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Thursday July 29th, 2004 7:30:39 PM

Seeing that nobody is going to bother to cause trouble, Valanthe heads over and sits next to the others. She's not quite sure exactly what's going on at this point but this place is giving her a bad feeling.

Thursday July 29th, 2004 10:56:23 PM

Rigging looks at Ari and then his other companions and stands up. He will say in a low voice, "We need to head back to the ship. I don't think we want to have these discussions in unfamiliar surroundings. Let's go."

As Rigging passes the others at the bar, he will tap them on the shoulder and nod his head at the door, signalling that he wants them to follow.

He will lead them back to the ship and down to Ashira's and his cabin and say, "OK Ari, I am sorry but I have to check. Please take off your shirt."

Friday July 30th, 2004 1:32:19 AM

When Nezamil is touched on the shoulder he gives a quick glance at you did it , seeing it's Captain Rigging the dwarf turns back to the barkeep " mt good man we have get moving along...been a pleasure to meet ya Wally ..next time around i'll stop back and in and have a pint with ya " says the dwarf as he slides off the bar stool

Leaning in towards Wally " keep thinking free my friend " whispers Nezamil

Nezamil ambles out after the rest of the wildcards

Friday July 30th, 2004 7:47:27 AM

Bart follows the others to the ship, he sees an familiar face Ari, he han't noticed him inside. Bart walks to Ari gives him a firm tap on the shoulder sayying Hey long time no see, how are you.

Home Sweet Cabin---ADM Nellie 
Friday July 30th, 2004 11:36:31 PM

Though the tension in the Inn is thick enough to cut with a knife, there are no obvert signs of hostility. Most of the occupants seem to be trying their hardest to ignore the out of towners.

Not wanting to risk it, Rigging and the others head back to the moored longboat. The anxious crewmen zealously row back to the Sword and quickly board her.

Once in their private quarters, Rigging's fears are easily put to rest as Ari proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is not heartseeded.

After a few moments, Niner enters after knocking and then inquires as to the Captains next course of action.

Saturday July 31st, 2004 5:06:03 AM

It seems we are on the right track, but nezamil and I didn't got a lot of information, maybe we have to visit the other inn

Saturday July 31st, 2004 10:19:25 PM

Relieved to be aboard the Sword once more, Ashira thinks about what they have learned. Hmmmm...no slaver ships spotted in a few weeks. Ari's sources indicated that the slavers were operating out of Culverwood. Elven children...that smashed up ship. It didn't make a lot of sense. Shrugging her shoulders she speaks up. "I guess we should check out that ship and then maybe head into Culverwood. I doubt the river will accomidate the Sword, so we'll have to take a longboat or two. Since the locals seem to think we're slavers anyway, maybe we ought to pack some chains and nets and the like?"

Sunday August 1st, 2004 9:28:15 PM

Rigging will turn from Niner to Ari and say, "Well I guess that will depend on what information you have for old friend. Do you know where the pirates are? I don't like wandering around the city willy nilly. I have had one whole city uprise against me once and don't want to experience it again."

Rigging will shudder and go on, "If you don't have any more current information, I thing we should head up to the shipwreck and that forest you mentioned."

Monday August 2nd, 2004 12:33:34 AM

"according to the info we picked up from the barkeep the ship met a nerfarous end from below " chimes in the dwarf

"He also seems to be a free thinker , i think he and his brother who owns another tavern the 'snake's fang' could be a good contact in this area for us "

"Wally the barkeep seemed like a reasonable chap , i would say he is unseeded at least that is my feeling about him "

After passing the infomation the Cleric will walk over to the ships railing looking towards the sunken ship

Monday August 2nd, 2004 12:37:36 AM

After proving to Rigging that he is still free of the seed. Ari quickly, and warmly says hi and hugs all his friends aboard the sword. Stopping in front of Ashira Ari comments, "I'd like to hear more about your rescue, and ask for your forgiveness for not being there with the rest of the crew."

Ari quickly relays his story again about what he told in the Inn, for those that weren't present.

When possible Ari will pull Rigging to the side and remind him of what he said in the Inn. "We should probably come up with non-pirate names that we should refer to each other by. We're becoming relatively famous on the land, and though I'd love to share my adventures with the next person. The priests are listening too intently for our pirate names.

We should also probably be thinking more along subterfuge lines. When we left the Inn, I agreed that we shouldn't stick around too much longer. But we might have wanted to hang around and throw a small party. In order to convince the locals that we were just stopping for some repairs. We left a littly hurriedly, and that's probably going to be more noticed than anything else."

Once freed of his duties, Ari will make a quick inspection of the ship and see what its current condition is.

Monday August 2nd, 2004 8:53:17 PM

Redux nods at Rigging's suggestion. "Yes, I think it would be wise to inspect the boat...from what Wally described, sounds like it wasn't the storm that did it in." Redux readies his scrolls, flips through his spellbook, and boards the longboat on Rigging's command.

Rowing...Rowing...Rowing on the River----ADM Nellie 
Monday August 2nd, 2004 11:23:54 PM

The crew readies a couple of longboats, and after getting their gear in order, the Cards and several of the "away team" from the Sword board and push off. Nezamil remembers that it took Talon and Swirl several minutes of air travel before they located the ship.

Since there is a nice, pleasant wind, the sails are trimmed, and the two longboats steadily approach the looming Blackbird forest. As the men row steadily toward the treeline, you notice the approach of a small vessel manned by several gnomes. Several large crates are neatly lined up in the center of their flat-bottomed boat. As the vessel nears, you notice that the gnomes themselves look very dishelved, and there seems to be quite a number of leaves and acorns lining their boat. One of the gnomes, dressed in intricate robes appears to be in fowl mood as he has a rather loud discussion with one of the other crewmen. "See Dimble, I told you it wasn't a good idea to wait out the storm in the forest!!! We're lucky those stupid crazy trees didn't land in the boat with us. As it was, that one came close enough to almost drag us under. I don't care how much those spices are worth, it'll be a hot day in the Ice Vein before I head back in that forest again!!!"

The one-sided discussion continues to rage as you pass the vessel and head toward the canopy of oaks and maple. The breeze gives out, and the men struggle to row the vessels against the Peaseblossom's current. Though the going is hard, soon you find yourself gliding underneath the intertwining bows of a myriad of various forms of oak, maple and even a few cherry trees. Despite all the stories about Blackbird forest, the place is not as ominous as most are prone to believe. The thick canopy provides a most welcome relief from the growing swelter of the summer sun, and there's a slight cool breeze that flutters through the leaves every once in a while. Why...if it weren't for the seriousness of your mission, and the reputation of the region, it might just be the perfect place for a romantic picnic.

The day rolls on as the men travel steadily up the Peaseblossom. Swirl and Talon indicate that the wreck is only a short ways ahead. You round a small bend in the river and quickly come across one of the most bizarre scenes your eyes have seen in some time. The craft in question appears to have been at one time a sturdy, yet shabby longboat. It was probably around 100 feet long, though it's hard to tell now, since roughly the first 1/3 of the hull is now missing. A large rift in the listing vessel reveals several rows of chains in the hold hang down into the water. The leaves and moss collected in their links suggest that the wreckage has probably been in its current position for some time. However, the most disturbing feature of the wreckage is the huge, almost humanoid hand impressions that are clearly visible on the hull. One particular set gives a mental picture of something very large(and very upset!) attempting to render the ship in two.

Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 1:52:24 AM

Have you seen that hands Nezamil, must be something big. I have no idear what it can be, but one thing I'm sure off I don't want to upset it.

Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 1:57:02 AM

Valanthe swallows hard when she sees the wreckage. While her armor is light, as far as armor goes, she isn't in a big hurry to test the magical strength of her belt and gauntlets against the weight of her armor and gear.

"Captain perhaps we should tread carefully. I would hate for that to be us and we all heard what the gnomes said."

Rigging  d20+12=18 d20+16=25 d20+6=11
Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 7:41:02 AM

Rigging looks at the wreckage and then immediately his eyes darts to the shore. Then they raise to the tree heights looking for a head or something very tall. (spot check 18)

He will order his boat closer to the wreck to get a better look but tell the other longboat to standoff a little ways. No sense in making convient targets. He will check out the other ship to see if it is sturdy enough to board.

If it is, he will. He will quickly inspect if for clues paying particular attention to the handprint. "Wonder if it was some sort of spell." he murmers aloud

Spellcraft check 24 Search check 11

Ashira  d20+2=17 d20+10=23
Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 9:08:41 AM

The half-elf lets out a low whistle as she takes in the wreckage. Something sure wasn't happy with the occupants of that boat! Glancing anxiously around, Ashira watches as Rigging attempts to board the wreck. If the vessel will permit it, Ashira also boards, walking gingerly and paying close attention to her footing. She takes in as much of the wreckage as possible while being cautious.

Redux  d20+4=7
Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 9:14:11 AM

Already being nervous enough about being in the confines of the infamous Blackbird forest, the sight of the wreckage certainly doesn't calm Redux's fears. Redux watches as Rigging and Ashira board the ship. One thing was for sure...there was noooo way he was getting on that thing. No sir...being on a "sea worthy" ship was bad enough...no way he was going to set foot on that death trap. Redux searches the ship from his position of safety on the longboat.

Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 9:51:41 AM

As the Gnomes pass the longship Nezamil will start to wave to them but stops in mid wave as he see's their to engrossed in them selves "i wonder what spices they are talking about" wonders the dwarf

As they approach the sunken ship Nezamil will stare at the damage " wow somebody had a bad day "

The dwarf holds up his hands trying to interpose them on the sunken ships rendered hull "that is something i hope we don't meet!" says Nezamil outloud

"Domi watch over and guide us " murmers the Cleric under his breath

Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 10:26:30 AM

Looking at the wreckage, Ari lets out a low appreciative whistle.

Speculating on what he sees, Ari wonders aloud, "If the boat had anything to do with elves, would there have been any allies that would have come out of the forest? Or would the ally have come from further afield? Something that big could cover distance in a hurry, I would think.

If need be, I can go take a look."

Search Party----ADM Nellie 
Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 1:47:06 PM

Rigging looks around the looming forest. He doesn't see any threatening activity, but he does notice something very odd going on in the forest. Catching a flicker of movement, Rigging could swear that there was a giant oak about 10 feet away from the longboat but now there is nothing there but open space. Examining the area closely for a few minutes, Rigging's suspicions are confirmed. Every so often the huge, majestic trees of Blackbird forest just disappear...and in other areas, other trees are just as mystically appearing! As Rigging watches the bizarre activity, he senses no malevolence about it. And though there is no doubt that magic is involved, Rigging has the definite feeling that the activity is the result of some deep seeded magical properties of the forest itself.

Since there is no immediate threat, both Rigging and Ashira manage to board the wreckage and begin to investigate. Though there is an ominous creaking with each step, the husband and wife team are able to do a fairly thorough search. Leaves are scattered all over the deck, and a broken sword sticks out of the deck at an odd angle. There are obvious signs of a fight, and several more huge handprints everywhere. Other than the occasional smashed up board and several small odd looking chunks of bark, Rigging doesn't find anything promising. Though looking at the hold, there is no doubt in the Captain's mind that this was indeed a slave ship. And if these handprints are the result of a spell, Rigging is at a loss as to what it could be.

Ashira's search also yields very little in terms of clues, until she accidentally overturns a small pile of leaves near the massive hole. Reaching down, she uncovers a small waterproof map case. Smiling, she holds it up for Rigging to see as they head back to the longboat.

As Nezamil holds up his hand to the handprint, he soon discovers what he had guessed from before...the thing that did this must have been huge! The impression is at least 10 times the size of his own...and there's something vaguely disturbing about the shape of them...something that both Rigging and Ashira's analysis also bear witness to. The hand prints though humanoid looking have an odd look to them as if the owner's hands were extremely twisted and gnarled.

Redux's river based search yields little clues, though he does spot a black owl winging its way toward the group. Very odd indeed, considering it's the middle of the day.

Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 5:39:03 PM

Valanthe tenses as Rigging and Ashira step onto the wreckage. The boat remains don't look very sturdy but her real concern was the trees. What if they did smash that boat? How do you fight a tree?

Tuesday August 3rd, 2004 9:36:56 PM

Rigging will carefully make his way back to the longboat and reboard her. He will gaze out to the forest again and then say, "Well it looks like the forest is protecting the elves and other inhabitants of the forest form the slavers."

He will stand up and call in a loud voice. "Hello! Hear me! We bear you and none of your friends any ill will. We are here to stop the slavers as well!"

Rigging will scan the forest for signs of any moment or a reaction to his speech. If none comes, he will sit back down and look at the map case.

Wednesday August 4th, 2004 1:32:23 AM

"Yeah i think your right about the forest" agrees the dwarf " these big handprints look to be the size of tree branches , and big ones at that "

"hopefully we won't get on their badside of whoever did that "Nezamil peers quickly back towards the recently departed Gnomes "

"well the gnomes got away ,wonder what they were after ?"

"maybe you can't notify Niner to intercept the Gnomes if possible , might be helpful to learn what they took and return it to it's proper place , could be helpful in making some allies in the forest "

Wednesday August 4th, 2004 11:17:14 AM

Waiting is always tough on everyone. Trying to keep people from getting to tense, Ari orders a washdown of the ship, in order to keep people busy while the ship waits for the couple to return. Any that are found lagging around are either given work to do, or made to do weapons training.

once the crows nest announce that Rigging and Ashira are on the way back. Ari will let the crew relax to hear the report.

As Rigging addresses the forest Ari turns to the spell casters, "Does anyone have Comprehend Languages memorized? I only have it on a scroll. I am not aware of any other way to communicate at this point."

Wednesday August 4th, 2004 7:29:12 PM

Valanthe scans the forest once more. She follows Rigging by saying loudly in elvish, "Please. We wish to put an end to these slavers. Will you help us?"

ooc: going to work. last chance to post today.

Wednesday August 4th, 2004 11:06:04 PM

Rigging scans the scroll case with interest to see what it says.

Wednesday August 4th, 2004 11:10:04 PM

The half-elf gladly hands over the map case to her husband. Anxiously, she waits to see the result of Rigging and Val's entrities. Though she desperately hopes that there will be no answer...she really didn't want to meet up with the thing that left those handprints anytime soon.

Wednesday August 4th, 2004 11:19:33 PM

The mage smiles as Rigging and Ashira return unharmed with the map case. He almost laughs as he hears Rigging and Val speak to the trees, but then, considering the seriousness of the situation, decides it's probably not a bad idea.

Redux looks up with curiosity at the black owl. He attempts to communicate with the bird, chattering and whistling in an odd manner. "Hello friend. I was just wondering about this thing here." Redux points at the ship. "Can you tell me what made this thing sit in the water like this?"

Love is in the air---ADM Nellie 
Wednesday August 4th, 2004 11:43:10 PM

Rigging's and Val's words echo loudly through the quiet forest and produce no obvious response other than an eruption of loud cawing and fluttering of dark wings as a large flock of crows relocate to another quieter part of the forest.

After a glancing examination of the case, Rigging discovers that it is a rather plain looking map case with no external markings. It appears to still be quite water tight and as he shakes it, he hears a faint rustling inside. He can tell that there's probably some form of paper inside.

The black owl startles at all the noise Rigging and Val make, but quickly swoops back after the crows settle down. It's large eyes look a bit surprised as Redux begins speaking to it in its native tongue. With a flick of its tail feathers, the magnificent creature effectively blows off the spell caster. Flitting to a branch closer to Talon, the bird begins to hoot softly. Redux is amazed as he hears the dark owl say the following Highlight to display spoiler: { "Well hello there sexy little thing. You keep odd company...interested in coming over to my nest?"} Redux isn't absolutely positive, but he thinks the bird just winked at his familiar.

OOC (Ari...I assume that you are with all of the rest of the Wildcards with the longboats, and not aboard the Sword. The longboats (there are two that went) are several miles away from the Sword in the middle of a forest.)

Thursday August 5th, 2004 4:28:15 PM

Rigging check out the scroll case for traps, gyphs and the like. If he doesn't find any, he will open it and take out what is inside and look it over.

Thursday August 5th, 2004 11:11:59 PM

Redux eyes the new bird and passes a disapproving thought to Talon similar to the one he thinks when some of the crew visit the brothels on the island. (ooc: George, feel free to play Talon on this one. He's just been given an offer he'll have a hard time refusing by a smooth talking, female bird--though bigger than he.) Then in whistles, "Yes, friends. Who was it that stopped this ship. And Talon, do remember you're working right now."

Thursday August 5th, 2004 11:43:38 PM

Nezamil scans the forest for signs of danger ..wondering if there will be a response to Riggings words

Spotting Rigging examining the map case "Whatcha got there ? what is that ?"

the dwarf chuckles at the play between Redux and the owls

Friday August 6th, 2004 7:02:01 AM

Valanthe sighs dejectedly. She was hoping for something...anything that would show the trees as intelligence. Well higher intelligence anyway. Right now they may just smash anything that enters a specific area.

"This really sucks."

Friday August 6th, 2004 10:32:12 AM

Ashira watches as her husband examines the map case. Good thing he was cautious...she was thinking of just opening the thing. But then, it pays to be cautious in their line of work.

The half-elf watches the exchange between Redux and the owls with interest. Perhaps she should cast Speak with Animals. She takes another look at the female owl and decides maybe it's a private discussion.

Delightful chat----ADM Nellie 
Friday August 6th, 2004 10:33:39 AM

Rigging examine the case, and there don't appear to be any overt traps. After casting Detect magic on the item, there is a faint glow. Rigging pulls on the lid of the case, but it won't budge (but hey...it doesn't explode either!).

The owl looks over at Redux in what only could be described as annoyance.
Highlight to display spoiler: {"Beat it furless one! Can't you see I'm busy right now?!"}
The female hoots loudly.
Highlight to display spoiler: {"Who cares about that thing anyway. It washed up here several moons ago. Nothing stopped it..it just floated like a piece of wood and got stuck there."}
The owl moves in closer to Talon, who is inexplicably silent of late.
Highlight to display spoiler: {"Look...plenty of other owls in the forest. I'll go elsewhere if you're not interested..."}

Friday August 6th, 2004 11:51:53 AM

Bart waits in the longbout for the others he keeps an watchfull eye on the forrest.

OOC sorry i didn 't post earlier couldn't get to the internetcafe sooner.

Friday August 6th, 2004 12:09:23 PM

Not wanting to disturb Rigging while he works, Ari notices the little commotion going on with Redux. Walking over to Redux, Ari asks, "what's going on?"

(ooc gotcha on the long boat thing, my bag.)

Talon {George} 
Friday August 6th, 2004 11:07:20 PM

Talon hoots to the female, "I am sorry to be so quiet lately. I haven't seen a female owl in so long. You have lovely tailfeathers. Please don't fly off."

Nezamil  d20+5=12
Sunday August 8th, 2004 9:12:30 PM

Nezamil continues to peer back at the forest (d20+5=12 spot ch)" something strange about them thar woods" mutters the dwarf " you see anything Bart? "

glancing quickly at Rigging " anything intresting ?" comments the Cleric

Sunday August 8th, 2004 10:47:04 PM

Redux hoots disapprovingly at the pair of owls. He turns to the group. "Let's cast off and go up-river a ways. This wreck floated down here anyways." The group can sense some annoyance in his voice. "Rigging, let's open that as we sail, there's nothing more for us here." Again, his words are probably sharper than they should be to his human companions.

Sunday August 8th, 2004 10:57:02 PM

Raising an eyebrow as Redux speaks in annoyance...then she notices that Talon appears to be warming up to the female owl. In a whispered voice she elbows Rigging and motions toward Redux and the owls. "Taking it a little personal, isn't he... I think maybe he and Talon have spent too much time together. Maybe whenever we get a little down time you should set him up." Noticing Rigging struggling with the map case, she offers a helping hand. "I could always bust that open for you if you want..."

Sunday August 8th, 2004 11:02:49 PM

Rigging tugs and tugs on the map case and in frustration hands it over to Ashria. "It might be magically sealed shut. Redux do you know the spell knock?"

Rigging will scan the forest one more time and then say, "Redux, does that owl Talon is playing with, know anything? If not, I guess we keep moving."

Rigging will order the oars manned and keep heading up river.

Up the River----ADM Nellie 
Monday August 9th, 2004 12:22:29 AM

Redux indicates that he does not have the Knock spell in his spellbook.

Noticing the Captain's struggle with the case and then overhearing the exchange between Rigging, Ashira and Redux, one of the hands manning the oars speaks up. "Sir...perhaps I can be of assistance?" Rigging recognizes the man as Remus...a 6 sword who has been rapidly advancing in the ranks. Taking the case from Ashira's hands, he mumbles a few words and then gently taps the case with his finger. Handing it back to Rigging, the man returns to the oars.

After Remus works his magic, Rigging has no problem popping open the tube. He reaches in and pulls out two pieces of paper. Written in a sloppy hand, the first sheet of paper reads as follows:

This one should be easy. Our sources reveal that the village of Pinewood is sending their kids into the Rainborne Valley for their coming of age ceremony. The group will be joined by a few adults, so even you should be able to pull this one off. I'll meet you at the pickup spot as soon as I finish negotiating with Erist. But I swear to you...if you somehow manage to screw this one up...I'm gonna hand feed you to Razer's Worgs.

The second sheet is a rough map of Culverwood forest. Just North of Blackbird Forest and West of Blackbird River, Rainborne Valley is marked with a very big red circle. There is another big red circle just to the West of the Allesport Outpost which presumably would be the pickup spot.

Pushing away from the wreckage, the men begin to steadily row up the South Peaseblossom once more.

The black owl has no problems following the boat, and lights on the rail nearby Talon, but out of reach of Redux. Apparently having adopted the tactic of ignoring Redux, she stretches out her wings and does a half turn, making sure that Talon gets a good look at tailfeathers. Whistling softly, she turns to look at Talon and then flits over to a nearby tree. She looks back at Talon and shakes her tailfeathers gently...leaving no doubt in Talon's mind as to where she wishes to lead him.

Monday August 9th, 2004 12:31:22 AM

Knowing that she will be around other elves again stirs up old memories. Specificly the time she and Appolo went to an elven city for a few months. That was an incredbile few months. Now she can be around other elves again but they might not be there. Slavers may take all the children.

"Captain please hurry." Valanthe says with panic and worry in her voice.

Monday August 9th, 2004 12:57:04 PM

Rigging that map and messages explains a lot, I suggest we go to the pick up point and see what we can do.

Monday August 9th, 2004 1:44:30 PM

Having not seen the mating dance of the owls so up and close before. Ari is facinated somewhat to see the actual dance going on in front of him. Shaking himself from the natural laboratory, he returns his attention back to Rigging once he gets the note free. Once Rigging reads the note aloud, or gives the gist of the note Ari comments, "Is there anyway to contact the elves to see if the ceremony has happened, or to warn them in any way? And should anyone in the area be aligned with the elves, should we leave the note where they can find it?"

Monday August 9th, 2004 6:14:07 PM

The Cleric listens intently to the infomation Rigging reads to the crew " wonder how current that info is ? how recent is this shipwreck ? " comments Nezamil

the Dwarf rubs his chin in thought " if it is still viable info maybe we can head them off at somewhere between the pickup point and Pinewood village " suggest Nezamil

Nezamil chuckles at the antics of the Owl's " hehehe"

Ashira  d20+2=12
Monday August 9th, 2004 10:09:47 PM

The half-elf thinks over the little clues that they have uncovered (Knowledge, nature=12). She speaks as she thinks it through. "Well...one things's for sure...with the the moss and such gathered in the chains and the leaves on the deck, that ship has probably been beached for at least a week. I imagine it took at least a couple of days for the wreckage to drift down. I wonder where that ship was attacked. If the slavers were in Culverwood at the time of the attack, then I suppose we can assume that the attack was the result of capturing the children. That would mean that either the slavers were killed, leaving the children uprotected....or the slavers managed to escape. If they had another ship, then I'd assume that they were on their way to the meeting place. But if not, they could still be in Culverwood." Ashira rubs her temples....there were so many if's. "Rainborne valley is landlocked, so if the slavers hit them already they would have had to beached. I think we should check out the area around the valley first and then head to the meeting spot if we can't find anything."

Monday August 9th, 2004 10:39:32 PM

With a scowl Redux begins to give a warning to the bird. The thought comes to mind of the crew on ships leave and he grits his teeth. With another thought, he gives a signal to Talon that they will come this way home and they'll have more time then. With a whistle he calls to the to female bird that Talon will be back in another day or so and she will see him again.

Talon (George) 
Monday August 9th, 2004 10:49:37 PM

Talon projects into Redux's head, "Hey boss, its always books with you, and studying and more books. Would you look at those tail feathers! Why don't you go on ahead and I will catch up? Pleeassssse...." Talon whines in Redux's head.

He follows the female owl and lands next to her and starts nuzzling.

Monday August 9th, 2004 10:52:19 PM

After consulting the map and listening to the advice from the others, Rigging says, "I think we should go first to the pickup point. If they have any captives, they will bring them there first and then we can back track to the village. This way we won't miss them."

Enter Culverwood----ADM Nellie 
Monday August 9th, 2004 11:51:38 PM

Tossing up the options, Rigging settles on heading over and investigating the rendezvous spot. Looking at the map, Rigging is certain that it will take about 3 days to reach the spot. The men put their backs into it, and the two longboats continue up the river at a good pace. After several hours travel, you come upon a strange sight...several large stepping stones are floating on the river, forming a horizontal path from riverbank to riverbank and also blocking passage of the longboats. As you ponder how to maneuver around them, you hear the approach of another merchant boat. A small, flat-bottomed boat comes along side, carrying several fine looking horses. A fine dressed man waves to the boats, then a man in white robes steps to the front of the vessel and after mumbling a few words and moving his arms around, the stones up ahead begin to sink to the bottom of the river. The well dressed man calls over to the longboats. "Looks like you're new to these parts. Better get moving...the stones only stay down for a few minutes." Waving, the man and his vessel move quickly and efficiently up the river.

After having navigated past the stepping stones, the longboats travel steadily up the river with no other setbacks. Toward sunset the landscape around you changes. The surrounding forest shows much older growth with less undergrowth....looking much more majestic than Blackbird forest. No doubt you are entering the notorious Culverwood. The deepening shadows give easy fuel for active imaginations, and the crew looks to Rigging for direction as to whether to attempt to navigate the river at night or to beach.

Tuesday August 10th, 2004 4:50:34 PM

Nezamil peers at the sun as it dips lower in the sky "Heya Captain Rigging maybe we should stop for the night, lets find a nice sandy beach area , we can catch a few fish " suggest the dwarf

" that should give ya some time to plan our next course of action and gets us rested for a good push tomorrow "

OOc we are in 2 longboats ? do we need to detail which boat we are in ?

Tuesday August 10th, 2004 7:10:09 PM

Valanthe remians on edge as they continue traveling up the river. She's always had a problem with slavers ever since she was captured and nearly sold as a slave. Nobody should have to deal with that.

Tuesday August 10th, 2004 8:59:42 PM

Rigging agrees with Nezamil and starts looking for a likely campsite. He checks and sees what kind of provisions they have.

Once they have stopped, he will take Wayfinder and have Ashira protect his person while he astral projects and looks ahead along the path and the rendevous spot.

Redux  d20+5=19 d20+2=20
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 12:09:13 AM

Redux is glad to get out onto some dry land, however unsafe. The sight of other humans is comforting. Talon seems to have calmed down since the encounter previously in the morning. Redux takes a look around the vegetation surrounding the plot chosen to see what the local plant life is like. He also steps into the overgrowth to see what their camp looks like from that perspective. (spot=19, listen=20)

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 12:21:03 AM

Even with the forest's reputation, Ashira somehow feels at ease in this forest. Though she does make sure to remind the Cards and the rest of the men not to disturb the forest...no campfires or fishing for that matter...they certainly didn't want to upset whatever sank that slave ship! Since she is needed to watch over Rigging, Ashira asks Ari to oversee the setting up of watches.

Ari  d20+11=21 d20+7=9
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 10:25:55 AM

While the spell casting goes on, Ari does his best to see if he can identify what the person is casting. (Spell craft=21 Knowledge Arcana=9 (ugh)).

When Ashira asks Ari to setup the watches, he does so gladly. Assuming the captain will need his sleep from his travels. Ari sets up the details for the watch to be manned. With each officer having a detail of one or two crew for each watch, minus the captain and his missus.

Bart  d20=19
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 11:53:22 AM

Well that was a nice trick. Next time we need to attack a village maybe we can lower the wall simular hey?!
During the drive Bart looks around to see if he sees something strange in the forrest, maybe more of those shifting trees? (spot 23)

Signs---ADM Nellie  d6=1
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 11:33:00 PM

Finding a nice, sandy spot, the boats pull up and beach. A nice camp is set, and the forest actually seems rather accommodating. Following Ashira's instructions, the forest is left as undisturbed as possible.

Redux checks the surrounding area and finds quite a bit of evidence of animal activity...something that from the river vantage at least, was missing from Blackbird forest. Before he gets too far into the undergrowth, Redux recalls several stories of people who were never found again after wanding too far into Culverwood. Wisely, the mage sticks close to shore.

Bart watches the trees, but does not notice the same type of activity that was witnessed in Blackbird forest. The trees seem very well rooted here, though every once in a while, you do get the odd feeling that something is watching you. Though intangible, it is vaguely disturbing.

Once more Rigging wills himself out into the astral plane, and once again he fails to leave his body. He receives a strong mental impression of waves and seagulls.

Watches are set up and though at first it is hard to settle in, but soon everyone settles in for a good night's sleep. Various noises are heard through the watches, though there is very little excitement...that is until Bart's shift toward daybreak. A mother skunk comes wandering through the campsite, accompanied by its young. Bart and the men with him have a devil of a time persuading momma to leave...but finally succeed...though the deuce with Bart manages to get sprayed pretty badly in the process.

The next few days of travel pass uneventfully, and are actually rather enjoyable. Soon, however, all cheerful thoughts are quickly driven from your head late in the evening on the third day of travel as you come upon a truly disturbing site. A large sandy area of the riverbank sports what is no doubt the remaining 1/3 of the wreckage you encountered downstream. But even more disturbing is the deep wheel tracks leading up to the river and abundance of barefoot tracks traveling single file toward the river. Spot DC 15 reveals an even more menacing discovery...
Highlight to display spoiler: {A pair of boots and a pale looking leg sticking out from under a nearby bush.}

Nezamil  d20+5=14
Thursday August 12th, 2004 5:45:23 PM

Nezamil turn at watch is uneventful , sleeping peacefully he is awakened by the skunks playful interaction with Bart and the deuce crewman "heh you gonna keep her Bart ?" asks the dwarf to the Warrior

Nezamil makes sure he is in the other boat from the Deuce crewman :-)" heya mate's make sure we are slightly upwind of the other longboat "smirks the dwarf

As they come upon the wreckage and land on the sandy beach the Cleric spots the wheel and footprints "Captain check this out , looks like they went into the river or maybe a 2nd ship took them " as he points out the tracks

"I don't think they could have a large ship up this far in the river , it would have been difficult passing the stone barriers i would imagine "comments Nezamil

"maybe they were loaded on one of those flat bottom river boats that helped us cross the stone barrier, if so they couldn't be that far ahead of us , with a heavy load of slaves they would be slowed and our strong crew should be able to gain on them "

" You see anything with your veiwing scope captain ?"

The dwarf looks around (d20+5=14 spot ch) but doesn't see much besides the wrecked ship and tracks

Thursday August 12th, 2004 6:32:39 PM

Having had a rather uneventful night, Ari chuckles a little bit at Bart's plight.

"Wonder if we can call you sinky now."

Once Nezamil is done speaking Ari pipes up, "But we don't know what the other end holds either.

It would be nice to catch up to them, but we have to make sure we don't pass them up, either. Because if they make any detour that we miss, because we're rushing. Then we'll be stuck somewhere else with no clue as to where they went."

Valanthe  d20+4=19
Thursday August 12th, 2004 7:15:24 PM

Valanthe stands in horror before the wheel tracks and foot prints. Her rage explodes and Valanthe draws her blade without even realising it. The slender rapier turns uver in her hand as Valanthe wants something to kill. She turns, pacing angrily and spots the boots. She swears loudly in elven and turns looking for something to smash and break but finds nothing. Valanthe stands there frustrated, body trembling with controlled Rage.

Rigging  d20+12=19
Thursday August 12th, 2004 9:06:55 PM

Rigging also sees the boots but will go check the body out. Is it slaver or slave. Looks like the slaves were barefoot.

"Hmmm this could be good news. Looks like some one took out the slavers and freed the slaves. At least I hope they freed the slaves. Ashira can you find any more tracks?"

Rigging will check out the rest of the boat as well

Redux  d20+2=12
Thursday August 12th, 2004 10:40:59 PM

Redux (and bird, right?) continues with the group and does the normal stuff (mostly letting sailors be sailors-which he is not). Upon exiting the boat, he looks around like the others but sticks with Rigging; he'll trip over the boots before investigating them.

Ashira  d20+9=20
Friday August 13th, 2004 12:20:56 AM

Heading out onto the beach, Ashira carefully examines the tracks. Noting Val's mood, she walks over and places a hand on her shoulder. "Soon...soon..." she murmurs in Elven. "They'll pay soon."

Forensics----ADM Nellie 
Friday August 13th, 2004 12:49:20 AM

"Stinky" doesn't appear too amused at his new nickname, and keeps mostly (and thankfully) to himself during the rest of the voyage.

Different opinions on the meaning of the tracks are expressed, and Ashira examines the area while Val silently seethes...

Ashira soon discovers several interesting tracks. First, she notes several sets of very old orc tracks that have faded over time, as well as evidence of a large bonfire that had burned quite a while ago...probably before the storm. She also spots a few scattered odd looking tracks that look almost like gigantic tree roots...though they too are very old and have been damaged by the weather. As she investigates further, the ranger also discovers several sets of horse tracks a little distance up the river bank. These tracks, like the wheel prints and bare foot tracks appear to be quite a bit fresher. The horses apparently headed back into Culverwood, and by the looks of them, the animals were moving rapidly and in a very random manner.

Rigging heads over and discovers, quite to his horror, not one, but two bodies...both very dead. Both bodies are human males....the first body is clothed in fine apparel, while the second is dressed in white robes. Both victims have had their throats slit. (Wisdom DC 5 to remember that the flatboat that helped you cross the stones had a crew dressed very similarly).

Friday August 13th, 2004 12:35:33 PM

The first river stream or pool bart jumps in the water to get rid of the smell. Everyone that starts to kall him sti.. he gives an angry look.

Rigging wath did you found there?

Rigging  d20+2=11
Friday August 13th, 2004 11:07:15 PM

Rigging checks over the dead bodies, trying to determine how warm they are to get an idea how long they have been dead. Is the blood congealed?

He will then search the bodies for clues and valuables.

He will call out, "They are the guys we met on the river who lowered the rocks."

Nezamil  d20+4=15
Saturday August 14th, 2004 1:42:26 AM

Nezamil strides over to where everyone is gathering around the bodies "what's this ?

seeing the 2 corpses (d20+4 wisdom ch) " By Domi ! those are the two riverboat people we met on the way up here , they helped us pass the stones "anger seeps into the Clerics voice

" looks like whoever slew them took their boat and possibly the slaves and must of gone up river "

"I can't wait to meet those slavers "in a cold hard voice "we must stop them from enslaving the Elves !!return them to their village and set right the injustice done here to these poor innocent souls " says the the dwarf in steely tones

"anybody know how far we are behind them ?" Nezamil looks around looking for an answer

"Captain what are your plans ? i'm ready "

Nezamil will bury the two riverboat men and pray for them to Domi

Saturday August 14th, 2004 11:21:43 PM

Looking down, Redux responds to some of the questions. "Well, we know when they passed us and that they could travel faster than we. But, on the bright side, a flat bottom boat full of sad looking slaves ought to stick out like a sore thumb. They'll have to stay away from the coastal cities or risk questions; that might make them have to travel at night to get past them. We could use that to our advantage at gaining on them-at least we'll hope so. Rigging, now that we have a hot trail, how about filling these sails with some wind and get upstream? We know where they're going, so let's get there."

Ashira  d20+2=19
Sunday August 15th, 2004 12:02:17 AM

The half-elf looks over the tracks and then heads over to Rigging. Noting the bodies, she grimaces. "Shades..." Ashira thinks for several minutes about what she's seen. "I think I understand some of what happened... Looks like the slavers had some orc buddies. The stupid twits had themselves a bon fire...which would explain why the tree attacked their ship. They must have been desperate to leave, so when the merchant ship came along, well... Looks like they dumped the horses in the forest. The tracks look very fresh...I imagine they're not more than a day or two ahead of us."

Ashira nods at Redux's deductions. "Yes...if we push it, I imagine that we could catch up to them quickly."

CSI----ADM Nellie 
Sunday August 15th, 2004 10:46:32 PM

A close inspection of the bodies indicates that the men have probably been dead for at least a day, perhaps two. The blood is indeed congealed, though the bodies have yet to exude much of a stench. Both men's clothes are stained with blood and ruined. The white robed man's body has no valuables. Around the finely dressed man's mutilated throat lies a delicate golden chain with a small, thin golden ring hanging from it. Wiping away the blood from the inside of the ring, Rigging can just make out an inscription. "Phillipe--Remember me.---Joan"

The evening heads toward sunrise as the crime scene is examined and Nezamil tends to the bodies of the fallen after Rigging's examination. Redux and Ashira make very astute observations, and the crew, as if in eager anticipation, make sure the longboats are ready to depart at a moments notice.

Monday August 16th, 2004 12:34:08 PM

"I wonder if we can use a locating spell on the slavers, if they've taken any of the clothes or whatnot from these people. It would be nice if we could scry their location, or whether we could get someone/something to find them for us.

If we're pressed for speed, do we want to try to consolidate people down to one long boat, and press on until we find them with people taking turns between resting and rowing?"

Monday August 16th, 2004 1:16:57 PM

Dont know about that Ari if we and find them with the Wayfinder then i imagine it is impossible to use a spell. I think we have to stick to our plan and go to the meeting point.

Monday August 16th, 2004 4:27:52 PM

The Cleric listens to the ideas being suggested " Yes! I agree with Redux and Ashira lets get moving quickly , the sooner we catch the slavers the better"

"putting an end to these slavers actions will be a blessing to the elves in the area , they can then get about their normal lives without the fear of being enslaved to the evil tyranny of Ga'al" says the Cleric

" we'll need both longboats no need to leave one behind , we're gonna need it to help the slaves get back home " comments the dwarf

"anyway you can tell how many elves were taken as slaves ?" asks the dwarf to Ashira

Ashira  d20+9=10
Monday August 16th, 2004 10:01:36 PM

The half-elf examines the tracks again, but just can't seem to tell...what with all the recent traffic, and the weathering. She turns to the cleric and shrugs. "Don't know...more than 3, looks like quiet a few. I just can't tell."

Ashira turns to Rigging. "I know it's risky, but I think we should travel all night if needed. If we move quickly, we might be able to catch up...and if we capture them, we could maybe take out their buddies at the meeting point."

Monday August 16th, 2004 10:29:19 PM

Redux gathers the necklace and ring in his hand after it's been seen by others. "If we run across Joan we can give it back to her. If we leave it here, she'll never see it again." He looks side to side like someone's looking over his shoulder. He's actually wondering to himself if that was a conscience forming within him. A loud voice bursts inside his head, "What are you thinking? He's DEAD!"

Monday August 16th, 2004 11:16:36 PM

Rigging watches Redux take the necklace a split second before he would have. He sighs and stands back up.

"Back to the longboats! We have some slaves to free and nice people to avenge."

He will look to the mage and say, "Nautocolus won't work on the river. Do you have any other ways of speeding up the longboats?

We will row an during the entire day without taking any major breaks. We will switch off to eat but keep rowing. When night rolls around, I will decide but if we don't have any moon to help us see, we might miss tracks or something important."

As Fast as You Can----ADM Nellie 
Monday August 16th, 2004 11:35:08 PM

Everyone hops back into the boats, and as Rigging directed, the rowing goes on as fast as safely possible. After only a few hours of travel, the sun begins to set. However, Rigging finds that there is indeed ample moonlight to navigate by, and the rowing continues on through the night, with shifts allowing the non rowers to nap a little during the voyage. The night passes uneventfully as the crew moves steadily up river. The rowing continues on through the next day with no problems. Then, just an hour or so after sunset, those with keen hearing (Listen DC 20) hear the following...
Highlight to display spoiler: {The squeaking of wood on wood and a faint sobbing noise.}

Rigging  d20+12=25
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 7:26:40 AM

Rigging is in the prow of the first boat, looking for sandbars, logs, oversized monsters etc. when he hears a strange noise.

He will say, "Something is out there. Prepare yourselves. I am going to light it up." He will murmur a few quick words and cast a dancing lights spell over the area that he hears it.

Ari  d20+5=13
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 10:59:13 AM

It takes Ari a moment to realize that Rigging has said something. Having concentrated on the task of Rowing, Ari's mind has become a little numb to anything other than, Row, Row, Row... (ooc not yer longboat ;) )

Given a quick breather as he waits for Rigging to ascertain what's out there. Ari goes for a little relaxing, and a quick stretch. As best he can do from the confines of a longboat.

Bart  d20=4
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 11:51:43 AM

The strong Bart has taken longer shifts then the others, a bit of showing off, and is now sleeping.

Nezamil  d20+5=24
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 1:24:57 PM

Nezamil in longboat #2 (the one without the deuce crewman :))sitting in the back steering with the rudder he pauses when he hears a strange sound (d20+5=24 listen ch )the Cleric peers into the woods with his dwarven sight (darkvision)looking for movement while motioning the longboats crew of where he heard the sound

Glancing quickly ahead to Riggings longboat waiting to see what plan of action he has in mind

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 7:33:22 PM

Valanthe draws her bow and notches an arrow. She leaves the bowstring looss and scans the area. She doubts its the orcs since they are anything but stealthy but that doesn't mean it's not an ambush.

ooc: sorry for the absence. been a little busy lately.

Redux  d20+3=17
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 12:14:10 AM

Redux has been trying to pull his weight on the oars, it just is so hard. He has noticed the boat veers to the side, sometimes, when he rows. At one point, the fellow across from him suggested that Jimmy Jim was resting too much and should come and relieve Redux. Redux was almost too happy to comply by that point, but they did had strange smiles on their faces like something else was going on.

Redux misses the noise while looking the other way but turns to where some commotion is going on.

Ashira  d20+16=18
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 12:17:27 AM

Noting Rigging and Nezamil's reaction, Ashira strains in the darkness to hear what the others hear, but to no avail. Still, she unsheathes her weapons...just to be ready.

Little Piggies-----ADM Nellie 
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 12:29:27 AM

Rigging sends out his lights, and neither he nor Nezamil see anything at first. Then, after several more minutes of rowing, Nezamil sees movement up ahead on the riverbank. He has a hard time making it out, but he thinks he sees three or four orcs pulling a wagon toward a moored boat. As the longboats approach, Rigging too spots the activity...and apparently, the orcs spot the lights, because they begin to push the cart faster toward the boat as they call out a warning. The moored flat-bottom boat is about 200 feet away from the Card's current position. The orcs are about 220 feet away....well within bow range....

Valanthe AC 20, HP 100  d20+12=23 d20+7=27 d20+7=20 d8+3=11 3d8(6+7+3)+9=25
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 7:07:13 PM

Valanthe doesn't hesitate. Her magicaly enhanced strength easily pulls back the incredible masterwork mighty bow. The string bends the wood slightly when it's pulled taut, making that wonderfrul creaking sound. Valanthe smiles as she lets the first arrow fly and then another.

ooc: attacking one of the orcs pushing the wagon. Hit ac 23 for 11 and a crit (ac 20 to confirm) for 25

Rigging mage armor 
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 10:08:06 PM

Rigging will have his lights start moving towards the boat, trying to get an idea on what is over there.

He also casts mage armor on himself.

"Faster, we don't want them getting away!"

Wednesday August 18th, 2004 11:45:52 PM

Nezamil spots the Orcs "over there!" points the dwarf

Nezamil turns to see who else is firing a shot at the Orcs , he will quickly cast a spell on one of the missiles (light spell) before the shot if possible

Once done casting the Cleric glances towards the flat-bottomed boat for signs of life

Redux  8d6(5+6+1+1+3+1+5+1)=23
Thursday August 19th, 2004 12:00:09 AM

Redux looks around him, reminding himself which boat each of the wildcards are in. Rigging, Ashira and Bart are ahead a bit. Himself, Val (she's a good shot), Nezmil and Ari in the other.

"All crewmen, row! Cards let's get em!" (Such energy he rarely exhibits, but someone had to do it.) Gauging the distance, he knows he must get a bit closer for a more surgical approach. Then again, those orcs are just such goods targets. He casts fireball at the largest group before considering the slaves too much. He knows the orcs are away from them, but at this range, 20' and one of the slaves might get singed (dmg=23).

(ooc Val, Redux would not be offended if you were to turn to him and suggest he only hit the bad guys; he knows how you feel about slaves ;) )

(four one's, what's up with that dice roller)

Ashira  d20+10=12
Thursday August 19th, 2004 12:25:02 AM

Ashira watches the fireball go off in anxiety. She turns to Redux. "Hey, watch the friendly fire!!!" She drops her weapons and pulls a masterwork bow from her back. She looks for any promising (still alive) targets and looses a single arrow toward the closest if possible (AC 12).

Overexposure---ADM Nellie  d100=49 d20+4=18 d20+4=6 d20+4=11 d8+3=6 d20=17 d20=2 d20=6 d20=19
Thursday August 19th, 2004 12:43:26 AM

Rigging's lights float over toward the ship, and in the faint illumination, Rigging can make out two humanoid forms.

Val's arrows whistle through the air and strike true. The first slams into the orc's side, and the second, following in rapid succession, imbeds itself into the nasty creature's neck. It falls silently to the ground, twitching and jerking in the throws of death.

Several other missles are loosed by various crewmembers. Nezamil's enlightened arrow lodges in another orc's chest, and lights up the immediate area. Ashira's arrow ricochets in the nearby woods.

And then, it comes....starting out as a small glowing point of light, Redux's fireball grows in size. It is roughly the size of a basketball when it slams on the ground in the middle of the orcs. Seeing the ball, the young elves in the cage begin screaming and bolt to the back of the cage. The ball hits the ground, and the night instantly erupts into blinding light (Dex. DC 15 or be blinded the next round). When your eyes readjust to the light, you see two piles of ash where two of the orcs used to be and two charred corpses where the other orcs were. Overkill would be an understatement. Amazingly, none of the elves were harmed in the explosion.

The two figures on the boat begin to scurry around frantically after the explosion.

Thursday August 19th, 2004 11:57:20 AM

Bart is shaken by a crewmember and wakes up, he looks around put on his chain and coordinates the rowing and helps with it as well.
When the boat is near the other he is ready to jump out and fight the orcs on shore

Thursday August 19th, 2004 7:52:03 PM

Ari whispers to those around him, "I want to put up an mist to protect the children. Anyone want to ixnay the idea?"

With no objections Ari waits until the boats are 20 feet from shore, and then begins his casting.

If the longboat is further out, Ari waits to see if there is to be harm done to those on the boat. If the party is taking everyone out, and Ari has time he'll add two arrows to the hail. Otherwise he'll just concentrate on putting up an obscuring mist, in order to hopefully protect the elven children.

Nezamil  d20+1=9
Thursday August 19th, 2004 8:07:01 PM

Nezamil peers towards the flatbottom boat as he strains to see anything the blinding flash from Redux's fireball pains his eyes "ack! Redux ! i can't see"

the dwarf rubs his eyes as tears seep from his eyes "WoW thats was bright ....everyone ok ? stay put it should pass ...right Redux ?"inquires Nezamil

"By Domi warn me when ya gonna do that next time " mentions Nezamil " i hope you got them all or your gonna have to refine that little gem of a spell " chuckles the dwarf

Rigging ac 19 64/64 hps mage armor 5 hours  d20+4=21
Thursday August 19th, 2004 9:55:59 PM

Rigging turns his head away and sighs in exasperation at Redux. "Little over kill my friend. You got lucky you missed the slaves or Val might have made you a soprano."

Rigging sees the other boat heading for shore and nods his head in agreement. He will order his rowers to head to the other boat. He pulls out his fireball wand and yells, "Surrender or die a firey death!"

Redux  d20+5=6
Thursday August 19th, 2004 11:54:14 PM

Redux doesn't take his eyes off the flash and is immediately blinded by his pride. Smiling, he turns to the voice of Nezamil, "Wasn't that grand!"

He makes sure of his seating once again and comments to Ari, "No, my friend, we are much too far away for your mist yet. Oh ...hey..." Standing up he raises his fist to where the shore should be, he raises a fist and shouts, after Rigging's threat, "And if you hide behind any of those kids, I'll lightning strike you."

Friday August 20th, 2004 1:09:38 AM

Valanthe loves the feel of the mighty bow in her hands. It is truly marvelous and part of her still can't believe Ashira gave it up. Hopefully one day she will feel herself worthy of it once more.

"Redux sure one so skilled in the magical arts could have found a better spell than one that could kill the very people we are trying to save. I trust you will not make the same mistake again." Valanthe says without anger, only a hint of promise.

ooc: please make the dex chek for me since I am not at home right now and don't have my CS handy.

Nap Time----ADM Nellie 
Monday August 23rd, 2004 8:37:24 AM

Bart, being a little disoriented takes another look and finds that he is about 175 feet away from the other boat, and that the orcs on the shore appear to be very dead.

As Redux indicated, Ari is too far away from the slaves to cast his spell.

Redux and Nezamil both find that the blindness does indeed fade quickly, and their eyes are now once more adjusted to the low light.

All the threatening appears to have the desired affect. The two figures in the boat raise their arms as high as possible... No more orcs or any other kind of creatures (other than the slaves) are to be found on the riverbank.

The men quickly and efficiently row over to the other boat. As you approach, you notice that the two humanoids are, in fact, humans. One is short and thin and dressed in rusty chainmail with a poorly maintained shortsword at his side. The display of forcewas apparently too much for the fellow as is evidenced by the large wet spot in the front of his trowsers. The second man is a hulking figure with massive arms...his scalemail, greatsword, and eyes all have a dull glint to them (usually found in those that prefer fighting to talking). Another interesting observation is that there is a third figure lying in the bottom of the boat, apparently sleeping through all the commotion!

Monday August 23rd, 2004 10:34:36 AM

Happier that there appears to be no futher need for violence, Ari jumps out of the long boat to help bring it to shore. He waits for Rigging and Redux to continue their little tirade against the remaining slavers? Ari will do his best to blend into like the crew.

Monday August 23rd, 2004 6:28:26 PM

The Cleric suggest to the crew in the longboat he is " let's get to the shore to give aid to the elves !"

" Captain we're heading in to see to the elves "shouts the dwarf to the other longboat

Once the longboat hits the shallows Nezamil will jump out of the longboat and make his way over to the captured elves , walking up slowing " we're here to help .....we mean you no harm....we'll help you get back home " says the Cleric in calm and soothing tones

Monday August 23rd, 2004 10:37:10 PM

Rigging will point his wand at the big one and say, "This is a wand of lightning. I would rather not expend one of its valuable charges on you but if you force me to, I will. I want you to start rowing your boat towards the shore.
You will then tell me who you are and why your friend here is such a sound sleeper."

Monday August 23rd, 2004 11:52:25 PM

She would like to go and see how the elves are doing but these strangers could be more slavers. Valanthe notched another arrow and took aim on the big man.

Redux  d20+2=20
Monday August 23rd, 2004 11:53:46 PM

Once their boat touches shore, Redux heads over to the slaver's boat with his wand of magic missiles extended. "This one will strike you and you" he says pointing with the wand, "and no one else, see. Mind telling us why Yeshua there has slept thru all of this and who he is? How much encouragement do you need?" Redux adds the last as menacingly as he is able(intimidate=20).

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 11:44:28 AM

Bart jumps in to the other boat, although it doesn't seem so, no visible weapon, only armored he is ready to react if trouble is coming up (glove of storing). Well guys shall i help you to row this boat ashore?

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 5:06:03 PM

Training her arrow on the big burly warrior, Ashira smiles as Rigging and Redux work the intimidation angle...not that it looked like it needed much more pushing. She decides to let the others talk while she makes sure there's no funny business.

Questions and Answers----ADM Nellie 
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 5:30:24 PM

The large burly man looks briefly over at the skinny man for guidance. Clearly at his whit's end, the skinny man almost breaks his neck nodding ascent at Rigging's commands. Bart hops in, and the boat is moved in closer to shore (truth be told, it was already beached...now it's really beached!). The skinny man looks at Rigging and Redux, terror clear in his eyes. "Ppppp...pppp..ppplease. Don't hhhhh...hhhhurt me. I'll ddddo whatever you want." The man literally pleads as he drops to his knees on the deck of the flatbottom boat. The burly man looks up briefly in disgust from his position at the oars. "By the gods Captain, will you shut up?" sarcasm drips from the burly man's tongue as he continues. "You'll have to excuse my dear Captain Rammer...it seems that all his courage dribbled down his legs as he pissed himself." Moving his head toward the still sleeping figure, burly boy keeps talking as he remains seated at the oars. "That's Eldora...he's our guide in Culverwood. He got seeded a few weeks ago, and he sleeps a lot when we're not working."

Over on the shore, Nezamil's axe quickly and efficiently removes the lock from the back of the caged wagon. The young elves (who look to be about 13 or 14 in human years...though Val figures they're around 100 years old) almost trample the dwarf in their attempt to get out of the cage....and away from that crazy wizard in the black robes...

Nezamil  d20+11=23
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 7:15:19 PM

Nezamil draws his heavy mace and smashes the lock on the wagon " hmm an axe would of come in handy too " mutters the dwarf

" hey easy there ....we're here to help you "repeats the Cleric in calm tones" as the young elves rush by ..."just want to get you back home safely"

"anyone hurt "asks Nezamil he will look to see if he see's any injuries "I can help anyone who is hurt " continues the cleric (d20+11=23) diplomacy check) :-)


Tuesday August 24th, 2004 10:12:10 PM

Rigging will get out of the boat and say, "OK my fine fellows, why don't you start by dropping your weapons. Then take off your armor.
If you anwser some questions, you might even be able to get out of this alive and with some gold in your pockets. If you don't, then I will leave you to the tender mercies of my friend Redux. He likes to experiment on live bodies. See where stuff is, like the liver and heart."

Rigging will look over to Ashira and day, "Honey why don't you check out the sleeping guy. Be careful, he could be faking it. If he is, kill him."

Rigging raises his voice. "Hope you heard that friend. Now is the time to wake up if you are faking. You might sleep the sleep of the dead if you don't."

Rigging will turn back to the other two and say to the "Captain", "Sir you look like a reasonable man. Where were you going to take these elves? hmmmmm"

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 8:08:48 AM

Valanthe lowers her bow and replaces the arrow in her quiver. She makes her way over to the young elves as fast as she can.

"Please calm yourselves." Valanthe says in elvish. "You are among friends. My companion was a bit overzealous. All we want to do is help you. My name is Valanthe."

Ari  d20+3=22
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 12:06:14 PM

Glad to see Valanthe going over to take care of language concerns. Ari ensures that the long boats are secure, and then moves out onto the beach to survey the meeting area, as the others take care of those on the boat.

Ari hopes there are no others that are to meet here, but something feels a little too easy about all this. (spot 22)

Ari hopes to Lem that things to resort to violence, as they always seem to do.

Ashira  d20+16=32
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 10:52:42 PM

Lowering her bow and picking up her longsword once more, Ashira nods grimly at Rigging's command. She reaches in her pack and pulls out her ever burning torch, holding it in front of her in order to get a good look at the sleeping figure. She approaches cautiously lest it be a trap.

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 11:12:45 PM

Redux nods as the other members take up their tasks and lowers his wand. Crossing his arms he asks, "You've acknowledged your guide's heartseed. How about taking off your shirts so that we might verify your lack of one?" Redux walks up beside Rigging and suggests, "Do you think that sleeping fellow would buy a ruse that the orcs have run off (or were sent off)? We have been sent by Eric (ooc: the writer of that note we found at the mouth of the river) to join up. Eldora should continue as guide and take us to the meeting place. It could work to our advantage."

Night Time Chat----ADM Nellie 
Thursday August 26th, 2004 12:06:13 AM

Nodding, the Captain and his ship mate remove their weapons and then their armor, which they slide over toward Bart. They remove their shirts and in the dim light, it is fairly apparent that they are not seeded. Captain Rammer speaks up. "We weren't going to hurt them, I swear!!! You can ask Eldora. The seeding doesn't hurt them... They pay good money for them and it don't harm them none..." Rammer catches a quick glance at Valanthe and wisely shuts his trap.

Ashira heads toward the sleeping figure. Though she is cautious, the figure does indeed look to be sleeping. She approaches closer, and in the light of her torch, she can see that the figure appears to be a young elf about the same age as those that huddle by the trees on the riverbank. Clothed in an emerald green cloak, the elven man has short cropped platinum hair, fair complexion, and a beautifully delicate face. He is the essence of Elven beauty.

Ari secures the boats and then takes a look around. Strangely enough, nothing seems amiss.

Huddling beneath the massive trees on the riverbank, the elves look at Nezamil curiously for a few minutes as though not quite catching his words. Then one of the young maidens with long blonde hair speaks up in very broken Common "We are well. A few minor wounds. Thanks you." The captives perk up at Val's arrival. Smiles form on their faces as they begin to move in closer to the Elven warrior. One of the youths, a tall lad with slender features (even more so than the average elf) and vibrant green eyes steps forward and bows delicately in front of Valanthe as he speaks in very formal tones for one so young. "Greetings sister of the sky. We owe you and your friends our lives. Thank you for rescuing us. I do not remember hearing of you in any of the surrounding villages. Tell me, where are you and your friends from?"

Thursday August 26th, 2004 5:03:31 PM

While the young elves await Val's response Nezamil inquires " if i may help heal your minor wounds i would be honored "says the Cleric with a warm smile

00C Nezamil has 5 of 6 0-level spells if the young elves permit it he will cast spontanous cures on those willing 1 htpt each

Nezamil will turn to Val " if you can help me help them it will help gain their trust so we can return them home faster "

Thursday August 26th, 2004 5:10:27 PM

Shocked, Ashira calls out to Rigging. "Shades Rigging, he's an elf!!!" She looks to her hubby about how to proceed. Her weapon remains trained on the elf, though her heart is full of turmoil...after all, it wasn't that long ago that she was in this elf's shoes, so to speak.

Thursday August 26th, 2004 6:01:01 PM

Seeing more of her people and hearing the formal speech of the courts makes her wish she had been able to spend more time among her people. Oh how she wished she knew the proper response for such a greeting. Perhaps she can learn. They remind Val of what happened to her when she was their age. How she was forced to live on her own, survive on her own. She didn't want that to happen to them.

"No thanks is needed. At one point I was held in chains by slavers. It is something no person should go through. We come from the ocean. We constantly fight against slavery so constantly sailing the ocean waters is the only way we can be safe. This is Nezamil. He can heal your wounds if you like." Valanthe tells them in elvish.

Thursday August 26th, 2004 7:57:31 PM

Rigging will visibly restrain his anger at the Captain's whining. "Let's think about this. Seeding doesn't hurt. Have you ever bin seeded by chance? Some of us have and believe me, it hurts! Imagine a vine chewing its way through your chest and into your heart. It takes you over and in certain ways, it can be helpful. You will get stronger, but you lose all freewill. You can't run away. You can't hide. If Ga'al wants you to sacrifice your life, you do it without hesitation. Ga'al doesn't care about you. He only cares about himself." Spittle sprays into the "Captain's" face. "Would you want that to happen to you?"

Rigging calms himself and continues, "You are greedy and foolish, but you might be able to still save your lives. Where was Eldora supposed to guide you and who were you meeting?"

Thursday August 26th, 2004 11:40:19 PM

Redux is about to remind Rigging about some of the facts when, all of the sudden, it seems best to remain quiet. Now, it seems, the battle seems over before it even started and everyone is about to have a good versus evil discussion (that'll be a high point). So, given the options, he calls to Talon and walks up the river a few steps. He indicates to the bird that they should look up-river for other traffic, 'What do you see from up there?'

Friday August 27th, 2004 12:00:14 AM

Doing his best to listen in on the two conversations. Ari smiles as he listens to the elven children loosen up a little bit. He then promply sighs as he hears Rigging and his rant, and hopes that some of the rant is just for show.

Ari sends out a silent prayer that their battle against Gaul continues to be successful.

Bargaining---ADM Nellie 
Friday August 27th, 2004 12:59:37 AM

The elves finally accept Nezamil's offer of healing, and the dwarf goes about healing the few minor wounds of the slaves. Actually, for slaves, the elves have been treated fairly well... As Nezamil converses with Valanthe about returning the elves, the tall youth smiles. His Common is slightly less broken than the other girls. "Friend dwarf, that is not needed. Now that you have freed us, we are able to return home by ourselves. I'm afraid that the journey would be dangerous for you... Culverwood does not take well to those not born here..." The youth looks very angry as Valanthe briefly relates her own term of slavery. Clearly more comfortable with the Elven tongue, he continues conversing with her in the Mother Tongue. "Those who clip the eagle's wings are not fit to rest in Gargul's halls. Death would be too good for their kind." The young man spits in the direction of the slavers. "Promise me that you will make them pay for all the wrong that they have done to our people...make no mistake...their kind have been raiding our villages for months now." The lad's eyes literally burn with anger. "Some of them they use as guides for other slavers...since outsiders find it difficult to enter Culverwood without loosing their way, Ga'al is more than happy to use our brothers and sisters. Others return to the villages to spread the news of "Ga'al's joy". Most are not foolish enough to fall for Ga'al's trickery, though he offers mighty rewards for joining him.

Talon scouts ahead up the river, but doesn't spot any activity, which isn't tremendously surprising, considering it's the middle of the night.

Unable to stand under Rigging's tirade, the Captain takes up the fetal position. "I...no...I dddidn't know... How could I know?? They are all so happy when they come back... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Please don't kill me... I have a wife and children...I needed the extra money..." The burly man openly glares at the Captain...any measure of respect that he might have had rapidly evaporating. "If we tell you, will you let us go?"

The sleeping figure stirs slighty at Rigging's shouting, but quickly returns to his peaceful slumber.

Friday August 27th, 2004 3:38:51 PM

Nezamil will cast healing spells on the young elves " I'm glad you can find your way home "says Nezamil to the elf " glad we could help save your from Ga'al's domination "

"Your people should start taking action againist the slavers ....our ship is down river i think we could spare some weapons if you need them to fight the slavers "

"Hopefully we could build on this friendship that we started today and work together to fight Ga'als minions "

" we could supply some weapons and exchange infomation in the days to come on the slavers activities in the region to help make this place safer for the inhabitants of Culverwood forest ...an alliance to thwart the evil plans of Ga'al " finishes the Cleric to the young elves

Friday August 27th, 2004 7:30:55 PM

Valanthe looks at the elven youth and she wished that times were different. She responds in the mother tongue with a warm smile on her face. "My captain will give them what they deserve. How I wish that times were differnet. It has been too long since I've known the company of my people. I can only imagine the beauty of your village."

Friday August 27th, 2004 11:45:59 PM

Redux lets out a silent sigh as the intrigue unfolds in front of him. Silently he wonders how many winks he can get in before the others want to "set up camp." Probably those kids should wait till in the morning to head out themselves, but it's their woods. We'll also probably loose the flat bottom boat to the kids. As his mind wanders, he wonders if they should use a dose of their cure to keep from having to kill this elf and thus get to the meeting point. Sometimes it's good not to be the boss...

Saturday August 28th, 2004 12:03:00 AM

Rigging will stare hard at the burly but brave one and give him a measure of respect. "Here is what I will agree to. If you tell me information, that I find useful about your contacts and meeting places, I will let you go.
If I think you are lying to me, I will strip you naked, and set you lose in this forest. I won't kill you but I am sure the forest will.

I also want your word you will leave this place and the vile slave trade. If I ever see you again, slaving, I will skin you alive. You will wish for death. Do we have an agreement?"

Rigging will call Redux over to him and say, "I want you to question the elves and ask them if they know this character." He will point to the sleeping elf. "I wonder if he is worth a cure. Get Val and get me some information. "Otherwise I will soon cut his throat."

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