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Tuesday April 13th, 2004 5:51:00 PM

Ingrge is lost in thought, trying to decide the Talon's best course of action. Finally he turns to the others. "We may very well be attacked before morning friends, but if we leave now and are attacked I am afraid we are doomed. We need our strength, we are not out of this nightmare yet. We will stay."

Brother Bertram 
Tuesday April 13th, 2004 5:54:29 PM

Bertram listens to Ingrge's words with care and nods his agreement to the Talon's new leader. Bertram uses what healing power he has left to heal any Talons that are still wounded before resting.

(OOC Consider all remaining wounds healed.)

DM Mark( Kent is on assignment in Hawaii) 
Tuesday April 13th, 2004 5:59:04 PM

As you all settle in for the night, sleep comes slowly despite your exhaustion. The only disturbance during the night, was the sound of bones clattering together in the tunnel you came in.

(Please make sure you have sent Kent you treasure list you are carrying! I am having quite a few internet access problems so please be patient! Thanks!)

Tuesday April 13th, 2004 8:35:15 PM

The monk figures with his hearing loss, he'll be virtually useless on watch now, so he sleeps well, not hearing the tunnels sounds.
He occassionally rolls over and opens his eyes briefly, then falls back off to sleep.

[OOC:We need to email Kent our treasure carry list?]

Wednesday April 14th, 2004 6:33:29 AM

As Ingrge makes the call he prepares to camp and sleep. As the new druid speaks of leaving he offers a thought. "We are not underground, my new druidic friend. We are in a very different place...I wonder if I could teleport out of here? If so I could carry some things and make several trips so could maximize our take from all of this. Of course, I've heard stories about this place. I doubt I can...".

Wednesday April 14th, 2004 6:35:19 AM

As Ingrge makes the call he prepares to camp and sleep. As the new druid speaks of leaving he offers a thought. "We are not underground, my new druidic friend. We are in a very different place...I wonder if I could teleport out of here? If so I could carry some things and make several trips so could maximize our take from all of this. Of course, I've heard stories about this place. I doubt I can...".

Wednesday April 14th, 2004 11:01:54 AM

Olana offers to take a watch, just in case something weird and horrible comes creeping along the tunnel.
It's hard to rest in this place, she thinks - keeping an eye on that Elese and Milo.

During the period of rest, she takes a moment to quietly study their new companions. Gunther had a good sword hand, and seemed nice enough in a gruff sort of way, and Athalorn she was intrigued about. Perhaps there was much to be learned from him.
All Olana's judgements tended to be based on gut feeling and instinct, and she hadn't sensed any alarm bells about either of them.

She nods to herself, as she continues her musings.

When its time to go, she's ready.
If she is able to lift the painting, she'll carry it.

Wednesday April 14th, 2004 9:37:59 PM

Ingrge grimaces at Figment's words and hesitates for a moment before deciding. "We best wait and see if that is possible if we have to Figment. I fear this place would lead our best efforts astray. Let us see if we can avoid using that option as long as possible."

Brother Bertram 
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 9:43:33 PM

Bertram follows the others trying to look for signs of attack.

DM Mark (Kent currently undercover in Hawaii)  d20=10
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 9:45:03 PM

Olana moves the painting and discovers it is quite light but will she need some assistance due to the size and awkwardness of the item. Two people could carry it without much trouble under normal walking conditions. As you prepare to leave you notice Elese and Milo ready to go as well, and about to move towards the exit.
You are loaded down with all that each of you choose to carry and are proud of accomplishing your mission as well as enjoying your rewards. But even as you emerge into the falling rain of the surface world you begin to wonder if you will survive to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
You are no more than up when you hear a chilling scream and see a party of 4 of the mantis creatures moving towards you rapidly. Elese yells out quickly, "We must get through the city to escape back to your world! Do we flee or fight?"

Gunther (AC 20, HP 60/60)  d20+1=4
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 11:14:42 PM

Hearing the scream, Gunther spins around, whiping out his two bladed sword and crouching low. Spotting the mantis creatures, the large man tries to size up the competition...looking for obvious weak spots (Spot=4) but finding none. He moves to a forward position, hoping to make it possible for his friends to either fight or flee...though he stops short of engaging the enemy. A wicked grin on his face, he speaks over his shoulder to Ingrge. "I for von am up to a goot fight, but if ve are going to flee ve had better do so quickly...dey are gaining on us quickly." With his free hand, Gunther reaches into his pack and pulls out his shield of faith potion...ready to down it should the decision to fight be made.

Lian  d20+5=20
Thursday April 15th, 2004 2:27:14 AM

Lian will help Olana with the painting.

As the party approaches the surface, Lian spots the creatures, but hears nothing. (It's an odd sight to the monk, not having sound to accompany the visual.)
He looks to Ingrge for guidance, seeing the concern on Elese's face and seeing her lips move, Lian tries to focus. The monk is confused by Gunthers offensive stance. (Sense Motive on the party to see what they intend to do, 20).

The monk does as the party does. However, it is clear to anyone who knows Lian well, that the monk is anxious to leave.

Thursday April 15th, 2004 6:34:15 AM

The mage offers "I'd say a hasty exit is in order. No need to waste spells on bugs...".

Athalorn (HP 67/67) 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 7:19:08 AM

The druid emerges into the fresh air with a sigh of relief - the anxiety he had felt in the cavern now gone. He looks to the sky for any sign of his companion. Almost as he does so, a large Golden Eagle swoops down from the sky and begins circling the druid, who has a smile on his face now that the party had not yet seen. "Glannath, my friend," he whispers, "I am sorry I was so long." The Eagle circles closer, as if listening to the words.

With the approach of this new threat, Glannath soars high into the bleak sky. To the party, Athalorn speaks quickly. "Let us go quickly from here." He waits to see in which direction the experienced party members choose to run, and when they leave he follows.

Thursday April 15th, 2004 9:37:41 PM

Glad of Lian's help with the portrait, Olana is all for running as fast as they can, too.

"Okay - back through the city, again then!" urges the elf.

Brother Bertram 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 10:03:51 PM

Before fleeing Betram murmurs a quick prayer and a wall of flame appears before the oncoming creatures, making them stop quickly to avoid the flames. Over the roar of the flames, he shouts to Ingrge, "Quickly now that won't last long!" Bertram then hurries after the retreating party.

Thursday April 15th, 2004 10:06:10 PM

Ingrge hesitates but a moment then nods at Olana's words. "We flee! Make haste all of you." Turning to Figment he yells as they run, "You and I will use our spells to slow them down if they get to close! Now RUN Talons, Run for your very lives! We are loaded down and slow but we can still make it!" Ingrge follows behind the others prepared to defend the party from attack. He looks as Bertram commands flames to appear between the creatures and the party. "Well Done, Brother! Now Talons lets Move!"

DM Mark 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 10:15:46 PM

The fire does indeed slow the mantis warriors and you are able to lose yourselves in the pouring rain. You move along quickly and for a while it is quiet. Just as you begin to relax the silence is broken to your east by a ghastly scream. The sound sends chills down your spines and you cant help but wonder what would make such a sound. Even as you wonder you hear a sound as if the flapping of great wings but you see nothing. Elese points down an an avenue away from the screams and hurries onward.

DM Mark OOC 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 10:17:59 PM

(OOC I realized I did not answer Lian's question about the treasure. We each need to email Kent with what we are taking and where it is being carried on our persons. Please do this asap so we can get the treasure all ID'd quickly. Thanks! )

Thursday April 15th, 2004 11:59:02 PM

Lian moves along with Olana, carrying the painting, moving to keep up with the group and leaving them behind.

Friday April 16th, 2004 7:45:23 AM

The mage nods to Bertram as he slows the attackers. He moves on with the others as they make their way through the city. Using his recollection of the journey to the lair he tries to keep them on course back to the gate.

Gunther (AC 20, HP 60/60) 
Friday April 16th, 2004 1:10:50 PM

Keeping his sword at the ready, Gunther holds the rear position as they flee through the city. He smiles broadly at Brother Bertram's display of power. "I tink I'm going to like hunting vith you."

Weighed down by all the recently acquired loot, Gunther slogs noisly through the soaking rain. Hearing the scream, he resumes his croach position, but seeing the others continue their flight through the city, he joins suit. He keeps a close eye on the ranger and the monk. "Hmmmm...there names were Olana and Lian right?" he thinks to himself. He makes sure that they don't lag behind the others...the elf seemed particularly enamored with the painting, and the monk was deaf...wouldn't be good for them to get left behind.

Brother Bertram 
Saturday April 17th, 2004 11:34:50 AM

Bertram cant help but grin at the large warrior's words. "I cant help but feel the same way Friend Gunther. Together we can send many fiends to the judgement of Domi and Gargul!"

Monday April 19th, 2004 12:09:55 AM

"Lets keep going, lets keep going," says Olana, repeating it like a mantra as the scream assaults her ears.
She tries to keep apace with Lian, then they're not carrying the painting awkwardly.

Monday April 19th, 2004 3:07:47 AM

Upon hearing the flapping of wings, Athalorn looks to the sky. He whistles twice, and shortly thereafter he sees Glannath drifting down from above until he rests on the druid arm. Whispering a quick command word, the druid lifts his arm that the bird may take off through the rains once more. He watches his companion go, the eagle having been instructed to warn the party of any danger ahead.

He turns to Olana and Lian. "Can I help you with the painting, friends? I did not take much from the lair - so my hands are free..." (he has strapped both of his spears to his back)

DM Kent 
Monday April 19th, 2004 6:57:27 PM

(Hey all, I'm Baaaaack. Thanks to Mark for keeping things rolling while I was away.)

As you run through the city following Elese's exit directions, Olana and Lian occasionally hear the painting talking as its covering flaps.

"I..........you...........perhaps............ remove.......... it ......... easier......... me."

The rain, where light before has now nearly become a torrential downpour and you can barely see six feet ahead of you. While hearing is also reduced, you can't help but hear varied screams and during the lightening strikes you see shadows of things you hope are not real, or if they are that they leave you alone.

Finally the rain starts letting up again and is now just a steady down pour. Visibility is now about 20 feet, which only adds to the level of nervousness as trees and things are moving constantly with the wind and rain.

Moments after Athalorn sends his friend soaring up to warn of imminent danger, the group hears the same bloud curdling scream multiplied several times followed quickly by another scream which Athalorn recognizes immediately as Glannath's. Glannath's cream sounded like a cross between his attack scream and a painful one. Several moments later, a dissheveled and bloody Glanath comes diving toward the shocked druid. The Eagle's wounds while not minor are not life threatening, but at the druid's query about what happened, Athalorn gets a frightened and confused picture of ugly flying rocks with sharp teeth and claws.

Lian  d20+13=14
Tuesday April 20th, 2004 12:58:53 AM

The monk keeps moving, not slowing. He occassionally looks around to see if they are moving in the correct direction.

He then sees the bird, ('Oh, the druids bird?!') He thinks to himself. 'It is hurt. Terrible. What did it?' He looks for the source of the damage, looking up as he runs. (Spot 14)

Tuesday April 20th, 2004 6:22:44 AM

The mage focuses on getting out and is thnkful for Elise's help. He matches his memory to where she is leading just for good measure. He tries not to think about all the things that could go wrong - with little avail.

Gunther (AC 20, HP 60/60) 
Tuesday April 20th, 2004 8:30:42 AM

Though weighed down by loot, Gunther hustles as quickly after the others as possible, soaked to the bone and moving noisily. As he takes up a rear position, Gunther constantly tracks the moving shadows. His hide armor completely soaked, his hair hanging down in his eyes, his crouched position, and his terror filled eyes all make him look a little more bestial than human. One hand wrapped around his two-bladed sword, and the other holding a shield of faith potion, Gunther follows along, desperately hoping that the others know where they are going...he certainly doesn't. He grimaces as the majestic eagle returns direly wounded. He is sorely tempted to use his tattoo to heal it, but decides to wait and see what other horrors might be around the corner first.

Tuesday April 20th, 2004 10:45:16 AM

"But you'll get terribly wet!" says the elf to the covered painting, while blinking rain water out of her eyes. "It's raining cats and.... birds. Oh dear!"

It looked as though the bird had tangled with something nasty.
"How far, now?" she asks, hopefully.

Brother Bertram 
Tuesday April 20th, 2004 5:32:58 PM

Bertram moves along as quickly as his load will allow. Trying to follow Elese through the torrential rains, despite his misgivings about her.

Athalorn  3d8(5+3+4)+8=20
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 3:10:37 AM

Soaking and tired, and following though he had no idea where he was headed, the druid stares in horror at his injured companion. "Glannath!" he shouts above the noise of the pounding rain. Athalorn didn't really understand the visions he had, but he knew that the eagle was hurt and frightened. He bids the bird near him, then stops running. When the bird is close enough, the druid closes his eyes, and whispers a chant that nature might aid her creation here. (ooc: Cure Serious Wounds = 20 HP)

Hoping that the eagle was strong enough to fly, he whispers another command word, bidding the bird follow him closely.

(ooc: I don't think i have rolled for Glannaths HP - do i need to do that in the L & B ?)

DM Kent 
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 8:21:34 AM

(OOC Simon I trust you to do it however you want to.)

Though very difficult to see clearly, Lian can just make out what seems to be four dark grey shadowy figures diving out of the sky. As noone else seems to be loking up nobody else is even aware of them.

As he slowly trudges along, Gunther keeps an eye on the shifting shapes that seem to be all around then on the ground and is not really sure which are real and which are shadows.

Figment wracks his brain and isn't totally sure where they are headed, other than North through the city to the far side.

Elese quickly responds to Olana's question. "We have a ways to go and it will take longer the more you slow me down with questions."

Milo seems none the worse for wear from his interactions with the beast, but he has been unnaturally quiet, only speaking when asked a direct question.

Athalorn heals his friend and Glannath take a position near to and just above Athalorn's head.

Bertram trucks along slogging through the mucky ground under the extra weight that he is carrying.

Olanna keeps struggling along with the painting and both she and Milo are falling a little bit behind the others as gusts of wind keep catching the painting and nearly blows them over. She stil hears the occasional partial comment from the painting's resident as the cover flaps in the breeze.

" I.......... think..........to..............from............it ...........easier..............me."

Brother Bertram 
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 9:20:30 PM

Bertram glances at Elese as she snaps at Olana. He casually moves in behind Elese in the lineup on the off chance she would prove to betray his companions.

Gunther (AC 20, HP 60/60)  d20+1=6
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 11:59:21 PM

Beginning to resemble a wolf backed into a corner, Gunther nervously grips his two-bladed sword as the shadows move about them. He keeps checking to see if anything poses an immediate threat (Spot=Whopping 6) but can't tell whether it's just his immagination playing tricks on him. Noting Lians glance into the sky, Gunther chances a quick look too, though with all the failing rain it's hard to make anything out.

Thursday April 22nd, 2004 12:11:56 AM

Figuring that Elise will die too if they don't get out fast the mage simply follows along quickly - hoping the elven woman knows where she is going.

Lian  d20+2=17 d20+5=6
Thursday April 22nd, 2004 12:59:16 AM

The monk bellows, still unable to control his volume. "IN THE SKY! MOVEMENT! DESCENDING!!"

Not able to read the elven women, Lian realizes by their expressions that they are both upset at something.

He looks around, trying to remember the way they got there. (Int Check 17, Wis check 6)

Thursday April 22nd, 2004 3:13:46 AM

Seeing his friends with the painting, Athalorn drops back to see them, and runs alongside. "Give me the painting," he shouts above the wind and rain, "I can carry it in another form if it will help." He glances up at Lian's words, but can not distinguish anything in the dreary haze. "Quickly...."

Thursday April 22nd, 2004 10:53:10 AM

"Hang on!" exclaims Olana. "He's trying to say something."

Olana whips the cover off the painting.
"Yes?" she asks the illustrated elf. "Please hurry, you'll get awfully soggy, and I'd hate for that to happen."

She prepares to hand the painting over the Athalorn if Lian is in agreement.

Thursday April 22nd, 2004 8:32:07 PM

The monk happily rids himself of the painting.

Lian gets a bit upset at the removal of the paintings covering, but he can't do anything about it now.

DM Kent 
Thursday April 22nd, 2004 10:32:00 PM

As Athalorn turns back to Olana and Lian, Olana stops and takes off the painting's covering, and the elf starts in immediately.
"I mean really. You try and offer a helpful suggestion and you get hushed up and over ridden. I have half a mind not to tell you, but that would be spiteful. If you would just take a few moments and remove me from my frame I believe you will find that I will be much more easily transported. Unless of course, you like carrying around and extra 20 pounds of bulky dead wood. Oh my, it does look like you might have picked up a little company. I might suggest that you hurry up a bit." It is about this time that the three rear party members hear some roars as several large mantis men leap out fron between some buildings.

As the three in the rear stop and make conversation with the painting, and are bushwhacked, Gunther, and now because of Lian's previous yell, Bertram, Ingrge, Figment and Elese all look up to the sky in front of them where they see four grey, stoney looking, winged shapes diving right at them. Everyone of the 5 recognize these things as gargoyles.

Friday April 23rd, 2004 1:52:58 AM

"It would seem that the mantis have friends, winged friends." Say the monk simply.

The monk starts to pick up pace, from the apparent dead stop and bursts into a run.

Athalorn (HP 67/67 AC 22 including +3 Barkskin) 
Friday April 23rd, 2004 3:12:35 AM

The druid hesitates, whispering under his breath and rubbing the culverclove leaf in his pouch. (ooc: Barkskin) He then quickly shouts at the painting while trying to keep up with the party. "Tell me, strange creation, how can we remove you from the frame?"

Olana  d20+11=29
Friday April 23rd, 2004 5:30:13 PM

"But... wha... oh....." blinks Olana, momentarily confused.
Determined not to get rattled - seeing as something horrible was trying to kill them, and not waiting for the elf to answer Athalorn, she makes a quick show of flicking out a dagger and gets to work, swiftly prying apart the wood frame of the painting with roguish efficiency.
Kinda makes one think she's done this sort of thing before.
((Disable Device DC 29, LOL - wasn't sure what to roll)).

Figment  d6=6 d6=2 d6=6 d6=5 d6=6
Saturday April 24th, 2004 7:51:44 AM

The mage casts an Ice Storm over the manti. "That will slow them down and soften them up. I'd recommend we continue to move. We'll keep an eye on the gargoyls but I doubt they'll land - and the weather will limit their ability to maneuver. (Ice Storm 25 DMG - 1/2 speed)

Brother Bertram 
Sunday April 25th, 2004 10:06:56 PM

Bertram quickly lays his hand on Olana's shoulder as she works at the painting feverishly. He murmurs a prayer and Olana feels a slight tingle through her body.

(OOC Shield Other)

Gunther (AC 20, HP 60/60) 
Sunday April 25th, 2004 11:58:19 PM

Spotting the gargoyls overhead and then the manti, Gunther swears long and loud in orcish. He drops back to protect the lagging Olana, slugging down his Shield of Faith potion as he goes. He nudges the elf as he passes "You better hurry...or ve'll soon have a fight on our hands dat ve can't finish. You may have to decide between your new friend and your own life..." Gunther drops the empty vial and moves to take a two handed grip on his sword...prepared to engage in some bodily delay tactics if needed.

Gunther grins wickedly as Figment casts his spell. "Yes, I'm definatley going to like hunting with these people." he thinks.

DM kent  d100=90 d100=69 d100=19 d100=19
Monday April 26th, 2004 10:20:07 PM

Olana easily gets the painting out of the frame and it is easily folde and stuck into a pouch freeing several Talons' hands.

Behind her she feels a sudden chill as Figment's spell careens into the Mantis Warriors. Two of the Manti are struck solidly but the other two seem to walk thru it with litle or no effect.

The gargoyles don't seem to be slowing down any in their dive toward you and will in all likelihood reach you in the next few moments.

Monday April 26th, 2004 10:39:31 PM

The monk continues to run, not intending to leave the group behind.

Athalorn (HP 67/67 AC 22 including +3 Barkskin)  5d6(1+3+5+4+5)=18
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 3:12:12 AM

Continuing his run, and looking up to ensure Glannath was not in any danger, the druid casts Ice Storm at the approaching gargoyles (18 damage)

Tuesday April 27th, 2004 3:35:13 PM

Nodding and saying thanks to Bertram and Gunther, Olana quickly stuffs the painting into a pouch.
She shivers as all the cold spells let fly.
"Knowing our luck," she says as they resume their escape, "this painting will hang on the wall and scowl at us all day. I have a cousin like that, you know."

She pulls her sword, just in case.

Brother Bertram 
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 9:32:40 PM

Bertram chuckles at Olana's words. "I find it hard to believe a sweet lass like you would have anyone in the family that was a scowler." Turning back to the problem at hand Bertram quickly grasps the symbol of Domi upon his chest and whispers a prayer. He just hoped it would be enough.

(OOC Cast Bless)

Figment  d6=6 d6=4 d6=1 d6=2 d6=1 d6=3 d6=4 d6=5 d6=4 d6=5 d6=6 d6=6
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 10:32:13 PM

The mage decides the gargoyles need a deterrent and blasts as many as he can get with a cone of icy power. No need to let them get too close before taking damage (Cone of Cold 49 DMG).

Gunther (AC 23, HP 60/60 Shield of Faith) 
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 11:58:19 PM

Despite the desperate situation they're in, Gunther chuckles at Olana's comment. Seeing Figment and Athalorn focus on the gargoyles relaxes him even further...seeing that he doesn't have a ranged weapon. Keeping to the back of the group, Gunther goes on full defense. He swings his sword to deter the manti from getting too close, but mostly is just stalling for time...and trying not to get involved in full blown combat.

DM Kent  d100=29 d100=4 d100=10 d100=50 d100=19 d100=11 d100=12 d100=25 d100=70 d100=79 d100=2
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 8:11:51 AM

With Athalorn's and Figment's spells going off around and amongst them, the gargoyles veer off and step back a bit as if to reorganize and think out a plan. While there are signs of iciness on most of them they don't seem to be overly damaged.

Elese slows a bit as if she is not totally sure of which way she should go and after a few moments starts off again and soon makes a left turn that is definitely heading then out of the city porper.

Several momenta after she makes the turn, you hear a curse come from her direction and she immediately turns again, this time right and then she starts running quickly.

"Hey You all back there had better make like rabbits, unless you want to get caught by that.

Up ahead where she was pointing and where you were heading up until she turned is this long long long band of scintillating light, or is it darkness with shimmers in it? The whole horizon seesm to be swallowed by this thing, and it seems to be moving fairly rapidly in your general direction. The band appears to stretch to each side as far as the eye can see.

Lian (Bless) 
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 8:30:21 AM

"Um... that is interesting..." Says the monk, looking at the lights. "Should that be doing that? I do not remember that coming here."

Gunther (AC 23, HP 60/60 Shield of Faith) 
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 3:06:30 PM

Gunther eyes the gargolyes nervously, hoping that the others can take care of them. Holding the rear position, Gunther jogs along as fast as he can, hoping that they find an exit soon.

Olana  d20+13=26
Thursday April 29th, 2004 12:24:04 AM

"Ingrge, Figment. Whats that?" asks the elf nervously, assuming this was some magic phenomenon they'd know all about.

She looks toward where Elese is running. Right now it looked as though the only place to go was back the way they came.
((Spot DC 26))

Thursday April 29th, 2004 3:00:16 AM

The druid sees dark magic in the light that seesm to be enveloping the sky - and without hesitation, checks that Glannath is still following him before running off as fast as he can after Elese

Figment  d20+21=34
Thursday April 29th, 2004 8:52:47 PM

The mage looks over the "thing" as they make like rabbits. "I'm sure we don't want to stand and stare. Perhaps a hasty retreat will be a good thing...".

Brother Bertram 
Thursday April 29th, 2004 9:20:44 PM

Bertram clutches his Symbol of Domi and stares in awe at the strange display of lights in the sky. He runs as fast as possible behind Elese.

DM Kent 
Thursday April 29th, 2004 10:06:20 PM

Both Figment and Ingrge are fairly sure, even though they have never seen one, that what is heading toward them is some kind of band of wild magic or anti magic band. They also agree with Elese that it would not be a good thing to be caught by.

It appears to be moving fairly slowly at this time maybe half your rate of speed, but it seems to stretch along parallel to you for as long as you can see. Elese seems to be trying to run parallel in order to possibly get around it.

Behind you you hear two sets of by now familiar hunting screams.

Lian (Bless) 
Friday April 30th, 2004 3:17:47 AM

Lian keeps running with the group.

Friday April 30th, 2004 7:03:44 AM

The mage races with the rest of the party as they attempt to avoid the hunters and the field. He pulls out a wand from his belt as they go but waits until he has line of sight on the pursuers before doing anything - hoping he never gets it.

Sunday May 2nd, 2004 11:40:01 PM

Olana runs along with the others, sword still drawn.

"What a perfectly horrid place this is," she says. "And I thought Culverwood was weird!"

Gunther (AC 23, HP 60/60 Shield of Faith)  d20+1=19
Monday May 3rd, 2004 9:13:52 AM

Gunter sprints along trying to keep up with the others. "Not a goot place to get seperated." he mumbles to himself. He keeps a close eye on the creatures behind and above him...ready to strike should the opportunity provide itself (Spot=19).

DM Kent 
Monday May 3rd, 2004 6:25:42 PM

Those close to Elese can hear her saying something to herself, it almost sounds like counting or pehaps it is a recitation of directions. Whatever it is she has slowed down quite a bit and what is behind you is starting to catch up and the rain seems to be diminishing.

Several more moments pass by and suddenly she turns sharply toward the sparkly magic barrier thingy. As she does, she motions you all forward towards it. when you get within about 100 feet of it and the hairs on the back of your neck start standing on end, she stops.

Behind you you can now see three manti and five of the gargoyles closing quickly. they will be on you before the magic thingy is.

Monday May 3rd, 2004 6:31:00 PM

The poor, deaf monk is sure whats going on, but there is a mass of confusion among the group and it shows.

"I do not like it, what is that shimmer? It makes me nervous." He yells, very openly.

Figment  d6=1 d6=2 d6=1 d6=5 d6=5 d6=6 d6=1 d6=2 d6=5 d6=5 d6=6 d6=5
Monday May 3rd, 2004 8:22:30 PM

"Uh, Elise. We need to get where we're going...". The mage stands ready to cast. Once the Manti are in range he blasts them with another Cone of icy power (43 DMG).

Brother B ertram 
Monday May 3rd, 2004 9:11:07 PM

Bertram follows Elise, for the moment hopelessly lost and dependent on her to guide.

Athalorn (HP 67/67 AC 22 including +3 Barkskin)  3d10(7+8+2)=17
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 3:02:36 AM

Again ensuring Glannath is safely out of the way, the druid closes his eyes once more, focusing on the power of the storm that seems to be raging overhead. Looking up to the dreary rain, and assuming the manti are within range, he calls forth a bolt of lightning to one of the creatures (Call Lightning - 17 damage) and remains focused on the power of the spell.

Gunther (AC 23, HP 60/60 Shield of Faith) 
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 10:58:13 PM

As Elise stops Gunther shoots a dirty look in her direction and then shoots a worried look in the direction of the manti and the gargoyles. "Now is not de time for stopping. Ve must move quickly." The large man looks pointedly at Ingrge...wondering whether or not they just might be lost.

Olana  d20+12=24 d20+12=30 d6+2=5 d6+2=8
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 12:25:16 AM

Knowing she won't be much help with the magic curtain, Olana turns to the rear, and fires two arrows at gargoyle #3 with her shortbow.

Might as well keep those busy while the mages figure the rest of it out.

((Hits AC 24, AC 30, for 5 and 8 damage))

DM Kent  9d6(2+6+2+4+6+5+3+1+6)=35 d100=50 d100=51 d100=71
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 8:36:19 AM

Figment's and Athalorn's spells fire off joined by a fireball of Ingrge's and the Manti are truly bathed in fire and ice. The three Manti are overwhelmed by the onslaught and just about fall to the ground in place. As it is, their momentum keeps them up and moving forward for several yards where they fall flat on the thoraxes.

As the spells are cast Lian , who is watching the magic wall sees the wall leap forward several feet each time one of the spells is cast.

Olanna sends a few arrows skyward and watches the first ricochet off her intended target. The second arrow finds its target and chips of a piece of the beast's wing.

Gargoyle AC 29

Gunther and Bertram look to Elese with questioning looks and is rewarded with a shrug.

"The path we need to take lies through that," as she points toward the shimering curtain, which is now several feet closer than it was and now has three thick tendrils extending toward Figment, Ingrge and Athalorn.

Wednesday May 5th, 2004 6:25:55 PM

"Uh, gentlemen. It would seem that your impressive casting ability is having a dynamic affect on the illuminated wall. I suggest that you stop casting." He shouts at the casters. "We should move away from that thing at once."

The monk waits to see what happens with the group.

Brother Bertram 
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 9:21:42 PM

Bertram sighs looking at the strange ribbon and murmurs, "If we must."

Figment  d20+22=40
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 10:52:19 PM

"So do we risk going into it? Have we seen anything else go in and come out? It's either that or the gargoyles. And since the field seems interested in me I'd suggest we decide right now...". The mage waits for Ingrge to make the call. ?He also polls his mind for any relevant information about such fields (Arcana 40).

Thursday May 6th, 2004 12:10:25 AM

The elf sighs. Her arrows were not going to cut it.
"Whatever we're going to do, we'd best be quick," she says, stowing her bow. "The wall seems hungry for magic, and I suspect our spellcasters will be vulnerable.
"I say we all move together, and keep a tight hold one one another as we do so."

Athalorn  3d10(10+6+6)=22
Thursday May 6th, 2004 3:08:14 AM

The druid is still focused on his spell, and the divine magic that is coursing through his body. The concerns of his companions are lost on him, as he doesn't even hear them. Instead, he looks up at the gargoyles, and brings down a further bolt of lightning on one of them. (Call Lightning Damage 22 to a Gargoyle)

Glannath meanwhile, is still mid air, but low down near to the companions and battling against the rain and gravity to stay aloft. When he sees the energy field surge towards Athalorn he descends and lands on the druids shoulder - hoping to distract him from his trance.

Jay B (Lian) 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 8:39:33 AM

Concerned with posting.

Not liking the spottiness.

Kent, need help DMing? I'll take the days you don't post if you want.... I simply don't want this game to die. (Not volunteering to DM on a regular basis, just for a week if need be!)

This isn't meant to be a flame, just serious concern.

Gunther (AC 23, HP 60/60 Shield of Faith) 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 10:54:45 AM

The large man watches the approaching hostiles with growing anticipation... He doesn't much like the idea of entering the field, but then did they have much of a choice? "Perhaps ve can double back around dat ting and get to vere ve need to go?" he suggests.

Thursday May 6th, 2004 10:41:00 PM

I think that we need to be on the otherside of that, but I'm not at all sure that we should touch it or let it touch us. It loks like it is one of the wild magic bands that travel this area. And by the looks of things I would say it is a magic absorbing one. We might try pouring an excess of magic into it at one spot and see what happens. She almost seems like she is looking for someone to take the decision from her.

DM Kent  d20+8=14 d20+8=27 d6+4=6 d20+8=19 d20+8=19 d20+8=10 d20+8=9
Thursday May 6th, 2004 10:53:42 PM

With Athalon's second lightening strike, a slender tenril from the band stretches out and touches the entranced druid, who all at once feels warm and tingly and deathly cold. Fortitude save DC25 (lose 10 hps and 2 points con). At the same time Athalorn's magic seems to begin to fade from his body (will save DC 25)

At the same time the Gargoyles dive and attack. Olana gets caught by one stoney claw. (6 points)

The second goes after Ingrge, but the mage manages to get out of the way and avoid damage.

The third dive bombs Gunther and misses badly.

After dodging Ingrge yells to Figment.

"Target the spot right there with the most potent spell you have I will do the same.
Elese you do the same."

"Bertram, see what you can do about getting our new friend over there to safety."

"Olana, Gunther do what you can to get rid of these things."

Somehow getting Lian's attention, Ingrge tries to make himunderstand that he is to help Father Bertram with Athalorn.

Thursday May 6th, 2004 11:46:39 PM

Having seen the druid get 'sucked' into the shroud, Lian has no problem understanding, but wonders how they are to do it.
Getting an epiphony, Lian strips off his pack and the swords he has strapped to his belt and back.
"The magic! It's attracted to the magic. The less we have, the less we attract. If you carry no valuables into town, you attract no thieves. Remain humble." He says, as if remembering something said to him in his past.
He continues to drop magic items.

[OOC: If you wish for a list of items I'm shedding, I will email or post it. Email me with what you want Kent.]

Olana  d20+13=24 d20+8=19 d10+2=5 d10+2=5
Friday May 7th, 2004 12:32:00 AM


Olana nods at Ingrge, whips around and pulls her sword.

"Alright, you stone............. THING! Come and get it, big boy," she growls. "C'mon!"

For a blonde elf, she does her best to look intimidating, taking a couple of mighty swings at her attacker.
Oh for a club right now.... not that she'd be able to weild it effectively.

((Hits AC 24 and 19 for 5 and 5, well woweee))

Athalorn (HP 67/67 AC 22 including +3 Barkskin)  d20+8=28 d20+11=30
Friday May 7th, 2004 4:59:09 AM

(ooc: woo hoo awesome rolls!)

Athalorn is distracted from his spell by Glannath, but it is too late as the field reaches out to him. Glannath takes into the air again, and the druid focuses on his inner strength to help him fight the darkness. The power of nature comes to him and he resists the draining effect of the tendril (Fortitude save = 28) and the coursing magic that it tries to suck from his body (will save = 30)

He thinks about changing form to escape the field, but finds he has no energy and almost collapses from the effort. However he does try to force himself away from the grasp of the evil that holds him...

Gunther (AC 23, HP 60/60 Shield of Faith)  d20+13=22 d20+8=25 d20+13=17 d20+5=17
Friday May 7th, 2004 5:02:22 PM

Grasping his sword tightly, Gunther nods grimly at Ingrge's instruction and slices his sword back and forth at the incoming animated statue to no avail. Gunther grimaces at the pounding he is likely to recieve in retaliation.

Sunday May 9th, 2004 12:11:01 PM

The mage blasts the spot indicated by Ingrge with his last Cone of Cold. "Hope you know what you're doing...".

Brother Bertram  d20=19
Monday May 10th, 2004 7:13:37 PM

Bertram grasps Athalorn quickly and yanks as best he can trying to rip him from the strange field's grasp.

DM Kent  d20+8=9 d20+8=12 d20+8=9 d20+8=15 d20+8=14 d20+8=12 d20+13=26
Monday May 10th, 2004 11:08:11 PM

Several things happen almost at the same time that nearly drop Athalorn in his tracks. At eh same time as Athalorn somehow manages to fight off the effects of the scintillating magic curtain, the magicless Lian and Brother Bertram charge in and grab hold of the slender druid, pulling him out of the field of magic. Lian feels a touch of coldness but it seems no worse than a cool winter shower. Bertram on the otherhand feels the bone chilling cold Fortitude save DC25 (lose 10 hps and 2 points con), and senses something boring into his mind. Almost immediately he feels as if his magic is beginning to fade from his body (will save DC 25 or lose 1 point of wisdom)

Olana and Gunther take on a defensive stance in order to try and waylay the remaining gargoyles, but are quite ineffective with their attacks. The Gargoyles, a bit wary at first now that they have totally lost the element of suprise, don't seem terribly impressed by the two warrior's attempts at stopping them and dive bomb the dynamic duo. As they do so it seems that they were in far to much of a hurry as the first two collide with each other and crash to the ground (geesh two 1s). tThe third gargoyle manages to pull away in time to avoid the collision, but in doing so is unable to effectively attach either Gunther or Olana, missing them both by wide margins.

Ingrge looks over and grins at Figmnet's comment and replies as he gets ready to cast. "Figment, my friend, I too hope I know what I am doing, but I guess we are about to see." (cast Ice storm)

Elese also targets the appointed spot and sends a ray of energy (disintegrate) streaking toward the magic curtain to join with the other two mages' magics.

As the three magics hit their intended target spot, two things occur. first off the magic curtain rapidly bends itself around in order to try and absorb as much of the combined energies as it can and as that happens a 6 foot archway is somehow formed at the spot of contact. Through the archway you can see what seems to be either a large river or perhaps a lake on the otherside of the arch.


That said she takes off for the arch and bolts through it moments later, though it does sem to have collapsed around her a tiny bit as she went through.

As you go though, if you decide to, please roll a reflex save DC 25 and a d100.)

Tuesday May 11th, 2004 1:33:36 AM

The monk and the dwarf reach relative safety, away from the energy. He returns to his personal gear and retrieves it, as well as the booty from the dragon-construct, not hearing Elese's suggestion. Lian askes Athalorn quite loudly, "What happened? Are you okay?"
He watchs the druid's lips and gestures carefully to try to get the gist of what he says.

He then realizes what Elese has done and where she now is. "Whoa, what is she doing?"

Athalorn (HP 67/67 AC 22 including +3 Barkskin)  d20+6=12 d20+4=20 d100=39 d100=99
Tuesday May 11th, 2004 3:06:33 AM

The druid almost is fatigued by the effort, but shouts his gratitude to Lian and Bertram. He sees Bertram is pained by the field as the druid was himself, so holds onto him to offer support. As he does so he tries to mouth a phrase to Lian, hoping he will understand. "Thankyou, friend. I felt a terrible pain, an icy force that was pulling the magic from my body. I think it is doing the same to Bertram."

He follows Lian's gaze then to Elese. "I think we should follow, if our alternative is to stay here." To make sure Lian can hear, he shouts again, "FOLLOW!" indicating their companion who had vanished through the arch.

Ensuring that Bertram and Lian are heading for the arch too, the druid runs to the energy field. The visage beyond certainly looked preferable to this current place. He indicates to Glannath to follow him, and they both head for the closing archway. (Reflex save and D100 for Athalorn = 12 and 39, for Glannath 20 and 99)

Olana  d20+9=22 d20+9=17 d100=42
Tuesday May 11th, 2004 10:58:54 AM

Olana can't believe her luck as the gargoyles get in a tangle.
As for the portal, she could do nothing but trust the spellcasters. She makes sure Gunther and Milo have seen it, and can get through, and will give the deafened Lian a shove if need be.

Then she jumps.
((Reflex DC 22, re-rolled on hero point DC 17 eeewww, d100 + 42))

Gunther (AC 23, HP 60/60 Shield of Faith)  d20+6=24 d100=39 d20+1=12
Tuesday May 11th, 2004 11:10:54 AM

Quite busy with the bumbling gargoyles, Gunther catches some of the action with the magical field out of the corner of his eye. Hearing Elise's scream, he nods at Olana. "Ve should stay here and keep de monsters away so dat de oders can get through." Gunther remains on the defense, watching the gargoyles and keeping them busy while the others pass through the archway. After all of the other Talons have passed through, Gunther indicates that Olana should pass. Last of all, Gunther jumps through the magical rift himself (Ref=24, 100=39). He takes a look around for any signs of trouble (Spot=12) as his feet touch the ground.

Lian  d20+13=31 d100=49
Tuesday May 11th, 2004 5:05:20 PM

As the monk is prodded by several Talons, he gets the clue and rushes through the gate at his top speed.

(Reflex 31, 49 of 100%)

Brother Bertram  d20+10=27
Tuesday May 11th, 2004 10:08:16 PM

Bertram groans at the icy touch of the strange force, barely able to pull free. He quickly makes sure everyone is ok then grabs Lian, leading the monk in case he was confused what needed to be done. Bertram forces them through the field as quickly as possible trying to gain on it before it realizes they were inside it.

DM kent  d100=49 d100=17 d100=39 d20+8=25 d20+10=26 d20+9=27 d10=10 d10=6 d10=8 d10=7
Tuesday May 11th, 2004 10:43:47 PM

Ingrge, Figment and Elese manage to make it through the arch way unscathed, as do Bertram and Lian who follow close behind. It is then that things start to go awry.

As Athalorn darts through, something happens and part of the archway engulfs him for a moment(10 points damage/ severe cold. and once again his mind is in the grip of something trying to insinuate itself into his mind and steal his magic. Will DC 25 loss of all current spells and 2 points of wisdom.

Glannath see his friend in trouble again and darts in for another rescue but finds himself wrapped up by the magic curtain 6 points.

As Olana darts through she can feel herself being pulled to one side and fights it even harder only to feel herself slip and fall into the shimmering curtain. Engulfed by extreme cold she takes 8 points of damage. She senses something searching in her mind but it appears that what ever was being searched for was not found and just as quickly the feeling goes away. (Jan I need a list of ALL magical items that Olanna is carrying.)

Gunther like Olana gets caught up in the magic field and feels a bone numbing cold 7 points. He too senses something in his head that disappears nearly as quickly as it came. (Gunther I need a list of all magic items carried by you.)

Seconds after being wrapped up and rejected Olana and Gunther find themselves staggering out the other side of the arch.

Only Athalorn and Glannath are still within.

Lian  d20+5=14
Wednesday May 12th, 2004 1:32:28 AM

(OOC: Is Athalorn concious or in bad form? Can we see the druid from our side?)

If I were to go back for him, if I strip off the magic items again, could I walk through the shimmer safely? [Wisdom check 14] The elf thinks to himself. Poor man. Poor bird. Must he be left?!

Athalorn (HP 57/67 AC 22 including +3 Barkskin)  d20+11=31
Wednesday May 12th, 2004 3:01:50 AM

Athalorn feels engulfed by the vortex, his mind under attack by an unseen foe. Forcing himself to relax, he draw on all his inner strength, his mind focused on the power of nature within him, and he feels the energt in his mind struggle to get a grip (ooc Will save = 31 ... man, Athalorn really doesn't want to be stuck in here)

Glannath takes the damage, and Athalorn can sense his companion panicking in terror at what is happening. The druid tries to calm him down, sending his own relaxed thoughts to the eagle. ~I am with you, my friend, wherever we are~

Wednesday May 12th, 2004 7:07:33 AM

The mage yells at the remaining Talons hoping they can hear. "Come on!! Time is short. Forget the gargoyles!!!"

Gunther (AC 23, HP 53/60 Shield of Faith)  d20+1=4
Wednesday May 12th, 2004 8:49:25 AM

Plopping uncerimoniously on the ground, Gunther shivers from the touch of the magical field. "Vat in de name of all dat is sacred and holy vas dat?" he mutters. He does a quick check to make sure that the area fosters no immediate threat (With an ever so impressive Spot of 4!!!!). Noticing that Athalorn has not yet made it through the field, Gunther looks over at Ingrge. "Vould it be vise for me to go in after him?" Gunther begins to start striping off all his weapons and arament should the leader deem it worthy.

Olana  d100=44 d20+13=26 d20+11=27 d20+5=16
Wednesday May 12th, 2004 11:07:53 AM

Olana drops all her stuff with a clatter and a shiver - all except for her rope. She ties it swiftly and surely to her waist, and throws the other end to Bertram, asking if he'll pray and hang on to it for dear life.
"I'm going back in. We can't leave him in there."

With all speed, she runs back inside, looking for the missing druid. There was something nasty in there, she'd felt it's cold presence, hungry and grasping.
Not this time, she told herself.
Rolled another d100 = 44
Spot check, looking for Athalorn DC 26
Grapple DC 27
Will Save DC 16

Magic items:
Longsword +2
Shortbow (gift from Gold Dragons +2)
'Truthsayer' Shortsword +2/+3 Unique party item (gift from Dwarves)
Bracelet of Friends -- 7 charms, gift from Milo
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds -- party item, won by DM on DM board.
2 Curved +2 Magic daggers
Potion of Detect Thoughts (L&B)
Potion of Water breathing (L&B)
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (L&B)
Seal of Curing - Cure Minor Wounds (8/15/03)
Potion of Charisma (L&B Lottery /24/03)
I think there was a bow and arrows - part of this latest treasure haul, too.

Brother Bertram 
Wednesday May 12th, 2004 10:11:02 PM

Bertram catches the rope tossed his way and sets his feet quickly, ready to test his not-so-slight frame against the pull of the strange anomaly. He keeps tension on the rope waiting for any sign of difficulty from Olana.

DM kent 
Wednesday May 12th, 2004 11:20:49 PM

Any who look can see Athalorn trying to move along the edge of the arched cutain, but he seems to be moving in slow motion.

Olana ties up and Bertram grabs hold of the rope as The lithe elf heads back in after Athalorn and really has no difficulty finding him as he is in the center of the archway in which the party just traversed, with what can only be a
Glannath wrapped up in the magical curtain. With very little difficulty Olana graps hold Athalorn of and starts guiding him back out of the archway which is now starting to pulsate. Athalorn somehow manages to grasp hold of Glannath as they leave but the eagle is just barely moving beneath his hands.

Gunther indeed looks around and there must be something wrong for even though he sees what might be a humanoid shape standing near the edge of what appears to be a humungous lake, he doesn't think twice about it as he watches Athalorn's trial.

Ingrge is about to answer Gunther when Olana's dash saves him the trouble.

(Nellie, I still need a list of all Magic that Gunther iss carrying.)

Thursday May 13th, 2004 3:05:14 AM

Exhausted but determined, Athalorn collapses on hopefully the right side of the archway. He stands, fatigued, unaware of his surroundings, and turns to Olana. "You risked your life for me. Thankyou, my friend. I will not forget that." He holds her gaze a moment, then smiles as he puts one hand on Olana's shoulder, trying his utmost to express his gratitude. "Thankyou."

He then turns to the barely moving and battered body of the eagle on the ground. Feeling Glannath's fatigue and pain, he kneels, trying to comfort his old friend.

Thursday May 13th, 2004 5:17:35 AM

"Okay. The druid is safe, can we be getting on, soon? Oh, how is the eagle?" Murmers the monk, trying to stay quite, but loud enough to be heard without yelling.
He tightens the bundle on his back and cinches up the golden sword on his hip. (Almost feels like a different PC :)) The elf seems more than ready to flee the area as soon as possible.

Thursday May 13th, 2004 6:19:58 AM

The mage sighs in relief as all the Talons make it through. He begins scanning the area for potential trouble - and to determine where they are.

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