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Bright Starr-ADM Nellie 
Thursday May 1st, 2003 11:03:16 PM

Akerin, Rigging, Bart, and Ari quickly recall that Jamie said that Starr would be available at the repository during the daylight hours. Since the sun hasn't quite risen yet, the family is able to get in a quick cat nap if desired before visiting Starr.

After breakfast, Akerin, Rigging, Bart, and Ari head out, following the crystal clear directions that were given to them by Jamie last night. Passing through the public market, the small band spots several booths sporting exotic wares. One stand specializes in exquisitely intricate jewelry, which is undeniably of Elven craftsmanship.

The Scroll Repository is a small one story building with intricate carvings of various constellations etched into the marble façade. Arriving shortly after day break, the group finds it a simple task to locate Starr, since she is currently the only occupant of the building. Several nautical maps are scattered over a small table, with a diminutive human bent over them. With black hair, brown eyes, and olive skin, Starr is rather unassuming, though elegantly dressed in a fine jade silk suit. As the party enters, Starr remains seated at the table, intently pouring over the scrolls in front of her.

Friday May 2nd, 2003 3:37:37 PM

"Good morning," Akerin says to the woman sitting at the table. "Pardon us for disturbing your studies. We were looking for a woman by the name of Starr. We are from the Sword of the Sea. Heard about a ship gone missing." The healer regards her with a countenance reflecting concern and curiosity.

Friday May 2nd, 2003 4:27:51 PM

Rigging nods at the scholar when she lifts her head in their direction and notices them. "Yes as my friend has mentioned, The Sword of the Seas is currently without a mission and a missing pirate ship is something that needs to be found. What can you tell us about this mission.

Friday May 2nd, 2003 7:04:22 PM

Ari decides to glance around and see what wonders there might be to see as the others talk to the human woman before them. He doesn't want to disturb anything at this point, but he feels he doesn't need to say anything more than what has already been said.

Sunday May 4th, 2003 12:15:43 AM

Appolo had left the bar before the others and proceeded to his room at Jacks place alone.He then drank half a bottle of wine and went to sleep. Sleeping in wellinto the next afternoon not bothering with breakfast.

The Ironbank-ADM Nellie 
Monday May 5th, 2003 10:57:14 AM

Starr starts slightly at the approach of Akerin and Rigging, but recovers quickly. Her warm countenance is off set by her ice cold grey eyes as she examines each of the Wildcards in turn. "Hmmm...from the Sword of the Seas you say. Yes, yes...I've heard of you. You are the Sword's Wildcard's, aren't you? You know, you've made quite a name for yourselves with that potion you found. Oh, and congratulations on your recent victory at Pete's...what a sudden turn around you accomplished there. And yes, I'm Starr, so you've come to the right place."

Starr smiles warmly at Rigging. "You must be the one they call Rigging. Congratulations on your recent marriage...though I hear that you'll have your hands full with that wife of yours." Starr winks mischievously and then motions to the charts in front of her.

"But enough chit chat...we have very serious business to discuss. Praise Alemi for sending you to me so quickly! And from what I hear, you're going to be the perfect team for this mission. The ship you are looking for is the Ironbank. She was dispatched over six months ago on an extremely important mission, and we haven't heard a whisper from her since she set sail. Now, I'm not the worrying kind, but I know a bad sign when I see one, and we'd like for you to check things out."

Starr pauses for a few moments, collecting her thoughts before she continues. "The Ironbank previously made contact with and negotiated a contract with the native aquatic elf tribe who live near Ageos, a small but very strategically-located island of the coast of Aisildur. Starr indicates the island on the sea chart before her. "In return for forged weapons, the elves agreed to observe and report the comings& goings of Aisilduran ships that are trying to trade with Izen. The Ironbank was returning to that island with The Jack's authorization to supply the goods in exchange for the information the elves will provide. There's been quite a bit of Aisildurian travel going on down there, and I don't think I need to explain the importance of finding what is going on."

Starr's cold eyes examine Rigging's form. "As I said before, it's been over six months since this occurred, and the King of Coins hasn't received any word from the Ironbank at all. Even more disturbing is that none of our spellcasters have been able to locate the ship. So that brings us back to you. Your mission is actually rather simple...you will follow the route the Ironbank took, discover the ship's fate and to complete the original mission. Your captain contacted me last night, and your ship is being outfitted as we speak." Starr reaches into a pocket and pulls out a scroll sealed with the Jack's personal insignia. "Here is a copy of the Jack's formalization of the agreement...just in case you need it. And of course, I've had the appropriate nautical charts copied and sent to the Sword." Starr hands the scroll to Rigging. "I don't want to put any pressure on you, but you must realize how important this mission is. We can't afford to let this opportunity pass us by. Can I count on you?"

Ari's examination of the room proves very interesting indeed. The building appears to hold nautical maps to almost every location of the Wold, including some that Ari has never heard of. There also appears to several volumes on the history of the Pirates of Jack, as well as what appears to be a few arcane magic scrolls.

Back at the Jack's palace, Appolo, Valanthe, Ashira and Redux find the palace the perfect place to do a little R&R as each of them entertain themselves in various manners.

Monday May 5th, 2003 4:31:40 PM

Rigging takes the proferred scroll and smiles broadly, "Of course you can count on the Sword of the Sea and her Wildcards. I believe you were correct when you said we are perfect for this mission. My wife being a sea elf is perfect for the negotiations. We will track down the Ironband or avenge her if needed."

Rigging clasps his hands behind his back and paces a few times back and forth. "Yes, I think
this mission is important. The minions of Ga'al are trying to spread his evil throughout the wold. We must stop him."

Rigging straightens up and says to the others, "OK Gentlemen, Let's get back to the ship and find our lost comrades."

Rigging performs a quick bow to Starr and heads out the door.

Monday May 5th, 2003 5:35:33 PM

We are the right crew indeed! Besides an elf in our ranks we also have a powerfull artefact that will help us to trace this ship. Maybe we can even find it right now! Do you want to give it at try Rigging?

Monday May 5th, 2003 5:53:19 PM

"Hold, just a moment before we leave, if you will, Rigging," Akerin interjects politely. If Rigging acknowledges the request, the healer turns to the lady.

"Thank you for supplying the nautical maps and such, Starr. It seems to me a possibility that we may need to travel underwater in fulfillment of this quest. Have you any notion how we might go about finding any devices or other means to allow us to do so?"

Monday May 5th, 2003 11:00:39 PM

Val takes the opportunity to lounge and enjoy the luxury that the palace has to offer. It might be another year, or more, before she is in another place like this.

Monday May 5th, 2003 11:59:11 PM

It doesn't take much for Redux to see the value in getting some rest before he goes back to the tavern. He checks with the captain as to a good time to bring the feast on board and then heads out to make arrangements. He checks with the help of the palace first, thinking they might have some experience here on this island with putting on a banquet. Following their advice, he sets out to get some meat to roast, ale to drink and fixins to fill themselves with. Depending on the cost, he tries to find some entertainment (belly dancers, magician or the type) for a show. He finds a likely candidate from among the palace or tavern workers to make the arrangements for a few tables to be brought on board and to lay the spread out on the deck.

Tuesday May 6th, 2003 8:14:00 AM

Letting the others talk, but keeping an ear to the conversation. Ari scans around the local shop to see if there is any mention of the other Gods. Being reminded about the fact that there are other nations and lands out there, reminds him that there might be other gods. Ari is interested in trying to put the world together in an order that he understands.

Preparations-ADM Nellie 
Tuesday May 6th, 2003 4:49:17 PM

Starr smiles at the Wildcard's exuberance. She raises an eyebrow in disbelief when Bart mentions having an artifact capable of locating the ship instantaneously, but lets the comment slide. At Akerin's question about underwater breathing ability, she frowns slightly. "Unfortunately, we will not be able to equip you with such magical items. However, I am told that there is a portal in the business section that can lead you to a store called the Catacombs where magical items might be purchased. It's the best I can do for you."

Starr catches the sun rays as they bounce off the table in front of her, and her genial manner changes almost instantly to a very business like tone. "Gentlemen, I have other business to attend to. You are welcome to enjoy the Scroll Repository as long as you would like, but I imagine there are more tempting pleasures to be found on Ayorsa Island. Good luck on your mission." The woman bows slightly and disappears out the main doors, leaving the Wildcard ambassadors alone in the Scroll Repository.

Meanwhile, as Valanthe, Appolo, and Ashira lounge at the palace, Redux puts himself to work organizing a feast for the crew. The captain eyes the young man critically, as though wondering whether the mage is up to funny business, but then informs Redux that it will take another full day before the Sword is fully outfitted. He suggests that the feast be served at dinner time, though he points out that it needs to be well before sunset since many of the crew will wish to spend there last night before the mission enjoying themselves on the island. Despite the late notice, Redux finds the palace help more than willing to aid with the food preparations, and the workings of a full blown feast are soon in order. Some of the Sword's hands watch curiously as the tables are loaded onto the main deck, but as word of the feast spreads, the work suddenly becomes easier as many willing hands lend themselves. As the time before the meal dwindles, the deck of the Sword swells with pirates, some of whom Redux isn't sure belong on the ship!

Tuesday May 6th, 2003 5:39:46 PM

Rigging will lead the others back to the ship if they wish to head that way. When he sees the goings on he will gladly pitch in with Redux's preparations. "Redux, this is really fine. Entertainment, muscisians and dancers, but did you think to invite some of the fairer sex to the party? I am not deprived thanks to my beautiful wife but the men might be at sea for months."
Rigging gets a serious look on his face. He raises his hand to his chin and scratches it and an evil grin crosses his face. "Bart! Ari! I am giving you an official order! As the commander of the wildcards, you duty is to get 25 women to attend the party. If you fail in this mission, a horrible, terrible retribution will befall you! Now begone. Do not fail!"

Tuesday May 6th, 2003 5:52:52 PM

Appolo wakes in the late afternoon gets up takes abathe puts on clean clothes shaves and generally cleans himself up. He then heads out to find Valanthe.Knocking on her door"Sunshine are you there?It's me Appolo. Can I come in?"

Tuesday May 6th, 2003 10:43:58 PM

A look of concern develops on Redux' face at the mention of the extra attendees. He hadn't planned for the few extra 'pirates' currently attending, but to add 1/3 more was more than he had planned. He becomes more flustered as the math and logistics run thru his mind. Thinking on his feet, the mage decides on adding some fish to the menu and more bread. He then sees the palace help for a small cask of wine to supplement the ale. As he tries to keep the event under budget, he begins to become worried about the antics that might occur during or after that might embarrass the captain and draw the wrath of the mayor or King. He wanders thru the crowd of crew, speaking to those he knows better and asks them to help control any who might be more rambunctious. With a sigh, he sits back to enjoy the feast.

Tuesday May 6th, 2003 10:44:19 PM

"I guess." Val says with playful sarcasm. She uncrosses her legs and slides off the bed. Quiet time is the only time Valanthe manages to find to work on her knew gifts. Considering she's a pirate, that doesn't come around all that often.

Wednesday May 7th, 2003 1:41:38 AM

Given the chance to peruse the scroll shop a little bit more, Ari surprises his wildcard friends by staying at the shop and quickly wandering up and down the isles to see what there is. Quickly he'll catalog his discoveries for later retrieval whenever the ship might next make port.

If Ari rejoins his crew prior to them discovering he's missing. He'll hear Riggings request and roll his eyes with what he's supposed to do. Hoping that everything else is taken care of, Ari would start going to all the common areas and approaching any group of women that he finds. Quickly he'd detail what is happening on the ship. Then he would invite the women down to the ship. ("The winners to the Wildcard treasure hunt are putting on a celebration feast for their ship, and the first 25 women that show up get in for free")

Wednesday May 7th, 2003 9:55:05 AM

Seeing Redux's concerns, Rigging will head over to him and hand him 25 gps from his personal funds. He says, "Relax my friend, this should help cover any additional costs. Just make sure there is enough food and drink for all. We better have a good time now...for tomorrow we leave on a dangerous mission from which we might not return."

Wednesday May 7th, 2003 11:00:18 AM

A bit confused by the strange answer Appolo thinks I guess as he enters the room."Are you ok,if you want to be alone I can go somewhere else."

Wednesday May 7th, 2003 10:09:55 PM

"That was sarcasm. I thought all pirates were trained in it's use . What can I do for you?" Valanthe asks.

Thursday May 8th, 2003 1:45:41 AM

Thanking Starr for her suggestion to visit the portal to the Catacombs, he lets his companions know that is where he is heading.

Thursday May 8th, 2003 8:37:09 AM

Sorry guys, my dial up line was down last night. I'll have a post up in a couple of hours.

Filler-ADM Nellie 
Thursday May 8th, 2003 8:59:31 AM

With a little more effort (and thanks to the added gold!) Redux is able to procure enough food to feed the impending crowd. Tables are quickly set, and in the palace's kitchen delicious smelling food is quickly prepared for the feast which is set to occur in only a few more hours.

Not the kind to shirk a direct order from their leader, Ari and Bart scramble to find 25 females to attend the party. Most of the higher class women politely refuse to attend a festival thrown on a pirate ship (I wonder why?!), but after almost an hour of searching, the two wildcards are able to come up with 25 humans who roughly fit the description of being female.

A few moments after Appolo joins Valanthe in her room, a loud knock shakes their door. Too loud to ignore, the couple discovers an ace of Swords to be the source of the knocking. "Sorry to bother you, but the Captain requests your presence on the Sword." The young sailor looks slightly confused. "He said you was throw'n a party, and can't have the party unless you're there!"

After hearing rumors of the feast from the kitchen staff, Ashira makes her way to the ship. Beaming, she finds Redux as he directs the crew for the last minute preparations. "Such attention to detail! There's no doubt that you're the one who set up this shin dig! Wow, tables...I'm not sure if pirates are allowed to eat on tables, but I guess there's a first time for everything!" Ashira gives Redux a hearty pat on the shoulder. "You've done a great job here!" Her smile fades to a frown as Ari and Bart lead the women onto the ship. Making her way through the crowd, Ashira approaches the two. "And who's idea was this?!"

Akerin finds that he has plenty of time to make it to the Catacombs and purchase his items before the feast begins.

As you can probably guess, this is just a filler post to allow Appolo, Valanthe, and Akerin to be on board the ship before the feast occurs. I'll make another post tonight once everyone has stated whether they are on board the ship or not.---Nellie

Thursday May 8th, 2003 3:18:05 PM

When Bart is back at the ship he is polishing his sword and armor, brusg his clothes and cleans his boots

Thursday May 8th, 2003 5:12:53 PM

Once Akerin is done with his business in the Catacombs, he heads back to the Sword of the Sea to join his mates. On one hand he is amused at the tack that the celebration appears to be taking. On the other, he is concerned, knowing that someone is bound to engage in foolish comportment at some point...

Thursday May 8th, 2003 9:28:43 PM

Rigging is enjoying the start of the party. When he sees the Bart and Ari bring back the women, he thinks, "This is going to be fun. Should be interesting to see the men let lose."

Rigging notices his wife come on deck and then he sees her expression when she sees the girls,
"Uh Oh....maybe I didn't think this through."

He hurries over to Ashira and slips his arms around her waist. He will kiss the back of her neck and whisper in her ear. "Honey I didn't want the boys to pitch me into the sea in fits of jealous rage. Everyone knows that I have the most beautiful girl on the ship. They might want to eliminate the competition, so they can comfort the grieving widow. I was fearful for my life."

Rigging kisses the back of her neck again and continues, "I really thought it would lift the crews spirits. We are gonna be at sea for a while and this mission sounds like a challenge.
Thought we should celebrate our victory and blow off some steam at the same time."

He gives her another hug and says, "Should we find a seat?"

Thursday May 8th, 2003 9:46:44 PM

Appolo looks at Valanthe then says"Well what do you want to do.I thought it would be nice to spend the night alone together."He says says this with handsome but sly smile on his face.

Thursday May 8th, 2003 10:43:38 PM

"We will have to make an appearence at the party. If not the captain may a little dissapointed. I doubt anybody will notice that we are gone after the party is in full swing."

Friday May 9th, 2003 1:47:41 AM

Redux refuses the extra gold from Rigging with a short word and a smile, "This comes out of the winnings anyways." He loads up a plate (wood of course, there won't be any broken china at this party!) and heads to one of the upper decks. He will watch the party and throw bits of meat in the air for Talon to catch. Seeing the 'extra' party goers, he remembers a crush he had a long time ago when he was ... about 7; her long, sweet smelling, brown hair. He wonders what may have ever happened to ... Anita. Some ruckus catches his attention and he is about to cast a web on the area when they settle back down. He muses, 'Wonderful spell, that one. The Lady V always did rebuke him about using it; but it always seemed to do its job and the faces of those captured were often hilarious.

Friday May 9th, 2003 3:19:46 AM

When Ari comes back with the women in tow, he's surprised a little bit when Ashira comes over and asks her question of him. On the verge of giving his answer, Riggings steps up and takes control of the situation. Ari relaxes and prays for the moment in which he can slip away and enjoy some more wine with the feasting that is going on.

Friday May 9th, 2003 8:34:52 AM

Maintaining her frown as Rigging attempts to smooth things over, "And who says I would be a grieving widow?! I don't think this is a good idea. I mean, the men have all the time they want after dinner to entertain themselves however they want. But, what's done is done." Ashira relaxes, though she still doesn't looked thrilled about the women. Joining her husband, Ashira sits down at one of the tables.

Last Supper?-ADM Nellie 
Friday May 9th, 2003 8:59:55 AM

Appolo and Valanthe push their way onto the packed deck of the Sword of the Seas and find a place at the head table set aside for the Wildcards. After all the Wildcards are seated, the Captain steps forward and quiets the pirates. "If ye don't know why we're hear, then ye don't belong on me ship!" Raucous laughter fills the air, though a few of the "extra's" aren't laughing as heartily as everyone else. "The Sword has plenty of reason to be proud tonight. Not only have our Wildcards one the prestigious Golden Rose trophy, but they decided to honor the hardest working pirates on the sea with this meal!" The evening air explodes with cheers. "Now mates, eat up, drink up, and enjoy yer selfs however ye want tonight. But ye better be fit for service at sunrise tomorrow or I'll keel haul you myself!" The Captain sits down, and in typical pirate style, everyone grabs for the food set in front of them, a few of the more "zealous" guests grappling with others in order to get to the choice pieces of meat.

The feast goes off without much of a hitch, though a brief brawl gives Redux time to consider casting Web. The menu is absolutely delicious, with roasted chicken, spicy potatoes, pudding, ale and all sorts of other delicacies not to be found while out at sea. The belly dancers supplied by Redux draw quiet a crowd, having a small fortune in gold piled at their feet by the end of their performance. One of the more talented members of the crew strikes up a tune with a fiddle, and several of the crew match themselves up with the women present. A rather large woman with what just might be the beginning of a beard approaches the muscular Bart. "Would you care to dance?" she asks as she makes her way over to the make shift dance floor.

Just as the party is in full swing, two towns guardsmen push their way through the crowd toward the Wildcard's table. "Which one of you is called Rigging?" a scar running down the side of his face makes the guard's scowl seem even more menacing as he waits impatiently for an answer.

Friday May 9th, 2003 2:23:34 PM

Rigging enjoys the party. He drinks a little to much and eats way way to much. He decides to burn some of the food off by dancing. If she is willing, he will lead his beautiful wife out to the floor for a turn or two. He definitely does not look to hard at the belly dancers.

When the guardsmen show up and ask for him, he will sigh and whisper to Ashira, "Why does everyone always ask for me?" He will then stand up and bow, "I am Rigging my good men.
How can I be of service to you?"

Friday May 9th, 2003 3:41:13 PM

After eating and drinking Appolo taps Valanthe and whispers in her ear"Come on let's quietly slip out of here.I want to be alone with you for awhile,let'a go back to our room at Jack's place,I'll grab some wine and stuff then we'll head out."

He getting ready to leave when the guards arrive and thinks great. He patiently sits and waits to see what happens.

Friday May 9th, 2003 4:57:01 PM

Akerin enjoys the food and fun. He'll tell a story or two, and listen to others. He tries to get to know the crew better.

When the guards arrive, asking after Rigging, Akerin casually moves to a place on the deck between the docks and the town guardsmen, finishing up yet another leg of chicken. For someone so slender, he can really pack it away. He listens to their exchange with Rigging.

Saturday May 10th, 2003 7:29:57 AM

Bart also enjoys the meal the drink and last but not last the maidens. When the guardsman call for rigging he looks up to see what's goning on.

Sunday May 11th, 2003 10:23:08 PM

Valanthe was preparing to sneak away when the guards arrived. Just looking at them gave her a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She can't help but wonder if the Coppersworth wildcards set rigging up for something.

Redux  d20+4=22
Monday May 12th, 2003 12:46:18 AM

The mage is very proud of his crew for keeping their manners. The unexpected entrance of the guardsmen makes his heart sink. Was there something overlooked? Was it customary to invite the mayor or someone else to these events on this island? Why didn't anyone tell him?! What could these men want? Was there a fight he didn't know about? The mage hustles down to where they are and begins with "You fine gentlemen are of course invited to the party. Have some drink; there is food left on the table, but probably going fast," he says with a slight laugh. "What brings you to our ship?" (Diplomacy check=22)

Monday May 12th, 2003 3:56:21 AM

Intent on having his own relaxing time before the start of a new mission. Ari has found a little corner of paradise with the feast and a bottle of wine to enjoy on his own. Not really interested in the women that he brought on board, Ari wanders with his thoughts for a couple of minutes before noticing the guards.

Monday May 12th, 2003 8:34:43 AM

The half-elf sweeps deftly across the deck as she dances with her husband. Thoughly enjoying herself, Ashira is slightly peeved when the guards show up. At Rigging's comment, she replies "Probably because you're the one who gets into the most trouble." Though outwardly calm, Ashira waits anxiously to find out what the guards want.

No Good Deed...-ADM Janell 
Monday May 12th, 2003 9:01:13 AM

The guard practically snarls as Rigging identifies himself. "Oh, so you're the one that the fuss is all about. Hmmmph." The man snaps his fingers, and his partner steps forward with a small box in his hands. "Supper time and the Mayor's daughter says this package just has to be delivered to you tonight, no matter where you are. Do I look like a delivery man to you?! I swear, if I have to run one more errand for the little brat..." The guard trails on, but is interrupted by Redux. He eyes the slim mage coldly, but after the package is handed to Rigging, he makes his way to the nearest table, helping himself to a large portion of food, and a small one of ale. The guard's partner remains standing next to Rigging, waiting for something.

Unwrapping the delicate little box, Rigging finds a small note placed on top. It reads in childish script.

"Deer Mr. Rigging,
Thank you for saving my MiMi. You are my hearo. Mr. Bingle says you will like this. Daddy says your going away tomorrow. I will miss you.
Love, Rose."

Under the note, wrapped in delicate paper is a finely crafted hand sized sundial made of brass. The gnomon (the piece which juts up to cast the shadow) is shaped in the form of a rose, with the stem jutting outward, and the bud connecting it to the dial. The young guard standing by Rigging watches for his reaction, and then helps himself to some of the food before leaving with his partner.

Monday May 12th, 2003 7:45:38 PM

Seeing things go well and that there is nothing wrong Appolo quietly takes Valanthes hand and gently pulls her away from the others"Let's go,now before anyhting else happens."

Monday May 12th, 2003 10:10:13 PM

Valanthe follows Appolo away from the others and the party. She couldn't resist one more night in that fabulous room.

Monday May 12th, 2003 10:29:13 PM

"So, Rigging - what does the note say? Is that an example of craftsgnomeship?" Akerin asks the group's leader, nodding toward the sundial.

Monday May 12th, 2003 11:24:20 PM

As the young mage turns the sundial over in his hand, a warm feeling spreads throughout his entire body and a happy smile crosses his face.
He hands the sundial to Ashira, "Look Honey, Isn't this beautiful?" He then grasps the remaining guard's hand in his two, and shakes it up and down. "Please thank young Rose. With her thoughtfulness and simple innocence, she has touched me deeply. I will treasure her gift always and have it mounted on the ship so all may enjoy it."

Rigging then wraps an arm around the young guardsmen shoulder and leads him to the table. He will personally fill a plate for him and hand him an ale. He will pick up his own mug and jump onto a chair. He shouts, "May I have everyones attention. I would like to propose a toast!" When everyone has settled down slightly and looking into his direction he will add, "Raise your mugs lads! I wish to propose a toast to the finest fighting ship in the pirates of the Jack! To the finest crew and smartest Captain! To our friend Redux, who has done such a nice job in organizing our feast! And to a little girl named Rose who courage and cuteness helped us win the scavenger hunt! Three cheers!"

Rigging takes a big gulp from his glass and jumps down from the chair. He hands the note to Akerin and says, "This is what we are fighting for." He slides an arm around Ashira's waist and pulls her in. "Isn't life grand?" he asks.

Tuesday May 13th, 2003 1:03:36 AM

Meanwhile Appolo has quietly stolen away with Valanthe.

Tuesday May 13th, 2003 3:32:31 AM

Ari wonders about the role of the gods and how much things have changed since the family left town. Being of a contemplative mood Ari wonders about justice and how he might help bring justice to what the family does for the Pirates.

Tuesday May 13th, 2003 8:49:27 AM

The half-elf smiles at her husband and his response to the gift. It was moments like these that made life bareable. Motioning toward the box, Ashira grins mischieviously. "Should I be concerned about this? Looks like you have a new suitor."

Sailing, Sailing-ADM Nellie 
Tuesday May 13th, 2003 9:14:29 AM

Mostly half drunk, the crew of the Sword roars with approval at Rigging's words. A few of the more rowdy hands pick up Redux and start carrying him on their shoulders across the deck.

The party breaks up shortly after the guards departure, with many of the pirates deciding to spend their last few hours enjoying the various pleasures of Ayorsa island. The retreating pirates leave quite a mess behind, but the ship's mage is able to accomplish the clean up quickly with the aid of some unseen servants. Redux is able to return all of the borrowed items from the Jack's palace with plenty of time left over to enjoy himself.

The Wildcard's find various ways to spend their last night on the island, and before they know it, the sun is about to break. Everyone boards the vessel, and precisely at sunrise, the Sword of the Seas sets up on its new mission. Once free of the harbor, the captain turns to Rigging. "I suppose ye be wanting to use yer little toy to plot our course?"

Tuesday May 13th, 2003 11:33:25 AM

Shortly after joining in the cheer with Rigging and the crew, Akerin checks on his 22-foot boat. As before, he makes arrangements with the captain to tie it with a few ropes to the stern of The Sword of the Sea. He has also refreshed the water and provisions on the small but sea-worthy boat.

He is glad to be heading back out to open waters with the small group of people whom he considers his friends. And prays for Alemi's guidance and protection.

Tuesday May 13th, 2003 5:50:55 PM

Rigging enjoys his last night in port, but he is glad to be going back to sea. Somehow things seem simplier when he feels the saltspray on his cheeks. When questioned by his Captian, he will respond, "Captain, I am more than willing to use the artifacts I carry to help with the search." A quick, sly grin crosses Rigging's face and he continues. "Of course, if you would like to try Wayfinder for yourself, I will be glad to let you borrow it. They feeling of having your soul ripped from your body doesn't hurt to much. Knowing it might get lost, never to return, isn't much of a distraction. Of course the possibility of having your health wrecked even temporarily...I don't think it is permanant....would be no concern for a man of your bravery. So when would you like to try it?" The young man as brightly.

If the Captain refrains, Rigging will find a comfortable place and gather Ashira and Redux around him. I am going to try to use Wayfinder to help locate the missing ship. Please let know one take it from me. Rigging will then settle back and bring the telescope to his eye. "Show me the Ironbanks." Rigging will take careful note in which direction that he heads so he can inform the Captain which direction to go.

Tuesday May 13th, 2003 11:55:06 PM

The half-elf nods at her husband's suggestion and sets herself on watch. Although she secretly distrusts the artifact, Ashira hopes that Rigging knows what he's doing.

Visions from Afar-ADM Nellie 
Wednesday May 14th, 2003 12:10:51 AM

The Captain gives Rigging an odd look. "No lad, I wouldn't want to be accused of taking yer toy away from ye. Ye do the honors."

Rigging settles in and puts Wayfinder to use. Suddenly ripped from his body, his spirit screams over the ocean waves. Though extremely nauseating and disorienting, Rigging finds that he has become a little more accustomed to this form of travel. In the blink of an eye, Rigging finds himself floating before a small island. A large ship lays on her side. Rigging's form moves closer to the ship and he notes the Ironbank's name on the side. Huge numbers of badly decaying bodies are piled up on deck. Apparently a terrible battle has taken place on the vessel. Rigging's form floats over the carnage for a few seconds before it begins its breathtaking journey back to his body. As he returns to consciousness, Rigging believes he can plot a course to the ill fated ship.

As Ashira and Redux look on, Rigging's form begins to shake and convulse. It rises in intensity and then ends abruptly. Drenched in sweat, Rigging removes Wayfinder from his eye, thoroughly exhausted from the effort.

Wednesday May 14th, 2003 6:36:15 AM

Rigging slowly puts the telescope away and staggers over to the Captain. He gives him the direction to travel but adds, "The ship is destroyed and beached on a small island. Looks like the crew is dead. I didn't notice anyone still living but someone could be shipwrecked on the island. I suggest we start doing repel border drills. Looks like we are in for some action." Rigging's knees buckle but he catches himself. Rigging then straightens up and adds with some dignity. "By your leave Captain, I think I will take to my bunk for the rest of the morning. The young mage staggers below deck for some needed rest.

Wednesday May 14th, 2003 12:38:17 PM

Concern floods Aris' face for Riggings when he starts to dance about his haunches. When Riggins settles back down Ari lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Hearing the condition of the ship Ari decides to retire to his cabin to figure out his spell selection.

Wednesday May 14th, 2003 12:52:04 PM

Akerin checks with the captain to get an estimate of how many days it might take to get to the island that Rigging identified.

If it looks like the journey will take long enough, the healer will work on crafting a wand or two.

Wednesday May 14th, 2003 1:47:52 PM

Appolo shows up late carrying all his stuff plus case of very expensive elven wine. He half trots half stubles up the gang plank and heads down stairs to stow his gear and lock the wine away in his trunk. He then strips down and passes out in his bunk. It would seem
he didn't get much sleep last night.

A little before noon he wakes up and heads up on deck, clad only ina shirt and pants. His over long hair blowing wildly in the wind as looks about.

Wednesday May 14th, 2003 4:46:57 PM

Well want can be done any one for a light meal to start this day? Or are you all full and broke of yesterday?

Wednesday May 14th, 2003 11:07:59 PM

Feeling better after much needed shore leave, Valanthe is in good spirits. She stows her gear and begins working with the others to get the ship ready to sail.

Wednesday May 14th, 2003 11:44:26 PM

Relieved that Rigging is unharmed, Ashira puts a hand around Rigging's waste and helps him to his quarters. Once there, she tends to her exhausted husband, making sure that he has plenty of food and is very comfortable. After seeing to Rigging, Ashira reluctantly heads up top to see if her services are needed.

To Infinity and Beyond!---ADM Nellie  d4=3
Thursday May 15th, 2003 9:42:15 PM

Merging the information from Rigging and the nautical maps provided by Starr, the Captain estimates that it will take between a week and a half to three weeks to arrive at the island, depending on the weather. Rigging's report about the probable fate of the Ironbank's crew draws a grimace from the Captain, and he nods at the Wildcard's suggestion for repelling drills. He looks up at Rigging's weary form (Rigging, you lost 3 Con. points from use of the Wayfinder) "Ye did a good job lad, now go get ye some rest.". Looking more resolved than you've seen in a while, the Captain glares at the rest of the crew. "As for the rest of ye, get to work! We aint got no time to loose!"

Though the Captain remains in an ill mood the rest of the day, the conditions couldn't be more conducive to sailing. With the wind full in the sails, and the water's crystal clear, it's the kind of day that makes you glad to be alive and free. A small school of dolphins dances in the waves next to the ship, practically begging the Sword's crew to come play with them. Spot check for those of you above decks, please

Ok folks, I'll give you the next two days to post what you'd like to be doing during the journey. Wanna copy some scrolls, say so. Wanna try and create a wand, go right ahead. Heck, I'll even be super nice and let you do some Catacombs shopping (we'll just say you did it while on Ayorsa) if you want to. Now is the time.---Nellie

Thursday May 15th, 2003 11:02:08 PM

Rigging will go down below and rest for a few hours. He will then get something to eat and come back up on deck. He will pull out Nautacolus and activate it to help propel the ship even faster towards their goal. He will direct the winds behind the sails and say to the Captain, "I wouldn't worry about tacking for a while anyway. I think you will find the winds friendly."

Rigging will keep and eye out on the sails but pull open his spellbooks and start memorizing his more combative spell selection. Once he is finished with that he will find Redux and go over his spell selection and see what the other mage in the group is memorizing.

Akerin - Shopping / making? 
Friday May 16th, 2003 4:12:46 AM

[Back on shore, then, Akerin had a question for the group.]

"I may be able to put together a wand or two that could help us on our task. A wand of water breathing I'm investigating - and could possibly craft one. I would need about 3,000 more gold pieces for the ingredients. I have what is necessary, as well, for a wand of endurance." He waits to see if some members of the party think that the wand of water breathing would be something they could contribute toward.

Friday May 16th, 2003 4:58:01 AM

Ari spends the next couple of days in contemplation about where the Wildcards are going. He's been thinking about how he fits in the world. Wondering what the pirates are really here to accomplish, Ari spends time trying to find out what he can about the other gods.

Hearing about Akerin's request Ari comments, "I can come up with 2000 for you. But we'd have to figure out how to get the gold from the priests, as I have not been carrying it with me."

Appolo  d20+6=18
Friday May 16th, 2003 6:52:01 PM

Appolo stands looking out at sea,surveying the ship. He will spend time practicing his thieving shills and with his longsword,as well as spending as much time as possible with Valanthe.

Appolo will also go to the Catacombs a pick up some potions.

Saturday May 17th, 2003 6:14:53 PM

When bart is not in the ships alley to cook a meal for the crew he is practicing with his sword. He trains with Appolo or anyother member of the crew sharpening their and his combatskill

OOC I'm back on the 25th I'm away to France to collect some fossils. Please take over Bart as you see fit

Akerin - Hey guys & gals - gp for wand, or no wand? 
Saturday May 17th, 2003 11:57:43 PM

"So, can we come up with three thousand gold pieces, or should we forget the wand of water breathing?" Akerin asks his companions.

Sunday May 18th, 2003 1:59:58 PM

Appolo walks over to Akerin "hear you need some cash,well here ya go."Appolo hands Akerin medium sized but heavy chest ccccontaining 1,000 gold pieces.

Valanthe  d20+3=5
Sunday May 18th, 2003 10:33:15 PM

Valanthe concentrates on her duties, oblivious to the world around her. [spot check 5]

Monday May 19th, 2003 12:01:08 PM

[OOC: Since Nellie let us know that we can assume the Catacombs portion of our shopping was done before we left shore, Ari should be able to get his funds from the priests.]

Akerin puts his arms around Ari and Appolo as they offer him the needed funds for the wand of water breathing. "You guys are the best. Thank you."

Akerin will explain to the captain his need to focus on the task of crafting the wand, with the object in mind that it may be necessary to go underwater to pursue those who downed the crew of the Ironband. "I'll be back on my own boat as I work on the wand, about eight hours a day. It'll take about 12 days, and I won't be available for other work on board. It will be a matter of eating, sleeping, and working on the wand."

He sets himself up on his 22' craft, which The Sword of the Sea tows behind her. He opens each day with prayers of worship, devotion, adoration, and intercession to Alemi. He reads from the Book of Hours, has a breakfast, then sets to work on his wand. At midday he spends about 15 minutes going through a light stretching routine in order to keep limber, enjoys a light lunch, then resumes his work on the wand.

He has a covered basin of sea water belowdecks where he keeps the wand when not actively working on it.

At the end of the day of working on the wand, he spends a little time writing notes about his work in a journal, along with other thoughts which may occur to him. He sleeps on his own craft. After a few days of this, he really begins to miss the companionship of his friends, yet knows he must stick with this task, once begun.

Monday May 19th, 2003 11:17:26 PM

(ooc Sorry for the time away; work was rough last week, with a co-worker on vacation and then i was under the weather.)

Redux remains quiet, as he often is at the beginning of a journey aboard the ship, but attends to Rigging and to his spells. It takes some time to get his sea legs back but is better and more willing to lend a hand. He isn't very good at taking care of a ship, but he lends a hand making minor repairs to the sails and other equipment with his magic (Mending). During the trip, Redux will set aside time to make 2 5th level scrolls of Fireball, one of Read Magic and one of Detect Magic.

He asks Rigging to set with him at a separate time to look into their spell lists. He explains that he has tried to keep things for the party on hand in scroll or potion form. He has the wand of Bull Strength, so there would be no need for anyone to memorize that one for quite a while. He can also make a few members invisible with potion or scroll. For battles, he likes effects that take down more than one person or thing, like Fire Ball, Web or Ghoul Touch. Then use Magic Missles or Lightning bolt for the strong ones that are making the most trouble for us. Trying to do the most damage while staying out of the fray is the hardest part, he adds with a laugh.

Ashira  d20+8=24
Monday May 19th, 2003 11:28:11 PM

The half-elf watches wistfully as the dolphins play nearby (Spot=24). A smile floods her face as she is reminded of her friend Taker. For hours she watches the mammals play as she contemplates whether she should ever take another animal companion. "My life is dangerous for the ones around me, I'm not sure I should ask and animal to join in the insanity." she thinks forlornly. Ashira watches as Redux and Rigging talk shop about magic. Finally bored with her contemplative mood, Ashira joins Bart, trying to give him the sparring match of his life.

Busy, Busy-ADM Nellie 
Monday May 19th, 2003 11:33:41 PM

The crew of the Sword of the Seas hops to business, moving with a speed and efficiency that many a galley would dream of. Though the Captain does not look pleased at Akerin's decision to craft a wand, he does not interfere with the monk either. The Wildcard's are left to their own devises for the time being, while the rest of the crew concentrate on using the good winds to their full advantage.

Monday May 19th, 2003 11:38:25 PM

Rigging will ask Akerin how much he needs after the others contribute. "I have been saving for some interesting magic items, so I am being frugal with my money but having a wand of water breathing along with an aquatic elf wife is a good combination.

Rigging will then start looking at his spells again making some changes in what he has memorized. He is getting ready for combat.

Monday May 19th, 2003 11:45:28 PM

"Ari gave me two thousand gold," Akerin answers Rigging, "and Appolo a thousand. I contributed the balance of two thousand six hundred twenty five, leaving me a couple hundred. So, we're covered, Rigging. Thanks for asking, though."

Wednesday May 21st, 2003 1:00:57 AM

With good winds available and the ship moving at good speed, Ari will do his best to either assist the crew or relieve anyone that needs a potty break, or what not.

When not needed by the crew Ari finds little places on deck that he can be by himself and contemplate the world and his position in it. Though he enjoys the companionship of his family, he sometimes wonders about their tactics. Whether there might be a higher ideal than what the pirates represent.

Wednesday May 21st, 2003 10:25:59 AM

Rigging will see Ari sitting by himself. He will grab a couple of apples from the galley and toss one to Ari as he walks up. He will plunk down next to him and smile, "We haven't had a chat in a while. Everything ok with you?"
Rigging sits back, stretching his arms up around his head. "I tell you, the Wayfinder really takes it out of me." He will take a bite from the fruit and chew for a minute.

"So what do you think of our next mission. Seems to me that we are getting away from our primary mission of attacking Ga'al. I think we need a good old raid on a temple and spilling some Ga'al priesthood blood. This politic stuff is wearing me down. We also have some of the cure we need to think about dispensing. So many roads ahead. Which do you think we should travel?"

The Storm-ADM Nellie  d20+5=16 d20=5 d10=9
Thursday May 22nd, 2003 1:49:49 PM

Those who practice the arcane and divine arts keep themselves very busy on the voyage.
Having had no problems securing the ivory wand on Ayorsa island, Akerin undertakes the task of crafting into a wand of water breathing. Although he has a few difficulties in the beginning, Akerin has more than enough time, and soon has a very impressive looking new wand. Redux likewise spends much time in contemplation and study as he copies his scrolls. And Rigging spends quite a bit of time working on the intricacies of his combat spells.

The rest of the Wildcards find that they too have little time for social interests as the Captain takes Rigging up on his advice, having endless border repelling drills and hand to hand fighting. Obviously the most skilled, the Wildcards function both as mentors and practice partners for the rest of the crew. Between all the drills and keeping the ship on course, there is barely enough time for shut eye.

The voyage takes a little longer than expected, but by the second week, the cry of "Land Ho" is heard as you approach the island. The joy of spotting your objective is quickly squelched as you see a particularly nasty looking storm rapidly approaching the Sword of the Seas. Acting quickly, the crew are able to furl the sails, stow the mast, and batten all the hatches before the storm washes over the Sword. However, all are soon subjected to the furry of nature as huge waves wash over the deck and gale force winds rip at your skin. Please state your location on the ship, as well as making a Dexterity check DC 15 to remain standing.

The situation is much different on Akerin's craft. Pounded relentlessly by the waves, the small vessel is soon torn away from the Sword. Tossed two and fro, the vessel slams into debris stirred up by the storm, and the vessel begins to pitch badly from the resulting damage.

Rigging  d20+3=23 d20+24=32
Thursday May 22nd, 2003 8:43:02 PM

Rigging sees the storm coming and quickly makes his way to the tiller relieving whoever is on duty. Rigging uses Nautocolus to help guide the ship. As the waves start rolling over the boat, Rigging will keep the bow of the Sword of Seas pointed into the waves and try to make it to the island. The boat jerks all over the place, but Rigging has no problems keeping his feet. He yells to the Captain, "Sir, Do you want me to try and beach the ship on the island ahead?"

OOC Dex check max roll of 23, Seamanship roll of 32)

Valanthe  d20+5=17
Thursday May 22nd, 2003 10:26:37 PM

Valanthe grabs a mast as the storm slams into the ship. Thankfully her grip holds and her feet stay firm. Getting throwm over the side would mean death. Valanthe looks about the deck to see if anybody is in danger of falling overboard. [dex check 17]

Ari  d20=7 d20+4=19
Friday May 23rd, 2003 12:09:36 AM

(dex failed, Profession:Sailor=19 or 4 ranks to assist in dex check.)

Prior to the Storm's arrival Ari tries to fathom whether this is a natural or directed storm. Ari is wondering about whether this storm might have taken out the other ship.

Once the storm hits Ari careens around the deck of the ship as he tries to assist with whatever ship skills he can help with. If he's no good at helping, then he'll tie himself in and pray for the survival of the ship.

Akerin  d20+7=21 d20+7=24
Friday May 23rd, 2003 12:39:44 AM

As soon as he sees the storm arising, and as others work to prepare the Sword, Akerin, who always leaves his seaworthy 22' craft in good shape, moves to his little boat, to double check that all is battened down. With land in sight, he empties all but a few gallons of the drinking water, sealing the containers to provide some flotation should the need arise. Likewise he checks the bladders and air-filled waterskins he has tucked away in nooks and crannies about the boat.

As the wind and waves increase, he tethers himself on a line, and unships a set of oars. His main concern is to keep the bow perpendicular to the waves, and, with all that, to move his craft toward shore.

At one point, after a pair of waves conjoin, washing over the boat, he almost thinks he'll be washed from his perch, despite the toe holds. But the rope and his position keep him in place (dex check, augmented with +4 from rope use, to keep from being washed over, 21).

However, blinded by the waves, he is not able to move out of the way of some debris, which he hears bashing the side of his boat, crunching a portion.

The young sailor works, attempting to bring to shore the boat - the same one for which Alemi provided such favorable winds in times past. Where is the Sword of the Sea?

"Oh, Alemi, I call upon you. Give me strength and skill to guide this boat to safety."

Shoreward ... shoreward. [Sailing skill 24.]

Redux  d20+6=25 d20+2=7
Friday May 23rd, 2003 1:44:59 AM

Redux gets a heads up on the storm when Talon (spot=25) comes swooping in for safety. He quickly stows his things and finds a secure spot below deck. He wonders to himself if Rigging will be able to use the artifact to provide more favorable winds than the impending storm would otherwise allow, reasoning that if the devise could help propel the ship, it could effect other changes. As he is tossed about (dc=7) and loses his footing, he knows they are in for a rough ride. He prays those above deck know what they are doing and that Alemi will grant safe passage. 'Speaking of which: why do all their journeys have to include rough seas?' Talon gives him a look that says 'You brought us here.' As he scrambles around, Redux looks for more rope with which to secure his person.

Appolo  d20+10=17
Friday May 23rd, 2003 6:43:21 PM

Appolo is downstairs when the storm comes,he is able to keep his footing as makes his way up top. As he makes hisway out he notices Redux."Here let me help you.Why don't you and Tallon head below." he says as the ship rocks and he helps Redux to his feet.

Ashira  d20+2=11
Friday May 23rd, 2003 7:13:58 PM

Ashira is above decks as the storm smashes into the Sword. She loses her footing as a wave washes over the deck, and goes sliding toward the rails.

Bart  d20+3=19
Sunday May 25th, 2003 6:05:53 PM

Bart is below deck in the ships alley trying to stow away the potts and panns (dex check 19)

Into the Brink-ADM Nellie  d10=4 d20=20 d6=2 d6=2 d6=5 d6=1 d20+6=14 d20+4=13 d10=4 d20+2=10 d20+17=36
Sunday May 25th, 2003 11:12:23 PM

The storm continues to ravage both the Sword and Akerin's small vessel. Due to the larger crew, the Sword of the Seas seems to be fairing the foul weather fairly well, though so far, four crew members have been washed overboard by the gigantic waves.

Akerin's vessel, however, seems to be in dire danger of sinking. As Akerin struggles to keep the boat afloat and get it to safety, he comes to the sudden realization the storm has driven him right beside the Sword! The waves swell again, and the small craft is smashed into the side of the huge Sword, and takes even more damage. Though groaning in protest at the extreme operating conditions, it would appear that Akerin's requests for divine intervention may have been granted.

Back on the Sword... While Rigging, Valanthe, Bart and Appolo seem to be fairing well, Ari, Redux and Ashira slip and slid around on the worlds most deadly water park. Redux, smart enough to head down below smashes into the bulkhead and likewise takes 2 hp of damage. Ari slams into the mast, and takes 2 hp of damage. He continues to slide across the slippery deck, and plunges into the cold ocean water. Thinking quickly, he begins to swim toward the surface (Swim check success...yay!) and breaks the water's surface (Fort. check -6 DC 15 to clamber back aboard the ship, please). Ashira takes a hard knock to the head (5hp of damage) and then slides helplessly into the ocean depths. Fighting against the water Ashira is no match for the depths, and her armor drags her under the waves.

Dex. check DC 15 for all of those still on board their vessels.

Appolo  d20+10=17 d20+2=15
Monday May 26th, 2003 12:01:06 AM

After helping Redux up Appolo sees Ashira slide over the edge. He is in pursuit immediately.As he charges across the deck he strpis himself completely leaving a trail of weapons armour and clothing behind him as dives off the ship and into the water after Ashira.

Balance check 17, Swim check 15{No armour,No Clothes.}

Rigging  d20+3=23 d20+8=25 d20+20=30
Monday May 26th, 2003 8:44:58 AM

Rigging has no problems keeping his feet. It almost feels that his feet are rooted to the deck. Keeping his knees bent he easily rides the swells. Then he hears the crunch as Akerin's boat crashes into the Sword. He tries to keep the Sword steady and yells, "Akerin! Time to abandon ship! Make a jump for it! Use those cool monk skills."

ooc dex check: 23 spot check 25 seamanship check 30

Rigging then sees Ashira slide overboard. His hands tighten on the tiller. His first reaction is to dive in after her. He then sees the quick thinking Appolo jump in after her. Gratitude feels his body. "I have to stay with the ship", he thinks. "I have to keep the others safe."

Rigging keeps the Sword heading to the island. He will try to get to the leeward side of the island and get some protection from the storm. Otherwise he will beach the boat.

Ari  d20+1=12 d20+1=11 d20+2=8 d20+2=12 d20+7=24
Monday May 26th, 2003 12:32:04 PM

(spot check 12, hero point used for an 11)(fort check 8 hero point used for 12, swim check 24).

Knowing that he's in the water and swimming with no real problems, Ari keeps an eye out for any that might be struggling in the water. When he cannot spot anyone in the water, Ari tries to climb back on board. Having no luck at getting a handhold, Ari continues to swim and attempts to keep up with the ship for another try at getting on board.

(ooc does a climb check count on the ship? I would assume there would be some kind of netting over the side because of the weather.)

Bart  d20+3=20
Monday May 26th, 2003 6:25:33 PM

Bart has done what can be done in the ships alley He decides to go on deck and see if he can give a hand there. Felling the movement of the ship it must be an hell out there

Monday May 26th, 2003 7:56:23 PM

Val tosses a line over the side and looks down to see who is above water and who is not. She was about to dive in when Appolo beat her to it. The young elf is torn between staying on deck and diving in.

Redux (30 hp)  d20+5=24 d20+2=4
Monday May 26th, 2003 9:58:03 PM

With all the tossing and high waves, Redux manages to keep from losing his lunch; he does however get tossed about and is sprawled out on the floor taking another hit from the furniture in the room. He briefly considers webbing himself in the room, but remembers what that would do to his robes.

Akerin  d20+4=14 d20+5=21 d20+2=18
Tuesday May 27th, 2003 5:24:43 AM

[Spot check to see if Akerin notices any crew in water. Trying for 15. Almost - 14.]

Akerin takes his small anchor (he has two small and a one large anchors), and tosses it up and over the railing of the Sword [hit AC 24 - roll should be d20+8+4-4]. He grabs a few things from off his beloved craft, then climbs the chain up the ship [Climb DC 18], with a long line looped into his belt and its far end, with plenty of slack, attached to the ailing boat. On deck, he finds something to better secure the anchor, and something else nearby for the rope. The anchor chain goes out 150', and the rope slightly farther.

[Nellie - see 'Akerin's Boat' email.]

Once secured, he looks about to see whom he might help. "Rigging - who needs help!?" he shouts. "I've got the water wand!"

Ashira  d20+4=14
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 9:24:27 AM

Consoled by the fact that she won't drown, Ashira continues to flail against the water, but once again her actions are ineffective.

What a Ride!!---ADM Nellie  d20+5=7 d20+6=15 d6=4 d6=2 d20+3=10 d20+7=24 d20+5=25 d6=1
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 10:03:52 AM

Spotting Ashira's plight, Appolo dives heroically into the water. Despite the murky water, and the churning seas, Appolo easily picks out the form of the sinking paladin (Perfect Spot check!). With the combined effort of the two Wildcards swimming together, Appolo barely manages to break the surface.

Ari tries and keep pace with the fast moving Sword, while taking a look around. Though he doesn't notice Ashira and Appolo's efforts, he does spot a ship mate going under nearby him (Sorry, no climb check, nice idea though).

Valanthe finds it a little more difficult to keep her balance this round, and smashes into one of the masts, taking 4 hp of damage, though she consoles herself with the fact that she is lucky enough to stay aboard the Sword.

Having second thoughts about the wisdom of webbing himself inside the room, Redux takes another tumble, and smacks into a nearby chair, taking 2 hp of damage.

No longer tied down to his boat, Akerin finds it much more difficult to keep his footing, and slides into the railing on his ship, taking a measly 1 hp of damage. Slipping and sliding on the deck, Akerin is unable to throw the chain, but somehow manages to avoid plunging into the ocean.

As the storm rages around him, Rigging keeps his cool, and continues to guide the Sword toward the rapidly approaching island. The Captain approaches Rigging, and asks that the young man beach the ship. Due to his superior nautical skills, and with a little help from the Nauticulus, Rigging expertly rams the ship onto the sandy beach. Reflex save DC 15 for all those aboard either ship, or take d6 damage from the sudden collision with the land.

Appolo, Ashira, Ari, and the other crew members washed overboard panic as the Sword disappears from view, but are relieved when they spot land nearby. Keep those swim checks coming. :)

Sorry folks, I was ill yesterday. I'll try to catch up if we can. It would be helpful, however if you would send me updated copies of your character sheets (nellieknotts@earthlink.net). I sense more danger heading our way. ;)---Nellie

Appolo HP:36,ac14  d20+2=21
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 11:35:56 AM

Appolo swings around behind Ashiralocks his arms around her and begins to swim for shore immediately, even before the Sword disappears.
He thinks good job as he sees Rigging beach the Sword.He kicks with all his might as pulls
Ashira to shore.

Swin 21

Bart  d20+3=19 d20+3=17 d20+3=23
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 3:04:06 PM

Bart sees Akerin sliding on the deck with a rope and goes towards him helping him on his feet (dex 17 str 23) Then Bart ties the rope around a boulder

Akerin  d20+7=14 d20+4=7 d6=1 d20+4=20
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 4:49:15 PM

[Uh, does Akerin get an extra +2 on his Reflex save due to Bart's help? If so, he saves, with a 16. If not, he will use his tumbling skill to help absorb the damage - to no effect (7).]

Akerin is grateful for Bart's outstretched arm as he slides along the deck. No doubt due to the fighter's assistance, Akerin only suffers one hp damage as one shoulder slams just a wee bit firmly into the shore. Getting to his feet, he begins to pull his boat closer in to shore, and a little away from the Sword, lest the larger boat crunch with the incoming waves against the smaller.

"Alemi, thank thee for thy salvation from the storm!" Yet, wanting to ensure that all are safe, he asks if any went down, or are unaccounted for. If so, he uses the wand of water breathing on himself, effecting any nearby who also would want to be able to breathe under the waves. (Can affect up to five people, including himself, with ten hours of water breathing divided among those who benefit. So, if three take it, each can breathe under water for 3 hours 20 minutes. Five, each for two hours.) He takes off what items are not essential for the task, and begins to search. [Spot 20.]

Rigging  d20+3=16
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 8:09:11 PM

Rigging expecting the beaching has no trouble maintaining his feet. He spins around and yells, "We have people in the water! Lets try to get some ropes out to them."

Rigging isn't very concerned with his wife as she is very at home in the water, but he is worried about the other wildcards and pirates in the water.

Valanthe  d20+7=10
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 10:58:38 PM

So concerned with those overboard, Val fails to notice the land approaching. [reflex save 10]

Ari  d20+7=24 d20+7=25 d20+7=8 d20+7=10
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 11:30:59 PM

Ari continues to swim without problems and does his best to help out the shipmate that he found. Realizing where the ship has gone Ari breathes a big sigh of relief.

Shouting to be heard above the waves , "Follow the Sword for she has beached. If you cannot see the Sword follow my voice for I see that the Sword is beached and we are not far from land. Swim lads with all your might, call out if you can and need help! "

Ashira  d20+4=19
Thursday May 29th, 2003 8:45:27 AM

Relieved to be above the waves, Ashira smiles at Appolo. "I'm ok...it's just this blasted armor. Find me a piece of wood, and I can make it in on my own. There may be others out there that need you help more than me." She kicks her legs, helping to propel Appolo toward the coast.

Thursday May 29th, 2003 11:43:30 AM

"Yeah I know,but the fact is I think I'm going to need your help now."Appolo replies with a grin as kicks toward the beach.he is getting exhausted as he fights the waves.

Redux  d20+5=14 d6=2
Thursday May 29th, 2003 2:30:18 PM

The young mages staggers as the ship collides suddenly with the beach, and this time smacks his leg against a nearby table (2hp dam). He thinks to himself that either Rigging has just landed the ship, or there's going to be a lot of water coming his way soon. He waits with anticipation to see whether anyone comes down to get him or whether the ship starts to sink.

What a Mess-ADM Nellie  d6=3 d3=3
Thursday May 29th, 2003 2:53:26 PM

Several of the crew are tossed about as Rigging beaches the ship. Valanthe takes 3 hp of damage as she once again smashes into the mast, and a bruise begins to form on her arm.

Akerin enables several other Sword crew members to breath underwater, and a search party heads out in the waves. Due to his quick thinking, and the bravery of the crew, all of those thrown overboard are brought safely to shore, including Appolo, Ashira, and Ari.

The crew of the Sword seek out shelter on the large, immobile vessel as the storm continues to pound against the island for another couple of hours. The Captain approaches Rigging as they wait, a huge grin on his face. "Lad, that be quick thinking ye did out there. Ye're gonna make a fine Captain soon!" The large man slaps Rigging hard on the shoulder and then checks on the other crew members.

After the storm passes a search party is formed and the surrounding area is quickly combed. The island is densely vegetated, and looks like it could yield food for about half the crew for a short period. The serenity and beauty of the place is offset when the wreckage of the Ironbanks is discovered close by. The nauseating scent of rotting flesh fills the otherwise sweet scented air, and a few birds of prey appear to be munching on top of the deck.

The Captain grimaces at the sight and pulls Rigging aside. "This be worse than I expected. We need to know what happened to the 'Banks, and I only know one way of doing that. Gather ye're Wildcards and search that ship. See if ye can find something useful...maybe the logbook will tell us something. We gotta know what we're up against."

Thursday May 29th, 2003 8:33:33 PM

Rigging gathers the wildcards and explains that they must search the other ship. He asks everyone to get some clothes that can be tied around their heads. He will then borrow some of Ashira's perfume and sprinkle some on each of the rags. "Honey, I will replace it when we get back to the city." he apologizes. I think the smell might get overpowering and this might help. "Everyone get what you need to go exploring. We leave in 15 minutes."

Thursday May 29th, 2003 10:13:39 PM

Val gathers her gear and is glad to be on dry land again. She has been living at sea now for some time and still hasn't gotten used to it yet. As soon as the weather starts to get rough she always seems to bounce around, unable to find footing. Maybe someday she will feel like a sailor.

Friday May 30th, 2003 12:46:01 AM

The healer declines the perfumed scarf. "Thank you, Rigging. I'll endure the stench. The sense of smell can offer clues, as well, however unwelcome they may be."

He prepares his things, and reports in.

Friday May 30th, 2003 2:45:31 PM

Thank you Rigging for the scented scarf. I will go in front, i wil lhave my sword ready just in case there are some scavengers in or around the wreck.

Friday May 30th, 2003 7:19:21 PM

Appolo heads below after gathering his gear and comes back dried off and ready for action. Takes the scented scarf with a nod. He is all business his game face in place.

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