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Apartment Blues

DM Kent 
Monday February 24th, 2003 7:54:55 PM

You all eventually make if out of Lady Firiona's bushed and more exhausted than you can ever remember, but happy and head back to your apartment. But when you arrive something just isn't right. As you walk in you find there are about 20 people standing in the center of what used to be a room. Wait, now you realize what is wrong. Someone has removed all the interior walls from your apartment and it is all one large room now, And there are 20 strangers standing in your abode.

As the momentary shock wears off three of the people turn and cometoard you. the one that speaks introduces himself as Frelach. (Frelach is a very, very skinny human male with a high pitched, nasal, almost whiney voice.)

"Good evening fine ladies and gentlemen, My name is Frelach, and My two companions are Marlena and Lera. We are the three main Fine furnishers and interior decorators in the Big Float. We were told by Momma Flaust that you would be needing help to redo your apartment in a more appropriate and suitable way. Knowing this and then seeing what this apartment looked like, we knew you would not want us to delay, so we took the liberty of clearing out the rubble and junk. We also had all of your things placed in those six cedar chests. We also realize that you will only need one of our establishments to work on your apartment but agreed to help each other clear the way.

Finally stopping a moment to see if you had any comments or questions, he looks at you each closely.

{Below is some basic info on the three establishments you need to choose from. You may ask questions of each but realize that you need to design your two-story apartment this week.}

Frelach's Fine Furnishings - Frelach, Teribeth, Sonyilla, Marith: Frelach is the owner of this shop, on the merchant level, and the head designer of the team as well. He employs only female humans, who tend to be more than a bit overweight. Frelach himself is a very, very skinny human male with a high pitched, nasal, almost whiney voice. He is irritating but extremely competent and sought after.

Marlena's Mansion Modifications -- Marlena, Millicent, Margrett, Melissa: Marlena and her team are the quiet and thoughtful type who makes suggestions that are really orders. She looks at a place and within moments has a vision of what she thinks it should look like. God forbid the client disagrees with her as she is adamant that there is only one for that a domicile can take and she will not budge from that. They are all very large, high society spinsters that have nothing better to do than try to impose their visions on others lives. They are however quite good at what they do and once finished with a job, have never had a complaint.

Lera's Living Interiors -- Lera, Trisanth, Sooleena, Sirantia: Lera is an empath as are all who work for her. They become attuned to their client's likes and dislikes and manage to come up with some amazing results. They also use quite a bit of low-level illusions in their work to allow for the changing moods of their clients. Their signature is they always place spell on a wall or section of wall that will change between one or two scenes depending on the client's mood. She and her three partners are all half breeds of some sort, as are all of the employees of Lera's.

Tuesday February 25th, 2003 1:49:11 AM

(Just a short post...busy school stuff today!)
Tionel mentions that he'd love to have all the excitement of the city thrown in; big furniture like overstuffed velvet green chairs, couches, and such.

Tuesday February 25th, 2003 8:20:19 AM

"Well, I'm easy" smiles the big man. He is not particularly into fashionable clothing, and even less into interior design. "As long as I have a table, chair and bed I'm happy. I'll leave colours and patterns and all that stuff to all you creative types."

And with that heads outside for a workout in the back yard, nodding politely to the three design teams.

Tuesday February 25th, 2003 1:52:23 PM

Before leaving Drew approaches Lady Fiona and taking her hand bows deeply her hand to his brow. From his kneeled position he wispers. "Lady Fiona, you are better than your word. My family could ask for no better patronage than this. You have shown your self to be of a true and genorous heart and spirit. May the protective arms of Domi forever shelter you and keep you warm, and should his arms fail you know that with a single breath from you mine are forever yours to command." Standing all can see Drew has tears in his eyes. "For what you have done form my family I will be forever in your debt, I name all debts between us fufilled and removed. May you forever shine to those in the dark." With that he quickly turns and leaves.


Back at the apartment Drew sits in his half ruined chair. "I dont want new stuff. I like my old stuff."

Tuesday February 25th, 2003 2:12:54 PM

Turin, looking at the three, thinks a bit, and draws the others aside. "I don't know about you guys, but I've heard better things about Lena than any of the rest."

Tiree True 
Tuesday February 25th, 2003 3:49:42 PM

Tiree shrugs.

"Either Lena or Frelach is fine with me. If we have to have new stuff, and it looks like we do now, we might as well get it over with. There's just something about Madame Marlena that puts my back up. Not sure why though."

Wednesday February 26th, 2003 4:58:57 AM

Bog wrinkles his ips with his hand and paces back and forth in front of the three candidates.

"Harooom......s's you awl waont ta fix'n's op dis plaays eer wot? Wot ya thank ye can do to oppeas all dies here blukes und uh...duh foine loss dere." He stares at them all from under the brim of his hat. "Woll? Yous oll hofta know oll kindsa peeples und dere wonts und needs az allsis in a here lak is alla diffrntlak. Und wez har don know nuttin alla dis flarncy har und fixin. Youz needza know ZOCTLY wot is all us far 's oll." He pauses and produces a quite clean dark grey rat from within a large pocket, "Eev'n HIM."

Wednesday February 26th, 2003 9:06:29 AM

Drew sits and waits.

DM kent 
Wednesday February 26th, 2003 8:37:48 PM

Frelach, Lera, and Marlena listens to you all for a moment and within seconds Marlen and her band are heading for the door, without even saying goodbye. After a few moments of confirring with each other, Frelach nods his head and with a brief nod gathers his folk and with a polite goodbye also heads out the door, leaving Lera and her three ladies standing and looking around at you.

"So Let's see, what are the things you need in your new home? How many rooms upstairs and down? Do you want full walls or partitions or halfwalls? How many exits do you need, want? where would you like them? should they all be obvious? what kinds of things do you think are attractive? Where do each of you go if you want to relax? Do you want common rooms on one or both floors? What sorts of things do you enjoy doing when you are together?

Wednesday February 26th, 2003 9:16:39 PM

"Well, I don't know if we have enough room for us to all have seperate bedrooms, but it would be nice. Maybe have most, if not all, of the bedrooms upstairs. Then down here we could have a kitchen and dining room and a general type living area."

Tiree pauses before continuing.

"As for personal tastes, I'd like to do something nice with the garden. But, that's just me."

Thursday February 27th, 2003 11:02:56 AM

Outside in the yard, Gordo continues to work his way through a punishing series of leaps, shadow boxing and slow forms. Though he has on his new belt, pants and boots, he seems to be wearing his old tatty waistcoat again.

His 'room' back home was shared with his four brothers, and was in reality platform on poles above the main living area in his parents' small stone house. Since then he has lived on a succession of floors and spare matresses. He has never owned his own space before, and the idea seems faintly wrong somehow.

What with the clothes, the room and everything, Gordo is worried he is going to end up spoiled. He doesn't want or need all these things around him. He wants simplicity, joy and peace, and these things stem (so Gordo believes) from owning nothing. Only then can he clearly see where he begins and ends.

He blocks, punches, kicks and butts, quietly chanting a mantra as he does so "Empty the Hand... Empty the Mind... Empty the Hand... Empty the Mind..."

Thursday February 27th, 2003 11:21:14 AM

"I like my old stuff."

Thursday February 27th, 2003 2:14:41 PM

Bog looks surprised and then somewhat embarressed as the two fine designers change their expressions and leave.

Turning to Tiree, he mutters shrugging his shoulders sheepishly, "Gowrsh, missy, M'thinks y'insolted em all lak. Daysen dinda lok var huppy dar wot. Twar thot necassityaary?"

Friday February 28th, 2003 1:09:52 PM

Suddenly realizing something, Tionel blinks and rushes over to the chests. With great hectic speed, he opens and scrambles through them, finally finding a small black backpack that he used to wear. As he takes it, faint chittering is heard from within, and with a tug of a drawstring, a squirrel comes out of the backpack, looking quite disoriented, displeased, and worse for the wear. "Thank nature..." he mumbles, and offers the poor thing an acorn. It snatches it haughtily, and scurries into a corner, hiding for the immediate time. "Heh, sorry," he says to the rest. "He must have been sleeping when you guys put him out. Laziest squirrel I've ever had."

He sits down on top one of the chests, for lack of better furnishing. "Let's see if I get this straight... some of us want just some nice beds, a bit of an area to eat, but mainly we're pretty impartial. We're not really complainers, or too fancy. Maybe just some nice furniture, a few bedrooms, one or two separate for the ladies perhaps, a place to lounge about, another to eat food, and that's all. Somehow I imagine that you will have more knowledge with what to do than we do...but I'd still like to make some suggestions; not many small items that are breakable or fragile, nothing too posh for us paupers, perhaps put a bit of nature around us? Personally, I only wish to have one really comfortable stuffed chair, one that you can sink into and feel the cares of the world left behind. Other than that, we really don't need much, I think. We spend most of our time out, helping the orphans or other people anyways."
Now that his modesty, humility, and agreement with the rest of the group firmly established, Tionel can't help but add his own opinion.
"Something you mentioned that I do think would be helpful is having another way in and out that would be hard to find. Maybe a trapdoor, that'd be wonderful! Hmmm...and maybe a small dwelling for our wild friends. Oh, I'd like to have a window and be on the upper floor. And, oh! Perhaps some deep, dark green curtains, and mahogany-type furniture..." he trails off, blushing slightly at his own enthusiasm.

DM kent 
Friday February 28th, 2003 7:44:48 PM

Lera and her ladies spend about two hours talking and listening with/to each of you and Just as it is really starting to turn dark, They start wrapping things up.

"Well, I think that we have all we need for now. Our crews will show up tomorow morning and we will depart at around dusk each night. this job should last approximately three days. We will start with the upstairs and you rooms, so you will have some where comforyable to retire to each night. Please let us know if there is anything you need or want us to try." You are welcome to stay around while we work, but I warn you I will probably put you to work if you do." Have a great night and thank you for letting us work with you."

She leaves leaving you a barebones apartment and wearied minds from all the hubbub you all partook in today.

It is now about 8 pm.

(OOC, Ok folks get me any last minute ideas you have to include.)

Friday February 28th, 2003 7:53:58 PM

Turin makes a note to avoid the house the next few days. "So... who's up for a 3-day vacation?"

Saturday March 1st, 2003 4:34:48 AM

The big man just hopes whatever room he is given is sparse and simple. It is amazing how objects have a way of attatching themselves to you, until you are so buried in possessions you lose your focus and mobilty.

Sunday March 2nd, 2003 2:45:05 AM

Syr comes in as the decorators are leaving and overhears a few of the ideas. "Sorry guys, I've been helping Mother get the new stuff ready with the expansion."

Turning to Lera, "It seems most of us are fairly simple folk. Personally, good craftsmanship in furniture is important to me and more difficult to come by, especially down here. Just make sure we have a minimal of furniture? After all, the more we have, the longer it will take to clean."

Nodding at the other elf, "Tionel, a hidden trap door is a great idea. Why not combine that idea and Tiree's? How about something to get us up on the roof? Is it possible to create a small private garden up there? Hopefully, we will still have enough room for the garden and anything else we need for our small friends."

Looking excited, he stares around, already imagining what the house will look like. "I volunteer to guard and sleep in whatever room has access to the roof."

Sunday March 2nd, 2003 7:19:18 AM

Bog shuffles his feet, "If'n y'oll dont mahnd...Oi kinda lak dat baseeemint sellor tahp aree don below. If'n yous cooda fix dat op nise an gimme spots ta work wit spellsan' tings...poshuns ond whotnot...Ahd lak dat. An' only a few explosustions 'll occur some'n arund da but time."

He thinks some more. "Ahna real comfy place ta sit 'n thank. an Ah mean REEEEEEEEEEEEl comfy."

Monday March 3rd, 2003 12:49:45 AM

The happy elf says "I'll be glad to help you, ladies." He always likes having a part in his future stuff. "I like Bog's idea, too, but don't know if we can really knock out a basement too..."

Anyone else get this message when they send somethng to the DM?  d100=15 d100=61 d100=37 d100=7 d100=71
Monday March 3rd, 2003 1:06:29 PM

550 <lemberno@aol.com>... User unknown

Monday March 3rd, 2003 1:40:43 PM

Yeah, I got that same message...the second time I sent it, it worked tho. Weird, huh?

DM Kent 
Monday March 3rd, 2003 5:17:40 PM

(ooc You might get that message if you have recently changed your email address or if It got written down wrong as I have very stricy blocks on my machine If you are getting that message please send the email to strunklew and I will orrect the error.)

DM kent 
Monday March 3rd, 2003 7:37:22 PM

Lera and her crew show up the next day with some plans and several workers, and they get right to work.

She does mention that it will unfortunately be impossible to provide the basement in the townhome and that the roof is such that a garden or space wont work, but she sees no problem with running an escape way to the roof and several of the other ideas are well accepted as well. As to the simplicity of the rooms and the amount of furniture she nods and mysteriously says I think a combination of the two will work best. You don't really want too much empty space.
Tionel she puts to work measuring floor space for the area rugs that will be placed in many of the rooms and every now and again she pops her head in to see how he is doing and is pleasantly suprised by his work.
Many of the others take this time to shop around town and check on Flaust and the orphanage to insure things are going smoothly with the donated funds and get the ball rolling on the plans for the additions.
At one point during this Lara approaches Drew. "So would you like me to incorporate your chair into your private space or in one of the common rooms?"
It is during one of these outside forrays that one of you hears a whisper about some big to do coming up that may need some crowd control and guardianship.

Tiree  d20+4=16
Tuesday March 4th, 2003 2:22:39 PM

Out and about, Tiree hears a few rumors about something happening in the city. Wanting to know more, she wanders around and visits a few friends who are "in the know" to see what they might know about what is going on (gather info 16).

Turin  d20=19
Tuesday March 4th, 2003 3:48:03 PM

Turin thinks a bit about it, then starts asking around about it (Gather information 19)

Wednesday March 5th, 2003 3:00:01 AM

The big man, with some time on his hands and keen to escape the frenzied activity at the house, decides to spend some time exploring the city and her shops. He marvels at many of the things on offer, but buys nothing. When he returns to the house later he searches out his companions to ask if they too have heard the rumour that some big event is taking place.

Wednesday March 5th, 2003 3:00:55 AM

Syr spends his time working with Drake at Mother Flauset's orphanage. He only show up at night to get some rest before returning to work.

Wednesday March 5th, 2003 3:29:35 AM

The elf quickly gets bored of his task, but does it precisely and as helpfully as he can. After a while, he starts to get into it more, as he realizes the potential, and then just as quickly, begins to get bored of it again... until inspiration strikes once more.

Wednesday March 5th, 2003 6:29:19 AM

Bog stands for a considerable time in front of the throng of women bustling around measuring things. He strokes his chin and scratches his half-poined ear. Every now and again, he reaches inside a vest pocket and pulls out his rat which he pets and scratches behind the ears.

"Hmmmm....dat izza tuffy. Wait! Whyyar don' yar den pot my qyuorters up inat da tippy top nd jis mek dem look like a basementsellar...ya c'n dooz dat cantya? Wit all dem ullusiasions? Dere'd hafta be rum fer a taybil fer experariamints n thangs and a looong sofa fer nappin an thinkin. Ana maze fer da rat wit lotsa pilloooz."

DM Kent 
Wednesday March 5th, 2003 7:51:15 PM

Tiree, Turin and Gordo all hear about an upcoming and unbelievably important wine tasting that is going to be happening in the next few days, that is going to be drawing people from all over the Wold. The other word is that the organizer is looking for security to protect the wine and keep the peace during the event. The one thing that no one has been able to find out yet is who the organizer is and where it is going to take place.


DM Kent 
Wednesday March 5th, 2003 8:12:42 PM

Tionel finishes his measurements and is then is sent on a trip to pick up the area rugs that he was measuring for.

The apartment seems to be shaping up fairly nicely with three single bedrooms and two double bedrooms upstairs along with a central living area and a meeting area near the stairs. While the downstairs is being shaped into three rooms, a kitchen, and large family/eating room/library and an all purpose room near the front door.

As Lera's crew works you hear occasional exclamations and then alot of activity and then silence. It is after these silences that Lera comes and gets who ever is around and shows them the secret and trap doors and escape routes that her crew has built into the apartment.

The outside garden is set up with a small bricked sitting area surrounded by lots of top quality, loamy top soil, just waiting to be planted in. She explains that gardens tend to grow best for those who plant and tend them, so they do no planting nor plant selection.

The furniture, while nice is obviously not brand new and is more servicable than beautiful. The cabinetry, tables, and chests are all of excellent work but are basic utilitarian pieces that are easily moved and functional.

The area rugs are tied to each other through their patterns but each reflect the color preferences of each of you and blend well with the rest of the apartment.

But the two most amazing things are the two pieces of wall art upstairs on the two large walls. If you look at them they seem to be three dimensional and the figures seems to actually be moving.

The one near the staircase actually seems to be a recreation of the last moments of the Mask Day and if you look closely you can see what appear to be smal replicas of you all.

The second piece by the fireplace, is much more relaxing and pastoral. It seems to be a forest glade scene complete with frollicking deer nnd rabbits and even two centaurs walking through the edge of the meadow.

Both are amazing pieces and radiate illusiary magics.

Wednesday March 5th, 2003 9:54:52 PM

"Rather nice and homey," are Tionel's first words, as the elf finishes up with his works. "I like the illusions especially. Madame, I salute you..." He kisses her hand, gallantly.

Thursday March 6th, 2003 4:18:01 AM

Syr comes in and goes straight to the illusionary wall near the staircase. After staring at it for a moment he points and laughs, "Gordo, that fall mmust have hurt!"

Thursday March 6th, 2003 8:29:14 AM

The big man stares at the work of art in some amazement. "Oh, we have thick skulls in my family, lad!" he grins at Syr. "It wasn't so bad."

He thanks Lera and her workers, complimenting them on an excellent job, then heads to his own room to clear out as much stuff as possible. He aims to end up with just a rug on the floor, a spare blanket and a trunk to keep his new clothes in. Though he's not convinced about the trunk or the clothes.

Thursday March 6th, 2003 11:24:04 AM

I still like all my old stuff better.

Thursday March 6th, 2003 11:55:58 AM

After thanking Lera and her helper's, Tiree quickly moves upstairs to claim her room. Moving to the far end of the hallway, she quickly grabs the last one on the left. She likes the thought of being away from the noise of the upstairs common room and likes being right next to the secret door to the roof. And being the only female, she feels entitled to one of the private rooms.

After moving all her stuff into her new room, she tries to get everyone together and tell them about the rumors that she's heard. She wants to find out if they are interested in applying for the job.

Thursday March 6th, 2003 2:32:46 PM

Turin comes back and does a double take. "O-kay..." He looks around, almost in awe.

DM kent 
Thursday March 6th, 2003 10:54:53 PM

After everyone has chosen rooms and or roommates and taken a walk through of their new digs and disciovered the four non normal exits to their abode, Tiree tries to convene a meeting of Flaust's Brigade late that evening, after dinner, to discuss the job rumors flying around and then everyone settles in for the night.

Friday March 7th, 2003 6:45:51 AM

Bog settles into the comfort of an easy chair and puffs clumsily on a pipe he found and, in between coughs, listens to the proceedings, offering naught but nods of his heaad.

Friday March 7th, 2003 9:54:44 AM

Drew waits

Friday March 7th, 2003 12:39:05 PM

Happily enjoying his new home, after showing the others around, especially the secret exits cunningly made, Tionel slumps down into a comfy chair and idly tells them all, "Wooh...it was exhausting working with those ladies. But now that we're finished, well, what shall we do, guys? Anybody hear of anything interesting going on about town?"

Friday March 7th, 2003 2:20:52 PM

Syr settles down on the floor near the wall and is content to watch the paint dry... (and the illusionary wall).

Friday March 7th, 2003 2:33:08 PM

Turin shrugs. "There's a wine-testing going on soon."

DM Kent 
Saturday March 8th, 2003 4:41:17 PM

The Orphans sleep the night in their new home and find it almost too quiet, but awake rested warm and dry. It is just after breakfast when there is a knock on the door. When the door is opened there is a young boy standing there, in the livery of one of the local messenger services. In his hand he carries a simple scroll case, a dagger is at his hip. He is looking a bit confused as he looks first at the interior of the apartment and then at the scroll case, in fact he looks to be about to cry tears of frustration for some reason. ""Umm, I, uh, have this message, b, but I don't know, who to give it to as there is no name on it. This is the address, but they said some orphans lived here and.... Oh Im going to lose this job too....

Saturday March 8th, 2003 7:39:03 PM

Taking pity on the boy, Tiree takes the scroll out of his hand and replaces it with a silver piece.

"We are those orphans. We've just had a bit of good luck lately. Thanks for delivering this."

With a wave, Tiree shuts the door and turns to her friends.

"Now what can this be?"

Opening it, she reads it out loud to the rest.

Sunday March 9th, 2003 5:49:45 AM

The big man claps the messenger on the shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry son, you're doing a fine job. You have the right place and the right people."

He listens to Tiree's reading of the scroll.

Sunday March 9th, 2003 11:22:00 PM

Turin chuckles at the boy. "Don't worry about it."

He waits to hear what the scroll says.

Monday March 10th, 2003 3:07:23 AM

Bog comes down the stares almost bouncing, "Mwy, mwy! Ah actically slept a hole naht witout wakin wonce. Neber don dat afore. Say, yousall, y'wanna go take tea wit' won of my mudders fom the hi sosity place? Ah got adopted by four o' dem."

Monday March 10th, 2003 12:44:35 PM

Syr wanders downstairs to see what all the commotion is about.

Monday March 10th, 2003 1:10:38 PM

The elf smiles slightly at the anxiety of the boy, having met many a person like that. He nods in approval of Tiree's action. "I wouldn't mind finding out more about this wine festival job, myself... I hear there's going to be a big cooking contest in a few weeks or so." (ooc; the module I'll be running!)

Looking over at Bog he grins. "You certainly look a lot better. But actually, we just got this message..." And waits for Tiree to read it out.

DM Kent 
Monday March 10th, 2003 9:27:42 PM

Tiree opens the scroll case and reads the simple message.

As I am sure you have heard there is going to be a wine tasting this week. What you don't know is that it is being hosted at the Giggling Ghost. Since this is an extremely important, and to some nearly sacred occasion, it is deemed prudent that I have security before and during the event. As Waard aparently has smiled upon you as of late I have a proposition for you to entertain. If you would be so kind to stop by this morning I would like to talk to you about possibly of conducting the security for this event.

Yours luckily,
Happy go Lucky

Tuesday March 11th, 2003 6:12:47 AM

"Security guards, eh? Well it wouldn't be the first time... I'm game, how about you folks?"

He rubs his huge hairy hands together, a huge grin on his face.

Tuesday March 11th, 2003 12:07:43 PM

"Security isn't my forte, but I'll follow your leads. I'd rather be a participant," he adds, fondly thinking of all his previous experiences with wine... "Maybe they'll let me be security and some mood music..."

Tuesday March 11th, 2003 3:09:01 PM

Turin chuckles. "Security is no problem."

Tuesday March 11th, 2003 3:33:25 PM

The elf crinkles his face upon hearing the note, "Security? So basically standing around and getting paid for it? Sounds boring! If everyone else wants to then that's fine but there must be a better way to make money..."

Tuesday March 11th, 2003 3:42:08 PM

After reading the note, Tiree listens to the others.

"Isn't the Giggling Ghost where you guys had the fight over the mask? I figure after that mess, the least we could do would be to do security for them. Although why that want us after that incident is beyond me."

Looking at the note again she says, "Besides, it's not like we have anything else to do right now."

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 5:05:26 AM

"Ah'm sure dey'd rally appreeshates it, Ti'nel f'n you'd plays fer dem custeemers und makes em all happy lak. Ah cood wip op som 'lussions too."

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 9:50:03 AM

"Syr protecting the week is not boring, in fact most times a security joib brings the most trouble." Drew smiles with ALL of his teeth.

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 3:31:22 PM

"Heh.. I like that idea, Bog, if I understood you. Besides, we did wreck the place...the least we can do is help them a bit. So, let's go down to the Giggling Ghost. I've got the perfect outfit!" So saying, Tionel retreats upstairs.

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 5:14:50 PM

"So we're agreed then? Wonderful, lets be off and meet with Happy. If its anything like the security work I've done in the past it'll be nothing more than showing a couple of drunks the door" grins Gordo, seriously tempting fate.

DM kent 
Wednesday March 12th, 2003 9:56:45 PM

Agreed to go see Happy, You all make it down to the Giggling Ghost and find there is a closed sign on the door, which is very unusual. You can see a fire in one of the the hearths, so you know someone is there. When you try the door it is unlocked. As you enter You see Happy Bustling toward you. Oh I'm so sorry, but we are clo..... Oh, I'm sorry. Please come in and find a seat. Can I get you all anything to drink? Daphne! Our friends are here. Be a dear, and come help with the drinks. Please make yourselves comfortable. I am so glad you came. Now I know Waard is looking kindly in my direction. Oh what Luck. I Just Know this is going to be the best tasting yet. Waard be willing of course. But now that you are here..... Oh I am sorry I am rambling and have goten ahead of myself. Relax and have a drink while I get my things.

Thursday March 13th, 2003 3:54:27 AM

Ordering a goat's milk from Daphne, Gordo takes a seat, downs his drink and promtly falls asleep sitting bolt upright. His snores echo in the rafters of the Giggling Ghost.

Thursday March 13th, 2003 9:24:33 AM

Drew goes completely white when Daphane appears, and never seems to be completely comfortable around the ghost.

Friday March 14th, 2003 1:51:10 AM

Tionel is amused by Happy's antics and smiles at Daphne, trying to act nonplussed about the ghost. They always made him somewhat uncomfortable, but this one seemed rather nice so he tried to act similarly in return. "Thank you, very much, miss Daphne."

Friday March 14th, 2003 5:48:21 AM

The elf seats himself and spends his time trying to run his hands through the ghost's form without her noticing. He patiently awaits the reason they are here...

Friday March 14th, 2003 8:05:45 AM

"Hrm...ayah drank. Hmmmm. Uhhhhhh Kinna git anyya'll littabitta wine? Somp'n sweet. O und war's de entertunements all set up. We's gonna play 'n stuff too, yoo know to entertune da visiteers."

Friday March 14th, 2003 9:11:12 AM

Drew continues to be bothered by the ghost.

DM Kent 
Friday March 14th, 2003 6:40:55 PM

(ooc sorry guys I've been without power since wednesday night and just got it back.)

Daphne smiles at Syrs funny business as she gets everyone's drinks. After just a few moments Happy is back with a thick sheath of papers.

Hmmm, Ok ah yes I am so fortunate that you all were able to come this morning. Anyway, I have closed the INN for 24 hours in order to prepare for the tasting of the special vintage Purple wine. This event is drawing people from near and far and is likely to be attended by several hundred people at the least. I was able, five years ago to secure the right to this event for this year and it cost me a pretty penny to do so. There are any number of competitors and others that would like to get their hand on this wine for it is literally worth twice its weight in gold. So Not as to beat a dead horse but, I know how to run an Inn, but I am not one that knows much about guarding and protecting things. Thats where you all come in. That is if you would be so kind as to agree to do this for me. The pay will be 5000 gold pieces and a table at the tasting. Ican pay you as much as 2500 gold up front if you need to pick up any supplies and this to aid in your securing the inn for the next twenty four hours. Well, there it is in a mouthful. Will you do this?

Monday March 17th, 2003 1:23:50 AM

"5000 gold...and...a table?" Tionel is shocked. That's more money than he's ever seen in his life. One day at a noble's feast he made a hundred gold, and didn't have to do anything for weeks thereafter...but five thousand? He's just stunned, unable to respond.

Monday March 17th, 2003 4:37:17 AM

Syr's only indication that he is surprised by the offer is a slight widening of his eyes. "5000? Sounds like you are EXPECTING something to go wrong? What kind of competition are you expecting to show?"

Monday March 17th, 2003 4:48:12 AM

Gordo blinks awake at Happy's words. The sum is a princely one, there's no doubt about it. "Well I'm in!" he grins, wide awake now.

"So let me be clear; we need to guard the Inn both before the tasting (for 24 hours whilst it is closed) and during the meeting itself. Is that correct? Could we see what we are to protect? Its location, size, any existing security measures, that sort of thing?"

He leans back and scratches his whiskers, pondering ways of ensuring the safety of the wine.

Monday March 17th, 2003 3:58:10 PM

Turin gasps at the number. "I, I think that's... great!"

Monday March 17th, 2003 6:05:05 PM

Bog grins, "'Nd Oi'da been hoppy wit' jost the taible!"

DM Kent 
Monday March 17th, 2003 10:01:38 PM

Turning to Syr, Happy looks thoughtful for a moment. Well, with Warrd's blessing I hope nothing, but the last time this wine was tasted there were all sorts of difficulties. So I would expect people to try and steal it, I suppose. And since the wine is not only extremely valuable, but has some nearly religious significance to some races. I suppose it is in the realm of possibility you could see a reigious zealot of some sort. But with the right planning and preparation, I am sure you will have not have any problems that you can't handle.

Turning to Gordo in his turn, Happy grins. "So you will do it. That is such a relief for me and my staff. That will truly allow us to prepare for the tasting and not have to worry about the security of things as well. We really dont have a whole lot of existing security. I mean we have the staff and some locks and such but..." he trails off looking a bit embarrased.

"As for seeing the premises and the wine and where it will be stored, I will show you that now and I will also give you a drawing of the premises as well. Then I will let you alone to plan and prepare. Let me know if you need some of your money to buy anything."

It is about this tie that there is a light rap at the door and a bearded dwarven head pokes around the corner. (You are on Mike)

(ooc Inn drawings sent via JPG email attachment.)

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 8:44:42 AM

The dwarf's entire appearance can be described as functional. Short and squat, he wears blackened banded mail, and carries a small black steel shield, with no insignia. He carries a massive dwarven waraxe, which is also unadorned.
His full beard is tied into two braids, and his dark hair is pulled back into another. All three braids end in a simple obsidian band. His dark deep set eyes peer out over a large round nose. His appears to be two or three days removed from a needed bath. Not offensively dirty, but not really clean, either.

"Which of ye be Gordo?" he asks.

Assuming the man introduces himself, the dwarf bows slightly, and continues,
"I am the priest Bralin Stoneminder. The Lady Flaust bids me to fulfill my oath with ye."
Drawing that really big axe, Bralin drops to one knee in front of Gordo, and raps the pommel (hard) against the floor. "I am at your service."

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 11:01:02 AM

Seeing the new Dwarf enter and then introduce himself to Gordo, Drew looks to Syr and rolls his eyes up into his head. Then he cocks his head toward Happy and shrugs as if to say, "Do we take the job or not?"

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 11:04:46 AM

Having no idea about guarding the Inn, Tiree sits quietly and listens, absorbing as much as she can. As the price is mentioned, she sits up a bit straighter, but still remains quiet.

At the appearance of the dwarf, Tiree finally moves. Getting up she walks over and stands next to Gordo. Looking up at him she asks, "Who's this?"

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 1:35:43 PM

Turning to the others, "I, for one, want to see why the big deal over some rotted grapes. The job doesn't sound too complicated. Unless anyone has any better ideas let's do it."

Looking thoughtful, "I'm not quite sure how to go about this but should we use some gold to purchase some extra decoy bottles or some structural reinforcement such as a stronger bar on the door?"

Seeing the dwarf come into the inn, he turns to happy, "Dwarves aren't one of those races you mentioned previously, are they?"

Looking from Bralin's axe, to Drew's Axe, to his own Axe, he mutters softly, "Well at least he fits in well."

(OOC: Can you send me the map again please, I don't seem to have received it.)

is this your correct email addy Scott? ups2k@hotmail.com

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 5:27:05 PM

The big man seems entirely flummoxed when the dwarf drops to one knee and pledges allegiance.

"Who? What? Where?" he splutters, as the dwarf explains. "Please, please, get up lad! No need for bowing, certainly not to me! So Lady F sent you did she? Well, if she reckons you can cut the mustard, so do I. Welcome aboard son!" And he clasps the dwarf's forearm in a warrior greeting with a broad grin.

He quickly brings the dwarf up to speed regarding the wine protection duties, then reverts to scratching his whiskers.

"Perhaps we could cast an illusion of the wine, then hide the real stuff. Can any of you do that? Or could anyone read a scroll that could do that? Also you can get these things, watchucallems, erm, Glyphs of Warning or somesuch, that blow up if people try to get past 'em. Might those help?"

His ears start to turn red, a sure sign that he is thinking too hard.

"What about if thieves came in invisible? Is there a way of seeing them? Or laying traps?" He looks to the magic users in the group for suggestions.

"Failing that me an' Drew could just sit on top of it all and hit anyone who got past the rest of you folk!"

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 5:50:24 PM

Turin chuckles. "If a thief is truly determined, nothing we can do can stop him. However, there are a number of things we can do to try to stop him."

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 7:48:10 PM

Looking around the place, Tionel smiles. "It looks like a wonderful place for a wine contest. I suppose the important tasting will take place on stage, correct? We'll need to move the tables closest to the stage out of there, to make room for anything that might occur. Does that door to the Happy Park entrance go directly onto the stage? We may have to block it, if so. Hmmm... maybe we should make sure that the room directly above is guarded, or at least that no one has it checked out and it's locked. And we'll definitely have to watch the wine cellar... I like how there's a clear path through the inn, which is helpful if something does happen. We will definitely have to beware of magic tricks as well as those of the physical kind, but we should beware more of the trick of preparation." Tionel wonders what to do, and sits down at one of the tables, pulls out some paper and an inkpot and quill, and sets to preparing a list.
"So, what do you guys think our main priorities should be?"

DM Kent 
Tuesday March 18th, 2003 9:51:06 PM

Bralin draws near to the others and is a bit puzzled by the reaction, or lack there of, he got from his arrival as the others keep discussing possible things to do for the Inn.

Happy looks from one to the other of the group looking to see if anyone is actually in charge or if everyone is speaking as they think of something to say. Scratching his head he stops for a moment and clears his throat. "Umm Does this meen that you are going to take the job?"

Tiree True  d20+4=24
Wednesday March 19th, 2003 1:28:18 AM

Seeing both Happy and Bralin's confused looks, Tiree steps forward.

"Happy, it sounds like the group is in agreement to help you. Now we've just got decide what to do to help you. Brainstorming if you will. Mind if we stick around here and look things over for a bit?"

Turning to the dwarf, Tiree addresses him.

"As for you..."

Pausing, she looks him up and down before continuing.

"Mama Flaust supposedly sent you over did she? Why?"

Tiree watches him closely during his answer (Sense Motive 24, nat 20).

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 2:10:52 AM

Syr pulls out a chair and gestures to Bralin. "Welcome friend, why don't you sit down and join us?" He offers a casual handshake as way of introduction. "I'm Syr, it's good to have someone else under the 5 foot barrier. Why would Mother send you to us?" He smiles a warm trusting smile at the newcomer.

Listening to Tionel, "Priorities? Hmm, good point. Obviously, all entrances and the actual wine should be given preference. I nominate big and ugly... I mean Drew to stay near the wine. Maybe even a few of us to mix in the crowd anonymously? I'll volunteer to stay near the door." Frowning in thought he turns to happy, "Would it be impolite to search the guests as they come in?"

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 3:57:48 AM

"Oh, hm? Yes, of course we accept the job. I think it's a fabulous job! We'll probably give half the money to Momma Flaust...that's the only thing I think is fair, right, guys?" Tionel flashes a smile. "Now, there's going to be a few hundred people attending, so it will be hard to check them all suitably. Besides, even if we did take all the obvious weapons, there's still magic. If only we could get an anti-magic spell cast on the wine area...I wonder how much that costs? I'm no spell-caster, really, so I wouldn't know.
"Ummm...so, I think the easiest way to prevent the wine from being stolen is to make it suitably immobile...say, put it in a thousand-pound immovable jug that can only allow a bit to come out at a time. How would a wizard transport that sort of thing out, or any thief make off with it? Still, I dunno how to make such a jug, 'cause I'm no gnome.
"Anyways, so at the contest, with all the entrances and exits guarded, and one of us on constant guard of the wine, we should be okay. Still, if anybody does make an attempt on the wine, we shouldn't hurt anybody in trying to stop them, or cause any damage. These guys probably won't have the same compunctions, so we'll have to be careful. I think that's about it...We'll obviously have to bolster the strength of the windows and the door, maybe clear a bit of space around the stage, and get some kinda heavy thing that will make the wine difficult to steal. What do you guys think?"

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 6:36:16 AM

Bog wanders around the room from one table to the other nodding his head in approval.

"Yop, deres sis sommany good taybills, Ah con't decide."

He eventually makes it up onto the stage and looks out. "Hey'm Ti'nel! Ye goota try dis! S'gret seein' op herr!"

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 7:39:59 AM

"Bog, son!" calls the big man, leaping up onto the stage to join the wild wizard. "You're the main spellcaster, what do you say to making the wine heavier, or invisible, or intangible, or creating an illusion of the wine, or setting up protection glyphs? Could you cast Grease on it if someone tried to take it? Or all of those things? Do you know any of the spells that could do those things? Or could you cast them if we bought some scrolls from the Catacombs?"

He turns to the others. "If we can make the wine as hard as possible to take using magic, then we can concentrate on thumping anyone who tries to take it. We have 2500 GP from Happy, should we spend some on scrolls?"

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 10:33:35 AM

The dwarf nods at Tiree, returns Syr's handshake, gives the half orc cleric a long look, and then takes the proferred chair.

In answer to Syr and Tiree questions, he replies "At your service. I made a debt-pledge to Lady Flaust. She bade me to assist her "Orphans" to fulfill that debt. Thus, I have come."

(I don't know what Sense Motive does, however Bralin has truthfully answered and has no intent to deceive or mislead. He also believes his answer to be satisfactory.)

Turning to Happy, Bralin continues.
"My Lord, do you fear theft or in-fighting?"

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 11:34:07 AM

Drew looks to hapy and says "We take the job!" then to Gordo and claps him on the back. "Good plan!!! You and I sit on it and hit anyone who tries to take it!!!!!"

Thursday March 20th, 2003 12:01:05 AM

Tionel eagerly climbs onto the stage and looks around. "This is great, Bog! Say, do you know any illusions or anything? We could put on a great show here..."

Thursday March 20th, 2003 10:40:29 AM

Drew Jumps up and down "I said well take the Job!!!!"

Thursday March 20th, 2003 2:11:17 PM

Turin chuckles quietly as his boisterous mostly younger friends gleefully accept the job. He starts looking around, thinking on what he'd do if he were trying to steal from here.

DM kent 
Thursday March 20th, 2003 8:42:04 PM

Relief floods Happy's face as you accept the job. See I just knew Waard Grace was shining on me this week. Make yourselves at home look the place over and let me know if you need any of your pay in advance for equipment and such. I really don't need to be let in on every little thing you do but when you have your final plan ready and in place let me know.

(ooc Ok I am lifting the one post rule through tuesday so that you all may work out what you are planning. Use the maps I sent play with them if needed and let me know what you have in store.)

Aleyna OOC 
Thursday March 20th, 2003 11:17:43 PM

Kent, I haven't gotten the maps :(

Aleyna, is this your email addy?


Friday March 21st, 2003 5:03:24 AM

Bog stomps on the stage, "Hey'm yousa wosername--uh, Hoppy? I's stay op heer if'n ya don' mind."

Turning to Tionel he continues, "Yos Ican doo da 'lusion stoff while yoo musicify it. Ahhhh, soory Gordoo, don' know no glyphsn'ithins. Ah kin mek de wine disoppeer, thoo", he grins.

Friday March 21st, 2003 8:40:58 AM

"If chiefly theft concerns ye, I'd suggest an alarm stone."

Friday March 21st, 2003 10:44:11 AM

no maps here.....

Friday March 21st, 2003 12:08:07 PM

The big man nods at the bits of Bog's speech he understands.

"Right then. Well Drew, looks like we're on thumping duty. Funny how it always seems to work out that way."

Friday March 21st, 2003 12:50:07 PM

The dwarf continues to sit and watch the group.

"Have none of ye run a guard before?" he wonders aloud.

"We must post in shifts, four and four, else we become too fatigued. Two run a watch 'tween the cellar and yon platform (the gaming area), and two 'tween the balcony entrance and the lower.

Yon wizard can detect for magic in the cellar 'ere the wine arrives, and then again day by day. I can assist him.

An alarm stone in the cellar twould warn of trespassers."

Friday March 21st, 2003 1:25:19 PM

The elf blinks at the dwarf's sensible words. "That's a wonderful idea! So far it seems like we've been preparing for the concert itself, while you're thinking about between then and now. Good idea. I still think we should make the wine hard to move, and we should definitely explore this place, checking everything. I volunteer to help in the search, except the basement. I, er, really don't like dark, closed spaces." Looking somewhat embarassed, he tips his hat to Bralin. "By the by, I'm Tionel...that tall one is Drew, and that's Gordo, and here's Bog. Oh, and there's Syr, and Turin...and that beautiful, luscious, gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking, wonderfully dressed, with lustrous dark hair and quick temper...nope can't remember her name. I'm just kidding. It's Tiree." Tionel is ready to duck if she throws anything at him.

Friday March 21st, 2003 1:49:14 PM

Turin looks at the Dwarf. "I personally was thinking along the lines of setting up a few traps, especially some tell-tales, such as bells that will ring if the wine is disturbed, etc."

Sunday March 23rd, 2003 3:46:16 PM

The big man slaps the dwarf on the back with a guffaw. "You're a sharp one son! Shifts. Good thinking. I volunteer for the first!"

And once he has located the wine he stand in front of it, arms crossed, peering into the shadows as if challenging them to try something.

Monday March 24th, 2003 4:12:57 AM

Shaking his head at the dwarf, "My parents were in the guard. Since then, I've tried to stay away from that line of work..." His eyes glaze over as he concentrates on the past. With a small jump he refocuses on the problem at hand, "What's an Alarm Stone and are they cheap? Turin may have a more affordable idea with some strategically placed bells or glasses..."

Bralin  d20+4=14
Monday March 24th, 2003 9:44:33 AM

The dwarf watches Gordo post himself at the wine cellar without expression.

He glances at Syr, and ponders the question for a moment.
"An alarm stone is a magical device that sounds a mighty alarm once disturbed. Tis not inexpensive, but likely falls within the monies provided by our employer. With out proximity to said cellar, Turin's solution is likely sufficient."

The dwarf stands, and calls to Bog, "Good wizard! Shall we commence to the cellar?"

Bralin walks into the cellar and searches for any unusual stonework (Search 14). While there he tells Gordo, "Once I'm complete, I shall rest for the second shift".

Bralin (OOC) 
Monday March 24th, 2003 9:46:03 AM

Typo --

Should be "With OUR proximity to said cellar"

Monday March 24th, 2003 11:48:09 AM

I can thump people.....

Monday March 24th, 2003 4:49:13 PM

Overhearing Tionel introducing everyone, Tiree looks about for something to throw at him. Slipping one of her daggers out, she tosses it in hand a moment until she catches Tionel's eye. Smiling she shakes her head and puts the dagger away.

Moving closer to him, she murmurs in his ear, "One of these days you're gonna get yourself hurt, boy." And she quickly kisses his cheek before turning away and hollering at Bralin.

"I've never been any good at setting traps. I've always been to one who got around them. I really don't know how much help I'll be setting things up, but I'll do my best on guard duty. I'll do better during the day since I can't see too well at night. Those who can see well at night ought to have the night shift, I think."

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 12:19:38 AM

"Gor! Aye! I'd be along wit ya rite naow shortly."

He trundles off the stage and follows the dwarf into the cellar.
He tiptoes listening to the creak of the stairs, walking slower and slower and slowly waves his hands in front of him. "Gor! Jes lak hom. Naow... Flot lak a twotterflae, bing lak a bee, sho all majik stoff to me!"

[Detect Magic]
He looks around the cellar room holding his hands out. He looks high. He looks low. He looks closely at the new and rare bottles of wine that call out to him saying "Drink Me!"

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 10:10:18 AM

I Thump good.

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 4:06:32 PM

Turin will do his best to set up a few telltale traps around the wine. Lines strung with bells, or connected to bells, etc.

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 4:39:34 PM

"Righto lad." nods Gordo to Bralin.

Standing guard, Gordo does some pondering. "Would lookouts help, do you think?" he rumbles, not at all familiar with organising such duties, rather with performing them.

He grins at Drew. "Yeah, old son. You an' me both!" And he slaps his fist into his open palm. "Now all we need is someone to thump!"

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 6:10:09 PM

Tionel makes a loooong search of the area of the stage, just in case there's a trapdoor or something. (Taking 20 for a search, +3 wisdom, +2 elven ability).
"I'll take whatever shift you want, guys. I think the main thing is to prepare for the celebration itself, but you guys are right. Something might happen, especially with all the magic about this inn." When his search is concluded, he takes a seat at the bar, trying to imagine how the final setup will be from there, as he asks Happy for something light to drink.

DM Kent 
Tuesday March 25th, 2003 6:38:41 PM

Ok Guys and Gals, I need your plan of how/what you are going to do specified according to rooms and man power take today to complete and get it organised and back to me so that we have little confusion. The real fun starts in the next few days.

So far I am liking your thinking and ideas, now I just need it all put together.

Wednesday March 26th, 2003 1:04:54 PM

Lets take 16 hour shifts, with the four hours overlapping in the evening whenever our employer thinks it will be most busy.

I will take night shift and guard the entrance to the cellar. I will spend most of the time inside the totally dark cellar to take advantage of my ability to see in the dark.
I will make careful inspection of the stone to make sure nobody is tunnelling in.

The two elves and Drew can also be on night shift.

Others should check the upper rooms before the event to check for suspicious activities. During the event, someone (probably two) should be on the balcony, watching the street entrances.

When we're all up, we should have some rovers mixing in with the crowd.

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