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Friday October 31st, 2003 11:59:10 PM

Valanthe checks her gear one last time. She makes sure her armor is oiled and the buckles won't give. Next Val secures her two throwing axes and the daggers in her boots. Lastly Valanthe sheaths her sword and slips on her ring of partner invisibility. Valanthe heads up to meet with Ashira and Bart. They would be leaving soon and the sea will run red this night.

Sunday November 2nd, 2003 9:54:37 AM

I have darkvision for one thing, god granted ability, not a spell. I also have water walking spell. If someone were to cast spider climb I could reach the pride over the surface. I will put myself at at your disposal.How would you like to use me.

Sunday November 2nd, 2003 5:25:12 PM

Bart prepares for battle checking his armor and weapons for the last time. Making sure he has his potion of bullstrength and healing ready

Sunday November 2nd, 2003 11:13:16 PM

Rigging says to Walker, "Excellent, You have waterwalking. We will have Redux cast a spiderclimb on you before you go over the side. You can join the watergroup. Only thing I am worried about is sahaugin but you can't have it all."

Sunday November 2nd, 2003 11:14:43 PM

ooc could you tell us the conditions of the weather, what the moon is, wind etc?

Monday November 3rd, 2003 3:22:32 PM

The paladin quickly gathers all her equipment needed for the mission and then checks and double checks her armor to make sure it is well oiled. She joins up with Bart and Val and checks them over, making sure everone is ready to go. Then she calls Rigging over and askes for Wayfinder. Once the others are ready, Ashira puts Wayfinder to her eye and says "Show me King Maisey."

Monday November 3rd, 2003 3:28:45 PM

After working hard all day scribing his fly scroll, Redux is surprised to hear that Rigging only wants him to cast the spell twice. Shrugging his shoulders, he hands the levitation ring to Ashira, figuring she is probably the weakest of the three. He then begins to cast Fly (first from the scroll, then from memory) on Bart and then Val. He then removes his wand of Bull's Strength in preparation to tap the exiting Wilcards before they leave.

Boarding the Pride (DM Dominic) 
Monday November 3rd, 2003 6:12:30 PM

Using the Wayfinder Ashira sees that King Maisey is being held in a room below decks and only sees 3 guards with him. Ashira is unable to make out any details about the guards. Ashira sees that King Maisey is tied to the bed with what appears to be chains.

Captain Hawley waves to the Wildcards to begin their boarding action as the crew of the Sword goes about folowing the Pride silently.

You notice that the sea is very calm and that there is only a light wind. There is a light cloud cover and there is a new moon this night.

**** OOC:
I need to know who is going via air and who is going via water to the Pride and what spells are currently in effect. Also is any of the Wildcards staying on the Sword?

Everyone is at full HP at this moment.

Monday November 3rd, 2003 10:36:44 PM

Rigging will go over to Redux and say, "Did I see you put away a scroll of flying? I misunderstood. I didn't think you could pull off 3 spells even with a scroll. This is great. Why don't you go with the flying group. So in the flying group we will have Ashira, Val Bart and you Redux. Get to the king as fast as possible. In the water, we will have Me, and Appolo being pulled by Ari and Walker doing a water walking spell. I think we should does Ari with the bullstrength wand to help him pull the load."

Rigging will becken the wildcards to follow and go over to the Captain and say, "I think you should order lights out. We should try to get as close as possible so our boarding parties have less distance to travel and less exposure. Of course, we don't want to be spotted or heard so we need to be careful. The swimmers will leave first. I expect it will take us longer to get over there and then we will have to climb on board. I figure we will need around a 5 minutes head start. Then send the the flying group. If you hear us screaming in pain, please feel free to come to our rescue. I am worried about sahaugin swimming guards." Rigging will then hand the Captain a seal. "Sir this is a spell of night flying. When the Sword gets close, you can break it and give the crew or a least a portion of the crew flying for one minute. Might be a nasty surprise for our enemies to see a huge boarding party flying at them but remember it will only work for a minute."

Rigging will turn to Redux and Ari and asks, "Can you cast spiderclimb spells on Walker, Appolo, and Ari? Do you know that spell Ari?"

As the ship starts to close in, Rigging will start casting spells at the appropriate periods.
He will cast mage armor, protection from arrows,cast invisibility(not activate his ring) ship because they last a while, when they get to the enemy ship he will cast cats grace on himself.

"OK last pep talk before we go, the flyers will get to the king as fast as possible, the swimmers will take out ships officers and catapult crews to help soften up the ship while we wait for the Sword to engage. Any questions?"

Monday November 3rd, 2003 11:06:01 PM

"Rigging there is a chance we can board the ship unnoticed. Do you want us to try and sneak below deck or start tearing things up?"

Redux (mage armor) 
Monday November 3rd, 2003 11:43:05 PM

(ooc Rigging, you are correct. In checking my math, I only have 2 fly spells, none scribed, it seems pointless to waste the paper & time when they get used immediately and the spell slots are used up (now if I had a day in between, that would have been good).)

Redux will stay behind on the ship awaiting the breaking of the fly seal. As his fellow wildcards leave the ship, he will cast fly on the 2 that need it, and tap them all for bull's strength. He drinks a potion of mage armor himself.

Tuesday November 4th, 2003 7:53:52 AM

Responding to Rigging, "I will have Alter Self, Cats grace, bull strength, Spider Climb, shield available. I had planned on covering myself with these. I have a couple of other assundry spells that I've thrown together.

Let me know if you want me to start carrying things like spider climb in the future, or whether Redux will be the person to do that."

Tuesday November 4th, 2003 8:11:17 AM

"Val, Your group contains our strongest fighters. I wish Redux was going with you but hopefully he will get there soon enough. I want you to get to the king. If you can rescue him and get off the boat if possible. If not, hole up and the second group will try and join you.
The second group is gonna take some quick swings at ships officers and catapults. This will hopefully slow down reaction time and clear the Sword to move in. Then if we don't see you, we will be coming your way.
Remember, I know this is hard to say, but we have orders to kill the king if we can't rescue her. It's tough but she has to much information about the pirates to be allowed to be heartseeded."

Tuesday November 4th, 2003 9:20:59 AM

can someone cast invisibility on me?

Appolo HP:36AC:21 
Tuesday November 4th, 2003 12:19:20 PM

Appolo has put his two cents and stands silently at the ready, awaiting final orders. He then walks over to Val"Remember keep your temper under control,the mission is rescue the King not kill everyone one you come across.Oh please be carefull."He says with asmile.
He then walks over to stand next to Rigging"I still think I should go alone and invisible."

Boarding Action - rd. 1 (DM Dominic)  (dispel attempts) d20+10=20 d20+10=11 d20+10=21 d20+10=21 d20+10=29 d20+10=22 (attack on Ashria)d20+6=22 (attack Val)d20+6=19 (attack Bart)d20+6=21 (dmg ashira) d8+2=4 (dmg Val) d8+2=10 (dmg Bart) d8+2=8
Tuesday November 4th, 2003 6:53:13 PM

Upon completing all of your spellcasting and planning you head off towards the Pride. The water bound group heads off and after about 15 minutes they arrive at the Pride's waterline and start up the side. Atthis point the airbound group leaves the Sword for the Pride. As you start to get near the Pride you feel the winds start to pickup around the Pride.
As you get closer to the deck you have the feeling that it is strangely quiet on the deck of the Pride. Team 1 (flyers) starts to head below deck for where King Maisey is being held. Just after the last of Team 1 reaches the lower deck, you feel a strange tingling feeling pass over each of you. (Dispel Magic 30' r.)(Fly is dispelled from all, Bull Strenght is dispelled from all but Ashira)
At that moment 6 crew members, 2 Sea Devils and 1 mage attack.
Crewman 1 attacks Ashira hitting ac 22 dmg 4
Crewman 2 attacks Val hitting ac 19 dmg 10
Crewman 3 attacks Bart hitting ac 21 dmg 8
Crewman 4-6 holds ready
Sea Devil 1 - holds ready
Sea Devil 2 - starts casting
Mage - starts casting

Team 2 makes it up to the railing as Team 1 starts to head below decks. You do not see any movement on the deck other than Team 1.

Team 1 (flyers) -

Team 2 (water) -

Team 3 (on Sword) -

OOC: please list your ac and any spell effects with your name.

Valanthe (AC 19, 78 HP)  d20+13=19 d20+8=20 d6+6=9 d6+6=12
Tuesday November 4th, 2003 11:06:36 PM

Valanthe turns with the slash, trying to avoid the incoming blade but still gets cut. Growling Val savagely attacks the crewman before her.

[hit ac 19 for 9 and ac 20 for 12]

ooc: Valanthe has a damage reduction of 1. Can you please tell me how many times Valanthe gets hit with the damage total?

Ashira (AC20, HP 67) Bull's Strength  d20+13=16 d8+8=10 d20+11=29 d20+6=24 d20+10=28 d8+8=14 d8+8=12 d6+5=7
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 2:51:14 PM

Ashira smiles humorlesly at the opponents facing her. "Knew this was too easy." she thinks to herself. She checks how far she is away from the spellcaster. If she can close ranks with him without drawing more than two attacks of opportunity, then she does so (attacking AC16 for 10 hp of damage if she gets an attack). If not, then she works the battle the old fashioned way, attempting to hack down Crewman #1 with a full attack (AC 29, 24, and 28 for 14, 12, and 7 dam). If at anytime in her attack she should kill the Crewman prematurely, she will switch targets to the next closest crewman.

Ari AC 23 HP 50 (BS CG) 
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 2:53:57 PM

Causing the change to come over him. Ari feels a new sense of intrigue after casting the alter self spell. This is a different type of magic, that he's not used before. Careful not to lose him in the sensations of the Merman, he keeps himself centered on getting to the ship. Quickly he casts Spider climb on himself, and climbs over the edge of the ship into the water, to wait for his companions. When they join him he quickly transverses the distance between the two ships. Climbing aboard, Ari quickly casts his two enhancement spells.

Feeling nervous about finding no one on top, Ari puts his hand on the sword of Alemi, to give him comfort of ALemi's presence.

Walker Ac 20, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith 
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 3:20:52 PM

On seeing the appaerently empty deck Walker will draw his blade and cast see invisible.

Appolo HP:36AC:21 Invisible  d20+11=23 d20+12=17
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 4:43:28 PM

Appolo climbs aboard looks around,then goes invisible,activating his ring.Moving silently and quickly toward the hatch and staying close to the shadows Appolo makes his way below decks and toward where the King is being held.

Move silently 23,Hide 17

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor 
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 5:02:24 PM

As Redux watches his friends fly and swim through the night, he can't help but feel a little helpless. He prays that Waard will watch over them, and constantly scans the enemy ship to see if he can lend any long distance assistance.

Bart (Ac24 HP 54)  d20+12=24 d20+7=23 d10+7=16 d10+7=17
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 5:36:49 PM

Bart avoids being hit and returns the attack (hit ac 24+23 for 16+17)

Boarding Action - rd. 2 (DM Dominic)  (attack on ashira) d20+10=29 d20+10=29 d20+5=11 (dmg on ashira) d8+2=7 d8+2=9 (attak on val) d20+10=23 d20+10=16 d20+5=15 (dmg on val) d8+2=10 (attack on bart) d20+10=14 d20+10=13 d20+10=13
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 7:18:23 PM

As Team 2 starts to look about the deck and Appolo starts towards the hatch to the lower deck, Walker notices that there is several forms moving about the deck that appear to be invisible. Appolo is half way to the hatch at this moment.

Team 1 sees that they score hits on the crewmen but none of them drop. Each of the crewmen look to be severly wounded but continue to fight the Wildcards keeping it to tight to move to attack those in the back.
Sea Devil 2 casts Hold person on Val (Will Save DC 16)
Mage finishes casting his spell and smiles when finished casting.
Crewman 1 attacks Ashira - hitting 2 times for 16 points
Crewman 2 attacks Val - hitting once for 9 points (dr is included)
Crewman 3 attacks Bart - missing with all attacks
Crewman 4-6 holds ready
Sea Devil 1 - holds ready

Val, I have a AC of 20 for you.

Ashira (AC20, HP 51) Bull's Strength  d20+11=26 d20+8=16 d20+10=21 d8+8=9 d8+8=9 d6+5=10
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 10:10:38 PM

Ashira grunts as she takes the blows. "We should have never split the team." she thinks as she unleashes another full attack on Crewman #1. She swings her swords in a blur of motion as she tries to end the battle quickly. (AC 26, 16, and 21 for 9, 9, and 10 dam).

Rigging hps 50/50 ac 20 cats grace, mage armor, invisible 
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 10:41:59 PM

Rigging will whisper "Let's take out the catapults and get below."

He will then cast a flaming sphere and center it on one of the catapults hoping to catch it on fire.

Valanthe (AC 19, 69 HP)  d20+8=19
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 11:09:47 PM

Crewman 2 manages to slice into her flesh and draw blood. Valanthe traces her index finger across the wound and smiles wickedly.

"Oh I see you want to play." Her gaze shifts to the sea devil (2). "I'll be with you in a second."

Valanthe's eyes turn a shade of red as the anger takes over. She knows that Appolo told her to keep calm but there was blood that needed to be spilled.

ooc: Val will rage this round. If you look on her sheet I made the mistake of including bracers in her ac total. Also Val has a couple of thrown weapons on her person. Could she attack once with her sword and throw a hand axe?
Dominic - you could attack once with the sword then throw a hand axe as you get 2 attacks/rd at your level. the thrown weapon attack would cause and AoO as you would be using a missile weapon in melee.

Wednesday November 5th, 2003 11:10:32 PM

OOC: btw will save of 19

Walker Ac 20, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible 
Thursday November 6th, 2003 12:52:08 PM

If Walker can hit the invisible beings without endangering the other cards he will cast shadow conjuration (fireball, 5d6) at them.
Otherwise he will activate his swords flames and move to engage them in melee combat.

Ari AC 23 HP 50 (BS CG) 
Thursday November 6th, 2003 1:44:54 PM

Doing his best to whisper with a voicebox he's unfamiliar with Ari croaks, "Where are you going Walker?"

Ari tries to watch both what Rigging is doing and what Walker is doing. Unsure of what to do, Ari waits for something happen.

Bart (Ac 24 Hp 54)  d20+12=32 d20+12=29 d20+7=13 d10+7=17 d10+7=10
Thursday November 6th, 2003 4:58:39 PM

Bart makes a big swing with his sword cutting his foe in half ( threat crit 29 for 27). Hie steps forward to ataack another sailer but he misses (hit ac 13)

Appolo HP:36 AC:21 Invisible  d20+11=29 d20+12=17 d20+6=13 d20+3=4
Thursday November 6th, 2003 6:55:57 PM

Appolo continues silently an swiftly toward the hatch,watching for any unusaul shadows and listening for any unusaul noises.

Move silently 29,hide 17,listen 4,spot 13

Boarding Action - rd. 3 (DM Dominic)  (attacking val) d20+10=24 d20+10=21 d20+5=20 (dmg on val) d8+2=4 d8+2=4 d8+2=9 (attacking ashira) d20+10=19 d20+10=25 d20+5=14 (dmg on ashira) d8+2=6 (attacking bart) d20+10=23 d20+10=17 d20+10=27 (dmg on bart) d8+2=7 d8+2=5 (attack on val) d20+9=28 (attack on ari) d20+10=27 d20+5=22 (dmg on ari) d8+3=6 d8+3=10 (attacking walker) d20+10=11 d20+5=24 d20+10=20 d20+5=23 (dmg on walker) d8+3=7 d8+3=9 d8+3=6 (attacking rigging) d20+10=11 d20+5=22 (dmg on rigging) d8+3=10
Thursday November 6th, 2003 7:21:30 PM

Team 1 continues to fight the crewmen below decks. Ashira hits causing the crewmember to drop to the ground dying. The other crewman steps in and attacks. Bart connects with his opponent killing him outright, then steping towards the next crewmember and missing with his attack. Valanthe begins her rage this round.
Sea Devil 2 casts Hold person on Bart (Will Save DC 16)
Mage hits Val with Ray of Exhaustion (Fort save DC 17) (failure - exhausted state, success - fatigued state)
Crewman 1 - dying
Crewman 2 attacks Val - hitting with all 3 attacks dmg 14 (dr is included)
Crewman 3 - dead
Crewman 4 - holds ready
Crewman 5 attacks Ashira hitting with one attack dmg 6
Crewman 6 attacks Bart hitting twice dmg 12
Sea Devil 1 - holds ready

Team 2 -
Walker's sword bursts into flames as he starts heading towards Appolo.
Appolo reaches the hatch to the lower decks and hears fighting going on below decks.
Rigging directs his flaming sphere to hit the main catapult damaging it slightly, unfortunately the catapult does not catch fire.
At this moment you all see 4 crewmen appear as they strike at Ari, Walker, Rigging.
Crewman 7 attacks Ari hitting twice dmg 16
Crewman 8 attacks Walker hitting once dmg 7
Crewman 9 attacks Walker hitting twice dmg 15
Crewman 10 attacks Rigging hitting once dmg 10

Rigging ac 20 hps 50/60 mage armor, cat's grace  d20+6=26 d20+6=19 d20+6=23 d6+1=6 2d6(5+1)=6 d4+1=3 2d6(2+5)=7
Thursday November 6th, 2003 7:43:48 PM

Rigging feels the bite of steel and tries to dodge away from it. He quickly pulls his weapons and launches into a counter attack. He stabs low with his rapier and follows up with an attack with his holy dagger to his foe's chest.

OOC flaming sphere is still burning at the catapult. Rolled critical hit for rapier and evil damage for holy dagger. Bonus should be +7 but forgot to add in dex pluses for Cat's grace spell. Helps out with weapon finesse feats

Appolo HP:36AC:21 Invisible  d20+11=20 d20+12=13 d20+6=22 d20+3=15
Thursday November 6th, 2003 8:25:07 PM

Appolo silently moves below,heading swiftly to were the king is being held.Stcking to the shadows as much as possible watching and listening for anything suspicious.

Move silently 20,Hide 13, Spot 22, Listen 15

Walker, Hp 51/73, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible  d20+11=27 2d6(4+5)+5=14 d6=5
Thursday November 6th, 2003 9:40:55 PM

Walker swings on crewman 9.
[hit ac27, dam = 14 + 5 flame]

Ashira (AC20, HP 38) Bull's Strength  d20+11=29 d20+8=26 d20+10=17 d8+8=11 d8+8=10
Thursday November 6th, 2003 10:24:51 PM

Looking very determined, Ashira presses the attack with her newest opponent. She manages a couple of good blows with her longsword, but her shortsword blow is easily parried. (Hit AC 29, 26, 17 for 11 and 10 dam).

Redux (mage armor) 
Thursday November 6th, 2003 10:55:49 PM

Redux, looking thru the eyeglass, spots the trouble the Wildcards are in. "Captain, i believe it important for you to close with that ship. We may need to pull those guys from the water. Have the balista ready once in range. i'll take out any catipult that tries to fire upon us with a fireball."

Valanthe (AC 17, 69 HP, Raged)  d20+9=21 d20+13=22 d20+8=26 d20+8=14 d6+10=11 d6+10=11
Thursday November 6th, 2003 10:59:02 PM

Getting extremely annoyed with spellcaster, Val savagely attacks the crewman before her. Her sword, a rapier, a noted weapon of grace and style. In Valanthe's capable hands the style and grace are replaced by savage brutality.

[power attack -2 to hit/ +2 to dmg.]
[hit ac 21 for 11, crit threat- no crit for 11]

Bart  d20+12=32 d20+12=28 d20+7=25 d10+7=14 d10+7=11 d10+7=13 d20+2=7 d20+2=20
Friday November 7th, 2003 5:34:01 AM

Bart shivers of the spell (save 7 used heropoint 20). He attacks the crewman in front of him slashing him almost in two (crit for 24). His second attack hopeley kills the bastard (ac 25 for 7). After his attacks Bart steps toward the seadevil who did cast a spell on him (dodge & mobility feat)

Boarding Action - rd. 4 (DM Dominic)  (attacking bart)d20+10=27 d20+10=22 d20+5=21 (dmg on bart) d8+2=5 d8+2=6 d20=5 (attacking val) d20+10=14 d20+10=28 d20+5=16 (dmg on val) d8+2=5 d8+2=8 d20=20 (attacking ashira) d20+10=23 (dmg on ashira) d8+2=4 d20=14 (attacking ari) d20+10=28 d20+10=30 d20+10=14 d20+5=25 d20+5=22 (dmg ari) d8+3=8 d8+3=11 2d8(1+2)+3=6 (attacking walker) d20+10=22 d20+10=24 d20+5=23 d20+5=20 d20+10=27 d20+10=19 (dmg on walker) d8+3=11 d8+3=4 d8+3=6 d8+3=9 d8+3=5 (attacking rigging) d20+10=29 d20+5=13 (dmg on rigging)d8+3=11
Friday November 7th, 2003 6:41:15 PM

Team 1 -

Val gets hit by a sickly green ray of light causing Val to become fatigued (-2 STR and -2 DEX, cannot run or charge.) The ray comes from the door way behind Ashira's attacker.

Bart's opponent continues to stand and gives another flurish of blows at Bart hitting twice (dmg 11.)

Valanthe sees her opponent absorb the blows, then attacks hitting twice (dmg 11.)

Ashira sees that her blow does not kill her opponent. The crewman swings at Ashira with one attack then steps back. hitting (dmg 4)

Crewman 4 steps up towards both Ashira and Val with 2 short swords drawn.

Sea Devil 1 starts to move closer to Val readying its Trident.
Sea Devil 2 casts Calm Emotions at the Wildcards (Will Save DC 16)
Mage casts Charm Person on Ashira (Will Save DC 15)

Team 2 -
Appolo starts to head down to the lower deck reaching half way down then spots the battle going on between team 1 and the crewmen.

Crewman 7 attacks Ari hitting with two strikes and one critical hit (dmg 25.)
Crewman 8 attacks Walker hitting with all three swings (dmg 21)
Crewman 9 attacks Walker hitting with 2 slashes (dmg 14)
Crewman 10 attacks Rigging with his warhammer hitting once (dmg 11)

Rigging's flaming sphere catches the catapult on fire and the deck is starting to catch fire.


Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps


Ashira (AC20, HP 34) Bull's Strength  d20+7=11 d20+7=9
Friday November 7th, 2003 9:47:26 PM

Ashira smiles as the Crewman's blow barely nicks her and raises her swords to deliver a killing blow just as the magic washes over her. She hesitates, and then lowers her blades. She looks around at the other Wildcards in disbelief. "For the love of Alemi, why are you attacking our allies? Val, Bart....stand down!"

Valanthe (AC 16, 58 HP, Raged, Fatigued)  d20+13=27 d20+8=9 d6+8=14
Friday November 7th, 2003 9:51:28 PM

Frustrated by her opponents refusal to bleed Valanthe tries again, hacking her opponent.

[hit ac 27 for 14. power attack -1/+1]

Redux (mage armor) 
Friday November 7th, 2003 10:17:04 PM

Redux continues to spy the action on deck and can only imagine what is happening below deck. "Captain, this ship isn't moving fast enough. Activate the seal and let's send a party over there. A few with me should be able to tip the scale back in our favor." Redux adjusts his things in preparation to fly to the ship.

Rigging ac 20, hps 29/50 mage armor cat's grace  d20+7=27 d20+7=25 d20+7=16 d6+1=4 2d6(5+3)=8
Friday November 7th, 2003 11:14:00 PM

Rigging grunts with pain as the blow strikes into his body. He stabs out and sinks his rapier deeply into his enemies body but misses with his dagger.

ooc rolled critical hit with rapier 12 points of damage

Bart (Ac24 HP 31)  d20+12=25 d20+7=17 d10+7=9 d10+7=10
Saturday November 8th, 2003 3:36:03 AM

Bart ignores Ashira and attacks the crewman once more (hit ac 25 for 9). He steps towards the crewman Ashira was fighting with and attacks him (ac 17 for 10)

Walker, Hp 16+19/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+13=26 3d8(7+6+1)+5=19
Saturday November 8th, 2003 10:56:02 AM

Walker steps back 5' going defensive and spotaniously spending his water breathing spell to cast cure critical on himself.
[concentration check = 26, healed 19 hp]

Saves Reminder (DM Dominic) 
Saturday November 8th, 2003 2:05:46 PM

Val, Bart Please roll your Will saves. If you don't I will consider you failing it.

Appolo HP:36AC:21 Invisible  d20+11=12 d20+6=20 d8+3=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=5 d6+12=16
Saturday November 8th, 2003 6:33:21 PM

Appolo move silently and quickly toward the Sea Devil Cleric,back stabbing it, with his shortsword.

Move Silently 12,hide 16,attack 20,damage 6+ Back stab 6 2 5=19

Bart  d20+2=7 d20+2=21
Sunday November 9th, 2003 7:45:58 AM

OOC will save roll (used heropoint)

Ari AC 23 HP 9 (BS CG)  d20+8=27 d20+8=12 d20+8=22 d6+5=8 d6+5=10 d20+9=26 d6+5=6 d6=3 2d6(3+2)=5 d20+8=22 d6+5=7 2d6(2+3)=5 d20+9=13 d20+9=22 d6+5=10 2d6(5+6)=11
Monday November 10th, 2003 5:18:35 PM

(ooc doing two posts/rounds, as directed by DM. Sorry for delay. Motorcycle accident on Sunday. I'm okay. Little sore, no major hospital bills)

Having been caught relatively unawares by the attacking party. Ari responds in kind to his attack without thought about other solutions.

(AC 27 (poss crit (12) use hero point? (22) for 8 pts no crit, 18 points with crit +5 points if evil)
(AC 26 for 6 points + 3 points of fire)

(AC 22 for 7 points + 5 points if evil)
(AC 13 Hero points used, AC 22 for 10 points plus 11 points of fire)

Bleeding heavily from his cuts, Ari looks around when finished, to assess what is going on.

Boarding Action - rd. 5 (DM Dominic)  d20+8=14 (will save val)d20+8=14 (concentration roll) d20+13=28 (teleport roll) d100=39 (morale roll) d20=14 d20=12 (attacking val)d20+10=21 d20+5=9 (dmg on val) d6+3=6 (morale) d20=20 (atacking walker) d20+10=13 d20+5=8 d20+10=18 d20+5=14 (attacking rigging) d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+10=18 (dmg on rigging) 3d8(4+4+7)+9=24
Monday November 10th, 2003 7:48:48 PM

Hearing Redux recommending use of the seal of flying Capt. Hawley breaks the seal activating it. 10 crewmen, Hawley and Redux are effected by it. Hawley,crewmen and Redux fly towards the Pride swiftly. (will be able to melee attack next round unless otherwise directed.)
Letting loose with the first shot from the main catapult (hit the sails) the remaining crew of the Sword pilot the Sword towards the Pride with full speed.

Team 1 -

A wave of calming emotions spreads through Team 1. Bart feels the effects just roll off of him with no effect. Valanthe feels the effect bring her out of her Rage early (failed save, nolonger raging, and is now exhausted.) Appolo makes it to the foot of the stairs and next to Bart and Ashira.
The Mage tells Crewman 5 to ignore Ashira and to attack Bart. Then the mage steps up near Ashira as the Sea Devil 2 steps next to Ashira. The mage then cast a spell and touches Ashira and Sea Devil 2 as he completes the spell. You see Ashira, Sea Devil 2 and the mage vanish with a flash and the sound of a pop (teleport.)
Crewman 2 staggered from the blows turns and runs away from Val (AoO)
Crewman 4 attacks Val with his short swords landing a slice across the chest (dmg 6)
Crewman 5 seeing the mage leave and the bodies of his fallen crew members he decides to turn and run for the upper deck (AoO Appolo and Bart)
Sea Devil 1 moves towards Bart wtih an evil twinkle in its eyes.

Team 2 -
Ari drops the crewman that had been attacking him with a flurry of blows.
Rigging sees that his opponent is now staggering from the repeated blows from Rigging but remains standing.
As Walker feals the healing energy flow through his body, Walker can see 4 invisible forms moving about the deck.
Crewman 8 attacks Walker missing with both of his swings.
Crewman 9 attacks Walker missing with both of his swings.
Crewman 10 attacks Rigging connecting with a massive blow to Riggings chest (dmg 24.)


Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps


Rigging ac 20 hps 5/50 mage armor,  d20+7=11 d20+7=20 2d6(5+5)=10 d4+1=3
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 12:04:29 AM

Rigging rocks back in agony from the blow to his chest. Tears of pain fill his eyes. He is tempted to just lay down and quit. He quickly thinks about activating his invisibility ring and curling up into a fetal ball. "No!" he thinks. Others depend upon him. He awkwardly lashes out with his rapier but his assailent dodges away. The follow up with his dagger finds his foe and drinks his life.

OOC 13 points of damage

Ari AC 23 HP 9 (BS CG) 
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 12:09:34 AM

With a temporary reprieve from defeating his foe. Ari realizes that they've not done anything to the catapults. With that in mind, Ari spells out animate rope on the nearest catapult and issue's "untie/unmake". Looking for a command that will hopefully cause the catapult to release it self, and either destroy it, or anything else that foils the catapult.

Valanthe (AC 17, 38 HP, Fatigued -4str/-4dex)  d20+11=15 d20+6=12
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 12:11:08 AM

Valanthe has no idea what came over her but the sudden loss of anger left her momentarily confused. Stranger still was the fact that she stood there while her opponent cut into her flesh. Her limbs devoid of strength, Val attacks are anything but effective.

ooc: two misses. I see this is where Ashira gets a heartseed or thats what it looks like.

Valanthe ooc 
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 12:13:38 AM

no AoO roll because when the crewman runs Valanthe cannot attack. After he leaves is when Val gets injured and the spell is broken.

Bart (Ac24 HP 31)  d20+12=17 d10+7=15 d20+12=29 d20+7=26 d20+7=19 d10+7=13 d10+7=14 d10+7=8
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 4:55:18 AM

Bart sees the crewman leave and attacks him (ato ac 17 for 15) He then turns his attention to twinkling seadevil. Attackling him his first slash connects and hit the devil hard (ac 29 for 13) His second attack is even better maybe critical to the devil (threat 26 crit? 19 for 14+8). He looks around if he can see Ashira, he shouts Ashira where are you?

Appolo HP:36AC:21 Invisible  d20+6=17 d20+6=17 d8+3=5 d8+3=4 d6=2 d6=3 d6=5 d6=3 d6=1 d6=2
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 6:53:17 AM

Being invisible when enters the hall just in time to seethe capture of Ashira Bart strikes afleeing crewmen and Appolo quickly moves into position and backstabs the sailor twice with his sword."ASHIRAAA!!He yells and quckly becomes a merciless savage.

Attack 17,17 Damage 5,4 Backstab 16

Redux (mage armor)  4d4(4+4+4+3)+4=19
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 9:21:52 AM

As the night wind whistles through Redux's ears he spots Rigging's dire situation and tries to do something to remedy it. He fires off a volley of magic missiles toward Rigging's opponent, should he still be alive, or Crewman #10 (19 hp of damage).

Walker, Hp 35/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+6=17 2d6(4+2)+5=11 d6=5
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 4:36:56 PM

Walker will swing at crewman #9, staying defensive.
[hit ac 17, dam = 11 + 5 flame]

Boarding Action - rd. 6 (DM Dominic)  (attacking val) d20+10=24 d20+10=12 d20+5=12 (dmg on val) d8+3=8 (attacking val) d20+10=12 d20+10=20 d20+5=12 (dmg on val) d6+3=6 (attacking bart) d20+12=29 d20+12=23 d20+7=24 (dmg on bart) d8+3=4 d8+3=11 d8+3=5(attacking cs7) d20+12=22 d20+12=13 d20+7=20 d8+3=7 d8+3=5(attacking cs8) d20+7=19 d20+12=24 d20+12=19 d8+3=11 d8+3=4 d8+3=4 (hawley save) d20+8=26 (attacking walker) d20+10=13 d20+10=11 d20+5=18 d20+5=13 (attacking SD5) d20+9=24 d20+4=11 d6+4=10 4d8(5+3+4+3)+7=22 d20+6=17 d20+9=26 d10+4=5 d20+8=13 d20+3=16 d20+5=14 d20+6=12
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 8:35:51 PM

Team 1 -

Appolo appears out of nowhere screaming and attacking the crewman that was running from Bart, killing the crewman with a quick flurry of blows to the back.

The Sea Devil attacked by Bart screams from pain caused by Bart's attacks.

Val is currently Exhausted (-6 to STR & DEX, half movement)

Crewman 2 noticing the lack of attacks from Val he turns and joins in the attack with #4 attacking Val hitting once (dmg 7)
Crewman 4 attacks Val with his short swords landing a slice across the chest (dmg 5)

Sea Devil 1 attacks Bart with its trident hitting rapidly 3 times (dmg 4+11+5=20)

Team 2 -

Redux and the others from the Sword arrive and join in the combat.
As Redux is flying over he hits the crewman that had been attacking Rigging dropping him.

As the reinforcements arrive from the Sword you see 3 Sea Devils attack the reinforcements and a humanoid in finely cut leathers finish releasing a spell.
Mage 2 casts web catching CS10, CS4, CS5, CS3 in the area of effect.
Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS7 hitting twice (dmg 12)
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS8 hitting with 3 blows (dmg 19)
Sea Devil 5 casts at Capt. Hawley Hold person (will save dc 16)
Crewman 8 attacks Walker missing with both swings.
Crewman 9 attacks Walker missing with both swings.

Swords Crewmen -
#3,4,5 & 10 are trapped in the web spell.
#1 attacks S4 and misses
#2 attacks S3 hitting with his hvy flail (dmg 5)
#6 attacks C9 missing with both swings.
#7 attacks S3 misses
#8 attacks S4 misses
#9 casts CCW on Rigging (heals 22hp)
Capt. Hawley shrugs the spell off and swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword hitting with one blow (dmg 10)

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps


Valanthe (AC very low, 26 HP, Exhausted -6str/-6dex) 
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 9:47:07 PM

Totally exhausted Val tries to back away from the fight.

ooc: If Val is now exhausted what was the purpose of the saving throw from before? I would like to know where the rules are that combine fatigue from rage and the spell. All of a sudden the spell kicks in again and increases from the former -2 to the full -4 and adds to her normal fatigue. Since Val cannot attack she will attempt to retreat for the rest of combat. That is pointless since the enemy sailors can easily keep up and hack me to pieces. I will post again if Valanthe survives which I seriously doubt. Honestly it looks like we will have a few new crewman after this battle.

Dominic - the reason that Val is exhausted and not fatigued is the fact that you become fatigued from leaving the rage and the ray of exahustion spell already had you at fatigued. It states it in the phb how if you are fatigued then you have something cause fatigue you become exhausted.

Rigging ac 20 hps 29 mage armor, cat's grace 
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 10:41:52 PM

Rigging will pull out a seal and break it.

OOC changes his comrades weapons into holy weapons for one round

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor  7d6(6+6+5+6+4+5+6)=38 4d4(1+3+2+1)+4=11
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 12:05:55 PM

Using his flying spell to good advantage, Redux maintains an altitude of about 20 feet above the top of the combatants. He begins casting fireball at M2 (38 hp dam. Reflex save DC 15 for 19 hp dam.), aiming the spell carefully to avoid catching any of the crew in its path. If he does not have the space to aim the fireball without injuring his shipmates, Redux will cast magic missiles at M2 instead (11 hp dam if used).

Bart (Ac25 HP ??)  d20+12=23 d20+7=23 d10+7=14 d10+7=15
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 12:48:17 PM

Bartr is screaming from pain, he manages to stay on his feet and attacks his foe (hit ac 23 for 14), if he is dead he will attack the nearest crewmember otherwise his second attack is once more at the devil (ac 23 for 15). He keeps his eye o his nearest foe dodging away his attacks (+1Ac = Ac25 dodge feat)

I noticed you rolled a 23 to hit while bart has ac 24, i guess it is 9 dam instead of 20)

Appolo HP:36AC:21  d20+2=7 d20+2=13
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 4:34:21 PM

Appolo moves quickly past Bart and the Sea Devil Blitzing through to stand between the enemy aand Valanthe.He Does this by taking a step back then sprinting around behind Bart as passes Val Appolo pulls her back and steps in front of her.He will then fight defensively.
He says"Don't worry Sunshine I"m here."

OO:Please ignore d20 rolls,my bad.

Walker, Hp 35/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+6=13
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 6:52:18 PM

Walker swings at crewman #9 and misses.

Boarding Action - rd. 7 (DM Dominic)  (save M2) d20+8=14 (sd3 attacks) d20+12=19 d20+7=26 d8+3=7 d8+3=4 (sd4 attacks) d20+12=14 d20+7=27 d8+3=7 (sd5 attack) d20+10=16 (cs1 attack) d20+6=14 (cs2 attack) d20+9=28 d20+9=12 d10+4=9 (cs6 attack) d20+8=15 d20+3=17 (cs7 attack) d20+5=10 (cs8 attack) d20+6=8 (cs9 spell) 3d8(3+4+7)+7=21 (capt hawley attack) d20+9=14 d20+4=10 (attacking appolo) d20+10=11 d20+5=17 d20+10=14 d20+5=11
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 7:05:37 PM

Team 1 -

Bart sees the Sea Devil1 drop from his blows.
Appolo gets between Val and the opponents.
Val catches her breath and backs towards the stairs leading up.

Crewman 2 attacks Appolo missing with both attacks
Crewman 4 attacks Appolo with his short swords missing with both attacks.

Team 2 -

Redux sends a fireball at the mage that cast web on the Swords Crewmen (dmg 38).
You see the catapult #2 go slack as the rope causing tension goes slack.
Immediately upon Rigging breaking the seal everyones weapons glow for a brief moment. (they are considered Holy for this round.)

Mage 2 staggers from the blast of the fireball, he then calls out 'Regroup' then casts a spell and vanishes.
Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS7 while taking a 5' step hitting twice (dmg 11)
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS8 hitting with 1 blows (dmg 7)
Sea Devil 5 attacks Capt. Hawley and misses
Crewman 8 moves towards catapult 2. (AoO walker)
Crewman 9 moves towards catapult 2. (AoO walker)

Swords Crewmen -
#3,4,5 & 10 are trapped in the web spell.
#1 attacks S4 and misses
#2 attacks S3 hitting with his hvy flail (dmg 9)
#6 attacks C9 missing with both swings.
#7 attacks S3 misses
#8 attacks S4 misses
#9 moves over to Ari and casts CSW on Ari (heals 21hp)
Capt. Hawley swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword missing.

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps

Current HPs that I have including healing done by NPc's this round:
Bart - 22hp
Ari - 30hp
Val - 35hp
Appolo - 36hp
Rigging - 27hp
Redux - 46hp
Walker - 35hp


Rigging, ac 20 hps 29/50 mage armor, cat's grace, holy weapons, invisible 
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 8:43:56 PM

Rigging will activate his ring of invisibility and head north towards where he last saw the mage.

Walter OOC 
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 10:52:02 PM

Unless there was some unspecified healing Valanthe has 26 hp. Because of her rage she gained 14 and lost 14 which might have thrown off your numbers.

Ari AC 23 HP 9 (BS CG)  d20+8=11 d20+9=10
Thursday November 13th, 2003 11:25:05 AM

Thanking his healer, Ari does his best to defend the catapult, and keep it from being used against the Sword.

(AC 11 and AC 10)

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor, Invisible  d20+4=24
Thursday November 13th, 2003 1:14:40 PM

Redux smiles wickedly as the spellcaster is toasted by his fireball, but his smile quickly fades to a frown when the man disappears. He shouts out to Ari "Ari...we need all the hands we can get...dispel the web."

Floating in the air, Redux considers his options. Figuring that the mage won't be too thrilled with him, Redux reaches in his backpack, pulls out an invisibility potion and downs it. Knowing that he's going to need some help locating the now invisible mage, Redux summons Talon (his owl familiar) mentally. "Talon...get over here. I need your help finding someone." Redux begins flying toward Catapult 2, searching as he goes (Spot=24!!!! Holy cow...may not need Talon after all).

Bart (Ac24 HP 22)  d20+12=26 d20+7=27 d20+7=21 d10+7=11 d10+7=14 d10+7=13
Thursday November 13th, 2003 1:28:42 PM

Bart attacks th crewman in frot of him (ac 26 for 11. It looks like his second attack ihas done some critical dammage (threat crit 21 for 14+13) Bart moves around his opponent giving him better protection (+1 Ac dodge feat)

Appolo HP:36AC:21 
Thursday November 13th, 2003 5:56:21 PM

Appolo continues to fight defensively as he watches the sea Devil fall.he fighting with witha rather eerie calm as waits for his opponents to make a mistake.

Boarding Action - rd. 8 (DM Dominic)  (attacking bart) d20+10=17 d20+10=12 d20+5=13 (attacking appolo) d20+5=22 d20+10=12 d20+10=12 (dmg on appolo) d8+3=10 (attacking cs7) d20+12=21 d20+7=14 d8+3=11(attacking cs8) d20+12=13 d20+7=13 (attacking hawley) d20+10=21 (save hawley) d20+6=19 (attacking cs2) d20+10=15 d20+5=25 d20+5=6 (dmg on cs2) d8+3=6 (attacking cs3) d20+10=18 d20+5=15 (dmg on cs3) d8+3=7 d8+3=11 (save for cs4,5,10) d20+5=25 d20+4=17 d20+4=9 (attacking s4) d20+6=8 (attacking c9) d20+8=26 d20+3=9 (dmg on c9) d8+2=3 (attacking s3) d20+5=15 (attacking s4) d20+6=18 (attacking s5) d20+9=23 d20+4=10 (dmg on s5) d6+4=5
Thursday November 13th, 2003 6:34:10 PM

Team 1 -

Bart delivers two telling blows to the crewman who barely keeps to his feet.
Crewman 2 attacks Appolo cutting a slash across the toroso (dmg 10)
Crewman 4 attacks Bart with his short swords missing with all attacks.

Team 2 -

Rigging fades from view.
Redux vanishes and flies towards catapult 2. Redux thinks he detects something moving to his right over near the hatch going to the lower decks but is unsure.

Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS7 hitting once (dmg 11)
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS8 missing with both attacks
Sea Devil 5 casts bestow curse on Capt. Hawley (dc 17)
Crewman 8 swings and hits once CS2 (dmg 6)dropping him.
Crewman 9 attacks CS3 hitting with both attacks (dmg 7+11=18) dropping her.

Swords Crewmen -
#3 (dying) & 10 are trapped in the web spell.
#1 attacks S4 misses
#2 (dying)
#4 moves out of the webbed area.
#5 moves out of the webbed area.
#6 attacks C9 hits with his first swing (dmg 3)
#7 attacks S3 misses
#8 attacks S4 misses
#9 cast see invisible
Capt. Hawley saves vs the spell
Capt. Hawley swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword hitting once (dmg 5)

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps

Val at the end of next round you will go from Exhausted to fatigued.


Ari AC 23 HP 9 (BS CG) 
Thursday November 13th, 2003 6:47:48 PM

Hearing Redux's call, Ari is pained to realize that he might have caused some crew members deaths. Quickly he pulls out his wand of dispel and zaps a charge off at the web entangled crewmates. (lvl 12)

Rigging ac 20 hps 29/50 mage armor, cats grace, holy weapon seal  d20+6=25 d20+6=15 d20+6=7 d6+1=6 2d6(5+3)=8 2d6(2+6)=8 d20+8=10
Thursday November 13th, 2003 7:56:15 PM

Rigging sees a cs3 get hacked down and a rage overtakes him. He will plunge his (holy) rapier into the cad's back sinking it deeply. He is so pleased with the result that he complete flubs the follow up dagger attack.
Rigging will take a quick look around, but I doubt he sees much in the smoke and confusion.

OOC sorry with cats grace Rigging should get a extra plus 1 to hit. Rolled critical and being behind my opponent I hit ac 19 damage 22. rolled a 10 for my spot check

Walker, Hp 35/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+6=11
Thursday November 13th, 2003 11:19:27 PM

Walker looks to see if he can see the mage that disappeared earlier. If he can reach him he will move to attack, otherwise will attack c9.

Bart (ac24 hp 22)  d20+9=24 d20+4=21 d10+10=14 d10+10=20
Friday November 14th, 2003 2:44:38 AM

Angry that the crewman is still standing before him Bart uses more strenth than accuratesse to his blows (powerattack 3). His first attack blows his opponent from his feet (ac 24 for 14). APPOLLO! atttack him we care about Val in a moment He steps forward and joins the fight with Appollo. Attacking once more (ac 21 for 20)

AppoloHP:26/36 AC:21  d20+7=23 d20+2=16 d6+2=7 d8+3=6
Friday November 14th, 2003 5:24:59 AM

Appolo grimaces then strikes back visiuosly and silently twice,once with his shortsword and once with his dagger.

Attack 23,16 Damage 7, 6

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor, Invisible? 
Friday November 14th, 2003 9:28:56 AM

Spotting the movement to his right, Redux pulls out a scroll of Glitterdust. "Not so fast big guy...I need to shed a little light on this matter. Redux thinks to himself. He centers the spell at the place where he last saw the movement and then flys toward the hatch...wanting to finish this matter quickly.

OOC Will save DC14 or be blinded for 7 rounds. Sparkling continues for 7 rounds.

Boarding Action - rd. 9 (DM Dominic)  (save mage) d20+7=16 (attacking cs7) d20+7=27 d20+7=27 d20+12=27 (dmg on cs7) 2d8(3+4)+6=13 (attacking cs1) d20+12=30 d20+12=25 d20+7=27 d20+7=11 (dmg on cs1) d8+3=10 d8+3=6 (attacking hawley) d20+10=25 (dmg on hawley) d8+5=13 (attacking cs5) d20+10=13 d20+5=22 (dmg on cs5) d8+3=9 (fireball dmg) 8d8(8+4+8+2+2+5+6+6)=41 (reflex saves) d20+2=21 d20+3=6 d20+3=21 d20+4=7 (attacking s4) d20+6=25 d20+3=11 d8+2=10 (attacking s3) d20+9=27 d8+4=5 (attacking s5) d20+4=9 d20+9=16 (attacking c8) d20+7=16 d20+2=18 d8+2=9 (attacking c8)d20+9=14 d20+4=16 (attacking s5) d20+4=20 d20+9=27 d6+3=4
Friday November 14th, 2003 7:01:07 PM

Team 1 -

Bart and Appolo finish off the remaining opponents. Valanthe recovers some of her energy (now fatigued not exhausted.)
You see 3 open doorways and the stairs going up.

Team 2 -
Ari uses his wand and dispels the web freeing everyone.
Rigging appears behind C9 and drives his rapier through C9's toroso killing him.
Walker starts to move to where he sees what he thinks is an invisible creature.
Redux moves towards the hatch and causes an area to start to sparkle (missed the mage.)

Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS7 hitting with the second attack (crit) (dmg 13) dropping CS7
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS1 hitting with both attacks (dmg 16)
Sea Devil 5 swings at Capt. Hawley hitting (dmg 13)
Crewman 8 swings and hits once CS5 (dmg 9)
The Pride's mage appears as he completes his spell. you see a ball of flame streak out from him and explodes next to Rigging (dmg 41, reflex save DC 17 for half.) Fireball catches Rigging, Ari, CS3 (failed, killed), C8 (failed), CS6 (made took 20hp dmg), CS2(made took 20hp dmg)

Swords Crewmen -
#3 (dead)
#10 attacks c8 missing
#1 attacks S4 hitting (dmg 10)
#2 attacks s3 hitting (dmg 5)
#4 attacks s5 missing
#5 attacks c8 hitting once (dmg 9)
#6 moves towards the mage
#7 (dying)
#8 (dead)
#9 begins casting
Capt. Hawley swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword hitting once (dmg 4)

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps

Val is now fatigued.


Valanthe (AC 17, 26 HP,Fatigued -4str/-4dex) 
Friday November 14th, 2003 8:52:39 PM

Val hobbles forward and checks the northern room.

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21 
Friday November 14th, 2003 10:10:30 PM

Appolo moves to support Valanthe"Take it easy Sunshine,your not looking to good,niether are we for that matter.Just sit down and rest we're out of the gane for the moment.Here have some water."He oofers her his waterskin. He looks around at he hallThen adds"We've lost Ashira,we're not going to lose you too.This is a bloody disiaster."

Rigging ac 20 hps 29/50 mage armor, cat's grace  d20+9=18
Saturday November 15th, 2003 12:08:13 AM

Rigging will see the mage's ball zipping towards him and run towards it diving into a roll. He will roll to his feet and activate his ring again turning himself invisible. Rigging will then sprint towards the magicuser thinking very bad but somehow pleasing thoughts of sharp pointy objects piercing his enemies' body.

OOC made saving throw, have evasion feat so don't take any damage. Not sure if activating the ring will take up my movement or not.

Walker, Hp 35/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+6=24 2d6(1+4)+5=10 d6=1
Saturday November 15th, 2003 2:02:07 AM

Walker moves towards m2 and swings.
[hit ac 24, dam 11 + 1 flame]
{Ooc: plus should be 6 not 5)

Sunday November 16th, 2003 2:22:51 PM

Wait Val i have a potion of endurance i dont know if it works, but it cant be going worse than now I think

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor  d20+4=19 d4=2
Sunday November 16th, 2003 10:12:51 PM

Spotting the mage come into view and the fireball pass below him, Redux casts Enervation at the Mage, hitting him squarly (dc=19) for 2 lost levels. Now being visible, Redux moves down to the deck and north, but around the area affected by the glitterdust.

Ari AC 23 HP 10 (BS CG)  d20+8=21 d20+6=14 d20+6=9 d8+3=9
Sunday November 16th, 2003 10:28:10 PM

Not having been on the receiving side before, Ari cries out in pain as he gets singed from the fireball (saved). Feeling the blisters spread thruout his body, Ari backs away from the fighting and pulls out his bow and arrows from his Quiver. Ari takes aim at the mage and lets his arrows fly. (assuming not close range, but in first range increment) AC 14, and 9, for 9 points if hit.

Boarding Action - rd. 10 (DM Dominic)  d6+8=11 (attacking CS2) d20+12=28 d20+7=9 (dmg on CS2) d8+3=10 (attacking CS1) d20+12=29 d20+7=26 (dmg on CS1) d8+3=4 d8+3=9 (attacking hawley) d20+10=27 d8+3=4 (attacking CS5) d20+10=15 d20+5=23 d8+3=4 (mm dmg on redux) 4d4(4+3+3+3)+4=17 (attacking c8) d20+4=9 d20+9=15 (attacking s4) d20+6=23 d20+3=4 (dmg on s4) d6+2=4 (attacking s3) d20+9=11 (attacking s5) d20+9=10 d20+4=24 d20+4=21 2d6(5+5)+2=12 (attacking c8) d20+7=21 d20+2=18 d8+1=9 d8+1=9 d8+7=14 (attacking s5) d20+9=23 d20+4=6
Monday November 17th, 2003 7:13:08 PM

Team 1 -
Checking the northern room Val, Appolo and Bart see King Maisey chained to the bed unconscious and stripped of all clothes.

Team 2 -

Rigging vanishes from sight as he starts towards the mage.
Walker swings at the mage connecting with his blow. As Walker hits you see bluish flames flare up around the mage (dmg to Walker 11.)
Ari fires at the mage two arrows and misses both the mage and Walker.

Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS2 hitting once (dmg 10)
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS1 hitting with both attacks (dmg 13)
Sea Devil 5 swings at Capt. Hawley hitting (dmg 4)
Crewman 8 swings at CS5 hitting once (dmg 4)
The Pride's mage sends 4 bolts of force into Redux (dmg 17)

Swords Crewmen -
#3 (dead)
#10 attacks c8 misses
#1 attacks S4 hits once stunning S4 (dmg 4)
#2 attacks s3 misses
#4 attacks s5 hit with his second attack (crit)(dmg 12)
#5 attacks c8 hitting with both attacks (dmg 18)dropping him.
#6 moves towards the mage
#7 (dying)
#8 (dead)
#9 casts clw on CS2 (heals 14)
Capt. Hawley swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword missing both times.

After seeing the fight is hopeless the Mage calls out "Drop your arms men!"

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps


Rigging ac 20 hps 29/50 mage armor, cat's grace, inivisible  d4+1=5 d4+1=2
Monday November 17th, 2003 11:29:19 PM

Rigging will hear the call for surrender and notice the fire shield spell the mage has. He will release his invisibility spell and call out. "Stand down! Everyone standdown. They are surrendering!"

He will motion for the mage to come forward and say, "Hands behind your head. Down on your knees! If the mage and the others don't immediately obey, Rigging will unleash a magic missile spell at the stubborn ones. "Be careful, the heartseeds might take over."

OOC Rolled 7 points of damage if necessary for magicmissile

Valanthe (AC 17, 26 HP,Fatigued -4str/-4dex) 
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 12:30:58 AM

"Thanks for the offer Bart but we don't know if the potion will counter whatever that magic did."

Valanthe hobbles over to King Maisey and looks for some type of new scar.

"How can we tell if she has been implanted with a heartseed?"

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21  d20+3=23 d20+8=21 d20+6=10 d20+6=17
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 3:18:18 PM

Appolo moves up besides Valanthe"it should be between the navel and the heart,Here let me search.Appolo beaks out his thieves tools and a magnifying glass and gives King Maiseys body a thorough inspection.He then picks the locks.

Search 23, Pick lock 21,Disable Device 10,used hero piont on disable device 17.

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor 
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 6:27:39 PM

Redux smiles as the mage's magic missiles are absorbed by his Broach of Shielding. He gives Rigging a funny look when the surrender is accepted. "Don't think it's right to attack and then surrender." he mutters under his breath. He keeps close tabs on the mage, ready to fire off a few magic missiles if needed.

Capture of the Pride (DM Dominic)  3d6(4+4+4)=12
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 6:28:48 PM

The Crew of the Pride do as the Captain ordered and dropped their weapons. While the Sea Devils stopped attacking, they still hold thier weapons in a defensive manner. The Captain (mage) asks "My name is Araon, I would like to speak with your captain about the terms of surrender." Araon then tells his men to gather together and get the fire out that is burning on the deck. Araon will allow himself to be escorted where ever he needs to go. Hawley walks over to Rigging and asks Redux to join him. When everyone is gathered Hawley asks "how do we want to play this? I command the ship but I act under your orders per mission requirements."

Down below in the lower decks -
Appolo starts to examine Maisey but does not find any signs of her being heartseeded. When Appolo starts to work on the manacles on Maisey's wrists Appolo sees a rune appear then it flashes and vanishes. Immedeately after it flashes everyone feels a wave of sleepyness wash over them. (Will save DC 21 or fall into a catatonic slumber for 120 minutes)

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21  d20+3=22 d20+8=19 d20+8=17
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 8:05:50 PM

Appolo is momentarily blinded an stunned by the flash,but shakes his head and fights off the effects and continues to work on the locks.

Will 22, Picklocks 19,Disable device 17

Tuesday November 18th, 2003 9:38:53 PM

Rigging says, "Our primary mission is to save the King. I suggest we take the King and their Captain with us. We loot their ship for magic and treasure and damage their rudder so they can not follow us. We need to get out of here before we come across any of their other warships. We have a high level hostage, who might be able to give us some information. Who knows, we might even be able to turn him to our side.

Otherwise we would have to kill everyone and I have seen enough bloodshed for one day."

Rigging will have his say and then decide to go check on his wife and the others. "Ashira! Is everything ok down there!?"

Rigging will start moving towards the hatch going down.

Redux (mage armor)  4d4(4+2+3+4)+4=17
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 10:43:24 PM

Redux growls at Riggings suggestion. "We should kill the sea devils outright, they're evil and always will be. Then we should throw the bound, gagged and blindfolded crew, including this 'captain' overboard. The ship can then be sailed back by our own crew. We can have our mages give it a complete examination before it goes into service. This is a magic user, for Pete's sake," pointing at the captain, "at least blindfold and gag him now. As for terms of surrender: what terms have you ever given to those on our side? Someone gag him before I send my own volley of magic missiles at him. He should have no say in what we do." Redux begins casting (dmg from missiles, if used=17).

Valanthe (AC 17, 26 HP,Fatigued -4str/-4dex) 
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 10:59:22 PM

Feeling no effect, Valanthe doesn't react to the sleepyness. She removes her cloak and drapes it over King's body.

"I don't think she would like to wake up without any clothes on. Maybe we will get lucky and find her equipment somewhere."

ooc: I believe that Valanthe is immune to magical sleep effects.

Walker, Hp 24/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise 
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 11:08:19 PM

Walker will stand ready to help as needed.

Wednesday November 19th, 2003 12:44:46 AM

(ooc phooey, sorry for missed post)

Ari helps to bind up the opposing crew, and help bind the wounds of the sword crew members. Hoping the members below are okay, Ari then waits for any word as to what to do.

Wednesday November 19th, 2003 10:19:12 AM

Rigging is taken aback by Redux's strong statement. He will stop and order, "Redux stand down."

He realizes that some of what the mage says is true and will turn to Walker and say, "Walker tie up the mage and gag him. Watch him closely and if he gets out of hand, take appropriate actions."

He will turn back to the Redux and say, "Satisfied. You know it doesn't hurt to take the occassional prisoner."

He will take Redux by the arm and lead him away from the others and whispers. "I agree that the sahaugin have to go. Let's get them seperated from the others and then we can deal with them. I am thinking about using a cure on the Captain. He is a powerful mage and might know something of the enemies plans but isn't a priest. He might be salvagable. Who knows...he might even be able to teach you a spell or two. He showed decency in surrendering and seems concerned for the welfare of his crew. Doesn't sound evil to me."

Rigging will pat the mage on his back and finish by saying, "Start seperating the sea swine from the others. I want to check on the king and the others below."

Rigging will continue towards the hatch to go down.

Bart  d20+2=22 d20+5=11
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 3:13:00 PM

Bart sees also the flickering of the rune, but hit has no effecton him. Appolo i will help ypoyou Bart pulls at the chains trying to pull them out of the floor (strength check 11)

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21 
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 4:41:19 PM

"Bart if you want to help go get an axe and start chopping away at the wood around the bolts." Appolo says as he continues to work on the locks.

Vanishing Prisoners (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 5:36:35 PM

When you turn to deal with the Sea Devils you do not see any of them. The only prisoners you see are the crewmen that are trying to put out the fire on the deck and the captain who has moved over to help with the fire.

After much fighting with the manacles Appolo and Bart succeed in freeing King Maisey. King Maisey remains in an unconcious state.

Redux and Rigging head down to the lower deck not hearing any reply from Ashira.

Walker, Hp 24/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise 
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 5:42:12 PM

Walker follows Riggings directions in handling the mage.

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21 
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 6:13:54 PM

Still bleeding from his wounds Appolo turns to Bart"Take care of her.Becareful.I have a report to make."He looks rather sad and defeated,with tears forming in his eyes. Appolo hears Rigging and turns heads out of the room.

Meeting Rigging at the bottom of the stairs"Rigging my friend,I have some very bad news.I am sorrysssniffle sigh we lost Ashira.They captured her and teleported off the ship."Tears are now streaming down his face."i am so sorry,it happened right before I could get to her.""Oh we got the king back,not that it matters."

Wednesday November 19th, 2003 10:27:06 PM

Appolo can visibly see the blood drain from Rigging's face. Rigging knees will buckle but with a force of will he will straighten them. "See to the king's safety. Ashira would want that."

Rigging will stalk out of the room and bound up the stairs. He will head over to the Captain of the Vengence and grab him by his hair, pulling his head sharply back. He will put his holy dagger to the man's thoat and say in a deadly quiet whisper, "Where is my wife? Who took her from this ship and where would they have taken her? Be warned...if I even think you might be lying to me, I will feed your carcass to your sahaugin friends."

Wednesday November 19th, 2003 11:09:06 PM

Valanthe remembers the rough times and some of the mean things she has said to her dear friend. Things got better and Valanthe found herself cherishing Ashira's friendship. Filled with pain, Valanthe wants the anger to come. Wishes for it, but come it will not. Recent events have caused Valanthe to realize her own mortality. Ga'al is fighting harder than before and the war is becoming deadlier day by day. If she died tomarrow, what mark has she left on the world?

With a voice filled with fatigue, sorrow, and anguish Val asks Appolo, "Can we talk later? After we get back to the ship?"

Ari (HP 9, Just a man) 
Thursday November 20th, 2003 6:28:16 AM

As time whittles away, the remaining spells effecting Ari expire. Ari returns to being just a human who has been severely burned. Starting to feel the extent of his injuries, Ari starts poking around for any ointments to ease the pain of his wounds.

When Ari hears and then sees Rigging get very hostile with the mage. Ari understands Rigging's concern as he realizes that one of the groups members seems to have disappeared. Wanting to find out what has happened, Ari gingerly makes his way over to where Rigging's has the knife to the mage's throat.

Unsettling News (DM Dominic) 
Thursday November 20th, 2003 4:19:13 PM

Captain Araon allows Walker to tie him up. As Walker starts to gag him he tells Walker "Let me finish helping them get the fire under control, please?"
Araon goes dead still when Rigging puts the knife to his throat. He then asks "Describe the person that took your wife? If it was the wizard below with the prisoner then they have probably teleported to his home. Your wife will probably be safe for a short while then he may start to fquestion her on who you are and where you live. I am not his commander, he is used when there is a captive that is important."

Captain Hawley walks up to Rigging and whispers "this ship is not going anywhere untill the masts and riging can be repaired. We don't have the supplies to fix her here, but we could tow her back with us, if we get rid of her crew. I will not bring them back to home port."

After several minutes you hear a loud commotion comming from the Sword. What you can make out is that a Sea Devil was found below deck and had damaged the Sword to the point of her taking on water before it could be killed.

A crewman from the Sword walks around asking if anyone needs some healing. If anyone says they do the crewman will hand you a potion of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1) and tell you that he is out of spells but has a few potions left.

Rigging and Walker make a spot check DC 25

Redux  d20+4=21
Thursday November 20th, 2003 4:34:51 PM

The mage lets out another growl as he discovers that the sea devils have escaped. "I should have killed them while I had the chance." he thinks to himself. Redux briefly considers disobeying Rigging's order and firing off the magic missiles, but ends his spell at the last minute and follows Rigging down stairs.

Redux loses all his zeal as he finds out about Ashira's disappearance. His fingers reach underneath his robes where Ashira's shell whistle lies and thinks about pulling it out and blowing it. "You said you'd be here if I ever needed you... Redux is depressed for a few seconds and then is brought back to reality as Rigging bounds up the stairs. As quickly as he can, Redux follows and approaches Rigging and the Aisildurian captain. As he approaches, Redux speaks in low tones to Rigging. "If they went to all the trouble to capture her then there's still hope.... Perhaps these swill will be useful after all. Maybe a trade can be arranged." Redux raises his tone of voice slightly, enabling the "Captain" to hear him. "Or, at the very least, we can torture a bit of information out of them. It's been a long time, but I can whip up a bunch of the herbs used to control the seeds. We can force it to them and see where to go from there." Redux looks around and thinks he spots something suspicious, but he can't put his finger on what it is. (Spot=21)

Rigging ac 20 cat's grace, mage armor  d20+8=28 d20+11=28
Thursday November 20th, 2003 5:22:50 PM

Rigging's eyes go wide as he see a small orb drop from the mage's hand. His mind flashes to his studies and he immediately knows it is from a necklace of missiles. Without thinking he bats at it with his dagger, connecting solidly with it and sends over the side of the ship.

Rigging will look down at the mage and say, "If it is death you want? I will oblige you." He then neatly cuts the Captain's throat, letting him drop to the deck. "Redux finish the other one please. Then find his cabin," he will point at the dead captain, "and see if he had any interesting spellbooks or other treasure in there"

Rigging will then pull out his wand of magic detection and activate it scanning the crew but especially the captain.

As he does this, he will say to the Sword's Captain, "Sir, I would get the Sword along side so we can make the transfer and then be ready to shove off. Let's forget about this wreck and get the king home."

Thursday November 20th, 2003 5:24:25 PM

OOC sorry forgot to explain my rolls, first was a natural 20 for spot, Used 2 hero points to get +4 to swing at the bead.

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21 
Thursday November 20th, 2003 5:41:08 PM

Appolo turns to Valanthe tears in his"It's ok,she'll be alright.I'll take care of it."He saysjust then the old crones warning comes back to him.He pulls Valanthe close to him and holds shaking"I thought that I'd lost you as well.Your everything to me.We can talk furhter when we get to the ship.as I said I"ll take care of it,I'll do whatever is nessecary."He then picks Val up carries up on deck. seeing the dead captian he looks at Rigging and smile a wicked smile,As the crewman from the sword hands out healing potions he collects two and gives them both to Val"Here drink these you'll fel better.He says he sits down next to the side of the ship with Val in his lap.He is furious with himself,G'aal and Alemi.He sits there holding Val and silently fuming his face white as ash and his mercilless as he clutches her tightly.

Walker, Hp 24/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible  d20+10=30 2d8(6+8)+5=19
Thursday November 20th, 2003 6:22:28 PM

Walker spontaniously casts cure moderate on Ari.
[spending Bulls strength]
[spot=30 natural 20, heal 19 points]

Thursday November 20th, 2003 7:19:53 PM

Bart looks around to find a blanket to cover King Maisly. He also looks around in the room for her clothes, if he dont sees them he will have a quick look in the other two rooms. He then returns to Maisley and carries her to the upperdeck

Valanthe (AC 17, 40 HP,Fatigued -4str/-4dex)  2d8(6+6)+2=14
Thursday November 20th, 2003 11:34:12 PM

Valanthe offers no resistance as Appolo carries her up to the deck. Instead of being stubborn and refusing to drink the healing potions, Valanthe drinks these without muttering a word. She rests in Appolo's embrace physically and mentally broken all but oblivious to the events going on around her.

Redux  d20+4=23
Friday November 21st, 2003 11:16:51 AM

Redux smiles a small smile with grim satisfaction at Rigging's order. Locating the crewman who is busy fighting the fires, he lets loose 4 magic missiles at the man (using 17 hp from previous roll). He waits to make sure that his missiles take down the man. If they don't Redux will continue flinging his magic until the man hits the deck. Then he heads to where he assumes the captain's quarters are and begins his search (Spot=23).

Ari (31)  d8+1=3
Friday November 21st, 2003 2:17:16 PM

Ari pipes up for the healing from the Sword crew member, and then thanks Walker as they both help ease the pains of his burns. There are still somes signs of damage, but you can now see that Ari is wearing his clothes more comfortably (what remains of them).

When Rigging reacts to the bead, Ari will jump as if preparing for an attack.

When Rigging then pronounces death on the Captain, Ari clenches his teeth together. From his clenched teeth Ari says, "Did we even find out if he was seeded? Just when are we going to start helping our country folk?"

With that Ari turns his back on the proceedings, and goes over to the ships rails.

Friday November 21st, 2003 2:26:47 PM

Rigging gives a sharp glance at Ari's comment and his face becomes stormy. "I was going to use one of the cures on him. His eyes didn't become glazed. He was acting normal. He as a person chose to try to kill me and you and maybe more of my friends! His wasn't acting possessed when he palmed that fireball bead. It's bad enough that they could be torturing my wife as we speak. They could be appling a heartseed to her chest right now!" Rigging's voice breaks into a sob and he turns away suddenly wiping at his eyes. He breaths a deep ragged breath and goes on activating his wand of magic detection.

Picking Up and Heading Home (DM Dominic) 
Friday November 21st, 2003 6:36:23 PM

Seeing the Captain toss a small bead like item at his and Rigging's feet, Riggning knocks the bead away from his immeadiate area and over the side of the ship. A few seconds later you see the flash and the sound of a fireball going off between the two ships. As Ari reaches the railing he sees the explosion and notices that there are new scorch marks on the Sword.
Captain Hawley calls out "lets be quick, we need to be going before someone comes a looking for the Pride. Men return to your posts on the Sword and prepare to head home." Hawley then looks to the Wildcards on deck and says "be quick my friends, I want to be away from this sad place." hawley then heads back to the Sword.

The crewman that had been passing out potions goes over to Bart and says "let me help you there with King Maisey and get her aboard the Sword." He will then help with getting Maisey aboard the Sword.

With the one spell Redux kills the remaining crewmember of the Pride. When Redux finds the Captains cabin he finds that the door is not locked and goes in. looking around Redux finds in a hidden compartment in the bunk several items (see below.) When Redux uses the wand he finds an outline of a door on the wall beside the bunk. Going through it Redux finds what looks to be a small sleeping quarters with a door on the opposite wall. Searching through this room Redux finds a spellbook.

Checking the Captain's body Rigging finds 6 items that detect as magic.

After gathering up the loot you return to the Sword.
Once everyone has returned to the Sword Captain Hawley skillfully moves the Sword away from the Pride. Once away and at short range for the catapults and ballista Captain Hawley asks "shall we sink her?"

Items found:
Captains cabin -
3 vials
2 arcane scrolls
1 divine scroll
sack (magical) w/ 10 gems

Captains body -
ring (golden)
ring (onyx)

crew bodies -
6 longswords (masterwork)
trident (masterwork)
warhammer (magical)
2 shortswords (masterwork)
2 shortswords (magical)
Hvy. Flail (masterwork)

will email the spellbooks listing

Friday November 21st, 2003 10:22:41 PM

Walker joins the rest of the crew back aboard the Sword. He will offer his make whole spell to help with the damage. Then he will help any of the wounded.

Friday November 21st, 2003 10:53:40 PM

Rigging will say, "Yes lets sink her. I never her want to see that ship again." Rigging will then take out the Nautacolous and summon its powers. He will do a reading around the ship to find out what is below the Sword. He is looking for any sahaugin that might be tagging along for the ride.
After the Pride is sunk, he will speed the Sword of Redemption on its way. He will hand the magic items he found over to Redux and head to his cabin. "I want to be alone for a while."

Saturday November 22nd, 2003 11:10:16 AM

Appolo carries Valanthe aboard the Sword his heart heavy.He carries her down to her quarters and makes her comfortable helping her outof her armour and clothes.Appolo then collects some hot water and strrpis down himself,he washes up,then helps Valanthe do the same.He also puts a bandage on his still festering wound.He will climb into bed with her and hold her.Pity the fool that interupts them.Appolo's in no mood to be bothered right now.

Saturday November 22nd, 2003 12:30:03 PM

Valanthe lays in Appolo's arms enjoying the embrace. Her eyes are closed as she comes to a descision on the things that have been bothering her as of late.

"We live dangerous lives. I don't believe that I will die of old age. Just like everybody who leads this life sooner or later an enemies blade will strike true. I want to leave something besides a story or two for bards. I want children."

Sunday November 23rd, 2003 3:39:40 PM

Bart says to the crewmen Thank you for you help, I will bring her to a cabin now where she can rest, can you get an healer she is still unconcious"

Sunday November 23rd, 2003 10:29:35 PM

Quietly Redux takes all of the loot to his cabin with whatever help may be given. He tells the others, "I'm going to look over the scrolls and spell book for anything useful. Maybe this captain had an identify spell I can use after copying it into my spell book or I'll find someplace to buy it. I'd like to keep as much of that type of work to ourselves to keep costs down."

The next morning, Redux uses Read Magic to sort thru the spell book and scrolls. After he's had some time with it all, he sorts out the questions he has for the others. "Walker, this scroll is something I can't read, what type of divine spell is it?"
"Appolo, are you able to appraise gems or do we need to have someone outside the party do this?"

"I may want to keep the bracers myself, but I will let everyone know of their value when we go to make a split. I thought that at least these long swords should be kept on board for our crew to use; they were a great help back there. By my count we are going to need to identify at least 13 items; that's not a problem, I'll just need more that one day. We can sell the trident, short swords and heavy flail now to get what is needed to identify the rest of the items. Once we've finished with all of that, we can see who wants what. Out of respect for Rigging and Ashira, lets put some portion aside for Ashira. I'm sure that with some careful scrying, we can find where that mage went."

(ooc Feel free to post replies or use the game. Dominic, how much game time may we use in getting back to port? Were you going to send out a list of spells for the book & scrolls?)

Sunday November 23rd, 2003 11:02:54 PM

Not wanting to be around anyone himself, Ari goes off to his cabin to meditate and be by himself.

Arrival Home (DM Dominic) 
Monday November 24th, 2003 7:52:09 PM

Over the next couple of days you slowly recover from the shock of Ashira being taken and the physical wounds begin to heal with the aid of the clerics on board the Sword.
Sorting through the scrolls Redux and Walker find that they have the following spells (arcane: ray of exhaustion, teleport, dimension door, invisibility, divine: mass heal, mass cure serious wounds.)
Redux discovers that the 2 spellbooks contain the following spells (spellbook #1 (0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Burning Hands, Charm Person, Identify, Magic Missile, Shield, Silent Image, Sleep. 2nd -- Alter Self, Blur, Fog Cloud, Invisibility, Knock, Mirror Image, Web, Whispering Wind. 3rd -- Blink, Haste, Invisibility Sphere, Lightning Bolt, Summon Monster III, Water Breathing. 4th -- Bestow Curse, Confusion, Minor Globe of Invulnerability.),
spellbook #2 (0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Charm Person, Feather Fall, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Silent Image, Summon Monster I. 2nd -- Blur, Levitate, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Spectral Hand, Summon Monster II, Web. 3rd -- Dispel Magic, Fireball, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Good, Nondetection, Phantom Steed, Ray of Exhaustion, Secret Page, Sleet Storm. 4th -- Fire Shield, Minor Creation, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self. 5th -- Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Hold Monster, Teleport, Wall of Force))

After sailing for 3 days you arrive back at Safeport. When you arrive you see who you think is Rushcant waiting for you at the dock. One of the crewmen from the Sword hops across to the dock and tallks to Rushcant. When the crewman is done talking, you can see that Rushcant has a look of deep sadness and concearn.
As soon as the Sword has tied to the dock King Maisey leaves the Sword calling out that she is headed to the palace. When the Wildcards leave the Sword Rushcant comes over to them and says "I am glad to see that King Maisey was recovered, and I am deeply saddened to hear that Ashira was lost in the attack." A few moments later Rushcant says "come,you need to report to Jack on what happened." Following Rushcant to the palace you see several people look at you and then lower their heads with sadness.
When you arrive at the palace you are shown to Jacks recieving room where you see King Maisey talking to Jack. After a few moments Maisey finishes talking with Jack and Jack looks to the Wildcards.
"I am deeply proud of the Wildcards for they have helped the Pirates. I am saddened by the fact that one of you has been lost in rescuing King Maisey. In reward for the rescue of King Maisey I give you the ownership of the ship 'The Sword of the Sea'." announces The Jack so that everyone can hear. "Rest up for I fear that you will be needed before to long. says The Jack.
After the annoucement Rushcant comes over to you and tells you "you can rename the Sword if you like. I am sorry to tell you this but, Captain Hawley has been wanting to retire. So you will need to talk him into staying on or find a replacement for him as the captain of the Sword."

you have until thursdays post to take care of the issue of a captain of the sword and any other business that you have in port.


Monday November 24th, 2003 11:46:51 PM

Rigging stays in his cabin most of the voyage home. When the ship is docked, he will take the condolences from the Jack and Rushcant. "Sir please don't speak as if my wife Ashira is dead. She is only captured and I hope to one day soon rescue her. Even if she is heartseeded, we have Alemi's blessing to restore her.

Thank you for the ship. I am sorry to hear about Captain Hawley. He is an incredible Captain. I could see letting him retire from the Sword if you were promoting him to admiral or some position of greater responsibility. We still need him, and I am going to try to persuade him to stay. If not, I will becoming to you for a recommendation for another Captain.

Rigging will turn to the other wildcards and say, "Now that we are the Sword's owners, we need to see to her refitting and repair. Ari, you and Bart will be in charge of the repairs. Redux, I want you to spend your time accessing the magical loot we got and give me a recommendation on the best distribution of it, to our team members for greatest efficiency. Apollo and Val, I am gonna put you in charge of ship stores. Please take an inventory of all the weapons, food and supplies and let me know what it take to get us reoutfitted. We will need to have a ships meeting and see to the crew. Many might want to leave now that Captain Hawley might be departing."

Rigging will stop, look a little sheepish and say, "I am sorry...Listen to me giving orders. I don't have that right anymore. We are all equal owners in the Sword. You need to decide if I am still the person you need and want to lead you. I will understand if you don't. I haven't always made the best decisions, especially of late."

Rigging will turn and quickly wipe his eyes. He will say over his shoulder and he walks away. "I will abide any decision you make and try to help out the new leader as much as possible if that is what you decide. I am gonna try and find Captain Hawley and talk some sense into him."

OOC Dominic, we have never been clear on the crew, its officers, and other special personal on the Sword. I know we have a cleric, a magic user, Hawley, some drunken gnome who helps run the magic of the ship and other officer. Could you give us a quick run down on this...thanks

Tuesday November 25th, 2003 10:13:06 AM

Riggiong you are a leader for a longtime you are doing fine. You can stay on as our leader if you still want the job. But i don't agree with your latest order, I know my way in the ships alley and the storage rooms, i also have some idears in the ships armament. So i want to do tht instead of refiting and repair her.

Tuesday November 25th, 2003 12:05:56 PM

When the group comes back into to port, Ari finally emerges from his stateroom. Having not slept very well, his appearance is a little disheveled. Slicking back his unkempt hair, Ari then runs his hands over his three day growth.

I guess I should shave that.

Ari joins the rest of the party as they get shuffled ashore to the pronouncment of the Jack. Once Rigging says his orders Ari speaks up. "I am sorry for your loss Rigging. I am sorry that I spoke so harshly after the incident with the enemy Captain. I was not thinking when I reacted. My sentiments still match what I said though. Sadly, I don't think anyone else seems to agree. So I think having you step down from the leadership should not happen. Maybe I should take a new name, and call myself Thorn. Since I seem to always be a thorn in your side. " Ari smiles at Rigging when he states his imagined name. The smile takes away some of the frostiness from the proceedings.
"If Captain Hawley does not want to stay on with the Sword, I would recommend that you recruit him as our eyes here on the island. Maybe offer him one percent of all treasure in order to watch out for our affairs here on the island. Maybe have him start a retirement house, either for the Pirates, or just for the crew of the Sword. I don't know what he might be intersted in.

If we are taking over the operation of the Sword, do you think we should maybe ask the crew what they want? Or what about maybe starting to implement those changes we talked about? Think of our ship as a small kingdom, in which we try to enrich all the people's lives? Just some things to think about."

When Rigging orders Ari to take care of the ship's repairs, he heads to the ship to get an inventory of any repairs the ship needs. When Ari gets back to the ship, he'll try to approach the most knowledgeable person about the ship and it's needs. (the quartermaster?)

Ari will then proceed to clean himself back up to respectfulness.

Reluctant Captain (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday November 25th, 2003 7:24:40 PM

When each of you start to check on getting the Sword repaired and stocked you find out that Captain Hawley placed orders for it to be done. You are told that the bounty from the fleet battle that was the Swords/Wildcards share will be used to pay for the cost of repairs and resupplying of the Sword.

When you find Captain Hawley you see that he is packing up his belongings. When you approach him he looks to you then says "I feel that it is time for me to retire as I have been at sea to many years. I want to just retire and relax for a while. I think that the Sword will be in good hands with your bunch. If everyone feels that I should remain I will think on it, but I would leave the command of the overall mission to your bunch. Let me go and say something to the crew before you ask me anything." He then walks out and out on to the main deck. Standing there he looks about and then calls out "Galant crew of the Sword of the Seas, as you all know, I have been thinking of retireing from active duty. Shall I find the quiet life or shall I stay? If you say that I can follow my heart and retire, who shall Captian the Sword. Shall it be one of you or shall it be one of the Wildcards? Please think on it and let the Wildcards know." He then walks back to his cabin.

Tuesday November 25th, 2003 11:58:42 PM

Rigging is about to say something to the Captain and opens his mouth but the Captain walks off and addresses the crew. He will follow and try to say something again, but the captain will head into his cabin. Rigging thinks to himself, "I am begining to understand how a blowfish feels."

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 2:19:44 AM

Appolo replies to Valanthe"Sure sunshine,but will have to leave the pirates and get married.' he then hugs tightly and kisses her.
Appolo spends most of the trip back with valanthe going where ever she goes,he doesn't sleep or even eat much.When he does sleep he has nightmares and wakes up in acold sweat.So he doesn't.

When they arrive back at the Island and are sommoned before the Jack Appolo just walks silently and morosely behind the others with his hood up and scarf covering his face.
He says nothing keeping his thoughts to himself.If one were to look it his yes one would see anger,hatre and frustration along with a healthy dose of self loathing.

After they reach the sword Rigging questions wether or not he should be leader and Appolo walks over grabs by the shoulders skes,then saysloud enough for everyone to hear"Your the leader,that's the end of this and secondly we're going to get her back.I'll do whatever needs to be done." his vpoice is cold merciless and commanding ,Appolo then adds"it also look like yor Captian now." he then heads back to his quarters. Where he morosely starts throughing is daggers at the wall hitting the smae place almost everytime.

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 7:57:44 AM

"Rigging, you have long been this groups leader and they have done well under your guidence. I would suggest you remain so."

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 3:52:44 PM

During the voyage back to the port, Redux notices everyone's depression and stears clear of everyone, trying to give the wounds time to heal. He carefully examines the items recovered from the Aisildurian ship and prepares them to be identified. He is secretly amazed at the spell books they have captured, and spends almost all of the time scribing the new spells into his own spell book. He is amazed at the complexity of some of the spells and looks forward to the day when he can try and unlock them.

At the meeting with the Jack, Redux breaks out into a huge grin as he finds out that the Sword. He notes Rigging's continued bad mood, and tries to control his enthusiasm. Then, when Rigging questions his leadership role, Redux moves forward and puts a hand on his shoulder. "As the others have already said, we all respect and value your leadership. The things that happened back there aren't your fault....it was just bad luck." Redux moves in closer to Rigging and whispers "Besides...I'm looking into some ways to find her and get her back." Redux watches the exchange between the Captain and the crew with interest, wondering what the crew will say.

As soon as the crew have made their decision, Redux heads into town and makes his way to that magical store called the Catacombs and purchases the items he will need to identify the magical treasure they just found. He spends the rest of the time in town isolated in his quarters as he goes about the identification process. If he has a little extra time, he begins scribing some scrolls, knowing that dark days are sure to be ahead.

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 4:49:03 PM

When Ari hears of Captain Hawley and his request to the crew, he comes topside to see what the crew's response his. Anxiety about what this all could mean, is clearly etched upon his face.

Crews Answer (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday November 26th, 2003 7:10:06 PM

After a couple of hours Niner comes in to the captain's cabin and asks everyone to come on deck as the crew has made a decision. When everyone is assembled on deck the crew look to Captain Hawley and then Niner says "Captain, we the members of the crew would like you to follow your hearts wishes and retire. In your place we choose Arrack Von Palin, know to most of us as Rigging to be the next captain of the Sword of the Seas. We hope that you agree with our choice of replacement as well. You will allways be a part of this crew Captain Hawley." When Niner finishes the crew calls out "Long live Captiain Hawley!"
Captain Hawley then steps up and says to the crew "I am honored to have served with each and everyone of you. I will support your choice of Arrack Von Palin 'Rigging' as the new captain of the Sword of the Seas. Captain Rigging, Please accept the command of the Sword and hold every member of her crew dear to your heart as they will aid you in every trouble to their best ability." Captain Hawley waits to see if Rigging or the other Wildcards has anything to say then heads back to the captain's cabin and retrieves his gear. As he leaves the Sword hawley stops and tells you all "if you need my help getting her ready to sail just ask and I will see what I can do. I have given the orders to get her repaired, refit and restocked for a quick turn around for you. They will use our bounty from the fleet battle to pay for the costs. See Quariil the ships quartermaster to find out what is left in the ships account after the bills are paid. She keeps the best acounting of ships expences as I have ever seen. Good Hunting Wildcards."
After Hawley leaves work gets going at a rapid pace on the Sword.

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 7:45:44 PM

"I know. Maybe once we find Ashira. It wouldn't feel right to walk away now." Valanthe says to Appolo.

Valanthe spends her free time in her cabin, resting in Appolo's arms. She's happy that the Sword was theirs and Rigging was captain but it didn't feel right without Ashira there. Valanthe couldn't help but wonder about the dreams Ashira had. Were they visions of the future? One thing that plagued her more than anything was the descision to keep them a secret or tell Rigging.

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 9:24:05 PM

Rigging will stand forward and with his head held high say, "I will be honored to take command of this fine vessel and this wonderful crew. I can only hope,in some small way,to fill the huge shoes that Captain Hawley has left me. It has been an honor and a priviledge to sail and fight at his side. We wish him only the best in his retirement."

Rigging will turn to the Captain and hold out his hand, "Sir please honor me and your loyal crew with allowing us to throw a feast in your honor in two days time. I think everyone here would like one more chance to dine with you before we cast off."

He will then turn to the others and say, "As it stands now, there will be no changes in the chain of command! Everyone else has his same position until I say otherwise. Now lets get this fighting ship back into shape!"

OOC I again ask, please list the ships officers, enlisted men and other notables. My old rank was a 7. What is it now? I see we have a nine. Was he the first mate or second in command? I am so confused. Happy Turkey day everyone

Dominic - I will get the list to you as soon as it is put together. Niner is the ships navigator..

Thursday November 27th, 2003 12:49:14 PM

Bart goes ashore and seeks for an flowershop and orders one white rose. He also writes a smallcard. It says beacause you are so special. He asks the flower to be delivered at the palace of King Maisley

Thursday November 27th, 2003 5:08:57 PM

Walker just helps out in general as needed.

Refitting Report & Readiness (DM Dominic) 
Thursday November 27th, 2003 7:36:24 PM

The next morning the ships quartermaster, Quariil comes up to you when you are all gathered then says "The Sword shall be finished repairing and restocking in 5 days time. The total cost of the repairs and restocking used all of the bounty from the fleet battle except 4500gp. The Sword will be fully stocked and crewed by the end of the 5 days. How do you want me to disberse the remaining gold in the ships account?"

Later in the afternoon Niner comes over to Rigging then says "I have found replacements for the crewmen that were killed in the fight aboard the Pride. They will be reporting aboard the Sword in the morning for duty."

That evening a messenger comes to the Sword bearing a message for Bart from King Maisey.
Thank you for the beautiful flower and helping rescueing me. Please come and join me for dinner one night.

you can use untill monday for in party planning while the ship is being repaired. Monday we will be starting the next module. XP will be emailed to each of you later today.

Friday November 28th, 2003 12:22:11 PM

Rigging will ask Quariil to come to his quarters and bring the books with him/her? When they sit down, Rigging will ask for an explaination of the books and how loot is normally divided by the crew. After this is explained to him, he will tell Quariil to divide the gold among the crew as normal but to make sure that any families of slain crewmembers are given their shares. "It is bad enough they have lost their loved ones, we should help them get on their feet.

He will bring in Niner next and ask him to report on the statis of the existing crew and what quality of recruits that are coming on board?

Rigging will work his way through all the ships officers, trying to get a feel for them. He will ask all for recommendations on making the ship a better fighting vessal or ways to improve morale.

Rigging will then ask the members of the Wildcards to come in. After they do, he will say, "I want to thank you on your vote of confidence in me. I am not sure that I am ready to be Captain of this ship, but I am going to try my best. On to business. This leads me to a more ticklish subject. Though you account me leader of the wildcards and I will assume that leadership role when I am with you on missions, I will be busy with the day to day operations of the ship. We need to elect a new leader for the Wildcards. Normally I would nominate my wife Ashira. Unfortunately she isn't available just now. I would like to nominate Ari. He is the oldest member of our family and one of the wisest. What do you say Ari? Will you take it?

Redux, I know you have been working on those spell books and to get some of the other magic items identified. What have you found so far. I would like a crack at the spell books as well. I believe Ari, would like to see them also."

Rigging will then turn to Bart. "I hear you got an invitation to dinner. I officially order you to take it up. We could use friends in high places. Besides the king is a handsome women, and you could use some taming."

Rigging will spend some time scribing some spells into his spellbooks. He will have a good time at the party for Captain Hawley and talk to him about his plans. He will follow advice and recruit him to be their eyes and ears on the shore.

Friday November 28th, 2003 2:23:17 PM

Ari's jaw drops when Riggings suggests that he take the leadership of the group.

Slowly, Ari works on getting his teeth to come together again. Thinking about what Rigging has said Ari asks,"From what you say, would I be the the leader when there is no-one else around to take it? Or are you giving me full leadership with no strings attached?

If anything, I think I would be comfortable with calling me leader-in-training. I'm not sure that I have the right frame of mind for being a leader. So I'd like to still take input from you whenever possible. Along with Ashira after we get her back.

This dilemma reminds about some of the stuff we've talked about before. I don't know if we want to some how incorporate using the terms Prince, Baron, and some of those other titles to describe what we're doing. I could see you being called Prince at this point, with everything that is happening. I could then be comfortable with being called Baron, because everyone would know that they could still go to you, if they thought I wasn't doing my job.

Just something to think about.

I would also hear what the others would say about my appointment. I have never been afraid to voice my opinion, I would hope that the others would not feel afraid to state their opinion now."

Friday November 28th, 2003 3:57:26 PM

"Ari, I apologize because I was unclear before. I guess I am looking for a second in command for the Wildcards. What happens if I die, am captured, or put out of commission. The Wildcards would be leaderless and I believe less effective as a team.

Now I am not planning on missing out on the Wildcard's missions. I still consider myself part of the family and as Captain would outrank you. What I need from you, is someone to keep us trained, organized, equipped and so on while I am consumed with running The Sword of the Seas. It really is a thankless job. You will get the grunt work without the glory. Can you do that?"

Rigging starts pacing, a sure sign to the others that his mind is going a mile a minute.
"I need to evaluate the rest of the crew. They have always been important to me, put I don't consider them family. Not the way I think of the Wildcards. I might want to make one of you my overall second in command of the ship, but need to think of the whole crew before I make that decision. I have to evaluate the whole crew, find out the strengths and weaknesses of them before I can make that determination."

Rigging will turn to the others, "If you see my about to put my boot in my mouth, feel free to point it out."

Rigging  d4+3=7
Friday November 28th, 2003 5:12:53 PM

Rolling hitpoints

Crew meetings (DM Dominic) 
Friday November 28th, 2003 5:41:36 PM

When Quariil comes in and sits down with Rigging, she sets her books on the table and then says "the current method of dividing up the treasure is as follows. 25% of the total (gross) treasure would go to the ships funds, then 20% would go to the crew, with each member getting an equal share. The captain would then get 5% and the remaining 50% would be turned over to the Wildcards. I will see that the families of the dead crewmen get 4 shares each. This formula is adjustable by you the captain but I would advise against changing it as it has been good for ships morale." After a few moments she then asks "is there anything else you need Sir?" Quariil will wait a few moments to see if there is anything else then will leave taking her books with her.

A short time later Niner comes in to see Rigging. "you wanted to see me Sir?" After hearing the question about the crew, Niner says "the Sword is fully crewed with 65 members of which the special squad of 10 is just replacing their losses from the last battle. If you give my the day I will have the complete crew manafest for you (will email it to you)." After a few moments Niner tels you "the crew is at the finest I have seen it in many years, and I think it is one of the best in all of the fleet." After a few minutes of talking with Rigging Niner gets up and returns to his duties.
After meeting with the ships officers you have the feeling that the ship is a finely tuned weapon for the Pirates of Jack. You also get the understanding that the Wildcards are considered a special part of the crew (advisors to the captain) of the Sword by the rest of the crew.

Rigging  d20+10=14 d20+10=25 d20+10=18 d20+10=27 d20+10=28 d20+10=19
Friday November 28th, 2003 8:56:04 PM

Blink failed, invisibility sphere successful, just got fireball (phew), burning hands successful, dispel magic successful.

that's all I could do in 5 days

put into my character sheet...took haste and lighning bolt as my freebies

Appolo  d8+3=9
Saturday November 29th, 2003 12:05:32 AM

When Rigging call the wildcards together Appolom is the last to enter.He closes the door behind him and listens to whar Rigging has to say.Appolo then speaks up"I think we should take aboard some extra crewmen and take the total number up to 100.That wau we could capture more ships and have enough extra crew to sail the ships back to here.Secondly we should find out where the Son's of G'aal are holding Ashira and go get her. With the extra crew we would have some cecent back up.One other thing you all know that the Grim Assins have probably been dispatched to deal with Ashira.If I were the Jack that is what I would do."Having said his piec Appolo fades into the back ground Heis going to wait for the others to leave then have aprivate chat with Rigging.

OOC:Appolo's hit point roll 9

Saturday November 29th, 2003 11:35:49 AM

Rigging stomach does a flip flop when he hears Appolo mention the Grim Assassins. His mind jumps back to his orders to rescue the king and realizes that they were ordered to kill her if they couldn't free her.

Rigging leaps to his feet. His face looks like death. "I need to see the Jack!" Rigging will stride from the room, adjusting his weapons as he goes.

Saturday November 29th, 2003 1:59:13 PM

A second in command, that's more what I thought you had meant. Though you might want to think more on when you're going to have to stay with the ship, and when you're going to go with us. Unless you have a 2nd in commmand with the ship, that is seperate from us.

If we take on the extra crew, then we won't be able to stay at sea as long. We can also take on extra food, and stay to sea longer if we keep at the same crewing level.

Do we want to take extra ships, which could have secret places that someone could stow aboard, and the report whatever back to G'aal and his minions? These ships might also be able to be tracked magically, because a mage has done some teleporting, or somesuch with the ship.

How many ships of the fleet are down for the count right now? Do we have a proper amount of ships to defend the island? Because if we don't, I don't really see the Sword going to too many places that leaves the island undefended.

Rigging. Do you want to try the Nauncauntalus (ooc sp? on my part) with Redux? Because if he can cast Teleport, do you think we might be able to find the area where she is, and get the Wildcards there to rescue her? We may or may not be able to come back right away, if they track Ashira with magic. We could do all of this while we wait for the ship to be repaired. I also might be able to work with Redux to locate Ashira by the dagger I made her, if she's got it on her?" Ari looks to Rigging to see if he nods yes or no.

"Do you two share anything else between each other?"

When Rigging announces that he must see the Jack Ari pipes up, "As 2nd, unless others protest, I should go with you."

Saturday November 29th, 2003 11:07:13 PM

Appolo says"No I'll go,Ari you crack the whip and get the crew to work around the clock,we can't wait 5 days we have to get moving as soon as possible."With that said Appolo follows right behind Rigging."Hey Rigging wait up,it's probably to late anyways>'

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