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Defending the Wine

DM kent 
Friday April 25th, 2003 6:42:34 PM

Just as the three outside decide to come back in they catch some movement out of the corder of their eyes.

Two fist-sized stones come hurtling by. On lands about 6 ft from them and the other goes crashing through the window and into the inn. As both of them hit the ground two more deafening booms occur.

Bralin, Turin, and Syr make Fortitude saves DC 15 or be deafened.

Gordo is waiting for the return of the scouts when the window nearby shatters and this fist-sized rock comes through and strikes the floor with a boom. Make Fortitude save DC15 or be deafened.

As the boom goes off in the inn Bog and Tiree also catch some movement out of the corners of their eyes and duck as they see several things flying through the air at them. They hear several things hit the ground and then the room starts filling up with smoke. as the smoke starts fillong the room there is the sound of several coins striking and rolling along the florr and then suddenly the room is pitch black.

Friday April 25th, 2003 7:45:01 PM

Not being too courageous, Tionel slips into the kitchen and slams the door behind him. "Just calm down, ladies... something weird's going on in there. I'm sure they'll be able to handle themselves." He peeks back through the door into the main room and sees merely smoke... "Whats' going on..?" he mumbles.

Gordo  d20+6=12
Sunday April 27th, 2003 9:24:46 AM

Gordo is standing right next to the thunderstone when it explodes, and is instantly deafened.

He signals to Drew, who is standing further back in the cellar, that his hearing his gone. He retreats back inside the door, holding it slightly ajar so he can see anyone approaching. If he sees any non-party member approach he slams the door shut and locks it.

Syr  d20+7=8
Sunday April 27th, 2003 2:20:46 PM

As the stones fly by Syr turns to see the source of the rocks. As it explodes, his hands move to his ears in pain. Looking at Turin and Bralin his voice becomes more loud as he realizes that he can't hear himself, "We should Probably GET BACK INSIDE!" With that he stumbles toward the front door.

(Fortitude: Geez, two natural ones in a row)

Turin  d20+4=18
Sunday April 27th, 2003 10:40:24 PM

Turin winces at the sound, but manages to keep his hearing. He quickly turns towards where it seems the stones came from, running towards them. "Come with me!" He calls out to Syr and Bralin.

Bralin  d20+8=17
Monday April 28th, 2003 8:05:17 AM

Bralin grimaces at the noise, but shakes off the ringing in his ears.

He grimaces still further when Syr goes inside while Turin runs down the street.

"INSIDE!" he roars to Turin, then he turns and helps Syr through the door. The dwarf leaves the door ajar for Turin, pulls his axe, and scans the smoky, darkened room (Darkvision?) in an attempt to see where the bad guys are.

Tiree  d20+10=30
Monday April 28th, 2003 3:58:37 PM

Moving slowly and quietly, and using a hand for guidance, Tiree moves in the direction she thinks the door to the basement is in. Upon finding it, (if she does), she stands in front of it, not budging.

Move silently 30 (nat 20)

Monday April 28th, 2003 5:39:19 PM

Bog grumbles, "Naow lidies, don' ya go pickin' on a pooor d'fnslessen rat! 'e smills be'r den you all do. Awwww criminelly wot ?" He spins around to see smoke pouring into the room.

"Rats, indeed!" he saays as he puts a sleeve up to his mouth to avoid breathing smoke and then rushes toward the cellar door as all goes black.

DM Kent 
Monday April 28th, 2003 6:13:50 PM

Tionel rushes by Bog and Tiree and into the kitchen not even registering that the cooks, that moments ago were afraid of the rat, have shed their aprons and are wearing leather armor and carring bared swords and ahve turned from facing the basement stairs to face you.

Tiree knows the basement is accessed by stairs in the kitchen. She also knows that Tionel just bolted through there and closed the door. Both tionel and Bog are able to find the door easily as you were right there and as you bolt through you find yourselves out of the dark in moments and in in a fully lit kitchen.

In the moments that it takes you for your eyes to adjust you see that Tionel is currently being faced down by four well armed women, who are most definitely NOT cooks.

Turin takes off down the street as he hears Bralin's shout. He goes about 30 yards when he sees four figures standing around a small, mounted, crossbow looking thing.

A bit behind them in the dark Bralin hears the soft whoosh of the fireplace entry being activated and then a suprised comment that is immediately hushed up. " Wut! Why's it so dar..."

Drew hears the hubub in the kitchen from his post halfway up the stairs. Make a listen check DC 14

Turin (AC 15, 16 to the nearest figure)  d20+6=11 2d4(2+3)+3=8
Monday April 28th, 2003 6:39:53 PM

Turin charges towards the four figures, attacking the first one with his spiked chain. The swing is strong, but easily deflected by any armor.

Drew  d20=14
Monday April 28th, 2003 6:45:02 PM

Drew makes his listen check and then casts obscuring mist out into the bar starting at teh top of the stairs.

Tionel  d20+9=15
Monday April 28th, 2003 11:57:27 PM

Tionel quickly says some weird words, waving his hands in front of him... and nothing too fancy happens. No lasers or nothing... only the truly perceptive might notice that his skin is slightly darker, and denser...
(Barkskin... woohoo!)
"Uh...ladies, can't we talk about this? I mean, if it's wine you're interested in, perhaps we can just have some over dinner, at a nice restaurant?" He tries to smile charmingly. (Diplomacy check: 15)

Monday April 28th, 2003 11:57:56 PM

(OOC: Now my AC is 15. Just for GM knowledge.)

Tuesday April 29th, 2003 8:02:00 AM

OOC: Kent, could we have a map? I'm afraid I have no idea who is where now. Thanks!

Bralin (ac19, shield of faith) 
Tuesday April 29th, 2003 8:06:13 AM

Bralin chants an incantation and then works his way along the wall toward the voices he heard.

He gives Syr a tug as he goes.

Breaking out of the darkness, the dwarf skirts the dark/light border as he angles toward where the voices were.

Tuesday April 29th, 2003 8:37:59 AM

Bog stops and takes a step back, "Mmmmm....youz lidies woodn' b' single wood ya? Hmmmmph....A'll givya a rat!"

He cocks his head and claps his hand to his elbows. "G'mee won...gimme two...gimme dem green n' bloo....sctter scutter lttle blightahs cross da wall down da hall n up Thar Skirts!"

[Summon Swarm. Going for the one in front or two of them if they are REALLY close.]

Tuesday April 29th, 2003 9:13:11 AM

Moving Halfway up the stairs.

Gordo (HP 24)  d20+3=17 d8+5=10
Tuesday April 29th, 2003 2:59:10 PM

(OOC: Kent, thanks for the map. I'm not sure how Gordo got to the Stage though. I stated a couple of times that he was hanging back with Drew as a last line of defense whilst the others scouted, and that he was holding the cellar door ajar keeping an eye out for intruders or his companions. Unless you have an objection I'll place him back at the cellar door. I'm assuming this would mean he was not in range of the Thunderstone that deafened him either.)

Seeing that his companions are facing four armed opponents, Gordo steps out through the cellar doorway and slams the door behind him.

"Now then, ladies, this is no good!" he grins. "Who's going to cook our breakfast if we have to slap you all silly?" Then, taking a step forward he launches a swift hard punch at the nearest (C1?) (Hits AC 17 for 10 HP subdual(Power Attack, -3 to hit, +3 dmg).

******Carl, If Gordo was looking out for the folks that went outside then he was by the exit door near the stage. If not fine but there is no door to the cellar, just a stairwell down.

Syr (Lesser Natural Armor) 
Tuesday April 29th, 2003 3:09:35 PM

Lost in the darkness and unable to hear a thing he stumbles around confused. Feeling a tug on his shirt he reaches out to the dwarf and follows closely keeping a hand on his shoulder.
Realizing trouble is approaching, he takes a moment to prepare for combat and concentrates on toughening his skin.

Tuesday April 29th, 2003 4:49:03 PM

After his nice, cordial attempt to woo the ladies, Tionel is utterly shocked by Gordo's haymaker. He gapes and gasps, "Gordo! Never hit a lady!"

DM kent  d20=10
Tuesday April 29th, 2003 10:24:33 PM

(ooc Guys and gals, sorry about no post tonight I had an emergency come up. I should get a post done by 6PM est tomorrow)

Wednesday April 30th, 2003 4:39:07 AM

Winking at Tionel whilst weaving and feinting, Gordo grins "Now normally I'd agree with you son, but when said lady is waving a sword at me, I tend to get a mite defensive. Anyhow, surely it's better for me to give her a little lovetap in the guts than try to bash her over the head with a spiked chain like Turin here? Not that I'm complaining, Turin old son! Don't mind me, you go right ahead!"

(OOC: Thanks Kent. Gordo is standing by the cellar entrance then, attempting to block the route down.)

DM kent 
Wednesday April 30th, 2003 6:31:37 PM

Drew casts his spell and a thick mist fills the kitchen and moes its way out into a bit of the tavern area limiting everyones vision. (everyone in th kitchen or the grey spotted area is now -2 to hit)

Turin charges into the nearest figure O2(OUTSIDE the INN) but misses.

Bralin and Syr move out of the darkness and move toward the sounds.

Bog casts his spell and is rewarded by the momentary sight of 8 bats as they swarm around the heads of C2 and C4.

Gordo attacks C1 and connects (AC17) while Tionel debates the finer points of diplomacy and appears to be failing.


DM kent  d20+4=7 d20+4=16 d20+4=10 d20+4=23 d20+4=11 2d6(5+3)+2=10 d20+5=10 d20+5=6 d20+1=18 d20+1=16 d6+1=5 d6+1=3
Wednesday April 30th, 2003 6:40:41 PM

Bralin and Syr hear movement in the dark coming toward them and then herar a thump, a scream and a series of thumps and curses and someone falls up the stairs and then falls into a table.

Turin recovers from his miss enough to avoid his nearest opponent's strike but winces as two more strikes from the others connect, opening a gash in his side (10 points)

C3 attacks Tionel with a sloppy strike due to the distractions of seeing bats and the mist and missies with her thrust.

C1 attacks Gordo fiercly lunging in and misses badly hampered by some apron strings that she seems to be tangled in.

C2 and C4 both move forfard waving their swords around trying to hit Bog and some how manage to hit the wizard (8 points)

Drew who had been listening pretty closely to the cellar hears the slightest muffled ring of an individual bell from one of Turin's traps.

Tionel  d20+4=21 d6+1=5
Wednesday April 30th, 2003 10:23:54 PM

"Dangit, I hate hurting a lady, but you leave me no choice!" So saying, Tionel's scimitar flashes out (move equivalent action to draw a sword?), and he cuts at the woman fighting him, his sword biting deep into her side (AC 21, for 5 damage). He winces... "Sure we can't talk this over a glass of wine?" he asks her, his eyes looking at her full of anguish.

Gordo (-2 to hit from mist)  d20+4=24 d20+4=21 2d8(2+8)+4=14
Thursday May 1st, 2003 3:57:06 AM

Suddenly lost in the mist, Gordo stops talking and focuses on the sounds and shapes around him. He waits, holds back, then...

POW! He rams a straight left right at the attacker's chin (C1), with all his weight behind it (Crit hit, (AC 24/21) for 14 points).

Bog  d4+1=5 d20+9=23 d20+9=12
Thursday May 1st, 2003 10:07:53 AM

As kitchen workers C2 and C4 run forward and attack they are swarmed by bats that bite at their hands, faces and eyes. [5 Damage each]

Bog stumbles backward against the wall, a clean cut in his fine robe now seeming with an off-colored spreading crimson. He stares intensely at the bats. He manages to successfully complete his spell ensuring the bats do indeed stay, but his effort to maintain their future presence fails as he holds his chest in pain.

He utters something quickly and tosses a quick pinch from his sack. [Cast Spider Climb Defensively]

[Made first concentration check to successfully summon bats. Failed second one to keep them around. Per the spell, they will last for 2 more rounds.]

Bralin (ac19,shield of faith)  d20+5=6
Thursday May 1st, 2003 10:52:44 AM

Hearing the commotion on the stairwell, Bralin steps over to it and with a mighty swing, cleaves through the darkness about where the voice might be.

The stairwell bannister disintigrates under the blow. But the dwarf's blade finds no flesh.

(-2 atk due to darkness? nat 1, never mind)

Thursday May 1st, 2003 12:26:03 PM

Drew moving like lighting moves to the sound of the bell.

Syr (Deaf, Lesser Natural Armor)  d20+5=9
Thursday May 1st, 2003 1:42:31 PM

Emerging from the darkness, the elf stays close to Bralin. As he sees the dwarf wield his axe and hit something, he takes his axe and aims near the same spot. With a wild swing, he connects with nothing. Looking at Bralin he yells, "I ASSUME WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE WE DOING?"

Turin (AC 17, 13 HP)  d20=17 d20+6=13 2d4(3+1)+3=7
Friday May 2nd, 2003 1:17:17 AM

Turin swings at the two that hit him, feinting an attack at one, then striking at the other (Bluff check 17, removes any Dex bonus unless they roll higher on a sense motive check (wis default), hits AC 13, damage 7). He focuses his defense at the one who hit hardest, as well as his attack.

Friday May 2nd, 2003 12:48:49 PM

Drew continues to rush to the sound of the bell.

Friday May 2nd, 2003 6:29:24 PM

Gordo continues to ram his straight right at the attacker's chin.

Monday May 5th, 2003 9:19:55 AM

Drew waits....

Tuesday May 6th, 2003 1:40:37 AM

Bog looks at the frozen enemies, then bangs on the pipes and shouts at the ceiling, "Ay, mate! Dese aminaitronic dings en sorts is all broke down. Theyz needdin a winding!"

DM Kent 
Tuesday May 6th, 2003 6:45:28 PM

Drew rushes the rest of the way down the stairs in to the cellar and sees nothing amiss at first and then notices some slight puffs of flour appearing about every 3 feet or so moving toward the purple wine.

Bralin and Syr attack the stairwell causing some serious damage to the ralings and the support wall, but neither hear nor see anything further.

Turin feints at O1 and strikes out at O4, connecting only because of his feint (AC 16)

Gordo lashes out with a haymaker that momentarily sends C1 backpedalling trying to clear his head.

Bog casts his spell and starts dancing on the cieling.

Tionel lashes out at his opponent who simply smiles at him as his blade slices into her.


DM Kent  d20+4=21 d20+4=19 d20+4=17 d20+4=21 d6+2=3 d6+2=4 d6+2=7 d6+2=3 d20+2=19 d6+2=7 d20=2 d20=9 d20+2=17 d6+2=5
Tuesday May 6th, 2003 7:12:38 PM

Turin's opponents circle around him and step up for a butt kicking contest as all four connect with their attacks, opening a myriad of wounds on the bard's body (17 points)

After Gordo's opponent clears her head for a moment she lashes out with her sword nailing him in the side for 7 points.

The two bat engulfed ladies take a moment to swing around their heads trying to clear the air over them of the bats, but manage to connect with nothing.

After smiling at Tionel his opponent then lunges in to where he believes Tionel is
and is rewarded by a solid thunk as he sword bites in to his flesh. (5 points)

Having moved into the dark Bralin and Syr see nothing and hear nothing over their rain of splinters.

Down in the cellar the puffs of flour stop and nothing seems to be moving anywhere. the air is still.

Turin (Not a Bard, a Rogue/Fighter. Jeez.)  d100=24
Tuesday May 6th, 2003 10:09:19 PM

Turin falls over, too wounded to do anything, slowly bleeding to death.

Tionel  d20+4=16 d6+1=7
Wednesday May 7th, 2003 1:24:18 AM

"Aahhh!!!" Tionel yelps in agony. Dang, he hates when people do that sorta thing...He slashes out sideways, hopefully drawing a line of red across her midsection (AC 16, 7 damage woo!). "Damn it, I hate fighting women!" <especially those stronger than me...>

Wednesday May 7th, 2003 4:32:58 AM

Bog indeed scurries up the side of the wall and onto the ceiling. Blood continues to spill from his wound and dribbles and splats on those underneath.

The bats now are trying to avoid being swatted and only do 1 point of damage each to the ladies 2 & 4 this round.

Bog meanwhile crawls across the ceiling and through the cellar doorway heading downstairs...still on the ceiling. When he gets downstairs, he hangs out (literally).

Gordo (17 HP)  d20+6=20 d8+2=3
Wednesday May 7th, 2003 4:43:09 AM

Gordo winces under the force of the sword blow, but keeps on fighting. He jabs another punch at his opponent, but as blood flows freely from the wound in his shoulder he can feel the sword cut robbing his blow of power (AC 20 for 3 HP).

Bralin (ac19,shield of faith) 
Wednesday May 7th, 2003 8:51:32 AM

Bralin ponders the situation. He doesn't know where the enemy is. With this guy screaming in his ear, the enemy surely knows where he is. However, he does know where the enemy is going.

Bralin gives Syr another tug, steps back into the light and jogs back to the entryway.

Idly wondering if the other warrior ever came back inside, he pokes his head out of the door and looks up the street with his darkvision.

Wednesday May 7th, 2003 1:07:41 PM

The elf silently follows Bralin, alert for any surprises.

DM kent  d20+3=18 d20+3=15 d20+4=14 d20+4=13 d20+4=22 d20+4=6 d6+2=7
Wednesday May 7th, 2003 10:33:28 PM

Turin fals to the ground with a steady but slow trickle of blood leaking out of his multiple wounds and pooling around him. As he falls the four snicker and step back behind their portable catapult.

Bralin pokes his head through the door and (spot check DC 10 rolled an 18 for you) sees what apears to be a body fall to the ground with four other bodies tanding round it.

Drew watches closely and again sees a puff of lour and now just the smallest part of a shoe's outline can be seen from the flour. someone seems to perhaps be standing right in front of the two casks of purple wine.

Bog makes it downstairs and sees Drew staring intently at what seems to be nothing but the two kegs of wine surrounded by a flor covered in flour.

Tionel does just manage to hit his opponent and elicits a curse from her as C3's blade slices neatly through his sleave and just missing slicing open his arm.

Gordo again pummels his opponent and feels the swish of air from C1's blade as it whips by his exposed cheek.

C2 an C4 again try and remove the flying rodnets from around their heads. C2 has some success as she connects slicing though the bats for 7 points.

Tionel (29 hp, AC 15)  d20+4=13 d6+1=2
Wednesday May 7th, 2003 11:49:52 PM

Hardly even scratched, but convinced that he's mortally wounded, Tionel throws out a smattering of verse as he slashes at his opponent. "OH woe! for as I begin to perish, my wounds mortal, I sigh in apotheosis, my mortal form perisheth but my soul, it---" It's rather bad, and so's his swordplay. (AC 13...2 damage if it does hit.)

Turin (-5HP)  d100=74
Thursday May 8th, 2003 12:15:05 AM

Turin continues to bleed.

Gordo  d20+3=20 d20+3=17 d8+2=6 d8+2=3
Thursday May 8th, 2003 8:25:55 AM

The big man unleashes a swift combination of punches at his opponent (Flurry), connecting twice (AC 20 for 6 HP, AC 17 for 3 HP).

He raises an amused eyebrow at Tionel's verse, and quips "Dear Domi, keep our bodies safe from the blades of our foes, and our ears safe from the poetry of our allies!"

Syr  d20+4=13 d20+9=21 d8+4=7
Thursday May 8th, 2003 3:37:11 PM

The elf sticks his head around Bralin through the door (Spot 13) to see Turin's body lying motionless on the ground. With a scream, "Turin's Down!" he move. Quick to the defense of his friend, he sprints out the door.

He charges at the nearest of the foursome, trying to keep his chosen target between himself and the others. (Attack 21, damage 7)

With a

Syr (Lesser Natural Armor, AC20) 
Thursday May 8th, 2003 3:40:50 PM

With a .... satisyfying thunk, the axe bites home. He yells at the dwarf, "This one, shorty, this one!"

(Sorry, I didn't realize I hadn't quite finished :) Also, how much longer is Syr deafened?)

Bralin (ac19, shield of faith)  d20+9=13
Thursday May 8th, 2003 5:08:22 PM

The dwarf charges at the same time as Syr. He doesn't respond to the "shorty" comment.

But he's obviously effected as his opponent easily ducks his slow moving blade.

(Atk ac 13, sigh)

Bog  d20+2=7
Thursday May 8th, 2003 10:19:44 PM

Bog sees Drew's intent stare and looks at the flour around the floor and gets the picture. He quiet creeps down the wall and grabs a small sack of flour himself and then goes back to the ceiling over the wine area.

He looks to see anything [Spot 7] but does not.
He'll wait there another round looking to Drew subtly for any ideas.

Meanwhile the bats flurry and fly around the sword shots, only getting nicked but still keep flying in their faces for another point of damage each. Then as quickly as they came, they dissipate in the cracks in a puff of smoke.

[Regular attacks don't affect the swarm. Only area of effect spells. The time limit's up anyway tho.]

DM Kent 
Friday May 9th, 2003 10:06:16 PM

Bog grabs his sack of flour and as he does so he notices that the tap on one of the kegs is moving ever so slightly.

Syr and Bralin charge out to the comatose Turin's aid and are soon facing four swordsmen. Syr charges in and attacks O4 but opens himslef up to two attacks of opportunity. While Bralin opens himself up to 1.

Tionel sends his blade whisking right past his mist shrouded opponent.

Gordo unleashes a barage that fells his opponent and she falls with a clunk to the floor.


DM Kent  d20+2=11 d20+4=11 d20+4=12 d20+4=5 d20+4=16 d20+4=24 d20+4=18 d6+2=6 d6+2=5 d20+4=6
Friday May 9th, 2003 10:14:07 PM

C4 moves in on Tiree while C2 moves toward the staircase and Gordo.

C3 tries to see through the mist and attack Tionel again and once again misses.

O3 and O4 take swings at Syr as he charges in and both are so suprised that they manage to miss their attacks of opportunity. They recover to try again and both mange to miss again.

O1 takes a swing at Bralin as he runs in and manages to lay in a nasty strike. Crit threat and roll - 11 points) and the follows through with a second strike that misses.

Down in the cellar the spigot is definately turning.

Syr (Lesser Natural Armor, Fighting Defensively, AC22)  d20+3=20 d8+4=6
Saturday May 10th, 2003 5:07:19 AM

Looking around and noticing how outnumbered they are, Syr concentrates less on offense an more on not being hit (fighting defensively). He dodges one opponent's blow and slides closer to his original foe. Landing another axe blow (damage 6) he yells back at his partner, "Hey shorty, get up here and give me a hand!"

Tionel  d20+4=5
Saturday May 10th, 2003 5:44:48 AM

"Someone's hurt out there?? Gordo, we've gotta finish these clowns-er, ladies, off!" So saying, Tionel attempts a dashing cut with his sword, and ends up thunking his sword into the kitchen cutting board (AC 5, natural 1.. :P ). "Damn these close quarters!"

Bralin (ac21,shield of faith, fighting defensively)  d20+5=18 d8+4=9
Saturday May 10th, 2003 1:11:23 PM

His enemy's sword slices deeply into his side. His allies are hurt and bleeding as well. A huge, feral smile breaks out on the dwarf's face.

Bellowing a primal roar, he slams his huge axe into his enemy's body.

(Atk'd O1, hit AC 18, 9 hp damage, fighting defensively)

Bralin (OOC)  d10+4=14
Saturday May 10th, 2003 1:15:23 PM

(OOC - Kent, damage should have been d10 not d8.
I re-rolled for 14 dam, or you can just add 2 to the original roll.)

Gordo  d20+3=11
Saturday May 10th, 2003 5:43:43 PM

Facing his new opponent Gordo smiles broadly and says "Lass, welcome to the party!"

He swings a heavy blow at the woman (Power Attack -3 to hit, +3 dmg), but the swing is clumsy and misses by a mile (AC11).

Turin (-6HP)  d100=49
Sunday May 11th, 2003 8:40:31 PM

Turin continues to bleed.

Bog (8 points damage) 
Monday May 12th, 2003 6:05:34 AM

Bog makes sure he us JUST over the place where the spiggot is and then dumps a bunch of flour on the area to get anyone that is in front of, behind, or under the spiggot. *PUFF* *PUFF* *PUFF* The flour descends and pools around the barrel.

With his other hand Bog flicks his wand up, forward and in a circle and says (No, not Wingardium Leviosa....) the command word "Critter!".

[The wand will (eventually) summon a monster using summon monster I spell.
Type: celestial badger (my alignment)
Position: 5 feet behind the invisible man]

DM Kent  d20+2=7 d20+2=7 d20+4=18 d20+4=19 d20+4=22 d20+4=20 d6+2=4 d6+2=3 d6+2=6 d6+2=6
Monday May 12th, 2003 10:38:24 PM

Bog pours out his flour and watches as it float downward and tries to settle on something that isn't there. From several feet to your right you hear a chuckle, followed by "Now why didn't I think of that?" Oh yes, I did." Nice try though. The spigot continues to turn and now there is a 4oz crystal container being held near the opening. The Celestial badger comes into existence and ponders what he is supposed to attack as there is nothing living in front of him.

Gordo's and Tionel's opponents miss with their attempts at hitting our two heroes.

While both Bralin's two opponents (O1 & O2)and Syr's two opponents (O3 & O4) respond to their getting hit by pounding on the two new arrivals. (Both are hit twice Bralin 7 points Syr 12 points)

The bat's disappear, but things are still very misty in the kitchen.

Tionel  d20+4=12
Monday May 12th, 2003 10:47:17 PM

"Gordo, I think somebody's hurt! I'll go help them in a second, you take care of these, er, women." Tionel stays one last round to fight the ladies...swinging his sword with his typical clumsiness, missing and cutting only cloth.

Syr (Deaf, Lesser Natural Armor, AC20)  d20+7=9
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 1:40:34 AM

Syr drops his guard and is hit from both sides. He steps out of his defensive posture only to make a weak swing at OC3, (Attack 9).

Turning and shouting at the inn, "Hey GUYS! Turin is down, he needs help NOW!"

Gordo  d20+6=17 d8+2=6
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 4:28:08 AM

Nodding to Tionel Gordo says "Right you are, son, I'll take care of things here", and swings for the woman in front of him, aiming for a disabling strike to her exposed throat (AC 17, 6 HP, Stunning Fist, beat Fort DC 16 or stunned for 1 round).

(OOC: Please note, all damage Gordo ever does is subdual, unless explicitly stated otherwise.)

Bralin (ac21,shield of faith, fighting defensively)  d20+5=24 d10+4=12
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 7:46:55 AM

Bralin's roar turns into a low, continuous bass rumble. The dwarf prepares himself to join the rock in eternal slumber.

He swings his axe high, again slamming solidly into his enemy (hit AC 24 for 12 hp damage). Perhaps one of his enemy can join him.

Turin (-6HP, stabilized)  d100=9
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 12:48:08 PM

Turin stops bleeding so badly, but is still hurt.

Tuesday May 13th, 2003 4:42:32 PM

Bog growls, "Nyaoow, yoo lssin here, sonny, yous n a gittin pan o' mah raackit. Dis har stuff'n ain' good'n fer ya yoo hear?"

He waves his hands again and babbles something and out of his sleeve pops an Unseen Servant, which he directs to shut off the tap and KEEP shutting it off. He directs the badger to go after the invisible creature in the vicinity the voice came from. Then he begins spinning around on the ceiling in a circle during which he releases flour in a wide birth all over the room.

DM Kent  d20=18 d20+2=11 d20+2=15 d20+2=16 d20+4=13 d20+4=18 d20+6=22 d6+2=3
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 5:56:00 PM

(OOC Scott yes one did auto with his roll and the other I forgot to add his +2 flanking bonus before I rolled)

Tionel siwngs and misses as he can't really decide whether he is coming or going. Missing makes his decision and he bolts for the door and outside, opening himself to an attack of opportunity, that swings right by his head but only manages to clip a few hairs from his head.

Gordo's opponent shrugs off his punch and is joined by one of her partners and they both swing at him through the mist. Gordo just senses both of the thrusts and is able to some how dosge both though his clothing is a bit more airconditioned than before.

Bralin slaps an ax up against the side of O1 and watches with satisfaction as he drops to the ground. O2 takes a swing back at Bralin but as he swung blood sprayed him in the face and his thrust went wide of the mark.

Syr, feeling a bit perforated lashes out only to find that he has forgotten how to strike anything. O3 and O4 swing back and O4, from his flanking position manages to just connect again for 3 points)

Bog sends his unseen servant to close the spigot and watches the now full vial vanish and the wine flow cease without a wasted drop.

The badger starts making its way through the maze of barrels when Bog starts spinning.

Just out of the range of the flour, Bog sees a person come totally into view. He has the crystal vial in his hand. He is very flashily dressed and very haughty looking from what you can see of his face as it is masked. He looks up at Bog and motions toward the cask. Helpful fellows aren't they? Well I would love to stay and play with you and your friends, but I think we should be going. Tossing a small playing card to you he turns and faces Drew. Well, we have what I came for. Shall we be off?"

With that said both he and Drew vanish from the cellar. The card he tossed on the floor below you is a 7 of Diamonds.

Suddenly the mist upstairs vanishes.

Bralin (ac21,shield of faith, fighting defensively)  d20+5=10
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 9:51:14 PM

Continuing his basso humming, Bralin turns to the next thief.

With the momentum of his axe slowed due to passing through the body of his previous foeman, the dwarf cannot build sufficient speed, and his opponent easily dodges the blade.

(Atk O2 - a lousy ac 10)

Turin (-6HP) 
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 11:07:27 PM

Turin lies on the ground, unconscious.

Tionel  2d8(1+5)+5=11 d8+5=7
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 11:25:05 PM

Outside, Tionel notices the other figures, but makes a beeline for the unconscious form of Turin. If he manages to get to him this turn, he slips him a potion of cure light wounds. (Ignore the roll, I hit 2 by accident; 7 hp would be cured, Turin would be at 1, if Tionel manages to get to him this round.)

Syr  d20+7=27 2d8(1+7)+8=16 d20+7=15 d8+4=8
Wednesday May 14th, 2003 3:55:30 AM

Stepping over Turin, an upward slash at O3 nearly disembowels him. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices Tionel racing to help. "Quickly, help Turin!"

He tries to stay between any attackers and Turin motionless form.

(I messed the attack roll up totally during my excitement over my 2nd critical ever, sorry. Attack rolls of 27 and 15 damage of 24)

Gordo  d20+6=8
Wednesday May 14th, 2003 7:00:45 AM

Concentrating his attack on his original target, Gordo swings again but misses hopelessly.

"Oops!" he laughs as his punch sails wide. "I reckon I need a bit more practice, eh lass?"

Wednesday May 14th, 2003 7:01:18 AM

Bog races down the wall and shouts angily, "Ah Bg, Danbarnin n wiskrsin beg gummit tarkintun wayslapper gin all 'round da cruckercroaker!"

As he continues on, he picks up the card, tears it into little pieces and stomps up and down on them. Noticing the badger running by squeaking, he kicks it, "Ah shuddup!"

DM Kent  d20+4=10 d20+4=17 d6+2=5 d20+4=8 d20+4=5 d20+4=19 d6+2=7
Wednesday May 14th, 2003 9:38:51 PM

Tionel can indeed get to Turin this round, but opens himself up to an attack of opportunity as he passes by O2 who takes a half-hearted swing at the druid but misses. Tionel eases the potion down The rogue's throat and is rewarded by by a gasp or two and a near spewing upon as Turin is returned to bare conciousness.

Bralin plesed with his first strike realizes that he may have taken too much pleasure in it as his second strike goes astray while his opponent's manages to slice a bit off of his cloak.

Syr's strike does indeed disembowel O3 and his opponent slides to the ground looking at his oozing entrails. O4 shocked by watching two of his fellows sliced to ribbons badly misses Syr with his attack.

While Bog curses kicks and rips, Gordo grins as he is about to bear the brunt of the kitchen defense from the attack of the two cook impersonators, who can now clearly see thier target. However one of the ladies in her hurry to attack fouls her weapon in the apron she never got removed and ends up ripping it to shreds as she clears her weapon. C3 however manages to get in a clean shot at the monk.
(7 points)

Tionel  d20+6=23 d6+1=6
Wednesday May 14th, 2003 11:28:49 PM

"Here, drink this!" Tionel takes out and drops a potion of cure moderate wounds onto Turin's lap. (movement action) "Fiends! Prepare to fall before my...er...sword-thing. Scimitar!" He might not be too hot on sword names...but Tionel charges at the opponent who barely missed him and drives his scimitar deep nonetheless! (AC 23, doing 6 damage) He does leave himself more open to recrimination though. (AC -2, now ='s 13)

Syr (Deaf, Lesser Natural Armor, AC20)  d20+7=22 d8+4=10
Thursday May 15th, 2003 3:07:42 AM

The elf pauses a moment to take stock of his surroundings. He looks at his opponents and their armament trying to assess the situation. (What equipment are they carrying). He also spares a glance to the object they used to lob 'grenades' into the inn checking to see if there is any unused ammunition for the device lying around. Finally, he sees the brave dwarf fall, without another pause he renews his attack on his remaining foe with a wicked slice...(hit AC 22 for 10 points)
Still deaf, he shouts at the Tionel, "HEY! Will you attack these FOOLS from behind or beside?? They sure are doing the same thing to ME!!"

Gordo (10 HP)  d20+3=17 d20+3=9 d8+2=5
Thursday May 15th, 2003 4:18:50 AM

Gordo grunts in pain as yet another wound opens up on his already lacerated body.

"Bog! Drew!" He calls down to the cellar, not realising that his half orc companion has mysteriously vanished along with one of the thieves. "I could use a hand up here if you lads are not too busy!"

He launches a combination of punches at the same assailant, connecting once (AC 17 for 5HP), and hopes that he can keep these two occupied long enough for backup to arrive.

Turin (17 HP)  2d8(5+2)+3=10
Thursday May 15th, 2003 10:16:09 PM

Turin, coughing, drinks the potion dropped in his lap, and gets to his feet, grabbing his chain.

Friday May 16th, 2003 12:07:01 AM

Bog stands perfectly still as someone shouts down the stares. He stares worriedly at the wine, then at the card, then at the spot where Drew was, then races up the wall and ceiling again.

He runs upstairs to the kitchen and mumbles, "BlahblahblowblowbleebleeFRippingMist!"
[Obscuring Mist]

Mist and vapor again begin to emerge from the folds of Bog's robe and drift down over the room from the ceiling.

"Run, Man!" Bog shouts.

Bralin (ac19,shield of faith)  d20+7=10
Friday May 16th, 2003 8:50:02 AM

Bralin involuntarily steps back as the thief's blade grates off his armor. His returning blow is weak and ill-timed.

Berating himself for his cowardice, the dwarf step forward to meet his foe.

DM Kent  d20+4=8 d20+4=22 d6+2=5
Friday May 16th, 2003 5:30:17 PM

(OOC -- The Wine Cask is about the size of a 55 gallon drum (_), but made of wood. It has a single tap on the lower part of one end. The other flat end can be removed if the Cask is turned upright, though that would break the tap. The amount of wine taken won't even really be missed as it was only about 4 oz. It was more like proof of pulling the job.)

Tionel tosses a flsk in Turin's lap and swings at Bralin's opponent (O2) connecting solidly with his scimitar.

Syr visually checks out the minipult and does see several fist-sized stones laying on the ground beside it. He turns and lays a wicked strike on his opponent (O4).

Bralin wobbling a bit on his two stuby legs manages to pull himself together enough for a swing but manages only that.

Gordo manages another punch but it is obvious even to him that he needs a little help if he is going to survive these women. He is rewarded by the sounds of Bog's babbling and mist again starts to fill the kitchen. and the command to Run echoes through the room. (all people in the kitchen are now -2 to hit)

Turin finally mobile again reaches for his beloved chain and makes his way to his knees.

O2 and O4, having just watched two of their companions be killed and then get hit themeselves, now realixe they are outnumbered and turn tail to run. (Turin and Syr can get a final attack in on O4 and Bralin and tionel can get a final attack on O2 if wanted.)

As the mist fills the kitchen again the ladies try once again to cut Gordo to ribbons and one of them does manage to connect solidly. (5 points)

Bralin (ac19,shield of faith)  d20+7=12
Friday May 16th, 2003 10:16:14 PM

Bralin swings his axe high over his head, and brings the blade downward in a blow that will cleave this man in twain.

At the final moment, the thief bolts, and Bralin only just manages to twist his axe to keep the edge from striking the road. The flat of the blade clatters loudly on the stone.

(atk roll - AC12)

Turin  d20+6=23 2d4(3+4)+3=10
Saturday May 17th, 2003 11:13:21 AM

Turin swings around solidly as he comes up, pulling just at the right moment to rip past O4.

Tionel  d20=7 d20+4=12
Saturday May 17th, 2003 6:47:48 PM

When his opponent turns away, Tionel tries to hit the retreating thief but his blade goes harmlessly high. "Right!"
He swiftly moves back through the open door, and into the misty room. "Gordo, we're coming to help!" With his sword at ready, Tionel moves in... (Not attacking this round, just moving)

Gordo  d20+3=23 d20+3=14 d20+3=14 d6+2=7 d6+6=11
Sunday May 18th, 2003 7:45:33 AM

"Now son" grins the big man to Bog, "What sort of servant o' Domi would I be if I went running from fights? Courage will see us through lad, fear not!" Gordo looks a mess; his body is a mass of cuts and contusions, one ear is half hanging off and his face is swollen and bloody. But the grin is still there, as he leaps forward to attack again.

This time he slams another disabling punch at his original opponent (Flurry, missed crit, 7 HP dmg, 3rd Stunning Fist of 4, DC 16 or be stunned), then tries to do the same to his second opponent (4th Stunning Fist used, missed), but fails to connect.

"Ladies" he grins, "This has been great fun, but I'd advise you to surrender now, while you still can. Your colleagues have fallen and my companions return, and they are not so gentle as I." (Diplomacy 11).

Turin (D'oh) 
Sunday May 18th, 2003 3:19:30 PM

(Hits AC 23, does 10 points of damage)

Monday May 19th, 2003 1:02:22 AM

No answer comes from the foggy ceiling as BOg has already bolted from the room, (flipping over the door beam) and across the main room's ceiling, down the wall and out the door.

Syr (Deaf, Lesser Natural Armor)  d8=1
Monday May 19th, 2003 2:26:06 AM

Syr lets his remaining opponent flee. Wincing in pain, he turns his attention to his side. With a quick flick, his axe disappears inside his purple glove. He places his left hand on his side and concentrates. I timid, weak blue glow appears between his fingers (Lesser Body adjustment, cured a BIG 1 hp). Seeing Tionel's mouth move like a shout and watching him run inside, he then turns and follows him into the inn. "WHERE ARE WE GOING??"

DM Kent  d20+3=7 d20+2=7 d20+3=9 d20+2=5
Monday May 19th, 2003 5:57:10 PM

Those of you who were deaf are starting to get your hearng back but there is still a lot of ringing in your ears.

Turin Catches one of the fleeing felons as he retreats but doesn't manage to bring him down.

Tionel takes off toward the inns door and runns smack dab into Bog slamming out through the door.

Syr follow Tionel a bit more slowly and watches as her two friends nearly knock each other over.

As Bralin looks at his axe to make sure it wasn't damaged he sees the five fist sized stones still laying on the ground next to the minipult.

Gordo in the mist again feels his fist connect solidly with his first attack and then hears a satsifying thump as something drops to the ground.

He senses more than he hears, sees or feels his last opponent miss and then hears her say. "Well it has been a fun dance but I think we will take your girl friend here and depart. Perhaps we will see you later." There is now silence in the kitchen with a few soft shallow breaths coming from the floor near Gordo's feet.

Monday May 19th, 2003 9:29:08 PM

Turning his head to answer Syr, Tionel runs right into Bog and falls backwards onto his behind with a startled grunt. "Halt, lady!" he says, whipping up his sword...and seeing Bog. "Er...sorry." He blushes and stands up, looking past into the mist.
"Gordo, everything okay in there?"

Bralin  d20+4=6
Tuesday May 20th, 2003 8:29:51 AM

The dwarf stoops to inspect the stones,
Likely of smoke and darkness, he muses with interest.
(Appraise check 6)

Unable to readily identify them, he turns to the minipult. Bralin gauges if the contraption can fit through the door of the inn.

If it can't, the dwarf raises his axe and turns the machine to kindling. Then he reverently scoops up the stones into his arms, and carries them back inside.

Tuesday May 20th, 2003 12:40:27 PM

Syr slows as Tionel comes to a stop. Taking a moment, he asks, "Where are Drew and Gordo?"

Tuesday May 20th, 2003 4:09:45 PM

"Aye lass, you be off if you wish. You had your job, I have mine. But if you run into my friends on the way out, they may not take such a rosy view of things, so I'd mind your back if I were you. It's been a pleasure, lass! 'Till the next time!"

And the big man grins in the thick mist, as he turns and limps down into the cellar to make sure there are no further threats to their charge. His blood drips unnoticed to the cellar steps as he descends.

"Drew? Bog? Are you down here, lads?" he enquires of the cellar's gloomy shadows, as he makes for the wine caskets.

Wednesday May 21st, 2003 2:07:56 AM

Bog yipes as he ricochets off of Tionel. Shaken and scared, he races up the outside wall of the building onto the roof. There he hides.

Wednesday May 21st, 2003 2:34:02 AM

Tionel spots Bog hanging up there. "come on down, it's safe, I think."

Wednesday May 21st, 2003 12:53:00 PM

Turin looks around. "Well, they got away."

DM Kent 
Wednesday May 21st, 2003 6:11:19 PM

Gordo goes downstairs looing for Bog and Drew and finds nothing but the torn remains of what looks to be a playing card.

Moments later he hears the sounds of several sets of footsteps up in the kitchen.

Bralin decides that with help the minipult could make it indoors though it would be a tight fit through the door.

Syr, Tionel, Turin, and Bog finally re-enter the in and head for the kitchen only to find it filled with a thick mist. And there seems to be no sign of either Gordo or Tiree. Someone doe trip over what seems to be a couple of bodies layed out on the floor. One doesn't move went bumped the other one gives a little groan.

The rest of the inn is still in darkness though the smoke seems to be almost gone.

Thursday May 22nd, 2003 3:11:11 AM

Bog remains up on the roof, not coming down.

Thursday May 22nd, 2003 1:42:26 PM

Since everyone else seems inside, Bralin decides to drag the minipult over the door and leave it propped up against the wall.

Then, he picks up the stones and heads inside to see what everyone is up to.

Entering the inn, he is enclosed in darkness, and can't hear any combat.

"WHAT IS OUR STATUS?" he cries into the dark.

Thursday May 22nd, 2003 4:41:38 PM

Turin chuckles at the groan. "Good, we've got someone. Who else is around?"

Gordo  d20+3=19
Thursday May 22nd, 2003 5:30:20 PM

Hearing Bralin's call the big man yells back up the stairs:

"Gordo here, just about! I'm down in the cellar. All's quiet down here, but I don't see Bog or Drew anywhere. Are they upstairs with you? The wine's still here, by the looks of things" (Spot 19 to notice that some has been drained off).

Gordo takes up a guarding position in front of the wine, waiting for his companions to join him.

Thursday May 22nd, 2003 5:39:40 PM

The cellar is also COVERED in flour everywhere with lots of flour footprints....even on the ceiling leading upstairs.

Syr  d20+4=22
Friday May 23rd, 2003 1:09:07 AM

Syr moves over to the groaning figure. He makes a brief examination of the person's clothes, weapons, and characteristics. After a brief examination, he uses a rope from his pouch to tie the hands and feet of the attacker.

Glaring down into the attacker's face he threatens, "Who sent you? Where can we find them? What did they pay you? I want details!!!" (Intimidate 22)

Turning to Tionel with an evil grin, "Try searching that other body for any clues?"

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