnoth who knew we were here..."

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 10:39:28 PM

Maloray looks at the female bladesinger in shock.

"So I was wrong to follow my battle buddy into a dangerous situation? I thought that was the whole point of the pairing..."

The half-elf reflects a moment before speaking again, uncertainly.

"But truth, my actions were in part foolish and competitive. I will try to think things out better in the future."

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 7:26:43 AM

"It was the way you two literally leaped ahead of everyone else," K'Nara told Orson and Maloray, "You both just assumed that there was no better way to get ahead and went for it--the intention was noble and heroic, but it was stupid because I, as the Talons' leader, was aware of a few things that hadn't crossed your minds...namely that Figment and Milo could have provided us some cover from the air. That would have allowed the rest of our group to remain together and attack more effectively. Instead, you two took a LOT more damage than I thought you should have had to."

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