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Gordo  d20+6=9
Sunday June 22nd, 2003 5:33:50 PM

Regaining his balance the big man races towards the nearest centaur (C3) and swings a wild punch (AC 9).

"This is getting embarassing!" he grins.

Syr  d20+7=21 d6+4=8
Monday June 23rd, 2003 1:37:03 AM

Snarling, the elf braces himself and stands raising the table above his head. With a grunt he throws it at C1, aiming for his head. (Attack 21 damage 8)
Seeing his mates on the stage he calls out, "A little help here?"

Bralin(ac 19, shield of faith)  d20+5=11
Monday June 23rd, 2003 8:19:08 AM

"Oooof", Bralin grunts at the impact.

That girl HIT me !!

The dwarf steps forward to return the favor, but has to duck quickly to avoid a flying halfling, and only manages a weak swing.

(atk AC11)

Tionel  d20+4=21 d20+1=17
Monday June 23rd, 2003 5:47:21 PM

Hearing his fellow elf's exasperated call for help from the stage, Tionel perks up and looks at the brawl ensuing before him. Making out the troublesome centaurs, one of which is just near him, he gives a cry of, "Here I come!!!"
He takes two steps forward onto the tip of the stage and leaps!
Unencumbered by anything, he manages to clear two quarreling humans, a knocked over table, and with a "AAAAAAAaaaaaaa!" lands perfectly on top of that centaur's back.
(Hopefully! I rolled a 21 to hit, and a 17 to jump...)

Monday June 23rd, 2003 11:58:34 PM

Bog grunts as he hops up onto a table. "Wall, 'u lines ass'd for't!" He twiddles and casts Grease centered on the Wemics and spread out from there!

Florin  d20+5=16 d3+3=4
Tuesday June 24th, 2003 12:22:02 AM

Florin watches as Tionel moves to help Syr and calls out as he himself moves to try and help Bralin with the problem he is in, "Call if you need help yet Syr, I'm going to try and help Bralin."

As Florin moves to get to Bralin he calls to the people nearest Bralin and/or attacking him, "Now listen, this is not the way of proper gentleman and ladies...as a paladin of Domi I ask you to kindly stop your actions."

Florin knows what he says is probably useless but also remembers how Domi himself wanted to be a blacksmith and peaceful person and not a warrior, he just hopes his friends understand his problem with fighting unless he has to.

Florin will attack if he is pressed, using his shield for defense as he punches at the nearest person who tries to attack him.

(To hit:16, Damage:4)

DM kent 
Tuesday June 24th, 2003 8:12:46 PM

As Gordo stands and grins at his poor excuse for a punch, the two centaurs continue their battle totally ignoring him and even bumping him out of the way. As he decides whether or not to be affronted by this he hears the sound of running feet approaching from the rear. This is followed by a sharp curse and a thump, as a very surprised elf goes sliding between Gordo's legs and ploughs right into the tangle of centaur legs. As he watches the elf he catches movement out of the corner of his eye as a table of wemics work together to launch two of themselves high into the air and across the room. As the two wemic tuck into oversized hard fur balls, they both strike the targeted Minotaur square in the chest knocking him off his feet and back into a table of very surprised and now quite squished elves.

Bog on the other side of the inn casts his spell to quite hilarious effect as nearly 20 folk are caught in a suddenly greased up area and are having a difficult time even standing, let alone trying to brawl.

Syr launches a table at the two entangled centaurs, and manages to hit them both quite squarely, causing them to momentarily stop fighting and look around to see where the offensive furniture came from. Seeing Syr standing there and calling for aid, the two centaurs look back at each other and then back at Syr. With a shake of their heads they turn back to one another, when Tionel suddenly comes flying through the air, from the rear, and lands squarely on the disheveled centaur's back.

Shocked and insulted that he was hit by a tiny slip of a girl and then barely dodging a flying halfling, Bralin is stunned yet again when the young lady quickly winks at him and with a running leap cartwheels toward him yet again, preparing himself to be tattooed again by feminine feet he watches as she comes at him and at the very last second veers off slightly, using his shoulders as a springboard to allow her to get more height for her hand spring that launches her another 10 feet across the room feet first into the chest of a very surprised wemic.

Florin pushes his way down in to the fray to cover Bralin's back and finds himself along with Bralin facing six assorted patrons all moving in toward them. One of centaurs gets a grin on his face and yells loudly. "Let's play Toss the Dwarf!" at that moment all six charge in. In their hurry though most of them get in each other's way and only one combatant manages to connect with Bralin (2points) and one manages to grab hold of Florin's shield (Strength DC11 to keep the shield).

Turin seeing that things are still ok on stage remains solid by the door.

The free-for--all has only been going on for a couple of minutes but already there are quite a few bodies joining the pieces of furniture on the floor.

The Bartenders that joined the fracas are making good use of a couple of serving trays, caroming them off of heads as they fling them across the room and then coming down the stairs from upstairs you see Daphne arrive in all her ghostly splendor, with a ghostly rolling pin clutched tightly in one hand. She dives right into the nearest fight and starts swinging her ghostly pin around and letting her foe have it verbally as well as her rolling pin passes through each of her targets. "This is supposed to be a wine tasting, not a brawl. Stop this right this minute. You are going to break all my furniture. Oooh, if I weren't a ghost..."

Bralin(ac 19, shield of faith)  d20+5=24 d3+4=5
Tuesday June 24th, 2003 10:16:09 PM

Enough of this!

Bralin starts humming. A low bass note in a flat monotone.

The volume rises a bit as he ducks one centaur's blow. As the horseman bends down to reach him, Bralin rises up and head butts the offending creature squarely in the nose.

(hit AC 24 for 5hp dam)

Tionel  d20=17 d20+4=24 d20+4=8 d2+1=2
Tuesday June 24th, 2003 11:04:57 PM

Tionel gives a few whoops as he rides the disheveled centaur inexpertly, trying to hold onto its mane and clamp his legs on its side. (Ride check 17!) It bucks wildly, but he manages to hold on.
He gives it a good chop on the back of the neck, successfully hitting, and inflicting a minor wound. (2 damage! Woo!)

Gordo  d20+6=25 d20+6=15 2d8(7+7)+4=18
Wednesday June 25th, 2003 3:28:26 PM

Gordo concentrates this time, and, adopting a flanking position on one of the two centaurs, punches him in the buttock as hard as he is able (AC 27, crit if 17 hits (added flanking bonus) for 18 points of damage). The blow is carefully aimed at a large nerve cluster; Gordo aims to numb the creature's leg (Stunning blow DC 16 or stunned for 1 round).

Syr  d20+7=11
Thursday June 26th, 2003 3:16:35 PM

Dismissed by the centaurs, the elf frowns. Taking a running start he jumps onto a table and aims a flying kick at the head of C1. Unfortunately, his jump is too high and his head bangs into a low hanging light throwing off his aim. (attack 11)

Florin  d20+3=10
Thursday June 26th, 2003 10:12:00 PM

Florin frowns when his shield is ripped away from his hand and calls out, "Give me back my shield!"

Florin tries to stay on guard even knows his shield is taken from him.

Saturday June 28th, 2003 2:27:55 AM

Bog smiles then makes his way around the body of greasey people up to the stage. He signals to Tionel to join him. "'Ey Ti'nel! Op here!"

He then gestures to the whole crowd. "'Oll teegeth'r noooooo! A-un n to n' tree n for!" He beats his foot rhythmically on the stage and claps on every alternate beat.

DM kent  d20+3=19 d20+3=8 d20+3=19 d20+3=23 d20+3=20 d20+3=11 d20+3=19 d20+3=5
Monday June 30th, 2003 8:43:37 AM

The appearance of Daphne calms down the section of the inn that she is in, as many of them start mummbling apoplogies to her and start picking up overturned tables and chairs.

The greased area has also calmed down as they are working to help each other get up and then once up they too start setting their area of the inn to rights.

The area on and around the stage starts quieting down and start staring at Bog like he has lost his mind.

There are however three distinct areas that are still going to and are starting to attact notice.

The two fighting centaurs leaders, one with Tionel on its back and one that just had Syr go flying over its head.

The fight between centaurs that Gordo is mixed up in.

And the group that has decided that Bralin should join them for a game of "Toss the Dwarf."


Tionel gets a few rounds and then finds himself being grabbed by his mount (AC 19) and being pulled off, (strength check DC16) or be thrown to the ground between the two centaurs.

Gordo'd punch stuns his opponent and as his leg goes numb he stumbles a bit allowing his scruffy opponent the chance to attack freely, which he does in good measure and soon has his opponent in ful control.

The group on the stage surrounding Florin and Bralin suddenly decide that a game of Toss The Dwarf would be a lot of funn and nearly simultaneously the charge Bralin, ignoring Florin all together. In the rush florin's shield gets dropped to the floor and he gets heavily jostled (Strngth DC12) or be knocked off walkway onto a group of drinkers.

Bralin now has six foes attacking and grabbing at him. Three of his opponents get a good hold of him (AC 19,20,23) while the other three are kept away from him. (Grapple checks DC19,20,23)
(d20 + base attack + str)

Bralin(ac 19, shield of faith)  d20+5=25 d20+5=14 d20+5=18
Monday June 30th, 2003 10:00:01 AM

The sheer effrontary of these horsemen!

Bralin rips free of one centaur, but can't break the hold of the other two.

Almost frantic to spare himself the upcoming humiliation, the dwarf reaches into his pouch with his free hand, pulls out the fist sized stone he acquired from the minipult, and slams it to the ground.

Gordo  d20+6=20 d8+2=4
Monday June 30th, 2003 5:45:35 PM

The big man takes a swing at the un-stunned centaur, thumping him in the chest (4HP).

Syr  d20+7=9
Tuesday July 1st, 2003 4:17:35 PM

Dusting himself off, he gets up for another flying kick but again goes flying aimlessly through the air. However, his jump is so high that his head bangs into a light and he slumps to the ground unconscience.

(OOC: Hey guys! I had to write myself out for a moment. A few things are going on in July for me. I signed off on a new house and will lose access for about a week. I get married July 19th and honeymoon for a few weeks overseas. Syr the psionic can no longer be a psionic. That brings up an interesting question, for the sake for group balance, any particular class anyone feel we need. Syr is fairly well rounded stat wise and could easily fit into most roles. Let me know what you want? I have no problem taking on any challenge.

I guarantee I'll be back around August 5th. )

Tuesday July 1st, 2003 4:53:57 PM

Bog looks around and is disappointed. He hops off the stage and trundles over to the minotaurs who have stopped fighting. He stands upright, crossing his arms, tapping his foot and glaring at them. "Woll???? Ah paied ya alls to toos'm 'orseheads out da door. So goooooo doooooooooo eet!"

Tionel  d20+1=14 d20+1=21
Tuesday July 1st, 2003 7:46:13 PM

Tionel struggles, and almost succeeds, but his muscles simply are no match for the horseman's. He stands up and, desparately, attempts to do a trick on the fly... something he's not really good at. He manages to keep his concentration, amazing even himself at this moment, and summons a........
(GM: I dunno what I summon. Summon Nature's Allies II, in any case. It attacks the centaur who threw me down.)

DM kent  d3=3 d20+3=13 d20+3=9
Wednesday July 2nd, 2003 3:10:20 PM

With most of the inn settling down there only seem to be three pockets of activity going on.

Bog somehow manages to get through to the minotuars and they hustle off in pairs to collect the three currently out of it ticket thieves and toss them out the door.

The Scruffy Centaur just struck by Gordo stares at him for a moment and then says quietly, If you hit me again I will have to thump you soundly, if you stop perhaps we can end this.

Tionel somehow mangaes to maintain his concentration as he is thrown to the ground were after a few moments three dogs suddenly appear facing the head centaur thief.

Syr once again goes flying through the air and somehow manages to clip a rafter and falls unconcious just behind Tionel.

Florin manages to somehow get bumped off the walkway and onto a group of ladies, who are suprised to suddenly have a paladin lying across their laps.

All of this happens and then there is a loud and deafening boom as Bralin throws down a thunderstone.

Florin and Bralin need to make fortitude saves DC15 or be deafened.

Everyone else needs to make a fortitude save Dc11 or be deafened.

Bralin(ac 19, shield of faith)  d20+8=15 d20+5=9
Wednesday July 2nd, 2003 3:39:48 PM

Prepared for the noise, Bralin fights off the concussive force.

He gets exactly the result he was looking for as the other two centaurs drop him (assumption, there).

The dwarf tries to kick one as he falls, but with his lousy sense of balance, he whiffs badly. He comes to his feet, ready for more.

Fort save 15, atk 9

Gordo  d20+6=18 d20+6=8
Wednesday July 2nd, 2003 3:43:19 PM

Shrugging cheerfully the big man claps the scruffy centaur on the shoulder. "Fair enough old son, let's call it quits before we flatten poor Happy's place of business."

He peers at the first centaur carefully, ready in case he tries anything. "Time to settle down now..." BOOM! The thunderstone goes off. His ears ringing but unharmed, the big man turns to the room at large and bellows "Fight over!"

(Readied attack in case the centaur continues to be aggressive, AC 8: Bah!)

Florin  d20+8=20
Wednesday July 2nd, 2003 9:06:31 PM

Florin is happy to have his hearing yet after the thunderstone is used but wonders now how the ladies will react that he has fell on the lap of.

Florin does his best to move off their laps without hurting any of them and does a quick bow to them while giving his best smile, using as much of his charm as possible to keep from being slapped or in a fight with them, "Excuse me kind ladies, I hope I didn't hurt any of you and as soon as this situation is over I would like to get you each a drink as a sign of my apolagy."

[OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in awhile everyone. I had RL matters that took my attention from the game for abit but I'm here again and itching to continue. I just hope now Florin doesn't have a couple ladies after him :) ]

Tionel  d20+5=12 d20+4=6
Thursday July 3rd, 2003 1:36:09 PM

His sensitive ears are almost disrupted by the sound, but Tionel manages to hold his ground. Glaring at the centaur before him, he says, "Surrender, or be bited! Er..bitten!" If the centaur shows any sign of not giving in, then he'll send his dogs after him, and also give forth a weak punch that'll miss..

Bog  d20+4=22
Thursday July 3rd, 2003 4:18:08 PM

Bog cleans out his ear after the thunderstone goes off. "Gawsh, dat's kienna loowd n m. o k nottin ta see here....go'ns beck t' draynkin an swerrin an dancin..."

DM kent 
Thursday July 3rd, 2003 6:10:46 PM

With the big Boom, the last of the fighting comes to an end and with the aid of the dogs and Minotaurs the last of the Centaur thieves is sent packing. Within minurtes the inn is straightened up and put to rights as everyone piches in. A few new tables and chairs are brought in to replace the broken ones and the broken glass just seems to vanish.

The scruffy centaurs take their places and soon the wine tasting continues without any further interruptions. Twenty hours later as the last drop is served and the last guest makes his way to the door, an exhausted Inn staff, Happy included, collapses into seats at several tables. Daphne floats over to the table with a tray of glasses and four pichers of purple wine for you and the crew and pours everyone a tall glass full.

Happy looks around at everyone and raises his glass. "Here's to the best Wine tasting in twenty years." After drinking to the toast, he looks at you all in particular. "Well that turned out fairly well. I just knew you all were good luck. Wonderful work. I know you all are as tired as I am so why don't you head up to your rooms here at the inn and catch some shut eye and we can settle up in the morning.

Thursday July 3rd, 2003 6:19:10 PM

Gordo grins at his employer. "It's been a pleasure working for you, Happy. Good money and good fun. But you're right, I could sleep for a week."

He turns to his companions. "Well, goodnight all. It's been a blast!" and yawning hugely he stomps up to bed.

Thursday July 3rd, 2003 10:41:55 PM

The dwarf nods in agreement with Happy's wise advice.

Without a word, he goes upstairs and is soon quite asleep.

Thursday July 3rd, 2003 11:27:27 PM

With the wine tasteing over and gladly having no problems with the ladies he fell on the lap of he stands and moves to Happy, "I never had a chance to really meet you so will take the chance to meet you now before retiring for the night. My name is Florin Jadenth and it was a honor to help out and serve Domi's will all at once." With this said he offers to shake Happy's hand before moving up stairs to get some sleep.

Friday July 4th, 2003 5:39:23 AM

Tionel is quite confused. He's not sure they've done such a good job. As it is, he's exhausted, and smarting from a few bruises, something he's not used to. Still, he sticks around after the others have gone up, and approaches Happy. "If you're truly satisfied with the events, sir... I'm still a bit puzzled myself about some of the occurences. I am glad nobody was truly hurt, and that we did prevent...well...some degree of violence. I'm sorry about anything bad that did happen... We're just trying our best..." He mumbles a few more things apologetically, trying not to yawn.

Saturday July 5th, 2003 11:34:27 AM

Turning to Tionel as he speaks, Happy chuckles.

"Lad, at the last Purple wine tasting, two of the kegs were stolen, a dozen guests were killed, and a good portion of the inn, that was sponsoring it, burned to the ground." So I would say what you acomplished here was nigh on a miracle, but then I always said that you were blessed by Warrd, and were my good luck pieces."

"You see for the Taurs, the wine super emphasizes their natural strengths, hence Wemics get my dexterous and crafty, Minatours get stronger and more beligerant, and Centaurs get more thoughtful and stubborn. Now whenever you get a batch of taurs together, it is a recipe for trouble, but when they all start thinking that they are the group most blessed by the gods, well that is just filling the pot to far. Something is bound to overflow."

Saturday July 5th, 2003 5:00:51 PM

Bog hiccups and walks downstairs. After a few more glasses of the scrumptious purple wine, he had nearly passed out but somehow managed to make it to bed.

"verarathin's oll fuzzy. Ah canni see stait! Kin I has someggs'n bacin? oooooooooooooooooh mah heyad."

He sits in one of the chairs and rests his head on a table.

Sunday July 6th, 2003 1:43:30 PM

The despondent elf blinks and relievedly beams. "We did-..er..well, yes, I suppose Taurs are all sorts of trouble! Yes, I see what you're saying now..." He taps his foot, thinking. "But you know...it seems like while I was having a sip myself, I had a strange vision... I can't quite remember it, but it was very nice. Very..er...back home, sylvan. Maybe... this sort of wine emphasizes and enhances all natures, not just Taurs..." Blinking and looking up, he realizes he was drawling on and on. Happy has probably by now wandered off. Apologizing for his lengthy monologue if Happy still is there, or if the ghost damsel has stuck by listening to his droll words, Tionel then makes his way to bed. He catches a long and deep sleep, filled with dreams...

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