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Forest of Acid

Forest of Acid pt. 2 (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 8:10:53 PM

When Ashira breaks the seal a set of tracks that looks like Ashira, Rigging, and Appolo head off into the forest in the direction that Ashira is facing.

The wildcards then start out towards the pickup point traveling as quickly as they can. Nezamil finds that it is getting hard to continue to fly in the forest as the trees seem to be getting more tightly spaced.

The wildcards travel for close to 15 minutes with out spotting anything following them or ahead of them.

Rigging and Swirl  d20+12=13
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 10:28:03 PM

Rigging turns to his wife and says, "Well you knew that we weren't just gonna leave you there. We all love you to much for that. So tell me about your experience. What was it like being heartseeded? Do we have to know any special information on who or what might be chasing us right now?"

Rigging will keep guiding the others while trying to keep a look out for any trouble (Rolled natural 1)

Thursday April 22nd, 2004 2:06:54 PM

Welcome back Ashira! sayas Bart after he gives her an kiss on her cheek

Ashira (AC 19, HP 22/71)  d20+8=22
Thursday April 22nd, 2004 3:50:01 PM

Ashira tenderly touches her chest and then turns away from Rigging and stares into the forest she's jogging through. "I....I don't want to talk about it right now." she whispers, almost inaudibly. She smiles thinly at Bart's kiss, but the warrior can't help but notice her swords trembling in Ashira's arms.

Ashira tries to pick up the pace but stumbles, colliding with a nearby tree. The burning of the trees acid reminds her of the many missions she and her Quad spent out in this very forest only a few weeks ago. Shaking her head, Ashira pushes her body along, hoping the exertion will push the memories from her mind. Tears beginning to form in her eyes, Ashira looks around the forest checking for signs of her former companions (Spot=22) knowing that they'll show up soon. "Come on! Let's get out of here. They know this forest like the back of their hand...We...They drill here often" she urges the others on. "And don't bother with the rings...they can see invisibility."

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP35/46, Bless 6min, Protection from Evil 6min) 
Thursday April 22nd, 2004 4:25:53 PM

Redux frowns as he listens to Ashira. Putting the wand away, he motions to Nezamil "I could use some healing if you don't mind." As he moves forward into the forest with the others, Redux pulls out a scroll of darkness. "They might be able to see invisibility, but i'll bet they can't see in the dark." he thinks

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 31/53 pro-fire 36/84 55/70 min 
Thursday April 22nd, 2004 5:02:19 PM

Nezamil eyes go wide for a moment when Walker is called away by Gargul , as Walker fades away , Nezamil touches Domi's holy symbol hanging from his neck , " Walker is in safe hands now , now we just have to meet up with the ship as planned , lead on Rigging"

as the group treks thru the forest the dwarfs feet finally touches the ground as magic wears off and strides confidently along keeping up the pace that Riggings sets

Appolo HP:45 AC:23  d20+6=18 d20+12=21 d20+11=17
Thursday April 22nd, 2004 5:46:50 PM

Appolo follows orders and takes point moving swiftly and silently ahead.

Spot 18,Hide 17,Move Silently 21

Valanthe HP 87, AC 23 
Thursday April 22nd, 2004 7:14:10 PM

Valanthe sighs as Appolo heads off to take point. He was overprotective and she didn't mind but sometimes orders needed to be followed. Val followed 15ft behind the others, glancing back constantly.

Forest of Acid pt. 3 (DM Dominic) 
Friday April 23rd, 2004 3:44:00 AM

You continue to move through the forest at a fair pace that allows the group to stay fairly well together. After the next 10 or so minutes goes you start to hear some sort of movement in the forest that sounds like animals moving quickly. None of you spot anything that does not seem normal.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 31/53 pro-fire 36/84 45/70 min  d8+5=6
Friday April 23rd, 2004 7:08:23 PM

Nezamil catches Redux motioning him over " ah yes my good mage , of course , a little bit of Domi's touch will put a grin back on your face " Nezamil grins as he says this .Nezamil then reaches out and touches the mage (cure light 1d8+5=6) "hmm if we weren't in such a rush i could of done better , but that should help ya Redux.

as the noises of the forest increase " hmm wonder if they are trying to drive us in a certain direction " Nezamil asks Redux as he continues to follow his fellow shipmates thru the forest "something or someone is hot on our heels " suggests the dwarf

Ashira (AC 19, HP 22/71) 
Friday April 23rd, 2004 11:36:00 PM

Ashira motions for silence when she hears the noises, but continues to move forward following Rigging as quickly as she can. "Not good." she whispers to Rigging. Reaching into her pack she pulls out another seal and breaks it. Suddenly everyone in the group begins to travel much more rapidly through the forest (Seal of Quickness).

OOC (Seal ofQuickness. It lasts for one round only letting the entire party move at aspeed of 100' normal and up to x3 of that if running. If anyone in theparty moves faster than that, they are slowed to that speed.)

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 6min, Protection from Evil 6min)  d8+5=13
Friday April 23rd, 2004 11:59:44 PM

Redux grins at Nezamil's healing touch as it restores all his strength to him. "My friend, if you healed me any better, I'd be a new man!"

Having the feeling like they're walking into a trap, Redux rubs his ring of levitation as he sprints quickly along into the forest. Nope, no way I'm staying stuck on the ground when they get here." he thinks.

OOC (We're allowed to reroll 1's on healing, so I did...got a much better result. ;)

Forest of Acid pt. 4 (DM Dominic) 
Saturday April 24th, 2004 12:47:50 AM

Redux feels the gentle rush of healing energy flow into him from Nezamil.
With Ashira's seal the group starts to move much quicker.
Redux quickly starts to catch up with Appolo at the front of the group due to the fact that he is not haveing to deal with the plants lying on the ground.

You notice that the noise behind the group seems to vanish.

Appolo  d20+6=22 d20+3=6 d20+12=16
Saturday April 24th, 2004 12:56:05 PM

Appolo stops and takes good look around.He see Redux"Redux get down you're making yourself a target.These animals are running from something and it's between us and our destination,"

Hide 16,Spot 22,Listen 6

Sunday April 25th, 2004 4:00:04 PM

Ashira do you have more surprises in that bag of yours? In this speed we will reach our meeting point in no time

Rigging  d20+12=18
Sunday April 25th, 2004 11:22:18 PM

Rigging still keeps the group moving forward. He projects a thought to Swirl, "Keep and eye out for ambushes. Range ahead if you will and let me know if you see anything strange or see any humans or humanoids."

Rigging will then hand his wife another potion and say, "Drink this and take your weapons back. I don't know if you are going to need them but better safe than sorry." (cure moderate potion)

He will glance around (spot 18) and then ask, "So tell me about your old friends. What will we be facing if they track us down. Anyone in particular we need to take out first?"

Monday April 26th, 2004 12:21:19 AM

Valanthe runs after the others, sword in hand. She's nervous and expects touble around every turn. As far as she's concerned they made it way to far without seeing any trouble.

Nezamil ac 21 Hp 31/53 pro-fire 36/84 45/70 min 
Monday April 26th, 2004 12:34:19 AM

Nezamil continues to run with the pack of wildcards , charging thru the forest "hmm you seem to have Domi's favor "says Nezamil to Redux with a grin " maaybe i should call you brother Redux hehe" laughs Nezamil as Redux feet leave the the forest floor

Ashira (AC 19, HP 55/71)  3d8(5+2+5)+3=15 d20+8=15
Monday April 26th, 2004 1:09:34 PM

Ashira gulps down the potion and gives Rigging a strange look...seeing that she has already retrieved her weapons from him. Thinking that Rigging's on the right track, she reaches into her pouch and pulls out a Cure Serious Wounds potion and drinks it down too. She smiles at Bart but shrugs "I think I've done about as much as I can."

Ashira also takes a look around (Spot=15). When Rigging mentions her "friends" Ashira turns away from him once more. Looking very hurt she tries to keep her voice low all the same. "Sssshhh...do you want to broadcast our location?! Let me put it to you this way...we don't want to fight them if we don't have to. We...They are all linked together, so they're stronger than normal. But if we do get into a fight, try and find Aramust...he has the least armor, so he'll be a little easier to attack....IF you can find him. Try and stay clear of Torga and Rezrachk...they're the tanks. But I'd rather stay out of a fight if we can...."

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 6min, Protection from Evil 6min)  d20+4=21 d20+6=14
Monday April 26th, 2004 1:26:51 PM

Redux is somewhat lighthearted about how things are, but knows they are about to become very serious. To all: "We should either make haste in hopes of making it to our destination or find a defensible position and circle up to make our stand. I believe I'd rather take the 2nd option; I'd rather not be caught flat-footed with this crowd. Redux looks around for what migh go for a defensible area (Spot=21) while Talon keeps an eye in the sky for any hostiles (Spot=14).

Appolo HP:45/45 AC:23 
Monday April 26th, 2004 6:26:04 PM

Appolo shakes his head"No we can't stop.If we stop then they'll just bring up the city garrison and hit us with over whelming numbers.
Ashira where is the most likely place along this trail to set up an ambush and the least likely.Is there another way through this forrest to the sea?We need to avoid combat if at all possible."

Attacked rd. 1 (DM Dominic)  (attacking appolo)d20+6=25 d20+6=21 d20+6=7 d6+3=9 d3=3 d3=1 (attacking nezamil) d20+6=24 d20+6=9 d20+6=7 d6+3=4 d3=1 d3=3 (attacking bart) d20+4=14 d20+4=6 d6=1 d6=5 (attacking rigging) d20+12=23 d20+7=13 d8=3 d8=1
Monday April 26th, 2004 6:53:07 PM

Looking around Redux finds that there is no real defenseable location other than the fact that there are so many trees that you have to be extra carefull when flying not to hit a tree. Talon does not spot any thing hiding.

Everyone notices the lack of normal sounds in the forest once again.

Appolo and Redux sense that there is something unseen possibly invisible out there closing in on the party.

large cat #1 - pounces on Appolo hit AC 25 (dmg 9), AC 21 (dmg 3), AC 7 (dmg 1)(no dex as opponent was invisible)

large cat #2 - pounces on Nezamil hit AC 24 (dmg 4), AC 9 (dmg 1), AC 7 (dmg 3)(no dex as opponent was invisible)

guard #1 - appears next to Bart and attacks twice hitting AC 14 (dmg 2)& AC 6 (dmg 5) (no dex as opponent was invisible)

guard #2 - appears in the distance attacking Rigging twice hitting AC 23 (dmg 6)& AC 13 (dmg 4)(no dex as opponent was invisible)

Map will be coming tomorrow

Rigging ac 23 49/57  d20+7=12 d20+7=18 d4+1=2 2d6(2+5)=7
Monday April 26th, 2004 10:47:36 PM

OCC not sure where my opponent is. You mentioned he is in the distance but attacked me twice. Did he shoot me? or is he nearby. Confused.)

Rigging will use a free action to activate his ring of blinking.

He will then cast a spell shield on himself. I will only do this if it doesn't allow an AoO on me. If the opponent is close by, then I will attack him. possible hit with holy dagger. (9 points of damage)

He will yell, "We are underattack. Defend yourselves

he is approximately 90' from you and shot you with two arrows.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 27/53 pro-fire 36/84 45/70 min  d20+10=25 d8+5=9
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 1:22:57 PM

Nezamil winces as the cats teeth sink into him, quickly drawing his mace the sturdy dwarf and swings at the beast (d20+10=25) and a grin appears on Nezamils face as his mace smashes the beast(d8+5=9) Nezamil tucks his sheild under his chin as he circles the evil kitty :-)waiting for an opening to swing again "should we make this a running battle away from here or stand and vanquish Ga'als minions " shouts Nezamil

Bart ac 24 (21 with no dex) hp 60/62  d20+14=23 d20+9=15 d10+9=14 d10+9=17
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 2:03:09 PM

Bart turns around in surprise activates his glove of storing and attacks his opponent (hit ac 23/19 for 14/17

Sneak Attack---The Former Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+12=30 (Bead vs. Rigging) d20+7=12 (Bead vs. Redux) d20+7=24 (Bead vs. Nezamil) d20+9=28 (Bead vs. Redux) d20+6=19 (Touch vs. Bart) d10=3 (Potential Con. drain) d20+13=25 (Attack against Bart) d10+5=9 (Damage to Bart) d10+16=22 (Attack against Val) d8+9=14 (Damage to Val) d20+5=16 (Touch attack vs. Nezamil)
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 4:29:35 PM

As the Wildcards react to the first attack, they suddenly find themselves in the middle of a second attack. Seemingly out of nowhere 4 glass beads come sailing through the air. One bead hits Rigging smashing on impact. Rigging feels the tingle of magic trying to invade his body. Another bead barely misses Redux. The third bead smashes into Nezamil, while the fourth bead smashes into the illusive levitating Redux.. (Rigging, Nezamil, and Redux Will save DC 18 or be silenced for 7 min. Affect spreads in a 15 foot radius from each person who was hit.)

As Bart slices at his opponent, he feels a light touch on his arm and then the tingling of magic trying to invade his body (Fort DC19 or lose 3 Con. points temporarily). Then Bart feels a blade slicing through his arm (9 pts. damage) and hears what sounds like two people moving away from him.

Likewise, Val feels an unknown weapon slice into her back (14 pts. damage) and then hears the sound of someone heavy moving away from her.

Meanwhile, Nezamil feels a light touch against his head and then suddenly feels his life force being forcefully pulled out of his body (24 pts. damage). He thinks he hears something moving amoung the trees.

Appolo Ac 23 HP:33/45  d20+2=6 d20+2=15 d4+2=3
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 5:16:08 PM

Appolo produse a piar of daggers stabbing the beast twice.

OOC: Attack 15 damage 3 not sure if 15 hits or not.

Valanthe AC 23, HP 74 
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 5:38:12 PM

Valanthe curses as she turns and sees nothing. She crouches down briefly and scoops up a handful of dirt. She tosses it into the epty space before her looking for a target.

ooc: Does Valanthe's improved uncanny dodge work against invisible opponents?

Yep, go ahead and disregard the damage :)---Nellie

Ashira (AC 19, HP 55/71)  d20+8=22
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 6:16:00 PM

Ashira watches the sneak attack go off around her in horror. She looks around as one after another of her friends are hacked into... She searches the surrounding area for any signs of the Quad (Spot=22) but only catches glimmers of figures. Her swords begin to shake in her hands as she walks aimlessly in a circle staring into the forest surrounding her...trying despirately to find the invisible enemy.

Rigging  d100=12
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 10:28:09 PM

OOC Nellie had me roll to see if I was blinking. 12 says I was! :-)

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 6min, Protection from Evil 6min)  d20+8=16 d20+8=26
Tuesday April 27th, 2004 11:40:10 PM

Redux makes his save from whatever that thing was that just hit him (hero point). Redux reactively levitates up slightly, then casts fly on himself. He calls to Nezemil to use the wand to dispel their invisibility (area), adding, "Give me a target!"

Attacked rd. 2 (DM Dominic)  d10=9 (attack on appolo) d20+6=25 d20+1=3 d20+1=6 d6+3=8 d3=2 d3=2 (attack on bart) d20+4=18 d20+4=5 d6=1 d6=2 (attacking rigging) d20+13=16 d20+8=21 d8+3=9 d8+3=7 d100=99 d100=90
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 12:29:43 AM

large cat #1 (AC 15)- roars when the dagger plunges in then attacks Appolo again hit AC 25 (dmg 8), AC 3 (dmg 2), AC 6 (dmg 2)

large cat #2 (AC 15)- jumps back after the resounding blow from Nezamil's attack and begins to circle Nezamil looking for an opening.

guard #1 (AC 19)- staggers under the rpaid double blow from Bart then attacks again twice hitting AC 18 & AC 5 (dmg 2 & 2)

guard #2 - fires 2 more times at Rigging hitting AC 16 (dmg 9)& AC 21 (dmg 7)then he starts to aim at Redux as he sees Rigging blink out just before both arrows connect.

Rigging blinks out just as the bead was about to hit him.


Remember that over 15 minutes has past since the last battle. Redux would nolonger have the bless or prot. evil spells in effect. Nezamil's Prot vs fire would still be in effect.

Bart ac 24 (21 with no dex) hp 51/62  d20+9=24 d20+4=21 d10+14=24 d10+14=18 d20+4=13
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 4:17:52 AM

"REDUX, NEZAMIL!! someone invisible attacked me, don't now where he is" Bart yells as he attacks the guard in front of him, he uses his strength more than his finesse (powerattack +5) (hit ac24&21(2nd att threat no crit) for 24+18

Ashira (AC 19, HP 55/71)  d20+8=20
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 9:06:57 AM

Coming to her senses somewhat, Ashira continues to look into the forest for the unseen attackers (Spot=20) but still cannot find them. Then she knows what she needs to do... She reaches into her pack, pulls out a seal (Seal of Taunting) and breaks it. She wills the magic against the person who just attacked Val. Her weapons at the ready, Ashira tries to mentally prepare herself for the attacks that are sure to be coming her way soon.

OOC (Seal of Taunting: activating this seal is a free action. When broken it forces a single opponent to make a Will save DC15. If the save fails the opponent ignores any other foes and concentrates all his/her attacks on you. This effect lasts three rounds.)

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 33/53 pro-fire 36/84 45/70 min  d20+8=28 4d8(6+7+3+7)+7=30
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 1:39:46 PM

as the bead smashes into Nezamil , he feels magic surge thru his body , but fights off the effects (d20+8=28 save vs silence )then the dwarf feels his life force pulled from his body,his eyes go wide and face turns pale, knowing he is close to death he eyes the big cat Nezamil steps back (5 ft drop )and casts a cure on himself (spontanous casting cure crit in place of restoration )and color returns to the dwarfs pale skin (4d8(6+7+3+7)+7=30)
Nezamil glances about for the unseen foes"hmm the cat is not the main enemy here, it can't hurt me , must do something about those unseen foes" and with that thought to himself the dwarf holsters his mace and reaches into his pouch , pulls out a wand "must be ready for their next move"(ready action with wand )

The Former Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+5=16 (Bart's Fort. save) 3d6(6+4+2)=12 (bludgeoning dam.) 2d6(6+2)=8 (Cold dam.) d100=47 (Rigging blinks out before storm) d100=83 (Rigging gets hit by MM) 3d4(4+2+3)+3=12 (Dam. from MM) d20+13=20 (Attack vs. Appolo) d20+13=24 (Attack vs. Bart) d20+8=10 (Attack vs. Bart) d10+5=11 (Dam. to Bart) d20+6=25 (Enemy's Will save vs. seal) d20+14=29 (1st Attack vs. Val) d20+9=24 (2nd Attack vs. Val) d20+14=18 (3rd Attack vs. Val) d20+4=10 (4th Attack vs. Val) d8+7=11 d8+7=10 (dam. to Val)
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 2:54:13 PM

The invisible onslaught continues as the Wildcards search for their attackers.

This time Redux finds himself the center of attention. Nezamil hears chanting in the trees, which he recognizes immediately as spellcasting. The out of nowhere a hailstorm appears centered on Redux. The stones literally pelt the area around Redux and Rigging (12 dam. bludgeoning, 8 dam. cold, no save). Luckly, Rigging blinks out just as the storm begins to hit. The ground is quickly covered in frozen balls of ice and Rigging finds his footing tentative (land movement at 1/2 speed). Then about 30 feet out in the forest in front of him, Redux hears what sounds like casting. A burst of light travels through the forest, speeding toward Redux's face. Redux, Will save DC 14 or be dazzled for 1 minute.

Bart reeling from the combined attack (rolled Fort. save for you...failed...3 points damage to Con.), he begins to hear casting in the forest nearby him. Bart, Val, and Nezamil feel the impulse fall on the ground. Will save DC 20 or fall prone to the ground for one round.

Three magic missiles shoot from out of the forest (about 30 feet away from Rigging) and shoot towards Rigging. Rigging blinks back into the real world only to get slammed in the chest by the missiles (12 pt. dam).

Appolo hears movement approaching from the forest. From out of nowhere a blade slices through the air coming dangerously close to hitting Appolo. Since Appolo's opponent did not move away, Appolo is able to strike him/her this round.

Bart hears someone take a step toward him and then he comes under attack once more. The invisible weapon's first attack slams home (11pt. dam). The second attack misses Bart badly. Before Bart can react, he hears his attacker move away from him.

Val throws her dirt into the air and is pleasantly surprised to find the faint outline of a very large figure about 5 feet away from her. Apparently Ashira's seal has no effect as Val finds herself under attack yet again. The large figure steps forward and unleashes a full attack on Val. The first two attacks connect, dealing out 21pt. damage to the Elven warrior. The remaining two attack prove fruitless and whoosh through the air harmlessly.

Rigging hps 43/57 ac 19/23 mage armor, blinking, shield?  6d6(4+3+4+4+5+2)=22 d100=98
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 4:36:27 PM

Rigging pulls out a his wand of fire balls and launches a ball where he saw the missiles shoot out to hit him.

The ball explodes for 22 points of damage (sorry don't remember how to do saves of vs wands)

Not sure if I got my shield spell up last round? If I did, then the magic missiles wouldn't have effected me.

Sorry George, you activated the ring which didn't give you time to get off the shield spell-----Nellie

Appolo Ac 23 HP:25/45  d20+2=10 d20+2=22 d6+2=7
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 5:00:51 PM

Appolo strikes agian at the cat.While bleeding from his wounds.

OOC: hit 22 natural 20 critical hit.Damage 7x2= 14
I though the cat was ontop of Appolo.I thought it jumped on him.
it did a pounce attack but failed to knock you down. -- Dominic

Redux (AC20 Evil HP38/46)  d20+5=6 2d8(2+7)+3=12
Wednesday April 28th, 2004 11:22:35 PM

(ooc flare save is Fortitude so used that one instead)
Redux flinches as the hail pelts down upon him. He begins to try to fly out of it when something like the sun flashes in his eyes. The spots in his eyes make it harder to see exactly where everyone is in the battle, but he continues to fly out of the hail to his left and behind Appolo. After exiting, he pulls a potion of CMW (12pts) and tries to get a battle plan in mind.

Valanthe AC 23, HP 66 (68?)  d20+8=27 d20+13=25 d20+8=15 d6+8=10
Thursday April 29th, 2004 12:01:52 AM

Valanthe fights off the urge to drop to the group but doing so distracts her enough to lose focus on her partially invisible opponent. She grimmaces as the blows are struck. She Valanthe growls and attacks.

ooc: hit ac 25 for 10

Attacked rd. 3 (DM Dominic)  (attack on nezamil) d20+6=10 d20+1=9 d20+1=18 (attack on redux) d20+13=30 d20+8=23 d8+3=4 d8+3=9
Thursday April 29th, 2004 6:00:09 AM

Appolo causes the large cat attacking him to back away due to critically wounding it.

Bart's attacks drop his opponent with the first blow.

Nezamil feels the surge of healing enrgy flow through him when he releases the spell.

large cat #2 (AC 15)- attacks Nezamil again missing with its bite and two claw swipes. Missing with all attacks.

guard #2 - fires off 2 arrows at Redux. Hit AC 30 & AC 23 dmg 4 & 9


Bart ac 24 hp 32/62  d20+14=31 d10+9=18 d20+14=34 d20+14=32 d10+9=14 d10+9=11 d20+3=8 d20+3=21
Thursday April 29th, 2004 12:03:10 PM

OOC last round as Bart has dropped the guard with his first blow the second blow from last round was aimed at his invisible opponent (hit ac 21 for 18) I think Bart is also allowed to make an attack of opportunity even when his attacker is invisible (Ac 31 for 18).

Bart feels sick but he can overcoe the will to faal on the ground (used heropoint saved 21)
Bart is aware that the invisble attacker moved away, he did attacked him but he is unsure about the result, he decides to make an spring attack on the big cat near Nezamil (crit ac34/32 for 14+11)

Nezamil cast an dispel or something !!!!

When bart hears an invisble attacker near him he tries to dodge away (+1 Ac dodge feat)

William, you can try an AoO against an invisible opponent, but in this case, the enemy just took a 5 foot step and did not draw an AoO. :(-----Nellie

Valanthe ooc 
Thursday April 29th, 2004 4:24:31 PM

Was her damage reduction counted in the damage for the two hits Val took?

No. Walter please keep track of the damage reduction. Also, as stated early, the first attack against Val didn't connect due to the Uncanny Dodge, so add those HP back please.----Nellie

Ashira (AC 19, HP 55/71)  d20+8=25
Thursday April 29th, 2004 5:40:32 PM

Her swords trembling in her hands, Ashira moves in closer to Rigging, trying to cover his back. She reaches into her pack once more, pulls out another seal with a unicorn imprinted on it and hands it to Redux (Seal of Rapid Spellcasting). "You might need this." she says as she waits to find a Quad member (Spot=25).

OOC (Seal of Rapid Spellcasting: activating this seal is a free action. When broken it shortens the casting time of any single spell of level one to three that you are about to cast in the same round to a free action. A spell cast this way counts against the limit of one quickened spell per round.)

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 41/53 pro-fire 36/84 45/70 min  d8+1=8
Thursday April 29th, 2004 6:05:27 PM

Nezamil scans for movement , seeing Val swinging at something she can't see "gonna have to make the a fairer fight " mutters the dwarf and points the wand to where Val is fighting and activates his wand (dispel magic 12th level ) then reaches into his pack and pulls out a seal and quickly breaks it (seal is cure light).

Rigging and Swirl ac 23 hps 43.57 shield, mage armor, blinking  d20+13=15
Thursday April 29th, 2004 9:44:26 PM

Rigging looks to see what his fireball did. He looks to see if their are any invisible balls of fire rolling around. spot check 15

He then casts a shield spell on himself and looks for more quad members or family in trouble.

Redux (AC20 Evil HP25/46-Levitate (ring), Fly5/60)  7d6(6+3+4+6+4+5+3)=31
Thursday April 29th, 2004 11:44:12 PM

Redux moves to accept the seal from Ashira. He then turns towards the archer, eyes scowling. He growls slightly while calmly removing a scroll and casts Lighting bolt at the archer for 31 pts dmg (reflex save for half).

The Former Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+10=13 (Elemental's attack) d20+10=16 (Nezamil's Dispel check) d20+14=20 (1st attack vs. Val) d20+9=24 (2nd attack vs. Val) d20+14=17 (3rd attack vs. Val) d20+4=12 (4th attack vs. Val) d8+7=10 (damage to Val) d20+15=20 (1st attack vs. Appolo) d20+10=15 (2nd attack vs. Appolo) d100=96 (Blink for MM) 3d4(4+2+4)+3=13 (damage from MM) 9d6(1+4+5+2+6+5+4+6+2)=35 (damage to Val) 9d6(5+4+3+2+2+6+4+1+6)=33 (damage to Nezamil)
Friday April 30th, 2004 12:39:45 AM

Rigging's fireball lights up the dark forest and catches a few trees on fire, but he can't tell whether he hit his invisible assailant or not.

Up in the treetops, Nezamil hears the unwelcomed sound of spellcasting once more and a bolt of lightening shoots from a nearby treetop. The air around the dwarf crackles with electricity as the bolt heads right for him. (Ref. DC 17 for 16 dam, otherwise take 33 dam).

Three more magic missiles shoot from out of the forest (this time to the left of the last position) and shoot towards Rigging. Once again, Rigging's body is in the material plane when the magic missiles zip towards his body, only to fizzle against his newly cast shield. Then a large spider web starts to form between the trees on either side of Ashira, catching both Rigging and Ashira in the area.

As Appolo concentrates on the cat, his invisible opponent takes advantage of the distraction and takes two swings at him. Amazingly, both blows miss the thief.

Bart's previous attack meets only with air, missing his invisible opponent (attack from last round). As he turns his back on his invisible enemy, a small orange jewel smashes to the ground. A column of fire with a roughly humanoid form appears next to Bart. Its yellow eyes narrow and it attempts to slam it's body against Bart, but misses the warrior.

Val feels a satisfying crunch as her sword definitely slices into that pesky large figure in front of her. Little drops of blood trickle down the dirt covered figure and form a small pool in front of Val. Then Nezamil activates his wand and the large figure suddenly becomes visible once more. The very familiar looking half-orc standing in front of Val looks surprised at his sudden reappearance. He swings his wicked looking double axe at Val, but only manages to connect with one of his attacks doing 10 pts of damage.

Off in the forest the sound of spellcasting is heard and then a column of fire comes down from the heavens headed straight for Val (Ref. DC 20 for 17 dam, otherwise take 35 dam).

OOC: Nezamil, you forgot you Will save from last round. I don't have your sheet. Please roll a Will save DC 20 or fall prone on the ground.

Attacked rd. 4 (DM Dominic)  d20+20=38 d20+10=12 d20+13=30 d20+8=25 d8=6 d8=3
Friday April 30th, 2004 2:02:55 PM

Bart springs in and drops the large cat that had been attacking Nezamil.

Redux's lightning bolt strikes the archer causing him to scream out in pain for a moment.

Everyone feels a wave of magical energy wash over the battlefield causing all set spells and invisibility to be purged. Activated magical items such as rings of blinking are negated for 2 rounds. All of the Wildards hear in their minds 'Now things are even Ga'al.'

guard #2 - fires off 2 arrows at Redux. Hit AC 30 & AC 25 dmg 9 & 6


Appolo Ac 23 HP:25/45  d20+6=14 d20+3=11
Friday April 30th, 2004 2:18:11 PM

Appolo goes on the defensive,he knows he's being attacked by an unseen opponent and the cat. So he drops his daggers slides toward Redux.Draws his shortsword ofShocking Buurst and pulls out a bottle of Cure Moderate Wounds drinking it down,while looking and listening for his unseen opponent.

Spot 14,Listen 11

Rigging and Swirl ac 15 hps 43/57 no spells I feel so naked!  d20+9=24 d20+9=29 d20+9=26 d6+1=7 d4+1=5 2d6(4+1)=5 rapier backstab 2d6(5+4)=9 holy dagger damage, 2d6(3+4)=7 holy dagger backstab d20+5=18
Friday April 30th, 2004 5:40:46 PM

Rigging is happy that Appolo's opponent so handily put his back to him. He glides over and puts both keen shortsword and holy dagger into his back.

After he strikes his blade home he yells, "Ashira take the one to the south!"

OOC OK gonna figure this 2 different ways. First is if I got my backstabs off, and the critical hit doesn't matter. Damage rapier is 12. Holy dagger is 21. Total damage is 33.

If they are not backstabs then I rolled a critical hit with the holy dagger. Damage from rapier is 7 and the holy dagger is 28 for a total of 35. Not bad either way.

Swirl forms into a whirlwind and tries to a touch attack on AU hoping to get him caught up in the whirlwind. If he does, he will rise straight up into the air as far as possible with his movement (base 100) and then drop him.
Touch attack 18.

George, you forgot about that Web that is all around Ashira and Rigging....gotta get out of that thing first.----Nellie

I thought it was dispeled with all the other magic. Is it or isn't it?

the web was dispeled. --- Dominic

Yay!!!! Go get 'um George! Sorry didn't understand what a "set" spell was.----Nellie

Valanthe AC 23, HP 61  d20+8=25
Friday April 30th, 2004 7:27:19 PM

Valanthe manages to roll to the side, raising her shielf slightly to help divert the magical fire. She looks at the half-orc and lets loose a savage battle cry.

ooc: Valanthe will Rage this round.

Redux (AC20 Evil HP10/46)  6d6(5+5+6+3+5+3)=27 d6=3 d20+2=17
Friday April 30th, 2004 10:22:39 PM

Redux drops to the ground as all magic is dispelled and at least stays on his feet (tumble=17). Seeing the quad member appear in front of him, he hustles to the opposite side of the tree he is next to, trying to get out of line of sight of the archer (using the tree and/or Rigging as a shield). Spotting AM behind them, he throws a fireball at the individual for 30 pts dmg (reflex for ½).

ooc: is the web dispelled when the invisibility is?

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 8/53  d20+8=12 d20+3=5 d20+3=11
Friday April 30th, 2004 11:11:29 PM

Nezamil tries to resist the tug of magic but fails (d20+8=12 will save ) , falling to the ground the dwarf again hears the chanting in the trees " what's he casting now? got to get out of the way" the Dwarf see's a flash of light and struggles to avoid it (d20+3=11 reflex save )(used hero pt but still failed )the lightning bolt blasts the prone dwarf "grrr that hurts " grunts the Dwarf "Domi watch over me, help me vanquish these thugs of Ga'al" shouts the Dwarf rolling on the ground , wisps of smoke drifing from his chainmail, Nezamil feels his holy symbol pulse with warmth , then he feels magical energy wash over him "Domi" says the Dwarf with awe in his voice ,a smile comes to Nezamil's face , and it broadens more when he spots the Ga'als mage in the tree "there you are ! thank you Domi " the dwarf puts away the wand and will try to get to his feet knowing Domi has shown him his path......the Mage in the tree.

OOC thanks for that seal Nellie , now i know your evil, keeping Nezamil alive like a cat toying with a mouse , struggling to escape ;-)

Bart ac 24 hp 32/62  d20+14=31 d20+14=27 d20+9=24 d10+9=18 d10+9=12 d10+9=17
Saturday May 1st, 2004 3:10:57 AM

ooc i asume the fireelemental is dispelled too

Bart makes an attack to the nearest foe (either a springattack or an full attack depending the distance between bart and his opp) hit ac 31 threat ac 27 crit? for 18+12 second attack ac 24 for 17

OOC Dominic 
Saturday May 1st, 2004 3:58:25 AM

Sorry for the really late post my wife's grandfather was admitted to the hospital so our life has been a bit wild the last couple of days.

Ashira (AC 19, HP 55/71)  d20+7=11
Saturday May 1st, 2004 6:22:15 PM

Finally able to see the Quad members, Ashira hesitates. Seeing their faces...faces that until a few minutes ago she loved and held dear didn't make matters any better. If anything they made them worse. She begins to head toward Amun but can't make herself attack him. She reaches in her pack instead and pulls out another seal (Seal of Holy Presence). Her voice trembles as she breaks the seal "I'm sorry Rigging...I don't think I can."

OOC (Seal of Holy Presence. This seal makes all the weapons of the party Holy Weapons for a period of 1 round. Holy weapons bypass many evil creature's damage reduction. They also deal an extra 2d6 of damage to evil creatures. :))

The Former Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+7=9 (Amat's save vs. fireball) 3d8(1+1+4)+7=13 3d8(8+1+1)+5=15 (rolls for spells) d20+15=19 (1st attack vs. Rigging) d20+10=25 (2nd attack vs. Rigging) 2d6(1+1)+9=11 (damage to Rigging) d20+12=21 (Concen. check for Amat vs. Swirl's attack) 3d4(1+1+4)+3=9 (damage to Redux from MM) d20+14=27 (1st attack on Val) d20+9=11 (2nd attack on Val) d20+14=32 (3rd attack on Val) d20+4=23 (4th attack on Val) d8+7=10 d8+4=5 d8+4=10 (damage to Val)
Sunday May 2nd, 2004 12:20:21 AM

Nezamil rises to his feet and begins to plan his next attack when he once more feels the impulse to lie down prone on the ground (Will DC20 again).

Thogerd (AC 19)
From his isolated position out in the woods, the cleric of Ga'al begins casting a spell. There are no visible results of the spell, but some of the minor wounds on the Quad members begin to close. Thogerd then reaches into his backpack and pulls out a wand.

Aramust (AC 19)
An odd sight occurs before Nezamil's eyes as he watches the mage in the tree appear. For a few seconds the mage appears to stick to the tree's surface then he begins to fall to the ground. As he falls, he mutters a few words and then he instantly begins to lightly descend to the ground. Landing on his feet, he moves to a position between Torga and Rezrack and then begins to cast a spell. Nothing appears to happen.

Torga (AC 23 )
The Elemental facing Bart winks out of existence as the magic washes over the battlefield. As Bart moves forward and engages the dwarf, a look of pure shock is on her face. With her guard down, Bart easily manages to strike through her defenses and makes his attack count, plunging his sword deep into her chest and side. The dwarf takes a 5 foot step backwards and casts a spell on herself. Once again, several small wounds on all of the Quad's bodies begin to heal.

Aramo (AC 19, 20 vs. Rigging)
Rigging's attack strikes hard and true, catching the Quad member completely off guard. He bleeds freely from the newly formed wounds in his back. The Elven warrior spins around and launches a full attack on Rigging, missing with his first attack, but managing to nick Rigging with the second (11 pts. damage). Growling in frustration, the warrior watches Rigging carefully, looking for the next opportune time to strike.

Amat (AC 18)
The half-elf feels the extremely powerful magic wash over him and is contemplating what it might be when Redux's fireball screams toward him, exploding around him. Amat tries to move out of the way of the flaming ball, but can't manage to and catches fire. Growling in frustration he points a wand squarely at Redux and fires off three more magic missiles (9 pts. damage).

Amun (AC22)
Swirl scoots over and picks up Amun, lifting him five feet in the air and then is unable to lift him any further and drops him. Maintaining his concentration, the half-elf casts a spell with no visible effects.

Rezrachk (AC21)
Grinning at Valanthe, the half-orc swings his two bladed axe down four more times. It's attacks prove much better timed as three of the four swings slice into the Elven maiden, slicing deeply into her body (Total 25 damage).

Appolo AC:23 HP:36/45  d20+6=21 d20+6=16 d20+6=11 d8+3=8 d8+3=8 d6=1 d6=3 d10=9 2d6(6+2)=8 4d6(3+5+2+6)=16 4d6(4+3+3+2)=12 2d6(1+2)=3
Sunday May 2nd, 2004 8:37:38 PM

As as Aramo turns his attention to Rigging giving Appolo his back Appolo attacks backstabing him thee times.

Attacks 21,16 11 Damage 8 8=16 +4 +( Shocking Burst9)+8=36 Backstab Damage 28 For67 points total.Ashiras seal damge =11points
Total damage 67

Attacked rd. 5 (DM Dominic)  d20+13=20 d20+7=20 d8=7 d8=6
Monday May 3rd, 2004 5:00:07 PM

Seeing the battle continueing between the Wildcards and the Quad. Guard #2 moves over to get a better shot at Rigging the firest 2 more arrows at Rigging. (hit AC 20 dmg 10, AC 20 dmg 9)


Rigging 24/57 ac 15  d20+8=26 d6=5
Monday May 3rd, 2004 5:29:18 PM

OOC not sure if AR is still alive after Appollo's backstab. This post is assuming he is and doesn't get an AoO. (He has taken 100 hps between Appolo and me)

Rigging decides to get out of the archers line of fire and quickly casts a spell, he nimbly moves over and touches AU with it, casting a touch of idiocy. Touch attack hits ac 26 (He loses 5 points to his intelligence wisdom and charisma scores. No saving throw.)

George, Aramo (ARA) is still alive. You can change your post if you want."----Nellie

Valanthe AC 21, HP 53 (Rage 1/8)  d20+15=30 d20+15=35 d20+10=26 d20+10=24 2d6(3+6)+10=19 2d6(1+2)+10=13
Monday May 3rd, 2004 11:54:09 PM

Valanthe doesn't even flinch as the axe bites deep into her flesh. Her eyes are red with anger and she stares at the half orc.

"Is that the best you got?" Valanthe asks as her sword slices into the half orc. The newly placed enchantment seems to be working as the blade cuts deeply.

ooc: two critical hits, she needs a 15 or higher, for 19 and 13

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 8/53  d20+8=19
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 12:28:57 AM

Nezamil flops to the ground (d20+8=19 will save) his eyes flash with anger as he see's the mage run past "you ain't getting away from me mage" "he's tough one this mage, powerful, got to stop him from casting more magic as the dwarf gets up he reaches into his pouch and draws forth a wand , once standing he aims it where the mage has stopped and starting casting and activates it (wand of silence ) aiming for the ground at the mages feet then starts towards the mage (5 ft move )a grim look of determination on his face

Ummm...Chrs, you failed your save...you lay prone on the ground this round.---Nellie

Bart ac 24 hp 32/62  d20+14=32 d20+14=23 d10+9=15 d10+9=13 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+9=25 d10+9=19 2d6(3+5)=8
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 4:52:09 AM

Bart attacks the dwarf in front of him hitiing him hard (crit? ac32/23for 15+13 + 10 additional shocking burst) His second attack is aimed at the dwarf as well hitting him once more (ac 25 for 19 + 8 add. shocking burst)

William, your first hit is a crit. Your second is not, and so does not get the burst damage.---Nellie

Rigging ac 17 hps 28/57  2d8(6+6)+3=15
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 2:40:43 PM

Rigging will step 5' away from AR to avoid an AoO and then quaff down a potion of cure serious.

He will then move away from AR and towards Ashira, not turning his back on the man and using his weapons in total defense trying to ward off any more arrow blows.

Redux (AC20 HP10/46)  6d6(1+6+6+5+6+6)=30
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 3:25:57 PM

Redux positively beams as his brooch absorbs the magic missiles leaving him without so much as a scratch. A spark in his eye and one from his fingertips, Redux throws another fireball at the pesky half-elf (Amat, 30 pts. damage or Reflex DC 15 for half).

Ashira (AC 19, HP 55/71)  d20+7=13
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 3:41:47 PM

Shaking free of some of her hesitation, Ashira watches with relief as Rigging heads toward her. "Enough of this." she mutter to herself and she begins to cast a spell. The trees and undergrowth in the area around Aramust, Rezrack, and Torga begin to snake around them, trying to hold them in place (Entangle).

The Former Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+8=18 (Aramust's Will vs. Silence) d20+7=21 (Rezrack's Will vs. Silence) d20+9=19 (Torga's Will vs. Silence) d20+7=25 (Amat's Reflex vs. Fireball) d20+7=9 (Aramust's Reflex vs. Entangle...stuck) d20+11=22 (Rezrack's Reflex vs. Entangle...free) d20+7=23 (Torga's Reflex vs. Entangle...free) d20+3=18 (Aramust's escape artist check to break free from Entangle) d20+13=20 d20+8=19 (Aramo's attacks vs. Appolo) d20+8=23 d6+3=6 3d4(1+3+1)+3=8 d20+14=25 d20+14=17 d20+9=17 (Torga's attacks vs. Bart) d10+5=13 (Damage to Bart) d20+15=27 d20+10=13 d20+15=22 d20+10=14 d20+15=23 (Rezrack's attacks vs. Val) d8+7=12 d8+4=5 d8+7=15 (Damage to Val) 2d8(1+4)+9=14 (spell roll)
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 4:37:30 PM

From his prone position on the ground, Nezamil feels the impulse to remain perfectly still.(Will DC20 again or lie still for 1 round unable to perform any actions.).

Thogerd (AC 19)
The cleric smiles thinly as he taps himself with the wand in his hand. Once again, small wounds on all of the Quad members bodies close themselves.

Aramust (AC 20)
Nezamil retrieves the wand and points it at Aramust. The Elven mage smiles in triumph as he shrugs off the magic. Then suddenly the grass underneath him wraps itself around his feet. A nearby seedling twists itself around his body as Aramust vainly attempts to dodge the suddenly animated foliage. The mage twists and turns, trying to free himself from the plants but is unable to free himself.

Torga (AC 24, 25 vs. Bart)
Bart strikes true and slashes viciously into the dwarf's body. Electricity pulses through the female's body as Bart's first strike cuts deeply into her neck. Then the plants around her suddenly become animated, and the dwarf barely manages to escape their attempted hold on her. She takes a 5 foot step out of the entangled area and towards Bart. Then she wages a full attack on the warrior, slicing at him three times with her viscous looking axe. Managing to connect with the first blow Torga opens a wicked looking cut on Bart's arm (13 pts. dam).

Aramo (AC 19, 20 vs. Rigging, ...Attacking Appolo)
Appolo strikes true with his first attack, but misses with his second. Aramo grunts, and turns to deal once more with Appolo. Amazingly, the burly elf is still unable to connect with our wily hero.

Amat (AC 18,)
Not caught quite as much off guard, Amat manages to dodge the worst of the fireball sent his way. A look of frustration on his face, the half-elf quickly closes with Redux (I'm assuming there's about 40 feet between them) dropping his wand and pull out a shortsword as he approaches. Taking a swing at Redux, Amat barely manages to connect, nicking Redux's arm (6hp dam.).

Amun (AC22)
From the other side of the battle field, spellcasting can be heard as Amat's identical twin sends three magic missiles toward Rigging (8 dam).

Rezrachk (AC22, 23 vs. Val)
Val's strikes hit home, causing the half-orc to bleed freely from his side. Then Rezrack manages to move aside just as a large clump of poison ivy makes a grab for his legs. He too takes a 5 foot step, moving in closer to Val (and away from Bart) and out of the Entangled area. "Hmmph...you want more...here, try this on for size." Moving with superhuman speed, the half-orc swings his doubleheaded axe 5 times...cutting through Val's defenses three times (32 pts. dam. total) and lives several deep cuts on her chest and arms.

Valanthe AC 21, HP 24 (Rage 2/8)  d20+15=35 d20+15=17 d20+15=27 d20+10=12 2d6(2+6)+20=28
Tuesday May 4th, 2004 7:16:18 PM

Somewhere in the back of her mind she knows that she is seriously hurt but Val doesn't pay attention to that part of her mind. She presses forward despite the deep cuts and flowing blood.

ooc: used a hero point to reroll the crit roll. 1st attack is a crit for 28. It's a little late but I rolled the wrong damage last round. I forgot to double the strength bonus in the roll. The damage should have been 29 and 23.

Attacked rd. 6 (DM Dominic)  d20+13=28 d20+7=12 d8=6
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 12:55:32 AM

With the Wildcards concentrating on the Quad Guard #2 moves over to get a better shot at Rigging the firest 2 more arrows at Rigging hitting with the first arrow (AC 28 dmg 9)

You can hear and see bits of trees slowly burning from the fireballs that have been exploding around the battlefield.


Wednesday May 5th, 2004 7:20:27 AM

OOC Dominic, I can't access your map. Sorry

Rigging AC 15 brush ? hps 11/57 blinking 
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 1:53:47 PM

Rigging will duck down and try to use the underbrush as cover. He will activate his blinking ring and pull out another potion for next round. He says to Ashira, I don't feel so good."

He then yells, "Nezamil! Get up off your behind and get busy!" To Ashira he murmers, "Imagine taking a nap during a battle."

Bart AC 25 19/62 (+13)  d20+14=33 d20+14=27 d10+9=18 d10+9=18 2d8(4+6)+3=13
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 4:49:57 PM

Bart makes one hard attack tyowards the dwarf (critical for 18+18) he then jumps away from him and other foes(spring attack gets an cure moderate potion out if his pouch and drinks it

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 36/53  d20+8=11 3d8(6+7+8)+7=28
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 5:47:42 PM

Nezamil struggles to stand but fails (d20+8=11 will save )"hmm Powerful magic, well got to do something"Nezamil decides to get cast a cure on himself (3d8(6+7+8)+7=28 cure serious , cast spontanously, replaces inviso purge )"ah that feels better, now time to break this magic's hold and help my new friends " putting his wand back in his pouch, the dwarf attempts to crawl towards the mage

Valanthe AC 21, HP 24 (Rage 3/8) 
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 6:47:22 PM

Valanthe took a step back and brought her bloody sword up infront of her chest. Her eyes locked on the figure before her. Crushing him, defeating him was the only thought on her mind.

ooc: heading to work soon so this is my only chance to post today.

Appolo AC:23 HP:36/45  d20+2=14 d20=19 d8=4
Wednesday May 5th, 2004 7:13:46 PM

Appolo swings at his opponent twice.Missing once connecting solidly the second time.

Attack 19 natural Damage 7 if critical 11.

Redux (AC20 HP18/46)  d20+5=22 d4=3 2d8(4+7)+3=14
Thursday May 6th, 2004 12:42:14 AM

Redux is no longer smiling as Amat closes with him and strikes out. He is weakened even more and desperately wants to stop his attacker. Taking a 5-foot step to his right, he breaks the seal given to him moments earlier by Ashira (Seal of Rapid Spellcasting: activating this seal is a free action. When broken it shortens the casting time of any single spell of level one to three that you are about to cast in the same round to a free action. A spell cast this way counts against the limit of one quickened spell per round.). He then drinks a potion of CMW (14 pts) and casts Enervation (hit ac=22) on Amat (Amat loses 3 effective levels).

ADM Nellie 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 12:43:52 AM

Sorry all, very busy day. I'm not able to post tonight. I'll try and post in the morning.

Ashira (AC 19, HP 55/71)  d20+7=26
Thursday May 6th, 2004 8:45:36 AM

Shocked at seeing her husband in such a critical state, Ashira reaches into the pouch on her belt and pulls out a Cure Serious Wounds potion and hands it to Rigging.

Sizing up the battle and not sure what else to do, Ashira casts another Entangle spell, this time around Aramo....hoping to free up Appolo to attack Redux's aggressor.

The Death of the Former Super Quad (NPC's, ADM Nellie)  d6=2 (Shock damage from Bart's sword) d10=8 (Burst damage from Bart's sword d20=12 (Roll to see if Appolo's attack was a crit...failure) d6=2 (Shock damage from Appolo's sword) d20+6=19 (Aramo's reflex vs. Entangle)
Thursday May 6th, 2004 9:45:38 AM

Rigging pulls back and activates his ring as Ashira hands him a potion. The grass around Aramo's feet suddenly springs to life, but the Elven warrior manages to pull himself free.

Nezamil struggles against the magic that hold him down but is unable to break free, and lays motionless on the ground.

Val strikes true and hard, her sword ripping mercilessly into the half-orc's body. Then Bart strikes at Torga with equally lethal efficiency, puncturing her lung. Likewise, Appolo slices into Aramo with a very well timed blow. All the members of the Quad look very pale as if on the verge of collapse.

Trying desperately to rid himself of the half-elven warrior in front of him, Redux pulls back, heals himself, and makes very good use of the seal that Ashira had given him. A jet black ray shoots from Redux's hand and wraps itself around Amat's body. Then something very strange happens...as the magical tendrils literally suck the life force out of Amat, the whole Quad drops to the ground screaming in agony. There bodies writhe in agony for a few seconds and then each and every evil warrior breathes their last breath and lays on the forest floor stone cold dead.

Nezamil feels himself instantly released from the magic that was holding him in place.

Well done everyone!!!!! Great battle! Hope everyone enjoyed the battle as much as I did. Some fantastic teamwork out there!----Nellie

Thursday May 6th, 2004 2:13:14 PM

Seeing his opponent fall Appolo wastes no time making sure he does not rise agian.He quickly cuts Aromos head off and chucks into the nearest.Spitting out the word"Mess with the best die like the rest!PUNK!!"He then turns to Redux"Great move my friend.Are you in need of healing?" He says this as he looks around the battle fieldObviously looking for Val.Appolo will sheath his sword and use his wand of cure light wounds to heal Redux should he require it.He then will find Valanthe and tend to her needs.Appolo will see that everyone else is healed before looking to his own wounds.

Appolo OOC 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 2:38:56 PM

Yes I throughly enjoyed the battle.Very entertaininb.I appologize for any confusion I may have cause.Tahnk you both very much Dominc and Nelli.

Thursday May 6th, 2004 3:05:30 PM

"thank you Domi this was close" Bart cant believe his eyes The squad members where alive and in a split second ..all lying dead on the ground. Bart jumps back to the dwarf and with a big swing of his sword he slices his head off.

Ashira (AC 19, HP 55/71) 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 4:11:18 PM

Ashira trembles as she watches the Quad die. Then Appolo and Bart set about making sure that they never come back and Ashira can not take it any longer. Tears forming in her eyes, she wanders off into the forest unable to watch as the bodies are mutilated.

Valanthe AC 23, HP ? low 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 4:22:10 PM

Valanthe breathes deeply and stares at the half-orc's corpse. She looks around for another target before closing her eyes and sighing. Her shoulders slump and her legs quiver. Her rapier falls from her hand and clatters on the ground.

Quiet After the Battle (DM Dominic) 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 5:53:41 PM

Looking around you nolonger see the Guard that had been fireing arrows into Rigging. As the bodies of the Quad land on the ground you notice some of their equipment starts to carrode away to usless items with only a few items of their equipment surviving.

You are able to recover the following items from their remains.
Boots (4)
Brooch (2)
String of beads
cloaks (2)
Rings (3)
Blue Gem
Wands (3)
Scrolls (6)

You realize that you have about 20 more minutes worth of hiking to make it back to the pickup point and that the Sword will be leaving and not be back untill the next day if you don't make it there in the next 30 minutes.

Thursday May 6th, 2004 6:53:11 PM

When Appolo sees Ashira take off and Valanthe fall he says"Rigging go get Ashira."He then sprints Vals side using his Wand of cure light wounds on her.he then pulls out a potion of cure moderate wounds,bends down and pours it down her throat."Come Sunshine,get up we won agian.It's time to go home."He then picks her up. and her sword.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 36/53 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 8:27:13 PM

Nezamil stands up as the magical energy which held him disapates , looking around to see if his shipmates are ok " everyone ok ? anyone need immediate attention of Domi's healing touch" after seeing 2 quad members lose their heads the dwarf speaks up " Hey ! there is no call for that brutality, Ga'al controled their actions with the heartseed , they were victims of his evilness,just pawns in his sick twisted mind, we are better then that,don't step down to Ga'al's level by defiling the bodies of the dead , let their souls find peace for once" once done speaking the Dwarf will tend to any who need his healing touch and then proceed to help gather what he can from the bodies , leaving the quad members he touched in a postion of eternal sleep

Rigging and Swirl 
Thursday May 6th, 2004 10:12:58 PM

Rigging will quickly pull out his wand of detect magic and activate it. He will point out the items for the others to collect.

Rigging will glide silently up behind Ashira and wrap his arms around her waist. He will pull her in close and nuzzle the back of her neck. "I know you got close to these people and under different circumstances, I might have been able to call them friends too. Always remember you have a family right here and a husband who truly adores you. Lets go home."

Rigging will start leading her back towards the ship and call to Swirl to lead the way. He will grin to Ashira, "Honey, while you were away, I made a new friend." He will then call Swirl to met Ashira.

Swirl will buzz around her like an excited new puppy. He senses how important this woman is to Rigging and wants to make a good impression.

Friday May 7th, 2004 12:04:10 AM

Appolo looks up at Nezamil"Over hear valanthe needs some hel.Sorry about that but when the dead can be resurected it's best to be one the safe side.Besides I never said I was any better aperson then they were.I was raised to serve G'aal and know that in most cases those that serve in his quads are whole hearted fanactics of G'aal and G'aal doesn't need the heartseeds to cntrol thier actions.The heartseeds are there to give them strength.The orc dwarf and elves here joined G'aal willingly.They weren't children when they recieved thier heartseeds they knew exactly what they were doing and who they where jioning up with.Now please heal her,we need to get moving."

Friday May 7th, 2004 6:17:10 PM

Valanthe leans on Appolo and sighs as the healing magic stops her wounds from bleeding. She's alive but her armor is coated heavily with her blood.

"Can we debate about voluntary or non-voluntary quad members later? I would really like to get back to the ship tonight."

Saturday May 8th, 2004 4:57:14 AM

Sorry Ashira for beeing so rude, but we haven seen dead corpses risen again I wont fight them another time. But I will leave it to Rigging what to do, but we have to make hurry, we have a half hour left to reach ou meeting point

Rigging and Swirl 
Saturday May 8th, 2004 4:18:38 PM

Rigging as he leads his wife away will motion to the others that he wants them to finish their grisly work.

"Let's get you back to the ship. Many of the crew are looking forward to your return. You have many friends there."

Saturday May 8th, 2004 5:29:44 PM

Ashira listens silently as Nezamil and Appolo debate over the treatment of the bodies. She smiles thinly as Rigging holds her and leans on to his body for support. The crying mostly subsides and she looks up blankly at Swirl, her mind still overwhelmed by all the events of the day. As she turns to leave with Rigging, she looks back over at Appolo and Bart briefly, gut wrenching guilt and sorrow evident even from the distance. "Make it quick... I understand, but I can't watch." Ashira turns back away from the carnage as quickly as possible. As Rigging guides her toward the ship, she pulls him closer to her as if trying to pull courage and confidence from his body into hers. "Who's the dwarf?" she asks in a completely exhausted tone.

Redux  2d8(8+5)+2=15
Saturday May 8th, 2004 11:41:47 PM

Redux' knees give and he sits on the grass for a moment after seeing the battle is over. As he looks around at all of the enemy on the ground, and all at once; its just a shock, there must be something to that to remember. Having Appolo come over and offer healing is much appreciated. He gratefully accepts 2 charges from Appolo's wand before directing him to others who might need it. "That should more than get me to the ship, thank you." He is the first to pick up the wand the mage dropped in their fight saying to the others "This wand is magic missiles, don't know how many charges it has, but it'll get us to the ship, if they catch us." He helps to collect the magical items that Rigging identifies, happy to see some scrolls to go thru. He adds, "Remember who wore/used the items, we'll ask Ashira about them when she is more able. Speaking of bringing back our enemies, it would be nice to burn them, but there's no time. Let's grab our trophies and get moving." Speaking of trophies, Redux takes note of how the magical items of the quad became useless once dead--probably something linked to their heartseed, no doubt. The sword obviously is useless, but that scabbard, that would make a fine trophy on his wall, yep, just fine.

Arrival at the Pickup Point (DM Dominic) 
Sunday May 9th, 2004 4:37:02 PM

As you move as quickly as possible to the pickup point you only hear the noises that you would think are normal and not out of the ordinary for a forest.

You find your small boat whwere you left it. You can see off in the distance what you think is the Sword headed back in towards land.

Monday May 10th, 2004 11:15:26 AM

Rigging will wade a couple of feet into the surf and snap Wayfinder to his eye. He will take a close look at the ship to make sure it is The Sword.

If he can confirm that it is the Sword, he will say, "OK, Everyone into the boat. Our ride is here. Let's leave this accursed land behind and get back home."

Nezamil  3d8(8+2+3)+7=20
Monday May 10th, 2004 1:57:55 PM

Nezamil will cure Val as Appolo asked (3d8(8+2+3)+7=20)(spontanously cast cure serious in place of prayer )after helping Val ,Nezamil will take up rearguard as the wildcards head to the pickup point.
Nezamil will climb into the boat when Rigging confirms that it is the correct ship "will be good to get back aboard and rest up and get some good food and drink, I'm starving"says the dwarf to no one in particular

Monday May 10th, 2004 2:08:13 PM

Ashira practically clings to Rigging as they enter the boat. Hanging her head, she doesn't say a word as the others board.

Monday May 10th, 2004 6:35:09 PM

Bart starts launching the boad into the surf, holding the boat steady so the rest can step in

Off the Beach (DM Dominic) 
Monday May 10th, 2004 7:16:09 PM

Placing the Wayfinder to his eye Rigging sees that the approaching ship is the Sword. Once you are all in the boatand headed out to meet the Sword for pickup you feel the weight of the rescue lift from you.

Nezamil's healing causes Val to start to feel more normal and not in danger of slipping into unconsiousness.

After around 20 minutes you finally meet back up with the Sword and the crew helps you back aboard. The crew lets off a loud cheer when Ashira makes it aboard the Sword. Several members of the crew come over and tellher 'if you need anything let us know. Welcome back Ashira."

Niner asks "what heading Captain?"

Monday May 10th, 2004 11:00:47 PM

Rigging will tell the crew to head out of enemy waters and away from main shipping routes for now. "We all need a couple of days of healing and a chance to recharge."

Rigging will lead Ashira down to their cabin and calls for a bath. He will help her out of her armor and settle her into the tub. He will light some candles and give her some time to adjust to her new surroundings.

Monday May 10th, 2004 11:14:02 PM

Ashira looks around Rigging's new quarters in disbelief. "Captain?" she mutters as she slips into the tub. She eases into the warm water, wincing as some of her fresh wounds sting as the water hits them.

Monday May 10th, 2004 11:24:29 PM

Redux is glad to get back aboard the ship without further confrontation. He goes to his cabin to store his things and slips into a clean pair of normal slippers. He fills his glass with some cool water and goes to the front of the ship to watch the waves as the ship slides thru the water. He lets his mind relax when he hears the familiar hoot of Talon. Smiling, he calls the bird to him. While slowly petting his owl, he allows the crew to do their jobs around him and he drifts off to another place.

Tuesday May 11th, 2004 2:54:04 AM

Once she's back aboard the Sword, Val limps back to her room. Once behind the safety of a closed door, Val grimmaces in pain. She ever so slowly removes her bloody armor. She never lets the pain show infront of the others. She had to look strong. However in the privacy of her own room she doesn't have to hide the intense pain.

Tuesday May 11th, 2004 3:17:00 AM

Appolo practically carries valanthe back to the boat,then helps her aboard the ship.He continuely winces in pian as he does so.Having not been completely healed himself.He follows her down to her cabin and helps her undress.
"Sunshine,my love.I'll get you a bath and see that your armour is cleaned and repaired.Oh one other thing, the object of a fignt is to hit with being hit,retreat is a perfectly legitimate military manuever."He is smiling.Appolo then pulls out his cure light wounds potion and taps her with it healing her further.He then heads out a returns about 10 minutes later with a tub abd twi crewwomne with hot water soap and linnements.The tub is set in the room and filled.Appolo will help Valanthe bath and then tuck her in for the night before tending to himself.

Day at Sea (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday May 11th, 2004 5:54:51 PM

Each of you spend the rest of the day and into the night cleaning up and noticing all of your new wounds from the last couple of fights. During the night you each seem to ge4t some of the best sleep you have recieved in the last several weeks as your bodies wind down.

The next morning Niner reports that you are currently just out of the nearest trade route that runs along the coast and headed further out to sea away from the coast with a general direction towards Safeport. The crewmembers that have clerical training come to each of you after you have eaten fo the morning and check what kind of aid you each need. Once they have checked each of you over they peovide any healing necessary.

Nezamil  3d8(7+7+1)+7=22
Tuesday May 11th, 2004 5:54:59 PM

Nezamil head to his quarters and get cleaned up , then he will seek out the wildcards " who would like some of Domi's healing touch?"asks the dwarf , then he will proceed to cast a cure (3d8(7+7+1)+7=22)(spontanously casting cure serious in place of water walk ) on the 1st wildcard to speak up (1st come 1st serve :-) )

if no trouble happens before nightfall , Nezamil will cast his remaning spells as cures on the others be fore he sleeps
OOC will roll as needed

Tuesday May 11th, 2004 6:13:37 PM

Before Rigging goes to sleep he will avail himself to some of the healing going around the ship and take Nezamil cure plus some of the other cures going around. He feels much better.

He goes to sleep and all is right with his world. He wakes to find himself snuggling his wife and his heart exults. He will silently unwrap himself from her and get dressed. He will then head out on deck and see what is going on.

After the noon meal, when everyone is feeling better he will call an wildcard and officer's meeting. He will ask that all the loot from the last encounter be put in a pile and then wrap his arm around Ashira and say, "Honey, I know this is tough but can you give us any insight into what these things do? Otherwise we are going to have to have Redux burn up some pearls or just do some experimenting."

He will look around and say, "I think we should go back to the funtion of the pirates and just stay at sea a little while. Why don't we find a nice big fat merchant ship from the empire, and plunder it. We might even take a prize and all get rich? What do you say?"

Tuesday May 11th, 2004 6:45:40 PM

Valanthe shows up for the evening meal in her silk robe. The bandages that still wrap her torso beek out from beneath the robe. Even with the healing magic her body aches and hurts. Hopefully they won't be doing anything for a long time. With Ashira the way she is, Val wonders if her and Appolo should still retire and start that family. What Ashira went through had to be traumatic but there is no way that Valanthe can know or understand how Ashira feels. None of them can.

Tuesday May 11th, 2004 10:59:55 PM

Ashira looks at the pile in front of her. The memories of her friends were still fresh, but not as raw as yesterday. "I know some of it, but honestly Rigging, I don't know what alot of the stuff does. The slippers are slippers of spider climb." Ashira remembers the time that, on a dare, Aramust used the slippers while out on manuevers to climb back over the city wall to get Amat a late night snack. She smiles for a moment, caught up in the recent past, and then snaps back to reality and hangs her head. They were evil...evil...they deserved to die. She shouldn't care about them...let alone be thinking about them right now....

Ashira picks up one of the wands and looks at Redux. "This is a wand of magic missiles, but I suspect you already guessed that." Then she grabs the blue gem. "And this is probably a elemental gem. Torga was a big fan of them." She looks around at the other items for a few minutes, but shakes her head. "I don't know. We didn't really talk alot about our personal stuff."

Ashira watches Val carefully as she joins the meeting and notes the bandages. As Rigging queries about future plans, Ashira moves over toward Val. Ashira avoids looking Val in the eyes as she whispers. "Can we talk after this?" Ashira is very careful in her timing not to interupt the meeting or attract attention to herself.

Wednesday May 12th, 2004 4:00:38 AM

Appolo spent his time taking care of Val and then his own wounds and gear,He heads down to the meeting and sits next to her.He watches Ashira carefully.

Wednesday May 12th, 2004 3:58:05 PM

Redux attands the meeting. As Ashira speaks, he rubs his chest where his seed used to be and remembers his family. His thoughts then drift to the mysterious woman who introduced him to the resistance. He adds that the boots might be easy to try out, use them to try to climb up something; another pair might be used to run around the deck to test if they increase movement rate. He also quieries how many pearls they have on hand for him to use for identification.

Wednesday May 12th, 2004 5:33:30 PM

Nezamil I would like to pray to Domi can you guide me in my prayers? I would like to thank him for the power he has given te me to overcome our foes.
Bart cleans up his armor and sword and stows his armor away for the timebeeing. His sword is hidden again in his glove of storing

Wednesday May 12th, 2004 7:14:53 PM

Ashira's question catches Valanthe by suprise but she did notice how Ashira made an effort to be subtle so Valanthe just nodded yes.

"Captain I don't think that we should plan anything for a couple of days. Even now I don't think any of us are thinking with a clear head right now. Not after what we all just went through."

Couple of Days Rest (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday May 12th, 2004 7:22:09 PM

Redux tries out one ofthe pairs of boots and climbs up the wall with out any problems.

Niner says "We should report in and let the Jack know we have saved Ashira. We saw another PoJ ship not long after you went ashore but we were able to stay out of sight."

Wednesday May 12th, 2004 10:53:37 PM

Rigging will say, "I agree Val. We need some time to heal and get reorganized. Perhaps do some scrolls and figure out these magic items.

If we do see another pirate ship, fine we can stop it and see what is going on in the world, but I vote we take a vacation for a couple of weeks and enjoy having Ashira back with us. I still want to do some raiding before we head back but lets enjoy the sun and our victory for a while."

Rigging will then pull off his slippers and try a pair of the boots on. He will try to climb up the mast, run fast, leap around, click them 3 times etc.

He will also take a look at the scrolls.

Wednesday May 12th, 2004 11:55:34 PM

Nezamil smiles as Bart asks him for guidence in praying to Domi "of course i will , it will be a pleasure and an honor to help you my brave friend , i pray every morning to Domi after a good nights sleep , gives the body rest and clears the mind to receive Domi's blessing " Nezamil nods thoughtfully at Bart " we all felt Domi's power in our last battle, he protects us so we can protect others and resist the evil in the wold " Nezamil touches his holy symbol (silver pendant on a silver chain around his neck)a silver anvil "he is a wise teacher" says the dwarf "so anytime you wish to pray to Domi with me , just meet me in the morning , i will help you thank Domi with your prayers"

Nezamil will help heal the wildcards during the next couple of days and will check out the scrolls to see if any are of divine makings , also he will help with trying to figure out what the other items abilities are "sorry Redux , i have no pearls to help identify the items "

OOC will send an e-mail with updated spell list

Thursday May 13th, 2004 3:22:55 PM

Now that the meeting is over Valanthe will head off into a private room with Ashira. She's greatly concerned about her friend.

"Ashira, what's wrong?"

Thursday May 13th, 2004 3:31:22 PM

When the meeting is over Appolo gives Ashira a big heartfelt hug and says"welcome back.Welcome back big sister." He then releases and heads back to his quarters.He will spend the next couple of days resting and thinking.

Sail Sighted (DM Dominic) 
Thursday May 13th, 2004 7:11:27 PM

As you sail towards the main shipping lines you spot a sail off in the distance. When you get closer to make out who it is you see that it is another PoJ ship. They seem to spot you and head in your direction. When they get within signalling distance they send the return to Safeport signal.

Upon seeing the signal Niner asks "Do we head back?"

Experimenting with the boots you are able to move just a hair faster and can jump alittle easier. Examining the scrolls you find that they are arcane of varying levels.

Thursday May 13th, 2004 7:20:31 PM

Ashira follows Val over to the private room and closes the door behind her. Collapsing in a nearby chair, Ashira covers her face with her hands and begins to cry softly. "Oh Val, I don't know what to do... Rigging wants everything to be all better, and it isn't. I want to be strong for him...I want to be happy...but..." A small puddle of Ashira's tears gather on the floor at her feet as she can no longer hold them back. "All last night I kept thinking about them...remembering them. Shades Val, in some way I think I loved them. I know I shouldn't...you're my family...you love me." Her eyes still covered, Ashira's shoulders tremble slightly as she sobs. "Why did he let it happen? He could have done something and he didn't. I didn't want to...I really tried to...but it hurt so bad and I was so tired..." Ashira's thoughts seem to tumble out as she tries to make sense of it all, coming out in no apparent order. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. Everything is wrong and I don't know how to fix it. And now Rigging's the Captain, and the crew look up to him...and... Oh shades why couldn't I have just died? It would have been better." Her emotions raw, Ashira sobs bitterly, unable to hold back the tears any longer.

OOC (Shucks!! Dominic beat me to the post. ;)

Rigging  d20+30=33
Thursday May 13th, 2004 7:27:11 PM

Rigging will wave to the other ship. He will turn to niner and say, "Yes we are going to head back but we are going to do it slowly. We need some time to heal. We are only going to sail under normal conditions of wind and tide. No summoning the sharks and no artifacts.

Rigging will give the pilot a course after checking the charts and listening to his tattoo and sensing the direction of the island. He will say to the others, "We have around 5 days to rest up, write scrolls, perform tasks and so on. Use it wisely."

Rigging will then cast a read magic on the scrolls and take a look at the titles.

Friday May 14th, 2004 1:03:33 PM

After healing the wildcards who willing accept Domi's healing touch over the next few days , Nezamil wander and explore the ship ,asking questions of how things get done and pitching in to help the crew on ocassion, to get some hands on experience as much as get to know them better, the dwarf will regale them with tales of his travels , laugh and joke with the crew.

In his leisure time Nezamil will keep an eye on the wildcards , observing how they deal with the aftermath of the battle with the superquad , "hmm they are a young bunch, but have seen much in the wold, mostly the darkside ,i will try and help them thru these dark and turbulant times ,help them deal with their frustrations and anger of dealing with serious issues at such a young age " says Nezamil to himself. The dwarf will slowly feel out the members and chat with them about it if they are willing, he won't pressure them but will try and be comforting and helpful.

"Bart it is good to see you taking an intrest Domi , i will help you all i can , ask anything you like and i will do my best to help you understand Domi's wisdom or anything else you wish to talk about, i'm open to discussing many things you or any of the wildcards wish to talk about , come and see me anytime " Nezamil says to Bart

Friday May 14th, 2004 6:11:33 PM

Valanthe sits next to Ashira and wraps her arms around her. She let's Ashira cry while she thinks about what exactly to say.

"He tried to do something Ashira. He really did. Ga'al rules this land with an iron fist. You know that better than I do. I imagine that the gods have the same problems that men do. We are in Ga'al's kingdom. I'm sure that Ga'al has taken major steps to prevent other gods from doing anything." Valanthe pauses as her own eyes tear up and she starts to cry.

"Ashira I saw you....we saw you, Rigging and I. We saw you on the table, hurting. It hurt so bad to know you were like that. We tried so hard to find you. None of this is your fault. Nobody can resist the pain forever. Things can't be like they were before. None of us are the same people we were before you were taken. The only thing any of us can do is move on and look forward. Just because things can't be like they were before doesn't mean they can't be as good or better. For the record I don't believe you wished you died back there. If you did that then you would never get to be Auntie Ashira. No, not yet but Appolo and I...well we are trying."

Saturday May 15th, 2004 10:37:19 PM

Redux is glad to be on the ship and sailing in safer waters. He uses his time in his usual way while sailing: playing/training with Talon, reading/writing scrolls, reading/studying the captured spellbooks and adding to the catalog the items they've just found. He appreciates the time to take a slower pace. He's noticed one thing about all the adventures they've been on: when they have a member of the party devoted to a certain god, that god seems to be the reason they survive the encounter. Maybe there's no reason to follow one over another, but it does seem important to seek the favor of at least one of them. Such a pantheon to choose from; such chaos in the wold.

Escort----ADM Nellie 
Sunday May 16th, 2004 11:05:30 PM

As the Sword gets underway, the previously spotted vessel moves in and gains on the Sword. The King's Gambit maneuver's itself within striking distance, and then holds its position. It is clear from their actions, that the Gambit intends to escort the Sword to Safeport, willingly or not.

The crew readies the ship and heaves to as the Wildcards find various ways to prepare themselves for the voyage back to Safeport.

Monday May 17th, 2004 3:29:31 AM

Hmm I wonder why we have an welcome party on our tail. Rigging why don't we slow down and see what news they have?

Monday May 17th, 2004 9:20:49 AM

The half-elf calms at her friend's touch and listens to Val as she dries her eyes. She's such a good friend. she thinks I don't deserve her.

Ashira shudders as Val tells her about the visions...the memories still all too recent. She absently rubs her chest just above the hip...phantom pains returning from the memories...

As Val continues speaking, Ashira turns away from her in shame. She knew that Val spoke the truth, but she can't help feeling that she should have been stronger. If she could just have held out longer...

And then Val drops the bomb.... Ashira turns slowly to face the Elven warrior, her face blank with confusion. "Auntie Ashira..." she repeats in a questioning tone. And then slowly, Ashira's mind catches up with Val's words. "Oh...oh...oh!" Ashira beams at Val and then grabs her up in a crushing hug. She wipes the last of the tears from her eyes and then pushes Val away from her. She searches the elf from head to top, her face radiant with excitement. "I'm so excited for you!!! Oh, there's so much to do! He'll need a bed and blankets and clothes... I just know you're going to have a boy! Wait...I don't know how to sew...oh well, it can't be that much harder than mending armor!" Ashira pauses for a moment, the excitement fading. "But...it's too dangerous...we're not safe here..." Then Ashira's face falls. "You're going to leave, aren't you?" she asks Val point blank.

Monday May 17th, 2004 3:09:38 PM

Rigging will call out to Niner, "Slow the ship and get the King's Gambit closer."

When this is done, Rigging will call out to the other ship's captain, "Hello sir, Do you mind if I come over for a conversation?"

If the request is granted, Rigging will have a longboat lowered and will have himself and Bart rowed over to the other ship. He will easily climb up the other shipss side and over the rail. He will call out, "Permission to come aboard?"

He will find the other Captain or a ship's officer and ask, "What news? Is everything alright at Safeport?"

Monday May 17th, 2004 6:36:22 PM

Valanthe shrugs. "We talked about it but no descision has been made. Really though what kind of friend would I be if I left now? Ashira none of us can know what you went through. Others have been implanted but you, you were put into a Quad. All I can do is be here for you. Appolo and I have been at it like rabbits lately so its bound to happen sometime. I'll stay until I can't anymore. I know you need time and space but you need us as well. If you want, move in here with me for a bit. Just until you get your head straight."

Monday May 17th, 2004 10:36:32 PM

As the other ship approaches and holds its postion nearby the dwarf will walk over to Rigging and Niner " who commands that ship..err..Kings Gambit ? , i wonder if this has something to do with the young lady we rescued"

Nezamil will watch as Rigging and Bart head across the waves to the King's Gambit " good that he has taken Bart with him , a smart move having that fearless lad watching his back ". thinks the dwarf to himself as he touches his holy symbol " Domi watch over them "

Nezamil's mind wanders to the fiery young lady they rescued "gonna have to get the Captain to introduce me to her sometime soon ,she seems troubled , perhaps i can help her learn to trust herself again i will pray to Domi for her and for all these brave young wildcards"

Monday May 17th, 2004 11:07:25 PM

Redux scrounges around, asking the other party members for pearls to be used in the identify assuring them of compensation once they split the treasure. After reading the titles of the scrolls, he will start identifying items, beginning with the 2 pair of boots and then running down the list (day 1: 2 boots, 2 brooch; day 2: string of beads, 2 cloaks, 1 ring; day 3: 2 rings, blue gem, 1 wand; day 4: 2 wands). After the split, he will recommend that they keep their party funds in pearls to help for next time they are needed.

Words Well Headed----ADM Nellie 
Monday May 17th, 2004 11:40:49 PM

The Sword slows and the Gambit quickly catches up. Bart and Rigging row over to the other vessel and are granted permission to board. The Gambit's Captain is a tall man with a distinctive military look to him. "Captain von Pallin, I assume?" asks the Captain with a distinct note of distaste in his voice. "We have reason to believe that you are harboring the traitor Ashira. We have orders to escort you and your vessel to a council before the King of Cups. We also have orders to retrieve the traitor known as Ashira and secure her on the Gambit. I trust that you will prove your loyalty to the Pirates by abiding by these orders?" As Rigging takes a glance at the Gambit and her crew, it is very clear that the Sword would be outmatched, should a fight ensue.

Meanwhile, back on the Sword, Redux's examinations of the scrolls yields the following titles:
Flame Arrow
Flaming Sphere
Keen Edge

Tuesday May 18th, 2004 1:20:19 AM

Appolo wanders up to Valanthe's door and knocks."Val sunshine.I can I come in please.It's Appolo."

Tuesday May 18th, 2004 11:54:44 AM

Ashira smiles at Val...her eyes still puffy from the recent crying. "I understand. Thank you. You're such a good friend!" At the mention of moving in, Ashira looks down at the floor board. "It's true, I could use some time alone. But I'm not sure that Rigging would understand...and what kind of message would that send to the crew? Now that Rigging's Captain, I can't afford to set a bad example, can I?" Though talking the talk, it's clear by Ashira's body language that she's not sure she can walk the walk.

Then there is a knock at the door, and Appolo calls out to Val. Ashira grins wickedly at Val "Besides...we you two being so busy I don't think it'd be a good idea."

Tuesday May 18th, 2004 12:21:14 PM

Rigging will look up and down at the Captain and then his ship. "Sir, the crewmember you are referring to is my wife. She isn't a traitor but a true pirate, who was captured and heartseeded.

My crew, the wildcards, and with the blessing of Alemi, were able to attack the base where she was being held at, free Ashira, and using the blessing of Alemi's Tears,liberate her from Ga'al's influence. We then destroyed the Quad that was training there and even saved some of the Grim Assassins when the flubbed their attack.

My intentions are to head back to Safeport and have an audience with the Jack himself. I am a member of the King of Swords pirates and must take my orders from him. You are more than welcome to escort us but I will be keeping my wife and loyal crewmember aboard the Sword.

You are more than welcome to come over for some dinner tonight and at that point you can see my wife is free from her heartseed. I hope you find this reasonable. I wouldn't want things to get unpleasant between our two ships. Ga'al and his priests would be the only beneficiary's should that happen.

By your leave Captain..."

Rigging will bow and head back to his boat, swearing under his breath.

Tuesday May 18th, 2004 5:10:59 PM

Wait Rigging, I think the best place for Ashira is at your side. nd Captain Gambit if you can't or won't trust the word of a fellow Jack I will stay on board as a sign of our good intentions.

Tuesday May 18th, 2004 5:14:59 PM

Banking Holidays in the netherlands, back online on sunday enjoy yourselfs

Tuesday May 18th, 2004 5:59:54 PM

Val gave Ashira's hand a reassuring squeeze. Everything would be alright. She would help Ashira get through this.

"Just a second." Valanthe says to Apollo. She wipes her eyes and gives Ashira a chance to compose herself before letting Appolo in.

Tuesday May 18th, 2004 6:26:45 PM

Appolo waits patiently,once the door opens and he is allowed inside he sees Ashira."Hello Ladies.Ashira how are you doing?Well anyways we've run itno another POJ ship.Could be notning but I think they have another hair brained save the universe assingment for us.Rigging and Bart have gone over to talk to the Captian and find out what's up." Appolo then finds a chair and has a .He studies the women intently.seat

Tuesday May 18th, 2004 11:23:42 PM

Redux notates the items he's found and will let others know when available. In his readings, he comes across the letter from the Jack giving them the vacation to go on this mission. Hmmm, wonder why that got put here. Better make sure that doesn't get lost again.

A Chat with Captain Balor--------ADM Nellie 
Tuesday May 18th, 2004 11:49:12 PM

The Gambit's Captain gives Rigging a thin smile. "Yes, I am well aware that Ashira is your wife... Your story about these "Tears of Alemi" and the defeat of a Quad are intriguing, I admit. Tell me...do you have any evidence of these events? But then again, what does it matter, Captain von Pallin? I have heard stories of how you and your Wildcards break the rules for the "better good". Let me assure you that I, Captain Balor, do not partake in such foolish behavior. Orders are orders...and my orders are to take Ashira into custody and escort her personally to the King of Cups. It is true that your vessel falls under the King of Swords, but then, last time I checked... a King of any house outranks a Captain."

Captain Balor gives Bart a mildly amused look. "You are welcome to stay aboard the Gambit if you wish, but I still must insist that Ashira board the Gambit." Balor's pale blue eyes pierce Rigging before he turns to go. "You may either escort Ashira to our vessel, or I will send a boarding party to board the Sword. The choice is up to you, but I must have your answer before you leave." The creaking of several bows being pulled seems to reinforce Captain Balor's ultimatum. It is obvious that the Captain does not intend to allow Rigging and Bart to board the Sword by themselves.

Rigging and Swirl 
Wednesday May 19th, 2004 7:44:51 AM

Rigging will send a thought to Swirl, "We have trouble. Find a way to warn the crew. Find Appolo."

Rigging will turn back to Captain Gambit and smile. "Sure you can send a boarding party to the Sword. You can come yourself if you like.
The lack of Ashira's heartseed is very apparant."

Rigging's face darkens and he looks up at the bowmen and back to the Captain. "Of course if you keep threatening me, you might lose a couple good crewmembers. I don't take threats well and remember my enemies even longer. Not much longer as I tend to dispose of them quickly. Do you wish to be my enemy Captain?.
I much prefer friendship, but can deal with both equally well."

Rigging will turn away and grab Bart by the arm and turn him as well. "Come on, you are getting out of here too. That is an order." Rigging whispers.

Rigging will head over to his boat and get Bart heading down it. He won't stop unless attacked or shot at.

Swirl will buzz around the ship at high speeds until he locates Appolo. He will push at him most insistantly trying to get him to go up on deck.

Wednesday May 19th, 2004 2:33:10 PM

The dwarf will observe the happenings on the Kings Gambit with mild intrest " wonder what all the fuss is about " wonders Nezamil

Nezamil's eyes widen slightly as the visible show of weapons "ah Redux ...what do you make of all that " the dwarf points to the weapons pointed at Riggings and Bart " they don't seem that friendly , something ain't right "

"Domi watch over us " says the dwarf aloud " hmm let me see how i can help them " mutters Nezamil as he searches his mind for a helpful spell

OOc what is the distance to the kings gambit ?

Thursday May 20th, 2004 9:31:55 AM

The half-elf listens intently to Appolo's report. "Well then, perhaps we should go up top...I would hate to be just sitting around chatting like two old hens when there's work to be done." Ashira winks at Val.

As Appolo sits down and looks at Val and herself, Ashira looks away from him. "Well, if you'll excuse me..." Ashira gets up and starts to head top side. "Why does everybody keep looking at me like that?" she wonders.

Once on the deck, Ashira finds Redux and Nezamil looking over at the other vessel. Very obviously trying to avoid talking to the dwarf, Ashira heads over to the opposite side of Redux. "So, what's all the hubbub about?" she asks the darkly clad mage.

Thursday May 20th, 2004 10:02:47 AM

Valanthe smiles and sits on his lap. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him tenderly.

"Well if it is another assignment, hopefully it will take a long time to get there. Ashira really wants to be an aunt."

Thursday May 20th, 2004 11:12:28 AM

Redux goes out on deck and sums up the situation with Nezamil. "Yes, it looks as if they aren't having a social visit. I wonder if they are upset over our rescue? There are those in the Pirates that don't like or trust others who are seeded, I know that from experience. I wonder if it will help them to know that the Jack himself gave us permission to do that? Probably not. With deference to Domi, maybe Waard could give us some luck in this situation."

Thursday May 20th, 2004 1:54:46 PM

Appolo kisses Val back."Yes we'll have to give some then won't we.She's very upset isn't she?
I'm worried about her.Well we should suit up and get back up top.Val I want you to stay close to Ashira."He then stands and gently places Valanthe on her feet,kissing her on her forhead,then turns and heads out the door,up on deck.

That is when Swirl finds him and starts pushing,over to the others.Swirl pratically lifts Appolo of the deck."OK what's happening?Riggings new friend is quite upset about something.Redux send Talon over there to check things out. Everyone else suit up and prepare for battle.Make look like a drill or something and man the catapults.Rigging sent Swirl to warnus about something.I'm not taking any chances.Ashira you best head below decks and get ready. Niner ready this ship to make best possible speed.Redux go find that Wayfinder thing."Appolo says as looks at the other ship.

Unwelcome Guests----ADM Nellie 
Thursday May 20th, 2004 10:47:27 PM

Captain Balor smiles icily at Rigging. "Good, then it's agreed. My men will accompany you aboard the Sword and secure Ashira and return her to the Gambit." With a snap of his fingers, Rigging and Bart find themselves accompanied by ten well armed sailors. Then men show no outward signs of aggression and follow Rigging quickly into the longboat Bart casts the craft off, and the Gambit's sailors begin to paddle her toward the Sword.

Back on the Sword the crew snap to and ready themselves for the "drill". Several groups of sailors begin to arm themselves while others make sure that the sails are trimmed and the Sword is ready to depart at top speed. The large jaws which summon the magical sharks are readied as the Rigging's longboat makes its way back.

OOC It's about 100 feet between the two vessels.

Thursday May 20th, 2004 11:15:53 PM

OOC "Nellie, on May 17th I posted that I was having Bart and Rigging rowed over. I assume that we had some of the Sword's crewmates row us over. Rowing is way to much beneath the dignity of a Captain and Bart wouldn't be able to hand the boat by himself."

Rigging will have Bart go down the ladder first into the Sword's longboat. He will then go down and find a position on the boat. He will look around and say, "Sorry Captain, but we only have room for a couple of your men. You will have to have the rest follow in a different longboat."

He will then signal his men to cast off and have them quickly row back to the Sword. When the longboat gets there, he will climb right up the side of the ship with his slippers of climbing and murmer to Redux, "I want this ship to be at full speed as soon as we retrieve our men. Can you conjure up some kind of screen between us and that ship. We need a smoke screen or something."

Rigging will then pull out Nautacolus and summon its wind magic to start filling the sails.

Bart (George subbing)  d20=17
Thursday May 20th, 2004 11:24:22 PM

Bart will understand his Captain's desires and when the longboat gets to the Sword, he will have the Sword's sailors climb up the ropes first but will whisper, "Be ready to pull me up." to a passing sailor.

He then turns to the remaining soldiers from the other ship and says while wrapping one hand around a rope, "I don't think you are invited. You had best head back to your ship and I will buy you a beer in Safe Haven when you dock. Otherwise you are shark bait." He will point to the sharks being summoned to help power the Sword. (ooc intimidate roll of 17. Don't know if Bart has intimidate or any other modifiers but tried anyway)

Bart will then quickly climb up the side of the ship with the aid of the rope and the crewmembers pulling.

Friday May 21st, 2004 12:20:08 AM

Nezamil watches as the swords longboat heads back with Bart and Rigging aboard then answers Redux " hmm i don't know much about the politics of the POJ would like to hear more on that when we have time "

" As for Waard ,he is always welcome to help us " Nezamil says with a chuckle and quick smile

The Dwarf will scan the Kings Gambit for any signs of spell casting "hmm if they cast anything i can silence them with my wand " thinks the Dwarf and his hand reaches for his pouch.(but he doesn't take out the wand yet )

Friday May 21st, 2004 1:59:25 PM

Ashira shrugs at Appolo's suggestion and heads back to Rigging's quarters to retrieve her swords. She looks at her armor piled up in a corner and spots the symbol of Ga'al still prominite on the breastplate. Shuddering, she give it a kick and leaves it behind.

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