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DM Kent 
Wednesday March 26th, 2003 10:18:16 PM

As Bog and Turing go downstairs to the cellar They meet Happy coming up with what is obviously two delivery people as you go down he tells you that the Purple Wine is in the first four casks right at the bottom of the stairs.

Bog gets no reading from anything in the cellar as being magical in nature.

Turin inspects the area and then gets to work creating a few simple traps. I need you to roll a disable device roll for each simple trap you want to make. DC 10

Tionel finds no trap doors on or around the stage, nor in the dressing rooms.

Bralin inspects the stone and finds it in fine shape, not quite dwarven work but very sturdy and well built.

Gordo and Drew start guarding the wine cellar and looking for something to thump.

With the 5 of you down here with all the casks of wine it is getting awfully crowded.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 2:41:27 AM

Bogs eyes the scrumptious looking wine, then sees Gordo and Drew come thumping down the stairs.

"Nup'm majicicfied don heer. I's god opsteers neow 'nd hep Ti'nel git redy."

He pushes his way up through the bodies and keeps his spell going. As he emerges back into the main room he checks quickly to see if anything upstairs is magical too. Then he goes up on the stage.

"Walp, Ti'nel, ya redy?"

Thursday March 27th, 2003 6:24:35 AM

Heard clanging about in the kitchen momentarily, Tionel emerges looking somewhat shamefaced. He quickly dusts himself off and sits on the side of the stage. He gently pulls out a magnificently crafted silver flute. He's about to test it, when he blinks...stopping. "Y'know, I don't know if I really can perform without an audience." He hops down, saying, "Say, Bog...why don't we do this later, and have a chat first? I'm curious about a few things..."
When they're sitting and comfortable, Tionel bursts excitedly into questions, "Tell me about yourself...and where on the Wold did you get your accent from? Say, do you think Tiree likes me? Most girls do, I'm afraid. It's so dreadful. Say, you're a mage, are you like, a specialist or whatever? I think magic is really interesting...never did have a knack for it myself, though." He seems half-joking, half-serious, his eyes filled with amusement.

(Basically, if we're spending hours on end on guard with each other, might as well do some in character...Tionel will gladly take watches, though he's not admittedly the greatest at this task, and isn't quite sure what he could do if somebody did take the wine.)

Thursday March 27th, 2003 8:16:12 AM

Gordo practices some shadow boxing as he stands guard with Drew.

"I tell you, son, nothing beats a good fistfight!" he grins. "Gets the blood pumping, make syou feel alive! What say one day we have us a sparring contest?"

Thursday March 27th, 2003 8:17:38 AM

"The stone is pure" Bralin reports. "I shall now rest for the night."

The dwarf tracks down Happy, "Good sir, have you a barracks where we may take our rest?"

Once he gets an answer, he'll tell Gordo where that place is and then turn in.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 9:49:07 AM

When it comes time for drews watch drew sits with his axe across him lap legs crossed and eyes half closed. Looking at Gordo he smiles. "Im sure you would win any sparing contest we would have." Drew seems completely at peace suddenly. Looking about you notice he has positioned himself in such a way as to see the whole room and in a positon that would allow him to command a battle should one break out within this room. Planning and diplomacy have never been Drews forte but when a battle breaks out him military like mind has often seen weaknesses in the enemy that others have missed. He could be death himself or perhaps to others the protective right arm of Domi.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 2:02:16 PM

Hearing Bralin's question he opts to stay a little closer to his friends and searches around for someplace out of the way. Before doing so, he walks up to the dwarf and volunteers, "I would like to team up with you on the watch unless anyone objects?" During the downtime Syr curls up near the stage to stay readied for his watch and the party.

Turin  d20+7=21 d20+7=26 d20+7=16 d20+7=12
Thursday March 27th, 2003 3:29:07 PM

Turin sets up a number of traps around the wine, simply so that if anyone disturbs the area, it will ring a number of small bells. He includes at least two that, if someone tries to disable them, will still ring bells.

Friday March 28th, 2003 3:12:44 AM

Bog shrugs and sits on the edge of the stage. "Hit'sa wahn Icame wit'. Livin down on da traysh levl in da sew'r. An' no...Ah thin' Ty'ree laks huhself....'nd I...uh...speshaliz' in stank."

Friday March 28th, 2003 4:59:59 PM

Since getting through, not setting up, traps is more Tiree's line, she waits around and does whatever she is told to. She is more than ready to follow the lead in this adventure.

Monday March 31st, 2003 2:40:06 AM

"Well...stank? Erg...that's okay, I guess." Tionel shakes his head in bemusement. "You really think Tiree just thinks of herself? Well, most women do, I guess. Still...nothing wrong with that. She is kinda pretty, though. Awww, who cares. Anyways...I'll stay watch with ya. Maybe we can sample some of the wine while off watch..."

Monday March 31st, 2003 2:56:02 AM

Syr waits patiently and well rested for his shift.

Monday March 31st, 2003 6:47:48 AM

Gordo, on first shift, fights the drowsiness he feels, and starts hopping up and down, keeping his circulation going.

DM Kent  d20+4=19 d20+4=6 d20+4=13 d20+4=19 d20+4=18 d20+4=17 d20+4=15 d20+4=22
Monday March 31st, 2003 6:50:46 PM

Bog's check of the upstairs finds no particular suprises. Only the fireplaces radiate transport magic.

Bralin and any others are shown to a room upstirs where they can all crash for their rest times.

Drew and Gordo in the basement get a little suprise when all of a sudden the bells that Turin set up start ringing. They look around and see several mice climbing/hanging along the wires.

Syr Tionel, Turin, and Tiree are up in the main room chatting when the alley door basically is thrown off its hinges. "SWhere ISH the Keeeprsh of thish Eshtablisssssment!!!"

Falling through the door is a very large and very drunk Centaur, Behind him you can see several more Taurs as well.

Swheres ish he! My name ish Beltarin ***BEELLCCHH*** an I wantsh to shee the ownersh rice now."

Tionel  d20+10=13
Tuesday April 1st, 2003 12:42:34 AM

Tionel hops forward confidently (or at least acting so!). "He's busy at the moment. Can we help you? Say, would you like maybe a bite of cheese or something? I'm sure we can get you some." He tries to sound helpful and friendly...(Diplomacy check 13... :P man, my rolls always suck!)

Gordo  d20+5=20
Tuesday April 1st, 2003 4:24:45 AM

Gordo shoos the mice away from the bell wires, and as he does so he thinks he hears a loud crash from upstairs (Listen 20).

"Hey Drew, did you hear that? That big crashing sound? That can't be good, can it?"

Tuesday April 1st, 2003 8:44:03 AM

Bralin turns to whoever shows him the upstairs room,
"Tell everyone where we be, and should trouble commence, hasten here to raise the alarm."

Then, he goes to sleep.

Drew  d20=14+??
Tuesday April 1st, 2003 9:54:01 AM

Drew rises and draws his axe and then fades into the shadows, waiting and watching.

Syr  d20+4=12 d20+4=16
Tuesday April 1st, 2003 2:53:39 PM

Syr jumps as the door crashes in and quickly moves to it. "I'm sorry sir, we are closed at the moment, if you would like to return in a few days, I'm sure we can accomodate you and your friends." (Diplomacy 12)
As he is speaking he tries to close the door to prevent anyone else from entering. (Str 16) If the door is truely off it's hinges then he uses his strength to firmly push away anyone from coming in.

Turin  d20=15
Tuesday April 1st, 2003 3:11:36 PM

Turin looks at the 'taur. "Please, sir, you are drunk. Perhaps you should try coming back when you're sober?" (Diplomacy 15)

Beltarin  d20+5=22 d20+5=25
Tuesday April 1st, 2003 8:21:29 PM

Looking down at Tionel, Turin, and Syr, Beltarin continues, "Whoos ares yousss all. Yooos not the ownersh. I'm isshh here for the wine tashting. we boughts our ticketss monthss ago and nowsthey been shhtolen. Ssho we're not levin til we knowswhats gonnbe dones abouit."

Gordo and Drew do indeed hear the racket upstairs. Drew steps into the shadows as Gordo heads toward the stairs, as several more mice run around the cellar.

Drew - roll listen check DC 12
Gordo roll listen check DC 16

Bralin gets assured that he will be notified if he is needed and goes off to rest.

Drew  d20=19
Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 9:43:16 AM

Drew hiding in the shadows listens intently hearing much.

Listen 19

Gordo  d20+5=20
Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 11:03:35 AM

Gordo, standing near the door, is easily able to hear what is going on. He whispers what he hears back to drew.

Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 2:04:01 PM

Turin looks at the centaur. "The wine-tasting isn't here yet. If you want to speak to the owners, give us a place to reach you, and we'll make sure they talk to you."

Syr  d20+2=11
Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 3:59:04 PM

Standing in the doorway he tries to calm down the big centaur, "Would you be able to give us a desciption of the people who stole from you? Might I recommend waiting OUTSIDE for them to show up so that you may identify them?" (Diplomacy 11)

He continues to block the doorway to prevent any others from entering. He screams loudly for "GORDO and ...that DWARF, get in here!"

DM Kent  d20+8=22
Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 9:38:04 PM

Bralin hears a bellow for " Gordo and That Dwarf" as do Drew and Gordo themselves.

Gordo is focussed on what is going on upstairs and hears it all.

Drew through the translating and the bellowing and the mice, thinks he heard something move near the rear of the cellar, but he is not positive with all the noise.

Syr tries to be diplomatic with a drunk and irritated, angry centaur and finds himself flying across the room after he is grabbed and tossed.

Beltarin snorts and looks around at Turin and Tionel. " Now am I going to get to see the Owner or do I have to bust this place up?"

Tionel  d20+7=24
Thursday April 3rd, 2003 1:04:28 AM

The fair-faced elf realizes that these guys are just totally raucous drunks. Talking to them won't help...responding angrily will just provoke a fight. He has to trick them out...somehow.
"Hey look!!!" he cries out, pointing behind them. "There goes the owner...I saw him just outside. He saw you guys, and headed away pretty fast. You'd better go catch him!" He tries to put his heart into this, like as though it's just an act...hoping his lie convinces them. At the very least, it gets them outside and away from anything breakable. (Perform check: 24! Or it'd be a diplomacy check 17+9=26. If it were just intimidation, it'd be 20...)

Thursday April 3rd, 2003 10:08:12 AM

Bralin springs up and hurries downstairs toward the sounds of commotion.

He carries axe and shield in hand.

Thursday April 3rd, 2003 10:31:01 AM

Drew casts see invisable and moves quietly to the rear of the room.

(OOC Im not sure I can cast that.....)

Thursday April 3rd, 2003 1:31:59 PM

The elf snarls in anger at being tossed aside and gets up ready for a fight. He concentrates for a moment and his skin takes on a bluish tinge (Lesser Natural Armor +1). With a flick of his wrist, his great axe appears in his hands as if from nowhere.

Gordo  d20+3=8 d20+5=13
Thursday April 3rd, 2003 5:15:44 PM

The big fellow is about to tear up the stairs towards the source of the ruckus when he spots Drew creeping slowly about. Something tells him now is not the time for yelling. If the big half orc has spotted something it may be wise to wait until he's figured out what it is, though he sees little through the gloom of the cellar (Spot 8, Listen 13). Instead he waits, to see if the cries from upstairs grow frantic, and if Drew really has spotted something. Their first duty is to protect the wine, and he can do that best by sticking close to it.

Friday April 4th, 2003 5:29:11 AM

Bog rolls over from his sleeping place against the back wall of the stage.

"Aye? oooh...Ah fell 'sleep. Ah wot? Heeeeeeeeeeeey Wot yoo 'orseheds doin 'ere? We'int startin' ehis all tiahm wot?"

He stands and stares puzzled at the commotion.

Friday April 4th, 2003 9:30:09 AM

Drew spotting Gordo nods his head around to the other side. Silently telling him to encircle the back of the room, then putting a finger to his lips he clearly means quietly.

Turin  d20=8 d20+5=12
Friday April 4th, 2003 3:20:43 PM

Turin chuckles, as he takes out his spiked chain. "He's not here, and if you tear things up, I do believe you'll be paying a fine fine." He smiles. "Now, if you want to wait until you are sober to speak, we'll have no problems, but if you persist in making a scene, you leave us no choice." (Gah. My gunboat diplomacy and Intim rolls sucked. 8 and 12.)

Friday April 4th, 2003 10:05:48 PM

Tionel's call about the owner heading down the street gets Beltarin's attention and he motions for his buddies to go after the person that is seen going around the corner. Beltarin then looks around at Turin and Syr with their weapons in hand and sees Bralin coming down the stairs with his weapon in hand and says, Now whysh you goin to mesh with our fun and pull out weaponsh. I haven taken mine out but I can if yoush wan me to."

It is at this time that you notice what must be one of the largest swords you have ever seen sheathed at his side.

DM Kent 
Friday April 4th, 2003 10:16:00 PM

(OOC, Anthony, I don't see where Drew can cast any spells at least not according to the PC sheet I have?)

Drew is certain he hears something like a step coming from the back of the cellar as he sneaks forward. (move silent DC 15 to avoid all the bells and whistles you all set up.)

Gordo starts moving around the other way as best as he can and also hears what could have been an inhaled breath. His progress is also slowed by the alarms that you set. (Move silently DC 15)

Bog blinks awake as he looks around the room and sees what is what.

Tionel  d20+9=10
Saturday April 5th, 2003 12:46:46 AM

Tionel mumbles to himself... (spellcasting, if anyone has spellcraft ;) ) and waves his hands at the guy, then says, "Hey, I understand your problem. If some guy cheated me out of money, I'd be angry too. Tell you what, I'll help you find him...he's not here right now, though. And we really don't want to fight... I mean, it wouldn't even be fun for you to fight us. I mean, look at me, do you think I could even pick up that big sword, let alone be a challenge to you? Tell you what...how much did he cheat you? Why don't we go to a bar, and we'll share as much wine as he cheated you out of...on me, though. I'll pay back the sum he owes you, and take it up with him myself. How's that sound?"
Attempting to cast a charm person spell on him (DC 16 to resist), followed by trying to be as diplomatic as possible (Diplomacy check 10, natural one rolled :P...I can't roll good on these dice! Aaaaaaagh!)

Gordo  d20+5=17 d20+3=11 d20+5=16
Saturday April 5th, 2003 3:42:39 PM

Gordo creeps towards the source of the sound, thankful that he asked Tionel to show him the locations of the bell traps (Move Silent 17). He gazes into the gloom, trying to make out where the breathing might have come from (Spot 11, Listen 16).

Saturday April 5th, 2003 10:04:15 PM

Bralin shoots a quick glance over to the wine cellar, but otherwise stands silently, axe in hand.

Syr (Lesser Natural Armor) 
Monday April 7th, 2003 2:41:05 AM

Syr blinks in surpise at Tionel's offer to pay as if the idea of a peaceful settlement never occured to him. He stops and fidgets nervously, unsure of the centaur's reaction and what to do now. Glancing between the two he decides to wait on the creature's reaction before moving.

Monday April 7th, 2003 6:07:22 PM

Turin shrugs. "We just weren't sure what you were going to do."

Bog  d20+2=11 d20+2=3
Monday April 7th, 2003 8:59:00 PM

Bog dusts off his nice fine clothes and hops off the stage. He sidles around the room toward the exit, hopefully not having to go through the centaur.

"Pard'n," he says as he exits, especially if he's blocked at all. He opens the door again and pops his head out quick to see if anyone is right outside. Then he goes around the inn seeing if he sees or hears anything suspicious.

{Spot 11, Listen 3]

DM kent  d20=1
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 6:27:57 AM

As Bog looks out the door he sees and hears what looks to be a fairly fat merchant being chased by four assorted Taurs and about to be nabbed. Luckily the Taurs are all quite drunk as they a falling and staggering quite a bit, but the merchant is huffing and puffing and tiring quickly.

Beltarin stops and shakes his head for a moment, and then as if seeing you all clearly for the first time says, " Nopes don wan yous money wantsh our ticketsh. Wezz wash to be at the tashting. Ish a bery important and religioush thing for us. Musht be there. At this point he hangs his head and starts weeping.

Gordo and Drew see wo shadowy human figures replacing lids on to two very large casks in the back.

Drew  d20=18
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 9:53:09 AM

Drew silently makes his way to the back of the room where he can see the figures. If they havent seen him he prepares to cast.

(OOC: Drew is a 5th level character. 3 barbarian / 2 Protector of Domi)

Tuesday April 8th, 2003 4:07:25 PM

Turin nods. "Maybe if you talk to the owner, and explain it, when you're sober, things will all turn out better. If you try to explain it now, he might just turn you away."

Gordo  d20+8=28 d20+8=24 2d8(7+8)+4=19
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 4:12:58 PM

Keeping perfectly still the big man tries to make out what the two are up to. How did they get in? And what are they doing with those casks?

Suddenly realisation dawns; they must have been hiding in the casks! They must have been here all along, waiting to sneak out and grab the wine under cover of darkness! He clenches his fists, then charges out of the darkness towards the nearest of the two figures.

He swings a fist with devastating power as he closes, aiming for the shadowy figure's chin (Crit threat, hits AC 24, 19HP if Crit! 9HP if not, subdual damage either way, Stunning Attack, target must succeed vs DC 16 or be stunned next round).

Bralin  d20+2=5
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 8:51:36 PM

The dwarf continues to stand silently, with his axe held non-threateningly at his side.

Bralin remains totally still, with only his head occasionally swivelling from the wine cellar, to the drunken centaur, to Bog, and back to the centaur. He's just waiting for something to happen.

(Listen check 5)

DM Kent 
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 9:18:30 PM

( OOC: Ok I need updated sheets from everyone ASAP. Anth the sheet I have for Drew is 3rd level Barb only)

Wednesday April 9th, 2003 2:26:57 AM

Syr hears the centaur's words and sudden comprehension dawns on his face. He moves forward cautiously and carefully moves his hand to the centaur's forehead. After a moment a red glow appears from under his hand as the elf concentrates. (Lesser body adjustment=+1 on next fortitude save, not sure if it will work but I thought it might sober him up and combat the 'poison'.) "So! What seems to be the problem? You mentioned something about religion?"

(Kent you should have Syr's already 3/2)

DM kent  d20+5=21 d20+7=25 d20+4=17 2d4(4+4)+6=14
Wednesday April 9th, 2003 7:06:51 AM

As Drew readies his spell, he sees a flash of movement as Gordo charges in fists a flailing sending a partially suprised thief flying into the wall to lie there for a moment or two the other thief reacts with some amazing speed and sends two daggers at Gordo, sticking him twice for 14 points.

Beltarin shakes his head as Syr does his thing and then passes out.

Bralin hears a crash come from the cellar/

Drew (Take Under Wing -5)  d20+6=8
Wednesday April 9th, 2003 9:45:55 AM

Drew shakes his head at the impetuious Gordo and then Bellows at the top of his lungs, "TO MEEEEEE, RATS IN THE CELLAR. TO MEEEEEE!"

He then rushes forewart to attack the Thives. Taking Gordo underhis wing and protecting his friend he focuses his attack energy on helping his friend. (Gordo has +5 to AC) He then strikes out at one of the thieves. Missing the attack.

Slashing out with his Axe

Wednesday April 9th, 2003 3:50:35 PM

"Trouble!" the dwarf barks.

Dismissing the scene around the unconscious centaur, Bralin sprints to the cellar.

Wednesday April 9th, 2003 4:21:24 PM

Turin, looking at the unconscious centaur, hear's Bralin's shout, and quickly runs after him, probably beating him downstairs. He tries to figure out what's going on as soon as he can see anything.

Gordo (19 HP, AC 23)  d20+4=16 d20+4=10 d8+2=3 d8+2=4
Wednesday April 9th, 2003 4:57:45 PM

Wincing with pain, the big man ignores the knife wielder and the blood running freely down his shoulder, instead pressing home his attack against his original target. This time he launches a rapid combination of body blows, but he is unable to make the swings really count (Hit AC 16 and 10 for 3 and 4 points).

As he ducks and weaves he nods to Drew with a grin. "Thanks, old son! I appreciate you keeping an eye out for me! And as for you" he glowers at the knife wielder, "You'll be getting your lumps when I'm done with your pal here!"

Wednesday April 9th, 2003 7:55:30 PM

Tionel frowns as the fight begins downstairs. Thieves must be here, already... knowing he's not good in a fight, and besides, it'll be pressing quarters down there, Tionel mostly shuts the door to the inn and peeks outside, keeping an eye and ear peeled for anything out of the ordinary while drawing a dagger out.

Thursday April 10th, 2003 3:30:10 AM

Syr leaves the unconscience centaur when he hears Drew shouting. He moves to the top of the stairs and stops peeing down below. "Tiree, if you stay here, I'll go down there. There is only one exit so just make sure no one comes out?" (If Tiree joins him at the stairs he proceeds cautiously down).

Thursday April 10th, 2003 9:34:08 AM

Drew waits to attact till its his turn.

DM kent  d20+6=13 d20+6=22 d20+4=24 d20+4=5 d6+4=7 d6+4=5
Thursday April 10th, 2003 6:43:10 PM

Tionel watches as the rest of the crew head downstairs and after drawing a dagger opens the door and peers out. He immediately closes it again as he sees the other three taurs heading back with a very roughed-up and abused looking merchant that is being dragged screeming behind them.

Bralin, Turin and Syr rush down to the cellar and arrive to see Drew and Gordo engaged, in very tight quarters, with two darkly attired individuals.

Gordo attacks T1 again and manages to just connect (AC 16) with his first strike

Drew tries attacking his foe(T2)and does indeed miss (AC18).

T1 draws his sword and swings at Gordo but misses as he is still shaken from the fall.

T2 also draws his sword and with a feral growl launches himself at Drew with two quick slashes of his blade, connecting twice, with the second one nearly causing some serious damage. (12 points damage.)

Turin  d20+8=23 2d4(2+1)+3=6 d20=10
Thursday April 10th, 2003 9:31:08 PM

Turin charges in, whipping his chain at the one who hit Drew, striking with finesses and power (Hits AC 23, does 6 damage, my AC is down 2 this round, dodging the guy I'm attacking). He quickly shouts, "They're down here!" (Bluff check of 10)

Friday April 11th, 2003 1:00:44 AM

Tionel sighs and shutters the door, pushing a big table and chair in front of it...not sure how much that's gonna help. He looks at the door leading downstairs, but is pretty sure he won't be able to help...

Drew (Take Under Wing -5)  d20+6=12
Friday April 11th, 2003 9:36:34 AM

Drew growling lashes out at the thief, suddenly this combat has become deadly. The Orc lashes out at the thief but again misses.

(OOC: All Alies within 5 feet get the +5 bonus to AC)

Bralin  d20+7=12
Friday April 11th, 2003 9:47:06 AM

The dwarf steps into the cellar behind Turin, but stops right at the bottom of the stairs.

With his darkvision, he easily takes in the scene.

"Two of the enemy," he reports factually to Syr (on the stairs), "We be five. No room to attack."

Bralin holds action for an opening. Should an ally go down, the dwarf will attempt to pull him back to the stairs. If he has room to attack, he steps in with his axe, missing (AC12).

Friday April 11th, 2003 3:07:47 PM

The elf crouches on the stairs and looks on at the scene. Seeing the blood on the monk, "Gordo, You are hurt! Move out of the way so that Bralin can get in there."

If Gordo is able to get out of the combat, Syr hands him a healing potion (1d8+1).

Gordo (HP 19, AC 23)  d20+4=11 d20+4=5
Friday April 11th, 2003 6:37:08 PM

The big man grins as he hears Syr's concerned voice behind him, oblivious to the blood flowing down his arm. "Me, hurt? This is just a wee scratch, lad! I'll show you hurt!" and Gordo aims another rapid punch combo at his opponent. However the big man's bravado is clearly greater than his skill, for he misses hopelessly with both punches. "Well, maybe I'll show you hurt in a moment" he adds, somewhat ruefully. "Come on in, Bralin old son, there's plenty of these jokers to go around!" And he takes a 5 foot step backwards towards the cask behind him, allowing the dwarf to join the battle against his opponent.

Saturday April 12th, 2003 5:43:08 PM

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." says Bog shaking his head.

"Dom 'orseheads."

He opens the door a bit and mumbles then points at the Taurs carrying the man and aims under their feet.

[Grease centered on the Taurs.]

He then closes and bolts the door and wnd watches out the window.

DM kent  d20+6=26 d20+6=21 d20+4=18 d20+6=10 d6+4=10 d6+4=5
Saturday April 12th, 2003 8:56:29 PM

Turin rushes in to the small area that just got smaller and nearly takes Drew's head off with the chain's follow through after connecting solidly with his opponent.

Gordo misses and jumps back five feet to try and let Bralin in to the melee.

Syr watches and waits looking for an opportune moment for some action.

Tionel blocks the door only to have Bog move it aside to cast his spell at the innebriated taurs. He and Tionel then move to a window to watch what happens.

The Taurs hit the grease spell and don't even realized what has happened. They are so drunk that they think they just fell down and are having a time of it getting up. The poor fellow they are dragging, though, is by far getting the worst of it as several times he is hit by flailing hooves and limbs.

As Gordo steps back, his foe connects with a viscious blow (Crit trheat AC 26 crit roll AC 21 for 15 points)

Drews opponent whether confused by the charging Turin and his chain, or for some other reason tries to attack both his opponents once each and manages to miss both times.

Sunday April 13th, 2003 2:43:05 AM

"ooh..ouch..um... I think one of us should go get some cops or something, for both the problems down there and that guy getting beaten up by the centaurs. I'll try to get their attention, and run off. That nifty spell you did, and some good detours, should make them chase and lose me. That sound good to you, Bog?" Tionel waits to see if Bog has a better plan...

Sunday April 13th, 2003 4:22:17 AM

Bog chuckles and nudges Tionel, "'Ey wot! 'ow bout we sommin da cops 'ere!"

He cracks the door again and begins pawing at the air one hand over the other several times slowly, "Toot ' ot rarooty toota toot 'oot....hoot 'oot hoot!"

[Ghost Sound centered above the centaurs about 10 feet. The sound is an alarm type of sound. That of a continuous bitonal pattern like OOOO oooo OOOO oooo OOOO oooo OOOO oooo... It lasts three rounds.]

"'f dat dosn't brang da cops err scar' those whatnots 'orseheads, den go giv chase."

"Ah gots woon more goot idea."

Sunday April 13th, 2003 4:23:36 AM

[The tone/spell is as loud as 12 humans.]

Gordo (4 HP)  d20+6=20 d8+2=7
Sunday April 13th, 2003 9:30:33 AM

"Ow!" growls Gordo, blood pouring from a variety of nasty looking wounds. "That hurt!"

Despite the serious nature of his wounds it does not even occur to Gordo to break off the fight. He curls a fist to land a real haymaker, and lashes out at the thief's briefly exposed throat (AC 20 for 7 HP, Stunning Fist: beat Fort DC 16 or be stunned for 1 round).

Looking over his shoulder he half grins, half grimmaces at Bralin "Any time you want some of this wee scoundrel you just go right ahead and help yourself old son!"

Sunday April 13th, 2003 1:19:45 PM

The elf excitedly claps Bog on the back. "That was magnificent, Bog! I think I'm actually beginning to understand your accent, too." He grins, and then wanders over to the cellar. "I'll go check to see how they're doing down there...sounds like a riot's going on."

Bralin(AC20,Taken under wing)  d20+9=28 d10+4=8
Monday April 14th, 2003 8:12:20 AM

Bralin sees Gordo is badly hurt. He also sees he's got a straight shot at the enemy.

Without a word, the dwarf launches himself forward, holding his waraxe ahead of him and using his own momentum to force the blade into the man with a satisfying "thwack".

(Charge, hit AC28 for 8hp dam. Should be next to Drew, so I took the +5 AC bonus.)

Monday April 14th, 2003 2:02:14 PM

Syr moves closer to the combatants looking for an opening to make his attack. He grips his axe tightly in both hands, eager for some action.

Turin (AC 23)  d20+6=17 2d4(3+3)+3=9
Monday April 14th, 2003 5:42:19 PM

Turin mutters out a "Sorry about that," to Drew as he swings again, strong, but not as direct. (Hits AC 17, does 9 HP damage)

Drew (Take Under Wing -5) (+5 AC to all alies in 5 feet of me)  d20+3=23 d20+6=24 d20+6=20
Tuesday April 15th, 2003 11:16:14 AM

Drew begins to see the battle turning and rushes to place himself between Gordo and his opponent pushing his way between them.

He then begins to shout so all can hear.

"Gordo withdraw, heal up now we need you on the stairs. Syr block off the stairs, keep that escape closed. Everyone else flank these two and keep them guessing. Stay close to me if your worried about being hit."

Then looking at the two thieves with that wild half orc look in his eyes he says.

"Surrender now and you wont have to die. We dont want to kill you and will attempt not to, but we cant be sure and I dont often let enemys live when I begin slashing seriously with this axe."

(Grapple to push between and rolled a nat 20 then a Strngth of 24, and intimidate of 20)

DM Kent  d20+4=16
Tuesday April 15th, 2003 12:31:35 PM

With Drew and Bralin shouldering their ways past, Gorda is able to drag himself out of the direct line of fire, leaving quite a bloody trail behind him as he goes.

Bralin wields his axe and slices into Gordo's old opponent.

Drew brandishes his axe, but holds off attacking giving his opponent the chance to surrender.

Syr watches anxiously, axe in hand, and looks for a way to contribute in the tight quarters that the combat is taking polace in.

Turin swings his chain, now with more room since Drew moved and once again connects evoking a curse from his opponent.

Between the grease and the sudden alarm-like sound the taurs in the street take off in different directions, slipping and sliding around but leaving a very bloddied and battered merchant type lying in the street.


DM Kent (Thief round)  d20+4=16 d20+6=9
Tuesday April 15th, 2003 12:38:27 PM

Once T1 who was once faced only by an unarmed man, is now struck by Bralin's axe and is faced with the threat of a second ax, decides he might want to live a little longer and drops his weapon. Sagging against the wall he slides down it to sit on the floor.

Turins opponent sees his partner surrender and lets out a curse. "#$*&*% Joriuss, You lowlife pondscum feeder. This is the last time I will ever work with you!" That said he takes a swing at Turin and misses. As he makes a feint with his second attack he is playing with something in his pocket and suddenly he is no longer there.

Turin  d20+6=10
Tuesday April 15th, 2003 12:52:00 PM

Turin looks around, cursing silently. Then, on a bit of inspiration, he swings once more, a bit wildly, at where the thief was. He pulls it back just before hitting anything important. "Well. He got away, it seems."

Bralin  d20+4=24
Tuesday April 15th, 2003 2:43:06 PM

Bralin holds his attack to see what happens.

When the other thief disappears, he drops his axe and grabs each of his opponents' hand in his own.

Maintaining a steel grip on the thief's arms (Strength check 24) he asks, "And what have ye got in your pockets, I wonder?"

Tuesday April 15th, 2003 5:01:31 PM

Holding the drooping brim of his hat up a bit to see better, Bog bustles out into the street to the merchant and places an arm about him.

"'Op you goo, sir. Eezee. W' most git yous rot in a b'g da hos' 'ere. Com, sir. "t not bi sef out 'ere."

He helps the man up and shoulders his pain, half-carrying him if needbe, until they get into the inn, bolting the door behind him. Then he sets him down on the stage and places something under his head and covers his bottom half with a tablecloth or something. (like a blanket)

Gordo  d8+1=6
Tuesday April 15th, 2003 6:36:43 PM

Though Gordo is loathe to retreat from a fray, Drew's words sink in, and he backs off. Then, seeing that the situation is in hand he takes the offered healing potion with a nod of thanks and drains it (healed 6 HP, 10 total).

He takes up a defensive position on the stairs, ensuring that no further miscreants get near the wine.

Tuesday April 15th, 2003 10:08:45 PM

"Seems okay," the cheery elf comments, peeking downstairs. He says, "Hey, you guys, we got rid of the centaurs...wait down here till some guardsmen show up."
Heading back over to Bog and the hurt merchant, "Oh dear...he looks pretty wounded. Let me see if I can help out..." Tionel says a few soothing words in what may be elvish, touching the guy's poor head. The wounds stop bleeding, and he looks just a bit better, but not much. (Cure Minor Wounds)
"Looks like they're gone...except the drunk one." Tionel looks around for him.

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 10:05:43 AM

Upon seeing the man dissapear Drew grabs a sack of flower and rips it open, spraying it everywhere. "Not so fast little one!!!!"

DM kent 
Wednesday April 16th, 2003 10:32:59 AM

Bralin grabs hold of his captive and after his question the thief shrugs and doesn't say a thing.

Gordo takes his medicine and still doesn't feel real well, but he tkes up a defensive stance with Syr.

Drew spreads flour everywhere on the floor and through the cellar but other than geting flour everywhere doesn't find anyone, including the vanished thief.

Bog and Tionel bring the battered merchant inside and try administering to his wounds and outside of a few moans the man makes no sound and appears close to death.

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 12:18:19 PM

Still clamped on to the thief's wrists, Bralin marches the man to the center of the group in the basement.

"Maybe this one's got the same device the other used," he suggests.

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 1:55:46 PM

Syr runs up the stairs and makes sure the door is closed with himelf in front of it. He calls down to the others, "Ask that one what the other used to disappear?"

Turin  d20+5=25
Wednesday April 16th, 2003 1:57:31 PM

Turin shrugs. "I don't think he went invisible." He looks around. "Besides, if he does, we'll hear the bells." He turns back to the remaining thief. "So," he says, hefting his spiked chain, "You're going to come clean, right?" (Intim check of 25, natural 20.)

Gordo  d20+6=26 d20=5
Wednesday April 16th, 2003 6:14:25 PM

Turning back to the pinned thief Gordo grins a friendly grin. "Sure he is! No need for unpleasantness, now is there? You wanted the wine, we stopped you, no harm done. All we need to know is who you were stealing it for and why, and we can let bygones be bygones. So off you go son, tell us what you know, eh?" As he speaks, playing good cop to Turin's bad cop (Diplomacy 26. Another natural 20! What a team!) he rummages through the thief's pockets, hunting for anything of interest (Search 5).

Tionel  d8+4=11
Thursday April 17th, 2003 1:25:19 AM

"Dear me...Wish I'd listened to mother when she was telling me about how to help stop wounds. Well, here, let me try a bit of this, some clover, here, and my mistletoe..." Tionel places some golden leaves on a thin cord around his neck against the merchant's forehead. More words in elvish/magic. (Cure Light wounds on the guy...11 hp! see if that doesn't cure his wounds a bit more. :) )
"Eh, Bog, see if there's any constables about. They're sure to be able to help this poor fellow out. Maybe some brandy would help, too."

Thursday April 17th, 2003 1:51:19 PM

"Dont step in the flower. If hes not here than anyone walking through here will leave tracks."

Thursday April 17th, 2003 3:39:54 PM

Hearing the fighting stop below, Tiree moves over to the injured merchant.

"Looks like you've patched him up pretty well Tionel. If he needs it, I've got a potion that might help a bit, too. But, we'll wait and see if he needs it."

She sits down next to Bog and Tionel and watches the passed out centaur while the others are busy with the man.

DM kent  d20+2=3
Thursday April 17th, 2003 4:56:05 PM

As Tionel, Bog, Syr, and Tiree all crowd around the injured merchant Tionel finally gets a real good look at the poor man and with a slightly muffled gasp ralizes that it is the same man that she pointed out to the taurs as the supposed owner of the bar.

Gordo, Drew, Turin and Bralin crowd around, intimidate and rifle through the thief's pockets only to find a few miscelaneous coins, a local good luck piece, three more daggers secreted around his person, and a tattoo of a black dagger is found on one shoulder.

Drew notices that Syr's foot prints are already mixed in the flour from when he ran up the stairs.

The captive is cowed by Turin's intimidation and faces Gordo who seems much more reasonable at the moment. He thinks for a moment and then whispers.

" Is don' know fer sure how's he left. I s'pect by magik. An'I donbe know'n nutt'n 'bout why we wuz nick'n d'wine." 'onest. We jes pait the delivery guy t' take us in wit d'wine and well... the res you know."

Friday April 18th, 2003 7:21:16 AM

"Hoo deer me" says Bog a bit flustered, "It be da gye wital isdeminbindemda mooney."

He trots over to rip open the cellar door and yells down it. "Hy Dworfin'! Wez gots trubbles, kudya c'mop 'ere n' osk ye fothers n' sons' n' thangs wot 'n 'eal dis bloke?!?"

Gordo  d20=12
Friday April 18th, 2003 8:30:44 AM

"I see, I see. Well that's OK son. Clearly you're just the hired help, we don't hold that against you. Say, that's a pretty fancy tattoo you have there. What's that then?"

(Int check 12 to recognize the tattoo).

Friday April 18th, 2003 8:46:52 AM

Bralin waits silently while Gordo and the others question the thief, apparently content to be a set of living handcuffs forever, if need be.

He cocks his head slightly when Bog yells downstairs, catching "Dwarf", but not much else.

Silently handing an arm to Drew, he goes upstairs and takes in the centaur and injured fat man.

"What?" he asks Bog in confusion, obviously trying to decipher the man's accent.

Friday April 18th, 2003 9:55:12 AM

Drew stays below with the wine and spreads the flower out to be effective.

Friday April 18th, 2003 4:13:39 PM

Turin looks around for the caskets the thieves hid in, taking extra time to make sure he finds them. (Taking 20 on a search, 27)

Friday April 18th, 2003 10:34:51 PM

Seeing that the merchant is well looked after, Tiree moves over and checks on the centaur.

Saturday April 19th, 2003 3:42:31 AM

Bog firmly grabs the dwarf and hustles him a couple steps into the room and points at the unconscious merchant lying on the stage.

"Kin ya's hep dat man?"

Sunday April 20th, 2003 3:45:07 PM

"oh my..." Tionel covers his mouth, somewhat ashamed. "I didn't think I was actually pointing at someone...too bad this poor fellow got caught in the middle." Tionel tries to help him get comfortable, hoping that he won't be permanently hurt, and won't hold Tionel responsible...

(Tionel wasn't actually pointing at someone, at least, I thought, when he pointed outside...but it's perfectly possible that someone happened to be where he pointed at at that exact moment. Sucks to be them!)

Syr  d20+4=7
Monday April 21st, 2003 4:47:08 AM

Syr moves to the door and stands guard using his vision to help spot any potential threats. (Spot 7)

Monday April 21st, 2003 10:15:28 AM

drew waits

DM kent 
Monday April 21st, 2003 6:53:34 PM

Drew coats the floor with as much flour as he has and waits breathing the stuff as it gets stirred around.

Gordo finishes asking his questions and recognizes the black blade as the symbol of one of the thief guilds in the Floating City.

Turin easily finds the casks they were in as they are the only two standing on end. Except for a small bag and a pouch they are empty and of no other interest.

The merchant is looking better and sems to be lightly sleeping now.

The centaur is showing signs of walking up.

Syr takes up a post at the door and looking out notices that the street traffic is dying down as it is starting to get dark.

The thief looks at Gordo and asks, " Whatcha guin t'do wit me?

It is now dusk outside and the evening is fast approaching.

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 2:42:06 AM

Syr spares a glance at the other elf, "Kinda gives new meaning to the phrase 'Watch where you point that thing!' How is our merchant friend doing?" Turning away from Tionel, he continues watching the street looking for any signs of trouble.

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 9:55:39 AM

Drew goes back to guarding and watching.

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 1:36:17 PM

Bralin is surpised when Bog grabs him and hustles him forward. He allows himself to take a couple steps, but then plants his feet.

The dwarf's rather serious center of gravity advantage takes hold and Bralin stops. Fortunately, Bog is already letting go by that time.

Bralin gives Bog a stern look.
"Don't do that," he instructs.
Then, he trundles over to the sleeping merchant and gives him a look.

"He's fine," the dwarf reports.
Then, he points to the waking centaur, "Him too."

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 4:42:21 PM

Turin picks up the bag and pouch, and starts to go through them.

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 5:05:39 PM

Gordo scratches his bushy red sideburns when the captured thief asks what fate awaits him.

"Well son, you did the right thing, laid down your weapon, cooperated an' all, but the fact remains you was trying to rob all this here wine. I don't see as we have any alternitive but to hand you over to the law. I'll put in a good word for you lad, tell them you was just followin' orders and the like, but I'm afraid you'll have to pay for your crime. That's the law, lad."

He looks to his companions to see if they agree with him on this.

Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 7:43:56 AM

Bog looks quirkily as the dwarf trundles, but he does not move but follows him with his eyes and plays with the end of his belt-tie.

"Ohhh, da 'orsehead's arite, eh, wot? WOT?!?? Das 'orsehead ARITE?!?!?" He rushes over to the centaur and tries to grab his sword out of its sheath and get it away from him.

Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 9:09:33 AM

Drew guards.

DM kent 
Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 5:45:48 PM

The evening rolls on and you somehow manage to get rid of your young thief to some of the authorities, the merchant and the centaur revive and go on there way, and you finally get to have a bite to eat which is interupted several times, by several locals wanting to come to the inn and are a bit put out that the inn is closed.

Also while you eat Happy shows up and listens as you tell about your encounter with the two thieves. He also Tut-tuts about all the hullabaloo about the Taurs stolen tickets and says something about if people aren't smart enough to safeguard their valuables....

He goes on about how lucky he was to have been able to get you to do this for him. Although he does look at Gordo with a bit of concern as he looks so bad.

Almost as an after thought he lets you know that there were 300 tickets sold at 200 gps each and that they are all magical in creation. He also tells you that legitimate tickets will glow blue when a detect magic is cast on them.

He lets you know that the inn will be opening a 10 AM and the tastings will start around the noon hour. The musicians and the help should start arriving earlier in the morning hours.

Turin looks into the bag and finds some coins and 2 gems. In the pouch are two small vials of a light blue liquid.


DM Kent (Continued.) 
Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 5:48:09 PM

Just as full darkness falls two things happen.

First you hear a loud scream come from the kitchen area that is suddenly cut off. and you hear several loud thundering booms heard from different sides of the inn outside.

Tionel  d20+6=17 d20+6=7
Thursday April 24th, 2003 2:58:21 AM

"Oh dear!" Tionel nervously rushes over to the kitchen and opens the door, as he does so nimbly moving aside slightly so that others can see in as well and just in case someone inside springs out at him. He peeks inside, alertly. (Spot 17, Listen 7)

Gordo (10 HP) 
Thursday April 24th, 2003 8:18:52 AM

As the party recover from the battle, Gordo asks someone to help him with his wounds. "Could any of you lads or lasses cast some healing magics on me?" He asks. "I'm still hurt pretty bad."

When the scream and booms begin, Gordo looks to Drew and then to the others. "What do you think, old son? You and me stay here and guard the wine, while the others scout?"

He stands near the door, letting those out that wish to go, but keeping the way barred against intruders.

Bralin  d8+1=8 d8+1=6
Thursday April 24th, 2003 8:45:37 AM

At Gordo's request, Bralin wordlessly hands the man a potion of Cure Light Wounds (heals 8 hp). Seeing that doesn't do the trick, the dwarf casts his own Cure Light Wounds spell on him (heals another 6 hp).

All the various sounds erupt. Watching Tionel head for the kitchen, Bralin pulls his axe and trots out of the nearest door.

He goes through expecting trouble, stopping and carefully checking the street as soon as he's over the threshold.

Thursday April 24th, 2003 9:50:44 AM

Drew asks the Tavern master to check and make sure all teh items in here are his and that they havent been tampered with and thn he spreads the flower all about again. When the noise comes. Drew nods to Gordo and puts a wand in his belt where it is easily grabbed.

Thursday April 24th, 2003 3:50:53 PM

Turin gets ready for anything, quickly checking outside the inn.

Thursday April 24th, 2003 6:11:28 PM

Bog takes a peek out the window on his way to follow Tionel into the kitchen. He stands in the doorway, holding the door open.

Tiree  d20+1=13 d20+1=5
Friday April 25th, 2003 12:03:43 PM

Upon hearing the sounds, Tiree sighs.

"I don't think any of us are going to get any sleep tonight."

Tiree tries to get an idea of just what might have caused the "thumps" outside and just where they might be (Listen 13).

Moving toward the center of the room, she drops one of her returning daggers into her waiting right hand.

(Ignore the second roll...double clicked.)

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