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Tionel  d20+5=10
Sunday May 25th, 2003 7:54:02 PM

Tionel goes inside and makes a quick tour, running to peek downstairs and sighing at the scene below (spot 10 so I assume I can see through the mist and such), then heading back up. He nods to Syr's request and makes a good scan of it. (take 10; 15 to search it.)
"Say, Syr, it helps interrogating them when they're conscious. And...y'know...this is a woman...be someone polite, at least."

Monday May 26th, 2003 1:18:04 PM

The elf sighs, looking over the woman... "Man, I can't believe we failed. Now, what do we do? I guess we'll have to return the money..."

DM kent 
Monday May 26th, 2003 7:59:53 PM

Tionel and Gordo take a look downstairs and see that the 4 kegs of purple wine are all there there appears to be not even one drop on the floor. (The amount taken was only about 4 oz). there are only Bog's and Drew's footprints visibly in the flour.

Bog watches from up on the roof and sees nothing out of the ordinary.

Syr scares the living daylights out of the poor soul they have captured. otherhan a little booty to be cleaned up off of the dead bodies, there is little to be found. And the captive knows nothing.

Bog's mists finally dissapate but the inn in still in a magical darkness.

Bralin leans the minipult next to the door and brings in the five stones after a quick search of the two bodies.

Turin chuckles for a moment and then realizes there isn't all that much to chuckle at.

found outside - 3-100gp gems, 5 thunderstones, 250gps, a spell book

found inside - 4-50gp gems, 2 nice daggers, 5 potion vials

The time is nearly midnight and the morning is coming early.

Tuesday May 27th, 2003 3:22:07 PM

The dwarf walks back out of the inn and calls up to Bog.

"Wizard! Can you identify these draughts? Perhaps they are healing."

Tuesday May 27th, 2003 4:23:20 PM

The big man looks about him. "Well, we seem to have got through that little lot by the skin of our teeth. Now all we need to do is clear up all the mess and get rid of this accursed darkness before the boss arrives! Anyone know how to dispel magic?"

And grabbing a broom, dustpan and brush he sets to work tidying up the mess the fight has caused in the cellar, kitchen and elsewhere.

Turin  d20+7=13
Tuesday May 27th, 2003 4:28:53 PM

Turin frowns, and starts to search the dark area for any stones or something similar.

Syr  d8=2
Tuesday May 27th, 2003 4:43:14 PM

At Tionel's words, the elf looks up slightly embarrassed. "You are right, I'm not sure what came over me. Let's turn this wretch over to the authorities. She can do us no good."

Frowning, "It is only fair to return the money however, our job is not yet done. I say we at least complete our duties. Speaking of failure, an observation for everyone, myself included. I realize that was our first fight together but next time let's try not to divide ourselves as much? Poor tactics may very well cost us. It was a little closer than I would like, eh Turin?"

"In case they return, who needs healing? I have potions for those in need." He spends a moment concentrating on his own wounds (Lesser body adjustment 2hp)

Looking around at the rest of the group, "Of more of a concern, Where is Drew?"

Tuesday May 27th, 2003 7:33:10 PM

Bog, still shaking on the roof, jumps out of his skin at Bralin's shouts.

"Nothing! I mean...I didn't do it! I mean...NO! Nothing happened!"

Tuesday May 27th, 2003 9:42:20 PM

"I suppose you're right, Syr. It looks like they only got away with a drink... but we still technically failed. We'll deal with that tomorrow...until then, we'll just have to protect the rest of the wine." Tionel gingerly tucks open his shirt and peers at the wound he's received...and almost faints. "Domi! I've never been cut so...so...brutally!" Frantically, he breaks out a kit and bandages the wounds (Take 10). He also starts to work on Syr. "Say, if anyone else needs a little healing, I still have a few potions...I'm afraid we still have a bit more to go."
Thinking about it, after a quick search fo the inn, Tionel remarks, "You're right. Drew is gone! Whatever happened? Bog, did you see anything? Gordo?"

DM kent  d100=30
Wednesday May 28th, 2003 10:44:40 PM

Up on the roof Bog is jumping at every little shadow but nothing else much seems to be going on.

Turing vaguely remembers somthing like the cound of several coins hitting the floor as the lights went out. And after a few moments on the floor finds what might be a coin, But after covering it the lights still remain out.

The prisoner is bound and held over til morning.

Gordo starts cleaning up the kitchen whne he stops at Syr's and Tionels question about Drew. Gordo quickly looks around and realizes that Tiree is also missing and was last seen in the kitchen with Gordo and the imposter cooks.

Thursday May 29th, 2003 6:07:50 AM

"Last I saw Drew was down in the cellar, lad. Bog, you were down there, did you see him? And what happened to Tiree?" He scratches his head, puzzled at the disapearances.

He carries on sweeping and tidying, and calls over to Turin "Hey son, maybe the darkness is centred on the coins. How about we put them in the back alley, and see if the darkness follows them?"

Thursday May 29th, 2003 8:13:12 AM

Bralin works his way into the kitchen.

Seeing Gordo, he gives his report.
"Yon wizard is outside on the roof acting most strange.
I have found five potions (showing them) which he will not identify. If they be healing, I am in some need of them (Bralin is cut up pretty bad).
I have secured a small catapult which may be helpful.
What is our status?"

Upon learning of the disappearance of both Drew and Tiree, Bralin volunteers to guard/search the wine cellar while the others look elsewhere.

The dwarf heads into the basement and gives everything a good looking over.

Thursday May 29th, 2003 9:14:18 AM

Turin picks up the coins and tries to take it out. He calls out, "Hey, is the darkness moving?" as he goes.

Syr (full hp)  d8=5 d8=8
Thursday May 29th, 2003 1:45:57 PM

Waving Tionel away, "Save it for someone else." Syr sits on the floor and concentrates. As a blue glow appears beneath his hand he groans softly. After a moment his wounds close. (lesser body adjustment twice, 3 PP left)

Rising, he looks over at Bralin, "Unfortunately, I can only do that on myself. If Drew were here, his connection with his god would help these wounds quickly." He reaches into his belt pouch and extracts two vials. The elf gives two healing potions (d8+1) to Bralin. "Try these out until we find him."

Gordo (in quite a lot of pain) 
Thursday May 29th, 2003 6:06:25 PM

"Son, if you have any healing going spare, I wouldn't say no" offers the blood drenched Gordo.

Friday May 30th, 2003 1:22:31 AM

"Right-o, Gordo," Tionel rhyme-sings, and hands him a spare potion of cure light wounds. (I only have five left! :P )
"This whole attack was strange, and I mean, they didn't even get away with anything. Did they? I mean...sorta. Say, do you think there's some sort of meaning to these attacks? maybe we should start asking some questions..."

Friday May 30th, 2003 6:12:43 PM

Bog sighs, realizing he'd better get off the roof before his spell runs out. He climbs down the building carefully. At the bottom he looks around quickly to make sure no one is about to sneak up on him. He sidles slowly toward the entrance to the bar, his back to the wall.

DM kent 
Monday June 2nd, 2003 7:37:55 PM

With a lot of shuffling long the floor and scratched knees, The dark spelled coin is found and removed from the inn (let me know what you do with it). The kitchen and the cellar are cleanied up. The dead bodies are removed and the prisoner is made a bit more comfortable. The broken glass from the window and the two broken stair rails are cleaned up, but will need to be repaired. And all this is done with enough time for you all to get about 5 hours of sleep before sunrise.

Sunrise comes with no further ado and in the door walk four ladies in kitchen aprons, and two bartender types as well as four waitresess.

Bralin  d8+1=5
Tuesday June 3rd, 2003 8:24:15 AM

Bralin wordlessly accepts the two potions from Syr. He downs one (5 hp) and hands the other to Gordo.

Somewhat perplexed by the group's apparent indifference to the disappearance of two of their number, the dwarf takes post inside the wine cellar.

"I'll stand watch the rest of the night," he tells Gordo.
Looking at the man's bloody figure, and then his own, he remarks, "Mayhap we can use a portion of our pay to purchase a healing wand."

Gordo  d8+1=4
Tuesday June 3rd, 2003 9:12:35 AM

Gordo sinks his healing potion (4HP) and thanks Bralin, heading off to snore heavily.

The following morning he appears in time to see the staff arrive, and though he is a little wary of the four kitchen ladies, he smiles and welcomes them. "Well, you wouldn't believe the fun we had last night!" he grins.

When his friends are all assembled he says "Come on, folks, someone must have seen what happened to Drew and Tiree. Have they been kidnapped by our attackers? If so we must make their retrieval our number one priority, no? Bog, you were down in the cellar with Drew. What happened?"

Tuesday June 3rd, 2003 3:09:09 PM

Turin tells everyone he'll be back. He goes outside with it, sets it down, then looks for the guard. If he can get them to take care of it, and maybe throw it off the edge of the city, all should be fine.

Wednesday June 4th, 2003 6:17:01 AM

Bog looks at the floor and fidgets with the hem of his long bell sleeves without looking at Gordo.

"Wot youzel blamin' mie fer? I dinna dot."
he shakes his head. "'e lift n ah doe no war. N Ah doen wanna thingin lak heppin t' me tuoo."

He sniffs.

Wednesday June 4th, 2003 1:13:09 PM

"He what?" Tionel looks confused, and puzzles out Bog's weird accent, speaking slowly. "He left and you don't know where? Why would he do such a thing? Say...did he take the wine? No...couldn't be." Tionel sighs, feeling a bit strange. He notices the sounds in the kitchen and peeks inside. "Oh, hello, ladies!" he calls cheerfully, but then...remembering...he peeks at them. Do they seem too muscular, or are they holding deadly weapons...?
"Oh, I'm afraid there may be a bit of a mess. We had some fights in here last night."

Syr  d20+4=13
Wednesday June 4th, 2003 3:28:21 PM

Syr joins Bralin in the cellar. Finding the playing card, he asks the Dwarf, "What's this? Last time I saw one of these, we had contact with the Jester. Is this some plot from the Lords of the Diamond? Maybe the Jester can explain where Drew and Tiree are?"

Wednesday June 4th, 2003 4:57:57 PM

The big man laughs heartily and slaps Bog cheerfully on the back.

"I'm not blaming you old son! I know you didn't do it! Just thought you might have seen who did. Looks like whatever happened spooked you pretty good eh?" And he grins cheerfully at Bog.

At Syr's words he looks up. "The Jester? The Lords of Diamonds? Son, I reckon I need to get up to speed on a few things! Who are those folks when they're at home, then? And more to the point, if you reckon this here card might mean they know where our friends are, where do we find 'em?"

DM kent 
Thursday June 5th, 2003 8:43:05 AM

The cooks seem like plump friendly little old ladies, but they are each masterfully wielding an assortment of cleavers and knives as they start in on the chores set for the bag day.

About the time the LOD are brought up Happy makes his appearence at the Inn's door.

He looks around and sees you all, more than a bit cut up and lesser in number, takes in the broken window, the staircase banisters, and the broken tables and chairs, gasps and then rushes down to the cellar without even saying hello.

Moments later you here footstpes coming back up the stairs and coming toward you. Happy is speaking to you as he enters the Inn proper.

"So tell me what happened. I see you had some sort of difficulty last night. Where are the others of your party? We need to get these things repaired before noon. I knew I was right in hiring you all to safe guard the wine. So what happened? who were they? Who is that, pointing to your bound captive? We need to get this area cleaned up repaired and set up for the tasting. It starts at noon , you know. Oh I think I already said that.

Thursday June 5th, 2003 10:22:27 AM

The dwarf stayed up guarding the wine cellar without further incident during the night.

With Happy's entrance and everybody else bustling around, Bralin figures its time for some shut eye.

Stepping up to Gordo, he intones, "I must rest now. Wake me in 4 hours, and I'll pray for more healing spells. That will take another hour."

The dwarf does some quick incantations, hitting Gordo with 3 CURE MINOR WOUNDS spells (3 hp total), and goes to bed.

Thursday June 5th, 2003 12:08:52 PM

Turin, if he can't find anyone to take care of the coin, will just leave it outside a guardhouse or something similar, then head back to the inn.

Thursday June 5th, 2003 6:12:10 PM

"Many thanks, Bralin old son" grins the big man. "I'll be sure to wake you."

To Happy he says "Well, sir, I wish we knew where our companions went. They seemed to vanish right out from under our noses. It's a mystery and no mistake. See, we were attacked by a whole load of folks; first off two thieves were hidden down in the cellar. One had a black dagger tattoo, a Thieves' Guild marking we reckon. We turned him over to the law. The other one was able to teleport away. At the same time a bunch of drunk centaurs showed up, but they were seen off. Then we got hit again, a more organised attack this time. A bunch of lasses dressed as kitchen staff turned out to be more thieves, and another group attacked in the main inn, and there were more of 'em out in the street. Quite the knockabout, we had. This lass down here" he points at the bound woman "was one of the ones disguised as staff.

So, no surprises that a few things got broke, eh? Busy night's work that was, an' no mistake. Seems you've got every thief in the Big Float after your booze!"

Friday June 6th, 2003 12:54:56 AM

Tionel is very glad Gordo sums it up, since he was a bit confused about some results, too. He scratches his wisp of a goatee, pondering...
"You're right, Gordo. Every thief's after it...which means we'll have to be extra careful from now on." He heads over to the basement, and whispers to Bog somewhat melancholy, "I just had an idea that we should have originally used...We should have had a fake barrel, and put the real one elsewhere. Damn these late bursts of insight!"

Friday June 6th, 2003 4:55:01 AM

Bog looks up at the smiling Gordo the way a timid nephew looks at his weird grotesque aunt. He about jumps out of his chair again as he is slapped on the back. He quickly pulls the brim of his hat down over his eyes.

He listens as he hears happy come in all excited. As Happy comes back, Bog peeps, "Sooooreh e'but dar floouor. We...seved da wine. A'for...a'for...dey tok 'im. Da tird invisiable 'n"

Bog starts to choke up a bit.

DM kent 
Friday June 6th, 2003 3:02:19 PM

With the coming of Happy things get under way yet again. The group sends out to a glass worker and a wood worker to get the repairs to the inn completed and start setting things up inside the inn. There are quite a few people in and out of the inn but between Happy and yourselves nothing goes amiss and finally the in is ready four hours later. Only an hour ahead of when the guests will start arriving.

Happy shows you where your table is going to be and then explains about the tickets and seating.

Friday June 6th, 2003 3:10:23 PM

Turin listens to Happy, noting everything down in his head.

Friday June 6th, 2003 9:32:28 PM

"Thank you very much, Happy. I'll greet the guests and........anyone else? Do you want to help watch them for any weapons or anything? Once they're all in, we'll go back to take positions, but let's check 'em to make sure there's no obvious weapons, right?" Tionel smiles politely.

DM kent 
Saturday June 7th, 2003 8:08:26 AM

At the mention of weapons, Happy bolts upright.

"Ahh yes that is what I forgot. There are NO weapons allowed in the inn during the wine tasting. The guests all know this, as it was part of their contract to to purchase a table. Any one who is bearing a weapon as he enters will set off an alarm in the building and then that person will be sent... ::he vaguely waves his hand:: ... somewhere."

He looks sheepishly at you all.

"It seesm the only people I forgot to tell was you all. Before the first guest arrives at noon, for your own safety, ALL your weapons must be in your rooms."

Saturday June 7th, 2003 1:23:18 PM

Turin shrugs, and removes his weapons, putting them in his room.

Monday June 9th, 2003 3:34:26 AM

Gordo looks down at his ham-sized fists and grins. "Just as long as you don't want me to lose my hands that shouldn't be a problem, Happy old son" beams the big man. "I never held much store by steel."

He looks at his companions. "Well, if no-one has any wepons, how much trouble can there be?" You can see the thought process wend its tortuous path across his features. "Hmm. Sorry. Forget I said that. Bog, lad, you're going to be key if a problem arises. I'd get that Grease spell warmed up, and if you can manage it that Web spell is mighty handy also."

He cracks his knuckles, and winks at the inn owner. "Don't worry old son. We'll see things go a smooth a silk!" Gordo has never really understood the concept of tempting fate.

Monday June 9th, 2003 11:12:17 AM

The dwarf sleeps on.

Monday June 9th, 2003 12:10:11 PM

"Well, that makes things at least somewhat less painful..." Tionel puts his scimitar and dagger away. "Well, someone or someones ought to stand near the wine when it's brought out, and I'm going to stay down with it until it's time for it to be brought up. Can never tell what may happen at the last minute." Tionel heads downstairs, skipping down the steps.

Monday June 9th, 2003 4:54:07 PM

Looking perplexed, "No weapons, what if I take a chair and ram it into Turin's back? Doesn't that make it a weapon? What will happen to me?" With a reluctant frown, he goes upstairs to leave his axe behind.

Coming back down, he looks at Gordo. "Of course you are right. From the little I know the Lords of the Diamond they are a loose collection of individuals with varying goals."
Grinning at himself, "That obviously clears things up!" Gazing over Gordo's head, "The only one that I've had personal dealings with was the Jester, see my pin?" He shows the group his diamond pin and tucks it back into his pouch. "I'm not sure if it would help but it's supposed to be a sign of service or thanks from the Lords. It's been a while, let me see if I can recall a way to contact them..."

(OOC: Lords of the Diamond would be a great name for a baseball movie, eh?)

Monday June 9th, 2003 8:21:02 PM

Bog shudders, "Bot...bot...what if dosen mustardash invisonalibul guys'n cim bak'n mek me zapp'd away lik. I doewanna gittin zap'd. n wit all doze pipple 'round."

DM kent 
Monday June 9th, 2003 10:18:04 PM

It is eleven AM and you have all divested yourselves of all of your weaponry, woken Bralin and returned sownstairs to await the first arrivals.

The Purple Wine Kegs are all brought upstairs and placed behind the bar. Everything looks good and appears to be ready to go.

Precisely at noon there is a rushing of air and then suddenly there are four groups of four humans and elves that have just entered the inn through the magic fireplaces. For a moment Happy looks flustered while trying to figure out who to greet first, but then decides to just greet them all at once.

In a booming voice, he calls out. " Welcome all to the Giggling Ghost! Please make your way to the tables assigned to you. As you approach your table, both your ticket and the table will glow the same color. We will begin once all guests have arrived."

The next 30 minutes or so there are beings arriving from all over the place. They all seem to have one thing in common. They all appear to be very wealthy and are dressed in some of the finest clothing you have all ever seen.

Another observation you make is that an overwhelming number of the guests are Taurian; Minatuars, Centaurs, and Wemics. Suprisingly there seems to be no arguements or difficulties as people arrive. Everyone makes it to their table without mishap or confrontation.

As the last curtain is closed on the private rooms there is only one table that remains empty and it is on the floor, just off the left-hand side of the stage. Finally there is the unmistakable rush of air from one side of the inn and the final four attendees arrive.

Or at least you think so. Standing at the front of the fireplace are four of the scruffiest, dirty looking, mean-spirited half drunk Minataurs anyone has ever seen.

Tuesday June 10th, 2003 4:39:24 AM

The big man gives the new arrivals a friendly nod. He is not one to discriminate on the grounds of clothing.

Looking around he marvels at the setup. Happy must be doing pretty well out of this little get together.

Tuesday June 10th, 2003 10:18:41 AM

The dwarf cannot believe Happy would be that stupid, but leaves his weapons in his room.

He does take along the three small stones he always carries (mundane), and one of those interesting fist sized rocks he took from the catapult.

He also memorizes:
0 - Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance
1 - Shield of Faith, Summon Monster I

Coming downstairs, Bralin posts himself on the knife throwing area, in order to get a good look at the area.

The minotaurs come through the fireplace.
This bodes ill, the dwarf thinks.

Looking for Bog and Gordo, the dwarf starts making his way across the floor toward the group. Just in case.

Tuesday June 10th, 2003 2:02:06 PM

Turin looks at the Minotaurs, trying to recognize them.

Tuesday June 10th, 2003 4:19:57 PM

Syr moves to the fireplace as the minotaurs arrive. With a small bow, "Your table is this way sirs." With that he leads the minotaurs to the sole remaining table.

Tuesday June 10th, 2003 6:35:55 PM

Tionel maintains his position near the wine, standing with arms ready at his sides, glancing at the fireplace, then back to keeping his vigil on the wine. Uh oh occurs to him...

Tuesday June 10th, 2003 7:31:01 PM

Bog gets himself as far away from the wine as possible. He wanders the outskirts of the room checking out the unpopulated areas mostly.

First he goes around to the back of the stage area and looks in on the dressing room making sure all is well there.

Next he will go to Dagger Lanes, then the Games area.

DM Kent 
Tuesday June 10th, 2003 8:35:00 PM

As each of you takes a place around the room Syr approaches the scruffy minotaurs. Turin realizes that he has absolutely no clue who these scruffy minotaurs are as he has never seen them before.

As the minotaurs are approached, one of them steps forward with a very worn looking ticket that he is trying to get out of a side pouch. He looks about ready to get very defensive with Syr until he realizes that he is guiding them to their table. With an abashed look and mumbled thanks they are seated.

As the last person is seated the fireplaces all go dark and the inn's lights dim. Ghostly music wafts through the room creating a very eerie mood in the room. Happy steps up on the stage and with a very somber tone, speaks.

"Good people, We at the Giggling Ghost are extremely fortunate and proud to have won the privilage of hosting this years and the next two tastings of the Mystaura vintage of the Purple Wine. As you know this is a very special and rare occasion as this vintage is only made every three years. And in that this is the first vintage of the new age, we are expecting an even more wonderful batch. As you know this will be a two day event, during which you will be served food courses as well as palette cleansers in between servings of the wine. Water pitchers will be stationed at each table and refilled as necessary. Our staff will exchange your glass with each serving and will replenish any food stuffs required when needed. The first service will be by table color, with each subsequent service rotating down one color. We will start out with some traditional breads and cheeses and then we will serve your first glass of wine.

While Happy is speaking, 20 waitresses come from various parts of the inn and start dropping off water, assorted glasses, cheese, breads, trenchers and eating utensils. They manage to do all this during the time that happy is speaking and in a manner that is so unabstrusive that many of the patrons look suprised when they see that there table is filled with these things.

As Happy finishes speaking there is a light creaking as the outside door opens and in walks this bright and shining young man of about 20 years of age.

He is tall and well muscled with lightly tanned skin. He is wearing a bluish tinted breastplate armor with a matching shield bearing the symbol of Domi. He is armed with a long sword and attached to his pack, and plainly visible are a longbow, 2 quivers and a glaive. He looks uncomfortable as he enters the room, and yet at the same time you get the sense that he knows that this is where he is supposed to be.

(OOC > Justin, this is your entry to the game)

Tuesday June 10th, 2003 9:24:27 PM

After just entering and feeling alittle out of place since it looks like something special was being held in the Giggling Ghost he stays by the door, scanning the people for a brief moment and wondering why Domi had sent him a vision to come here. His stance as he stands by the door is rather rigid like that of someone trained to stand at attention at all times.

Wednesday June 11th, 2003 1:32:59 AM

Seeing the door open the elf flicks his black pony tail and moves to the entrance, "I apologize but this is a closed tasting. Please return another day." With that he holds the door for the newcomer to leave.

Wednesday June 11th, 2003 10:28:09 AM

Moving across to back Syr up the big man smiles at Florin in a perfectly friendly manner; "Aye, son, now is not the best time. Unless you have a ticket of course. Either way, you don't want to come in here with those" he points at the newcomer's weapons "there's a powerful enchantment on the place, and carrying weapons in here right now is a bad idea."

Wednesday June 11th, 2003 11:15:31 AM

The dwarf returns to the throwing lanes and resumes his watch.

Gordo and Syr likely have Domi's Bravest under control, so the dwarf ignores him.

He continues watching over the crowd, with an occasional foray down into the wine cellar.

Wednesday June 11th, 2003 12:08:29 PM

Tionel continues his impressive watch of the wine, and scratches the back of his neck idly.

Wednesday June 11th, 2003 1:26:43 PM

Florin looks to Syr and then Gordo when they approach and sighs inwardly at his luck but quickly hides any looks of dismay at his luck as he speaks clearly but low to the 2 men as to not bother the rest of the people of the Giggling Ghost, his words are sincere but also a touch of urgency to them, "I have received a vision from Domi about being here, I fear something is to happen here that required me to be present, I wish no fight but if there is a way for me to stay then I ask for that...to leave now after receiving a vision would be dishonoring me, the temple of Domi and Domi himself for asking me to be here."

Florin looks to Syr thinking this man might be the hardest to get to approve of him staying, his voice still has a hard edge of urgency to it, "I will disarm and help or do whatever you ask but there is something to happen here that I must stay."

Wednesday June 11th, 2003 3:50:39 PM

Bog continues trundling along in his route. He's not gonna get caught with his pants down this time and have people hiding in places ready to spring out.

DM kent 
Wednesday June 11th, 2003 6:05:49 PM

Syr and Gordo can both tell that the young man is most certainly telling the truth about why he is here, and though Florian seems to be unaware of it, each time he says Domi's name the symbol on his shield flashes momentarily for Syr and Gordo to see.

The first round of wine has been poured and as you can see and hear, it must be absolutely something else.

From the few tables that are inhabited by humans and elves, you hear deep satisfied sighs and some very strange commentary.

"Hey, look at that. The light in here just got brighter and everything is shaded with rainbows." ... " Did you know that your hair is actually about 20 different shades of brown?" ... Ohhh, I had heard this was good, but no one ever told me it would taste like an early spring morning." ... "Spring Morning? No it doesn't. It tastes like a summer storm at the beach. "Did you know that if you were to sing the Ballad of the Battle of Jubtah and Sabba backwards you would make all the known sounds foud in the elven and human langusges?" ... Ooooh, Can you hear that? I think the lake turtle are mating, their song is so beautiful." ... "Wow! This Glass isn't as smooth as you would think. There seems to be large bumps and ridges all over it." ... "Now that is what you call an unbelievable bouquet. This wine elicits an aroma that is reminiscent of a bouquet made from fairy dust and daffodils."

From the tables of the Taurs, there seem to be a different type of response to the wine.

Over at a table of Wemic (Liontaur) warriors the four are suddenyl primping and preening in front of each other and are asking their waitress for some brushes and mirrors. They even look quite appealing to most of you as well.

At a table what had appeared to be Centaur sages, they have suddenly become so introspective as to barely seem alive about every 2-3 minutes one of them will say "Ah!" the others will quietly nod their heads as if agreeing and then the cycle starts again.

At a second table of Wemics, the occupants suddenly leap out of their chairs and land standing on one set of claws on each side of the table top without tipping it over. Almostr immediately the move into an unbelievable sequence of the most fabulous tumbling and agilty movements you have ever laid eyes on. Even more amazing is the fact that they are doig this on and around their table in a space that normally be crowded for wo wemic let alone four.

Over near the Dart lanes, a table of minotaurs have started exerting themselves with powerful displays of strength. The last of which is when one Minotaur laid down on the floor on his belly with the other three standing upon him and then the one on the floor proceeded to do twenty one handed pushups with his friend carousing on his posterior.

Suddenly from the area that the scruffy Minotaurs were sat comes a horrifying and loud caterwauling sound, as the four minotaurs simultaneously burst out crying and wailing, tears flowing down their faces by the bucket fulls. The four of them are taking turns holding each other and patting each other on the backs and trying to comfort one another.

What is really amazing about all this though is that none of the patrons in the inn seem to even notice that anything is going on around them anywhere in the inn.

Tionel watches the wine as it is handed out to the waitresses by the bartenders and nothing seems to be amiss.

Bog makes his rounds and other than the goings ons of the Patrons, noone seems to be hiding anywhere and everything seems to be going smoothly.

Bralin too sees nothing amiss either in the inn or down in the now seemingly emptier cellar.

Your table is of course still empty, but there is are 7 wine glasses waiting for your attention.

Wednesday June 11th, 2003 7:27:58 PM

"A vision from Domi, eh?" says the big man, scratching at his bushy red sideburns. "Well that's not to be taken lightly, son, you're right."

As he sees the symbol of Domi flash at Florin's breast Gordo takes a half-step back. "Holy Domi! I'm inclined to believe your tale, lad, that I am."

He scratches his shaven pate and looks askance at Tyr. "What do you reckon, lad? I'd say Domi's authority is greater than Happy's, eh?"

He grins and says "Well son, you'd better ditch those weapons if you're coming in. Like I said, no telling waht might happen with those in the mix. Stick close to Syr and me, OK? Oh, the name's Gordo by the way."

He extends a large hairy hand to shake.

When he turns back to the tasting his eyes open wide with astonishment. "Domi's Lungs, what do they put in that stuff?"

He eyes his wine glass as if it might turn into a flamingo at any moment. "I'd say it's a good thing I don't drink, eh lad?" he winks at Florin.

Thursday June 12th, 2003 12:14:46 AM

Tionel so desires at that moment to take a sip, especially witnessing what others are doing...and...after all, they did leave a glass of wine for him...he deviates his eyes from the wine, walks to his table, sniffs at the wine professionally, then takes a generous sip.

Thursday June 12th, 2003 4:41:25 AM

Bog continues his rounds round the round room, then gets to what he was told was "his table". And what to his wondering eyes does appear? WINE! Full glasses of Wine! He looks left, he looks right, he grabs that which he knows he might not be old enough to drink and quickly downs a glass. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "'Ine 'ood!"

Thursday June 12th, 2003 8:02:01 AM

Bralin continues his stoney vigil from the throwing lanes.

Given the reaction of the crowd, he has no intention of getting anywhere near a glass of wine.

Thursday June 12th, 2003 2:09:01 PM

Turin watches the antics of all the Taurs, with slight amusement.

Thursday June 12th, 2003 2:13:44 PM

Florin nods at Gordo's words and quickly removes his backpack since his bow and arrows, along with glaive is attached to it and also undoes his swordbelt, " Where should I put these?" Florin shakes Gordo's large hand with a firm, strong grip and smiles to him, you can sense at the moment him being here is strictly buisness and the greeting is mainly being polite, "Have to forgive my some what cold nature, I usually don't trust easily and at the moment I wonder what Domi sent me here to do."

After leaving his backpack and weapons, along with shield where he is told, Florin moves to the table Gordo walks to, he smiles abit at Gordo's words and shakes his head, "Atleast it's against my training to drink wine, only water, juices and ciders." Florin does look to the others in the Giggling Ghost and the weird way they act, "I do not know what is in the wine but something is amiss here, are all these people royalty or something that someone might of wanted to do something of this nature to?." Florin's only note to himself at this moment is that atleast none of them are acting in a threatening manner. He does also look to Tionel and Bog, "Guess we might see what the wines effects on a couple of your friends are now." He looks to Gordo alittle worried about this situation.

Thursday June 12th, 2003 8:23:45 PM

Syr looks the young man up and down. "Why don't you stay near your weapons. I would think anyone sent from Domi would surely have divine protection over any mortal enchantments. We may be in need of your help. We are mainly here for just security purposes after all." He holds out his hand to Florin for a quick handshake, "Obviously, I'm Syr ... the shorter, better looking version of Gordo with hair!" He winks at Gordo with a sly grin on his face.

Back at their table, he remains standing and alert. After watching the antics of the individual tables he turns to Gordo, "I've heard of 'crying over spilt milk' but this...?" With that he takes a long swallow from his glass.

DM kent 
Friday June 13th, 2003 4:42:26 PM

As Tionel tosses down his taste of the wine, he almost feels as if he becomes rooted to the floor. A number of sensations rush through his body and mind, but only a few really remain. The first thing he recalls is the wine's bouquet. To Tionel it smells more like the most fertile and rich loamy soil he could ever wish to plant anything in. And it tastes like he imagines the wind would taste as it winds its way through an ancient Rowan tree.

Syrdeth tosses back his glass and with a shock to his system realizes that the wine smells exactly like his mother, Faerneth's hair after washing day, bringing back both pleasant memories of his mother and youth and the sad reality of his parents' deaths. At the same time, the wine fills his mind with the most exciting buzz of energy that he has ever felt, and then, as if it wasn't enough, something touches his mind with a soft caressing kiss, that leaves the softest of messages. We are proud of you.

Bog quickly downs his entire glass of wine and as he declares that it is good, falls to the floor flat on his backside as a feeling of disembodiment overtakes him. As he looks down on himself and the others, his wizardly mind tries to analyze what is going on, but he is thrown into the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. It looks like a tree, no, mamouth spider web, of pure magical energy woven and interconnected with many different colors and levels of potency and then he realizes that what he looks upon is a representation of the Wold. In the distance he sees what can only be the shadowlands, a dark broiling mass. and then connecting the two a deep, and swift river of luminescent red runs through the Wold and into the shadowlands. Every now and then he sees a bright glow traverse the river from the Wold to the shadow lands. Beautiful yes but what does it mean..... and then it ends.

Florin and Gordo continue their disscussion as they watch their friends and the others consume their wine.

Bralin maintains his stony watch from the dart lanes and Turin amused by it all is taken in by the show.

The Taurs and the rest of the guests soon come back to their senses as if nothing happened, and continue disscussing the merits of the wine as the servers bring around some pallete cleansers and ready new glases for the next round of wine.

As the second round of wine is served most of you expect to see much the same thing as before but a suprised when absolutelt nothing untoward occurs, at least outwardly. The room does get very still and quiet and you can just make out many subvocalized prayers being said by all the participants.

It is at that moment that the side door burst open and in rush four very heated Centaurs.

"We Bought our ticket to this tasting and Now we are going to taste our wine!"

They somehow manage to get up on stage without knocking anything or anyone over.

Friday June 13th, 2003 5:06:43 PM

Turin groans at the centaurs coming in. Not again...

Saturday June 14th, 2003 2:12:54 PM

Tionel sighs, wondering how to deal with this. Having an idea, he wanders over to the edge of the stage. "If you'd like to have one, here." He offers them two glasses...one, Gordo's, and one that new guy's, Florin's. Since neither bothered drinking, it seemed okay...

Gordo  d20+3=12 d20+3=20
Saturday June 14th, 2003 4:57:34 PM

The big man raises an eyebrow at the centaurs' accusation. He scans the faces in the crowd carefully, hoping to spot a flicker of guilt on one or more of them. As he does so he heads towards the door the centaurs barged through, and secures it.

(Spot 12, Sense Motive 20).

Sunday June 15th, 2003 5:39:13 AM

Bog swims in the river, his limbs flailing although they seem to be separated from his body. He starts to sob at this thought and exclaims, "Com' Beck, Arm! Ah nid yooz tonsin doda my wanz n thinzs castin my spells!"

He smiles widely as that seemed to work in convincing his arms to rejoin his body. He swims through the river red going ooh and ahh. Then tries to regain the effect my drinking more wine when it wears off.

Bralin (ac 21, defensive) 
Monday June 16th, 2003 8:14:48 AM

'No weapons.' Fool.

Bralin moves to the stage with Tionel. He brings his own cup, and silently offers it as well.

The other hand keeps his shield ready.

Syr (Lesser Natural Armor, AC20) 
Monday June 16th, 2003 12:13:31 PM

Sensing trouble just ahead, Syr stops and concentrates. HIS skin seems to thicken. He then follows the centaurs onto the stage.

Florin (AC 14 *without shield*) 
Monday June 16th, 2003 7:10:25 PM

Florin looks to Syr and the others as they move towards the stage and hangs back abit before moving with them, he does glance to Syr and Gordo commenting to them, "I'm better with my sword and glaive then at hand to hand but I'll help if anything starts."

DM Kent 
Tuesday June 17th, 2003 3:21:15 PM

As Tionel gets his focus back fully into the real world, he pours a couple of glasses of the wine and heads, along with Bralin, toward the stage, calling out to the Centaurs.

Gordo catches the slightest nervous movent from a table of what appear to be extremely well to do Centaurs. As he focusses on them a bit more closely he senses that they are trying to avoid being seen by the newcomers and at the same time are watching their every move.

Shaking off the effects of the wine, Syr casts his spell and then follows the other two on to the stage hoping for an easy settlement of this difficulty.

Florin, getting the feeling that this is why he is here follows the other three toward the stage area.

Bog goes to pour himself a second glass of wine in order to recapture the feeling he just had when he sees/hears the commotion.

Turin, no longer so amused slowly shakes his head and gets ready for whatever is about to happen.


DM Kent continued 
Tuesday June 17th, 2003 3:28:55 PM

The four Centaurs on stage are peering over the assembled guests as if they are trying to locate someone, when Tionel and the others step on stage. The lead centaur looks at the young man and snorts.
" We will have our wine once we have our table. We want what is rightfully ours, and we are going to get it one way or another." Someone stole our ticket and as all the tables are occupied, that means the theives are somewhere in this room. So we aim to find them and teach them a lesson. And we are not about to let you and your little friends here get in our way."

That said he pushes by Tionel spilling both glasses of wine and starts looking over another part of the crowd. when he stops and a sly smile comes over his face. "Oh yes, I forgot to mention that we coated our ticket with a magical solution that after twenty-four hours will turn the thief's hands blue. And the twenty four hours is up in just about five seconds."

Gordo  d20+6=23 d8+2=8
Tuesday June 17th, 2003 5:01:41 PM

The big man cracks his knuckles above his head and grins hugely. This is shaping up nicely. He likes nothing more than a good harmless roustabout.

"Well now son" he shouts up to the lead centaur, "them's mighty convincing words. I'm inclined to believe you, an' that's the truth. See, to my thinking these lads right here are looking a wee bit shiftier than they aught."

He strides over towards the suspect centaur table. "You boys don't mind if we keep an eye on your hands for the next few minutes do you? Only you seemed to be glancing down at them just now. Seems a bit odd to me, a fella with a bony fidey ticket checking his hands to see if they was blue."

Gordo is ready for an angry reaction, and will lash out at anyone who attacks him in any way, shouting "Now that was just rude, son!"

(Readied Stunning Attack, hits AC 23 for 8 HP, Fort save DC 16 or be stunned 1 round)

Wednesday June 18th, 2003 11:22:18 AM

Bralin allows the centaurs to step forward past them.

Since their all looking over the crowd, he quietly moves to take position some 15' behind them.

Then, he scans his immediate surrounding for something large and club-like (table/chair/stone planter, whatever).

Wednesday June 18th, 2003 1:03:41 PM

Turin slowly walks over to an entrance, making sure nobody goes in or out that way.

Wednesday June 18th, 2003 3:26:33 PM

Syr stays on the stage, peering out over the crowd.

Wednesday June 18th, 2003 3:55:35 PM

Tionel, seeing the purpose of this, quickly makes up his mind on what to do. He hurries over to the important wine barrels, closes it, and tries to convince anyone else nearby to help him get the precious nectar to a place of safety...

Thursday June 19th, 2003 6:25:26 AM

Bog starts to tilt back his head when he hears the arguing, then shakes his head and sighs. "Not you 'orseheads agin...ya guyz don no win ta quit."

"Goooo Down!"

Bog casts Grease under the four Centaurs trying not to get any of the party.

DM kent 
Thursday June 19th, 2003 1:18:46 PM

As the party memebrs start moving around and the Centaur stops speaking several things happen at the same time.

One of the well-to-do centaurs does indeed make a move to hide his hands, which Gordo sees as he is right there. Also watching though were the three centaurs facing that side of the inn and they also saw the movement. With a unison bellow they charge through the tables upsetting guests and tables and chairs, in their unilateral focus to reach the four miscreants.

The Four seated centaurs, realizing that the gig is up charge in opposite directions causing as much upheaval and chaos as they can knocking over other tables and guests.

Syr and Florin just avoid being trampled by C1 as he charges after his three friends and Gordo suddenly realizes that he is in dire straits as he is in the path of four charging centaurs. Bog starts to cast his spell but realizes there is no way to avoid catching some of his friends and other innocents in it, so holds it. and finds himself suddenly faced with a fleeing centaur.

In just about 10 seconds the Inn has turned into a major free for all.

Turin (AC 21, 22 on nearest charge) 
Thursday June 19th, 2003 1:53:22 PM

Turin will stay by his exit, and will ward off any blows as best he can, dodging the nearest charge.

Gordo  d20+12=23 d20+6=7
Thursday June 19th, 2003 5:32:15 PM

Gordo's cheery grin evaporates somewhat as he sees a stampede heading straight for him.

"Now then lads..." he begins, then quickly decides he's not going to talk his way out of this one, and hurls himself desperately to one side out of the rush of hooves (Tumble 23). As the centaurs pass he tries to take a swing at the last one, but treads on a fallen glass as he does so and completely loses his balance (natural 1).

Thursday June 19th, 2003 11:02:12 PM

Tionel hears the sound of the fighting starting up just as the last barrel of precious wine is shoved into the kitchen... Whirling, he sees the fray begin.
With a battle cry of, "Not in the face!" he ducks.

Syr  d20+7=18 d2+4=5 d20+11=30 d2+4=5
Friday June 20th, 2003 1:27:59 AM

Syr steps nimbly aside and strikes out at C1 as he gallops past (Attack of Opportunity 18, Damage 5). "Florin, time for action!"

Syr watches over the crowd as the big man goes down and shouts out, "Gordo!" With a jump he pursues C1, attempting to subdue him. Charging between the tables he slides into the centaur feet first (Attack 30, damage 5).

Friday June 20th, 2003 4:29:22 AM

Bog stops his chant short and grimaces as the Centaurs pile off the stage. Deep in thought he quickly realizes he has to get out of the way and dives for cover. His eyes follow the upstart centaurs and land on some of the other customers.

"Aha!" he shouts and bustles over to the table with the four ugly minotaurs.

He places 4 gp on the table in front of them. "'ay you's bulzes'nyoudencreshdees'orseheads n' mak em zavomozzintingsn u git dis!"

Seeing their blank looks he sighs and resorts to mime. He points at himself, then at the money, then at the minotaurs. Then points at the minotaurs again, punches his own hand with his fist, then points at the centaurs, then mimes throwing a centaur, then points to the fireplace exit. He smiles back at the minotaurs when he's done with his pantomime show expectantly.

Bralin(ac 19, shield of faith) 
Friday June 20th, 2003 8:16:27 AM

Quite suddenly, all the action is moving away from Bralin.

This is not going well , he sighs inwardly.

The dwarf is at a bit of a loss about the proper course of action.
So, he casts a spell on himself (SHIELD OF FAITH).

Turning to the guests in the immediate vicinity on the stage, he instructs, "T'would be safest to remain here."

Then, he moves out onto the walkway, looking to see who needs immediate assistance.

Florin (AC 14 Aura of courage in a 10' radius) 
Friday June 20th, 2003 12:40:12 PM

Florin nods and Syr's words and calls out as he quickly begins making his way to the entrance where he left his shield, wanting it to help ward off blows, "I'm getting my shield, I shouldn't of left it near the door." Florin makes a quick prayer to Domi for help during this, knowing that unarmed combat is not his specialty.

He glances at Tionel and calls out, "I'll be by the door in a moment to get my shield if you end up needing help, otherwise I'm heading back out into this mess to help Gordo, Syr and the others."

DM Kent  d20+3=10 d20+3=19 d20+3=19 d20+3=13 d20+3=4 d20+3=8 d20+3=4 d20+3=15
Friday June 20th, 2003 5:42:12 PM

(remember unless otherwise mentioned, all damage is Subdual)

For the most part, wih exception of Syr who lept into the fray, the party manages to avoid contact with the two groups of centaurs, who have managed to find their opposite number and are locked in combat with them.

And then of course there is the mercenary BOG, whose mime seems to have either been well understood or not necessary. In either case the bag disappears and the Minotaurs tear into the fray. The problem is though as they get up to join the fray so do several of the other tables and soon the whole bar is having quite the donnybrook.

Suddenly Bog finds himself dodging an elf that just got casually tossed aside. As he momentarily watches the flying elf, he catches something out of the corner of his eye and turns just as one of the lion taurs completes a diving roll that sends the large cat heding straight toward the poor wizard. Somehow Bog just manages to twist aside and the taurs misses hitting him.

Syr, at the otherside of the bar manages to get a fleeting hold of C1 just as he passes and swings himself abord just as C5 attacks and accidently clubs Syr with a fist that sends him rolling off the taurs back and under a nearby table. (3 points)

Bralin moves out onto the walkway and suddenly finds himself in the middle of about 6 folks trying to get at one another. Bralin somehow manages to avoid all but one blow sent his way, and that one caught him unawares as some young lady twirled around leapt into the air and kicked him in the side. (4 points)

Tionel gets the wine in the kitchen and then is immediately abandonned by the bartenders as they remove their aprons and as one dive into the fray.

Whether due to Bralin's comments or something else the folk on the stage stay calm and start placing small wagers on individual combats and moves. Because of this relaxed atmosphere on the stage, Turin and Florin get to watch the goings ons without a single body coming any where ner the door.

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