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Getting Ready to Leave - DM Dominic 
Wednesday February 16th, 2005 7:35:09 PM

A few minutes later the Jacks man comes back leading a large carrige. The Jack looks to the Wildcards then says "I will let you know all of your benefits while we are on the way to Plateau City." The Jack and the Emperor climb aboard the carrige and find a seat.

When everyone is in the carrige, it starts down the road. The Jack then starts to speak. "As an independent action team, you will be independent of the normal chain of command in the PoJ. You will be independent contractors that have the right to come in and out of Safeport at anytime. YOu will recieve the same prices on repairs and restocking as all other PoJ ships and crews. If neccessary I can call you to do jobs for the PoJ. You are able to and encouraged to seek work both within the PoJ and outside of the PoJ. The only group I would stop you from working for is the Followers of Ga'al. You can base yourselves in Safeport or from a location of your own choice. If you setup a base outside of Safeport you can make arrangements for PoJ supply ships to deliver to your base."

Wednesday February 16th, 2005 11:48:16 PM

Jager is impressed by all the Jack is offering the crew of the Sword, but unsure how it effects the situation, if at all. Jager is more concern that the entire group is now in the confined space of a carriage and speaks up. "Captain Arrack, Mr. Jack is it not tactically dangerous for all of us to be in this carriage? I volunteer to follow outside of the carriage if there are means for me to keep us with the conveyence."

Thursday February 17th, 2005 7:37:13 AM

While the Jack is talking, Ari will give Rigging a sly look, and a knowing smile.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 8:17:31 AM

Rigging hears Jagar's question and says, "I agree. The carriage isn't moving to fast. Why don't you get out and jog behind us. Stay around 50' back. If Swirl spots anything, I will have him buzz you."

After Jagar gets out, Rigging will turn back to his conversation with the Jack and say, "Sir this is most generous of you and I will gladly take you up on it." He will glance over at the Emperor and decide he shouldn't have an open conversation with him present.

He turns to the Emperor and asks, "Your Majesty, So now that you have made contact with the Pirates of the Jack and met the Jack himself, What do you wish to do with this information? How can we work together to free our people." Rigging seems to be very intense as he asks the last question.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 9:35:18 AM

Ashira takes up a seat next to the Emperor in the carriage. She looks around nervously. Sure looks like a trap...or maybe she was just getting paranoid. Ashira sighs deeply. Somehow this adventuring thing just wasn't as exciting as it used to be. Maybe it was their constant run ins with death...or maybe she was just loosing her edge.

Appolo  d20+7=21 d20+4=8
Thursday February 17th, 2005 9:41:35 AM

Appolo watches the carraige approach,but doesn't in,he stays about 50 ft out in front.He scans the area looking for anything that seems out of place or the least bit threatening.

Spot 21,Listen 8

The Emperor [Jerry] 
Thursday February 17th, 2005 12:51:08 PM

"That is a good question. The first thing we need is strong allies...like yourself. Also like the government of this free nation who's land we usurped in our zeal 500 years ago.

"Do you realize that we attacked them without cause twice in the first century that we dwelt here on this peninsula?"

Thursday February 17th, 2005 1:35:31 PM

The dwarf rides in the carriage with the Emperor listening to the ongoing discussion in silence.

Several thoughts flicker thru the Clerics mind " with the Emperor and the Jack in agreement on the future direction of Asildur i will have to broach the subject of allowing other faiths to establish themselves in Asildur to bring more of a balance to the region "

" i know Ga'als priesthood will fight savagely to protect their influence in the region but the risks are worth it in the long run"

The Road to Plateau City - DM Dominic 
Thursday February 17th, 2005 7:14:23 PM

When Rigging suggests that Jager follow behind the carrige the Jack signals the driver to stop allowing Jager to get out and follow along once the carrige starts moving again. The next few hours goes by quietly with no other travellers spotted along the road. As evening approaches the Jack has the drivr pull over so that you can set up a camp for the night.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 9:35:45 PM

Rigging is surprised at how long the journey is. He was under the impression that they were going to a safehouse close to the docks. He is worried that the crew will be concerned for there safety and do something rash.

He smiles as the hours trudge on and has the carriage pick up Appolo. Ship life has made him soft and he doubts he was planning on running ahead of the carriage for hours. He has Appolo and Val stay up on the top of the carriage with the driver to watch for danger.

When they finally arrive at camp, Rigging will help set it up. "Ashira, why don't you have a look around for tracks and other signs of life.
Nezamil, why don't you check Jagar's feet. I know he is in good shape, but that was a long run!"

Rigging will have everyone settle into camp. "Appolo can you set some trip wires where it makes sense that we might get some visitors in the middle of the night?

Nezamil and Bart will have the first watch. It will only be for a couple of hours then Ashira and I will take over. We only need a couple nights sleep."

Rigging will turn to the Jack and ask, "How much longer is this journey and did you bring any food and tents?"

Friday February 18th, 2005 12:24:53 AM

Nezamil laughs heartily at Riggings suggestion " sure i can check them but i think my ears will hurt more from Jagar inquisitive nature "

"Hey my friend step over here and tell me how ya sea legs are feeling from the long walk on the hard road " grins the dwarf at the long legged man

the dwarf will help set up camp and takes 1st watch with Bart as per the Captains orders

Friday February 18th, 2005 6:08:05 AM

ooc sorry very busy at work and in the vening working at a diveshow so no time to post yesterday and today, next post sunday


Friday February 18th, 2005 7:07:20 AM

Appolo follows riggings orders and sets up more then a few traps around camp.He will then talk to Rigging"Boss Val and I can take next watch.You and Ashira should take last watch.Just have breakfast ready and watches should be four hours instead of two."

Friday February 18th, 2005 7:12:34 AM

Jager spends the hours following the carriage, by taking short jogs to the right and left of the path to see what he can see. Jager never strays from sight of the carriage, but since we are not traveling fast and the trek has been uneventful, he can not help himslef but marvel at the new land.

Once the carriage stops, Jager asks if anyone know of a lake nearby so that he can take a quick dip to get cleaned up. If not he suggest that everyone stay upwind of him as he just put in a good workout.

Friday February 18th, 2005 7:49:56 AM

"Where did you get your information about this history? I'm sure it's not available to everyone?! Are there any other governments you'd like as allies, or are you only looking to the north for now?"

As the time slips by, Ari continues to query the Emporer to see how open he is about his plans.

When they arrive for the night, Ari helps out with scouting the location, and then setting up the camp.

"I can take a watch whenever someone wants me to."

Rigging "Illegal post" 
Friday February 18th, 2005 8:29:24 AM

"Appolo, I appreciate your concern but both Ashira and I have magic which allows us to be totally refreshed after only 2 hours of sleep.

This will allow the rest of you to get a good nights rest and allow Ashira and I some private time. We can hold hands, stare at the moon and make sure no one bothers our sleeping friends.

Besides, you need all the beauty sleep you can get!"

Friday February 18th, 2005 10:16:02 AM

"Whay makes you think I'm going to do much sleeping.You know I don't sleep much when we're on missions or in hostile enemy territory.Didn't sleep a wink the entire time we were at your fathers place.No offence,but I really don't trust that many people.Just our little family.So I'll be mostly awake until we get back to the ship.The last time we were in platue city,wasn't much fun."

Ashira  d20+13=24
Friday February 18th, 2005 4:48:00 PM

The ranger nods to her husband and pokes around the surrounding area, searching for any signs of unusual activety (Track=24).

When she returns to camp, Ashira nods at Rigging's watch schedule. She pulls Appolo aside. "Hey little bro, you know he's right. We don't need much sleep with our rings...and quite honestly right now I don't want to sleep anymore than I absolutely have to." Ashira gives Appolo a dark look filled with meaning. "Get some rest. Rigging and I will watch over you guys tonight. You can trust us. I don't need you sleep deprived when the Wold crumbles in around us...and you know it will. And if you won't do it as a favor, consider it an order from the Mistress of the Sword." Ashira gives Appolo a thin smile and smacks him on the back.

Nights Rest, Days Travel - DM Dominic 
Saturday February 19th, 2005 2:11:56 PM

When you stop for the evening and begin to setup camp for the night the driver of the carrige opens a chest across the back of the carrige then pulls out a couple of tents. The driver nods to the Jack then begins setting them up with one side of each tent connected to a side of the carrige placing the carrige in between the two tents.

The Jack smiles at Rigging then says "yes we have brought along tents for us to sleep in and we have some food. It should take us aroud 6 days to reach Plateau City. We are staying off the main roads using some side roads for safety sake." The Jack then looks over to the driver and asks "Hegna what have you got planned for us to eat tonight?"
The driver Hegna replies "I will have a good stew for you as soon as I finish with the tents sir." Hegna finishes setting up the tents after a few more minutes then starts preparing some food for everyone.
After having a nice bit of food the Jack and the Emperor retire to the tents to get some rest. Hegna tells you "I will be on watch for the next couple of hours. I will wake my relief before I get some rest."

The night goes by with no strange happenings other than a few animals moving by in the middle of the night.
When morning comes Hegna breaks camp then packs it all down and places it back in the carrige. When everything is packed the Jack climbs into the carrige with the Emperor. Once everyone is situated for the days travel Hegna starts off towards Plateau City again.

Sunday February 20th, 2005 12:23:49 PM

Appolo does manage to get some sleep and is up early and after breakfast,he is ready to go.

Sunday February 20th, 2005 12:56:33 PM

Rigging sighs when he hears it is a 6 day journey. "OK we are going to have to rethink this guard situation. I think we need an advanced guard while moving. I will change my spells around, and study mount. That will allow 2 of us to ride up ahead.

I am a decent horseman so I can be one of them. Who else knows how to ride a horse? If Jagar doesn't mind, I would like him to be a rear guard. Can you keep up with the carriage on foot ok Jagar? I will have Swirl fly high cover for us, so hopefully we won't be surprised by anything?

I want some kind of archer or archers up with the driver and the rest of the group in the carriage. That will give us 2 up front on horseback, 1 or 2 with the driver on the roof, Jagar behind and 3 in the carriage. Any on else have any suggestions?

Dominic: spells carried

1st level: Mount x 2, mage armor, shield, magic missile

2nd level:Glitter dust, cat's grace, touch of idiocy, and detect invisiblity

3rd level: haste, lightning bolt, dispel magic

Sunday February 20th, 2005 9:46:30 PM

Looking around at the others after Rigging has spoke. Ari pipes, " I take it that puts me up with the driver. What do we know about the approach to Plateu City?"

Jager  d20+6=16 d20+1=2
Sunday February 20th, 2005 10:04:39 PM

Jager is not used to the lavish camp surroundings, tents, what a luxury. Jager will make sure he searches hard for a stream or pond to wash up in the morning if he did not find one that night (survival 16).

Jager is more than happy to take rear guard. Jager will again trail behind the carriage about 50 yards and move side to side 50 yards as the terrian permits. Jager will also attempt to gather any edible berries along the way (survial 2, took -5 for the movement, not real sucessful at any rate.)

Sunday February 20th, 2005 10:36:00 PM

"No problem i'll ride in the carriage with our guests " grins the dwarf at Rigging

" i think i could be useful in mediating discussions between the Emperor and the Jack "

Turning to face the Jack and Emperor " so who else will be at this meeting in Plateau City? " inquires the cleric politely

" hopefully we can start some dialogue before we reach Plateau city and see what kind of role the Wildcards can play in helping this peace accord " muses Nezamil

Sunday February 20th, 2005 10:57:10 PM

The half-elf looks up at Rigging like he has something wedged in his frontal lobe. "I hope you don't think I'm going to get on one of those things." She points at the horse. "If you don't mind, I'll stay with Nezamil and the coach... unless you want me to scout ahead on foot."

Ashira watches with interest as Hegna sets up and breaks camp. She pays particular attention to her cooking. She might as well try and learn, she'd probably need to do it one day.

She looks over at the Jack. "I'm sorry sir, but is there any way that we can speed this up? I really don't like the idea of being out in the open for 6 days, just waiting to be ambushed. Can't we travel by night? Or push the horses?? I'd rather look a little suspicious and get there quickly than take all year."

Monday February 21st, 2005 1:02:47 AM

"I have some skill riding horses. It's been a long time since I've ridden one but I remember the basics. We do know that somebody has been scrying on us. I think making haste should be considered." Val says.

Monday February 21st, 2005 3:53:00 AM

It is a long time ago for me as well, for you too Rigging although I think you are more skilled. If you want to take Val with you it is fine by me, I will ride on the carriage next to the driver. Does someone have a bow?

Nerves fraying - DM Dominic 
Monday February 21st, 2005 4:28:18 PM

Answering Ari, the Jack says "this road will merge with the main road just before we start up to the second plateau. This will be late tomorrow."

The Emperor says to Nezamil "we will be meeting with High Lord Sturtavent once we arrive in Plateau city. Until then I think we should keep our conversations as friendly talk."

Traveling the next couple of days goes by with out any signs of trouble or scrying. On the night of the 4th day all of you are beginning to feel so wound up expecting an attack you almost attack Hegna when he go to wake his watch replacement during the night.

Monday February 21st, 2005 11:03:46 PM

Rigging's neck is sore as his head swivels around for the last four days looking for trouble. He does his best to keep alert and on guard as they get closer to there destination.

Monday February 21st, 2005 11:54:50 PM

Nezamil rides in the carriage chatting lightly " will be good to get back to Plateau City haven't been there in many years " babbles the dwarf " thats where i grew up as a young lad ....most of my family is still there over in the dragon quarter ....they're fine blacksmiths " says the dwarf with pride " maybe we can even get you two " looks at the Emperor and Jack " down to the Green Tortoise for a few ales " laughs Nezamil " thats a great place to relax after a hard days work and the food is great too "

" but i have to try and pay my respects at the War Cathedral of Domi and see some of my old teachers well i hope i have time to do at least one of those things " chuckles the dwarf " i feel like a tourist being gone so long "

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 3:08:13 AM

Appolo takes his spot on the carriage and relaxes.Enjoying the ride while keeping an out for trouble.He is ever on the alert,but does manage to get some sleep in.

Jager  d20+6=26
Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 8:27:40 AM

Jager continues to scout the back of the group while traveling and keeps to himself at camp.

While traveling and once camp is set up Jager will attempt to find edible berries and leaves for the group in an attempt to keep his outdoor skills of his clan sharp (survival 26, nat. 20)!!!

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 1:33:26 PM

Val is indeed wound up. She spends the next few days with her bow drawn and an arrow lazily knocked.

"I wish the ambush would just happen so we can get it over with."

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 5:51:04 PM

Bart takes cleans his equipment while riding on the carriage. He rides the ghost horse if Rigging or Val are tired

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 6:06:47 PM

(sorry for my delay)

Replying to the Jack, "Is this the main or only road in? How likely are we to expect any problems? What is the city like? I don't believe I've ever been there before."

Strange Noises - DM Dominic 
Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 3:46:44 AM

The night finishes quietly, then the next morning everything seems to start out fine. Around mid morning you start to hear strange and unsettling noises off to the sides of the road, but when you investigate you find no cause for the noises.

"Ari, we are going to be joining up with the main road shortly then from there it is a quick couple of days to Plateau City itself. It is a very large city made up of several districts. As for trouble you never know if there is going to be any or who will cause it."

Later in the day you start to see fruit and berries appear all of a sudden on different trees and bushes along the road.

Jager  d20+6=13 d20+6=22
Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 8:29:56 AM

Jager will investigate the strange noise and will look for tracks (survival 13), but mostly will keep the area clear for Mrs. Ashira to do a thourogh check.

Jager will inspect the fruits and berries along the sides of the road (survival 22) and collect as much as he can, bringing them back to the carriage during the days travels.

Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 9:49:04 AM

The appearence of blossoming fruit is at the very least a bad omen. The week of peace and safe travel immediately makes Val jump to conclusions.

"Perhaps we have been pushed forward in time through powerful magics and the fruit is ripening naturally before our eyes."

Ashira  d20+13=32
Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 1:11:34 PM

Ashira carefully scrutinizes the fruit and berries (Surv.=32). She nods at Valanthe's conclusion. "Yes, something very odd is happening here. This is definately out of the ordinary. But for the life of me, I can't figure it out..."

Ashira turns to Rigging. "Let's not take any chances. I want double watches. I don't know what's causing this, but I don't want to get caught flatfooted."

Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 2:08:31 PM

Appolo watches from the roof top of the carriage as the move along"Yes very interesting."He then notices Jager picking berries and such and yells out loud enough for all to hear."Jager I wouldn't mess with those things.They could be poisoned and part of a trap.I suggest you put them done.We have enough provisions of our own."

Appolo the lays down and relaxes.He is a very good mood as he stares at the sky and the surrounding countryside.

Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 4:02:14 PM

The dwarf decides to just observe the happenings during the days journey trying to piece together all the different details to prepare for what might becoming their way

Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 4:03:25 PM

Rigging is saddle sore and in a bad mood. He hasn't ridden this much in a long time and when he does get off his horse he walks very slowly and decidely bow legged.

"Jagar, stay away from those fruits. I don't trust something that just appears like that."

Rigging takes a long hard look around and loosens his weapons.

Ari  d20+8=26
Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 11:14:32 PM

Breathing in the clean air, Ari shakes his head as the others seem to get more paranoid. When the call goes out to leave the berries alone. Ari wonders over and examines the berries. (knowledge:nature= 26).

Should he find the berries to be not poisoinous, he will pronounce them so.

Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:03:15 PM

Bart looks around if he sees any other indications thet time is running fast. Sudden temperature changes, changes in the angle of the sun, blinking clouds and so on.

Suddenly Bart has an other idear he tells it to the others "Maybe we are on a different world that almost look as our world, not a time shift but a shift to an other world. Hey maybe there is another Bart living in this world."

Ending Quiet - DM Dominic 
Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:50:49 PM

As afternoon starts to turn to evening you stop for the day and begin to set up camp. Hegna, the Emperor and the Jack are inside the carrige.
Ari and Jager check out the fruits and berries finding that they are normal if not perfectly formed and ripened.

A few minutes later 2 very large (9' tall) humanoids approach the Wildcards. They are wearing what looks to be breastplates and are carrying large longswords. You can just make out that they are paleish in color and their mouths are sewn shut.

Just as you notice them you notice all sound vanishes and that you can't even hear yourselves talking.

now is the first round of combat.
All Wildcards are outside of the carrige. the Jack and the Emperor are inside it.

Thursday February 24th, 2005 1:41:43 PM

Rigging will suddenly be talking and find himself not hearing anything. He then looks up and sees 2 monsters coming towards camp.

For the briefest of seconds, Rigging wants to panic. Reason takes over though and he decided to start humming a tune and darts away to the left, trying to clear anyspell effects. As soon as he can hear himself, if it is possible he will cast stop and cast mage armor.

Appolo  d20+9=25 d8=8
Thursday February 24th, 2005 5:43:44 PM

Applo stops hearing things and sits up.He looks around and sees the creatures.Drawing his bow and arrow he fires at the one on the left as it comes closer.

Atack Roll 25 Damage 8

Yet More Trouble---ADM Nellie  d20+14=28 d20+9=14 d20+4=24 d20+4=25 d6+2=3 2d6(5+3)+4=12 d20+14=24 d6+2=7
Thursday February 24th, 2005 5:59:51 PM

Suddenly four more figures appear out of the wooded area around the trail. Three of the figures advance with various weapons drawn, while the other (E4) fires off four arrows from his position up in the tree limbs. Three of the arrows slam into Ari who suddenly feels the urge to curl up and take a nap (22hp nonlethal dam...3 Will saves DC11 or fall asleep).

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 60/60 
Thursday February 24th, 2005 11:07:03 PM

Nezamil feels like he has gone deaf " no birds singing or branches rustling in the wind ...whats going on here? " asks himself

but the dwarf catches sight of fast moving target heading towards the carriage and turns and shouts a silenced warning that won't be heard " what am i shouting for they can't hear me " grimaces Nnezamil

In answer the dwarf slides his shield of his back into postion and rips his mace out of his ring holster and points to the nearest target moving his way (e2) and taps his shield as in if to say " this one is mine"

" well since he's in a rush to get here i'll just wait for him here ....let him tire himself out getting to me " grins the dwarf to himself as he takes a few steps(5 ft move) to postion himself(L17) between 2 bushes forcing his attacker to take him straight on

Shield held at the ready the dwarf taps his mace on his shield and nods towards the onrushing attacker and holds his ground.... mace ready to swing :)

Ari AC 18 HP 28/50  d20+7=19 d20+3=7
Friday February 25th, 2005 1:18:54 AM

(ooc map blocks are 5 feet across? Carriage is 40 feet long? E4 has fired from 45 feet away? longest distance between two party members is 80 feet?)

Surprise showing on his fast, as the first arrow starts to do damage. Ari almost loses his footing by the time the last arrow has struck. Feeling the hint of sleep, Ari shakes it off (will save 19) and tries to shout something to the group. Ari stares increduously when he realizes that some kind of unnatural silence has been cast. Worried about how the party is spaced out, Ari starts to work his way back towards the carriage (via G16), in an effort to find Nezamil and Redux. He then realizes that they hadn't talked about whether they wanted to change their combat techniques because of the loss of Redux.

Ari silently prays for Alemi to watch over and protect the Jack, the Emporer, and his family.

Bart  d20+15=32 d20+15=23 d10+9=15 d10+9=11 d6=4
Friday February 25th, 2005 3:26:13 AM

Suddenly Barts sword appears in his hands. His swords shimmers from electricity. He makes a spring attack to the nearest foe. His sword slams hard into the body of his opponent. After his attack he steps a few metres back giving room for others to handle.

During his attack and the attacks of his companion Bart observes his foes, he hopes to get an indicention how tough these guys are, can they be easily hit, how long does it take to bring them down.

(threat ac 32 crit? 23 for 15+11+4 shock)

ADM Nellie 
Friday February 25th, 2005 8:38:55 AM

Guys, if you could use the map and enemy coordinates on the combat map that Dominic sent, it really would make things easier. Thanks in advance. :)

Also, remember that because we are in silence, we can't activate magical items such as animated shields, or flame, shock, frost (etc) weapons...all of which require the use of a command word. :(

ADM Nellie  d20+7=10 d20+7=24
Friday February 25th, 2005 8:49:13 AM

Extra Will saves for Ari. Todd used a hero point to bump the 10 to an 11.

Ashira (AC22, HP96/96) 
Friday February 25th, 2005 9:23:39 AM

Angry set clearly on Ashira's face, the half-elf surveys the battlefield. Great, all strung out. And no spells. Great, just great. Two monsters ahead of us, and three bad guys surrounding us...no wait, judging by the arrows in Ari there must be at least four bad guys. Ashira whips out her swords. Well, it wasn't like they hadn't been in impossible situations before.

Ashira watches as Ari comes up to meet Nezamil. She points to Nezamil and then the ground, trying to indicated that they should guard the cargo in the carriage. She looks around for her battle buddies, but can't spot them. Oh well, time to improvise, she things. She looks around at the nearest combatants... Hmmm...bunch up around the carriage or spread out and thin our resources. Two not so great choices.

Her mind set, Ashira makes a double move toward E1. At least she could buy the others a little time...

Valanthe Ac 20, Hp 100  d20+12=23 d20+7=21 d8+4=9 d8+4=10
Friday February 25th, 2005 9:35:49 AM

Val panics for a moment when the world goes silent. She turns, looking to the other WIldcards to see if she was the only one affected. Unfortunately she wasn't. Seeing the arrows thunk into Ari, Val aims her own bow and fires at the archer in the trees.

OOC: Two archery shots at E4. hit ac 23 for 9 and ac 21 for 10

Appolo OOC 
Friday February 25th, 2005 2:03:55 PM

Appolo shot at one of the Giant Humaniods.Do I need to post agian?

Ending Quiet rd 2 - DM Dominic  d20+13=24 3d6(6+2+1)+8=17 d20+28=45 3d8(7+7+2)+10=26 10d6(3+3+6+6+5+2+2+1+3+3)=34 11d6(5+6+6+4+3+2+6+4+5+3+3)=47
Friday February 25th, 2005 6:23:13 PM

Appolo arrow flies towards M1 and misses.
Rigging moves to T10 then casts mage armor.
Nezamil moves forward to (E2) and notices that he still is not able to hear anything.
Bart springs in and attacks (e2) wounding her.
Ari struggles to stay awake.
Ashira moves to engage (e1).
Val lets loose two arrows hitting with both.

M2 walks into range and attacks Rigging (hit AC 24 dmg 17)
M1 walks into range and attacks Bart (hit AC 45 dmg 26)

A bright flash and an explosion erupts behind Nezamil catching Ari & Nezamil in its blast. (DMG 34, reflex save DC 18 for half.)

A column of fire drops down on top of Valanthe (DMG 47, Reflex save DC 19 for half.)

everyone place your AC, HP & any spell effects in your name line.
Also place the map coordinates of where you end up in your post.

Jager AC 21 (22 vs E4 dodge) HP 58  d20+8=15
Friday February 25th, 2005 10:43:48 PM

Jager thinks that silence can be bliss and a good way to kill spell users.

Jager quickly advances on the one foe (E4)in the tree firing arrows and start to climb the tree from the side that offers the most cover and concelment from the archer. Jager starts his climb (Climb 15 if needed). Jager yells up the tree. "I am coming for you arrow boy!"

OOC: Cover or concelment bonus for Jager? I shot at Jager will deflect and arrow that has a chance to strike him. Also how high up is E4 in the tree?

Rigging AC 19 hps 47/67 hps mage armor, blinking 
Friday February 25th, 2005 10:47:17 PM

Rigging will decide that alive is better than dead and leave this big fellow to the fighters. He activates his blink ring and will blink away. He will blink through the bush, trying to materialize at p6 and will finish his movement at n6.

He is hopeful that the bush will screen him and the big monster will go someplace else.

I am also hopeful he doesn't get an AOO since I blinked away.

The Taco Bell Brigade (ADM Nellie)  d20+18=27 d20+13=23 d20+8=21 d20+18=21 d8+3=5 2d6(3+4)=7 d8+3=5 2d6(2+1)=3 2d6(2+2)=4(E1's Attacks) d20+15=32 d20+10=25 d20+5=24 d20+5=8 d20+15=33 d10+3=11 d10+3=10 d10+3=8 d10+3=6 (E2's attacks) d20+17=25 d8+5=7 (E3's attacks) d20+13=19 d20+14=21 (E4's attack)
Friday February 25th, 2005 11:59:53 PM

E1---The small, Halfling grins as Ashira approaches. Ashira very clearly hears the smacking of his heavy flail against his shield. "C'mon dear, let's get this over with so I can kill of the rest of your friends quickly..." When she finally reaches him, he moves with a quickness which seems to defy his small frame. Though Ashira is able to narrowly dodge a couple of the blows, the weapon deftly smashes into her arm and chest twice (20 dam. total). As the spikes smash into Ashira's arm she starts to feel a strange burning sensation (Fort. Save DC17 or 4 pt Con dam).

E2---Blood drips from the gash on the neck of the female warrior standing in front of Bart. Still, she doesn't looks too bad off. Very capable looking hands grip a clean but used looking halberd with precision. And then suddenly its arches and swings, swings, swings, swings...four well placed blows in all (AC32, 25, 24/8, 33 for 35 total dam). As Bart bleeds, the woman laughs at him. "Ha! And they told us they you'd be a handful. You're hardly worth my time!"

E3---Moving swiftly, despite the apparent weight of his scalemail, the warrior closes in on Appolo. Raising his warhammer, the man aims it at Appolo's head and swings with deadly precision (AC 25 for 7 damage). Appolo feels but does not here the ominous crunch as the hammer connects with his skull.

E4---Ignoring the arrows sticking in his shoulder, the thin, wiry (human) archer notices Jager's rapid accent. "Not this time, I think" he calls out to the monk. Lowering his bow, the man makes a slightly wobbly, but still amazing jump over to a tree branch in the neighboring tree (I8). Moving with amazing speed, the man stabilizes himself, raises, aims, and nocks his bow and takes aim at Appolo. The arrow lands with a silent thud at Appolo's feet, barely missing him.

Appolo Hp38/45 Ac 23 
Saturday February 26th, 2005 1:35:32 AM

Appolo takes the hit and then sprints due north.He runs from his opponent as fast as can.Heading for N4He realizes he is completely outclassed and overmatched,He hopes the Jack and and the Emperor are prepared to fight,becuase he's way to busy to look after them.

Bart AC 24 hp 10/71  d20+15=35 d20+15=34 d10+9=14 d10+9=16 d6=5
Saturday February 26th, 2005 1:30:08 PM

Bart dodges away the attacks of M2 (dodge feat). He is severly wounded he makes an final attack to E2 and the jumps quickly away from batle as far as he can.

OOC Nellie how can E2 make an full attack as she is more then a 5ft step away? (bart made a jumpattack last round and after the attack he moved away from her)
OOC2 cant read the batlle map that was sent by email

Bart, sorry, I didn't understand your post. I didn't understand that that's what you meant.---Nellie

Ashira (AC22, HP76/96)  d20+12=18
Saturday February 26th, 2005 1:34:11 PM

Shrugging off whatever is trying to invade her body (Fort.=18), Ashira considers it a warning. Since she can hear, maybe some others can too. She shouts out in Elven "Regroup, regroup! Don't let them string us out. Battlegroups! Let's get the carriage out of here!" Even though she knows it will cost her an attack of opportunity, Ashira heads back to Ari and taps his shoulder. She points to Nezamil, and then to the carriage. Finally, she points to the path they just came from. She hopes that he will get the message that they need to get the carriage back down the path they came from.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 26/60  d20+4=13
Saturday February 26th, 2005 5:30:28 PM

The dwarf grimaces in pain as the fire explodes around him (d20+4=13 reflex ch failed)

staggering to the carriage Nezamil yanks open the door and motions frantically for Hegna to climb up to the drivers seat and get the carriage moving and mouths to the Jack and Emperor " we're under attack " with a nod at the two leaders the dwarf calmly stations himself between the carriage and intruders at (k16) with a look up at Hegna to see his progess in getting the carriage moving the dwarf turns calmly to survey the battle field his eyes falling first on Bart as the valient warriors blade flashes with light againist the intruder " Domi would be proud of that one " grins the dwarf

Turning to see Appolo fleeing the dwarf yells at him to hold his ground but his voice is muted by magic " that one talks a good game but needs a little more iron in his bones " grunts the dwarf soundlessly to himself as he holds his postion by the carriage protecting his charges

Ari AC 18 HP 4/60  d20+5=14
Sunday February 27th, 2005 10:39:43 PM

Coming wide awake result of the new attack, Ari stubles up to the wagon badly injured. Frustrated at his ability to do anything useful, Ari look around and tries to judge what to do next.

(ooc If Ashira can close the distance indicated, Ari will climb up to the top of the carriage and try to give arrow support.

If she cannot make the move suggested, then he's looking for any target he can get. He will also use the carriage for as much cover as possible. Maybe even moving underneath, and using the bow like a crossbow).

Jager AC 21 (22 Dodge verses E4)  d20+8=16
Sunday February 27th, 2005 11:24:07 PM

Jager wonders to himself what Mrs. Ashira just yelled and thinks to himself what a waste all those hours of "Heit Volken" classes. Oh well, off to chase the squirel up the tree (jump 16) to leap to the tree now occupied by E4.

Jager is attempting to close the distance and maintain whatever cover he can from the archer. "Get back here!" Jager yells in Heit Volken to his quarry.

Valanthe Ac 20, Hp 76  d20+8=21 d20+12=18 d20+7=12 d8+4=7
Monday February 28th, 2005 3:30:36 AM

Valanthe hears the crackle of fire and dives to the side (reflex save 21) resulting only in a partial scorch from the magical flame. She rolls to her feet drawing another arrow even before her body is upright again and takes aim at E4 once more.

OOC: possibly hit ac 18 for 7. Missed with ac 12

Ending Quiet rd 3 - DM Dominic 
Monday February 28th, 2005 7:44:11 PM

Ashira, Ari & Nezamil regroup somewhat back at the carriage. Hegna climbs out and starts to get the carriage moving.

Bart strikes and then springs back towards the carriage.

Rigging, & Appolo regroup near Val.

The Jack pulls out a scroll and reads it dispelling the silence around the carriage.

M1 & M2 move closer to the carriage ending up in the middle of the road.

Appolo Hp39/45 Ac 23 Invisible  d20+12=25 d20+11=16 d20+8=19 d8+6=13 d6=5 d6=5 d6=5 d6=4
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 2:27:07 AM

Appolo taps Rigging on the shoulder then points,that he's going to swing around the bush and backstab M2.He activates his ring of invisibility and disappears.Moving siliently and quickly Appolo moves to space p12 directly behind M2.

Move Silent 25,Hide 16.Backstab Attemp 19 Damage 13 Backstab Damage 19 If attack is succesful

Bart ac 24 hp 10?/71 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 6:50:10 AM

OOC did bart get all the damage from E2 the last round?

Saturday February 26th, 2005 12:30:08 PM
OOC Nellie how can E2 make an full attack as she is more then a 5ft step away? (bart made a jumpattack last round and after the attack he moved away from her)
OOC2 cant read the batlle map that was sent by email

Bart, sorry, I didn't understand your post. I didn't understand that that's what you meant.---Nellie

No Bart takes only 11 dam. from last round---Nellie

Ashira (AC25, HP76/96) Animated Shield 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 8:35:53 AM

Ashira grins as the Jack dispels the silence around the carriage. "That's better. Rigging, Ari and Jager...take out the spellcasters." She grins as Appolo apparently reads her mind. "Bart, Val, Appolo...let's take out the big guns. Nezamil we need some offensive and defensive spells now, please. C'mon people, let's move."

With a quick word, Ashira activates her animated shield and move over to N17 to await the arrival of M1.

Rigging ac 19 hps 47/65 blinking mage armor 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 9:08:32 AM

Rigging will move 30' to K11 and then caste haste on himself, Val Jagar, Bart, Appolo, and Ashira.

Then will draw Rigging's weapons

Valanthe Ac 23, Hp 76 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 9:26:01 AM

Val wants to take more shots at the archer in the trees but right now the two monsters are the serious threat. The young elf slides her bow into the side pocket of her enchanted quiver and draws her shield and sword.

ooc: will move up to engage as well if that is possible.

The Taco Bell Brigade (ADM Nellie)  d100=68 d20+15=16
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 9:33:59 AM

E1 (AC21)---The well armored Halfling grins. "Yea, go ahead, run away...It won't do you any good." Reaching into his backpack, he pulls out a vial of dark liquid and smears it on his flail.

E2 (AC18)---The female warrior smiles what would be a dazzling smile in different circumstance. "C'mon back here big fellow, I'm not done with you yet. Oh well, you must be the shy type...guess I'll have to come to you." Moving with magically enhanced speed, the woman closes with Bart and brings her halberd down on the warrior yet again. Her foot snags on a tree root, and the halberd smashed harmlessly into the ground.

E3 (AC19)---Shrugging his shoulders, the heavily armored warrior pulls a vial out of his backpack and drinks it down quickly.

E4(AC15)---Sighing in annoyance, the archer watches as Jager hops on the branch he's on. "Another time, perhaps. I've got work to do right now." Reaching into his pack, he pulls out a small red gem and drops it from his hand. The jewel smashes as it slams into the ground, and a large Fire elemental forms on the spot. Taking a 5 foot step, the man steps off the branch and gently drifts to the ground to stand beside the fire elemental.

Bart ac 24 hp 54/70  2d8(5+5)+10=20
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 2:48:50 PM

Bart gets an cure moderate potion out of his pocket and sips it down . In the meantime he keeps an ey on his opponents and stays out of trouble this moment. If necesaary he defends his self

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 26/60  4d8(7+8+3+4)+8=30
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 3:46:39 PM

As the ring of steel and chatter of voices return the dwarf steps towards(5 ft move) Bart " heya Pal come over here and let Domi's touch help you "

"4d8(7+8+3+4)+8=30 csw on Bart"

if Bart comes over Nezamil will spontanously cast cure serious on Bart ,replacing freedom of movement 4th lvl

The dwarf then stands side by side with the big man ;) " lets get some payback " grins the dwarf as he eyes the female warrior tripping

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 5:40:48 PM

Thanks my friend

ADM Nellie 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 6:33:35 PM

Folks, I'll be doing the DM post tonight. I expect to post somewhere around 10pm EST. Thanks for your patience.

Jager AC 22 (Dodge 23 verse Fire Elemental) AC 29 for AoO Mobility, Haste  d20+8=13 d20+12=25 d20+9=23
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 6:50:21 PM

Jager is frustrated that his quarry has escaped him again for the moment.

Jager takes whatever running space is available and uses the tree branch as a spring board and jumps off (jump 13) attempting to put as much distance between himself and the elemental critter. Jager will then tumble to put the archer E4 between himself and the elemental.

Once next to the archer Jager will attempt to disarm his foe(AC 23, E4 get a -4 on the opposed roll because his bow is not a melee weapon).

Jager continued 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 6:52:06 PM

If Jager has time left because of his haste he will throw the bow back into the tree (very High).

Ari AC 18 HP 4/60  d20+5=21 d20+5=21 d20+5=17
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 10:19:57 PM

Doing his best to use the top of the carriage for any type of protection, Ari tries to clear any enemies from the front of the carrage. (ac 21, 21 and 12 (+5 not supposed to be there)).(please roll any damage.)

Loud Round 4---ADM Nellie  d20+10=18 (E4's disarm) d20+9=24 (Jager's throw) 10d6(4+2+2+3+5+6+4+4+5+4)=39 d20+14=33 d20+14=30 5d6(1+3+5+1+5)=15 5d6(6+4+5+6+4)=25 d20+28=35 3d8(8+4+7)+10=29 (M1's rolls) d20+13=21 (M2's attack) d20+18=31 d8+3=4 2d6(3+3)=6 2d6(3+3)=6 (E1's attack) d20+15=29 d20+10=26 d20+5=13 d20+15=20 d10+3=6 d10+3=11 (E2's attack) 4d6(5+5+2+2)=14 d20+16=20 d8+4=9 (E3's attack) d20+13=28 d20+10=20 (E4 and Fire elemental)
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 12:38:26 AM

By some miraculous stroke of luck, Rigging's spell takes effect before Appolo moves, so he is indeed able to close in an attack the monster. Unfortunately he is unable to attack right now, but he's invisible and in place. And just take a look at that things back...it's a thief's fantasy!! So much back, so little time!

Ashira makes her stand against the horrendously formidable looking thing headed her way. As it gets closer, Ashira feels the ground shake as it lumbers toward her, and then when it finally closes with her, a strange tingling sensation. Her animated shield falls to the ground with a thud, and suddenly she feels as though she is moving a lot slower than she was just a few seconds ago... The behemoth slowly grinds to a halt in front of Ashira and swings its nasty sword and slices into her. Ashira staggers from the massive blow (29 dam.).

Spell completed, haste in effect and weapons out, Rigging's ready for action...now to pick a victim...uhmmm target.

Armed and magically hasted, Valanthe moves in to flanking position with Appolo. It's not a pretty sight from here. Pasty flesh peeks out from under massive full plate armor. Huge arms expertly hold a enormous longsword, which cuts through the air, barely missing Valanthe.

In the meantime, Bart and Nezamil team up to make sure that the walking blade barrier is brought back up to full fighting form.

Finally able to catch up with his elusive prey, Jager wastes no time and gets to work disarming his foe. Completely caught off guard by the move, the wiry archer is unable to fend off the monks snatch, and Jager finds himself the proud owner of a shortbow...which he promptly throws up into the tree. It snags on one of the branches about 10 feet up (Throw=25). (One hero point earned for Jager's out of the box tactics!). The archer turns a dangerous shade of purple. "You little piss ant! My mother gave me that bow. You're going to pay for that!!"

Ari takes several shots at M2 attempting to clear the path. He is disappointed to see the arrows bounce harmlessly off of the thing's armor.

And then, from somewhere out in the forest...there is a flash of light as a small ball shoots straight toward Nezamil, Bart and Ashira. Suddenly a fireball erupts around them, but fizzles into nothing as it seems to hit some sort of invisble field....reminding everyone that somewhere out there there are invisible mages... And then, as if to reinforce the point, two small beads sale through the air. One lands at the feet of Nezamil and the other at the feet of Ashira. As soon as the beads hit the ground, there is a fantastic explosion. Nezamil and Bart take 15 points of damage. Ashira and M1 take 25 points of damage. Nezamil must make a Reflex save DC 16 or be trapped inside a glimmering force field (bead of force). The field begins to form around Ashira, but suddenly winks out of existence.

As magic explodes around them, Hegna struggles to maintain control of the horses. Managing to call them slightly, she manages to turn the carriage around. As she does so, the Jack hops from the carriage and out onto the battlefield.

And for the Taco Bell Brigade...
E1 (AC21)---Looking like he's back in business, the Halfling darts over and engages with Nezamil. An evil looking grin on his face, he swings his flail at the dwarf and manages a glancing wound that begins to burn (10 dam...Fort. Save DC17 or take 6 pts. Con damage).

E2 (AC18)---Taking a 5 foot step, the female warrior makes a full attack on Bart. This time there are no tree roots to come to the rescue, and the halberd slices into Bart twice (17 dam. total). She looks Bart over appraisingly. "Tell you what...you put that silly little sword down and agree to be my love slave, and we'll put this whole messy business behind me. What do ya say, big fella?"

E3 (AC19)---The heavily armored warrior dashes over to engage with Rigging. Taking a deep breath, he belches out a large amount of fire onto the Card's leader (14 dam. Ref. DC 13 for half). Then he brings his warhammer down on Riggings head (9 dam).

E4(AC15)---Thoroughly ticked at losing his shortbow, the archer takes a 5 foot step out of Jager's range (drawing an AoO). Reaching into his backpack, he pulls out another gem and throws it toward the pesky monk. The jewel lands right next to Jager, shattering on contact. A large earth elemental forms up near the monk, beady eyes glaring at him in mute anger. "Don't just stand there, get him!" calls out the archer to the elementals. A look of sickening glee forms on the fire elemental's face as it walks over to Jager and slaps at the monk with a firey arm, barely missing him. The earth elemental merely looks over at Jager...apparently unable to act this round.

OOC (The damage taken previously by Ari was non-lethal damage...so Ari is at full HP...he just needs to note the damage as non-lethal.)

Rigging ac 20 shield haste blinking  d100=36 d100=31 d20+11=14 d20+11=25 d20+11=29 d20+11=30 my blinking d100=20 d100=23 d100=70 d4+1=3 d4+1=5 2d6(3+3)=6 2d6(5+4)=9 2d6(1+6)=7 2d6(5+2)=7
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 8:19:23 AM

OOC Nellie don't forget the Rigging is blinking. You have a 50% chance to miss. I rolled for them first two rolls and both missed.

Rigging is starting to get into his groove when he sees this big stupid ox come stumbling forward and try to breath fire on him. Then he tries to hit him on the head! Luckily he blinks away from both attacks. Doesn't this lumox know who his is? Time to make him pay!

Rigging blinks to the other side of his attacker and launches his attacks!

shortsword hits ac 14 and ac 25. blinked away from the 25 so it misses

Holy dagger hits ac 29 and ac 30 Damage with backstab damage is 23. If creature is evil, he takes an additional 14 points of damage

mage armor hours
blinking 3/6 rounds
haste 1/6 rounds

attack modifiers: base +5 weapon finese +4 magie weapons +1 haste +1 flanking +2 two weapon style -2 total of +11

Rigging  d100=50
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 8:43:04 AM

forgot the 4th blink roll. Rolled 50% so the dagger hits if it hits

Jager AC 27 (AC 28 verses Fire Elemental) AC 31/32 for AoO Mobility, Haste, 58 HP  d20+9=18 d20+7=11 d20+2=3 d20+2=9
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 9:14:59 AM

"Get back here Momma's boy!" Jager yells in common at the now bowless archer. Jager attempts to sweep E4 with his AoO (AC 18)and is able to catch the scums leg with his own as he tries to back off but not very strong (Trip attempt 11 against opp. str. or dex. check)

Jager then goes totally defensive (combat expertise) and takes a hasted 5 foot step to follow E4. Jager launches into a flurry of blows against E4 (AC 3 and 9), but is totally ineffective as his is much too worried about the two elemental around him.

Jager calls out in a loud but calm voice in Heit Volken. "Some help over here would be greatly appreciated!" Jager is hopefull the lessons in his native language pay off and that someone is free to even the odds in his mini battle. Jager thinks back to his days in the fightng pits and his ability to best three or more foes at one time, but then again none of them were ELEMENTALS!

Ashira (AC22, HP46/96) Haste  d20+10=26 4d8(6+1+5+3)+7=22 d8=3
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 1:07:13 PM

Blood flows freely from a massive wound on Ashira's shoulder, forming a little pool at her feet. Despite her injury, Ashira ducks out of the way of the fireball, completely unharmed. Then the explosion engulfs her, and almost brings Ashira to her knees.

I can't take much more of this, one more blow like that and I'll be dead. Ashira thinks. What to do, what to do?? First things, first. Gotta get healed up. Ashira takes a 5 foot step backward (M16) and reaches into her pack. Pulling out a vial, she drinks it down quickly (Cure Critical Wounds 24 healed...rerolled one to get a three).

Jager continued  d20+8=25
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 2:53:04 PM

OOC: Forgot to roll the opposed trip roll if E4 wants to attempt to trip Jager, since Jager did not do such a great job on his trip attempt. THe two elemental may have something to do about it......

Appolo Hp39/45 Ac 23 Invisible,Haste  d20+10=30 d20+10=16 d10+4=11 d8+4=10 d6=6 d6=2 d6=4 d6=6 d6=5 d6=2 d6=1 d6=1 d20+12=32 d20+11=28
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 3:17:14 PM

Appolo makes two attacks on his monstrous opponent.Using his long and shortswords he backstabs the creature..Then quicklt and quietly steps away going invisible agian.Staying low and sidways to the creature Appolo also attemps to hid in its shadow.

OOC Move silently 32,Hide 28, Longsord hit 30 critical
11x2=22 + Backstab 18 for a total of 40

Shotsword to hit is 16 Damage 10 Backstab 9 If a 16 hits For a total of 59

Valanthe Ac 23, Hp 76  d20+15=28 d20+10=30 d20+10=22 d6+7=8 12d6(2+5+6+5+4+6+3+6+3+5+4+6)+14=69 2d6(4+2)+14=20
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 5:19:23 PM

Seeing that Ashira is in a bit of trouble Val knows that she needs to work fast. Feet planted, Val weaves her enchanted blade past the creatures defenses and through cracks in the armor.

"Appolo help Ashira. I'll take care of this one."

ooc: ignore the 12d6. accidentally had a one before the two. hit ac 28 for 8 and crit hit, ac 22 to confirm for 20

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 17/60  d20+4=9 d20+10=21 d20+4=9 2d8(3+8)+5=16
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 5:23:11 PM

Nezamil steps away from healing the big man (Bart) just as the halfing darts in with his sneaky attack ...flailing the dwarf with a glancing burning blow(d20+10=21 fort save made) on the shoulder " aaarrrggg " rages the dwarf turning towards his foe to strike but is blown off his feet by an explosion(d20+4=9 reflex save failed)

staggering to his feet Nezamil glares out in anger at the shimmering cage of force that pens him in his eyes settle on the light footed halfing " c,mon and get me now shorty " grunts the dwarf

" wow this is bit of luck both good and bad ......i'm down to my last bit of strength ....will give me time to heal and figure a way out of this magical prison " with that thought the cleric reaches into a pouch and withdraws a wand " Domi's faith" murmers the cleric as he activates the wand (2d8+5=16 cmw)

Feeling steadier on his feet the dwarf surveys the battlefield to see the action

Bart Ac 26 hp 39/71 haste  d20+13=30 d20+13=14 d20+13=30 d20+13=22 d20+8=25 d20+8=23 d10+11=21 d6=5 d10+11=18 d10+11=15 d6=6 d10+11=19 d10+11=15 d6=4
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 5:54:09 PM

Bart sees he has a very powerfulkl fighter in front of him, capable to kill him in a few blows. But Bart trust that Domi will help him if Domi finds him worthy. With all his power and knowledge Bart attacks the female fighter dodging away from her attacks (dodge feat +1 Ac) This time he decides not to make a jumpattack and get all the benefits from being hasted, he also uses more power then accutaresee (power attack +2) )

threat ac 30, no crit for 21+5 shock dam, threat ac 30 crit? ac 22 for 18+15?+6 shock dam, threat ac 25 crit? ac23 for 19+15?+4shock dam

No my Lady and will not be me your servent not until Domi wants me so, die your @&%# (to protect the readers delicate eyes the words Bart says are not fully written down)

Ari AC 18 HP 4/60  d20+4=15 d20+3=16 d20+5=7 d20+5=18 d20=2
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 11:53:04 PM

Seeing Helga struggle with the frightened animals, Ari sees if he can help out with getting the animals moving. (handle animal 15).

If it appears that Helga is doing fine on her own, then Ari will look for ways to fire his bow at the invisible targets. (spot=16 AC 7, 18 and 2. Roll damage if needed, assuming Ari has the chance to use his skills. If he has to concentrate on the horses, or defending Helga, than that comes first).

Ari prays that the others are doing better than him at this moment. Though it does appear as if most of their tactics training has gone out the window.

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 11:56:13 PM

I'm not feeling well. Will post tomorrow am.

Nellie again 
Thursday March 3rd, 2005 6:24:00 PM

Guys, I still feel nasty. I'll try and make a post tonight around 10Pm EST.

Loud round 5----ADM Nellie  d20+4=19 (E4's trip) d20+16=20 d8+7=12 (Jack's attack) d20+28=44 3d8(1+7+4)+10=22 (M1's attack) d8+3=9 (M2's healing) d20+18=23 d20+13=14 d20+8=15 d20+18=23 d8+3=5 2d6(6+6)=12 d8+3=5 2d6(5+5)=10 (E1's attack) 4d6(4+5+5+4)=18 d20+17=19 d20+12=20 d20+7=22 d20+17=28 d20+17=19 d8+4=7 d8+4=12 d8+4=6 (E3's attack) d20+19=35 (E4's climb) d20+10=20 d20+5=12 (Fire Elemental attack) d20+12=17 d20+7=8 (Earth Elemental attack)
Thursday March 3rd, 2005 11:09:08 PM

Rigging strikes out and connects twice with his dagger, though the fighter in front of him still seems to be in top fighting form.

Jager reaches out to trip the unarmed archer, but finds it a rather difficult thing to do. Instead, he moves in a throws a few punches, but the archer is more agile than Jager would have thought. Meanwhile, the elementals in front of him are just as nasty as he suspected. A sick gleam in its eye, the fire elemental strikes out twice, but finds itself no match for the quick monk. With no other motivation than to smash Jager's body into a goey ball, the earth elemental swings its arms down, missing both times.

Ashira heals up just in time to see that big looming monster come lumbering back toward her. Bringing his sword crashing down on the half-elf once more, Ashira almost gets the feeling that the creature is toying with her. Deadly toying (22hp dam), but toying none-the-less.

Looking quite pleased with himself, Appolo visualizes as his longsword slides into a whole in the monstrosity's armor. Though Appolo can tell that the blow was not quite as powerful as it would normally be (OOC...sorry, but that wasn't a critical, just a threat). The creature shudders in pain, and Appolo misses entirely with his shortsword.

Proving a rather effective double team, Valanthe likewise slices into the creature with her first and second blows, though she is unable to pull off a critical strike. Come to think of it, Val's not even sure she can locate where the abominable thing's vital organs are. Looking very wounded, the creature reaches into a pack on its side and pulls out a vial, drinking it down (drawing an AoO from Val and Appolo). Several of the newly inflicted wounds begin to heal.

Finding safety in his little prison, Nezamil gets to work applying some well needed healing.

Meanwhile, Bart is indeed answered with Domi's strength as he quickly and mercilessly cuts down the female warrior in front of her. She slumps lifelessly to the ground, unable to offer any more meaningless chatter.

Ari sees that although Hegna struggles with the horses, she does indeed get them under control, and the carriage begins to head back down the path they just traveled. Smiling, the Jack calls to Hegna. "Yes, good. We will meet back up with you once we've dealt with this little interruption." Spotting Jager's predicament, the Jack closes with the Fire Elemental. The bright light coming from his sword slices deep into the Elemental's body, causing it to emit a earsplitting scream.

Taking, quite literally, several shots in the dark, Ari doesn't think he connected with any of the invisible assailants.

TB Brigade

E1 (AC21)---Seeing that the dwarf is out of the combat for now, the warrior moves in to take on Bart (5 foot step). "Bella's arrogance undid her. I think you will find me a much more worthy opponent." Bringing his flail down four times, the Halfling connects with two of his blows, inflicting a moderate amount of damage on Bart (32 dam. total).

E2 --Very, very, very dead.

E3 (AC19)---A small chuckle escapes the heavily armored man's lips as he spins to confront the elusive Rigging. Once again he bletches out flames (18 dam...Ref. DC 13 to take half). Then once again he wages a full attack. His warhammer strikes true three times (AC 20 for 7, AC 22 for 12, AC 28/19 for 6).

E4(AC15)---Seemingly happy enough just to get away from the strange monk, the unarmed archer heads back to his original tree (drawing a AoO from Jager) and begins scurrying up it. He quickly and easily climbs about 7 feet into the tree.

And from the surrounding forest, it is oddly quiet. Perhaps too quiet. And then there is that strange, but all too familiar, prickling sensation as Ashira and Rigging sense that perhaps they are being scried upon once more.

OOC M1's AC is 21...M2's AC is 27

Rigging ac19 hps 41/65 blink haste mage armor  d100=88 d100=45 d100=41 d100=57 d20+10=28 d20+11=20 d20+11=22 d20+11=22 d20+11=27 d100=60 d100=55 d100=81 d100=72 d6+1=6 d6+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 2d6(4+1)=5 2d6(5+3)=8 2d6(5+4)=9 2d6(5+5)=10
Friday March 4th, 2005 12:19:36 AM

Rigging doesn't blink for the fire breath or the last attack. He makes his save from the fire breath and with evasion takes no damage. Only the last damage really hurts.

Rigging blinks again and lashes out with his own attacks. All 4 hit the fighter and hopefully hurt him badly. I did 53 points of damage.

He says to the fighter, "You shouldn't laugh at me. It hurts my feelings and I am very sensitive."

total damage done by Rigging is 76 to E3

mage armor hours
blinking 4/6 rounds
haste 2/6 rounds

attack modifiers: base +5 weapon finese +4 magie weapons +1 haste +1 flanking +2 two weapon style -2 total of +11.

Backstab damage done because of blinking

George, need you to post the breakdown of the damage on each attack.

Jager AC 27 (Dodge 28 verses Fire Elemental) AC 31/32 for AoO (Mobility) Haste HP 58  d20+9=15 d20+8=16 d20+8=22 d20+9=22 d20+8=27 d20+8=16 d8+3=10 d8+3=8 d20+8=21 d8+3=8 d8+3=11
Friday March 4th, 2005 8:00:16 AM

Jager again attempts to trip the fleeing bowless archer (AC 15 melee touch attack and trip roll of 16, opposed trip roll if needed 22). "Get back here you scum! I am not done with you yet." Jager yells at the archer.

If the trip is sucessful, Jager will take his free attack on the prone archer (AC 22 stunning fist DC 17 save or stunned).

Jager will then follow up with his regular attack on his prone foe, all the while attempting to keep the elementals in front of him: Flurry of Blows - AC 27 & 16 for 10 and 8 damage - Haste attack - AC 21 for 8 damage.

If Jagers trip attack is not sucessful he will chase the archer and strike him once for the stunning fist attack above. Jager will use his superior mobility/speed (movement 80 feet) to keep E4 between himself and the elementals as best he can.

In 'Heit Volken' Jager will call out. "Anyone free to lend a hand over here." Jager is hoping that the wildcards remember their lessons.....

OOC: Forgot to roll damage for teh stunning fist attack, last damage roll for 11.

Jager Continued 
Friday March 4th, 2005 11:24:45 AM

OOC: Made a mistake on my AC based on my attack rolls. Looks like Jager did not use his combat Expertise this round so his AC drops to 22 and 23 verses the Fire elemental. OOPS!!!!!!

AppoloHP 37/34 ac 23 Invisible Haste  d20+10=12 d20+10=28 d20+10=22 d20+10=17 d10+4=10 d6=4 d6=2 d6=2 d6=4 d20+11=16 d20+12=24
Friday March 4th, 2005 1:52:38 PM

Appolo seeing his oppurtunity leaps forward and luanches 4 backstab attempts of which only one hits.He then reactivate his ring and tries to hide.He does his best to stay low and out of the creature line of site.

Hit 28 Damage 10+12 =22 Hide 16 Movesilently 24

Ashira (AC22, HP24/96) Haste  d20+13=26 d20+8=21 d20+13=31 d20+13=29 d20+5=19 d20+13=16 d6+3=9 2d6(6+1)+6=13
Friday March 4th, 2005 7:41:52 PM

Ashira watches with pride as her friends fight nobly against the enemy. She could back off and try and heal herself again, or she could hold this thing off for a couple more seconds. Gripping her swords in both hands, Ashira silently makes up her mind. Launching a full attack, Ashira hopes to cause some damage to the thing before it kills her.

(AC 26 for 9, AC31/29 (crit) for 13).

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 30/60  2d8(5+3)+5=13 d20+5=8
Friday March 4th, 2005 8:29:25 PM

The Cleric taps himself with his wand again )2d8(5+3)+5=13 cmw)

Still holding the wand the dwarf yells " hey you overgrown rabbit get back " at the halfing hoping to distract him and help Bart

Nezamil then scans(d20+5=8 spot ch) the surrounding woods for signs od the missing mages " i know someone is lurking in the woods if i can just find them we can then even the odds abit "

Bart Ac 27 HP 7/71 Haste  d20+11=23 d20+11=30 d20+11=23 d20+6=21 d10+13=19 d10+13=15 d10+13=19 d10+13=19 d6=4 d6=2 d6=1
Monday March 7th, 2005 3:40:51 AM

Once again Bart is heavily wounded, but he hopes Domi will sees his need and will help him to win this fight for justice. He is angry and uses his power to inflict more dammage (powerattack +4. All his blows are will placed, with his second blow he manages to hit a critcil place, right into the abdomen of the halfling hitting him for a total of 79 dammage. Bart steps 5 ft away from the halfling getting as much room as possible between him and his opponent hoping he gets the potion from his pouch in time

Ari AC 18 HP 4/60 
Monday March 7th, 2005 7:22:38 AM

With his breath coming raggedly, Ari looks around for anyone that might harrass the wagon. Ari will hold all his actions for defensive firing with his bow.

Valanthe Ac 23, Hp 76  d20+15=33 d20+15=24 d20+10=30 d6+7=11 d6+7=8 d6+7=11
Monday March 7th, 2005 11:40:53 AM

Seeing her sword slice deeply into the creature without the results she was looking for piss off the young elf to no small degree. Her anger builds as her rapier flashes and slices deeply into the monster again and again but somehow she keeps her cool.

"Hang on just a little longer Ashira."

ooc: hit ac 33 for 11, 24 for 8, amd 30 for 11. Two potential crits but I didn't roll for them since they seem to be immune to them.

Monday March 7th, 2005 7:08:48 PM

OOC first attack with shortsword did 11
haste attack with shortsword did 13
first attack with holy dagger did 14
haste attack with holy dagger did 15

Monday March 7th, 2005 11:52:42 PM

OOC Ari/Todd where is your character going? We are getting slaughtered and you are sniping at nothing with your bow! Ashira and Bart are about to die and you are running away?

Rise and Fall (ADM Nellie)  d20+4=19 (E4's trip) d20+9=19 (E4's throw) d20+18=26 d8+3=6 2d6(4+4)=8 (E1's attack) 4d6(5+4+1+1)=11 d20+17=31 d20+12=16 d20+7=8 d20+17=33 d8+4=5 d8+4=12 (E3's attack) d20+10=16 d20+5=12 (Fire elemental attacks) d20+12=30 d20+7=20 2d8(3+8)+10=21 (Earth elemental attack) d20+28=41 3d8(5+2+1)+10=18 (M2's attack) d100=98 10d6(5+3+1+2+2+6+6+1+5+1)=32 (Fireball) 2d8(5+6)+11=22 2d8(1+7)+11=19 (Healing)
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 1:44:23 AM

Rigging slices quickly and efficiently into the warrior, showing the true danger of a blinking rogue. Though his attacks hammer home, Rigging can tell that the warrior has quite a bit of fight left in him. Laughing long and hard...and apparently directly at the expense of Rigging, the man spouts fire once more (11hp damage...DC13 for half). Then once again, he begins to wail away at the elusive Rigging with his warhammer. Someone must be looking down on the leader of the Wildcards, as only two of the blows have the potential of connecting and manage to inflict only minor amounts of damage (AC31 for 5 and AC33 for 12).

Jager puts his attack of opportunity to good use and quite literally sweeps the competition off his feet (Jim, tell George Thank You). Then, apparently not up on etiquette, he kicks the guys while he's down. All combined, Jager's actions definitely take the archer down a notch or two. Reaching into his backpack, the man fishes out another gem (drawing an AoO) and chucks it toward Jager, narrowly missing. The jewel flys off mark a few feet away and up springs another Fire Elemental which glares at Jager. Jager's attempts to keep the elementals away from him are problematic, since he never really moved away. With a vicious grin, the fire elemental takes a couple of swipes at Jager, but misses him by a mile. The earth elemental, however strikes with deadly brut efficiency. A massive stone arm slams into Jager's side (AC30 for 21dam), while the other arm narrowly misses him.

The tag team of Val and Appolo once again show the value of team work as they continue to carve away at the monster before them. Val and Appolo do indeed notice that the monster seems to be immune to critical attacks. However, regular attacks seem to work just fine...and between the two of them, Appolo and Val manage to make sushi of the sickening giant. It's dead...course it could be argued that it never was really alive...but right now the point is that it ain't moving anytime soon. Its huge body collapses to the ground with a thud.

In an attack that seems driven by sheer desperation, Ashira lashes out at the nasty thing in front of her and manages to cut into the abomination a couple of times, though she too notices that she is unable to inflict critical damage. She also notices that her attacks are not as efficient as normal, and she doesn't seem to be hasted any longer. The attack is returned by a nasty blow from the creature (18 dam.) which leaves Ashira but a footstep away from death's door. The creature watches as the other monster falls to the ground and begins to look slightly confused.

Nezamil continues to bring himself back up to fighting form as he taps himself with his wand. He finds that his attempt to taunt the enemy does yield a whole lot. Likewise, his effort to spot the hidden spellcasters comes up dry.

Bart slices into his new opponent, cutting, slicing and effectively living up to his nickname. However, the halfling's words prove true, and Bart does not manage to take him down this round. Blood oozing from his wounds, the Halfling has a dogged look of determination as he takes a 5 foot step toward Bart and brings down his flail in a very successful attack. Blinding pain fills Bart's skull just before he lapses into blissful unconsciousness and begins to bleed to death (14hp damage...taking Bart to -7). Seemingly satisfied with downing Bart, the Halfling rifles through a pouch on his waste and pulls out a small vial.

Meanwhile, Ari hitches a ride with the fleeing carriage, carrying him quickly away from the combat (he's about 60 feet away from the battle right now). The movement apparently does not go unnoticed, as there is a sudden flash as a fireball emerges from the woods, engulfing the carriage, frying the horses (who are now dead) and burning Ari (32 dam. Ref. DC 17 for half). Ari, please remember that all the damage dealt to you by the archer was non-lethal...do not subtract the 22 HP dealt by the archer from your HP total...notate it as non-lethal damage in your header.

Out in the woods somewhere comes the sound of spellcasting, and suddenly the Taco Bell Brigade's wounds begin to heal.

And then there is another strange happening...off to the side of the path there is suddenly a loud pop, and out of nowhere a black clad magician appears. Spot check DC15 reveals something very unexpected indeed!!

ADM Nellie 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 1:49:07 AM

Forgot to post for the Jack...will post for him in the morning.

Appolo Hp 37/45 ac 23 Haste Invisible 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 2:04:27 AM

Appolo looks at Valanthe then points at Ashira."let's help Ashira."He then goes invisible and moves quickly behind M1 P16.He then backstabs M1 once and ducks staying low and moving silently.

Appolo Hp 37/45 ac 23 Haste Invisible  d20+12=16 d20+11=25 d20+10=11
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 2:05:52 AM

Appolo looks at Valanthe then points at Ashira."let's help Ashira."He then goes invisible and moves quickly behind M1 P16.He then backstabs M1 once and ducks staying low and moving silently.Mising his attack he plays defence and waits for Val.

Move Silently 16,hide 25

Valanthe Ac 23, Hp 76  d20+15=26 d6+7=9
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 6:06:54 AM

Even before the creature crumples to the ground, Val is moving toward the other monster (N15). Sensing urgency Val brings her blade down hard and fast.

ooc: hit ac 26 for 9

Rigging 29/65 ac 19 blinking, haste, mage armor  d100=47 d100=25 d100=97 d20+11=25 d20+11=22 d20+11=29 d20+11=22 d100=56 d100=12 d100=56 d100=37 d6+1=6 2d6(2+3)=5 2d6(6+5)=11 d4+1=5 d4+1=4 2d6(6+4)=10
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 8:12:47 AM

Rigging blinks away from both the fire attack and the fighter's first attack. His smug smile turns to a grimace as he pops in on the third swing to find it hitting him for 12 points of damage.

Rigging again slices into his opponent, knowing his friends and wife are in trouble and he can't do anything to help them with this big lug running around at his back.

First swing hits ac 25 for 11 points of damage
Second swing hits ac 22 but I blinked away from it and miss.
Third swing hit ac 29 and I do 16 points of damage.
4th swing hits ac 22 and I do 14 points of damage with it.

total of 117 hps done to this monster!

(OOC nellie I rolled the 4th swing with the haste since you gave it to me last round and haven't heard back from the rules board yet.)

mage armor hours
blinking 5/6 rounds
haste 3/6 rounds

attack modifiers: base +5 weapon finese +4 magie weapons +1 haste +1 flanking +2 two weapon style -2 total of +11.

Backstab damage done because of blinking

Jager AC 27 (AC 28 verses new Fire Elemental) AC 31/32 for AoO - Mobility, Haste, HP 37/58  d20+2=20 d8+3=4 d20+3=4 d20+3=19 d20+3=17 d20+3=9 d8+3=5 d8+3=6
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 9:06:38 AM

Jager is fully defensive (combat expertise +5)as he seems be be surrounded by elementals and felt the earthen smash from the mobile mountian in front of him. Jager will do his best to keep his opponents at bay with lots of movement and bobbing and weaving.

Jager will do his best to kill the pesky archer once and for all (AC 21 for AoO, for got the +1 for haste, damage 4), by brining his foot in a high arc down on the scums head.

Jager will again unleash a flurry of blows on the prone assassin (AC 19, Ac 17, AC 9 - haste, for 5 and 6 damage). Jager is very concerned when he sees some of the archers wounds heal up.

OOC: Can Jager tell how much E4 was healed or currentl hurt?

Jager calls out praise to the Jack in common. "Thanks for the help. Nice slash."

Jager also call out to his friends in common, thinking that the Heit Volken lesson may have been a failure. "I see no more arrows from Ari, he must be down or captured can anyone help him as I have my hands full.....at least for the next few moments." Jager sneers down at the source of the elements lying on the ground in front of him.

Jager will do his best to catch the gem from the archer in an effort to stop it from breaking and releasing another opponent (snatch arrow feat, but rolled a 1+3=4, not good), but to no avail.

Ari 4 hp left 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 9:45:32 AM

ooc umm. I haven't seen any co-ordination with my team members. I'm out of HP's, and the Emporer is in danger. There were area attacks going off and I thought keeping him protected was at least a valid choice of action.

You can order him back, if you wish.

Tuesday March 8th, 2005 10:05:05 AM

ooc. I just realized about the nonlethal damage from the first round of attack. As of this posting, I have no idea what that means. Which of course shows in my posting, which is also the reason why I chose the actions that I did. Without having a sick day today, it may have been another 12 hours before I would have realized this, as today I'm out of the apartment, generally, till 10pm.

So now I'll go read about it.

Bart dying unconcious hp -7 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 10:23:56 AM

"Aaaaarrgghhhhhhh" With a mighty roar the heroic Bart falls bleeding and unconsious on the ground

Jager (Question) 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 11:15:48 AM

OOC: Is the monks "Wholeness of Body" a free action or a move action or a full round action? Just curious as I think Jager may need to do it soon. Jager will have done it this round if it is a free action.


Honestly Jim, I don't really know. Let's just say Jager used the ability this round. :)--Nellie

Ari AC 18 HP 12/60 (22 nonlethal points) 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 11:17:13 AM

Cringing as he takes some more damage. Ari grinds his teeth in frustration with everything that is going on. Holding on to the now horseless carriage (ooc a peek at the future? ;) ), Ari does his best to hold on and till the carriage comes to a stop. As soon as he can after that, he'll cast obscuring mist. Once cast, Ari opens the door to the carriage and says, "I don't think we can stay in here any longer". (ooc I rolled a 20 for the save, and then accidently changed my settings and lost the roll for the post. If I need to roll again, let me know.)

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 30/60 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 2:06:20 PM

Nezamil reaches into a pouch and withdraws another wand " yep this should help get me out of this cage " remarks the dwarf to himself

With a look out of his prison Nezamil see's the mighty warrior fall "NOOOOOO!!!"

pointing the the wand(dispel magic) at the wall of the magical cage the cleric activates it(wand is 12th level str) and watches as the magical cage vanishes before his eyes and surges forward over to the Fallen fighter and kneels besides his bloody body " hold on my friend just a few moments more .......its not your time to meet Gargul ......Domi needs you to blaze a path for others with courage in the Wold" implores the Cleric hoping his friend can hear him and hold on to life as his blood seeps into the ground

Nezamil readies to call on Domi's divine powers (will heal Bart next rd)

Tuesday March 8th, 2005 2:22:59 PM

OOC: just a reminder Nezamil passed out cmw(2d8+8)on jan 19th post to Val ,Ashira,Bart,Rigging and Redux , might come in handy ;) so if you havent used them, that means you still have them :) hint :)

Ashira (AC22, HP6/96) Haste  2d8(4+1)+3=8
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 3:49:25 PM

Several nasty looking wounds crisscross Ashira's body. At the arrival of Appolo and Valanthe, Ashira takes a deep breath and, her legs shaking, takes a five foot step backward (M16). As she does so, she is horrified to see Bart laying at her feet, bleeding to death. Reaching into her backpack, she pulls out one of the potions given to her by Nezamil and begins leans down to pour it down Bart's throat. She looks over at Nezamil. "C'mon work faster."

OOC Pouring a potion down a PC's throat is a full round action, so I suppose that technically Ashira cannot give Bart the 8 hp until next round...appealing to DM grace on this one. :)

Jager (Jack Post?) 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 4:15:45 PM

Jager is still hopefull the Jack will not forget to stab the big bad Fire Elemental (#1) before the DM posts again..........

Redux (Ac 20, HP 52+11) False life  d10+8=11 3d4(4+4+4)+3=15
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 10:34:37 PM

An owl alights from the perch upon the mages shoulder. Redux surveys the scene with his eyes gaining a clearer image of the battle. Wand in hand, he makes quick work of firing off a charge of magic missiles at the golem, now glaring over the fallen Bart giving it as much damage as he could (dmg=15).

The Jack  d20+12=17 d20+7=25 d20+2=10 d8+7=12
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 10:49:01 PM

Smiling at Jager, the Jack lashes out with his glowing sword three times, but only manages to tag the fire elemental once (AC 25 for 12). He shrugs innocently. "Does that count?"

Unlikely Allies---ADM Nellie  d20+4=18
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 12:03:36 AM

The tag team of Appolo and Val move in on the creature, prepared to work their magic once more. Appolo immediately becomes visible, and both of the warriors notice that a) they don't seem to be hasted anymore, and b) none of their magical items seem to be working. Val's attack which would have normally connected bounces harmlessly off the things armor.

Determined to take down his opponent, Rigging launches another devastating attack. This time Rigging can tell that the fellow is feeling the damage pretty bad...you might even say he was on his last leg. Apparently having enough for now, the warrior withdraws from Rigging, moving back down the road.

Having a sweet spot above his prone foe, Jager presses his advantage with devastating results. But to Jager's expert eyes, it looks like the fellow could handle a couple more rounds of combat. But he too seems to have had enough. He attempts to rise to his feet (Resist trip=18) and move away from the combat (to E8).

As Bart starts to bleed to death, Nezamil and Ashira come to his aid. Nezamil finds it no problem to release himself from his prison and is in a good position to heal up the dying fighter next round. By some stroke of incredible luck, Ashira is able to pour the potion down Bart's throat, and the fighter regains consciousness.

Redux appears with style, and fires off several magic missiles, only to have them fizzle into nothingness when they reach about 10 feet in front of the monster.

The fire elemental grunts at the Jack's attack, but doesn't look particularly wounded.

And then something unbelievable happens... Jager and the Jack feel a strange shaking in the ground which intensifies quickly and then stops abruptly. Suddenly the ground opens up underneath the elementals and swallows them whole!! On the other end of the battlefield, a massive branch from a nearby oak tree comes swinging in over Val's head catching the huge golem in the torso sending the golem flying back approximately 60 feet! The monster roars in surprise and pain as it flies through the air and lands with a loud thud.

Facing the prospects of five potential opponents next round, the Halfling apparently decides to cut his losses. He sprints down the road in the general direction of the carriage.

Meanwhile, out in the forest, you clearly hear muffled cries in about four different directions, though it's hard to make out with any precision over the sounds of battle.

Rigging 29/65 ac 19 blinking, haste, mage armor  d20+11=27 d100=72 d6+1=7 2d6(4+5)=9
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 7:37:14 AM

Rigging looks around at the carnage and then at the fleeing warrior who caused him so much pain. He sees Redux and thinks, "How did he get here? No matter...I should really look for those invisible mages but this guy has made me angry!"

Rigging sprints after the fleeing warrior (still hasted so move 60) and sticks his shortsword into his back. (he doesn't blink) He murmers into the warrior's ear, "Where are you going? I thought we were having a good time."

Hit ac 27 for 16 points of damage.

mage armor hours
blinking 6/6 rounds
haste 4/6 rounds

attack modifiers: base +5 weapon finese +4 magie weapons +1 haste +1 flanking +2 two weapon style -2 total of +11.

Backstab damage done because of blinking

Jager AC22 (23 verse E4) AC 26 for AoO, Haste HP 37/58 ?  d20+9=27 d20+8=10 d20+9=19 d8+3=8
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 9:15:12 AM

OOC: What is the ruling on Jager curing himself? Is it a free action? If so he cured himself 14 last round.

Jager calls out to the Jack. "Nice Job! Lets finish off the brutes!" Just as the elementals are sucked into the ground. Jager yells to the escaping elementals "Cowards!" and then turns his attention to the scum trying to rise.

Jager takes his AoO to sweep E4 off his feet again (Hit AC 27, but did not take him off his feet trip 10), but he stumbles up and attempts to move off.

Jager will attempt to stun this scum (Hit AC 19 DC 17 or be stunned per stunning fist, damage 8)and pursue E4 with his superior speed (80 feet per round) if he is not stunned. "You are not going anywhere!"

Valanthe Ac 23, Hp 76 
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 9:29:07 AM

Scanning the battlefield for any remaining opponents that are still lingering. While the unexpected aid has removed some of the danger they were in such a state that a lone enemy or two could do serious damage. Spotting one such individual by some bushes Val sprints over to him. OOC: moving to f12

Bart hp0? ac 
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 9:48:18 AM

Slowly Bart regains his consciousness, he is still dizy. He sees a blurry Nezamil and Ashira in front of him. Thank you guys i was thinking that i would meet Domi, but it wasn't my time yet. Barts tries to stand up but he feels very unstable and asks Nezamil could you help me to the side of the road?

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 30/60  4d8(1+5+5+6)+8=25 d20+5=11
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 1:16:27 PM

"easy there big fella " replies the dwarf to Bart as he drags him to the side of the road " relax let me help you "

Nezamil then will place his hands on Barts wounds and say a quick prayer to Domi (4d8(1+5+5+6)+8=25 csw)(casting it spontanously in place of dimensional anchor)

With a glance at Ashira " nice work in getting to Bart quickly ...you probably saved his life "remarks the dwarf

With a quick look(d20+5=11 spot ch) around to assess the battlefield the cleric doesn't spot Redux but hears some muffled souds " whats that noise " asks Nezamil as he looks towards one of the disturbances

Appolo Hp 37/45 ac 23 
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 2:18:17 PM

Appolo just shrugs as the tree tosses his opponent and his magic stopss working.He then looks over Bart,deciding that nexamil and Ashira can handle things there he chases after Val moving to bacstab any opponent they may encounter.

Ashira (AC22, HP6/96) Haste 
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 5:12:03 PM

Bloodied and exhausted, Ashira looks up at the dwarf and a brief smile flickers over her face. Slapping him on his back she says "Not too bad yourself....brother." Seeing that Bart is for the time being at least stable, she surveys the battlefield. She sees Rigging chasing after some guy, and Jager trying to beat up some unarmed guy. Looking over at Bart, Ashira helps him to his feet. "I hate to break up this party, but we really ought to check on our guest. C'mon Bart, let's go help out Hegna." She sprints off as quickly as possible toward the lame duck carriage (A16). As she travels, Ashira fishes out another healing potion from her pouch.

Redux (Ac 20, HP 52+11) False life  3d4(4+1+2)+3=10
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 11:02:46 PM

Redux turns his attention to the fleeing E1 and fires off his wand once again (dmg=10). Speaking to the villain, Redux says "I went to a bit of trouble getting here. Don't go away before we've had a chance to meet."

Desperate Times---ADM Nellie  d20+13=29 d20+8=23 d20+3=17 d20+13=18 d8+9=13 d8+9=13 (E3's attack) d20+11=20 (E4's Fort.) d20+18=31 d20+13=16 d20+8=22 d20+18=22 d4+4=8 (E4's attack) d100=81 2d8(5+6)+11=22 2d8(7+8)+11=26 (Healing)
Thursday March 10th, 2005 1:06:15 AM

Far away from the din of battle, Ari casts his spell and helps the Emperor out of the carriage. Though the exterior is charred, the Emperor is unhurt. Hegna, looking much worse for the wear hops down off the carriage stumbles through the think fog. When she finally manages to join Ari she whispers to him. "There are too many spellcasters about. We need to get him somewhere secure, but where?"

Rigging's fleeing foe looks a little peeved at the attack. "You know, you really must be stupid. Can't figure out when enough is enough, huh? I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson." Using more muscle than timing, the warrior tags Rigging with two massive blows (AC29 for 13, AC23 for 13). Wiping bloodied hair out of his eyes, the warrior looks at Rigging in disgust.

Jager thunks the unarmed archer in the head but isn't able to stun him. A sudden flush works its way up to the archer's cheeks, as if something inside him snaps. With a quick flick of his sleeve, a dagger appears in the mans hand. He lunges toward Jager with abandon. In his frustration, most of his attacks are in vain. He does, however, manage to nick Jager once (AC31 for 8 dam.).

Rushing to Rigging's aid, Val watches as Rigging takes several solid blows from the warrior. Looks like her instincts were right on track. Appolo is hot on her heals.

Due to the tending by Ashira and Nezamil, Bart is once more up to fighting power. Ashira decides to go hunting for the Emperor and sprints toward where the carriage headed, calling out for Bart to join her. Nezamil doesn't spot anything out in the woods, but he thinks he can hear something like muffled cries of surprise...though with all the sounds of battle it's hard to know for sure.

Redux's magic missiles shoot across the battlefield and nail the retreating Halfling right in the chest. Looking shocked, the Halfling staggers and looks decidedly unsteady. Moving with what Redux recognizes as magically enhanced speed, the little man shoots by Redux and rapidly approaches the obscuring mist.

Anyone caring to take a glance over at the other side of the battlefield notices that the monster that was knocked over by the tree has risen to its feet and is headed back toward the battle, though comparatively at a snails pace.

Off in the woods comes the ominous sound of spellcasting once more. Once again, the enemy warriors wounds begin to heal (E1, E3 and E4). To the Wildcards trained eyes, it looks like the warrior could probably stand a few more rounds of combat, though they are definitely looking wounded. Then the sound of more spellcasting...a sickly looking greenish fog settles in around the obscuring mist that Ari just cast. Ari, Hegna, and the Emperor are suddenly surrounded by something smelling vaguely like rotten egg, only, much, much worse. Suddenly the urge to wretch is very real. (Fort check DC18 or hurl your guts out....must make the check each round that you are in the mist). Then something strange happens...Rigging, Val and Appolo feel magic tugging at their bodies. (Fort. Save DC19...if you fail, email me).

I am sending out a regular combat map tonight. I will send out a separate map tomorrow notating the positions of the carriage and E1. Jager, consider yourself healed from the wholeness of body like I said before.---Nellie

Valanthe Ac 21, Hp 92 (Rage 1 of 8)  d20+12=26 d20+17=31 d20+12=32 d20+12=25 d6+9=14 2d6(6+2)+18=26
Thursday March 10th, 2005 9:49:55 AM

Val barely notices the magic tugging at her body. Seeing the mans wounds heal before her eyes and with the situation as it was causes Val to release her barely checked temper. Her knuckles whiten moments before a loud primal shout echoes off the trees. Val brings her blade down on the man with as much force as she could muster.

OOC: hit ac 31 for 14 and crit with ac 25 to confirm for 26

Appollo Hp 39/45 ac 23  d20+4=21 d20+10=11 d20+10=17
Thursday March 10th, 2005 2:07:32 PM

Appol shakes off the efects of whatever magic is being used and backstabs the opponent twice.Missing both times.He then prepares to play defence.

Fortitude 21

Bart Ac 23 hp 45/71  2d8(4+8)+8=20
Thursday March 10th, 2005 6:36:52 PM

Bart gets an potion oit of his puch and drinks iot he reactivates fis shield en picks up his sword and walks towards the halfling to pay him his final lesson

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 30/60 
Thursday March 10th, 2005 7:52:47 PM

Nezamil is glad to see Bart up and around " phew that was close .....easy big guy that little sneak is tricky ....be careful " calls out the dwarf to Bart as he advances on his foe

The dwarf surveys the battlefield and his attention is drawn over to Jagar's clash with the archer " hmm yeah i have something to help Jagar " grins Nezamil slyly

Reaching into a pouch the cleric pulls out a small stright piece of iron and calls on Domi's divine powers (casting hold person on the archer e4)(dc 16 will check )

Jager HP 43/58 AC 23 dodge verses E4 Haste Mobility AC 27 verses AoO  d20+8=16 d8+3=10 d20+8=14 d20+8=23 d8+3=7
Thursday March 10th, 2005 8:32:40 PM

Jager is getting frustrated with his constantly healing foe, even though he did heal himself resently. "Enough fun and games, time for you to go down for good!" Jager yells in common as he flys into a flurry of feet, hands and elbows.

Hit AC 16 for 10 damage
Hit AC 14 but just missed
Hit AC 23 for 7 damage

jager satified with his attackes yell to the group in Heit Volken. "Will someone please go kill their cleric!"

Ari AC 18 HP 12/60 (22 nonlethal points)  d20=18
Thursday March 10th, 2005 9:58:33 PM

(ooc don't have character sheet, but it looks like i'm fine! ;)

Feeling the new spell trying to make him react, Ari looks at the others and tries to judge whether they are going to react. (unmodified 18 fort save)

Motioning for them to bring their heads together Ari risks his voice and whispers, "Don't breath too deeply. You might be overcome by the fumes. This way as quietly as you can."

Taking a perpendicular track to the way they were travelling. Ari moves with exaggeration to try to show the other two how to move silently and hide in shadows with the mist moving around them. Ari also shows them how to keep their mouths covered and close to body, to try to cutdown on any of the bad fumes.

Rigging 4/65 hps mage armor, haste, see invisiblity  d20+7=8 d20+7=27
Thursday March 10th, 2005 10:20:47 PM

Rigging sighs to himself and thinks, "Well now your in a fine pickle." Then feels something assualt his body. He feels himself succumbing to it but summons his resistance and fights it off. (burned a hero point)

Still it is time to let the fighter's do their thing. He moves off towards that most handsome and powerful dwarf. You know the one with the healing spells! He can easily get their this round and then casts a See Invisiblity spell to look for the enemy spell users!

He calls out, "I want prisoners!"

mage armor hours
haste 5/6 rounds
detect invisiblity 60 minutes

Redux (Ac 20, HP 52+11) False life  3d6(5+1+6)=12 2d6(4+2)=6
Thursday March 10th, 2005 10:58:10 PM

With his fighter friends resuming their controversy with the baduns regarding their recent hitting contest, Redux turns his attention back to the golem. Now that this character is out by himself, Redux turns down the heat and casts an ice storm directly over it (bludgeoning dmg=12, cold dmg=6). By his estimation, that should also slow the created abomination down a bit more as well.

Ashira (AC22, HP16/96) Haste  2d8(4+3)+3=10
Friday March 11th, 2005 12:25:46 AM

Gulping down her potion, Ashira heads toward the halfling, intent on cutting him down.

Opening the Can and Dishing it Out---ADM Nellie  d20+18=34 d20+13=26 d20+8=12 d8+7=12 d8+7=13 d8+7=10 (Jack's attack) 2d8(5+2)+5=12 (Nezamil's healing) d20=1 d20=1 2d6(2+1)=3 (rds. golem slowed) d100=75 (super secret roll)
Friday March 11th, 2005 12:27:45 AM

Stepping up to the bar, Val shows the arrogant fighter just how nasty a raging barbarian elf can be. With the speed of a viper, Val slices past the man's defenses, dropping him to the ground before he can blink. He lays on the ground, mouth open in a retort that will never be heard as his lifeblood begins to soak into the dirt pathway.

Bart fishes out a potion and drinks it down, beginning to feel much better. However, he isn't able to close with the Halfling, since he's taken all his actions for this round.

Smiling as the elementals disappear, and then watching the archer attack Jager, the Jack grips his sword even tighter. "Oh, I don't think so." He calls out to no one in particular. The eerie glowing sword slices neatly and evenly through the man's armor three times. Massive amounts of blood seep from under his studded leather armor. And then Jager comes forward and pummels him. There is an ominous popping, and the man's neck bends in a very unnatural angle. His body falls to the ground stone cold dead.

His target no longer a problem, Nezamil turns his attention to healing the newly arrived Rigging. Tapping the Captain with his wand, he restores 12 Hp to the suave fighter.

Ari, unaffected by the stinking cloud, finds Hegna and the Emperor retching their guts out. Moving with haste (haha), Ari quickly guides them out of the cloud and into the surrounding forest. He does find that he has to slow down to accommodate their slower rate of movement. It is just about at this time that the Halfling arrives...a mere 20 feet away from the group. A snarl on his lips, he begins to move toward the trio, warhammer at the ready...and then suddenly, he pauses. There is a brief nod of his head, and then he begins to sprint off into the forest at a very rapid pace (110 feet) and quickly disappears.

Redux's ice storm reigns down on the monster, pummeling it mercilessly. It's movement almost grinds to a stop just as Redux anticipated. Still, it slowly moves toward the group.

Rigging's spell goes off without a hitch. Taking a look around, he notices four figures spread out in the woods...beating a very hasty retreat into the woods...and moving fast. They too quickly disappear.

Valanthe Ac 21 (Ac without magic- 17), Hp 92 (Rage 2 of 8)  d20+17=36 d6+9=10
Friday March 11th, 2005 10:07:55 AM

Lost in her Rage Val turns and rushes the massive golem without hesitation. Rational thought takes a backseat to instinct and her mind chooses fight.

ooc: hit ac 36 for 10

Bart Ac 23 hp 45/71 
Friday March 11th, 2005 10:50:56 AM

Bart moves towards Val, but he doesn't interfere in this fight. He sees an enraged Val, he knows it is dangerous to get her out her beserkers state. she has to fight or otherwise suffer the consequences. Bart warns everyone who wants to interfere in this fight. Bart will only attack if Val is in danger and needs to be healed

Appolo HP39/45 AC23  d20+12=28 d10+6=14
Friday March 11th, 2005 11:05:01 AM

Appolo follows right behind Val and swings at the monstrousity.Heis in a full charge.

Charge hit 28 damage 14

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 30/60  2d8(6+4)+5=15
Friday March 11th, 2005 3:09:55 PM

The Cleric will tend to Riggings wounds again (2d8+5=15 cmw)(4th charge used) "all right Captain go get'em " encourages the dwarf

With a quick glance around Nezamil turns and heads over to see how Jagar and the Jack are doing and observes Val cut down the enemy warrior " wonder if i should save him and see if we can pump him for infomation " growls the dwarf as he hustles across the road

Ashira (AC22, HP16/96) Haste 
Friday March 11th, 2005 3:41:57 PM

Ashira growls in anger. You back them into a corner and then they run away! Sighing deeply, she watches as the enraged Val and then Appolo charge the golem. Better go and help them out. she thinks. That thing's a lot worse than it looks. Swords drawn, blood still flowing, and arms shaking, Ashira manages to make it most of the way to the monstrosity, but can't quite close with it (U13).

Rigging 21/65 hps ac 19 mage armor, haste, see invisiblity 
Friday March 11th, 2005 6:01:05 PM

Rigging still a little shook up from the battle decides to let the fighters mop up the golem.

He says to Nezamil, "I think that fighter I was tangling with is still breathing. Lets fetch a prisoner and see who is attacking us?"

I will tie him up and you then heal him up slightly or at least stablize him." Rigging runs over to the figher and pulls out some rope.

Maulng happens - DM Dominic  (golem AoO) d3=2 (against Appolo) d20+28=31 3d8(8+3+5)+10=26 (beserk roll) d100=77 (golem's attack) d3=3 (against ashira) d20+28=46 d20+28=43 3d8(1+6+6)+10=23 3d8(2+5+3)+10=20
Friday March 11th, 2005 7:19:52 PM

Appolo, Val and Ashira decide to rush at the huge Golem. When you get within 10' of it you notice that all magic on you is neutralized somehow. Just as you notice a huge fist lashes out and connects with (dmg 26).

Val strikes out and causes a glancing blow on the huge monster.
Appolos attack lightly wounds the golem.

Nezamil heals up Rigging some before checking on Jager and the Jack.

Ari, the Emperor and Hegna continue moving away fom the noxious cloud.

Bart moves in a bit closer just incase the others need his help.

Rigging and Jager find that the opponent is dead.

The huge golem flails out with both fists smashing towards Ashira (hit ac 46 & 43, dmg 23 & 20)

the Jack charges over towards Ashira when he sees her get slammed with both blows.

OOC: sorry Nellie

Friday March 11th, 2005 10:10:13 PM

The last thing she sees before the darkness takes her is two big fists smashing her skull. And then the darkness gathers, and peace. She can no longer feel the pain, or the earth, or her body for that matter. Not that this bothers her too tremendously. For now there is peace and rest at last.

Jager AC 21 (22 verses golem, dodge) haste (ending) AC 25/26 for AoO (Mobility) HP 43/58  d20+9=21 d8+3=9
Saturday March 12th, 2005 12:07:30 AM

Jager sees that he and the Jack effectivly finished off the assassin. "Not much to take prisoner." Jager addes off handedly to the Jack before sprinting off toward the huge golem.

Half way to the golem, Jager see two blows smash Mrs. Ashira and Jager half stops and yells "NOOOOOO!" and the charges toward golem.

Hit Ac 21 for 9 damage (do not remember the golems AC ?, but haste spell ends)

Ari AC 18 HP 12/60 (22 nonlethal points) 
Sunday March 13th, 2005 9:16:16 PM

"Thank you Alemi" is mouthed by Ari as he realizes that something has made their attackers change their mind. Hoping that means good news, Ari starts to veer the small parties path back towards the ambush.

Otherwise Ari has no clear idea as to what he should do next.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 30/60  2d8(8+8)+5=21 2d8(2+5)+5=12 2d8(6+6)+5=17
Monday March 14th, 2005 12:09:22 AM

Nezamil heeding the Riggings words follows the Captain to the fallen enemy warrior and yanks a a wand quickly , waiting for Rigging to finish tieing up the prisoner the dwarf then taps(2d8+5=21cmw) the prisoner with the wand "this should bring him around " replies the dwarf " once we're done with that beast over we can talk to this one "

Nezamil's head snaps around as he he Jagar's yell of rage.....follow the newest wildcards path the dwarfs eyes widen with horror as he see's Ashira bloodied and motionless body " oh nooo ! ..by Domi don't let that be " groans the dwarf as he looks at Riggings face watching the emotions race across his features

Stuffing the wand in his pouch the Cleric grips his mace and starts towards the fallen wildcard....his legs numb with shock the feeling quickly giving way to rage " By Domi she shall be avenged " growls the dwarf his knuckles whiten around his mace

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 39  d20+6=7 d20+6=8
Monday March 14th, 2005 1:12:08 AM

Appolo swings twice and misses,

OOC:Don't see how the creature was able to attack Ashira,She stopped short and didn't close all thw way.

Valanthe Ac 21 (Ac without magic- 17), Hp 66 (Rage 3 of 8)  d20+15=26 d20+10=15 d6+3=4
Monday March 14th, 2005 1:42:38 AM

Still enraged Val strikes out futily against the golem refusing to give up regardless of how things are.

ooc: hit ac 26 for 4

Monday March 14th, 2005 2:30:38 AM

Bart graps Ashiras body and get it away from battle, but first he tries to get an potion of cure moderate wounds in her.

OOC remember Bart did warn everyone who wants to interfere in the battle between the golem and Val

Redux (Ac 20, HP 52+11) False life 
Monday March 14th, 2005 2:50:09 PM

Redux watches in horror as Ashira is struck down. "No, no, no!!" he stammers as he reaches into his component pouch. His hands moving quickly, he begins to cast Fly. Then he grabs the largest rock he can find and carry safely. "Spells may not work, but I'll be a rock to the head will!"

Monday March 14th, 2005 3:42:58 PM

Rigging looks up from tying up the fighter at the screams of horror. He quickly joins in with on of his own and dashes towards his wife fumbling for a cure potion as he goes.

Death and Backlash - DM Dominic 
Monday March 14th, 2005 7:43:04 PM

When the huge Golem drops Ashira a ripple of emotional energy rushes through the rest of the Wildcards and into Ashiras soul. It then sprks across to the huge golem with a flash and you notice that your magical items are functioning again normally.
Ashira's spirit seems to be standing over her body whatching what is happening in slow motion.
Ashira can feel the pull of the Woldsblood upon her (Will save DC 15 or be drawn a little further away from the group and onto the Realm of Shadow.

Massive Damage---ADM Nellie  d20+8=11 d20+8=16 (Ashira's Will and hero point reroll) d20+20=29 d8+7=13 (Jack's attack and damage) d100=85 (beserk roll) d4=2 d20+28=39 d20+28=48 d20+28=30 3d8(1+5+2)+10=18 6d8(6+8+2+6+7+1)+20=50 (Golem's attack & damage)
Monday March 14th, 2005 11:54:57 PM

Hit hard by the loss of Ashira, the Wildcards close in for the kill...

Jager moves in and smacks the creature, doing minimal damage...but oh it feels good!!

Ari leads Hegna and the Emperor back into the clearing...and sees a colossal battle being waged before him.

Nezamil heals up the captive. A groan escapes his lips, and his eyes flutter open. He struggles vainly against his bonds. Nezamil darts toward Ashira...and the golem.

Appolo gives the attack a go, but can't manage to connect with the massive wall of flesh.

Once again, Val slices into the creature, and once more does a small amount of damage to the horrific organism.

Seeing the epic struggle, Bart grabs up Ashira's lifeless form and drags her clear of the struggle. One look at her and ghostly entity hovering but a few feet away and it is abundantly clear to Bart that his potion would be better put to use on one of the living Wildcards.

Redux casts his spell and becomes airborne. He finds a nice 15 pound rock not too far away and hefts it to his chest in anticipation of a nice game of hot potato.

Rigging makes it to Ashira's side and he too comes to the same conclusion as Bart. Ashira is well beyond healing potions. The mist like form of Ashira's spirit looks over at her husband and smiles... the ethereal form struggles mightily against the Woldsblood and toward her husband. But it is too strong for her, and Ashira's spirit is steadily pulled away from her husband and family and into the Shadow Realm. Her ghostly face distorted in the agonizing battle against the natural forces, the mistress of the Sword somehow manages to fight her way free from the tug of the Woldsblood and to her husband's side (Will=11, Hero pt. reroll=16).

Sensing that he can no longer help the fallen Wildcard, the Jack turns and stalks toward the golem. His face contorted in rage, the Pirate's leader lashes out with his glowing sword at the freakish monstrosity. His aim proves true, and he cuts a swath out of the thing (AC 29 for 13).

Now completely surrounded, the golem raises it's gargantuan fists and slams them into Valanthe. With a brute strength unknown in most of the Wold, the creature strikes with devastating effectiveness (AC 39 for 18, AC 48/30 for 50 dam---68 total damage). The menacing crack of snapping bone is heard as its two fists crush the mighty barbarian's ribs.

Alright folks, remember that you now have all of your magical items are now functional.---Nellie

Bart Ac 24 hp 45/71  d20+15=24 d10+9=17 d6=2
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 3:18:19 AM

Bart sees and hears the impacts on vals body, he activates his shield and makes an spring attack on the creature making sure he springs away from him after his blow. Nezamil help Val!
hit ac 24 for 17 +2 shock dammage

ADM Nellie 
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 9:31:54 AM

DM point....

Val's Hp should have been 96 (not 66)...the previous attack (from Dominic's post) from the golem for 26 pts. was vs. Appolo not Val...it's listed in the rolls.

Valanthe Ac 21 Hp 28 (Rage 4 of 8)  d20+17=33 d20+12=32 d6+9=11 d6+9=14
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 10:08:29 AM

Valanthe's body rocks from each massive blow. The golem's massive strength makes the scene almost comical with the way her body is nearly juggled from its massive fists. Val feels her ribs move as she does though her intense anger blocks out what should be crippling pain. Refusing to quit Val screams a challenge at the mighty creature following it up with viscious hacks of her sword.

OOC: hit ac 33 for 11 and ac 32 for 14

Jager AC 24 (combat expertise 3) AC 25 dodge verses Golem - HP 43/58 - AC 28 for AoO (Mobility)  d20+6=23 d20+6=16 d8+3=7
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 2:17:05 PM

Jager is shocked at the strength the tower of flesh is exhibiting and takes a 5 foot step to a flanking position, so that he will be better able to attack the right knee and ankle of the beast.

Jager stamps on the gaints ankle (AC 23 for 7 damage) and follows the first blow with a knife hand to the side of the knee (AC 16) that seems to have no effect.

Jager yells to his drydocked shipmates "We must overwhelm the beast! Shoot it or stab it and be quick about it!"

Tuesday March 15th, 2005 5:17:46 PM

Rigging with tears in his eyes for the shimmering ghost who was his wife, turns his attention back to the rest of his family.

He pulls out a scroll and reads it casting haste on Appolo, Val, the Jack, Nezamil, Jagar, and Bart.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 30/60 Haste 6/6  2d8(5+6)+5=16
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 5:28:33 PM

Nezamil makes his way over near the vile walking corpse angling behind Val .

Whipping out a wand from his pouch the dwarf feels energized with speed from Riggings spell and dashes in and taps Val with the wand (2d8(5+6)+5=16 cmw) then steps quickly back staying clear of the enraged elven warrior's attack

With a quick look around the Cleric will check on his fellow wildcards to make sure no other is down

Appolo ac 23 hp 39  d20+10=13 d20+10=12
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 7:16:04 PM

Appolo swings tice at the creature and misses agian.

Redux (Ac 20, HP 52+11) False life  3d4(2+3+2)+3=10
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 10:30:21 PM

Seeing that the anti-magic field might be down, Redux drops the rock and flies at the golem. As he nears the flies, he re-draws the magic missle wand and lets 3 missles fly (dmg=10). He will fly the full 60 feet he is able to and still attack.

Tuesday March 15th, 2005 10:37:13 PM

Hoping his friends are okay, Ari takes a quick look around to see if the coast is clear.

Ari is torn as to whether to help out, or to keep their presence hidden, till he can ascertain for sure that there is no threat to the Emporer. In the end he motions for Hegna and the Emporer to stay hidden, and he watches for possible enemies.

Sands of Time---ADM Nellie  d20+19=28 d20+14=24 d20+9=15 d20+19=21 d8+7=12 d8+7=11 d8+7=12 (Jack's attack) d6-1=5 d100=83 d20+28=38 d20+28=37 3d8(3+8+3)+10=24 3d8(3+5+2)+10=20 (golem's attack)
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 12:19:42 AM

As the golem kicks it up a notch, the Wildcard's continue to battle the construct...

Bart steps forward and engages the monster, cutting deep into it's flesh. He isn't able to spring away this round, since it took all his move to close with the golem.

An unbelievable force to recon with, Val's adrenaline keeps her from collapsing under what surely would be gut wrenching pain. She scores two solid hits on the monster's legs.

Jager takes a couple of whacks at the golem, but finds that most of his energy is absorbed by it's thick skin.

Appolo watches in frustration as both of his attacks bounce off the gigantic freak (BTW...I show that Appolo should be at 13 hp instead of 39 since he was hit for an AoO by the golem 2 rounds ago).

The grieving Rigging fights back some of his grief in order to juice up his comrades. The ghostly figure of Ashira moves slowly toward her husband, and reaches down to dry his tears. Rigging can't help but shiver as wisps of fingers with a touch that is colder than ice brush past his cheek. The tears, however remain in place as Ashira's insubstantial hand passes completely through his body.

Nezamil moves forward and taps Valanthe, and if she could see beyond her rage, she would surely thank the dwarf as her ribs miraculously nit themselves back together. Unfortunately, he finds that he can't move away from the raging barbarian (used all your move...also, you can't split your movement up...you can move and then act or act and then move...AIM me if this doesn't make any sense).

Redux lets loose with his missiles, and is satisfied to see that they do indeed strike the golem. Unfortunately though, they don't seem to cause the creature any harm. Still, it was worth a shot.

Ari catches a quick glimpse of the battle before deciding that it discretion might be the better part of valor. Which is very wise decision indeed, considering that that golem could probably tear the Emperor in half in a heartbeat! Scouting out the immediate area, Ari finds no threats.

The Jack nods his thanks to Rigging and launches himself at the golem once more. Sword slashing, the Jack moves with unbelievable speed and agility. Proving age isn't always a determent, the Jack hacks away at the golem, nearly bringing it to it's knees. Large quantities of a sickly green goo ooze from the monster's wounds.

The golem begins to sway after the staggering attacks of Val and the Jack, but it manages to keep it's feet underneath it for a little while longer. This time it focuses it's attack on the Jack. With much effort, it manages to turn its awkward body and slams its two fists toward him. Mismatched eyes gleam dully as the Jack's body is rocked by the nasty blows. Though clearly in excruciating pain, the Jack looks to have quite a bit of fight left in him still.

Valanthe Ac 21 Hp 44 (Rage 5 of 8)  d20+10=21 d20+5=25 d6+16=21 d6+16=17
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 10:06:22 AM

Seeing the golem turn away from her just infuriates her even more. Currently she cannot percieve the fact that the golem percieves her as somebody that it can turn away from. Infuriated, Val loses much of her finess with the blade and hacks crudely at the towering monster.

ooc: power attack -7 to hit and +7 to damage. hit ac 21 for 21 and ac 25 for 17

Jager AC 22 (AC 23 dodge for Golem) Haste HP 43/58 AC 26/27 for AoO (Mobility)  d20+10=12 d20+10=28 d20+10=30 d20+10=27 d8+3=5 d8+3=11 d8+3=5
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 1:01:48 PM

Jager sees the Jack dish out and take tremendous damage and figures it is time to go all out to kill this flesh beast. "Hold on Mr. Jack." Jager adds for encouragement and then with a knowing nod to Captain Arrack, Jager uses his now found speed to attack the Golem, giving little care for defense.

Jager again goes after the Golems right knee with a flurry of blows (flanking).

Side Kick (AC 12) miss
Right Elbow (AC 28) for 5 damage
Left Elbow Haste attack (AC 30 critical AC 27) for 16 damage.

Jager was expecting missile weapons to striking the golem and calls out to Captain Arrack "Captain, Ari must be down or captured!"

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 30/60 haste 4/6  d20+15=29 d8+9=14 d20+11=25 d8+9=17 d20+16=25 d8+9=13
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 3:15:19 PM

seeing everyone ganging up on the walking corpse Nezamil joins the fray drawing his mace and on Domi's power of strength (strength domains granted power) the dwarf attacks(d20+15=29) the Golem smashing the beast in the hip (1d8+9=14 dam) the dwarf keeps up the assault releasing his anger and anguish into his swings (d20+11=25 2nd att)as his mace thuds into the vile creature (d8+9=17 dam) with his attack hasten by Riggings magic the dwarf (d20+15=25 3rd att) his 3rd swing crunches into the beasts side (d8+9=13 dam ) " By Domi's will you will be destroyed " growls the Cleric as watches the teetering giant

OOC 1st attack i didnt include the haste +1 attack bonus thats why its different then the 3rd hasted swing

Bart  d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d10+14=23 d10+14=20 d6=3 d20+5=12
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 6:09:40 PM

Bart makes an furious attack against the golem using a lot of his strenght DIE!!!! (threat crit 23 for 23+20+3 shock dammage an other attack follows but he misses with that one

Wednesday March 16th, 2005 10:13:36 PM

Rigging is paralized momentarily by Ashira's ghostly touch. He looks lovingly into her eyes and says, "I will bring you back! You will be released from the lands of the dead."

Rigging spins and looks at the battle again. He pulls out a wand and points it at Bart. He casts enlarge person on him.

Redux (Ac 20, HP 52+11) False life 
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 11:24:07 PM

Watching the carnage against the golem, Redux sees no need to compete with the hackers & slashers of the group. It would have been nice to tag it; the thing was just so unfamiliar to him. Dead things are suppose to be dead, maybe animated. That abomination didn't fit the category of living-dead. Oh, well, lesson learned. And, did that sword of Bart's actually heal the thing after it cut it? That was a strange sight.

Floating down to Ashira, he checks out her things. He finds what he was looking for and begins to apply it to her body with a sober face. If anyone asks he'll explain it is oil of timelessness and will preserve her body until they can get to civilization. He'd been learning of the spell and easily recognized what Ashira had been carrying around.

Wednesday March 16th, 2005 11:57:22 PM

Adding his prayers for his family, Ari keeps his vigil over the Emporer as the battle rages on.

Battle Won---ADM Nellie 
Thursday March 17th, 2005 12:01:43 AM

Rage driving her on, Val strikes mightily at the golem, slashing, slicing and literally carving the thing up. It begins to teeter dangerously.

Jager launches a beautiful attack, but is frustrated to see that none of his attacks seem to cause the thing any damage.

And then Nezamil and Bart step up to the plate. Both of the valiant warriors are empowered by Domi as they literally cut the abomination in two. All the warriors are pelted with smelly green goo as the corpse falls to the ground. A huge shadow forms over Bart and Appolo as the torso of the golem threatens to bury them (Reflex. DC 20 or be pinned under the golem's torso).

Caught up in his misery, it barely registers to Rigging that the battle is over, and Bart suddenly becomes huge.

Ever the clever one, Redux rifles through dead Ashira's belongings. Sure enough, he finds what he needs, and he begins smearing the oil over her lifeless body. There is a faint glow as the body is encased in its magical preservative.

The ghostly Ashira manages a weak smile for her husband. Then she catches sight of the quick thinking Redux. Anger flashes in her translucent eyes, but is quickly replaced by a twinkle. Catching sight of her body, Ashira quickly floats to the other side of Rigging...unable to tolerate the sight of her mutilated flesh.

The Jack begins wiping the green goop from his body. With a hearty slap to the back, he congratulates Nezamil and Bart. "You two were fantastic!! You know...I've been meaning to hire a few more bodyguards. I don't suppose..." His peripheral vision catches the exchange between Rigging and his ghost of a wife. Walking over, the Jack places his hand on Rigging's shoulder. ".I've never seen someone resist Gargul's pull. She was strong in life. Looks like she's even stronger in death." Somber eyes meet with Rigging's. "Don't worry lad, as soon as we get to Plateau City I'll see to getting her raised. It's the least I can do."

Meanwhile, just a stone's throw away, Ari continues to hide the Emperor and Hegna. Peeking out from out of the bush he's hiding in, Eowin looks over at Ari. A thick film of perspiration coats his brow. He speaks in a very low whisper. "Looks like that thing is dead. Do you think it's safe to go now."

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 13  d20+11=19
Thursday March 17th, 2005 10:17:45 AM

Appolo seeing that his blows were ineffective anf the physical as well as emotional having cuaght with him had stop attacking and seemed momentarily paralyzed.The fact that Ashira was dead and Valanthe hurt badly he just stood still as the others finished the creature oof.He didn't move until it was to late and it fell on him trapping him underneath its teremendous weight.

Jager  d20+3=14
Thursday March 17th, 2005 2:18:47 PM

Jager is pleased to see the golem fall even though he gets coated with green icor from the golem, but then watches in horror as Appolo is buried under its bulk. Jager rushes over and attempts to extract Appolo (Str roll 14). "A little help over hear." Jager call out as he tries to pick up the giants side.

Jager looks up in the sky at Redux as he decends to Ms. Ashira's body. "Redux, Can you spot the Emperor or Ari. They were missing from our life and death struggle with the walking mound of flesh. We may have to resuce them now."

Thursday March 17th, 2005 4:50:28 PM

Rigging will look up at the Jack uncomprehending and suddenly nod and say, "Thanks."

He will stand up, his eyes on his wife when a stray thought meanders through his brain. "The Prisoner!" He shouts and with blades drawn will rush over to E3.

Valanthe Ac 23 HP 28 
Thursday March 17th, 2005 6:39:55 PM

The fall of the piecemail giant was enough to satisfy her rage but not her desire for vengence. Her limbs grow heavy and fresh pain racks her body. Her lungs labor to draw breath as her weary arm raises again and again to bring her blade down into the fallen piecemail giant. Her swings slow as the fatigue sets in but she continues with tears running down her blood splattered face.

Nezamil Ac 23 hp 30/60 haste 3/6  d20+4=11
Thursday March 17th, 2005 8:23:43 PM

Nezamil nods at the Jacks words but quickly jumps into action at Jagar's call and struggles to lift (d20+4=11 str ch) the gory corpse off Appolo "Bart gives us a hand " growls the dwarf

Redux  d20+4=12
Thursday March 17th, 2005 10:17:20 PM

Redux looks up from his work, "Who here can see invisibility, still? I'd suspect there may have been hidden help, and they could have fled, but I'd hate to miss someone." He looks around (spot=12) and responds to Jager, "I don't see Ari around. Anyone want to vote on using a charge of the bull strength wand to get the strength to free Appolo?" Redux holds the wand loosely and waves it around a little.

Come Unto Me... ADM Nellie 
Thursday March 17th, 2005 11:50:29 PM

Completely enclosed in the mound of golem goo and sundered flesh, Appolo is overwhelmed by the stench of the creature. It's a strange mixture of dead flesh, tanner's fluid and something vaguely alcoholish, which all combined makes Appolo want to retch really, really, really bad.

Up in the fresh air, the stench is less, but there is apparently conflicting ideas as to how free Appolo. Valanthe opts for the raging barbarian's favorite technique...hack the body off of him. Jager and Nezamil side with more finesse, and try to heft the torso off the thief. Thankfully, Val's demolition project makes it a much easier job, and between the two of them, they are able to pull the carnage off of Appolo.

Suddenly reminded of his prisoner, Rigging goes back to check on him, and finds him sitting, where he was left, nice and hog tied. Weak, though cognizant eyes watch his every move as the human warrior seems to be sizing up the Captain.

Ashira's ghostly form watches in detached silence as Val hacks her murderer into itty bitty pieces. Slowly she floats over to Valanthe's side... glacial fingers try vainly to grab the barbarian's shoulder. Her transparent eyes lock with Val's and Ashira strains with an intense internal struggle. Slowly, and with agonizing effort, the Mistress of the Sword begins to speak. "No, sister...we have no time for this." Ashira's voice is eerily hollow, and vaguely disturbing, like the sound of rock chaffing against rock. "Things are moving too fast. Something awakens...it comes. I cannot see it, but all of nature moans with its coming. The Realm of Shadow is not safe. I cannot go there now. You feel it don't you? Soon we will see...soon we will know." Ashira's form begins to fade slighty, as if the effort is somehow draining her. She looks around at her fellow Wildcards. "Come...come to me. I can show you. You must know..." Tendrils of a mistlike substance shoot from her spirit body and reach out for each of the Wildcards, drawing them in closer to her...

Friday March 18th, 2005 2:02:53 AM

(ack. I hate accidental nap times! :) ) Encouraged that the battle appears over, Ari comments, "Let's give it just a little bit more, to see if there are any last minute hold-outs."

Scanning the area one last time, Ari then encourages the small party to move out. Keeping an eye out for anything that might look like an area effect spell. Taking in the scene of the battle, Ari's shoulders slump some, when he realizes the costs.

When enough of the group are in range Ari will state, "The wagon and the horses are gone. They might have had us, except that some kind of retreat or recall was issued."

Friday March 18th, 2005 1:41:55 PM

Jager takes a moment to make sure Appolo is fine if not covered in golem remnants, and then marvels at the ghostly form of Mrs. Ashira's spirit. Jager also keeps an eye on Captain Arrack to make sure the emotional strain is not too much for the man. Jager knows from bitter experience that watching loved ones die is not easy.

Not wanting to disturbe Captain Arrack's mourning, Jager looks down at Nezamil. "Do we pursue the dogs that attacked us? I can head out and attempt to pick up their trail. There is a blood price that needs to be paid, and with interest."

After Nezamil answers, Jager will retrive the bow from the tree (E4's) and drag his sorry carcass over by the prisoner. Jager will see what of interest is on E4, before possibly heading out scouting.

Ashira's spirit 
Friday March 18th, 2005 3:21:29 PM

As Ari approaches, he is met by a magical tendrel from Ashira's spirit body. It reaches for him...not some much grabbing, but more inviting him to come to her.

As Jager heads off to retrieve the bow, Ashira's body dims even more as the whisp of like tendrel reaches out further for Jager. "No...you must come to me. Come brother. You are safe here. Revenge later. You must see. You must know." Her face contorts with the strain of trying to pull bring the Cards to her, and for a few seconds her body actually disappears.

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 30/60 Haste 2/6 
Friday March 18th, 2005 3:49:18 PM

The dwarf steps numbly away from the broken Golem ......shaking his head at Jagar " no we won't pursue them now we have to get the Jack and Emperor to Plateau City first "

"But don't worry i'm sure we will meet them again" replies the dwarf " we shall extract a blood price then ...by Domi you can count on that " growls the dwarf thru gritted teeth

The dwarf turns at the sound of Ashira's whispered voice.... the Cleric reaches for the mist tendril his eyes filled with tears as Ashira draws him near

Friday March 18th, 2005 4:11:03 PM

Appolo gets to his feet and stands therea moment before retriving his swords.He is exhuasted and shakey on his feet.He is also clearly pissed.He sheathes his weapons and angrily follows Ahira's spirit.He will help carry her body.His anger giving himstrength.He is a truly frightful sight as staggers forwward saying nothing.Covered head totoe in blood,dirt and goo.He spits blood as he walks and is clearly still injured quite badly.Wincing in pain as he moves.He moves as close to Ashira's spirit as he can.She knows he ihurt and raging inside.

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