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Thursday November 4th, 2004 11:06:12 PM

Vorelle picks herself up off the bottom of the boat and looks around. She has a stammered "th-th-thanks" for Olyn as well, and she gives Dietrich a shy smile before ducking her head in embarrassment.

Redux  d20+6=24
Thursday November 4th, 2004 11:22:13 PM

Redux listens to those around him. He spots the half-fiend, but too late to do anything about it. At Val's words, he smiles. "Thank you, dear Val for noticing. I did enjoy casting that one. I am too am unsure what the creature saw--something so terrible as to make it flee rather than fight. I only wish I could have completely destroyed it."

DM Jan 
Thursday November 4th, 2004 11:36:36 PM

Boats 1 and 2 (containing everyone except Jager, Redux and Ari) approach the swimming slavers.
Jager cracks Erik on the head with the oar as the Slaver leader grabs for the Wildcard boat.
Escape? It's not going to happen, obviously. So... both Slavers find themselves being brought aboard Boat #2.

The boats are now roughly in a circular formation, nose to tail - the nose being Boat #1, the tail being the Wildcards boat.

In the middle of the circle, in the water, Ari finds himself rescuing 250lbs of unconscious female half-orc. Nezamil holds out an oar.

Erik and Ao, the two Slavers currently rescued on the boat (2), gaze sullenly at the party.

The slaves in Boats 3 and 4 look on with haunted eyes.

30ft away, the Slavers boat is now embers. It's still afloat.

As the mist closes in, rolling over the water, it would be all too easy to imagine that the island, and everything that happened on its surface, were merely flights of fancy - or a dream; something that never really happened. Perhaps the mind would prefer that explanation, but the body still held remnants of a different story. Wounds, cold, exhaustion; half fiends and orcs; slavers and slaves: the smouldering slaver boat a small beacon of rememberance, on a lake dark and still.

What now?

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday November 5th, 2004 10:21:02 AM

Theodore glances up at Vorelle and Deitrich as things get quiet. "What's going on?" he whispers, still huddled in the bowels of the boat.

Vauhwyt and Mookie 
Friday November 5th, 2004 1:39:01 PM

Vauhwyt looks at the bound slavers and at the Book. "We have a lot to digest friends, and these boats give me the willies. Let's get back to shore and get some information."

"We have a book to read and these slavers to talk to."

Mookie flaps over to a bound slaver and perches next to him on the boat-rail. "Yeah, information!" he caws.

Friday November 5th, 2004 5:48:12 PM

"Well I say we find shore, deal with the slavers however we choose to and celebrate. A big fire, lots of food and we definately need some wine."

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 43/53 shield of faith 46/50 
Friday November 5th, 2004 9:47:30 PM

Nezamil will angle the boat towards Ari and the half-orc , upon reaching them the dwarf will grasp the half-orc and drag her into the boat

(Nezamil will use granted power for strength Domain +7) (18+7=25 str)(phb pg 162 carry capacity)(250 pounds shouldn't be a problem )

As the half-orc lands in the boat "Appolo if you could please bind her arms and legs " remarks the dwarf

The Cleric turns back to Ari " Hey Ari can you investigate the slavers boat? " i'll row this closer (only 30 ft away ) and help search what left of the wreck"

Friday November 5th, 2004 10:08:13 PM

Rose huddles into the blanket and gratefully sips what olyn hands her to drink. Then suddenly is leaning over the side and she is throwing up again. When she stops she looks at Olyn "Don't you have any tea?"

Friday November 5th, 2004 11:59:40 PM

Rigging will look grimly at the slavers and then order, "I want them striped, searched and tied up. I will not allow them to be mistreated. If they answer some questions, who knows we even might let them live."

Rigging will turn to the other slaves but really direct his attention to Jagar, "I know you have been mistreated and beaten. You have been cruely used and want revenge. You are free now and we will get you to safety, but understand this. If you want our help, you must subject yourselves to the pirate's authority. I will not allow you to do anything that might jeopardize our mission.

We have been given the mission to stop the Asidurians from converting more to Ga'al. That is a much worse fate then normal slavery. Not only does he take your body, but he also takes your soul and free will. I and my companion's" Rigging points to the other Wildcards," have dedicated our lives to stopping him. Your quick vengence will not be allowed."

Rigging then continues, "Lets check out the other ship and get out of here and back to land. Ari, try and finds some that doesn't sink this time."

Saturday November 6th, 2004 12:08:40 PM

The tough warrior is touched by Vorelle's smile and just feels good seeing her ok. He puts his 'bucket' helmet of and gives her a friendly nod.

Dietrich takes a look at Rose too, just conforting her with his simpathy, and assures Theo that the danger has passed, though he knows the young wizard has far more courage than he looks like.

As it seems that everything is all right now, Dietrich keeps ready to comand the figurehead to bring the boats ashore. He'll just wait for the investigation of the burned slavership (perhaps there is even some gold or so...)

He liked the idea of a feast too, as he doesn't think there should be any trouble from the beaten enemy so soon.

Ultimately, Dietrich gives Ashira her magic bow back and thanks her again for the opportunity of using the mighty weapon.

Zayne  d20+3=18 d20+5=24
Saturday November 6th, 2004 1:10:54 PM

Zayne takes his remaining dagger and stabs it into the railing of the boat and then begins to take off his armor.

After stripping himself to his skivvies and revealing himself to be quite muscular for his slight build he takes his dagger in his teeh and dives headlong into the water.

Swimming over to the remains of the ship he begins to look around for anything that might be slavageable from the ship,not to mention any pieces that might be remotely salvagable.(Swim 18 Search 24

Zayne  d20+3=18 d20+5=24 d20+3=16
Saturday November 6th, 2004 1:12:04 PM

Zayne takes his remaining dagger and stabs it into the railing of the boat and then begins to take off his armor.

After stripping himself to his skivvies and revealing himself to be quite muscular for his slight build he takes his dagger in his teeh and dives headlong into the water.

Swimming over to the remains of the ship he begins to look around for anything that might be slavageable from the ship,not to mention any pieces that might be remotely salvagable.(Swim 18 Search 24 Swim 16 to remain aflot while looking)

Jager  d20+6=26 d20+6=24 d8+2=3 d8+2=3 d20+6=14 d8+2=10 d20+7=20 d20+11=23 d20+11=12
Saturday November 6th, 2004 3:34:30 PM

Jager throws himself at Erik and yells "You killed Softig!"

If Jager is close enough to Erik to physically attack him with fists he will droping the oar first(AC 26 critical AC 24 for 6 damage and AC 14 for 10).

If Jager must get past people he will (escape artist 20) as his whole purpose seems bent on killing Erik the slaver.

If Jager is unable to attack Erik this round he will move as close as possible and take a hand axe or dagger or the like on someone he passes (disarm 23).

If anyone attempts to restrain Jager (If he is not close enough to attack Erik this round he will trip them and move on (trip 12, nat 1 not good).

Saturday November 6th, 2004 4:59:31 PM

As the slavers are pulled from the water swirl swooshes over to Rigging and hovers nearby and watches the angry slave changing boats.

Swirl glances around quickly looking to spot his feathered friend Talon

Sunday November 7th, 2004 12:11:24 PM

"S-s-some of the s-s-slaves are a-attacking the s-s-slavers," Vorelle replies to Theo's question. She finds a place to sit and stays out of the way of the rowers.

Vauhwyt  d20+1=18 d20+7=10
Monday November 8th, 2004 6:56:35 AM

If Vauhwyt is in the same boat as Jager (I think she is?), then she will try to grab him to stop his attack. She evades his trip attempt and grabs him (hit AC18 as a touch attack). Then she tries to hold him back (grapple check 10, or 6 with a non-pref penalty, is not very good).

She shouts, "Listen to Rigging!"

Ari HP43 (50-7) AC 24 (Bulls strenght, Cats Grace (4 min each), Spider Climb (40 Minutes), Shield 4 min, alter self 40 min) 
Monday November 8th, 2004 7:22:27 AM

(are we out of combat at this point, then my short spells have probably expired)

Getting an assist from Nezamil, Ari then hears his word of suggestion. "I still have some time on my spell as of yet. Though I wonder if Ashira would be interested in helping out, since she would seem more used to this kind of thing. But I can't remember if she's been out much, since the loss of taker." (ooc her dolphin, I think I got the name right)

Monday November 8th, 2004 8:12:34 AM

She takes the bow from Dietrich and slips it back into her enchanted quiver. "I'm just glad that it was some use in the fight."

Valanthe watches Jager and shakes her head. She understands his reaction and thinks the slavers should be gutted and tossed overboard but the Captain just told him not to touch them. Not a good thing to do.

ooc: the bow belongs to Valanthe

DM Jan 
Monday November 8th, 2004 12:44:25 PM

The half drowned female half-orc slaver is brought aboard.
Ari and Zayne swim over to the burned slaver boat and poke through the grisly remains. Amongst the wreck they discover a charred chest. it's locked.

Dietrich orders the figurehead toward the shore, and off it goes, serenely cutting through the water, the other boats behind following in a single line.

The entire fleet now consists of:
3 captured slavers
11 slaves
Dirt City party
Wildcards party
7 orc boats controlled by the figurehead
1 Wildcards boat being towed behind
1 charred, locked chest
1 skin-covered tome

Boats #1 and #2 are a little low in the water because they now have the slavers aboard.
Erik and AO are in Boat 2
Alia (the rescued half orc) is in Boat 1

It's apparent that Jager wants vengeance. At this moment there are too many folk in the boat #2 for Jager to make direct contact with Erik. How will the remaining party deal with it? Rigging has ordered him to desist. The liontaur, Vauhwyt, has tried to stop him.

Boats #1 and #2 are close enough to allow movement between the two.

((OOC - Jim, and anyone who wants to try and stop him, I need calls and rolls against specific characters))

As things are 'discussed' on board, the boats sail east, through the night and the mists. It's an eerie journey, with one big scary moment as the boats lurch suddenly, pushed violently onward by a five foot tidal wave that arrives from behind. What caused it? One has to wonder.

In a little while, the misty skies begin to lighten, the sound of water rolling over pebbles can be heard,and the muddy glow of a small fire can be seen, dead ahead.

Monday November 8th, 2004 1:13:03 PM

Rose is curled up out of the way, maybe on someone's lap if the boat is to full. "Why is there a fire, I know we didnt make it."

Rose then gets ready in case of more trouble.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday November 8th, 2004 2:20:03 PM

At Rose's comment, Theodore sits up to peer over the edge of the boat. "Maybe it's Priscilla," he suggests, remembering the witch they had helped not too long ago. "I hope it is, anyway..." he mumbles.

Macaw reminds the wizard to keep his wits about him with a sharp peck on the top of Theodore's head.

Jager AC 17 Dodge vs Taur Mobility for AoO AC 21 or 22  d20+9=11 d20+9=10 d20+9=16 d20+6=24 d20+6=24 d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=20 d20+6=16 d20+6=16 d8+2=9 d8+2=7 d20+12=15
Monday November 8th, 2004 3:00:22 PM

Years of slavery and the beatings and torture have caught up with Jager. Jager seems bent on ending slavery in this part of the world, or at least these boat, once and for all. Jager yells "I will never go back again!" and again attempts to get at Erik.

Jager will do his best to avoid any of the non slavers and make for Erik the Evil, merchant in human toil and suffering.

Jager will keep his balance as best he can while moving in the boats (balance 11)

Jager will look for an opening to leap at Erik in an effort to squeeze the life out of him (jump 10, nat.1, yuck)

If necessary, Jager will avoid any grabs and if grabbed will attempt to escape (escape artist 16 or opposed grapple 24), in an effort to get at Erik. Jager will not strike any of his rescuers or their friends.

Once at Erik, Jager will attempt to pummel him (AC 24 and 17 for 9 and 7 damage)

OOC: Held down the D20 way too long and got 4 extra rolls, sorry.

In order to avoid being grabbed and to get closer to Erik, Jager will tumble past any of those blocking his path if he feels jumping will not work. (Tumble 15, not great, ugh!)

Monday November 8th, 2004 3:19:55 PM

After Val gets her bow back Appolo says"Come on just lean back and rest agianst me sunshine."Appolo agian gently wraps his arms around Val and pulls her back on himself while leaning agianst the side of the boat."Well i gues I'm back with the family now.Just as I was meant to be."He says this witha happy smile as watches what is going on around him.

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d20+1=12
Monday November 8th, 2004 6:06:31 PM

Vauhwyt attempts to grab the slippery Jager, but he easily evades her.

Mookie caws, "Boss, a grapple attack may be special, but it's no feat! You need improvement!"

Vauhwyt blushes, and replies, "You said it, Mookie! If my grapple were improved, I'd be better at this!"

Monday November 8th, 2004 6:53:44 PM

Rigging will see the lunatic monk/slave running around like a mad man trying to kill his prisoners. He was warned he thinks, and pulls out a wand and aims it at the monk. He says the command word, "Hold" and shoots his wand at the
crazy Jagar.

Hold person will save dc 17.

He will then yell, "Jagar, desist or suffer! Next I use deadly force."

To whoever is in the boats between Jagar and the slaves he will yell, "Hold down that crazy slave or give him a dunking to cool him off!"

Ashira  d20+11=28 d20+11=18 d20+8=17
Monday November 8th, 2004 10:01:48 PM

The unarmored half-elf waits to see the result of Rigging's attack. Should it fail to hold the former slave, Ashira lunges at Jager (Grapple=28) and latches onto the the wily man. Smiling, she attempts to pull him overboard (Grapple=18) and into the cool water as Rigging suggested. As she struggles with the man, she whispers into his ear. "Stop this nonsense. I swear to you that those maggots will pay for their crimes, but right now we need them alive. Later we'll slit their throats. Right now we need to find out about their organization so that hunt down every last one of them." (Diplomacy=17) As she speaks, Jager can detect both contempt for the slavers as well as a small touch of blood lust.

Monday November 8th, 2004 10:59:20 PM

Redux watches with interest as Jager tries to get at the (now) ex-slaver. He muses to himself and then shouts to Rigging "Would you mind if I webbed the whole bunch to keep him contained?" He also eyes the chest with interest in monitary rewards. But, then at the sight of the tome, the mage becomes very excited and makes his desire to get his fingers into it clearly known.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 12:32:32 AM

The dwarf will restrain the half-orc in his boat , binding her hand and foot.once that is complete he will peer over to the commotion on the other boat.

"BY DOMI !" shouts the Cleric " RESTRAIN THAT FOOL "

the dwarf glances at the approaching shoreline " hey ! whats that light ? i think we have company "

"with all the racket we're making they'll know we're coming " remarks Nezamil

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 12:39:03 AM

Swirl gains a little altitude hovering above Riggings boat .buzzing about anxiously

with a quick look at Redux to see if Talon is perched on his shoulder but alas no :(

" where's my friend " wonders Swirl

Talon (George) 
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 7:40:24 AM

Talon buzzes past Swirl and heads towards land. He wants to check out the light but is also wondering if he might find a stray mouse at the same time.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 9:18:02 AM

seeing the mayhem on board the boat with the newly released slave trying to get at his former master, and hearing Rigging spout off at the mouth about stopping or he will use deadly force, Olyn turns to him, looking straight at him, and invokes the will of Wardd upon him.

in a deep, and commanding tone:

!!!!! STOP !!!!!

(cast Command, will save dc 16)

Jager (Second Post)  d20+9=20
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 9:26:04 AM

Jager easily shakes off the hold person spell and continues on, but catches a glimps of a half elf rushing at him and doubts he can avoid her in time, much to his chargin.

Zayne  d20+3=15 d20+5=14
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 11:27:53 AM

Leaving the chest for Ari to deal with for the time bein he continues to poke through the wreckage.(Swim 15 Search 14)

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 12:22:36 PM

Valanthe leans back resting against Appolo. She finds Jager's actions amusing.

"Captain," Valanthe says loudly and with a smile, "Give the word and I'll stick an arrow in all the troublemakers."

DM Jan 
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 12:57:27 PM

Jager gets a dunking, and the message from the others that beating Erik to a bloody pulp wouldn't necessarily be the best thing right now.

Zayne didn't find anything else in the Slaver boat apart from charred human remains.

The mists clear at the shoreline to reveal a campfire, and two figures stood beside it - a middle aged lady with a wild appearance, accompanied by a large, ugly vulture.
The woman waves.
There's a smell of cinnamon oatmeal and sausages.

The figurehead boat scrapes it's hull on the pebbles. The party has reached the eastern lakeshore, at the edge of Blackbird Forest.

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d20+3=23
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 1:08:39 PM

Mookie flies to shore, cawing, "Hello! Hello! We got rid of the orcs! That's for sure!"

Vauhwyt quickly says to Ashira and Rigging, "That's a good witch, Priscilla, and her familiarr, Warrik. They are good folks. We helped them out in a fight against some orcs that had been headed to the isle."

"And keep in mind that the forest in these parts tends to fall asleep and drift off into other places unless you keep it awake by singing. That's dangerous because the forest might take you away too, or bring back something dangerous, like a giant squid. But with a rousing song, the place stays safely herre."

Vauhwyt sings ...

The best familiar that I know
Is Mooookie! Mookie!
He kills orcs and ogres too!
Mooookie! Mookie!
Brave in fights and nimble too!
Mooookie! Mookie!

Her improvised song is pretty lame, but at least the liontaur can carry a tune. (Nat 20 on the untrained perform check! Woot!)

The raven familiar actually seems shocked! "Boss! Wowsy!"

Vauhwyt says, "Maybe we can have lunch, look at the book, and check out this trunk?"

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 1:54:41 PM

Theodore is happy to be back on stable land. He tries to leap from the boat to the shore, but catches the hem of his pants on a loose nail and splashes into the shallow water. Macaw flaps his wings and lands gently on the pebbly beach, again keeping his distance from the large bird.

When Theodore has regained his composure, he helps anyone else off the boat who needs it. "Is everyone all right," he asks of the now freed men. "Is anybody sick or hurt? Let us know what we can do to accomodate you." He seems genuinely concerned for their well-being.

"My name is Theodore," he adds offering his hand to anyone else who wants to acquaint themselves.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 2:03:17 PM

Rose quickly gets out of the boat when it's landed, she's getting a bit sea sick. She quickly runs up to the fire and starts to warm up before remembering that the others will need some help with the ex-slaves and the slavers. She turns back and goes to help.

Ashira  d20+9=26
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 2:57:29 PM

The aquatic half-elf swims(26) the remaining distance to the shore line, hauling the former slave behind her. She figures that he might need some time to cool down. And the frigid lake water might just do the trick. Once to the shore, Ashira pulls Jager out of the water, helping him to regain his footing. As she does so, she whispers in his ear. "Remember, answers now, vengenance later. Captain Rigging will not allow him to be killed now. Be patient. The time will come." Once again, Ashira shivers from the cold of the lake. She wrings out her wet blue hair as she heads back to Rigging's side. As she does so, she shoots Olyn a whithering look. She lays a goosebump covered hand on the hilt of her longsword as if to send the message "Try that crap on Rigging again and you'll pay."

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 5:15:03 PM

When they make landfall Appolo stands with Valanthe in his arms.He to finds the antics of the crazy former slave amusing.Luaghing as Ashira drags him to shore.He carries Valanthe to the fire and sits down next to it,while keeping an eye on the witch and it's pet.

He whipsers sweet nothings in Valanthe's ears.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 6:40:43 PM

as Rose turns from the fire to help the others he stops her dead in her tracks with a click of his tongue and a stare.

you will do noone any good if you are sending what little is left in your belly into the water. you march yourself back to that fire, get warm, and get some of this fine eats this fine lady has prepared for us.

*hands on hips, like a stern old man*

if she tries to object, Olyn will snap his finger, then sternly point at the campfire.

Olyn will then help everyone else out of the boats, sending them to the campfire, making sure to watch Jager closely.
*since nothing was ever said about my casting of command on Jager after Rigging cast his hold person, I will assume I still have that spell prepared, and will have that ready in case Jager tries any funny business.

Jager  d20+8=15 d20+9=22
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 7:20:17 PM

Jager does his best to bob and weave between people on his way to the scum Erik, but is caught unaware by the suddeness of Ashira lunge.

"WHOAAA!" Jager screams in surprise and he is tipped overboard by the blue haired half elf grabbing his waist.

Jager lets out a few choice curses, but none can be heard by those above water except for gurgles. Jager gets down to business of extracting himself from this foolish women (grapple 15). Not wanting to hurt this interesting female, Jager trys a new tactic (escape artist 22) and with that proving also unsucessfull he starts to reappraise his opponent.

Jager notices gills and his heart sinks as it appears he will not be getting at Erik any time soon.

Jager is at the end of his endurance when the strange women lets his breath wonderful sweet air and helps him find his feet. While gasping for air Jager asks the blue haired women "Who are you? I am Jager, former slave, and I thank you for not drowning me." Jager gasps again and continues. "I will stand down for now, but see hear, I want to KILL Erik. You have no idea what he has put my sister and me through, not to mention all of my people. For all I know, I am the last of my people, since my sister is now dead and Erik is responsible."

Jager gasps for more air as he has spoken too much. Jager calls to Ashira's back "Who is this Rigging character everyone keeps yelling about?"

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 8:56:09 PM

Valanthe giggles softly on ocassion from the sweet nothings Appolo whispers to her. Despite her relaxed state and appearence Val watches Jager and Olyn to see if either of them would cause any more trouble. She thinks that Erik should already be dead but Rigging doesn't bend over matters like this.

"Please tell me somebody has some wine!" Valanthe says loudly.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 9:46:44 PM

[OOC: sorry about the lack of post yesterday. I had connectivity problems and was offline for over 24 hours! Oh, the pain! :) ]

Vorelle is relieved when they reach the shore. She scrambles out of the boat after Theo, and is startled when he loses his balance and falls. She helps him up, then moves toward the fire. She, too, is anxious to see Rose sit down and take it easy for a bit.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 10:16:25 PM

Rigging will jump nimbly from the boat and look back at Val and Appolo already falling back into their old patterns. He mumbles to himself, "I am gonna be grey by 25."

"Val, Appolo! You can make moon eyes at each other later. Secure the prisoners, re-search them and make sure they are tied up correctly. I want the stuff that we found, in a pile, so I can detect magic on it."

Rigging then sees his wife pulling the half drowned ex-slave out of the water and marches down to the lake. He glares at the half drowned man and suddenly bursts into laughter, "I see you have met my wife. She can be very persuasive when she sets her mind to it."

He holds out his hand and smiles, "My name is Captain Arrack Von Palin. I am the Captain of the Sword of Redemption, a proud member of the Pirate's of the Jack, and leader of half of the force that freed you called the Wildcards. My friends call me Rigging.

I must admit I admire your persistance, though it has been misplaced at the moment. Justice will be done, I promise you but you will have to trust me. Can you do that? "

Rigging will wait a moment for a response and then move back up the hill to the witch and her vulture. "Pleasure to meet you lady. Any friend of the Diry City folks, I would be proud to call my friend."

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 10:43:11 PM

Swirl follows Rigging ashore then towards the newly freed slave Ashira dragged ashore .

Circling the trio Swirl sees Rigging laugh and then turn away .

Swirl swooshes by the ex-slave in whirlwind fashion accidently kicking sand up in a vortex spraying the wet ex-slave by mistake as he excitedly follows Rigging. ;-)

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 11:18:24 PM

The dwarf will grab and drag the bound half-orc out of the boat and onto the beach,checking to make sure she is secure.

"aye Captain " responds Nezamil to Rigging , then searches the half-orc and tosses anything found into a pile

Once down with dealing with the Half-orc Nezamil heads over to help assit Theodore with the ex-slaves , casting cure minor wounds ( 1 Hp ea) on any in need

Nodding approval of Theodore's thoughtful approach with the ex-slaves " nice work young man .....i smell something cooking lets see if we can get them something good to eat "

with a respectful nod at Theo , Nezamil will guide the ex-slaves towards the fire and food .

Approaching the Lady by the fire " g'day miss , i was wondering if there was a little bit extra in the pot for these poor souls " inquires the dwarf

Redux  d20=17 d20=19
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 11:30:40 PM

Redux levitates up slightly and pushes off to dry land trying to jump far enough away not to touch the frigid water (jump=17). This little cast of characters is quite a crew sometimes; he chuckles to himself. He calls to Talon to remind him about how the trees move. As he is introduced to the witch, he nods. "Is there enough of your good smelling food for travelers? We might have something to trade if you'd agree." (diplomacy=19) He looks around noting anyplace to sit and rest on solid ground-or better yet, a chair. As he does, his eyes begin to get heavy and he notices the lack of sleep more.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 1:00:24 AM

rose smiles at olyn and goes gets a bowl of stew, she sits as close to the fire as she can without burning.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 8:30:40 AM

The exotic half-elf with the blue hair and greenish-gray skin turns at Jager's questioning. But as often happens, Rigging beats her to the punch. Soaked to the bone and now shivering openly, Ashira faces the ex-slave. "As my dear sweet husband has explain, I am his wife. Though I do have a name of my own..." Ashira shoots Rigging a look of chastisement for his thoughtlessness. "Just call me Ashira...and you're welcome." Though she is soaked through and chilled to the bone, Ashira purposefully stays away from the fire. First she heads over to the captives and checks to make sure they have all been secured. Next, she goes to check on Rose and Vauhwyt...making sure that they are both ok, and offering them her healing potion should they need it. As she checks on Rose, Ashira inquires about her armor. Not that she needed it right now...it's just she felt strange not having it on. As she passes on her rounds, Ashira catches sight of Valanthe and Appolo and grins. "Yep...gonna be having that godchild any time now." she thinks to herself.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:30:04 AM

After the boat is landed, BArt makes sure the boat is secured and cant float away. AFter that he looks for Apollo, his old friend from Ailthmar. Hey Apollo good to see you back. How did you end up between those slaves?

Jager (second Illegal post) 
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:32:52 AM

Jager spits our another mouthful of water before taking the hand of this new laughing human. "Captain Arrack you say, Ah yes I have recently met your wife?!"

Jager shakes the water out of his short cropped hair. "I hope some day to be able to call you Rigging. In the mean time, you are all Pirates and wildcards? I do not understand. Also, who is Jack, point him out so that I can introduce myself."

Jager scans the other members of the rescue team in an attempt to determine which one is Jack.

Zayne  d20+3=22 d20+3=23
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 12:09:20 PM

Enjoying the swim somewhat,he decides to leave the wreckage alone. As he heads for boats he thinks about all that has transpired in the last several hours,and decides that he is fairly hungry,and should do something about that soon. As he rasches the boats again and begins to use his blanket to towel off,he catches the sweet smells of food being cooked and immediatly thinks that maybe he should do something about the twinges in his belly as soon as possible.(Swim 22)

After a brief moment's thought he realizes that the smells are coming from a friendly kitchen,he immediatly dives overboard again when he resurfaces he is swimming as fast as he possibly can.(Swim 23)

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 12:42:35 PM

Dietrich is first a little worried when Ashira and the revenge crazy former slave fell both into the cold water, but then he laughs as it fulfils its purpose.

When he sees Priscila and smells the food, the fighter rubs his hands and smiles in anticipation, hearing bis stomach groan like a bear. He jumps ashore and, nodding at Priscila and Warrick, heads towards the food, letting the others take care of prisoners and freed people for a while.

At Vals comment, Dietrich is very pleased and says:
"That's my man! Let's drink and feast our victory!"

Vauhwyt and Mookie (first Wed post) 
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 5:54:08 PM

Vauwyt goes over to Ashira and returns to her the Invisibility ring and the healing potion. "Thank you, my friend," she says. "The invisibility is great fun! I can't wait until I can cast that spell!"

She lowers her voice to a whisper. "I am so glad that Val is happy. When I first met her, she was so angry and sad. This is much much betterr. That Appollo fellow better be nice to herr!"

Mookie keeps his voice somewhat low, but still can't help himself. "Blech! Get a room!"

"Hush, Mookie," says the liontaur, "Come eat."

Then she goes over to the fire and joins Rose for some oatmeal and sausages, if Priscilla is serving. She gives Mookie a couple sausages too.

DM Jan 
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 6:19:24 PM

It becomes obvious to Theo, Olyn and Nezamil, that the rescued slaves spirits are very low. There are 8 men, and three women, all human. Huddled together in bunch, they hardly utter a word, other than thanks for the kindness and healing. They're all skinny, unkempt and fearful.
What lives they led under the Slavers rule, one can only imagine.

Erik, Ao and Alia the half orc sit together a ways from the fire. Alia looks ill. Erik and Ao merely glower in defiance.

To add to the book, and the trunk, are the following:
1 longsword
2 shortswords
2 pouches
1 rapier
2 rings
Courtesy of the recently frisked Slavers.

Priscilla the witch is glad to see the Dirt City party once more, and eager to meet everyone else.
"Help yourself!" she says, regarding breakfast, waving ragged clad arms about in a manner very similar to Theodore's.
There's a huge pot of porridge, sacks of cinnamon and brown sugar; a bag of apples, a small sack of hazlenuts, a pot of butter, and some freshly baked loaves.
To one side of the fire is some kind of grill contraption, that looks more like a cage, perhaps indicating that grilling wasn't what it was built for originally. It's doing a fine job now though, holding a few dozen fat sausages over the flames.

"Pirates, eh?" she says, fingering one of her many ginger-coloured, bone-laced dreadlocks, as Rigging introduces himself and the Cards. "Well what on earth are you doing up here?"
To Redux she says with a mischievous grin - "The only payment I'll take is in the form of tales and stories. Tell me your adventure! And don't tell me you didn't have one. I know you did. A great wave crashed against the shore very early this morning, so I know. I want to know what's going on in the Wold, too! We're a bit cut off here, and it gets lonely with just me and the old buzzard for company. And pirate stories, tell me some pirate stories!"

Warwick the vulture is torn between feigning nonchalence, like he's seen all this before, and trying to satisfy his intense curiosity. He hops around from group to group, beady eyes taking everything in.

Bart manages to secure the Wildcard's boat with a peg on the shore, but when he tries to do the same to the magic boat, he's met with a barrage of abuse in orcish. Those understanding the language will realize that the figurehead has told Bart to go forth and multiply in a rather nasty manner, along with questioning his parentage and suggesting numerous, faily inventive alternatives. The only way to tie it to shore seems to be to put a noose around it's neck.
The outburst makes everyone realize something - how better they feel on shore, as opposed to being in the boat. Just a funny little feeling; nothing that can really be pinned down.

When the slaves are offered food - they eat like ravenous wolves.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 7:13:08 PM

"Aye Captain." Valanthe says loudly in a stereotypical pirate voice. She turns and gives Appolo a lingering kiss before heading over to the prisoners. She checks their bonds and researches them for anything that might have been missed. Once the prisoners are secured she'll return to the feast.

"Well I can relate my own tale of how I happened to meet the Pirates of Jack. When I was still very much a child my village was overrun with orcs and goblins. A wave of death took my people and I was the only one to survive. For years I traveled through the deep wilderness surviving anyway I could. I met some good people along the way but our paths were along a different roads. One night I was captured by slavers. That...well that really sucked. I was taken aboard a ship and locked in a room. I was there for many weeks as I was taken to Aisildur where elves are rare. Thanks to a nasty storm and an adventurous crewman I freed myself and made it overbaord. Well I hadn't really considered the gravity of the situation and was knowhere near land. As fate had it, I washed ashore practicly dead but the Wildcards found me in time. Later I nearly got us all killed in an auction house." Valanthe says and laughs after that last part.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 7:55:08 PM

Jager also eats more than his fill as it appears that he has gone awhile without food. Jager takes a moment to see that the other freed slaves are doing well and briefly talks of freedom with them.

As payment for more food that he is accumstomed to, Jager talks with the strange witch. "My tale is not one of fun and fancy, but I will tell you just the same. My people, the Heit Volken, were attacked 13 years ago and those that lived through the attack were marched to a copper mine to work as slaves. Many of my people died in that acursed place." Jager stops to reflect before going on.

"We thought we were saved when our oppressors were themselves attacked, but we were wrong. These nomads too what they wanted and pited slaves against former masters in the mines for their enjoyment." Jager says the last bit with some relish. "Once the nomads grew board they sold the lot of us off. At this point, there were very few of my people left, but my older sister, Softig, was one. We were sold together, to that evil scum Erik!" Jager ends through gritted teeth.

"Softig was used to control my spirit. If I did not listen, she suffered. Erik sent me to be trained and used me for prize fighting. Erik also occasionally, sent me on missions to kill wizards. If I was late in returning Softig suffered terrible humiliation and pain. Softig could not take the situation and hung herself on my last mission. Once I found out, I killed three slavers and escaped, unfortunately, I was captured. Erik decided not to kill me, but to sell me and that is how I arrived here." Jager turns to Captain Arrack and Ashira.

"That is why I must KILL Erik, for Softig, my people and myself. Not to mention for the other slave that do not have it in their power. So I ask again, may I please kill Erik now." Jager is not longer looking at Captian Arrack or Ashira, but directly at Erik and there is vengence burning in his eyes.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 8:20:31 PM

Theodore is relieved to see the freed men and women eating. He decides that he should eat as well and takes a bit of porridge and sausage. Macaw is good enough to share the sausage with Theodore.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:12:35 PM

Coming ashore with the others, Ari does a quick inspection of all the freed slaves. Noting the return of Apollo, and noting that his spirit doesn't seem to be as diminished as the rest of the freed-slaves.

Ari helps out with the feeding of the freed-slaves, and sees to all of thier needs before seeing to his. As he does this, he asks them their names, or how they wish to be called. Where they are from, do they have anyone to return to. He then introduces himself, and points to who Rigging is, and the rest of the Wildcards, if the person shows interest.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:29:53 PM

Rigging will listen to the Jagar's story with a grim mood. He won't answer but will stand up and wipe his hands.

"Thank you kind lady. The food is excellent but I must see to my duties."

First Rigging will pull out his wand of detect magic and point it at the pile. He will activate the magic of the wand and then point out to Redux which are magic and seperate that pile into its own pile.

He will then head over to to the slavers and nudge Eric with his boot. "So it sounds like you have performed some horrible crimes. Jagar wants to kill you. Should I let him? What do you have to say for yourself?"

Rigging will then look to the others and call out to Jagar, "Jagar, Do you know these others as well. Are they guilty of crimes against you also?"

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 11:06:55 PM

Though her stomach growls with hunger, Ashira leaves the food to the Dirt City group and the former slaves. There'd be time for eating later.

Ashira smiles as Vauhwyt returns her ring. "The pleasure was all mine. And by the way, you did a fine job out there!! Where's that book...I'd like to take a look at it." Ashira laughs out loud at Mookie's comment and then feigns anger. "Look you over grown duster...that's my future godchild in the making over there. Now leave them be..."

Ashira listens to Valanthe's tale with a grimace, but laughs loudly at the elven warrior's last statement. "Oh come now...a certain half-breed was there to bale you out as always... You don't think I'd let you get yourself killed that easily, do you?" Ashira winks mischievously...those were the days.

A frown quickly replaces her smile as Jager relates his tale. She looks over at the dour Erik with meaningful resolve...her grip tightening on her longsword. "Just a matter of time she murmurs...just a matter of time..."

Smiling at the witch, Ashira chimes in...feeling uncharacteristically chatty. "Well, nothing to the story out on the lake, really... We went, we saw a half-fiend, stole a book right from under her nose...got chased by a few hundred orcs...set the place on fire...caused the island to sink...nearly drowned trying to get back to the boats...All in a days work really. About par for a Wildcard mission." Ashira retrieves a blanket from her backpack, but realizing that all her equipment in thoroughly soaked, lays it out near the fire, though she keeps a very respectful distance from the flames. Then she goes over to Rigging is and leans against him...happy to finally have some "down time".

Thursday November 11th, 2004 12:24:30 AM

The Cleric waits for the ex-slaves to take their fill 1st before venturing for a plate

a ladle of porridge and few links of sausage, with a hunk of of buttered bread "ah everything smells delicous " remarks the dwarf to the witch

"I'm Nezamil,a pleasure to meet ya " as the dwarf takes a seat near the fire " any friend of our brave and couragous friends from Dirt City is a friend to us "

"It's good to know we aren't the only group out here battling to make the wold a better place " mentions the Cleric as he bites into a sausage "I hope we can continue to work together in some form , i for one would stand with them anytime "

"that one " points Nezamil with a sausage at Zayne " is a force to be reckoned with in battle " and that one as the sausage points to Vorelle " wields that bow with skill " taking a bite of the sausage then pointing half a sausage at Theodore " he's a cool one under pressure " remarks the dwarf

" they seem a modest bunch but Domi would be proud of the courage they displayed " says the Cleric as he touches his anvil pendant around his neck

"make sure you get their tales and stories " grins the dwarf

Nezamil stays by the fire letting Captain Rigging handle the slavers situation

Thursday November 11th, 2004 3:06:13 AM

When Rigging to Appolo and Val to stop fooling around,AppoloSays"yes Sir."and gets up after sticking his tongue out at Rigging.
Hereplies to Bart"Well I was out visiting the
elves and playing with some Elven children when the slavers jumped us.At the time the only weapon I had was a small dagger,managed to take a couple of them down and cover the escape of the children,but I wasn't so lucky.Man where they pissed.The beat pretty good.Then brought to the island.I was planning my own escape when you guys showed up."He then pats Barts on the shoulder and smiles genuinely happy to see his large friend healthy and doing well."Now I need to tend to a few thingsYou wouldn't happen to have acouple blankets or something would ya.Ashira,Val and Rose are going to freeze tonight without them."

Appolo then gethers up some hot food and takes it over to Ashira and Rigging"Here you two go.Why don't you two go over by the fire get warm and eat.Ashira you look like your frezing.Go eat and get warm.I'll deal with our new friends.Hey new guy Jager is it.You want to help me here.We need to strip these fools and do some cavity searches>"He then begins to use the dagger Bart gave to cut the Slavers clothing from thier bodies without untieing them.Appolo then proceeds to search then thoroughly and roughly.

Thursday November 11th, 2004 4:23:37 AM

Rose quickly eats some oatmeal with bread, butter, lots of brown sugar, and a sausage. She then starts checking her bag to see what if anything got wet. She lays anything wet out to dry. She also returns anything Ashira or anyone else loaned her. Then nice and hyper from all that sugar goes to rigging "Rigging can swirl play?" If swirl will play Rose will get some ribbons out of her bag and play chase.

ooc: can water get into a bag of holding if you dont put it there? & if so how much water would be in that thing?

I forgot what ashira gave rose, could you let me know so I can give them back & remove from my list?

Talon {George} 
Thursday November 11th, 2004 9:08:05 AM

Talon swoops in front a fruitful hunt and lays a dead mouse on Redux's shoulder. Your getting to skinny," he projects to the mage and continues, "Here eat this mouse and maybe some of that sausage over there. They ruined it by cooking it but it still smells good."

Thursday November 11th, 2004 1:44:26 PM

Dietrich eats slowly, enjoying the good meal after the perils, and looks discretely for wine or beer. He listens to the 'stories' and is sad and angry, also remembering the many similar faiths in these tough and cruel times. The fighter can only agree with Nezamil about having people doing something to make the Wold a better place.

Dietrich is proud with the cleric's remarks about the dirt city folk and smiles at Zayne, Vorelle and Theodore. He also watches Priscila's face at the explanation of the action and the sinking of the island.

When the boot is examined, Dietrich observes it with interest.

Thursday November 11th, 2004 1:53:55 PM

like the cleric of Domi, he too waits for the others to be fed, and fed well, before eating a meal himself. afterwards Olyn will go from slave to slave, tending wounds both physically and spiritually if possible.

Swirl [Chris] 
Thursday November 11th, 2004 2:24:45 PM

Swirl zigs and zags with excitment as Rose suggests playing :) Swirl chases Rose and plays tag ! tagging Rose with a whirlwind trying to lift her off her feet slightly then quickly buzz about the camp fire .


Jager (second Illegal post) 
Thursday November 11th, 2004 4:45:20 PM

Jager answers Captain Arrack question "Lackies." and then turns his back on the slavers.

Jager seems to be ready to help Appollo, but declines "I will not be able to restrain myself, when within choking distance." Jager puts his hands together and squeezes them to make his point.

Vorelle  d20+8=27 d20+8=23 d20+8=27
Thursday November 11th, 2004 7:20:01 PM

Once she is sure that Rose has taken no permanent hurt, Vorelle pulls out her healer's kit and moves to help with the former slaves. She is glad to see them eat, and tends to their hurts as best she can.

[Heal checks 27, 23, 27]

It's just as well she's keeping busy; she does not hear Nezamil sing her praises, and is therefore spared the embarrassment of knowing that everyone is looking at her.

DM Jan 
Thursday November 11th, 2004 9:44:37 PM

"Get this scum off me!" Erik bellows angrily at Rigging, as Appolo starts roughing him up. "And as for anything I have to say for myself - who do you think YOU are? Stinking pirate! I won't plead with the likes of you, although I am willing to bargain. I can show you how to get the lid off that chest without blowing your head off, and I have some info that might be of interest to you, about 'that one' over there." he nods toward Valanthe.

Olyn and Vorelle start patching up so nasty-looking whip marks and rope burns on the bodies of the slaves, and Ari manages to get the following information -

The three women are Hella, Kirda, and Diana.
Diana is the daughter of a rich merchant in Floating City, Kirda and Hella are her maids, and all three would clearly like to get back home, if they knew where home was.

The eight men -
Bob, Tam, Bren, Zack and Dai were part of a logging crew up in the Windhorn region, north of Culverwood. They're malnourished and exhausted, but their spirit begins to revive as they talk of home.

Frank is a herbalist from Emerald City.

Tom and Bryan both hail from Plateau City, but don't know one another.

As Rose flies wildly past the campfire, towed by Swirl, stories are exchange and Priscilla listens and nods sympthetically.
"An island that sank, you say?" she says as that particular incident is mentioned by Ashira. "Well, well, well. I've heard tales about that before. Some crazed monk passed by here about 4 years ago, with a story about the great Mothers of the Lake. They're fish! And they float, like jellyfish - heads above the lake, everything else down below. They stay there for eons, moss and soil gathers, things start growing. Can you imagine such a thing? Well, now I wonder...."

She snorts at Nezamil's comment about Zayne.
"That boy would eat you out of house and home, given the chance. Never seen an appetite like it."

Detect magic brings the following results -

The chest
The two rings
The longsword
All magic.

Everything else, including the book - is not.

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday November 11th, 2004 10:54:47 PM

"Clearly you are mistaking me for some other Theodore, good sir," jests Theodore with a smile at Nezamil. He takes another bite of porridge and smiles at Priscilla. He seems to be feeling pretty good about himself. Compliments from a veteran adventurer, freed slaves, and good food. Everything's going well...for the moment at least.

Theodore contents himself with the good conversation about the fire and lets the others tend to the free men and the slavers.

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d20+1=12 d20+5=25
Thursday November 11th, 2004 11:18:41 PM

The stories from people who have had encounters with slavers -- or even been enslaved! -- really hit home with Vauhwyt. She reaches up to touch her hair, and she looks like she is about to speak.

But then Mookie, who has been listening to what Erik the Slaver says about the chest, interrupts her. "Hey Boss! A rogue like you knows from traps, right? Take a look at this chest! Just don't touch!"

"Who are you calling a rogue," Vauhwyt asks the bird glad of the distraction, "You're more a rogue than I am!"

"But what the hey, I'll take a look!"

She checks out the chest, being careful not to touch it. [Her untrained search result is a 12.]

"It looks perfectly safe to me! What do you think, Rose?"

Then the liontaur turns her attention to the book. She opens it up and takes a look. If the words are not familiar to her, she tries to catch the gist of it. [Decipher Script check is 25! Natural 20! Woot!]

"Look at this," she says, poring over the tome. "I think i see something very interesting!"

Rose  d20+5=20
Thursday November 11th, 2004 11:46:38 PM

Rose stops playing to check out the chest, she tries not to touch it. Then as she overhears what the slaver says about Valanthe she goes to him and watches him carefully so he cant hurt her new friend.

spot/search: 20

Redux  d20+14=25
Friday November 12th, 2004 12:02:39 AM

Redux, never one to decline a good meal helps himself. He listens to the slave talk and all those with trials and tribulations to work out in their lives. His life has been much different and it is made starkly clear to him; sometimes he feels so out of place. When the tome finally is opened, he discretely places himself by her side to read over her shoulder. With his arcana knowledge (=25) he too finds the symbols interesting.

Friday November 12th, 2004 5:15:24 AM

Rigging i suggest we held court, as a captain you can speak law, Jager will speak for himself and Erik can defend himself or Nezamil as a man of God or maybe Priscilla can defend him

Friday November 12th, 2004 8:17:53 AM

Jager is shocked at the thought of a trial "Your concept of a trial is too good for that plauge of humanity. Maybe Erik's idea of a trial is better, that is use whips and hot irons until you get what you want for a person. In that case I will stoke the fire so we can get something white hot. Erik always said that the hotest irons get the quickest information....." Jager lets his words sink in and his eyes flash in the fire light. Jager also takes off the tatters of his shirt to show the healed whip and burn marks on his back and chest.

Friday November 12th, 2004 9:07:26 AM

Erik's rather fortunate that Valanthe was across the clearing at the time of his comments. Currently she had a smile on her face and was in better spirits than she had been in months.

Valanthe stands in the middle of the freed slaves with a plate of half eaten food in her hand. The firelight reflects off her coppery skin and the wind causes her long hair to sway. She entertains the former captives with tales from her pirate life. Her one free arm is often moving in some mock attack or defense to help illustrate her words.

Friday November 12th, 2004 9:19:05 AM

walking up and standing in front of Jager.

instead of becoming like the monster that tortured you, perhaps you show to him and to your other former captees that this man, and his minions, did not break you. instead of scaring your former cell mates, inspire them to not let these slavers break their spirit.

I see some of them are already back on the road to health both physically and spiritually but for them to go all the way, they need guidance and who better to get that guidance than from someone, like yourself, who has endured what they have endured.

be mad, by all means be angry, but do not let this creature win at breaking your will, and become like him. show him and the others that you are much much stronger than that.

spit on him, kick him, but dont let your hatred drive you down the other path because as sure as I am standing here right now, the walk back up that path is long and hard, alot harder than you are feeling right now.

*dramatic pause*

now come, I know you are hungry, tired and cold. come to the fire with me and take in sustenance, take the chill out of your bones, and tell me about your people so they may live in someone elses heart.

*smiles at Jager*

Friday November 12th, 2004 5:20:58 PM

As he reaches the shore he immediatly helps himself to the various foodstuffs that have been prepared.

Taking the dwarf's comments in stride he shows some restraint and doesn't gorge himself with food as is the normal,he actually makes sure that all the slaves have eaten,before helping himself to another helping.

Although during the meal he does glower at the surviving slavers. When he has finished he walks over to the slavers and sits down in front of them and without a word to them he begins sharpening his dagger on a whetstone.

Friday November 12th, 2004 5:37:59 PM

Rigging will fold Ashira in an embrace and start kissing and nibbling on her neck. He breathes in the scent that is so much her own. A touch of perfume mixed with her sweat, leather and blade oil. Yep definitely her own scent.

He is having such a good time, he almost forgets why he started the embrace, he sighs and remembers his duties. He whispers in her ear, "Dearest, we definitely need some alone time, but for now, could you please distract the others, especially Jagar. I want to have a private conversation with Erik. I want to find out what he knows about Val."

He finishes with a quick kiss to the nape of her neck and sighs lustily. "Yep we need some alone time bad."

Once she heads off he will roughly pull Erik up and lead him a few feet away. He will stare intensely at him for a moment and then say, "Your in trouble. Many here want you dead. Not only dead but to die painfully. I really don't care if you live or die. You have one chance to buy your freedom. I want what is in your head.

First I want to know what you know about Val. She is like a sister to me and is very important.

Second, I want to know how to open that chest. I wouldn't lie because there is a good chance you will be opening it personally.

Third, I want to know about the magic of the rings, chest, and the sword. Also any magic that is in the chest.

Fourth, I want to know anything else you can tell me about the slavers and the priest's of Ga'al's arrangements. Where are the priests now and how do you meet up with them?

If you don't tell me all I ask and truthfully, then you are uselses to me and I will let the slaves kill you. If you tell me all, and I detect no lies or evasions on your lips then I will give you a chance at life. Agreed? Now tell me what I want to know.

Friday November 12th, 2004 5:38:53 PM

After tending to the slaves, Vorelle at last has a meal for herself. She listens curiously to the talk about trying the slavers.

I suppose we should try them, she thinks. It's the right thing to do.

Truth be told, though, she doesn't much care what happens to the slavers. She doesn't much what happens to any bullies. Even the ones in her own famly.

I suppose that makes me a bad person, she thinks with a resigned little sigh.

Swirl [Chris] 
Friday November 12th, 2004 6:07:02 PM

Swirl follows Rose as she heads over to the chest , as Rose inspects it Swirl will hover behind her , 1st looking over Rose's Left then right shoulders , repeating the process several times , occasionally nudging the Halfing ;-), wondering if the game of tag will commence again ;-)

Friday November 12th, 2004 6:37:16 PM

Nezamil's intrest is peeked when he finds out Tom and Bryan are from Plateau City " well well fellow Plateau City folks "remarks the dwarf

stepping over to the duo " Hi i'm Nezamil i grew up in Plateau City , my whole family works in the Dragon quarter "

"I trained at the War Cathedral of Domi for many years in learning the teachings of Domi" the dwarf pauses in thought for a moment

"Ah and all the taverns and Inns , my fav was The Green Tortoise Club.....always a good time there " grins the dwarf " so what about you ?" asks the Cleric of Tom and Bryan

Nezamil will sit by the fire chatting with the Plateau city guys and listening to Val's tales of valor

Saturday November 13th, 2004 11:56:03 AM

Dietrich listens interested to everything that is spoken and is curious about what will happen. He is startled at Erik's insolence, but will let Rigging do all procedures and will accept his judgement but for the case of letting the slavers free. For Dietrich they are a serious risk if let free and he also feels that they deserve punishment.

The fighter is also very interested in the book and the magic weapons.

Finaly, he suggests that the freed slaves could, if they want, come back to Dirt City with the Dirt City folks when we are going to deliver the information to the Prince. From there they should be able to find their way home.

Saturday November 13th, 2004 6:45:42 PM

Appolo follows Rigging."You know boss.You should really attend to Ashira.She's going to get sick standing around all wet and cold."Applo then turns back to Erik."Here's the deal you tell us what we want to know or I'll remove your heart seed.You'll live the rest of yor life as a godless wretch.Completely cut off from contact with G'aal."

Saturday November 13th, 2004 10:04:43 PM

Still shivering, but not looking too concerned, Ashira accepts the food Appolo brings with a warm smile. She revels in Rigging's affections, feeling right for the first time in a long time. She nods at his whispered instructions and heads over to Jager...plate in tow. Handing the food over to the former slave, Ashira sits down next to him. She drops her voice to a low whisper, unwilling for any others to overhear her conversation with the man. "I understand what it's like to hate...and I know what it is to be tortured...but you're going about this all wrong... You need to be subtle. Just be patient...we'll get our chance at the maggot...we just need to be patient."

Sunday November 14th, 2004 11:12:42 AM

Not wanting to be involved in the interrigation, Ari continues to mingle with the slaves.

"It might be time for us to slip from these shores for a little while." as Ari muses to himself aloud.

Ari will then begin to tell some of the stories about the pirates of Jack, and where they come from. If there is enough time, Ari will then transition into what the Swords have done. The un-named village where they came from. How the priests killed one of their members for no apparent reason. Finding out there was someone else than Ga'al. Describing in gory details, what happens when someone gets seeded. What happens with the loss of will. How most of the Swords have families that are subject to Ga'als will.

Ari is doing his best to start up a propraganda machine, using these slaves and thier families as the primary starting source.

When appropriate, Ari will be sure to introduce Rigging to all the slaves. Rigging appears to be busy keeping the bloodthirsty under control.

Pulling Riggings aside Ari mumbles, "I'm thinking we should maybe check some of these cities out, by sailing these people home. Especially the merchants daughter there. I don't know if they'll be helpful with our network or not. They will have a distribution network in place, that we may be able to utilize, outside of our land."

Vauhwyt and Mookie 
Sunday November 14th, 2004 10:48:54 PM

Vauhwyt feels a lot of sympathy for the former slaves. She goes over to them and does whatever seems like it might make them feel better. She talks with them and finds out what they think would be the right thing to do with Erik and his cohorts.

DM Jan 
Monday November 15th, 2004 3:31:10 PM

Rigging drags Erik away from the likes of Jager and Zayne, who obviously want to see the Slavers dead and buried.
"Think I'd be that stupid?" Erik spits at Appolo, yanking up his own shirt to reveal a heartseedless chest.

"You'd better keep your promise, you &*^%#(* pirate. I have brothers, and word gets around. If I don't get back..." is Erik's preamble before giving the Cards leader Rigging some info.
Valanthe - "I recognize her. There's a price on her head, posted up on every rogues and villains board we've come across. Someone called Razer is willing to pay 10,000 GP. So, I'd cash her in, if I were you, once you get back to civilization."
Chest - "There's a sigil. It needs a masculine voice to utter the word 'Tag' to dispel it."
Magic items - "We've no idea. We took it all from slaves we caught."
Ga'al - "Ha! there was a pretense played out here. You see the priests didn't want to buy 'slaves' as such. They wanted 'converts' - those willing to submit to their weird ways. Well, you know what people are like on the whole." Erik smirks. "A little bit of 'conditioning' and they'll submit to anything. THIS particular lot were too bull-headed and resistant to 'persuasion', and so we sold them to the orcs instead for servants. Wold only knows what was going on here."

Over by the magic items and the chest, Rose manages to spot the small sigil glowing faintly just near the lock.

The book turns out to be extremely weird.
Some of the pages are parchment, others look like some kind of hide. The script varies between very neat and deliberate, and careless and ham-handed. Some pages look like they've been sewn in later, with a kind of stringy animal gut. The whole thing has a horrible feel to it.
Vauhwyt is able to make occasional sense of the pages - mostly orcish, some common.
There are comprehensive maps of both upper and lower levels of Dirt City. Both these familiar maps carry small symbols in certain areas. Other pages contain script and a matching symbol to various parts of the map.
Within, are plots and plans; a plot to blow up the harbour, stating who and when; assassinations - who, and how, and when; a plan to poison the water wells. It will take hours of work to discover all it's secrets.
At the back of the book, Redux will recognize what lies on the three final pages; this in particularly fine common script, accompanied by examples of strange twirly patterns -
Symbol of Fear
Symbol of Pain
Symbol of Death
"Oh, $%(^," mutters Warwick the vulture, who's been looking over everyone's shoulder.

Around the campfire, tales of derring do and life as a pirate continue. Priscilla is enthralled, and the slaves - with food in their bellies, are definitely beginning to come around. There is hope in their eyes for the first time in weeks.

"Ohhh," says Tom in response to Nezamil. "Might have been in that tavern - not sure. I was a caretaker at the big Gladiator Arena."
"You were?" says Bryan. "What was that like?"
A conversation begins to flower.

Ari talks of the pirates mission, and it becomes clear that most folks from these cities have no idea what's happening outside their own little enclave - not being the adventurer types. They are quite horrified and filled with wonder.

As Dietrich mentions Dirt City, Diana and her maid Hella and Kirda looked shocked.
"Why would you want to take us there," asks Diana, completely astonished. "We heard it was a very uncivilized place. Full of rogues and villains, like the Fence level in our own dear Floating City. And we never went down there. Father told us not to."

The morning wears on.
At the shoreline, the figurine appears to be calling in his extra boats. They're shrinking rapidly.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday November 15th, 2004 3:51:34 PM

After finishing his meal, Theodore pats his stomach contentedly. "That was very nice, Priscilla. Thank you."

He gives the witch another smile before meandering over to Vauhwyt and Redux as they scan the pages of the confiscated book. "Oh my," he says with a start. His eyes grow wide as he looks on in fear. "Oh, this is terrible, Vauhwyt! We need to get back to Dirt City at once!"

Monday November 15th, 2004 8:45:14 PM

Jager scowles at Olyn "The only way to cure Erik of his business of human misery is to Kill him" Jager walks of and is met by Ashira.

Jager takes a deep slow breath. "I will be patient Mrs. Arrack, but I can not hold my hand for long, I need retribution and closure for so many. I have an errand to attend to. It will not take too long. I need o retrive my tools. The ones I stashed before Erik and his lackies recaptured me. When I get, back I want to kill Erik, with your leave." Jager bows to the beautiful blue haired warrior and jogs off at high speed.

Monday November 15th, 2004 11:03:40 PM

Rigging will wince at Val's description and wonder why she is so valuable in these waters so far from home. He is sad that Ga'als influence extends so far.

He will look at the slaver and say, "I want to know where the priests are, how many there were, what kind of ship they were in...any thing you can think of.

If I like your answers, I will give you a shot at your equipment, some gold and a real chance of getting out of here with your life. Otherwise, I will allow Jagar his vengence and cut your throat.

Here is the deal, "I will allow you and Jagar to fight to the death. If you win, you go. I will give you some gold and a decent chance to restart your life. If you die...well you die. Besides, can't let a mere slave get the better of you now can you?" Rigging asks slyly.

Monday November 15th, 2004 11:48:18 PM

Valanthe slips away from the celebration now that her apetite is satisfied. She draws her bow from her enchanted quiver and takes up a patrol around the camp.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 12:19:23 AM

Redux is amazed at the scenes in the book. He is a quick student and understands many of the implications, even though he doesn't know the places. He motions a few over to them and explains what is in the book as they understand it thus far. To those of his crew he adds that it is probably best if they get themselves back to the coast and their own ship. He asks those of Dirt City the best path back to their home, thinking they'd be going along.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 12:36:49 AM

turning and walking over to Vauhwyt he mutters: weak minded fool, has already been broke but doesnt know it. may Wardd take pity on his soul when the time comes.

squatting next to Vauhwyt and between mouthfuls of food he asks: whatcha find out in the book so far? anything that can be useful to us?

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 1:01:10 AM

Once finished, Ari decides to some more recon, and asks each of the slaves to tell him about their town, and the surrounding villages. Having not traveled outside of Aisildur that much, Ari is intrigued to learn as much as he can, while he waits for the rest of the bloody business to sort itself out.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 1:15:24 AM

Rose lets everyone know that the chest is magically trapped then goes to see what Vauhwyt is doing. When she sees the book and what it contains says "Vauhwyt, see what there is about the halfling quarter."

You can tell Rose is upset by this book.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 3:51:19 AM

Appolo gets interested when Erik mentions a bounty on Val's head and steps forward"Who is this Razer guy and where can we find him,perhaps we'll collect this bounty you speak of,even give you a piece of the action.10,00 gold.Interesting.Especially if you beat that loud mouthed slave over there in a knife fight."

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 9:06:32 AM

Wondering if this man might not be a little more sly than he lets on, Ashira rises with him. "Oh no, you don't... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'll need to follow you. Don't want you accidently doubling back on us. You might trip and accidently fall on Erik with a dagger or something." The aquatic elf chuckles and then sprints after Jager.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 11:14:39 AM

Bart hears the conversation of Rigging and Eric he doesn't agree with it, Justice has to be done. It cant be that this monster, according to tales of Jager, walks free and even gets some equipment and gold in his hands! Although we are pirates i still feel that we follow the way of justice. This doesn't feel right

"Rigging can i talk with you in private?"

If so Bart tells his thoughts to Rigging, he tells him that an crimanal cant be set free, a crimanal that has act by his own free will and not controlled by Ga'al.

Dietrich  d20+4=6
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 11:55:50 AM

Dietrich has to smile at the merchants daugther comments and wonders that her experience as a slave hasn't make her more humble (though, as a foreiner to Dirt City, he understands its reputation). He just says:

"Well, as far as I know, Dirt City is the nearest more or less secure place in this region, from where you could arrange a way to get home. But of course you can travell with the pirates if you prefer!"

The fighter takes a look at the book too and helps with the parts in Orcish. He also takes a short look at it under a military point of view (military knowledge 6).

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d20+4=18
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 11:58:51 AM

Vauhwyt tells Olyn all that she has read in the book.

"With this book and the parchment we found earlier, we have information that has to get back to Dirt City fast."

"But we have some other details to attend to first."

Vauhwyt tells any wizards in the Swords that if they want to copy the Symbol spells out of the book before the groups part, that would be fine with her. She can't use them herself, but her days as Catacombs clerk suggest that powerful mages might.

Mookie pipes up, "What about Theo and Rose? They're wizards too!"

"Hush, Mookie," says Vauhwyt, who does not want to embarass her friends, who are not experienced enough to use Symbol magic.

Vauhwyt tells Redux that she thinks the fastest way home is the way they came. East through Blackbird Forest to the River, then south to the coast, then east again along the coast to Dirt City.

Vauhwyt asks the freed slaves where they want to go. Those who want to go to Plateau City and the area north of there should come with the Dirt City group and then arrange sea passage to New Elenna via merchant ship. Ditto for the guy from the Emerald Kingdom -- come to Dirt City and then take a caravan north through Izen.

At first she has no clue what to tell the Floating City women, but she has an idea.

Vauhwyt reassures them all that if they come with the Dirt City group, they should not have any worries. "We are Wolf-friends," the liontaur says, displaying a silver ring with a wolf's head on it, "and that counts for something in Dirt City. Plus we are working for the Prince. So have no fearr."

"And I have friends," she says to the women, "who specialize in helping people in need, and even in Wayfaring, I hearr. Maybe my friends can help you get home."

Vauwyt asks the slaves if any of them used to own the magic sword or magic rings.

"Let's get that chest open," she says. "Who wants to try the method the slaver has told us." She is excited to see what might be inside.

She grins when she hears the idea of letting the slaver fight for his freedom. "That will give Jager his chance for vengeance, AND it is fairr!" she says.

She goes over everything -- "Book, check. Slaves, check. Slaver, check. Chest, check. Loot?"

"Well, I think the Swords should take the orc boat. That's a great pirate item. If there are any other magic items to divide, the swords should take the lion's share. I think we might claim the non-magic items and maybe a minor magic thing."

Vauhwyt takes a look at the two nonmagic short swords, the nonmagic rapier, and the two nonmagic pouches. Do they seem of better quality? What's in the pouches? [Appraise check 18]

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 1:18:40 PM

Vorelle pales when she realizes what the book contains. She's not overly fond of Dirt City, but it's the only home she's ever known.

"W-w-we sh-should g-g-get b-b-back," she tells Vauhwyt in an urgent undertonw.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 1:49:50 PM

The dwarf enjoys chatting with the Plateau city guys "i haven't been home in a few years , we'll help you find a way back to Plateau City " remarks the dwarf

" i hope you can get a message back to my family for me , just to let them know i'm fine , mother worries too much " smiles the Cleric

glancing over to see the Monk dash off into the woods followed by Ashira and others taking up patroling the camp , Nezamil settles in by the fire with the others ,relaxing in conversation with ex-slaves and Dirt City folks alike

Nezamil takes no notice of the Captains ongoings

DM Jan 
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 4:25:51 PM

In amongst the camp, conversations develop around what is to happen next to the parties and their captives and rescued companions.

Things need to be done.
Decisions need to be made.

It's obvious that the Dirt City group, at the very least, need to get back home.

The chest needs to be opened.

What is to be done about Erik? Is mortal combat the solution? At Rigging's further question, about the priests, the Slaver replies -
"Oh, now you think I'm dumb. Think I'll give you all my contacts so you can take over? Think again."

The Cards have more of a free hand, as to where they travel next. Dirt City could be a kick off point for where they want to go next, IF they wish it.

As for the magic items found on the Slavers - none of the slaves rescued claim ownership to any of it.

As Jager jogs off - he might remember just how big this forest is, and how much jogging he might have to do. Perhaps the witch could help. Who knows?

Everything seems all quiet to Valanthe, who's on patrol, apart from blue elves and monks running around.

Ari and Nezamil get to know a bit more about Plateau City and Floating City, and it seems there is a bit of friendly rivalry and pride between those two places. The Windhorn lads talk about trees, forests and the lore of giants. The guy from Emerald City is a bit reticent about his own land.

It's starting to look like Vauhwyt and Dietrich are persuading the slaves to go with them to Dirt City.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 5:14:48 PM

Rigging will sigh and look at Erik. "Wrong answer my friend." The leader of the Wildcards will circle around the slaver, pulling his dagger out. He will grab his hair roughly and pull back his head.

He will look at Bart and say, "Stand back. Don't want to spray you." He will then slice across the slaver's throat with a quick and clean cut. Rigging will push the slaver down and wipe his blade.

"Justice is done. You will never again sell an unseeded soul into Ga'al's hands." He will look up at the other slavers and then shake his head.
"Don't want to get to bloodthirsty. Don't want to turn into them."

He will make his way over to the chest and say. "Tag"

He will then wonder if Erik is a liar as well but decides he must take the risk, not another and tries to open the chest.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 5:26:10 PM

Appolo walks over ot Rigging "What was that.I wanted to get some more imformation out of him.Now we'll never find out who this Razer charactor is or where he is."Appolo then pulls out his dagger and walks over to the prisoners"Ok you two what do you know about Razer.Who is he and where is he?If you tell me what I want to know.Then perhaps you'll walk out of here.Instead of being buried here."

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 6:00:53 PM

As he continues to recount various pieces of information to the freed slaves. Ari's voice stumbles a few steps, when he realizes the way in Erik dies. Though there is little he could do to change the outcome, he wonders about the tactics that his family applies. Trying to recover his footing, Ari does his best not to let the butchering get to him.

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 6:44:56 PM

Valanthe is happy for the peace and quiet though she keeps up the patrol. Somebody needs to keep watch in case more Orcs arrived for retribution.

Vauhwyt and Mookie 
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 7:05:05 PM

Vauhwyt runs to Val and anyone else wandering around the fringes. "Please, be careful! This forest is alive and sleepy. It will take you away to some other place if you do not keep it awake! You have to sing to it!"

She sings a little to demonstrate.

She gets back to the beach just in time to see Eric die. "Stupid slaverr! Well, he got what was coming to him. Thank you, Rigging."

Then Rigging opens the chest. "I'm liking your fellow more and morre," the liontaur whispers to Ashira.

She is very curious about the chest, but also aware of the need to get headed back to Dirt City.

"Do any of the Swords want to study this book before we take it away?" she calls out. "Now's the time!"

Jagar [chris) 
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 9:26:38 PM

Jagar stops in mid-stride as he remembers the dangers of the forest .

Turning to the witch " I have somethings i must retrieve and any advice with locating them would be very helpful "

catching commotion out of the corner of his eye Jagar sees Erik slump to the ground gurgling blood "Nooooooo!!! it was by my hands he should die!! to avenge my sister's death " shouts the Jagar ! turning purple with rage

Jagar stalks over to the dying slaver and with pent up fury delivers a kick to his ribs "that is for my sister Softig" says Jagar with tones of fury in his voice

walking back to the witch Jagar listens to the witchs advice about retriving his tools , once accomplished he heads out swiftly out into the woods with a quick look at the 2 remaining slavers "I'll be back " thinks Jagar to himself

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 9:59:43 PM

color draining from his face, when Rigging slits the man's throat from ear to ear.

turning to Vauhwyt, and with unassured calm he says: we are at a turning point V. what just happened is for some, beyond our abilities or wants. in my opinion, the slaves needed Justice against the slavers and this Rigging fellow just took that from them. especially that Jager fellow.
if you admire this Rigging fellow, then I pity you cuz every time he does that, he takes 1 step closer to that which he supposedly despises. I do not trust him, nor will I travel with him 1 step further and if you cant understand my feelings, and respect them, then perhaps it is time to part company.

Vauhwyt and Mookie (illegal second post) 
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 10:26:03 PM

Vauhwyt is honestly confused by Olyn.

"Um, the way I see it, Erik was scum that deserved to die. Rigging even gave him a chance to die honorably in battle, but Erik was a jerk about it. He needed killing. That's all."

"Truth is, I don't understand what's to get worked up about. I don't to split with you! Us Dirt City folks need to keep together. I thought the Swords were just about to leave. Then you, me, our friends, and maybe some of the freed slaves could go home. I really want to get this map and book to the Prince. Isn't that what you want? Why would we split up? I thought we were friends."

"If I made you mad somehow, I'm sorry. I still don't get these two-legger ways sometimes."

Tuesday November 16th, 2004 11:38:01 PM

Redux is beginning to get interested in the book when the commotion starts. He sees the blood. Messy they are, those fighters. He has done similar, but, well...differently. As he sees it, as long as the chest is open, the slaver probably wasn't much more good to them. "Olyn, we are fighting for certain things that we see as right. That person was on a different side. We have no other court here. Two other slavers we released previously were on that island; they know no other way."

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 1:52:05 AM

As Vauhwyt isnt looking, Rose takes the book and begins leafing through it to find areas that describe what is being planned for the halfing area and when it will take place. She then calculates how long they have to get back to Dirt City and stop it.

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 2:14:16 AM

The dwarf is caught up by the conversation by the fire ........then he hears Jagar yelling and cursing loudly .

"WHAT's all the fuss " says Nezamil but his voice trails off as he see's Rigging wiping the blood from his blade

The Cleric stands up and turns facing the bloody scene " was that nessacary Captain ??" asks the Cleric

" their helpless !! " exclaims the dwarf

" if it was in battle i give no quarter but this ?" the dwarf spreads his hands out and shakes his head "i think this could of been handled differently "

" I suggest we take the other two " the Cleric points to the last 2 slavers " with us and turn them in to the nearest large city and let the deal with them , after all they were in cohoots with that fiend and her dastardly plans .

"Maybe to Dirt City ? " shrugs Nezamil

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 9:19:35 AM

Theodore's jaw drops at the nonchalant way in which Rigging executes Erik. He takes a step back and bumps into Vauhwyt and Olyn.

"I want to leave," he stutters to his friends. "Olyn is right, Vauhwyt. Erik, as horrible as he is, deserved better than that. If we stoop to his level, we are no better than him."

"It is time to leave," he reiterates, an uncharacteristic firmness obvious in his voice. The young man sets about collecting his gear.

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 9:53:08 AM

Like Theo, Vorelle finds Captain Rigging's sudden violence very disturbing. It isn't so much that she grieves for the slaver. But in Dirt City, those who can slay so casually rarely bother themselves with such petty nicities as right and wrong. She shifts farther away from Rigging and does her best to be invisible. Her right hand, however, doesn't stray far from the handle of her axe.

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 12:08:04 PM

Rigging while looking through the chest will hear the comments directed at him and about him. A range of emotions will flash through him quickly. Rage at having his decisions questioned, sorrow at the distrust he sees in some of the others eyes, understanding at their distaste at his actions.

Typically, he decides to confront his accusers and walks over to Olyn ands says calmly, "Do you think I liked killing Erik the slaver? Do you think I derived pleasure from it? Let me assure you I didn't.

It is easy to judge a man without knowing all the facts and taking things at face value. I am Captain of the Pirate of Jack ship "Sword of Redemption". I have been in a battle against slavery since my 12th birthday. The Pirates have been fighting to free a nation from the most vile slavery known to man.

Image being 12 years old and lead into a temple by your parents, whom you love and trust. Being tied down to an alter and having a living plant pressed against your chest. Feeling that plant agonizingly burrow its way through your chest and wrap itself around your heart and spine.

That plant then links you to Ga'al, a god who doesn't love you but just wants to dominate you and the entire world. Your are now his tool and he will willingly sacrifice you and everyone around you in a zombie like fashion to achieve his ends.

I have seen entire towns rise up like zombies, with no free will of there own, and sacrifice their lives to achieve his evil ends. I have seen my wife taken from me and tortured until near death so she could be heartseeded." Tears suddenly spring to the young man's eyes and he chokes back a sob.

He straightens and struggles for a moment but regains his poise. In a calmer voice he says, "I have been given the authority as Captain of my ship to excute my mission and do what is necessary. It isn't always pleasant but it is my responsibility to keep my people safe and to accomplish my goals.

The slaver Erik had one of my crew in a cage like he was cattle." Rigging points to Appolo.
"Yes I judged him guilty and carried out the excution. I understand why you have a problem with this. What gives me the right?

What gave you the right to attack the camp and kill the orcs?" he asks retorically. "I will fight evil where ever I see it and eventually I will die in the struggle. Do I wish I didn't have to kill Erik? Yes I do....do I feel bad about it. No I don't. He was totally evil and deserved death."

Rigging will then look around and say, "I think it is time to part company. Whoever wishes to come with us, know we will be going into battle against slavers and priests of Ga'al. If you don't wish that, I suggest you go with these good people back to Dirt City and get on with your lives.

Ashira, Divide up the loot with our friends here. We need to get back to the ship."

Rigging will then detect magic on the insides of the chest to see if the chest is magical or the stuff inside it is or both.

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 2:17:47 PM

Returning slightly after Jager, Ashira hears all the commotion...and then spots Rigging's dagger, and the lifeless corpse. Altogether, she is not entirely alarmed. She trusted Rigging's judgement, and besides, the slaver had it coming...saved her the trouble later that night anyway. She shrugs as some of the others voice their rejection of Rigging's action. The fact that they needed to part with this group of Dirt City adventurers saddened her slightly, but she doubted that these folk would ever understand the brutal reality of Aisildur...

She moves to Rigging's side for moral support, and listens patiently as he begins another one of his speeches...that is until he begins his description of being seeded. Ashira's face visibly pales. Grabbing her chest Ashira doubles over and vomits. Gods...she could still feel the pain. A look of panic filling her eyes, Ashira makes a dash for the tree line...desperate for escape from her shame and the specters that haunt her still.

DM Jan 
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 4:35:11 PM

"Eh," mutters Priscilla at Jager's question. "If you've a good description of what's yours, and you can spare something.... organic, I'd be able to tell you the quickest way to get to it from here."

The witch raises an eyebrow as Erik meets his demise via Rigging's blade.
"If he's right, or if he's wrong - it'll be down to that old rascal Gargul to judge. He'll sort it all out."
With a sigh she starts to put aside all the breakfast paraphenalia.

The chest pops open. Inside is a pile of gold pieces - 5400 to be exact.

The other Slavers don't seem to know who "Razer" is. Just a name on a poster. "Ask her!!" squeaks Ao to Appolo.

Rose can't see anything particularly marked on the map for the halfling quarter. Perhaps the halfling community are considered under the radar, who knows. The main targets seem to be buildings of prominence, house leaders, but in scrawled common on one of the pages is the name of a Bakers Shop, just off the Main Sewer Tunnel. A shop she knows. Everyone goes there for bilberry tarts and scones.

Ashira runs for the trees. There's a small gap ahead, just inside the treeline - when suddenly, a rather solid-looking tree trunk appears out of thin air. Reflex DC 16 or she runs straight into it for 1d6 subdual damage.

As the death of Erik hangs in the air, and the spectre of Ga'al and the heartseeds, perhaps it's time for each group to take the next step in their respective destinies.
For now.

Understanding sometimes needs a little time.

The way to Dirt City is east through the forest, across the Peaseblossom and south east across Izen.

Getting to Aisildurian civilization is much easier - south along the lake shoreline.

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 6:52:58 PM

Valanthe walks over to Ashira and puts a comforting arm around her. She looks back at the Dirty City folk praying for them.

"I hope they never learn as to why Erik had to die. They just don't understand how nasty the world is. He would have tried to escape and if he managed to do so while they slept, some of them would die. Come on Ashira lets walk on patrol and let you get some air."

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d20+3=8
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 7:13:52 PM

Vauhwyt watches Ashira with concern, but then she is distracted by her familiar. Mookie's caw sounds like a cackle when he sees the gold. "We're rich!" he screeches.

"Hush, Mookie," says Vauhwyt. "We're sharing, and most of it should go to the Swords."

Vauhwyt suggests that 4,000 gold go to the Swords, 1,000 to the Dirt City folk, and 400 to the former slaves to help them pay their ways home. She again suggests that the Swords should take the orc boat. Of the two magic rings and the magic sword, Vauhwyt suggests that the Dirt City crew get the least potent (determined by Detect Magic) and the other two go to the Swords. She suggests that the Dirt City folk take the non-magic items.

Vauhwyt takes a look at the two nonmagic short swords, the nonmagic rapier, and the two nonmagic pouches. Do they seem of better quality? What's in the pouches? [Appraise check 18 from a couple days ago]

Then her thoughts turn to the other gear that was on the island. "There might be other stuff washed up on the beach," she says. "Let's check before we head off."

Carefully stowing the book, Vauhwyt then heads to the beach to see if the big wave Priscilla mentioned before has thrown up anything on the strand. As she goes, she sings,

Please remember to keep singing
So the trees will not be sleeping
If they are awake that's good now
If they sleep they might disappearr!

[Natural untrained perform is an 8.] The tune is not very good.

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 7:16:04 PM

Appolo looks at the two"Ok then."He then walks away.He hears part of things being said and Riggings reply. Seeing Ashira bolt into the woods,Appolo follows quickly"Don't go in there sister.Look out!!"He is right behind her."Val come back to camp.He is ignoring the comments made by the Dirt City people.Thinking they'll learn sooner or later you can't leave a snake like Erik alive in your garden.

Rose  d20+4=11
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 7:23:07 PM

rose is wondering what is the fastest way home. "Does anybody have a map?" When she gets a map she will try to figure out how long it will take to get home by foot (remember horses are at inn) or by ship.

knowledge dirt city: 11

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 7:48:29 PM

(OOC: Sorry about the two missed days was in the hospital,and heavily medicated. I had an accident at work and came close to losing a finger. Now that that has been taken care of.
What is the chest made of? If it is a wooden chest he will take his battle axe and open it the uncivilized way. If it is of some other substance he will leave it up to his more nimble fingered companions)

Other than the actions above he just sits there looking upset at the way things are.

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 9:43:01 PM

turning to talk to Vauhwyt so only Vauhwyt can hear.
*this means im talking loud enough for Vauhwyt, so the rest dont comment like some are prone to*
did we not put our lives on the line just like those Sword folks?
did you and the other girls from Dirt City not risk your lives just like them?
then why do you think we should get anything less than half? I dont think so, and im a little irritated that you would assume the rest of us would agree.

*shaking his head when he hears the swords folks feel that they are better than him and the rest of the group and not able to comprehend what's happening, Olyn gets up and starts gathering his stuff, and readies for the walk back to DC*

Jagar [chris) 
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 10:16:07 PM

Jagar listens to Pricilla " i have nothing but the tattered clothes on my back so any advice would be helpful " responds Jagar to the witch

Then Jagar heads off into the woods to retrieve his tools , his burning anger within pushing him to his limits.returning as fast as he can.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 10:53:31 PM

"I don't think that's very fair, Vauhwyt. We were in just as much danger as they were. We should split everything down the middle. And we should do it soon. We need to get back to the city with all possible haste."

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 11:15:32 PM

Seeing tempers flare and anger seeping between the two groups the Cleric steps over to Theo and those around him " My friend this has turned ugly i agree, not to my liking at all , it should have been dealt with in a more civilized manner " the dwarf pauses a second

" I'm fairly new to this group of pirates but i understand their anger towards Ga'al and his minions , as i am of the brotherhood of Domi i have seen 1st hand of what vile things Ga'al can make people do and how others react to them ."

"There is much anger in this group because of the hardships they have lived with but i believe Domi has sent me here to help them come to grips with their deepest anguish . they are good people but need some direction in their lives besides the blade , something i believe i can bring to this group for we have a common cause , the defeat of Ga'al "

"I'm sorry this has happened but i'm glad to have met and fought together at this battle of Black Bird lake and hope what was accomplished here will help keep Dirt City safe , perhaps in time we will meet again i hope in a much better situation "

" may you have a safe journey home and hopefully we part as friends"

Thursday November 18th, 2004 12:56:37 AM

"If I may suggest, please allow me to cut out the 3 final pages of the book with the symbols on them. The book obviously has pages added and subtracted; besides, they will not serve you in your use of the book. No doubt there are many items of value we have need to split, but there is no need for you to give our group a lions share."

Thursday November 18th, 2004 4:38:17 AM

No Vauhwt we share equially. I dont need a magic sword i have a good one, and the gold we share equally. And we can get some idear of the prize of the magic items in tha catacombs

Ari  d20=8
Thursday November 18th, 2004 7:11:54 AM

Sitting with the freed slaves, Ari just listens to the bantering as the two groups discuss things. Not wanting to upset the forest, Ari sings,

We all try to do what we see is right;
We imagine that we can make a better world;
Some day we can do this without all this might;
and use knowledge and goodness for a better world;

Ashira  d20+9=28
Thursday November 18th, 2004 11:19:26 AM

Ashira scoots easily (Refl=28) around the trunk which appears out of no where, but she stops in her tracks, suddenly remembering just how dangerous this forest could be. She smiles as she is joined by Val and then Appolo. "I'm ok...I'm ok...it's ok. I just, ummmm...don't feel so good all of a sudden. Val's right. Some walking would do me good. Don't worry, Appolo, we'll be fine...we'll keep singing. Oh, and tell Rigging that as far as I'm concerned, we should give all the loot to the Dirt City folk...they need it more. We'll be back in a few minutes, don't worry." That being said, Ashira turns and walks the perimeter with Val, making sure to sing as they go.

What do ya do with a drunken Pirate,
What do ya do with a drunken Pirate,
What do ya do with a drunken Pirate earli in the morning...

As she walks, Ashira turns to Val. "I know why he does it, but I wish he wouldn't say those things in front of me. Gods Val, sometimes I can still feel the pain...I thought it would be gone by now, but it's not. And sometimes...I have the worst nightmares...and I wake up and he's not there...he's out inspecting the ship or whatever..." A slight mist fills the warrior's eyes, and she wipes at her eyes in anger. "I love him. It's just sometimes I wish things could go back to the way they were before. Before he was Captain. Back when we used to have fun together..."

Thursday November 18th, 2004 11:50:08 AM

"I know he's an insensative jerk like all men. When I see how much it hurts, I wish that I got grabbed instead of you. I don't dream, I don't have nightmares. When we get back to the ship we'll continue to work with reverie. That way when you sleep you can relive all the good times. Life changes Ashira as we all do. We'll have happy days again." Valanthe says as she tries to comfort her friend.

Thursday November 18th, 2004 1:15:04 PM

Dietrich was quite surprised at the way Rigging killed the slaver and the soldier didn't like it very much. After all, he was a prisoner to whom life had been garanteed by his captors.

Dietrich just thinks: 'Pirates! No honour and no word.'

Though he understands their partners rage and even share their realism concerning the necessities of war, Riggings arguments remind Dietrich of some bloodthirsty commanders he's met and of their victims.

He doesn't see what danger the slavers would pose if kept captured, and would at least expect somekind of martial court instead of cold murdering, even if, as captain, Rigging had the authority to do it.

Dietrich's respect for Domi and his cleric is only increased by Nezamil's behavior, but the warrior too finds it best to share the loot, 50-50, and let everybody go its own way. He is a little sad that the great victory they achieved together has been flawed in the end.

DM Jan 
Thursday November 18th, 2004 5:10:19 PM

Priscilla rolls her eyes at Jager.
"You don't know much about witch magic, do you. When I meant organic, I thought perhaps you could give me one of your fingers, or an ear, or something. But if you're squeamish, a lock of hair and a couple of toenail clippings will do."
The pot that was used to cook the porridge is washed out and put back on the fire, filled with water. Numerous dubious ingredients are added, including the things she asked for from Jager.
"Anyone got anything else missing? Throw something in the pot!" she yells.

The pot boils. The pot cools. Priscillia stares into the pot, says "Eh," and then bursts out laughing.
"Well, well, well, someone has been busy." The witch points in a southerly direction along the shore. "That's where your items are. On the south shore. Look for a carving of a 'T' on a tree trunk. It would appear that thieves have been wandering about, using detect magic spells and the like, digging up folks's stuff. There's a band of bad gnomes.... but thats another story. A two day sharp march, and you'll get there. Just watch out for the gnomes. They'll think it's their stuff now."

Diana appears to have emerged as the slaves spokesperson, and says they'd like to go to Dirt City, and find their way home from there.

There are two slaver prisoners to take care of.

Rose reckons the fastest way home appears to be back the way they came.

Warwick the Vulture is busy pecking at the treasure items, as Vauhwyt examines the pouches.
"Bleh," he announces, followed by "Hmmmm..." and "Oh, I see...."
The bird announces that he knows what the items are. "I wasn't always a vulture, you know," he says sniffily. "I was a great mage in another life, until I was hit on the head by a club and my brains were spilled everywhere. And then that old bag dragged me out of the Lands of Rest." He makes an ominous clicking sound with his beak and stares at Priscilla.

As everyone gets ready to move out, the orc boat figurehead starts swearing once more.
"I have been called elsewhere!" - is somewhere in the midst of a barrage of general abuse.
In seconds - it's gone, swallowed up by the mists of Blackbird Lake, leaving the Card's boat on it's own at the shore.

It doesn't look as though the overall integrity of the book will be spoiled much if those symbol pages are taken out.

Final treasure count:

Chest 5400 = 300 GP per person
1 longsword +2
2 shortswords non magical
1 rapier non magical
1 ring of sustenance
1 ring of feather fall
1 pouch contains 20 silver
1 pouch contains 18 rubies

Diana clears her throat.
"Please, before everyone leaves, tell me where you can be found. I'm sure my father will want to bestow a gift on you when I return safely to the Floating City. Whenever that may be."

((OOC - folks, your next post will be the last for the joint game. Dominic and I will hand out XPs and hero points separately. Well done everyone!))

Thursday November 18th, 2004 6:05:20 PM

Valanthe says her goodbies to the folks from Dirty City and wishes them the best on their journey.

As Valanthe loads up their boat she stops next to Rigging and says, "Captain perhaps our friends would like the privelage of escorting the two prisoners back for trial? The less chance that my throat gets cut while I sleep, the better." Valanthe moves on after she's said her piece, continuing to load up the boat.

Vauhwyt and Mookie  d100=18 d100=98
Thursday November 18th, 2004 6:28:36 PM

Vauhwyt thanks Priscilla and Warwick for their help figuring out what everything is.

She carefully extracts the three Symbol spells and hands them over to Redux.

The liontaur suggests the following division of treasure:

Each character gets 300 gp and a ruby.

Each person rolls two d100. The first roll determines who wins -- the people with the three highest rolls get the sword, the ring of sustenance, and the ring of feather fall, in that order. If there is a tie, the second d100 roll is the tie-breaker roll, higher roll wins.

Vauhwyt herself rolls an 18 for her chance to win one of the three items. If by some miracle of Ward she ties with someone for a top three spot, her roll of 98 is to break that tie.

The silver and non-magic items can be used to help freed slaves pay to go home.

She asks the Swords if they mind letting the Dirt City folk take the two captive slavers. "The Prince of Dirt City might like to talk with them."

Finally, she says good-by to the Swords, with a few special words to Rigging and Ashira.

"Rigging, it was an honor to adventure with you. Be of good heart, and I know you will succeed!"

"Ashira, my good friend, I know I will see you in my dreams soon. We were blessed to meet in life, and I hope we will meet again! If you are ever in Dirt City, look for us!"

Making sure she has the precious book and the parchment map, she leaves with her friends. She personally holds the rope that binds the two prisoners, watching them closely.

Rose  d100=73 d100=77
Thursday November 18th, 2004 7:51:27 PM

Rose hasn't been paying attention to the discussion among the two groups as she was more interested in the book. She goes from person to person amoung the swords crew giving them a hug goodbye, playing one quick final game of tag with Swirl, and lets the others decide how to split things up and deal with the slavers.

When it's time to go you can see her walking with the rest of the group, falling behind and running to catch up.

Thursday November 18th, 2004 8:05:11 PM

Appolo comes back from the woods.Sees the Longsword and picks it up."Nice sword.You can keep the gold and jewels.I'll take this.Seeing as how I seem to need a weapon."He draws the sword and walks alittle bit awayfrom the others.He takes a few practice swings.It is clear that Appolo knows how to use it.

Zayne  d100=91 d100=15
Thursday November 18th, 2004 9:40:01 PM

Zayne decide that he should be in charge of the slaver captives. He promoses not to kill them,but he has decided to tell then about how cruel the prince is to those who he finds breaking the law.

He says his goodbyes to the Wildcards and sincerely wishes them well. He then gaters what is left of his equipment and gives any freed slaves that wish to strike out on their own 10gp.

Not really keen on the sword,but definitly intersted in the rings he casts his lot in.
(OOC his roll for the treasure is 91 and 15 to break the tie. Come on 2nd place)

Rigging  d100=81
Thursday November 18th, 2004 9:47:02 PM

Rigging will apreciate the hug given by the huge liontauress and will say, "I am sorry if my execution of Erik has upset so many of your friends. I might have been hasty but when he told me to sell my friend Val into slavery, I lost control."

Rigging will see Appolo swinging the sword and say, "Appolo it is all yours if you roll the dice high enough. Otherwise it is someone elses."

Rigging will then tell Diane, "Thank you dearest but I doubt you will be able to find any of the wildcards again. Have your father buy some slaves and then free them with our share."

Rigging will take his turn with the dice.

Rolled an 81

Nezamil  d100=35
Thursday November 18th, 2004 9:50:28 PM

Knowing the time has come to part company the dwarf makes it a point to say farewll to all

Nezamil returns Rose's hug " I hope you get a chance to fly again " smiles the dwarf

" Zayne you wield that axe like a dwarf " says Nezamil with a sly grin
"Dietrich it's been an honor , take care " says the Cleric with respect in his voice
"Theo continue to walk the path with courage , you have a bright future " says the dwarf with warmth
"Olyn may Wardd always bless you with good fortune "
"Vauhwyt continue to watch over these fine folks " and with a wink at Mookie " of course you'll need a little help "

Stepping over to Vorelle " i know your a bit shy but your courage speaks volumes , you have this quiet strength that helps bind you and your friends together .....al i can say is thank you " says the dwarf with sincerity

Nezamil agrees that all the loot should be diveded evenly " we all did our part and should be appreaciated as such"

Ashira  d100=26 d100=39
Thursday November 18th, 2004 9:58:37 PM

Though they part under less than desirable circumstances, Ashira is still proud to have adventured with these folk. She says goodbye to all who would still speak with her and warmly returns Rose's hug. Then she grabs Vauhwyt in a long hug. Pulling back away from her, Ashira looks into her one visible eye. "It was an honor and a privildge to adventure with you. Maybe one day the gods will cross our paths again. Until then, take care of yourself..." Ashira drops her voice to a low whisper. "And take care of the rest of them." As the liontaur hands her her share of the gold, Ashira places it back in Vauhwyt's hand. "No my friend...you and your friends need this more than I do. I cannot take it in good faith. Split it amoung the others, it will be put to better use that way."

Looking very thoughtful, Ashira quickly reaches into her backpack and pulls out a blood red scarf. "Here...I want you to take this... It's the scarf of a Ga'al high priest. I took it off of him after we killed him...and then I died." Ashira sighs. "It's a long and rather morbid story, but I want you to keep it...to remind you of our struggle...and me." Ashira looks her friend in the eye, hoping her odd gift is not offensive.

As Appolo grabs up the sword and claims it as his, Ashira shakes her head. Unsheathing her own shortsword, she hands it to Appolo "Here brother, take the sword you gave me. You can use it until we get you resupplied. That sword belongs to the one who Warrd favors."

As the goodbyes are concluded, Ashira boards the Cards longboat and snuggles up with Rigging. Though she had enjoyed the adventure with the others, it was good to get back to "normal".

Thursday November 18th, 2004 9:59:23 PM

Vorelle has been looking troubled and thoughtful since Captain Rigging's impassioned defense of his actions. Now she realizes with a start that she and her friends are about to part ways with these seasoned adventurers.

She looks at them all as they get ready to depart. At Bart and Nezamil, both stalwart, steady companions. At levelheaded Ashira and glib Ari. At the newly freed Appollo, who can rival even Zayne for fits of temper. At Redux, whose casual use of powerful magic Vorelle finds a little intimidating. At Valanthe, whom Vorelle finds downright scary.

Mostly, though, Vorelle watches Captain Rigging, because she hasn't made up her mind about him. It would be easy to think of him as yet another bully like so many she has encountered in Dirt City, someone who leads because everyone is afraid of him. But the Wild Cards don't seem to fear their captain; they seem to follow him out of...respect.

Vorelle is still wondering when the Dirt City group makes ready to depart. She takes no formal leave of the Wild Cards, and barely manages to stammer "g-g-g-g-goodb-b-bye" to anyone who approaches her.

Being uninterested in the magic items, she does not bother with the dice.

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday November 18th, 2004 10:57:20 PM

Theodore smiles sulkily. Although he hadn't known this group but a few hours, they had all experienced a terrible battle.

"I know you're not bad," he says timidly as Rigging begins to turn away. "Just different. And that's okay." He never was much for words.

He refrains from tossing the dice for a share of the magical items. He does pick up the rapier and whips it about a couple of times. "I would like to take this, if no one minds, or course." He also accepts his gold and ruby and quickly stashes the loot away.

Redux  d100=28 d100=69
Friday November 19th, 2004 1:01:01 AM

Redux accepts the 3 pages from the book. Shaking his head, he carefully stows them in his scroll organizer for later disposal. He does not touch the script but his eyes linger a moment on the Common title given each. 'If anything has ever scared me, these do,' he thinks to himself. He accepts the gold and ruby; he knows the battle they were just in cost him far more than this. He shakes his head.

Trying to smile, he looks around at the groups as they prepare to split up. He accepts the hug from Rose. He finds more pleasure in it than he'd expected; almost a ... feeling (which is somewhat shocking, if you know Redux). Smiling more, he nods to the rest as they leave and says goodbye to each. "You all have fought well. I'd be happy to fight alongside you again. With your help we have found our good friend, Appolo." The last phrase is said a bit wryly; it was good to have the family back together--and it seems to have grown.

"Hey Rigging, do you realize that with all this growth this group is doing, we're going to have to work twice as hard to come back with any sizable treasure."

Redux takes his turn with the dice; Waard did not favor those rolls.

rose (illegal 2nd post) 
Friday November 19th, 2004 4:08:58 AM

Rose goes around and gives more hugs. Upon seeing Ashira give Vauhwyt a scarf she gets an idea and pulls out a big blanket from her magic bag. She holds it by the corners and lets swirl lift it (and her) up then she gently floats down, laughing all the while...if you didnt know better you would think she was a (very) young human child playing.

Bart  d100=82 d100=35
Friday November 19th, 2004 5:37:46 AM

Bart throws some dice and get 82 as a score. He ask what do we do with the silver and the rubies, give the silver to the freed slaves and each of us including the slaves a ruby. If we have rubies left give them to the slaves as well

Vauhwyt and Mookie (illegal second post) 
Friday November 19th, 2004 7:08:39 AM

Vauhwyt tallies each person's roll:

Vauhwyt 18
Rose 73
Zayne 91
Rigging 81
Nezamil 35
Ashira 26
Vorelle chose not to roll
Theo chose not to roll
Redux 28
Bart 82

She notes that some people have yet to roll: Olyn, Valanthe, Jager, Dietrich, Ari, Appolo. She urges these folks to try the dice.

Vauhwyt accepts Ashira's gift of the scarf. "Wowsy! This is lovely. Thank you, my friend!" She tells the half-sea-elf that she will use the extra 300 gold to help the freed slaves secure passage home.

Appolo  d100=61
Friday November 19th, 2004 10:47:33 AM

Appolo smiles at Rigging"I am sorry.I didn't know.I thought it was unclaimed."he sheaths the sword and places it back in the pile.
When ashira gives hin her sword"Thank you sister.I'll return as soon as we pick up my gear.There's an elven village downstream from here.I left my stuf there."

He then walks over to the Dirt City group"I'd like to show you something"He then takes off his shirt and shows them his Tattoo indicating him as a pirate with the rank of a six."^ swords one for every year I've been with the family."He then shows them his right arm "One star for every member of the family or comrade that is no longer with us.There is 8." He makes sure that they see them.Appolo then shows them the left arm"One dagger for every person I've killed on the battle field.There is 25 five of these.If your wondering why I'm showing you this,it's becuase this is the price of freedom.Freedom ain't free.It must be paid for with blood.G'aal and his minions are apparently ready to move on your City.So do not think to harshly of Rigging for what he did to that fool Erik.It needed to be done.Oh by the way I rolled a 61.Good luck and good hunting.My friends."He shakes the hands of then men and gives all the women akiss before gathering up his shirt and shortsword.
Appolo then heads back toward the sword's boat.

Friday November 19th, 2004 12:17:43 PM

Jager continues to discuss the whereabouts of his equipment with Pricila. Even though Jager hide his equipment before recapture, he was beaten senseless and was unconcious for part of the trip to the island. "Thank you madam, you have been very helpful with landmarks for the trip south. Two days march, I must have been unconcious for over a day. I will tell the former slave, Appollo, that his equipment is located close by mine." Jager give Pricila a lock of his hair for her purposes.

Jager goes to find Appollo and the realization hits him that Erik in now dead. "WHAT HAPPENED!!" All thought of Appollo is gone as Jager goes to seek out Ashira "Mrs. Arrack you promised that I would be able to get my retribution on Erik for Softig and my people! Now how can I avenge those that I loved that were so wronged!" Jager drops down next to the camp fire, sits cross legged and puts his head in his hands and is murmerring to himself in a language that no one seems to recognize.

Jager seems emotionally and physically spent.

Olyn  d100=99
Friday November 19th, 2004 1:06:52 PM

and may Domi always guide your steps and watch your back, Brother. Olyn replies to the cleric of Domi.

turning to the others, Olyn will pull up his sleeves to reveal a pair of dice tattoo'd on his forearm with the numbers 6 and 1 on them, then, reaching into a pouch at his waist he pulls out a pair of dice. rolling them in his hands and blowing on the dice for luck, he closes his eyes and tosses them at Vauhwyt's feet.

first dice, then the second dice, coming to stop right at her feet, a 9 on each, for a 99.

Zayne(illegal second post) 
Friday November 19th, 2004 3:44:33 PM

He takes Nezamil's compliment,humbly,and gives the dwarf a smile,and extends his hand,"If you are ever in our neck of the woods make it a point to pay us a visit. We aren't hard to find."

He reassures Appollo that he has no need to apologize for his actions,and that he would have done trhe same had he been faced with the same situation.

Dietrich  d100=85
Saturday November 20th, 2004 11:29:37 AM

Dietrich is glad with his share of the loot and all in all very satisfied with the results of the joint action. He respects the powerful Wildcards and remembers the impressive fighting and the waves of fireballs. 'Let's not forget the great victory against evil over the death of this &^$% Erik!'

The warrior shakes hands with them all and wishes them luck and steadyfeastness in their fight against Gaal, whom Dietrich surely sees as an enemy too. The pious fighter retributes Nezamil's farewell in Dwarfish and asks for a blessing of Domi.

When it comes to the dices, Dietrich swears at Olyn's favouring by Wardd, but tries his luck too. 85

Dietrich  d100=58
Saturday November 20th, 2004 11:32:34 AM

OOC: Just forgot the second dice throw. It is 58

Ari  d100=80
Sunday November 21st, 2004 12:53:52 AM

Ari receives the gold and the ruby, and stares at the prize he has been given. While his thoughts are ajumble, Diana disrupts his thoughts. As it seems no one acknowledges the advantages that he had brought up. Ari walks with Diana a little ways off. "I will try to have someone make contact with you and yours. If they arrive faster than you, we will inform your father that you have been found, and making your way to him. If it is afterward, then we will see what happens. I am sorry we weren't able to help you get to your destination."

Walking away from Diana, Ari reminds himself to have the network check up on Diana's progress when he can get in touch with someone.

Ari throws the bones, in order to participate (80), but he doesn't respond to roll.

Cayzle OOC 
Sunday November 21st, 2004 5:14:53 PM

Here are the final rolls for the magic items:

Olyn 99 -- +2 longsword
Zayne 91 -- ring of sustenance
Dietrich 85 -- ring of feather fall
Bart 82
Rigging 81
Ari 80
Rose 73
Appolo 61
Nezamil 35
Redux 28
Ashira 26
Vauhwyt 18

Jager -- no roll
Valanthe -- no post
Vorelle chose not to roll
Theo chose not to roll

The winners are:
Olyn -- +2 longsword
Zayne -- ring of sustenance
Dietrich -- ring of feather fall


Hidden supplies - DM Dominic 
Sunday November 21st, 2004 7:41:40 PM

As the Wildcards say good bye to their new friends they realize that they have two members that have equipment to recover. Priscilla walks over to Rigging then tells him "the tree Jager searches for is halfway to the village Appolo mentiond. Keep a close watch out for some mischevious gnomes that have been sighted in the area." She then walks away from the Wildcards towards the forest.

When you think on it you realize that the distance to the tree is about 1 days travel via the boat and the village is 2 days away.

Monday November 22nd, 2004 10:48:15 AM

Rigging is glad the Dirt City gang won the magic items. He really didn't have a use for them and the young group was gonna need all the help they could get.

Rigging will look at his "Wildcards" and say, "Let's get back to the boats." He will look over at the slave Jagar and offer, "You are welcome to join us. We have to go in your direction to retrieve Appolo's things and the forest is dangerous to travel by yourself."

With a final wave to the Dirt City people, he will help cast off his longboat and climb aboard.

Monday November 22nd, 2004 10:54:56 AM

Jager will rise as he hears Captain Arrack address him and face him. " I would be happy to travel with your group and I am more than pleased and thankful for the rescue. I am also pleased to see that you have no love for slaving, but I am concerned. You killed Erik, which was my right and promised to me by Mrs. Arrack. Do you often disregard your crewmates advice or just your mates? I am used to watching the mistreatment of women and just wanted to know if they are also second class citizens here. I am curious what type of group I am throughing my lot with?" Jager will wait for an answer from the Captain.

Monday November 22nd, 2004 2:42:17 PM

Nezamil waves as the Dirt City band take their leave " Good bye "

The dwarf checks his things and is ready to help get back Jagar and Appolo's stuff " well lets get rolling " remarks the dwarf

After hearing Jagar remarks "My friend it was not your right to slay anybody, nobody has that right! " says the Cleric
"but i understand your anger but you must temper that , rise above it , be better then Erik was .........i believe your sister ...Softig was her name right ?.... would of wanted that ......make her loss into something that will make the Wold a better place for others , let her and your legacy's be something that future generations will look up too....don't waste your anger on vengence " says The Cleric with compassion is his voice

Sweeping his hand in an arc to encompass all the wildcards " there are many here who have suffered at the hands of Ga'als minions in this battle but we cannot let him darken our souls with vengence and hatred ....we must come together to shine a light on his misdeeds and continue to resist his insidious encroachment of who we are " preaches the Cleric

" We have a good reputation among the people, our deeds have spread across the Wold and we have given many people hope by our actions but we also must look within ourselves and lead not only with our actions but with our hearts and souls ......and of how we want to live ourselves.....let go of the anger and dark thoughts " implores the Cleric

With a look back at Jagar " lets begin anew my friend ...let the journey begin "

"Well Captain i'm ready " then climbs aboard the longship " hmm what happened to the orc boat?? " comments the dwarf

Monday November 22nd, 2004 3:54:28 PM

Valanthe sighs and takes a momentary pause from her rowing. "It's Jager, right? Well Jager nobody should have to go through what you did. But the world is far from a nice place and bad things happen to good people. I'm sure that everybody here will agree. But this obsession you have with Erik needs to end. He's dead so get over it. I know it's harsh but so is this world. You are lucky that the Captain has patience to listen to your whining because I know I don't. I really wanted to bash Erik's head in with a large rock and what you feel you were owed doesn't mean a thing to me." She begins rowing once more. She tried to keep her temper in check but she never had much success and probably never will.

Rigging (Illegal post #2) 
Monday November 22nd, 2004 6:25:01 PM

Rigging will look at Jagar and then listen to Nezamil's response. He ponders..."No one has the right to kill but we kill all the time. Are we violating the laws of the Gods?" He then remembers that Alemi himself blessed them so he feels a little better.

He is raising his hand to get the monk's attention when Val cuts into him. He is grateful at her support but unhappy that she seems so angry. Why was she angry? Appolo has been returned to her. That should make her happy. He files that thought away for future consideration.

He turns to the monk and says, "I shouldn't have killed Erik. I acted in anger and frustration. I should have let the Dirt City folks taken him back for justice. He threatened my sister Val and I lost my temper.

You see some of us have been together for a very long time and have become more than just road companions or comrades in arms but closer to family. I love these people. Am I happy with killing the toad? No...It was a mistake...a rash act. Rash acts can get you killed or worse those you love killed."

Rigging seems to be talking more to himself than Jagar but he lifts his head and stares at the scarred monk. "I try to listen to my companions and especially my wife. She gets real cranky when I don't. I will listen to the advice but then, as Captain, I must decide. My decisions aren't always popular or always right but I try my best to bring my crew and family home alive.

If you join us and we decide we want you, I will always listen, but you have to agree to accept my decisions even if you don't like them."

Monday November 22nd, 2004 11:22:56 PM

Redux finishes with the goodbyes. He's disappointed his roles weren't better, but then he's always been average at games of chance. He suggests they keep the chest with the magical lock for future use. He then climbs aboard and takes his place and awaits the others. He looks thru his items for a spare bottle; he has in mind the old message-in-a-bottle trick once they've made it out to sea.

Monday November 22nd, 2004 11:34:00 PM

Having collected her gear and once more donned her armor, the shivering half-elf laughs at Rigging's answer to Jager's questions. "Pah, the truth is, he knows I'm a better fighter than he is..." Noting Jager's serious mood, she softens her tone. Laying a hand on the freed slave's shoulder, she moves to comfort him. "I am sorry for Rigging's actions...usually I'm the rash one of late...perhaps I overstreched my station. But as my friends have said... Erik is dead. Although not by your hand, your sister is avenged. Now you must look forward... There are so many others that need vengence and don't have the power to achieve it." Ashira offers the man her hand. "We can give them the power...if you'll join us..."

Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 6:57:35 AM

Nezamil well spoken i cant agree more. And Rigging you may be our captain, and there for in higher rank than me. I see you as the captain of our ship, and i will follow orders concerning that. But in all other matters i always consider ourselves equal. If i dont agree with your decision i will say so. And maybe i wont follow it up either.

Sailing along - DM Doiminic 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 8:27:22 AM

As you head out away from the shore you are not able to spot where the orc boat has gone. Turning south you sail along in sight of the shore noticing that further out on the lake there is a thick fog. After going around half the day each of you begin to wonder if you have been some how sailing in circles as it seems that you have past the same spot several times over the last couple of hours. Eventually you spot a group of trees that look out of place. You estimate that at this point you have sailed for the entire day.

Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 1:36:16 PM

Jager sails/rows with his rescuers the pirates and attempts to explain himself on the excursion. "Capatin Arrack, and his pirates, I was captures from my village when I was 12. I was just entering into the society of men at the time and was being taught to protect the village and the women, children and elders of our clan. We were taught to respect those that we were to protect and were honor bound to do so. We were a small village and were aggressive in defending our own. If a rival village killed one of our own, we were honor bound to kill the oppressor so that he and his village no longer held sway over our village."

Jager reflects for a moment "My 13 years as a slave showed my cruelties I can not even begin to describe. The mistreatment of my people and women in general. These slavers are the embodiment of evil. Captain Arrack with you killing Erik, you have paid my honor debt for my sister, Softig. Unfortunately, I lose face, if not to my people than to myself for not taking care of the debt on my own. Now I must focus myself to avenge the honor debt of my people by striking out at those that hold dominion over others. Now I must attempt to figure out how to accompish my life long task."

To Vals harsh words Jager comments "If it were your man toy, Apollo, that was killed would you not have not been honor bound to avenge his death."

Jager looks to Nezamil "I know very little of Ga'al, that you speak or of other gods. We were a simple people that watched the seasons and the crops and animals we lived off of. Your crew is is much more polished than a simple Heit Volken and former slave can ever espire to. I am greatful for your company and assistance."

Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 1:59:17 PM

Rigging will look at the trees ahead as he listens to the conversation around him. He will pull out Wayfinder and use the telescope's powers to scan the trees looking for traps and such. He will not activate the astral side of the artifact but just rely upon the 10x vision enhancement.

He will say to Bart, "Bart, you must always follow your heart. Hopefully I never give an order you feel goes against what you believe. I try to let wisdom guide me but I am only human and will make mistakes." Rigging will grin and add, "Of course I am an incredibly gifted human, towering intellect, relexes of a mountain cat, and modesty won't even allow me to get into my good looks. Course not any human can catch the discerning eye of an aquatic elf and get her to marry him, so I will let you come to your own conclusions."

When Rigging hears Jagar's account of his history, he will soften towards the monk. He can't imagine ever owning someone or worse being owned. He will say, "I am sorry to steal your face. I didn't know your customs. You have my apologies. I would say you should stay with us a bit if you want to fight slavers. We are currently trying to put some slavers out of busines.

Our last mission, and I am not sure it is complete yet, was to stop Ga'alian priests from torturing slaves into converts. I heard that you were given the chance to worship Ga'al and refused. That was smart of you. I would like to hear how they made the offer. Can you tell me anything? How about you Appolo. Did you see the priests?"

Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 2:05:48 PM

"For one who claims to follow the ways of honor and respect you sure speak like every other low life I've heard. See Jager while I have a bad temper, I have assaulted crewmen for mere comments, I'm not stupid. Getting yourself killed for revenge is plain stupid. Avenging somebody means doing everything you can to make sure the people responsible get what's coming to them regardless of the outcome. Once freed I assume that you fought as hard as you could and did everything that you could given the circumstances to bring down the slavers. Erik was caught and killed. If that's not good enough for you don't whine about it while I'm around because I'm tired of listing to how it was promised to you and it was your right. Oh and speak about Appolo in such a way again and I'll take this oar and knock all the teeth out of you mouth." Val says coldly and keeps rowing.

Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 6:34:28 PM

Appolo sits comfortably next to valanthe listening and watching.When tempers flare between .Appolo stands up"Jager,Val everyone calm down.Jager whos says she's not my Elf Toy.Now relaxIt's over.We all agree that Erick is dead.We all agree that he deserved ti,let's stop agruing about how and move on in friendship.Jager I promise if you ahng with us you'll get your fill of killing slavers and priests of G'aal.I've been hurting and killing people since I was a small child and beleve me none of it has made me feel any better.The only thing that matters to me is my family.So relax and be thankful for what you have.You're freedom and life.I am sure your sister would want you to be happy and free,but you can only be truly free if you let go of the past and stop blaming yourself for what happened to her.I am sure that is part of the reason you're so angry.Letit go.We're not your enemies."

He then replies to Riggings question"Outside of the Priest that was with the group that captured me.No.Idid manage to put a dagger through him before I went down though and I also allowed the elves I was with to escape.That'sone less priest of G'aal in the world.Surprised they didn't kill be on the spot.When I woke up I was in that pen.I don't think they looked me over all that carefully or they would have seen my tatto's.I was already preparing to escape when you guys arrived.Fools left us practically ungaurded and free to move around.I would have been gone by morning anyway."
Smiling he sits back down next Val and puts his arm around her.Sticking his tongue out at Jager"My toy.Not your's."Appolo is quite relaxed and happy.

OOC from ADM Nellie----I wrote this module. It might be nice if ya'll asked me before you went about ad libing...there were no priests of Ga'al with the slavers. The slavers were working on their own and selling to the priests.

Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 10:17:41 PM

The dwarf turns to the Captain " we've been rowing all day , we should be near were the witch Pricilla mentioned Jagar's equipment should be .... i say we put in and rest while Jagar searches " says Nezamil as he wipes his brow clean of sweat

Glancing in towards shore "how bout near them thar trees " asks the dwarf

" lets get ashore " remarks Nezamil

Wednesday November 24th, 2004 12:11:08 AM

Redux finds the banter between the crew uninteresting. He sends up Talon and to look around as they travel on to get a birds-eye view of the terrain. He wonders what the size of the lake is and tries to remember the map from the orc boat. He agrees that it would be nice to spend the night on the shore and travel again in the morning.

Wednesday November 24th, 2004 12:42:39 AM

The half-elf laughs at Rigging's "modesty". Her face breaking out into a wolf grin, she watches as her husband attempts to find his bearings. "You know darling, you don't have to fake being lost for our sakes...we can work out this disagreement without taking extra time." Turning to Val, Ashira shakes her head. "Sister, I think you should ease up on him. He's been through a lot, and that weighs heavy on a person." She gives Valanthe a meaningful glance and then turns her gaze to Jager. "However...I can't believe I'm saying this...Appolo is right. For better or worse, Erik is dead. And you need to find a new reason to live. With all the courage you have shown, I for one would welcome you to the family. We have lots of work to do, and can always use an extra set of hands..." Ashira extends her hands to Jager in a jesture of friendship.

Wednesday November 24th, 2004 1:17:58 AM

Valanthe couldn't help but smile and laugh when Appolo sat down and gave him a quick kiss. However that smile vanished when Ashira looked at her. Valanthe couldn't hold Ashira's gaze and looked away. She knew that Ashira was right but the world sucked and it wouldn't do Jager any good to dwell on things that couldn't be changed.

Wednesday November 24th, 2004 6:52:35 AM

"I will acompany Jager to find his things, the witch said something about thieves and bad gnomes. Sounds like trouble. Jager do you have a weapon? Is there anyone else who want's to go as well?"

Jager (second Illegal post) 
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 1:07:04 PM

Jager takes Mrs. Arrack's hand in friendship and shakes it heartily and adds "My pleasure and well met. I do not believe that I have ever shaken a womens hand before."

Jager Looks at Mrs. Arrack bright blue hair and continues "Growing up, we were taught to greet women that we owe a debt in this manner." Still holding Mrs. Arracks hand, Jager kneels on one knee before her and takes her hand and presses the outside of her palm to his forehead. "I owe you a debt of freedom. My heart, mind and spirit are at your service." Jager lets go of her hand and stands up.

Jager turns to Val and Apollo "I am unsure of your customs, but being a slave so long, I took, Apollo as your property. Powerful masters always kept toys of slaves. I am mistaken as I now see that Apollo is one of your clan. I mean no offense." Jager bows low with hands outstreched, but he keeps his eyes on both Val and Apollo.

Jager looks to Bart. "Thank you for your offer. I can easily find my tools and cloths. I will need to change and bury these rags." Jager points to his slaves cloths. Erik gave me more normal cloths to wear for my missions." Jager spits the word Erik out.

Ari (one legal post behind ;) ) 
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 4:06:37 PM

Having listened to the exchanges of everyone in the group, and the new comer. Ari pipes up, "We have a similar tale to tell, when we came of age at around the same time. Most of it entails the priests of Ga'al, and their accursed seeds.

The short of it is, we do what we can to get rid of the priests. But we'll do more in the long run, by helping our people, and spreading the word about Ga'al. Vengence seems to cloud the mind over, and you tend to do things very rashly, without thinking, at times. " Ari can't help but look at Val. But before he can be blamed for anything, his eyes move on.

"I just wish we could do more for our people."

Then as Ari takes in some of what Jager says Ari points out, "You seem to have belief system that is something new, that we've never encountered before. We may end up asking each other a lot of questions, before this is all over."

Seeing the handshake, Ari smiles for the offer. But he doesn't think that he can offer his own, at this time.

Strange Grove - DM Dominic 
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 4:57:35 PM

Looking at the group of trees Rigging sees that it is a small grove of trees that has a small clearing in the middle that you can just make out.

When the Wildcards approach the grove of trees you can see that there are some sounds from the forest indicating that there is plenty of wildlife in the area.

Talon (George)  d20=19
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 5:10:12 PM

Obeying Redux's orders the owl flaps on silent wings over the trees scanning the ground looking for things. "Oohhh there is a mouse! No have to keep on my job. Well mabye Redux would want to share him with me. No he never wants to eat mice and everything he eats he burns first. What a disgusting habit!"

Talon will start doing circles around the clearing looking for anything interesting.

Rolled a 19 spot check but don't know his pluses

Nezamil  d20+11=29
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 10:39:37 PM

"Eh Captain i think that grove of trees would make an excellent campsite "

As the longboat slides up on the shore the dwarf jumps(d20+11=29 jump ch) out into the surf and helps beach the longboat , once beached Nezamil reaches into the bow of the longboat and grabs the anchor and lodge it in the sand securely " that should stop it from getting away like them orcboats! " comments the dwarf

"who's gonna scrounge us up some fresh meat for dinner ?" suggest the Cleric as he rubs his hands together quickly

" i'll gather some wood from any downed trees or driftwood that has washed ashore......i don't think it would be a good idea to chop any thing down " remarks Nezamil " this is a strange forest indeed so lets be careful"

Nezamil will gather any available wood then dig a firepit for cookin

" maybe we should sing to the forest like Vauhwty and them Dirt City gang did ? "

Wednesday November 24th, 2004 10:41:50 PM

Appolo sits next to Val and replies to Jager."Non taken my friend.Besides I like being her toy.Just relax and enjoy the ride." He notices Ashira's look and Val's reaction.He nibbles at ears"Don't worry about our mother hen over there.She's just jealous that Rigging isn't nibbling on her ear.That is something I'm going to have to talk to him about.She need to be nibbled."He says all this in a whisper directly into Val's ear.

When they reach the clearing,He stays back.

Swirl [Chris] 
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 10:43:25 PM

Swirl buzz's about the campsite then gains altitude and joins Talon circling the camp trying to get the owl to play tag

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 10:45:04 PM

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.Best wishes to you and yours.

My appologies to Nellie.I thought the Priest where with the slavers.My mistake.Very good adventure Nellie.Thank you.

Redux  d20+4=18 d20=4
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 11:58:46 PM

Redux senses that his bird friend is a bit more stressed than he had intended but is unsure as to why. He wonders if the bird's sixth sense picks up something the others miss. He checks around but doesn't find anything out of the ordinary (loosely used for this part of the countryside). He begins to hum to himself--probably sure to scare off the trees rather than put them at ease.

Jager  d20+6=14
Thursday November 25th, 2004 12:04:26 AM

Jager takes in Apollo's words but does not comment and only thinks to himself, What ride is Apollo considering?

At Nezamil's request for fresh meat Jager pipes up. "Stout one, if you or someone else can lend me a bow of some sort, I will attempt to get us some food and scout out the area to get my bearing on where my equipment is stashed." (Survival roll 14 to find game and other food for the group)Jager pauses before continueing. "I normally had to live off the land on my missions for Erik, and the hunting skills of my clan certainly helped." Jager again can not help but spit out the name Erik.

Thursday November 25th, 2004 12:40:22 AM

Rigging will hop lightly from the boats and head into the clearing with his hands on his weapons. He will call out, "Becareful, the witch warned me of bad tempered gnomes in this area. If they found Jagar's and Appolo's equipment, they might have claimed it.

Rigging will walk around the clearing and just to be on the safe side, pull out his wand and detect magic in the area. He has heard gnomes like illusions.

Thursday November 25th, 2004 5:33:04 AM

Jager i guess you are a fighter, or are you more skilled in the silent and stealthy actions, what kind of weapon do you normally use? What knowledge do you have about fighting? Maybe we could train together, learn some new moves from each other. I know some dirty trics you might be interested in.

Finished Campsite - DM Dominic 
Thursday November 25th, 2004 5:08:07 PM

Landing on shore you notice that the clearing is actually a finely prepared campsite. You can see what looks to be a ready supply of firewood and a source of water that is readily accessable inside the clearing.

One of the trees that makes up the outer surrounding trees you find a mark on one of the trees that matches the one that was described to you as being where Jager's equipment is to be found. Searching reveals a hidden storage compartment containing all of Jager's equipment and what turns out to be Appolo's as well.

After a couple of hours you hear the strange sound of something coming towards the campsite from the direction of the forest. A couple of minutes later in walks casually, three turkeys that stand approximately 5' tall and you would guess each is around 200lbs. After a few moments they start to scratch and then the turkeys start to scratch at the ground and start to look for food ignoring the Wildcards.

OOC: Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US.

Nezamil  d20+13=23 d8+8=9
Thursday November 25th, 2004 11:50:18 PM

The dwarf checks out the camp site "hmm seems to be all setup by someone " remarks the dwarf

"wonder if it's them thar Gnomes that Pricilla mentioned ....we should keep an eye out for them "

After a few hours pass the Cleric hears some noise " whats that ??......you here that ??? "

The dwarf slowly draws his mace readying himself for a gnomish encounter , as the turkeys enter the campsite Nezamil chuckles and his face turns red " hmm they look dangerous " grins the dwarf

waiting a few minutes to see if the turkeys flee and when they don't he will slowly edge towards one of the birds and unleash his mace in a mighty swing "by Domi we're gonna eat good tonight" whispers the dwarf "Domi grant me strength (feat of str +7, domain)and his mace arcs down upon the bird (d20+13=23 attack )(1d8+8=9 dam )smashing it's head

"Hey get the others " yells the dwarf

"Jagar you mentioned you your skills of living off the land well here's a chance to show your skills in dressing the bird " grins Nezamil with a hearty laugh

Appolo  d20+10=30
Friday November 26th, 2004 3:31:24 AM

Appolo sees that the camp is already set,he investigets and finds his gear."Hey I think the elves dropped my stuff for me.Look like we were expected."He quickly dons his clothing and armour,weapons as well several daggers a couple of fine swords and his bow.His bed roll and such are also there.

When the turkeys arrive he readies bow and watches as Nezamil takes one down.That seems to startle the other birds but Appolo is ready and let's fly with his arrow at one of the turkeys just before it decides to make a break for it.Scoring a direct hit taking the bird down."Well now we got two turkeys for dinner.Stupid bird wonder right in amongst us like that."

Natural 20.Pretty much a kill shot on a turkey.

Friday November 26th, 2004 3:38:29 AM

"We were warned that we probably shouldn't stick around that much."

When Jager offers to go out and hunt, Ari pipes up, "I'll go with ya. I want to keep in practice"

Ari almost whistles out of reflex, when he see the turkeys enter the camp. Then he sees Nezamil winding up with his meat grinder.

"Though I like my meat tenderized, I'd like to get the living part out of the way, so there's no bruising. Especially if they don't die after the first shot."

Sighing and smiling, Ari moves into help with the cleaning of the turkey.

Friday November 26th, 2004 11:10:32 AM

Bart looks to the giant turkeys (90 kg each?!!) And watch how Nezamil and Apollo attacks two of them. Bart thinks 2 turkeys much be enough for a group meal. Looks like we have nice roosted turkey today. What comes next a gnome with a basket of sweet chestnuts to fill the turkey?

Friday November 26th, 2004 1:02:46 PM

Rigging sees the Wildcard's slaughter the birds and pulls out his bag of holding and starts to group around in it. He pulls out a couple bottles of wine and some other food stuffs (mainly dried fruit and hardtack) and adds it to the pile of foods to be prepared.

"We might be able to make some stuffing out of the hardtack. Anybody have anything else to add?"

Rigging will then go about setting up a spit system to roast the birds with.

Ashira  d20+13=29
Friday November 26th, 2004 4:24:33 PM

The aquatic elf smiles at the turkey shoot/bashing. As the others have said, looks like they will eat well tonight. Having only the basic cullinary skills, Ashira stays away from the preparation of the birds, opting to keep watch (Spot=29) and snuggle up with Rigging...a rare occurance indeed.

Vanishing Turkeys - DM Dominic  d3=2
Friday November 26th, 2004 6:07:52 PM

As Nezamil's swing connects his turkey and one other vanishes. Appolo's arrow strikes true hitting and dropping the turkey giving te Wildcards a nice feast.

As you are eating the turkey you find that it is one of the most tender tasting birds that you have ever had. The stuffing made from Rigging's hardtack along with some wild onions and herbs that Jger and Ari find comes out extreamely good. All of you have an enjoyable meal then settle down and get some much needed rest in this small clearing.

Friday November 26th, 2004 9:58:26 PM

"This is delicious " remarks the dwarf as he takes another mouthful of stuffing "mmm good"

Watching his fellow Wildcards enjoy the meal " we have much to be thankful for ...we have met and made many new friends " Nezamil raises his cup "here's to the Dirt City gang ....Vauhwty ,Olyn ,Theo , Dietrich and the always cheerful Rose ...did i miss anyone ? ...ah yes the quiet but valient Vorelle ....cheers " and the dwarf takes a gulp of the wine

"Anybody else have anything else to add ?" the Cleric glances around

as the meal finishes the dwarf stretches and yawns "ah i could use a nap about now " grins Nezamil .grabbing a blanket and finding a warm place by the fire the dwarf promptly falls asleep

Friday November 26th, 2004 10:01:06 PM

Rigging will have his back against a tree with Ashira leaning against him. He will be strangely sleepy, but shake away the cobwebs. He will call out to the others, "I hate to ruin such a nice feeling with business but I have been waiting for a quiet time to have a discussion with you.

I have been given a lot of thought to the Sword of Redemption, her crew, the Pirates of the Jack,and our family of Wildcards. I am concerned on many levels about our future.

The first thing I am concerned about it us. We haven't been fighting as effectively as we should be. Our opponents are getting tougher and more crafty. I don't want to lose any members, so I am proposing some changes.

The first thing I would like to do is put my lovely wife here." he will engulf her in a hug, "in charge of coordinating our tactics in battle. We have been fighting to much as individuals and not enough team work.

Now Ashira is a fine fighter but doesn't understand the magic end of things as well as she could, so I would like her to work hand in hand with Redux.

I expect you two to drill us, talk with us, and figure out our strengths and weakness. I want recommendations on armor, spells and possible purchase of magic items."

Rigging will look over at the dwarf Nezamil and say, "You are the most versed in healing among us. I want you to work with them closely and give recommendations on items and magic to help us stay health. Should the group buy some more potions or possibly a wand of healing? That will be your area of responsibility."

Von Palin will turn and look at Ari, "Before you went on sabatical, I put you in charge of setting up a network of spies. Have you been getting it organized? What do you need to keep it going and expand it?"

He will turn to Appolo and say, "I want you to help Ari with this. You have a better feel for the streets than he does and a more cynical soul. Necessary tools for spymasters.

Bart, I want you to take possession of Nautoculus and Wayfinder. They still belong to all of us, but I want you to use them and protect them. I have found that I am to busy weaving spells, directing the ship in combat or operations, when I could be using them. I can't think of anyone else I would trust more with their protection."

He will turn and look at Val and smile, "Val I have two jobs for you. First is teaching us all elven. Ashira can help you but it would be an handy battle language for us. Not many Aisidurians know it. Second is recruitment. We have a strong crew, many with skills as great as our own but I want to suppliment them with better sailors. I want sailors who can both sail and fight.

Here is why. I want to either purchase or capture other ships and we will need proven crewman to officer and sail those ships. These crewman would have to be loyal to us and capable of helping us in our sea battles.

Rigging will pause for a second and observe his family and Jagar to see how they are absorbing all of this. He wants to be pacing but his wife is just to comfortable where she is and doesn't want to disturb her.He tries to gauge their mood but decides to plunge on.

"I am not looking for any decisions tonight but I wanted to broach a subject with you. Should we stay in the Pirates or are we ready to branch out on our own?

I am of two minds on the subject. The Pirates are a wonderful source of intelligence for us and a convenient place to recruit and resupply. My problem is the politics. Lately I have had the feeling, that the kings are corrupt and trying to achieve personal power more than fighting Ga'al.

I don't want to totally break from them but I want them more as allies than to work directly with them. Develop our own base, get more ships under us and decide our own missions. I think we are ready but can't make this kind of decision on my own. It affects all of us. What do you think?"

Saturday November 27th, 2004 11:03:54 PM

A fine meal, the warm closeness of her husband's body...life doesn't get any better than this. It's a shame it doesn't last... Ashira smiles at Rigging's announcement. It would be good to have an assignment...keep her mind occupied.

As talk turns to leaving the Pirates, Ashira sighs. She'd been with the Pirates most of her life. It was her way and leaving them seemed almost heretical. Still, Rigging was right... Right now they could probably get more done on their own... Taking a deep breath, Ashira turns her head to face her husband. "I really don't like to share all that much... I think we should go it on our own... if the Jack will let us go."

Sunday November 28th, 2004 10:46:59 AM

Appolo eats and drinks while sitting next to Valanthe.When done he wraps himself around her.

Appolo his snuglled up agianst val when Rigging begins his speach and thinks why don't just take some time for Shira.Appolo is looking at Ashira more then paying attention Rigging,He'll talk to Rigging later.Appolo doesn't think they should leave the Pirates.

Jager  d20+12=24 d20+17=20 d20+6=20 d20+6=11
Sunday November 28th, 2004 2:47:48 PM

The first thing Jager does when he returns with his gear is to burn his slaves tunic. Jager is dress in a outfit of tight fitting layered cloths with many folds. Jager is now wearing gauntles a pendant and several small weapons.

Jager enjoys the gaint turkey feast and comments "These fat birds do not grow this big on the mountain that I came from. Is everything this enormous around hear? I am not a large man, and I have met and watched larger women fight, but we have a couple of big and exotic ones. What other wonders will I see?"

Jager is 5 feet 9 inches tall give or take.

Once the meal is done and Rigging gives his speech Jager excuses himself. Jager needs a walk and will use it to get the lay of the land.

Once outside the campsite, Jager will slink and scout about: Hide in shadows 24, move silent 20, spot 20 and listen 11.

Sunday November 28th, 2004 2:59:45 PM

Ari sits and to enjoy his meal. When Rigging starts to talk, Ari will continue to eat, but will listen attentively.

When asked Ari will respond, "Yes I've been working on the network and there has been some more development. Once we get off of this assignment, I'll be able to give you more feedback. Once I can get in contact and see the state of affairs. I'm thinking that I need some magic that would allow me to talk to my #2 person almost from anywhere in the world. So I can give and receive thoughts and information."

(ooc Dominic and I have touched on it some. But he would need to give me/us feedback on it's currrent state of affairs)

When Rigging asks for Apollo to join Ari, Ari asks, "Do you want him to develop a seperate network? That would possibly help us out with a seperate source of information. Which might come from a different type of individuals. But if you mean for him to work within my oranization, I'm not sure that would be a wise idea. The less people that involved at the top, the less can be given away. Now if you were talking about Apollo maybe doing some recon in the towns that we visit, then I agree with that. "

When Rigging winds down, Ari will pipe up, "Both have possibilities that are advantageous to us. As much as I'd like to part ways with the pirates. I think we're better off if we can figure out which King, if any, to align with. We're going to need a fighting force to be able to support us. The King will be able to provide that for us, much more, than if we try to develop one on our own.

I just don't know if each of us should pursue being a Captain in turn. This would give us the justification to have crews who were loyal to us. Making our following/fleet that much larger.

I don't think we're ever going to really get a way from Politics. With Ga'al branching out to other people and lands. We're going to be criss-crossing borders many times. Unless we want to stay strictly in Asildurian waters?!

Many of us spent that year in the castle learning about what it's going to take to run a kingdom. I don't think we're going to ever walk away from that kind of responsibility. I don't think the Pirate organization has the idea quite right. I don't know if we want to spend time trying to fix that, or just break off when it becomes convenient.

If we do break off from the Pirates, how are we going to keep outfitted? I think we'll have to have our own ties with these different lands, in order to survive.

So I'm thinking that we want to be promoted a little bit more. So that we may be given more autonomy. Maybe we can also convince someone that we might have to start feeling out these other locations. To see who could possibly work with us or the pirates, and not have a need to turn us in to the priests."

Ari remains thoughtful as he continues to contemplate the ramifications of either decision.

Monday November 29th, 2004 1:39:01 AM

"First Rigging if you want more sailors I suggest we get them from places that Ga'al defintely hasn't spread to. While it might be out of the way it will gaurentee that nobody is under his influence one way or another. Second my thoughts are along the same lines as Ari's. I don't trust the entire Pirate orginizaiton anymore, not that I ever really did. There are plenty of ways to get people to work for you without a heartseed. I think there are spies in the orginization that are doing so of their own free will. Plus I get the impression that stopping Ga'al isn't the main objective of all pirates. Remember that friendly non-violent scavenger hunt that we had not to long ago? What were those guys names, copper something or other. Well for those of you that don't know a rival group, similar to our own turned to violence and cheating because we were winning a contest fair and square. Then after that their Captain tried to get us in trouble and he was backed up by a King. Only the Jack saved out butts from their personal vendetta against us. How can we concentrate on Ga'al if we are watching our backs against our own people? We know the Jack has always supported us. We've proven our loyalty to him time and time again. Instead of leaving outright, because we will need help at times, what if we approach the Jack with the idea that we become something like a special expiditary force that reports only to him? That way we get more freedom to pursue our goals and still help the pirates, and get help if the situation calls."

Monday November 29th, 2004 11:13:42 AM

I also have certain thought about the Pirates, I like being a member of that organization. The pirates fight against Ga'al. But I don't like the politics, corruption and sneaky back ways in the top of the organization. I think staying within the Pirates is good, so we have a base to back-up. I see our group as a special taskforce to hit Ga'al on the spots where it hurt most. Such a taskforce must be free to act on their own judgment and not controlled by a king, or a council of kings. I think that we have to persuade the Jack to start a new suit the Suit of Jacks. I don't like the idea to get more ships into our task force. How bigger it becomes, the greater the risk of a leak, and it gets more difficult to control the whole. All the ships we get control off we sent back to base and for the Jack to decide what to do with it. I like the idea to have our base in Isuldur the ruined city we visited, a small base to get our supplies from with one or two small support vessels to get the supplies from the main POJ base.

Rigging I thank you for trusting me the Nauticoulos and the Wayfinder. I promise to use them for our group effort, and I hope I can work as successful with them as you did.
(ooc I know we have got a description about the powers of both items, but I cant find it)

Monday November 29th, 2004 3:46:39 PM

Redux smiles at Rigging's assigment. "About time!! You know, I could do a lot more damage if you fighter types didn't always go dashing in..." Redux yawns and stretches. "But then we'll take care of that soon enough. Now...if you all could just kindly write out what type of equipment you have..." Redux's smile grows larger.

As talk of leaving the Pirates comes up, Redux shrugs. "I like Bart's plan the best. Nice to have the backing of the Pirates, but I think we should be independent."

A plan in the works - DM Dominic 
Monday November 29th, 2004 6:14:04 PM

You spend the rest of the day talking over your ideas for the future of the Wildcards then realize that the rest of the crew aboard the Sword is probably starting to get worried about where you are.

the ruined city of Ilsidur is approximately half a years sailing from your location. you are on the opposite side of the continent from it.
this is according to Jerry.

Monday November 29th, 2004 7:02:44 PM

"Captian do we make camp or should we head out now?" Valanthe asked.

Monday November 29th, 2004 10:45:35 PM

Rigging will look up at the stars and then around at his friends. "I think we should all get a good night sleep and head back in the morning.

We all deserve this one night in peaceful fellowship. We can reflect upon our successes," he will give Ashira another squeeze, "and our futures."

We will head back when we can see. Rigging will hand the artifacts to Bart and finish. You can practice with the telescope if you wish. I wouldn't advise it though. Last time I used it, I was almost sucked into a vortex of woldsblood. Enjoy!" Rigging adds with a grin

Monday November 29th, 2004 10:54:11 PM

Ari tries to patiently wait for Rigging to answer his questions. When no answer is forth coming, Ari assumes they'll be aswered in the morning. Ari continues to muse over the direction that the Wildcards could take.

Rigging (second illegal post) 
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 12:06:17 AM

Rigging will start making a nice cozy bed for both he and Ashria, near the fire for warmth.

He will look up at Ari and say, "I understand you want secrecy to protect your agents but you will have to choose one of us to have the same information that you do. What happens if you die or is some ways worse, are captured and heartseeded. All your information will be exposed.

Maybe you should write them down in some kind of code, and we can look at the list if the worse happens. I want you to work with Appolo. If you think it is best, that he starts up his own spy network, that is ok. Maybe you should divide areas up. He takes one part of the territory and you the other. You can compare information but not sources. Anyway that is for you to work out."

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 12:35:50 AM

Jager comes back from his scouting stroll with not much to report so he does not. Jager sees his strange new companions settling down and he does the same.

Jager still seems uncomfortable with his new surroundings and speaks up. "Captain Arrack, do we need to set a guard. The witch did warn of potential nasties in the area? Who has responsibilities for camp security?"

Rigging 2nd illegal post 
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 1:28:09 AM

Rigging will look at Jagar and say, "I don't need much sleep. Wake me in two hours and I will take the rest of the watches."

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 1:29:59 AM

The dwarf listens to what Rigging has to say "hmm yes i have afew ideas about helping with combat healing and such "nods Nezamil to Rigging " i'll put some more thought into such areas "

Tapping a pouch on his belt "I have that wand of cures we captured not too long ago also , so i think we ok in that for now but i'll keep an eye on the power of the wand " replies the Cleric

With a look and nod at Redux " once back aboard ship Redux and myself can discuss potions to help our fighting effectiveness with Ashira"

Tapping his mace at his side " I'm not as skilled as our warriors Ashira and Bart....and Val is by far the finest warrior i've seen "

"but i can smash and bash pretty good with mace " grins the dwarf

after listen to the rest talk Nezamil falls off to sleep

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 4:48:00 PM

Appolo gets up"That's ok Rigging.You stay with Ashira and get some rest.We'll handle the watches.Oh if we're going to set up a spy network,we'll need gold and lots of it.Good imformation isn't cheap.So the first order of business should be to take down some merchant ships.Low risk,high profit."

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 5:20:48 PM

Ashira smiles warmly at Rigging. Though as he prepares the bed, she makes sure that she is positioned as far away from the fire as possible. Slipping into her plain tunic, Ashira sits next to Rigging while the watches get settled, just happy to be near him without someone waving a sword around. She frowns slightly as Rigging volunteers to take all the watches, but tries to show her support. A good leader bears responsibility on his shoulders, and Rigging was a good leader. As they head to bed, Ashira spoons up next to Rigging and runs her fingers across his chest in a peaceful rythmic manner. Maybe it wasn't perfect, but sometimes this was as good as life got, and she fully expected to enjoy it while it was here. The warmth of Rigging's body lulls her into a peaceful sleep, and just for one blessed night all her dreams are pleasant.

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 7:22:24 PM

After a fresh hot meal and some down time, nothing could be better than a little research. Redux pulls out his spellbook and begins reviewing and memorizing his spells for tomorrow. Never can be too sure. He pays particular attention to Phantasmal Killer. He's not exactly sure why it didn't work on the half-fiend... As he studies, he glances up every once in a while to watch Talon as he hunts. He grins at the dwarf's comment about their work together, but for now, prefers the company of silence.

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 9:10:45 PM

Valanthe slips out of her armor, folding it neatly next to her sleeping area. She presses her body back into Appolo's, pulling his arm around her waist.

"Sorry Captain but watches will be divided equally. You need the rest just as much as we do." Valanthe says for Ashira's benefit more than anything.

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 9:46:23 PM

Rigging will think to himself, "I really don't need the sleep as much as others. This belt of substance helps me out, but it will give me more snuggle time with Ashira."

He will call out...OK I will take the last shift then."

He drifts to sleep and wakes after 2 hours. He will look around and then settle his head back down on his arm and start staring at his wife. He will stroke her hair and wonder at how beautiful she is.

OOC We really need to get into a real good battle. This is getting way to mushy

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 9:50:54 PM

Talon will finish that tasty mouse that he caught and drift down on silent wings to land on Redux's shoulder. He will peer over his shoulder and say in Redux's head, "Make sure you roll your tongue when you say that word. Don't want you goofing up again."

Wednesday December 1st, 2004 2:23:00 AM

Bart eats,rests and smiles when Rigging wants to take the main part of the watches, typically Rigging. He agrees with Val, each of us have to take an equal share of dutys

Returning to the Sword - DM Dominic 
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 3:00:44 PM

As the night goes by the sounds of the forest fades during the night. The watches go by very quietly and uneventfull.

The next morning you set off to return to the Sword of the Seas. You travel uneventfully the entire day and then into the evening you see the outline of the Sword off in the distance. A short while later you arrive at the Sword. The crew sounds as if they are glad to have you back aboard. Niner tells you that the Sword has been keeping out of sight from other ships by staying close to the shore and hiding in small coves and bays. Checking with the rest of the crew you find that the sword is starting to run short on some supplies and that the crew would like to return to Safeport to resupply.

Sorry for the missed post yesterday got busy this morning after waiting for others to post.

Rigging  d20+10=26
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 4:32:45 PM

Rigging will climb on the ship and look around. "Set sail for Safeport! Get those sails raised! Summon the Sharks! Bart activate Nautacoulus!"

Rigging will calculate the course home and see if it is the same as the sextant follows. (navigation roll 26)

Rigging will look at some of the Wildcards and say, "I want to hear plans for what we discussed before we get back into port."He will look at his wife Ashira, Redux and Nezamil..."fighting tactics." He will point at Appolo and Ari, "Spy networks"

He will look at Val and ask, "When are you starting Elvish classes. Find out how many elvish speakers are on the ship and start the classes. I want to include the crew. We can even make everyone have to speak it on the ship exclusively for a couple of days. Immerse them in the language so to speak.

Rigging will then head over to Jagar and say, "Welcome to the Sword of Redemption! If you are going to stay with us for a while you will need to learn how to sail her and find your place among the crew. We don't have any useless passengers on board my ship."

Rigging will call Niner over (the first mate) and introduce him to Jagar. "Find a place for him to sleep and start teaching him seamanship. He is good with his fists and the fighting arts so you don't need to include him in how to fight the ship but he will need seamanship lessons."

Rigging will smile an almost evil smile and say, "Don't forget to teach him how to scrub the decks."

Wednesday December 1st, 2004 7:38:28 PM

Jager is excited to be included as part of the crew of this new an wonderful ship. Jager is wide eyed as he has never been on such a large ship, at least not above deck. "Thank you Captain Arrack. I will consider it part of my honor debt to you and your crew for freeing me. I will do my best to learn what I can as fast as I can."

Jager will talk with Niner to learn where to sleep and store is meger possessions.

Jager will approach Mrs. Arrack and ask "Pardon my intrusion Mrs. Arrack, but what is the name of the lake that we sail on? I have never seen one so large. I can not even see the outline of land on the other shore." Jager will go on after Mrs. Arrack answers. " I understand that Captain Arrack wants everyone to learn Elvish and I expect that you would be a wonderful teacher, but there are many elves in the land and our enemies may also know elvish. I come from a clan that may have been completly wiped out." Jager adds with great emotion. "Leaving me possibly the only survior. I can teach us the Language of the Heit Volken in place of elvish? This will also be part of my honor debt to the crew and it will give me a way for my people to live on, or at least the language."

Redux  8d6(4+3+5+4+2+5+3+2)=28
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 11:13:14 PM

Redux is so very glad to get back to the boat and his regular sack to sleep in. He also missed his workshop room and wanted to get into his studies and make some more scrolls. He starts out planning out his fund level and what types of scrolls he needs to replace from that last battle. He takes out that stone they received and contemplates its value; he'd better ask, it wasn't his special area. (ooc: did anyone appraise them before?) He'll make a trip to the Catacombs, maybe.

He hunts down a chunk of wood and ties the 3 symbols to it. He glances again at their titles and a shiver goes down his spine. He lets the others know what he's up to: float them away from the boat 100 feet or so, and poach some fish. He explains he's going to hit the wood with a fire-ball to destroy it and burn the symbols. This will release the magic and effectively kill or hurt anything close by (ooc -- actually, 60 feet, I figure it'll bring up some fish they can scoop for another meal or two). Everyone ready? 28 pt fireball.

Wednesday December 1st, 2004 11:36:08 PM

Ashira looks up at Rigging barking orders and works very hard not to laugh out loud. "Aye Aye Captain!" she shouts before heading to the armory to take a look at the ship's weaponry. As she is approached by Jager, Ashira smiles. "Well, actually, we left Blackbird lake yesterday. We are now on the open seas...and yes, they're rather large..." Ashira's eyebrow's arch at Jager's proposal of learning an obsolete language. "Yes, yes, that will do perfectly. Begin at once." Ashira looks over her shoulder at the Captain and then back at Jager. "He's not the only one who can give orders, you know." she winks mischievously.

As she rounds the corner, Ashira catches sight of Redux and his pouching. "Good lord Redux, what do you think you're do.....ing..." But it's too late. The damage is done, and the ranger simply shakes her head as she walks by. It was amazing how that mage could find so many different ways to exaggerate the term overkill.

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 12:24:15 AM

Nezamil climbs aboard the Sword " it's good to be back " remarks the dwarf outloud to no one in particular

"ok we'll work out some details on the voyage back to safeport" replies Nezamil to Rigging " i have a few ideas "

the dwarf walks over to the stern of the ship and leans on the railing watching the shoreline disappear as they sail away "I sense the Wold is a crossroad.......our friends from Dirt City have similar goals in making it a better place to live .....good to know we are not alone in our battle .......hmm wonder who else is on ourside " ponders the Cleric as he looks back towards Blackbird lake

Nezamil's train of thought is broken as Redux fires off his fireball " whoa....looks like we're having fish tonight " grins the dwarf at Redux

" My good man we need to get together and work in your workshop " comments Nezamil to Redux " I would like to work on a few potions for us "looking out at where the fireball detonated " maybe something with fire protection " grins Nezamil

"but lets talk in the morning after we're rested from our days journey " the Cleric will head to his hammock stopping to store his equipment then quickly fast asleep in his hammock swinging with the ebb and flow of the ship .

The Cleric sleeps undisturbed even as his anvil pendant glows with Domi's warmth

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 9:34:29 AM

Waking up the next morning, Ari streches and feels rested.

Ari finds Rigging and says, "I believe having a separate source of information is going to work better for us. It would be an independent source of information, and should I fall for one reason or another, it would be uncompromised, and vice verse. If you believe otherwise, please let me know."

As the Wildcards return to the Sword, Ari smiles and feels the warm fuzzy of the closest thing to home.

Seeing as Rigging throws around the orders, Ari will then touch base with Nines and the crew. To see what has transpired, and how thier supplies are lasting. Getting the report that the supplies are a little on the low side. Ari consults with Nines whether rationing is required just yet?

Once business is conducted, Ari will then relay to Nines, and any crewmember who has time to listen. What the Wildcards were able to achieve on land.

Catching Val a little later, Ari reminds her that he can help out with the Elvish classes.

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 10:32:18 AM

Val was wondering hwo she was going to teach the entire crew fluent elvish when Ari offered to help. "That's great. There's just too many people for me to teach quickly. Learning a language is hard and time consuming. Kinda hard to do when almost everybody is needed to run the ship."

Valanthe busies herself about the ship, helping wherever she can. Sometimes good hard work is the best way to clear her mind. As she moves about the ship Valanthe makes a special effort to frequently pass by Ashira, using casual conversation to try and keep her in good spirits.

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