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Bart  d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d10+14=23 d10+14=20 d6=3 d20+5=12
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 6:09:40 PM

Bart makes an furious attack against the golem using a lot of his strenght DIE!!!! (threat crit 23 for 23+20+3 shock dammage an other attack follows but he misses with that one

Wednesday March 16th, 2005 10:13:36 PM

Rigging is paralized momentarily by Ashira's ghostly touch. He looks lovingly into her eyes and says, "I will bring you back! You will be released from the lands of the dead."

Rigging spins and looks at the battle again. He pulls out a wand and points it at Bart. He casts enlarge person on him.

Redux (Ac 20, HP 52+11) False life 
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 11:24:07 PM

Watching the carnage against the golem, Redux sees no need to compete with the hackers & slashers of the group. It would have been nice to tag it; the thing was just so unfamiliar to him. Dead things are suppose to be dead, maybe animated. That abomination didn't fit the category of living-dead. Oh, well, lesson learned. And, did that sword of Bart's actually heal the thing after it cut it? That was a strange sight.

Floating down to Ashira, he checks out her things. He finds what he was looking for and begins to apply it to her body with a sober face. If anyone asks he'll explain it is oil of timelessness and will preserve her body until they can get to civilization. He'd been learning of the spell and easily recognized what Ashira had been carrying around.

Wednesday March 16th, 2005 11:57:22 PM

Adding his prayers for his family, Ari keeps his vigil over the Emporer as the battle rages on.

Battle Won---ADM Nellie 
Thursday March 17th, 2005 12:01:43 AM

Rage driving her on, Val strikes mightily at the golem, slashing, slicing and literally carving the thing up. It begins to teeter dangerously.

Jager launches a beautiful attack, but is frustrated to see that none of his attacks seem to cause the thing any damage.

And then Nezamil and Bart step up to the plate. Both of the valiant warriors are empowered by Domi as they literally cut the abomination in two. All the warriors are pelted with smelly green goo as the corpse falls to the ground. A huge shadow forms over Bart and Appolo as the torso of the golem threatens to bury them (Reflex. DC 20 or be pinned under the golem's torso).

Caught up in his misery, it barely registers to Rigging that the battle is over, and Bart suddenly becomes huge.

Ever the clever one, Redux rifles through dead Ashira's belongings. Sure enough, he finds what he needs, and he begins smearing the oil over her lifeless body. There is a faint glow as the body is encased in its magical preservative.

The ghostly Ashira manages a weak smile for her husband. Then she catches sight of the quick thinking Redux. Anger flashes in her translucent eyes, but is quickly replaced by a twinkle. Catching sight of her body, Ashira quickly floats to the other side of Rigging...unable to tolerate the sight of her mutilated flesh.

The Jack begins wiping the green goop from his body. With a hearty slap to the back, he congratulates Nezamil and Bart. "You two were fantastic!! You know...I've been meaning to hire a few more bodyguards. I don't suppose..." His peripheral vision catches the exchange between Rigging and his ghost of a wife. Walking over, the Jack places his hand on Rigging's shoulder. ".I've never seen someone resist Gargul's pull. She was strong in life. Looks like she's even stronger in death." Somber eyes meet with Rigging's. "Don't worry lad, as soon as we get to Plateau City I'll see to getting her raised. It's the least I can do."

Meanwhile, just a stone's throw away, Ari continues to hide the Emperor and Hegna. Peeking out from out of the bush he's hiding in, Eowin looks over at Ari. A thick film of perspiration coats his brow. He speaks in a very low whisper. "Looks like that thing is dead. Do you think it's safe to go now."

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 13  d20+11=19
Thursday March 17th, 2005 10:17:45 AM

Appolo seeing that his blows were ineffective anf the physical as well as emotional having cuaght with him had stop attacking and seemed momentarily paralyzed.The fact that Ashira was dead and Valanthe hurt badly he just stood still as the others finished the creature oof.He didn't move until it was to late and it fell on him trapping him underneath its teremendous weight.

Jager  d20+3=14
Thursday March 17th, 2005 2:18:47 PM

Jager is pleased to see the golem fall even though he gets coated with green icor from the golem, but then watches in horror as Appolo is buried under its bulk. Jager rushes over and attempts to extract Appolo (Str roll 14). "A little help over hear." Jager call out as he tries to pick up the giants side.

Jager looks up in the sky at Redux as he decends to Ms. Ashira's body. "Redux, Can you spot the Emperor or Ari. They were missing from our life and death struggle with the walking mound of flesh. We may have to resuce them now."

Thursday March 17th, 2005 4:50:28 PM

Rigging will look up at the Jack uncomprehending and suddenly nod and say, "Thanks."

He will stand up, his eyes on his wife when a stray thought meanders through his brain. "The Prisoner!" He shouts and with blades drawn will rush over to E3.

Valanthe Ac 23 HP 28 
Thursday March 17th, 2005 6:39:55 PM

The fall of the piecemail giant was enough to satisfy her rage but not her desire for vengence. Her limbs grow heavy and fresh pain racks her body. Her lungs labor to draw breath as her weary arm raises again and again to bring her blade down into the fallen piecemail giant. Her swings slow as the fatigue sets in but she continues with tears running down her blood splattered face.

Nezamil Ac 23 hp 30/60 haste 3/6  d20+4=11
Thursday March 17th, 2005 8:23:43 PM

Nezamil nods at the Jacks words but quickly jumps into action at Jagar's call and struggles to lift (d20+4=11 str ch) the gory corpse off Appolo "Bart gives us a hand " growls the dwarf

Redux  d20+4=12
Thursday March 17th, 2005 10:17:20 PM

Redux looks up from his work, "Who here can see invisibility, still? I'd suspect there may have been hidden help, and they could have fled, but I'd hate to miss someone." He looks around (spot=12) and responds to Jager, "I don't see Ari around. Anyone want to vote on using a charge of the bull strength wand to get the strength to free Appolo?" Redux holds the wand loosely and waves it around a little.

Come Unto Me... ADM Nellie 
Thursday March 17th, 2005 11:50:29 PM

Completely enclosed in the mound of golem goo and sundered flesh, Appolo is overwhelmed by the stench of the creature. It's a strange mixture of dead flesh, tanner's fluid and something vaguely alcoholish, which all combined makes Appolo want to retch really, really, really bad.

Up in the fresh air, the stench is less, but there is apparently conflicting ideas as to how free Appolo. Valanthe opts for the raging barbarian's favorite technique...hack the body off of him. Jager and Nezamil side with more finesse, and try to heft the torso off the thief. Thankfully, Val's demolition project makes it a much easier job, and between the two of them, they are able to pull the carnage off of Appolo.

Suddenly reminded of his prisoner, Rigging goes back to check on him, and finds him sitting, where he was left, nice and hog tied. Weak, though cognizant eyes watch his every move as the human warrior seems to be sizing up the Captain.

Ashira's ghostly form watches in detached silence as Val hacks her murderer into itty bitty pieces. Slowly she floats over to Valanthe's side... glacial fingers try vainly to grab the barbarian's shoulder. Her transparent eyes lock with Val's and Ashira strains with an intense internal struggle. Slowly, and with agonizing effort, the Mistress of the Sword begins to speak. "No, sister...we have no time for this." Ashira's voice is eerily hollow, and vaguely disturbing, like the sound of rock chaffing against rock. "Things are moving too fast. Something awakens...it comes. I cannot see it, but all of nature moans with its coming. The Realm of Shadow is not safe. I cannot go there now. You feel it don't you? Soon we will see...soon we will know." Ashira's form begins to fade slighty, as if the effort is somehow draining her. She looks around at her fellow Wildcards. "Come...come to me. I can show you. You must know..." Tendrils of a mistlike substance shoot from her spirit body and reach out for each of the Wildcards, drawing them in closer to her...

Friday March 18th, 2005 2:02:53 AM

(ack. I hate accidental nap times! :) ) Encouraged that the battle appears over, Ari comments, "Let's give it just a little bit more, to see if there are any last minute hold-outs."

Scanning the area one last time, Ari then encourages the small party to move out. Keeping an eye out for anything that might look like an area effect spell. Taking in the scene of the battle, Ari's shoulders slump some, when he realizes the costs.

When enough of the group are in range Ari will state, "The wagon and the horses are gone. They might have had us, except that some kind of retreat or recall was issued."

Friday March 18th, 2005 1:41:55 PM

Jager takes a moment to make sure Appolo is fine if not covered in golem remnants, and then marvels at the ghostly form of Mrs. Ashira's spirit. Jager also keeps an eye on Captain Arrack to make sure the emotional strain is not too much for the man. Jager knows from bitter experience that watching loved ones die is not easy.

Not wanting to disturbe Captain Arrack's mourning, Jager looks down at Nezamil. "Do we pursue the dogs that attacked us? I can head out and attempt to pick up their trail. There is a blood price that needs to be paid, and with interest."

After Nezamil answers, Jager will retrive the bow from the tree (E4's) and drag his sorry carcass over by the prisoner. Jager will see what of interest is on E4, before possibly heading out scouting.

Ashira's spirit 
Friday March 18th, 2005 3:21:29 PM

As Ari approaches, he is met by a magical tendrel from Ashira's spirit body. It reaches for him...not some much grabbing, but more inviting him to come to her.

As Jager heads off to retrieve the bow, Ashira's body dims even more as the whisp of like tendrel reaches out further for Jager. "No...you must come to me. Come brother. You are safe here. Revenge later. You must see. You must know." Her face contorts with the strain of trying to pull bring the Cards to her, and for a few seconds her body actually disappears.

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 30/60 Haste 2/6 
Friday March 18th, 2005 3:49:18 PM

The dwarf steps numbly away from the broken Golem ......shaking his head at Jagar " no we won't pursue them now we have to get the Jack and Emperor to Plateau City first "

"But don't worry i'm sure we will meet them again" replies the dwarf " we shall extract a blood price then ...by Domi you can count on that " growls the dwarf thru gritted teeth

The dwarf turns at the sound of Ashira's whispered voice.... the Cleric reaches for the mist tendril his eyes filled with tears as Ashira draws him near

Friday March 18th, 2005 4:11:03 PM

Appolo gets to his feet and stands therea moment before retriving his swords.He is exhuasted and shakey on his feet.He is also clearly pissed.He sheathes his weapons and angrily follows Ahira's spirit.He will help carry her body.His anger giving himstrength.He is a truly frightful sight as staggers forwward saying nothing.Covered head totoe in blood,dirt and goo.He spits blood as he walks and is clearly still injured quite badly.Wincing in pain as he moves.He moves as close to Ashira's spirit as he can.She knows he ihurt and raging inside.

Friday March 18th, 2005 4:28:15 PM

Exhaustion hits her like the years first winter storm. Her arm visibly shakes as it slowly sheaths her slender blade. She sighs wearily as the weight of her armor seems to get heavier and heavier. It was her fault that Ashira fell. She should have been faster, hit harder. It was her fault that much she kenw. Deep in thought she follows Ashira.

Saturday March 19th, 2005 10:02:02 AM

Rigging after checking on the prisoner's bonds will snarl, "Think long and hard about who hired you and why you attacked my family. I will get answers from you or you will be made to suffer!"

Rigging feels Ashria's pull and his eyes will tear up again and he will hurry over to her.

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