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Feng/ Jerome 
Friday January 14th, 2005 9:48:16 AM

Jerome pushes Shandy and the Princess aside and stands under his own power for the first time in hours. Jerome draws his blade and to much suprise, holds it firmly in his hands. He thought about using his shield but both hands were needed for the sword so his shield remained on his back. Even at full strength Jerome didn't know if he could win against Storm in a fight but perhaps he wouldn't have to. This was a strange land and the unusual can happen. Maybe they could get out of this if they played their cards right.

Friday January 14th, 2005 11:37:57 AM

Tratain wanders around the compound Helping the slaves like normal wait for the signal from Renik to see if they are going to enact thier plan agaist the Mage today.

0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Bless; Shield of Faithx2; Divine Favor;Prot. From evilx2;Comprehend language(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Endurancex2; Bull's Strength; Delay Poison; Silence (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Dispel Magicx2; Searing Light; (Protection from Energy)
4th Level: Tongues; Divine Power; Death Ward; Dimensional Anchor (Spell Immunity)
5th Level: True Seeing; Righteous Might; Quickened Divine Favor(Flame Strike)
6th Level: Heal; (Blade Barrier)

Friday January 14th, 2005 3:12:09 PM

"Unfortunately I do not have the spell to make us ethereal, however a dispel magic should get rid of the alarm. Anyway we are going to need to act quickly here if we want to take out the drow. The way it sounds we should be able to get some help here too. I think if we tell the prince that we'll take some slaves and the tapestry we can help him, then we promise the tapestry to the snake people for their help agains the giants. Perhaps we could bribe the derro into helping out as well."

0 Level: Detect Magic x2, Light, Read Magic x2
1st Level: Burning Hands, Magic Missile x5, Protection from Evil
2nd Level: Rope Trick, Scorching Ray x4, Extended Shield, Extended Mage Armor
3rd Level: Displacement, Dispel Magic, Silent Scorching Ray x2, Fly, Lightning Bolt
4th Level: Dimension Door x2, Evard's Black Tentacles, Ice Storm, Stone Skin
5th Level: Summon Monster V x2, Cone of Cold, Wall of Force
6th Level: Chain Lightning x2, Veil

Renik (Invisible)  d100=33 d20+19=31 d20+21=29 d20+14=32 d20+14=19 d20+20=32 5d6(3+2+6+1+1)+7=20 d20+15=32 5d6(5+3+3+3+4)+7=25 d20+18=37 d20+18=33 6d6(2+3+4+5+1+3)+6=24 d20+13=24 5d6(4+3+5+4+6)+3=25
Friday January 14th, 2005 4:17:28 PM

"Agreed, it is time to strike. Arien, ready your spells. When the mage goes for his meditation today we attack. If we succeed I want you to impersonate the mage, assist Feng subtly to win us the game tonight, then return to the mage's house and when alone teleport away with the Tapestry and any treasure you can manage. If you act angry at the contestants for failing to bring you back treasure you should be able to keep communication with the 2 bodyguards to a minimum."

Then the rogue approaches Ssakkar-rie and suggests they might be willing to help in any attempt to gain the Tapestry after tonight's events. It will cost 1000 GP a man, half up front, half afterwards, and the assurance that the Lizardfolk have their back should any fighting commence.

(OOC: What was the response to Renik's visit to the Derro last post? If the response was positive he will attempt to get them to make a raid tonight for the tapestry, and offer the services of the party, requesting half of any available fee up front.)

He will then visit the giant chief and tell him that the perfect opportunity for a coup has arisen. He has discovered that after tonight's events the Lizardfolk intend to attack the wizard and steal the tapestry. If the giant Prince should "discover" this assault and raise the alarm, in the confusion they will have the opportunity to catch the king and his eldest son unawares. If worked carefully and under cover of dark they may well be able to pin the blame on the Lizardfolk. If that doesn't work they will succeed by force of arms instead. He agrees to the giant's terms, and requests half of the 5000GP up front.

Then, when the mage is alone Renik calls Arien, Sarigar and Tratain to him. "Get ready. Cast whatever preparatory spells you require, and let us get close to the mage's house. Here's a Telepathy scroll, so that we can communicate silently. Ready your Dispel Magic, I will blink inside, invisible, having drunk this non-detection potion, and locate the mage. When I call you. teleport inside and cast whatever spells you can to assist me."

"Remember this; this is a high risk strategy, and may very well go awry. Be prepared to fight if needs be. We may need to think fast if things don't go according to plan."

When everyone is ready Renik makes his move. With the Dispel Magic cast he blinks inside, tries to locate the wizard as quietly and quickly as he can, then gets in position to attack.

(OOC: not sure what to post, so I'll post everything I can think of, please use whatever's relevant.

Blink: made roll
Move Silent: 31
Hide: 29
Listen: 32
Spot: 19

If he gets into position, full round of attacks as he calls for Arien to port in. Attack made invisible and floating above/ behind the mage.

Attack 1: AC 31: 20HP
Attack 2: AC 32: 25HP
Attack 3: AC 37: Crit: 24 HP
Attack 4: AC 24: 25HP

Total: 94HP dmg.

Friday January 14th, 2005 7:11:09 PM

Being ever vigilant, Shady takes in the scene and tries to find any benefit for the Knight. As a last thought Shady adds," Princess, can you give the Knight a gift. Something that might inspire him when things might be their bleakest!"

Sarigar and Black Paws 
Friday January 14th, 2005 11:28:40 PM

ooc: Do you hand all of us a scroll? If so...

Sarigar unrolls the scroll, looking at the writing upon it with a very confused look. He turns the parchment in various directions trying to make heads or tails out of it. He then looks back at Renik with a look of, why?

ooc: Sarigar is illiterate. However, in all other respects...

The brothers try to push aside their gloom and steel themselves for the possible encounter to come. Holding his brother by the scruff behind the ears, Sarigar just stares into his eyes as if talking silently to him. With each passing moment, more and more of Black Paws fangs begin to show. In a like manner, Sarigar's own teeth begin to show and surprisingly enough, his own canines begin to extend and become quite fang-like.

When their "conversation" is over, the melancholy is gone, replaced by cold look of death. Sarigar no longer stands completely upright, instead, crouching on all fours, claw-like fingernails digging slightly into the floor. Black Paws hackels stand high and at full bristle.

The hunt is on and the brothers are more than ready...

Saturday January 15th, 2005 2:29:12 AM

Draax smiles at the giant's remark about the Drow, "Yea, I share your sentiment about the wizard. So, when do you plan to attack?"

Proper Planning Pays (Tenth Day) (DM Cayzle) 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 10:02:03 AM

In Bone Castle

The Snake Men, the Derro, and the giant prince are all receptive. They are ready -- or so they think! The Derro, though, seem nervous, stressed out, and on edge.

Renik puts his plan to kill the drow into action. Now, sometimes events conspire against you, and the best laid plans gang aglee. But not this time!

Renik and Arien find themselves standing over the dead body of Caunas Methar, the drow wizard. You are in a simply furnished room with the Tapestry, a couch (the body is on that, and boy is it soaked with blood!) a few chairs, and a desk. A chest is under the desk. Renik recognizes it as the magically trapped chest he saw the last time he was here. I'll assume a quick detect magic reveals that the wizard has a pearl, a bag, a cloak, and several scrolls. Of course, the Tapestry is magical. What do you do next?

Sarigar and Tratain are poised to spring into action in case events go belly up -- but so far there is no need for them to act!

Draax continues to cozy up to the young giant prince. But Hadram plays his cards close to his chest. He gives Draax 2,500 gold and tells him to wait for his signal.

In the Tapestry

Jerome steels himself and mentally prepares for the coming conflict. The Princess listens to Shandy (with an "n," by the away), and offers Jerome a small square of cloth. "I hope this token will inspire you to noble acts," she tells him. "But you know that he is the strongest knight in the realm, and cannot be defeated in a fight. What will you do, my champion?"

Storm advances, and declares, "Prepare to die, weakling!" He draws his sword and shield.

Renik  d20+9=19
Sunday January 16th, 2005 6:18:35 PM

The rogue stands over the bloody body of his victim, concentrating on keeping his breathing controlled and features calm. Once he is sure he has himself under control he looks up at Arien.

"OK, so far so good. Arien, can you disarm the magical trap on that chest with another Dispel Magic? Most likely the book Caunas used to control the tapestry is within it. I'll stash the pearl, cloak and scrolls in my magical pockets, though I'm not going to risk the bag. I've heard horror stories about placing one magical storage device inside another. Everyone, let's search the apartment for that book, money and anything else useful. Be swift, the hourglass is against us." (Search 19)

Renik locates a goblet and some drink and arranges it so that both wine and poison spatter on the floor. He hopes it will look as if someone attempted to poison the wine, but was interrupted and resoprted to more straightforward means of assassination. The vial he places beneath the couch, as if it had rolled there during the fracas.

If they find the book Renik will suggest they try to influence the Tapestry at once, Arien taking control, whilst the others keep a lookout for the Drow bodyguards.

"Feng's time may be running short, and I suspect that all hell will break loose tonight at the feast. Better we control events now, get Feng out and prevent the others from leaving. Then I fly out with the Tapestry and hide it at the rendezvous point, we make Feng invisible and he heads out there too, to wait for the rest of us. The bodyguards will discover the body and raise the alarm, and with luck when the Tapestry is found to be missing a fight will break out. With all the factions suspecting the others of having stolen the Tapestry we should end up with complete chaos if we help events along a little. Let me hear your thoughts and suggestions for this or alternative plans of action if you have them."

Sarigar and Black Paws  d20+1=15 d20+15=32 d20+14=23
Sunday January 16th, 2005 7:18:16 PM

The brothers search through the house with nose and eyes (Search 15, Spot 32). The book and coins being primary on their search list, they also pocket or bring anything else of interest to Renik. With their earlier preparations still in effect, they are not exactly subtle with their search.

The whole while, they occasionally stop and listen for anyone approaching (Listen 23).

Shandy/Rond (love my memory! ;) ) 
Sunday January 16th, 2005 10:24:54 PM

Shandy uses his keen eyes to look at the approaching warrior, as he helps his knight with tying down the item from the princess.

Sunday January 16th, 2005 10:55:43 PM

Draax nods his head as the prince hands him the money, "We will wait for your signal." He leaves the prince secretly hoping that all hell will break out before the prince has an opportunity to give a signal.

When back with the others Draax suggests that as soon we hear about what happened, we immediately start complaining that someone sabotaged the game because our player was winning and that they return Feng and Rond to us immediately. The fact that Feng was winning should give us an alibi.

Monday January 17th, 2005 12:48:46 AM

Tratain stays with the others waiting to see what happens at the feast this night.

Feng/ Jerome 
Monday January 17th, 2005 6:31:53 AM

Jerome holds his sword ready but he hopes that it won't come to that. For if it does, victory would be slim indeed.

"Then why are you raising your sword and shield? There is no death for us here in this land. Even if you strike me down I will live. If you truly want to fight to the death let us fight once we return to our own land." Jerome offers.

The Bloody Aftermath (Still Tenth Day) (DM Cayzle)  
Monday January 17th, 2005 11:45:34 PM

In Bone Castle

Renik waits for Arien to cast his dispel. He sets up a tableau to tell a story of poison gone wrong. He places the precious items he finds in his magic pockets; but the magic bag he holds in his hand.

Sarigar stealthily enters the house and sniffs around. He believes that the two other drow elves are through a closed door. Sarigar comes to the study and lets Renik know what he has found.

Drax and Tratain are standing right outside the Drow house at this time. They can enter if they desire.

By the way, based on your 10-day-long stay here, you estimate that there are about eight snake folk, three mind flayers and 14 derro. Only the Prince of the giants has given you any cash up front. The derro seem too distraught over the death of their leader, and Renik gets no cash from them. The snake-men are too cautious.

In the Tapestry

Shandy makes sure the lady's token is affixed to Jerome. He keeps his eyes open, and sees that Storm is direct and not too bright.

Jerome suggests obliquely that the giant should join him in a fight outside the Tapestry. Storm does not seem to get it. "I'll smash you now, pipsqueak! But you can buy some time by begging for mercy!"

Arien  d20+10=29
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 6:16:11 AM

Arien casts dispel magic on the alarm and follows up with a detect magic to make sure the spell is gone. Once sure the spell is gone he lets Renik know and waits for instruction, Renik was more skilled at this sort of thing so Arien was content to let Renik dictate the action.

(Dispel Check 29)

Renik  d20+9=12 d20+9=17 d20+16=28
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 12:42:44 PM

Renik urges everyone to be completely silent. If the bodyguards are on the premises they must act with extreme caution.

The rogue checks the chest for any further traps (Search 12), the carefully opens it and goes through the contents, remaining on the lookout for traps inside (Search 17).

If he finds the book he opens it and finds the current page. He will examine the item and attempt to determine if it required the use of magic to operate, or if it is simply a matter of writing events (UMD 28).

If the item proves to be straightforward he will perform the following actions. If it looks like advanced magic is required he will ask Arien to perform them.

"Let's give Feng a hand. We need to infuence events in the Tapestry swiftly.

(OOC: Are the party aware of the current developments in the Tapestry?)

He writes "As the princess' token was attached a miraculous change took place. The embattled knight's wounds healed over, he grew in stature and might, and his armour, sword and shield burned brightly with a white magical fire, as the purity of the princess and the righteousness of his cause suffused him with supernatural might."

"OK, let's move out." he says quietly. "I have a wand of invisbility, so everyone take a charge, we grab the tapestry and high-tail it out of here to the rendezvous point. We can decide how to proceed from there, once we have Feng and Rond back."

(OOC: How long until the nightly meeting?)

Sarigar and Black Paws  d20+30=35 d20+25=45 d20+19=32
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 1:37:01 PM

The brothers accept the invisiblity and sneak out of the house (Hide 35, Move Silently 45) and make way to the escape route they scouted a few days ago. They wait at the exit until Black Paws has noted everyone else has left (Smell allows him to pinpoint even invisible creatures within 5 feet), then slip out themselves.

Outside the wall, they attempt to hide any trail the party is leaving behind so as to confound anyone attempting to follow and/or track them (Survival 32)

Feng/ Jerome 
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 4:51:02 PM

Only by sheer determination and force of will was Jerome standing tall, blade raised before him. Never has his body hurt so badly but he couldn't afford to fall. Not here, not now. Not with so many depending on him. He's guessing the Princess was the objective all along since events swirled around her.

"If you fail to understand how you could benefit from a true fight between us then that is your own stupidity and I thought orcs were dumb." Jerome says.

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 5:08:36 PM

Tratain does as Renik instructs but he reminds him "We have to save the slaves here at some point. Is leaving right now the best option? Or maybe the better Plan would be one goes to hide the tapestry at the rendezvous point. If we all go missing with the tapestry your ruse with the poison won't hold. But if you sneak out, Hide it and the rest of us stay we may be able to influence the events here to our benefit."

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 6:51:49 PM

Draax agrees with Tratain, "Hide the tapestry and let Sarigar and Black Paws guard the location, they have not been seen much in the company of the giants and their absence should not draw any attention to them. We should remain here and go through the motions of being as upset as everyone else, especially since our friends will be missing too."

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 4:07:45 AM

(OOC: Apologies for 2nd post, but to speed things along...)

Renik agrees with Tratain and Draax. If possible he and Sarigar will take the Tapestry, invisible, to the rendezvous point.

A Little Improv Never Hurt Anybody (Still Tenth Day) (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 7:12:38 AM

[OOC: This is the Tuesday DM Post for Windhorn Hamlet. Really, it is Tuesday. The Wednesday post will be made before midnight on Wednesday. Really, it will be! :-) ]

In Bone Castle

Renik and Arien think that the magical trap is disabled by the dispel magic, but how long will it stay disabled? So they very quickly open the box, remove the contents, and close it again.

Inside are several bags filled with coins, by the heft of them, and the magic Tapestry book.

[The last the party knew, Storm had arrived. Those outside the Tapestry have not seen the princess give Jerome her token. Note that the image on the Tapestry right now is of a view of a castle, and it is static and non-moving.]

Renik's initial attempts to "work" the Tapestry are unsuccessful.

Renik uses his wand to make everyone invisible who wants to be so. He and Sarigar sneak the Tapestry out of the fort. Renik currently has all the loot in his magic pockets except the magic bag and the tapestry. What exactly does he leave at the rendez-vous?

In about an hour the corpse will be discovered. You can imagine the uproar that will ensue. Who will be in the fort at that time?

The nightly feast is in a few hours. Who exactly will be there?

In the Tapestry

Storm growls and advances. What will you do?

Sarigar and Black Paws  d20+30=41 d20+16=27 d20+19=29
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 12:52:21 PM

The brothers take up a silent vigil over the tapestry, book and any other items that Renik leaves in their care.

Figuring that watching over the items alone may not be completely safe, they dig a shallow hole nearby (Sarigar has a shovel in his pack). Sarigar wraps the items in his bearskin and burys them carefully, covering them with nearby rocks and such to make it look as undisturbed as possible (Hide 41, Knowledge Nature 27 to avoid damaging the items in this way).

The brothers then set up a little camp away from the spot, but within sight, and careful to hide any tracks they might have left leading to and from the hiding spot (Survival 29 for counter tracking). Unless it gets unbearably cold, they will keep the camp cold, and any fire they do need to start will be as small as possible.

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 4:22:00 PM

If Renik is unable to work the Tapestry he will urge Arien to do his best to influence it before they leave the mage's house.

Once at the rendezvous point Renik leaves everything he lifted from mage's place (including the Tapestry), wishes Sarigar good luck and heads back to the fort (invisible, flying).

He suggests that the party continue their normal routine until the bodies are discovered. Then all bets are off. It up to them to spread as much mischief as they are able, attempting to get the factions to turn on one another.

"Draax, as soon as everyone is gathered and tempers are high you get to work work on the Giant prince. Suggest this is the time to strike against the king whilst he is focused on the Derro. Magic users, if you have any spells that might effect the mood of the groups feel free to cast them. I will work the Lizardfolk, trying to get them to attack Derro also. Assuming a battle begins let's keep as far out of it as we can. Let them take each other down. Try to get the factions to attack one another instead of us. Try to stick with ranged attacks if you can, focusing on the faction leaders if possible. But bear in mind that events aregoing to be chaotic. There is just as great a chance that they will all turn on us, or will refrain from fighting altogether. Be ready for anything."

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 5:14:34 PM

At a relative loss for what to do next, other than to fight. Shandy tries to remember the tales of his youth, and what the hero would do in these situations.

Should he help his friend with this challenge, and try to ensure their escape?! Would the story keep them from leaving? What would make sense in this fairy tale land?

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 5:41:44 PM

Draax agrees with Renik's instruction and goes back to the place their host provided for them to relax while he waits for the body to be discovered. He runs different scenarios in his head about how the giants will react to the news, but decides to just wait and see and be ready for anything.

Feng/ Jerome 
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 8:51:03 PM

"This clears everything up Strom. It seems that even here you are a coward. If you were a true warrior you would have stood first against me. Even if you manage to defeat me now your reputation will sour. So you beat a man that is severely wounded, big deal. You will hear these words often. You must be afraid of me to battle me now, such as I am." Jerome says as he desperately tries to figure out how a fairy tale can save him now. Unfortunately all he can think of are the tragedies that fill them.

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 10:15:35 PM

Tratain stays with the group and tries to stay out of the arguements that break out over the loss of the Tapestry, but ready to respond to any threats that may arise against himself or his companions.

Strange Calmness (Still Tenth Day) (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 11:10:30 PM

Sarigar stays with all the loot gathered from the mage: The Tapestry, and everything. He hides it well, and keeps a low profile.

About an hour after the mage's death, word gets out. Things get tense, sudden-like. The two drow enter the castle and don't come out. Word passes among the giants. But the "lesser races" are not told that anything is amiss.

Does anyone spread the word among the derro, snake-man, or mind flayers?

Then comes the time for the nightly feast. Do you adjourn to the great hall as usual?


[OOC: We may be about to get into a tense situation. Also note that Setanos and Shawn/Old Man are pretty much awol. I'm sorry that Sarigar, Rond, and Feng are not present. Would you three like to run the three NPC groups? The mind flayers, the derro, and the yuan-ti? Please e-mail me at cayzle@yahoo.com if you do -- because otherwise I fear you may be twiddling your thumbs a bit. The situation with Storm will not resolve until the Tapestry is on display.]

Thursday January 20th, 2005 3:27:42 AM

Arien does his best to try to help Feng out within the tapestry. Arien writes in the book, "As the mighty Storm advances on Jerome, the knight steels himself for the battle. Suddenly a small bird alights itself on Jerome's shoulder, a berry clutched in one foot. The bird chirps at the knight and somehow Jerome is able to understand the bird. "I have watched they battles Sir Knight and I would aid thee now. Take this berry and eat of it and thy wounds shall be healed and you will be refreshed as if thee had slept a night beneath my wings." The bird then extends its claw to Jerome so that he can take the fruit."

That done Arien closes the book and hands it to Renik. Then making sure he wasn't leaving behind any incriminating evidence he teleports back the party's room.

Thursday January 20th, 2005 10:19:55 AM

Draax heads toward the feast with the others. He is surprised there has been no alarm. "I guess the chief is smarter that we thought. The group that does not appear at the dinner will have to be the guilty party and if everyone appears he will have the guilty party within his reach. I suggest we go and ask to puts bets on Feng to beat the prince and then let the chief tell us what happened before we try to manipulate the others."

Sarigar and Black Paws 
Thursday January 20th, 2005 12:52:47 PM

The brothers watch over the "recovered items" in turns, each napping for a while, then waking so the other may watch. This way, at least one is always alert and relatively fresh.

Thursday January 20th, 2005 1:53:15 PM

The rogue agrees with Draax. "Yes, let's just play it easy for now. Make out nothing is wrong, bet as normal. We must act outraged when the Tapestry is announced as missing; what about our men and so on. Who has cheated us out of our win? But we may be in for more trouble than we bargained for..."

Derro Blood Spilled (Still Tenth Day) (DM Cayzle)  d20+19=32 [Bluff check to send a message]
Thursday January 20th, 2005 11:32:55 PM

In Bone Castle

Arien tries to write in the magic book, but when he puts pen to the paper, no ink flows. He cannot put any words in the book. It is as if the pen were dry.

The feasting hall is fully 100 feet square. The feasting table is a U-shaped thing (actually, three table lashed together). Look for a map in the morning.

At the open end of the U is where the Tapestry is usually set up.

If you make a spot check vs DC10, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You note that although usually some giants are armed and some are not, tonite every giant is armed and armored. The king and the prince have half plate and greatswords. The others have chain shirts and greatclubs.}

The king and his younger son enter the room. The son, Hadram, pauses to talk with each group of "guests." To Renik, he says, using his Bluff skill to send a secret message, "I don;t know if you took it, but if so, your only hope is to not reveal where it is. If you do, I'll kill you myself! Keep quiet, and you might yet live."

But tonite there is no Tapestry. In its place, the king stands with his younger son. Between them is one of the derro.

The king says to the derro, "Where is it?"

The derro collapses on the floor, shrieking, "NO! I DON'T KNOW! IT WASN'T ME!"

The king swings his sword three times. The prince swings his sword three times. The derro's body, in about a half dozen pieces, lies on the floor.

The king's canines (and are there more than usual tonite?) gulp down the gobbets. There are flames in their mouths as they wolf down guts and limbs.

The remaining two drow look on, with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

The king says, "Next!" Two giants grab another derro and bring him up. You may note that there has been no explanation of what is going on, no explanation. But it seems safe to assume that everyone knows the essence.

[OOC: Phillip, I'll e-mail you tomorrow. Thanks!]

Draax AC25, HP110  d20+5=20 d20+5=9
Friday January 21st, 2005 1:55:37 AM

Draax makes a mental note of the how armed the giants are (spot check 20), but he expected as much. He looks on a little confused at first as the giants ask the first derro questions, but nods his head as if watching giants killing derros was no big deal. He folds his arms in front of his chest and waits to see if the king will ever give an explanation or just keep killing derros. Draax also wonders what the king will do when he runs out of derros. He mentally does an inventory of his weapons and does a casual scan with his eyes to see where the exits to the hall are (spot check 9).

Friday January 21st, 2005 10:58:36 AM

Tratain looks on at the executions but is ready to move the instant that the Giants make a move agaisnt any of the party.

Sarigar and Black Paws 
Friday January 21st, 2005 12:55:11 PM

The borthers continue their silent vigil.

Arien  d20+9=28
Friday January 21st, 2005 2:50:28 PM

Arien notices how the giants are all armed and immediately starts planning a way to even the odds up should this turn into a fight.

A Map By Cayzle (Not the Daily DM Post) 
Friday January 21st, 2005 4:24:09 PM

Friends, here is a map of the feasting hall. Enjoy!

The Derro (Still not the DM daily post)  d20+20=23 d20+20=28 d20+20=39 [3 giant AoOs hit] 2d8(1+1)+15=17 2d8(4+7)+15=26 2d8(8+8)+15=31 [AoO damage] d3=3 d3=3 d3=1 d3=3 d3=1 d3=2 d3=1 d3=1 d3=1 [DM rolls] d20=2 d20=6 d20=15 d20=7 d20=4 [more DM rolls] d20+7=18 d20+7=24 [crossbow shots] d6=4 [bolt dam] d8=5 [sb dam] d20+10=24 d20+10=29 [Hide checks] d20=10 d8+1=7
Friday January 21st, 2005 5:12:45 PM

The derro have been on edge ever since their leader emerged from the Tapestry in a coma, in which he still remains. The two apprentices have barely been able to keep control.

But the murder of one of them, and the prospect of execution of all at the hands of giants, sends the beings over the edge!

They begin to speak in tongues, or anyway, to babble uncontrollably.

They all spring into action, as chaos reigns.

Derro 2, 6, and S all provoke attacks of opportunity as they act. All three are hit with large greatclubs, for 17, 26, and 31 points of damage each! Derro 2 is down, Derro 6 is dead, and Derro S is gravely wounded.

Four Derro dart under the table -- easy for them since they are small. Five, including both apprentices, try to climb onto the table.

Only one makes it, Derro 5. He moves to 28O, drawing his crossbow as he moves, and firing at Giant 7. He misses.

Derro 1 moves to 33N and also fires at Giant 7. He hits for 4 plus poison.

Derro 3 moves to 30N and creates Darkness. You can see through it, but inside the darkness you have a 20% miss chance.

Derro 4 moves to 29O and casts Sound Burst on Giant 7 (5 damage plus fort save 15 or stunned).

Derro 7 moves to 19P, creates Darkness, and hides (24).

Derro 8 moves to 18P and hides too (29).

Derro 9 tries to jump on the table again, succeeds, and moves to 15O.

Derro S, dripping blood, takes a five foot step under the table to 17O and drinks a potion, regaining 7 hp.

Derro V takes a five foot step under the table to 16O and reads a scroll of Sanctuary.

The Drow and the Yuan-Ti (still not the DM post) 
Friday January 21st, 2005 5:19:46 PM

These two groups remain still. No one chooses to use a spell or spell-like power, since that might draw an attack. Although it seems that giants 13, 14, and 15 have already used their AoOs, judging by the blood and bodies on the floor.

The Illithid 
Friday January 21st, 2005 7:43:35 PM

Seeing the brash actions of the Derro, especially so close, the Illithids momentarily look at each other, give a simple nod, then slip under the table.

#1 moves to h31
#2 moves to i32

Both are simply moving to avoid the fracass and save their own slimy skins.

Draax AC25, HP110  d20+9=27
Friday January 21st, 2005 10:45:28 PM

Draax is not surprised by the derros' negative reaction to being slaughtered like lambs. Since the fight is not coming in his direction he does not draw his weapons. Instead he climbs (climb check 27) on the table (17J) and waits to see if the other giants and/or other groups will join the fray.

More Derro Blood Spilled (Still Tenth Day) (DM Cayzle)   d20+14=32 d20+14=27 [G7 saves] d20+20=22 2d8(1+4)+15=20 d20+15=23 d20+10=13 2d8(2+1)+15=18 d20+20=28 d20+15=18 d20+10=17 2d8(2+8)+15=25
Friday January 21st, 2005 11:59:17 PM

Giant 7 shrugs off the sound blast and the poison with a laugh.

Derro 5 at 28O and Derro 9 at 15O, both of whom are on the table, are obvious targets. Giant 15 goes after Derro 9 and kills him; Giant 13 goes after Derro 5 and kills him.

The other giants hold their position and laugh at the derro.

The king calls out loudly, "If someone steps up and tells me where it is, no one else has to die. Otherwise all will!"

[OOC: Map to come in a.m.]

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 11:58:44 AM

Sorry, guys! No map yet! Those with wives may understand!)

old man (in tapestry) 
Saturday January 22nd, 2005 5:21:47 PM

Attempting to distract Storm the old man cackles at him madly.


His boney arms and legs shake crazily in the air.

Renik  d20+13=21 d20+14=20
Sunday January 23rd, 2005 10:03:43 AM

Now this looks dangerous, thinks the rogue, and will achieve little save the slaughter of these derro. They seem to be making a particularly poor account of themselves. Still, his attempt at framing them seems to have succeeded.

He makes a show of first looking confused (responding to Hadram with a mystified shrug), then noticing the Tapestry is missing, realisation dawning on his face as the king starts killing derro. He scowls furiously at the derro, and a look of grim satisfaction settles on his face as they start to fall (Bluff 21). He mutters "What of my men? What of my bets? You little scum, if harm has befallen either..."

But as he watches the slaughter his mind is working overtime. How to turn this to their own advantage? The key lies in splitting the giants, but right now that doesn't seem possible. The chaos he was hoping for has not transpired. The king is clearly too wily for that. Best to sit tight and wait for an opening, he reasons. Pretty soon he figures attention is likely to swing towards the party. At that point he will have to try and sow whatever mischief he can.

Renik elects to wait and see, sending questioning glances at Hadram. He also tries to identify which of the giants present are loyal to Hadram (Spot 20)

(OOC: Cayzle, could you let me know the giant numbers if the Spot is successful?).

A new map 
Sunday January 23rd, 2005 12:18:09 PM

Please use this URL for the new map. Next DM Post will be Monday Night. Actions?

Todd, I'll e-mail you about playing monsters.

Tratain  d20+9=17
Monday January 24th, 2005 12:32:18 AM

Tratain stays ready to act if the giants attack any of the party. Tratain attempts to see if The giants loyal to Hadram have any Markings or such that set them apart from the ones loyal to the king(Spot 17)

The Illithid 
Monday January 24th, 2005 11:03:14 AM

The pair of Illithid continue to the nearest corner of the room (sorry, no coordinates as the map site seems to be blocked from work). They scan the room, keeping a close eye on anyone that may approach them with obvious hostility (holding action).

old man 
Monday January 24th, 2005 7:42:03 PM

"Grrrr" the old man grumbles.

More Chaos and Blood (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 24th, 2005 9:03:10 PM

Draax climbs on the table, and several giants eye him warily, but they do not object.

Tratain, Renik, and Arien stay still and watchful. The drow and snake people do the same.

Our heros easily ID the young prince's friends as Giants 4, 8, 12, and 16. Maybe one more?

The mind flayers make an initial move to take cover, and the giants do not seem to object. However, then they move to the corner of the room (36C and 37C) -- and the giants don't much like that.

The chief calls to the illithids, "Go back to your seats, octopi! Or we'll kill you too!"

Giants 6 moves to 36-37-E-F and Giant 5 moves to 32-33-C-D. They motion to the mind flayers to get back to their seats.

Then the chief shouts to the dogs, "Flush them out! Kill them!"

The dog-like things race under tables and look for the derro. As they hunt, you smell brimstone! These dogs are breathing fire!

[OOC: Combat notes to follow tomorrow.]

Feng/ Jerome 
Monday January 24th, 2005 11:37:58 PM

Jerome stands ready for Strom's assault. He hoped to play on the giants intelligence but he seemed determined to fight here and now.

Draax AC25, HP110 
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 2:27:08 AM

Draax continues to stand on the table and watch as the derro try to escape. He notices the mind flayer movement when the chief calls out to them and wonders where they were trying to get to. He is disappointed at the efforts the derros are putting forth to save their lives. Maybe the death sentence shouted by the chief will give them some added incentive.

The Illithid 
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 10:32:38 AM

Noting the Giants dislike of their retreat, they move slowly (equivalent of 3 squares per round) back toward their seats, arms raised in a gesture of surrender and compliance.

Their slow movement is a ploy to seem defeated and compliant, but also because they wish to remain as distanced as possible from the active fighting.

old man 
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 5:29:14 PM

The growling starts to sooth the old man in some way hard to understand.
Like some primal mantra.

Derro Flee from Hounds (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 5:37:18 PM

The Mind Flayers start to move slowly back.

The Derro see the dogs coming and flee. V, S, 8, and 7 take double moves under the cover of the Darkness spell -- make a Spot check vs DC 14 to see them. Derro 1, 3, and 4 stick under the table and hide also in the dark -- Spot DCs 18 to see them.

The dogs move south under the table -- a bit of a tight fit, so that slows them down. One dog gets excited and breeathes fire prematurely.

A couple dogs run right past the drow, giant 16, and Renik, but they seem to know they are hunting derro.

A new map is here!

Tratain  d20+9=27
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 8:42:38 PM

Tratain waits and watches the Derro and the giants. (Spot 27)

Draax AC25, HP110 
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 10:23:46 PM

Draax looks on at the derros' feeble attempt at staying alive. He pushes away a small guilty feeling and reminds himself of the fact that derros are evil creatures and deserve what they are getting. He hopes the little guys have a better plan that just hiding in the darkness and could at least kill one or two of the giants.

Draax wants to shout encouragement to the derro, but keeps his advice to himself and waits to see if the derros have any tricks that might give them a chance.

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 4:40:58 AM

Arien keeps an eye on the action but otherwise appears to be unscathed. He didn't want the derro to die but he knew that their deaths would make the group that much more able to manipulate and splinter alliances and in the end hopefully bring this den of evil down.

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 6:48:06 AM

The rogue leans back to get a good view of the action. "Pathetic" he murmurs as the derro fall one after another. He continues to wait, hoping that the giants next turn their attention to the lizardfolk.

The Illithid 
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 1:39:55 PM

The Illithids move another 30 feet which should bring them to the edge of the table, where, unless prodded to go farther, they stay and watch the events unfolding.

old man 
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 2:13:44 PM

Looking around wild eyed the old man tries to sense what else is happening in his strange prison.
His actions seeming to have absolutley no effect, the old man sniffs at the air trying to find some clue as to how to get through this.
Instinctivly the old man rushes forward in an attempt to catch those blocking his way, off gaurd.

Derro and others (DM Cayzle)  d20+7=9 [bolt miss] d8=1 d8=5 d8=2 d8=6 [soundburst damages]
Thursday January 27th, 2005 10:18:28 AM

Derro 8, and 7 run south, then attack Giant 7. They release Sound Bursts on the giant (6 damage total). Derro V and S read scrolls of expeditious retreat, then speed off towards the exit. Derro 4 fires a crossbow at the giant but misses. Derro 1 and 3 fire off sound bursts too (another 8 damage).

Total damage done to this giant: 23 plus 4 fort saves or stunned.

The snake folk talk among themselves in a hissing language. They have not acted yet.

The Drow stand with smug expressions.

Giant laughter (DM Cayzle)  d20+14=21 d20+14=26 d20+14=29 d20+14=22
Thursday January 27th, 2005 10:38:49 AM

[NOTE: This is the Wednesday DM Post! Really! I'll post for Thursday tonite!]

Our heroes seem content to stand and wait.

The Mind Flayers continue walking back to the table.

Giants 5 and 6 follow the mind flayers, keeping them in reach -- if the illithid try anything, the giants will probably have attacks of opportunity to stop them.

Giant 7 makes four fort saves and laughs and laughs! He seems barely scratched. "Come on, little scum! I'll kill you all myself!"

Confounded by the chairs and squeezing under the table, the giant's dogs spend the round chasing the derro. Several race past our heros and the snake-folk.

The other giants shout encouragement to the hounds and Giant 7. "How are the ears?" one shouts. Another says, "All bang, no buck, that's these small fry!"

A new map is available.

The Illithid 
Thursday January 27th, 2005 10:44:44 AM

Preferring to be out of reach of the dogs in case they accidentally miss their prey or for some reason think they are the prey, the Illithid take the round to climb up on the table. Again, they are careful to not make any movements that might be construed as hostile.

Draax AC25, HP110 
Thursday January 27th, 2005 5:41:18 PM

While watching the derro run for their lives, Draax waits to see what type of camaraderie the derro have in their group. With one giant guarding the door and the other giants willing to let it and the dogs stop the derro. He wonders will a few of the derro sacrifice themselves so that the others can escape or will self preservation destroy all of them?

With the attitude the giants are displaying during the chase, Draax is surprised that no betting has started up yet. The half-elven warrior ponders the tactics of the giants and the derro and files them in his mind for future reference.

Thursday January 27th, 2005 6:30:07 PM

Tratain stands ready looking for any sign from Renik that the party should get involved yet.

Derros Die (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday January 27th, 2005 10:19:02 PM

If anyone wants to interfere, please feel free. Otherwise the next four or five rounds go like this:

The hounds and giants hunt down the Derro. A few hounds are wounded as they breathe fire; no dogs are killed.

The giants find all this very amusing. The chief, however, does not laugh.

When all the derro are dead, the chief says, "It is clear that these weaklings could not have slain the drow mage. They could not even kill a dog. Who will tell the truth here?"

Draax AC25, HP110 
Friday January 28th, 2005 2:33:43 AM

Draax raises an eyebrow at the chief's words and tone, he then turn to look at the lizard men and then the mind flayers as if he is waiting for one of the to confess. After waiting a few seconds for a confession that he knows is not coming, he turns his attention back to the chief to see what happens next.

Renik  d20+13=26
Friday January 28th, 2005 5:53:48 AM

The rogue watches the slaughter with a facade of boredom. When the Giant king speaks he allows the meaning to sink in, looks faintly annoyed, and replies

"King, we have enjoyed your hospitality so far, but this entertainment is wearing a little thin. Am I to understand that someone has killed Caunas and stolen the Tapestry? If so there are 2 of my men still in there, so I want it back as much as you do. All I can tell you is that it wasn't us, though I don't know how I can prove that." (Bluff 26)

"Might I ask why you first suspected those miserable dwarves? For as far as I can see the guilty party could be anyone. I know my people are not to blame, but it could be the lizards, the calamari brothers over there, even some of your own men. Gods, it could even be you or the drow bodyguards. Or another group we are not even aware of. Do you plan on killing everyone in the room?"

Snake Folk 
Friday January 28th, 2005 10:18:21 AM

The leader of the yuan-ti, Ssakkar-rie, looks at the Mind Flayers.

"Hey, Illithidss! Why don't you ussse your powerss? Why don't you read sssome mindss, or sssomething. Unlesss YOU are the killerss!"

The Illithids  d20+8=26
Friday January 28th, 2005 10:37:47 AM

Glaring ominously at the Snake man that made the request.

"If that is the Chief's wish. But we shall do nothing without his say. We have little need or interest in the tapestry, but we do have other business with the Chief." (Bluff 26)

Saturday January 29th, 2005 10:56:56 AM

Tratain continues to wait takeing his ques from Renik

The Giant Chief's Plan (DM Cayzle)  d3=3 [the death roll]
Sunday January 30th, 2005 6:55:35 PM

The chief listens to Renik and seems to buy his avowel of innocence. He takes a die from his pouch and throws it.

Then he answers Renik's question. "Maybe you are innocent. Maybe not. Maybe you know something. Maybe not. But I will have my son back, or I will buy his weregeld in blood. Your blood."

"Yes, I intend to kill every one in this room until I get my son back. One at a time or all at once. Dead."

He looks at the die and then points at one of the mind flayers. "If you know something, say it now. You're next to die."

A couple giants step up. (map tomorrrow)

Draax AC25, HP110 
Monday January 31st, 2005 12:01:44 AM

Draax's eyes open wide at the giant's words. He did not think that the chief would sacrifice his son for the satisfaction of knowing he killed the thief. Before the mind flayers have a chance to answer, Draax shout to the chief.

"Your majesty, I understand most of what is happening here by your actions, but before you finish killing the rest of us. Could you please explain to us how the tapestry was stolen and how the wizard was killed? I would also like to know how the killers got past the wizard's bodyguards?"

Since he was not present when it happened Draax is actually curious about how the wizard was found, what the scene looked like, and what the bodyguards were doing at the time.

Renik (flying)  d20+13=18 d20+13=33 d20+13=25
Monday January 31st, 2005 9:25:43 AM

"I'll not stand by as you kill us one by one, king or no king!" growls Renik, rising to to his feet and drawing one blade and his wand. "With all due respect you have taken leave of your senses. If you murder us all none of us will get our men back! Lizardfolk, mind flayers, even you two drow, if we do nothing now we will simply be picked off one by one. Our only chance is to stand together. Are you with us?" (Bluff 18, used Hero Point to reroll: 33).

Next he turns to the Giant prince. "Is this how you would repay us, Prince? Would you join in this slaughter of those you professed to befriend? Do you stand with the king on this? Or are you and your men ready to step out from under his shadow, and stand with us in the face of the madness of the king, with all the prizes that will entail? Decide quickly, for you can be certain that once your father is done with us he will turn on you too, in an attempt to regain his favoured son." (Bluff 25)

Renik floats a few milimetres above the table, ready to spring into action at the first sign of attack (Readied action: move directly upwards out of attack range).

Tratain AC 24 HP 82 
Monday January 31st, 2005 10:26:35 AM

Tratain stands Ready with his Warhammer in One hand and Shield in the other ready to defend himself and his allies from the giants should they attack.

(OOC: If the The son's faction of giants turns on the King could you make them a different color on the map so we don't get them confused? Thanks)

The Illithids  d20+8=28
Monday January 31st, 2005 12:27:35 PM

Despite their alien appearance, the reaction on their clammy faces is shock and fright. A faint "EEEP" issues from at least one of them.

They respond to the chief at first in their native tongue out of fright, but attempt to regain their composure quickly. "Your magesty, if you would allow us, we believe we can root out the kidnapper. As the snakes suggested, we could use our abilities to read the thoughts of the others here and find the perpetrators."

They offer no overt resistance, but their movements are in effort to buy time and let their words sink in to the King's mind (Bluff 28, to not look obvious that they are stalling).

Monday January 31st, 2005 4:44:29 PM

Arien nods when Renik tries to rally the various races to turn on the giants. Arien readies for the first sign of hostility from any of the nearby giants.

The Drow 
Monday January 31st, 2005 6:15:54 PM

With his latest pronouncement, the two Drow fighters begin to speculate what might happen next.

They seem unfazed by Reniks reaction.

Last Chance To Avoid Bloodshed? (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 31st, 2005 11:44:26 PM

The giant prince anwers Draax, saying, "The mage's body was found. He is dead. The Tapestry is gone. It looked like derro work, but they showed they could not have killed the mage. So somebody did it and tried to frame the derro. Somebody in this room." He glares at the "guests."

The prince does not like what Renik has to say. "I will have no friendship with those who stole my brother's life!"

It seems that the prince is now solid with his father -- which makes sense so long as his older brother is out of the picture. Now he is in line to succeed.

The giant chief seems angry. "TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO KNOW NOW!" He screams at the mind flayers.

His concentration is fixed on the tentacled ones, and he seems to be ignoring Renik and the others for now.

Note that the ceiling is high enough that Renik will probably be out of reach of the giants (as they are standing now) if he presses against the ceiling ("laying" on it, like). He is not that high yet.

Others in the party ready weapons.

The snake leader catches Renik's eye and nods. You see several snake-folk draw weapons.

The Drow and the Illithid can speak for themselves (Thanks guys for helping out!)

A new map is here.

Draax AC25, HP110 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 2:06:44 AM

Knowing that the cow chips are about to hit the fan. Draax takes the time available to him to doing a little stretching and work out the kinks in his body. In a very relaxed manner, he does a couple of neck rolls and knee bends while he keeps his eyes on Renik waiting for a signal.

Renik (Flying, blinking, Invisible)  d20+13=20 d20+16=24
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 8:55:14 AM

"Betrayal, Hagrad?" roars Renik. "After I pledged to fight at your side against your own father and brother, despite the risk to me and my men? Now do I see the value in the word of a giant! I should have known that if you would betray your own father you would betray those who would stand with you! It was you, wasn't it? You killed the mage and stole the Tapestry, to get your brother out of the way! Well you'll not frame me for your crime! I'll see you dead first, turncoat!" The rogue is shaking with rage (Bluff 20). "Fight! Fight for your lives! Drow, Ilithid, if you do not join us these giants will turn on you too, for it is one of their own number that did this deed!"

Renik activates the invisibility wand (UMD 24), and shoots straight upwards to the ceiling, getting himself out of attack range. If he is able to continue to move he will head for J4, or as close to it as he can get.

The Illithids  d20+3=11 d20+3=16
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 10:58:55 AM

Sense Motive vs Renik's Bluff (11 and 16)

"Magesty, the human's words do make sense. As much as you would dread such a thing, mayhaps it was your own son that was the perpetrator. He would gain much from his own brother's demise."

They try to stay within the Chief's good graces by taking no overtly hostile actions, but do steel themselves up should violence be directed at them (holding action to attack should they be attacked).

Tratain AC 24 HP 82  11d6(2+4+5+4+4+5+6+3+2+3+5)=43 d20+20=36
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 11:43:30 AM

Seeing Renik go invisible Tratain takes that as the sign that hostilities are inevitable. Tratain defensively casts Blade Barrier to cut the giant forces in half and make them more managable. (36 vs DC 21 to cast defensively)

(Cast as a wall Takeing up collumn M the entire length of the Hall. Reflex save DC 21 for no damage as I summoned it ontop of them. 43 Damage)

OOC: Who is Playing the Drow and the Illithids so I know for my posting Records?

Philip K 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 1:42:20 PM

I'm playing the Illithids since the brothers are presently non-combatant back at the meeting place.

Arien  d20+22=27 d20+9=29 d20+9=22 d20+9=20 d20+9=25
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:01:44 PM

Arien casts Scorching Ray through his wand of maxamize directly at the giant in front of him (Casting Defensively: 27)

(Ray one: natural 20, critical threat, Touch AC 22 to confirm; Ray two: Touch AC 20; Ray three: touch AC 25. Each ray is maxamized so 24 points per ray, 48 for the first one if it crits.)

The Snake Folk 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 6:22:09 AM

Lead by their leader, the Yuan Ti try the Derro strategy -- they head south for the exit. Will they have better luck than the hapless derro?

Whirling Blades of Death! (DM Cayzle)  d20+14=30 d100=45 5d8(6+4+6+7+3)=26 [secret DM rolls] d20+6=17 d20+6=7 d20+6=7 d20+6=21 d20+6=18 [5 giant saves] d20+5=10 d20+5=11 [hound saves] d20+20=22 d20+20=40 d20+20=35 d20+5=7 [AoOs vs snake-folk] 2d8(8+2)+15=25 2d8(3+3)+15=21 2d8(8+6)+15=29 [AoO Damage] d20+6=14
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 7:06:23 AM

Our heroes move events forward, with blunt words and whirling blades. The debate is over, and survival is foremost in mind.

Draax awaits a signal from Renik, and boy does he get one!

After shouting his call to battle, Renik activates his wand, which he had in hand (standard action). He is now invisible, and not on the map. A note regarding invisibility: If you are not explicitly using your Hide skill, then the Spot DC to sense a visible person is 0. If you are invisible and moving, per the SRD, you get a +20 on Hide checks; +40 if immobile. Since it is a free action to make a Spot check, all foes will roll to spot all invisible opponents each round. Since Renik did not say he was hiding, and since he is moving, the Spot DC to sense him is 20. Use this rules interpretation in deciding your choice of action following:

If Renik chooses to move forward pressed against the ceiling so as to be out of reach, he will be flying at half speed. If so, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: { Renik ends up in 10K.}

If Renik chooses to move upright, and thus in reach of giant foes, then he will move at normal speed. If so, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: { Renik ends up in 5K, right over the Chief The Chief's Spot check is 30, so he senses Renik and attacks with an AoO. But he fails his 50% miss chance and swings at the wrong place.}

Tratain's Blade Barrier makes a conclusive exclamation point to the end of all debate!

Giants 16, 15, 14, 13, and 7 are affected, as well as hounds G and H. Giant 13 saves. Both hounds fail and die. The giants choose to be on the join king and foes on the party's side of the barrier.

Arien casts a potent -- or so he thinks -- Scorching Ray on a giant.

The Illithids ready for battle (I'll treat their action as a taking a Total Defense ... +4 AC).

The Drow take no action, surprised by the barrier that now seperates them.

The Yuan Ti move south. Doing so provokes AoOs from Giants 14 and 13 as well as Hound A. Yuan Ti A is severly wounded, taking 25 points from an AoO, and a critical AoO inflicts exactly 50 hp on the snake leader. That forces a save vs death from massive damage (fort DC15), which the snake leader misses by one. She dies!


Enemy Actions and Map will come soon ... I have to get to work!


Enemy Status
(If an enemy is not listed and is on the map, it is unharmed. If unlisted and not on the map, dead.)

Giant 16 - 43
Giant 15 - 43
Giant 14 - 43
Giant 7 - 69 (previously wounded by Derro)

Yuan Ti A - 25

Giants Fight Back (DM Cayzle)  d100=47 [chief's miss chance] d20+14=31 d20+14=30 d20+14=25 [three spot checks -- all sense Renik] d100=71 d100=88 d100=87 [three miss chances -- all aim at the correct place] d20+10=23 d20+10=15 d20+10=30 [3 rock atts] d20+10=16 [crit follow up misses] 2d6(5+6)+10=21 2d6(6+4)+10=20 [rock damages] d20+20=25 d20+15=18 d20+10=26 [G16 v Tratain, 2 hits] 2d8(7+1)+15=23 2d8(4+1)+15=20 [2 damages v T] d20+20=25 d20+15=22 d20+10=28 [3 att on Arien] 2d8(6+5)+15=26 2d8(6+8)+15=29 2d8(8+1)+15=24 [3 possible damages to arien] d20+20=40 d20+20=30 [G14 crits YTF] 2d8(4+2)+15=21 2d8(6+5)+15=26 [crit damage] d20+20=27 d20+15=30 d20+10=22 2d8(8+8)+15=31 2d8(1+6)+15=22 2d8(4+2)+15=21 [3 giant 13 hits and damages] d20+20=37 d20+15=25 d20+10=20 2d8(2+1)+15=18 2d8(8+7)+15=30 2d8(4+2)+15=21 [3 giant 7 hits and damages] d20+20=29 d20+15=25 d20+10=13 2d8(1+4)+15=20 2d8(1+4)+15=20 [3 giant 6 hits and damages] d20+20=39 d20+20=21 d20+15=26 d20+15=21 d20+10=16 d20+10=25 2d8(1+5)+15=21 [two giants crush mind flayer 1] d20+7=9 d20+7=14 [Hound charges on Drow A, both miss] d20+7=13 [another hound misses] d20+8=28 d20+8=24 d20+8=28 d20+8=14 [YT D saves] d20+8=15 d20+8=28 d20+8=15 d20+8=19 [YT C saves] d20+8=26 d20+8=27 d20+8=15 d20+8=25 [YT B saves] 8d6(3+1+2+2+5+3+1+5)=22 [hound breath damage]
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 11:36:17 AM

IMPORTANT NOTE! Please put AC and current HP in your post title. List magic effects there too, or in your post!

The giant chief, apopleptic, shouts, "Kill them! Kill them! And watch out for the invisible human!"

The chief reaches into a pouch and takes out a rock, which he throws at Renik. But he misses due to the 50% miss chance.

Giants 1, 2, and 3 look where the chief threw his rock. Three rocks fly at Renik! they hit AC23, 15, and 30. I'm assuming that Renik has better than AC16. The AC23 rock hits for 21 hp. The other is a nat 20 (no crit) for 21 hp damage.

Giants 2 and 3 step up a little, too, but Giant 1 holds the door.

Giant 16, not sure if he is supposed to attack the Drow, takes a five foot step and swings his greatclub at Tratain. He hits AC25, 18, and 26, two hits, inflicting 23 hp with one hit and 20 with another -- 43 total.

Giant 15 attacks Arien. he too swings three times, hitting AC25 for 26, AC22 for 29, and AC28 for 24 [Please post your HP and AC, and in your post say how many hit and missed.]

Giant 14 walks up to Yuan Ti F and swings at him, criticalling for 47 hp, killing it.

Gaint 13 attacks Yuan Ti E. The giant swings and hits, swings and kills it, takes a five foot step, swings at Yuan Ti D, and hits it for 21 hp.

Giant 7 takes a five foot step and attacks Yuan Ti A. He swings 3 times and completely crushes it.

Giant 6 attacks Mind Flayer 2. He hits AC29 for 20, AC25 for 20, and AC13 (the third swing is a miss). The Mind Flayers are AC20 with Total Defense, so Mind Flayer 2 takes a total of 40 hp damage.

Giants 5 and 4 team up on Mind Flayer 1. They hit 5 times, crushing it into octopulp.

Hounds B and C charge Drow A. They hit AC9 and AC14, so they miss. Hound D charges Drow B -- it misses.

Hounds J, K, L, F, and E move and then breathe fire through the blade barrier on the remaining three yuan ti. The cover of the barrier offers a +2 on reflex saves. Each Yuan Ti takes 11 hp fire damage.

It becomes clear to Arien and to the entire group that these giants and hounds are immune to fire. That's why the Scorching Ray was useless.

Finally, on the other side of the barrier, giant 17 opens the door, and the prince and giant 11 leave. Giants 9 and 10 are following them. Giants 12 and 8 stay in the feasting hall, moving to the barrier (but not through) and getting out throwing rocks.

And here is a map!

Renik (AC 23, HP 54/75, Blinking, Invisible, Flying)  d20+21=30 d20+19=33
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 3:00:13 PM

A boulder half knocks the breath out of the rogue. These guys are tough! He decides to proceed with more caution (Hide 30). He sizes up the odds rapidly and decides they are not good at all. In a very short space of time they could all be dead unless they bow out fast. And Arien looks to have taken a LOT of punishment. He only hopes the mage is still standing.

"Arien! Get yourself, Tratain and Draax out of here now! Rendezvous point! Draax, Tratain, move close to Arien and cover him as he casts!" he yells.

(OOC: Adam, am I right in thinking you still have one Dimension Door with a range of 800 feet or so?)

Renik creeps across the ceiling, sheaths his wand and draws his second blade (Move Silent 33, moves to K7 or close as possible), and waits to see if the mage can get his comrades out.

OOC Correction By Cayzle  d100=12 d100=95
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 3:17:16 PM

Carl, I forgot Renik was blinking! That's another 50% miss chance! Actually only the second rock hits, for 21 hp damage. Sorry!

Friends, keep alert for DM mistakes! I'd prefer to fix them fast, before you are dead! :-)

The Illithids - 1 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 3:42:47 PM

Seeing how quickly his companion was mutilated and being gravely wounded himself, he touches his companion's remains and disappears (Plane Shift, at will).


[OOC Note From Cayzle: Seeing as activating a spell-like ability provokes AoOs just like spellcasting, you might want to make a Con check to avoid the AoOs that would surely kill you, Mr. Mind Flayer. Just a thought. In fact, if you don't get this, I'll assume a Casting Defensively action.

Draax, AC25, HP110  d20+19=28 d8+9=13
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 8:02:58 PM

Draax steps off the table avoiding the chair (K17) and swings with his thundersword at #15 (hits AC 28, for 13). "HEY COWARD! Pick on someone your own size."

Tratain AC 24 HP 39/82 (Sanctuary)  d20+20=27 d8+11=19
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 10:52:49 PM

Tratain defensively Casts Sanctuary on himself defensively (27 vs. DC 16) and checks to see if Arien is alright. (DC 16 Will Save for sancuary)

Blade Barrier - Round 2 of 11 minutes
Sanctuary - Round 1 of 11

OOC: Couple Things First, Draax Only Took a 5 foot step so he should get the rest of His attacks.
Second Giant Number 15, which i'm pretty sure killed Arien outright should have taken Damage again from the Blade Barrier at the begining of his turn I believe. If he chose to stay on our side of the Barrier since he can't be in our squares hes still standing in the blade Barrier I think. I'm actually not sure that he can choose to be on our side of the barrier at all since hed have to displace us or choose to stand in it.
Third From what i remember about Ariens HP and AC i'm pretty sure he's dead outright. If theres any chance at all he can be saved Tratain would heal him, using an AOE Heal spell. The casting defensivly roll i used is enough to pass that as well and Tratain and Arien would heal 19.

Arien (hp -2, AC 21, Mage Armor) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 12:04:54 AM

Two of the blows connect with the mage and send him falling to the ground in a bleeding heap.

(Second hit missed thanks to the +4 cover bonus from Blade Barrier, other two hit.)

OOC Correction/Revision By Cayzle  d20+6=25 d20+6=26 11d6(2+5+5+4+5+5+4+6+2+4+3)=45
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 5:31:09 AM

Good questions about Blade Barrier have been brought to my attention. Five giants, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 7, were in the Barrier when it was cast.

Giant 13 made his save and was able to immediately chose the side he ended up on. No problem there.

Giants 16 and 7 did not save, but were mostly on the near side of the Barrier. When it was their turn, they left the barrier space and took no further damage.

Giants 15 and 14 did not save and were mostly on the far side of the Barrier. When it was their turn, they stepped through the Barrier to end up on the near side. When they did that, they should have saved a second time. Here are those two new second saves, and their result. Huh! Those lucky giants rolled a 25 and a 26. They took half damage as they passed through. That's half of 11d6, or 22 hp.

Revised Giants status (damage taken):

Giant 16 - 43
Giant 15 - 65 (REVISION)
Giant 14 - 65 (REVISION)
Giant 7 - 69

Now, after Giants 15 and 14 came through, they were in a tight space. I'm ruling that the standard squeezing rules applied to them. That's -4 AC, -4 attacks, and half move speed.

Giant 14 criticalled his Yuan Ti target, killed it, and moved into its space. No revision is needed.

Giant 15 attacked Arien. Arien mentioned in his post that he survived because of a +4 cover bonus. In fact, it was a -4 squeezing penalty. As a result, only two of the three attacks hit the mage. He was brought to -2 and fell. Then Tratain healed Arien for 19, bringing him to 17 (though he is still prone).

Note that Arien posted after Tratain (i.e., after being healed). Therefore, Arien still has a full round's worth of action (prone, at 17 hp) before the round is over.

Note that standing up from being prone is a move action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. Also note that it is certainly possible to attack (at a penalty) or cast spells (no penalty) while prone. If you choose to move while prone, crawling five feet is a move action that provokes AoOs. You cannot take a "five foot step" while prone. Casting a spell, of course, provokes AoOs as usual regardless of whether you are prone or not, unless you make a concentration check to cast defensively.

Also, as was pointed out, Draax only took a five foot step before attacking. He is entitled to a full round attack, not just a single swing.

Therefore, before we bid this round of combat adieu, I would please like Arien to take his full round of actions, and Draax to complete his full round of attacks.

I hope these clarifications and revisions seem fair to everybody? I appreciate your patience with me (first DMing experience at this level of play), and thanks for working hard to explain your points of view.

After Draax and Arien have posted, I'll proceed with my DM post as usual. Gentlemen?

Draax, AC25, HP110, finishing action  d20+14=28 d20+9=20 d8+9=15 d8+9=11
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 5:45:49 AM

Hit AC 28 for 15 and AC 20 for 11.

Arien (hp 17, AC 21, Mage Armor)  d20+9=21 d20+22=38
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 10:27:50 PM

Seeing the giant right in front of him Arien realizes he isn't in the best of positions and quickly nips up into a standing position (Tumble Check 21). Seeing the way the combat was going Arien decides to get them out of there, grabbing Tratain and Draax, Arien Dimension Doors them as far away as he can back towards the bridge. (Casting Defensively: 38)

Poof! Poof! (DM Cayzle)  d20+16=21 [Flayer conc chck] 12d20(14+9+12+5+16+14+13+8+18+5+15+16) [looking for natural 20s to spot Renik] d20+11=31 [cast defens] d20+14=34 d20+9=23 [great giant saves] d20+20=23 d20+15=26 d20+10=13 2d8(5+3)+15=23 2d8(3+4)+15=22 [Snake killed] d20+20=38 2d8(7+5)+15=27 d20+5=25 d20+5=16 d8+1=3 d6=6
Friday February 4th, 2005 7:07:42 AM

The Mind Flayer seems to falter for a moment as it concentrates on casting defensively -- then it remembers that it has the Combat Casting feat, and it sighs a sigh of relief as it beats its needed roll by one! POOF! The Mind Flayer disappears.

Draax takes a careful step forward and attacks Giant 15, who is feeling squeezed. All three of Draax's swings connect, inflicting 39 hp damage to the already quite wounded giant.

Tratain carefully cures Arien, after the mage is crushed to the floor.

With that help, Arien returns to consciousness. He nimbly stands up and casts his Dimension Door. POOF! All three of our heroes are gone. They find themselves outside the fort, outside the inner wall, but still in the giant's land. The forest (and rendez-vous point) they seek is still a little ways off.

Renik watches this as he puts away his wand and scuttles across the ceiling, drawing a sword as he moves. Since he is scuttling, pressed against the ceiling in order to stay out of reach, he is moving at half speed. Since he did this moving while hiding and being quiet (and since Carl did not apply the -5 penalty for using these skills at normal speed), he is moving at half speed in order to be stealthy. So with the sneaky scuttling, Renik's move action takes him only 5 feet (a quarter of 30), to K9.

Renik is still invisible, but I'm putting him back on the map as he is the only PC present.

On the bright side, Renik's Hide check of 30 is actually a 50 when the invisibility is factored in. Now he is truly invisible -- event the keen-eyed giants cannot spot him.

The three remaining Yuan Ti act in desperation.

Yuan Ti D concentrates, and uses his spell like ability without provoking an AoO. He attempts to Polymorph Giant 13. The giant rolls a natural 20.

Yuan Ti C attempts to Avert Giant 7, instilling a fear of snakes. It also resists.

Yuan Ti B changes into a small snake and slithers under the table, hiding.

The drow stand and watch. They clearly do not want to die. They throw down their weapons.

Giant 13 staps up and kills Yuan Ti D. Giant 6 whacks Yuan Ti C for 27. Hound A bites Yuan Ti C for 9 more. Plus the 11 from last round, the total on him is enough to drop it.

Giants 4 and 5 call for hounds to flush out the snake.

With only the cowed Drow, unseen Renik and a hiding Yuan Ti still present, the giants are left with a clear victory.

And a map.

Oops! I put Renik in K10. But he is really in K9. No time to remake the darn map!

Tratain AC 24 HP 58/82 
Friday February 4th, 2005 12:35:13 PM

Tratain sticks close to Arien as they Run for the Rendezvous point and will use his protector ability to Intercept attacks for him if they run into trouble outside.

Once there he says to Sarigar, "We are Probably going to have to leave in a Hurry, get Ready. Do you have the Tapestry?"

Draax, AC20, HP110 
Saturday February 5th, 2005 12:18:04 AM

When they arrive in the forest Draax switches to his bow to cover their retreat to the rendezvous place. He is a little disappointed that the prince double-crossed them before they had a chance to double-cross him.

"Unless someone has some instant teleporting spell handy, we are going to have a long run home. I was hoping to free some of the slaves on this trip, but I guess we will have to come back for them, especially since we found the halfling girl that Feng promised to rescue. Let's get ready for some company in case Renik brings some guests with him."

Draax hands Arien two potions of CLWs, "Here ya go Arien. Get some of you stamina back while ya can."

Looking back towards the keep Draax leans against a tree and readies an arrow while they wait.

Arien (hp 32, AC 21, Mage Armor)  d8+1=7 d8+1=8
Saturday February 5th, 2005 4:00:45 PM

"Thanks Draax, let's hope Renik gets out of there ok, I didn't want to leave him but there was no other choice. We have the tapestry now so I say we get out of here then finish the story so we can get Feng back, and perhaps ransom the king's son for the slaves, plus we should be able to capture our wayward bard."

Renik (Flying, Blinking, Invisible)  d20+21=37 d20+14=16 d100=36 d20+21=33 d20+14=22 d20+14=33
Sunday February 6th, 2005 7:43:47 AM

The rogue lays motionless against the ceiling for a moment, waiting to see what the giants do next (Hide 57 inc invis, Listen 16).

Then he floats up through the roof (Blink check 36), flies straight up a further 100 feet with his elven cloak wrapped tightly around him (Hide 53 inc Invis), then heads for the treeline at top speed. He does not head for the rendezvous point, but towards a point at around 33 degrees to it in case anyone is able to follow his progress. As he flies he keeps a regular eye on the giant camp, using watching to see what the giants do next (Spot 22, Listen 33).

Once he reaches the treeline he drops and circles back around to the rendezvous point under cover of the woodland.

Assuming he is able to successfully meet up with the others he will report what he has seen, and suggest they depart as quickly as possible. He also asks Arien how long it will be before he is able to Teleport the party out of this location.

Sarigar and Black Paws (cv 132, AC19/17) 
Sunday February 6th, 2005 3:25:24 PM

"I hid it. If the biggins found us, they wouldn't find the wall blanket. We go dig it up."

The brothers step away from the camp for a few minutes. They return, covered in dirt carrying a bundle. Unwrapping it, he hands the book and tapestry to Tratain, then stuffs his "blanket" back into his pack, still covered in dirt and muck.

"Brother and I is ready."

Spells prepared:
Longstrider, Magic Fang

A Rendezvous (DM Cayzle) 
Sunday February 6th, 2005 6:48:00 PM

Renik stays long enough at Bone Castle to see that the last Yuan Ti is doomed, and that things don't look good for the Drow either.

Then he is away, moving carefully. He feels sure that he is not followed. At the rendevzous point, Draax, Arien, Tratain, and Renik are reunited with Sarigar. Only Feng and Rond are still missing, trapped in the Tapestry.

You can't help wonder how long they can survive in there. What if they become permanently lost? What if the Tapestry assimilates them? Can you afford any delay?

The problem, of course, is that no one knows how to activate the magic of the Tapestry. What could you try? And even with a blind attempt to trigger it, who knows what would happen? But can you afford to wait?

How will our heros resolve this dilemma and restore their friends?

Tratain  2d8(5+2)+10=17 3d8(7+3+6)+11=27
Sunday February 6th, 2005 8:37:17 PM

Tratain will heal himself, Renik and Arien.

Tratain Says "Should we keep moveing or try and get the tapestry to activate and get our friends out. Arien and I will be able to Teleport us back to the City Tomorrow."

Heal Tratain 17
Heal Renik 27
(How many HPs is Arien down?)

Renik (Fully healed)  d20+16=34
Monday February 7th, 2005 7:53:59 AM

The rogue thanks Tratain for his healing, and Sarigar for his prudence.

"Sarigar, I need you to be lookout. Keep well hidden, but keep an eye on activity at the fort. If there is any sign of movement, hunting parties or release of those hounds I want to know at once.

Arien, I want to be out of here as fast as possible. But before we go we need to see if we can get Feng and Rond out of there. Study the Tapestry and book to see if there is anything you can do to get it working (OOC: Spellcraft check?).

Draax, Tratain, let's get ready to move out quickly if needs be. But if we find unwelcome folk leaving the tapestry I want you ready to take them down."

Renik also takes a look at the tapestry and book, wondering if just fiddling about can succeed where Arien's more tudious approach might not (UMD 34!). If he succeeds in working out its use he will try to release only Feng and Rond, not the others.

Sarigar and Black Paws (cv 132, AC19/17)  d20+30=39 d20+25=44 d20+19=25 d20+14=18 d20+15=22 d20+19=30
Monday February 7th, 2005 12:27:18 PM

Sarigar simply nods to Renik and dashes off into the brush toward the fort. Once they're a couple hundred feet from the party, they will begin prowling (Hide 39, Move Silent 44) and hiding their trail (Survial 25). If they somehow get caught, they won't lead the bigguns to the pack.

They will backtrack the party's movements and attempt to hide their trail (Survival 30), going so far as to leave false markings to hide the party's scent from the hounds.

If they can make it that far, they will move to where they can see the fort and take up watching for pursuit (Spot 18, Listen 22).

Should they see any signs of the giants following the pack, Black Paws will howl in warning and the brothers will try to make a trail leading away from the party that the giants might follow. As beat up as the party looked, right now, the brothers have the best chance of survival by hiding in the wild and keeping the giants busy with false trails. They will not lose another pack.

Draax, AC21, HP110 
Monday February 7th, 2005 6:10:36 PM

Draax stands with his bow ready, "I would feel more comfortable if we were on the other side of that bridge we crossed, but we do need to get our friends out of there. We might have to let the story play itself out before we can retrieve our friends. I remember the drow saying that he could not force the bard to leave the tapestry and that the thief would have to leave it on his own. If that is the case, we might get stuck with everyone in the tapestry coming out at the same time and we might have to physically drag the bard out.

Draax rubs his chin for a second, "Is the writing the drow put in the book still there? If we can see what he put in the book and how he worded it, we might at least be able to move the story along to its conclusion."

Arien (hp 32, AC 21, Mage Armor) 
Monday February 7th, 2005 10:34:22 PM

Arien skims through the book to see if anything jumps out for getting people out of the tapestry. If he finds anything he relays it to the rest of the group, otherwise he figures that they'll just have to let the story play out to its end.

(Arien is down 16 hp)

The Tapestry Activated (DM Cayzle)  d100=51 d100=2 d100=89 d100=3
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 7:24:07 AM

Sarigar brings out the Tapestry, which amazingly looks clean and free of soil. Then Sarigar goes off to cover the backtrail.

Arien looks the thing over. At Draax's suggestion, he looks over the book, too. But in the end, after an hour or so of study, he admits defeat. This will take intensive research to figure out, he concludes.

Finally, just as Sarigar and Black Paws are returning, Renik tries a move of desperation. He attempts to activate the item just by jiggering with it! And this time, at least, he succeeds!

Suddenly, and surprisingly, the cloth shimmers, and the clearing is much more crowded.

In addition to the entire party, including Rond and Feng, there is a gnome who looks vaguely familiar (the question mark on the map). There is another human, who also looks familiar (the B on the map). And there is a giant, a mind flayer, and a snake-man!

The snake man and the mind flayer are not surprised.

[Since the entire party is here, I will control all NPCs, thanks!]

Here is a a map.

Mind Flayer and Yuan Ti  d20+9=13 3d4(3+1+4)=8
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 7:32:15 AM

The mind flayer and the snake-man look at each other. You can almost see the calculations going on as they take in their surroundings.

The Yuan Ti acts immediately. It creates Deeper Darkness. Everyone within 60 feet now has concealment and a 20 percent miss chance.

The mind flayer shouts, "We are betrayed! Kill the humans!"

It takes a five foot step to N10 and uses a Mind Blast. Everyone but the giant must make a Will Save (DC17) or be stunned for 8 rounds.

The Yuan Ti fails its save.

Draax, AC21, HP110  d20+6=25 d20+18=29 d20+13=19 d20+8=19 d8+4=12 d8+4=6 d8+4=5
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 8:07:15 AM

Draax takes a 5 foot step to G13 and fires 3 arrows at point-blank-range to the spot where he saw the giant before the darkness fell upon them. (AC28 for 12, AC19 for 6, AC19 for 5). He yells "SOMEONE GRAB THE THEIF."

OOC: Cayzle I will let you apply the minuses to the rolls for the concealment and roll the chance to miss for any successful hits.

Renik (Flying)  d20+6=20 d20+13=25 d20+8=9 d20+10=22 d20+10=26 d100=32
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 9:02:10 AM

The rogue feels the battering mental assault slam into him, but is able to shake it off (Will 20).

Activating his boots Renik hovers a foot or two into the air (gaining higher ground) and grabs at the bard.

Grapple Attempt: Beats concealment (32)
1) AC vs AoO 23
2) Touch Att: hits AC 25 (+1 higher ground, +2 flanking), AC 9 if first misses.
3) Hold: Grapple check 22. If hold succeeds Renik will Pin (check 26)
4) Move into space L10 (5' step into bard's space)

He calls out "I'm on sluglip. Feng, take down the Mind Flayer, everyone else on the giant! Take him down fast, as much damage as you can manage! Ignore that lizard, he'll keep!"

Tratain AC 24 HP 75/82  d20+20=23
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 9:53:23 AM

Tratain Defensively Casts Divine Power Upon Himself (23 vs DC 19) and Immediately Follows it up with a Quickened Divine Favor and steps up towards the Giant.

Tratain Continued  d20+14=29
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 9:55:11 AM

Will save passed 29

DM Cayzle OOC 
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 10:18:43 AM

On Darkness: The Darkness does not create pitch blackness at all. It creates/imposes "shadowy illumination" like that at the fringes of torchlight. You can see everything just fine -- unless someone uses the shadows to hide in (in which case we'll be rolling spot checks vs hide checks). So there is no problem targetting enemies, for example.

Moreover, the effect of the darkness is that if you make an attack roll against a creature in the darkness, you also roll a d100, and on a 1-20, you miss. (If you have the Blind Fighting feat, you can roll twice and take the better roll.)

On Grappling: Yes, there are new Woldian rules for grapples in development, but they are not yet official. Until they are, please use the standard rules. A grapple provokes an attack of opportunity. Then you make a touch attack to grab. Then you make opposed grapple checks. Carl did it just fine above.

Any other questions?

Sarigar and Black Paws (CV132, AC19/17  d20+13=21 d20+13=20 d6+4=9 d6+4=7 d6+13=16 d20+13=26 d6+3=7
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 10:32:41 AM

Startled for just a moment as the tapestry vomits its contents into the clearing and by the darkness crashing down over the party, the brothers gather their senses and attack. They rush (no charge unless necessary) in for the giant and rip into him with a wild fervor (AC21/AC20, Dmg 9/7 if hits from Sarigar, AC26 Dmg7 from Black Paws)

Note: Due to his Scent ability, Sarigar can pinpoint enemies within 5 feet and ignores the miss chance due to concealment/invisibility.

Philip K 
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 10:34:31 AM

As per the Lost Child Tooth & Nail, a claw/claw is one attack, thus Sarigar's two swings. This was one of the concerns on the list but still has not been resolved.

Also, again, I'm not able to get to the map, so I'm fighting blind atm. I'll check it when I get home.

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 9:03:02 PM

It takes Feng a moment to realise that he's no longer in the tapestry. The familiar feel of his breastplate armor, the grip of his two headed axe in his hands. He looks around seeing an illithid, snake men, and a giant.

"I take it things went as expected?"

Rond  d20+4=17
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 10:43:34 PM

Having just 'popped' out of the Tapesty, Rond takes a moment to size up what's going on. As he makes his save for one of the attacks (will=17), he realizes way too much stuff is going on.

"Why is it people always attack first, and ask questions later?!"

Rond will do what he need in order to defend himself.

Arien  11d6(4+4+6+3+6+4+5+5+1+5+2)=45 d20+12=31
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 1:25:39 AM

Arien shakes off the blast easily (Will Save 31), and remembering the beating he recently took from the hands of a giant, steps back and blasts him with a chain lightning. The lightning arcs out to hit the snake man and the illithid as well.

(Damage 45, Ref DC 23, Snakeman and Illithid only take half damage before save.)

Stan/Draax  d100=89 d100=87 d100=24
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 2:01:08 AM

Rolled chances to hit for previous rolls, all above 20.

Sarigar and Black Paws (CV132 AC19/17)  d20+4=24 d20+6=21
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 12:03:09 PM

Forgot my saves vs. the stun blast from the Illithid. Both of the brother saved so they act as stated above.

Angry Giant (DM Cayzle)  d20+5=15 [save for bard vs blast] d20+3=23 [stunned bard's opposed grapple check] d20+20=36 [Tratain casts quick spell defensively] d20+27=37 2d8(8+1)+15=24 [giant AoO on Tratain] d20+7=19 [Giant failed cl save] d20+13=15 [Arien's failed spell penetration roll] d20+10=17 [failed YT save] d20+24=30 d20+19=36 d20+14=19 2d8(7+1)+28=36 2d8(6+4)+28=38 2d8(2+2)+28=32 [giant attacks Feng]
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 5:30:01 PM

Drax fires at the giant. One of his arrows hits, for 12 hp damage. (the giant's AC right now is 22. That drops to 20 as soon as he starts raging). (Remember that unless you have the Precise Shot feat, you take a -4 penalty shooting into melee.) (Note that you CAN see through the Darkness. It really is more like Dimness!)

Renik grabs at the criminal the group seeks. The Mind Flayer's blast stunned the fugitive, so he does not get an attack of opportunity to fend Renik off. But amazingly, he manages to fend off the grapple (opposed grapple check, a nat 20, blocks Renik's grapple check of 22.) Since he is stunned and not going anywhere soon, Renik chooses not to continue the grapple attempt. (Hope that's okay). (By the way, how is it that Renik can activate a magic item (boots) and attack in the same round?)

Tratain gets off his Divine Power and Quickened Divine Favor with no problem. (I rolled a casting defensively check for you for the quickened spell, no prob. Unless you can find me a rule that says quick spells don't provoke AoOs? No matter this turn anyway.) Then Tratain steps on the Tapestry to square J11, ready to protect his friend, the wounded Arien.

Sarigar and Black Paws start the round in the woods almost 60 feet from the fight (see map). Black Paws must spend the entire round moving up into position next to the giant (he can't charge because the dense underbrush hinders movement). The foliage is not problem for an experienced ranger like Sarigar, though, and he charges. He hits twice (because of the +2 bonus for charging) for 16 damage total.) His charge, however, means running through the giant's reach, and provoking an AoO. The giant swings his club as Sarigar approaches, hitting AC 37 for 24 hp damage.

Feng prepares for battle, and sees that a melee has erupted around him. (Feng -- I need a Will save DC17 from you to avoid the stunning effect of the Mind Flayer's blast! If you are not stunned, feel free to act, both for last round and the coming round. This is battle! Declare actions each round, please!)

Rond takes the total defense action as he resists the stun and sizes up the situation (+4 AC bonus).

Arien resists the mind blast. he steps back out of range and casts chain lightning. The giant fails his save and takes the full 45 points. The Mind Flayer has Spell Resistance 25, so I'll make Arien's spell penetration roll -- with his Spell Penetration feat, that's a d20+13. Arien rolls a 15, and the Flayer is unaffected. The stunned Snake-man, on the other hand, fails, and takes 22 points.


Next Round!

The giant looks for a target. Boy, does he look mad! he recognizes Feng from the Tapestry, and shouts, "You! I'll kill you!"

He takes a five-foot step forward and swings his greatclub three times. With his powerful attack, he subtracts 5 from his attacks and adds 10 to his damage with each blow. Attacking Feng, he hits AC30 for 36, AC36 for 38, and AC19 for 32 hp damage. Please post your AC and current hp in your post header!

The Mind Flayer taks a five foot step back to 10O. It reaches into a bag and takes out a potion, which it drinks. Then it disappears.

The bard and the Yuan Ti are stunned and take no actions.


Raging Giant AC20, damage: 12 +16 +45 = 73
Snake-man damage: 22 (stunned)
Mind Flayer damage: 0 (invisible)
Fugative Bard AC10, damage: 0 (stunned)

And the map.

Renik (Fight Defensive, AC 34, HP 75)  d20+10=22 d6+7=11 d6+19=25 [Those are Ranik's Rolls -- and I'm not seeing either miss chances or a secondary attack due to high BAB!] d100=27 d100=100 d100=64 [THOSE are the Three Miss Chances for the Giant! And he did not miss due to the concealment of the Dark.] d100=56 [that's Renik's miss chance]
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 6:28:10 PM

The rogue takes a look at the stupified bard and decides he can wait. The giant is the key problem here.

He whips out his shortswords, steps up to the giant (5' step to L10) and takes a stab (hits AC 22 for 11 hp. That doesn't attract an AoO, does it? If it does, Renik will duck under an attack to get into position: Tumble 25).

He calls to his companions "No delay! Hit this giant now!"

(OOC: guys, seriously, what is the holdup? Attack already! This giant will kill us if we stand about shooting the breeze! We can't afford to be this poor at combat at this level!)


[OOC from Cayzle: Taking a five foot step does not provoke an AoO. Renik is a-ok with that. But since that still leaves Renik with a full action available, he should gain more attacks (his BAB is better than +6, of course). Roll the attacks you are entitled to. And remember that 20% miss chance.

(OOC from Carl: Much as I'd love to take extra attacks this round, Renik drew his shortswords this round (Move equiv. action as Renik unfortunately lacks the Quickdraw feat), so he only gets the one attack. But I did forget the miss roll! 56: he hits.

OOC from Cayzle: Holy Smokes! *I* forgot the Giant's 20% miss chances against Feng! What an idiot *I* am!! LOL! Well, let me roll them, right here in Renik's post. 27, 100, 64. Nope, sorry Feng.]

Feng (AC 23, HP 12)  d20+8=25 d20+19=37 d20+14=34 d20+14=31 d20+7=13 2d6(3+3)=6 d8+10=15 6d6(3+4+6+2+5+5)=25 3d8(5+7+3)+30=45
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 8:31:16 PM

Feng staggers from the Giant's club. At first he thought the ground was shaking from the force of the blows but it was just him. Now he was glad he was a bit paranoid and enchanted the other head of his axe. Adjusting his grip to lead with the left, Feng attacks the giant with all he's got.

OOC: Considering the world shifted around Fend suddenly and with no warning I doubted that anybody would immediately understand what was going on in the chaos that surrounded them in this situation. That's where the hold up came from. I figured that he would need a few seconds to get his bearings.

will save 25
(axe enchanted with giant bane) hit ac 37 for 21, crit with ac 31 to confirm for 70. The damage for the crit was rolled with the assumption that the bonus 2d6 is modified by the axe's x3 crit modifier. I do not know if that is right or not. His last attack of the 1st round misses with a 13. For the coming round Feng will take the chance that others will hammer the giant and lay hands on himself for 33 health.

Arien (hp 32, AC 21, Mage Armor)  11d6(2+5+5+5+5+2+5+1+4+6+4)=44
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 10:08:48 PM

No longer seeing the illithid Arien retains he focus on the giant. Since the other giants took no damage from fire Arien wonders if cold would fare better. Angling the cone upwards to catch the giant but none of the party members Arien casts Cone of Cold at the giant.

(44 Damage, Ref DC 22 for half)

Tratain AC 24 HP 86/82 (Divine Power; Divine Favor)  d20+20=35
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 10:32:23 PM

Tratain Moves to Square L9 and Defensively casts Heal on Feng (35 vs DC 21)

Feng Heals 110 Points

OOC: Page 98 of PHB under the description of the Quicken spell feat - "Casting a quickened spell doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity." My concentration is high enough right now that I can't Fail a Defensive casting check either so it's all good.

Divine Power (BaB = to Level, 6 Enhancement to Str. 11 Temp Hit Points) - Round 2 of 11
Divine Favor (+3 Luck Bonus to Hit and Damage) - Round 2 of 10


[OOC from Cayzle: Ha! The DM learns something new every day! No AoOs on Quick spells! You got it!]

Sarigar and Black Paws (CV108 AC19/17)  d20+15=30 d20+15=34 d20+10=21 d20+10=13 d20+10=21 d6+4=9 d6+4=9 d6+4=10 d6+4=9 d3+1=3 d20+13=18 d20+8=20 d6+3=8 d6+3=8
Thursday February 10th, 2005 12:25:43 AM

Sarigar leaps in closer to the giant (L13) and proceeds to tear into his thigh and gut with claws and fangs (AC30, AC34, AC21, AC13, AC21(bite) Dmg 9, 9, 10, 9, 3(bite)).

Black Paws also leaps into the fray M13 and begins biting at the giant's ankles in an effort to topple the brute (AC18, AC20, Dmg 8, 8). Each tearing bite, Black Paws gives a strong twist, so that, with luck, he might topple the giant (wolf trip attack with a successful attack, not sure how it needs to be handled).

Both brothers growling ferociously, blood spatters everywhere which seems to only feed their fury.

Draax, AC 21, HP110  d20+14=32 d20+9=28 d20+4=11 d100=76 d100=99 d8+4=12 d8+4=11
Thursday February 10th, 2005 12:36:52 AM

Draax thinks about dropping his bow and rushing into melee with the giant, but with everyone already attacking he decides to pump a few more arrows in it first. Concentrating on his aim to ensure that he does not hit any of his comrades, Draax fires off 3 arrows and is rewarded by 2 hits (AC32 for 12dmg, AC28 for 11 dmg, (23dmg total))

Rond AC 19 (23) HP 111  d20+13=16 d20+13=24 d20+8=22 d20+13=33 d20+13=31 d10+7=8 d10+7=9 d10+7=11 d6+5=9
Thursday February 10th, 2005 7:34:07 AM

After getting the time to look around, Rond sees the attack on Feng, and says, "No." Worried for his friend Feng, Rond moves with all haste for as much of an attack that he can get.

(AC 16, AC 24, AC 22, used hero point to re-roll first attack. Possible Crit, then Crit for 17 points for crit, 11 and 9. 37 total, if he can get all his attacks. (with extra time from last round? ;) )

Bloody Frozen Mess! (DM Cayzle)  d20=2 [save vs massive damage] d20+7=10 [save vs cone]
Thursday February 10th, 2005 5:09:01 PM

Renik draws his weapons, takes a step up and stabs at the giant. He hits for 11 hp.

Feng inflicts massive damage on the giant (see next) and then suffers greatly in retaliation. Unlike the giant, though, Feng has access to his own healing ability, not to mention a high-powered cleric pal! By the end of the round, Feng is feeling peachy, and the giant is feeling the pain.

But how hurt is the giant? Feng's first hit lands a solid 21. His next hit is a critical, but extra dice of damage are never multiplied in a crit (per the SRD). So his damage on that is 45 plus 7 from the first two dice of bane damage -- or 52 hp. That's enough to trigger a death from massive damage save, but the giant only fails that save on a 1 ... a 2! he lives! Feng inflicts a total of 73 hp. Impressive!

Then Feng heals himself, and Tratain heals him too. That heal spell felt real, real good!

Arien seals the deal with a cone of cold. Between the giant bane weapon and the fire giant's obvious sensitivity to cold, our poor raging giant is very sad! He fails his save and takes a telling 66 points from that!

"Aaiieee!" screams the large humanoid! Let's tote up his damage as he wails. He started the round down 73. Feng added 73 to that. 11 from Reniik. And 66 from Arien. That's a total of 150 points added to the 73 from last round -- a total of 223! Well, let's let our giant's wail in fact be his death cry, as he topples over, a frozen bloody mess!

You'll note that poor Draax and Sarigar and Black Paws are left with nobody to fight, aside from the stunned bard and snake man.

What about them? Remember that "stunned" is not the same as helpless. They can't act, but they will defend. Still, if you want to surround a stunned foe and swing away, there won't be much left after a round or three.

And is that Mind Flayer still around?

No map this time. No need for it. But we are still in combat mode until the remaining creatures are dealt with. Go ahead and say what you want to do for the next few rounds.

DM Cayzle Adds A Note 
Thursday February 10th, 2005 10:28:20 PM

Go ahead and roll three or four spot checks for me each, friends! I doubt I'll need all of them, but better safe than sorry.

Tratain AC 24 HP 86/82 (Divine Power; Divine Favor)  d20+9=11 d20+9=15 d20+9=21 d20+9=24
Friday February 11th, 2005 12:34:35 AM

Right after the Giant Falls Tratain casts Invisibility Purge. All forms of Invisibility are Negated within 55 Feet of Tratain.

Tratain also attempts to spot the Illithid if it is further away.

(Spot 11, 15, 21, and 24)

Draax, AC21, HP110 
Friday February 11th, 2005 1:13:31 AM

Draax puts away his bow, pulls out some rope from his backpack and begins to tie up the snakeman. When the snakeman is secure, he will begin removing all visible weapons, rings, earrings, necklaces, nose-rings, and anything else that he can see. Hoping that the thing is a male and not really sure if he could tell the different anyway, Draax will then proceed to remove any clothing/armor including gloves, hat, and boots. Once he believes that he has removed all that there is he will moves the item away from the creature and then return his attention back to what is going on around them.

Renik  d20+14=16 d20+14=28 d20+14=33 d20+9=23
Friday February 11th, 2005 7:42:13 AM

Renik keeps an eye out for the mind flayer, (Spot 16, 28, 33), as he moves over to help Draax bind the lizardman and loot the bodies. If the mind flayer is spotted he will fly after him at top speed and attack (using blinking for sneak attacks).

That done he walks up to the bard and greets him cheerfully. "Good day to you sir, I trust you enjoyed your little holiday? Time to come home now, I'm afraid."

He asks Tratain and Feng to hold the bard and searches him for the items they were sent to find (search 23).

Feng (AC 23, HP 105)  d20=18 d20=19 d20=16 d20=3
Friday February 11th, 2005 9:40:28 AM

Feng is relieved that the magical healing came so quickly for a moment he really hurt. The Giant hurt him worse than the white dragon and that's saying something. He complies with Renik's request and holds the bard.

ooc: spot check: 18, 19, 16, 3

Sarigar and Black Paws (SV108 AC19/17)  d20+15=33 d20+15=17 d20+15=17 d20+15=31 d20+19=21
Friday February 11th, 2005 11:06:29 AM

Finding themselves robbed of their prey, they look around for others. Seeing as the snake never did anything to them and is apparently incapable of doing so, they look for the Illithid which did try to hit them with something.

If the Illithid is still around, Black Paws should have no trouble catching up to him (base move 50). If they do pick up a trail (Survival 21), Sarigar will cast Longstrider on himself to help him get the edge in speed on the Illithid.

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