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Friday May 30th, 2003 12:46:01 AM

The healer declines the perfumed scarf. "Thank you, Rigging. I'll endure the stench. The sense of smell can offer clues, as well, however unwelcome they may be."

He prepares his things, and reports in.

Friday May 30th, 2003 2:45:31 PM

Thank you Rigging for the scented scarf. I will go in front, i wil lhave my sword ready just in case there are some scavengers in or around the wreck.

Friday May 30th, 2003 7:19:21 PM

Appolo heads below after gathering his gear and comes back dried off and ready for action. Takes the scented scarf with a nod. He is all business his game face in place.

Monday June 2nd, 2003 12:08:52 AM

Ari recovers himself back to the ship. When he hears what the Wildcards have been asked to do, Ari readies his gear for the adventure to come. When Riggings offers the scented scarves, Ari declines. "If we came afoul of G'aal or anyone else of evil intent, I do not want to forget what we find. This will help me remember and move forward."

Monday June 2nd, 2003 8:48:14 AM

Rigging looks at Ari and Akerin and says, "You are big boys and it is your decision, but if you are to busy puking to fight effectively, know that you will be sanding down the deck for a while."

Monday June 2nd, 2003 5:43:23 PM

"Sanding is good work when you can get it, sir," Akerin responds to Rigging with a straight face.

Monday June 2nd, 2003 7:22:57 PM

The mage inwardly looks forward to the chance to poke around the dead ship. The thought of the smell is nothing to look forward to, but he would like the opportunity to do some research (might even animate one of them-but that is too much to hope for). As he joins the others he notices Ashira in her armor. It does look good on her; he chuckles as he remembers that Val was still on the hook for what happened to it. "Ashira...about that armor." And he assures her of its new protective ability. He sends Talon aloft to keep an eye above them and takes his place to the rear of the marching order.

Monday June 2nd, 2003 9:37:35 PM

Knowing that if the smell is this bad now, it's going to be tremendous once they get aboard the ship, Ashira takes one of the rags and raps it around her nose and mouth. She chuckles at Redux. "Oh, so you're the source of all the trouble, huh? You know, next time you could just ask...I'm always willing to let a friend spend money on me." With a wink toward Redux, Ashira heads toward the Ironbanks with the others.

Par fume de Humpback Whale-ADM Nellie 
Monday June 2nd, 2003 10:05:43 PM

While most accept the scented scarfs, a few decide to go it on their own. The wisdom or lack there of is soon proven once the Wildcards scale up the side of the Ironbanks. The stench from endless numbers of rotting is truly gut wrenching. Those who chose to reject the scarves, please make a Fort check DC 15 to avoid spilling the contents of your stomach.

The birds of prey that were previously spotted scatter as soon as the Wildcards reach the top of the deck, apparently preferring to feast in private. It's a truly horrific scene on the deck, with scores and scores of humanoid bodies in various states of decomposition. Though one thing is perfectly clear...these Pirates did not die of natural causes. Several have bludgeoning type wounds around the head, and a few seem to have meet their ends on the end of some type of three pronged piercing weapon.

After a thorough search of the upper deck, you are unable to gather much more useful information. The hatch that leads down below practically beckons you to the dark recesses beyond.

Ari  d20+8=17
Tuesday June 3rd, 2003 11:38:04 AM

Looking around the deck Ari wonders how the stench could be so powerful after having the storm wash away so many things.

Having no problems dealing with the stench, Ari smirks at Riggings as if to say 'see, no problem'. Ari then decides to look a little closer to see whether the Pirates had a chance to fight, or whether they were somehow caught off guard, or whether they had surrendered and had been killed anyway.

Looking at Riggings for a sec Ari comments, "Should we send a quick message back to the captain and let him know that the crew was attacked. I wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of seeing us depart the ship, and trying to come back to the ship looking like us"

Rigging  d20+8=11 d20+8=19
Tuesday June 3rd, 2003 8:04:57 PM

Rigging listens to Ari's suggestion and then says, "Redux, Could you send Talon back with a note and then have him fly some high cover for us. Please ask him to keep a watch to the sea."

Rigging moves gracefully forward looking for any sign of the enemy that might have done this. He isn't very concerned that the enemy is still here. There were too many vultures around for that but he is still cautious and will look around. He will then go over to the hatch and listen very closely for any movement down in the darkness.

He will call the group over and tell them to be ready. "I am going to cast a light down into the hold and see what we can see." Rigging will then cast a dancing lights spell and direct the lights down into the hold.

OOC spot check 11 listen check 17 sorry forgot to change the bonus.

Appolo  d20+6=24 d20+3=21
Tuesday June 3rd, 2003 8:33:40 PM

After boarding the ship the ship Appolo has quick look around and the follows Rigging over to the hatch."Rigging looks like who ever or whatever did this used clubs and tridents.Who out there uses tridents as a primary weapon?They also seem to have carried off thier own dead.I seriously doubt the crew went down with out a fight." he the peers down into the hold as Rigging casts his spell.

Spot 24, Listen 21

Tuesday June 3rd, 2003 10:55:32 PM

Underneath the scarf, Redux' nose is curled up. Hs eyes give testimony to the fact that this is truly a grisly scene; battle with such weaponry seldom is. He allows others in the party to worry about the bad guys and their search, instead looking over the dead bodies to see if they were striped of weapons, jewelry & such before they were left to rot. While he is interested in treasure, he's curious if these corpses hold weapons that may be used if given a second un-life.

To Rigging: "Right." To Talon: 'The bigger birds are gone. Come on down for a quick mouthful and then its off to the ship to give the Captain a message.'

Valanthe  d20+9=25
Tuesday June 3rd, 2003 11:00:56 PM

Valanthe calms herself and tries to put the stench out of her mind [fort check 25]. She holds her crystal scythe, clenching and unclenching her hands. It has been a while since they last saw serious action and Val has some nervous energy built up. Almost anticipating the battle to come.

Akerin  d20+13=18 d20+7=18 d20+7=27 d20+7=10 d20+7=19 d20+7=11 d20+7=24 d20+7=21 d20+7=26 d4+1=2
Wednesday June 4th, 2003 4:04:54 AM

Akerin stomachs the stench. He uses his knowledge of anatomy to examine wounds on several diffent victims. (Various corpses checked, Knowledge, psysiology DC 18, 27, 10, 19, 11, 24, 21, 26.)

"Ari, I want you to have this," Akerin tells him. He casts endurance on Ari, granting him a +2 constitution bonus (over and above whatever he already has).

Ashira  d20+2=14 d20+8=20 d20+5=14
Wednesday June 4th, 2003 9:38:02 AM

Behind the safety of her perfumed veil, Ashira takes in the carnage. Agreeing with Appolo's conclusions, Ashira adds her own thoughts. "Looks like the work of sahuagin to me. Could be a few other things, like sea elves or tritons, but that's VERY unlikely. I'd say that the little sea devils caused this mess."

Ashira strains to detect any signs of danger as Rigging casts his light spell. She grabs the hilts of her swords, ready for action.

Piercing the Darkness-ADM Nellie 
Wednesday June 4th, 2003 9:55:42 AM

Scrawling down a quick note to let the Captain know the results of their search so far (as well as warning him of ambush), Talon scoops down and snags a fish before he heads back to the Sword of the Seas.

Akerin's and Redux's examination of the corpses yield some interesting conclusions. Much to Redux's disappointment, all of the bodies have had their valuables removes. Interestingly enough, a few swords and such are still in the clutches of the dead sailors. Looks like someone selectively picked over the bodies. Akerin finds that there are primarily two causes of death amoung the crew. A few seem to have met their ends due to blunt force trauma to the head...doesn't look like they even saw it coming. By far the rest of the crew met their end in combat.

Rigging's lights float down and illuminate the passage down below. A main hallway leads to several doors. Neither Ashira nor Rigging see any signs of trouble, though they do hear rustling toward the end of the hallway.

Wednesday June 4th, 2003 9:54:14 PM

Rigging looks up at his wife and asks, "Did you hear that? Could be rats or something more lethal. Shall we find out?" Rigging pulls out his weapons and jumps into the corridor.

Wednesday June 4th, 2003 10:20:59 PM

Val stays up top watching for signs of trouble.

Ari (endurance +2, Spider Climb) 
Wednesday June 4th, 2003 10:34:14 PM

Watching Talon fly off back towards the ship, Ari says a small prayer for the ship and their crew. Sighing, he hopes that nothing untoward happens.

"Thank you" Ari intones when he feels the effects of the endurance spell from Akerin.

Ari Looks back at the group just as Riggings disappears down into the corridor. Leaning over the hatch Ari comments, "It could be survivors, too. They might want to hear who and what we are."

Before descending into the pits, Ari casts spider climb on himself.

Thursday June 5th, 2003 2:12:47 AM

"They were invisible when they began their attack on our comrades," Akerin tells the others. He explains what he found to the others.

"Friends, we may need to pursue whoever or whatever did this into the sea. Let us all be enabled to breathe underwater before we descend." Before the party splits up, with the aid of his wand, Akerin enables all eight to breathe underwater, the effect lasting, in this case, an hour and fifteen minutes each. One's ability to breathe in normal air is uncompromised by the spell.

Akerin follows the others below decks. He takes his spiked chain in hand.

Kim to Todd re: endurance 
Thursday June 5th, 2003 2:13:36 AM

[Note: Ari - Endurance adds +2 to his constitution score, likely granting him +1 per level in total hit points. Note also, that Rigging does NOT have an 's' at the end of his name. Break that bad habit, hombre!]

Thursday June 5th, 2003 8:53:17 AM

The half-elf nods grimly at Rigging and Ari's comments. Following her husband, she unsheaths her swords once she touches down. She whispers in Elven "Should we become invisible?".

Thursday June 5th, 2003 12:47:20 PM

Bart follows Rigging and draws his sword. I wonder if they are attacked by some kind of seamonster or monsters. Maybe we find some answrs below, let's go to the cabin of the captain first. Maybe he did write something in his log

Appolo  d20+11=26 d20+11=15 d20+6=22 d20+3=7
Thursday June 5th, 2003 7:03:25 PM

Appolo quickly follows Rigging down and heads toward the sound. Moving silently and swiftly,while trying to stay hidden in the shadows.

Move silently 26 Hide 15 spot 22 Listen 7

Redux  d20+2=11
Thursday June 5th, 2003 8:52:13 PM

Not wanting to be ambushed like those poor souls around him, Redux decides to stay up top while the others investigate the noise (Spot=11). Just to be on the safe side, Redux casts mage armor on himself. He then readies himself to activate his ring of levitation.

My What Big Teeth You Have-ADM Nellie  d20+7=11 d20+7=12 d20+7=8 d20+7=9
Thursday June 5th, 2003 9:54:58 PM

As most of the Wildcards descend into belly of the ship, Val and Redux decide to post guard up top.

The hallway down below is fairly large, allowing three people to walk abreast, and, heaven forbid...two people to fight side by side. As most of the Wildcards enter into the hallway, you notice several doors that would presumably lead to various crew members quarters. A large painting of a naked Elven woman seductively straddling a tiger can be seen inside the nearest room.

Down here, as up above, the stench of death is pronounce, though perhaps to a lesser degree (Fort save DC 10 for those without scarves). Even more noticeable than on the top deck is the fact that the Ironbanks is listing heavily. Though it doesn't affect your footing, the tilting floor makes the whole corridor seem to shrink in on itself.

More interesting than the decor of the ship, however is the sight of two large creatures at the far end of the ship. From their positions in the front of the group, Rigging and Ashira can see the distinct form of two sharks. Curiously enough though, the odd creatures seem to have sprouted legs!!! Even more strange is the fact that they are not underwater!!! The nasty little beasts root around in the large room, smashing into miscellaneous furniture here and there. As the party enters the main hallway, the creatures begin to sniff the air, and turn to face the party. Their mouths part to show their rows of razor sharp teeth as they begin to shuffle toward the group. A rotting leg drops from one of the creatures mouth and it snaps its jaws ominously.

Nellie to Chris 
Thursday June 5th, 2003 9:58:07 PM

Chris, I emailed you a copy of the combat map, but it bounced. Email me your address (nellieknotts@earthlink.net).

Thursday June 5th, 2003 10:17:24 PM

Val steps closer to the hatch so she can be heard. "I will stand watch up top. Give a shout if you need any help down below."

Redux  d20+2=18 d20+2=21
Saturday June 7th, 2003 10:00:22 PM

Redux eyes the dead around him suspiciously. "Val, what do you think of helping to collect the weapons from this dead crew and take them back to our ship? I also don't like the idea of some evil trap animating these guys to attack us." Redux begins, cautiously, to disarm the dead, keeping alert for trouble. (spot=18, listen=21)

Saturday June 7th, 2003 11:10:52 PM

Rigging shouts, "Back up! Everyone out! Back on deck where we can surround them. What are those things?" Rigging will start backing away keeping and eye on and his weapons between him and the strange aquatic beasts.

Appolo  d20+9=25 d8=2
Sunday June 8th, 2003 2:00:11 AM

Immediately upon seeing the creature Appolo brings his bow to bear and fires at the creature on th right as he falls back.

Attack Roll 25 damge 2

Akerin  d20+4=16 d20+13=33
Sunday June 8th, 2003 4:15:11 AM

Akerin tumbles (DC 16) just past Rigging and into the slender space off to the left. He has acquired perfect self-control over the stench of death (Fort save 33, nat. 20). He posits to himself that these shark-toothed intruders are likely agents of death, and therefore must be stopped.

He is puzzled by Rigging's notion of surrounding something that is down here, but climbing back up on deck. So, he goes with what he thinks to be Rigging's main intention - to surround them. Thus, he esconds himself to the side, going all the way back to the side of the hull, and glancing rightward, seeing if there is enough room for him to squeeze himself (forward? aft?) in that direction. He casts sanctuary on himself, so that he might observe, possibly without drawing attacks on himself too early.

[OOC: On the map, is the top of the map the boat's bow, or stern?]

Ari (spider climb) AC 16 (18 for defensively)  d20+8=25 d20+8=9 d20+2=6 d20-2=15 d4+5=8
Sunday June 8th, 2003 9:44:32 AM

(2nd roll of 9 is ode de cat!)

Having clambered into the passageway via spider climb and the ceiling, Ari hasn't had time to get down to the floor level.

"If that's what you want, then hurry up the ladder and I'll try to hold them for a second while you guys get up the ladder."

Doing his best to impose himself in the way, Ari swings the scimitar of Alemi towards the creature on the right (AC 6)1, as he pokes the Dragon dagger at the creature towards the left (AC 15, 8 pts dam if hit).

Monday June 9th, 2003 10:34:38 AM

Seeing the wisdom in Rigging's decision, Ashira begins to retreat when she spots Akerin's perilous position. "Rigging, Akerin is in trouble. I'm going to go help him. Not as agile as the monk, Ashira is forced to hustle toward the bow, taken up a position next to Akerin. Fire in her eyes, the half-elf views the nasty little abominations with disgust.

Fresh Meat-ADM Nellie  d20+4=23 d20+10=11 d20+10=21 2d6(3+5)+7=15
Monday June 9th, 2003 11:03:15 AM

On the main deck of the Ironbanks, Val keeps good watch, while Redux busies himself disarming the corpses. Several of the corpses grips are stiffened by rigor mortis, but other than that, Redux has an easy time of disarming the dead pirates. After a few minutes he spots the familiar form of Talon winging his way back to him.

As Rigging orders a retreat down below, Appolo fires of his shot, and amazingly manages to miss his partners standing in front of him. His arrow nicks the shark creature just below its eye before he joins Val and Redux up on the main deck.

Confused by Rigging's order, Akerin moves forward to try and surround the creature. He is able to close the distance with the creatures, but not quite able to scoot around them (your move rate is 50 ft... it would take approx. 75 ft. to get behind the creatures. Each square on the map is 5 ft...sorry for not explaining that before). Having positioned himself between the creatures and his team mates, Akerin casts Sanctuary on himself.

Having the advantage of being on the ceiling, Ari moves down the hall to help out Akerin, but is unable to attack the creatures this round.

Ashira makes her move and positions herself to lend assistance to Akerin.

Bart, apparently stunned by the sight, stands motionless in the hallway.

Chris, I still don't have a working email for you. I need you to email me or you won't be getting any combat maps.

Eyes glinting dully in the soft light provided by Rigging's dancing lights, the creatures move forward and engage Akerin and Ashira. The shark creature on the left (S1)leans forward and snaps its huge jaws at Akerin's face, barely missing the monk. It would appear that the beast has shrugged off Akerin's spell. The creature to the right (S2)launches itself toward Ashira and latches onto her arm, ripping out a large chunk of flesh (15 hp) and hungrily gobbling it up.

Monday June 9th, 2003 1:17:38 PM

A note on the map, folk, the ONLY way to get to the creatures is to head down the main hallway. The rest of the room is just composed of crews quarters.

Bart  d20+12=32 d20+12=32 d10+7=11 d10+7=16
Monday June 9th, 2003 4:23:33 PM

Bart goes forward to help his mates, Akerin move away! so I can attack those beast I'm a better fighter than you are otherwise he hopes to poke his sword in a gap between his friends( crit dam 27)

Ashira  d20+9=14 d20+4=11 d20+8=28 d20+8=12 d6+2=8
Monday June 9th, 2003 6:42:22 PM

Reeling from the wound, Ashira attempts to get back at the nasty creature, launching a full attack with her short and longswords.

Akerin  d20+4=21 d20+4=20
Monday June 9th, 2003 7:43:08 PM

[OOC: Thanks, Nellie - now I understand]

As Rigging had instructed them to surround them, Akerin, heeding Bart's request to get out of the way, tumbles (DC 21) past the two sharkmen to get to the far side of them. Once about ten feet past the pair, he looks beyond to see what, if anything or anyone, is on the other side (Spot 20).

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=5
Monday June 9th, 2003 7:49:49 PM

Rigging sighs and thinks to himself, "Don't this people understand that we are playing to the creatures strengths. We are trapping ourselves in a small corridor and we all can't fight effectively."

Rigging then sees his wife take the nasty bite and launches 2 magic missiles at the beast that struck at his wife. He then yells, "Everyone! I want a fighting retreat. We can tackle them on deck much easier!"

Monday June 9th, 2003 8:25:23 PM

Valanthe continues to stand watch, waiting for other creatures to jump out.

Ari AC 16 Spider climb  d20+6=26 d20+6=7 d20+2=15 d6+6=10
Tuesday June 10th, 2003 2:51:08 AM

Hearing Rigging yell out to the group, Ari stands his ground and wait for the creatures to move towards the ladder. Should they approach Ari will hit the one on the left with a solid blow (damage 10, crit threat, no crit). (evil?) (2nd strike is AC 15)

Redux  d20+4=22 d20+4=18 d20+6=18 d20+10=14
Wednesday June 11th, 2003 9:11:21 AM

With Talon nearby, Redux' senses are sharper and he picks up the scuffle down below (listen =22, spot=18). "Val, they need help. These guys seem to be as helpless as they look. Let me throw these out into the sand and then let's get down there. Talon can keep an eye out for us up here."
'You got that Talon? Let us know if anything moves up here and stay away from those big birds.' Redux completes the dispersal of the swords he has and then hustles back to the hatch. (Talon listen=18, spot=14)

Please Step Away from the Shark Creatures-ADM Nellie  d20+10=13 d4+5=8 d4+10=12 d4+10=13 d20+10=29 d20+10=14 2d6(4+2)+7=13
Wednesday June 11th, 2003 9:32:53 AM

Akerin tumbles expertly between the legs of the first shark creature and into the room beyond. Unfortunately, his tumble draws an attack of opportunity from the freakish beast, but once again, the big lug is unable to connect with the agile monk. The large room was apparently quite lavishly decorated at one point in time...though the shark creatures have pretty much destroyed the place. A skeleton lying on a large, posh bed sports a smashed skull. Nearby the skeleton, a large leather bound book lies face down on the wooden planks.

Akerin's departure leaves plenty of room from Bart to fill in the gap. Since he has to travel such a large distance, Bart is unable to attack this round (You can use that awesome roll next round if you want. :)).

Distracted by her wound, Ashira launches a mostly ineffective attack, managing to only connect with her shortsword. Rigging does a better job with his magic missiles, though the creature shrugs off the combined damage as if it was inconsequential.

From his position above the creatures (I didn't understand your last post, so Ari is now up front with Bart and Ashira...you may move back to the port this round if you wish), Ari finds it no problem to take a couple of swathes out of the creature's head, slicing through the rubbery skin.

Redux senses the danger faced by the rest of the party, and quickly finishes up his clean up detail. As he heads back to the port, Redux hears the unmistakable sounds of fierce combat.

Beginning to drool, the shark creatures launch themselves at the Wildcards once more. The large creature in front of Bart latches onto his armor and crunches with its massive teeth. The crushing force badly dents Bart's armor, and causes 13 hp of damage as a few of the teeth cut break free from the armor and slice into Bart's side. Ashira's opponent overextends its huge torso, and crunches down on thin air.

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Wednesday June 11th, 2003 9:34:28 PM

Rigging thinks to himself, "I thought I was supposed to be in charge. Nobody is listening. Some serious deck scrubbing is coming." Rigging launches another round of magic missiles at his wife's "landshark"

Total damage 9 points of damage

Ari AC 16 Spider climb  d20+7=25 d20+3=13 d6+4=6
Wednesday June 11th, 2003 11:29:51 PM

"If we try to retreat again I have something to slow them up."

Moving to help Ashira as best he can Ari attacks with both his weapons. Striking with the Holy Scimitar (AC 25), Ari nicely nicks the left creature for 6 points of damage.

(ooc supposedly retreating, so I was going to interecept the creatures as they came for the group. That's what I meant. Was also asking if they were evil as that changes the damage of the Scimitar of Alemi)

Thursday June 12th, 2003 8:11:27 AM

Shooting a quick look over at Bart while dodging massive jaws, Ashira smiles. "Well, the boss says it's time to go, so I'm heading back. Meet you at the port." Shouting, Ashira tries to communicate with Akerin. "Akerin, we are retreating. Get out of there while you can."

Thursday June 12th, 2003 8:37:10 PM

Appolo is quite frustated seeing that he is the only one to follow orders and retreat. He readies the his bow prpared to come the ladder.
"Come on you guys get out of there!!We can trapp them down there and burn the ship down around them."

Akerin (water breathing, sanctuary) 
Friday June 13th, 2003 2:52:25 AM

Akerin, glancing left and right in the area of the bow, casts comprehend languages, then asks, looking at the backs of the sharkmen, "Are you the ones who killed the people on this ship? If not, do you know who did?"

He holds his hands spread out just a bit from his sides, indicating he holds nothing in his hands. He is prepared to use total defense (AC 23) should they clearly move to attack him, and will attempt to tumble past them. [Sanctuary is not in effect for the one to the left of the map, who already made his Will save vs. the spell, but the one to the right - starboard - has not yet made a save, I believe.]

Friday June 13th, 2003 12:42:59 PM

Redux grabs Val and gives her a shake, "We've got to get down there!" He activates his levitation ring and goes down the hatch, beginning to mutter magic missiles to cast on the first available non-party member he sees.

Bart  d20+12=31 d20+12=21 d10+7=10 d10+7=14 d20+7=11
Saturday June 14th, 2003 2:39:46 PM

Bart attacks with his bastard sword he holds it in both hands and makes a large cut in the belly of the shark (crit ac31/21 for 10+14). Amazed by the dammage he did he missed his second attack (i willuse my dodge feat against this opp)

Unheeded Words-ADM Nellie  d20+10=26 d20+4=14 2d6(3+6)+7=16
Sunday June 15th, 2003 10:38:27 PM

Ari and Bart continue to slice away at the shark creatures as Ashira makes her retreat. As Rigging's missiles burn into S2's chest, Ari opens another nice gash in its head. Meanwhile, Bart hacks into his opponent (S1)doing some serious damage.

Redux and Appolo drop in for reinforcement as Akerin attempts to reason with the beasts.

Landshark #1, unmoved by Akerin's query, launches itself toward Bart once more. It's nasty jaws rip and slice at Bart's sword arm, ripping out a sizable chunk (16hp dam) and leaving a couple of pointy teeth in the wound. Finding itself temporarily without a meal, Landshark #2's eyes turn greedily toward the talkative Akerin. He rears back for an attack, but stops in mid air, and quickly backs away from the cleric. Looking Akerin full in the face, the creature speaks in a language that sounds a lot like grinding teeth. Oddly though, Akerin can not understand what the creature seems to be saying.

Sorry Ari, these creatures are not evil. :(

Sunday June 15th, 2003 11:19:23 PM

Val looks down the hatch to the cluster of people below. Unlike Redux she had no way of attacking from far away. She had a bow but it was back on the ship.

Bart, wounded  d20+12=31 d20+12=29 d20+7=26 d20+7=18 d10+6=8 d10+6=11 d10+6=16 d10+6=8
Monday June 16th, 2003 2:36:05 PM

Bart yells in pain but he knows his only change is to fight and kill this beast With al the power and swiftness he hass he plants his sword again in the creature (crit 31 ac29 for 8+11). If this attack won' finish off this beast maybe his second one hopefully will (crit 26, 18 for 16+8). (if the beast is dead after the first attack he attemps to fight the other one.

occ another awesome roll better go to the casino!

Ari  d20+7=8 d20+3=21 d4+5=9
Monday June 16th, 2003 9:09:20 PM

"Hmmm. This doesn't seem to be working the way you want Rigging. Can you get someone fresh, or do you want me to continue holding them here?"

If Ari gets the word and the others start to leave, Ari will start a retreating motion.

If there is no question that the group is staying here, Ari will continue to strike at the one on the left while he makes a move up the corridor so that if the one on the left falls at any time, he'll be able to assist with the other one.

AC 21 for 9 points of damage on 2nd attack whichever creature. (if 2nd can reach 2nd creature, if 1st is dead)

Rigging  d4+1=2 d4+1=5
Monday June 16th, 2003 9:25:53 PM

Rigging notices the strange behavior and yells, "Akerin, if you see the log, grab it and get out of there. Everyone else cover him!" Rigging will launch his last magic missiles at the Beasty #1.

Redux  3d4(2+2+2)+3=9
Monday June 16th, 2003 11:53:42 PM

Redux drops below and fires off magic missiles towards the creature Bart is fighting. He makes a conscious decision to ask questions about their origin later. "Rigging, you guys going to find the book or are we going to have to beat it out of these things?"

Akerin (water breathing, comprehend languages) 
Tuesday June 17th, 2003 2:52:29 AM

"Stop attacking him!" Akerin says. He interposes himself between the sharkman and his friends. "He is trying to say something!"

To the sharkman, the healer says, "I cannot understand your tongue - but, if I can touch you, or if you will touch me, then we can speak together. If you do not harm me, I will ask my friends to back off."

As he talks, he touches his own mouth and his ear, and his hand. He steps forward, in a non-threatening manner, and holds out his left hand, indicating to the embattled creature that he himself means no harm, and, if the sharkman would touch him, perhaps they will understand each other. He lowers his sanctuary spell, so the sharkman may be free to choose. If the sharkman looks like it wants to edge away, Akerin still keeps himself between the toothy critter and his friends, but allows it to move.

Tuesday June 17th, 2003 8:08:25 AM

Feeling completely out of control of the situation, the half-elf glares at Rigging. "We either need to learn to fight as a team or..." She lets her ending trail off as she paces uncomfortably near the port.

The Nature of Things-ADM Nellie  d20+10=26 2d6(2+6)+7=15
Tuesday June 17th, 2003 8:41:12 AM

With one solid blow, Bart plants his sword into the creatures chest (S1). Blood begins to bubble out of its mouth, and it slumps lifelessly to the ground. Bart moves to engage with the other landshark (S2), but must wait until next round to attack.

Seeing that Bart has downed his opponent, Ari walks along the ceiling to the second landshark (S2) and takes a slice out of crime. The creature's dark eyes widen as it locates its attacker on the ceiling.

Both Rigging and Redux find their victim is already dispatched, and so save their spells for later (can't launch them at S2 since you can't see him right now).

Meanwhile, Akerin continues to try and reason with the sole surviving beast who is surrounded by Ari and Bart. Unable to position himself between his teammates and the creature, Akerin settles for words and non threatening movements, hoping that they can do the job.

Landshark #2 shakes its head at Akerin's words, and launches himself toward the bleeding warrior with the big nasty sword (Bart). Switching tactics, the creature lunges low and rips at Bart's leg (15 hp damage).

Tuesday June 17th, 2003 8:56:09 PM

Valanthe kneels at the edge of the hatch and sticks her head below. Her eyes search for the details of the battle.

"I thought large groups in enclosed places was a bad thing?"

Akerin (water breathing, comprehend languages)  d20+8=26 d20+7=19
Tuesday June 17th, 2003 9:57:02 PM

Akerin takes the net from off his hip and casts it over the landshark (ranged touch attack AC 26). "Sit on it! Grab the rope! Hold it down! If I can talk with the creature, perhaps we will learn more than we now know." He pulls on the rope, bringing himself in close to it, slipping past Bart, the only other person on the deck [I assume Ari cannot really block Akerin's passage, since Ari is on the ceiling], and touching the beast (touch, AC 19 - natural armor does not count toward landshark's AC). "Stop, and live. Attack, and die." He hopes that Bart and perhaps others can add considerable muscle to keeping the bedentured sharkman under control. Bloodied themselves, though, he cannot determine their actions.

He realizes his friends are wounded, and expects soon to heal them. Grant wisdom, Alemi.

[Net: If the attack is successful, the target is entangled. An entangled creature suffers -2 on attack rolls and a -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. The entangled creature can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run.]

Tuesday June 17th, 2003 11:07:52 PM

Rigging gets upset, curses and moves closer down the hallway to get a better view.

Ari  d20+7=24 d20+3=11 d6+5=6
Wednesday June 18th, 2003 3:26:56 AM

Having heard Akerin's plea to not attack Ari decides to hold his attacks. When Akerin explains what he wants to do next, Ari waits to see if Akerin's cast with the net is successful.

(if successful)

Ari will quickly move down the wall and help Akerin subdue the creature.

(if not successful)

Ari will attempt from his position to see if he can knock the creature out by hitting him from the back of the head. (AC 24, 6 points (subdual?))

Wednesday June 18th, 2003 7:23:07 AM

Appolo still standing up on deck next to Valanthe says"Yes it is a bad idea.That's why Rigging wanted fight them up here." He the relaxes a little and waits.

Wednesday June 18th, 2003 8:35:19 AM

Still fuming, the half-elf stalks after her husband, deciding not to open her mouth lest she say something she regrets.

Bart  d20+12=25 d20+7=27 d20+7=9 d10+7=16 d10+7=14
Wednesday June 18th, 2003 1:56:36 PM

heavily wounded Bart attacks the shark once more yelling That would be a nice fishfillet!! (hit ac 25/27 for 16+14)

Fatal Finale-ADM Nellie 
Wednesday June 18th, 2003 4:08:03 PM

Throwing his net with amazing skill, Akerin snags the landshark. Ari pounces from the ceiling to help subdue the beast just as Bart steps to the side and dispatches the beast with two well placed blows.

Rigging and Ashira head down the hall just in time to see Bart deliver the killing blow to the last creature. Meanwhile, up on the main deck, Appolo and Valanthe discuss the validity of an encounter in cramped quarters while Talon circles the ship checking for signs of an ambush.

Wednesday June 18th, 2003 4:22:51 PM

Oblivious at the issues that plagued the fighter's teamwork prior to his arrival, Redux does know that the present battle is over. Looking around him he takes the opportunity to open the door to his right, still floating in the air because of the ring.

Rigging  d20+8=15
Wednesday June 18th, 2003 10:09:40 PM

Rigging will cut short his spell when he sees Bart slay the beast. He will notice the book on the table and walk over and grab it while the other is being netted. He will glance inside to see if it is the log. If it is, then he will call out..."I have the log. Back to the Sword."

Wednesday June 18th, 2003 11:06:44 PM

With bad moods all around Valanthe decides to say nothing and just head back to the ship.

Akerin (water breathing, comprehend languages)  d8+1=3 d8+1=4 d8+1=5 d8+1=2 d8+1=2 d8+1=4 d8+1=7 d8+1=5 d8+1=9 d8+1=6 d8+1=3 d8+1=4 d8+1=3 d8+1=7
Thursday June 19th, 2003 3:41:37 AM

One matter is settled. Other matters, not yet. He takes the net off the slain landshark, and refolds it. Akerin gets busy tending to the wounds of his friends. He uses his wand of cure light wounds on those who need healing. [On Bart: 3+4+5+4+7+5+9+6= 43 hp back, out of 44 needed; On Ashira: 3+4+3+7= 17 hp out of 13 needed)] He asks if any others are injured.

He is sure that there is to be some discussion in the near future. His heart aches for all those who were slain on the Ironbanks.

'Oh, Alemi, how many are fallen. And how much more blood need be shed?' he asks his god in silent prayer. 'What role would you have me play in situations similar to this one?'

Thursday June 19th, 2003 8:53:13 AM

Ashira smiles at her husband's ability to think through his anger. She turns toward Bart as Akerin is healing him. "You know, Bart, if you had followed Rigging's directions, the battle would have been a lot easier. You don't always have to do it on your own." She looks at Akerin, and decides she can't find any civil words for the monk right now.

Thursday June 19th, 2003 9:56:46 AM

Having not seen these sharkmen before, Ari will poke and prod and make some quick notes. Hearing the word to go back to the ship, Ari glances around the room one last time for any other clues.

Ari assumes that the sharkmen were more of scavengers, rather than anything to really do with the attack on the ship.

Thursday June 19th, 2003 4:15:31 PM

Appolo heads back to the ship,in a rather good mood. He walks up to Valanthe"You know I have some rather good elven wine,if you'd like some later,just let me know." he then skips merrily and gracefully away,

Thursday June 19th, 2003 5:24:04 PM

I only attacked so you could retreat ican have some blows. I guesed we couldn't make it through the hatch in timeI helped in the way Domi would do help those who are in need. When i noticed that with my first blow I almost wounded the creature I wasn't thinking about retreting at all, and it worked. But i must admit Akerins healing was something that i needed, Thank you for that Akerin, by they way did the beast spoked to you? I only heard grumms

Akerin (water breathing, comprehend languages) 
Friday June 20th, 2003 2:21:53 AM

"I think it understood me, but I did not yet understand what it was saying," Akerin answers Bart. "Consider - we initiated the attack on these, these sharkmen. Perhaps attacking them on sight was a good thing. Perhaps it was not. Yes, one was eating the decomposing leg of a crew member. I say we acted out of fear. Must combat be our first resort?"

He turns toward Ashira. "You were wounded, as was Bart. Others could have been. Why did I not attack, so as to reduce the risk to you and others? Ashira, you are holding back words, and I sense you are angry at me. Please, tell me what is on your mind. Do not withhold your rebuke." He listens fully and attentively to what she or others may have to say.

Friday June 20th, 2003 8:14:14 AM

Valanthe smiles as Appolo skips away. He knows that she has a weakness for that wine. She glances briefly at Akerin. They will have bad days where battles don't turn out right, it happens. Maybe this situation hit a little closer to home for Akerin.

Sunday June 22nd, 2003 11:11:23 PM

Ashira takes a deep breath and turns to face Akerin. "Yes, I am very angry. What you did out there was very fool hardy, and could have gotten others hurt. I think far too often you act on your own initiate without thinking what it could do to the group. Perhaps you have been on your own too long... Charging in like you did forced Ari and Bart to stay behind to deal with the threat while you did...whatever it is that you were trying to do. Do you realize that if Alemi hadn't been watching over us, you quite possibly could have gotten Bart killed?!" Ashira takes another deep breath as she tries to compose herself. "I'm sure you had a good idea, but you have to think of the team too. That was a bad situation that we could have turned to our advantage had we just listened to Rigging's orders. Luckily for us it turned out alright, but how about next time?"

Nothing Like a Good Book-ADM Nellie 
Sunday June 22nd, 2003 11:27:19 PM

Redux opens the door only to be overcome by the smell from inside the room. One quick look inside the room leads Redux to the undeniable conclusion that this was the ships head. The stench from the room makes the smell of rotting flesh from the rest of the room seem tame.

Rigging inspects the book in his hands, and believes that he has indeed found the Ironbank's logbook.

After his brief look around the room, Ari finds nothing particularly interesting. His brief investigation does indeed seem to support the conclusion that the sharkmen were mere scavengers, and probably not the source of the attack on the Ironbanks.

As various of the Wildcards discuss their feelings about the recent combat, the party rejoins with each other and heads back to the Sword. Once back on board, Rigging opens up the log, only to find that it has been badly damaged, with several missing pages, and a few dark stains that are probably blood. Toward the back of the log, Rigging finds an entry made in very different handwriting from the rest of the log. It reads as follows:

"Sea devils bested us...(big stain). Captain dead, most of crew gone. Got off a few boats...(ripped page). Will try to find shelter and await...(shark footprint)."

Monday June 23rd, 2003 4:24:03 PM

Rigging will go report to the Captain. Explain about the legged shark creatures and have him warn the crew to be careful. He also explains about the logbook and mention that their might be surviviors in lifeboats and around the island.

Rigging will then gather his wife to him and tell her. "Have everyone stay away for a while. I am going to use Nautacolus to explore the waters around here. Might get a clue on what kind of monsters and other nasty's are in the area."

Rigging will activate the artifact and learn about the surrounding 20 miles of ocean using the island as a center point.

Monday June 23rd, 2003 6:53:50 PM

Ashira don't be so hard on Akerin, I think he knows his action wasn't well thougt over, he acted in an impulse. Mine was a bit late i was flabbergasted I'm to blame also. But Akerin next time left a spot for me in the front rank, so i can fight to protect you and the rest and you can help us with a spell a healing or if there is place and opportunity use your weapon. But remeber this is a guideline and a guideline only, circumstances can make that you have to do it an other way as i just said

Tuesday June 24th, 2003 1:32:24 AM

Redux follows the others back to the ship, carrying his load of weapons from the former crew of the Ironbanks (sharing the burden with anyone willing to help). When he overhears Rigging's next use for the Nautacolus he wonders if there will be any way to tell where the lifeboats might have gone with survivors. Rigging'll know best about what the signs mean.

He goes over to Bart and the other fighters to discuss tactics. "I was wondering if there was some way to signal you that I was about to try to Fire Ball the bad guys in a fight. I really don't want to burn your hair, but it is a quick way to even the odds a bit. If we had a signal, you could get defensive and withdraw while I hit them. If we catch them by surprise or in a group, I could lend more to the fight. What do you think?"

Tuesday June 24th, 2003 3:28:19 AM

Akerin listens soberly to Ashira.

"You are right, Ashira. It is very well possible that, had I gone up on the deck rather than trying to surround the shark things, we may not have felt the need to kill them, and I may have been able to talk with them. I was unwise."

He listens to Bart's defense. "Thank you, Bart. I - I dislike killing intelligent creatures, when I can avoid doing so. And yet, I would not willingly place my friends in positions of danger, can I keep from doing so."

"Redux - a fireball on a wooden ship can turn it into cinders. I am thankful you did not attempt such a spell there."

Since Rigging will likely be occupied for a while, Akerin takes a few minutes to look at any damage done to The Sword of the Sea, as well as to his own, smaller boat. He uses a mending spell to patch up the worst of what was done, and examines the boat to see what else need be done to make it once again shipshape.

And he uses the time to think about his role within the small group now known as The Swords of Redemption.

Tuesday June 24th, 2003 7:34:28 AM

Listening to Ashira Ari adds, "Considering that these sharkmen were just doing what comes naturally to them as scavengers. We might have been able to even get them to leave the ship for a little bit as we looked around. Similar to when you scatter vultures when you come upon something newly dead.

We have to remember to consider our actions and what they might lead to. Just because we call ourselves pirates doesn't give us the right to go around killing everyting that doesn't agree with our plans."

Tuesday June 24th, 2003 10:43:05 AM

Ashira calms at Akerin's appology. "It's ok Akerin. I probably was out of line too. You are a worthy ally, and have some unusual tactics. I'm not used to them, that's all. It's just communication. We need to know what each other are doing in order to be the most useful in battle. Let's just not make the same mistake next time." The half-elf smiles warmly at the monk and pats him on the shoulder.

The Hunt Begins-ADM Nellie 
Tuesday June 24th, 2003 10:46:10 AM

The Captain listens to Rigging's brief description, and then calls several crew members to him. "Alright lads, we got survivors out there, and we're gonna find them." Pointing to the bruised and bloodied Wildcards, the Captain continues. "Our Cards here tell us that some of the men got off in boats, so they're probably somewhere on the island. There were also some strange creatures, so ye need to be careful. Arm yourselves and start tracking!" The men scramble and in a few minutes head out to begin the search. The Captain looks at Rigging as he pulls out the Nautacolus. "Ye look like ye took a beating out there. Rest up and do whatever it is that you do with that thing. Let me know if you gather any further information."

Rigging focuses on the sea around him, and all suddenly becomes clear. He becomes instantly aware of all the depths of the surrounding waters, the location of several schools of fish, a dolphin swimming nearby the Sword...all he could ever hope to know about the surrounding aquatic areas. He also notices a couple of small blind spots on the other side of the island.

Akerin's inspection of the vessels reveals that while the Sword has taken only minimal damage, his own boat will need extensive repairs to be sea worthy again. He estimates that it will take approximately 13 days to get it back up to snuff. His spell mends several large holes in the boat, but there is much more work to be done.

Several hours pass as the Wildcards rest from their last battle. As the sun begins to set, the Captain approaches Rigging. "Our teams aren't back yet, and that's not a good sign. Gather your team and go looking for them. But be careful...I suspect foul play is a foot."

Appolo HP:36,AC:21 
Tuesday June 24th, 2003 5:26:05 PM

When Appolo gets back to the ship he heads striaght to his stash of elven wine.He breaks out abottle pours some into and empty waterskin,then heads to the galley grabbing some bread cheese and jerked beef,he then heads up top and finds Valanthe"Join me for lunch in the crows nest.I have some of your favorite beverage."He says with wicked smile and a wink before heading up the mast.If anyone is up there he tell's them that he is taking over the watch and that they are relieved. He the settles down for lunch.

When they are called to duty he shows up quite happy and content.He walks over to Akerin"excuse me y friend,but is you want to stay out of trouble around, may I suggest you let me be the one that gets into it first. Your a priest of Alemi your supposed to keep us out of trouble, not the other way around.
Reckless foolishness,well that's my job. Ok."
Appolo is clearly refering to the incident on the Ironbanks,as well as future encounters. He then stands ready.

Tuesday June 24th, 2003 9:58:42 PM

Valanthe joins Appolo for lunch but declines on the wine. It was hard to do but drinking would be innapropriate and potentially deadly to others. When the word is given that they will search the island, val is happy for a moment. The fact that people are missing and possibly dead quickly sobers her up.

Tuesday June 24th, 2003 11:35:11 PM

Rigging gathers the wildcards and tells him what he has learned from using the Nautacolous. He describes the surrounding sea life as normal but goes on to tell them about some of the blind spots on the other side of the island. "Redux, How do you feel about Talon doing a quick ariel recon while we start heading in that direction? Something is picking off our crewmembers and we need information. I want everyone ready to go in 5 minutes. Gather whatever supplies you will need to spend the night away from the ship."

Rigging turns to Bart and says, "Are you entirely healed? I am sure we are going to need your strong arm before this is all over."

Rigging grabs Apollo before he descends down the hatch. "Grab your night recon kit. I have a feeling you are going to be doing some sneaking around before this night is done."

Wednesday June 25th, 2003 8:47:59 AM

Gathering what little equipment she didn't already have with her, Ashira rejoins Rigging quickly. "You know, it'd probably be a good idea to have Val up front with Appolo. She may not be the stealthiest, but she can see a whole lot farther in the dark than a human...no offense." Ashira's hands tense on her sword grips, curious about what the future holds for the group.

Wednesday June 25th, 2003 9:59:55 AM

Gathering his equipment, Ari wonders what they'll find knowing that the crew seems to have gone missing.

Redux  d20+6=17 d20+10=25
Wednesday June 25th, 2003 10:44:22 AM

"Yes, Akerin, i was speaking of future engagements. Val, do you have your bow? It might be handy to have a flaming arrow ready to light; these things hate those. Yes, Rigging, I think that Talon can fly in that direction. Is this island very big or would taking a long boat around to the other side be faster?" To Talon, 'It's time to be sharp and do some scouting. Let me know about any living creature you find.' (Talon: Spot=17, Listen=25)

Wednesday June 25th, 2003 1:27:25 PM

Appolo replies to Rigging"Already got everything I need for moving and fighting at night boss. I got oil arrows and everythings strapped down,padded and nonreflective.I even picked up a small hooded lantern and some extra torches." He stands at the ready.

One if by Land, Two if by Sea-ADM Nellie 
Wednesday June 25th, 2003 10:43:20 PM

Talon takes to the air and wings his way northward, and begins his report to Redux. Strange, no animals anywhere...this doesn't seem right. Talon thinks to his master.

Gathering their equipment quickly, the Cards assemble and decide that the island is small enough that they should be able to travel by foot. The thick vegetation, and the dim light does slow things down a bit, though, and they watch as Talon soars by quickly over head. Moving rapidly, it takes Redux's winged companion only a few minutes to make it to other end of the island. Nothing here but a couple of small human nests (buildings). I don't see anything living....wait... Ewww....there are two two-leggeds with sharp teeth and scales. They smell like rotten fish. They're in front of the nests. Talon relays to Redux.

Redux  d20+6=19 d20+10=18
Wednesday June 25th, 2003 10:57:13 PM

Redux relays Talon's findings as best as he can to the group adding, "Maybe we can catch them by surprise." 'Talon, find a tree where you can see the nests and perch there, we are on our way. Tell me if anything changes.' He will continue to relay messages from Talon, if any. (Talon: spot=19, listen-18)

Thursday June 26th, 2003 3:28:57 PM

Ashira's words keep bouncing around in her head. She didn't know why but it bugged her. She was plenty stealthy, but nobody ever asked her to do anything sneaky. For this trip she brought her bow along. She prefers up close and personal but sometimes she has to side with caution.

Thursday June 26th, 2003 9:57:05 PM

Listening to what Redux has to say Ari reminds everyone, "He could be describing some more scavengers. We don't know if they would be the ones that waylaid our shipmates or not. We might not want to give ourselves away if there is more than one group of problems."

Thursday June 26th, 2003 10:18:43 PM

Rigging listens to the description from Redux. "Sounds like they could be guards keeping watch, or people attacking people wholed up in the shacks. Let's try to move more quickly. Redux, tell Talon to keep a watch. Can he tell if they are attacking or just standing around?"

Appolo  d20+6=7 d20+3=14 d20+11=18 d20+10=24
Friday June 27th, 2003 2:45:34 AM

Appolo had been leading the group through the forrest, but when the group stop he lost sight of them being serval yards ahead with bow in his hand, He stops, listens and watches.After afew seconds cirles back just intime to catch Redux's report."Sounds like either the sharkmen or Sea Devils to me." he whispers to Rigging the sprints silently and swiftly out front agian.

Spot 7. Listen 14, Hid 18, Move silently 24

Ashira  d20+8=26 d20+5=18
Friday June 27th, 2003 8:38:17 AM

Ashira hangs back with the main group. "That sounds like sea devils to me. Redux, you got a fireball handy? We might need one. But first we need to see if there is anyone in those buildings." she whispers. As they travel forward, Ashira strains her senses to try and locate any source of trouble ahead.

Anybody Got Some Lysol?!-ADM Nellie  d20+3=14 d20+6=25 d20+7=20 d20+7=14 d20+6=24 d20+6=13 d20+7=25 d20+7=24 d20+7=21 d20+7=9
Friday June 27th, 2003 8:58:34 AM

Valanthe and Appolo find it no problem to hide in the lengthening shadows as they scout ahead. It doesn't take them too long into the journey to ascertain that Talon's initial conclusion is valid...it would appear that there is no wildlife on the island.

Redux relays Rigging's query to Talon, and receives a mental message back quickly. Looks like they're just standing around. Do I have to stay here, because these things smell REALLY bad!

As Val and Appolo push forward in the darkness, they become aware of a stench before they ever spot anything. It does indeed smell like rotting fish...or maybe worse. Her keen Elven eyesight allows Valanthe to spot the two Sahuagin standing guard in front of the buildings. They are speaking in low tones in a language similar to the one Val has heard Ashira speak in a few times. Appolo too picks up on the whispered conversation between the guards, though he has not spotted them yet.

As Val and Appolo sneak forward, the guards suddenly become tense and move their tridents into combat ready positions. They scan the darkness around them, and one of the guards begins pointing toward Val and Appolo are hiding in the undergrowth.

The rest of the party continues to travel behind in the darkness. As is standard for this kind of operation, Rigging knows that it will take approximately two rounds before he can reach Appolo's position, should he need any assistance.

Friday June 27th, 2003 2:38:26 PM

Looking at the Sauhgin Appolo sees one pionting in their direction"Great,they know we're here.What do you think,take them out or retreat back to the others?" He whispers to Valanthe in dwarvish.

Valanthe(Raged, AC 18)  d20+12=31 2d4(1+1)+7=9 d6=2
Friday June 27th, 2003 9:43:31 PM

In response to Appolo's question Val mutters the elvish command word and her crystal scythe begins pulsating a blue light. She steps out of the bushes and lets loose a battle cry and charges the two shark men.
[hit ac 31 for 11]

Appolo Ac 21 Hp36  d20+7=10
Saturday June 28th, 2003 3:04:12 AM

Appolo utters a curse then drops his bow and draws hias sword and dagger following right behind her. Thinking I'm supposed to be the rash and impulsive one. He swings at the Saughin or the right and misses then goes on the defensive.

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