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Saturday June 19th, 2004 4:54:01 PM

At the sudden appearance of the dark skinned dwarf, all thoughts of the recent council meeting and the distribution of rewards are gone.

"Who and what are you!" exclaims the rogue, having missed Malafret's introduction. Flea stands in front of the dwarf, her hands on her hips, expecting an explanation.

Sunday June 20th, 2004 4:02:42 AM

Jake comes back to the group from a hut, and passes by Flea, patting her on the head with a chuckle. "Din'cha hear, Short an' Shady? 'e's a," imitating Malafret, "'Most unusual fellow'," (normal), "though that's typical for us Bloodpackers."
Jake is a rather tall youth, especially for someone with some elven blood in them. Perhaps sixteen or so, but with those fae features that make it hard to tell. Tanned and dark of hair and eyes, well-muscled and slim, he could pass for a tough farmboy or a ready-to-stand barroom brawler. Like most natives to the Plains, he has a somewhat unusual dress code; loose short pants, a light woolen shirt underneath a chain coat, and a stiff brown leather hat. (Jake's favorite item, made of one of those mythical 'cows' he constantly talks about). Despite this minimal clothing, he wears quite a lot of weapons; a bright polished shield, a bow with quiver strapped over his shoulders, an assortment of throwing stuff (dagger, axes, hammers), and the sword he proudly shows off now to the pack.

"Lookie here, ah gots my sword super-magified." He shows off the well-crafted blade, and smiles. "Ah dare someone to lick it."
(It's an ice blade...so, anyone who licks it will probably have the same thing that happens to kids in winter who lick telephone polls).

Sunday June 20th, 2004 4:09:02 AM

Questions fill Grymash's fragile psyche! He looks with wonder at Jake's sword. "Wut be dat? Sword like ... not be hot, but cool feelin' like bein' wet in da shade ... but more cool than dat! Wut yooz call it ... wut da word for it be?! It strong shady hurtin' cool!"

('Ice' isnt in Gry's vocabulary, nor is the word 'Cold'. He's never seen or experienced it before.)

Sunday June 20th, 2004 9:42:02 AM

The taur pauses before continuing the introductions. "Flea, this be Nain. Nain, this be Flea."

He catches Jake's comment about his sword, and Gry's reply. His eyes focus on some distant nothing as he recalls ice: snow covered mountains, frozen lakes, sleet and hail, crisp frost on the grass. He says nothing as his focus returns to the sword. "Tis a fine blade Jake."

Sunday June 20th, 2004 2:10:52 PM

"Ah read about it in a book, there was this sword, lahk, Frostbrat, or something, and it was all cutting through demons and fire beasts. It's so cold, it'll turn ya into a statue!" Jake grins. "Oh, and ya gotta try licking the blade..." Jake seems really enthusiastic about it for some reason.

(Jake doesn't know what Ice is either...except for what he's read about in books, which is hardly accurate.)

DM George "Summons" 
Monday June 21st, 2004 5:13:30 PM

As the group gets to know their new member, they can here shouts from the conference room. "What! your gonna trust them again! Have you gone totally white! That really eats grass!"

The doors will bang open and Galafar will be standing there with a red face. He will glare at you and rudely push past, mumbling to himself.

Then you will hear Malafet call, "My friends, will you please rejoin us in the council chamber?"

Flea  d20+23=28 d20+2=15 d20+1=3 d20+5=11
Monday June 21st, 2004 10:33:28 PM

Galafar's words grate on the gnome's ears. "...@#*... white handed beater...%&*...stupid treadle...#@%..." issues from the rogue in a combination of Gnomish swears and plains-style Common. Hidden by the taller folk (Hide=28) Flea reaches out deftly with her hooked hammer and tries to catch the nasty monk at the ankles (Trip Attack=15*, DC 3). If the monk looks about to see who played the trick on him, Flea will put her hands (including the pretty little hooked hammer with the scarlet leather-bound handle) behind her back, roll her eyes up to study the cieling, and pursing her lips, whistle a little gnomish ditty. (Bluff=11)

*d20 + 6 (gnome hooked hammer) -4(for size penalty)=15 No AoO due to Flea's use of weapon.

Monday June 21st, 2004 11:20:59 PM

Gilan hears the yelling and shouting of Galafar in the coucil chamber, but he just rolls his eyes. When Galafar comes storming out he just steps to the side, not wanting to get into any more trouble.

Looking to the rest of the Pack he shakes his head and hides a small laugh. Then he hears the summons from further in and wonders what is going on now. He will head back into the council chamber with the rest and take a spot near the front of the group.

Grymash  d20+2=5
Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 3:10:29 AM

(Wisdom 5)

"Who Galafar be so mads at dis time," questions Grymash? After getting several rolling eyes from his pack, "Whut?!", the half-orc goes back in to see Malafret.

Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 8:52:15 AM

Trellus has been friends with Jake far too long to go along with anything he starts with "Ya gotta try...". But, he's not opposed to somebody else falling into the man's trap. The young cleric settles for a suspicious look at Jake, but says nothing.

The sudden inclusion of Nain doesn't bother Trellus at all. This is Rattledam. Sudden additions to family or pack is the norm.

The cleric maintains a very proper straight face as Galafar pushes past, before breaking out into a grin as he leaves.
"Same dudes he's always mad at", he answers lightly to Grymash. "Same dudes as always."

"OK dudes," he declares, "Let's go see the nice weavers."

Trellus leads the group back into the Council Hall, and enters respectfully.

Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 9:18:24 AM

Walking back towards the chamber after Galafar leaves, a confused expression crosses Mac's face and he whispers, "By 'gone totally white' did he mean, like, bones picked clean and baked dry in the sun?"

Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 10:51:46 AM

From the time they all got back to Rattledam, Tishe's mind has been awhirl. It really seems that her new freinds (and herself, now) has enemies and friends in high places. Though she is not sure of the why's of Galafar's enmity, nor why letting go of the prisoners was such a bad idea, she knows who is a good heart and stalwart friend. And any friend introduced by Malafret is a friend.

"Greetings, Master Dwarf," she says in her lilting SkyHook accent, and bows properly. "I am Tishe' Spellweaver, recently come to the Plains and met with this pack of companions.

Short for a human, the girl plays with her brown wavy hair and looks at the world with a barely suppressed energy shining in her brown eyes.

Malafret's request to come back in distracts the plain-faced woman from other concerns, and she moves with the others to the chamber.

Tuesday June 22nd, 2004 1:09:37 PM

"Hardly a master, but appreciate the welcome, Tishe." Nain follows the others and stays out of the way since he is still new. He gives a quick tug on the straps holding a beautiful dwarven axe on his back, to make sure it is still secure as he waits to hear Malafret's words.

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