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Bart  d20+3=13
Sunday March 9th, 2003 1:05:44 PM

"Damn... at least we found the barrel," Bart comments philosophically.

Happy Hunting (DM Donna)  d20=4 d20+4=23
Monday March 10th, 2003 7:36:56 PM

Akerin & Ari: The pair find the distinctive round building rather easily, but the place is closed. However, knocking upon the stage door does have the portal opened to them by a wizened old man who scowls at them. Thanks to Akerin's Diplomacy, however, the old man agrees to fetch a blonde wig for them for a modest fee of a single gold coin...and the promise to return the hairpiece in the morning.

Akerin & Ari now have one blonde wig in their possession.

Ashira & Rigging: The couple quickly search the shop and its back room, which houses a surprisingly large variety of growing plants...none of which yield a blue rose.

Ashira & Rigging will have to think of something else.

Redux: Looking into the abandoned box, Redux is disappointed (but, most likely, ultimately not too surprised) to see that there are no blonde wigs in it...not anymore. Able took the only blonde wig with him.

Appolo, Bart & Val: Val's psionic attack gives Blackjack a sudden whopping headache, but the man successfully resists being stunned--he also sees Val suddenly appear as she has initiated an attack that nullifies her state of Invisibility. She hears a string of swear words--but Val also hears the muffled cries of her two colleagues in the kitchen.

Blackjack wastes no time whatsoever--he runs flat out for the nearest exit.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen itself, Appolo and Bart find themselves standing in a pool of molasses, covered by flour and rolled oats. The barrel dangling over the door is now completely empty.

Monday March 10th, 2003 7:59:32 PM

Val curses and hurries into the kitchen. She does what she can to free Appolo and Bart from the goo.

Monday March 10th, 2003 11:13:03 PM

"Well dear, this was a nice try. Do you have any other ideas? Maybe we can ask the owner of this establishment? He/she should know where to find a blue rose if anyone does."

Akerin  d20+4=23
Monday March 10th, 2003 11:57:37 PM

Akerin pays the man the requested gold piece. "Thank you, sir. Until tomorrow, then!"

He takes Ari by the elbow. "Like the wind," he whispers. Stuffing the wig down the front of his shirt until it lodges firmly next to his left hip just above the belt, where he can feel it with his elbow, then buttoning up his shirt, he helps his friend get up to speed. They run back to the Happy Harpy - again, down the center of each street, avoiding the buildings and dark corners. Should someone attempt to waylay them, he will attempt to tumble past (tumble check DC 23), monitoring the spot where he placed the wig, and continue on his way.

Once back at the tavern, Akerin finds Redux.

"Redux, show, please, Smilin' Jack the list. Smilin' Jack - here is one blonde wig," he says, unbuttoning his shirt enough to reach down for it and draw it forth. "I promised to return it tomorrow," he tells him as he hands it over.

Once Jack has noted the wig's entry on the list, Akerin asks what the score is so far, and how the other teams are doing - the Stiletto, the Little Brown Jug,and the Coppersworth. "What do we still need to find?" he inquires.

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible, Detect Plants) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+2=14 d20+2=20
Tuesday March 11th, 2003 10:47:18 AM

The half-elf shrugs her invisible shoulders. She whispers to her hubby in Elven, "No dear, I'm not sure where to look next (know. nat=14). The store owner is a good idea, but where will we find him? He's not here." Ashira ponders the matter of the shop owner briefly (Wis.= 20) but continues to maintain her focus on the spell, beginning to sweep the surrounding area (440 ft. range) begining at the north. "I'm using a spell to try and find the rose, but I can do that from anywhere... so long as I can concentrate."

OOC (Unless something stops her, Ashira will attempt to sweep the whole island with her Detect Plants spell starting at the north, then east, south, west. She will follow wherever Rigging suggests, but she will make sure she has covered all of the island before the spell has concluded.)

Redux  d20+2=18
Tuesday March 11th, 2003 10:56:15 PM

Not finding the hoped for blond wig, Redux rids the bar of the large chest and then makes his way to his post on the porch. He calls for Talon to give his location as well as signs of friendlies or not so friendlies. He ponders the fate of his companions and hopes he can come to their aid if trouble should arise. He keeps a sharp lookout for any of the contestants of this game, especially his own team (dc=18). He checks the list again to try to think of ways to acquire the needed items.

Ari  d20+1=17 d20+3=16
Wednesday March 12th, 2003 11:19:03 AM

Ari follows Akerin back to the tavern in order to check off their wig. While on their trek back Ari tries to keep an eye out at the passing building to see if anything might help with their diminishing list of things to get.

(Spot 17, search 16)

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 1:55:41 PM

"Val have you any idear who did this????!!!! I will get him or her!"

Bart takes off the most of his clothes and runs upstairs to put on some new clothes.

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 7:16:11 PM

Hopping mad Appolo follows Bart upstairs gets cleaned up and a change of clothes. He will the resume his search for the goblet and some molasses. "Val see if you find some more molasses around here. We'll be back."

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 8:57:38 PM

OOC: Sorry about my absence yesterday. None of my browsers would load any woldian web pages.

"It was Blackjack. I gave him a mental shock but he only swore and ran off."

Val runs into the store room to check for any molasses and any back exits the kitchen may have.

Thursday March 13th, 2003 12:13:49 AM

Rigging checks to see if the shop keeper has rooms above the shop where he might live. If not he will follow along with Ashira as she casts her spell. "If we can't find the rose, maybe we should concentrate on some of the other items."

More Treasure Found (DM Donna)  d20=20 d20=20
Thursday March 13th, 2003 1:42:32 PM

Redux, Akerin & Ari: The mage moves away from the bar, just as a rather breathless young woman rushes into the bar with a bulging bag in her hands, cursing as she just about trips into the doorway.

"Reed! You're not supposed to interfere, blast it!" she yells at the less-than-ethical Coppersworth monk, who follows her in. The female is from the Stiletto, Redux realizes. She presents the bag and her ship's list to Smilin' Pete, who then removes from the bag a tun of molasses, a carved doll and a stuffed beaver. These items get checked off the Stiletto's list.

"Let's see what you have..." Smilin' Pete says to Reed, who gives over a blonde wig and a medium-sized barrel of molasses, "...aye, aye...the items are checked off--but watch yerself, halfblood...I like creative thinkin', but I don't cotton to no cheating..!" The items are checked off the Coppersworth's list just as Ari and Akerin come into the bar with their rented wig.

Smilin' Pete nods to Ari and Akerin and asks for the hammership Wildcards' list, so he can check off the wig.

Val, Appolo & Bart: While the menfolk are divesting themselves of their sticky clothing, Val pokes around the kitchen, and finds that there is a space in the pantry that is large enough to have formerly held two medium-sized barrels of molasses (like the one dangling empty over the door)...there is also a cabinet that contains a completely empty shelf--the other items in the cabinet are pewter tankards and crystal wine glasses.

Rigging & Ashira: Ashira is disappointed when her concentration on the Detect Plants spell doesn't yield any results.

Rigging finds that there is no residence attached to the apothecary shop...however, both he and his wife DO hear the sound of muffled sobbing on the other side of the store's rear exit. (OOC: both of you got natural 20's for your Listen check!)

Rigging  d20+11=25
Thursday March 13th, 2003 7:13:06 PM

Rigging tip toes over to where he hears the sobs and takes a look at what he sees.

move silently 25

Thursday March 13th, 2003 10:04:48 PM

Val runs into the dining area looking for any gold cups currently being used.

Friday March 14th, 2003 12:55:15 AM

Redux keeps active (surely no time to drink in this job), spotting his team and promptly producing the needed list. To the pair he says, "You're not the first, but we've by far retrieved the most items," he says with a smile. In a more hushed tone, "That rose would cinch it for us. The goblet and the tool set haven't been turned in by anyone I've seen. Why don't you run to our ship to see if our good friend Nipper is around? Don't insult him but he might know of a tool or two of that type. The funny little guy might even have that goblet. As long as we get all the items, we should have a chance of winning, even without the rose."

Friday March 14th, 2003 4:28:18 AM

"Well done, sailors!" Akerin compliments their competition, Reed and the woman from the Stiletto. "Just barely beat us out on the wig."

As Redux makes his quiet suggestion, "Sounds like a plan, Redux. Off we go, Ari!"

And, unless Ari has other plans, Akerin makes haste back to the Sword of the Sea, to have a brief chat with Nipper, per Redux's suggestion, concerning special tools, and golden goblets. He'll even mention the blue rose. Why not? "For the honor of your shipmates - and I'll be sure to mention your role in our winning," he tells Nipper, "- if we win!"

Should Nipper, or any others on board, be able to produce one or more items, then, back it shall be to the Happy Harpy, post haste.

Friday March 14th, 2003 9:40:49 AM

Appolo heads upstairs, gets cleaned up and changes clothes. Then he heads back down stairs. "Valanthe did you find anything?"

Sunday March 16th, 2003 3:45:03 AM

After Bart has changed, he goes back to the kitchen. "Well, that was our barrel of molasses. We still have to get one but I will go looking for a gnome. I will look for an smith goldsmith or something like that if there is a gnome, there will be one in the same area. Cutting gems or inventing things."

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+9=15 d20+10=11
Sunday March 16th, 2003 8:47:54 PM

Disappointed that her idea and spell did not yield any results, Ashira lets her concentration drop. She follows Rigging from a distance, trying to locate the sound of the sobbing, and keeping a sharp eye out for trouble (Spot=15, Search=11).

Monday March 17th, 2003 12:57:37 AM

Unsure where to look or what to think next, Ari follows Akerin to the ship to talk with Nipper.

Hunting High & Low (DM Donna)  d20=19 d20=17 d20+5=6
Monday March 17th, 2003 7:20:38 AM

Rigging & Ashira:
Rigging tiptoes over to the back door of the shop and hears the sobbing coming from the other side of the door. As neither he nor Ashira have tried to open the door yet, however, neither of them can see anything.


Val, Appolo & Bart:
Valanthe's ever-sharp eyes catch sight of a goblet that was left in the dining room itself (OOC: I rolled the Search check myself and it was 19 without any adjustments made to it) and can happily show her prize to Appolo. Bart seems to recall a goldsmith's shop only a few buildings down the street from the palace (OOC: I rolled an Intelligence check for Bart--result 17.)

Akerin & Ari:
Reed stares silently at Akerin's well wishes before slipping back out of the place, though the female from the Stiletto crew gives Akerin a thumb's up.

"Best of luck--now I'm off to beat the pants off ya!!!" she says as she hurries from the tavern. Many of the patrons present laugh uproariously and drink a toast to her and the hunt.

Ari and Akerin get to the hammership and find Nipper asleep in his berth--and he's absolutely incensed that the pair have disturbed his precious sleep for a stupid contest like this..! (OOC: since you neglected to roll for it, I made the Diplomacy roll for you {even adding +5 because this contest IS for the honor of the ship}, but the result is a natural 1.)

The mage hands over the list and it is updated:

1. a blonde wig X 50 pts.
2. a barrel of molasses
3. a stuffed animal X 100 pts.
4. a gold goblet
5. a child's doll X 100 pts.
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake X 100 pts.
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

Rigging (Invisible) 
Monday March 17th, 2003 8:46:54 AM

Rigging will whisper to his wife. "Back me up."
He will then try the door hand gently to see if it is locked. If it isn't, he will open it slightly and peek inside.

Monday March 17th, 2003 1:58:51 PM

"I remember there is a goldsmith nearby, I will go there and see what he can do with an goblet or a gnoome tool set."

At the goldsmith, Bart asks the smith if he has a gnome tool set, or knows someone who has one. He also wants to borrow a golden goblet.

Monday March 17th, 2003 5:18:30 PM

When Valanthe produces the golden goblet, Appolo smiles. "Very good Sunshine -- now hurry up and get it back to the tavern and get it checked off. All right Bart, let's go find us some tools."

Monday March 17th, 2003 7:48:54 PM

Valanthe nods in agreement. She activates her ring of invisibility and runs back to the tavern with goblet in hand.

Akerin  d20=13
Tuesday March 18th, 2003 4:34:12 AM

"Well, actually, Nipper, maybe there's no contest. Maybe we just wanted to see if you would be grouchy if we woke you up in the middle of the night. I didn't think you would be, but Ari thought you would." He clicks his tongue as if in disappointment. Akerin hands a gold piece to Ari. "You win."

He salutes Nipper, (and, on the way out, is ready to try to block with his hands anything Nipper may try to throw at him - 13+? - can't look up bonus now - for defense) and as he leaves says, "Come on, Ari. Let's go report our failure to our friends." Unless Nipper changes his mind and calls them back, he heads out of the ship, and, on the way back, looks about with Ari to see if there are any other promising spots to seek for goodies for the scavenger hunt. "This is rather an enjoyable game, don't you think, Ari?"

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 9:29:05 AM

As has been his fortune, Redux returns to his post on the porch, thinking, 'this is rather a lot of exercise, just keeping the list. It is so much fun being able to see what the other teams are bringing in and know how they are doing.' 'Talon, what have you found: Mouse, Friend or Foe?'

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+9=10 d20+10=22
Tuesday March 18th, 2003 2:20:35 PM

The half-elf watches the door where she supposes her husband to be, anxious to see what is behind (Spot=10, Search=22).

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 12:04:32 AM

Having no luck with his creativity, Ari has no idea where to look for anything on the list. When Akerin flips the gold piece to him he looks at Akerin for a moment before realizing that what he's saying is a ruse.

More Hunting by Night (DM Donna) 
Wednesday March 19th, 2003 3:25:48 PM

Redux & Valanthe:
The mage sees another one of the Coppersworth group--the stylish rogue named Blackjack--come into the bar and go over to Smilin' Pete, closely followed by a huffing and puffing guy from the Wildcards from the third ship.

Blackjack takes off his backpack and hands the stonefaced bartender his ship's list and several items from the pack: a gold goblet, a wriggling green snake, and a small leatherbound box that, when opened, has an array of miniscule tools in it--the gnome's toolset.

At this moment, the clock on the wall strikes two...it is now two hours into the Scavenger Hunt, and the second hunter groans, knowing that any items he's turning in for his group have now lost ten points apiece in value.

Smilin' Pete checks off a wig, a stuffed crow on a branch, a goblet and another live snake from the newcomer's produced list, giving 40 points each for the items.

Talon's response to Redux's question seems to be that the owl is enjoying mouse tartare.

Valanthe now enters the bar--still invisible.

Bart & Appolo:
The pair find themselves outside a shop called Gilbert's Golden Goods, and it is closed tight (since it IS about two o'clock in the morning, after all!) Hammering on the door awakens a yawning young woman who refuses to open the door to Bart and Appolo--in fact, she threatens to summon the city guard if the pair don't go away right this minute..!

Akerin & Ari: Nipper almost launches a spare cog at the pair for waking him up so rudely, but (apparently) thinks the better of it.

"Hey...I seem to recall that there IS a gnome tinker in Safeport...he's got a place he calls 'the Fixxit Shop' over by bazaar area...uhhhh...a couple blocks north, if I remember correct. Now get on out of here..!" Nipper growls, heading back to his berth.

Ashira & Rigging:
Rigging finds himself peeking not inside, but outside, since the formerly-locked door was the rear door of the apothecary shop. He looks out into an alley that has several doors of other buildings facing it. There are also several diffent kinds of receptacles for garbage and such littered here and there.

The sobbing is now louder...and it seems to be coming from behind a large, boxy trash container some 30 feet away and over to the right. It sounds like the kind of crying that an inconsolable child would make.

Rigging Invisible  d20+11=27
Wednesday March 19th, 2003 5:17:26 PM

Rigging closes the door and whispers to Ashira,
"This might be a trap. Why don't you go out the front and circle around to the back. If it is a trap, you will be in position to do some good. I will wait a minute for you to get into position and then head out the back. If it is a hurt child, I will dispel my invisiblity and attend him or her. Sound good? Now scoot."

Rigging will listen to any suggestions that his wife might have and then give her a chance to her spot. He will then slip out the door and move as silently as he can to see what or who is crying.

OOC rolled 27 for move silently

Ashira  d20+9=27 d20+10=27 d20+5=25
Wednesday March 19th, 2003 5:58:56 PM

The half-elf thinks over Rigging's plan...seems just as good as any other. She whispers her support "Okay, I'm heading out now...take care of yourself I'll be over there in a minute." Ashira heads out the front door, and circles around the back, keeping a sharp look out (Spot=27, Search=27...that's weird! Listen=25).

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 10:48:43 PM

Valanthe becomes visible and hands the golden goblet to Smilin Pete.

"Here...you...go" Val manages to gasp out in between breaths. She ran hard hoping to catch Blackjack but his head start was too great. At least with Redux present the goblet will be worth some points.

Thursday March 20th, 2003 12:04:10 AM

Redux jumps up with a start. Hastening over to Val & Smilin Pete he mumbles something like "didn't see you come in. and hands over his list.

Akerin  d20+4=12
Thursday March 20th, 2003 2:44:24 AM

"Thanks, Nipper," Akerin whispers on the way out.

"Well, another place to go, eh, Ari?" So, it is northward they go, looking for the 'Fixxit Shop' in the area of the bazaar. [Spot 12.]

Should they find it, Akerin will knock, softly at first, at the door. If no response to a soft knock, he will knock moderately, and wait a bit. If still no response occurs, he will knock, sharply, twice, then stand back from the door.

Should someone answer, he will indicate the need for immediate assistance, and tell the one who answer that he is willing to pay immediately, as well.

And, if a gnome, or a friend of a gnome, is willing, he will pay rental, with a deposit as well, for the use of the tools until the next afternoon or evening. "Or, I can even have them back in the morning."

Ari  d20+1=4 d20=10 d20=9 d20=5 d20=4 d20=1 d20=13 d20=17 d20=12 d20=13 d20=6 d20=14
Thursday March 20th, 2003 3:41:34 PM

Feeling sort of like a fifth wheel Ari follows along with Akerin on the way to check out for the gnomes tools. He does his best to keep an eye out for other clues to the stuff the groups is missing. Spot check=4 (other rolls are just in case)

Friday March 21st, 2003 1:55:00 AM

"I'm terrible sorry mylady, if it wasn't for the hunt I hadn't even think about waken you up at this hour of the night," Bart says politely. "I apologize for our disturbance of your night. But while you are awake maybe you could help us, do you have some gnoome tools? And have you heard about a blue rose? We will be very grateful if you can give us any information."

Friday March 21st, 2003 1:24:24 PM

Appolo just shakes his head as Bart pounds on the door waking the young woman up. When Bart asks his questions Appolo adds, "Yes we would be very appreciative of any help you could give us, mi'Lady, and sorry about the hour." Appolo of course would have tried some breaking and entering first, but too late now.

Still Hunting Around... (DM Donna)  d20=9 d20=17 d20=18
Monday March 24th, 2003 3:03:05 PM

Redux & Valanthe:
Valanthe hands over the goblet and Redux produces the list, so Smilin' Pete checks off the latest of the items that the Sword of the Sea's Wildcards have turned in:

1. a blonde wig X 50 pts.
2. a barrel of molasses
3. a stuffed animal X 100 pts.
4. a gold goblet X 40 pts.
5. a child's doll X 100 pts.
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake X 100 pts.
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

"All's ya need to complete the list is the molasses, the tools an' that rose...if you can find one on the island..!" Smilin' Pete says as he hands back the paper to Redux. "Your crew is doin' themselves proud!"

Bart & Appolo:
"I don't care WHAT you're looking for--go away!" the girl demands as the door opens up a bit, revealing a couple of chains that are securing it on the other side. As she draws in her breath to scream for the guards, however, Appolo's Diplomacy prevails where Bart's fell a bit short (OOC: I rolled Diplomacy checks for the two of you--Bart only got a 9, but Appolo got a 17.) She eyes Appolo--apparently there is something about the young man that appeals to her--then she says in a huffy kind of voice:

"I'm a respectable apprentice goldsmith, thank YOU--I don't associate with gnomes or people who'd be weird enough to grow blue roses...nor do I think it's very polite for you pirate-types to go around hammering shop doors down at all hours of the night! I can't help you, so good NIGHT!"

With this, the door is shoved very firmly closed and an audible click of a keyed lock can be heard as an underscore to her soliloquy.

Akerin & Ari:
The monk and his fellow Wildcard find the Fixxit Shop and knock...and the door is almost immediately opened by a rather wizened old gnome, who listens as Akerin explains the why's and wherefore's of the pair's visit to the shop.

"I'm Bingle." the gnome introduces himself. "I've heard of the Hunt--and you can borrow my tools to complete your quest...however, I'm in the middle of repairing Mayor Merinol's favorite cuckoo clock--you'll have to wait another two hours before I can let you borrow the set."

Rigging & Ashira:
Rigging quietly sneaks up on the source of the crying sounds and hops forward to see...

...a little human girl, maybe about five years old, in her nightgown and sobbing as she scrubs her face with her fists.

Ashira encounters nobody else as she comes up to where her husband has discovered the sobbing child.

Monday March 24th, 2003 4:16:42 PM

Well that's was it about my idear of gnoome tools, and we stiil have to find that barrel of molasses. Any idear maybe we must see the others back in the inn, I know it is a kind off foul play but maybe we can lay a trap for the other pirates, they did the same to us I think, at least the winners of last year did

Redux  d20+2=20
Monday March 24th, 2003 5:10:10 PM

Redux takes Val to the side and finds a place where they may talk in private. He gets very close to her and keeps his mouth directed at her ear, lest any be able to read lips. "Val, in between presenting this list I've done some thinking. The list only states that the rose must be blue. With some liberal bending of that term, it could be anything from a real rose that has the color blue, an animated rose that is crying and sad or, something we could find...say, a picture of a blue rose. Do you think you could find that; maybe go back to the palace and look at the art, stained glass and the like? Maybe, in your running around you've seen something like that?" He pauses and tries to remember once more if there was any stained glass in the palace, temple or along the streets where he's been (dc=20), and will pass that information along to her.

Monday March 24th, 2003 6:01:19 PM

"Ya come om let's head for the ship,we can probable get some molasses there and I have an idea." Appolo says as he heads toward the ship.

Monday March 24th, 2003 6:07:14 PM

Rigging dispels his invisibility spell and squats down next to the little girl, "Its OK honey. Can I help you in some way? Are you lost?" Rigging says in a soothing voice. He does a quick look around to see if anything looks wrong.

OOC I tried ot do a spot roll but it wouldn't allow me to roll the dice. Rigging gets a +8 on his spot rolls.

Valanthe  d20+1=13
Monday March 24th, 2003 9:57:44 PM

Valanthe was going to head over to the general store to find a barrel of molases, but the rose was worth more. She tried to remember if she saw any pictures of a blue rose at the palace. [int check 13]

"Redux could you enchanct a regular rose to appear blue?" Valanthe asked quietly.

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 12:22:34 AM

"No. Boss-over-there would have us for cheating, for sure."

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 4:41:35 AM

"Do you hear that, Ari? Good Bingle here does work for the Mayor!" He looks at the gnome with admiration. "Surely you know your priorities, and are renowned for craftsmanship. I would not have you miss your deadline. Come, Ari, let us return in two hours." He sets down three gold pieces on the crosspiece of the door next to Bingle. "This is to confirm our reservation."

About to leave, a thought occurs to him. "Uh, Bingle. Oh, excuse me. I am Akerin, and this is Ari. Would you be needing your whole tool set to complete the job? I was wondering whether we might just have a portion of it. Maybe the carrying case, and the tools you're sure you won't need to use to complete the job for the Mayor's cuckoo clock? If you think that would not be a problem, just tell me how much for rental and deposit, and we'll take what you won't use, and return it at the time you say - as long as it is at least half an hour after dawn."

Should Bingle accept this arrangement, Akerin will pay him (within reason - no more than 10 gp for rental, and 25 for deposit, though less is certainly fine on both accounts), then race with Ari back to grab Redux and show the list and the toolbox to Smilin' Pete.

If Bingle will not do this - well, then, he suggests to Ari, in Bingle's hearing, "Hey, druid - let's think about the blue rose again. We have two hours of looking to do, eh?"

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+2=18 d20+9=18 d20+10=19
Tuesday March 25th, 2003 4:45:01 PM

As Rigging comforts the child, Ashira ponders on where she might find a blue rose (know, nat=18). She also keeps her eyes peeled for any signs of trouble (spot=18, search=19).

Wednesday March 26th, 2003 2:56:34 PM

"I also wonder whether a note from Master Bingle might be enough to secure our list for now with the understanding that we would turn it over in 2 hours to prove that we do have use of the tools."

Kim to fellow players (Donna - go ahead and delete this in a couple days) 
Thursday March 27th, 2003 2:32:10 AM

OOC: Hey, friends, when it takes three days for all of us players to post - it really slows this game down to a crawl. Any way we can pick things up?

The Night Wears On (DM Donna)  d20=6
Thursday March 27th, 2003 7:38:12 AM

Bart & Appolo:
After thinking about it for a moment or two, the pair make their way to their hammership, where they are able to find a barrel marked "molasses", though there is only a scant quart or two left inside the container.

Redux & Val:
Val cannot recall seeing any representation of a blue rose in her travels this night, and Redux's logic seems to favor that Smilin' Pete's description of a blue rose indicated that he was looking for a naturally-occurring live specimen...no magic is to used to create it, nor to summon it from off the island, nor to make a non-blue rose appear to be blue.

Akerin & Ari:
Bingle blinks, startled at the monk's suggestion.

"I must have all my tools available to me while I work, sir," the gnome says firmly, "Since I can never be sure when I might be needing one of the more exotic implements...and I'll be happy to let you borrow my tool set free of charge--AFTER my job here is done." (OOC: made a Diplomacy roll for Akerin, but the gnome stands firm on his way of thinking.)

Ashira & Rigging:
The girl peeks up at Rigging between her fingers, looking anxiously at him for a moment or two, then she makes a bit of an effort to stop crying.

"I'm losted." she tells the married couple. "I was in the garden with Mimi a'coz she wanted to listen to the nightbirds an' a mean lady kidnapped Mimi an' I runneded after her an' she runneded faster an' now I don't know where my house is an' I want Mimi back..!" She starts crying again.

Looking her over, Rigging can see that the little girl is in her nightgown, barefoot, smudged around the edges, but otherwise unharmed.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 6:20:36 PM

Akerin nods at Bingle's reasoning. "Fair enough, good gnome. Do well for the mayor, and we shall return in two hours, if Alemi will it."

He talks with Ari. "So, molasses and flower to go. Ari, I'll follow your lead on this one." Wherever Ari suggests they go (within reason ;-) ), Akerin comes along and assists.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 8:17:13 PM

"Grab the barrel Bart,let's go We'll fillit with water and seal."Appolo says.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 9:26:47 PM

"I can't remember anything Redux and we don't have time to rack my brain. I'm off to search. If I run across it I will surely bring it back."

Valanthe tears out of the inn and heads for the general store. There is a slim chance that there is a barrel of molases there.

Ari  d20=1
Thursday March 27th, 2003 11:07:47 PM

Expecting an answer to his posed question, Ari is a little frustrated when no one responds to it.

When Akerin asks him to consider the blue flower question again, Ari ponders once more where it might be.

(unless there is something REALLY special of this flower, Kent says there should be no roll on my nature sense. But here's a d20 with no bonus since I have no idea how to add in a bonus to a roll that doesn't exist. (sheesh a 1))

Friday March 28th, 2003 12:31:46 AM

"Oh, sorry, Ari, you asked whether a note from Bingle would do. Don't think Smilin' Pete would accept a note. How would we feel if one of the other teams said, 'Okay, we don't actually have the blue rose, but we have a note from a horticulturalist that we can have it here before dawn'?

"So, anyway, no clue on the flower, eh? How about we just walk along and look at any gardens we see?" So Akerin takes Ari by the arm, and walks with him through the town, just looking for likely places for roses.

Friday March 28th, 2003 9:45:36 AM

The ever-vigilant mage resumes his post and his wine hoping to hear back on the fate of more items on their list. While he waits, he composes a list of what has been brought in and what the team status is. He's pleased to note that they are just a bit ahead, thanks to some quick work and thinking, at the start of the game.

Saturday March 29th, 2003 2:16:45 PM

Or something else we can find!

Looking, Looking Everywhere (DM Donna)  d20=17 d20=1
Monday March 31st, 2003 7:20:36 AM

Ashira & Rigging:
The little girl continues to cry--although not as loudly as she had before, repeating over and over that she wants her "Mimi" back.

Akerin & Ari:
The two shipmates must be satisfied with Bingle's promise to relinquish his tool set to them after he is finished with it, because logic dictates that a Scavenger Hunt requires that one must physically possess the items for the Hunt and bring them to the designated area (in this case, to Smilin' Pete at the Happy Harpy.)

Of course, Akerin & Ari could always attempt to cheat by either robbing the gnome or using magic to charm him out of the tool set...

Bart & Appolo:
Bart's brain slowly cranks into gear as Appolo speaks of putting water in the barrel of molasses they've just located (OOC: rolled an Intelligence check of 17)--Smilin' Pete's list simply says that "a barrel of molasses" is needed...but it doesn't necessarily have to be a FULL barrel--just an official container that has some molasses in it ought to be just fine.

The elven lass hurries off to search for a general store, but cannot remember where she could have seen one (OOC: made an Intelligence check for a natural 1--sorry, Val!) So intently is the barbarian-turned-pirate concentrating on her task at hand, that she becomes dangerously unaware of her present surroundings...

Valanthe must make a Spot check versus DC19 due to her preoccupation with the Hunt. Success means that she will suddenly become aware that there are at least two people following her; failure means that she remains unaware of their presence.

The mage sees and hears various wagers being paid out, collected upon and made yet again...one of the more interesting developments is a female bookie offering 100-to-1 odds on anyone participating in the Hunt finding a blue rose.

Appolo  d20+2=20
Monday March 31st, 2003 11:52:35 AM

"You're right Bart we don't need tp fill it. Let's go." with that he hurries out carrying the half filled barrel of molasses.

OO:Rolled Strength Check 20

Valanthe  d20+3=20
Monday March 31st, 2003 6:59:37 PM

Valanthe pauses and looks around wondering how she got so lost. She was positive that there was a general store on this street.

ooc: spot check 20

Monday March 31st, 2003 10:18:49 PM

OOC sorry folks having some computer problems. Should be more regular now.

Rigging squats down next to the girl and says, "Shhhhh don't cry honey. I will help you.
I will help you find your Mimi. Is Mimi you Mom? Can you tell me what the mean lady who took her looked like?" Rigging thinks to himself that Kidnap is a big word for a 5 year old and keeps a shred of suspision that this isn't what it seems.

He calls out in elven, "Ashira, I am taking they young one back to the tavern. Stay invisible and guard our backs. This night just got more serious than a simple treasure hunt. I think this Mimi might have been someone important."

Rigging scoops up the little one very gently and starts trotting back towards the tavern unless he noticed a guard barracks or office on his travels. Then he will go there.

Tuesday April 1st, 2003 4:46:33 AM

Since Akerin and (presumably) Ari have already left the gnome's shop behind, that decision is made. How can the Mayor do without his cuckoo clock? What's a clock, anyways?

The pair (I think - does Ari agree?) walk on, looking for gardens nestled in the town. Akerin takes some time to meditate on the glories of Alemi, and to thank him for the wonderful regenerative powers that he grants, so as to make of the Wold a better place.

Unless Ari directs otherwise (but if he stands in befuddled inaction, this will move Akerin to get his talented friend to get a move on again), the pair take a zig-zagging path back in the general direction of the tavern. Akerin does make an attempt to keep his eyes and ears alert for any who might try to waylay them.

Tuesday April 1st, 2003 9:15:35 AM

Commenting to Akerin as they stroll along, " I wonder if we could find any animals that might know about this blue rose thing."

"We could also just watch around the town and see what we can see."

Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 10:21:11 PM

The mage considers taking a part of the action. He muses a bit, trying to think of ways to come up with a rose with color blue.

ooc George 
Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 10:24:47 PM

Where are the posts? Something going on that I don't know about

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging 
Thursday April 3rd, 2003 10:26:08 AM

As asked, Ashira backs her husband up.

Thursday April 3rd, 2003 1:23:33 PM

Appollo keep your eyes open for the blue rose. I wonder if he did mean the flower or a girl called rose, if we collor her hair we have a blue rose!

Wrapping Up the Hunt (DM Donna) 
Thursday April 3rd, 2003 2:18:17 PM

The elf notices that she's being followed--but then sees that, while there IS one person following her (looks like that half-elf from the Coppersworth crew, Reed)...there is someone else following HIM--and that second person catches up to him before he can do anything himself.

"Don't even THINK of trying to pinch something else, monk!" growls a human woman whom Val vaguely recalls is supposed to be on the Stiletto team. "You may have been able to swipe some of our stuff, but I'll be the Dark Lord's footstool before I allow you to get the drop on some other team..!"

Reed scowls because it is very obvious that his attempt to sneak up on Val is now very much blown, but then he just gives both ladies a short bow.

"No matter--I'm sure the rest of my team has...secured and submitted everything else on the list by now." he says demurely. "If they have, then we win, because none of our magic showed any such thing as a blue rose on Ayorsa Island." The look on his face is rather smug as he turns and walks away.

Back at the Tavern:
Even though Ari and Akerin look very carefully on their way back to the Happy Harpy, there is no sign of a blue-colored rose.

Appolo and Bart turn in their barrel of molasses, but they have to wait behind the sudden rush of most of the Coppersworth crew, who have entered and (as Redux's sharp eyes and quick brain deduce) turn in all the rest of the items on the Scavenger Hunt list...except for the bonus item.

"Dunno what made you think of a blue rose, Petey," Able says as his group's points are tallied, "But none of us here can get a bead on one."

Redux does the math in his head--unless the Wildcards of the Sword of the Sea can get all the items on their list in before the end of this hour, they'll lose the Hunt to the Coppersworth crew.

Smilin' Pete checks off the barrel of molasses from the list that Redux hands him, bringing the hammership group's list up to date:

1. a blonde wig X 50 pts.
2. a barrel of molasses X 40 pts.
3. a stuffed animal X 100 pts.
4. a gold goblet X 40 pts.
5. a child's doll X 100 pts.
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake X 100 pts.
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

Ashira & Rigging:
The little girl clings tightly to Rigging, sniffling and shivering.

"Mimi is Mimi...Mommy is Mommy--but I don't have a Mommy...I want my Mimi!" she hiccups, then goes on: "She was a dark lady--she said she wanted to be friends with me...then she grabbed my Mimi and runneded off with her! That's kidnapping!" Some more questioning leaves Rigging with no doubt that the little girl in his arms seems to have encountered the darkskinned human cleric woman who was with the Coppersworth team.

Akerin  d20+1=20 d20+4=23
Thursday April 3rd, 2003 10:48:33 PM

The monk takes aside his friends, and, out of earshot of the other contestants, in a whisper, tells them he needs their help.

Whoever among Appolo, Bart, Ari, and Redux are willing, he leads back to the gnome's workshop. While within sight of the shop, he explains the gnome's desire to finish his task, and that they will need to pursuade him to relinquish the tools earlier than two hours hence. "Perhaps our combined charm and persuasion - no strong-arm tactics, friends, against the gnome, or I quit the game - might turn his mind. Or," and he shrugs his shoulders, "... or, he'll just get mad. I'm willing to pay him up to 35 gold pieces. That might help induce him to help us now, when it will make a difference, rather than later, when it will not. Hey - maybe we can offer to bring him, his tools, and the - what'd he call it? - the cuckoo clock - so he can continue working on it at the Happy Harpy."

When he and any who accompany him arrive at the Bingle's shop, Akerin knocks at the door, persistently if necessary, and, much more charming than he is wont to be (diplomacy 20), as well as offering first 25, then 30, then 35 gold pieces (shoot, he'll even go for 50 gp, and whatever his friends may want to add in). He is even willing to raise the stakes to a Quaal's feather token (anchor), or an everburning torch.

"Sir, whether we win or lose is in your hands. I will agree to perform one honorable favor for you, should you let us take the tools immediately." If he still demures (but not until), he suggests the notion of bringing the clock, the tools, and the gnome to the center of the contest, where he may continue to work on the cuckoo clock.

[I'm hoping that the offers of remuneration, or items alchemical or magical, and/or agreement to an honorable task, will stack on top of the rolled diplomacy check, to add whatever circumstantial bonuses to diplomacy you may deem appropriate.]

Should Bingle agree to the relocation of the tools, then Akerin shall encourage his friends to move with due haste, en masse, back to the Happy Harpy. Should any attempt to detain them, Akerin will tumble past (DC 23) and continue to the tavern with the tools. Unless the Bingle insists on coming, then the monk will carry the tools in his Heward's haversack.

Thursday April 3rd, 2003 11:46:45 PM

Rigging smiles down at the girl and stops walking. "Honey was Mimi your doll? Did the mean lady steal your doll? I promise if we can't get your doll back, I will get you another doll." He says out loud to his invisible wife, "I can't believe they took her doll. We need to find her home. Her parents must be frantic."

Rigging looks down at the little girl and asks, "Honey, What is your Mommy's and Daddy's name? What do other people call them? What does your Daddy do? Is he a farmer or does he work in a store?"

Ari  d20=16
Friday April 4th, 2003 12:32:57 AM

When Akerin pulls Ari outside to talk Ari will snap his fingers as if he's thought of something. Thinking to himself Ari ponders whether there is any kind of business that might be called the blue rose. Like a flower shop, or maybe a tavern. Anything that might have a sign with a blue rose on it and whether they could bring it to Pete. (d20 in case you need it)

If something comes to mind he'll put his hands around his mouth and put his mouth to Akerin's ear (no read lips) and let him know what he thought about.

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