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Friday May 21st, 2004 7:07:55 PM

As soon as Appolo sees Rigging and Bart get back in the boat and head back to the Sword Appolo orders the Catapults made ready and the archers on deck.

When the boat arrives Appolo only allows his own people to board."As my rather large friend says boys only people I liek get to board this ship."To make his point he has several archers with him covering th crewmen of the Gambit.

Once Rigging is aboard he notices the ship is ready to get underway and is also rigged for combat. Appolo steps forward"Ok Boss what's up?"

Redux  d20=15
Friday May 21st, 2004 11:18:56 PM

Redux moves over to one of the better archers. He slips out a scroll of darkness as he explains to the man to "take careful aim at the captain of the other ship, or rather the area just around him. I am about to cast darkness on this arrow, as I touch it, let it fly. Don't intentionally hit anyone; we just want to make it hard for them to see for a few moments." He waits for his crew to get on deck and then tries his plan. (roll for archer=15)

Unwelcome Guests Part 2----ADM Nellie  d20+7=19 d20+7=17 d20+7=20 d20+7=25 d20+7=12 d3=3 d20+6=11 d20+6=21 d20+6=25 d20+6=22 d20+6=9 d20+6=9 d20+6=7 d20+6=11 d8+1=4 d8+1=2 d8+1=3
Friday May 21st, 2004 11:52:52 PM

Despite Rigging's protests, all 10 of the Gambit's crewmen manage to board Rigging's longboat, making it quite a cramped trip back to the Sword.

Rigging, Bart and the Sword's crew have no problems boarding the Sword. While the Gambit's sailors appear to be slightly shaken by Bart's words and then Appolo's bowmen, one look back at Captain Balor and they seem to firm their resolve. Five of the Gambit's Pirates quickly grab the ropes used by the Sword's crew and begin to clamor up the side. Four of the five sailors have no problem as they pull their way up the ropes, climbing almost effortlessly as Appolo's archers aim and loose on them. The seven archers have mixed results as only three of the shots connects with the boarding Gambit men who are now about half-way up the side of the ship.

One poor unlucky chap slips as he climbs up the rope and falls back into the longboat, knocking over three other Gambit sailors who were behind him.

Redux teams up with one of the other archers and touches the arrow just before it is loosed. Redux and the archer are immediately engulfed in complete darkness for a few moments and then a jet black sphere arcs through the air between the two ships and settles on the Gambit's deck, completely encompassing Captain Balor and several sailors near him.

A strong wind begins to form around the Sword and her sails fill. The Gambit remains, for the moment, immobilized as the Sword begins to build up speed and pull away.

Saturday May 22nd, 2004 8:23:26 AM

Rigging looks on in horror at the actions of his overactive crew. "Hold your fire!" he will bellow. "These aren't the enemy, but loyal pirates and our allies."

He will turn to Niner and say, "Capture and disarm any who come over the side, but don't hurt them unless the resist.

Rigging will go back to speeding the Sword forward and then yell, "Prepare for evasive aciton."

Sunday May 23rd, 2004 2:37:57 PM

Appolo says"Take theier weapons and search them thoroughly.The put them in the hold under guard.Rigging you want to tell me what is going on."

Bart  d20+4=23
Sunday May 23rd, 2004 3:07:30 PM

Pull the ropes in get them on board, be ready to disarm them! Bart yells as he pulls a rope on board while an Gambit sailor is climbing it (str check 23)

Sunday May 23rd, 2004 11:34:49 PM

Nezamil will ready himself to disarm and/or subdue any of the Gambit's sailer that reach the deck , but once he see's only the Gambit's sailer's still trying to board the sword he shouts " cut the ropes , don't let them up"

The Dwarf will then focus his attention on the king's Gambit to see if they retaliate in any way ( if the Gambit's crew fires any arrows or bolts , Nezamil will cast wind wall to protect the swords crew )(70 ft long by 35 ft high )

Monday May 24th, 2004 3:14:28 AM

Valanthe arrives on deck late. She had to strap on her armor once more. Now armed, she walks up standing next to Ashira. It doesn't take long to figure what's going on. She gives Ashira's hand a reassuring squeeze. She wanted to say a few words but they were not for others to hear. Everybody here was willing to defy orders and risk their lives for Ashira. Except Val doesn't know if this will make her feel better or worse.

"Everything will be alright."

Monday May 24th, 2004 12:06:04 PM

Caught completely off guard by the events, Ashira looks blankly at Val's words of assurance. "What's going to be ok??" She heads over to Rigging. "You want to explain to me what in the Seven Seas is going on here? And why in the Wold are Pirates attacking Pirates?!!!"

Monday May 24th, 2004 5:05:26 PM

Rigging will say to the many questions coming his way, "Sorry guys, we don't want to go to war here but, they wanted to take Ashira into custody. I decided that I like Ashira where she is." He gives her a grin.

"We are gonna try to outrun them. We should be faster unless they have some kind of magical enhancements. Sorry folks, but it won't be a lazy ride home after all. We need to beat that ship and explain our actions to The Jack before Captain Blowhard over there tries and color things."

Rigging will study the other ship and call for a radical turn to the port to throw off any heavy missiles that might be coming there way.

He then will start communing with Natacolous again to figure the quickest way home. If they take any prisoners, he will order them well treated. They will lose any arms and he will detect magic on them, to get rid of any nasty surprises. Then he will order them fed and taken below.

That night they will run without lights to help throw off pursuit.

Monday May 24th, 2004 6:23:25 PM

Well, it looks like you all had a good meeting with the Captain of the Gambit," Redux says with some irony. "I didn't figure you to be the type to pick a fight then kidnap another Captain's crew. Was it their Grim Assassins who went to find Ashira?" Then, looking to the side at Ashira, "Oh, sorry. I probably shouldn't have said that..." he trails off. Changing the subject "Rigging, once we're on our way, I've got news on some of those toys we picked up."

Redux will bow out of the main conversation, probably head back to his quarters, unless something comes up he should take part in.

So Long, Farewell----ADM Nellie  d20+9=22
Monday May 24th, 2004 6:44:24 PM

Upon Rigging's orders, the crew immediately ceases fire and begins pulling the Gambit sailors aboard. Seeing themselves greatly outnumbered and gunned, the boarders quickly lower their weapons and surrender. They are quickly and efficiently stripped of all weaponry and equipment and placed in the hold awaiting further orders from Rigging. Most of the weaponry captured from the sailors exhibited magical characteristics. The Sword pulls quickly away from the longboat, leaving all further boarders behind.

Back on board the Gambit, the sphere of darkness disappears in a wink. As you catch sight of the quickly dwindling figure of Captain Balor, he does not look particularly distraught over the recent events. There is a flurry of activity on the Gambit, but to everyone's surprise, no attack occurs. Minutes pass as the crew hold their breath in anticipation of the retaliatory strike that is sure to come from the Gambit...but it never does. Slowly, but surely the vessel shrinks on the horizon as the Sword quickly outruns her. Spot check DC 10 please.

Rigging  d20+12=26
Monday May 24th, 2004 7:08:20 PM

Rigging will give the course to the helmsman and then head down to check on the prisoners. He will say, "I am sorry for the inconvience of all this. I just got my wife back and wasn't about to give her up. I hope you all understand.

You won't be mistreated in anyway and all of your belongings will be returned to you when we get to SafeHaven. If you try to escape, signal your ship, or cause me any trouble in the least then I will throw you overboard and you can swim home. I hope we have an understanding"

Rigging will then head over to Redux's cabin/lab and knock on the door. "Redux you asked to see me? What have you learned on the magic we got from the quad?"

Once Rigging gets his report he will leave and find Ashira. He will come up behind her and slip his arms around her waist. "No one will take you from me again." he murmers softly.

spot check 26

Appolo  d20+6=19
Monday May 24th, 2004 8:26:09 PM

After recieving an explaination from Rigging and seeing tothe prisoners Appolo watches the surrounding area and the Gambit carefully.

Spot 19

Nezamil  d20+5=19
Monday May 24th, 2004 11:20:48 PM

Once the Gambits sailers are secured in the hold , Nezamil will visit them with a jug of water " My good sailers , i'm Nezamil of the brotherhood of Domi " the Dwarf will hand them the jug of water " i've come to make sure your all in good health and brought you some water to quench your thirst , if any of you need Domi's healing touch i will be glad to heal you " Nezamil will cast cures on any of them in need

Nezamil will chat briefly with them and assure them no harm will come to them "Captain Rigging is a man of honor and will keep his word , i will check on you again " the Dwarf will give them a warm smile and take his leave.

Nezamil will head up to the deck again and look around not seeing the mage " hmm hmm Redux must be in his cabin , he seems like a good fellow , gotta sound him out about a few ideas"

The Dwarf will see if Ashira is on deck , if she is he will approach her and introduce himself " Hello My lady , i'm Nezamil of the brotherhood of Domi it's an honor to meet you " and he will try and chat with her if she is willing

d20+5=18 spot ch

Valanthe  d20+4=8
Tuesday May 25th, 2004 1:08:31 AM

Val watches Rigging hold Ashira. On one level she thinks that its good they spend time together but then she remembers what Ashira told her. She wishes she could provide the space Ashira needs to get through this ordeal. She will give her all the support she can instead.

"As long as I live, nobody will ever take you away again Ashira. No matter if they are pirates"

ooc: spot check 8

Bart  d20=2
Tuesday May 25th, 2004 7:07:06 AM

Rigging I wonder Have you ever heard of the Gambit and captain Balor? I don't. Maybe i see some ghost here, but the GAmbit isn't following us. I doubt if they are real pirates, I think it was an Aisuldurian ship. And it was an atempt to get Ashira back into the Ga'al lines. I cant believe the JAck has given an order to place Ashira in their custody. I suggest we interrogate the captives.

Tuesday May 25th, 2004 7:54:31 AM

Rigging will respond to Bart's question and observation. "Bart, you could be right, but I don't think so. I think we are getting involved in a political problem within the Pirates of Jack.

The Cup's and the Sword's have always been rivals. We have had a lot of success lately and our names are becoming famous. We have the friendship and approval of the Jack himself. There is bound to be some jealousy.

I also suspect that there is a possible traitor within the Pirates. The recent attacks on Safeport and the magic devices that helped with tracking the floating isle for the enemy fleet, got there somehow.

We also witnessed the attempt to overthrow the Jack some years ago. Not sure if that was a local power struggle or traitor driven by Ga'al, but either way, there are some rifts within the pirates."

Rigging will pause, sigh and continue, "These reasons and more, are reasons why I have been thinking we should try and break away from the Pirates. We can still work with them but find a different base, get more ships, and start our own organization. Not nearly as big obviously and still allied to the Pirates, with the same goals, but free from some of the political games that hamper the pirate's effectiveness."

Rigging will snap his gaze back to Bart. "Sorry my friend. Thinking out loud for a minute. You can check on the prisoners, see if they are comfortable and check their tattoos. I should have done that first off. Have the ships mage go with you and check if the tattoos are magical." He will hand Bart his wand of detect magic. "If they are pirates, which I think they are, it would be helpful to know their ranks and possible prowness if they start trouble."

Rigging will go back to hugging Ashira and scanning the seas.

Tuesday May 25th, 2004 4:10:02 PM

Nezamil can you come along to interrogate the prisoners? Can you cats a spell or something to detect if they tell a lie?

Wednesday May 26th, 2004 12:07:22 AM

The half-elf looks completely taken aback at the recent turn of events. She smiles as convincingly as possible at Rigging and Val's assurances but her heart sinks. This is all because of me. All this turmoil, all this pain... she thinks. As Rigging hugs her, she smiles and gently pulls away from him. Turning around, she gently kisses him on the lips. "My love, please forgive me, but all this activity...I ummm...I guess I just need to work out a little."

Taking her swords with her, Ashira heads off to one of the more isolated areas on the ship and begins to run through a very vigorous imaginary sparring session. Swinging her swords more and more recklessly, Ashira manages to nick her leg. The pain is hot and sharp...something that she hasn't felt in a long time. Ashira stares at the blood trickling down her thigh. Her hands tremble, she lowers her swords and sits down on the deck, lost in a flood of recent memories. It is at this point that Nezamil finds her. Ashira gives a start at the dwarf's arrival, and then her face twists in something akin to rage at his introduction. "Look...Nezamil is it? Rigging took you on, so you must be good enough, but I'll warn you... I am not a admirer of Alemi or Domi for that matter, so if you don't mind, you do your job, and I'll do mine and we'll just leave it at that." The half-elf never even so much as bothers to look up at the dwarf during their brief conversation.

Wednesday May 26th, 2004 12:12:21 AM

Redux smiles as Rigging joins him in his lab. A glass of cool water sits on the desk as Redux examines several scrolls laid out in front of him. He takes a sip and then briefs Rigging on his evaluation of the scrolls so far. "I've got a few more left, and then I can get started on the magical items. Only problem is that I don't have any pearls. So, unless you or Ashira have any pearls, I guess we'll have to wait on the identification until after we're at SafeHaven. If you do manage to find some pearls, why don't you let me know which items you want identified first. I doubt we'll have enough pearls to do the whole lot just quite yet."

Conduct Unbefitting an Officer----ADM Nellie 
Wednesday May 26th, 2004 12:28:36 AM

As Rigging, Nezamil and Appolo scan the horizon, they notice what looks to be a small bird making from the Gambit. It appears to be headed in the general direction of SafeHaven.

At Rigging's first approach, the captives look utterly terrified, as if expecting some sort of horrible punishment for their actions. Rigging's words go a long way, and the Pirates calm visibly. They appear more than willing to comply with Rigging's terms. Then Nezamil's ministrations and healing seem to work wonders. When Bart enters with the ship's mage, the sailors are downright chatty. As their tattoos are inspected, they speak of Captain Balor's harsh and at sometimes blatantly cruel treatment toward his crew. Disobedience of the most minor order was often met with floggings, and one of the captives relates the tale of how a failed mission earned one Pirate a keel hauling. Neither Bart, the ship's mage, or the ship's priest find anything wrong with the captive's tattoos. All indications show that the men are telling the truth. One of the captives has a rank of five orange swords, while all the others only have four swords. They all appear to be warriors.

Wednesday May 26th, 2004 12:10:48 PM

Appolo points out the bird."Rigging have swirl intercept that bird.They're sending a message."

After that he whispers in Riggings ear"You'd better go see to Ashira and no matter what she says don't leave her alone.In fact you may have to slap some sense into her."
Appolo the heads up into the crows nest.

Rigging and Swirl  d20+5=23 d4=4
Wednesday May 26th, 2004 1:14:17 PM

Rigging is thinking much the same thing when Appolo gives him the suggestion. He will send Swirl out to intercept and down the bird and if possible have it brought back to him. "If it act like more than a normal bird, leave it alone and contact me Swirl. I doubt it is a polymorphed human but you never know."

Rigging will tell Redux that he will try to find some pearls but he doesn't have any. All of his savings went into getting magic items and supplies to help free Ashira.

Rigging does ask around on the ship to see if anyone has some pearls that could be used for identification. He will promise to reinburse them when they get to port.

Rigging will then head down the stairs and talk to the prisoners some more. He will invite them to dinner and have a good spread prepared in their honor. During the meal, he will offhandedly say, "If you gentlemen are ever looking for a different berth, the Sword is always looking for good and capable sailors and soldiers like yourself."

Swirl: Swirl speeds off glad to have an assignment that meets his specialties. He will quickly try to catch up to the bird and shadow it for a few rounds to see if it acts differently from a normal bird. If it does he will swoop in on it and deliver a slam attack hitting ac 23 for 4 points of damage.

Wednesday May 26th, 2004 2:03:51 PM

The sturdy Dwarf is slightly taken aback by Ashira's response , waiting till she is done Nezamil will pause and then calmly say " Your anger towards Alemi or Domi or any of the other gods is understandable , you have been thru a difficult time, one i can't imagine but you have to come to terms with your anger , you can do that by learning to trust yourself again " the dwarf pauses and second and finishes "if you ever need to talk just come find me" and Nezamil will turn and walk away from the troubled warrior "a very troubled young lady , but she needs to take the 1st steps in her journey to find herself , hopefully i can nudge her in the right direction" thinks Nezamil to himself

Coming across Rigging on deck asking about Pearls " sorry to say i don't have any pearls Captain " responds the dwarf

Nezamil will sit next to the Gambit's sailers at dinner and chat and joke with them , trying make them feel comfortable aboard ship

Thursday May 27th, 2004 12:31:44 AM

After the briefing, Redux goes onto the deck and keeps up to date with the new guests. Personally, what he's told of the conditions on the other ship is abhorrent. Professionally, he figures these guys must be rather slow to: a)keep working for the guy; and b)ever fail. He would have long ago found a different place to spend his time; even the family business in Aisildur would be better. Maybe their old boss wouldn't be too harsh and they'd be able to fill some crew slots; their loyalty might need to be tested, however. "Captain, how long to Safe Port at this rate?"

Thursday May 27th, 2004 12:52:57 AM

The half-elf listens to the dwarf in stony silence and says nothing as the priest leaves. The really sad thing is I used to think like he does. she thinks. She sits on the deck, sweating from the brief but intense workout. Ashira sits on the deck for hours, watching the sun go down and starring at the endless waves which lap at the Sword. Lost in her own personal struggles, Ashira doesn't even notice as the crew go about their duties. Finally, the chill from the sea spray and the fatigue from her workout work their magic, and Ashira is finally able to beat down the demons which via for her attention.

Gathering her gear, she heads down to Redux's lab and drops off a small bag containing 8 pearls. "I think I heard some of the crew saying something about you needing pearls... here you go." Ashira smiles at Redux and then continues on her way to Rigging's quarters. After storing all her equipment, Ashira takes a quick sponge bath and then curls into bed to wait for Rigging's return.

Ill Tidings----ADM Nellie 
Thursday May 27th, 2004 1:07:05 AM

The captives are taken aback at Rigging's hospitality. The ranking sailor smiles mischievously at Rigging's offer. "If this is how well ye treat yer prisoners, then you can sign us up for sure!" The other men laugh loudly, though they seem to very seriously entertain Rigging's offer.

Swirl successfully locates and tails the bird for a few minutes. After deciding that it's probably just a bird, Swirl moves in and pops the bird, sucking it into a swirling vortex and pulling it down to the Sword with him. Curiously, during the journey down to the ship, Swirl notices that each time he eases up a little, the bird attempts to return to flight as if it is driven to deliver the message that is attached to its leg. Even Swirl can tell that this is very odd behavior, even for a trained bird.

With several bangs and thumps, Swirl pulls the bird down below to where Rigging is having dinner with the captives. Reaching in, Rigging pulls the struggling bird out of his familiar's body, but has to hold on very tightly to avoid releasing the struggling bird. After several minutes of fighting with the bird, Rigging manages to remove the message bound to its leg. It reads as follows:

King Laru,
It is confirmed that the Sword of the Sea is in possession of Ashira von Pallin. As expected, Captain von Pallin maintains that Ashira has been "cured" of her heartseed. After attempting to carry out orders and secure the traitor, Captain von Pallin's crew attacked my boarding party and captured them. As ordered, the Gambit did not return fire nor harm the Sword in any manner. The Sword appears to be headed back to SafeHaven. I recommend that you send the closest vessels to SafeHaven to intercept and secure the Sword so that you may conduct your investigation and trial before Captain von Pallin reports to the Jack. Afterward, I suggest that you report Captain von Pallin's aggressive actions to the Jack so that disciplinary actions can be meted out on his arrival. We will, of course, give chase, but it is doubtful that we will catch up with the Sword before they reach SafeHaven. Please advise any change in orders if needed.
Captain Balor

The captives watch the spectacle of Swirl, Rigging and the bird with much amusement. "Dinner and a show!" blurts the shortest Pirate as Rigging struggles to remove the message. The men watch with feign interest as Rigging reads the note, primarily busying themselves with quickly downing the fine meal set in front of them.

Gauging their progress thus far, Rigging estimates that it will take the Sword approximately 3 days before they reach SafeHaven.

OOC (Feel free to use your next post to sum up the activities on the 3 days to SafeHaven...I'll be posting your arrival on Thursday.)

Thursday May 27th, 2004 8:56:07 AM

Rigging will congradulate Swirl telling him what a fine job he did. He will struggle with the bird, tempted to just ring its neck but finally gets the message loose.

Rigging will let the bird go after he extracts the message and watch it fly off. He will read the message aloud to all the crew.

He will then look at the possible new recruits and say, "Can you tell me anything about this? Why is the King of Cups so concerned about Ashira and the Sword?"

After listening to their answers, he will say, "Well if you truly want to join the Sword, we might be able to accomidate you. (Will use leadership feat) I first have to see how you do working the ship." Rigging will call out, "Mr. Nine! (OOC Really have to find out his real name) I want you to assign these gentlemen duties. Switch them around and watch them carefully. If they seem worthy, we might keep them on the Sword.

Rigging will watch Ashira just sitting on the deck but decides to leave her alone for a while and struggle with her own demons. She will need time to heal.

When he goes down stairs, he will pull Redux and Nezamil aside and ask, "I need you two to put your heads together and figure a way to find out if these four possible recruits can be loyal or are they spies? I would like to keep them if possible, by their ranks, they would make nice additions to our boarding parties."

When he finally goes to his cabin, he will find Ashira waiting for him on the bed. "Well dear, I have good and bad news. I am now the proud owner of a belt of substance. With it I only need 2 hours sleep a day, and little food or water. I will need to use the bed a lot less than I had to before. Of course if you want me in the bed..."

Rigging suddenly snaps his fingers and says, "Oh I almost forgot. He will head over to one of his chests and open it up. He will start pulling out armor, a sword, a quarterstaff. These are your share of the battle loot from the battles before you were captured.

+1 quarterstaff, +1 elven chainmail, +1 scalemail and +2 shortsword

Rigging will add, "You might want to try the armor on. It was made by elves and doesn't have the reminder of Ga'al on the breastplate."

Rigging will spend the next 3 days, running the ship and navigating. Working on putting a few spells in his spellbook and spending time with Ashira and Swirl.

Thursday May 27th, 2004 3:24:24 PM

Bart cleans his armor and weopons and make the necessary repairs on his clothes. During the day he does some exercises and talks with the crew of the Gambit. He gets on good opinion of them. Bart asks one of the stronger looking ones if he wants to train with him. They have some good fights

Thursday May 27th, 2004 4:00:47 PM

It hurts Valanthe to see Ashira in such pain but there isn't anything more that she can do. For the next three days Valanthe will spend some time with Ashira, supporting her friend. When she's not with Ashira, Valanthe spends it in bed with Appolo.

Thursday May 27th, 2004 5:49:28 PM

Nezamil considers Riggings proposal on interveiwing the Gambit's sailers " I can cast a truth spell and then we can ask them questions , but they will be aware of the spell . so they could be evasive about their answers. but shouldn't we show them we trust and respect them , ..you know lead by example...if Captain Balor is that terrible they would be excited about joining us and giving us info on Balor's ship and activities not to mention maybe some inside info into what the cups are up to ..but it's your call Rigging...but it will have to be tommorrow for i need to pray to Domi for that spell "

Nezamil will will Pray to Domi for the spell if requested.

Nezamil will spend the next several days relaxing and will train with Bart if he is intrested .

Thursday May 27th, 2004 8:44:10 PM

Appolo watches as the birs is bruaght in and follows it below to Rigging,he listens to Rigging as he reads the note."Well now we know who sent the assins."He then heads back up on deck.

He will spend the next three days with Vlanthe and prcticing with his longsword.

Thursday May 27th, 2004 11:35:02 PM

Redux listens to the message and begins to ponder what their next move will need to be regarding the King and the Jack; such a power struggle, makes him feel like a pawn. Well, it pays well enough.

He continues his research on the magical items discovered using the pearls from Ashira. Unless otherwise notated by others, he identifies in the order he'd thought of before. (day 1: 2 boots, 2 broochs; day 2: string of beads, 2 cloaks, 1 ring)

Thursday May 27th, 2004 11:47:46 PM

The half-elf smiles mischievously at her husband's new toy. "Hmmm...well, we have some catching up to do with Val and Appolo...."

As Rigging shows her her share of the loot, Ashira blushes. "I can't help but think I don't desire this...it's not like I was on much help..." She closes her eyes and tries very hard not to remember the battle... In an effort to distract herself from the memories, Ashira changes the subject. "Did you know that Val and Appolo are trying to get pregnant? I'm so excited! We're going to be Aunt and Uncle...that reminds me...when we get back to SafeHaven, I need to get some sewing supplies...I've got a lot work ahead of me." Ashira's mood sombers a little. She beckons Rigging to bed and spoons up next to him, running her fingers through his hair. "Do you think we'll ever have children, my love? I mean...have you ever thought about just finding some place to settle down?"

Ashira spends the journey trying to settle back into the groove of things. She spends most of her time with Rigging and Val, though she does spend a significant amount of time drilling with the archers and honning their skill.

Welcome Home---ADM Nellie 
Friday May 28th, 2004 12:10:21 AM

The former captives/new recruits are as forthcoming with the information that they know as possible. They appear to be trying very hard to impress their new prospective Captain. The highest ranking does most of the talking, though he doesn't know much specific information. "Well, the rift between the Cups and the Swords have been going on for a long time now, I reckon that's what most of this is about. Ever since that last battle for Ayorsa, the Jack seems to be favoring the Swords pretty heavily. The King isn't above smear tactics to try and bring himself into a better position with the Jack."

During the journey, the new recruits work diligently and skillfully, never so much as flinching at even so much as the most menial tasks. Apparently, they don't savor the prospect of returning to the service of Captain Balor....

Redux works diligently at identifying the Quad's items, and is well rewarded. He discerns the following items:
Boots of Striding and Springing
Boots of Elvenkind
2 Broaches of Shielding (80 pts. left on each)
Strand of Prayer Beads (Lesser)
2 Cloaks of Elvenkind
Ring of Counterspells (Currently emptied)

Sometime during the middle of the second night an alarm is sounded. Rigging is summoned, and Niner points out two Pirate of Jack vessels silhouetted by the full moon. They appear to be guarding the entrance to SafeHaven, though they don't yet have appeared to have spotted the Sword.

Friday May 28th, 2004 2:35:09 PM

Bart awakes from the alarm puts on his chain shirt and goes upstairs to see what is gooing on. "Hmm Rigging seems that are guarding the port, I hope they aren;t waiting for us, maybe we have to wait until the sun rises and see what is going on.

Friday May 28th, 2004 4:32:01 PM

Rigging will pull out Wayfinder and put the telescope to his eye. He will study the other ships, looking to see which house they are from.

Rigging will call to the helmsman to turn away from the mouth of Safehaven and to travel to another part of the island, of the out of sight of the mouth of the harbor.

"Niner, I want you to keep the ship out of sight for a while, I will take one of the longboats, with the wildcards and our new guests and head for shore. Wait 8 hours and then come into the port as normal, unless I call for you sooner.

I am sure they will stop you. Don't let them grapple, especially if it is the King of Cup's ships. Use a bullhorn. Tell them we went ashore over 8 hours ago and then if they want to inspect you, let them send one officer. You are acting under my orders and can take no others unless it is the King of Swords or the Jack himself. Hopefully it won't come to this and we will have had the way cleared by then."

Rigging will call to the Wildcards, "Dress your best. We are going to see the Jack."

When the group is dropped off and the longboat heads back to the ship, Rigging will lead his family to Safehaven.

Friday May 28th, 2004 7:25:22 PM

The Dwarf will head up on deck when the alarm is sounded , seeing that no immediate action is needed and hearing Riggings commands, Nezamil will head back down to his bunk and outfit himself for the trip to meet the Jack.

Once in the longship Nezamil will eye the mage " good to see you come out for some fresh air " chuckles the dwarf " " i was hoping to talk to you about your research activities , i'm looking to set up a little lab for researching potions and was wondering if we could pool our resources , with the limited space aboard ship i think it would be best to set up a combined operation....what do you think ?" the Dwarf asks Redux

as the longboat reaches shore and the wildcards disembark " so what's the Jack like ? "asks Nezamil to the group

Saturday May 29th, 2004 8:28:36 PM

Appolo quietly puts on his equipment and weapons.He silently joins the others in th long boat.

Monday May 31st, 2004 4:19:11 PM

Quickly donning her new armor, Ashira grabs her equipment and heads into the longboat with Rigging. She remains quiet on the journey into SafeHaven.

Monday May 31st, 2004 4:22:13 PM

Bleary eyed, Redux stumbles above deck, managing to somehow get his robes on backward. Blushing as he gets into the longboat, Redux quickly rights his clothing and checks to make sure he has all the equipment that he might need.

Trip to SafeHaven (DM Dominic) 
Monday May 31st, 2004 5:14:57 PM

When Rigging looks over the ships guarding the port he sees that one of them is the King of Swords personal ship and the other is not from any one house but flying the flag of the Jack.

Niner keeps the ship from being spotted as you sail for an isolated landing. Niner tells the Wildcards "we will sail for the port as you instructed and will try to get hold of Capt. Hawley. Maybe he can help you out."

The crew lowers your longboat into the water and you safely reach the shore.

Shall you follow the coast or cut across land?

Monday May 31st, 2004 11:37:17 PM

The last few days have been very good for Valanthe. She and Appolo have been spending a large amount of quality time together and Ashira was back. That made her very happy. Valanthe couldn't help but smile at Ashira's armor. She had elven chain just like Val. It was nothing really but it made Val smile. Though the current situation is enough to take that away. The pirates seem to be conspiring against one another instead of trying to stop ga'al.

Rigging and Swirl  d6=2
Tuesday June 1st, 2004 12:22:00 AM

Rigging will notice the flags of the ships and start to curse. "Could it be a trap? Is it really the Jack?"

Rigging will settle himself down on the deck before they leave the area and put Wayfinder to his eye. "Don't let anyone disturb me and have Nezamil or the ship's cleric have a restoration spell ready.

Swirl you can't come with me this time. Keep my body undisturbed."

Rigging will then project his astral self up and away to the other ships to have a look at them. He is looking for the Jack or the King or anyone else he recognizes.

If he sees them, he will listen in on some conversations and then head back to the Sword and have the boat go forward to meet them, otherwise the plans will remain the same. He will have the Wildcards and the others cut across the country.

Tuesday June 1st, 2004 1:48:40 AM

Bart says to the crew:
Wait with launching the longboat fellows, capt Rigging has seen something. We will wait until he finds out if the king of swords and the Jack are really on those ships.

Tuesday June 1st, 2004 12:46:24 PM

Appolo sits in the boat next to Valanthe.When Rigging announces his intentions Appolo moves to support him.Knowing the effect that using the artifact has on him.He looks at Ashira"Ashira it will be ok.Just never lose faith in yourself or us."

Tuesday June 1st, 2004 1:17:10 PM

Nezamil will ask Niner to send for the Ships Cleric " I haven't prayed for that spell that Captain Rigging needs , but i'm sure the Swords Cleric has it ready , so if you can send a crewmember to have him attend Captain Rigging "

The Dwarf will wait patiently for Rigging to decide which direction he will take

Tuesday June 1st, 2004 2:24:24 PM

OOC:I thought we had already left the Sword and it is gone.

ooc: DM 
Tuesday June 1st, 2004 3:01:06 PM

the Wildcards are on land heading into SafeHaven.

Tuesday June 1st, 2004 4:08:21 PM

The half-elf watches with fear as Rigging activates the artifact. She knows why he's doing it, but Ashira hates when he does. She looks around, half expecting someone to jump them at any moment.

Tuesday June 1st, 2004 4:09:51 PM

Redux keeps a sharp eye out for any trouble as he thumbs through his scrolls. He hopes that there won't be trouble, but he doubts it.

Arrival in SafeHaven (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 4:04:45 AM

The Wildcards carefully travel to SafeHaven avoiding 2 patrols that were wearing the House of Cups colors. As you enter into SafeHaven you start hearing rumors that the King of Swords recieved some disturbing news and has gone to the Jack.

Continueing into town you spot the Sword anchored at the docks with several guards keeping everyone onboard the ship. These guards are displaying the colors of the Jack's personal men.

OOC: I basing your actions upon the previous posts made where you stated that you landed on shore.

Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 7:58:55 AM

"I don't like this. The Cups are up to no good. I doubt we just happen to run across two patrols belonging to the Cups while the Swords happen to be stationed elsewhere. If this is what the Pirates of Jack have become, I want no part of them. I think we should try and get to the Jack right away without being seen by anybody."

Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 5:22:11 PM

Looking very worried at the recent turn of events, Ashira turns to her husband and whispers. "I think I ought to activate my ring. If you are caught, it probably would be best if I am not seen with you. And that way I can back you up too." Unless Rigging indicates that it's a bad idea, Ashira activates her ring of invisibility.

Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 6:25:22 PM

Appolo says"Let's go see Captian Howly.Perhaps he can give us the low down on what is going on."
When Ashira activates her ring Appolo disappears from view as well going invisible at the same time.

Thursday June 3rd, 2004 12:49:55 AM

Redux agrees with Ashira and Appolo (shock, gasp) and will drink a potion of Invisibility after providing for others. "As many of us as possible should hide; a smaller party would be less attractive. Who wants these others? I've got 4 of them."

Thursday June 3rd, 2004 12:54:05 AM

" Visiting Captain Hawley is a good idea Appolo , but with all the patrols looking for us it might be wiser to just head straight for the Jack himself " says the dwarf

" they might have someone watching Captain Hawley and i don't think it is wise to put Captain Hawley between us and the Jack, we should save Captain Hawley for other useful purposes" says Nezamil to the group

"The Cups are definitly looking for us wanting to use the young lady (points to Ashira) for there own gains againist the swords and wildcards , i think presenting our case to the King of Swords and the Jack himself would be in our favor considering all the accomplishments you all have done for the POJ but that decision is yours to make"

"since i'm the newest among the group i will follow whatever you all decide and stand by you , i have faith in all of you " say Nezamil to the wildcards as they trek thru safehaven

Arriving at the Jack (DM Dominic) 
Thursday June 3rd, 2004 7:34:19 PM

After several of the Wildcards become invisible you set out to locate the Jack and the King of Swords. You are successful in bypasing the majority of the guards and patrols but when you arrive at the Jack's palace Redux recalls that there is dispelling screen on the entrance that will make you all visible again. As you pass through the entrance you each become visible again as you enter. Not long after you all enter you see Rushcant and Captain Hawley talking while exiting the doorway that leads to the Jack's office. Rushcant spots you not long after you see them and she calls to you to present yourselves to the Jack immedeately. Captain Hawley looks at each of you and looks like he has just come out of a major battle with weariness. Hawley then nods in agreement with Rushcant.

When you arrive at the door to the Jack's office you can hear what sounds to be 2 or 3 voices in heated discussion over the Wildcards. One of the guards at the door opens the door and ushers you into the Jack's office. Inside you see the Jack, King Maisey and the King of Cups. A moment after you enter the King of Cups spots you and starts to draw his sword while saying "traitors." The Jack firmly tells the King of Cups "Resheath that blade and keep your tongue." The Jack then looks at you and says "Report and tell me what he says is not true" indicating the King of Cups.

Friday June 4th, 2004 3:38:38 PM

Appolo follows silently.When they enter the room and the King of Cups draws his sword Appolo does so as well.He gives the King of Swords a look like that of a Tiger looking over it's prey.Appolo's body language says clearly go ahead,let's dance.Appolo's swords remain in his hands covered by his cloak. He stares intently at the King of Cups.LOoking right through the man.

Friday June 4th, 2004 5:04:12 PM

Faster as eyes can tell Bart swords is in his hands (gove of storing). But on the words of the Jack it disappears as fast as it became visible.
"Whats true Jack? that we are traitors? First tell us where we are acused off. Then we can tell if it is true or not. But i'm not aware that we offend any written or unwritten rule or law, besides the rules of Ga'al" says Bart with a smile

Sunday June 6th, 2004 10:58:33 PM

The half-elf is only mildly shocked by the King of Cups reaction. She lays a gentle hand on Appolo's shoulder. "It's fine...we're all allies here." Turning to the Jack, she looks the leader in the eye. "As my friend Bart has said...it depends on what has already been said. Though I should restate some obvious details that appear to be common knowlege... That I had been captured by Ga'al and enslaved by means of heartseeding.... That I was placed and trained in a Quad.... That my Quad and the Grims sent to kill me were defeated by my devoted and loving family.... That I was released from my enslavement to Ga'al and traveled here to present myself to you for inspection... That myself and my family are as loyal to the Pirates as the Kings that stand in your presence..." Ashira pauses a few moments...looking each of the room's occupants in the eye. "I can certainly understand any hesitations that you might have...so of course I am willing to present myself for inspection..."

Nezamil  d20+11=27
Sunday June 6th, 2004 11:00:24 PM

Nezamil nods to Captain Hawley as he follows the Wildcards into the Jack's office.Upon hearing the Harsh words and seeing tempers start to flare the dwarf steps in between the King of Cups and the Wildcards arms outstretched to his sides palms out " Hold " " we are all people of courage and honor here let no blood be shed among us" says Nezamil as he scans the room " we will give a true account of what has transpired and defend our honor to the accusations againist us " says the dwarf with a glance at the King of cups " lets work this out peacefully and respectfully as is Domi's way as he invokes Domi's name the clerics Holy symbol seems to glow slightly (d20+11=27 diplomacy roll ;-) )

the cleric calmly lowers his arms but stands firmly in the middle and awaits any response .

Redux  d20+2=10
Sunday June 6th, 2004 11:23:43 PM

Redux begins, "Thank you, Nezamil. It is quite true that we went out specifically to rescue Ashira. All can see we were successful. We did not directly engage the Grim Assassins that were sent by someone." He pauses and looks directly at the King of Cups. "The house they favor would be evident by that person most violently against our actions. These were actions not specifically commanded by the Jack, as evidenced by this scroll, in his own hand, giving us permission to take our leave of official duties in order to conduct this mission." He stops and produces the scroll and unrolls it for all to see (but not touch). During the battle we prevented the success of the Grim's actions and assured that all were able to escape. Afterwards, we engaged the Quad, now only 7 members strong, and successfully defeated them, killing them all. And now, are we charged with treason?! That would be the furthest stretch from the truth."

Monday June 7th, 2004 3:56:52 PM

Rigging will step forward and bow to both kings and the Jack.

"Sirs, I must add my weight to the thoughts of my comrades. I ask, how are we traitors? We came straight here after freeing my wife. In fact we were able to outpace the slower Cup's ship sent to intercept us.

Why didn't I turn my wife over to them? Why should I? I am a captain in the Pirates of the Jack. I had equal rank as my contemporary. I decided to keep my wife with me after her ordeal. I am sorry the other Captain's ship was slower and his navigation poorer. Perhaps he should go back to school."

Rigging will address the Jack directly, "Ashira said, she is willing to be inspected for a heartseed. I can vouch that I did a careful search myself, after our separation, and was unable to find one." Rigging adds with a rakish smile and a wink. "I am sure she will allow another if you insist but we applied Alemi's Tears and it worked as we thought it would."

Rigging will bow again and add addressing the Jack and his King, "We are proud to say the Sword suffered no damage and the crew is healthy. We have to reprovision but will be ready to set sail in a couple days, ready and willing to continue the Pirate's work."

Charges Stated and Questions Asked (DM Dominic) 
Monday June 7th, 2004 6:19:43 PM

King Maisey and the Jack both give everyone that starts to draw weapons or draws a weapon a look that makes you feel that you do not want to continue with that action. When Nezamil says Hold to everyone the Jack smiles slightly at Nezamil's actions.

Listening to each of you talk the Jack and King Maisey nod quietly to themselves.

The King of Cups looks to the Jack and the Wildcards then says "you are all charged with treason for not killing the traitor Ashira while she was in the hands of the Followers of Ga'al. Further more your actions acording to the Grims is that you did impead with their given assignment. Once you were headed back to SafeHaven you were given orders signed by a King to turn over the traitor to Captian Balor for her to stand trial. Finally when you fled from Captain Balor you took several members of his crew captive."

After the King of Cups lays out the charges King Maisey looks to Ashira then the rest of the Wildcards and asks "Please prove to all of us Kings and the Jack that you are truely free of the heartseed and the control of the Followers of Ga'al. How do you answer the other charges leveled against you?"

The Jack calls out "Rushcant, Get the other Kings here immeadately we need to have an emergency council." You can hear somebody running down the hall outside headed away from the office. The Jack then turns to everyone and says "let us resume this in the council chambers with the rest of the Kings." The Jack then turns and walks out of his office and heads to the council room. The King of Cups then follows after the Jack. King Maisey then looks and tells you "let us go." and ushers you to follow after the Jack with her being the last to leave the office.

Monday June 7th, 2004 8:48:37 PM

Appolo follows along silently blades still in his hands under his cloak.He stares intently at the King of Cups back.It is clear Appolo would like nothing better then to gut the man like the blowfish he is.Everyone cantell that Appolo considers the King of Cups his enemy and evryone knows what Appolo does to his enemies.

Rigging  d20+13=31
Monday June 7th, 2004 11:04:36 PM

Rigging will notice Appolo's tensness and see his weapons gripped in his hands. He will slide up next to him and whisper out of the corner of his mouth, "Put them away. All it will do is hurt the situation. I appreciate the sentiment but it won't work here."

Rigging follows the group into the council chamber.

Tuesday June 8th, 2004 1:10:32 AM

Valanthe follows the others, barely able to contain the rage she now feels. Is this what they were fighting for? Because Val's not sure if it's worth it anymore.

ooc: I'm not sure what the intention of this encounter is but if it is to make me want to quit the pirates then it is working.

Tuesday June 8th, 2004 2:37:39 PM

Silently Bart follows the others, he looks calm but inside he is furious, accusing HIM and the rest off his FAMILY of treason after all they did for the pirates and the good cause!! If they don't withdraw their words and dont excuse for their words he will strongly suggest to Rigging to start their own base located in the Ruins of Isuldur the discovered a while ago.

Council Session (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday June 8th, 2004 4:53:45 PM

Several minutes after you arrive in the council chambers the other Kings arrive with several members of the crew from the Sword. You see that 3 members from the Grim Assassin team is with the people that arrived along with Captain Hawley and several members from the crew from the Gambit.

Once everyone has arrived the Jack calles the session to order and orders the doors to the chamber sealed. King Maisey then stands up and says "Fellow members of the Pirates of Jack! We are hear to determine the validity of the charges that the King of Cups has leveled against the Wildcards. I myself do not belive that they are guilty of the charges against them as they were under the express aproval of the Jack to free one of their own from the Followers of Ga'al." After a moments pause King Maisey looks to the Wildcards and asks "please tell us why these charges are not true."

Tuesday June 8th, 2004 4:57:27 PM

The dwarf follows the crowd with just King Maisey behind him " glad to see to see cooler heads prevail " thinks Nezamil to himself with a glance at the seething Appolo " that volatile young man needs to hide his emotions a little better or the King of Cups will just manipulate him to act rashly to acheive his goals " Nezamil ponders that last thought

Glancing at his fellow shipmates Nezamil eyes the silent warrior " calm and cool that one is " stepping up next to Bart the stout dwarf gives him a brotherly tap on his arm " Domi walks with us my friend trust in him as i do and this will work out just fine "

Tuesday June 8th, 2004 5:11:35 PM

"Perhaps the King of Cups could share his wisdom with this lowly pirate for I am confused on one thing. You say we are traitors because we did not kill Ashira while she was under Ga'al control. Yet we were given magical tears by a god to cure the heartseed. What is the point of having these tears if everybody with a heartseed has to be killed? We were given a small dose of these tears by the Jack to use as we see fit. So our treasonous act was only to do what the Jack permitted us to do? You can see why I am confused."

Tuesday June 8th, 2004 9:25:03 PM

Rigging will listen to Val's words and then step forward himself. "My king's. I think your real arguement is with me. I am the Captain of the Sword of Redemption. I am in charge, so I am the person responsible for the actions of my crew, my ship and the Wildcards."

Rigging will put his hands behind his back and start to pace. Anyone who knows him, realize that a speech is coming. "I don't understand this charge of treason. We were on official leave and had the Jack's blessing to try to retrieve my wife Ashira. That we were successful in freeing her and curing her should be apparant to you.

Ashira has volunteered to be inspected by the authorities to prove she is free of the heartseed.

The charge of treason is absurd. We were in the forefront of the last two battles with the Asidurian navy. We attacked the flagship twice, stormed her and captured them. Yes we had help, but we were there.

We found our ancient homeland Isuldar, freed it from a curse and were gifted with Alemi's blessing. Half of which the pirates are trying to duplicate now.

We located the devices the priests of Ga'al were using as focuses to scry on our homeland and destroyed them.

In the battle to free my wife, we attacked a base of the enemy and ran into the grim assassins. Though we had different goals, we still didn't leave them to die. When one was trapped, we helped free him and made sure he was able to rejoin his friends. Again I ask, How was this the actions of a traitor?

We have fought and destroyed quads and priests alike. We have raided temples and stopped plots on the spread of heartseeds to the Seadevils. If these are the actions of traitors, then I submit that we need more traitors.

Now on to the lesser charges. Did we disobey an order? I have to say yes to that charge. I had reasons for it. The primary reason was the love of my wife. Ashira had been through a horrible experience. It was evident the Captain Balor
of the King's Gambit had some personal problem with both us and my wife. Emotionally she wasn't able to stand being imprisioned again. He is a cruel taskmaster. I have learned this from his own crew. I wasn't willing to submit Ashira to his poison. She had been abused enough already.

Ashira has been a pirate longer than any of the rest of the Wildcards including myself. She has proven her loyalty over and over. Do I think she deserved special treatment. Simply put...yes.

Since we brought her directly here, I don't see the problem with it. I got her here faster than the King's Gambit could have. We aren't trying to hide her.

Again I would submit, that as Captain of the Sword of Redemption, that any punishments that are being handed down, must fall on my head only. It was my responsibility and choice to have the Sword and her crew act as it did."

Rigging will bow and step back.

Nezamil  d20+5=18
Tuesday June 8th, 2004 9:46:04 PM

As Nezamil enters council chambers he glances around to see who else has arrived " lotta brass here "

spotting the grims assassins the Cleric looks to see if the grim that he released from the magical prison is among them , if he is he will make eye contact and a slight nod of his head to him

As Captain Rigging starts to talk Nezamil will glance around the room (d20+5=18 spot ch ) to gage the reaction to Riggings speech

when the speech is done the dwarf thinks to himself " well said "

Appolo  d20+6=13 d20+3=14
Tuesday June 8th, 2004 10:44:26 PM

Appolo does as Rigging requests and sheaths his sword,but leaves his hands on the hilts.He never takes his eyes of the King of Cups.Watching him intently.While listening to everything being said.

Spot 13,listen 14.

Wednesday June 9th, 2004 2:31:06 PM

Well spoken Rigging! But it's true that you are our captain and have your responsibilties. But i also have my own act of conduct, I'm not a sheep that simply follows orders, i follow orders as long it isn't going against my own act of conduct, my morale. If the council thinks Rogging has to be punished I also have to be punished for not questioning his orders!

Wednesday June 9th, 2004 4:46:29 PM

The half-elf watches the trial with shame and consternation. So this is what it all boiled down to...this witch trial. Was this how here career would end? After all the blood, sweat, tears... Ashira's temper rises as she listens to Rigging's speech. "No, I'm not going to let a stupid political squabble ruin me!!!!" she thinks.

Ashira turns toward the council, a spark in her eye as she addresses them. "Pirates of Jack...look at yourselves!!!! Open your eyes to what we have become!!!!!!!! We fight and quibble amoungst ourselves as the enemy builds its forces, growing ever stronger. My husband and my family have been labeled as traitors.... and why, I ask you?? Because the were faithful and true. Because they loved me enough to risk their lives to go into enemy territory to find and rescue me...even though at the time I would have killed them if I could. I ask you...would you not do the same for one of your loved ones?? In the past, we have not had the means to free loved ones enslaved by Ga'al and so the Grims had a rightful place amoung us. That is not so today. Although we have precious little, we have a cure. So why do we insist on continuing the barbaric practice of slaughtering our own when they fall to Ga'al? You ask for proof that I am free of Ga'al's taint. I offer you what evidence I can." Ashira pulls of her chain and reveals her chest for all to see the scars caused when the heartseed ripped itself out of her chest. "As you can see, my seed is no longer present, but if you require further proof, send for a cleric...I will gladly submit to any analysis you deem necessary. Bring holy water...I will drink it. Bring a candle of truth...test my words. But by the gods, consider your actions well before you come to judgement, for the future of the Pirates of Jack may well rest in your hands." Ashira pauses as waits to gauge the council's reception of the speaches thus far.

Thursday June 10th, 2004 2:13:28 PM

Hmmm what would they be thinking of that! Well spoken Ashira Bart thinks

Council Decision (DM Dominic) 
Thursday June 10th, 2004 7:46:03 PM

Listening to eachof you speak all of the council members nod in agreement with each point that you make showing that you have not been doing anything that has not been against the PoJ. Several times the other Kings look at the King of Cups and shake their heads in disgust as the King of Cups seems to act as if he is not beliving any of what you are saying.
When Ashira reveals the scar left by the removal of the Heartseed King Maisey jumps up from her seat and says "My dear friends! There can be no doubt that the charges against the members of my house, the Wildcards. I say they have shown that they are not traitors to the Poj, but showing us that we need to work as a family not like a gang of hulligans."
The Jack stands noding to King Maisey then addresses the council "I gave them permission to go and rescue Ashira from the Followers of Ga'al. If you think they are guilty then you must find me guilty of treason as well."

After a few moments the King of Coins stands and addresses everyone "We the Council of the Pirates of Jack declair that the charges brought against the members of the house of Swords know as the Wildcards to be not true and that they are not guilty of any charges. Further we find this to be a personal vendetta against the Wildcards by the King of Cups as they have bested his hand pick team on a couple of occasions and the King of Cups shall issue an appology to the Wildcards. This session is adjurned." As soon as the King of Coins finishes the King of Cups gets up and leaves in a rush not talking to anyone. The others leave the chambers as well. King Maisey comes over as she is leaving and says "Head back to the Sword and get some rest. I will send you a message later."

Everyone this is the end of this module and I need your Hero point nominations by Monday. Experience awards will be coming to each of you over the next couple of days so please get me updated sheets by next friday if at all possible.
Chris, go ahead and make your final post before going inactive by this friday so you finish out the week.

Sorry for the delay in the post, RL was real busy the last 2 days.

Friday June 11th, 2004 1:00:04 PM

Rigging will lead the Wildcards to the ship and say, "I am relieved. I am glad that most of the pirates have some sense. Not sure why the King of Cups has a grudge for us but we will have to watch it in the future."

Rigging will put his arm around his wife and say, "See, things weren't so bad after all. I liked your speech. Mine was magnificant but yours wasn't bad either." Rigging dodges away from the swat coming his way.

Rigging will then turn to Val and Appolo. "So what have you two decided? I know you have been thinking about leaving the ship. What have you decided? I am hoping you are staying but need to know. With both Ari and Walker now gone, we need more Wildcards. If you leave, we will be very shorthanded."

Rigging will turn to Redux and ask, "So how are those identifies coming? Do you need more pearls? I have to admit, I am broke. The ships funds are way down too. We need to earn some money."

Friday June 11th, 2004 4:44:45 PM

After the Council's decision supporting the Wildcards Nezamil will follow the Wildcards back to the sword .

During the walk back to the ship the Cleric thinks to himself " Domi is pleased to have the outcome be a peaceful settlement , no need for action , nobody got hurt and we can continue to resist Ga'al's quest for domination of the wold "

" So Captain Rigging what is our next mission ? and what do we need to prepare for it ? anything special ? " says the dwarf once onboard the sword

Saturday June 12th, 2004 6:11:30 PM

Appolo calls the Wildcards together. "My friends I'm going to be leaving you for a while. I need some time off. Valanthe and I are planning on getting married, settling down and starting a family. Valanthe I hope you want to come with me. Ashira there's some Mithril armour in my cabin you can have. It's too cumbersome for me to wear. Thank you all for listening and for being my family. I plan on catching a ride to the nearest friendly port, perhaps Plateau City. I'll be hanging around for a couple of days."

Sunday June 13th, 2004 2:12:25 PM

"Appolo my longtime friend -- are you sure you want to leave? Is Val leaving too?"

"Nezamil can I have a word with you later on? I want to pray to domi and thanking him for all his help?"

Refitting and Resting (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 4:49:02 AM

All of you feel as if you just had a large weight lifted off of your shoulders as you leave the council room and head back to the Sword. As you arrive you can see that the guards that had been there have all departed and the crew of the Sword is waiting for your return. Upon seeing the Wildcards the crew gives a hearty cheer for you.

As the refitting begins you find out that the ship's supply of fresh water had just about reached the point that you could have been in dire straits if you had stayed out much longer. Niner informs you that it will take a couple of days for the supplies (food and water) to be restocked.

The morning after the council session a messanger arrrives at the Sword and hands a small chest to Niner while giving him a message at the sametime. Niner then comes and gives the two items to Rigging and the others.

Thank you for your allowing the members of the Grimm team to escape and I appologise for the apparent harassment by myself. Please accept this small token of my sincerity in this matter.

King of Cups

chest contains 3000gp.

over the next couple of days please continue to post what you are doing as I am adding some finishing touches to the next module. take care of any Catacombs purchases that you are needing to do.

Walter OOC 
Tuesday June 15th, 2004 4:19:02 PM

Perhaps some advice from my fellow pirates is in order. I don't want to go inactive but Valanthe wants to go with Appolo. I really have no idea what I should do.

Tuesday June 15th, 2004 7:17:33 PM

Rigging will take 1200 of the gold pieces and give 600 to Ashira and 600 to Redux. "This is to reimburse Ashira for the pearls she donated to the identification cause, and the other is for Redux to buy pearls and finish the identifies of the items we got."

Rigging will call Niner over and hand him 100 gps and say, "Take these funds, rent out an Inn, invite some girls and let's have a party on the King of Cups. I expect the finest food and drink to celebrate getting Ashira home and a proper send off for Appolo."

He will turn to the others and say, "I have an announcement so listen up." He will turn to Val and pull out a the vial of Alemi's Tears. "Val, I want you to stay with us. Appolo is leaving and I know your heart is telling you to go with him. You must follow your heart and I would understand if you felt you have to go but I want you to stay. I should say, I need you to stay. Not only do I need your arm, your brave heart but I also need your compassion and love of life."

He holds out the vial and says, "I took these from you when I was filled with despair. It wasn't right and I apologize. Will you take them back? I can't think of anyone I would trust with them with more than you."

He will look deep into her face and add, "Whatever you choose, know that you will always have a family. People who love you and only wish the best for you."

Tuesday June 15th, 2004 7:57:25 PM

Nezamil will smile at Bart when he asks to pray to Domi. "Yes indeed, I will guide you in praying to Domi. I hold my prayer sessions every morning at first light, it helps to start down the right path at dawn and sets the tone of the day in a positive way." The cleric will say a quick prayer with Bart.

As he hears Appolo leaving he will say, "Appolo... I'm saddened to see you leave us. It's been an honor meeting you and fighting along side such a valiant young man. I hope you find what you are searching for." He will then heartily shake hands with the young man. "Good luck to you, may Domi watch over you."

Then the Dwarf listens as Captain Rigging makes his announcement. "A party for all of the swords crew -- that's a great idea, these courageous men and women deserve that."

After Rigging finishes his heartfelt talk with Val, Nezamil steps up to the elven maiden. "I hope you stay with us, your courage and fighting spirit as you lead the charge into battle lifts our hearts and strengthens our resolve to make this wold a better place."

Wednesday June 16th, 2004 8:59:18 PM

Hey guys, Where are the posts? What happened?

Thursday June 17th, 2004 3:49:15 AM

"I will pray with you every morning Nezamil, I feel the presence of Domi in my haert each time we are in a dangerous situation. Sometimes I think to become a paladin, but I don't know if I have the right capabilities for it."

Thursday June 17th, 2004 9:16:56 AM

Ashira takes the money from Rigging. She had given Redux 8 pearls, but it's the thought that counts. As Appolo leaves, Ashira is humbled by his gift. "I will put this to good use," she promises. She embraces Appolo warmly and gives him a kiss on the cheek before he leaves. "Come back to us safe and quickly."

Ashira turns and pulls Val aside. Putting her arms on her shoulders, she looks the elven warrior in the eyes. "I know that you want to go with Appolo... and if that is what you decide, I will be happy for you. But I won't lie... Rigging is right. We need you. I need you. I'm doing better, but I'm still struggling. Think about it. But most of all, I want you to do what is right for you." Ashira hugs Val warmly and lets her think about it for a while.

Thursday June 17th, 2004 9:19:20 AM

Redux has been very quiet recently. He nods at Rigging's request and heads back down into his lab after acquiring the needed pearls. His mind has been so occupied lately, it was almost as if he was in another world.

Thursday June 17th, 2004 7:21:16 PM

Valanthe knows that Rigging and Ashira are right. Her heart yearns for Appolo and her mind fears what he may do alone. She so desperately wants to leave with him but there was her duty to stop Ga'al and make a world safe for children everywhere. She doesn't say anything. Instead she hugs Ashira and cries.

Swords party (DM Dominic) 
Thursday June 17th, 2004 8:36:46 PM

Nezamil finds one of the local taverns is willing to hold the party for the Wildcards and the rest of the crew of the Sword. When everyone arrives you see that the owner has laid out what looks to be a small feast for the crew and has several kegs of different ales set out for the crew to drink.

During the party 'former' captain Hawley comes in and joins in the celebration and tells each of you congrats on succeeding in rescuing Ashira. You think at one point that you see the Jack and King Maisey sitting at a back table having drinks with Hawley and Niner. Before anyone is able to see if it was them, they are gone. The party lasts until just before sunrise when the owner tells you that it is time for you to be leaving. Each of you feel like you have been given a dose of energy to make the terrible things that each of you have seen go away for awhile.

Sorry for missing RL has been busy. Please post what you will be doing for what would be 10 days actions for you over the next couple of days. I need updated character sheets from each of you. Please have them in text format as an attachment to an email. I will be getting the new player (Shawn) into the game asap.
Please email me with what you would like to see in the next few modules as I want to make sure each of you are enjoying the game.

My email is kngtfall@rpg-r-us.com


Friday June 18th, 2004 8:31:46 AM

Rigging will spend his time trying out his new skills in potion brewing. (his newest feat)
He will take ship money to do this as he is going to donate his works, to the ships stores.

He brews up 5 potions of cure light healing. He will show them to the crew and then put them in areas the crew can access them around the ship if they need them.

The rest of his 5 days will be spent with Ashira, the Wildcards and Swirl. He will study his spells and add a couple to his spellbook along with his new spells he got when he leveled up.

OOC Rigging has a belt of substance that allows him to be fully rested on 2 hours of sleep. Is he capable of making more than one potion a day?

Friday June 18th, 2004 2:49:35 PM

Rigging can we look into the treasure chewst how much money do we have? is there enough to buy a better sword? I need 18,000 gold for it

William OOC 
Friday June 18th, 2004 3:01:05 PM

Did we get a mail with the xp? treasuresplit and so on? i missed it

Friday June 18th, 2004 4:56:11 PM

Nezamil smiles when Bart inquires about becoming a Paladin " that is a very noble goal, I believe you have all you need to attain that status , believe in yourself and trust your heart and when Domi calls you to fulfill your destiny you will be ready "

The dwarf nods in agreement with the young warrior " it would be helpful to sort out the captured loot as soon as possible so we can prepare for our next mission "

Nezamil will spend 2 days working in Redux's lab (if he is open to that idea )and create a couple of scrolls (2- restoration,lesser)

Nezamil will spend a week (7 days) helping any of the swords sailers with families(including widows of sailers lost in battle) , knowing how difficult long seperations can be ...seeing to their needs, getting goods and resources to help them .
Nezamil will visit Captain Hawley and ask for help in setting up a school for the children of the swords families "I will help fund it with my share of the captured goods , sailing is a hard life the men risk their lives in this war vs Ga'al, the least we can do is help their families be better prepared and educated to have abetter future " (just doing community service in the name of Domi ) ;-)

The Dwarven Cleric will leave the 10th day open for rest and maybe a visit to the catacombs :)

Friday June 18th, 2004 11:43:43 PM

The vacation time does the half-elven warrior much good. Though the pain is still there, Ashira is able to beat it down to a dull ache. Perhap what they say is true...time heals all wounds....

Ashira spends most of her time with Rigging, though she does spend a large chunk of time with Valanthe, trying to dull the pain of the loss of Appolo. The last few days she joins her sister in a shopping spree...even venturing into the Catacombs.

Before they set off to sea, Ashira pulls Valanthe aside. She hands the elven warrior a large cloth covered package. The light tones of the Elven language roll lightly off her tongue. "I want you to have this... I can't wield it in good faith any longer, but I know you can. Something tells me that we're going to need it in the near future." Ashira smiles and waits for Val to unwrap the present.

OOC Ashira is giving Val her Mighty Masterwork Composite Bow of Alemi (Str +3).

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