Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=46/46, Bull'sStrength] d20+10=28 d8+5=7 Monday February 14th, 2005 7:12:43 PM
Wynn waits until the bush is about 15 feet away before darting forward to strike the creature with his longsword [Hit AC=28 for 7 dmg]. As soon as he has struck, the bard dances away, returning to where he started a brief instant before [Spring Attack]. Wynn will dodge the bush should it attack him [Effective AC=20]
"I bet this thing doesn't like fire!" the bard calls out as he darts away from it.
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15) d20+8=26 d20+8=12 d8+6=14 Monday February 14th, 2005 9:02:44 PM
Lang is surprised as the rest of the group when his arrow strike into the bush provokes a plant monster to rush towards them.
He quickly fires 2 more arrows at it, hoping to injure it some more before it reaches his comrades.
Shambling Mound - Hit AC 26 & 12; damage 14.
Lang will then move 5' closer to Xenia and Wynn. Sunshine remains by Lang's side.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) d20+3=11 3d4(3+3+1)+3=10 Monday February 14th, 2005 9:20:40 PM
After the initial shock of having the plant start running towards them, Angus feels a little exposed with 2 of the fighters not between him and the plant monster.
Angus is also concerned that more plants may try to attack them from the Smithy (spot 11).
Realizing that his Scorching Ray spell probably cannot reach the monster he insteads casts Magic Missile at it (damage 10). He then quickly moves towards Lang and Florin.
"Belkior we must seek the protection from our brave fighters!"
Standard Action - cast Magic Missile Move Action - 30' move towards Lang and Florin
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 4/6 1st - 6/8 2nd - 5/5
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) d20+5=9 Monday February 14th, 2005 9:51:48 PM
Belkior turns to look at the smithy after hearing the shouts of Xenia and the others. He doesn't spot anything beyond the large animate plant-thing moving towards his companions. Thinking that his companions may need some assistance, he casts Prayer.
Believing that Angus has the correct idea, he hurries towards Lang and Florin although he can't keep up with the mage.
Standard Action: cast Prayer Move Action: move 20' towards Lang and Florin
Active Spells: Prayer (+1 to attack, damage, saving throws, skill checks, for party within 40 feet; -1 to all enemies with minds)
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52 Monday February 14th, 2005 10:41:11 PM
Florin sighs and moves in to help out now, seeing no other choice and not wanting to leave his friends hanging on their own. Florin is moving in defensively.
Spells: 1st level: Bless (1)
Tionel (AC 16) Tuesday February 15th, 2005 2:52:22 AM
"Syr, wait!" Tionel casts a spell then touches the other on the shoulder, moving up if he needs to. Energy pulses into Syr's limbs, making his muscles thrum with new power. (Bull's Strength)
He holds off summoning any animals yet, uncertain what they'd do if summoned in a strange forest such as this...they'd follow him, wouldn't they? Or perhaps there might be an adverse effect...
Syr (AC 18, hp 57/57) Bull's Strength d20+9=27 d8+7=10 Tuesday February 15th, 2005 6:46:10 AM
Syr pauses for a moment when Tionel yells at him and feels a rush of addrenaline flow through his veins at the druid's touch. He quickly tries to position himself at the center of the front line when Xenia and Wynn spread out. "Nice move Wynn, I didn't realize you had that kind of speed in you." He drops into a combat stance and prepares to meet the mound (AoO 27, dam 10).
ADM Jim: The Smithy d20+13=17 d20+13=32 d8+7=11 d20+13=16 Tuesday February 15th, 2005 9:52:56 AM
The speed of the attack catches Xenia off guard and her arrow flys wide of the mark.
Wynn darts in and slashes at the Shambling Mound with effect. The montrous plant swings and misses the quick Wynn (No AoO as a result of the spring attack as the SM has a 10 reach, AC 17) on the way in. Wynn's retreat is another story as the Shamblers other vine and root arm connects solidly with Wynn (AC 32 for 11 damage). This Shambler press the attack on Wynn.
The second larger bush that Xenia had pointed out that was right next to the Rubble, clambers over and charges at the group to assist the first Shambler and attacks Syr once (Hit Ac 16 -1 for prayer), just missing the fleet monk. Syr returns the favor landing a solid attack (10 damage), by cracking a root on the beast and finds that it will be difficult to damage (AC 20).
Angus Launches three missles at the first Shambler and sees vegetation fly off the monster as each missle strikes it. Angus moves closer to the battle, but in a more protected position.
Belkior follows Angus to the best his little legs will carry him after casting his Prayer spell.
Lang fires two arrows at the first Shambler one hitting solidly and the other harmlessly passes through its branches. Sunshine barks once and waits expectantly for more commands.
Florin moves up in position to help either Wynn of Syr.
OOC: Battle Position basic: Each Line is 5 feet
SM SM Syr Florin Wynn Xenia
Tionel Angus Belkior
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) Prayer d20+9=16 d20+5=23 Tuesday February 15th, 2005 2:08:46 PM
Belkior stuffs his sling into his belt and moves forward to stand immediately behind the fighters, although he is prepared to back up if they do. He accepts the possibility of being attacked while moving up.
Once he is there, he intones the words and actions to cast Bull's Strength on Florin. (OOC Concentration roll = 16 vs DC of 12 + damage)
All the while, he is trying to peer into the gloom of the smithy to see if there are more of these things that the others call "Shambling Mounds". (OOC Spot = 23)
Free Action: sheathe sling Move Action: move 10' to beside Xenia and behind Florin. Standard Action: cast Bull's Strength (+4 STR for 5 rounds)
(OOC - On my last post, I should have stated that Prayer affected NON-plant enemies with minds).
Belkior (2nd illegal post) Tuesday February 15th, 2005 2:11:39 PM
(OOC - After casting the spell myself, I forgot to include the effects of Prayer on skill rolls.)
Concentration = 17 Spot = 24
Xenia (AC23 - AC24 vs Western Shambler, HP 28/28) d20+15=21 d20+7=23 d6=2 d20+15=21 d20+11=22 Tuesday February 15th, 2005 3:43:55 PM No mouth ... Maybe these things aren't what she thought they were. Sure are big, though. And looks like they could grab a hold of you too.
The rogue drops the bow. And, as she dives into a tumbling roll across the grass, she hope to the stars that these things aren't intelligent. 'Cause, you know, who knows how many there are? And, she's, like, putting herself way out into no-man's land.
As she moves, Xenia draws her shortsword. And, when she comes up on the other side of the planty things, the rogue takes a cut at one of them.
Rolls Tumble 22 (To avoid AoO vs DC15, DC20 if terrain is unacceptable.) Hit Shambling Mound One AC24, Damage 3 (-4 Fighting Defensively, +2 Flanking, No sneak against a plant.) Spot 22 Listen 23 Forgot to add for Prayer. They are included in the numbers above, though.
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised. Prayer - this and 4 more rounds
Notes Fighting Defensively AC23 Dodge vs Western Shambler, AC24
Move to here. With the Shambler as Large size, that should provide Flanking for everyone.
--Xe S1S1 S2S2 S1S1 S2S2 Sy Fl Wy
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=35/46, Bull's Strength, Prayer] d20+11=23 d8+6=13 Tuesday February 15th, 2005 7:25:10 PM
Wynn staggers back after being lashed by the mound's root but recovers sufficiently to stab the creature somewhere near the middle [Hit AC=23 for 13 hp]. The bard prepares to defend himself against the next expected attack [Dodge vs SM1; effective AC=20] and begins to sing the first song that comes to mind. [Inspire Courage; +1 to atk and dmg rolls and saves vs fear]
Come all ye maidens young and fair And you that are blooming in your prime Always beware and keep your garden fair Let no man steal away your thyme
For thyme it is a precious thing And thyme brings all things to my mind thyme with all its flavours, along with all its joys Thyme, brings all things to my mind
[OOC the way I read Spring Attack the entire attack, including the movement in and out of range is free from attacks of opportunity]
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) d20-2=17 4d6(1+1+3+4)=9 d20+3=23 Tuesday February 15th, 2005 9:36:02 PM
Angus feels better now that he has more of the group between him and the 2 Shambling Mounds.
He also realizes that he is now in range for his Scorching Ray spell. Being careful not to hit his friends he casts the spell at the larger of the 2 plant beasts (hit touch ac 19; damage 11).
Angus keeps a watch on the Smithy for any more creatures (spot 24; natural 20).
OOC - numbers above include +2 to hit and damage for Prayer and Inspire Courage that were not in the die rolls.
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 4/6 1st - 6/8 2nd - 4/5
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15) d20+6=20 d20+6=20 d8+8=10 d8+8=15 Tuesday February 15th, 2005 9:55:09 PM
"Ahh a second one of the vile beasts!" Lang says as the new plant creature moves towards his friends. Lang thinks for a moment if he should stow his bow and rush forth and attack with his short swords, but decides to fire his bow at least one more round.
Two more arrows find their way from his quiver into the body of the smaller Shambling Mound.
Shambling Mound - Hit AC 20 & 20; damage 10 & 15.
These #'s include the +'s from the Prayer and the Inspire Courage, and the --4 for firing into combat.
Lang and Sunshine continue to move forward (5' move).
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52 (Bull's Strength, inspire song) d20+14=29 d20+7=14 Tuesday February 15th, 2005 11:02:36 PM
(OOC:Not sure what Wynn's song is classified as on mod so I just put it along with the bull's strength notation.)
Florin moves to backup Syr, slashing his longsword at the enemy nearest or attacking Syr. (Can hit AC:29 Damage:14) He frowns as his attacks the plant creature and calls over to his friends, "Make sure to call out if you get injured to bad, we want everyone staying on their feet."
Spells: 1st level: Bless (1)
ADM Jim: The Smithy d20+11=19 d20+11=25 d20+11=31 d20+11=27 d20+11=24 d6=2 d6=3 d6=3 d6=1 d20+13=14 d6=4 d6=4 d6=4 d6=5 d6=6 d6=5 Wednesday February 16th, 2005 9:07:04 AM
The Shamblers are ravaged by numerous attacks, but both continue their assualt on the group of heros.
Syr is looking for an opportunity on the Large Shambler, Unfortunately it whips and lashes Syr twice (AC 19 and 25 for 12 and 11 hp of damage) and latches on and attempts to squeeze Syr (grapple check 14 for 15 more unless Syr can beat the grapple check).
Wynn is darting in and out and slashes the smaller of the two Shamblers (I did not give the SM an AoO on you last round). The Shambler seems to be very annoyed if that is possible and unleashes a horrific attack on the bard (it may not like the music). Wynn is struck twice (AC 31 critical threat AC 27 yes and AC24 for 42 hp damage) for horrific wounds. The unconcious Wynn looks to be ripped apart at any moment.
Xenia finds the terrian difficult to tumble on (DC 20) as it is wet, uneven and covered with hidden debris. Xenia rolls up, covered in wet leaves cropped from Tionel's spell and stabs the smaller Shambler hacking off a branch.
Lang sends two arrows into the the smaller Shambler and pins two of its smaller nasty root vines to its body.
Angus also strikes the smaller Shambler with a scorching ray (ranged touch attack AC 9 required) and blackened one side.
Leaves and small branches are now falling off of the small Shambler with each of its movements. It does not look like it has much fight left in it.
Tionel is shocked by the ferocity of the Shamblers and takes no action.
Belkior has moved dangerously close to the front line now that each Shambler is holding one of his new friends as only Florin and he face the vile beast head on.
Belkior (AC 21+1; HP=34) Prayer d20+10=28 3d8(4+3+4)+6=17 Wednesday February 16th, 2005 10:12:27 AM
Belkior is alarmed by the violence of these animate compost heaps. He had never imagined that the Crying Forest could contain such vicious predators. He thinks to himself, I'll never think of a salad in the same way, ever again. I've got to get Wynn back up and into the fight again.
His concern doesn't delay his commitment to his fallen party members. First, he draws his mace so that he can attack the walking piles of fodder if given an opportunity.
Then, the halfling cleric gestures and speaks the words to cast Cure Serious Wounds on Wynn, healing him for 17 hitpoints. He is casting defensively to avoid any attack of opportunity. (OOC Concentration check = 28 vs DC of 18)
Hopefully that gets Wynn back into the fight, either to dispatch the piles of herbaceous menace or to withstand further attacks.
Free Action: draw light mace Standard Action: cast Cure Serious Wounds on Wynn
ADM Jim: The Smithy d20+13=15 d6=3 d6=6 Wednesday February 16th, 2005 10:49:12 AM
Wynn has to beat a DC 15 grapple check to escape the clutches of the Shambler and avoid grapple damage of 16
Xenia (AC20 - 21 vs Western Shambler, HP 28/28) d20+17=29 d6+6=10 d20+15=27 d20+11=24 Wednesday February 16th, 2005 1:02:25 PM "WYNN!" Xenia's wail fills the thick jungle air with horror and despair.
The rogue's left hand darts to her outer thigh, slapping one of the round seals that decorate her dark leathers. Furious energy bursts from the broken seal and bathes her and each of her companions in a white, black and orange stripped light. The strength and ferocity of a tiger fills the limbs of all, and they feel Grrrrrrrreat!
With a snarl, the dark rogue launches herself at the smaller veggie-ped that holds captive her life and her heart. Reversing the grip in her hands, she drives the point deep and rips downward opening a long gash in the fetid plant matter.
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised. Prayer - this and 3 more rounds Tiger Seal: Everyone +4 on attacks, damage and saves (2 rounds remaining)
Notes Dodge vs Western (large) Shambler, AC21
Activate Tiger Seal: Brings Out The Tiger (This is a Green Seal/Expires 09/05): Instills a great sense of courage in you and your companions. Break this seal at any time as a movement action to provide a +4 morale bonus, which will give all PCs in range 20' radius +4 on attacks, damage and saves for 2 rounds.
BTW, if these are Shamblers per the book, then it doesn't look like you're giving them the -1 for the Prayer effect.
Belkior (2nd Illegal Post) Wednesday February 16th, 2005 1:09:49 PM
Correction: Drawing mace is Move Equivalent action
Xenia (2nd Illegal Post) Wednesday February 16th, 2005 1:30:02 PM
BTW, so is putting away a sling, I believe.
Syrdeth (HP 34/57 AC 18) Bull Strength, Tiger seal, d20=13 d20+13=23 d20+13=22 d8+11=15 d8+11=19 Wednesday February 16th, 2005 1:48:52 PM
Syr nimbly dodges the outstretched arms trying to grasp him (grapple 13, not sure of the modifiers with my traveling but I'm fairly sure that he evades).
At Xenia's scream, he glances over to see Wynn fall. Thinking to himself, 'oh no, here we go again. I better finish this soon.' Yelling above the dark elf's wail he commands Florin, "Take Wynn's spot in the line so that Belkior can get to him!"
Galvanized into action, the elf becomes a one man force against nature and tears into the mound with a ferocity he has not displayed before, (Attack 24,23 damage 16,20-forgot prayer)
(OOC: If Wynn is down, we don't get the bonus from his Inspire Courage, do we? phew, we are lucking out on these grapple checks)
Xenia (3rd Illegal Post) Wednesday February 16th, 2005 2:09:58 PM
Inspire Courage should last for 5 rounds after the song itself ends.
Tionel d8=6 Wednesday February 16th, 2005 9:28:07 PM
For a few seconds, the onrush of combat is just too much for the poor bard. He watches the gigantic mounds and memories strike him then they are shattered as his friends move amidst them and fighting begins. He shakes his head, shoving aside those interfering thoughts, and concentates on what to do next...
But of course his friendis most important...if he can get to him, he will tap him with his curing wand, *boink* and curing is done. (7 hp to be exact. btw, only 27 charges left. We use these things a lot...)
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=17/46, Bull's Strength, Prayer, Inspire Courage, Xenia's Tiger Seal d20+9=21 d20+12=15 d8+3=10 Wednesday February 16th, 2005 10:42:29 PM
Wynn emerges from the fog of unconsciousness and is able to free himself from the confining embrace of the monster. (Grapple Check=21). He tumbles out of the way, back behind friendly lines (Tumble=16) and weaves a quick spell (CLW=10).
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52 (Bull's Strength, inspire song, Tiger Seal)) d20+18=23 d8+11=18 Wednesday February 16th, 2005 11:25:19 PM
Florin nods at Syr's comment and sees Wynn go down also as he rushes to cover Wynn's spot and to attack the plant creature if possible. He calls out to Xenia as he moves, "Keep your head about you Xenia, calm heads prevail." (Can hit AC:23 Damage:18)
(OOC:Sorry about my last combat post. That d20+7 was actualy a d8+7. Have a really bad sinus cold right now which is messing stuff up for me. Sorry once again Jim.)
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) 3d4(1+2+3)+3=9 Thursday February 17th, 2005 12:12:29 AM
Angus will cast Magic Missile at the Shambling Mounds, if they are still standing (larger then smaller if they are both still standing; damage 9).
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 4/6 1st - 5/8 2nd - 4/5
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15) d20+10=14 d20+10=23 d8+12=19 Thursday February 17th, 2005 12:21:38 AM
Lang eyes the vile plant creatures as they assault 2 of his companions rather viciously. Gathering all his skill he shoots 2 more arrows at any Shambling Mound that remains alive, connecting solidly once.
Shambling Mound (larger then smaller in preference) - Hit AC 14 & 23; damage 19.
These #'s include the +'s from the Prayer, Inspire Courage and the Tiger Seal, and the -4 for firing into combat.
Lang and Sunshine move forward another 5'.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
ADM Jim: The Smithy d20+11=30 d6=4 d6=5 d20+11=28 d20+11=13 d6=4 d6=3 d20+11=13 d20+11=16 Thursday February 17th, 2005 2:22:11 PM
The heros and the Shambler are still locked in mortal combat.
Wynn revived by his new and old friends Belkior and Tionel wiggles out of the grapple from the smaller Shambler and tumbles away. Wynn also comes up wet and covered in cropped leaves similar to Xenia.
Xenia screams and opens a great rent in the back (or so she thinks)of the shambler attacking her man. Florin does likewise, hacking off roots and vines at will as the Shambler has its attentions on Tionel.
The small Shambler takes an AoO on Tionel curing Wynn in an attempt to stop him from taking his lunch (Hit Ac 30 for 14 damage) and then follows up the attack with two more lashes (AC 28 and 13 for 12 more damage). The second attack missed because Florin has mostly severed one vine arm.
Lang shears off the second arm of the small Shamber with an arrow and the beast falls into a large pile of mulch. Belkior finds that he is waste deep in the fetid vegetation.
Syr also escapes the wrapping vines of the Shambler and falls to its feet and gives the larger Shambler a terrific beating as he snaps roots with sucessful stamp kicks. Angus follows up Syr's attack with three magic missiles.
The last remaining Shambler is not looking well and attempts to take out its frustrations on Syr, but misses with both swings (AC 13 and 16).
Xenia (AC20 - 21 vs Shambler, HP 28/28) d20+17=22 d6+6=10 d20+16=33 d20+12=30 Thursday February 17th, 2005 4:59:58 PM
"Calm Heads, FARBLE!" the girl rogue shouts, jerking her sword from the fallen heap of veggie mess, and falling into a very satisfying back swing into the big one facing off with Syr.
It's amazing how much tension you can release by hitting stuff. Just as long as you don't get hit back.
"You alright, Wynn?" With reflexes set to dodge the overgrown pile of sticks and leaves, Xenia takes a few quick looks back toward the smithy, eyes open for the movement of more of these bush guys.
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised. Prayer - this and 2 more rounds Tiger Seal: Everyone +4 on attacks, damage and saves (1 rounds remaining/Ends after this round)
Notes Dodge vs Shambler, AC21
Syrdeth (HP 34/57 AC 18) Bull Strength, Tiger seal, d20+13=28 d20+13=27 d8+13=19 d8+13=17 Thursday February 17th, 2005 7:59:18 PM
Enfused with magic, the small elf eagerly steps up to meet the mass of vegetation. Trying to connect with anything solid, he attacks the creatures midsection and hits solidly twice (Attack 28,27 for damage 19 & 17). Grinning and sure that the creature will not move, he steps back slightly and looks at the others, "How is Wynn?"
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) d20+3=12 Thursday February 17th, 2005 10:10:56 PM
Angus holds off casting any more spells for the moment as his companions seem to have things in control as they gang up on the remaining plant beast.
He does look around to see if anything is moving towards them (spot 12).
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 4/6 1st - 5/8 2nd - 4/5
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15) d20+10=29 d20+10=15 d8+12=20 d20+15=31 d20+6=19 d20+6=17 Thursday February 17th, 2005 10:25:44 PM
If the remaining plant creature is still standing then Lang will shoot it 2 more times.
Shambling Mound - Hit AC 29 & 15; damage 20.
If it is not standing, then Lang will stow his bow and draw his short swords as he moves to pick up the trail of the 2 vines that have escaped (track 31, spot 19/23 & listen 17/21).
If he finds the trail he will say. "I found the trail of the vines, do we follow and exterminate them?"
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Belkior 2d8(4+1)+6=11 d20+6=11 Thursday February 17th, 2005 11:08:59 PM
"Feh! This stuff stinks! It smells like overripe compost, and that's not good." Belkior shakes the plant matter off his clothing as best he can, then moves back away from the remaining shambling mound.
"Wynn, more healing coming if I can get to you."
Belkior moves to stand beside Wynn, then uses Hold Person to cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Wynn.
When he thinks to, Belkior keeps an eye out for any remaining vines or mounds. (OOC Spot = 11)
Move Action: move to be beside Wynn Standard Action: cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Wynn for 11 hps
Tionel (AC 16, hp 15/42) d8=4 Friday February 18th, 2005 1:05:03 AM
Taking some vicious hits from the shambler, Tionel sees a few stars. He takes a step back, out of any range, and gives himself a tap of the wand, making little pathetic noises of "ouch ouch ouchie"... (Self-cured for 5 hp)
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52 (Bull's Strength, inspire song, Tiger Seal)) d20+18=34 d20+11=15 Friday February 18th, 2005 1:37:35 AM
Florin presses his attack on the shambler he hit last time. He glances to Tionel and speaks to him as Florin swings to hit the shambler, "You okay Tionel?"
(Can hit AC:34 Damage:15)
ADM Jim: The Smithy d20+11=12 d20+11=14 Friday February 18th, 2005 7:34:38 AM
The Shambler seems desparate as the group knows there is no way if can escape them now.
Xenia takes a quick step toward the remaining Shambler and adds a nasty slash through its side. The leaf covered half elf is wreaking havoc on the back sides of the beasts.
Syr strikes the Shambler with lightning speed and snaps two main branches on the beast. The creature is shaking badly and attempts to lash out at its elven attacker (AC 12 and 14), but to no avail. The Shambler literally shakes itself apart as it attempts to take Syr with it into whatever afterlife the beast has.
This Shambler also falls into a fetid pile of mulch that covers Syr and Xenia to the thighs.
Belkior moves over to Wynn and renders assistance.
Tionel cures himself with his wand and Angus keeps watch.
Florin makes sure the first Shambler is not going to get back up, by stabbing the mulch pile with his sword.
Lang, seeing the large Shambler fall moves over 20 feet toward the sap trail of the eastern vine and actually sees the creature 20 feet in front of him in the fern cover (out of Tionel crop circle). Lang and Sunshine must make a DC 13 reflex save verses entangle as the ferns and bushes start to entwine their legs. The vine is attempting to make a hasty (?) retreat.
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=38/46, Bull's Strength, Prayer, Inspire Courage, Xenia's Tiger Seal d20+6=19 d20+16=34 d8+11=18 Friday February 18th, 2005 7:42:08 AM
Wynn nods his head in appreciation of the healing from his friends as he feels the renewed strength coursing through his frame. "I'll be fine" he calls out somewhat sheepishly.
The bard keeps his eyes open for any further threats and should any plant or vine approach within striking distance he will strike at it most malevolently [Spot=19, Hit AC=34 for 18 hp]
Belkior 2d8(7+3)+6=16 d20+17=27 Friday February 18th, 2005 8:06:07 AM
Belkior moves towards Tionel. "I will provide more healing, friend."
With that, Belkior's hands glow slightly as he intones the words taught to him by Alemi. (OOC - Use Delay Poison to cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Tionel, for 16 hp)
Recalling the fetid stink of the mobile mulch piles, Belkior would like to take the time to examine the wounds of his companions for any infection or other signs of disease. (OOC Heal check = 27, although that's probably an action for once we're out of combat.)
Move Action: move to be beside Tionel Standard Action: cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Tionel for 16 hps
Xenia (AC20 , HP 28/28) d20+2=19 d20+16=36 d20+12=14 Friday February 18th, 2005 10:02:41 AM
Xenia wades her way through the drift of dead dandelion demon on her way to Wynn. Her arms go around his neck as she reaches his side. Her hug is chocked full of relief. She clings to him for that moment in which life soars in the face of death. Then she breaks a way, giving the bard a quick smooch.
"Your a sexy guy all covered in leaves," she whispers. Hmmm. Wynn and her all covered in wet leaves and twigs and stuff. Maybe there's some use for this *outdoors* stuff after all.
Then she falls away to the spot where she dropped the bow. Those pesky vines are still out there. Somewhere. And if they show their heads, they're gonna get pegged.
Rolls Smooch 20 (+1 Prayer) - untrained even Spot 36 (+1 Prayer) (Nat 20) - for the vines or more Shamblers. Listen 14 (+1 Prayer)
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised. Prayer - this and 1 more rounds Tiger Seal: Is Over
Notes Smooch - Free Action Xenia moves to bow. Xenia picks up bow.
Tionel (36/42) Saturday February 19th, 2005 1:09:51 AM
The thin elf pats Belkior on the shoulder in thanks for that last curing...his wounds nearly bound and fixed. Enough for now at least...especially when he notices the vegetation's still messing around with them. "It looks like they don't like us, but don't really want to fight us. I wish they'd know that we are not their enemies... Let's explore this village more fully while we've scared 'em away, than back up to the beach. What do you guys think?"
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15) d20+8=19 d20+5=13 d20+11=19 d6+3=4 d20+3=17 d6+3=4 Saturday February 19th, 2005 3:12:50 PM
"I found one of them", Lang yells back to the group. Recognizing the entangling feeling from the grasses and plants and realizing it is coming from the vine creature, Lang and Sunshine surge forward (reflex save 20 & 14).
Lang and Sunshine attack the vine, attempting to end its life, thus stopping the entangling effect.
Lang short sword - Hit AC 21; damage 6. Sunshine bite -- Hit AC 19; damage 6.
OOC - All numbers in die rolls are pre-Prayer and Inspire Courage. Numbers in text are adjusted.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Syr (HP 48/57) Saturday February 19th, 2005 3:47:03 PM
The adrenaline rush over, the elf slowly makes his way out of the mass that was once moving and uses his hands to dust himself off. As he brushes his palms down his body, he concentrates on finding that healing touch that he has used far too often lately. Straightening, "As soon as you guys are done sniping, let's check this place out for any leads to the golden city."
Florin Jadenth Sunday February 20th, 2005 12:48:28 AM
Florin moves quickly over to Lang and speaks as he goes, "Need help there Lang?" Florin keeps his sword and shield ready as he moves and thanks Domi that the group wasn't hurt more then they were thus far on their first day out.
Spells: 1st level: Bless (1)
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) d20+3=19 Sunday February 20th, 2005 12:11:02 PM
Angus remains with the bulk of the group as they get organized after defeating the Plant Mounds. He stores in his memory that the Plant Mounds seemed to resist his Scorching Ray spell. Angus thinks that it is probably due to the amount of moisture in the creature.
He keeps looking around for any enemies (spot 20 with Prayer).
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 4/6 1st - 5/8 2nd - 4/5
ADM Jim: The Smithy d20+7=14 d100=21 d100=22 d100=2 d100=40 d100=31 d100=87 d100=32 d100=9 Sunday February 20th, 2005 2:31:12 PM
Most of the heros dust themselves off after the battle with the Shamblers. Healing is quickly doled out. Wynn and Xenia quickly get reaquainted.
Lang and Sunshine spot the eastern vine attempting to escape. The vine attempts to entangle its antagonists, but to no avail. Left with no option it rears up and whips at Lang, but misses the fleet Ranger (AC 14). Lang runs the vine through and Sunshine bites off a large chunk. The grasses and ferns are no longer attempting to entangle the ranger and his pup as the vine is very dead.
Angus now spots the strange pot of purple flowers off to the north as he scans for more enemies.
More bushes can be seen in the Smithy, but no movement. The Smithy awaits.
Belkior checks everyone out and is concerned about the color of Xenia's eyes.......
Xenia (AC20 , HP 28/28) d20+16=22 d20+12=29 d20+15=26 Sunday February 20th, 2005 5:30:06 PM There's another vine out here. There were two of them. The rogue nocks an arrow and turns from side to side searching the grass and stuff for movement.
Pairing up with Wynn again, she takes her place in the formation.
"We moving out for the smithy again?" she asks as her eyes continue to rove the surroundings. "Kinda funny that it's still standing when the rest of the place is plowed under. Could be a'cause it was in the center. But maybe not. I mean, it's even got part of its roof left on."
What kind of places could you look for out here in the woods? Well, there must be a foundation of sorts, right? Parts of the smithy still left standing. Maybe close examination might show some clues as to what happened, and how the building stood up to all of this.
Rolls Spot 22 (+1 Prayer) (Nat 20) - for the vines or more Shamblers. Listen 29 (+1 Prayer) Search 26 (Prayer must have ended by this time. If the group gets up to the Smithy, switch from Eyes of the Eagle to Goggles of Minute Seeing and search the Smithy.)
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised. Prayer - Last Round
Notes None.
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15) d20+11=29 d20+6=20 Sunday February 20th, 2005 11:38:02 PM
"Good job Sunshine", Lang says to his faithful companion. "One more left. Let's find it."
Lang looks around after killing the vine, searching for the other one or its trail. Swords ready, he hopes the other vine hasn't escaped.
Track 29/33 and Spot 20/24.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) d20+3=22 d20+2=22 d20+2=10 2d3(2+1)=3 Monday February 21st, 2005 12:08:15 AM
Holding his position, Angus remains where he is with the group. If he is close enough (range 35'), Angus will cast a Ray of Frost at the strange pot of purple flowers off to the north, before the group gets any closer to it (ranged touch 22/10; critical damage 3).
OOC - Look at that a critical hit with a ray spell!
He keeps an eye on Lang & Sunshine, making sure they do not get into too much trouble (spot 22).
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 3 or 4/6 1st - 5/8 2nd - 4/5
Tionel d8=7 Monday February 21st, 2005 3:55:39 AM
"Yes, let's go to the smithy... something seems noticeable about it. It was the center of town before, now perhaps by studying it we can learn more about the forest..." Tionel stays in the middle of the group, clutching his wand, tapping himself once more with it just to get those last bits of cuts away. (Boink with the wand on self.)
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) [Prayer] d20+6=16 d20+3=7 Monday February 21st, 2005 8:25:55 AM
Belkior thinks to himself, "Oh my, my, my. That isn't good at all, not at all." Still, he keeps his concerns to himself for the time being. He casts a critical eye about the clearning, looking for more of these shamblers. Spot = 16
"Tionel, your idea is excellent. Search the smithy, find out what we can and then retreat to the beach."
Belkior turns back to pick up his dropped sling, having to find it among the muck. (Untrained Search = 7)
If he finds it, he will pick it up while trying as much as possible not to get any muck on himself. (OOC - Next round if we're in combat still, otherwise during everyone's searching. Since I screwed up previously, treating it as if Belkior had dropped the sling instead of sheathing it.)
Move Action: move to spot where sling was Standard Action: searching muck for sling
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=38/46, Bull's Strength, Prayer, Inspire Courage] d8+1=7 d20+6=17 Monday February 21st, 2005 4:30:31 PM
Now that the plants have retreated the bard exhales a sigh of relief. "Thanks, mmblmm, guys" he says around Xenia's kiss. Wynn pulls a wand from his belt and taps himself on the leg, where the worst of his wounds now heal [CLW=7].
The bard stays in step with Xenia as they approach the Smithy. Longsword in hand, he keeps a wary eye for more roots and vines [Spot=17]
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52 d20+2=10 Monday February 21st, 2005 6:19:24 PM
Florin moves along with the others to inspect the forge more <spot:10> He does step over by Belkior though and whispers to him, "After we get done checking this place out we hold a full check of each person to make sure that everyone is safe. We do not know how anyone gets infected yet like those in the city. I should be safe atleast do to the protections my lord Domi gives me."
Florin also moves over to Tionel and speaks to him in a whispered tone, "Tionel, after we get done I like your help on looking over each person in the group for any signs of problems. This being a plant like disease we need your help also. We don't know how the disease is spread and none of us want a companion going beserk."
Florin keeps his sword and shield ready otherwise as they move forward into the smithy.
Spells: 1st level: Bless (1)
Syr (48/57) d20+9=25 Monday February 21st, 2005 10:13:18 PM
Syr spends the next few moments searching the Smithy for anything unusual (search 25). He also takes a quick look around and tries to figure out if the Smithy would be a safe place to set up a basecamp.
Nodding aat Florin, "Wynn was the most hurt, he should probably get checked again. I feel fine for now."
ADM Jim: The Smithy d100=21 d100=37 d100=83 d100=70 d100=24 Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 8:42:29 AM
THe group of heros seems to be splitting up. Lang and Sunshine leading Angus north of the Smithy to track the escaping vine. Syr and Xenia go and search the Smithy, while the rest of the group watches.
Lang takes a minute to find the northern vine sap trail and tracks it to the base of a tree 20 feet from the purple flowers in the strange pot. Lang notices that the pot is not a pot at all, but a human skull. The flowers have burst out of the back of the skull. Lang sees the skelton scattered at the base of the stump/fragment of palisade. Upon Langs much closer inspection the skull is not on a stump but a piece of the town wall.
Angus unleashes his ray of frost on the purple flowers, killing them.
Lang turns his attention back to the sap trail going up the tree and finds that he has an attack of the sneezes.
Lang Sunshine and Angus are now about 70 feet north of the Smithy
Xenia and Syr find a deep mulch bed in the Smithy and Xenia notices several small six inch plant creature run between Syr's legs and out a hole in the back of the Smithy. After several minute of searching Xenia and Syr find the top of what appears to be a flat metal box, two feet wide by four feet long of unknown depth.
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) d20+5=20 Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 9:01:29 AM
After picking up his sling, Belkior moves towards the smithy. Better to stay together, he thinks, than to get separated and attacked again.
While he notes the discovery of the box with interest, Belkior is more concerned with watching his surroundings in case more vines or mounds come back. Spot = 20
"Tionel, Florin and I will check you all again once we return to the beach. We'll decide who does what once we get out of here."
Xenia d20+10=14 d20+15=35 d20+11=29 Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 10:20:20 AM "Wazzat?!" The dark rogue's terse jumpy whisper cuts the air as she swivels for a shot at the tiny fleeing creatures. Too late. She squints her eyes for a better look. (Spot 14) Without her other lenses, the focus doesn't quite zoom in like she's used to. Too bad. Darn things. That's the problem with beging out in the wild. You just don't know what anything is!
Aha! Box!
"Hehehe," Xenia chuckles to herself, "boxes are meant to be opened."
"Hey Wynn," she calls out, "everyone, we got a box here."
Getting up for a close look, the rogue trains the lenses of her goggles on the minute details of the metal box. (Search 35) You never know the lengths folks will go to to protect their stuff. You'd think there was someone out there trying to steal it or sump'in.
Rolls Spot 14(for more description on the small six inch plant creatures) Search 35 (For traps or clues on the box. Nat 20) Disable Device 29 (If necessary to move the story along) Open Lock 33 (If necessary to move the story along Take 20)
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.
Notes None.
Syrdeth (HP 48/57 AC 18) Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 8:50:59 PM
Syr stands back while Xenia examines the box with skilled hands, "You seem to know things... Did you Dad teach you that? Let me know if it's clean? If so, I will give it a heave to get it out of the dirt."
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15) d20+6=25 d20+11=25 d20+8=24 d20+8=28 d20+8=10 d8+2=4 d8+2=6 Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 10:17:48 PM
Lang tracks the injured vine to a tree. He looks around the ground area (spot 25/29) for any other threats and puts away his short swords and withdraws his longbow and a couple of arrows if none are apparent. After the sneezing attack subsides, he tracks the slime trail up into the tree (track 25/29), attempting to locate the vine so he can destroy it.
If he is able to see the injured vine in the tree, he will shoot it (hit AC 24 & 28(10); damage 4 & 6). Hoping he has finally finished the monster off, he and Sunshine will head back towards the group.
"Come on Angus let's go see what this box is that the group found."
On his way back, Lang contemplates the sneezing attack and decides to have Belkior give him the healing once over when there is time. Hopefully it was just sneezing and nothing more serious.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) d20+3=18 d20+2=11 d3=2 Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 10:30:23 PM
Angus follows Lang and Sunshine towards the purple plants. He chuckles wryly when his Ray of Frost defeats a purple plant. Turning towards the tree Lang has stopped at, Angus scans it for the vine creature (spot 18).
"I do not see anything Lang. Can you see it?"
If need be Angus will fire off another Ray of Frost to help kill the vine (hit range touch ac 11; damage 2).
Angus is more than happy when Lang suggest they go back towards the group, as he is feeling a little conspicuous this far away from the group.
"Lang, if we get the chance, we must come back and search the area around that skull and palisade to see what clues it may reveal to us on how these plants overtook this area so quickly."
"Xenia, do you want me to cast a Detect Magic on the box before you attempt to open it?", Angus calls out as they move back towards the group.
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 2 or 3/6 1st - 5/8 2nd - 4/5
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52 Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 11:35:37 PM
Florin looks to Xenia when she mentions finiding a box and nods as he speaks up to her, his voice showing he knows that she will becareful but he just wants to voice his concern, "Becareful Xenia, we already been met with some resistence and don't need any human suprises like a trapped chest or something."
Florin looks to the others waits to see what happens. As he does he calls over to Angus and Lang, "Keep us informed on stuff over there you two."
Wynn Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 12:20:58 AM
The bard remains by Xenia's side as she moves to the smithy and searches the area. Once the chest is found he steps carefully back to give the lithe rogue adequate space.
ADM Jim: The Smithy d20+6=23 d8=8 d20+6=24 Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 8:53:59 AM
ANgus is pleased with himself, but wants to get out of the high ferns.
Belkior is scaning the area and sees what looks to be struggles from Lang 70 or so feet in front of him in the high Ferns.
Lang switches weapons and thinks he spots the offending vine 10 feet away and fires and arrow into it. It comes to life and lashes out at Sunshine and ravages the dog badly (AC 23 for 13 roll an opposed grapple check of 24). Lang puts another arrow in the vine critically wounding it, but not killing it. The vines hidding spot is found and it seems to have no choice now than to fight.
Angus sends a ray of cold at the vine hiting it, but does not step any closer. The cold send a shiver through the vine, but it maintains its grip on Sunshine.
Xenia is a little disturbed that she did not get a good look at the small fleeing plant creaturess, could they have been baby Shamblers....will not know unless we catch one and they are now on the other side of the wall.
Xenia turns here attentions back to the metal box. Xenia determines that the box is in good shape, but must be dug out to be opened. Hinges or the like are not visible since only the top is exposed. Xenia does not see an opening mechanism on the box or any overt signs of traps, maybe outside the nasty Shamblers the groups just killed.
OOC: Minor digging and a combined str. score of 60 will lift the box or 10 min. of digging and a combined str. score of 30. More diging will further reduce the str. score required. Four people can attempt at one time and because of the wet sucking earth you can not take a 20, but can take a 10.
Please make a search check of 20 or spot check of 25 for everyone working around the metal box.
Once lifted the box has a combination lock and needs a DC 25 to open. Thieves tools do not grant any bonus with the lock, only a good ar and fast fingers.
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) d20+5=20 d20+3=14 Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 9:45:58 AM
"Hey! Lang's fighting with something over there!" Belkior points off to the north in the direction where Lang, Sunshine and Angus went.
Belkior can't see much besides the commotion because the ferns are probably over his head. There's no way I'm going into that jungle without someone to break trail for me.
Right now, Belkior is standing at the smithy. He doesn't notice anything unusual with the box or it's immediate surroundings. Spot = 20, Search = 14
Thinking of the small plant creatures, Belkior says "I've got some sacks in my backpack if anyone wants to try capturing those little plant-things."
Since Belkior thinks he would be more hindrance than help with heaving the box out of the ground, he decides to stand back and let the bigger party members do the heavy lifting. What he will do depends on whether someone goes to assist Lang.
Action: If someone goes to assist Lang: Double move to keep up while they break trail, moving 30'
Otherwise: Move Action: Pull sack from backpack Move Action: 15' around to back of smithy
Xenia d20+15=32 d20+10=24 d20+11=25 d20+9=24 d6=6 Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 11:32:14 AM
"Huh? Know things?" the rough talks kind of over her shoulder to Syr. "Um, yeah. Dad's good at this kind of thing. Taught me how to crack box like this wide open. Doesn't work that much now a days. ... um ... " She tried to feel down around the edge. "Mostly he just trades in stuff now, you know. Buys from guys who got stuff to sell, if you know what I mean."
"Framble nation," Xenia curses under her breath. "This darn thing is buried! I can't even get to anything." She reaches to the haversack behind her and two shovels clatter to the swampy ground. "Yeah, Syr, I think we're gonna have to haul this thing out before we can get a look at it."
"Huh? Huh? Huh?!?" Commotion out beyond the rubble. The little guy yelling about Lang being in a fight. And something about catching the little plant things. Then he runs back around to where they're at!!!
Eew! What for?
Ok, well, like, taking a look at one of them might tell them about something else? I mean, like, who knows what means anything to anything else out here in the woods?!?
Everything just seems to be working together to take her away from her box!
Oh great. Now she thinks it's her box.
Standing protectively over her, the rogue takes out her bow and prepares to peg anything and everything.
Rolls Search 32 (As requested) Spot 24 (for other enemies) Listen 25 (for other enemies) To Hit AC24, Damage 6hp Vine is first priority. If she can shoot at it from the smithy minus appropriate penalties. One of the little critters are second priority. If one shows it's head, peg it. Open Lock 31 (Even without Thief's Tools, Take 20 on Open Lock is 31)
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.
Notes Would the two shovels help the Digging time any? I made a point of buying shovels after our last attempt at burying the dead Anvil Hearts.
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=38/46, Bull's Strength, Prayer, Inspire Courage] d20+8=20 d4+4=5 d20+6=7 Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 6:43:19 PM
Wynn, lost in thought about how to get the chest out of the mud recognizes the rising tone in Belkior's voice. The bard spins to look where the halfling points and immediately races towards Lang by the most direct route.
If Wynn gets within 30 feet and can throw a dagger at the vine he will. [Hit AC=20 for 5 dmg]. In his rush to aid Lang and Sunshine the half-elf notices little of his surroundings [Spot=7]
Florin Jadenth d20+1=15 Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 7:10:17 PM
Florin watches what happens and glances back to Belkior, "Follow Wynn and help Lang if he needs it yet, he is a skilled fighter also." Florin listens for any comments made by Lang over his comment <listen:15>
Florin does pickup on Xenia moving to defend the box and about freaks till his military like trained mind kicks in, "Hey Xenia, you need alittle help getting the chest out?" Florin takes a few steps closer to Xenia and her chest to see her reaction, not any good at not making his moves odvious he doesn't try to hide the fact that he is testing her reactions to him approaching the chest and her.
(OOC:Don't need a screaming demoness launching a attack at Florin if Xenia is planted :) .)
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 2/15) d20+3=17 d20+3=20 d6+3=7 d20+4=9 d20+4=8 Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 9:45:36 PM
Sunshine yelps in pain as the vine attacks him from out of the tree. He struggles mightily but is unable to break the grasp of the vile creature (grapple 17). With only one thing left to do, Sunshine bites at the creature hoping it will loosen its hold (bite 20; damage 7).
"No!", Lang yells as the repulsive vine attacks his trusty companion. He watches Sunshine struggle to free himself to no avail. Taking careful aim at the creature to make sure he does not hit Sunshine, he shoots at the creature 2 more times (hit AC 9 & 8; damage 0), only to see his 2 arrows sail wide of their mark.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) 3d4(1+1+3)+3=8 Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 9:50:48 PM
Angus quickly fires off Magic Missile at the vine creature when he sees it attack Lang's dog.
Magic Missile damage 8.
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 2/6 1st - 4/8 2nd - 4/5
Syr (48/57) Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:13:41 AM
The elf takes a brief look around the box (Failed Search 11 but accidentally refreshed). Hearing Sunshine's yelp, the elf looks at Xenia and says, "I'm outta here, start on this box." He races off to help Lang with the vines.
Tionel d20+4=9 Thursday February 24th, 2005 1:37:01 AM
Tionel tries to throw his dagger at the vine...but tosses it underhand, rather badly. Like a girl. Except Xenia throws way better. Okay, like a girly-girl.
(Feeling a bit silly form lack of selep :) )
Belkior (2nd illegal post) Thursday February 24th, 2005 7:32:46 AM
OOC - It looks like Belkior was running after Wynn towards Lang & Sunshine.
ADM Jim: The Smithy d8=4 Thursday February 24th, 2005 8:31:40 AM
Xenia and Florin are left in the Smithy staring at each other and the metal box as Syr and Wynn dash out and scramble over the rubble pick in response to Belkior's warnings. Belkior takes off after Syr and Wynn as it is obvious that they will blaze a trail through the high ferns. Wynn does not throw his daggar as he is over 70 feet away.
Tionel attemps to help by soft tossing a dagger. Tionel hears the daggar thump in the wet ground in and amongst the ferns.
Lang is horrified that his pup has been picked up and squeezed and it effects his aim badly. Sunshine seeks retribution from the vine and rips out a large chunk of the vine. The vine constricts (10 damage) as Angus's three magic missils knock it out of the tree. The vine lands in three pieces on top of a now unconcious Sunshine.
OOC: The shovels will greatly expedite the removal of the box. No str check required after 5 minutes of digging. Xenia notices a decomposed large burlap sack during her digging. It will take Xenia 60 -31 open locks roll or 29 minutes of quite dialing to open the box.
ADM Jim: The Smithy continued Thursday February 24th, 2005 8:33:59 AM
Xenia does not notice any other plant enemies in the Smithy. After digging out the metal box, Xenia does not notice any traps that she can determine.
Xenia - OoC Thursday February 24th, 2005 10:28:31 AM
Shouldn't that be 60 -31 open locks rolls (6 second rounds) or around 3 minutes?
Xenia d20+11=18 Thursday February 24th, 2005 3:44:49 PM "Hey Xenia, you need a little help getting the chest out?"
"Um. Yeah sure, Florin. Looks pretty dang heavy. I mean even after we get it all dug out. Probably better to drag the whole thing down to the beach. Maybe you and Syr ... "
The afore mentioned who is currently zipping off with everyone else to kill the stupid vine. Knew there was another one out there.
Bow in hand she calls out over the tall obscuring grass. "Hey, you guys ok out there?" I mean, everyone's pretty much standing and all. But you never can tell. Not out in the woods. Not like the city. No sir. Anything can happen out here! How can you deal with that?!?
So. Ok. Start on box. That's fine. Can do. Can do that.
The dark rogue gets down and swampy with the shovels while the guys go kill themselves a vine. Sump'in like that. In the process of digging, Xenia pokes the edge of something cloth. A little hand digging uncovers a sack. Now, sacks are fine. Sacks all covered in dirt, however, are another story. No telling what wormy crawly things could have gotten into them.
"Um. Florin, look what I found," the rogue says gingerly lifting the sack out of the hole with a pair of gloved fingers. "Why don't you see what's inside?"
From where she's digging, the rogue watches with half an eye to see what might come out of the bag.
Later, when the chest is uncovered, Xenia turns a frowning eye on the combination lock. This would take finesse. That, or time. Hopefully not a lot of time. But, for what's in her box, it would have take as much time as it takes.
Rolls Open Lock 18 (first try failed. But, take 20 on Open Lock 31)
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=38/46, Bull's Strength] d20+6=10 Thursday February 24th, 2005 6:20:35 PM
The bard continues running untill he reaches Lang and Sunshine. He sheathes his dagger in his boot and keeps his longsword at the ready and his eyes open [Spot=10]. "Belkior! can you help sunshine?"
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP -8 to -3/15) d20+4=16 d8+1=5 d20+6=17 Thursday February 24th, 2005 9:41:59 PM
"Sunshine!", Lang yells as both the vine and his dog fall to the ground. Lang immediately lets go of his bow and drops to Sunshine's side, hoping that the dog is still alive.
Getting a faint pulse, Lang provides first aid to stablize Sunshine and stop the bleeding(healing 16). Lang then reaches into his pouchbelt and retrieves a potion and administers it to Sunshine.
Potion of healing cures 5 points.
Lang looks around to make sure that the creature is in fact dead (spot 17/21). Lang reaches back into his pouchbelt to find his other healing potion.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) d20+3=5 Thursday February 24th, 2005 9:50:49 PM
Angus moves quickly to protectively stand over Lang and Sunshine as Lang dispenses first aid. Eyeballing the now prone vine for movement, Angus is ready to cast an offensive spell on any opponent that shows its face.
"Lang I have healing potions if you need them."
Spot 5
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 2/6 1st - 4/8 2nd - 4/5
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) d8+5=10 Thursday February 24th, 2005 9:59:59 PM
Belkior runs carefully along the trail broken through the ferns by Wynn and Syr. This doesn't seem like a good spot to be rolling around in the dirt.
{OOC - If we're not in combat rounds, keep going.)
He pulls up beside the injured dog, quickly assessing it's injuries. "Lang, let me. I can probably do far more for Sunshine than you can."
With that, the halfling healer kneels carefully beside the animal and intones the prayers taught to him in the temples of Alemi. His hands glow as the Cure Light Wounds spells is cast, healing Sunshine for 10 hitpoints.
Action: Run, double move action to advance 30' towards Lang & Sunshine
If out of combat, get up to the injured animal and cast Cure Light Wounds (using domain spell slot).
Florin Jadenth d20+2=19 Thursday February 24th, 2005 10:06:57 PM
Seeing that the battle looks to be pretty much over for now Florin moves fully over to Xenia, also noting that she doesn't seem to be having problems like he was first worried about.
Florin eyes the bag and nods before taking it from Xenia and slowly opening it, keeping his sword in his free hand and laying his shield to the side. Florin glances in the bag <spot:19> and will tell Xenia what he sees inside inless it is something he thinks would be best left unmentioned.
After checking the bag and as long as nothing nasty happens he first calls over to his friends, "Everyone okay over there? We need to get our quick check of this place finished and then make a full camp soon. I also would like to get those who have taken some harm checked out for sure for any signs of problems."
Florin looks to Xenia and smiles as he motions to the chest she is trying to dig out, "Let me know if you need help digging and I will help, otherwise I can help drag it out of here once we finish. I hate to say this but lets leave the breaking of the lock for once we check the rest of the place out and we get back to our camp outside of this jungle gym."
Florin will wait till the group regroups more together before asking rather they think we should check the rest of the place out more. Florin stresses his point on making camp and having everyone checked out also, not meaning now but soon.
Tionel d8=5 Thursday February 24th, 2005 11:59:19 PM
"Uh...does someone want to help me find my dagger?" Tionel is somewhat edgy about going near that vine... He does go over with Florin or someone else, but tries to not trigger any more attacks from the forest while doing so. He leans over and taps Wynn with his wand, giving him a little healing. (6 more points) Looking at the dirty, slimy half-elven bard, he jides, "You know, some girls have a thing for the mulch-covered, muddy leaf look."
Syr (48/57) d20+6=7 Friday February 25th, 2005 2:26:47 AM
Rushing through the jungle he reaches the dog's side and casts a worried frown. As Lang and then Belkior use their magic on healing the dog, he becomes slightly less worried.
Echoing Tionel's comments, the elf chimes in loud enough for Wynn to hear, "Girls? Troll-girls maybe but no one I know!"
Syr looks over at Tionel and volunteers to help. "It's over here right?" (Search=nat 1) He wanders around looking for a while but shrugs his shoulders helplessly. (Take a natural 20 if necessary but not going too far into the jungle.)
ADM Jim: The Smithy Friday February 25th, 2005 11:14:25 PM
Lang is sure the vine is dead and quickly attends to Sunshine.
Half of the adventurers rush to Lang and Sunshines aid. Belkior infuses additional healing into the dog and he rises, unsteadily and shakes off some of the remaining vines. Sunshine looks Belkior in the face and licks his cheek.
Syr quickly gives up his search for Tionel's dagger that was lost in the high ferns. It may be lost for good.
Wynn, the well dressed bard, does not see any other plant creatures near by, but is taking a good ribbing from his friends about his leafy appearance.
Xenia is digging around the metal box as Florin looks on. Xenia has herself a sneezing fit while watching Florin extract the burlap bag. Xenia notices that this is a very well constructed box and may fetch a pretty penny in its own right. The lock itself is exceptional. Xenia know she can open the lock given some time and quite.
Xenia has dug around the box, but it would be easier if two people lifted it out of the hole. Xenia can drag it out as it is not as heavy as she thought or hoped it would be. It is still not light (maybe 100 pounds or so, but how much of that is the box itself??), but does have side handles.
Florin pulls out the decomposing burlap sack and it starts to fall apart. What Florin pulls out of what remains of the bag is a fine looking battle axe. The head of the axe is a smokey white type of metal he has never seen before (DC 30 metal working or Arcane Knowledge to get more details). Florin also finds a smaller velvet bag that is ruined but still functional as a bag. Inside the smaller bag is a blue gem the size of a halflings fist, 120 gold pieces, two black pearls, and a large brass ring (very masculine)that has a picture of a ram inset like a signet ring. In fact there is what may be dried ink on the rings face.
Xenia *choo!* d20+15=19 d20+4=23 Saturday February 26th, 2005 8:30:17 AM *choo* *choo* *choo* *choo* *choo* *choo* *choo*
"Aaaaaah ... I don laige id here, Florin," the rogue says on the tail end of her sneezing jag.
She cranes her neck to get a look at how the vine stomping is doing out across the rubble. Pretty quiet out there. That's usually very good or it's very bad. Just the guys standing around looking at stuff. Must be good.
"Hey guys ... " *CHOO!!!* FRAMBLE MATRON! WHAT IS IT WITH THIS OUTDOOR STUFF ANYWAY?! "Um cad you hepbe drag dis jest down do da beach?" Xenia sniffles and sighs.
Then, all thoughts of the chest are pushed back as Florin comes up with, not a bag of creepy crawlies ... but a bag of loot!
"Wow, wow, wow! Hey," *sniff* "lebee see dat stuv." With the goggles designed for just this kind of close work still on her face, the dark (and sniffly) rogue examines each piece in turn, placing each one on top of the chest when she's finished.
"Wee-erd, huh Florid. sigh I mean Florin." *sniff* "All these goodies lying out next to a locked box instead of inside." She frowns at the box with a puzzled look. "Wonder what is inside?"
Then, reaching behind to her haversack, Xenia comes up with a magnifying glass. Starting with the really big blue gem, then moving on to the pearls, and finally going over the ring, she makes an appraisal of the worth of each item. Yup. Right there on the spot. That's right. Girl's gotta know.
Rolls Search 19 Appraise 23
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.
Notes Question: Is it Spring, perchance?
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 7/15) Saturday February 26th, 2005 3:13:37 PM
"Thank you Belkior for healing Sunshine."
"Perhaps we should re-group with the rest of our companions and decide our next course of action," Lang says in a subdued voice as he picks up his longbow.
Standing protectively by Sunshine, the two of them make their way back towards the Smithy where Xenia and Florin are working on the box.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) d20+3=20 d20+7=18 Saturday February 26th, 2005 3:21:55 PM
Angus keeps a watch out for any more nasty vines or plants (spot 20). He is glad to see Sunshine stand up under his own power.
"I agree, let's get back together as one group."
He moves with the group as they go back towards Xenia and Florin. Once there, he watches Xenia examine the contents of the bag.
Angus will cast Detect Magic and examine the items himself, commenting to the group on the ones that radiate magic, if any.
Knowledge Arcana on the axe 18 - failed.
"Who in our group has any local knowledge on family crests? Does the Ram link to any family in the Floating City?"
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 1/6 1st - 4/8 2nd - 4/5
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) d20+4=11 d20+7=11 d20+17=25 Saturday February 26th, 2005 10:38:26 PM
Belkior moves back to the smithy with Lang and Sunshine. While walking he wipes the dog's saliva from his face, hopefully doing so in a way that the ranger and his companion do not notice.
Once there, Belkior looks over the goods that Florin has found but is unable to provide any advice on the axe. He's concerned by Xenia's sneezing but, for all he knows, she might be reacting to one of the plants nearby. Knowledge - Arcana = 11, Craft - Armor = 11, Healing = 25
"Hey, do you think any of those small plant-things are still around?" With that, Belkior roots through his backpack looking for a sack. After finding it, he shakes it out and looks around at his companions.
Tionel Sunday February 27th, 2005 8:47:13 AM
Tionel looks over the ring and shakes his head...he feels a bit tired, unexpectedly. "I don't really know what we should do now, guys...somehow, this whole mission feels like it's not even started yet. We should get back to the beach and get some sleep...and hope we don't encounter those sorts of dangers every step of the way. We should definitely have a watch, too..."
Xenia (2nd Illegal - but approved - Post) d20+11=29 Sunday February 27th, 2005 9:55:14 AM
Still grinning from the sparklies. (And still sniffling a bit.) Xenia sets down to suss out this combination thing. There are some tricks to this, depending on the kind of combination lock. This one looks to take a bit of listening, and a lot of fingertip feel.
The rogue spins through the dial. Her grin goes even wider. Looking up, she yanks on the hasp, and it opens with a click-clack of metal.
Rolls Take 20 on Open Lock = 31 Oh, heck. I'll roll to see how long it takes. ... Hey, what do you know? Open Lock 29
Active Effects Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.
Notes Question: Is it Spring, perchance?
Florin Jadenth d20+6=21 d20+2=5 Sunday February 27th, 2005 9:25:15 PM
Florin nods and allows Xenia and angus to both look over the rings and other items from the bag and such. Afterwards he picks the ring back up and looks it over carefully <knowledge nobility:21> trying to figure out if it's a noble's crest.
Florin glances to Xenia as he thinks and smiles, "I hate to ask this Xenia but could you help Tionel find his dagger if he or no one else was able to find it? You have much sharper eyes then most of us." Florin motions to the chest Xenia just opened, "I will drag that down to the beach while you do and we can all take abit of time to relax and checkout everything before making any more moves for the day."
Florin looks to Belkior and chuckles, "We'll see about the plant things in a moment my friend. I want to keep a check on everyones health first." Florin nods to Belkior, thinking the man would agree that having a plant growing in any of their friend's heads would be very bad.
(Florin will take 10 on dragging the chest down to the beach or having someone help carry it down with him, which ever. Str:14 all together)
Wynn Brightsong d20+7=20 Sunday February 27th, 2005 9:49:08 PM
Wynn grins at the merriment made at his expense. He thanks Tionel for the additional healing and makes his way back to the Smithy once Belkior has healed their canine companion. Seeing the ring he searches his memory for any recollection of anything similar [Bardic Knowledge =20].
Syr Monday February 28th, 2005 12:52:16 AM
Nodding at the box, "Let's get this box taken care of and then rest and regroup?"
ADM Jim: The Smithy Monday February 28th, 2005 11:44:04 AM
Lang with a slightly limping Sunshine, Angus, Wynn, Belkior and Syr make their way back to the Smithy to see how Tionel, Xenia and Florin are making out.
Xenia inspects the loot from the burlap bag and determines that the two black pearls are each worth 450 gp. The battle axe is of the highest quality (all can see this). Xenia has not seen a gem like the blue one that Florin found and can not put a solid value on it, very nice though. The brass signet ring is worth approximately 50 gp. Once open and inspected the metal box could fetch 100 gp itself. The 120 gp look normal to Xenia.
Florin and Wynn each inspect the ram signet ring and can not recall the ram being used by any of the nobels of the open air level.
Angus cast detect magic on the loot and determines that the battle axe, blue gem and brass ring are magic.
Xenia drags the metal box out of the mulch she dug it out of and wet and damp when done, but attacks the combination lock with zeal and after an agonizingly long time (20 minutes) opens the box.
Inside the box are several glass containers, a book with quill and ink, a scroll case, a box of bones and a box of rocks (heavy). Xenia immediately notices an inscription in the lid of the box "TO GARETH FROM PERIMON GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EXPEDITION."
The first glass container holds what appears to be the skull of an elf. There is a tag on the bottom of the glass container that says "NATIVE". The second glass container holds a human skull that has dead purple flowers that have burst out the back of it. On the bottom is listed "HUMPFREY". The third glass container holds what appears to be a foot long dead Shambler. The bottom is listed as "LOCAL PLANT LIFE"
The box of bones seems to be that of an elf skeleton, but it is missing the skull. The second contains several large rocks that appear to be lightly marbled with gold with a value of approximately 500 gp. These rocks do not seem to contain nearly as much gold as the one that Kurgan was carrying around.
The scroll case contains a crude map depicting the shore line, Perimon city, and a river further up the coast. Down stream on the river is an "X" and a notation the says "NATIVE TAKEN". There is no scale on the map.
The book contains notes:
Native very difficult to capture. Native uncooperative.
Humpfrey is sick and not acting like himself. Humpfrey attacked the laborers. Humpfrey is not getting better and had to be restrained. Humpfrey is dead. Note to self, bring plant back for inspection.
Some local plant life can move under its own power. Some of the plant life is VERY dangerous!!!! Had to fight off some plants that got inside the walls, killed eight men, before it SWAM away. Remember to increase laborers wages next week.
There are 22 blank pages in the book.
Angus does not notice anything magic in the box.
As everyone is going through the loot, Belkior is passivly inspecting the health of his new companions and is concerned why Xenia and Lang are now sneezing.......
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) d20+8=12 d20+17=22 d20+8=10 d20+17=21 Monday February 28th, 2005 12:45:28 PM
"Ahhh, ahem. Let me look at those skulls, please."
Belkior carefully picks up the glass container labelled "NATIVE". The halfling healer peers at it through the glass. Knowledge - Physiology = 12, Healing = 22. OOC - Looking for any distinguishing marks, etc. to tell how the skull was collected, whether a live native can be distinguished from an elf, etc.
Humming quietly, Belkior sets the container down gently then picks up the container labelled "HUMPHREY". Continuing to hum, the halfling again peers at it. "I'd like to take it out for examination, but that's probably a bad idea." Knowledge - Physiology = 10, Healing = 21 OOC - as above
The halfling cleric continues after thinking for a minute. "Just a second. Do you think that we should determine whether the purple flowers that we saw were growing from a skull like that one?" Belkior gestures with "HUMPHREY" while asking this question. Then he places "HUMPHREY" back into the chest.
"When we get back to the beach, I can examine everyone for signs of infection." Belkior glances quickly at Xenia and Wynn when he says this. "Anyone else skilled in healing can assist me, of course."
Xenia Monday February 28th, 2005 3:36:37 PM Wee-erd stuff. All in all, the stuff in the grody bag was much better than the stuff in the rather nifty locked box. Somebody here definitely has their priorities screwed up.
Well, I mean, it's all kind of interesting stuff. And Xenia's smart enough to see how the dots connect together with this stuff. But, Puck and Puckette, why put it all into a locked metal box?!?!?
"Hey, um, maybe we'd better head back to the city with all of this stuff, guys," the girl rogue says with a certain amount of hesitation. "I mean, it's only a short boat trip, right? And, well, look at this stuff. We got this guy Garath who we don't know nothing about. And maybe he got this signet ring that might be his or might not, but might tell us something about why he's out here. And it might tell us more about what Perimon's up to too." *sniffle*
"We got Humphrey here with the flowers that look like they kinda burst out the back of his head. And, when you think about what the healers back on The Float were saying about plant stuff growing on those guys' brains, we can kinda guess how the flowers got to busting out this guy's skull."
"We got an elf skull that this Maybe-Garath thinks is native to these Crying Woods parts. Maybe it goes with this skeleton in the box. But you gotta ask yourself why one is not still attacked to the other."
"We got this mini-version of the big guys that attacked us. All this could be important stuff. Specially Humphrey and his flowers. Maybe the druids or the healers can tell something about it that could be, you know, important."
"The, uh, map and stuff we can kinda keep for ourselves. And I could hop down to the Catacombs to get this magic stuff identified too."
Xenia wanders over to Wynn as the folks start coming back from the vine-roast. "I'm snuffly. she whines in a soft coquettish voice. The rogue plucks a wet leaf from the bard's shoulder. "You look nice, though. All covered in leaves and grass and stuff. Elemental God of Nature sort of stuff, yeah?" Her pink tongue sticks just a bit out from between her teeth, and she gives Wynn a meaningful little smile.
Then the little guy comes up wanting an examination.
The red-headed rogue's face just kind of falls, and she looks all kind of surprised and worried. She looks at Wynn. Then she looks at Belkior. Her voice is hesitant when she asks, "Um, ah, what kind of infection are we talking about?"
Florin Jadenth Monday February 28th, 2005 4:36:46 PM
Florin looks to Xenia when she brings up the comment on the box and stuff and then once again when she brings up what type of examination. To help Belkior out Florin speaks up, "Xenia, we simply want to check everyone out to make sure no one is infected with the plant disease. We don't want to have to fight each other I'm sure."
Florin motions to the jar with the skull full of flowers, "Anyway, none of us want to end up like that do we?"
Florin looks over at Lang and the others, "Uhh guys, isn't Gareth the name of the guy the group from the GG spoke about? The group that were infected and blew up in the ice storm?" Florin frowns as he thinks, "If I'm right then the map will most likly lead us to where we want to go, if not then the map is as good of a starting spot as any."
Florin motions to everyone, "Lets head back to the beach now everyone."
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=46/46] d20+1=21 Monday February 28th, 2005 6:55:59 PM
Concerned with Xenia's sniffles and sneezing, the bard tries to examine her discreetly. He cups her face in his gloved hands and looks into her eyes for traces of green while gently feeling for swollen glands or other abnormalities around her neck and ears [Heal Check=21 (nat 20)]. When the rogue smiles provocativly at him he places is gloved finger on her lips. "Later" he whispers.
Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15) Monday February 28th, 2005 8:37:07 PM
Angus thinks back to that night at the Giggling Ghost and the unfortunate adventurers they met that night, trying to remember their names.
"Gareth doesn't sound right Florin. If I remember correctly the man's name was Gorlin that met his demise out here in the Crying Woods."
Angus heads back with the group to the beach.
"When are the boats coming back to pick us up?"
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Spells Left: 0 - 1/6 1st - 4/8 2nd - 4/5
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 7/15) Monday February 28th, 2005 8:52:05 PM
Lang examines all the items with interest, taking joy in the fact that the plant creature is dead and on display. He is a little dismayed at the dead elf being displayed that way. Seeing the skull with the flowers bursting out reminds him of the one he just saw.
"Angus and I saw a skull and skeleton exactly like Humpfrey's there. Those purple plants were not in a pot, but were in a skull just like that", Lang says as he points with his longbow towards the area where the skull is.
Well I think we have a few different things to do at this point. Which one do you want to tackle first?
To do: 1. Return to the Floating City and show the Druids their discovery. 2. Return to the Floating City and look up this Perimon fellow and return the stuff to him. Possibly get him to finance an expedition into the woods (if he still wants to that is). 3. Follow the river to the point where the elf was found and do some info gathering. 4. Go to the Catacombs and have the magic items identified. 5. Have ourselves looked at by the Clerics to make sure we are not infected, especially Xenia and me as we are sneezing and I for one did not have a cold when we came over here. 6. Search around here some more.
Spell: 1st level - Longstrider
Tionel d20+10=21 Monday February 28th, 2005 11:14:41 PM
"Perimon...that sounds familiar. Wasn't he that guy we met? I think...I don't remember. Hmmm." Tionel takes a good long look at the shambler...doesn't seem to be very normal, does it? He tries to see any peculiarities in it, compared ot what he knows about the creatures, which isn't very much. (Knowledge: nature 21) He considers their options... "I say we camp a while, the head off down the river. Let's find out as much as we can about the shores. Then, we might go on an excursion into the area on the map...I really wish we could meet this native. If he's an elf, well, perhaps he's wild, but I could still probably charm and talk to him."
Syr (HP 48/57) Monday February 28th, 2005 11:22:13 PM
The elf kicks the box with is toe. "Hey guys, just a thought but this metal box looks great for keeping the plants and other creatures out. I'd suggest leaving it here for when we come back. If we are making this place our base camp, I say we put the majority of our supplies in hereand return tomorrow to see what is at that X on the map?"
Looking at the Tionel, "It seems most want to return to the city. I'll swim the 200 yards and get us a boat or two...?" He then pauses for a moment, "Anyone else wonder why the swimming plant doesn't just swam out to the city and wreck havoc?"
DM George Tuesday March 1st, 2005 2:49:33 PM
The group is sitting around the smithy looking at the new stuff they have found and discussing possible alternatives. They haven't decided which direction to go yet.
Suddenly everyone notices a change. It is hard to put a finger on at first but the world around them seems brighter somehow. The sky looks bluer...they flowers brighter....the very air itself seems crisper. Then it dawns on the Crimson Shields that the heavy weight of hostility that has been coming from the jungle is gone. The group doesn't feel the hatred coming from all around them since they stepped foot in the jungle.
Syr suddenly is looking crosseyed at his nose as a beautiful butterfly lands on it and starts flexing it wings in the sunlight.
Angus Mage Armor Tuesday March 1st, 2005 3:12:05 PM
Angus looks around in bewilderment "Ok, someone pinch me as I must have fallen asleep. Has anyone noticed a change for the better? I wonder if the Cirlce of Alder is behind the change?"
Angus goes and looks outside the Smithy to see what happened to the creatures (vine and Shambler) they recently killed, wondering if they turned into butterflys also.......
Wynn d20+2=17 Tuesday March 1st, 2005 7:27:28 PM
The sudden change in temperment of the Crying Woods catches the bard off-guard. "I don't know what just happened, but I won't argue with it." The thought strikes him that whatever changed the demeanor of the woods may have also rid their party of any of the plant disease. He re-examines Xenia for signs of the disease [Heal= 17]
[OOC what was the result of the last heal check?]
Florin Jadenth Tuesday March 1st, 2005 8:24:56 PM
Florin stills plans to help drag the box back to the shore and go from there. He wants a check of each person and then possible see about where to head from there.
Florin looks to Syr and nods to his friend, "Once we get everything to camp and check everyone out we will see about the ship or what not."
Just as Florin is getting ready to drag the box back to shore he feels the sudden change and frowns as he isn't sure if this is a good sign or not, "Well, good or bad it looks like the jungle has settled down. Maybe it doesn't consider us a threat anymore. Anyway lets get moving everyone."
Xenia Tuesday March 1st, 2005 8:32:53 PM
Xenia puts her hands on Wynn's. "I feel fine," she says in a voice softened by his concern. "I mean, except for the sniffles. And, I mean, don't folks just get that out in the woods?"
"But, maybe you're right. Couldn't hurt to check, huh?"
Then the weirdness begins.
Just when you think you've got this Into the Woods thing figured out ...
"Um ... Ti'nel? Lang? Is this, you know, normal?"
OoC: BTW, didn't we come by ourselves in those boats? I got that feeling from the description. So the boats should still be there. Shouldn't they?
Belkior (AC 21; HP 34) Tuesday March 1st, 2005 9:42:20 PM
Belkior looks up when the feeling of oppression fades. Whatever it was, he is relieved that it has ended.
"That's quite the list of possible actions, Lang." Belkior taps his chin for a moment while thinking. "I think it would be prudent to do a final check here, then head back to the city. Unless we're unduly delayed, we can journey to this river tomorrow."
Belkior glances around at his companions. "I think that I should check everyone for infection. I can do it here, or down at the beach, or wherever. I could probably use a second or third set of eyes for the examination, however."
OOC to George - There wasn't any feedback on Belkior's examination of the skulls. Does that mean that nothing was learned, or ...?
OOC - would the examination be something that Belkior can Take 10 or Take 20 on? And how many assistants can participate?
Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 7/15) Tuesday March 1st, 2005 10:21:35 PM
Well that is quite a noticable change, Lang thinks to himself as the oppressive nature of the Crying Woods disappears.
"It is not normal at all Xenia. But then again I had never felt anything like the Crying Woods before in any of my travels. Maybe we should head back to the beach where it is 'safer'"
Lang tries to see if the change in the Crying Woods has also relieved him of his sneezing fits.
"Belkior, I have some healing skill. Perhaps I can aid you in your examinations."
Syr Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 12:09:35 AM
The elf's eyes cross as he examines the creature on the end of his nose. Giggling for no reason, he quickly moves his head causing the orange butterfly to begin flying around. For a minute or two he happily pursues the insect around the area. Stopping for a breath, "Do ya think the feeling is gone or is it just shifted toward a bigger threat than us?
Tionel Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 1:52:41 AM
"Nothing about this forest is normal, I think. I didn't bring any of my animals because I was afraid they'd act strange here...Perhaps we should go back and bring back a few of them. Besides, we've already fought enough for today." Tionel will lead others back to the beach, seeming considerate. "I'd hate to say this guys...but we might want to put all the stuff back in the box. I think if we find this Perimon, it's his stuff, right? We should find and return it to him. I'm sure he'll reward us...especially if it's personal stuff. But we shouldn't just take it, right?"
Belkior - OOC Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 7:19:50 AM
In my previous post, the second reference to "examination" refers to checking party members for signs of infection.