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Last Minute Returns (DM Donna) 
Monday April 7th, 2003 8:24:30 AM

Akerin & Ari:
Quickly the pair return to Master Bingle, who is at first rather annoyed at the pair's insistence, then sighs and nods agreement with Akerin's suggestion that the cuckoo clock can be worked upon at the Happy Harpy.

"No, no--I don't need the money...I just want to get this done." Bingle says at the monk-healer's offer. "It's mostly the prestige of the job, you know--that, and I'm hoping that other people on Ayorsa Island will see the clock and order the crafting of such devices for themselves." The gnome carefully packs up the clock and his tools, explaining in rather exhaustive detail about how his clock uses a pendulum to rather accurately tell time, and how he is adjusting the delicate mechanism that controls the little cuckoo that pops out of the device to chirp the proper hour once the large hand reaches twelve.

The human woman who spoke to Reed frowns.

"I don't like the sound of what he just said." she says out loud, then nods and gives Val a slight smile. "Your team is the best able to beat the crew from the Coppersworth, though--so best of luck to ya..!" With this, the woman scampers off into the darkness.

Back at the Tavern
Money continues to exchange hands as various side bets are called and collected on.

Ashira & Rigging:
"Mommy sewed Mimi for me...Mimi has red hair just like Mommy used to..." the little girl says. "I gots Mommy's name, but Mimi gots Mommy's hair...tha'sis why I want my Mimi back!" The child snuffles but bravely holds back the sob that hovers on her lips. "Mean ol' lady--she lied to me and tooked my Mimi! That's kid-napping, you know. My daddy is always scareded that I will be kidnapping. Everyone calls him 'your honor'...or 'Mister Mayor'..."

Monday April 7th, 2003 3:16:06 PM

Appolo having followed Akerin and ari out to the smiths place, steps in. After hearing what the Bingle said Appolo put's in"Well if you let us have the tools I'll purchase your a clock myself especially if you can make work on a ship at sea. We'll bring the tools right back as soon as there checked of our list.One hour you can still finish in time to present it to the Mayor and you'll have your first customer. You can tellpeople that the sword of the Sea has peurchased one of your clocks already. That should help business. Here's 100 gold as a down payment. Appolo puts a sack on the counter."What do ya say, do we have deal?""
Appolo awaits Bingles response.

Rigging  d20+4=17
Monday April 7th, 2003 10:38:00 PM

"Your the major's daughter? Well we will get you home to you father and mother real soon." In elven he stage whispers, "The mayor's daughter. Great just great, either we will be heros or goats."

Rigging starts looking around and trying to remember where the major's house would be or some other official building where he could find a guilde to the major's house.

OOC made a intelligence check to find directions

Monday April 7th, 2003 11:28:22 PM

Val watches the woman leave. It was clear that the Coppersworth played dirty and used their expierence in the contest to their advantage. Finding herself a bit lost, Val decides to try and find her way back to the tavern to get an update on the game.

Akerin  d20+6=14 d20+4=20 d20+4=13
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 12:25:05 AM

"Appolo, good Bingle here is coming with us, as he agreed, so that both our objectives might be accomplished." He offers to carry the clock or the tools, or all of them, in the safety of his haversack. Unless Bingle objects, he does so. "Surely you're acquainted with the extra-dimensional capacity of Heward's Haversack," he mentions to Bingle. "It'll keep safe and sound within." As they walk as briskly as the gnome's legs will allow, he engages him in conversation. "And yes, I would love to learn more about the such 'clocks.' Do cuckoos nest in them? If Appolo thinks we should have one at sea, then perhaps we can commission you to make one suitable for the sea. Um, do you fashion gull clocks?"

Despite the pleasant conversation, Akerin does keep his eyes and ears open, lest some less scrupulous contestants hinder or divert them.

If Akerin is the one carrying the gnome's tools, he quietly speaks with his companions. "Should foul play arise, let us get past it. You protect good Bingle, I'll make every effort to turn to reach Redux." If waylaid, Akerin will jump (DC 14) and tumble (DC 20) past any opponents, and then run flat out to the tavern. [Spot check 13.]

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+9=20 d20+10=15
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 10:12:40 AM

The half-elf shakes her invisible head as she follows Rigging, talking to him in whispered Elven. "No, lover, I think we ought to take her to Pete's. If I remember correctly, it was against the rules to steal an item. Plus, I'm sure someone there will know where this little one's home is. Two birds with one stone." Ashira keeps her eyes out for any signs of trouble or a blue rose on the way (Spot=20, Search=15).

Tuesday April 8th, 2003 6:40:36 PM

"Sorry didn't catch that. Ok come on lets go then."Appolo replies.

Ari  d20=2 d20=19 d20=7 d20=4
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 11:11:16 PM

As the group moves towards their goal, Ari keeps an eye out for any foul play.

The Clock Keeps Ticking (DM Donna) 
Wednesday April 9th, 2003 8:27:06 AM

Rigging & Ashira:
Rigging can't remember the directions to the Mayor's house, as he's never had the occasion to visit the place before--however, Ashira's words hold a lot of wisdom...it's quite reasonable to assume that somebody in the tavern would know how to get to Merinol's house.

Akerin, Appolo & Ari:
Bingle--after giving Appolo an odd look--reluctantly allows Akerin to pack the all-important cuckoo clock into the haversack...no doubt because of the monk's explanation of how the magic pack is supposed to work. The gnome intersperses questions about the haversack with explanations about how one calibrates the mechanism that controls the cuckoo figuring so that it emerges on the hour and chirps realistically the precise number of the hour upon which it appears.

"...any fool could simply magic up the effect, my boy," Bingle says matter-of-factly, "...but to engineer the tiny gears and mechanisms that make such a thing possible without relying on the arcane--now THERE'S an achievement..!"

Soon the Happy Harpy is within sight--and there appears to be nothing suspicious in the area.

Back at the Tavern:
The patrons continue to drink and collect on their various side bets, waiting (along with the rest of the hammership's Wildcards) to see how the Hunt will end.

Akerin  d20+1=19
Wednesday April 9th, 2003 10:42:37 PM

There in sight of the Happy Harpy, Akerin tells Bingle, "Great! We'll have you set up in no time, may Alemi so grant." Along with Appolo and Ari (and Bart, if he joined us), he escorts the cunning craftsgnome into the inn, calls for Redux, opens the Haversack, extracts the tool bag, and places it on the counter before Smilin' Pete. "Thanks to good Bingle here, we have the tools. He simply requests a spot - and we request for him - where he might continue to fashion a fascinating time-keeping device for his honor, the Mayor. So, the tools are here, and the talented gnome who uses them. Do we get extra credit for having him accompany his toolset?" he asks with a friendly wink and a smile. [Diplomacy 19.]

Wednesday April 9th, 2003 11:03:25 PM

Rigging replies in elven, "OK Sweetheart, Let's head for the tavern. You are right. We can find someone who knows the mayor."

Rigging turns to the little girl and smiles, "Honey we are going to take you to some people who know your father and can tell us where you live. We will have you back with your parents very soon. I promise." the young mage says in common.

Thursday April 10th, 2003 12:07:21 AM

Responding to Bingle's stare, "Was there something you wished to ask me, or did I somehow offend you?"

DM's Note: my mistake--I attributed the actions of Appolo to Ari...I've corrected the DM entry above to reflect this. Ari doesn't have to feel paranoid now. ;)

Thursday April 10th, 2003 2:46:08 PM

Bart is waiting at the outside of the inn waiting for the others to appear. In the meantime he is breaking his head about he blue rose. Where to find one not in a normal garden maybe in a special building for growing strange and extic plants.
Hmmm I go to the richer part of town, to houses with a big garden. Climbing over the walls and have a look in their gardens and green houses

Things Come to a Head (DM Donna) 
Thursday April 10th, 2003 8:32:32 PM

Back at the Happy Harpy, the quartet with Master Bingle's tools enters the tavern--only to hear the clock strike the hour of three as they approach Smilin' Pete, who methodically accepts the gnome tool set, checks it off the list that Redux produces and allows the gnome to continue to work on the clock at a table next to the bar.

"You lot an' the crew of the Coppersworth got all the items on the list--save the bonus," the bartender says with a sage nod, "But the score puts last year's champions in the lead by ten points--unless you lot come up with the bonus item, then they win."

At this point, Rigging--toting the still-sniffling little girl in his arms--and the invisible Ashira enter the bar, much to the audible surprise of the patrons within.

"Hey, now, wait a minute, there!" Smilin' Pete demands, definitely scowling. "This is a tavern, man--minors aren't allowed in here! What d'ya mean by toting in a little girl???"

Smilin' Pete isn't the only one who disapproves of this turn of events, it seems, because the expressions and manner of the tavern's clientele becomes decidedly UNfriendly...

Thursday April 10th, 2003 10:58:49 PM

"Hold, friends!" Akerin's voice projects with a tone of authority, followed quickly by an appeal to reason. "I, for one, have come to trust his judgment. Let him speak, and explain in our hearing."

Should it appear that anyone - especially someone from the Coppersworth - who have a reputation for cheating - looks to make any antagonistic move whatsoever, the healer monk is prepared to divert such a one. However, his countenance is one of peace, and his stance appears relaxed.

Ari  d20=8
Thursday April 10th, 2003 11:22:50 PM

While everyone's attention is diverted by his team mates, Ari continues to ponder the question of a blue rose. He tries to spot people's tatoos and any other idea that might float off of his head.

Thursday April 10th, 2003 11:40:03 PM

Rigging marches in to the bar still holding the little girl in his arms. He strides up to Pete and says in a loud and commanding voice, "I found this poor girl in the alley. She claims that a mean lady stole her doll from her. When she tried to pursue the dollknapper, she became lost in the city. I believe she is the mayor's daughter and he will want her back. I don't want anything bad to reflect upon the pirates. This was only supposed to be for fun. Ship's pride is important, but stealing and recklessly endangering an innocent, sweet, little girl is pushing things to far."

Rigging puts the child down and leads her over to the items brought in. He kneels down and points to them. "Honey do you see your Mimi here?"

Rigging straightens and says to Pete, "Do you have anyone to send to her home? If here parents have discovered her missing, they must be frantic. I would hate to see the city guard come storming in here."

Yore Cheatin' Ways (DM Donna)  d20+5=12
Friday April 11th, 2003 8:05:41 AM

Akerin's injuction halts anyone from taking physical action, but the Bad Pennies from the Coppersworth have smirks on their faces, enjoying the trouble that Rigging's entrance is getting their rivals into.

Ari can't see anyone with a blue rose for a tattoo...ships, mermaids, tribal markings, geometric designs, dragons and even a rather buff elven woman au naturel, but no blue roses.

Rigging's announcement deepens Smilin' Pete's scowl--but he can tell it's because the bartender is now entertaining the idea of someone having cheated on their Scavenger Hunt items.

"Why, curse me for a rusty sprocket--it is you..!"

This exclamation comes from none other than the gnome that Akerin, Ari and Appolo accompanied into the tavern. He approaches Rigging with utter astonishment writ large on his bearded face.

"Mister Bingle..?" the little girl in Rigging's arms asks in a teary voice.

"Yes, Rosie, it's me." the gnome replies, then nods to Smilin' Pete. "I've been to Mayor Merinol's house--this is, indeed, his little daughter."

The owner/bartender of the Happy Harpy looks both astounded and VERY annoyed, then makes an effort to school his features into something less threatening.

"Well, child--IS your doll here..?" Pete pushes the selection of dolls and figures from the items returned for the Hunt.

"Yes! My Mimi! THAT'S my Mimi..!" she says excitedly, clapping her hands and pointing at a well-worn rag doll with red yarn hair. The bartender plucks it up and hands it to the girl, who wipes away the last of her tears and hugs the doll fiercely.

"Who kidnapped your Mimi, then..?" Pete prompts. She points an accusing finger at one of the Coppersworth crew.

"The mean lady!" she says petulantly, hugging her doll all the closer.

"The child is mistaken." Able denies. "Bess told me that the girl GAVE her the doll." He and the dark-skinned, dark-eyed female Rose pointed to exchange glances.

"The lady said she wanted to see my Mimi--" the little girl replies hotly, "--then she runneded away with her! That's kidnapping!"

"You forgot the part about my asking to use Mimi to play a game." Bess says in a cold voice.

"Don' wanna play--just listen to the night birds!" the child counters. "You be kidnapping my Mimi!" The little girl buries her face into the doll's body and starts to cry again.

"Hmmm..." Smilin' Pete frowns, "...she's just a wee mite--it's possible that she didn't pay attention to everything Bess told her..."

"Exactly!" Able says insistently. "Bess asked for the doll--can't help it if the rugrat can't understand what's really happening, now, can we..?"

"Well...no, I guess not..." Smilin' Pete is forced to admit.

"Then we win--again!" Able announces with a big, smug grin. Pete looks over the parchment with the Scavenger Hunt list on it.

"Well...you ARE in the lead by ten points..." the bartender says grudgingly.

"Wait a minute." Once more Master Bingle interrupts. "You forgot the bonus item here--the blue rose." The gnome taps the spot on Pete's list that names the item.

"What about it?" Pete asks, slightly annoyed. "Nobody turned one in...I guess none of the plant nurseries or apothecaries on the island had one in stock."

"If I grasp the rules of this contest correctly, sir," Bingle says matter-of-factly, "Then all the participants here have until dawn to get all the items on the list..?"

"Yes, that's right." Pete agrees. "But I'm calling the Hunt now, seein' as how we have to get the mayor's daughter back to her daddy before there's real trouble..."

"Then you must credit this young man's team with returning here with a blue rose." Bingle announces, pointing at Rigging. Smilin' Pete stares at the gnome.

"How d'ya figure THAT?"

"We all saw him carry one into the tavern." Bingle says calmly.

"Oh, come on, now--" Able argues, "--all that dork carried in here was a bawling baby who was crying for her stupid dolly!"

"That 'baby'--" Bingle explains in a frosty voice, "--is named after her late mother...Rose Merinol." Suddenly Smilin' Pete lives up to his name.

"By cracky, you're completely correct, Master Bingle--she was so sad, that I have to say that never in my life have I ever witnessed a Rose more Blue!" Pete grins, takes the hammership's list and checks off the bonus item listed on the bottom.

"The Wildcards of the Sword of the Sea are this year's winners..!" declares the bartender. The entire tavern lets out a loud, raucous cheer of approval.

"Why, you son of a--" Able angrily rasps, but is interrupted as a dagger suddenly appears on the post next to Rigging's head. (OOC: someone tried to hit Rigging with a thrown dagger, but they missed with only a 12.)

"GET 'EM!!!" bellows the Bad Penny known as Blackjack, and the rest of the Coppersworth crew surge forward, intent upon attacking the Wildcards regardless of their surroundings...

Appolo HP:36,AC:21  d20+9=17 d4+2=4
Friday April 11th, 2003 12:27:26 PM

When the attempt is made on Riggings life and Black Jack calls for an attack Appolo had drifted over to the bar by that time. He then takes out a dagger of his own and hurls it at Black Jack. Following quickly behind the dagger
drawing his sword in one hand assins dagger in the other he closes with BlackJack. A stone cold merciless expression on his face.

OOC: 17 To Hit Damage 4

Akerin  d20+6=20
Friday April 11th, 2003 2:22:08 PM

"We are all Pirates of Jack!" Akerin shouts. He leaps up upon the bar. "Shame! Shame to use blades against one another! Who here, from either ship, wants to be known as a fool, who would spill the blood of a brother, a sister? And what IDIOT is willing to risk the life of this sweet girl?"

Then he shrugs. "Stop, lest we answer to the Mayor. Lest we answer to The Jack."

Concerned for little Rose, he looks to Rigging to take her to safety. He also glances in Bingle's direction. As BlackJack races forward, the monk takes the net off his hip and throws it over the pirate's head and shoulders, knowing that, with them already in motion, his words against bloodshed need to be backed with action against bloodshed.

[Ranged touch attack, AC 20, only size, dexterity and deflection bonuses factor into the fellow's AC computation against such an attack. If hit, BlackJack is entangled, -2 on attack and -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. Can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run. Spellcasting requires Concentration check, DC 15. Can escape with DC 20 Escape Artist check (full-round action), or burst with DC 25 Strength check (full-round action).]

Saturday April 12th, 2003 7:50:06 AM

The quiet mage gives a sigh and remembers his best cure for his family in a fight they needn't be in. Backing away towards the exit, Redux cast web into the area hoping to slow down the fighting and give them time to think about their actions.

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) 
Saturday April 12th, 2003 10:06:06 PM

Viewing the crew of the Coppersworth rushing towards them bent on bodily damage, Ashira is torn. Her first thought is to rush forward and protect her husband, but Akerin's speech reminds her of the danger posed to Rose. Her mind made, Ashira rushes forward and scoops up the young girl in her invisible arms, trying to take her to some place out of the middle of the brawl (behind the bar, perhaps?).

Sunday April 13th, 2003 10:24:24 PM

Quickly calling out to add to Akerin's voice Ari adds, "You of the Coppersworth, do you wish to prove to everyone here how much of a sore loser you are? Do you want to show yourself to have no respect for Smiling Pete's judgement, or his establishment. What about the dis-honor you do your ship by these actions?"

Ari stands ready to try to duck, or jute around any attacks that come. Ari has not drawn his weapons because he is expecting a bar fight, and plus it's bad form.

Sunday April 13th, 2003 11:20:20 PM

Valanthe feels the urge to let loose and slice into their Coppersworth counterparts but doesn't. Any other time she wouldn't hesitate but this wasn't your average tavern brawl. Holding her crystal scythe in a ready position, Val concentrates on defending herself if the attack is pressed.

OOC: Val is fighting defensively this round.

Monday April 14th, 2003 12:55:50 PM

Bart is unaware of the fight in the tavern and is still looking for a blue rose. Peeking in private gardens

Monday April 14th, 2003 9:50:04 PM

Rigging's first impulse is to get the little girl to safety. When he sees her scooped up and disappears, he figures Ashira has taken her to safety. He turns his attention to the oncoming rush and prepares for battle.

Fight! Fight! (DM Donna) 
Tuesday April 15th, 2003 9:58:09 AM

Pandemonium breaks loose within the Happy Harpy--the Bad Pennies surge forward even as both Bingle and Ashira move to get little Rose out of the line of intended fire. Some people shout encouragement for the battle-to-be, while others voice sentiments to head off the impending violence.

The Web spell catches many who would be swinging fists (and other weapons!) in its area of effect.

Smilin' Pete reaches underneath the bar, withdrawing a heavy, long club, scowling with definite displeasure.

And the doors into the tavern burst open--admitting eight or so chainmailed fighters, each wearing the crest of Safeport on their chest.

"Halt--HALT IN THE NAME OF THE MAYOR..!" bellows a rather burly-looking newcomer. "I demand to know just what is going on here..?"

Tuesday April 15th, 2003 11:02:19 PM

Val looks over at the newcomer and wonder what else will happen. She believes the bad pennies will try to blame everything on everybody else, but believes enough people know the truth and things will be straightened out.

Tuesday April 15th, 2003 11:17:11 PM

Rigging eyes the guardsmen as they come in. His quick mind jumps from thought to thought very quickly. "Should he be forthright and honest with the guards. It would put the Coppersworth 'Bad penny's' in trouble and though they were in the wrong, they still were Pirates of Jack. Should he try to cover up the incident. Having Rose in the tavern would be hard to explain."
Rigging steps forward and says, "My good sirs, My associates here were just having a discussion on which ship should win Smilin Petes' scavenger hunt. The discussion was getting lively but your arrival has seemed to damp it down some."
Rigging pauses, takes a deep breath and adds, "Your arrival here is good fortune not only in saving our good Pete's furniture but you can return a valuable to his lordship the mayor. In our travels, we have discovered his daughter roaming the streets. I am sure that the Mayor would look on favorably upon the gentleman who returned his loved one home safely"

In elven, he murmurs, "Honey. Could you please bring Rose here?"

Once the little girl materializes, Rigging will continue. "I know that it seems strange that she is here, but upon finding her wandering and crying in the street, we brought her here to find out where she belongs. She recognized this fine artisan here and he was just taking charge of her when you arrived.

I would think you would want to get here home quickly. If I was her father, the mayor, I would want to know my baby whereabouts above all else."

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 4:29:18 AM

Pleased with Rigging's answer, Akerin sits down on top of the bar. He points to BlackJack. "He was just borrowing my net. I am a fisherman," he says. "We're glad you men came tonight. At least, I am." He hops down from the bar, and walks over by the craftsgnome, skirting the webbing. "I am sure that the good gnome Bingle can help answer any questions you gentlemen might have. And, were there no objections, I and some of my friends would be willing to accompany you militiamen, as you return sweet Rose and her Mimi to her father."

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 9:13:36 AM

Quickly catching up on the idea, Ari moves over to help escort Rose and the gnome. Ari shows signs of relief that the brawl did not escalate, and he hopes that the wildcards of the Coppersworth know better than to continue the fight.

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 11:37:09 PM

Rigging holds his breath waiting for the reaction of the guards.

Thursday April 17th, 2003 12:36:03 PM

Appolo narrowly misses getting caught in Redux's web and is getting ready to slice BlackJack up when the Gaurd come in. He drops his arms under his cloak and moves over to Rigging silently waiting. On the way he grabs the little girls doll in order to return it to her.{If she doesn't already have it.} He then silently waits for Rigging to decide what they are going to do.

Thursday April 17th, 2003 10:24:05 PM

Rigging strolls over to the bar and orders a shot of whiskey. He slaps a silver down on the bar. He downs it and heads back over to the guardsmen.

A Rose is a Rose (DM Donna) 
Friday April 18th, 2003 11:21:44 AM

The big burly guard glares all around at the patrons--from his expression alone, it's rather hard to tell if Rigging's explanation has had the intended effect. Then Master Bingle comes forward.

"You...you're Sergeant Stone, aren't you..?" the gnome asks. The guard nods. "I thought I recognized you...I'm Bingle--the Mayor commissions various works from me every once in a while."

"Right--you did Rosie's musicbox...an' there's some timey-thing that Merinol asked for..." the sergeant nods as he speaks.

"Correct, sir." Bingle agrees. "I can vouch for the man who just spoke--the annual Scavenger Hunt simply...generated higher spirits than usual."

"And Rosie..?" Stone asks, looking around. The little girl is in Ashira's arms now, hugging the worn but well-loved rag doll that Reed from the Coppersworth had turned in for his ship.

"Safe and sound after a night of misadventure." Bingle tells the guardsman. Stone stands for a moment, casting a rather evil eye over the Web that still covers most of the Bad Pennies (and a few other patrons as well), then he nods once more.

"Okay, then--how's about you and your crew follow me to the Mayor's house, eh..?" he says to Rigging.

Akerin  d8+5=13
Friday April 18th, 2003 11:56:22 AM

The healer takes a moment to help BlackJack out of his net. "Glad things went no further," he whispers. "I am a healer of Alemi. May I repair the damage my friend did you?" If the hot-headed pirate allows him, he performs a cure light wounds on BlackJack (for 13 points).

Whether or not the leader of the Bad Pennies accepts the healing, Akerin tells him, "Look - I'll stand you a drink next time we meet. No need to be bad blood between us. You have a talented crew."

As the group leaves with the town guards, Akerin joins in.

Saturday April 19th, 2003 1:35:36 AM

Rigging will accept the offer to go to the mayor's house. He will give a quick bow to the "Bad Pennies" and nod to Smiling Pete. He will then ask, "Hey Pete, When do we get our reward? for winning the game."

Sunday April 20th, 2003 11:11:29 PM

Valanthe follows the others to the mayor's house.

Monday April 21st, 2003 12:57:16 AM

Redux stifles a smile and winks at those caught in the web. "It should wear off on its own by breakfast." He then take his place with those leaving to the Mayor's house.

Monday April 21st, 2003 1:54:32 AM

Appolo just falls in line behind Valanthe and whispers"Come on let's go celebrate by ourselves.I just happen to have a nice bottle of wine." he takes her hand and strats to pull her away from the others.

Monday April 21st, 2003 3:24:33 AM

Ari follows behind the others as he considers the justice of the situation. Ari wonders what Smiling Pete will have to say to the Wildcards of the Coppersmith, and whether he'll want the web brought down.

All Settled, Then..? (DM Donna) 
Monday April 21st, 2003 4:40:04 PM

"Heyyyy...what are you askin' him for..???" demands the very Webbed Able in a rather childish voice, "...I'm the leader..!"

Blackjack (unseen by Able) rolls his eyes, then asks in a voice that smacks of forced joviality:

"Why, then, o Fearless Leader, what do say..? Accept or deny..?"

"I never turn down a free drink!" Able says immediately. Blackjack nods an affirmative to Akerin, and thus is healed by the Sword of the Sea's Wildcard healer.

Everyone follows the city guard several streets over to a very nice house in a rather pretty street. It takes a few minutes, but the sergeant eventually is whisked away from the rest of you and off to another room where--behind closed doors--you can hear two distinctly different voices speaking to each other.

From the sound of things, at least one voice isn't very pleased--in fact, there is a string of oaths that makes it VERY apparent that one man is quite unpleasantly surprised. Soon a rather blanched housemaid scurries into the room where the rest of you are located.

"His Honor will see you all now." she says, looking very worried. She quickly ushers the group to what is obviously a large office and hastily exits the room.

Sitting at a large desk that is full of various books, scrolls, cases and writing implements (as well as a figurine of a frog that appears to be bobbling its head merrily at the lot of you) is a scowling, heavy-set man with a curly blond wig on his head and a robe over his dressing gown.

He looks a LOT like the portrait on the campaign poster in the Happy Harpy Tavern.

"Well..???" he says in rather sour and demanding tone. "What have you to say for yourselves..???"

Monday April 21st, 2003 5:26:23 PM

Rigging steps forward and bows to the mayor, "Good sir, We are the wildcards from the Sword of the Seas. While participating in the pirate's annual scavenger hunt my wife," Rigging points out Ashira, "and myself found your daughter crying in the street. At that point we didn't know she was your daughter but we quit the game and brought her to Smilin' Pete's tavern to see if anyone could claim her. She was quickly recognized by a gnomish artisan who you have commissioned.

We were about to bring her home when your ever efficient guardsmen entered the tavern and directed us to your home. We are glad to reunite a daughter to a loving father. Many of us have lost or been estranged from our parents in our war against Ga'al"

Ashira  d20+7=17
Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 9:34:19 AM

The invisibilty long since having been worn off, Ashira steps forward when Rigging mentions her and gently leads little Rosie to the Mayor. "Yes, mister Mayor...we meant no harm. As my husband said, we found your beautiful child sobbing in the streets, crying out for her Mimi. Since we are new to the island, sir, we had no idea where your house was, so we took your precious Rose to the place where we knew someone could direct us. Now, I know that a bar is no place for such a precious child, but, having no other recourse, my husband I personally watched over the precious one, making sure no harm came to her. I don't think Alemi would have been pleased if we had just left her sobbing in the streets. And, as an added benefit, Rose was able to recover her precious Mimi. I appologize for the distress that this has brought to mister Mayor, but please keep in mind that we were only trying to see to the safety of your precious daughter." Ashira bows to the mayor, and hopes that she might temper the judgement that it would seem he is about to pronounce on the party. (Diplomacy=17)

OOC Sorry for the lack of posts folks...have company, and have found it hard to get online. ;)

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 2:16:30 PM

Not sure what he can add to the conversation, Ari makes sure that he can add a happy, friendly face, to back up what Riggings is saying.

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 3:07:45 PM

After scouting around in private gardens, with no succes! Bart returns to the inn to meet his friends again

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 5:49:24 PM

"Our apologies, Mayor Merinol, for the inconvenience of being awakened at this odd hour," Akerin begins with a serious face. "Yet at any hour of the day it is an honor to be able to meet you. My name is Akerin, a healer of Alemi. We saw your campaign poster yesterday. I wish you well in your bid for re-election.

"Good Bingle here agreed to help us out this even'. I am grateful to him that he accompanied us to the inn, and for his wise and timely intercession on behalf of your daughter. And our leader, Rigging, and his wife, Ashira, again demonstrate to us both their wisdom and compassion.

"If there is a service we might perform on your behalf, and it be in our power and a thing of righteousness, please speak the word."

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 11:06:14 PM

Valanthe recognizes this situation as one that she should not participate in. Things seem rather delicate at the moment and losing her temper wouldn't help.

Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 4:33:57 AM

Appolo stands quietly behind Valanthe and tries agian"Come on we're not needed here,let's go." he whispers in her ear.

Reprieve (DM Donna) 
Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 8:01:37 PM

The mayor's face remains rather severe-looking--until the party's dialogue reminds him of little Rose and how she'd been rescued from being lost. Looking to Bingle (who confirms all that is put forth by the crew from the Sword of the Sea,) Merinol's expression melts into the tender warmth that only a father can have for his daughter.

"My very campaign actually stumps against Smilin' Pete's annual shenanigans," the mayor says, "Because the day after, my office is flooded with complaints about missing items and property that's been broken into...but I must say that I am quite glad to hear that you were part of this year's hunt--only the gods know what may have happened to my little Rosie if you hadn't found her and had the presence of mind to bring her back to me." He dismisses the gnome, asking Bingle to get Rose to her nursemaid.

"I was of the mind to toss you all into the pokey for a night or two--" Merinol admits, "--just to teach you the folly of midnight breaking-and-entering...but my men have no evidence that you, yourselves, broke into anywhere...and you DID bring back my daughter. So--take yourselves off to wherever you wish to go, with my thanks. Should I ever need a favor from honest pirates, I will know to ask it of you. Good night."

Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 11:23:01 PM

Rigging gives another short bow to the mayor, and then leans down ot the cute little girl Rose. "Rose it was a pleasure to meet you. You have brought myself and my friends some good luck. If you ever need a favor, please come as Arrack Von Palin." He gives her a quick wink and adds, "My friends call me Rigging. I hope you will too."

The young mage stands up and says to his family. "Let's head back to the tavern have a night cap. Maybe Bart will be there and then we can head back to the ship. Time to get back to business."

Rigging leads his friends out.

Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 11:44:07 PM

Once the group has headed out beyond the mayor's hearing Ari comments, "We may want to take news of everything that has happened tonight, back to the ship. I'm not sure we would be very safe given the nature of this years losers, not to mention if they might try to do anything untowards to our ship or it's captain."

Thursday April 24th, 2003 2:53:50 AM

"If they've a shred of honor in them, then our buying them a drink will settle the matter," Akerin puts forward with a degree of hope. "I think it was the passion of the moment - just when they thought they won, then the decision was overturned. Of course, no excuse for that dagger. But let's us be good sports, and maybe turn opponents into friends."

Then, he shrugs, "But still, Ari, you may have a point. No harm letting the captain know that there's at least the possibility of some 'shenanigans' as the mayor put it.

"Hey - and way to go, me buckos!" Akerin says to his friends with a smile. "You're a resourceful crew, none can gainsay!"

Back at the inn, if the crew of the Coppersworth is still about, Akerin honors his promise to stand them a drink. (20 gp should more than do the trick - the 'good stuff' - though the cleric himself will go light on imbibing.)

He also will engage them in conversation, and ask about some of their adventuring exploits, swapping stories till the sun comes up. He will lightly kid Able a bit about making sure he found himself in the thick of things. If Able seems touchy, then Akerin smooths things out. He asks if one among them is a cleric. If so, he'll talk a little shop with him or her.

First thing in the morning, to keep another set of promises, he returns the wig, and helps his friends return what they can.

"Should we order up one of those cuckoo clocks?" he asks his mates. "Or at least ask what it would cost to order one that can stand the rigors of the sea?"

Return to the Happy Harpy (DM Donna) 
Thursday April 24th, 2003 4:07:01 PM

The Wildcards of the Sword of the Sea find that the tavern still has a goodly amount of customers for all that it is nearly dawn now...however, the Coppersworth crew is notably NOT amongst them. Apparently Akerin's offer to buy them a drink will have to wait until another time.

Smilin' Pete, however, presents the bag of 1000 gold pieces and the mounted gold rose with a flamboyant flourish to Rigging to the wholehearted (if inebriated) applause of the tavern's customers.

"Come back next year and see if you can hang on to it!" the bartender tells the party, then goes back to his duties behind the counter.

Jami comes up to the table you are all occupying and adds her own congratulations.

"Glad to see them Bad Pennies get their comeuppance, I can tell ya!" she says with a nod of her head. "Oh--and I've got word about Starr...she's the King of Coins representative on Ayorsa Island..? Well, she can be found at the Scroll Repository during the daytime hours." The brunette gives you directions to the Repository and a description of the woman as well before resuming her own serving duties.

(OOC: Each PC can add 1000xp to their character sheet; the party now has 1000gp to divide amongst themselves as well...you'll have to decide amongst yourselves what happens to the rose plaque.

Please completely update your character sheets and send them to me as soon as possible because the Wildcards' newest adventure is supposed to begin Monday, April 28th.)

Thursday April 24th, 2003 11:03:38 PM

The half-elf smiles at her new husband, and pats him on the back. "You did a good job back there. But I have a few things to attend to before this night is over."

Smiling, she heads over to Redux and pats the young mage's shoulder. "Would you mind returning my invisibility ring? I think we might need it in the future."

After Redux returns her ring to her, Ashira heads over to Valanthe. Gently laying a hand on her shoulder, Ashira smiles playfully at the elven warrior. "Ok...we've got some unfinished business. I think you still owe me an explaination about my armor. Now, I've been pretty nice so far, but I'm going to have to play dirty. I'll give you one more chance to spill your guts before the real tortue begins."

Saturday April 26th, 2003 12:44:43 AM

Rigging collects his share of the winnings, puts his arm around his lovely elven bride, and decides he wants to head back to the boat. He lifts his glass one last time in toast and says,
"To my family, the best wildcards on any ship. I am proud to be family with you. Now I want to get closer to my immediate family" He pulls Ashira a little closer and says, "I hope you will join me in our own private victory celebration?"

The next morning, Rigging will head over with anyone who wants to join him to meet Starr at the Scroll Repository.

Sunday April 27th, 2003 10:41:01 PM

Val smiles. "Actually I couldn't give any specific details so you would only be waisting your time. Besides I don't think that you have it in you." Her smile remains as a challenge knowing that Ashira is too good natured to try anything too dirty.

Monday April 28th, 2003 1:00:30 AM

"Jami, thank you kindly for your help," Akerin says as he looks up at her, noting the long and light brunette hair. "We'll see if we can't look in on Starr. At the scroll repository, eh? Eh, would you happen to know her?" If Jami can give him a description of the local rep for the King of Coins, he thanks her. "I owe you a rose, Jami. You're a good one."

On the way back to the ship, Akerin suggests to his friends, with whom he has stayed up the whole night. "What do you say we divide the reward into ten shares? One for each of us - that's 100 gp each, easy mathematics, there; and a share for party treasure, plus a share to get something for the crew. Our lives can depend on them, and I'd guess that they wouldn't mind if we picked up something for them just to say thanks."

He waits to see if this sounds good to them.

Before everyone scatters to their various activities, he reminds them of Starr who is, according to Jami, available at the Scroll Repository. "Should all of us go see her, or would it be all right with you, Rigging, if just a few of us went as representatives to find out what we can about the missing ship, and report back to the rest? I'd be happy to be among those who go meet with her. I'm thinking that the sooner we find out what she knows, the better. After all, it's not even mid-morning yet." He does not seem to want to wait a whole day to get in touch with this potential contact for the King of Coins, and figures that the party can catch up on their sleep after meeting with her.

The healer-monk really does not look tired at all.

Monday April 28th, 2003 1:51:20 AM

After having his entreaties ignored is standing slightly behind Valanthe when Ashira comes over,Appolo quietly listens to them then says loud enough to be heard"Ashira perhaps your asking the wrong person,I mean about your armour." he thenheads back to his quarters at the Jack's place to get some sleep and perhaps drink a little wine.

Monday April 28th, 2003 6:28:16 AM

Seeing as the pennies are not in the bar, Ari decides to spend sometime enjoying the local flavor of wine.

When Akerin talks about going to see Star, Ari pipes up, "I'll go with you if you'll have me".

Monday April 28th, 2003 11:47:18 AM

Well I'm glad we have won after all, and we did a good job to ohelping that innocent girl. Praise Domi, helper of the innocent.

It's fine with me Akerin if you want to go with a smalle delegat5ion, but don't you think the lady want to see all of us before she trust us with a mission?

Monday April 28th, 2003 4:48:34 PM

"Great, Ari. If I'll have you? I wouldn't want to go without you, man," Akerin answers.

"Amen to that, Bart. And perhaps you're right, that Starr would want to see us all. But I still think we should not wait a whole day before we see her. Shall I invite her to the ship, or should we all put off taking our naps until we've found out what needs to be done, and go there together now?"

As many are willing to come is fine with Akerin. But, unless Rigging orders otherwise, he is going to see Starr now, following Jami's directions to the Scroll Repository.

Monday April 28th, 2003 10:28:53 PM

Rigging says, "I don't think everyone should go with us. Starr might be overwhelmed and since we can't bring the who crew with us, we might as well only send a few. Akerin, Bart, and I will go see Starr. Why don't the rest of you figure out a nice present for crew. A barrel of the good stuff maybe? Maybe a set of clothes for everyone? Breathmints?" Rigging says the last with a smile and heads out the door.

Tuesday April 29th, 2003 5:47:33 PM

"Sounds fine, Rigging. Oh, any reason Ari couldn't come along, too?" He waves surreptitiously for Ari to follow along as they head out - unless Rigging explicitly says no.

As they walk along, Akerin says to Bart, "So, we missed you toward the end of the scavenger hunt. Were you looking for the rose, too?" He awaits Bart's answer, then asks Bart about his family, upbringing, and how it was he joined up with this group.

Wednesday April 30th, 2003 10:05:31 PM

OOC...What's going on with the posts? Haven't seen a DM post for a week. Is everything ok?

Bart  d10=9
Thursday May 1st, 2003 12:40:47 AM

I hope it isn't because i didn't sent my char sheet hp roll

Thursday May 1st, 2003 3:30:45 AM

Our DM is ill. a temporary replacement will be starting soon.

Thursday May 1st, 2003 3:40:47 AM

Redux is seen snapping his fingers and nodding, like he just figured something out. "Hmm...what was that Rigging? Something to honor our ship maybe? How's about setting up a catered meal on the ship; something nice that the crew would miss while out at sea? I'll head back to the Tavern and speak to someone. Then I need some rest."

Thursday May 1st, 2003 8:59:19 AM

Yes, all, Donna is sick. I will be DMing us for a while. I'll make my first post sometime this afternoon. Can't wait, it's gonna be a blast!

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