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Theodore and Macaw 
Monday October 4th, 2004 9:27:12 AM

Theodore and Macaw approach the scene of the battle. The young mage looks on the dead orcs with sad eyes, remembering the orcs they had met at the inn several days ago. He wonders if these orcs could have forsaken their evil ways and lead good lives if given the chance.

He quickly sets those thoughts aside as he replaces his wand in his backpack. He unwraps the blanket from himself and folds it neatly before offering it back to Vorelle. "Thank you, Vorelle. You were very kind and I hope that I can return the favor."

Theodore clears his throat, "I think that I have a suggestion," he begins. "To lessen the risk that we all take, perhaps it would be smart to have a few of our faster and stealthier folks move up to the east side of the camp and draw the enemy's attention. I believe that they'll feel secure in their numbers and rush after those few, who will retreat to the orc boats docked at the northeast. Loose a few fireballs on the orc fleet and then use your invisibility rings or potions and retreat back to our boats. Hopefully, the combination of the burning boats and the disappearance of their quarry will cause the orcs to turn their attention to trying to salvage their fleet. While all this is going on, the rest of us could sneak into the orc camp and set the slaves free and retrieve that book. Then we all quickly return here and set sail. I think that even if the whole orc camp doesn't follow the rabbits, at least some will and the split will make it easier on those going after the slaves with fewer enemies to deal with."

Macaw eyes the corpses hungrily, but Theodore restrains his familiar with empathetic warnings.

Monday October 4th, 2004 10:27:09 AM

Duhhh what happend, says bBart while he his feeling at the bulge on his head, did we win?

OOc sorry i missed the battle, i have just moved to a new home, mommentarely i dont have acces to the net at home. I will post each day from work until then.
I assumed Bart was a sleep by divine intervention

Olyn  d8+1=7
Monday October 4th, 2004 11:19:39 AM

walking up to Dietrich, Olyn places the tip of the wand on D's chest and BOOM.

heals D for 7 points.

placing the wand in his beltloop Olyn turns to the group saying:
I have something that you might want to hear.
1. what happens when this patrol doesnt show up? we should of hid, and watched their time and route before acting hastily.
2. we dont have time now to do anything that requires time because killing that patrol took that time from us.
3. has anyone besides myself realized that this island is alive? perhaps a huge creature of sorts. is there anyone who can communicate with water creatures? if so, perhaps we could convince it to help us free the slaves. it could give us the needed distraction to save the slaves with minimal exposure to ourselves.

Rigging and a third illegal post 
Monday October 4th, 2004 3:23:33 PM

Rigging will listen to Olyn and smile and say, "I don't think you are correct. I think the island is magical but not alive. The same thing that was causing the forest to act so strangely is also affecting this place.

When I went astral, I was almost trapped in a huge river of blood, that poured a whirlpool. I believe that a vein of Woldsblood runs through here. My studies haven't shown me much about woldsblood, but I believe it is incredible magical. So magical it skews the enviroment around it. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't count on the island fighting for us."

Narrative DM Jan 
Monday October 4th, 2004 3:42:07 PM

((MACE! LOL sorry Chris))
((Cayzle - 20 mins))

With everything happening so fast - and in the dark - it's easy to explain why some of the group 'missed the party'.
Blood is already congealing as Ari crouches down to examine the corpses. He notes the following:
These are SCRUFFY orcs. Even for orcs!
A look at the clothing and armour may suggest that it could help put the dogs off any strange scent if it were worn, but it would also hamper movement to some extent. This stuff isn't fine and well-tooled.

As everyone re-groups and dishes out equipment, the small elemental whizzes on ahead for a look-see. Vorelle retirieves her arrow successfully.

In the meantime, plans are discussed -

- The now dead patrol, IF they were undertaking a more thorough search of the island, then perhaps they're not due back for a while. Perhaps.

- There's the matter of the watch towers, the slave pen, and the book.

- Would a diversion help? It might.

- Would disguise of some form help? It might.

Swirl manages to absorb the following info -

A large part of the orc camp are coallescing into a mad drunken horde, still a long way from sleep. However, a few are not - those in the watch towers, and the occasional creature who seems to be of a higher rank perhaps, a few humans (who seem a little out of place) and the slaves - there look to be 11 of them in the pen.

Distance to the orc camp is 10 minutes.

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) 
Monday October 4th, 2004 4:01:39 PM

After the Silence expires, Vauhwyt listens to what everybody has to say (asking a few people to repeat themselves, no doubt).

Then she summarizes what she is hearing and repeats it back to Rigging and everybody else for approval.

"It seems to me that we are planning to split into four groups." She goes into detail:


Sneak in, create a diversion, set boats on fire, get out without letting the enemy follow you back.


Quietly take out the guard tower (Silence? Silence on a familiar who then flies to the tower?) in the southeast corner first and the dogs closest to the slaves.


Free the slaves and start them back here towards the boats.


Sneak into the enemy main tent and steal information (and anything else that looks good). Sneak back here.

"Does that sound about right?" she asks.


Mage Armor (V) (23 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (Mookie) (23 minutes of 60 used)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)
Silence (expired)
Invisible (per ring)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Monday October 4th, 2004 11:19:58 PM

Rigging looks at the two teams and sighs. He is worried about getting the Dirt City group killed and everytime the Wildcards have split up in the past, it always backfires.

He will say, "Please everyone gather around. I really don't think we should break off into four seperate groups. It will be to easy for one of the groups to get cut off, isolated and destroyed."

He will look at the Dirt City group and say, "I am used to giving orders and having them carried out. I can't order you but this is what I think we should do. With teamwork and sharing of powers, I think we can accomplish our goals.

I want us to split into 2 teams. The first team will be tasked with sneaking into the command tent and retrieving the book. This will be the most dangerous task, so I primarly want Wildcards on this mission. I think we should send an all female team on this mission.
That woman had a strange effect on me and I don't want to risk a man falling under her spell.

I think Val, Rose, Vaughwyt and Ashira should go on this mission. They will be invisible and moving swiftly. I think we should tap them all with the greater invisiblity wand. We will load them up with whatever spells we can to help protect them. He will look sternly at them all. If it gets rough in there, forget the book and get back to the boats.

The second mission is to few the slaves and get them to safety. I want the rest of the Dirt City crew to take on this responsibilty. We will support you and act as reserves from both groups.

Nezamil, I want you first to cast a silence on the nearest south eastern guard tower (ooc to all dms, my understanding on silence spell is you don't get a saving throw if it is cast in an area. You just have to leave the area. You only get it if the spell is cast directly on you and moves with you.)

The I want you to cast it on the closest dog pen to keep them quiet.

I will blink up into the tower and kill the guards and the Dirt City folks can get busy freeing the slaves.

I am not as concerned about destroying the boats. If fact, I almost relish them chasing us. They will all be bunched up together, on the boats, perfect targets for my fireball wand.

Does everyone agree with this plan? OK lets go."
He will lead the group off and when they are in the trees, close to there objectives will he halt the group and start the spellcasters with their thing.

Rose hp: 12/12 AC 14 
Monday October 4th, 2004 11:32:30 PM

Rose thinks for a bit. "Sounds good to me. What group should I be in?"

She calls Piper to her "Piper I have a special job for you."
"What is it?"
inquires Piper.

"I want to have a silence spell cast on you or something you carry and go to a watchtower so that the guards cant let anybody know what's going on. You'd be really brave if you did this and would have to keep hidden."

"Well ok"

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday October 4th, 2004 11:35:18 PM

Theodore grumbles under his breath at Rigging's plan. He shakes his head. "The odds just aren't good. How are we supposed to wade through all of those orcs to free the slaves? It's just not possible!" He shakes his head again. "We really need something to split the group apart, make them confused. All we need to do is get in and get out. Best case scenario, no one gets hurt. Not even the orcs."

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 1:39:38 AM

Nezamil nods as Rigging lays out the plan "yes theo it will be dangerous but the slave pen seems to be in the corner of the compound so we won't have to wade thru all the beasts ...just the ones guarding the slaves "

"but you do have a point , maybe if we wait a little longer they'll be dead drunk and make it easier for us "

turning to Rose the dwarf smiles " yes i can cast silence on a small stone that piper can carry and drop where needed ...Piper can target the dog pen i'll target the guard towers "

turning to Rigging " I think i should help with freeing the slaves ...some of them might require Domi's touch ....my wand of silence has good range i can reach several of the towers and the dog pen too and with Piper helping we can cover that whole slave pen if needed "

"but i think besides the group going after the book we should all help free the slaves ...i would feel better with a good solid fighting force since we facing such a large group "

The Cleric looks around the group " just need to break thru the fencing of the slave pen ...any ideas ?...then bring the slaves to the boats and wait for the Ladies to arrive "

Nezamil will find a couple of small stones that Piper could carry and once Captain Rigging gives the word he will activate his wand twice (once on each stone and hand them to rose to give to Piper) then target the the corner tower (since piper will take the dogs )

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 2:28:26 AM

Vorelle offers a rare smile as Theo returns her blanket. She stuffs it back in with her gear; she'll deal with the damp when she has time.

If Dietrich offers her the bow, she shakes her head. "M-m-m-my b-bow is m-magic," she explains. (Also, Dietrich probably knows his companions well enough by now to know that Vorelle isn't strong enough to take advantage of the bow's extra pull.)

Vauhwyt (illegal second post) 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 4:07:33 AM

The liontaur says, "Okay, Rigging! Sounds good to me."

When Rose asks what group she will be in, Vauhwyt says, "Rose, you're with me and Val and Ashira. But we have to go fast. Maybe you should ride on my back."

Vauhwyt asks if anyone has a cloak or blanket, and sees if Rose can share the invisibility if she is riding under a cloak on Vauhwyt's back.

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 7:02:10 AM

I will go with the second group freeing the slaves, I think i willmanage to break the fence, has onayone a crowbar or something i dont want tu use my sword to force the lock open. If our group is attacked I will be in the back and cover our retreat

Ari  d10=5
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 10:36:54 AM

(roll was accidental)

Ari rummages through the corpses for a couple of pieces of loose clothing.

Listening to Rigging and his plans, Ari adds, "Here are some clothing that can help mask your scent from the dogs, or at least confuse them for a moment."

As preparations are made, Ari will co-ordinate to make sure he has cats grace, bulls strength, and shield on himself.

He readies the alter self spell just in case something goes amiss.

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 10:38:48 AM

"These orcs seem to have a pretty decent camp. Let's say we succeed in everything that we intend to do. We free the slaves and split before it gets too rough. So what's to stop the orcs from taking 15 more next week? They have magical boats and what I'm guessing is a good system to aprehend slaves. I don't care if I have to chop off all their drunken heads myself. They need to be stopped permemently." The rest of the wildcards know Val well enough that she's determined and stubborn enough to try and kill all the orcs on her own.

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 11:10:07 AM

Dietrich accepts the bow after all and also agrees with the final plan. Concerning the 2 group, he thinks that Bart's former suggestion, to have the spellcasters with archers behind and the toughest fighters (Bart, Val) to cover them is a good idea.

Although he understands Theo's point (actually very similar to his own propose in the beginning), the fighter is happy that there is finally a definitive plan and also sees the danger in splitting the own forces too much, so he is for Riggings plan.

Finally, he doesn't like Val's speech at all and can only hope that there won't be any brave and suicidal actions.

OOC: SOrry folks, but just now that we'll have action I won't be able to post everyday. Jan, please make Dietrich useful when I'm absent.

Ryan and Neen 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 2:33:08 PM

Ryan agrees with Riggings plan and also on the fact that he will be with the second group freeing the slaves.

"Nice and simple then," he says to Rigging and the group.

He then turns to Bart "Would it be okay if I picked the lock that we may encounter, I've got a good pair of tools,"
He then pulls back his cloak to reveal a set of gleaming black metal thieves tools on his belt
"Heh, and some more on my belt"

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 3:13:25 PM

Ashira sighs. She still wasn't convinced, but Rigging had a good point. So she gathers the members of her team. Smiling at Val, she lays a restraining hand on the warrior's shoulder. "Sister, I don't doubt that you would kill all the orcs if you could... and truth be told, I wouldn't shed a single tear if you did. But deep down you know the truth...there are too many orcs out there for all of us. As to the slaves, think about it...I doubt those stupid orcs managed to secure them. From all of what Rigging has told us, I'd put my money on those humans. Remember, the orc boat said that another boat brought the slaves. And those slavers were supposed to meet up with another group of slavers in this area... I'll bet those humans are the one's we're after." A mischievous twinkle appears in Ashira's eye...one that Valanthe hasn't seen in a long time. "I tell you what, let's go get that book and if we get it we'll send Vauhwyt back and we'll see if we can't kill those humans before everything comes crashing down...sound like a deal?"

Ashira turns to Rose and Vauhwyt. "Ok ladies...seems like the men have left the dirty work for us to do again." A impish wink of her eye dispels any notion of the previous comment being taken too seriously. "So, let's make sure we're outfitted to do our job." She reaches into her backpack and pulls out several items. "Alright, I've got several potions that should help out... Here's a potion of Barkskin +3, I'd like either Vauhwyt or Rose to use it... Here's a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Rose, you'll need this, since Vauhwyt already has one. Alright, now this cute little thing is Quaal's whip token. Rose, I want you to keep this. If we get into a fight, I want you to activate it. A huge magical whip will appear and attack your enemies. "

Ashira turns her attention to Valanthe "I assume you're pretty much ready to go. I've got one more Cure Moderate Wounds, you want it?"

Once all the equipment is dished out, Ashira summons Redux. "Ok Redux, I need you to wait until we're in the forest area. Then I need you to bump all the girls with Bull's Strength and Greater invisibility. Oh and maybe you can give Vauhwyt and Rose some of your Mage Armor potions?"

Once again Ashira turns to all the summoned ladies. "Alright, anything else we're going to need? Any ideas? Let's get our plan together now."

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 6:07:47 PM

looking rather disgusted Olyn will turn to the others on the rescue tema.

going after them now, while they are awake and drinking is, like our new friend says, quite foolish but it seems Rigging has decided to start us off now. if we need someone to get past a guard or open a gate pen, without causing a big distraction, then I have something from Wardd that will aid us. at the appropriate time, I will change my form to that of an Orc. my appearance, including clothing and weaponry will look like that of one of those foul beasts. I will get past any guards and make a way for you to get in and rescue the hostages. but be quite about it, it will only last for 20 minutes.

**on a side note, if illegal posts are frowned on, and you all know you arent suppose to do it, why do i see 2 and 3 illegal posts on almost every turn? if the rest of us can wait til our next turn to post, why can't you?**

Narrative DM Jan 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 6:34:17 PM

Final plans are put in place! The group approaches the camp quietly, across the meadow, and through the trees, while getting set up with various spells.

The fire is beginning to die down a bit, but there's a lot of singing going on. The group finds itself being able to get within 10 yards of the camp's perimeter while still being under cover.

Is it showtime??

((OOC - I think I've probably mentioned before. I don't mind extra posts so long as it's 'conversation' and not 'action', so long as we don't swamp our fellow players. Planning hasn't been easy in this format. It's cool that we've managed to do what we have. No worries. I'm sure the DM'll take it into account ;) ))

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 9:07:26 PM

"No thanks Ashira. I've got two healing potions of my own and you know me. Chances are I'll be bad off after this and need somebody to pour it down my throat." Valanthe sighs before continuing. "I'll do my best to be a good girl but I'm not making any promises. I could very well loose my cool and rush off."

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 9:45:30 PM

Theodore pulls out his wand of burning hands and follows the rest of the group. Though he disagrees with their plan, he will still help the best that he can.

Macaw flaps up to a branch away from the party, having strict orders to sit this one out.

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 10:36:16 PM

Vauhwyt blushes, although no one knows it since she is invisible and -- even if she were not invisible -- colored red by her armor spell. "You are too good to us, Ashira," she says. "Rose, you take the Barkskin -- my hide is already tough as bark.

After the ten-minute walk to the camp, just before the group splits up, Vauhwyt casts two spells and asks in a whisper: "Should we travel under the cover of Silence as well? Perhaps another tap with that wand, good Nezamil?"

The two spells that she casts are Enlarge Person and Messsage on Mookie.


Mage Armor (V) (35 minutes of 60 used*)
Mage Armor (Mookie) (35 minutes of 60 used*)
Enlarge (Mookie) (1 rnd of 10 used*)
Message (Mookie) (2 rnds of 10 minutes used*)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)
Silence (expired)
Invisible (per ring)

*duration as of time that the group splits up.

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Rose hp: 12/12 AC 18 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 10:39:52 PM

Rose nimbly (but carefully) hops up on Vauhwyt's back. She frowns and reaches into her bag, leaning farther and farther inside until she finally comes out with a brush. (Picture Mary Poppins) "You know Vauhwyt, you should really get help on the places you cant reach." Rose says as she brushes that small spot that is almost impossible for the wemic to reach. "There all better." she says just as Ashira starts handing out things. She smiles and gives Ashira a hug as she accepts the whip and cure potion but lets Vauhwyt take the barkskin as she's probably going to need it more. "I already have mage armor on, but if you have anything that would help me shoot arrows & stuff that would be nice." She says when Ashira asks Redux to put spells on them. (cats grace)

Rose reaches into her bag and pulls out a sash with almost 20 seals on it, puts it on and is ready to go.

ooc: jan do i get to have the potion I won in the lotto? or do i have to wait till after combat?

rose continued 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 10:53:12 PM

Rose makes Vauhwyt take the barkskin potion. "Vauhwyt you can keep me safer if you take the potion. Remember I'm going to be riding you.

If Vauhwyt still refuses she sort of accidently leans forward and pours the potion down Vauhwyts throat as Vauhwyt speaks. :-D

ooc: we really need something to prevent posting at the same time :)

Rigging ac 24 hps 64 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 11:18:59 PM

Hearing the dismay in some of the members voices and attitudes, Rigging will say, "I to would have liked to wait for the camp to be asleep or insensible. Unfortunately some in the camp are keeping their wits about them. Someone sent out that patrol and that same leader will miss them when they don't report back in.

We have to move now before they get suspicous and start preparing. I am trying my best to keep everyone safe and accomplish the mission. Sometimes you have to put it on the line. As you get more experienced, you will realize that."

Rigging will smile and temper his sarcasm with a little wit, "And hope your companions think enough of you to petition Gargul to bring you back when your corpse starts stinking."

Rigging will get to the spot and start casting some spells. He will add cats grace and shield to the mage armor already on, and then activate his ring of blinking.

He will signal Nezamil to do his wand of silence thing, what for his greater invisibility and then move forward to take out the guards in the tower.

Spells on: Blinking
Mage armor
cats grace

Vauhwyt again 
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 11:34:42 PM

Vauhwyt will take the barkskin potion. She notices all Rose's seals and whispers, "Hey, Rose, you should start using those! I hear they go bad after a while."

[OOC: recent policy is that seals will begin expiring soon. So use them up, friends! Remember, activating a seal is usually a free action.]

Wednesday October 6th, 2004 11:22:38 AM

Even better Ryan, I think at least you must be invisible too, preferably most of the rest also. After you opend the slavepen, i will enter the pen and become visible and get the people out.

Wednesday October 6th, 2004 3:28:13 PM

(OOC sorry about the inactivity this week,I things at my store have been fairly chaotic the last few days. Three people quit without any notice so guess who got to cover the shifts,well I think I am back to normal posting,barring any more unpleasant surprises)

Zayne watches Rigging take control of the situation in awe,thinking to himself,"That man has what it takes to lead people,he is considerate of the needs of those under him,but at the same time to the point and does not lose sight of the big picture."

He volunteers to be a part of the second group,seeing as he does have a natural talent to create attention around himself. He moves into position with the rest of his group. Not thinking about the forest but at the job he has to do.

Ryan (AC:17 Hp:11) Neen (AC:19 Hp:5) (Mage Armour) 
Wednesday October 6th, 2004 4:33:14 PM

Ryan nods
"Agreed," he says to Bart and sets off on the ten-minute walk to the camp.

Once there he looks around the group,
"Has anyone got any Invisibility spells for us?" he asks.

He then casts the second mage armour of the day on himself and Neen.

Mage Armour: 1hr.

Wednesday October 6th, 2004 4:40:17 PM

Nezamil grins at Vauhwty " yes good idea , but i'll cast it on one of these small stones (he picked up two in last post ) this way you can discard it if you need to communicate among those with you....not to mention use it to silence some of those barking puppies you might encounter " once the mission is about to commence Nezamil will activate the wand of silence twice(2) on each stone handing one to Vauhwty and the other to Rose for Piper .

"also i have a wand of dispel magic that might come in handy "(if any of the ladies of the book brigade are willing to take Nezamil will hand it over )

Then upon Riggings word the dwarf aims and activates the wand (3)on the corner guard tower and then the middle guard tower (4)

"everyone try and work in pairs ...this way no one gets left behind ....and mage's behind the warriors ....who's with me ?"

Nezamil will follow the the warriors charge staying in support of them (if no one pairs with Nezamil he will stay near one of the young mages )

Narrative DM Jan 
Wednesday October 6th, 2004 7:59:27 PM

((Maps - scroll up to 21 Sept - Dominic has a link there))

Party is currently in the trees, facing the camp from the EAST.

Straight ahead, right in front of the group - is a watch tower.

To the left, is a tree, the slave pen, and another watchtower.

Straight ahead in the distance (100ft) is the fire - and a crowd of orcs having a rare old time. Various ramshackle tents are scattered in between. Beyond the fire, the top part of the leaders tent can be seen.

To the right, is a dog pen and a watch tower.

That's all you can see at this level.

I'm assuming you're all spelled up, so the time is ticking.

Please, let me have any skill checks you feel necessary, and don't forget to put your AC, HPs and spell effects in your header.

Valanthe [HP 100, AC 23, Ring of Invisibility] 
Wednesday October 6th, 2004 8:49:53 PM

"Rigging do you want us to wait for the tower to go down, or should the four of us sneak past? I'll volunteer to clear the tower but I'm sure it will make some noise. I'm sure they realise a patrol vanished. I think that assuming that the guards are drunk or asleep could be fatal."

Rigging ac24 hps 60/60 shield, mage armor, greater invisiblity, blinking, cat's grace  d20+8=27 d20+12=22 d20+11=21 d6+1=5 2d6(1+6)=7 d20+11=26 d4+1=4 2d6(4+3)=7 2d6(5+6)=11 d100=55 d100=81
Wednesday October 6th, 2004 10:57:13 PM

Rigging looks at Vauhwyt and says with a feral grin, "Nope the guard tower is my contribution to this endeavor."

Rigging waits to get tapped with the wand from Redux and then sees that Nezamil has cast his silence spell . He will scamper out to the base of the tower and start to climb it. He will be moving fast and when he gets to the base near the top, will draw his weapons and blink through the base and attack the nearest orc with his shortsword hitting ac 21 and doing 13 points of damage to it. He follows up with a holy dagger strike hitting ac 26 and does 22 for a total of 35 points of damage. (I assumed the orcs were evil and took my 2d6 damage, also did backstab damage)

Rigging rolled 27 for climbing but also has slippers of spiderclimbing that help.

Rigging rolled a 22 to move quietly.

Mage armor, hours
Cats grace 59 combat rounds
Shield 58 combat rounds
greater invisiblity 60 combat rounds?
blinking (from ring)

Vorelle [AC 17; HP 17/17]  d20+8=26 d20+8=19
Thursday October 7th, 2004 12:07:56 AM

Unless she is told to do something else, Vorelle will sneak up to a position near the slave pen and stand by with her bow, ready to cover the retreat of the escaping slaves.

[Hide 26; Move Silently 19]

Olyn ac20, hp19 
Thursday October 7th, 2004 12:18:21 AM

waits in the trees.

Rose hp: 12/12 AC 18  d20+5=16 d20+4=6
Thursday October 7th, 2004 1:00:03 AM

Rose holds on tight (but tries not to hurt) as Vauhwyt starts towards the tent.

Spot: 16
ride: 6

active spells:
mage armor & what ever else I got tapped with

Thursday October 7th, 2004 1:02:25 AM

I found the link

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor)  d20+2=13 d20+4=12 d20+2=15 d20+2=14
Thursday October 7th, 2004 10:35:42 AM

Theodore moves with Vorelle, trying to keep low to the ground. He stops behind the tree before the slave pen and watchtower to get a closer glimpse of the situation.

(Move silently = 13, hide = 12, listen = 15, spot = 14)

Zayne  d20+6=20 d20+6=22 d20+5=12 d20+5=15
Thursday October 7th, 2004 12:05:24 PM

As plans are being made he retrieves his equipment from Dietrich,and looks arond for a good place to operate from.

Zayne takes cover near Vorelle,(5ft or so)in a quiet whisper,"This could get nasty." Looking around for any signs that they have been discovered he begins sticking several arrows into the ground in front of him,looking to Vorelle he flashes her a quick grin,"I want to say I am sorry for the way I acted back at the palace. Sometimes I can't control my temper."(Hide 20 Move Silently 22 Listen 12 Spot 15)

Ari HP 50 AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min)  d20+8=24 d20+7=11 d20+7=21 d20+5=12 d20+3=12
Thursday October 7th, 2004 12:26:21 PM

When Ari finally sees the camp, he will do a quick scan to see if there's anything out of the ordinary. (Knowledge Nature 24, Arcane 11, religion 21, Listen 12, Spot 12).

If there is nothing out of the ordinary, then Ari looks and plans to whether he should cover the slave pen from the Tree that sits right next to it.

Ari feels his fingers itching to do something. But not knowing whether combat or spells is what's needed. Ari schools himself to patience as he waits for the opening moves of this next encounter to happen.

Ashira (AC 22 HP 87/87, Bull's Strength, Greater Invisibility) 
Thursday October 7th, 2004 2:08:02 PM

Gathering her invisible team to the sound of her voice. "Alright ladies, let's get in there and get the job done. No heroics...got me??" Gathering up her Silenced stone, Ashira begins to thread her way through the enemy camp, toward the leaders tent.

Redux (AC 20, HP 52/52, Greater Invisiblity, Fly) 
Thursday October 7th, 2004 2:15:26 PM

Having "spread the love" with his wands, Redux casts Fly so that he can keep a bird's eye on the battlefield. He floats up about 20 feet above the others and maintains a position near the trees...wand of magic missiles in one hand...memorized spells ready to go.

Cayzle OOC 
Thursday October 7th, 2004 2:52:45 PM

Um, jan, the graphic that Dominic put up has the scale at the bottom. By that scale, the fire is about 500 feet from the party, I think. Here is a version of Dominic's graphic that I added a grid to. Every grid marks 60 feet (so a human can travel one square per round at a hustle, or two squares per round at a run).

Dominic's Map with a 60'x60' grid.

Vauhwyt (AC20, HP19) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) 
Thursday October 7th, 2004 3:21:42 PM

[Slight Revision from yesterday, given the size of the map and our placement on it ... that Enlarge is on Vauhwyt, not Mookie. See below. Hope that's ok.]

Vauhwyt takes a good look at the orc camp and rejudges the size and distances. She thinks hard and decides that there is only one way to get to the leader's tent AND force the Ring of Invisibility to cover both Mookie and Rose.

She casts Enlarge Person on herself (not Mookie). She takes her block and tackle out of her backpack. She holds it open for Rose to climb into. She closes it loosely and puts it on. Mookie is in her pouch.

She tells Ashira and Val that she has to move fast to make it in time before the enlarge spell runs out. She says she'll meet them by the tree next to and west of the leader tent.

With the small Rose and the tiny Mookie hidden in her pocket and pack, huge Vauhwyt takes the stone with the Silence on it and starts moving.

That brings us to this turn -- I hope!

Moving 80 feet per round -- invisible and within the silent area, it takes Vauhwyt ten rounds to get all the way over to the far side of the leader tent. At the end of the tenth round, Vauhwyt will have just enough time to let Rose out of her pack before her Enlarge spell ends.

Here is a diagram showing her path.

[Of course, that's ten rounds of combat and actions from everyone else. We'll see how far Vauhwyt gets in her planned path.]

[She could run and get there in half the time, but she fears the vibrations of a huge running liontaur would alert the enemy, silence or no!


Spells (as of the end of Vauhwyt's ten round move to the leader's tent):
Mage Armor (V) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (Mookie) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Enlarge (Vauhwyt) (10 rnd of 10 used (just expires at end of total move)
Message (Mookie) (1 min of 10 minutes used)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)
Silence (1 min of 3 min used)
Invisible (per ring)
Barkskin +3 potion (long duration, will look up later)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Ryan (AC:17 Hp:11) Neen (AC:19 Hp:5) (Mage Armour)  d20+7=17 d20+10=14 d20+14=26 d20+6=15
Thursday October 7th, 2004 5:42:47 PM

"Er, ha sny one got any invisibility spells to give me?" Ryan askes with an edge of anexity.

He and Neen then follow the group 2 keeping as quiet as he can.

Move Silently:14

Move Silently:15

Mage Armour 59mn

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 45/53 
Thursday October 7th, 2004 7:20:41 PM

The Dwarf watches as the ladies vanish into thin air " may Domi guide and watch over them " mutters the Cleric

Knowing the Captain has started his attack Nezamil takes a deep breath and exhales slowly " stay calm ...relax....everything will work out" thinks the dwarf to himself

Nezamil eyes the trio of Vorelle,Theodore,Zayne ...edges up to them ..."thats good stick together...if ya see any officers direct troops our way ....shoot em ....sow some confusion in their ranks " the dwarf gives the trio a quick grin " you'll be fine "

Turning his attention to the guard tower Rigging went to Nezamil slides his Mace :) out of his ring holster and prepares to charge the tower .with a quick scan of the area around the tower " lets go " growls the Cleric, the dwarf breaks into a run directly at the silenced corner tower (hoping his companions follow )

OOc what type of fencing surrounds the camp if any , also same for the slave pen ?

Narrative DM Jan 
Friday October 8th, 2004 12:58:42 AM

((Go with Cayzle's map dimensions folks, I had pink blancmange for brains last night))

Assuming two main groups.....

Ashira, Vauhwyt (with poor Rose stuffed in a bag) (Valanthe? Walter, you with this group or the other? Lemme know) - head into the camp, creeping quickly around the shadowy tents toward their target.
By the time Vauhwyt and Rose catch up, Ashira will already have caught a glimpse of the following -

A large cloaked mystery figure stood about 15 ft from the leaders tent, looking toward the fire, talking to a group of human males. To the aquatic elf, the humans appearance reminds her a lot of the Slavers roaming around back in Culverwood.

The leaders tent is an haphazard affair - a multitude of skins thrown together and pegged down every now and then, leaving gaps here and there.

Beyond this particular group is an impressive crowd - not particularly impressive in terms of dress sense, but they look a tough bunch, shoving and pushing one another around, milling about and roaring, pouring great pans of beer down their throats, and armed to the teeth with clunky equipment.


Everyone else edges through the trees toward the slave pen and the corner Tower. (Chris I'm presuming this is where Nezamil is heading).

From their vantage point - there is no perimeter fence to the camp as such, but there is one around the slave pen - poles and ropes with 6" gaps in between.
Theo and Ryan see a gate down the inner side - with a padlock of some kind. But in order to get to it without detection - someone's gonna have to take out the corner watch tower.
Ari can see that the tree next to the pen would make a very good vantage point for attack - however, scrambling down it might slow down a man's escape. But you never know. Zayne, Vorelle and Dietrich get ready with thier arrows. Olyn is nearby waiting for the bloodshed he just knows is gonna happen. Bart and Shadeos get ready to do what they can.

Up in the air, Redux can see an orc stood on the corner watchtower, looking longingly toward the revelry at the campfire. He can also see two of the slaves below him move suddenly to the edge of the fence, and look eagerly out toward the trees. Did one of them see something?


Rigging ascends the center Tower, and has to bring all his resources to bear in order to bring the guard down. From his vantage point alongside the dead orc, he reckons that if anyone looks over in this direction, they might well notice that the Tower is no longer manned.

Friday October 8th, 2004 4:27:40 AM

Bart waits for the signal of Rigging whos is climbing the tower and killing the guards that the way to the slave pen is free. When he hears or sees his signal Bart goes forward and mention Ryan and the to come with him.

Vauhwyt (AC20, HP19) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (invisible, Silent) 
Friday October 8th, 2004 5:56:39 AM

She sees the enemy roaring around the fire, and the mysterious leader talking with slavers, but of course she can hear none of it. Which is a kind of a surreal experience, especially for someone who has never used a remote control or a mute button!

But Vauhwyt has no time to lollygag -- she does not want to shrink back to normal size with Rose still in her pack! The liontaur continues on her path around the fire, behind the leader tent, and under that tree -- making sure that her zone of silence does not pass over any of the enemy.

[OOC: Here is a clean version of the map. Note that the grid has letters and numbers so you can mention places on the map if you want. Remember that each square is 60 feet!]

[Note that Vauhwyt's AC20 is while she is huge. Her AC will shoot up to 22 when she shrinks down to normal size, hopefully as she gets under that tree.


Spells (as of the end of Vauhwyt's ten round move to the leader's tent):
Mage Armor (V) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (Mookie) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Enlarge (Vauhwyt) (10 rnd of 10 used (just expires at end of total move)
Message (Mookie) (1 min of 10 minutes used)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)
Silence (1 min of 3 min used)
Invisible (per ring)
Barkskin +3 potion (1 min of 90 used)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Olyn ac20, hp19, Bless  d6=2 d6=3
Friday October 8th, 2004 8:28:13 AM

before any more of the group can head out from the tree line, Olyn will whisper a quick prayer to Wardd asking for safety and swiftness of tonights actions. then, tossing a pair of dice onto the ground : a 2 and a 3, he casts Bless upon the group.

pulling out his healing wand he readies himself to move quickly to heal and quiet any loud noises.

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor) 
Friday October 8th, 2004 9:18:57 AM

Theodore sends an empathetic message to Macaw and the raven soars down to perch on a pole in the slave pen.

"Help come," speaks the magic bird to the slaves. "Be quiet. Be ready."

Theodore nods his approval as he sees Macaw descend to inform the slaves of their presence. Then the wizard looks to Ryan, "I could probably burn through those ropes with my wand. Maybe we could set those people free from the side of the pen that no one would notice. First, we have to get there undetected."

He tries to catch the eyes of the waiting archers then jerks his head significantly towards the corner tower overlooking the slave pen.

Valanthe [HP 100, AC 23, Ring of Invisibility, Bull Strength?] 
Friday October 8th, 2004 9:45:44 AM

Valanthe keeps her hand on Ashira's shoulder as they sneak through the camp. Being invisible and silenced makes it really hard for a group to stay together. Valanthe sees the slavers and the tough crowd drinking in one of the tents and feels the urge to cut loose but that would be stupid and if she lived Ashira would give her hell. Facing Gargul in the afterlife might be the better choice.

OOC: Valanthe is accompanying Ashira, Rose, and Vauhwyt. I remember something about being enchanted with Bull's Strength. Should I just roll the enchantment bonus?

BigTim aka Olyn 
Friday October 8th, 2004 2:17:48 PM

you no longer roll for bull strength or any other buff on that line, its now just a plain 4 points. difference being, instead of lasting hours, it now lasts minutes.

Nezamil Ac 18 (21 w/shield) Hp 45/53 
Friday October 8th, 2004 9:15:43 PM

The Dwarf dashes to the silenced corner tower (mace in one hand, wand in the other) running low to the ground in the high grass , keeping the towers legs between him and the camp.

stopping directly below the tower the Cleric scans for any sign of alarm ....seeing that the slavepen is of wood and rope build "how do i cut thru that "

" if only i had an axe :) to cut the rope " mutters the dwarf

"Zayne has a battle axe !! "

glancing back towards the dirt city trio Nezamil will wave Zayne forward

Rigging shield mage armor, cats grace greater invisiblity, and blinking  d20+12=27 d20+10=30 d20+10=27 d6+1=5 2d6(4+4)=8 d4+1=3 2d6(4+5)=9 2d6(4+3)=7 d100=42 d100=77
Friday October 8th, 2004 11:00:32 PM

Rigging will try and prop the guard up in a position where he can be seen and then quickly climb down the tower and head towards the southern tower.

OOC Not sure if we are in combat rounds yet so I will proceed with the assumption that we aren't. Feel free to shut me down if I am pushing things. Just trying to keep the action going.

Rigging will reactivate his blinking ring and climb up the tower (climb check 27), again blink through the floor and attack the guard.

He hits both times and does 32 points of damage to the orc guard.

OOC 2 d100 rolls were to make sure I hit while blinking. Rolled a natural 20 but didn't follow up on it as thief backstabs are considered critical hits anyway.

Saturday October 9th, 2004 12:48:13 PM

Rose gets ready to jump out of the bag if she feels it start to shrink.

mage armor: ?/1hr
what other spells were cast upon her?

Zayne  d20+6=19 d20+6=16 d20=16
Saturday October 9th, 2004 5:38:17 PM

Looking at the dwarf questioningly,he creeps forward. Not really sure what he could want to talk about,especially right now,when silence is of the utmost importance.(Hide 19 Move Silently 16)

When he gets close enough,he whispers,"Not to sound rude or anything,but now is not really the time to get to know on another." (OOC disregard that third roll not intentional)

Ari HP 50 AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min) (2nd post since casting)
Sunday October 10th, 2004 12:19:13 PM

(ooc assuming Rigging gets to do his 2nd action)

Ari continues his waiting for Rigging's signal. With the continued silence, that means success for the team. Did Rigging get the first guards? How long do we wait until we figure out that Rigging might have been killed or caught?

Ari reminds himself to keep breathing, and prays to Alemi that Rigging is safe. Not exactly sure of this situation, Ari also adds his prayer for those in the family to watch over those of the family.

Ryan (AC:17 Hp:11) Neen (AC:19 Hp:5) (Mage Armour)  d20+7=14 d20+10=21 d20+6=23 d20+14=33
Sunday October 10th, 2004 2:01:09 PM

Ryan waits for some one to take care of that watch tower. He does not attempt to shoot at it himself because even if his bow could reach that range he doesnt trust his aim.

He follows Bart keeping quiet
(Ryan Hide:14 Move silently:21)
(Neen Hide:33 move silently:23)

Vorelle  d20+6=7 d20+6=24
Sunday October 10th, 2004 3:51:23 PM

Vorelle is a little surprised when Zayne apologizes for what happened back in Dirt City, but hastens to reassure him. "Th-that's all r-r-right," she whispers.

She might perhaps have said more, but Zayne is called away. She remains where she is, alert for any sight or sound of danger.

[Spot 7; natural 1. Listen 24]

Ashira (AC 22 HP 87/87, Bull's Strength, Greater Invisibility)  d20+16=20 d20+11=18
Sunday October 10th, 2004 11:12:00 PM

Ashira begins to guide Valanthe toward the back of the leader's tent...and away from the cloaked figure. She has a bad feeling about that character...

As the ranger approaches the tent, she moves cautiously, trying to keep an eye out for danger (Spot=20) as she creeps along in the eerie silence. It was so odd moving around and not hearing the familiar tinkling of her armor...the faint crackle of the fire as they moved steadily closer toward it... Her lack of hearing heightens her sense of danger, and Ashira begins to search (18) the back of the tent for the easiest way to enter without making a big scene... She can only hope that Vauhwyt and Rose are watching her tracks and following her toward the back of the tent.

Erik (Evil NPC...ADM Nellie)  d100=40 d100=9 d100=99 d100=51 d100=23 d20+4=21
Monday October 11th, 2004 12:14:21 AM

The firelight brightens briefly for a few moments as a couple of orcs well in their cups throw some unknown flammable liquid into the blaze. The added illumination reveals a tall (6' 9"), well dressed man with short curly hair and a most unusual dark tint to his skin... Standing close to the cloaked leader of the tent, he appears to be in conversation with the leader of the orcs...

The human's smile seems to intensify as the party continues on into the night... Though truth be told, Erik was repulsed by this place...these nasty little creatures...and particularly their leader. Oh sure..she was good looking as far as orcs were concerned, and truth be told, something about her gave the strong desire to seek out a private place for the two of them ...but gods, what a stench!!! And there was just something about those glowing red eyes..." Erik's perfect teeth sparkle in the firelight as he nods at the cloaked figure. "Yes, Ga'al be praise! We are so glad that we could assist you by bringing you these slaves. And your contribution in return is much appreciated." Erik bows deeply, though he holds his breath as he does so, trying not to take in too much of the obnoxious odor coming from the woman. "Perhaps once you have made your strike and are in control of the city, we can bring you others to assist in your cause..." Even as he politely awaits her answer, the man scans the drunken crowd...checking to make sure that his men are ready to go as soon as is politely possible. Gods knows I'm gonna need a long bath after being in this sewer...why if those priest hadn't refused those last few elves, I never would have agreed to this... As he scans the crowd, Erik catches sight of something very odd...something about the shadows over by the side of the tent...he could have sworn he saw something moving...something large. The smile fading partially from his lips, the man shifts his weight slightly and turns toward the tent...scanning the darkness...

Narrative DM Jan 
Monday October 11th, 2004 12:58:55 AM

((OOC - folks, just so you're aware, we are about to be re-joined by Chris, and joined by Jim - both Game 5 players))

Olyn's blessing of Wardd falls on everyone as they venture forth into danger, settling on the flesh, making it tingle for a moment.

Outside the Slave Pen -

Those watching the Tower near the slave pen wait for the creature up there to be taken out, before they make their move. The waiting is intolerable - then all of a sudden, those looking up at the tower will suddenly see the orc slump.
Up in the air, Redux has a better view and sees the thing fall to the wood planking up on the Tower.
Is it dead? It's hard to tell, but something is happening up there, and it's obviously time to move - and quickly.

((George - Rigging will be doing the killing part this next round, so if you want to embellish ;), by all means do so.))

Bart begins to step forward. He can see figures milling about inside the pen.

Inside the Slave Pen -

Appolo and Jager are feeling the effects of hunger and dehydration, and so far - no one has approached with a promise of food and water. Listening to the noise around the campfire fills everyone in the pen with dread, for they were to be left alone, doing goodness knows what, for this crowd; the lowest, most menial tasks, and if they thought the Slavers were tough, then they new this was going to be no picnic at all. At least they're not shackled or tied up.
There are nine others, one of which has wandered over to the east side of the pen, as though he's heard something.
Then - all of a sudden, a cheeky bird - a raven, hops onto the top of the fence, telling everyone to be quiet!

((Chris, Jim - that's your intro.))

Over at the Leader Tent -

Ashira, Valanthe, Vauhwyt and Rose sneak around the back of the tent. The liontaur reaches the tree.
They also managed to catch a better glimpse of two of their antagonists as they did so - a tall, strapping human male - who appeared to glance in their direction for a moment, and an even taller, cloaked figure. There was something odd about that one, how the cloak was distorted at the back. There is also a whiff of opened graves in the air.

Okay folks - the clock is now ticking. Actions please.

Monday October 11th, 2004 1:36:04 AM

Appolo sits in the back corner of the pen quitely sleeping,He had already advised the others to get some sleep,but they had not taken his advice.His sleep is a llight one.When the bird arrives someone disturbs him and he awakes.Agian cursing himself for going waling through the woods unarmed.He was in the elven village visiting and gone berry picking with some children.All he had when he was taken was a single dagger and a basket of berries.Although he did mangae to take two of the orcs out before a dart hit him in the back.He then woke up here.That was two days ago.He decided to by his time and wait.He figured that sooner or later he'd get his shot at escape.Appolo was just glad the orcs and the slavers where to stupid to realize who and what they had.Being aPirate of Jack and all.Appolo still had his Tattoos.

He gets up and walks over two the talikng bird and has a look at it.

Ari HP 50 AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min) (3rd post since casting)  d20+3=16
Monday October 11th, 2004 4:31:21 AM

Ari seeing the Orc slump, Ari tries to catch at least one person's eyes to make sure that they've seen the orc slump. Ari then begins to climb up the tree, in order to give cover fire if necessary.

(ooc I'll be working 5am to 5pm EST for the week. This is an FYI for me.)

Vauhwyt (AC22, HP19) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Invisible, Silent, Mage Armor, Bless, Barkskin)  d20+14=33 d20+1=13 d20+1=4
Monday October 11th, 2004 4:37:21 AM

Under the tree behind the Leader Tent, Vauhwyt helps Rose out of her pack before the liontaur shrinks back to regular size. She looks around for Ashira and Val.

Then the invisible liontaur walks to within 20 feet of the back of the leader tent. She then takes Mookie out of her pocket, sets him down, and gives him the silence pebble to hold onto (in his beak). She motions to him to lie down here and hide.
[Mookie's Hide check is a 33]

Invisible and still within the silenced area, Vauhwyt creeps toward the tent. She peeks through the holes and patches of the structure into the Leader's Tent. She looks for anyone and anything inside. She also sees if there is a place she could enlarge a hole and enter through the back. Or maybe under the edge of the tent at the ground?
[Vauhwyt's Search check is a 13. Her Spot is a 4.]

Here is a clean version of the map.


Bless (V&M) (from Olyn) (11 rounds of 20 used)
Mage Armor (V) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (11 rounds of 100 used)
Silence (11 rounds of 30 used)
Barkskin +3 potion (1 min of 90 used)
Invisible (12 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)
Enlarge (V) (expired)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Olyn ac20, hp19, Bless 
Monday October 11th, 2004 9:15:23 AM

ever so slowly, Olyn will as stealthily as possible make his way behind the fighters. healing wand at the ready.

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor)  d20+2=9 d20+2=17
Monday October 11th, 2004 12:30:02 PM

Theodore waits for Rigging to take out the other orc in the tower overlooking the slave pen before moving. He tries his darndest to be quiet and stay low to the ground. The side of the pen opposite of the orc revelry is his target, hoping to free the slaves from the back and lead them back to the boats without anyone the wiser.

Macaw cocks his head as Appolo approaches. "Help come," the raven repeats. "Stay calm."

(Hide = 9, move silently = 17)

Dietrich Ac 17; HP 24  d20+2=13 d20+4=24
Monday October 11th, 2004 12:30:54 PM

Dietrich waits eagerly for their next move, looking around for other patrols etc.
Listen 13, Spot 24

He'll keep behind with Ashira's bow, in order to give cover and not to make noise with his heavy equipment. Dietrich will stay near the spell-casters, so that he can protect them if necessary. The fighter feels encouraged with the presence of the clerics and feels Warrd's protection.

Marteaus Group - DM Dominic  d20+5=18
Monday October 11th, 2004 2:39:51 PM

Tharilon (ogre-mage) moves towards the leader Lilia (half-orc).
Ynvar (half-orc) looks around the camp from by the fire watching the slavers.
Korik (ogre) starts to head towards the slave pens.
Miglic (half-orc) moves with Korik towards the slave pens.
Gudris (half-orc) looks around the camp.
Hormstein (orc) heads towards the leaders tent.
Milug (half-orc) wanders over towards Korik.
Juggluc (orc) stands near the fire with Ynvar.
Quarivor (ogre) stands outside the large tent.
Lilia noticing it going quiet she moves over by the fire pulling out a wand then triggering it towards the tent (dispel magic area, dispel check 18.)

Ryan (AC:17 Hp:11) Neen (AC:19 Hp:5) (Mage Armour,Bless)  d20+7=15 d20+10=20 d20+14=34 d20+6=23
Monday October 11th, 2004 3:50:45 PM

As soon as the orc in the watchtower falls Ryan moves cautiously towards the slave pen, head down hood up. Neen is but a shadow.

He gestures for the ones with him to follow.

He sees the slaves clearly now, he knows his task.

(Ryan Hide:15 Move Silently:20 Neen Hide:34 Move silently:23)

OOC DM Dominic 
Monday October 11th, 2004 5:45:58 PM

Everyone please post the corordinates of where you are at on the map.

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 45/53 (bless) P-13 
Monday October 11th, 2004 6:44:15 PM

Nezamil gives Zayne a quizical look " what ?...get to know ......oh by Domi help me " whispers the dwarf

The Cleric points to the nearby slavepen " the fence is of rope design ...we need a sharp weapon to slash it ..." Holds up his mace " this is for bashing not cutting "whispers Nezamil

" think you can cut the rope ? " Nezamil doesn't give him a chance to respond " you slash the rope fence and i'll try and dislodge one of the poles "

hearing a liitle noise up on the tower " Don't worry about that " as Nezamil peeks up " Captain will handle that " whispers the dwarf

" i can impart some of Domi's strength (bull str ) if you think it will help " (if Zayne agrees Nezamil will cast bull str on him )

Once done with that " Lets go " growls the dwarf to Zayne and sprints for the nearby slavepen fence

Ashira (AC 22 HP 87/87, Bull's Strength, Greater Invisibility)  d20+16=26
Monday October 11th, 2004 6:57:09 PM

Ashira starts at the sound of her armor clinking (since I figure Mookie's stone was dispelled). Grabbing Valanthe's arm with a tight squeeze. Looks like the game was just about up... Seeing the tent rustle as the invisible Vauhwyt plays with it, Ashira decides the time for subtlety is over. She gently thrusts her shortsword through the tent material and cuts a large slit in the back..then she pops her head through the slit, taking a good look inside (Spot=26). If it looks like the coast is clear, she enters the tent and goes looking for that book...

Ashira's position is F4

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday October 11th, 2004 9:44:40 PM

OOC - Theodore's position is P11. This is kind of like battleship!!

Vorelle  d20+6=11 d20+6=16
Monday October 11th, 2004 9:58:38 PM

Vorelle continues to wait, watch, and listen.

[Spot 11; Listen 16]

[I'm a little turned around, but I think Vorelle is somewhere in the vicinity of Q8]

Monday October 11th, 2004 10:41:14 PM

(ooc working on climbing tree at O:P-9:10 as far as I know it.)

Rigging  d20+12=22
Monday October 11th, 2004 10:48:27 PM

Rigging slowly lowers the body of the now dead orc he just killed to the deck. He wipes his blades on the dead sentry's cloak and then swears silently to himself. He got blood on his pants! He really needs to get some clothes like Redux has.

Rigging then takes a good look around and notices some of the enemy taking an interest in the slave pen. He pulls out his wand of fireballs and readies it.

He will call softly down to the slave freeing part of the group, "You have company coming. Get those folks out quickly."

Spot check 22

Mage armor, hours
Cats grace 57 combat rounds
Shield 56 combat rounds
greater invisiblity 58 combat rounds?
blinking (from ring)

Redux (Fly, Mage Armor, Greater Invis, AC20, hp52) 
Monday October 11th, 2004 11:59:20 PM

The mage (about Q11) flys down to the door of the cage and offers his dagger to begin slicing the bindings and then will fly back up.

Narrative DM Jan 
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 1:47:23 AM

Recap on DM Dominic's post -
Tharilon (ogre-mage) moves towards the leader Lilia (half-orc).
Ynvar (half-orc) looks around the camp from by the fire watching the slavers.
Korik (ogre) starts to head towards the slave pens.
Miglic (half-orc) moves with Korik towards the slave pens.
Gudris (half-orc) looks around the camp.
Hormstein (orc) heads towards the leaders tent.
Milug (half-orc) wanders over towards Korik.
Juggluc (orc) stands near the fire with Ynvar.
Quarivor (ogre) stands outside the large tent.

The Leader's Tent -

Vauhwyt peeps through a hole in the tent, and sees a little of the interior, but not much. Jars of 'something' stacked on a table.

(Spell Check 18) if the magic starts to melt, everything becomes a lot more audible.
Throwing caution to the wind, Ashira slices open a hole in the tent - there, thats better, she gets a good view of the circular interior - piles of skins, a table full of jars, rolled-up scrolls, and on another table, not too far away - a huge tome.

The tent itself twitches as part of it's wall is sliced open.
Lilia (NPC leader), and Erik (NPC Slaver) glance at one another and start to move with a purpose. Something flexes beneath Lilia's cloak.
Close by are a motley crew of nasties -
Last but not least, and built like a brick outhouse, is the ogre Quarivor
No wait - another approaches - orc Hormstein.

The Slaver Pen -

The group moves forward to the rescue!
Ari shins up the tree!

It's looking like two poles will need to be taken out, so that the slaves can squeeze through.
Each pole is attached top and bottom (basically in two places) with thick rope.
It will take one round to saw through one section of rope with a sharp blade - sword or knife.
It will take one round to slice vertically downward through two sections of rope.
Oh - and there's a big clunky padlock on the gate - DC 15. The gate is 5 poles wide, and if opened, you could get an elephant through it.

On guard - Dietrich spots a distant torch, moving this way. Bet it's not moving of it's own accord, either.
Vorelle hears gruff chatter, also coming from that direction.

Rigging, up on the guard Tower, sees Korik, Miglic and Milug (NPCs) moving toward the pen. At their current speed - it's going to be 3 rounds before they're upon the group = even less for their senses to come into play.

Inside the pen, Appolo and the others see faces on the other side of the fence.

Bart  d20=16
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 1:58:46 AM

BArt is thje near the slavepen, he sees Appollo hi buddy wonder how you have come here. Suddenly there is a bastard sword in Bart hands (glove of storing) with a mighty slash bart cuts the rope from the top to the bottom.

Valanthe [HP 100, AC 23] 
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 3:29:57 AM

"Ashira,concentrate on what we came here to do. I shall hand things the best I can." Valanthe says in elvish. "Oh and please step aside."

Valanthe takes several deep breaths, her eyes focused and unblinking. Her hands clench tightly around the grip of her sword and the strap of her shield as the rage takes over.

ooc: Valanthe is spending the round to rage

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Invisible, Silent, Mage Armor, Bless, Barkskin)  d20+3=17 d20+9=10 d20+7=27
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 7:26:30 AM

Results of the Dispel Magic on Vauhwyt and Mookie (assuming Area Dispel version):
-- Check for Mookie's Silence (caster level 3) is 17 = dispelled.
-- Check for Vauhwyt's Barkskin (caster level 9) is 10 = dispelled.
(no need for more checks -- the Area Dispel takes down one effect per person and then ends for that person)

The silence ends; Mookie dashes over to Vauhwyt and hides himself away.

Vauhwyt, whose Barkskin potion is also dispelled, is glad that at least the invisibility did not end.

She sneaks invisibly through the big gash Ashira made in the tent, trying hard not to touch the fabric of the tent. "Wowsy!" she thinks to her self as she glides silently through, "I am in the groove!" [Natural 20 on the move silent check = auto success]

She moves to the book, or at least 40 feet closer to it. [That's a double move for Vauhwyt, walking at half speed so as to incur no penalty to the move silent check.] She certainly will not touch it this round, even if she has the chance. She does not have time to both pick it up and to stow it away. To do both of those will take a full round.

Here is a clean version of the map.


Bless (V&M) (from Olyn) (12 rounds of 20 used)
Mage Armor (V) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (12 rounds of 100 used)
Invisible (13 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)
Silence (dispelled)
Barkskin +3 potion (dispelled)
Enlarge (V) (expired)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Olyn ac20, hp19, Bless  d20=15 d20+3=15
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 8:50:27 AM

moving half his speed when he hears the whisper of incoming trouble, Olyn will head towards the slave pen knowing his healing abilities are soon to be needed.

doing so quietly and hiding in the shadows.

hide: 15
move silently: 15

Jager  d20+6=26
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 9:01:35 AM

Jager quickly scans the slave pen and spots (spot 26) the bird and thinks to himself as his belly grumbles "I have to get out of hear, and that bird might make a tasty snack on the way out."

Jager has been a slave for too long to hope for rescue, but what is that he see out in the woods???

Jager chastises himself again for the pleasure of killing that third guard when he should have been escaping, but he would have killed 100 more for his sisters death he consoles himself again.

Tuesday October 12th, 2004 12:49:21 PM

Appolo nods to the bird and turns to the others,he says quietly"Ok folks looks like the rescue team is here.Get ready to move and move fast.Oh a be quiet."

He then sees Bart and smiles,he notices Barts quizzical look and just puts his hands up and shrugs.As soon as the rope is cut Appolo looks at the rest of the"Ok come people lets pulll this thing open alittle"ONce the post is pulled a little to the side Appolo squirms through."Hey buddy.You wouldn't happen to have an extra dagger or something do ya?"He says to Bart.

Zayne  d8+1=9 d20+5=18 d20+5=15
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 12:55:21 PM

Looking at the dwarf and trying a rueful smile he cuts through the rope.(Damage 9)

He watches as the dwarf heads into the camp,and looks back at Vorelle,and Theo. Overexaggerating the words he mouths,"I will be right back."

He then ducks in after the dwarf,careful not to make too much noise.(Hide 18 Move Silently 15)

Theodore and Macaw  d20+2=14 d20+2=22
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 2:24:53 PM

Theodore hears Rigging's whispered warning of approaching bad guys and drops his wand while pulling forth a thin rod and a bit of wool.

"I'm going to try to distract the coming guards," he says to Vorelle. "Keep everyone focused on getting the slaves out...and quietly." That said, Theodore crouches and attempts to move along the slave pen to get to the southern side so that he might get a better position for casting a spell.

(Hide = 14, move silently = 22 {natural 20} Essentially trying to get as close to L13 as possible with one round of movement. The next round, depending if the guards still aren't the wiser, he moves closer is he's not already at L13 and will cast a spell.)

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 45/53 (bless 2nd rd)  d20+4=16
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 4:27:41 PM

As Zayne slashes thru the rope fencing the dwarf reaches out and grabs the post with both hands and shakes it violently in a side to side motion then "gggrrrrrr" yanks(d20+4=16 str ch ) it up and out of the hole " if Nezamil can squeeze thru he will if not then " slash again " encourages the dwarf to Zayne " and repeats removing another "ggrrr" post " good going " comments Nezamil to Zayne

The Cleric peeks into the slavepen after hearing Riggings news of impending arrival of enemy forces

postion 0-12 corner of slavepen

OOC can we get a postion report on the bad guys ;-)

Vorelle [AC 17; HP 17/17]  d20+8=27 d20+6=23 d20+6=17 d8+1=2
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 4:36:28 PM

Carefully, Vorelle nocks an arrow and half-draws [Move Silently 27]. She peers into the darkness where she hears the voices approaching, trying to make out a target [Spot 23].

If all heck breaks loose and she has a target, she will fire. [Hit AC 17 for 2 points] She will not shoot first, however; only in response to a direct threat or general combat.

Marteaus Group - DM Dominic 
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 7:17:46 PM

Ynvar (half-orc).readies his long sword while continuing towards the slave pens.
Korik (ogre) readies his great axe while continuing towards the slave pens.
Miglic (half-orc) readies his great axe while continuing towards the slave pens.
Gudris (half-orc) casts bless while continuing towards the slave pens.
Milug (half-orc) readies his long sword while continuing towards the slave pens.
Juggluc (orc) readies his heavy mace while continuing towards the slave pens.

Hormstein (orc) casts bless
Tharilon (ogre-mage) casts mage armor.
Quarivor (ogre) turns towards the tent then enters the tent.
Lilia casts mage armor.

Rigging ac 24 shield, mage armor, blinking, greater invisiblity, bless  6d6(5+6+6+4+4+3)=28 d100=37
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 8:23:04 PM

Rigging sees Miglic, Koric, and Milug heading for the slave pens readying weapons with another group of 3 not far behind.

With his vantage point, he notices the activity around the command tent and figures that the others might be in trouble. His wife and friends are in there! Time for some distractions

He centers his wand of fireballs on the 3 closest and activates it sending a fireball streaming towards them and exploding amongst them with a roar. (wand is of 6th level ability
28 points of damage, half reflex save of dc 17
versus dex)

rolled for blink spell and it didn't effect the spell.

He will then crouch down to use the tower as cover.

Swirl will circle above to keep his master informed of anything he sees, not yet taking any actions in the combat.

mage armor hours
bless ?
blinking 8 rounds left
greater invisiblity 57 rounds left
shield 55 rounds left
cat's grace 56 rounds left

Rose  d20+9=16 d20+7=19 d20+6=11 d20+7=25 d20+5=12 d20+5=17 d20+6=20
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 8:42:09 PM

Rose has been wiggling and trying to see what's in the tent, but Vauhwyt is hogging the hole. When she notices Vauhwyt start to get mad she scoots over by Ashira and upon seeing the hole Ashira cut into the wall Rose will look through it. If she doesnt see anything dangerous she will wiggle through the hole and grab the tome putting it into her bag of holding. Then take a look at the rest of the room to see if there is anything else that could be useful if she grabbed it.

appraise: 16
hide: 19
listen: 11
move silently: 25
search: 12
spot: 17
spell craft: 20

ooc: sorry for not posting. was rose affected by the dispel?

Walter OOC 
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 9:11:55 PM

I'm heading to work so I won't be able to respond tonight. Will do my best to post in the morning.

Ashira (AC 22 HP 87/87, Bull's Strength, Greater Invisibility....Position F4...Casting Entangle and Guarding hole in tent)  d20=16 d20+16=35
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 10:03:04 PM

The half-elf smiles invisibly as she feels too bodies push past her and into the tent. Ah..youth And then Val heads out for some action... Swearing in hushed whispers, Ashira mutters a few words and casts Entangle directly in front of the tent area (centered on the line between CD 56...Refl. DC 13), hoping to buy a few seconds of time... Swords in hand, Ashira stands outside of the tent, guarding the exit for Vauhwyt and Rose (Spot=35). As Rigging's fireball lights up the night, Ashira winces knowing that in the very near future she would quite literally be in the middle of the lion's den.

greater invisiblity 57 rounds left

OOC....By my figuring, the only thing that should have been dispeled was the silence with Mookie. Ashira, Vauhwyt and Rose should have had the tent between them and Lilia, so they shouldn't have been effected.

What happened to the d20 for initiative??? If we're still doing that, Ashira's initiative is 16.

Redux (Fly, Mage Armor, Greater Invis, AC20, hp52)  d20+7=17 d20=20 3d4(1+4+3)+3=11
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 11:42:07 PM

Redux looks to see the approaching collection of bad'uns.(spot=17, initiative=20). When he sees the flash of light he mutters "That must be the signal." With that, he lets loose on the best target he has for 3 magic missiles (11pts dmg). He'll then fly up and at a diagonal left of his present position and prepares his next attack.

Slavers (NPC's....ADM Nellie)  d20=12 (Slavers init) d20+4=21 (Erik's Wis check to determine the direction of the fireball) d20+4=22 (Erik's Spot) d20+17=19 (Alton's Hide) d6=4 (Muhammad's Mirror Images)
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 12:58:10 AM

Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and the festivities are suddenly interrupted by the smell of burning flesh and various screams...

Erik's attention suddenly changes from the command tent to the sight of the fireball explosion. The giant of a man scans the area and then looks calculatingly into the night.. He points up into the guard tower where Rigging is in and shouts out "Over there...the fireball came from over there!!" His fingers move in intricate lines and tracings, and he suddenly phases out of existence (Casting Blink). A large group of humanoids that were gathered in the general area of CD 5,6,7 look up in confusion and begin to make their way over to the command tent...

Laucivil ,male elf----Casts a spell (Haste) and moves toward Erik
Ao, male human---Casts a spell (Resist Energy-Fire)Unsheathes a long and short sword and moves toward Erik
Dagerk, male dwarf---Pulls a NASTY looking Great Axe from his back and moves toward Erik
Bombia, female dwarf---Pulls a longsword and moves toward Erik
Angisz, male half-orc---Looks around rather dimly...searches for his spiked chain...which he must have misplaced in the party
Mahmud, male human---Pulls his bastard sword and moves toward...you guessed it...Erik.
Alton, male Halfling---Draws a dagger and attempts to blend into the shadows (Hide 19) as he travels to Erik.
Alia, female half-orc---Casts a spell (Spell Immunity-Fireball) and heads cautiously toward her leader.
Muhammed, male human---Casts a spell (Mirror Image) and all 5 of him head toward Erik.

Erik, male human (Casting blink)

The group appears to be well equipped, and even though most of them are headed toward the same direction, they make sure to spread out among themselves...apparently they been in a combat or two. Enough to know not to bunch up so as to make convenient targets for area spells...

Narrative DM Jan 
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 1:32:22 AM

The Leaders Tent -

Vauhwyt pushes through the hole in the tent, making it even wider, while Valanthe gets ready to do what she does best, feeling the beast within empower her.
Little Rose wriggles through to join Vauhwyt.
The book - it's right there! Rose tries to grab it, but goodness gracious - it's heavy! About 20lbs! It drops to the floor, and she reckons she'll have to drag it in order to get into the bag of holding.
Ugh... and what's it covered with... feels like flesh.... At least it isn't trapped or anything.
Right at that moment, a huge ogre - Quarivor, enters the tent via the 'official' entrance. The creature looks confused. The book is on the floor, and there's a bloomin' great hole in the tent. Well ya know, he could always wave his weapon around a bit. Might stir something up, and it looks like he might just do that.

Outside, Ashira sees the fireball, shortly followed by some magic missiles, erupting over by the distant slave pen.
There seem to be others, milling and gathering around on the other side of the tent, also. Possibly the Slavers she saw.

Shortly after that, is a single, distant roar that seems to be answered by every single orc in the camp.

Things are starting to look lively. Very lively indeed!

The Slave Pen -

Bart's sword slices deftly through the ropes! That's one pole loose!
Zayne's axe makes swift work of ropes holding another pole!
Nezamil starts hauling away, helped by Appolo and some of the others from inside the pen!
There's now a reasonable gap for everyone to squeeze through. So far, so good. It's time to leave - and quickly.

A fireball lights up the sky just west of the pen! It's followed by 3 magic missiles that scream through the air - illuminating three huge assailants approaching the pen.

From Theo's position, he can see three more figures right on their tail and approaching fast!

Dogs in a nearby pen start barking crazily, and there's a lone cry - one Dietrich will recognize as a call for help, and to arms. it's coming from one of the injured orcs, and it's answered by a great roar from over by the distant campfire - about 190 voices worth of roar. Help is on the way, apparently.

Vorelle looses an arrow. So does Dietrich.


((OOC - Okay, combat city everyone. Don't forget your Init rolls from now on - a straight D20))

((Dam so far, 28 from fireball, 11 from MMs, 2 and 7 from arrows - aimed toward Korik, Miglic and Milug))

Both Swirl and Redux got a good glimpse of what was what up in the air.
If the first three creatures are still standing, then they'll be in melee range in the next round - the three that follow them - the round after that.
There's also a distant, dark shift over by the campfire, which probably means there's about 190 orcs mobilizing and getting ready to move this way.

Bart  d20=14 d20+15=32 d20+15=23 d10+9=19 d10+9=15
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 6:53:46 AM

Ini 14
Sure Appollo you thoughts where mine here you have a dagger, make good use of it, I will cover the retreat. Bart moves towards the Orcs that are comming in his direction, making an spring attack on the Oger (Korick) (threat 32, crit 23 for 19+15)

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Invisible, Silent, Mage Armor, Bless) 
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 8:20:16 AM

Vauuhwyt, standing next to Rose and the fallen book, takes a five foot step so that she is standing over the book (a free action). Then she drops to the ground (a free action). She does so because when she picks up the book, she does not want it to seem to rise up into the air. Then she picks it up (a move action) -- although in this case, "up" is a relative word since Vauhwyt is prone), and then she stows the book away carefully (it should be invisible now too).

As she handles the thing, she grimaces, but her grip is really secure. She whispers to Rose, "I've got it."

Here is a clean version of the map.


Bless (V&M) (from Olyn) (13 rounds of 20 used)
Mage Armor (V) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (13 rounds of 100 used)
Invisible (14 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)
Silence (dispelled)
Barkskin +3 potion (dispelled)
Enlarge (V) (expired)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Olyn ac20, hp19, Bless  d20=16
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 8:34:11 AM

muttering idiot when the fireball goes off, and seeing our initiative fade quickly with the attack of magic missiles. not to mention hearing a 190 orcs all screaming their battle cries, and seeing that everyone is here and noone is with the boats, sabotaging them like the plan was, Olyn will race (times 4 movement) to the boats.

Initiative of 16

Jager: AC 21  d20=5 d20+6=17 d20+6=21 d20+2=3
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 9:22:16 AM

Jager is confused. Are these people actually attempting to rescue him. That has never happened before.

Jager gets excited at his chance at freedom and starts moving to the opening.

Once the fireball goes off, Jager's senses go on high alert. (Int. 5, Spot 17 Listen 21, Spellcraft 3). Jager is searching for his tools or any that will help although he knows he needs none in the short term. Jager sees the magic missles and exclaims to himself "Wizards. They are almost as much fun to kill as slavers."

Jager concentrates on getting out of the slave pen and looking for retribution. Through thin lips Jager says "Pay back time!"

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor)  d4+1=5 d20=12
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 11:31:37 AM

"Darn it," he whispers to himself at the exploding fireball, the closest thing to a swear that Theodore could muster.

He quickly stand from his hiding place and fires a single magic missile at one of the approaching half orcs, pointing with his rod as he fires. He then quickly retreats back to the point where his friends are freeing the slaves. "Hurry, bad guys are coming! Back to the ships."

(Initiative = 12, magic missile with help of rod of lesser enlarge spell, giving it a range of 240 ft damage = 5.)

Wednesday October 13th, 2004 12:21:45 PM

When Rose hears Vauhwyt she quickly climbs on top of the warm furry invisible thing in front of her and holds on tightly hoping she doesnt hurt Vauhwyt.

mage armor
other spells unknown. what spells if any was rose hit with before taking off with vauhwyt and the others?

Ashira (AC 22 HP 87/87, Bull's Strength, Greater Invisibility....Position F4...Guarding hole in tent)  d20=16 d20+16=25
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 2:04:52 PM

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Ashira keeps watch outside...keeping an eye on the slavers and what appears to be the orc leaders (Spot=25). She hopes and prays that Valanthe aims her strike well, cause if she doesn't, it could well cost her her life. Cocking her head slightly, she whispers urgently into the the tent. "Ok...time to go...now!" As she shifts her weight from foot to foot, she wonders about the success of her entangle spell she cast last round. ;)

greater invisiblity 56 rounds left

Zayne  d20+6=17 d6=5 d20+5=24
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 4:19:53 PM

Seeing that Nezamil is doing fine he moves up alongside Vorelle and help with "crowd control".
(AC 17 damage 6)

Doing his best to keep an eye out for any unpleasent surprises.(Spot 24)

Zayne  d20+6=17 d6=5 d20+5=24 d20=11
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 4:20:14 PM

Seeing that Nezamil is doing fine he moves up alongside Vorelle and help with "crowd control".
(AC 17 damage 6)

Doing his best to keep an eye out for any unpleasent surprises.(Spot 24)

Initiative 11

Ryan (AC:17 Hp:11) Neen (AC:19 Hp:5) (Mage Armour,Bless)  d20=15 d20+8=15
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 4:34:27 PM

Ryan crouches down and whispers something in Neens ear.
He then stands up and speaks to all the slaves.
"Come on this way lads lets go, follow the black cat to freedom"
Neen will lead all the slaves out of the camp to the boats with Ryan covering the rear
(Ryan Diplomacy: 15)

Vorelle  d20+6=13 d20+1=6
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 4:39:01 PM

Vorelle's heart leaps into her throat when she hears the chilling sound of 200 orcs shouting war cries. She holds her ground, though, and fires another arrow--aiming, if possible, for an already-wounded orc.

[Hit AC 13 for 6 points]

Nezamil Ac 21(Ac24 w/shield) Hp 45/53 (bless 3rd rd , shield of faith 60/60)  d20=14
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 5:17:33 PM

A surprised look appears on the dwarfs face as he see's Appolo but changes to a smirk " i don't know how you got here but wait till Val finds out "

Nezamil turns and steps thru the hole in the fence and waves franticly for the now freed slaves to hurry thru ...pointing them in the direction of the boats "hurry the boats are that way "

Hearing the whistle of arrows overhead and the roar from the camp " well looks like they know we're here huh Zayne " comments Nezamil

glancing to see that Zayne is joining his quiet but professional compatriot " ah good teamwork those two " as he glances at Bart charge towards the 3 guards

The Cleric knowing battle is at hand reaches into a pouch and pulls out a small piece of parchment " Domi grant a believer a shield of faith " and gestures to release Domi's energy (casting shield of faith )(+3 Ac)

The dwarf then reaches over his shoulder and slides his shield off readying it for action next rd

Int 14
Coordinates 0-12 corner of slavepen

Rigging ac 24 hps cats grace, greater invisiblity, blink, mage armor, shield  d20=10 6d6(3+4+4+4+5+5)=25 d100=59
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 7:06:28 PM

Rigging sees a clump of bigger looking bad guys and he launches a fireball at them from his wand. He explodes the fireball centering it on Eric as he is the center of attention. 25 points of damage. dc 17 vs reflex. Made blink check.

He will try and get as many as possible and then decide to get out the tower as he expects it will get very uncomfortable their soon.

For his movement he will use his slippers of spiderclimb and run down the side of the tower to the ground.

mage armor hours
bless ?
blinking 7 rounds left
greater invisiblity 56 rounds left
shield 54 rounds left
cat's grace 55 rounds left

ooc DM Dominic 
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 8:27:39 PM

will be posting in the morning.

Ari HP 50 AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min) (4th post since casting)  d20+6=11 d20+6=23 d6=1
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 8:42:22 PM

Seeing the approaching 3, Ari does his best to pick the closest one and nail his feet to the ground.

Releasing his arrows, Ari moves further out out on the branch he's on, to change position as much as he can.

(AC 11 and 23 thinking maybe one hit. Character sheet not available, for 4 points of dam, I believe)

Valanthe [HP 116, AC 21, Rage 1 of 8]  d20+18=36 d20+18=27 d20+13=16 2d6(1+6)+20=27
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 8:55:49 PM

Valanthe stood before the half-orc woman, anger burning in her eyes. She was beyond rational thought at this point so she let out a primal scream and brought down her enchanted blade upon her.

ooc: crit hit for 27, second attack hit ac 16 which I believe misses.

Redux (Fly, Mage Armor, Greater Invis, AC20, hp52)  d20=17 3d4(3+2+2)+3=10
Thursday October 14th, 2004 12:02:57 AM

Redux spends half his flight going down to near Bart and lets fly another charge of MM for 10 pts. "Bart, we can't stay and fight. Just hold a line so the others can continue their part of the plan, then back off." He'll then fly towards the other side of Bart and up as fast as he can.

Slavers (NPC's----ADM Nellie)  d20+9=16 (Erik's Reflex) d10=2 d10=1 d20+4=19 (Laucivil's Reflex) d8+1=6 (Laucivil's healing) d20+2=4 (Laucivil's spot) d20+17=19 (Alton's Hid) d20=9 (Slaver's Init)
Thursday October 14th, 2004 1:11:09 AM

Having gathered round their leader, the slavers make a more than tempting target for Rigging and he obligingly fires off a fireball in their ranks...

Slaver's Initiative....9

Erik---Try as he might, the tall man is unable to dodge the incoming inferno, he grunts in pain as the flames lick his body. Though even from his remote location, Rigging's veteran eyes notice that the man doesn't seem to be as wounded as he should be. Managing a quick bow toward the orc leader, Erik flashes an overly bright smile. "Ga'al be praised... We were pleased to fill your needs, but I am afraid that we must take out leave..." As he turns to make a quick exit toward the dock area, Erik calls over his shoulder "And may Waard watch over you." Motioning to his men, the slaver beat a hasty retreat toward his docked boat.

Laucivil---The lone elf of the company also manages to get caught in the fringe of the fireball. Although he dodges most of the flames, he screams out in pain...he ain't looking so hot...or then again...maybe he is. Moving with unbelievable speed, the elf pulls out and downs a potion (Cure Light Wounds) and some of his wounds heal up. He looks around at the tower, but apparently doesn't spot anything.

Following Erik's lead, all of the slavers begin to make a hasty, but orderly retreat toward the harbor area...

Summary of Slaver's
Laucivil (M5) ,male elf----Hasted
Ao (J3), male human--- (Resist Energy-Fire)...readied longsword and shortsword
Dagerk (L2), male dwarf---Great axe at the ready
Bombia (J5), female dwarf---Readied longsword
Angisz (H6), male half-orc---Finally finds his spiked chain and makes haste to join up with the others
Mahmud (L6), male human---Readied bastard sword
Alton(I4), male Halfling---Readied dagger, Hide 19
Alia(O5), female half-orc--- Immunity-Fireball
Muhammed (J2ish), male human--- Mirror Image-5
Erik (N3), male humane---Blink

Monster INIT  d20=12
Thursday October 14th, 2004 2:16:15 AM


Narrative DM Jan  d20+5=13 3d8(7+8+2)=17 d4=4 d20+8=15 d8+3=8
Thursday October 14th, 2004 3:03:29 AM

Things start happening way too fast!

The Leaders Tent -

Vauhwyt drags the book beneath her prone body. It's funny how, so close to the ground, her ears pick up a slight ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum sound. Or maybe it isn't a sound at all, more like a vibration.
Not that she has much chance to ponder on it as the Ogre's club comes crashing down, as the beast flies into a temper, lashing at the book thats just disappeared - missing the liontaur's muzzle by about an inch!
It then takes what it hopes to be a five foot step, loses its balance, due to the fact that it's tootsies are all tangled up in some weeds that have appeared from nowhere and falls straight toward the prone liontaur!
Vauhwyt - Reflex check DC 13, or have the thing land on top of you for 6 subdual damage.

Rose takes cover with the liontaur, and outside the tent - Ashira sees a distant fireball get closer, and closer and closer - until *BAM!!* - it explodes not too far away, leaving her eyesight full of dancing spots.

The fireball has hit the Slavers and the "Leader". That's it - the Slaver men are off, heading down the path that leads back to the harbour. The aquatic elf might take note that the path may also be their only escape route, because right now - there are about 200 orcs - all riled up and raring to go - between them and the rest of the group over by the slave pen.
And to make matters worse - there is Valanthe, an embodiment of rage, taking a vicious, and what looks to be highly effective swipe at the "Leader" - right after the fireball came down.

From Valanthe's point of view, she can see flames from the fireball dance across the Leader's skin like it's no trouble at all.
Whack! She gives it all she's got, and the leader spins around, it's hood falling, to reveal a hideous face only it's mother would love. The body of the cloak shifts backward and a rather impressive pair of batwings unfurl.
A half-fiend!
The creature roars in anger, but then spits out a curse.
Suddenly the surrounding air, in a 20ft radius (just missed the tent I think), becomes dark, choking and cloying - unhealthy and unholy.
Casting UNHOLY BLIGHT. 17 DAM +4 rounds of Sickness
Partial Will Save DC 18 for half dam and no sickness.

At the Slave Pen -

The slaves push and shove their way clear, and set off in hot pursuit of Olyn, and a small black cat!
It's going to take about 7 minutes at a flat run to get back to the boats.
As Nezamil calls on holy protection, Bart and Redux find themselves at the vanguard of the defense.

Ari stays up the tree, Rigging climbs down from the Tower after the far flung fireball.
Arrows, blades and magic missiles fly through the air, as the group try to stop the orcs.

Miglic and Milug are down. The Ogre Korik is made of sterner stuff however and answers Bart in kind with a massive swing of his axe - hitting AC 15 for 8 hps.

Ynvar, Gudris and Juggluk are coming up on melee range.

Two sounds fill the air, the growing roar of the oncoming Horde, and - something like rolling thunder. The thunder sound is accompanied by a slight tremor in the ground that everyone can feel.

((Dominic - dive in for the next round))

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19 (-6 nonlethal)) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Invisible, Silent, Mage Armor, Bless)  d20+4=10
Thursday October 14th, 2004 6:17:25 AM

"Oof!" The ogre crashes down on Vauhwyt, and she struggles for a second to catch her breath.

Her first priority is to get away. But Rose is clinging to her, fully visible, which is dangerous both to Rose and to Vauhwyt. But Rose is too big to go back in Vauhwyt's pack -- that only worked when Vauhwyt was enlarged.

"Well, there's nothing for it," Vauhwyt thinks. She stands up (a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity -- but at least there is the 50% miss chance from being invisible). Then she moves 40 feet back and hopefully out of the tent through the hole Ashira cut earlier.

Vauhwyt hopes the book is stowed away, so it will not reveal her position. But Rose, clinging to her, sure will, and so will the movement of the tent as she exits. Well, once again, she just has to hope for that 50% miss chance to save her.

(Note that the ogre, with his 10-foot reach, also might get an attack of opportunity on Vauhwyt or Rose as Vauhwyt makes her getaway. But at least he is prone, so it would be an attack at a penalty.)

Here is a clean version of the map.


Bless (V&M) (from Olyn) (14 rounds of 20 used)
Mage Armor (V) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (14 rounds of 100 used)
Invisible (15 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)
Silence (dispelled)
Barkskin +3 potion (dispelled)
Enlarge (V) (expired)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Rigging ac 24 hps cats grace, greater invisiblity, blink, mage armor, shield  d100=16 d20=7
Thursday October 14th, 2004 7:47:33 AM

Rigging sees the mass of orcs starting to move towards the slave pens in response to his fireball, smiles almost evilly, and raises his wand again. He launches a beautiful fire ball....off into the etheral plain. (OOC Thanks Nellie, know you would curse me! Didn't make blink roll.)

Rigging wll start moving towards the north to get a better angle on the charging foe. Moves 30'.

mage armor hours
bless ?
blinking 6 rounds left
greater invisiblity 55 rounds left
shield 53 rounds left
cat's grace 54 rounds left

Initative roll 7

Olyn hp19, ac20, Bless  d20=9
Thursday October 14th, 2004 8:11:40 AM

round 2 of a X4 run towards the boat.

(do i need to roll init again, if so, a 9)

Jager: AC 19 (20 vs the dwarf, dodge) HP 58  d20=14 d20+2=18 d20+6=18
Thursday October 14th, 2004 9:47:10 AM

Int 14
Coordinates 012 (???) Just outside the slave pen

Jager exits the slave pen only wearing his simple cloths and hears the dwarf call for all to head for the boats. Jager checks the dwarf as he appears to be a cleric in an attempt to discern his calling (knowledge relgion 18). Once leaving the slave pen Jager addresses the dwarf as he appears to be the leader "Stout one, if you are truely attempting to free the slaves, which it appears, I would prefer to go kill slavers and wizards as opposed to going to the boats."

Jager scans the surrounding area for signs of his tools (spot 18).

Bart Ac 24 hp62/62  d20+14=31 d20+14=31 d20+9=16 d10+9=16 d10+9=11 d6=5 d10+9=19 d20=19
Thursday October 14th, 2004 10:34:36 AM

The ogre missed bart in his last round, Bart is to quick to be hit by him Bart has forgotten his new feature on his sword, he activites its shocking abilitie, suddenly his sword flikkers and bursts in an blue electric light.
Bart makes an other attack on the ogre (threat 31 crit 31 for 16+11 physical +5 shock dam) his second attack is not so well aimed as the first on, maybe it has only scratched the armor of the monster (ac 16 for 19) ini 19. BArt aspects the ogre is dead or at least severly wounded and takes a few steps back, ready to react on an other threat and dodging an possible counter attack (another +1 on Ac)

Thursday October 14th, 2004 10:36:00 AM

I forgot to Mention the +3 on Ac from Nezamils spell

Rose hp: 12/12 AC 18  d20+3=11 d3=1
Thursday October 14th, 2004 12:05:03 PM

Rose quickly realizes that she didnt turn invisible when on Vauhwyt and jumps off pointing her finger at the ogre and having a small white light fly towards him.

cast ray of frost
ranged touch: 11
damage: 1

rose continued 
Thursday October 14th, 2004 12:05:56 PM

Rose then runs towards the nearest tree.

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor)  d20+2=13
Thursday October 14th, 2004 12:38:22 PM

Theodore moves along with the retreating party, staying near the rear in case any further distractions are needed. "Don't forget about the others," he says as he passes by any allies remaining behind.

At Theodore's mental command, Macaw flaps off towards the main tent, where the women should be.

Dietrich Ac 17; HP 24, blessed  d20+6=19 d20+3=9
Thursday October 14th, 2004 12:47:53 PM

Dietrich (somewhere near Vorelle, P8) whistles and shows his friends the approaching torch (if it wasn't the same group that has been bombed).

He sees the fireball exploding and a big mess get started. Dietrich fires with Ashira's magic bow at the weakest looking of Ynvar, Gudris and Jugluk.
Hits AC 19, damage 9

Appolo  d20+4=14 d20+12=26 d20+11=20
Thursday October 14th, 2004 1:40:43 PM

Appolo looks at Bart attack the Ogre then turns to Nezamil"Where's Valanthe at.I need to get to her or she'll try to take on the whole horde bu herself.?"Appolo is clearly concernedNezamil can tell that even if he refuses to tell Appolo where she is.Appolo will charge off to find her by himself.

Weather or not Nezamil answers his question Appolo takes off to find Valanthe Moving silently and swiftly.In her direction hopefully.

Initiative 14,Move Silently 26,Hide 20.

Zayne (Initiative 14 AC 17 HP 19/19)  d20=14
Thursday October 14th, 2004 2:26:01 PM

Looking around at the scenario,and thinkning to himself,"I don't have enough arrows to be a factor here. How can I stand here shooting arrows almost blindly,I have to know that I am making a difference." Setting down his bow and laying down his quiver near Vorelle's feet,"Use these if you need them. I have to set some people free." His long nose beginning to twitch as it does when he gets excited.

As he heads off to help the dwarf,he yells back over his shoulder,"What do you think Rose will be cooking after this is all over?" Chuckling he ducks back into the slave pen,drawing his battle axe just before.

When he gets back inside he looks around to see where his services can best be put to use.

Ryan (AC:17 Hp:11) Neen (AC:19 Hp:5) (Mage Armour,Bless)  d20=10 d20+4=10 d6+1=7
Thursday October 14th, 2004 5:35:21 PM

Ryan covers the rear at the rear of the slaves shooting at any pursuers.

Hits Ac:10 for 7Hp.

Neen carrys on leadin towards the boats.

Vorelle  d20=12 d20+6=22 d8+1=4
Thursday October 14th, 2004 8:07:34 PM

Initiative 12

Vorelle sees the orcs advancing, but they aren't upon her yet [right?]. She is a little taken aback by Zayne's impetuous actions, but nonetheless nocks another arrow to her bow and fires again, aiming again for a wounded orc, if possible.

[Hit AC 22 for 4 points]

Nezamil Ac 24 Hp 45/53 (bless 4th rd , shield of faith 59/60)  d20=10
Thursday October 14th, 2004 9:05:36 PM

As one of the freed slaves stops and asks to help with the fight the dwarf stops and takes a closer look at him " you want to help ?"asks the startled dwarf " ...if you feel up to it by all means join us" nods Nezamil approvingly" ....i have no weapon to give you but you can grab one of the weapons of the dead orcs....Domi would be proud of the courage you show "remarks the Cleric

"they'll be plenty of weapons to choose from soon enough "growls the dwarf " lets go "

As Nezamil starts forward to help Bart he spots Zayne coming to join " Ah another couragous soul coming to help ...Domi will indeed be pleased " comments the dwarf as he moves forward, hefting his mace and tapping his shield

"Zayne i'll take the 1st beast that comes our way head on ...you flank him and we'll make short work of the orcs " Nezamils says the last word with disgust

Shield and Mace at the ready Nezamil will charge towards his shipmate Bart , keeping Zayne on one side and the couragous slave on the other forming a battle line

Int 10
postion 0-12 and charging towards Bart

Redux (Fly, Mage Armor, Greater Invis, AC20, hp52)  d20=1 3d4(2+3+1)+3=9
Thursday October 14th, 2004 11:31:01 PM

(Init=1; how often do you 'want' a 1)
Redux sends another charge into his next victim (dmg=9). Flying down behind the forming battleline, he strongly suggests that they begin their tactical withdrawal and he'll begin some stronger fireworks. "If the girls are going to have a chance, we need to be safe ourselves; you can't hold a charge of that strength."

Ashira (AC 22 HP 87/87, Bull's Strength, Greater Invisibility....Position F4...Guarding hole in tent)  d20=12 d20+16=25
Friday October 15th, 2004 12:18:09 AM

Ashira rubs her eyes and slowly the spots disappear. She glances anxiously around the battlefield (Spot=25) and breaths a small sigh of relief as the slavers exit...at least that was one less thing she they have to worry about for now. Ashira's breath catches in her throat as she sees the hoard headed toward the slave pen, effectively cutting off their escape route. She swears mentally. If Rigging and the others are smart, they'll get to the boats and leave as fast as they can paddle. Unfortunately, the ranger knows that she and the gals can't possibly hope to catch up with the others. And if Rigging and the others leave like they should... Ashira's mind races. Ok...we need a backup plan...We could try and skirt around the orcs, but she doubts they could make it to the ships before the others leave. That left the harbor...if they headed for it now, maybe they could manage to steal a boat before the orcs figure out what's going on and make for the harbor themselves. It was risky, but it beat swimming...

Ashira's thoughts are further troubled at Val's sudden reappearance beside that....gods...that thing. Her grip on her swords tighten to the point that the hilt begins to bite into her flesh. There was no way that Val should a chance alone with that thing. She needed to get in there and help her out... But Vauhwyt and Rose needed to know what was going on, and she certainly didn't want to let them wander off into the night alone... The aquatic elf's musings are cut short by the sudden appearance of Rose and then the invisible Vauhwyt. She quickly fills the gals in on the recent happenings and her backup plan... Then she turns to where she thinks Vauhwyt is. "Look Vauhwyt, I'll be blunt... Val needs help out there. I don't want to leave you guys alone, but I can't leave her to die. The information you guys have is really important, and you need to get it out of here. You decide where we're gonna met up, and I'm gonna try and go get Val out of here..but make up your mind quick!"

greater invisiblity 55 rounds left

Slavers (NPC's---ADM Nellie)  d20+4=10
Friday October 15th, 2004 12:24:41 AM

Erik casts a quick glance (Spot=10) at the half-fiend on the way out of dodge, and arches an eyebrow at the sudden appearance of the elf. Still, they got what they came for, and there was noooo way he was sticking around to see how things shook out. He and his crew continue their hasty retreat to the harbor.

Narrative DM Jan  d20+3=15 2d4(3+4)=7 d4=2
Friday October 15th, 2004 1:39:50 AM

The Leaders Tent -

((Walter, I need to post, so I'm going to have to make a few assumptions))

Inside the tent - the Ogre falls in a heap, right on top of the liontaur!
Vauhwyt and Rose scramble for the exit as the creature flounders and roars angrily. It lashes out, missing. (Rats!)

Outside, both liontaur and halfling find out from Ashira what's going on. Between them and the slave pen is utter chaos, and it will be nigh on impossible to go back the way they came.
However, the Slaver group can just be seen disappearing into the gloom along the path that leads around to the harbour.

At the front of the tent, another potentially deadly encounter is taking place, as Valanthe - fearsome with rage, confronts the terrible creature who appears to be in charge of this rabble.
The immediate area is clouded in a grey mist, and if Ashira comes close, her mind will be screaming at her to go no further. There is dread, here, and something unholy.

Then suddenly, there's burst of purple flame - a wall of it appears between the two assailants.
7 DAM to anyone within 10 ft
2 DAM to anyone within 20 ft
"I zhall deal - with you - LATER!" snarls the creature to Valanthe.
With a powerful beating of wings, wafting the heat of the flame toward the others, the half-fiend takes flight and hovers, her vile head looking about - apparently wanting to take stock of the entire situation.

In between the slave pen -

The Orcs, along with a scattering of deranged humans, goblins and ogres, trudge excitedly an masse toward the slave pen. There's an excitement that flits amongst them, gathering momentum and urging them onward. Ah, this was like the old days, where mass battles took place on the Plains, where a bond existed between them, where they died glorious deaths, or massacred thousands of innocents. It had been so long. Too long. But now -
"For Glory!" comes the cry somewhere, in orcish.
"For Glory!" comes back the howling reply of the masses, followed by "RAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

They break into a run.

Directly above them, a small raven flies toward the leaders tent. Macaw sees something rise into the air near the tent.

At the Slave Pen -

The vanguard - Bart, Nezamil, Zayne, Jager - are quickly offered battle by the three approaching orcs! (Init 4 - I'll let you guys go first)

The Ogre falls to it's knees as the combined arrows of Dietrich, Vorelle, Ari, Ryan, and magic missiles from Redux, render it unable to continue.

Appolo is all set to run after Valanthe, right up until the battle cry sounds off. It will be suicide to venture in the direction he's thinking of going.

Jager spots a crude, but servicable two-handed sword lying beside a dead orc.

As for a tactical withdrawal? Redux is correct, and from Rigging's position, and the current speed of the orc masses - the group has got 4 rounds. And thats all.

Toward the boats -

Olyn can make out the shore.
One of the slaves shouts - "Do we have means of escape??"
Ryan's little cat scampers along, caught up in the chase.

Bart (ac 24 hp 62/62)  d20=20 d20+14=32 d20+14=30 d20+9=21 d10+9=19 d10+9=16 d6=2 d10+9=18
Friday October 15th, 2004 6:49:20 AM

Bart makes an attack on the approching orks (ini 20). His first attack is well aimed (threat 32 crit 31 for 19+16+2) Hopefully this orc is dead now. If not his second attack surely finish off the beast (ac 21 for 18.
Bart is already thinking about retreating, we go after this one guys. With domis help i will cover your retreat if there are still orcs standing
No active spels i believe. Shield of faith from Nezamil? Bless?

Rigging cats grace, greater invisiblity, blink, mage armor, shield  d100=65 6d6(2+6+1+5+4+2)=20 d20=11
Friday October 15th, 2004 8:22:46 AM

Rigging decides to give the orcs something else to think about if they decide to recklessly charge his friends and hopefully will open up a path for the girls to get back.

He launches a fireball from his wand (made blink check) at the biggest grouping he can get.
He does 20 points of damage, 10 if reflex save of 17 is made.

He will then move to the north some more 30' to throw of any area spells that might be coming his way.

Intiative roll of 11

mage armor hours
bless ?
blinking 5 rounds left
greater invisiblity 54 rounds left
shield 52 rounds left
cat's grace 53 rounds left

Olyn ac20 hp19 Bless  d20=3
Friday October 15th, 2004 8:30:44 AM

round 3 of X4 movement.

yelling to the freed hostages following him, he points to the boats that are for their escape. then, dropping his pack to the ground he also yells for some help grabbing flasks of oil out of the backpack, and points at the fleet of ships to pour the oil on to.

(have 8 more flasks in the backpack, in addition to the 2 in his hands)
**when he is in range of the boats, to where no to hit is required, he will start opening and pouring 1 flask into each boat until all the oil is used, then, either using a flame already going, or having to make one, he will to set those boats aflame**

Initiative of 3

Valanthe [HP 97, AC 21, Rage 3 of 8]  d20+8=27
Friday October 15th, 2004 9:53:37 AM

Valanthe sees her prey take flight. Her hand clenches the hilt of her blade so tightly that her knuckles pop from the strain. She saw the fire wash over the creature but it bled and that means she can kill it. Valanthe is so angry that she does not even notice the unholy feeling nor the sickness. She doesn't even know she's been injured. Screaming in rage, Valanthe runs out of the tent, looking for the leader.

ooc: Will Save 27. I tried to post yesterday but I'm heading out of town this weekend and needed to get some things done before working overnight. I was hoping to slide a post in this morning but I doubt that Valanthe would have killed the leader with another hit or two.

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor)  d20=14
Friday October 15th, 2004 10:30:23 AM

"WAIT!" screams Theodore as he sees Olyn about to light their ships on fire. "Don't burn our boats! The orc boats are docked to the north. If you burn any of these boats, the mother boat might take offense, and we need her to get out of her. There's eight boats. Let's take them all and circle to the west coast of this island to pick up the women. Macaw will tell them to meet us there."

As Theodore speaks, Macaw finds Valanthe and Ashira outside the main tent. The raven alights on Ashira's shoulder and speaks into her ear. "Slaves freed! Orcs go east. Don't go back to boat. Boats come to you. Meet on western shore and boats pick you up. Hurry!"

Jager: AC 19 Dodge 20 Mobility 24 for AoO  d20+6=13 d20+3=23 d20+3=18 d20+12=24 d20+5=21 d20+5=17 d8+1=6 d8+1=4
Friday October 15th, 2004 10:55:56 AM

Jager charges with the dwarf and his companion toward one called Bart. Jager keeps finding that he has to slow down his charge as he is much faster than his two now battle mates.

Jager scans the battlefield looking for slavers, but it appears that orcs and ogres will have to do. "Lackys of the slavers die first." Jager says to himself.

Jager sees the fireball and magic missle go off (spellcraft), but not the wizards and thinks to himself that they must be cloaked in magic. "Those are two wizards I will have to consider thanking and not killing." he adds under his breath.

ooc: If necessary Jager will tumble into battle to avoid any AoO's. (Tumble check 24) before engaging.

Jager will attack with a low kick as he comes out of his tumble (AC 21 for 6 dam) and will follow it up with a punch to the same opponent or another in range (AC 17 for 4 dam.)

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19 (-6 nonlethal)) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Invisible, Mage Armor, Bless)  d20+7=14
Friday October 15th, 2004 12:21:38 PM

Vauhwyt gasps, relieved to be away with the book! But then she realizes ... "The map! That map of Dirt Cty on that table! We need that! Their plans were marked on that!" she thinks.

Vauhwyt heads back into the tent, dodging any ogres, headed for the table on which she saw that map. [She'll have to pick it up and stow it away next round.]

Move Silent Check: 14.

Here is a clean version of the map.


Bless (V&M) (from Olyn) (15 rounds of 20 used)
Mage Armor (V) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (36 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (15 rounds of 100 used)
Invisible (16 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)
Silence (dispelled)
Barkskin +3 potion (dispelled)
Enlarge (V) (expired)
Darkness (expired)
Message (expired)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Ari HP 50 AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min) (5th post since casting) 
Friday October 15th, 2004 1:13:52 PM

Looking over the scene as it turns to a marching horde, no one sees the sign of pain as it flits over Ari's face. Realizing that time is the only real commodity that they have, Ari yells in common, "Get everyone to the boats. We defend people only, and retreat to the boats. We make no stand until we have to, if at all. Let's move people!!!" Not knowing if there are any language problems, Ari repeats his message in Elven. As he's doing so, he's climbing down the tree, and keeping an eye on the approaching horde. As long as they are not using arrows, Ari will retreat.

Nezamil Ac 24 Hp 45/53 bless 5th rd ,shield of faith 58/60  d20=18 d20+12=16 d8+5=7
Friday October 15th, 2004 5:04:14 PM

Int 18

Nezamil engages the orc ..shield tucked under his chin as he swings his mace in an overhead smash (d20+12=16)(d8+5=7 dam)

" lets make this quick guys " shouts the dwarf " we don't have much time before the whole mangy horde gets here " as the cleric hears Ari's words confirming that they can't hold againist the whole horde

"hope the ladies can figure a way to get to safety " flashes thru Nezamils mind

OOC Bart - shield of faith only covers Nezamil

Saturday October 16th, 2004 6:40:47 AM

for clarification, as i said before, im torching the orc's armada. i aint stupid enough to burn my way off the island.

Dietrich AC 17, HP 24, blessed  d20+6=22 d8+3=7
Saturday October 16th, 2004 11:21:34 AM

Dietrich watches the ogre go down and is satisfied, though he envies his friends in close combat cutting the orcs to pieces. He sends another arrow at the incoming enemies: hits ac 22, damage 7

When the last slave passes, the fighter starts running to the boats, covering the back of the freed slaves. He is sure his friends will disengage and that strong magic will help ther retreat.

Zayne initiative (15 AC 17 HP 19/19)  d20=15 d20-1=18 d20-1=19 d20-1=9 d8=1 d6=5
Saturday October 16th, 2004 12:54:31 PM

Just before the orc comes through the door,taking his free hand and drawing his handaxe.As the orc make his first step into the room Zayne makes a horizontal swing with his battleaxe aimed towards the brutes mid section,and swinging the handaxe overhand directed at the orc's shoulder.(AC 18 and a natural 20 for the other but no crit damage 1 and 5)

Looking at the slave that has decided to fight for his freedom,he thinks realizes that he is fighting the good fight right now and all his actions are just,thes orc's must be punished.

"I don't care if you understand me,but pray to whatever gods you worship,I promise today is your last!!!" Yells the young ranger,his nose twitching violently and his voice cracking with anger.

Saturday October 16th, 2004 1:59:19 PM

Appolo is about to charge off when he sees the horde ofOrc's and assorted bad guys coming,He curses quite violently"Ok folks time to leave.Redux you got anything that can cover us,you no fog or something.Bart fall back,we don't have time to play at the moment."Nezamil get moving."With that Appolo sprints back toward the boats.

Vorelle [AC 17; HP 17/17]  d20=18 d20+6=14 d8+1=4 d20+8=11 d20+8=22
Sunday October 17th, 2004 11:38:06 AM

[Initiative 18]

Vorelle fires another shot at the advancing orcs. [Hit AC 14 for 4 points]

Once the slaves are out of the pen and headed toward the boats, she begins to make her own retreat. [Hide 11; Move Silently 22]

Rose  d20=2 d20+6=22 d3+2=4 d20+4=16 d4=2
Sunday October 17th, 2004 11:23:45 PM

inititave: 2, if add dex then 5

Rose looks around in confusion Why is Vauhwyt running back into the tent? What is that thing Valanthe is attacking she finally makes up her mind and runs as close as possible before attacking the fiend.

if she can get within 10' she'll use a silver dagger if not then her bow.

attack dagger: 22
damage: 4
attack bow: 16, +1 if within 30'
damage: 2, +1 if within 30'

DM Jan 
Monday October 18th, 2004 1:33:25 AM

((OOC - just got back. Brain dead. I promise a post first thing tomorrow after I've picked up the cat))

William (aka Bart) 
Monday October 18th, 2004 2:06:16 AM

Jan did you make a to hit roll to catch the cat? (ac16)

Ashira (AC 22 HP 87/87, Bull's Strength, Greater Invisibility....Trying to get the gals to leave)  d20=9
Monday October 18th, 2004 11:20:49 AM

Ashira smiles as the Macaw heads over to the leaders tent and makes his proclamation (though how the bird managed to spot her while she was invisible...). "Yes, that's a good plan. We will meet you there, she murmurs, trying to call to much attention to herself. "Go back to your Master. We'll meet you there."

Ashira breathes a sigh of relief as the half-fiend disengages with Valanthe. Time to gather the troops and make good their esca... Wait a minute...wasn't that the invisible form of Vauhwyt brushing past her and headed back into the tent?! What in the Wold was she doing?!! Ashira turns her head toward the tent and whispers hoarsely "C'mon V let's get the shades out of here now!! We gotta go now or we're gonna be trapped." As the invisible Ashira scans the battlefield once more, she spots Rose taking air at the airborne half-fiend. Her invisible arms wave frantically, trying to wave off the attack...which is all for naught. Sighing, she moves over toward Valanthe's current position (which I'm assuming is outside the blighted area). After getting within about 10 feet of the raging barbarian, she calls out quietly in Elven "Let her be, it's time to move it. Time to go."

greater invisiblity 54 rounds left

Slavers (NPC's---ADM Nellie)  d20=9
Monday October 18th, 2004 11:24:26 AM

Moving with renewed haste, the slavers head back toward the harbor...and unknowingly..towards Olyn.

Redux (Fly, Mage Armor, Greater Invis, AC20, hp52)  d20=6 3d6(1+5+4)=10
Monday October 18th, 2004 11:53:46 AM

Spotting the orc's leader going airborne, a big grin forms on Redux's invisible face. He casts Phantasmal Killer (WilDC17..then Fort. DC17 or die, or if success take 10hp dam), take targeted on the half-fiend and then moves 30 feet toward the orc boats, making sure that he moves at a diagonal.

Narrative DM Jan 
Monday October 18th, 2004 1:45:31 PM

((Missed my save on the cat, Bart lol))

Amidst the chaos of battle -

At the Leaders Tent -

It becomes immediately obvious that to get the map on the table, Vauhwyt will have to tackle the ogre, who is standing directly in her way.

The half fiend is well out of reach of melee weapons, high in the air, about 60 ft - surveying the chaos that has erupted below her.
Directly below stands Valanthe, obessed with her target - her enraged state ignoring the fact that her skin is starting to blacken because of the fire wall (another 7 DAM).
Ashira tries to distract her.

Suddenly, another shape appears in the sky, next to the winged monster. It's difficult to know what it is, because it's so dark. But the blood-curdling scream coming from the half-fiend is enough to curdle anyone's blood, and she appears to be struggling with something.

Perhaps now would be a good time to leave.

((Macaw will reach the girls with the message in the next round.))

Over at the Slaver Pen -

Bart's weapon cuts down another of their immediate assailants. Various arrows and axes take down another - that leaves one, who appears to be casting something on himself.

THE ORC HORDE - is now three rounds away in terms of melee. Riggin's fireball howls amongst them, causing some disarray. However -
three fireballs in reply, come streaming toward the group. One hits the tree Ari just located. It explodes into flames - hurling burning tree branches everywhere - toward those fighting the orcs, and those starting to make their retreat in this last round.
((Reflex Save DC 15 or take 1D8 flame and bludgeon damage.))
The other two fireballs sail into the trees and start a really good woodland fire, leaving a very small window of opportunity to escape.

At the boats -

Olyn, Neen, the slaves and Theo running up behind reach the boats - then Olyn runs off toward the harbour.
It'll take 8 mins at a flat run to get there.
The slaves look bemused, but the sight of the escape boats means they're staying right here thank you very much.

As Olyn sets off toward the harbour, the Slaver group are rounding the bottom edge of the harbour, heading toward their own boat at the jetty. Neither the half elf or the Slavers can see one another yet.

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor)  d20=7
Monday October 18th, 2004 2:58:09 PM

"All right," says Theodore rather loudly. "Everyone in the boats. We're going to get ready to leave. Can anyone here use a boat, or speak orcish?" He's concerned that they'll have to wait to get everything started until the rest of the group gets here.

He moves to Ryan to speak privately. "I think that the enemy group coming after us will have cut off the females' retreat. And we can't wait here to find out, allowing the orcs to attack us. I have a plan though. When the rest of the guys get here, we take off. I sent Macaw off to tell the women to meet us on the west coast. All we need is one boat to go in and pick them up. Hopefully, there won't be any enemies about."

(Initiative = 7)

Bart (ac 25 hp 62/62)  d20=20 d20+6=22 d20+10=25 d10+13=21 d6=4
Monday October 18th, 2004 3:11:39 PM

Bart yells go now I will keep the this last one busy, go to the boats guys yells Bart to Jager, Nezamil and Ryan. Bart avoids the burning branches and makes an powerfull attack on the orc (Ac 25 for 21+4 shock). After the attack Bart moves away (mobility, spring attack) from the hopefully dead orc. If he isn't dead by now someone will get him with an arrow.

Rigging ac 24 hps 64/64 shield, mage armor, cats grace, blinking, greater invisibility  d20+12=22 6d6(6+2+6+5+5+5)=29 d100=21 d20=13
Monday October 18th, 2004 4:18:45 PM

Rigging sees the fireballs launch towards his friends and tries to discover where they came from. (Spot check 22)

If he can tell, he will fire one back in its direction. Otherwise he will fire into the largest group of orcs he sees doing 29 points of damage or 15 depending upon save dc 17 vs reflex. He notices his ball of flame leave his wand a split second before he blinks out and breathes a sigh of relief.

He will then move 30' towards the boat keeping an eye on the action.

Initiative 13

OOC Did my first fireball kill any orcs? Trying to get a feel if they are normal orcs or not?

mage armor hours
bless ?
blinking 4 rounds left
greater invisiblity 53 rounds left
shield 51 rounds left
cat's grace 52 rounds left

Vorelle [AC 17; HP 15/17]  d20=4 d20+6=8 d8=2 d20+3=18 d20+6=16 d8+1=2 d20+8=24 d20+8=12
Monday October 18th, 2004 5:51:27 PM

[Initiative 4]

Vorelle twists awkwardly, but is unable to avoid the flaming branch that hits her. Shaking off her injury [Concentration check 18], she sights and fires again.

[Hit AC 16 for 2 points]

She continues to make her way toward the ships, staying out of sight as much as possible.

[Hide 24; Move Silently 12]

Monday October 18th, 2004 6:39:03 PM

Jan, for clarification, i headed to the orc boats 3 rounds ago, not to our boats then the orc boats.

with that in mind, where the heck am i?

rose  d20+6=16 d20+5=22 d20+7=15 d20+7=15
Monday October 18th, 2004 7:35:04 PM

When Rose hears Ashira say it's time to go, but where to go everything is in flames? She looks around for a way to go that isn't in flames and doesnt have alot of enemies and takes off towards the harbor.

Listen: 16
spot: 22
move silently: 15
hide: 15

Nezamil Ac 24 Hp 43/53 bless rd 6 Shield of faith 57/60  d20=10 d20+3=6 d8=2
Monday October 18th, 2004 8:07:10 PM

Int 10

Nezamil stands firm in the center of the battle line (d20+3=6 reflex) ignoring the blast from the fireball and pays the price as a burning branch bounces off him (d8=2 dam)and drops to the ground

With a quick glance around "aye Bart good thinking..make sure your right behind us" replies the dwarf

"lets get outta here "growls the dwarf to Zayne and the couragous ex-slave " and dashes off in the direction of the boats as arrows whiz over his towards the horde

Monday October 18th, 2004 8:37:55 PM

Appolo continues back to the boats.Once there he will either take a boat and cirle around to the otherside of the Island or skirt the shoreline in an attempt to reach Valanthe.

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d20+7=14
Monday October 18th, 2004 10:23:45 PM

Vauhwyt takes off back the way she came. (Invis, move silent 14)

DM Jan 
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 1:44:03 AM

((OOC Folks, I'll do an updated version of the island map first thing tomorrow morning, then we've a better idea of who is where.

Tim, I thought you were heading a different way. No worries, we'll sort it out.))

Jager: AC 18 HP 58  d20=2 d20+10=23
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 7:20:59 AM

Jager easily side steps the burning branches but feels torn. He wants to kill those that enslaved him and their lackies, but there are an awful lot of those lackies. Jager decides that it is best to fight another day. "I will be back for you" he shakes his fist at them and retreats.

Jager passes those he charged with and turn back to wait for them. Jager comments to the dwarf "Stout one, you must go faster."

Int 2
speed 50 feet
Reflex 23

Rigging  d20+10=14 d100=6
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 8:52:14 AM

ooc Realized that I didn't roll for flying burning debris. Rigging failed his save but blinked away from the damage.

Ari HP 50 AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min) (6th post since casting)  d20+6=22 d20+3=7 d20+7=18 d8+3=10
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 11:19:07 AM

Seeing the fireballs inbound, Ari does his best to track them back to their source. (Spot 7) If he has any idea of who they might have come from, Ari will try to answer back with an arrow (AC 18 Dam 10).

Still moving away from the tree, Ari shrugs as the intial explosion goes off. Realizing that there will be falling debris, Ari successfully scoots (reflex=22) around the majority of it.

Narrative DM Jan 
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 12:15:06 PM

MAP - should be in the mail. It's your 'approximate' position just before this post.

At the Leaders Tent -

(Ladies, I'm assuming you're all getting the heck out?)

The path that winds its way around the lagoon and toward the jetty is clear. The immediate area in the camp is clear, but the trees are full of orcs and flames after the fireballs have done their thing.

The Slaver Pen -

Those guarding the retreat can now see the faces of their quarry. It's a frightening sight. Rigging's previous fireball appeared to have some effect, but the orc Horde has regrouped, filling in the gaps of their fallen comrades.
Ari's arrow and another fireball from the Wildcards leader sail over the horde and detonate in an area where perhaps the Horde's own fireballs came from. There are screams of pain, but the masses keep on coming. Vorelle and Dietrich see their arrows hit home, and one of the orc front runners gets tripped. He's immediately trampled on in the frenzy.

The group find themselves running beneath a forest fire that is quickly spreading from tree top to tree top. Flames are beginning to lick down along the trunks, and flaming moats and branches start to drop from above.
The horde keeps on coming.

In the open ground of the meadow, the group is harried by flying arrows, as orc bowmen fire as soon as they've cleared the forest.
((Retreating group REflex DC 15 or take 3D4 arrow damage))

At the (group) boats -

Theo gets the slaves organized, who are only too happy to jump inside the boats. They look terrified.
The figurine in the command orc boat looks annoyed at the scramble to get on board.
From this position, everyone can see the others running across the meadow, with the forest fire as a back drop, and the orcs emerging from beneath it.

((Tim, I have Olyn on his way up toward the jetty and the enemy boats. He'll get there about the same time as the Slavers. Sorry, thought you'd set off toward the group boats originally.))

Appolo right now has no idea where Valanthe is, or whether she is safe. Ahead of him are the groups boats. Far to his left is the harbour.

And then suddenly! -

The ground beneath everyones feet gives a lurch. It's followed by a huge rumbling groan.
At the water's edge, a myriad of tiny air bubbles start rising to the surface of the water.

Zayne (REF 21 AC 17 HP 19/19)  d20+6=21 d20+5=16
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 3:01:40 PM

Ever light on his feet he manages to avoid being hit by any on the flaming deris. He looks to Nezamil and nods his head in agreement,but as he retreats he looks back over his shoulder,there is a longing to hand out the vengence he promised,but he knows that thiis situation is out of his control at the moment. "Somehow they will get what they deserve." is all that goes through his mind.

Looking around at the slaves that are still around he looks for any injured or lame that need aid and he will help whoever needs it.(Spot 16)

Ryan (AC:17 Hp:11) Neen (AC:19 Hp:5) (Mage Armour,Bless) 
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 3:39:10 PM

Ryan calls neen back to his side and waits for others, by the boats.

Rigging  6d6(6+4+1+6+6+4)=27 d20+12=24 d20=10 d100=79
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 6:36:51 PM

Rigging feels the lurch beneath his feet and decides that he wants off this island. He scans the area looking for Ashira and the other ladies with concern in his eye.

He head swivels back to the charging orcs and he levels his wand one more time setting off a nasty explosion right among the biggest group of the more common orcs. 27 or 14 points of damage dc 17. made blink roll if necessary

He then decides he has to trust Ashira and heads back to the boats.

Spot check 24
Intitative 10

OOC Jan I am a little confused on the amount time just went by. Was it a combat round or minutes?

~~Jan~~ Minutes, George

Vorelle [AC 17; HP 15/17]  d20+6=16 d20=7
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 6:54:51 PM

[Initiative 7]

Vorelle dodges nimbly as the arrows head toward her. They go flying past. She is about to fire off an arrow of her own when she feels the ground lurch.

Seeing that the slaves are nearly to the boats [right?], she abandons any attempts to fight and simply runs for it.

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor) 
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 9:07:23 PM

"Let's go!" hollers Theodore, cupping his hands over his mouth as he shouts back into the flames. As everyone comes into range, he goes over his plan to bring in a boat on the west coast of the island to pick up the women. "I've already sent Macaw to tell them to meet us on the western shore. Everyone stay calm and we can get out alive."

He continues to wait at the shore until everyone has arrived safely.

(Jan, was it this round or next that Macaw arrives at the girls' location?)

Valanthe [HP 74, AC 23] 
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 9:14:54 PM

Valanthe considered herself lucky. Ashira managed to reach her through the anger that filled her mind. There was a strong possibility that she would have charged into the orc horde had the rage still controlled her. She 'woke' to find her skin blackened and burned. The fact that she did not feel it at the time did worry her. But that was a private matter for a later time.

Tuesday October 19th, 2004 11:28:22 PM

When the island underfoot trembles, Vauhwyt's sneaky retreat becomes a full-fledged run. She heads back, paws a-prancing, to the place they group had landed.

(still invisible)

Jager: AC 17 Dodge 18 mobility for AoO 22 HP 58  d20=5
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 11:38:13 PM

Jager jogs along with his slower rescuers, taking time to look back at the advancing horde. Jager thinks to himself 'with the slavers nowhere in sight he might actually be free, now to hurry up these lead feet'

Jager attempts to spur on the dwarf and human (Zane??) to greater speed. "You do realize that the forest fire may allow the lackies to catch us if you do not attempt to move faster. Throw some of that clunky metal away to speed you up." Jager finishes with a wink.

Redux (Fly, Mage Armor, Greater Invis, AC20, hp52)  8d6(2+2+2+2+5+3+5+4)=25 d20=6
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:02:13 AM

Redux casts fireball at the lead of the orcs for 25 pts dmg (1/2 for reflex) and then flies at top speed directly for the boats. (init=6) (ooc: what did Redux see as the result of his last spell?)

rose  d20+5=17
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:20:27 AM

Rose runs straight out towards the shore and continues along it. she is heading somewhat towards the nw sentry tower, but will stay away from it. when she gets opposite the jetty she will look to see if anyone from the group is over there and can pick her up.

run moving 4x speed = 80'

spot: 17

Nezamil Ac 24 Hp 43/53 bless rd 7 shield of faith 56/60  d20=3 d20+3=20
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:36:00 AM

Int 3

Nezamil weaves as he runs as Arrows whiz overhead (d20+3=20 reflex) but none striking him.

The Dwarf looks over at the ex-slave with a smirk " well ya don't say " remarks Nezamil with deep sarcasm :)

The dwarf leans forward as his legs churn to keep pace with Zayne and the ex-slave then stumbles slightly as the island shakes " what by Domi was that??!!" as he retains his balance and charges towards the boats "lets get outta here fast!"

Bart  d20+6=23
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 6:47:04 AM

Bart avoids the incomming arrows and retreats towards the boats. He makes sure there is no one left between him and the orc horde, if someone needs help Bart will give it to him or her.

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Greater Invisibility) 
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 9:26:13 AM

With Valanthe by her side, Ashira begins to follow the visible Rose. As they sprint along, Ashira looks over at Valanthe. "You should probably reactivate your ring." she states simply. Not hearing any sound of Vauhwyt, Ashira hopes she is nearby. As they travel, the invisible Ashira heads for the stand of trees on the NW side of the island...figuring that they can hide out there until the boats arrive. As the ground moves beneath her feet, Ashira wonders whether they're going to make this out alive.

Wednesday October 20th, 2004 10:20:13 AM

round 4 of my run to the orc boats.

shakes head

Narrative DM Jan 
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 11:20:46 AM


The retreating party arrives at the boats. All the slaves are already on board, scattered about the boats, cowering and frightened.
Redux and Rigging's fireballs buy some precious moments as they explode into the onward charging horde, causing them to falter and regroup.

And the fireballs aren't the only thing to worry about, because its becoming immediately obvious that the island is starting to sink!

The carved figurine is prattling away in orcish, clearly irritated. Dietrich translates that the creature wants to get the boats away as soon as possible.


Vauhwyt has to skirt around the forest fire before she can get SOUTH EAST toward the boats. There's the edge of the Orc Horde between her and the boats.


Olyn arrives at the jetty in the harbour, in time to see the escaping Slavers scrambling into their own boat. There are a few other, slightly smaller longboats tied up at the jetty also. The water appears to be rising and he can hear a bell ringing.


Across the harbour, Ashira, Valanthe and Rose head toward the Sentry Tower. They can see two orcs up in the Tower, one of whom is frantically ringing a bell. The ground here is particularly unstable.

(Ashira got Macaw's message in the last round)

Zayne (REF 23 AC 17 HP 19/19)  d20+6=23 d20+5=8
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:12:51 PM

Zayne does his best to avoid the arrows as he sprints towards the boats. He thinks to himself,"I hope nobody was left behind."

Still on the lookout for any stragglers,he checks his surroundings as he passes by.(Spot 8)

Dietrich, AC 17, HP 24/24  d20+2=18 d20+6=23 d8+3=5
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:22:28 PM

Dietrich managed to get out of hell without beeing hit by arrows and fire and swearing a lot. Never had he seen so many fireballs exploding and he is still stunned. But he is pretty satisfied with the action so far and thanks Domi.

The fighter helps bringing people into the boats and communicating with the figurehead. He keeps an eye backwards and fires at pursuing enemies. Hits ac 23, damage 5

When he realises the island is sincking, he curses again and hastens even more.

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor)  d20=9
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:36:48 PM

As everyone begins to board the boats, Theodore hurries on as well. "Macaw found the women and they're headed towards the western shore. We should hurry and meet them there. Take all the boats so the orcs can't come after us. We also need to send a boat north and east around the island. Olyn went off on his own."

Macaw flies above the women, keeping an eye out for trouble and the rescue boats.

Ari HP43 (50-7) AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min) (7th post since casting)  d20+6=11 3d4(1+2+4)=7 d20+7=23 d20+7=25 d8+3=5 d8+3=10
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:52:01 PM

(sorry for slow post)

Looking too intently at the orc horde, Ari gets caught by surprise when he realizes there are inbound arrows. Not good enough to dodge then, Ari takes some minor damage from the arrows.

Having made his way back to the boats, Ari will prop himself up in the front of any boat that is available to him. He wants to be one of the last boats away, so that he can shoot arrows into the horde, hoping to trip up more at the front of the line, so as to try to trip up more orcs as they climb over him. (AC 23 and 25 for 5 and 10 points respectively)

Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:52:40 PM

Rigging sprints towards the boats as he feels the island moving. He thinks, "I wonder where the girls are. Ashira where are you?"

He will project to Swirl, "I know they are invisible but see if you can find Ashira and Val. Look for the halfling and liontauress as well."

Wednesday October 20th, 2004 2:48:39 PM

Appolo jumps into the the nearest boat."Come on people hurry up.We need to go get the women."He is clearly worried and starting to get angry.

Nezamil Ac 24 Hp 43/53 bless rd 8 shield of faith 55/60  d20=16
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 3:05:37 PM

Int 16

Nezamil reaches the boats then turns to see if any of the stragglers needs help "hurry" shouts the dwarf

The Cleric will turn and scan the horde "ah good work Redux "comments the dwarf as the fireballs explode into the horde

Nezamil will climb aboard one of the freshly hatched boats (less crowded ones) as he turns and double checks the hordes intentions .

If the horde continus to fire arrows inmass at the group the Cleric will reach into a pouch ....pull fort a small feather and fan then gesture to release Domi's divine power (casting wind wall 70 ft long 35 ft high in a semi circle around the boats )

"Dietrich once all are aboard lead us out in a single file so Domi's wall of wind will shield us from their attacks " shouts the Cleric over to the other boat

"Then we can follow Theo's plan to pick up the women" says Nezamil all the while focusing on Domi's wall of wind

Wednesday October 20th, 2004 3:48:29 PM

Rigging go to the otherside with one both to get the girls I will wait her yells Bart as i jumps in one of the boats

Wednesday October 20th, 2004 4:28:24 PM

will pour all the oil ( 6 flasks ) in the remaining orc boats and pulling out a tindertwig will set them on fire, then will race back towards our boats.

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19 (-6 nonlethal)) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Invisible, Mage Armor, Bless)  d20+7=8 d20+7=22 d20+7=21 d20+7=20 d20+6=19 d20+6=21 d20+6=10 d20+6=14
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 8:02:49 PM

Vauhwyt slows as she comes near the orcs in her way. She reactivates the Invisibility ring -- it would sure be unpleasant if it ran out unexpectedly!

Then she makes her way invisibly through the orcs. Her rate is slow, since she is trying to be quiet (40 feet per round with a double move), and she is using her tumble skill to maneuver around orcs she is passing by.

If she is hit, Vauhwyt just keeps on moving. She will not break her invisibility with an attack.

[4 move silent checks -- use as needed: 8 (failed on a 1), 22, 21, 20]
[4 tumble checks -- use as needed: 19, 21, 10, 14]


Mage Armor (V) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (30 rounds of 100 used)
Invisible (30 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Vorelle [AC 17; HP 15/17]  d20+6=22 d20+6=25 d8+1=6
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 8:30:44 PM

Vorelle runs to the boats, and takes a quick look around to see if she can spot any stragglers. [Spot 22] If everybody seems to be on board or boarding the boats, she will scramble aboard one herself. If there are still people on the run toward the boats, she will instead fire at the oncoming orcs [Hit AC 25 for 6].

Valanthe [HP 74, AC 23] Invisible 
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 9:05:13 PM

Valanthe places her hand on Ashira's shoulder and activates her invisibility ring. Things aren't looking so good but at least everything went according to plan. Well she assumes so since they were pulling back instead of pressing into a bad situation.

"Things don't look to good Ashira. At least you will be able to make it back."

Wednesday October 20th, 2004 10:46:53 PM

Jager scampers onto the boat with the dwarf and the human he was jogging with (Nezimal and Zane). Glad to be off the now moist island, Jager finds a comfortable spot on the boat that offers a view of the onrushing horde. Jager is very interested to see if the lackies have the pleasure of a short swim to the bottom of the lake.

Rigging cats grace, greater invisibility, mage armor, shield, 
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 11:40:53 PM

Rigging will listen to Bart and say to himself, "What did he just say?"

He will jump in the boat with Appolo and say,
"Hey Appolo, Its me Rigging. Nice to see you again but lets save the reunion for later. We need to launch this boat, and start heading to the other side of the island.

Get Redux and Nezamil, the dwarf, to come with us. They might need healing, but no more. Don't want to swamp the boat when we take on the girls"

Rigging will then launch another fireball into the raging orc horde looking for the biggest number he can get.

Redux (Fly, Mage Armor, Greater Invis, AC20, hp52)  8d6(4+1+6+3+1+4+6+1)=26
Thursday October 21st, 2004 12:08:31 AM

Alighting over the orc boats, the invisible mage smiles at Nezamil's compliment. "You liked that? You ought to love this..." Redux makes sure that no allies are in the way and then casts a lightening bolt aimed at the front ranks of the horde. An evil grin on his face, Redux chuckles as the energy rips a 120 ft. long line through their ranks (for a lousy 26 Dam.--Refl. DC 16 for half).

Ashira  d20+10=25
Thursday October 21st, 2004 1:05:55 PM

Noting the unstable ground around them, Ashira searches (25) the immediate area for a good place for them to wait for the pickup. She swears silently. Figures it would go down like this. Serves them right for trying to play the heros... She guides Val over to wherever Rose is and then leads them all over to more stable ground if she can find it. She speaks to Val and Rose in whispers, not wanting to attract the attention of the guards if she can avoid it. "Well ladies, we're certainly in a spot of trouble... My invisibilty will be running out soon, the ground's sinking, the boys are coming, but don't know exactly where to meet us....oh yes, and there are two enemy guards out there. Rose, I don't suppose you have anything on that cloak of yours that can help us out?? Barring that, I suppose we just have to ride out the storm. But if push comes to shove, I want you two to grab hold of me. I can breath underwater, she I'll hold you above the surface for as long as I can. I'll remove my armor and put it in Rose's bag if that's ok? Any other ideas?"

Thursday October 21st, 2004 1:31:04 PM

Rose quickly takes a look at her seals then says "No, but I do have a potion that will help me swim. I don't even have any really good spells for this."

she opens her bag and helps Ashira remove her armor, well as much as she can being that she's short and Ashira's invisible.

active spells: mage armor ?/1 hr

seals that she has
seal of liquid sharing:
seal of night flying: 2 rounds at night by the light of the 2nd moon
seal of curing: everyone can cast cure minor
seal of true seeing: everyone gets true seeing
seal of fire resistance:
seal of dragon speak
seal of improved evasion
solo seal of substance
seal of close quarters
seal of drain protection
seal of sleep: doubles healing during sleep
seal of survival
seal of blessed sleep: +1 bonus on all skills and saves next day
beautiful dreamer seal, +6 insight on next action, +4 on one following, +2 on third
seal of weapon penatration: allows crits on creatures immune to them
seal of life guard: breaks at -9hp & stabalizes you
seal of helping hand: gets something from backpack

Narrative DM Jan 
Thursday October 21st, 2004 2:11:53 PM


Zayne, Dietrich, Theo, Ari, Rigging, Appolo, Nezamil, Bart, Vorelle, Jager, Ryan, Shadeos and Redux, now at the shoreline, get to the boats and scramble aboard (or float above them).
Theo is able to pass on info about the girls.

The island is sinking, and very rapidly.

The Orc Horde starts to panic, and arrows no longer fly. (Save your spell, Chris.)
Some of them start to turn tail and run in the opposite direction.
Amidst the Horde, Vauhwyt finds herself buffeted at bounced as frightened creatures run this way and that. She can see the boats, 80ft away, but it's obvious she's going to have to swim for it, and right now the group can't see her, even though some of them are looking.

((Vauhwyt - Reflex DC 13 or suffer 1d6 subdual))

Rigging and Redux send more fire and lightning into the horde, creating more chaos. Some of the orcs, now knee deep in water, start stripping off their armour and start to swim for it, straight for the boats. Vorelle can see at least 8 of them heading in their direction.

"Where do you want to go?" grumbles the orc figurine, in staccato orcish.


At the harbour, Olyn sets to with oil and tindertwigs! He has to move fast as the water rises and rises.
He sets fire to the oil, and - *WHAP!!* some kind of defense mechanism goes off amongst the orc boats, and lightning bolts snake off in all directions.
((Reflex DC 13 or get zapped for 1d8))
The orc boats stay intact.
The Slaver's ship however, gets hit with three lightning bolts and catches alight.
The water continues to rise, and Olyn realises that if he doesn't find something that floats - he's gonna drown.


Ashira, Valanthe and Rose make their way around the opposite side of the harbour. From their position they see the lightning bolts, and see 'something' catch fire.

As for a good place to wait this out till rescue arrives? As water laps at the girl's feet, Ashira can see that there is only one bit of high ground - and that's the sentry tower, 100 ft away. It's still manned by two orcs, who are ringing that bell for all they're worth.

Swirl takes off from the south east part of the island - heading north west.

Zayne  d20+5=14
Thursday October 21st, 2004 2:41:36 PM

Boarding the same boat as Nezamil,the ranger looks at the orcs and watches with a detached look on his face,speaking to no one in particular,"Justice."

He begins scanning the other boats for familiar faces,and is watching for any signs of the girls or anyone being left behind.(Spot 14)

Thursday October 21st, 2004 2:51:00 PM

Bart, get around thos orcs try to get rowing back to the camp to get the girls. Any approching orc i will slash away!

William OOC 
Thursday October 21st, 2004 2:54:33 PM

'have an operation tomorrow, the remove some titanium and som nutts and bolts from my leg. The post tomorrow i will miss first opportunity will be sunday.
If there is an orc that wants to climb aboard Bart will attack him

Ryan (AC:17 Hp:11) Neen (AC:19 Hp:5) (Mage Armour,Bless) 
Thursday October 21st, 2004 3:49:05 PM

Ryan gets aboard the closest boat and stands facing the chaos that is the panicking horde. He does not knock an arrow because it will do no good against that mass.

Neen does the same readying herself for the next challenge.

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor) 
Thursday October 21st, 2004 4:55:23 PM

"Dietrich! Tell the boats to head towards the western coast of the island. That's where we rendezvous with the girls. We also need to send at least one or two boats around the northeast coast. Olyn took off by himself." Theodore watches the island sink. "He won't make it back in time!"

Meanwhile, Macaw continues to hover over the three girls as they wait for the boats.

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19 (-6 nonlethal)) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Invisible, Mage Armor, Enlarged)  d20+4=18 d20+3=5
Thursday October 21st, 2004 8:21:20 PM

Vauhwyt dodges nimbly out of the way of the panicking orcs [save 18!] She casts Enlarge Person on herself -- at 20 feet long, she should be able to keep her head above water longer. Plus the strength bonus will help, and a huge liontaur makes a big splash!

But the time comes when she has to make that untrained swim check. At least she doesn't wear armor any more!

She grabs the Book in her hands and swims with all four paws. But her swim check is only a 5! Maybe her new height will let her keep her keep head and arms above water for now.

Mookie wriggles out of the pouch he is in. "I can't breathe water, you know!" he shouts. Then he looks around and sees only water and some tree tops -- "Boss! What did you do to the island!"

Mookie flies over toward the boats and yells, "Hey! Don't leave us! We're over here!"


Mage Armor (V) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (31 rounds of 100 used)
Invisible (4 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)
Enlarge Person (1 round of 10 used)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Olyn ac20, hp19, Bless  d20+3=18
Thursday October 21st, 2004 9:15:24 PM

reflex save of 18

pulling out his knife, Olyn begins cutting the morring lines holding the orc boats to the shore, then, hopping into one and using some oars(?), Olyn will begin trying to row his way to the rest of the group.

Nezamil Ac 24 Hp 43/53 bless rd 9 shield of faith 54/60  d20+5=14
Thursday October 21st, 2004 9:42:50 PM

Nezamil stares at the orcs swimming towards them "Dietrich order the boats to sail around the orcs and then head for the high ground ....the tower ...the island is sinking too fast ....safest place is the tower " shouts the dwarf as he points towards the sentry tower

Nezamil lifts his mace ready to smash any orcs that attempt to climb aboard

The Cleric checks his boat to see Zayne and the ex-slave aboard " ya both did well back there...Domi be proud of both of ya " says the dwarf with a touch of respect in his voice.

then he turns and looks to catch sight of the women (d20+5=14 spot ch)

Rigging  d20+12=19 d20+10=24 d20+10=25 d6+1=6 d4+1=2 2d6(4+4)=8 d20+13=19
Thursday October 21st, 2004 10:36:08 PM

Rigging hears Mookies cries and guides his boat towards where the girls are. (Listen check 19)

If any of the orcs try to grab on he will simply hack at there hands.

Rolled two strikes and should have gotten two hits. Sword does 6 points of damage and holy dagger does 10.

He will call out, "Ashira, Val!!!! Where are you? Vauhwyt...Rose are you alive?"

Spot check 19

Vorelle  d20+6=13 d8+1=3
Thursday October 21st, 2004 10:50:53 PM

Vorelle hates to fire on helpless, panicking creatures who will probably drown anyway. On the other hand, the orcs could easily swamp the boats in their panic. Vorelle nocks an arrow and watches as the orcs approach.

If any orc gets within 20 feet of any of the boats, Vorelle will fire. [Hit AC 13 for 3 points damage]

Thursday October 21st, 2004 11:16:55 PM

Jager easily jumps into a boat with Zayne and Nezamil. "The Lackies are done for." Jager says to himself.

Jager looks to Nezamil and Zayne. "Thank for freeing me. My name is Jager, former X-slave, thanks to you two." Jager looks around and asks "Where are we off to now? I really want to go kill my former masters, if it is not too much trouble. Maybe we can head over to where their boats are." Jager points in the direction of the slaver boats.

Friday October 22nd, 2004 12:20:29 AM

Redux takes his position at the mast of the boat and holds on while encouraging the others to hasten the speed of the boats. "Rigging, we could use some wind in the sails more than you looking over the side for orcs. Dietrich, how about talking these boats to pick up the pace to the other side of the island? We don't want the orcs in the water to figure out they can talk to the boats too."

Valanthe [HP 74, AC 23] 
Friday October 22nd, 2004 9:34:16 AM

With all the chaos one lone elf will probably be the last thing on the orcs minds. So she deactivates her invisibility so Ashira can follow her movements.

"Well I'm going to clear that tower. After that, worst case we bust out some large logs and use them to stay afloat for as long as we can." Valanthe says and heads for the tower.

Dietrich ac 17, hp 24  d20+6=15 d8+3=6
Friday October 22nd, 2004 10:47:56 AM

DIetrich is amazed with the sincking island and worried about Olyn. What the heck had he to separate himself from the party! He can only hope his friend can swimm.

With so many friends urging him, the fighter commands the boats to swim fast to the west, in the direction Rigging appoints.

Dietrich feels some pity for the orcs, but by far not enough to hinder him from shooting at them. He fires at incoming orcs,
hits ac 15, damage 6,
and shouts at them in orcish to keep away if they want to live, cursing bad words.

Friday October 22nd, 2004 11:08:39 AM

Appolo jumps inthe boat with Rigging Nezamil and Redux."Row toward the tower dam it.Redux,Rigging do either of you have something that dispell invissibility and make them visible.I mean if they're using using magic then we can't see them Also how baout something to amplify our voices so they can hear us."

Rose  d20+4=11 d4=1
Friday October 22nd, 2004 12:17:20 PM

Rose is VERY relieved when Valanthe sheds the invisibility and she can see someone again. She follows Valanthe as fast as her little legs will carry her. When she can she will fire at the orcs.

range 60'
attack: 11, +1 if she's within 30'
damage: 1, +1 if she's within 30'

Narrative DM Jan 
Friday October 22nd, 2004 4:52:30 PM

The island continues to sink.


The figurine calls Dietrich something unmentionable, but nevertheless starts to move, heading in a northerly direction to avoid the Horde.
Mookie arrives abruptly, sqwawking away about Vauhwyt being nearby.

The liontaur (still invisible?) can no longer feel any ground beneath her feet, and it's proving difficult to swim with the water being so choppy. She is managing to keep the book dry.

5 of the orcs swimming toward the boat drop back due to the arrow fire, but 2 make it to the lead boat and grasp the side violently, threatening to turn the boat over.

There's also a scream from one of the slaves in the third boat behind the leader.

Right now it's very difficult to see and hear. There is smoke from the burning trees, and as the island sinks, the mists start to close in. The howling cries of panicing creatures make it nigh on impossible to hear anything else.

Still, the figurine has it's map. Everyone might remember that the Tower is a good three quarters of a mile away. There are also two sets of oars in each boat. No sails.


Swirl continues to fly toward the Tower. The elemental senses a bell ringing in that direction.

Below - Olyn jumps in one of the boats in the harbour. He will note that there is a figurine carved at the head of it, that has it's head bent forward and its hands accross it's chest. It looks inactive.
However, he does have two sets of oars to go at, and he starts rowing south.

50 yards to the north of him, the Slavers are running about their own boat, trying to put the fire out.


By the time Valanthe, Rose and Ashira reach the Tower, they're wading through water that's a foot deep. Little Rose has to hold her fire, and keep going, otherwise the rising water is threatening to carry her off her feet.
There's a ladder.
The bell has stopped ringing.
Both orcs are looking down at the girls.

Friday October 22nd, 2004 11:41:56 PM

rowing with everything Wardd grants him, Olyn heads to the rest of the group.

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19 (-6 nonlethal)) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Invisible, Mage Armor, Enlarged)  d20+3=4 d20+3=20
Saturday October 23rd, 2004 1:02:56 AM

Vauhwyt does not have the time to deactivate the invisibility, but she figures that a huge splashing liontaur should make quite a scene. Just to be sure, she activates her Seal of Sunlight (free action), so that the area around her is bright as day! She shines forth like a beacon, and Mookie does his best to direct the boats to his mistress.

But Vauhwyt's full round action is a swim towards the boats! Her efforts, born of desperation, nonetheless fail utterly! [Rolled a 1!] Vauhwyt sinks like lead, and she knows the book is about to get soaked! But with a herculean effort, she summons her inner reserves, and then, she swims! She floats! She churns splashing through the waves to get to the boat! [OOC: Hero point used, got a modified 20 on the re-roll!] And she keeps the book high above the water!


Mage Armor (V) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (32 rounds of 100 used)
Invisible (5 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)
Enlarge Person (2 rnd of 10 used)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Saturday October 23rd, 2004 2:08:11 PM

Poor little Rose the water is up past her hips and the first thing she does when she reaches the tower is to climb up at least a few rungs of the ladder.

Zayne  d20+6=21 d4=4 d20+5=12
Saturday October 23rd, 2004 2:23:35 PM

Standing in the boat he sees the orcs grabbing the slave's boat. His thought and action become one. He draws and throws one of his daggers at the brute.(AC 21 Damage 4) Looking around quickly to see how many of the beasts have managed to stay afloat long enough to still be a threat.(Spot 12)

Jager  d20+7=13 d8+2=4
Saturday October 23rd, 2004 3:54:39 PM

Jager has not been on boat much his life and when he has it has always been below decks chained to an oar. This is much better. Jagers daydreaming is short lived as orcs are grabing the boats. "Lackies! You just don't know when you are suppose to die. I will help you." (AC 13 for 4 damage stunning fist DC 17 save).

If there are no more orcs grabbing he boat, Jager will grab an oar and have at it. It feels different to row without manacles biting at your flesh.

Kathy OOC 
Sunday October 24th, 2004 12:23:20 AM

[Sorry; I'm all confused. Which boats are we in? Is everybody in one boat?]

Bart  d20+14=34 d20+14=27 d10+9=19 d10+9=13 d6=1
Sunday October 24th, 2004 3:52:56 AM

Bart starts to row, unless there is an orc near the boat then he will slash it with his sword (crit for 19+13+1)

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday October 24th, 2004 4:59:07 PM

Getting a sense of immenence from Macaw, Theodore implores his group to move faster. "We must hurry. I feel the women are in danger. Olyn, too."

"Dietrich, get us moving," Theodore pleads. "We need to pick up the women and Olyn."

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 43/53 bless rd9 shield of faith 53/60  d20+5=17
Sunday October 24th, 2004 8:38:06 PM

Nezamil drops his shield at his feet and grabs an oar at Appolo's urging and starts to row "well!! ya gonna help us row?? " shouts the dwarf at Appolo " grab an oar!! "

Nezamil searches for the ladies (d20+5=17 spot ch ) "whats that" points the dwarf to the flash of light "must be what mookie is trying to get our attention for "

"lets make for the light and all that splashing " encourages the Cleric as his oar digs into the water with powerful strokes

Ari HP43 (50-7) AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min) 
Monday October 25th, 2004 12:04:50 AM

Sensing the urgency of their situation, Ari will pick up the oars in his boat, and lend his augmented strength to the speed of the boat. Should the oars not be available, Ari will stand by to relieve anyone who gets tired.

Dietrich ac 17, hp 24, 13 arrows  d20+7=16 2d6(3+5)+4=12 d20+7=27 d20+7=24 2d6(1+6)+4=11
Monday October 25th, 2004 12:13:34 PM

Dietrich is in the leading boat (with the figurehead) and attacks the daring orcs boarding it.
He swings his greatsword, hits ac 16, damage 12,

if this drops the first, the blade continues:
hits ac 27, reroll critical 24, damage 22

When there are no further enemies, Dietrich will help with the oars. He can see where the girls are and is not too worried abaut them, but the fighter is not so sure about Olyn's fate.

Monday October 25th, 2004 1:13:12 PM

OOC: Kathy I am pretty sure we are for the most part on other boats. I am on ta boat with Nezamil and Apollo,and I think you and Dietrich are on the same one,but that is about all I have been able to work out. I knew sooner or later we were going to get all mixed up.

Hope that helps some.

Monday October 25th, 2004 3:07:54 PM

Appolo jumps down besides Nezamil and starts rowning for all he's worth.

Monday October 25th, 2004 3:34:18 PM

Map is on its way folks, and I'll try and detail the boats

Dm Jan  d20+4=14
Monday October 25th, 2004 5:05:28 PM

((OOC - I've sent you all a new map. Take a look, and if some you find yourself on the wrong boat, let me know in your post which boat you should be on.))

The island continues to sink until only the tops of trees are visible. Horrible screams can be heard from what was once the centre of the island, as creatures finally realize there is nowhere to go but down into the depths.
It's an awful sound, that chills the marrow of the hardest warrior.


The orc in BOAT 3 growls as Zayne's arrow hits his shoulder, but he manages to get a leg up, and rolls into the boat! The slaves scream.

The orcs in Boat 1 are less fortunate, and fall to Rigging's and Dietrich's blows. Their bodies float away.

There's a sudden flash of light and a lot of splashing just off the bow in between boats 1 and 2, however - and the sqwawking Mookie flying above, that announces that at least Vauhwyt seems to have made it.

Although the figurehad is able to pull the boats along - rowing does seem to help.

What everyone here can see - light from the sun seal - water - mist - something vaguely on fire off to the north west.


Olyn rows and rows. The slaver ship continues to burn behind him, although not as much as before. perhaps the slavers have finally got some kind of control.
Then - in front of him to the south east - about 70 yds away - he spots a bright flare of light (Vauhwyt's seal).


The ground has disappeared under water.
It's now a 20ft climb to the tower ledge, and two panicing orcs are staring down at Ashira, Valanthe and Rose.
One of them throws a dagger at Ashira. It narrowly misses and goes *PLOP* into the water.
MaCaw hovers above, and Swirl will be there in the next round.

Monday October 25th, 2004 8:23:29 PM

starts rowing with all his might towards the flare of light.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday October 25th, 2004 10:44:20 PM

Seeing one orc scramble into a boat holding freed slaves, Theodore thrusts forward his right hand in a dramatic gesture and a cone of flashing colors springs forth. "Throw him out!!" he hollers to the slaves.

Macaw continues to circle around the climbing women, cawing and making all sorts of racket.

(Casting color spray on the lone orc that made it into the boat with the slaves. Trying not to hit the slaves, but if he has to, he does. Will save 14 to resist.)

Rigging  d20+12=13 d20+12=19
Monday October 25th, 2004 10:58:59 PM

Rigging hears the struggle in boat 3 and looks back but can't see the problem. He will see Ari and call back, "What is the problem back there? Help out those freedmen!"

He will then pick up an oar and start propelling the boat in the direction of the tower, getting some input from Swirl.

OOC I need someone from the Swords to volunteer to play Swirl. Any takers?

spot, rolled natural 1
listen, rolled a 19

Jager  d20+10=20 d20+13=17 d20+6=22 d20+10=25 d20+5=23
Monday October 25th, 2004 11:13:21 PM

Jager sees (spot 22) the orc attempt to get into boat 3 and moves into action. Jager stands and runs down his boat and jumps/tumbles into boat 3 to take care of the orc lackie.

Balance 20
Tumble 17
Jump 25
swim 23 (lets hope not!!)

Those on his boat he Jager mumble to himself "No one goes back to slavery."

Ashira---armorless (AC14 HP 87/87)  d20+13=19
Monday October 25th, 2004 11:52:41 PM

Waking up from the comma she was in as the dagger plops by her shoulder, Ashira sheathes her weapons and grimly charges the tower, sloging through the water. Grabbing the ladder, she begins climbing (19) toward the orcs with a look of firm resolve. Her plan of action is straight forward...climb the ladder..kill the orcs...wait for rescue. Simple, really.

Redux  d20+6=7 d20+2=5
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 12:38:17 AM

Redux looks around trying to see what's going on around him but can't make anything out (nat 1). He calls out to Rigging and Dietrich that the girls need to be next on the list to rescue (but has little idea where to look (wis=5)). "Is there any high ground they may have gotten to?"

Tuesday October 26th, 2004 1:23:35 AM

Vorelle finds herself on a very exciting boat, where a lot of people are thrashing around and (apparantly) doing their best to pitch everybody into the water. She concentrates on hanging on, and tries to shift her weight to counter some of the movement.

Appolo  d20+6=17 d20+2=4
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 2:04:11 AM

Appolo looks up at Redux"There's that glowing patch of water over there and that towerstraight ahead.Looks like the girls are already climbing it."With that sasid he goes back to rowing as fast and as hard as he can.

Spot 17 Please iignore extra roll mistake thank you.

Ari HP43 (50-7) AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min) 
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 4:54:44 AM

Hearing Rigging's call, Ari puts up the oars to look around. Realizing that there is an Orc amongst the slaves, Ari launches a magic missle at him. He's worried about hitting the other slaves, so he hopes that the magic missle can do some damage.

(late for work, please roll for me.)

Valanthe [HP 74, AC 23] 
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 8:40:53 AM

Valanthe stands ready behind Ashira. The orcs would die that was certain. But how was still unresolved.

"Listen you can die now or swim for it and have a chance at living." Valanthe says in common to the orcs.

Tuesday October 26th, 2004 12:20:07 PM

Dietrich excitement at fighting and eliminating the boarding orcs almost made him forget the complete horror of the island's vanishing and the death that comes with it. Still confounded by the fact that they have virtually eliminated the Marteus camp, Dietrich cleans the blood of his sword and puts his thougts aside to row as hard as he can.

As for the orc boarding boat 3, he can onlly pity him...

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 43/53 bless 10th rd ? shield of faith 52/60 
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 3:10:31 PM

OOC : i know Nezamil , Appolo,Zayne and Jagar are in the same boat, according to the posts i read nobody else is with them.

The dwarf seeing Vauhwty between the 2 boats "grab her then we'll head to the tower " shouts the dwarf over all the noise

Nezamil will stick out the oar for Vauhwty to grab onto and drag her closer "careful we don't get swamped "and haul her aboard


1.would it be faster to row to the tower or run on the water ? (water walk spell) to save the women ? if it is walking on the water then Nezamil will cast that on the those in his boat (Jagar ,Zayne ,Appolo , Vauahwty , Nezamil)

After pulling the very wet Vauhwty aboard Nezamil turns to check on the tower "we must get there quickly "

The Cleric will touch his holy symbol bringing a brightness to it and then gesture and touch each member in the boat

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d20+3=16
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 4:17:19 PM

Vauhwyt tries to swim to and climb into a boat. Her swim check this round is a 16.

Mookie file around squawking, "Hey, can't you see the boss needs a hand! She's right here! Come on, you sods!"

Zayne(AC 17 Hp 19/19)  d20+6=21 d4=3
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 4:21:59 PM

Before the orc can get to his feet Zayne draws and hurls the second of his three daggers. Hoping to at least knock him off balance. (AC 21 Damage 3)

Zayne stands poised and ready to throw his last dagger if need be.

DM Jan  d20+4=18 d6+3=7
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 7:43:52 PM

Getting the liontaur aboard Boat #1 might be a bit difficult, primarily because it's bit full.

Boat #2 might be a better bet - there's room - just, and folk to haul her aboard.
STRENGTH roll, please everyone in Boat 2 and Vauhwyt. DC 11. Three wins, and the liontaur's on board.

In the meantime, Jager does one heck of a job of leaping into Boat #3 to attack the ORC. He's followed in quick succession by a magic missile and a colour spray spell, that stuns the orc, disabling his attack, and has the slaves screaming even louder.

In the middle of the screaming, Olyn arrives out of nowhere, rowing like crazy, arriving roughly at the junction between Boats 3 and 4.

Everyone else seems to be rowing or keeping the boats steady. Consequently the whole flotilla is moving at quite a clip. In fact - on the immediate horizon is another boat (100ft). It has smoke belching from it, and there are men on board.

This boat is directly in between the main group and the girls at the Tower.

At the Tower -

Ashira climbs up quickly, Valanthe and Rose directly behind. Stood at the top - is an orc with a huge sword, who brings it down on the aquatic elf as she and the other girls reach the top.
((Hits AC 18 for 7 DAM))

The water is now 10ft below the Tower deck.
Swirl has now arrived to join MaCaw, hovering above the Tower. They can both see Ashira, Valanthe and Rose climb to the top of the Tower, ready to do battle with two ferocious-looking Orcs.

((Chris I'd say boats and your spell would be moving about the same pace right now))

DM Jan - OOC 
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 7:56:01 PM

((Folks, I heard from Jerry last night - Dominic gave him a call, and told him that he and Eunice would be without power for a while - possibly for as much as a month.
No panic right now, but Game 5, you might be stuck with me a little longer than you thought. I'm just grappling with the concept of Norway at this time of year, and no power. Brrrr. Hope they're going to be okay.))

Rigging mage armor, shield, cats grace, bless, greater invisiblity  6d6(6+3+4+5+3+3)=24
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 10:49:02 PM

Ooc Not really sure how much time has passed since the beginning of the battle so I am listing my spells. Assuming blink has worn off.

Rigging sees the other boat on an intercept course and says, "Redux, we have friends trying to crash the party. Lets take them out."

Rigging will fire his fireball wand at the boat hopefully damaging it enough so it sinks.

I do 24 points of damage reflex save for half dc 17

Redux  d20+6=23 3d4(2+1+1)+3=7
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 11:40:10 PM

The smoke in Redux eyes clears and he gets a good look around him. He spots the Slaver boat and lets out a round of Magic Missiles at the clearest figure he sees not actively rowing (dmg=7).

Ashira---armorless (AC14 HP 80/87)  d20+13=33 d20+13=28 2d8(5+7)+10=22 d8+5=13
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 12:29:58 AM

Blood trickles down her arm from the orc's well placed attack. Ashira, however, does not seem particularly concerned by it. There could be only one outcome from this combat...she and the others would win and live. The orcs would die. In an instant, Ashira unsheathes her swords. Her longsword lashes out with laser like precision seeking orc blood...and is well rewarded (AC33/28...crit??? for 22dam...or 13 if no crit.).

Bart  d20+5=19
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 2:31:40 AM

Bart tries the help the liontaur on board (dc 19) en start rowing again

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19 (-6 nonlethal)) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Mage Armor, Invisible)  d20+2=13
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 6:46:36 AM

Clinging to the side of the boat and holding her book high, Vauhwyt cancels the enlarge (so she will fit better) and tries to get in the boat. [Str check 13]. She is still invisible, but the big liontaur-shaped hole in the water off the side tells where she is.

With Bart's help the liontaur is almost there, and she needs just one more hand to make it aboard. "Thanks," she says to Bart.

Mookie, flying in circles overhead, caws to the others in boat two to help Vauhwyt aboard. "Grab on, she's right there!," he squawks.


Mage Armor (V) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (34 rounds of 100 used)
Invisible (7 rounds of 30 used before needing to reactivate ring)
Enlarge Person (cancelled)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Olyn ac20, hp19, bless 
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 8:35:53 AM

turning his boat around, and making a beeline for the tower, Olyn rows like mad once again, concentrating on nothing else but getting to the tower as soon as possible.

saying aloud and to noone in particular: come on you good for nothing piece of barge, get me to the tower now!

Theodore and Macaw HP 8 AC 16 (mage armor)  d20=9
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 9:17:43 AM

Theodore struggles to pull the bulky Vauhwyt into the boat, having trouble finding a handhold on his invisible friend. He sees the enemy boat out of the corner of his eye, but trusts the others to take care of it. Instead, he concentrates his efforts on helping Vauhwyt in. "Here we go."

(Strength check = 9. Theo's a wuss. What can I say?)

Jager  d20+2=17 d20+2=17 d8+2=5 d8+2=5 d20+6=19
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 9:42:48 AM

Jager will attempt to make quick work of the orc that got into the slave boat (if the color spray and magic missle spells do not: AC 17 for 5 dam and AC 17 for 5 dam.)

Jager will look to the slaves. "Is everyone alright?" If everyone look ok Jager will add. "Grag an oar and put your backs into it. We are heading for what is let of that tower. There are those on the tower that helped free us. Let us begin payment for our freedom with a rescue!"

Jager (spot 19) see the magic (fireball and magic missle) leave our small boats and strike the slavers boat and smiles, but he is very aware of a possible counter stroke and is ready to dive for cover.

Jager starts rowing, but keeps wary.

Vorelle [AC 17; HP 15/17]  d20+6=17 d8+1=6
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 10:39:46 AM

Vorelle pulls an arrow from her quiver and nocks it to the bowstring, peering through the smoke at the slaver boat and searching for a target.

If she sees one, she will fire.

[Hit AC 17 for 6]

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 43/53 bless rd 10 shield of faith 51/60 
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 6:04:02 PM

The dwarf looks up at the sound of the fireball detonating in the distance " whoa" as the slavers ship appears thru the smoke and haze.

"hopefully they'll be to busy putting out fires to do anything .....lets go get the girls " yells out above all the noise to his fellow boat mates

the dwarf's oar cuts thru the waves propelling them forward as he aims straight for the slavers boat " too many targets for them and they should be busy fighting fires " mumbles Nezamil to himself

OOC looking forward to you continuing Dm'ing game #5 Jan , very enjoyable so far! must be a little chaotic for ya .....keep up the evil work ;-)

DM Jan 
Thursday October 28th, 2004 12:47:15 AM

Out on the lake, both magic missiles and fireball sail toward the Slaver ship.

"$#)%!!" screams someone aboad the vessel as the fire rekindles itself, followed by -
"Owww!!" as Vorelle's arrow follows the same trajectory as the firey spells.

The Slaver ship was in the middle of a turn and intercept manouevre. However, as the fire erupts aboard once more, and all hands move from the rudder to the water buckets - the ship sails past the bow of Boat #1, leaving a clear stretch of water to the Tower.

Vauhwyt is now half in and half out of boat #2.

One of the ex-slaves in Boat #3 howls -
"I don't think it's dead! What do we do?!" while poking a foot at the unconscious ORC.

The Tower itself can be seen clearly now by those on the boats. At this rate of rowing its three rounds away.
There looks to be one heck of a scuffle going on, and - the Tower is sinking fast.

On the Tower -

The water is coming up that fast that by the time Ashira withdraws her swords from the body of ORC #1 - the dead creature splashes into about a foot of water.

ORC #2 looks crazed and frightened.
"MER - CEY! MERCY!" it bellows in halting common.

Next round and the water will be over the girl's heads.

Thursday October 28th, 2004 8:07:35 AM

remembering something, Olyn screams in Orcish:

get us to that tower, NOW!

*if that doesnt waken the boats up, he'll continue to row like hades*

Rigging  6d6(3+3+2+6+4+6)=24
Thursday October 28th, 2004 8:33:26 AM

Rigging smiles and looks at the foes starting to bail, obviously concerned about their boat sinking. He knows his boat is safe from invasion but some of the boats behind might not be.

He sighs and points his wand once again and releases a fireball at the bailing slavers. (He also notices that none of them died in the first and that has him a trifle concerned.)

The fireball explodes for 24 points of damage, 12 if reflex save of 17 is made.

Theodore and Macaw  d20=14
Thursday October 28th, 2004 10:03:01 AM

Theodore heaves again, this time with a better grip on Vauhwyt. "Geez!" he exclaims. His face grows red from the exertion.

Over the tower, Macaw catches sight of the friendly boats and begins to crow loudly.

Ashira---armorless (AC14 HP 80/87) 
Thursday October 28th, 2004 11:17:57 AM

Ashira eyes the orc with a measure of distrust. Pointing to the water she says "Swim or die". Watching the rising water and the slow advance of the orc ships with horror, Ashira is suddenly struck by an idea. "Rose, didn't you say you had a seal of liquid sharing??? Could you break that seal and then drink your swimming potion? Would that allow us to share the potion? Otherwise, we need to get some wood and hold on tight. Looks like the boys, as usual, are gonna be late." Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out a length of rope (50 foot silk). "Whatever happens, I want us to be together. Quick, tie this around yourselves. If one drowns, we all drown." Ashira ties the rope around her waist and hands it to the girls to do likewise. "Val, see if you can break off some wood. We might need it to hold on to."

Ari HP43 (50-7) AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min)  d20+3=19
Thursday October 28th, 2004 11:41:53 AM

Looking to make sure that the Liontaur is onboard, Ari will then proceed to join back with the oars. (If She's not onboard, Ari will help out Str roll=19).

(ooc My schedule becomes more regular on Friday. SO I'm hoping my posting will be a bit more continuous starting next week)

Dietrich AC 17, hp 24  d20+6=16 d8+3=6
Thursday October 28th, 2004 12:27:00 PM

When Dietrich sees the slaver boat, he takes Ashira's bow again. He continues with a mixture of respect and amazement for the bombardment of the enemy and it's endurance, hoping the good guys won't be a target for fireballs too.

Dietrich shoots an arrow at the enemy looking most like a spell-caster.
Hits ac 16, damage 6

Jager  d20+6=16
Thursday October 28th, 2004 12:48:57 PM

Jager is surprised that the Orc in only unconcious after the magic bolts of light and his two fists pummeled it. Most orcs he met in the fighting pits or the arena we only for warm ups. "Over the side you go" Jager says noncalantly as he tosses the orc overboard.

Jager spots (spot 16)one slave if a boat way in the back and motions for him to come forward and calls out "We have to stick together. Work your way forward."

Jager looks to the other slaves in his boat as he sits and grabs an oar again. "Lets put our backs into it."

Bart  d20+5=18
Thursday October 28th, 2004 1:06:44 PM

Need another hand Vauhwyt (Str chk 18), says Bart as he helps the liontaur in. Vauhwyt where are the other girls, guide me to them

Zayne  d20+5=25 d20+5=17
Thursday October 28th, 2004 1:32:17 PM

Glad to see Vauhwyt almost safely aboard a boat he starts looking for the other ladies.(Spot 25 Search 17)

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19 (-6 nonlethal)) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Mage Armor)  d20+2=21
Thursday October 28th, 2004 1:53:54 PM

Helped by Theo and Bart, Vauhwyt makes it into the boat (str check 21), along with the -- mostly -- dry book she has carried from the leaders' tent. She cancels the invisibility and answers Bart. "We got seperated in the chaos! I don't know where they arre!" In the soaked liontaur's distress, her accent comes to the fore.

"Boss, you look like a drowned water rat," Mookie tells her.

"Thanks, Mookie," she replies. "Start looking for Rose, Ashira, and Val, please!"


Mage Armor (V) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (35 rounds of 100 used)
Enlarge Person (cancelled)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Thursday October 28th, 2004 3:47:42 PM

Appolo continues to row for all he's worth.

Vorelle  d20+6=24 d8+1=9
Thursday October 28th, 2004 4:09:45 PM

Not much of a rower, Vorelle instead opts to send another arrow at the slaver ship.

[Hit AC 24 for 9 points. Woo!]

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 43/53 bless rd 11 Shield of faith 50/60 
Thursday October 28th, 2004 8:41:02 PM

Nezamil continues to row for the tower keeping in rythym with Appolo.

The dwarf keeps an eye on the slavers boat as they pass waiting for retalition from the fireballs raining down on them

"By Domi " growls the dwarf " gotta rescue the girls again " giving a grin at Appolo " can't wait to see Val's face when she spots you " smirks the Cleric :)

Valanthe [HP 74, AC 23]  d20+6=23
Thursday October 28th, 2004 8:50:40 PM

"This is so typical. We do the hard stuff. Get the book, fight some half-demon orc that was killed by something I don't want to know about and now I get to drown." Valanthe says and mutters a string of words in elvish not for the innocent to hear.

Valanthe uses her magicly enhanced strength to start smashing the sides of the tower. If she can tear off a few big logs they would be alright.

ooc: strength check 23

rose  d20+12=23
Thursday October 28th, 2004 10:43:39 PM

Rose quickly does as ashira suggests and breaks her seal of liquid sharing & drinking her swimming potion. Hopefully it will work, she even is nice enough to hope that it will help the orc's not drown, as long as they dont endanger her or her friends.

Seal of Liquid Sharing. When you activate this seal with a free-action, you must also use a Standard Action to drink a potion. The magic of this potion is experienced by every being in your party for a duration of one round. Both the potion effect and the seal effect end after that one round.

elixir of swiming: +10 to swim checks for 1 hour

swim check: 23

ooc: sorry for not posting, i havent been feeling well.

Friday October 29th, 2004 12:00:48 AM

Redux is struck by all of what is taking place around them. As he sees their boat fill with people and he knows the time it will take to get to the girls. He makes up his mind to help with the rescue and not with the slavers. Redux reaches under his cloak, retrieves his bag of holding and pulls out his spell book. He reads the spell Fly from his book. As the words disappear from the page he winces slightly. He then flies as fast as possible towards the tower without further action towards the slaver boat. He again acknowledges Waard as fate and chance meet on these waters.

DM Jan  d4+1=3 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d3=1 d6=5 d100=79 d100=12
Friday October 29th, 2004 1:02:03 AM


With half the deck ablaze, someone barks out orders.
"Leave them! Over the side!"
There's a cry of agony, followed by a groan.
Then -
'YOU B*&&^%%$%#$!'
A figure with an arrow in his shoulder unleashes three magic missiles at BOAT #1, before falling backward into the blaze. All the missiles head for Vorelle!
13 DAM

There's a lot of smoke, but it looks like three figures have jumped into the water. The smoke carries an awful charred flesh smell.

The liontaur is now safely in Boat #2.
At Jager's urging, the slave in the Wildcards boat starts making his way slowly forward.
The party is now two rounds away from the girls. The figurehead is chattering irritably, something about going as fast as it can, after hearing Olyn's call. They can see part of the Tower collapse before the water takes it all. In fact Zayne can see four figure enter the water.


Ashira binds the girls together quickly while Valanthe hacks away at the structure. Part of it breaks off, leaving 6 light planks floating on the water. Rose activates her seal and drinks the swim potion.

Suddenly, there's nothing but the water, a few planks, and a panicing ORC for company.
The water feels..... terrifyingly deep. And cold.
The orc grabs one of the planks and kicks off swimming in a northerly direction.
Hanging on to a plank will give a +3 to a swim check.
Rose's seal and +10 benefit will last for this next round only.

Swirl and Macaw continue to hover above. And they can see Redux flying toward them. He'll be there the next round.

Ari HP43 (50-7) AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min)
Friday October 29th, 2004 2:01:59 AM

Seeing the figures being forced into the water, Ari decides he's better off being a spell caster. Putting down the oars that he has been using. Ari chants out his next spell.

For those paying attention, you can see Ari's outline blur for a little bit. When everything clears, it seems that Ari's ears have changed, and he's aquired gills.

(Aquatic elf, swim speed 40 feet)

As soon as the transformation is complete Ari announces, "I'm headed out for the girls to help". With that he does his best to jump over the side and proceed to helping the girls stay afloat, or join with the boats. (Swim 17)

Friday October 29th, 2004 8:35:11 AM

same as b4, rowing to save the people at the tower.

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday October 29th, 2004 10:10:17 AM

Theodore huffs in relief as Vauhwyt is hauled into the boat. His reprieve is interuppted though when he sees the tower holding his friends collapse into the water. He bolts upright with a start. "Oh no!" he exclaims.

Then he notices Redux and Ari using their magic to speed them to the ladies' help. "Let them get there in time," he says under his breath."

Macaw continues to flap and cry, trying to give the coming help a point of rescue.

Vorelle [AC 17; HP 2/17]  d20+6=11 d8+1=4
Friday October 29th, 2004 1:57:34 PM

Vorelle gasps as the bolts of magical energy slam into her. Gritting her teeth, she returns fire with her bow [hit AC 11 for 4], then drops prone in the boat, trying to put the gunwhale between herself and whoever's doing the shooting.

Friday October 29th, 2004 4:43:15 PM

Standing on the boat wit nothing to unleash his anger on he begins to swear in a very "sailoresque" manner. It seems as if what little control of his temper he had is now gone.

Valanthe [HP 74, AC 23] 
Friday October 29th, 2004 9:11:38 PM

Valanthe stacks three planks together and holds on. Even with her 20lb armor the wood should be more than enough to keep her afloat.

"It's bad enough the island is sinking but the water is freezing as well."

OOC: Um...why do swim checks have to be made at all? Valanthe is holding onto wood that should be more than enough to keep her afloat and she's not actually swimming. Even with all her gear Valanthe is easily under 200lbs. Also I am a little confused on the swimming rule. Valanthe has a light load capacity of 200lbs. She's strong enough so if a man weighed 250 lbs and no armor he has no penalty but Valanthe, who is stronger than a man and wearing armor but weighs less has a pentalty. Can somebody explain this to me because it doesn't make sense.

~~Jan~~ Baffles me too, Walter. However, rules aside, there is the matter of getting three planks together while trying to tread water and stay afloat with all your gear on. In the dark. Amidst a mad orc thrashing around and a drowning halfling. No mean feat.
Anyway - looks like the cavalry's arrived :)

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 43/53 bless rd 11/?? shield if faith 50/60 
Friday October 29th, 2004 10:40:30 PM

The dwarf surveys the slavers boat as they pass looking for any who jumped into the water " i think we should help them ....at least this way we can bring them too justice" says the Cleric to those in his boat

knowing the other boats are making good headway to the fallen tower and Redux flying and the enterprising Ari swimming towards the girls the dwarf will stop rowing and look for surviviors from the slavers boat.

looking 1st in the water for any slavers location and then peering aboard the slavers burning ship for any who might need help " burning alive is no way to die " comments Nezamil

"Domi grant them courage to save themselves " growls the Cleric in a quick prayer

" surrender ! and we'll not harm you " shouts the Cleric to the slavers

" surrender! and no harm will come to you " shouts the dwarf again

Rigging  d20+12=31
Friday October 29th, 2004 11:58:38 PM

Rigging looks at the crazy dwarf next to him and thinks to himself. "Wow that Nezamil is a good liar. Telling the slavers that we won't kill them. What a hoot! One of them is a priest of Ga'al and we aren't going to kill him."

Suddenly the young Captain breaks out into the giggles but no one really understands why. He quickly calms himself and orders Swirl to keep an eye on the swimming slavers.

He turns his attention to getting the girls on board and will look for Ashira spotting her amongst the wreckage. "Here we come dear!"

Saturday October 30th, 2004 3:39:01 AM

Appolo yells at Nezamil"Sit back down and keep rowing you crazy dwarf.Leave the Sons and Witches of G'aal to G'aal!!"Appolo doubles his efforts.

Saturday October 30th, 2004 7:27:39 AM

Jager thinks to himself, let the slaver live? What is this dwarf talking about, not a chance. Jager adds is voice to the din and shouts "You only live if the dwarf catches you! If you are lucky you will drown and have a quick death, if not I will hunt you down one by one!"

Jager looks back to the slave that is working his way forward. "Come on, lets get together." as added encouragement.

Vauhwyt (AC19, HP19 (-6 nonlethal)) and Mookie (AC19, HP9) (Mage Armor) 
Saturday October 30th, 2004 8:28:07 AM

Vauhwyt casts a spell, and four glowing blood-red torchlights appear by the sinking slaver ship. They dance around the swimming swimmers, highlighting them for everyone to see.


Mage Armor (V) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Mage Armor (M) (38 minutes of 60 used)
Message (Mookie) (35 rounds of 100 used)
Dancing Lights (1 rnd of 10 used)
Enlarge Person (cancelled)

Borrowed Items from Ashira:
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds
Ring of Limited Invisibility

Dietrich AC 17, hp 24  d20+6=20 d8+3=9
Saturday October 30th, 2004 10:38:29 AM

Dietrich gets angry and worried when he sees the spellcaster hurting Vorelle and shoots at him again.
Hits ac 20, damage 9

He realizes that Vauhwyt and Olyn are save and is much relieved. The fighter believes the other girls will be picked up soon too and keeps his attention at the enemy at hand, the slavers.

Dietrich hears the shoutings of some Wildcards and freed slavers and doesn't like some of them at all. He only hopes Domi's cleric has enough influence at these pirates to prevent them killing possible prisoners.

Zayne (Illegal second post) 
Saturday October 30th, 2004 12:20:59 PM

Looking down at disbelief at the dwarf's words,in a very cold voice,"You have clearly lost your senses,they are scum,less than scum! They deserve punishment,to take someone away from their life and force them to toil against their will is murder to the spirit. Look at how many slaves we have freed and of them all only two of them still have the will to fight. The rest have broken spirits. They might as well be dead."

Looking balefuly at the slaver's ship,then shouting across the water,"Fight or surrender,it makes no difference to me. You have seen the sun rise for the last time and I promise you will not see it set. You hae commited crimes,and today you will pay for them,in full!!" His long nose begins to twitch violently and his voice cracks with rage.

rose  d20+12=13
Saturday October 30th, 2004 2:40:32 PM

Rose holds on to a piece of wood and tries to keep afloat.

swim check: 13, nat 1

Vauhwyt (second post) 
Saturday October 30th, 2004 2:51:48 PM

When it becomes clear to the liontaur that the group is faced with slavers, her mouth stiffens, and she begins digging her claws into the deck of the ship.

"No quarter for slavers!" she shouts. And in a whisper, she adds, "or goblins."

Ashira  d20+22=41
Saturday October 30th, 2004 11:48:56 PM

Her strong arms clinging tightly to her piece of former watch tower, Ashira kicks off and begins swimming for all she's worth. Waard is apparently with them, because Ashira's strong strokes (Swim=41) combine with Valanthe's and the girls move swiftly toward Rigging's voice.

Monday November 1st, 2004 2:39:06 AM

Does anyone sees one of the grils , we are almost full Nezamillno space left not for an slaverer at this moment our first priority is our family. If we had space enough things would be different

Monday November 1st, 2004 3:25:46 PM

The mage flys in closer to the girls and slips his ring of levitation off his finger and pulls his wand of bull's strength out of his bag. If he is close enough, Redux hands the ring to Ashira or Valanthe and then taps them with the wand. "Use the ring and the extra stenght to levitate you out of the water. The others should be here soon. I'll tow you if I can."

DM Jan 
Monday November 1st, 2004 4:38:29 PM

Ashira begins to power through the water, dragging Valanthe and Rose along. Valanthe is balanced against some wood planks and managing to keep her head well above water. Not so Rose - who's taking quite a dunking.

Luckily, the others arrive - Redux first, followed by Ari in aquatic elf form, followed by the boats. The levitation ring will help get the girls on board by the end of the next round. Rose'll be incapacitated for an extra round while she throws up the water she swallowed.

The girls are safe! Macaw is exhausted.

The Slaver boat is now fully ablaze, and Dietrich's arrow hits the burning (and dying) spellcaster.
Vorelle is badly wounded.

Olyn, Appolo, Nezamil, Bart, Ryan, Shadeos and anyone else who's been rowing like crazy will feel their shoulders and arms start to tingle with exhaustion.

Due to Jager's encouragement, the one slave from the Wildcard's boat, and those in one of the rear orc boats, start to move further forward and into orc Boat #4, figuring they'll be safer there.

As for the Slavers -

While Swirl hovers above, Vauhwyt's dancing lights reveal the sight of one man floundering in the water.
"Ugh..... help!" he cries.
While the other two are swimming strongly toward the Wiildcard's boat at the back of the line.

Some of the group yell at those in the water, but what will win out? Compassion or vengeance?

Anyone looking up?
Spot DC 21

Theodore and Macaw  d20=13
Monday November 1st, 2004 4:56:01 PM

Theodore is more than taken aback at some of his fellows' desiring the death of the now helpless slavers. Even more so by Zayne and Vauhwyt's desire, though.

"We must spare them!" he cries. "They have asked for quarter. As good people, we must give it to them."

If any slavers come close to the wizard, he reaches out his hand and attempts to help them onboard.

Macaw alights on the rail of Theodore's boat, happy to have a perch for a few minutes.

(Strength check = 13 to pull in anyone out in the water.)

Rigging  d20+12=32
Monday November 1st, 2004 6:32:04 PM

Rigging hugs Ashira as she is pulled aboard and says, "Sorry to be late. I promise a dinner out to make up for it."

He turn back to the slavers and see and feel Swirl darting about safely above them. (spot check 32)
"Let's go collect those prisoners and see what they are up too. Regular slavers can be saved, but no mercy to any priest of Ga'al."

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d20+3=12
Monday November 1st, 2004 9:28:49 PM

Intent on the slavers, Vauhwyt does not look up (Spot 12). She has no ranged weapon, so she helps by rowing, relieving one of the exhausted rowers.

Olyn  d20+6=9
Monday November 1st, 2004 10:14:56 PM

moves as safely as possible from his boat to that with Rose. rendering her compassion and any first aid she might need.

like holding her hair out from in front of her face so she doesnt urp on it. and gently rubbing her neck and talking softly to her.

spot of 9, not that i was looking up anyways.

Valanthe  d20+4=16
Monday November 1st, 2004 11:10:33 PM

Valanthe breathes heavily as she rolls into the boat. She thought everything was going pretty good despite the sinking island and the half-demon. She should be thankful that something else grabbed the half orc, half demon but she's not. Valanthe wanted to fight that thing. She wanted to see how strong it really was. In no way did she think that it ran from her. No it was a tactical retreat from a suprise attack.

Valanthe curses as she moves to a sitting position. "So what happened is everybody okay?"

ooc: spot check 16

Jager  d20+6=14 d20+10=12 d20+11=19 d20+9=19 d20+8=28 d20+6=16
Monday November 1st, 2004 11:43:30 PM

Jager's blood is up. Slavers in the water and he does not bother to look up (spot 14).

Jager does his best to jump/tumble/balance into the next boat with the slavers swimming toward the back boats.

Jump 12
Tumble 19
Balance 19
Swim 28 (nat 20, lets hope he does not have to use it)

Jager is looking for a cutting weapon, as moves from boat to boat. Jager needs something to cut ropes if necessary.

Jager will attempt to identify the "slavers"in the water, since he was in their "care" recently (spot 16).

Jager yells back to those int he front boats "Getting ready to repel boarders." and to himself "Permanently if I recognize any of them...."

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 43/53 bless rd 12/?? shield of faith 49/60 
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 12:55:17 AM

The dwarf shakes his head in sadness "are you not better then them ? is this how good people act ??" retorts Nezamil

turning to face Appolo and Zayne " you two are young and think everything can be solved by killing....wisdom has not come to you yet...hopefully time will teach you " says the Cleric with steel in his voice

"yes they have done terrible things and yes! they will be punished for their crimes but i will Not abide by slaughtering them this way! " warns the Cleric !!

"by capturing them we gain not only infomation about how and who they work with but show the people of the region of Ga'als failures and weakness"

Nezamil puts his oar in the water and angles it for steering towards the survivors

" how we act here shows our true character "

with a look at Zayne " your a brave young man but lashing out with anger is not the way ......but Ga'al has plenty of minions you will get your chance to strike them down " finishes the Cleric of Domi

" surrender is the only option " shouts the Cleric to those in the water and on the burning boat

Vorelle [AC 17, HP 2/17] 
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 1:59:04 AM

Vorelle lays motionless on the bottom of the boat, staring at the weathered planks just inches from her face. They smell of brine and orc feet, and Vorelle wrinkles her nose in distaste.

She hurts all over from the pummeling of the missiles, and is having a hard time clearing her head. Vaguely, she is aware of an argument raging above her over the fate of the slavers.

It's nice to help people, she thinks muzzily. I hope somebody gets around to helping me. Then, I wonder if its safe to lift my head.

The sounds of combat seem to have faded, but she is afraid to poke her head up over the side in case somebody shoots at it. Another fusillade like that last one would kill her at this point.

Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 2:13:40 AM

Rose throws up over the side of the boat and into the water, she is vaguely aware that someone is holding her hair back and helping her stand so she reaches over the side.

Ari HP43 (50-7) AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min)  d20+3=23
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 6:43:08 AM

After Ari finishes helping with the rest of the party. Ari sweeps the area to see if there's anything else to do while he has the sea elf forming. Making sure to turn around Ari searches behind and looks up, to make sure the entire area is clear. (spot=23 critical)

Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 11:05:36 AM

Shivering from the cold of the water, Ashira kisses Rigging as he pulls her from the water. "Huh....you think you're going to get off with a dinner??? Me thinks it's time to go shopping..." Ashira's mock tirade is cut short by the sight of Appolo. "By the Gods!!! Valanthe, look what the worgs dragged in! Appolo, you son of a jackal!!! What in the Wold are you doing here?"

Catching snipits of the conversation about the slavers, Ashira sighs. "It doesn't do us any good to slaughter them wholesale quite yet. Let's fish them out...see what they know...then decide their fate."

Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 11:40:37 AM

Looking at the cleric with disgust on his face,"Killing them is no less than they deserve. How many lives have they destroyed? Surely more than we have managed to free today. They have taken away from these people the most valuable thing in the world,their freedom,for some their families,not to mention their spirits,crushed their hope. You speak about showing them mercy. I cannot show mercy to someone that were the situations reversed would tie me up and treat me with less respect than I deserve as a living breathing creature."

Shaking his head,"Would you keep a dog or even a rat in the conditions that we freed the slaves from? I would hope not. If your mother,or father were in these pens I think you would sing a different tune. I don't know any of these people,and I don't care if I ever do. I do know that nothing living deserve to be treated like that. You say I have gained no wisdom,if wisdom means letting murderers not be held accountable for their actions,then I want nothing to do with it."

Dietrich ac 17, hp 24, 10 arrows  d20+4=18
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 12:13:04 PM

Dietrich is relieved to see the enemy's spellcaster die and his friends rescued. He is too concerned about Vorelle to look upwards (spot 18) and even forget the argument about the prisoners for a while to call for some help.

"Hey, Vorelle is gravely hurt! Restrain your bloodlust a litle and help me here!"

The fighter is worried and feels helpless, as he doesn't really know what to do to.

Appolo  d20+6=26
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 1:32:35 PM

By the time they reach the girls Appolo is exhuasted and collapses back on the floor of the boat.He replies to Nezamil and Zayne'Will you two stop agruing,besides I never said kill them just leave them to thier god's clemency.Niether help them nor harm them,besides killing them is to merciful.Turning them over to the Pirates for interrogation and torture well that is merciless,hell leave them alone with me for awhile."He then winks wickedly at Nezamil.

When Ashira comes aboard and calls to him he replies to her by hugging her"I glad to see you as well.You and val still getting in trouble.I'll explian things later."he then looks around for Valanthe,while doing so he spots something in the sky.He has worried look on his face."Some one better help that young women over there,she looks hurt."Pointing to Vorelle"There's also something in the sky."Once he spots Val.He moves quickly to her picking her up and holding her"Ok folks time to get the Flock out off here."

DM Jan 
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 8:45:32 PM

The girls are pulled aboard. Olyn helps Rose get back to breathing air instead of water.

Dietrich alerts the others to Vorelle's injuries.

Jager starts working his way back toward the empty Wildcards boat. He meets the slaves coming in the opposite direction in Orc Boat #5. he's now closest to the two Slavers who are swimming frantically toward the Wildcards boat - too intent on getting there to heed any cries from the party. They're too far away for Theo to reach.
Jager recognises the leading swimmer as Erik - the Slaver leader. There's another male human behind him.

Out in the water, Ari can see that the third swimmer - the one who shouted for help, is in big trouble and has sunk under the water.

The Slavers boat is still afloat but burning like a torch. There'll be no more survivors out of that inferno.

In the dark sky above, at about 80 ft, Appolo, Ari and Rigging notice a misshapen thing, passing over, flapping it's torn wings. It's making its way north by the looks of it, fairly fast, but erratic.

ETA Slavers reaching Wildcards boat - 2 rounds
Nearest characters - Ari, Jager - also two rounds.

Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 8:58:03 PM

Valanthe smiles and giggles with delight but that quickly turns to a grimmace of pain. "It's great to see you but I'm a bit tender. Ran into some demonic fire after some demon creature that was orchistrating all of this."

OOC: What boat is Vorelle in BTW?

Theodore and Macaw  2d8(3+2)+1=6
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 9:27:42 PM

Theodore is visibly relieved to have everyone safely aboard. Then he notices Vorelle hurt and lieing uncomfortably in the bottom of a boat.

"Vorelle!" he cries out as he rushes to her. "Vorelle," he says again, falling to his knees beside her. "Here, take this." Theodore produces a flask from his backpack and removes the stopper. Gently, he tilts Vorelle's head up and brings the nozzle to her lips. "This will help you."

(Potion of cure moderate wounds = 6)

Rigging  d20+6=24 3d4(3+2+4)+3=12 d20+12=15
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 11:11:42 PM

Rigging will notice the fiend trying to run and will point at the sky and yell, "It's getting away! Bring it down!"

He will mumble a couple of words and 3 darts will leap from his fingers striking the creature for 12 points of damage.

He will then notice the 3 slavers and see the drowning one. "Ashira, get the one out of the water. He looks in trouble, but don't risk yourself unnecessarily.

Jagar! We want prisoners! We can always do justice later. We need information. I want the lead slaver alive....for now."

OOC rolled 24 for spell resistance if it was necessary.

Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 11:13:59 PM

ooc "Need someone willing to play Swirl. I am not allowed to anymore ;-(

Redux  d20+7=15
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 11:26:43 PM

Redux doesn't spot the creature above, otherwise he would have sent some magic missles its way. He's getting tired and looks for a less crowded boat to fly down to and land in. He looks around to see who wound up in what boat--in all the confusion he didn't keep track.

Jager  d20+6=7 d20+6=23 d20+10=11 d20+11=12 d20+9=19 d20+8=13
Wednesday November 3rd, 2004 12:33:50 AM

Jager is inscensed at the sight of Erik (listen 7 nat 1) and does not hear Riggings call.

Jager moves closer to where Erik appears to be swimming to and calls to him "Master Erik, it is Jager and I am free again, this time for good! The tables are turned, I am coming for you!"

Jager looks for any kind of weapon in the boats he is traversing and also if he can recognize any of the other swimmers as slavers (spot 23).

Rolls as needed
Jump 11
Tumble 12
Balance 19
Swim 13 (if necessary)

OOC: are the oars detachable and usable as potential weapons???? What is there length???

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