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Purple Wine Trouble!
Scene 1: They Must Come For Tea!

See My Pretties?! [DM Jerry] 
Friday January 31st, 2003 5:37:50 PM

Lady Firiona shouts out to her friends, "See my pretties, what wonderous new protectors I have? I bet you all want your grubby hands on them now for your various chores don't you! Well I for one feel charitable. So tomorrow at lunch, I will reward my heroes generously if they will bless us with their presence for lunch and tea.

"In fact, we'll hold a fundraiser for their orphanage. An orphanage that turns out fine young people such as these deserves to be donated to! What do you say Drew? Will you all come? We'd truly like to honor you and thank you properly!"

She is all smiles and the look on her face promises lots more hugging and cheek pinching. But it also looks as if she will not take no for an answer either.

The other ladies begin to chime in, "Yes! They must come for tea!"

"They must come for Tea!"

"They must come for Tea!"

...and thus one adventure ends for our young heroes and another begins![xp etc. coming during the weekend via email.]

Friday January 31st, 2003 5:56:44 PM

The big man backs away from the gaggle of society ladies with a look of mild panic on his face. Thanfully the younguns seem to be getting the majority of the attention, as the large, hairy, heavily whiskered fellow wearing pants held up with string and clumpy great hobnail boots doesn't really fall into the category of "cute kid".

Still, he smiles and nods at the appropriate points, and soon finds he has been pressed into attending "Tea".

"Welcome back, missy!" he grins to Tiree. "Long time no see. Glad to see your flight left you none the worse foe wear. Your young siblings here have been showing me quite a wild time since I made it back to the big float."

Saturday February 8th, 2003 12:12:02 PM

Bog's sheet is in and approved! That only leaves Drew, who has a stay of execution, so we're there! Everyone approved!


Sunday February 9th, 2003 10:43:35 AM

Just got the news. ;) OK folks. Experience time. However, I do not want character sheets yet. There is still treasure upcoming. We'll wait until that is taken care of in the next few weeks and then I'll ask you then for your upgraded character sheets. I do not expect any combat until then.

Just a note: our next module is combat intensive so make sure your sheet is correct and you have studied your spells, abilities, etc. I'm going to come after you stronger than I have up until now. Consider the risk facter to to be a step or two higher. :)

Experience: 1,800xp each!

We'll handle Hero Points via email.

I'll post my first in character post right after this.

Hip Hup [DM Jerry] 
Sunday February 9th, 2003 11:13:56 AM

The party weary after their exertions during the night, make their way to their apartment.

After sleeping most of the day, a courier arrives with this message:

"Greetings Heroes!

You are invited to tea at Lady Firiona's house at noon tomorrow.

It also contains this note:

(Hey kids: My house is located on Gold Lane, directly south of the Glitter Sanctuary and just across the steet from Wathos' Woodworks, right on the south wall of Gold Level. I'll send a carriage. Oh, and I'm sending my favorite tailor by in an hour or so to fit you all for some nice new clothes to wear. I've already paid him dears, so don't even try!)

An hour later, right on time, 10 carriages pull up. A small spry man wearing a tailcoat snaps his fingers as what amounts to a host of Gnomes line up outside their carriages.

In a high pitched voice the small man, now also obviously a gnome, gives these instructions.

"Ok team! We're going to go in there and be of service. These children are heroes and not to be fiddled with. They are not used to the local fashion scene so we will have to make concessions to please their sensibilities! Let's be of help and see that both these young heroes and Lady Firiona are both pleased. Now, back in your wagons until I introduce you. We don't want them to think they are invaded!

Hip Hup!"

And with a snap of his fingers, they all disappear into their wagons once again.

The lone gnome, comes up to the downstairs door and knocks on it sharply with his cane.

Sunday February 9th, 2003 11:56:20 AM

At the knock on the door, Tiree looks at her friends and family. Those who know her well might, for a moment, think they see fear in her eyes but then decide that wasn't right.

Tiree gets up and opens the door.

Sunday February 9th, 2003 12:26:43 PM

Gordo reads the note with a degree of concern. A tailor? New clothes? He looks down at his tatty old pants held up with string, scuffed hobnail boots and battered old leather waistcoat.

"But what's wrong with the clothes I've got now?" he asks. "I like these clothes!"

As the evening wears on he gets increasingly nervous. The knock on the door causes him to jump out of his seat. He looks slightly panicky, as he feverishly searches for excuses to get out of this. High society, in truth, scares him silly.

Sunday February 9th, 2003 11:00:44 PM

Tionel claps Gordo on the back. "They certainly do look well-used, but I doubt even you would consider them eye-appealing. Remember, to these nobles, looks are more important than substance, and words are deadlier than daggers." He tips his hat to the fair mother of the orphanage, bidding her good day, and greets the children with typical treats and candies he's smuggled in when her back is turned.
Later on, in the midst of an entertaining story to a few of the children, Tionel stops with the foreboding words, "But then, just as I was inching towards freedom, the ogre saw me...." He grins at the knock, and slides to the door, leaving a few children whining for more in his wake. "I hope it's the tailor. I simply LOVE to dress up to occasions." He eyes his currently drab, somewhat dirty tunic and leggings with disdain.

Monday February 10th, 2003 12:22:58 AM

Smiling but shake his head at Tionel's enthusiasm he moves up to him and whispers, "Ummm, you seem to be more prepared for this than most of us. Keep an eye on me please? I don't Lady Fiona to think I'm an undisciplined Troll." Ducking his head in embarrasment he moves toward the door.

Monday February 10th, 2003 2:45:58 AM

Bog wanders up from the cellar, which, as he explained the night before, he preferred sleeping in as it was moist.

He scuffles up through the door with a smile on his face and plunks himself down next to Gordo causing various bits of fur and filth to shed off him onto the floor.

"Asooooooo. What bear we 'gwin t'day neer frenns?"

Monday February 10th, 2003 4:03:45 AM

"No worries, Syr...I'm sure you'll be okay. Just remember to keep quiet and watch, mainly. And compliment them a bit." As Bog walks up the stairs, Tionel can't help but wrinkle his nose.. "Ah...Bog, was it? I'm Tionel... And, ugh...you have GOT to take a bath before we go anywhere."

Monday February 10th, 2003 4:15:07 AM

Turin waits silently, carefully keeping his expression neutral.

Monday February 10th, 2003 9:58:01 AM

As the dreaded knock on the door comes drew stands, straps his axe to his back and waits. "It would be mbest my siblings to allow this to happen as quickly as possible and get it over with. I worked for a tailor for a while and this can be as plesant or as unpleasant as they choose to make it." Drew pulls himself up to his full heighth and wiats in the center of the room, silent, and dreadful.

Teeshinanshibutt [DM Jerry] 
Monday February 10th, 2003 8:40:18 PM

The door is opened and a single gnome skips into the apartment.

"Greetings! I am Teeshinanshibutt! I am here to help make you a brand new wardrobe courtesy of Lady Firiona. We will have evening wear, morning wear, high-society wear, daily wear, underwear, ready to wear, comfy wear, and adventuringwear. If each of you will tell me a bit about yourselves, I'll relate all this to my crew and we'll be in and out of here in a few hours. If you get "frustrated" or "tired" we can give you a break. We are here to serve you and your needs. Honestly! Not to make you into something you are not, except for times that that is appropriate!"

I have exceptionally keen hearing, so speak up and tell me all about you and your feelings about clothes, parties, meetings, comfortable clothes, and even embarrasing situations. It will help me make you comfortable as possible in each type of clothes you'll need as you continue your climb to recognition and fame!

Then he pulls out a pad, and begins scribbling things as each of you talk to him.

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 2:57:19 AM

"Honorable Teeshinanshibutt, it's a pleasure to meet you." Diverting his attention from Bog, he shakes the friendly gnome's hand, and launches into a rambling self-description.

"Let's see, I'm five two, just a few pounds under a hundred. I prefer to wear flashy clothes, when I'm doing a show...something stylish, with long sleeves or a flared vest usually. I like shiny, attention-getting clothes, bright purples, eye-catching greens, gold or silver...I'm not like other elves in that respect. But still, not too bright..usually dark pants to counter the tops, and I've always wanted a fine cloak but could never quite find one I liked. I often do attend parties, and enjoy them immensely. As an entertainer, I'm often the focus of attention, something which this most arrogant ruffian openly admits enjoying.
"As you can tell, I'm not exactly an orphan, instead I just happened to stumble upon this all, and I simply love these children and helping out these fellows through one fine little adventure after another." That all said, Tionel slips onto a chair and comfortably crosses his leg, a slight smile on his handsome face. (Charisma 18 :) )

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 5:34:45 AM

Flicking his ponytail he begins to wish he had showered before the gnomes show up. "Mr Gnome Sir? I'm sorry, that I can't say your name but back the the subject. I was under the impression that we were only having dinner at Lady Fiona's, does that cause for an entire wardrobe?"

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 8:04:24 AM

Gordo looks at the little gnome with trepidation. He doesn't really know where to begin. He certainly doesn't feel like a likely candidate for a makeover.

Though Gordo's head is shaved bald, he has huge bushy red sideburns that join into a thick moustache, making him look far older than his 21 years. He is barrel-chested and thick of limb, his whole body covered in thick red curly hair. He wears an battered open leather waistcoat, a gift from his father when he left home, a pair of dirty old tan pants held up with a peice of rope, and a pair of large hobnail boots that have seen better days.

"Um, I'm not sure what to say sir" says Gordo, his customary good cheer and self confidence seemingly evaporated.

"I don't know anything about clothes or High society. I was brought up the son of a blacksmith. The only time I ever dressed up was for the village dance when I was 18, and I wore a white cotton shirt and my dad's black pants. And then both got torn when I got into a fight with Buller Walkins over my sister." He looks a bit shamefaced. "I don't know nothing about dressing up."

He thinks for a moment about all the clothing types the Gnome has mentioned. "Well, I suppose it would be nice to have a spare pair of underpants. And a belt. And maybe my boots could do with a lick of polish. That should do shouldn't it?"

He lets himself be measured, standing stock still, eyes closed. If it takes a long time he starts to snore loudly, seemingly fast asleep, standing ramrod straight.

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 9:04:02 AM

Drew waits silently tring not to look nervous and suceeding only in making himself look more nervous. Finnaly when the Gnome tailor come to the huge half orc he kneels before him and quitely wispers. "I am a warrior and Protector of Domi. I do not handle partys well nor do I handle restricting clothing or situations. Alsop sir if it is possible please do not cover my holy symbol, I would feel nacker with out it seeing the light." With that he points to the tatoo he wears on his upper right bicep, then he stands and assumes his position of feining non-nervousness.

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 11:49:05 AM

Tiree pulls on a piece of her hair as she waits for her turn. The shaggy dark brown hair seems a little longer than it used to be, but it is still uneven and a bit wild. When the gnome reaches her, Tiree is hesitant to speak.

"Um, well, hmm. I've never really had any fancy clothes. Well, I did once, but that was for a job and...." Tiree stops talking when she realizes she is rambling.

Looking down at her old, torn, dirty and mismatched clothes, she sighs deeply.

Looking the gnome straight in the eye she says, "Teeshinanshibutt, if you can make them comfortable, not overly frilly, and leave me places for my daggers, at least 2 of them, even in the dress up stuff, I guess I'll love you forever. I may be small, but I am a woman, y'know."

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 12:49:19 PM

Turin frowns. "I honestly don't care too much what you give me so long as its not restrictive and it won't grab attention."

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 3:00:00 PM


Bog wrinkles his nose and stares down at the floor.


He scratches his head.

"Igot fleez."

He suddenly gets an inspiration. "Hey, kinn I brang my rat?"

Delousing Bog and other sites! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 11th, 2003 5:28:08 PM

Sir Tionel, why don't you play us a tune while I measure you. I'm thinking 5 sets of breeches of varying colors to match 10 tops. One a bit more formal and a bit fluffy according to today's trends. The others loose and bright, multicolored to match more than one of your pair of breeches. Then a pair of soft soled boots with a tight top so the breeches can flair over them. And a pair of hard boots for travel. I think to top it off a series of belts with pockets and a colored backpack red on the outside and blue on the inside, reversable to match your outfit of the day. Then a leather case for your instruments that will attach to your backpack. How does that sound. A weeks worth of underclothes, matching sacks and bags for adventuring, and a few hats for festive occasions. Would that fit the bill?

Why no sir Syr! You can only wear one set at at time, but as you rise in the world, you need the ability to wear clothes appropriate to going before the Overlord as well as travelling the dangerous forests! This is part of your reward from Lady Firiona. So tell me about your preferences? What kind of adventurer are you? What needs do you have? Tell you what, you think about it while we get you a bath and I teach you how to care for your hair some. I will include a set of shears and different colored bands for your stylish pony tail. I'll show you how to make it shine so that all the women weep with jealousy and all the men see you as a man of respect and honor. While we get you cleaned up, you can tell me about yourself and what your needs are sir.


Ahh, sir Gordo. I understand you totally. I see you in loose breeches that move with you so that you are comfortable as you fight and exercise. With your barrel chest, I think that a shirt with an open coat is in order when formally dressed. A high necked sweater would also work nice on these cold lake-wind nights. So a set of breeches, one for dress in black? or tan? and a set of shirts of various styles to accent your physique. Then a few coats including a grand overcoat in dark brown, which can be worn over clothes or armor. How does that sound? Or we could dress you in simple robes in the ancient styles of the monks of old if you prefer that. The simple habit of the monk can go anywhere, expecially if one has a dress outfit trimmed in gold! Tell me your preferences!


He listens carefully to Drew's requests. "I agree with you totally my man! The tattoo must be seen by all! Domi is also seen in a monk's robe at times, especially in his older pictures and appearances. So we could go that route making our Rough appearance seem more holy and austere. Or we could dress you in tans, browns, and blacks subtly with breeches, and a loose shirt. With your faith, you should be more understated the more formal the occasion. Luckily, cleric garb is accepted in nearly all social occasions. Although I have seen Jandar the Holy in Black and Gold upon occasion, although he was sure to be more understated than the rest of his companions when he wore something more fancy. How does this sound Sir Drew? Do you have any preferences?


Madam Tiree, I will not discuss your wardrobe in front of these men. I turn you over to my capable assistant, Crobertimmitti, who will see to your grooming. (Email me Tiree with your suggestions and we'll agree on something.)


Well then sir Turin, what is your class? Your personality? Breeches and shirts? Coats? Robes for a mage? What is your preference? I need something to go on sir.


We will certainly allow your rat to come. He is a part of you. We'll double reinforce the shoulders to give him a place to sit and add a tube around the back collar for him to have a place for privacy. But first, we must do the most horrible thing that a person can do to anothe person: we must delouse you! It simply won't do for you to give lice to all the aristocracy of the city!

He snaps his fingers and a bath with dozens of towels, tonics, and soaps appears in one corner of the room with a curtain. Ok off with everything my friend, and set whatever you want to keep in this box. The rest will be burned! then we'll give you some new clothes. I think some soft leather designs that will last you awhile, say done in dark greens and reds? With plenty of hidden pockets for trinkets and snacks for your friend to find. What do you think?

Tionel  d20+9=22
Wednesday February 12th, 2003 1:43:03 AM

"That sounds delightful! Hear, let me play a little tune I thought up, for the flute..." Picking up the wooden instrument, he pipes a soft, sonorous tune, something of a ballad, while the man fits him. Then, while he gets busy with the others, he goes off to entertain the orphans with a little story.

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 9:13:20 AM

Reassured by the gnome's expert professional manner, Gordo begins to relax into the idea of new clothing.

"Now them's some fine ideas, son! I like the way you think! Yes, loose breeches. Tan for every day, black for posh do's. I'd want to stick with heavy boots, mind. Good for walking, and for stomping on folks who get unruly, if you take my meaning.

And that open shirt and big long coat sound nice. Could I have white cotton shirts please? Well, maybe a couple of other colours too. Nothing patterned or too bright, mind. But maybe a bit of colour.

And the sweater sounds nice, perhaps dark blue? Good for cold days. Yeah!

Could you do me some waistcoats? A few different ones? One in black leather, one in dark brown leather, and maybe some in fabric? Again, not too gaudy..."

He's really starting to get into the idea now.

"Ooh, you know that long grand overcoat you mentioned; could I have a matching wide-brimmed hat? Maybe in leather or calf hide? Oh! Oh! Hold on!"

He dashes off, clearly excited, and returns a few moments later with a scrap of paper and a stub of pencil.

"Ok, now here's a little design I've had in my head. It's kind of based on Domi's holy symbol."

He scribbles furiously for a few moments, tongue sticking out of his mouth and brow furrowed in concentration. Then he hands the grubby sheet of paper to Teeshinanshibutt. On it is a fairly rudimentary picture of a traditional Anvil of Domi, but in place of the frequently used Hammer is a clenched fist striking the anvil.

"It shows as how I follow Domi, see, but that I've given up the Hammer of the Blacksmith and the Warrior. Now I only use the fists Domi gave me if I need to fight. They are my strength. And it's also a picture of my nickname that the lads in the village used to call me, Ironfist."

He smiles joyfully at the gnome, this sudden explosion of creativity feeling like the bursting of a dam within him.

"Could I have this symbol on my clothes? Like a watchamcallit, a monogram thing? I was thinking I could have it on the shoulders of the coat, or on the breast of my shirts, and maybe on my socks and undergarments, sort of small and sewn. What's it called? Embroiled? Or maybe on the buttons? Could I do that?"

He is beaming now. "I have to tell you, old son, I never knew dressing up was such fun!"

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 9:57:09 AM

Drew blushes a bit but then sees that possibly the man is truly listing. He takes a deep breath and says. "I like balck and silver. Understated sounds very good. I like leather and I feel most comfortable in my armor with my weapon straped to my back. I have fought all my life and out of my fighting garb I feel most uncomfortable. I do not like social functions because they look down upon the fact that I am a warrior and protector at heart and my dressing makes them cringe. I would be most comfortable if I was allowed to stay who I am and be accecpted. I am no Jandar, he is noble and wise. I am foolheardy and quick to anger. He is calm, I have a temper. He is quick to friendship and laugh. It has take all my life to find the few friends and I hardly ever find anything funny. He has loved countless times and i have loved once and she is now gone. This is who I am. Can you make that accecptable to the rich and mighty?

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 1:53:45 PM

Bog is taken aback by this offer as he stares wide-eyed at the great big bowl. He trudges across the room to look at it.

Looking back to the gnome, he replies, "Dis har it all's for me? Dis gret big bowla water wot?"

"Nowan aver gave me nuttin lak dis afor," he says as twiddles his fingers nervously and begins stroking his chin, "Hmmmm....all dat sound good. La'ers I think. Ya...La'ers's wot I lak."

He begins digging down under his clothes pulling back various muddy garments until he finds what he is looking for. "Dis har bottom la'er. DIs's mah first robe, ayup. Stold it fr'm da cloister isinan dey cot me, but dey says I cood keep it, ayup."

He drops the robes back in place and garbles again, "Dark colors, ayup. Goot. Dark in la'ers. Don' wanna look all speckly and fruity tho. Won atta time. Dark reds, grins, bloos, anna lite pail ...uh...garmint for the understuffs, yeah wot. Ooooh and did har" he says as he peels his leather skull cap off it's head, "Kinna getta uh kinda subs fir this? Disa kinna shrunk im da waterisesses. Mebbe won lak dis and won all big'up 'n pointy wit wad brim ta kip bock da rain."

He seems all smiles now as he peers into the tub, then quirks, "Heyup fren! Dere's sump'n rong dis har woter. Ah kin see thru it."

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 3:12:39 PM

Syr removes his chainmail and pouches and places them in the box.

Listening to the gnome gives Syr several ideas. "Well, I would hate to be parted from my glove." He raises a hand with a purple glove on it. "Any chance of getting a matching one? Other than that something fairly loose that allows me to move."

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 4:27:17 PM

(Er..my apologies, I thought that we all stayed in the orphanage, hence my entertaining the various youths.) Instead of going to Moma Flaust's to entertain the orphans, Tionel gets caught up in what the others are saying...he especially enjoys Bog's comments on the water and can't help but chuckle. He ponders pushing the poor dirty fellow in, but doubts that the water would stay pure very long if all the clothing were to go in.
"That's the idea, my dishevelled bedraggled friend. The cleaner the water, the cleaner you'll be. I suggest you remove all your clothes before entering, as well...and then we can get you all dressed up, nice and clean." Not wanting to actually witness the sight, he wanders over to peer at Gordo's drawing. "Interesting picture. And good nickname. Most of the kids in my area called me Daggenthar, or Trouble, when I grew up..."

...all with respect and dignity! [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday February 12th, 2003 10:28:12 PM

Looking at all those assembled, he grins!

"So be it! 10 sets of clothing for each and all! Let the bedlam begin!

At the sound of his voice, bathtubs appear everywhere. A band appears near Tionel an begins playing. And coming in through the door...

...dozens of gnomes all dressed like Teeshinanshibutt!

Our great heroes are measured, poked, prodded, bathed, groomed, dried, dressed, and undressed....

...all with respect and dignity! ....well mostly.

Teeshinanshibutt bends over quickly his hind portions catching Bog by surprise, pushing him into the water which he suddenly finds is much larger on the inside!

Thursday February 13th, 2003 2:35:44 AM

Turin frowns. "Honestly, I'm more at home in a bar on the Docks level than anywhere on the Gold." He thinks a bit, then unbuttons his shirt a bit, showing his chain shirt underneath. "So long as it can conceal this, I should be fine."

Thursday February 13th, 2003 6:26:52 AM

Syr watches with genuine glee as Bog is upended into the water. Full of questions, he asks the nearest gnome, "I've never had fine clothes before, any special way to take care of them? Any ideas what Lady Fiona has planned? What does it take to get a house near hers? She's really nice but a bit too touchy feely for my taste (and probably Drew's too)." The last he says with a grin at the half-orc.

Thursday February 13th, 2003 8:24:21 AM

The big man suffers the various indignities inflicted by the gnomish tailors in stoic silence. He chuckles as Bog is upended, saying "There's a first time for everything son! And don't fret, that water won't stay clear for long!"

Thursday February 13th, 2003 9:19:50 AM

The grinding of Drews teeth as he is poked and proded echos about the room. But he dosent move untill told to nor does he make it difficult on the men doing their job. If not for the gringing sound eminating from his jaw he would seeb perfectly composed.

Thursday February 13th, 2003 12:05:28 PM

Tiree blushes at Teeshinanshibutt's words.

"Oh, um, sure."

Pointing to another room, "I'll just go in there, and leave the manly men to you."

Through the door, she can still hear what's being said and tries not to laugh at Bog. When the assistant arrives, she gets down to work.

Foaming Pink and Purple [DM Jerry] 
Friday February 14th, 2003 12:40:26 AM

There is no sign of Bog, but the water is foaming pink and purple, bubbling, almost as if the water, not Bog is the one being "bothered."

You are told to select your 10 garments and describe them (list here and put on character sheet) in detail.

Tiree is taken upstairs to the vacant apartment of Torl's and soon giggling, and music can be heard from up there as well.

The next thing you know, someone has sawed a hole in the floor and a circular staircase with brass railings is being fitted into the hole.

"Free of charge!" various gnomes say as they slide up and down the stairs in their efforts to help.

It seems the apartment is being cleaned and deloused as well. Old mattresses are tossed out. Old clothes cleaned and or burned depending on their state. Seamstresses begin working on old favorite garments fixing and patching so that they look new again, but feel "lived in."

As they work they sing and as they sing they work. (anyone want to take a stab at the song they sing just for fun?)

Friday February 14th, 2003 12:48:52 AM

A flurry of splashes comes from the top of the tub as Bog violently rights himself within and thrashes about gurgling. Being bottomless is now another thing Bog ponders, but only long enough to fling a book out of his pocket, over the tub's brim and onto the floor. It seems to be wrapped in a waterproof black bag covered in mud. Soonafter many bits of garments are hurled into the air causing muddy splatters to go everywhere. Soon the flying robes and vests and scarfs and other filth-dripped items cease their flights, with one thin black robe left draped over the side.

"Yukon keep all dat. Don' nid it anymoor. Jes imptee aht all dose pokkets 'n tings. Burn da res'. Mmmm...cept this'n har robe. Clin it ef you wod. I'd lik ta kip warin it. Da resa dem tins you fine in dose, pack op in noo bogs an' tings. Special that book thot thar. N' b'carful wit it. Ah nid it! Need dat woterpruf."

He continues splashing and thrashing. The water is now dark as ...well...dark as mud.

"Ahhhh...nahw dat's moor lak it!"

Bog's Song Guess 
Friday February 14th, 2003 12:52:35 AM

(It's a Small World After All? :) )

Friday February 14th, 2003 9:19:22 AM

Drew takes only three things. He takes a plain shirt and black pants.

He takes a leather sleeveless doublet. Loose fitting black pants with silver stiching sew in strange patterns all up and down the legs. A long flowing black and silver cape. A black satin shirt, also sleveless and two padded bracelets, silver and engraves with strange runes.

Lastly he takes three simple and plain monks outfits, one in black, one in white and the last in bright red.

Friday February 14th, 2003 11:36:51 AM

With great pickyness and dilemma, Tionel eventually picks his garments. Four excellent, long-sleeved button up shirts of extraordinary designs; an olive green vest of velvet-like material, red dragons flying over a green field, star-filled skies, and a shirt he finds amusing which is merely many colored fish swimming through a blue sea. A few more shirts of plainer colors, and black trousers to match, so as not to be too flashy, at times. Adding to this a few vests that range from shiny silver, gold-trimmed crimson, and an eye-catching blue, Tionel seems just about satisfied. One gnome finally produces a hooded cloak which he enjoy immensely; a dark and mysterious black perfect for clandestine adventures and a bright crimson on the other side (Think Dracula's cloak). He adds to this his own fancy jewelry collection, composed of many types of earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and a few brooches.
Besides these, he seems interested in novelty outfits; a burgundy silk robe, heavy wool pants etched with little silver studs, a pair of shorts, three types of hats (one a smooth black beret-type thing, another a leather tough fedora/indian jones type hat, and a small but excellent fur cap for colder weather)... Some of what he gets has surprising little pockets in hard to find places. He seems to be having the most fun he's had in a long time... All in all, he chooses ten outfits, but they are more complete and varying than anyone else's can be said to be.

Friday February 14th, 2003 3:56:10 PM

Turin picks a few darker shirts, loose enough to fit over his chain, with breeches or pants to match, as well as a dark-colored cloak. He then picks a few other outfits, seemingly at random, none of them particularly flashy.

Boggles the Mind [DM Jerry] 
Friday February 14th, 2003 9:25:31 PM

The more Bog tries to muddy the water, the more the water seems to magically clean itself. Eventually, he has no more mud to pull out of pockets and crevaces and ends up being clean.

A couple of hours after their arrival, the gnomes bow, say goodnight and are gone.

Then Tiree descends the staircase. Wow! Holy Domi! Still the heart! [Tiree discribe yourself please. I couldn't do you justice.]

All sleep peacefully, except for bog who can't keep from making sqeaky sounds.

[Thanks folks. The time with you was too short! Keep up the great gaming. DM Kent begins on Monday. --DM Jerry]

Sunday February 16th, 2003 6:34:52 PM

The big man looks over his new possessions with mixed emotions. These are all fabulous things, but somehow he felt more comfortable knowing he only owned the clothes he stood in.

Still, he is very grateful to the Gnomes. "Lovely work, lads! My thanks!"

Monday February 17th, 2003 4:19:22 AM

Coming out of room, Syr looks immediately for Bog. He peers searchingly, curious to see what is really beneath all that grime.

Taking a deep breath of air, he states to no one in particular, "That was great! I wonder what is next? Anyone else sense change in the air?"

Monday February 17th, 2003 3:46:22 PM

Tiree comes down the staircase dressed in one of her new outfits, a pair of supple black leather pants and a deep blue shirt with a black vest laced in the front. New black leather boots adorn her feet.

Even more striking is the smile on her face and the delicate blush on her cheeks. Wait a minute...is she wearing make-up???? Her black hair has been trimmed and now frames her face gently, just curling lightly at her chin.

A mischievious twinkle shows in her eyes as she stops in front of the guys.

"So, how do I look? I love the clothes and want to thank the tailors. They've been wonderful to me upstairs. I got 8 shirts and 5 new pairs of pants. A few vests like this one and I even got a couple of dresses. One is really fancy, the other is on the simple side. And I got belts and there are places for my daggers in everything! And I..."

Her voice tapers off as she realizes her mouth is running away with her from nervousness. She raises her chin and waits for an answer.

"Well, do you like it or not?!?"

DM Kent (good day all, Normally I will post in the early evening EST) 
Monday February 17th, 2003 5:47:34 PM

Nearly before anyone can speak, in order to answer Tiree, there is a loud knock at the door. Upon opening you see a unbelievably fancy transport with "Gordo's Transport Service" etched upon the side. There appears to be a uniformed driver and doorman that come with the transport as well. The doorman looks around the room and then nods.

"Gentlemen and Lady, Lady Firionahas sent a car for you and asks that you join her for a celebratory dinner and fund raiser. If you will kindy make your way into the transport, we will be on our way."

As you make your way to the car, The doorman somehow manages to hold open both your apartments door and that of the car.

"Please help yourselves to a drink from the bar. The ride is not long but you should have plenty of time for a drink." My name is Jeremy. Should you need anything just push that small black button."

After you are all inside, he gets into the front area with the driver and the vehicle starts to move off.

Monday February 17th, 2003 6:14:08 PM

Dressed in black pants with a thick leather belt, a loose cotton shirt open halfway down his chest, a black waistcoat and large hobnail boots that gleam in a way that suggests the polishers were at their task for days on end, Gordo steps forward. His huge bushy sideburns and handlebar moustach seem tamer than normal somehow. In fact, up close, there seems to be a fresh, minty smell about the fellow. Has he been using a pommade? He looks really rather presentable, a million miles from the dusty peasant garb he wore up until his makeover.

He sweeps a large dark brown leather greatcoat over his shoulders, and the gnomes' handiwork is plainly visible; at both shoulders his fist and anvil motif is displayed, and upon closer inspection the buttons bear similar adornment.

Lastly he pulls a matching broad brimmed hat down over his closely shaved head, and says "Tiree, lass, you look simply breathtaking. You're every inch the Lady. May I?" And he offers his arm to escort the young lady to the car.

Settling in he declines the offer of a drink, but is all smiles, his nervousness at this strange ascent into high society allayed by the marvelously professional manner of the tailors and staff of Gordo's Transport Service.

"Well my friends" he says, beaming round at the rest of the group, "I'd say we were arriving in style!"

Monday February 17th, 2003 8:47:57 PM

Tionel sits somewhat idly in a chair when Tiree arrives. Immediately he stands taking off a red hat with a black and blue feather adorning it and sweeping the floor with it in a magnificent bow. Currently, he's dressed in amber pantaloons and a white shirt emblazoned with a magnificent gold dragon on his breast. Over this, he wears a vest of a color matching his shiny black hair, except for the two copper buttons etched with dragons that keep it in place. His crimson overcoat gilded with gold trim and similar buttons flows about him, giving him a very royal look. A rapier in a fine scabbard dangles from his belt, with a similar but smaller scabbard on his other side holding a dagger. Except for his guitar-looking thing slung over his shoulder, he looks a lot like a pirate captain.

"You do look excellent, m'damoiselle (or its equivalent) Tiree." Eagerly, he flits about her, examining her outfit from all sides, in obvious admiration for the craft. "Er...I'm Tionel, in case you didn't know." Realizing his observing might be misinterpretated, somewhat shamefacedly, he backs up, adding, "I meant no offense, of course."

After staying silent a bit and avoiding the spotlight, Tionel can't help but take notice at the express service. "Gordos seem to do well in this town. Perhaps I should change my name."

Hopping into the back, he can't help but examine the selection of drinks. Since it's probably top class, he's quite impressed...and unlike Gordo, eager to try out new things. Taking a small green bottle, he pours some in a glass, and first offers it to Tiree, then to anyone else..if somebody else wishes some, he fills up another glass for himself and slowly sips some.

Tuesday February 18th, 2003 4:45:07 AM

A silver curtain, newly installed in front of one of the siderooms is drawn back from a hand within, heralding the entrance of another figure, one that you've never seen before. It is a slender man hung magnificently in great garments. The tip of a pleated pale blue robe peaks out behind a long robe of deep blue with rich crimson and gold lining which is finely displayed within his long bell sleeves which flow to the ground. A crimson belt encircles his waist with tassels that wind down his robe. About him sits a thrown back elegant cape of dark purple which with a magnificent thick black hem decorated with fine patterns of gold, which mimic the pattern of his high stiff collar about his neck. A dark tube can be seen running out of both ends of the foldover collar and down inside around the other fabrics and out of sight. As the man steps forward he removes a large wide-brimmed hat of dark blue and violet etched in magical patterns which are only faintly detectable in the light. The top of the hat and the brim contain a slight droop displaying both comfort and shadow to the wearer.

A completely clean pale-complected face looks around tentatively, the dark hair of his head smoothed back into a small ponytail tied with a black bow.

"W'all???", the long-nosed gentleman barks, "Ain't y'guys gwin sae sump'n? Is'n did har teefarncy gin t'day or ain' it?"

He quickly walks across the room kicking up the cape in the breeze he makes heading for the door to the car. Maybe if he hurries no one outside will recognize him. Then again, he thinks, no one did before.

Tuesday February 18th, 2003 6:44:52 AM

Syr gapes and says nothing as Tiree descends. As she arrives at the bottom he remembers to close his mouth and nods after Tionel, "Wow! Mere words don't do you justice!"

His outfit is definitely lower key than his companions. While he now has a matching purple glove on either hand that creeps up to almost elbow level, that is the only color on him. A well made tunic in a dark brown adorns his torso and a pair of high well-matched boots fit over a pair of leggings. Prefering to keep a simple knot on his ponytail, his normal headband is missing and his black bangs dangle slightly over his brows.

As he hops into the coach, "I REALLY hope we take better care of this one. Gordo? Is there something you aren't telling us?" He peers at the big man. "Well, if the drinks are on you, I'm defintitely tasting." He leans in to examine the bar next to Tionel.

Tuesday February 18th, 2003 11:25:26 AM

Tiree blushes at the compliments she receives and is a bit startled at the knock at the door.

At the mention of a celebratory dinner, she looks back up the stairs and wishes she had time to change into one of the dresses she now has. Instead, she sighs and takes Gordo's arm. Once in the carriage, she sits back and relaxes a bit. Her hand nervously plays with the laces on her vest.

"I have to say, you guys look magnificent. I think this group cleans up rather nicely."

When Tionel offers her the drink, she happily takes it. At least then she'll have something to occupy her hands.

Tuesday February 18th, 2003 6:05:27 PM

Turin simply stares at Tiree as she comes down, and always keeps at least one eye looking at her as they head into the car. He then manages to bring his attention away, and looks outside the car. His dress isn't remarkably flashy, but it's elegant enough.

Tuesday February 18th, 2003 7:42:37 PM

Looking completely uncomfortable Drew suffers in silence.

DM kent 
Tuesday February 18th, 2003 8:52:14 PM

The trip goes smoothly and takes much less time than you would think to get to the Gold level of the city. On the way you pass several notable places and establishements. On the Barracks level you catch a glimpse of The Jailhouse Rock along Infantry Avanue and on the Merchant level you pass Domi's Lost Soul Mission and just moments later as you go along the Road to the Top you spy several fine furnishings establishments. As you get to the Gold Level you pass by Gordo's Transports and heading down Emerald Cross you take a right on to Silver Street. After several turns and twists you stop in front of, what to you is, a huge mansion. The doors open and Jeremy is once again there to guide you to the door. The house, for lack of a better word, seems to be three stories tall and at least twice that wide. Jeremy leads you to the door and before ringing the door, turns to you and asks, " How shall I announce you all?"

After getting your reply he pulls the bell pull. It sounds as if an alarm has been sounded so many bells start ringing, but the tune is pleasant, if a bit loud and austentacious.

The door is opened and Jeremy announces you to the doorman that answers the door, who then leads you to a pair of large intricately carved Rowan wood doors. The entry way and hall that you are in is an open foyer of 22 feet lit by a huge crystal chandalier. There is art work on all the walls and fine throw rugs on nearly every area of the floor.

The door man pauses one moment for you to catch up and then opens the door and once again announces you to the 50 or 60 ladies seated at the many tables in what can only be described as the most fomal dining room any of you has ever seen.

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 4:17:04 AM

As Jeremy asks the question, Syr looks around the room taking it all in. "Announce? Personally, I'm Syrdeth Redbow. As a group... what are we?" He looks around at the others questioningly. After a moment, a sly grin spreads across his face, "How about 'The Masketeers'?"

He moves into the room listening to tid bits of conversations looking for something of interest to join.

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 9:41:50 AM

"The Maskateers?" Drew groans. "How about 'The Joined' for are we not joined in bods of family, friendship, and common cause?"

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 11:35:37 AM

Turin chuckles. "Neither really has a nice ring to it." He moves out slightly, mostly along the wall, trying to get a feel for the situation here, and feeling remarkably naked without his spiked chain.

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 12:16:34 PM

"How about the Orphans of Flaust?" grins Gordo, full of good cheer in his new clothes.

Gordo's confidence and high spirits evaporate as soon as he sees the massed ranks of High Society ladies assembled below. "G-G-G..." he stammers, completely thrown.

He goes as bright a shade of red as the hair on his chest , so at least he colour matches.

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 12:47:48 PM

"They all sound like wonderful names to me. I've always preferred something a bit more grandiose, like 'The Order of the Orphans Righteous', or the 'Orphan's Brigade', and I do like the maskateers..." He trails off thoughtfully. When the doors open, and all the ladies are there, he beams and struts in full of grace and cheer; giving himself a grandiose entrance.

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 3:57:17 PM

Tiree lets the others answer Jeremy regarding their name. She could barely think what her own name was at the moment, much less come up with a name for the group.

As the doorman opens the door, Tiree rubs her sweaty palms on her pants, takes a deep breath, and stands up straight. Her eyes open wide as she sees all the women there, but she takes another deep breath and smiles before walking in with her head held high.

DM kent 
Wednesday February 19th, 2003 8:12:46 PM

A little shaken by the number of names he had thrown at him You are announced as "Flaust's Brigade." As soon as you are announced a hush washed over the room and every eye in the room is immediately zeroed in on you all.

As Lady Firiona makes her way quickly to you, you hear several hushed comments.

"My, they are so young, they're really just children."
"Oh Look, they're so cute."
"They don't look like orphans."

As Lady Firiona reaches you the room goes quiet again as she greets you. "Oh thank you so much for coming. Please come and have a seat. Your table is right up front. All these ladies are friends and acquaintenances of mine who have come to hear about the orphange and particularly to hear your full story. But that will come after we have a bite to eat. But first let me introduce you to the ladies."

She leads you to the front of the dining room and arranges you around her as if she were a mother hen and you her chicks and then in a clear loud voice says, Ladies I would like to introduce you to the group of young people who saved me. As she introduces you she indicates you should step forward and then have a seat at the table. This is Syrdeth Redbow, Gordo, Tionel Galaodel, Bog, Drew, Tiree True, and Turin.

After your introductions there is a light applause and then waiters can be seen coming to the tables with food.

Thursday February 20th, 2003 6:04:40 AM

Bog is taken aback by the clap of the hands and the rattle of the jewelry. He has been silent throughout the entrance into the grand domicile, staring wide-eyed from under his wide-brimmed hat, which he has now removed.

Fidgeting with his hat, he step forward as his name his called and looks nervously about at the others, then back at the crowd, "Wy, thenk yio. Fari mush. Yu ladees's swell."

He bows his head with a smile and trudges over to his seat and sits down. His mouth drops open as he sees the waiters carrying tryas of lamb, heaps of vegetables, figs, breads, cheeses, and sweetmeats.

"Put it har," he utters pointing to his plate.

Thursday February 20th, 2003 8:23:21 AM

"H'lo. Nice t'meet you."

The big man stares at his shoes, and lets himself be ushered about. He sits staring at his plate, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Although he is far older than some of the orphans, and far bigger than most, right now he feels like a tiny tot, allowed to stay up late at a parents' party.

Thursday February 20th, 2003 9:49:06 AM

"Flaust's Brigade. I like that."

Thursday February 20th, 2003 2:44:03 PM

Syr seats himself and looks around the room with interest examining all the wealth on display. As the plate is placed in front of him, he digs in with enthusiasm eagerly trying the new tastes.

Thursday February 20th, 2003 5:17:23 PM

Turin just remains silent, feeling like a duck suddenly into some new substance it's never heard of, like molasses.

Thursday February 20th, 2003 7:57:58 PM

When Tiree's name is called, she steps forward and gives the assembled a small wave. She then seats herself between Syr and Tionel and waits for whatever else is about to befall them.

DM kent 
Thursday February 20th, 2003 8:32:06 PM

After introducing you all to the crowd Firiona seats herself at your table and as the food is served and you eat she tells you a bit about what is going to happen in a few moments.

"Now, when we are finished eating in a few minutes I will once again stand and address the ladies and explain the two reasons for the gathering, A celebratory thank you for your aid during the festival and to raise money for Flaust's Orphanage. When I am done it is necessary for some or one of you to tell your tale from orphanage to the festival day. Then It will be likely that some or many of these ladies will want to talk with you personnally. It is during this time that you will likely make the most for the Orphanage, so be as personalble as possible.

The food and beverage flows swiftly and bountifully and sooner than you would like the tables are cleared and hot tea and Caff are served to those who want it. Your hostess winks at you all as she stands and makes her way to the fromt of the room.

"Ladies, as you know this fete is serving a dual purpose today. First it is my way of honoring these fine young people without whom, I as most sure I would not be standing here today. Also we are raising funds for a fine institution without which these fine young people might not have been where they are today. For Flaust's Orphanage is where they have called home. Now I ask each of you to look to yourself and put yourself in my shoes and help this fine institution. Now, with no further ado I would like you to hear their story from those that know it best.

Indicating your table once again the room erupt in applause and calls for one or more of you to step up and speak. After a brief moment of applause the room quiets awaiting your answer to the request.

Friday February 21st, 2003 12:52:06 AM

Tionel wishes he could make up a story and tell of his times in the orphanage...he's sure he could make the ladies cry in horror at the trials and tribulations he had to face, until the grateful momma flaust took him in...but not wanting to lie to such fine people, he looks to the others.

Friday February 21st, 2003 5:02:41 AM

Bog looks around while balancing a mint on his gloved forefinger.

"Hmmm, uwy don' on' a youz flarncies do't. y'know, take dat deer's musics n' sang and strom and lak," he spouts looking at Tionel and Syr. "Deys' all lak de ina stoff at the barz...'n theengs."

"Woll, don' dey?"

He places the mint down inside his robe and almost instantly a bump forms there and then moves around to his back.

Friday February 21st, 2003 7:24:42 AM

Gordo continues to feel self concious and bashful until Lady F explains that by being chatty they'll make money for the orphanage. The big man's attitude changes completely.

"Right you are, lass" he nods at her words, and his brow crinkles as he struggles to think of something suitable to say.

When they are called upon to speak and the applause dies down, Gordo looks to his companions to see who else wants to speak. No-one stands at once, so he rises to his feet, looking out at a veritable sea of grey hair and expensive jewelry.

"Ahem, ah...

Hello there. My name is Gordo, and it is my honour and privilege to work for Mama Flaust. I'm not an orphan myself, just a volunteer. You'll find that Mama Flaust is the sort of woman who inspires a lot of folk to offer their services for free.

Some of these fine folk you see before you I have known since they were knee-high to a grasshopper. They, like a lot of kids who come to the orphanage, were lost, confused and scared of a cruel, uncaring world. At Mama Flaust's they found a warm bed, a loving family, and above all, a future. It is not enough for Mama Flaust to simply raise these children; she raises them to be good, honourable, caring members of society. They learn the lessons of generosity she teaches, and teach that lesson in their turn.

I came back to the orphanage after a time away trying to raise funds. And the thing that has impressed me most about these youngsters since my return is their unfailing desire to improve the Wold about them, to help others.

When Lady Firiona approached us to seek out a mask for her these young folk jumped at the chance to help raise some money for the orphanage. They wanted to give back some of what they had recieved. It's rare to see such loyalty and decency in the young, and it's a thing to be encouraged, in my book.

Now I'm no tale teller, so I'll leave it to another to tell you all about how the search for the mask panned out. I just want to leave you with one thought.

There are many ways to spend money. Lavish meals, fancy clothes, and countless others. But rarely do you get the chance to spend your money on the one thing this Wold needs more than anything else. Hope. Hope for the future for the starving, the dispossessed, the bereaved, the sick. These fine young folk prove that with love and a kind heart you can make a difference. You can take the most vulnerable, the weakest, the poorest in our society, and make of them the greatest.

I hope you can help. I hope you can aid Mama Flaust in her selfless fight. Because she deserves it. And, as Flaust's Brigade show, her kids deserve it. The more you can help her, the more she can help them.

Thank you."

And the big man sits down, taking a long drink of water.

Friday February 21st, 2003 10:41:50 AM

When Gordo finishes, Tiree smiles at him and then stands herself. She moves to where most can see her. Pitching her voice to be heard by all, she begins her story.

"I am one of those who was raised by Mama Flaust. She and the other orphans, some of which are with my tonight, are the only family I have ever known. I am 17 years old and I lived at Flaust's orphanage for most of those years. Recently, my family and friends and I have moved out of the orphange, but we are still close. Right across the street in fact and we help out there as much as we can.

I don't remember much about my early life of course. Most memories start when I was about 6 or 7. Even with all the other children there, I had a tendency to be a bit of a loner. I never got into any trouble though, Flaust kept her eye on me pretty tight.

As I got older, I began to make friends outside the orphanage. There was a bard at one of the local inns I was good friends with and I thought about asking him to teach me so I could make some money, but I never did for some reason.

About that time, I and a few of the older kids, got together and decided to work together to make money to give to the orphanage. As a way to payback Mama Flaust for all that she had done for us. We've been doing that now for a bit.

Now, we've moved out of the orphanage and across the street. When that happened, I decided I needed a little time on my own. I'd been told that 16 and 17 were hard years on a girl, and I have to agree. I needed some time to get a few things straight in my head and to make a few decisions.

I have to tell you, that I wasn't part of the group when they got the mask for Lady Firiona. I, well, I guess you could say that I just flew in at the last. But, I am back to stay. For the present at least. No one can say for certain what the future will bring my way. But no matter where I go, Flaust's will always be home to me."

With that Tiree moves back to her seat and sits down, flushed.

Friday February 21st, 2003 2:47:04 PM

Drew shrinks back and tries to hide. Itlooks as if he is forced to speak in front of all these people he will die, or throw up. One of the two for certian.

Sunday February 23rd, 2003 5:16:34 AM

Syr smiles affectionately as Gordo stands to speak. When Tiree takes the lead he nods approvingly at her statements. Clearing his throat, he looks like he is about to say something but then only leans back in his chair.

(OOC: I'm gone for a week (skiing). If anyone wants to run Syr please let our fearless GM know?)

I can play Syr for a week. -Carl

Monday February 24th, 2003 5:16:55 AM

Turin doesn't speak publically, but watches the others and nods, sort of.

Monday February 24th, 2003 5:38:10 AM

Bog, surprisingly, stands and inches his way forward toward the crowd and fumbling with the brim of his hat in his hands.

"Ah'd lak t' sae sump'n. I jost met these folk 'n...well...I naver met a lotta peeples. I spent my hole laf livin in da sewer on da trash levall if'n s'n you c'n belive dat. Las' nat I spent dah firs...deh firs' naht sleep Ah evar spen'n in a sleepin inna bed! A nas comfy bed. N' das all becosa dis fahn place yes'ms."

He reaches down and holds up one of his bell sleeves.

"Dis' Dis' har clothrobe...da firs' t'ing any'n ANYa nice'n lak dis har lady ev'r gaven mes in my laf and *sniff*...I's war covered 'n mud afore dis an now I's clean becasa dat place and dis help...Ah do anytin to repay her and diesen har un alla yous for dis chonce ta be har wit you all. *sniff* Danks."

He wipes his eyes with his sleeves and goes to sit back down. Then puts his hat on and pulls the brim over his eyes.

Monday February 24th, 2003 7:34:40 AM

The big man gives Bog a friendly slap on the back and whispers with a smile "Nicely said, lad!"

DM kent 
Monday February 24th, 2003 7:35:51 PM

As each of you stands and says something the crowd grows quieter and quieter and when your story is finally told there is total silence in the room for about 2 seconds and then there is light clapping and nearly everyone starts talking. Lady Firiona motions for you all to stand and to circulate and talk with people as everyone mingles.

Somehow each of you manages to make it through this without embarasing yourselves or dying, though most of you probably would rather face a charging lion than face this crowd of ladies again anythime soon. Several of you got offers of adoption and even trysts. All of you got congratulated and thanked profusely.

Eventually most everyone has left and you are left with just Lady Firiona, a few servants and a strange lady you had not met before. She introduces herslef by simply saying that she works for the new overlord and hands them a small coffer containing the 1000gp reward for finding the mask and removing it from the city. That done she makes her way out and departs.

Moments later Lady Firiona comes over to you flushed with excitement. "You are not going to believe this, You just raise 5000gp for the orphanage. I figure this should be enough to add on 3 new houses to the orphanage and do some much needed repairs. I will have the necessary documents drawn up and sent over to Flaust."

Oh and before I forget here is a small token of my personal thanks for your own use. She hands you a small silk bag. In it you find 10 gems (each 50 gp value).


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