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Orson (16/57 HP, 21 AC; Expertise +5 AC, -5 Hit)  d20+6=20 d20+5=22 d20+5=20 d20+5=19 d20+1=4 d8+8=14 d20+6=25 d20+6=21 d8+9=13 d6=1 d8+9=14 d8+9=12 d10=3
Monday August 18th, 2003 1:30:02 AM

Piviting on his left foot, Orson ducks low and spins with his right leg out, attempting to sweep the leader off his feet with it and the weight of his sword (Trip Touch Attack, AC 20. Opposed strength Check 22 vs. #6. If opponent wins and attempts a counter trip, Opposed strength check 20).

In the same spin, he lashes his keen blade against the other attackers weapon (#10), putting a little more concentration in the attack than he had moments before (Opposed Sunder Check: 19, 14 Damage if successful; with a +1 weapon). He follows through with a slash from his shocking blade, though doesn't connect (Hit AC 4).

He rises slowly, blades out, ready to parry any incoming attacks, should his opponents still be armed, and on thier feet. "You guys can't take a hint can ya! Your making it real hard to want to leave you alive," Orson growls in between heavy breathes, doing his best to ignore the pain from his heavy wounds.

Planning ahead, Should #6 try and stand in combat, that draws AoO's. So should he stand, AoO with Shocking longsword, for subdual, hits AC 25 (Crit AC 21) for 13 subdual and 1 elect (Or 25 Subdual and 4 electrical, if Crit.)

Milo (shield of faith; AC 24)  d20+13=15 d20+13=33 d20+13=18 4d6(2+2+6+6)+2=18 d6=2 d6+2=8
Monday August 18th, 2003 10:20:47 AM

Milo moves quickly to flank Orson's opponent (#10) and allows his short sword of speed do his talking for him. (OOC: Hit AC 15 and 33 which is a crit threat. Though I'm not sure if 18 confirms. I doubt 15 hits at all. The regular damage on the AC 33 hit is 18 hps normal damage and 2 hps subdual. If it is a crit, then add another 8 hps of damage to that.)

Olana  d20+13=15 d20+6=8 d10=8
Monday August 18th, 2003 11:22:30 AM

Olana breathes a quick sigh of relief as their attacker falls.
Seeing Milo rush to help Orson and Bert, and K'Nara do the same, she moves in another direction to help out Lian - who seemed to be doing a rather good job pummeling another of the attackers with his fists.

She attempts to poke 'weasel' #9 with some sharp steel, not altogether sure if she connects or not.
(Hits AC 15 for 8)

DM kent  d20+6=23 d20+3=9 d20+7=11 d20+7=8
Monday August 18th, 2003 9:50:46 PM

Bertram hits #10 with his axe and grins his opponent forward.

Lian hits his opponent solidly and drops him to the ground.

#6 avoids Orson's trip and Orsons follow up shot at his other opponent's (#10) sword sends it scattering around the area in small shards of metal.

Milo comes up on #10's flank and cuts deeply in to his side sending him sprawling ton the ground.

Ingrge reaches out with his staff trying to hit #6 and misses as he tries to weave his way through his friends and hit the opponent.


Trying to avoid trips and the multitude weapons jabbing in at him #6 misses with his first two attacks so badly that he can't even get his third one off.

(Only remaining bad Guy is #6 the apparent leader.)

Figment (Improved Invis, Fly)  d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=4 d4+1=4 d4+1=3
Monday August 18th, 2003 10:00:27 PM

The mage waits to see which opponents are still standing after the barrage of attacks from the Talons. He focuses his next volley of missles on the one looking most injured in an attempt to drop yet another opponent (21 DMG). He then flies to the area from which the assailants dropped to see if there are more waiting in the wings - if he does he prepares to cast again.

Lian  d20+12=16 d10=5
Monday August 18th, 2003 10:07:05 PM

Lian moves to #6. Just as magic bolts hit the man in the chest, Lian follows up with an attack.

Hitting AC 16, 18 flanking. Dealing 5 subdual damage.

"Surrender sir."

Brother Bertram 
Monday August 18th, 2003 10:14:37 PM

Bertram advances immediately upon the remaining attacker. Motioning with axe at the other bodies lying around them, Bertram asks simply, "Will you yield?" Bertram remains in a defensive stance waiting for an answer of any sorts from the last assailant.

Orson (16/57 HP, 16 AC; Flanking #6 with Milo)  d20+9=14 d20+8=26 d20+8=24 d20+5=8 2d8(6+6)+16=28
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 1:28:46 AM

Orson doesn't give the man a chance to respond or react to his allies requests, still feeling the pain from the wounds he had just received, and getting a chance to see the wounds he had dealt to K'Nara previously.

He lashes out with both blades, a full assault, though swings the the flats of the swords, attempting to take this man alive as well. He connects with only one swing though, but strikes that man with a heavy blow.

"You okay?" he questions K'Nara between clenched teeth, ignoring his own pain. Then glancing towards the others who sustained injuries, "Everyone okay?". His arrogance showing a little, Orson was already considering the battle over. But the warrior within him doesn't drop his guard, and he keeps at the ready should the man not surrender, whether by choice, or unconsiously.

Main Hand Attack #1: AC 14, miss.
Off Hand Attack #1: AC 26 (Crit AC 24), for 28 Subdual Damage.
Main Hand Attack #2: Ac 8, Miss

Olana  d20+14=16
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 2:47:46 PM

Seeing the others cornering the only enemy left, Olana begins a thorough check of the fallen attackers.

Items had been stolen after all, and if these were the actual thieves...

(Search DC 14 - gee whizzers)

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 3:19:12 PM

Lian steps to K'nara.

"K'Nara, these thugs are just that, thugs. These thieves were a bit too easy if you ask me."

K'Nara, 20/93hp, Spider Climb 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 6:29:31 PM

The tall redhead with the flaming sword stood face-to-face with the last of the Talons' foes.

"You're alone and outnumbered." she said, her own sword at the ready for a strike should the circumstances warrant it. "I offer you the chance to leave here alive...IF you surrender unconditionally."

DM Kent 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 9:12:50 PM

Figment's magic missile barrage slams into the remaining foe (#6) as both Lian and Orson also pummel him, knocking him to the ground. As he lies there bleeding K'nara steps into his field of vision bearing the sword that just recently seared though his side. As she speaks he drops his still upright sword into the dirt.

With a sigh you all hear him mumble. "Well, we certainly weren't paid enough for this."

Olanna starts he search of bodies and separates several thing into a pile for perusal. there are two fairly nice swords one short, one long, a shield, a cross bow with 10 green tipped bolts. and several pouches with small vials in them. There is also one small chest located near where the cart was. The leader's armor and remaining sword also look quite nice. He is also wearing a small pouch.

Brother Bertram 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 9:28:23 PM

Bertram grimaces seeing the leader fall, but then moves on amongst the Talons checking wounds.

((OOC Folks lets make this easy this time-In your posts please let me know your total hp's, your damage, and if your poisoned. I will get us healed up before we move on))

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 10:27:31 PM

Lian leans against the wall, nursing a good sized wound.
"Those bolts look nasty. Glad I was not struck with one."
"Who were you hired by?" He asks the remaining rogue.

(I'm down 17 of 44, and not poisoned, I have the ability to heal myself if need be.)

Milo (shield of faith) 
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 1:31:33 AM

Milo stands silently watching as his friends move about the end of the battle. He wonders what these poor hapless thugs thought they got themselves into, when they signed on for this attempted assassination.

Figment (Fly, Improved Invis.) 
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 2:06:24 AM

Finishing his perusal of the rooftops, he quietly flies to the end of the ally to see what might be there.

K'Nara, 20/93hp, Spider Climb 
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 4:08:55 PM

"Strip him down to his loincloth--I don't want any nasty surprises." K'Nara said tersely as she kicked the leader's short sword away from his reach.

"Lucia!" she ordered her sword to flame off, then went down on one knee to eye the man on the ground. "Who are you, who hired you, and what were you hired to do..?"

As the man answers, the human bladesinger waved to catch Brother Bertram's eye and then nodded pointedly towards Orson, since she remembered that the last time the good cleric of Domi was trying to heal up everyone, the warrior had remained silent while almost bleeding to death. (OOC: Orson has only 16 out of 57hp left--neither K'Nara nor myself are taking a chance on Orson's not being able to post his stats this time around! ;D)

Orson (16/57 HP; and got another save for poison due shortly) 
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 4:52:13 PM

(OOC: Hey! I was the ONLY one posting my stats Last time :P Also, Where did K'Nara take so much damage from? I only found 27 points posted, did I miss something?)

"Tell me about it," he responds to Lian's comment about the bolts; bracing himself as he prepares to rip the bolt still lodged in his shoulder out. Gritting his teeth and groaning, he yanks the bolt out, grinding his teeth as his spins the thing around a moment, then snaps it in half.

He applies pressure til Bertram comes around for Orson's turn, in no way trying to hide his injury this time around. He wanders around the alley a bit, walking off the pain, as he waits.

"Mister Orson..." a light female voice calls from behind his, rightly startling the warrior, stumbling forward and spinning around. A frail girlish frame stands behind him, looking a bit suprised at his reaction. "Uh, I have your delivery...from the catacombs..." she says lightly.

"Oh, right..." Orson says, smiling at the girl, "caught me at a bad time, sorry." He removes a few pieces of equipment (boots, gauntlets) and unslings his swords, handing it all over to the girl. She in return, hands him a small sack of goods. "Thanks, sorry about the condition of those...may need to be cleaned," he says, nodding towards his several wounds.

She gives a small curtsey, and goes on her way (or to other members for delivery, know there was a few others who where in the Catacombs about the same time).

Ignoring any looks he gets from the other talons, he takes a moment to put on his new gloves, boots and cloak, and store his other treasures into his bag. After a moment, he returns his attention to the task at hand, listening to K'Nara's interrogation, and the mans responses.

OOC: Not sure how catacombs transactions are supposed to work for receiving, you said they would be ready after this battle. Just getting it 'posted' so you know Im using the new stuff now. Figured it serves the purpose. Feel free to edit and delete it, if im getting ahead of myself. :)

Olana 54/61 Poison Neutralized  d20+14=24 d20+13=15 d20+11=25
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 4:54:22 PM

Glancing toward the others, making sure things looks safe, the elf has a good look at the small chest in attempt to determine if it's locked or trapped. She is assuming that what has been stolen, could well be inside.
(DC 24 search).
Humming quietly to herself and pulling out her thieves picks, she then attempts to unlock (DC 15 open lock), and disable any trap she spots. (DC 25 Disable device)

Wednesday August 20th, 2003 9:02:53 PM

Seeing Figment head lower and to the rear wall of the alley, Ingrge catches K'nara's attention and let's her know he is going to aid/back up Figment in case of whatever.

DM kent 
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 9:18:12 PM

Bertram starts inspecting the party wounded as Orson recieves his delivery.

Lian and K'nara are giving the near dead and rapidly declining mercenary a hard time. He looks first at one then the other and with a grimace of what must be excrutiating pain manages to get out a few answers. I'm Faelon, I was hired to keep anyone who followed the party that paid us from gettign to the end of the allay until they were gone and for the rest of today. Don't know who they were, exactly, but they were definitely not nice people. Most of them had one version or another of a symbol, somewhere on their clothes or equipment. It was a blood red heart with a hand inside of it. As he finishes speaking he gasps and passes out. breathing very very shallowly.

Olanna looks at the chest and realizes that it is not locked, or trapped. It looks like a standard well-used cashbox, and when opened she finds that it is indeed that. It appears to have around 1000 gold pieces of value in mostly silver coins.

Figment nd Ingrge take a look at the end of the alley and find nothing but trash. The alley ends in a stone wall with an ornately drawn multi-scene mural upon it.

One scene is a lake scene, with several one man boats being poled across it, only all the men seem to be skeletons and there apear to be strange beasts below the water as well.

A second scene is of the front a typical peasant farm house with a door and window facing you.

The third scene is of what apears to be a flying city, that is under siege from the ground and air.

(Figment and Ingrge roll spot/search checks DC 15)

Lian (27 of 44)  d20+5=22
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 10:32:03 PM

Lian stands, waiting for everyone else to be healed before he recieves a spell from Bertram.

The monk no longer troubles himself with Faelon, he isn't wholly convinced of the mans story (sense motive 22). "Leave him here."

The monk cringes as Olana opens the chest, expecting an explosion or more poison. Seeing its contents, he states the obvious. "That has to belong to someone besides these rapscallion. I wonder if it is their pay or the income of a poor innkeeper?"

"Where to K'Nara? Red Heart surrounding a hand sounds familiar?"

Brother Bertram  4d8(3+6+2+8)+8=27 2d8(1+7)+8=16 8d8(8+7+4+5+4+3+6+7)+16=60 d8+8=15 d8+5=7 2d8(3+1)+8=12 d8+5=6
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 10:34:01 PM

Bertram tsks to himself as he moves from warrior evaluating wounds some minor, and in some cases, very severe. Judging Orson to be the most in need Bertram lays his hands on the worst of his injuries, murmuring words of power, watching the wound close, the bleeding coming to a stop. To his satisfaction he can also see the redness receeding from the wound, a tell-tale sign the poison has abated. He then moves to the various other Talons and prays over them as well. Only when this was accomplished did he pray over his own wounds, healing them as well.

(Orson-Neutralize Poison and Cure Crit, cure moderate-43 hp restored)

(Knara-Cure Criticalx2, Cure Moderatex1-75 points restored)

(Olana-Cure Light-7 points restored)

(Lian-Cure Moderate-12 points restored)

(Bertram-Cure light x1-restored 6)

(Kent I traded Cure Crit spells for spell Immunx2 and divine power. I traded cure moderates for (spiritual weapon, aid, shield, augury. Cure Lights for Sanctuary, and bless. Folks DO NOT get hurt! Im out!)

Figment  d20=15
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 11:25:39 PM

Seei ng no otheradversaries the mage releases his Improved Invis. He scans the area very carefully with a well-trained eye (Spot DC 15 unmodified). "Interesting mrals...". He looks at them to see if they move.

Wednesday August 20th, 2003 11:54:29 PM

As Lian stands there, he uses his Wholeness of Body to heal the remaining 5 damage(uses 5 wholeness of body to heal himself).

Milo (shield of faith) 
Thursday August 21st, 2003 1:12:10 AM

Milo moves to where the fallen warrior lay, breathing shallowly, and looking down upon the man, "Pantheon's justice shall be yours." Turning from the body, Milo moves quickly to the back of the alley, to see where their quarry may have gone.

K'Nara, 89/93hp, Spider Climb  d20=15
Thursday August 21st, 2003 7:47:16 AM

(OOC: aaack! I posted my hit points the wrong way! I was posting how much damage K'Nara took/how many hit points she is supposed to have instead of the way everyone else was [hit points remaining/hit points they're supposed to have.] Bertram would NOT have blown all those spells on K'Nara, since she only had a total of 20hpd on her (7 from the bolt and 13 from the sword attacks.) Sorry--should've paid closer attention. I'd say that Brother Bertram still has two Cure Critical Wounds spells left, since the Cure Moderate would've been plenty for K'Nara. This will be up to the DM to decide for sure, though.)

Once the man described the symbols, K'Nara's face got very grim. Without a word, she cut up some of the unconscious thug's clothing and bandaged him with it. (OOC: made a Healing check of 15.)

"There...he shouldn't die...not from his wounds, at any rate." she said, rising and sheathing Lucia, who had been surprisingly non-verbal during the battle. "We can leave him his clothes, as well."

In answer to Lian's question, the tall redhead replied:

"That, my friend, is the symbol of the so-called 'Hands of Love'...who do everything in their power to prove they're an oxymoron." K'Nara said, spitting on the ground. "The body that we all passed to get here is that of a lad that was unfortunate enough to have elven blood in him--those flaky freaks seem to believe that elves are NOT deserving of love, and so go out of their way to rid The Wold of the race...as well as any half-breeds that exist." The tall bladesinger whirled around and headed for the mural Ingrge and Figment were contemplating.

"I want these bozos...I want them bad..." she muttered, then turned her own attention to the spellcasters examining the mural. "So, gentlemen--what say you? Are any of these three scenes here the portal to Fae Skiemir? If so, which one...?"

Thursday August 21st, 2003 3:13:43 PM

The monk simply shakes his head in disgust.
"Ridding the Wold of elves. That will be the day."
He thinks a moment, "Wait a minute. The Talons is mostly comprised of elves."
The monk burst out laughing. "They must love us!"
"I am in K'Nara. The cottage door makes the most sense being the portal. Of course it is also the simplist scene therefore, most likely, where the most danger would be. Call it a hunch."

Olana  d20+13=31
Thursday August 21st, 2003 9:08:50 PM

Olana attempts to stash everything, although she reckons she doesn't have room for the crossbow and the shield.

She nods at Lian.
"You know maybe we should hand some of this over to someone - someone who'll give it back to the people," she says.

At the wall, she stares at it, wondering if something will become evident. Pictures were like that sometimes. Things you didn't notice suddenly came to the fore.
(Spot DC 31)

DM kent  d100=50
Thursday August 21st, 2003 9:35:34 PM

Figment and Ingrge look around the wall as does Olanna when she arrives and the others comment on the possiblities of the murals use and meanings.

Also seen around the end of the alley are five or six various piles of trash and rubbish that range from the just plain dirty to the down right rank and nasty.

As Figment looks over the mural, he notices several things right off. First, that the artist was quite good, and while the figures in the mural seem very life like, none of them move. Second, the entire wall radiates a strange and unrecognizable residual magic. Third, while there is a lion's head door knocker painted on the door, the artist apparently did not paint any sort of door handle. Lastly, both Figment and Olanna see where a physical door handle actually might have been attached to the painted door at sometime.

Lian  d20+13=27 d20+4=9 d20+13=31 d20+8=10 d20+18=23
Thursday August 21st, 2003 11:43:03 PM

The monk stares intensely at the murals and thinks about the possibilty of illusions.
Waiting and watching, and listening.
The monks curiousity gets the better of him. He walks up to it and touches the cottage door mural, touches(or grabs) the painted on lion head knocker.

(Spot 27, Search 9, Will save to disbelieve 31, knowledge arcana 10, Listen 23)

Friday August 22nd, 2003 12:12:11 AM

The mage shrugs and reaches for the handle - just to see...

Milo (shield of faith) 
Friday August 22nd, 2003 12:53:05 AM

Milo studies the mural, hoping to make some sense of it. He tries to get a sense of who the people are in the picture, as well as where they may have gone.

K'Nara, Spider Climb 
Friday August 22nd, 2003 10:24:02 AM

K'Nara took the crossbow and shield from Olana and put them away within her stuff.

"Now...I'd say since the whole thing is one mass of magic..." the leader of the Talons pointed out, "...that perhaps it is just one big portal instead of three separate ones. However, we don't have time to ponder the point too much--how about we just all walk into it? We can hold hands to try to make sure we end up in the same place..."

Friday August 22nd, 2003 11:22:50 AM

"That should be of fair magic quality," Orson comments on the shortsword as Olanna packs it away. "A normal weapon would have snapped like a toothpick." (OOC: Has to be at least +2, since it couldn't sunder by a +1 weapon)

Orson glances over the Mural, but has absolutely no input on what it is, or how to work it. He simply follows along with whatever plan is deemed best.

Brother Bertram  d20+5=25
Saturday August 23rd, 2003 7:41:21 AM

Bertram carefully moves about the alley looking for any tracks, or moved debris, anything, indicating where their quarry might have gone.

(OOC spot check)

Olana  d20+14=24
Saturday August 23rd, 2003 8:54:48 PM

Watching Figment for a moment, Olana looks puzzled and then says -

"I think the handle dropped off - look, there was a place for it."

She starts to look around, just in case it was THAT simple, and wrinkles her nose.
"Knowing our luck it got kicked around in the trash, or - maybe the HOL took it with them...."

While rummaging, she says to Orsen.
"I think you might be right about the weaponry, perhaps when we get a chance - we can all look it over and distribute it."

((Search DC24))

DM kent 
Monday August 25th, 2003 4:50:40 PM

Figment reaches forward for the area where the missing door pull was and meets rough wall where something ocviously was broken off.

K'nara suggests that everyone hold hands and walk into the wall together.

Milo takes a closer look at the musral but finds theat the features on the figures are far to generic to be able to tell apart.

Bert looks around for tracks and or moved debris trying to tell where there quarry has disappeared too and gets no clue as you all have walked all over the area. As for the debris, it is near impossible to tll if something hs been moved recently.

Orson ponders the weaponry thay have recently acquired.

Lian reaches toward the painted door knocker and touches it, and it feels like part of a painted wall, for about 3 seconds and then suddenly the knocker takes three dimensional shape under his hand. Though as hard as he might try, it does not move.

Ingrge peruses the situation for a bit and then muses aloud. I wonder if a knock spell would do the trick.

Olanna looks around at the nasty refuse and then starts looking through it. after several minutes her efforts pay off, as she finds two pieces of what appears to have been an ornamental lion door pull, and a small artistic box about 10in x 6in x 4 in.

Lian (dodge against the door) 
Monday August 25th, 2003 10:39:24 PM

Not letting go of the knocker at fear it my dissappear entirely, Lian speaks.

"Friend Talons, seems that er, um... I may have found a door or the like. Milo? Olana? Someone?!" The monk holds onto the knocker. "Open please?" He asks the mural.

Olana  d20+14=34
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 12:13:45 AM

Hearing Lian, Olana adds -

"I've found something here, too."
She brings the pieces out. "There's a door pull, and a box."

She hands the door pull to K'Nara and examines the box, letting the others see it, too.

(Search Check DC 34 - oooooh nat 20)

Milo  d20+10=23
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 12:51:15 AM

Milo moves over to where Olana is examining the box, and looks it over himself. (OOC: Assisting Olana with her search. Made a check DC 23, which adds +2 to her check, making it DC 36.)

K'Nara  d20=10
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 6:44:59 AM

"Hmmm..." the woman warrior eyed the broken pull in her hand and then the painting, "...what do you think, Figment...Ingrge..? This match that knocker? If we could mend this door pull and put it back where it seems to belong, perhaps the portal would then work correctly..?"

(OOC: Voluntary Intelligence check to see if K'Nara's "inspired" by anything else, but I doubt that 10 is high enough for that.)

Brother Bertram 
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 8:01:20 PM

Seeing that the other's seem to have the riddle of the doorway well in hand, Bertram kneels amongst the refuse, his head bowed, his hand upon the symbol of his calling, and gives thanks for the healing that Domi has granted the party.

Lian (dodge still on door)  d20+13=33
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 10:02:56 PM

Still holding onto the door.
"Friends, the door might be right here."
Lian tries to use the knocker.

(Will save to disbelieve, DC 33)

DM kent 
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 11:44:19 PM

Lian tries to move the knocker but it will not budge even with his strongest attempt.

Olanna and Milo are sure that the box is simply an artists work box, probably paints and brushes. It isn't locked or trapped.

K'nara offers her thoughts, question to Figment and Ingrge who respond that were the door pull unbroken then it likely would work, but tht when it was broken in twain, the magic in it dissipated.

Bert prays and feels a bit light headed all of a sudden.

Orson continues to look at the spoils they acquired.

Wednesday August 27th, 2003 12:10:56 AM

Olana shrugs at Milo, looking puzzled.
"Maybe we're supposed to paint a door handle on," she says, half joking, half serious.

"Can anyone paint, or draw?"

K'Nara  d20=5
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 7:03:58 AM

Once more, K'Nara did her best to think, but nothing came to mind. (OOC: dang--the Intelligence check is only 5!)

"Maybe a Knock spell would work..?" she said hesitatingly--if only there were enemies to battle instead trying to figure out how to make a blasted magic portal activate!

Brother Bertram 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 9:29:19 PM

Bertram rises slowly, his head spinning. He looks about somewhat dizzily as he waits for his balance to return. Bracing himself against the wall he tries to focus on what the others are saying

Ingrge  d20+15=16
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 9:52:07 PM

Sudying the mural and the door in particular, more closely, Ingrge shakes his head and simply states. Sorry K'nara I was wrong a knock spell won't work here. It is not near powerful enough. Listening to Olanna for a second he seems to be about to say something and then remains silent (Knowledge Arcana nat. 1)

Figment  d20+17=32 d20+17=20
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 9:56:46 PM

Having been continuously studying the mural since finding it, Figment pulls himself away for a moment to look at the pieces of the door pull. (knowledge arcana dc 32) At hearing Olanna's comment, he looks up and beams at her. "Olanna, You are absolutely correct! We need to paint the handle on. These handle pieces are nothing but paint. I believe I can do the job well enough to suffice."

DM Kent  d100=97 d100=95
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 10:00:49 PM

Figment opens the artist's box and indeed does find pants and a few brushes and a coal stick as well. Taking a little time to study the handle and the knocker more closely, he first draws the handle in place and then follows up with the appropriate paints. After just a few stokes, it is obvious there is magic at work as the handle nearly paints itself and moments after completion the paint is absolutely dry.

As the door pull is finished Lian feels the knocker loosen as if to allow normal knocker use.

Lian (dodge vs door) 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 11:48:17 PM

The monk looks at the Talons, then uses the knocker. He raps three times. "Now would you open?"

Thursday August 28th, 2003 8:02:11 AM

The tall bladesinger eyed the cleric of Domi with concern.

"Brother Bertram...are you all right?"

Brother Bertram 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 8:51:42 AM

Bertram hears the warrior as if from far away. "I'm..I'm not sure, Just dizzy, I think."

Lian (dodge vs door) addendum
Thursday August 28th, 2003 5:05:01 PM

"Perhaps the poison effects Brother Bertram still?" He says glancing at his dwarven friend, but still concerned with the door handle., he maintains his grip.

Thursday August 28th, 2003 6:13:03 PM

Orson remained quite, not having anything to add to the investigation of the mural. Hearing others mention something about Bertram, Orson turns his attention to the dwarf, ready to give whatever aid he could to the priest.

DM Kent  d100=100
Thursday August 28th, 2003 10:35:02 PM

Figment finishes painting the handle and then as Lian uses the knocker Figment tries the door pull. Almost instantly following a loud click, you are all bull rushed by a shimmering silvery curtain of energy that rushes towards you at an unbelievable pace. Before you can act you are over run by the energy fields. Your bodies tingle with the amount of energy in the field, but seem to take no harm from it. In fact it feels quite invigorating.

In just a few moments the circle has collapsed in upon itself and the you find yourselves sucked into a spinning vortex. Not able to tell if they are up side down, or right side up, the energy vortex changes colors rapidly, moving through the entire color spectrum. Just as suddenly it ends and the you find yourselves in a huge awe-inspiring, beautiful ruined city.

You seem to be healed of all wounds and have your full compliment of spells.

As you look around you see towering buildings with many arches and spires, most of which are covered with flowering vines and other plants. Many of the buildings have tall trees bursting through their roofs and shrubs grow in clumps among the broken pillars and tumbled rubble. The sounds of birds are all around, but there is an eerie, watching waiting feeling that presses down on you after even just a few moments.

As you more closely examine the surrounding environment, many large dark shadows cross over head. Looking up an amazing sight is seen. Seven huge dragons are darting and diving and clawing at each other while trying to catch one of the others. Suddenly there is a mid air crash and two of the dragons are falling toward the ground. After falling several hundred feet, they recover, but it is too late. A third dragon that was close on their heels, takes advantage of the situation and with a burst of speed manages to catch and wrap itself around the dragon the others were trying to catch. As the two entwined dragons fall together toward the earth they are bugeling a most beautiful sound. For what seems like forever, but really only last a few minutes the two dragons freefall until only about 1000 feet above the ground, when just as suddenly as they joined, they separate, each veering of to each side and then head off together. The other dragons, seeing that their target has escaped them, fly off in different directions.

The commotion of the dragon flight seems to have attracted attentions other than yours, as you hear the sounds of the imminent arrival of two groups, from two different directions.

Olana  d20+13=20
Friday August 29th, 2003 1:31:38 AM

"Oooooh, I didn't like that," says the elf, rather disoriented as they first arrive.

The dragons have her spellbound for a little while, but then she comes to her senses, and starts looking for humanoid tracks in the ground.

((Track/Wilderness Lore Check DC 20 - gee whizz))

Lian  d20+13=27 d20+18=29 d20+8=17
Friday August 29th, 2003 1:42:25 AM

Having never experienced anything quite like that, the monk stands still, trying to orientate himself.
After a minute, he notices the dragons and his mouth gapes. "This is... intriguing. Seven, I have only ever seen one, Parnoth."
When the two additional groups are heard, Lian begins to watch and listen for anything of significance, such as languages, sentences or even the mention of dragons.(Spot 27, Listen 29) He searches his memory for any mention of tapestries or murals that transport. Knowledge Arcana 17.

Milo  d20+23=40
Friday August 29th, 2003 9:32:57 AM

Milo shakes himself out after the trip, and seeing the dragons, immediately chooses to find a place to hide, watching the spectacle from the shadows. Once the spectacle is over, Milo remains hidden, though hearing something coming draws his short sword in anticipation of trouble. (OOC: Hide check DC 40)

Brother Bertram 
Friday August 29th, 2003 2:43:29 PM

Bertram's bout of dizziness passes and he begins to take note of his surroundings. Seeing Dragons flying, as of days of old, takes his breath away and softens his features. The only thing that could compare was his journey to meet Gargul. Even as the others tense at approaching noise, Bertram still stands lost in wonder.

Friday August 29th, 2003 7:24:03 PM

The mage feels his confidence increase as his spells return to him. He watches the dragons until hearing theother groups. "I'd suggest we take cover and get our bearing before continuing. Any chance we can locate the path of those who have gone before us?".

DM Kent 
Monday September 1st, 2003 7:48:46 PM

As you all marvel at the dragons' flight from your various positions, Olanna starts looking for tell tails of the pursued and fairly easily finds them after a few moments of looking. The trail leads toward where one of the approaching noises is coming from.

Lian definately hears the noises from the approaching parties but can decipher no speech, just lots of crunching and brush breaking and a fairly high pitched hum. He doen't remember abything about transport mural or tapestries, but has heard of some with various other magics.

Milo finds a nice fallen tree that has accumulated a lot of debris around it in which to hide.

Bert stands and stares after the dragons.

Olanna answers Figment's question with an affirmative.


DM kent 
Monday September 1st, 2003 7:54:05 PM

As the talons search and think and stare, Milo, Lian and Olanna see what appears to be a 25 ft long purple and rust colored slug with a large mouth that shows multiple rows of sharp saw-like teeth approaching from their right. There also seems to be a mass of something rapidly orbitting the beast as he approaches.

From the other direction is seen a 15 ft long purple beetle with several upswept horns, a vicious set of pincers and four long, flexible, clawed tentacles and six hairy legs.

As they see the party they both let out horrid roars and move toward them even faster.

Lian (dodge)  d20+13=25 d20+8=12 d8+1=5 d8+1=8
Monday September 1st, 2003 10:32:40 PM

Dragons above, a huge worm to one side, and a large, strange looking beetle on the other... Lian feels and seems very trapped.
He draws his new bow and takes two quick shots at the approaching 25ft long worm.
(+1 arrows)
Hits AC 25 and 12, 5 and 8 respectively.
Lians dodge is versus the worm(slug), making his AC 25.
"K'Nara! Orders?!"

Brother Bertram 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 3:45:10 AM

Bertram shakes himself from his reverie and prepares for combat.

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 8:15:09 AM

The dragons were quite the inspiring sight, but far more motivating was the approach of hungry giant beasties.

"Let's get the flock out of here, eh, Brother Bert..?" K'Nara said. "Olana...which way is that trail going? AWAY from here, I hope? Let's follow it with all due haste..."

Olana  d20+13=18
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 11:08:12 AM

"The trail goes past those!" exclaims the elf, pointing at either the slug and buzzy things, or the beetle (Kent, which way?). "I suggest we move around them. With a bit of luck they'll be more interested in one another."

She sets off and attempts to scout for a decent escape route that will take them vaguely in the direction they want to go.

"Milo! We're leaving!"

((Track/Wilderness lore DC 18 sigh..))

Lian (dodge) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 5:04:09 PM

Lian puts away the bow and gets ready to leave on the heals of his leader or behind Olana.

Milo  d20+18=30 d20+21=32
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 8:37:52 PM

Keeping his short sword handy, Milo moves quickly and quietly through the shadows to Olana's side with all due haste. Milo simply appears out of the shadows next to Olana, and shadows the elf ranger after a quick wink. (OOC: Made hide check DC 30 and move silently check DC 32 both with a -5 penalty already figured in for moving full speed.)

DM kent 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 6:46:47 AM

Olanna declaration of where their trail leads is not only past the slug-like creature, but there seems to be little if any easy way around it.

The two beasts at this point seem to be oblivious of each other, which seems near impossible with the noise both of them are making in their closing in on the party.

The slug is now sixty feet away and will close with you soon. The beetle is behind you and moving rapidly but is clser to 120 feet away.

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 2:15:43 PM

"Mother told me there'd be days like these..." K'Nara muttered, taking her shortbow in hand and scanning the surroundings for the most defensible position. "We gotta move, people--so that the beetle isn't crawling up our butts...this slug is closer, though--we should engage it first. Magic, gentlemen...Olana..?" The human bladesinger nocked an arrow and gauged how to position herself best while awaiting the word on what kind of spells may be cast by the spellcasters.

Lian (dodge vs worm) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 6:16:23 PM

The monk sighs and draws his bow again, positioning himself by K'Nara(about 7ft away from her)and waits for the spellcasters. He knocks an arrow and waits.

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 8:06:28 PM

Milo sheathes his short sword and draws his shortbow as well as a pair of red fletched, rune engraved arrows, "Anybody have a big salt shaker?" The halfling stifles a giggle.

Brother Bertram 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 9:19:52 PM

Bertram picks up a rock and murmurs a prayer. Feeling the power move through him he sees the rock begin to glow with a white light. Bertram tosses the rock into the path of the beetle, hoping for a distraction from its onslaught.

(OOC Continual Flame)

Ingrge  5d6(6+4+3+1+6)=20
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 10:45:38 PM

Giving a nod to K'nara, Ingrge starts casting and soon there is a raging storm of ice pouring out from his hands and sending fist sized hail stones pelting the slug like creature. 20 points damage.

Orson (57/57 Hp; 25 AC; Full Defensive +6 AC) 
Thursday September 4th, 2003 12:38:25 AM

"Really need to get a bow for such situations," Orson muses to himself, snapping both fingers to retrieve the blades stored in his new gloves.

He moves a few feet in front of K'Nara, but slightly to the side, as to not hinder any of the arhcers shooting. Standing in front of the others, he prepares to take any assault the big creature slug might choose to dish out.

(OOC: Sorry for bit of slacking in posts, just getting over a nasty flu thats had me down a few days.)

Thursday September 4th, 2003 2:03:48 AM

Olana halts her progress, realising the path takes her right up to old sluggo.

So... she too nocks an arrow, her mouth twitching in a smile at Milo's comment. It would be nice if Bertram's rock trick worked, she thinks, flinching as Ingrge and Figment start to do their stuff.

Her arrows would come next.

DM kent  d100=28
Thursday September 4th, 2003 7:08:35 AM

Ingrge's ice storm strikes the huge slug and visibly slows it down for a moment or two.

Bertram's rock seesm to have distrated the beetle for a moment or two as it veers off to see what it was that moved over there and is shining so brightly.

The slug is now 40 feet away.

(OOC ALL We need is Figment's sheet to be whole and to continue this combat. You may post as if in combat for today only. everything will stop tomorrow.)

Milo  d20+15=18 d20+10=22 d4+1=3 d6=5 d4+1=4 d6=4
Friday September 5th, 2003 1:44:02 AM

Milo lets fly with the two arrows in his hand, his bow string a blur as he fires one and then the other. As the arrows leave the bow, they both spontaneously catch fire, burning as they streak toward the slug. (OOC: Fired two +1 flaming arrows at the slug and hit ACs 18 and 22 for 3hps normal plus 5 hps fire and 4hps normal plus 4 hps fire respectively).

Lian (dodge vs worm)  d20+13=19 d20+8=18 d8+1=8 d8+1=9
Friday September 5th, 2003 2:34:11 AM

Caught up by the moment, Lian takes a page from Milo's book. He fires his own magical +1 arrows.

Hitting AC 19 and 18, for 8 and 9 damage respectively.

Lian (addendum) 
Friday September 5th, 2003 3:29:26 AM

Lian is firing at the worm. :)

DM Kent (Let the games begin again.) 
Thursday September 11th, 2003 7:24:43 PM

Ingrge's ice storm strikes the huge slug and visibly slows it down for a moment or two.

Bertram's rock seesm to have distrated the beetle for a moment or two as it veers off to see what it was that moved over there and is shining so brightly.

The slug is now 40 feet away.

Milo d20+15=18 d20+10=22 d4+1=3 d6=5 d4+1=4 d6=4

Friday September 5th, 2003 12:44:02 AM
Milo lets fly with the two arrows in his hand, his bow string a blur as he fires one and then the other. As the arrows leave the bow, they both spontaneously catch fire, burning as they streak toward the slug. (OOC: Fired two +1 flaming arrows at the slug and hit ACs 18 and 22 for 3hps normal plus 5 hps fire and 4hps normal plus 4 hps fire respectively).

Lian (dodge vs worm) d20+13=19 d20+8=18 d8+1=8 d8+1=9
Friday September 5th, 2003 1:34:11 AM
Caught up by the moment, Lian takes a page from Milo's book. He fires his own magical +1 arrows at the slug, hitting AC 19 and 18, for 8 and 9 damage respectively.

Brother Bertram 
Thursday September 11th, 2003 9:23:03 PM

Bertram lets the others concentrate on the giant slug and focuses his attention on the beetle currently staring into the light of the spelled rock. Saying another prayer quietly he attempts to command a feeling of dread into the giant bug, urging it to move away. Bertram feels the power of Domi move through him but is unsure how it will affect the giant bug.

Olana  d20+10=25 d20+10=11 d20+5=11 d20+5=19 d8+1=6 d8+1=5
Friday September 12th, 2003 1:31:09 AM

Seeing Milo and Lian's arrows go sailing off toward their target, Olana follows suit - rapidly firing toward the Slug.

Two maybe hits - AC 25, AC 19, for 6 and 5 dam)

K'Nara  d20+11=12 d20+5=21 d6=4
Friday September 12th, 2003 8:49:39 AM

K'Nara aimed and fired upon the advancing slug--shocked and slack-jawed at how wildly her first shot went awry! (OOC: natural 1! wah!!!!) Then she scowled and shot another arrow. (OOC: hits AC21 for 4hp dam.)

DM kent 
Friday September 12th, 2003 8:24:51 PM

The multitude of arrows go flying toward the beast and then as the get about 10 feet from the beast they suddenly vear off to the side nad joing the mass of quickly rotating objects surrounding the beast.

The beetle behind you is efficiently tearing apart the area where Bertram's lit stone landed.

The slug is still slowly coming toward you and is now 30 ft away.

Lian (dodge vs worm) 
Friday September 12th, 2003 11:24:35 PM

Lian sees the inaffectiveness of the ammunition and puts his bow away.
The monk gathers his wits and takes up a defensive stance.
[Defensive standard action, +6 dodge to AC(>5 ranks in tumble), raising his AC to 30, 31 versus the worm.]

Olana  d20+13=18
Monday September 15th, 2003 12:11:28 AM

"Oh bother!" says Olana, somewhat exasperated. "What are those twirly things? Can we get rid of them or blow them up or something?"

Her blue eyes attempt to spot anything on the slug that may suggest a control hub for the spinning things - natural or otherwise.

(Spot DC 18 - oh boy)

Monday September 15th, 2003 1:04:36 AM

Stashing his short bow, Milo draws his short sword and a wand, "Looks like we do this the hard way." Turning toward Bertram, "Bertram, in light of recent events, Pantheon and I have agreed to disagree on several points. I shall not be needing this wand any longer, for it seems as though I lack the necessary faith to properly utilize it. I'd like you to have it. The command phrase is, 'And justice for all.' It is a fully loaded (50 charges) wand of cure moderate wounds." Milo smiles at the dwarf, as he hands him the wand. "Consider it my contribution to the party health."

Monday September 15th, 2003 3:58:56 PM

She frowned to see how useless those trusty arrows turned out to be.

"Wait for the spellcasters to toss their spells first..." K'Nara ordered the party, "...then, if you can, everyone concentrate on the slug--we have to take out one of these things at a time...!" K'Nara then swapped out her bow for Lucia.

Orson (AC 24, Full Defensive) 
Monday September 15th, 2003 7:28:06 PM

Orson continues to wait for the slugs inevitable charge, taking a front line position to give the archers and casters cover. He was ready to charge the thing, but hearing K'Nara's orders to let the casters have another volley, he maintains his defensive stance.

Brother Bertram 
Monday September 15th, 2003 8:01:21 PM

Seeing Orson awaiting the slugs slow advance Bertram lays a hand on warriors shoulder. A quick prayer to Domi yields a sudden burst of stength into Orson's massive frame. Bertram moves back and watches the beetle for any signs of attack.
(OOC Bull's Strength)

Figment  5d4(4+4+3+4+3)+5=23
Monday September 15th, 2003 10:29:15 PM

"Umm, as slowly as it is moving why don't we just go around it instead of fighting it?"

After speaking he sends off a series of magic missiles at the beast for 23 points.

Ingrge  8d6(5+3+5+1+4+6+5+4)=33
Monday September 15th, 2003 10:32:43 PM

Making sure he has the critter in sight and none of his mates in the way, Ingrge lets fly with a lightening bolt right into the slow slug.
(33 points, reflex DC16 for half)

DM kent 
Monday September 15th, 2003 10:37:39 PM

Olanna spots nothing even remotely like a "control hub."

Figment makes his suggestion and lets fly with his missiles which seem to strike the slug solidly.

Ingrge sends his lightening crackling toward the beast, only to watch as it seems to envelop the slug and be absorbed with no apparent effect.

The slug momentarily stalls and then continues forward. It is now 25 feet away.

The beetle seems to have done enough damage to the lit stone as it is now standing still and moving its head from side to side, almost as if it were sniffing.

Milo  d20+23=43 d20+26=43
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 12:08:13 AM

Looking up to K'nara and Olana, Milo grins ferally, "Time to dance." With that, the halfling begins stalking toward the slug, attempting to sneak around its flank. (OOC: Hide and Move silently at DCs 43 and 43 respectively.)

Olana  d20+12=30
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 12:53:12 AM

"What - you mean just flat out run past it?" asks the elf, at Figments proposal.
"Well - there isn't a clear path - I looked, but it's quite slow, so maybe it would work."

She looks toward K'nara and shrugs, a 'whatdoyouthink' question in her eyes, and then gets ready to make a dash for it, magic sword in hand, and looking out for the best path.

(Survival check DC30)

Brother Bertram 
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 3:45:36 AM

Bertram mutters quietly at the others, "Whatever you are going to do, Do it quickly for Domi's sake! The beetle is held no more by my spell. It comes!"

Tuesday September 16th, 2003 8:52:26 AM

Holding Lucia in both hands, and finally hearing a suggestion from the esteemed mage, K'Nara nodded.

"Olana, lead the way...everyone else follow...I'll bring up the rear." the human bladesinger ordered. "Now, everybody--RUN!"

Tuesday September 16th, 2003 10:21:27 PM

The mage sighs as he falls in line - hopefully avoiding a combat. "No need to shoot a slug. Just get some salt...".

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