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Returning to the Sword - DM Dominic 
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 3:00:44 PM

As the night goes by the sounds of the forest fades during the night. The watches go by very quietly and uneventfull.

The next morning you set off to return to the Sword of the Seas. You travel uneventfully the entire day and then into the evening you see the outline of the Sword off in the distance. A short while later you arrive at the Sword. The crew sounds as if they are glad to have you back aboard. Niner tells you that the Sword has been keeping out of sight from other ships by staying close to the shore and hiding in small coves and bays. Checking with the rest of the crew you find that the sword is starting to run short on some supplies and that the crew would like to return to Safeport to resupply.

Sorry for the missed post yesterday got busy this morning after waiting for others to post.

Rigging  d20+10=26
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 4:32:45 PM

Rigging will climb on the ship and look around. "Set sail for Safeport! Get those sails raised! Summon the Sharks! Bart activate Nautacoulus!"

Rigging will calculate the course home and see if it is the same as the sextant follows. (navigation roll 26)

Rigging will look at some of the Wildcards and say, "I want to hear plans for what we discussed before we get back into port."He will look at his wife Ashira, Redux and Nezamil..."fighting tactics." He will point at Appolo and Ari, "Spy networks"

He will look at Val and ask, "When are you starting Elvish classes. Find out how many elvish speakers are on the ship and start the classes. I want to include the crew. We can even make everyone have to speak it on the ship exclusively for a couple of days. Immerse them in the language so to speak.

Rigging will then head over to Jagar and say, "Welcome to the Sword of Redemption! If you are going to stay with us for a while you will need to learn how to sail her and find your place among the crew. We don't have any useless passengers on board my ship."

Rigging will call Niner over (the first mate) and introduce him to Jagar. "Find a place for him to sleep and start teaching him seamanship. He is good with his fists and the fighting arts so you don't need to include him in how to fight the ship but he will need seamanship lessons."

Rigging will smile an almost evil smile and say, "Don't forget to teach him how to scrub the decks."

Wednesday December 1st, 2004 7:38:28 PM

Jager is excited to be included as part of the crew of this new an wonderful ship. Jager is wide eyed as he has never been on such a large ship, at least not above deck. "Thank you Captain Arrack. I will consider it part of my honor debt to you and your crew for freeing me. I will do my best to learn what I can as fast as I can."

Jager will talk with Niner to learn where to sleep and store is meger possessions.

Jager will approach Mrs. Arrack and ask "Pardon my intrusion Mrs. Arrack, but what is the name of the lake that we sail on? I have never seen one so large. I can not even see the outline of land on the other shore." Jager will go on after Mrs. Arrack answers. " I understand that Captain Arrack wants everyone to learn Elvish and I expect that you would be a wonderful teacher, but there are many elves in the land and our enemies may also know elvish. I come from a clan that may have been completly wiped out." Jager adds with great emotion. "Leaving me possibly the only survior. I can teach us the Language of the Heit Volken in place of elvish? This will also be part of my honor debt to the crew and it will give me a way for my people to live on, or at least the language."

Redux  8d6(4+3+5+4+2+5+3+2)=28
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 11:13:14 PM

Redux is so very glad to get back to the boat and his regular sack to sleep in. He also missed his workshop room and wanted to get into his studies and make some more scrolls. He starts out planning out his fund level and what types of scrolls he needs to replace from that last battle. He takes out that stone they received and contemplates its value; he'd better ask, it wasn't his special area. (ooc: did anyone appraise them before?) He'll make a trip to the Catacombs, maybe.

He hunts down a chunk of wood and ties the 3 symbols to it. He glances again at their titles and a shiver goes down his spine. He lets the others know what he's up to: float them away from the boat 100 feet or so, and poach some fish. He explains he's going to hit the wood with a fire-ball to destroy it and burn the symbols. This will release the magic and effectively kill or hurt anything close by (ooc -- actually, 60 feet, I figure it'll bring up some fish they can scoop for another meal or two). Everyone ready? 28 pt fireball.

Wednesday December 1st, 2004 11:36:08 PM

Ashira looks up at Rigging barking orders and works very hard not to laugh out loud. "Aye Aye Captain!" she shouts before heading to the armory to take a look at the ship's weaponry. As she is approached by Jager, Ashira smiles. "Well, actually, we left Blackbird lake yesterday. We are now on the open seas...and yes, they're rather large..." Ashira's eyebrow's arch at Jager's proposal of learning an obsolete language. "Yes, yes, that will do perfectly. Begin at once." Ashira looks over her shoulder at the Captain and then back at Jager. "He's not the only one who can give orders, you know." she winks mischievously.

As she rounds the corner, Ashira catches sight of Redux and his pouching. "Good lord Redux, what do you think you're do.....ing..." But it's too late. The damage is done, and the ranger simply shakes her head as she walks by. It was amazing how that mage could find so many different ways to exaggerate the term overkill.

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 12:24:15 AM

Nezamil climbs aboard the Sword " it's good to be back " remarks the dwarf outloud to no one in particular

"ok we'll work out some details on the voyage back to safeport" replies Nezamil to Rigging " i have a few ideas "

the dwarf walks over to the stern of the ship and leans on the railing watching the shoreline disappear as they sail away "I sense the Wold is a crossroad.......our friends from Dirt City have similar goals in making it a better place to live .....good to know we are not alone in our battle .......hmm wonder who else is on ourside " ponders the Cleric as he looks back towards Blackbird lake

Nezamil's train of thought is broken as Redux fires off his fireball " whoa....looks like we're having fish tonight " grins the dwarf at Redux

" My good man we need to get together and work in your workshop " comments Nezamil to Redux " I would like to work on a few potions for us "looking out at where the fireball detonated " maybe something with fire protection " grins Nezamil

"but lets talk in the morning after we're rested from our days journey " the Cleric will head to his hammock stopping to store his equipment then quickly fast asleep in his hammock swinging with the ebb and flow of the ship .

The Cleric sleeps undisturbed even as his anvil pendant glows with Domi's warmth

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 9:34:29 AM

Waking up the next morning, Ari streches and feels rested.

Ari finds Rigging and says, "I believe having a separate source of information is going to work better for us. It would be an independent source of information, and should I fall for one reason or another, it would be uncompromised, and vice verse. If you believe otherwise, please let me know."

As the Wildcards return to the Sword, Ari smiles and feels the warm fuzzy of the closest thing to home.

Seeing as Rigging throws around the orders, Ari will then touch base with Nines and the crew. To see what has transpired, and how thier supplies are lasting. Getting the report that the supplies are a little on the low side. Ari consults with Nines whether rationing is required just yet?

Once business is conducted, Ari will then relay to Nines, and any crewmember who has time to listen. What the Wildcards were able to achieve on land.

Catching Val a little later, Ari reminds her that he can help out with the Elvish classes.

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 10:32:18 AM

Val was wondering hwo she was going to teach the entire crew fluent elvish when Ari offered to help. "That's great. There's just too many people for me to teach quickly. Learning a language is hard and time consuming. Kinda hard to do when almost everybody is needed to run the ship."

Valanthe busies herself about the ship, helping wherever she can. Sometimes good hard work is the best way to clear her mind. As she moves about the ship Valanthe makes a special effort to frequently pass by Ashira, using casual conversation to try and keep her in good spirits.

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