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Monday December 1st, 2003 2:34:42 PM

Bart says to Rigging. Don't you think it's time to install Walker as an official member of our family, giving him a cloak and brooch as we all have?

Rigging why do we need a second in command for the Wildcards, can't Quarill or Niner run the ship for you, let one of them run the ship in your name let them worry about all the details. Off course you still have the overall guidance of the vessel and make the major rulings, but give both of them some freedom. They also are on their own when we have a mission on shore!

After he talked with Rigging Bart sents a note to king Maisley that he gladly accepts her invitation and that he hopes to see her at this evening dinner. He asks a messenger boy to deliver this note to the palace. He goes into town a buys himself a new costume made of a dark blue velvet and white lace. Bart decides that another flower or present is overdone and he arrives at around seven at the palace

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