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Sunday August 29th, 2004 11:53:58 AM

Bart keeps an eye on the slavereers and the surounding ready to react if something happens

Sunday August 29th, 2004 11:22:35 PM

Hearing Rigging's tirade and then his last command to Redux is too much for Ashira. He didn't know...he didn't understand. How could he understand?!!! Raising her weapons into the offensive position, Ashira moves forward to a position between the elf and Rigging. "Rigging, we must free him! I won't let you kill him." Tears start to form in Ashira's eyes. "He's just a boy! I won't let Ga'al have him. We have to save him. Help me...help him."

Monday August 30th, 2004 12:28:52 AM

Caught off guard by the youths word, Ari responds without thinking, in Elvish, "Do not focus your anger on the seeded ones. More than likely they did not have much choice in the matter." Ari begins walking towards the elven youth, "Instead, change that focus towards defeating Ga'al. Or at least removing the stink of the seed from Ga'al's people. For it is more Ga'al and his priests which try to spread the rot to your forest, than it is the people behind the seeds."

Though there is no real anger in Ari's voice, those that listen and see, can tell that there is a resolve behind the words he's issued.

Hearing Ashira's plea, Ari calls back to Rigging in Common, "Give the boy a chance to recall what he's done, and to really explain what Ga'al has to offer any who would hear his supposed promises. I would not want any more of these beautiful people to be deceived by Ga'al."

Fairwells??---ADM Nellie 
Monday August 30th, 2004 12:30:57 AM

Captain Rammer's pleas die down as he listens intently to the negotiations. The burly fighter pauses for a moment, as if briefly tossing up his options. Looking around at the overwhelming firepower surrounding him, burly boy shrugs. "Sure, we have a deal...suddenly I don't much care for elves... We are overdue for a pickup. We were supposed to take these slaves to Blackbird Lake a week ago... But since Captain's stupid orcs pissed off that thing and lost our ship, we had to improvise. Don't know how long Eric's going to wait around... He might still be there, but I don't think he'll wait too much longer...those priests get pretty anxious about the slaves and they don't like to be kept waiting... That's really all I know. Don't really care to know what happens to the merchandise once we pass it off to Eric." The man shrugs nonchalantly waiting to see Rigging's reaction to the information he has given.

Captain Rammer gulps and then nods his head after the burly man is done. "Yes, it's all true... I promise!! I'll never ever harm another person, just please let us go." the brave skinny man whimpers.

The elven youth smiles at Nezamil. "Brave earth brother, thank you for your offer, but I do not think we will have need of your weapons." The boy spits on the ground in the direction of the slavers. "Those were lucky...they took us by surprise." The young elf's green eyes take in the dwarf with an appraising gaze usually found in one much older. "You can be assured that we will be watchful of their kind. Do not worry about the sons and daughters of Culverwood..."

The young man gives Ari a hard look as he responds in Elven "I am sure you will pardon me if I don't agree with your wise words... It seems to me that the humans acted fully in their own interests. I have seen the ones infected by the seed, and those men do not act like them. Believe me, if I had my sword right now, you wouldn't have to worry about them much longer."

When questioned by Val about the heartseeded elf in the slavers possession, the elf's face takes on a troubled look. "Yes, Eldora was one of the ones taken a few weeks ago. He comes from Larth. They searched for him for many days... He was a good friend...." The youth's face adopts a hardened look as he continues. "He is one of them now. It grieves me to say so, but it would be more merciful if you killed him in his sleep. It is too dangerous to let him live while the spider god controls him like a puppet. He would have wanted it that way." The young man turns away for several minutes, and when he turns back, Val can see tears on his face. Slender hands reach into the elf's tunic pocket. Retrieving a small wooden broach delicately carved in the form of maple leaf, the youth places it in Val's hand. "It is a small token indeed, but it is all I have to offer. Know that if you ever return to Culverwood, you and your friends are always welcome. Aerodeth Silvermaple never forgets a friend...or an enemy." Aerodeth smiles warmly at Val and then looks at the other elves. "But it is late, and we have been gone too long from the village. They will be worried about us. And we must collect our dead and report to the elders." The young man bows to Valanthe. "May your paths be shaded and your feet be steady." Gathering all the other youths around him, Aerodeth prepares to embark on the journey home.

Monday August 30th, 2004 11:56:52 AM

Val cant we use the flask to remove the heartseed, I know we can only use it a few times, but I think this is a good candidate to use it.

Monday August 30th, 2004 9:47:28 PM

Nezamil nods agreement with Bart " if we can unseed Eldora it would be a living proof to the inhabitants of this region that Ga'al can be resisted "

"To give hope to the whole region would would be a bigger blow to Ga'al then killing afew slavers "

turning to Aerodeth "May your travel home be safe and your return joyous "

The dwarf will gather all the debris scattered about the camp and stack it by the riverside "hopefully some riverboater will scavenge this stuff and put it to good use"

Monday August 30th, 2004 10:01:38 PM

Rigging will listen to his wife's pleas and his eyes will soften. He will murmer in elvish, "Dearest, I understand your desire to free this young one from Ga'al's taint. We only have five doses of Alemi's blessing left. We might fall under his taint and need it for oursleves."

Rigging will look at her again and then nod, "OK if the others agree, I agree as well."
He will turn to the captives and say sternly, "Don't move!"

Rigging will then call out, "Wldcards! Shall we free the young one?" Seeing several nod he will go on, "Val would you do the honors?"

Rigging will stride over to the elvish youth and say, "Please wait for a minute. We are going to give you a rare gift. Only 12 doses of this cure have ever existed. Alemi has blessed this water with his tears and it can cure your friend. Take him home and let him tell you and your people of the horrors of the heartseed.

In return, I ask a boon. These two wretches have been helpful and I have promised them their freedom. Please allow them to leave. If you ever see them again, kill them on site.

I also require directions to Blackbird Lake. There is a priest of Ga'al who needs killing there."

Monday August 30th, 2004 11:23:46 PM

Ooc: I thought there were only 10 doses in our flask. Half of them were given to the Jack; less one for Ashira, leaving 4?? Anyone wade thru the archives recently?

Redux gets up and meanders over to Rigging hearing his request but also hears the decision made before he gets there. He turns and stands beside Rigging, a slight smile on his face. He says, "Well, boss, looks like we used up another dose for the sake of Good. Always like to do that, though, we'll never see him again." Rigging might note a hint of dry humor in the comment but cannot see his eyes.

Monday August 30th, 2004 11:38:50 PM

In Elvish so that the others can follow, "It seems that Ga'al is taking the battle to others outside of our borders. Who are we to be selfish with the gift that Alemi has given us. We need to show that it is Ga'al that is the evil in all this, not necessarily the people. By this one's own admission "pointing to the youth that had shown his anger" he would have willingly killed several of us, without even trying to look for any answers." With that, Ari will turn to the youth and comment, "since several of us have been seeded at one time, and then been cured.
I understand your anger, but it needs to be focused at the right point. Those that do it willingly without the seeds, and the ones that are responsible for trying to spread the seeds. Having the seed just guarantees that you'll follow Ga'als will, not necessarily that you will DO Ga'als will."

With his speech done, Ari turns back hoping by all that is, that Rigging and the crew will choose to cure this one person.

Todd, the human slavers are not heartseeded...that is why Aerodeth feels that they are responsible for their own actions. As for Eldora, previously the only people who had mentioned healing him had been out of the elf's hearing. Since Aerodeth did not know of any other options, in his mind the only way to protect the rest of the elves is to kill Eldora, his friend.---Nellie

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 12:00:50 AM

Beaming with pride at Rigging's decision, Ashira moves over closer to the elf, ready to hold him down while Val administers the cure. Looking the boy over for any sign of weaponry, Ashira will try disarm him trying not to wake him in the process. She figures that it would be best if they can give the dose while he's asleep if possible...

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 12:36:45 AM

Valanthe was seriously condsidering giving the youth the cure even if the others didn't want her too. She didn't realise how much she missed her own people until now. After taking great care to make sure he got one dose only, Val put the vial back into its careful hiding place.

"Why did Alemi only give so little when Ga'al's influence is spreading so fast." She mumbles to herself.

I Once Was Lost, But Now----ADM Nellie 
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 1:30:49 AM

Aerodeth pauses and listens to Rigging with open disbelief plain on his face. "You have a way of removing the curse of Ga'al?" The young man is clearly caught off guard with this recent turn of events, and nods to Rigging. "If you can save Eldora, then it would well be worth those fools lives..."

Meanwhile, back on the ship, the captives wisely stay put. Ashira successfully removes a dagger from the elf without waking him. With all of the Wildcards in agreement, Val and Aerodeth make their way over to Eldora (who is now tossing in his sleep). Gently opening his lips, Val pours a small measure of the Tears into the young man's mouth. Gagging and coughing, the boy wakes with a start, his eyes bolting open and focusing on Val. An almost feral look in his eyes, he bolts forward and grabs Val's neck, beginning to choke the Elven warrior. But just as soon as he makes his attack, the Tears begin to work their way through his young body. Screaming out in agony, the youth's hands flop uselessly by his side as his body convulses from unimaginable agony. The screaming continues for several minutes and then ends abruptly as the parasitic plant rips itself out of the boy's body. The seed flops on the bottom of the boat for a couple of seconds before Bart comes over and pins it to the bottom of the boat with his sword. The boy looks to be in very bad shape, and is bleeding profusely from the wound in his chest. Nezamil rushes forward and though it takes several healing spells, the dwarf finally stabilizes the elf. Aerodeth watches in frozen horror, tears streaming from his youthful eyes.

Rising to his feet, Eldora looks very confused. Spotting Aerodeth, Eldora wraps his arms around his longtime friend. He converses in Elven... "Aerodeth. By the gods...I'm free!! I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop myself." Looking around at the others, the boy kisses Ashira and Valanthe on the cheek. "I owe you my life... How can I ever repay you???"

Putting a protective arm around his childhood friend, Aerodeth guides Eldora back onto shore and over to the other elves. Much thanking, praising and kissing is given by the overly grateful elves. After it is clear that Eldora is in no physical danger, Aerodeth approaches Rigging and bows down to his feet. "The sons and daughters of Culverwood will never forget what has happened today!!! Though he was as good as dead to us, you have returned our brother. If you ever are in need, seek us and we will come. We must leave now...it grows late and the forest calls us home. May the gods watch over your travels." And without further ado, the elves blend into Culverwood.

The two slavers, clearly relived that their former captives have left, begin giving detailed directions for Rigging on how to navigate to Blackbird lake.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 6:26:30 PM

Valanthe places the wooden brooch on the front of her cloak where all can see it. Now she has a link, even a small one to her people and that means a lot.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 9:54:52 PM

After getting his direction, and sending the prisoners on their way, Rigging says, "Lets move it Wildcards. We have a slave operation to disrupt and more slaves to free. Feels good huh?"

He will give Ashira a hug and then lead the group either to the boats or to the trail whichever makes sense with the directions.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 10:09:20 PM

After healing Eldora the dwarf smiles as the elves realize the magnitude of what has just transpired to Eldora and embrace each other

Nezamil waves to the elves as they blend into culverwood forest and disappear " yes i hope we do meet again in the future till then may Domi give you courage to continue resisting the evil influence's of Ga'al " shouts the Cleric to the departing elves

The dwarf turns to Captain Rigging " yeah! lets pay the Cleric of Ga'al a visit ' smiles Nezamil

" we have made new allies in our campaign to fight Ga'al , all in all a very mission so far " comments the dwarf as he climbs back into the longboat

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 11:06:50 PM

Redux says goodbye to the former slaves with the others and admonishes them to be ever on guard. It would have been nice to have more open relations with them. Possibly they will put their towns on the map and stop in for supplies and trade (they've always been known for their craftsmen).

Turning to the 'captain' and the other human he says, "You two are the lucky recipients of a flat-bottom boat. Travel downstream with it and never return. I suggest you sell it and consider it the proceeds as a purchase of your souls for Domi. Remember, Eric, your former boss won't ever be happy to see you and the elves will surely kill you too. Just some friendly advice. Now, you better get yourselves down river while we go upriver. And, yes, we do have eyes that can see in the dark, so don't stop until you get to the stones blocking the river."

To Rigging, quietly, "Let's not go all night, we all need rest before we get into this. Also, Lets send Swirl and Talon down river to watch these two for a while."

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 12:09:04 AM

(ooc my misunderstanding, most of it doesn't stand then. :) )

Watching the elves rejoice in their returned brother, Ari wistfully thinks of the day when the wildcards might be able to rejoice.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 4:07:51 AM

Grinning from ear to ear, Ashira takes a little longer than normal with her hug with Rigging...savoring the moment. Suddenly life was a little sweeter. She even chuckles at Redux's sage advice to the hopefully former slavers.

With uncharacteristic zeal, Ashira helps ready the crew for the journey to Blackbird Lake. Noting Val's mood, she places a hand on her shoulder, not knowing exactly what to say, but hoping that the gesture will communicate her love and support for her sister in arms.

Blackbird Lake----ADM Nellie 
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 4:36:26 AM

Rigging weighs his options and decides that it would be best to approach the Lake by river. Also, considering the seriousness of the timeline, Rigging decides against Redux's more leisurely approach and is forced to continue to travel throughout the night for fear missing the rendezvous with the slavers (though with all the crew about, the spellcasters are still able to get in enough rest time to prepare their spells....especially Rigging ;)).

After a few days of hard, but mostly pleasant travel, the Wildcards finally arrive at the junction with Blackbird Lake. It's hard to tell exactly how large the lake is, since a thick fog blankets its surface...

Perhaps it's just your imagination, but the climate changes from the damp warmth that all have become accustomed to. Suddenly, the very air around the Lake seems cold and clammy. Cloaks are pulled tight around shoulders as the temperature drops. The water too changes. While the river was mostly clear, Blackbird Lake's depths (in no small measure thanks to that cursed fog) remain a mystery....almost anything could be lurking out there in the eerie quiet of its waters...

Well folks, it has been a pleasure DMing for you. I hope ya'll enjoyed it as much as I did! Looking forward to seeing what Dominic has in store for all of us. :)----Nellie

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 4:49:08 PM

Valanthe has her cloak pulled tight to fight off the sudden chill. Bow in hand, Valanthe scans the lake for signs of trouble. Things have been too calm these last few days. Calm enough for Valanthe to forget about the danger and think of Appolo. How she missed him.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 6:06:12 PM

Nezamil travels in the 2nd longboat during the next few days helping row the longboat with his stout dwarven shoulders (having a little fun strength rowing competion with Bart )"C,mon Bart " chuckles the dwarf (will start a little friendly
competion between the two longboats to help speed the travel and pass the time rowing )

"What's next Captain? " inquires the Cleric " as they reach Blackbird lake

Rigging  d20+8=17
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 10:14:36 PM

Rigging will try and navigate using the directions he got from the slavers. (rolled dc 17)

He hasn't done this without Nautacolus in a long time. It is good to try and do it on his own again.

Ashira  d20+16=20 d20+16=28
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 11:02:08 PM

Wrapping her family cloak tight around her shoulders, Ashira shivers in the unnatural cold. She didn't like that fog either. It was so unnatural. Anything could be hiding out there. She wondered if somehow there was a trap waiting for them. Reasonable, she couldn't see how it was a trap, but then this mission had been too easy compared to the others of late. She wonders if she's not becoming a bit of a pessimist. Peering out into the dark, Ashira strains to find any signs of the slavers. (Spot=20, Listen=28).

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 12:54:58 AM

Wrapping his cloak around him, Ari shivers from the effects.

Nothing like a good chill to help wake he senses.

Letting some of the others take the oars, Ari quietly brings his bow to rest in front of him, should he have the need.

Redux  d20+2=6 d20+4=14
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 12:55:15 AM

Redux thinks of preparing a few small scale fireballs to warm them up just a bit. He can only make out the clapping of oars on the water and sees mostly fog.

ooc:don't these things have small sails so we don't have to do all rowing? ;-)

Into the Mists (DM Dominic) 
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 6:53:13 AM

The fog on the lake does not seem toslacken at all as you continue further onto Blackbird Lake. As you try the small sails that each of the boats have you see that they do pickup enough wind that you do not have to row as much.

You get the feeling that you are heading in the right direction as night settles in. Out in the distance you can hear what you think is water hitting against wood as well as a shore line. (listen check DC 20: if made Highlight to display spoiler: {you hear some talking off to what you think is your right where the water is hitting against shoreline.} You are unable to determine how far away it is and in which direction as the fog is everywhere.

Ashira  d20+16=33 d20+16=26
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 10:54:38 AM

Using hand signals, Ashira motions for quiet. Moving up closer to Rigging, she points over in the direction that she heard the noise. "We're not alone." she whispers in Elven. Peering further into the mist, Ashira tries to see if she can make out precisely what the threat is. (Spot=33, Listen=26)

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 5:55:42 PM

Val draws an arrow, resting it against the bowstring but leaving it loose.

"There has to be somebody. It's been too quiet these last few days. I've been hoping something would happen." Valanthe says but leaves out the part of why she wants something to happen. When her life is in danger the pain of loss doesn't hurt as much.

Rigging  d20+12=24
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 8:56:18 PM

Rigging hears the noise as well and he will direct Swirl to go have a quick and silent look.

He through hand signals will direct the boats in the direction of the noise.

Listen check 24

Nezamil  d20+5=22
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 10:51:56 PM

Nezamil peers into the dense fog straining to view anything of danger to the longboats.the fog preventing him from seeing to any lengths he settles on keeping the 1st longboat in view so as not to seperate the 2 longboats in the mists of the fog

"anybody hear that ?" comments the dwarf those in the 2nd longboat " can't quite make out what that is "

Nezamil freezes movement and strains to hear " ssshhh i hear voices " whispers the Cleric

Nezamil stays motionless trying to determine what direction it's coming from

Redux  d20+4=6 d20+2=5
Friday September 3rd, 2004 12:21:24 AM

The mostly blind and mostly deaf Redux looks at the white all around and is getting nervous by what he can't see. "What, what? What are you all talking about?" There's an obvious strain to his voice and it's probably louder than it should be. Not knowing what else could help, he pulls out his Web wand.

Noise in the Mists (DM Dominic) 
Friday September 3rd, 2004 6:32:18 AM

You think that the voices in the mists might be orcish and common. You are still unsure of where the voices are coming from as the mists hide any sense of direction. Each of you is starting to feel the effects of the damp cool air.

Swirl takes off into the mists then after a while comes back indicating that he found some humanoids off in the distance. Sirl indicates that you are to follow him.

Following Swirl you hear the voices getting louder. You still can not see anything beyond around 40 feet ahead of you due to the mists.

Rigging (mage armor) 
Saturday September 4th, 2004 1:05:43 PM

Rigging will point out the direction that he wants the boats to go and hold his finger to his lips indicating he wants quiet. He will then cast mage armor.

Saturday September 4th, 2004 10:16:33 PM

Seeing that the fog still surrounds the party, Ari decides he should change to his melee weapons. Should they come out on top of these humanoids that Swirl is leading the party to. There will be no time to pull arrows.

Bart  d20+4=17 d20=19
Sunday September 5th, 2004 6:08:41 PM

Bart is ready as always to react to trouble, he doesn't like fighting and kiling other people and creatures, but if it is necesarry he will protect himself and his family.

Bart tries to look though the mist and tries if he can make sense of the voices he hears. (spot 17 listen 19)

(sorry about the long time since my last post; i was on holiday with no internetcafe in the neighborhood)

Ashira  d20+16=19 d20+16=29
Sunday September 5th, 2004 9:29:42 PM

Readying her swords, the half-elf reaches into her pack and pulls out a small seal, tucking it into her belt. Straining her senses, Ashira tries to determine the threat that lies in the dark. (Spot=19, Listen=29)

Redux  d20+4=16
Sunday September 5th, 2004 10:53:49 PM

Wanting to try a different view of the situation, Redux activates his ring of levitation while near the mast of the boat. He floats to the top of the mast while using his hands to climb. Once at the top he will look around and see if the view is any better (spot=16).

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