Lang (ac 21; hp 27/46) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 9/15) d20+12=29 d6+7=9 d20+6=12 d20+6=7 d20+6=9 d20+5=8 Sunday May 22nd, 2005 4:40:10 PM
OOC: I think Lang would get an AoO against 012 as the Orc moves into Sunshine's square to pick him up (within 5' of me). And I think Lang (and Florin) will get an AoO if the creature moves away without withdrawing or 5' moving (assuming Lang makes his saving throws and is not sleeping).
1st AoO -- Hit AC 30 with Prayer. Damage 10 with Prayer.
OOC - George is it damage reduction? If it is half weapon damage then is it 5 points of damage (1/2 of 10)? Or is it 1/2 of weapon damage plus full bonuses (2/2+8 = 9 points of damage)?
2nd AoO -- N/A failed Fort save.
Lang looks in dismay as Sunshine falls to the ground. The wound does not look that serious (spot 13 with Prayer) so Lang knows something else is causing Sunshine to slump to the forest floor. Lang's dismay is short lived as he himself succumbs to the poison and collapses to the ground (fort saves 8 & 10 with Prayer), dropping his short sword and longbow in the process.
Sunshine cannot resist the poison as it courses through his body (Fort save 9 with Prayer).
Lang in D5; Sunshine in D6 (maybe).
Active spell(s): Prayer (from Belkior)
Spell: Speak with Animals
I agree with your AOO scenerio, especially since I said that the orc was stepping forward and picking sunshine up. In the future with smarter opponents this might not be the case. The could just reach down and grab a leg and drag the quarry to them, which wouldn't allow an AOO.
It is half the damage of the weapon, so yes you did 9 points of damage.
Belkior (AC 22; HP 40) Prayer Sunday May 22nd, 2005 10:09:51 PM
The halfling cleric hears the plan from Florin and then Syr's instructions. For the moement ignoring his companions' injuries, Belkior moves south down the path.
"Anyone who is hurt, come to me!"
Actions Double Move = to N6
Constant Effects Endurance
Active Effects Prayer - +1 Attack, Damage, Saves and Skill checks for party, -1 to those for opponents within 40' at time of casting - 3 rounds remaining Sanctuary - 5 rounds
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=46] d20+10=24 d8+3=11 Sunday May 22nd, 2005 11:53:15 PM
Wynn slides 5 feet behind his adversary (O5) until he is flanking the purple orc with Syr. he slashes again with his longsword, this time opening up a larger gash in the creature [Hit AC=24 for 11 HP]. Seeing the arrival of fresh reinforcements, and the difficulties of Lang and Sunshine, the bard breaks into song hoping to inspire courage in his companions and spur them on to victory. [Bardic music, inspire courage; +1 to attack and damage rolls]
Forget not the field where they perish'd, The truest, the last of the brave, All gone - and the bright hope we cherish'd Gone with them, and quench'd in their grave!
Oh! could we from death but recover These hearts they bounded before, In the face of high heav'n to fight over That combat for freedom once more;
Could the chain for an instant be riven Which tyranny flung round us then, No! 'tis not in Man nor in Heaven To let tyranny bind it again!
Syr (33/56 AC17, Prayer) I4 d20+7=19 d20+8=12 d20+8=12 Monday May 23rd, 2005 3:35:34 AM
Syr staggers to the left under the force of that last blow (Made save, now in I4). Shaken, he makes a weak two attempts at the plant-orc in front of him. Despite his partner's combat song beside him, he growls at himself in frustration as his attacks prove ineffective.
"Angus, ya got any more of those bolts? Why not loft one in there where they all seem to be standing?"
Angus Mage Armor AC 14 HP 25 6d6(3+2+4+1+4+6)+1=21 Monday May 23rd, 2005 8:44:50 AM
Angus sees Lang and Sunshine fall and whispers "Not good, not good at all."
Hearing Syr and seeing the fireball go off, Angus yells "My thoughts exactly! A vote for Lang, the Human!" (Lightning bolt O7-O8-O13-O14-O14-O15-O17 for 21 or 10 DC 20 reflex save for half).
Angus sees Belkior move away and call to the wounded. "Belikor the wounded can not go to you, help Lang!"
DM George Combat round 5 fireball saves d20+4=23 d20+4=24 d20+4=20 d20+4=9 d20+4=11 d20+4=10 d20+4=13 d20+4=9 d20+4=12 d20+4=17 d20+4=24 d20+4=14 d20+4=13 d20+4=9 d20+4=14 d20+4=21 d20+4=9 d20+4=17 d20+4=11 d20+2=14 saves lightning d20+4=22 d20+4=22 d20+4=12 d20+4=11 d20+4=22 d20+4=9 d20+4=21 d20+4=9 Monday May 23rd, 2005 2:13:49 PM
Florin takes his AOO on O12 and wounds him but doesn't finish him off. He then attacks O11 twice and cuts deeply into the orc like plant.
Xenia pulls the orb off her chest, takes careful aim and perfectly lops the mini-fireball to exactly where it needed to go. Not only did she catch the ones engaging the bear but she caught the next 6 coming into to engage the group this round. The explosion is terrific and anyone in the front row gets splattered with burning body parts and the orcs are blown apart.
Tionel and his wolves! W1 attacks O8 and does minor damage. (I am counting a bite as a piercing weapon so it will only do half) O8 stays on its feet.
W2 attack O24 but misses since the opponents named are already dead..from fireball and attack of opportunity.
Tionel summons even more creatures to come to the groups aid.
Lang slashes out with his AOO taking down O12 saving Sunshine before he succumbs to the poison coursing through his veins, and falls into slumber.
Belkior moves down the trail calling to hurt party members to come to him for healing.
Wynn with a nifty sidestep slashes O5 and puts him down.
Syr is tired and sore and it shows in his combat as he misses with his two swings.
Angus lets loose with another lightning bolt and kills everything else in sight except for O7 who is gravely injured. He even kills one farther down the field O25 (not on the map)
The "orcs" pick up their heads like they are hearing something and decide they have had enough of this combat. The all withdraw, taking a double move and head back towards the north and the man eating trees.
O2 heads east straight into the forest, which doesn't seem to bother his movement at all.
Since they withdrew, they don't take AOO.
OOC nice work guys. you killed over half of them and no one died......yet
Belkior - OOC Monday May 23rd, 2005 2:59:37 PM OOC - Are we still in combat, or out of it for the time being?
Depends on you. Do you chase them into the big clearing and take on the man eating trees?
Angus Mage Armor AC 14 HP 25 3d4(2+1+3)+3=9 Monday May 23rd, 2005 3:59:39 PM
Angus smiles at the retreating Orcs and takes carful aim at an launches three magic missiles an one of the retreating Orcs, mostly to see how they are effected by the force magic (9 damage).
Angus looks to Florin "Are you going to charge! maybe Tionel can send some more creature out in the meadow for distraction and you can run more of the Orcs down."
Angus call down to Belikor. "Check out the unconcious Orcs and see what you can learn."
Angus takes off his hat and wipes his brow and exhales "Wow! That was different."
Lang - OOC Monday May 23rd, 2005 4:20:41 PM
OOC -- George can we have some distances to the trees, size of the clearing and a current head count of purple Orcs retreating and in the clearing.
Will give a lot of that information in my next post
Wynn Brightsong [[AC=19, HP=46] Inspired d8+1=4 d8+1=6 d8+1=9 Monday May 23rd, 2005 6:21:36 PM
The bard continues his singing while reaching into his belt for the wand of healing he carries. He will touch Syr with it as many as three times until he sees the monk's wounds close over. [Cure light wounds for 4+6+9=19 points]
But 'tis past - and tho' blazon'd in story The name of our Victor may be, Accurst is the march of that glory Which treads o'er the hearts of the free.
Far dearer the grave or the prison Illum'd by one patriot name, Than the trophies of all who have risen On Liberty's ruins to fame!
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:60 (Sub/Al) Monday May 23rd, 2005 8:52:18 PM
"Lets pull out!" Florin calls. He kneels by the fallen ranger and hoists him in a fireman's carry. Eyes still on the retreating purple orcs, the paladin calls into the divine ether. A smile comes to his face as he hears the familar clop of his soul-friend.
"Ajax," he calls out, "we have need of your strength my friend." Florin heaves Lang over the saddle, before stooping for Sunshine. "Grab one of the orc and lets leave."
Florin backs down the trail in the direction of the boats, and Ajax knows enough to follow.
Rolls and Actions
Active Effects Prayer Duration 2-??? Rounds Remaining
Spells: Bless, Restoration(lesser)
Xenia (AC20, Dodge vs. Nearest Orc, HP 35) Monday May 23rd, 2005 9:01:32 PM
"Hey, Ti'nel," Xenia calls out as she reaches back for paper and pen, "why doncha send some of those wolves over to the trees so we can see how far they reach out."
The dark rogue starts writing stuff down as she walks over to stand by Wynn.
Feeds people to trees with teeth. Trees have grabbing vines. Can jump all into one small space. Make people pass out when they get hit. Works on dogs too. Walk right through heavy brush just like Tionel. Got purple guts like they're plant things. (yuck) Can't stick them in the vitals cause plants don't have vitals. They don't say anything.
Rolls and Actions
Active Effects Prayer - Duration 2-??? Rounds Remaining
Movement and Position Move next to Wynn
Lang (ac 16/21; hp 27/46) & Sunshine (ac 17/19; hp 9/15) d20+6=20 d20+6=20 d20+5=8 Monday May 23rd, 2005 9:39:16 PM
Lang & Sunshine remain prone on the ground, next to Lang's short sword and bow. That is until Florin hoists the two of them up onto his horse, Ajax.
Fort saves if needed: Lang 21 & 21 with Prayer. Sunshine 9 with Prayer.
Active spell(s)/effects: Prayer (from Belkior) Inspire (from Wynn)
Spell: Speak with Animals
Belkior (AC 22; HP 40) Prayer, Sanctuary, Inspired 2d8(2+1)+7=10 Monday May 23rd, 2005 10:22:22 PM OOC - I'm still confused about whether we're in combat time still or not, so I'm posting as if we are.
The halfling cleric considers the condition of his companions. He quickly sees that Lang and Sunshine are the most sorely wounded. Belkior moves to where Florin has hauled the ranger and his companion, and converts one of his memorized spells to a healing spell. He heals the ranger for a total of 10 hitpoints.
Actions Move = to whereever Standard = cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Lang, using Silence
Constant Effects Endurance
Active Effects Prayer - +1 Attack, Damage, Saves and Skill checks for party, -1 to those for opponents within 40' at time of casting - 2 rounds remaining Sanctuary - 4 rounds remaining
Syr (hp 52/56) Tuesday May 24th, 2005 3:26:45 AM
Syr quietly thanks Wynn for the healing with a weak smile and nod. He then turns to their retreating foes... "Had enough have you? Next time, we're coming back with fire!" Looking at the fighter beside him, "I'm not so sure about this Sabara character, if this is nature unleashed, I'm voting for a collar."
He moves to one of the unconscious figures and begins to bind it thoroughly.
Tionel d4=4 Tuesday May 24th, 2005 9:46:24 AM
Tionel continues his casting and summons another 5 wolves... These and the others start chasing after the orcs and attack them. Tionel looks over to Xenia and shrugs. "I don't have expert control over them, I'm afraid. They either attack or don't. I can talk to them a little, but only basic things." Tionel finishes up and draws his sword, jjust in csse
Tionel - Add-on Tuesday May 24th, 2005 4:17:43 PM
(The wolves will attack and harass the orcs for the next minute or so, but if the orcs just run away, the wolves will not get more than one attack till they disappear)
DM George End of combat Tuesday May 24th, 2005 10:44:11 PM
Angus sends his missiles darting after one of the orcs and watches with satisfaction as they strike the hapless creature and sends it tumbling to the ground.
Tionel sends the wolves after the creatures and the go off nipping and howling in glee at the fleeing prey.
The others heal and get their friends ready for travel. Lang wakes up after about a minute and shakily gets to his feet. He takes a good look at Sunshine and is relieved to see that his dog is only sleeping.
Syr binds one of the orcs securely. It seems to be bleeding a sap like substance. It looks like without some kind of treatment it will die.
Angus, after watching his missiles down another foe, takes a good look at the man eating trees. They are around 50' tall, have long ropey vines along with normal leaves. In the branches are large man sized pods. One drops to the ground and it splits open. One of the purple orcs rises out of the pod looking sticky but able to fight.
The hairs on the back of Tionel's neck start to bristle. Something isn't right. Something feels wrong. Something bad is coming. He can sense it. The entire jungle seems to go quiet for a moment and then all of the trees start shaking and quivering. Upon examination not only the trees are doing it, every plant seems to be. Then every thing around the Shields starts to grow. The grass grows twice its size, a wild rose bush double in size, the trees around them start shooting for the sky.
Angus looks around him with wonder and then a feeling of dread comes over him. He glances back to the man eating trees and they too have doubled in size. They now stand 100' tall and have many many pods among the branches.
Syr jumps back in amazement looking down at his "orc". It is gone and in its place is a sapling. It is growing amazingly fast. Quickly it rises to 10 feet and ropey vines dangle from its branches. A small pod can be seen forming in a fork of one of the branches. As the group stands there, it continues to grow.
Xenia (AC20, Dodge vs. Nearest Orc, HP 35) d20+17=31 Tuesday May 24th, 2005 11:13:27 PM
"Um. Guys? Like, leave? Like now?"
Xenia stuffs her notes back into the haversack and begins tugging Wynn's arm and backing in the direction of the boat. Her green eyes dart quickly around at the riot of vegetation, alert for those little bits that just might want to do them harm.
I mean, who can tell with this stuff anyway? Like, really!
Rolls and Actions Spot 31
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:60 (Sub/Al) d20+4=24 Tuesday May 24th, 2005 11:25:19 PM
Florin swings up into the saddle as Lang comes around and begins to move under his own power. He cradles the ranger's dog across his lap.
"Ajax and I will take Sunshine. Lets move out! I think we know plenty about this. But it's not going to do anyone any good if we don't make it back with what we know."
"Syr, Lang, take the rear. Make sure we've got everyone. We'll clear the path ahead."
"Ajax! Ride!" the young paladin cries.
As Florin hacks with his long sword at any obstructing growth, his mystic mount pushes it's way through the brush. The two clear the path leading back to the boats.
Rolls and Actions Ride 24 (Nat 20, to guide Ajax with knees)
Justin Webber Tuesday May 24th, 2005 11:46:24 PM
Just wanted to drop a note to let people know I'm back and sorry for being gone. My computer got fried which some of you may know. I do need someone to please email me a copy of Florin's charactersheet and I will resume posting tomorrow for Florin. It is nice to be back too. Please be patient as I'm using a old computer and it is veryyyy slow. (This message can be deleted sometime tomorrow or so, just wanted to make sure everyone knew.)
Lang (ac 21; hp 37/46) & Sunshine (ac 17/19; hp 9/15) d20+11=22 d8+6=10 d20+6=17 Wednesday May 25th, 2005 12:21:44 AM
Lang slides off Ajax after he regains his senses. He quickly checks Sunshine and realizes that he is sleeping as was Lang.
Lang moves over quickly to where his weapons are lying on the forest floor and picks them up. He sheathes his short sword and draws an arrow.
Lang quickly takes up position at the rear of the group as directed by Florin. His hatred for plant creatures tempered by the fact that the group and Sunshine are injured.
But before the plant creatures are out of sight as the group heads back to the boats, Lang looks back and lets 1 arrow fly at the newly formed tree, testing its defenses (hit ac 22; damage 4/2+6 = 8).
Lang stays alert as the Shields move towards the boats (spot 17/21).
Active spell(s)/effects: none
Spell: Speak with Animals
Tionel Wednesday May 25th, 2005 1:45:41 AM
"Oh my..." Tionel says, looking about him, his tone filled with foreboding, just before everything starts growing. Frantically, he grips his mistletoe on his neck and chants back at the grasses...Forcing all of his will into a Diminish Plants centered on him, trying to force the plants to withdraw, to make the menace lessen immediately. Around him in a 100' radius circle all the normal vegetation begins to shrink and reduce itself, becoming untangled and less bushy. All affected vegetation looks carefully pruned and trimmed. But note that's all "normal" vegetation... these pods might not be affected.. After casting his spell, he begins to withdraw with the others, moving swiftly.
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=46] Inspired d20+6=17 d20+9=14 d8+4=8 Wednesday May 25th, 2005 7:42:51 AM
Wynn needs no further encouragement from Xenia to retreat from what looks to be insurmountable odds. He keeps his longsword in hand and will attack any plant that threatens either Xenia or himself as they withdraw. [Spot=17 to notice a threat, Hit AC=14 for 8 HP; Spring Attack if required]
Angus Mage Armor AC14 Hp 25 d20+4=8 d20+4=19 d3=3 4d6(6+1+2+5)=14 Wednesday May 25th, 2005 8:04:43 AM
Angus yells to no one in particular "Just Great! Again, why did people vote for this Faire King!" Angus backs up and moves out down the path made by Forin and Ajax.
Seeing Lang test the new saplings defenses he does the same and throws a ray of cold followed by a scorching ray at it (AC8 for 3 damage andAC 19 for 14 damage).
All Angus can be heard muttering is "Just Great." as he gets in the boat.
Belkior (AC 22; HP 40) d20+18=36 d20+8=20 d8+5=8 d8+5=12 Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:30:17 AM
Belkior was kneeling to tend to the group's prisoner (Heal = 36, Knowledge Physiology = 20, either of which might be useful for learning something) when Angus called his attention to the "birth", if it could be called that, of another creature.
There's barely a trace of alarm in his voice when Belkior speaks. "I've never seen anything like that before. Those ... those things are obviously some kind of motile plant and not a humanoid." Poking into the wound on the creature's leg, Belkior demonstrates that it doesn't feel much, if any, pain and that it is seeping sap rather than blood.
When the sudden surge of plant life occurs, Belkior barely scrambles out of the way of the new sapling. "Someone cut a sample of the tree, before we go!" If no one else moves to prune a portion of the tree, Belkior will attempt to break a limb or twig from the tree.
When retreat is called, Belkior will move with the group. Given a chance, he will heal both Lang and Sunshine so that both are fuly healed.
Actions Non-combat Cast Cure Light Wounds on Lang, using Command, healing 8 hitpoints Cast Cure Light Wounds on Sunshine, healign 12 hitpoints
Syr (hp 52/56) Wednesday May 25th, 2005 1:26:07 PM
As the orc is transformed in front of him he echos the others, "Yup! Time to go. I'm sure Angus remembers these rope trees very well and I don't want to be around in 5 minutes when it grows up."
With one final look at the pod growing in front of him he shakes his head, "Sorry Belk, too risky, with everything else growing fast, I am not taking the chance of getting caught in the middle of that tree." Syr trails the others back to the boat.
DM George Wednesday May 25th, 2005 5:03:31 PM
Syr wisely pulls Belkior away before the halfling can cut a sample. The tree snaps out a vine trying to grab the halfling but he is able to scoot away. Even as they back away, the tree gets bigger. It waves its tentacles angrily but doesn't show any other sign of damage from the attacks directed at it.
The group makes it back to the boats and after much struggling, are able to push the boats into the river. Many vines had grown up around the boats anchoring them to shore. Though the day is getting late, the Shields push on through the night, shifting rowers to rest their already tired bodies.
The current helps them but they seem to get snagged on more underwater plantlife than any of their other journeys up river. Finally at dawn, they round the bend and see the Floating City.
Belkior is the first to notice that something isn't right. It seems like thousands of ropes are attached to the upper half of the city and are being pulled taut. Upon closer inspection the ropes are the rose vines which attached themselves to the city. One end is attached to the city and the other end trails off into the Crying Jungle. The Big Float look top heavy and is tilting towards the Crying Jungle. It is listing at least 10 degrees. It looks like the Jungle is trying to pull the city over!
Unexpectedly the boats are rocked back and forth in a strong wind. Xenia gasps in shock when she sees thousands of yellow spores flying from the jungle and heading towards the city.
Angus Wednesday May 25th, 2005 7:48:29 PM
Angus looks at the Floating City and exclaims. "Just Great! My bed will be clear across my room when I get back."
When Xenia mentions the spores and comment "Was it spores that turned people into plant zombies before? I think I know the answer, but I need to hear someone say it. I just can't"
Angus takes a long hard look at the leaning City and comments to no one in particluar. "Time to tell friends and family about this, forget the Druids."
Xenia d20+17=27 d20+12=24 Wednesday May 25th, 2005 10:31:37 PM "Plants, plants, plants! What's with all the plants," Xenia says in a nervous mutter as her eyes rove the waters of the lake, heavy with plant detritus.
"Frack and framble ... " The half-elven girl's voice trails off as she takes in the spectacle of huge cables of vines that span the water, reaching up, and up and up and up to really high places on the outside of the city.
"Oh stars." She takes Wynn's arm. "Oh stars."
"What are we gonna do? Whadder we gonna do?"
Then the wind picks up, and the air between the Crying Woods and the City clouds with dust. Not dust.
"I dunno, Angus," the dark rogue replies. "I don't think anyone knows what made the greenies 'cept it was something in the woods probably."
"It looks pretty bad. But we won't know how bad till we get over there. Maybe someone's doing something. Maybe they got a plan to burn down the vines. Lets go find out. Then we can give whatever help we can."
"I mean, that's what we put these rings on for, right?" Xenia holds up her hand with the ring on it. The ring with the crimson gem in the shape of a shield.
As they row across to the docks, the rogue keeps her eyes peeled, both for a glimpse of the activity in the city as well as for danger that may lurk in the plant-life that now fills Turtle Lake.
Rolls and Actions Spot 27 Listen 24
Wynn Wednesday May 25th, 2005 11:17:06 PM
Wynn is strangely quiet during the boat trip across. Lost in self doubt about his decision to join in the song of awakening, the bard watches the water pass by the boat's stern and wonders just what else the awakening might bring.
Xenia's excited rambling about more plants draws his attention to the bow. Wynn can only stand, mouth agape at the sight of the city, listing to one side under the weight of the vines.
"By Domi. What have we done?"
Lang (ac 21; hp 45/46) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 15) d20+6=19 Wednesday May 25th, 2005 11:27:25 PM
Lang gently holds Sunshine in the boat until the poison wears off.
"Thanks Belkior for healing us".
Lang does his share of rowing and is just as amazed as everyone else when the Floating City comes into view. He wonders what the elves have done. Lang is also concerned by how much force is being used against the Floating City. Lang wonders what is going on in the other places that were brought up during the meeting that seemed more of a problem than here?
"I think we need to find Prionel and get him back to the forest. We may need to spring him from Perimon's grasp by whatever means is neccessary.
Spot 19/23
Florin Jadenth Thursday May 26th, 2005 12:27:28 AM
(OOC:Sorry for not posting till now George, my post will be in sooner tomorrow I promise.)
Florin is quiet and lost in thought as the group heads to the Floating City again. He frowns when he sees how the Float is tipping and then the plant spores that Xenia points out.
Florin at this point can't help but call out to everyone, "Okay guys, I know we just had a hard fight but lets put on all haste to the city now."
Florin's mind works in over drive on what to do and also a deep worry for Jella. He shrugs off the one part though as he can only figure Mort as a cleric of Domi is taking care of Jella as well as possible and he had asked Mort to spend most of the time at the temple.
Florin does look to the others and nods, "We need to look into getting Prillana's father out, maybe he can calm the woods some how along with his daughter. The guard is probably looking to the vine situation so all we can do is handle one problem at a time. No splitting up once we hit the city and by all means do not relax your guard at all. The streets could be crawling with plant people by the time we get there."
Tionel Thursday May 26th, 2005 1:22:19 AM
Tionel quickly lapses into his spellcasting upon seeing the spores...a vision comes to him of what might be upon them... He spends the last three spells he has of suitable power to summon wind elementals to harass and push the spores back, and into the water or away... Although this does probably not stem the total tide of all the pollen, Tionel nevertheless tries. "Guys...I'm beginning to feel out of my depth, I have to admit. I'm not a great druid here...what you guys need is a Master Halden, or Myrridan...I feel useless against this."
Belkior d20+5=17 d20+6=25 Thursday May 26th, 2005 7:17:05 AM
THe halfling cleric looks upon the Floating City with alarm when the boats carrying the Crimson Shields round a bend in the shore of the lake.
"Look! Look at the City!", Belkior cries out, calling everyone's attention to the City.
It had always seemed so immense ... six levels above the water, and who knows how many below. To see this immense thing, not to mention all of the people within it, tipped over this way is simply astounding. During the time that the cleric had spent in the Temple of Alemi, Belkior often forgot that the City floated in a lake someplace, that it wasn't a normal city like New Elenna or Plateau City.
Belkior simply looks on in silence until someone else points out the clouds of yellow dust being carried towards the city. His first thoughts were of his fellows at the Temple - dealing with the people injured or scared by the tilting of the city, and now this cloud.
"Can't the Underlord, or whoever can move the city, do anything?", Belkior askes his companions. "Has the City been dragged closer to the shore and been caught on the bottom?"
Hearing Florin's cautionary tone, Belkior agrees. "I am capable of curing the infection that we encountered before, but not for all of you. Besides, who knows what might have been disturbed from the parts of the city that were previously underwater and are now tipped out of the water."
To whoever is currently at the oars, "Where are we going to be able to dock? It looks like the dock we set out on is either underwater, or high above it now."
Spot = 17 Listen = 25
Syr Thursday May 26th, 2005 1:20:55 PM
Thinking of the valuables they normally keep at the house, he bites his lip hoping everything is okay.
Syr looks overly slyly at Angus, "I don't care how close they are,we are NOT sleeping in the same bed."
Syr nods at Lang's suggestion, "Not a bad idea, maybe Prionel can talk some sense into his wife. Let's go find the elder!"
(OOC: Yeah! Florin's back)
DM George "Whirlwind" Thursday May 26th, 2005 7:23:52 PM
Tionel summons his elementals to come and feels a huge rush of power flow through his body. He only summons one elemental but it is huge! Tionel instinctively knows this elemental is the largest and oldest of its kind. When given its instructions, it darts into the air and forms a huge whirlwind scattering the spores all over the place and sending them dancing away on the currents of air.
Tionel is amazed at the spell and how it turned out. He has never felt so powerful. It is as if nature is coursing through his blood. He feels the Faire King. He feels nature growing strong and with it his own powers. He likes the feeling.
After Tionel summoned the Elemental, and it turns into a whirlwind, the boat is buffeted about. The group hangs on and no one falls overboard but it does inspire the others to pull on the oars a little faster. As the Shields close on the city, they hear a loud creaking noise. It sounds like a 1000 doors, whose hinges need oil, all opening at once. The city is even pulled farther over and now lists at 15 degrees.
The entrance to the boat area, was well above the water. The boats where launched by crane and lowered to the water. Now one end of the dock area is nearing the water. The cranes don't work anymore but obviously scared dock workers lower ropes and the group is able to scramble up. Angus is puffing a little but he eventually makes it.
The group looks around to see that the rose vines are now everywhere. Walking is difficult. One worker says, "This is getting crazy. Why didn't the Underlord move the city away. They are talking about evacuating the city soon if it keeps tilting. Many of the newer building aren't meant for this kind of stress and the engineers are warning that they might collapse. Who would have thought that the city is defeated by a bunch of plants!"
Lang & Sunshine d20+6=21 Thursday May 26th, 2005 11:01:16 PM
"This does not look good. I think we need to head back to our apartment and gather our valuables before we try to do anything about this problem. If we need to leave the float in a hurry I would like to do it with some money in my pocket."
Lang looks around for anything that may be of interest (Spot 21/25).
Florin Jadenth d20+1=15 Thursday May 26th, 2005 11:51:31 PM
Florin glances around abit as he gets up the rope and sighs to himself as thoughts swirl again on everything. (spot:15)
Florin nods at Lang's comment and speaks up quickly, "I don't know how much we can do to help the Float out of this current problem but it would be best to be prepared for the worse. Better get everything you need from the apartment now or atleast have it ready to grab quickly. I have to get to my house and the temple to check on Mort and Jella. From there we meet back up to check on Prillana's father. No delay and no side trips people."
Florin begins to move through the streets stopping for a moment and glancing over his shoulder, "If any of you like to follow me or meaning you have no reason to go to the apartments then you can come along. I just have to check on Jella and Mort's well being and then we see about this problem here."
Inless stopped Florin will head straight for his rented home and see if Jella and Mort are there, if not he heads to the temple where they should be otherwise and checks up on them. Once this is done he will head to check on Prillana's father, waiting for the others to arrive depending on who gets there first.
Syr Friday May 27th, 2005 7:03:50 AM
Syr hangs on to the side of the boat until the environment calms around them. Once on the dock, he races to the apartments to clean out their stash.
Belkior d20+5=18 Friday May 27th, 2005 7:38:48 AM
Since the halfling cleric hasn't yet moved into the apartments, he will go with the paladin to the orphanage. Besides, there's usually work for a Healer anyplace where children gather.
Belkior would like to go to the Temple of Alemi, but he agrees with Florin's proposed course of actions and that separating isn't a good idea while the city is in crisis.
Trotting alongside the paladin, Belkior will watch for anything of interest in the streets of the Floating City. Hopefully his meeting with Janus before the Crimson Shields went out to confront the purple orc-things has made things easier for the Shields when dealing with the Guard.
Spot = 18
Xenia d20+17=25 d20+12=16 Friday May 27th, 2005 7:47:35 AM "HEY! Hey, hey, hey!!!" Xenia shouts after Florin. "What did you just say about not splitting up, huh? What did you just say!!!"
The dark rogue throws up her hands. But, finally, she does no more than sigh. Worrying a corner of her lip with her teeth she watches the hurry and scurry across the slanted floor. Next to Wynn, she walks at bit of an angle herself. With darting eyes, she scans the crowd for recognizable emergency activities. Xenia listens for bits of conversation, as well.
"The Ghost, Florin!" She calls out again. Lets meet up at the Giggling Ghost. Happy always knows something a what's going on. I wanna know what he thinks should be done about this."
Rolls Spot 25 Listen 16
Angus d20+3=10 d20+2=8 d20+7=23 Friday May 27th, 2005 7:58:04 AM
Angus also calls after Florin as he and Belkior race away. "Bring Jella back or drop her an Mort with your sister or parents. Do not leave them alone."
Angus heads to the apartments with the remaining Shields and picks up his few belongings. Angus attempts to get a feel for the town by watching (spot 10) and listening (listen 8) to the going ons of the people.
Once at the apartments ANgus reinforces Xenia's earlier comments "I agree with Xenia. Lets go see Happy and have dinner together to plan our next move. We have to check on Gordo also."
Angus will leave for the GG immediately and attempt to talk to people from the Floating City to find out how the guard and the leadership of the FLoating City are reacting (Gather info 23).
Tionel Friday May 27th, 2005 7:55:28 PM
Stunned by his own power, Tionel ponders as the others race about. "Yes, the Giggling Ghost..." He looks to the others, and grasps Syr's arm, figuring the other elf the most likely to understand. "I think the solution could be something else...use nature to offset nature. It seems like our powers over nature have increased...perhaps we druids can get together and do something. Ummm...I'll go ask the druids, if we split up, but let's meet back at the giggling ghost. BUt really, I want to go with Florin, too..." Tionel seems torn on which way to go, and will accede to the will of the group.
Wynn Friday May 27th, 2005 8:54:52 PM
The bard follows Xenia down the slanted streets of the Floating City. "We need to get an audience with this Overlord, or perhaps with one of the Dragon Groups who can influence things around here. We have to tell them about Prionel and Sabara."
Xenia (Illegal 2nd Post) Friday May 27th, 2005 9:00:35 PM
Xenia's head falls upon Wynn's shoulder. On her breath is a soft sigh of despair.
"The Overlord has her palace way up on Open Level, Wynn. I dunno that they'd even let the likes of us up there, let alone give us an audience."
"Who's gonna listen to us? I mean, like, who?"
DM George d100=4 d100=3 d100=23 d100=17 2d6(5+3)=8 2d6(6+6)=12 2d6(1+5)=6 2d6(6+6)=12 2d6(2+5)=7 2d6(6+6)=12 2d6(5+5)=10 2d6(2+6)=8 Friday May 27th, 2005 10:18:13 PM
OOC This will be my last post, then you are in the capable hands of ADM Jim for the next month.
The group seems confused. Some want to get to their apartment and clean out there belongings. Other want to check on yet another apartment and friends and family left in the city. Some just want to drink their woes away at the Giggling Ghost.
Florin and Belkior hurry to Florin's apartment to check on Jella and Mort. The going is tough. People are in the streets pointing at the vines, wringing their hands and falling down a lot.
As Florin and Belkior get to the apartment, Florin sees Jella leaning out a window. She sees him and waves at her adopted father with a happy grin on her face and relief in her eyes. At that moment disaster strikes. The city shifts yet again. It snaps forward causing foundations to shift and supports to collapse. Florin can only watch in horror as his apartment building collapses. Jella disappears into the dust and rubble.
Both Belkior and Florin also have to make a reflex check dc 20 or fall to the ground. The pair can only shield their heads as another building collapses almost on top of them showering them with debris. Belkior takes 8 points of damage and Florin 12 points.
The others start heading to the apartment to gather their belongings. They are almost there when they also feel the city snap forward. The experience the same as Florin and Belkior having to make reflex saves of dc 20 or be thrown to the ground.
(ooc anyone thrown to the grown takes 1d6 points of damage)
A building also collapses on the remaining Shields and they all are hit with falling debris. Xenia takes 6 from a chair hitting her. Wynn is hit with a brick and takes 12, Angus is hit with a flower pot and takes 7. Tionel has a beam hit him and takes 12. Syr is hit with many roof tiles and he take 10. Lang is brained by a sign and takes 8.
As the group picks themselves up, they see that their apartment building is now lying in the street in rubble. Both groups see dazed, injured, and many dead citizens in the streets and rubble around them. Upon closer inspection, it seems that any Teucri building, or the buildings designed by the orginal builders fared much better than any buildings built by less skilled hands. The tilt of the city is now at 25%.
OOC Sorry to be so harsh folks but the 100 sided die was just down right mean to you. I had to roll under 25% to see if your apartments were going to stay intact. I rolled a 4 and a 3, then I rolled the 100 to see if any other building fell on you again needing 25% and rolled a 23 and a 17. Well guess I am going out with a bang! Jim take over!
Lang Friday May 27th, 2005 11:30:06 PM
OOC: Is this all real damage? Or is any of it non-lethal?
OH its real alright! George
Xenia (AC20, HP 29/35) d20+10=23 d20+3=18 Sunday May 29th, 2005 8:56:23 AM
Owwwwwwww!!! the girl rogue wails inside. Less from the pain, than from hopelessness and confusion. The Wold is all wrong. Everything they had, everything they know is destroyed. Clasping the side of her head, vision blurred, Xenia stumbles toward Wynn, the only port of comfort in this desperate storm of destruction.
Waaaah!!! she wants to fling herself into his arms and have him make everything better. But something inside her toughens and bites down. Something inside her knows better.
"Wynn? Are you alright?" She reaches out to touch him. "Is everybody alright? Sound off. Call out if you're really hurt." Xenia blinks to steady her vision and bring the things back around and into focus.
She takes on last despairing look at the collapsed tangle of fragile stick and mortar that was their home. No more morning kaffe. Watching the stars at night from the roof. No more garden.
"Alright, we need to find Florin and Belkior. And we need to find someplace that's safe. The orphans, we gotta take them there. I don't know if that new building they got is gonna hold up any better than our Apartments. Question is, where? The whole city's coming apart. We can't take them out into the Crying Woods. Not with it going wild like that. I don't even think the lake is safe, what with all the plant stuff that we saw. And I bet the Teleport Ring is jammed with people trying to get out. They probably got it guarded and locked down tight."
The dark rogue takes in the situation, putting aside all of the carnage and misery to see things with a more analytical eye. Those buildings ...
"Hey, look at the buildings!" she calls out, and begins pointing to specific ones. "You see how they took much less a hit from the shaking around? I think they're the ones put up by the ... whacha call 'em, Teucri guys. They built the city, and I bet they build to last." (Knowledge Local 18?)
"Lets get the orphans together and get them into one of those. Both the place Florin got for Jella and the Orphanage are up on Merchant Level. I say that's where we need to go."
The dark skinny red-headed girl stands in the street strewn with wreckage. "Whaddya say?"
Rolls Reflex Save 23 Knowledge Local 18
Question: The Giggling Ghost is just around the corner from the Apartments. Can we see if it's still standing from where we are? Any chance of recognizing it as Teucri architecture?
Syr (43/56) d20+7=23 Sunday May 29th, 2005 9:05:43 AM
Syr maintains his balance as tiles pelt him about the head and shoulders (reflex 23). Turning to the others, he yells above the noise of collapsing buildings, "Okay, the city is collapsing around us, time to make an executive decision? I vote we abandon ship. How about we forego the Ghost and go straight to the boat? I'll race to Florin's place and then the Ghost if he isn't there. We'll meet you down at the docks." Pausing for a brief moment to smile, "Besides, running on an incline is a good workout for my calves." Pausing for a brief moment beside their ruined apartment, "If you decide to sift through the rubble, don't take too long." He stays with the others briefly to hear their opinions and then races off.
(OOC: Wow, poor Florin)
Belkior (HP 37/40) d20+2=17 d6=4 d8+5=12 d20+18=20 d8+5=9 2d8(8+8)+7=23 d8+5=12 Sunday May 29th, 2005 4:50:43 PM
The halfling cleric stumbles and eventually falls to the ground. Between the falling masonry and the fall, Belkior has been hurt during this trip.
Belkior picks himself up from the street and dusts himself off. Then he looks around at the other injured. As the group assembles in front of the ruins of the apartment building, he begins to heal the others.
First, he heals Syr for 12 hitpoints (use domain spell). Then, seeing that Xenia is not wounded as severely, he calls upon the power of Alemi to take the wounds from her. (Draw Wounds to heal 6 hps, Heal = 20 vs DC16, taking 3 hps on Belkior).
Then, he heals Angus for 9 hitpoints (use Bless). Florin is healed for 23 hitpoints (use Resist Energy). Finally, Belkior heals his own wounds for 12 hitpoints (use Bless).
Rolls Reflex save = 17 Damage = 4 Draw Wounds = 20, so 50% of amount healed suffered by Belkior
Items Pearl of Power - used today
Cast Spells Cure Light Wounds - Syr, 12 hps, use domain spell Cure Light Wounds - Angus, 9 hps, use Bless Cure Moderate Wounds - Florin, 23 hps, use Resist Energy Cure Light Wounds - Belkior, 12 hps, use Bless
Wynn Brightsong [HP=42/44] d20+8=24 d8+3=8 Sunday May 29th, 2005 6:06:06 PM
Wynn feels the city lurch to one side and just manages to keep his footing, bracing against the wall of a nearby building to steady himself [Reflex=24]. When the building itself starts to crumble, the bard scurries for cover, but not until a loose brick grazes his temple.
Wynn puts his hand to his head and feels the sticky warmth of his own blood. He looks about to make sure Xenia and the others are alright, but Belkior is already seeing to them. The bard sings under his breath in elven and a gentle glow surrounds the wound. [CLW=8]
Florin Jadenth-HP:48/60 d20+5=10 d20+2=14 Monday May 30th, 2005 12:43:27 AM
Florin is thrown to the ground by the sudden shift and the tumbling buildings before anything can come from his mouth when he sees the apartment he called home cave in. (reflex:10)
He fights off the pain with the steel like will power that he has been known for at the temple and worry burns in his eyes as he races as quick as he can towards his ruined apartment, "Jella, speak up if you can so I can find you. Mort!, you in there?"
Florin looks over the ruins of his apartment, searching for Jella and whispering as he does, "Lord Domi, please lend your guiding hand, protector her now. Mw oath, my vow and my life for you Domi, ask what you may but let her be okay." (spot:14) If Florin spots anything that may be covering Jella then he puts every ounce of strength he has into lifting it. Florin will also call to the others if he sees any of the group as he works to get Jella out, rather she be wounded, dead or anything, "Get to a boat and get out of this city now, I see no way of stopping the place from going over and staying only insures someone being injured or killed."
If Florin sees Syr he nods to the man and smiles faintly, "Go now, I have buisness to finish here. Get the group to safty without delay." Florin will set back to work of finding Jella after saying this or if he sees Syr to say it. Florin continues to whisper prayers to Domi as he does, Florin knows the group can make it out okay but he must find Jella...Florin can only hope the group understands his reasoning, he knows they can make it out and that right now at this moment his daughter needs him more.
Tionel d20+3=10 d6=1 Monday May 30th, 2005 6:50:34 PM
Tionel is buffeted about and stunned a bit by the falling beam. He looks around, getting up dazedly, and moves to help the others, getting debris off them, etcetera. "Well, now there's no telling what will happen...We have to find the Overlord and convince him to move the city, or see what we can do to help others meanwhile... Quick!" Tionel moves to people, pulling out his healing items, and will use his wand liberally to help those closest to death or unconscious to bring them closer. (I'll use my wand 10 times on NPC's) Then he resorts to trying to organize people to help others out of the rubble, trusting Belkior's skill more than his own... (my wand has been used officially 21 times now)
ADM Jim: Confusion in the Ranks Monday May 30th, 2005 7:07:11 PM
Belkior can only heal Florin as he is the only one around and Florin is busy climbing over the rubble of his former house.
Neither Jella nor Mort answer Florin' calls. IT will take much time and caution to remove the debris. A large dust cloud is settling over his former home. Florin wonders also what may have become of his parents and sister....
Syr runs after Florin and Belkior. Syr races off to Florin's although even for the flee footed monk it will take awhile. Syr wonders what may have befallen the orphans....
Xenia see that the GG is still standing and is made of the older more foreign construction.
Tionel takes out his wand and cures everyone up.
What are the Crimson Shields to do? THey are split up and the city seems to be falling down around them. City folk are dead and hurt around them. People are calling for help for themselves and their loved ones that are trapped. What will everyone do?
Xenia (AC20, HP 29/35) Monday May 30th, 2005 9:24:21 PM "I'm not going anywhere without the kids," Xenia shouts after Syr's retreating back. "You hear me, Syrdeth Redbow!!!"
Especially, Kyria.
"But he's right. We gotta work fast. Who knows when this place is gonna shake it up again. We gotta get those kids and get 'em into a place that's gonna hold."
She gives the Giggling Ghost another eye over to make sure she's right on this one.
"I say we use The Ghost. I mean, look at it. It looks Teucri. And it's still holding up."
She gives Wynn a look that just says, Please come with. Oh please.
"I'm gonna head up to Merchant Level. Maybe I can swing by Florin's on the way, and we can all get the orphans and bring them down."
"You coming?" Xenia runs off in the same dust and debris into which Syr had disappeared. "You coming?"
Lang (ac 21; hp 37/46) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 15) d20+6=19 d20+5=9 Monday May 30th, 2005 9:28:15 PM
OOC - Is this right, at least as Lang knows?
Florin & Belkior together going towards Florins house.
Syr heading towards Florin's house, just leaving the below group.
Lang, Sunshine, Angus, Wynn, Xenia & Tionel near apartment building.
Lang watches as Syr rushes off, wondering if he should try and stop him. Look at the remaining Shields near him, he sees that they are not too seriously injured. He quicky goes over the options that are available to them and he is dismayed by how many there are. Addressing the group he hastily goes over the options he thinks they have available.
"Too many things to do and too little time and man-power. This is what I think our options are, what do you guys want to do?
1. Abandon ship or more more correctly abandon island back onto their boat and head back to the crying woods. 2. Go to the Giggling Ghost as it appears to be a safe place for the time being. 3. Go to Florin's house and try to get the party all back together. 4. Go to the orphanage and see how it is doing and how to get the children to safety. 5. Search through the rubble for their valuables. 6. Go find someone in power and see what we can do to help. Probably the Circle of Alder, the Council or one of the churches. 7. Try to destroy the vines that are pulling at the Floating City.
"My vote is for #4. I think the orphans will need us the most."
Reflex Lang 19 Reflex Sunshine 9
Florin Jadenth d20+2=18 d20+1=2 Monday May 30th, 2005 9:35:00 PM
Florin will continue the search of his home for Jella and Mort. He refuses to give up no matter what harm may come to him.
(Don't know if I needed a new spot or anything but here. Spot:18 (ignore the second d20 roll).)
Wynn Brightsong Tuesday May 31st, 2005 7:37:03 AM
Unsure of the proper course of action, the bard hesitates a moment before agreeing to go to the orphanage. "OK the orphanage it is, but after that we had better try to see this overlord or underlord and we had better s3ee about freeing Prionel."
Belkior (HP 40/40) d20+5=20 d20+6=14 d20+18=20 d20+18=35 Tuesday May 31st, 2005 7:39:33 AM OOC - Sorry, I got confused about who was where in George's last post. Mainly because I didn't realize that Florin's apartment building was not the same as the group's apartment.
To correct the healing, then, Belkior did not use the spells for Syr and Angus, or the Draw Wounds ability on Xenia. That means that Belkior should be at full health.
The halfling cleric continues to tend the wounds of the neighbours, using first aid and healing spells as required. Once the immediate needs of the people are met, Belkior will move to the side of Florin and lend his meagre strength to the search effort. While he does so, he attempts to detect any signs of the paladin's loved ones.
"Florin, how long are you going to search for them? We can't delay here for too long, the entire City is in danger of overturning!"
Spot = 20, Listen = 14 (not modified for moving bricks, etc.) Preparatory Heal checks (in case someone is found, for diagnosis) = 20, 35
Syr (43/56) Tuesday May 31st, 2005 11:49:59 AM
Syr freezes for the moment when reminded of the kids then continues running. Thinking to himself that after all, Mother Flauset drilled in him the importance of family and right now, his family is those around him. As Xenia sends off a parting comment he can't help but question it, muttering to himself as he runs, "The others were so eager to distance themselves from the orphanage even going so far as to change our name. With probably Florin as the exception, the orphanage is just a convienent excuse for them to feel good about themselves." He snorts in anger and from the exertion. "Besides, they are kidding themselves if they think Gordo will sit on his hands while the city turns upside down. They underestimate his abilities."
Angus d20+3=6 d20+7=19 Tuesday May 31st, 2005 12:50:55 PM
Angus agrees with the group that their efforts should be to make sure the orphans are safe and sound. He moves with the group towards the orphanage.
Along the way he looks around at the damage and tries to gather information from the floating city citizens.
Spot 6 Gather Info 19
ADM Jim: Shields Divided Tuesday May 31st, 2005 5:12:54 PM
Florin is frantic and he seaches for Jella and Mort. Florin is exerting himself as he removes brick, morter and beams. The dust is chokeing as he works and the armor is not helping either.
Florin roll a DC 18 listen check to hear into the rubble.
Belkior helps those in the surrounding buildings. Not all of the buildings have fallen, maybe 15%, but another 10% show signs of damage. As soon as Belkior starts helping the wounded, by setting bones and binding cuts, he get a large following. Belkior is tending to 27 injured people and more are arriving every minute. Belkior is hearing "Praise Alemi" over and over again.
Syr arrives and does not immediately notic Belkior as he is surrounded by the injured. Florin is obvious as he carries away debris. Syr notices Florin is completely covered in dust and is sweating profusly in his armor.
All hear a scream down a rubble strewn street. DC 18 spot check to see what is going on.
Angus, Lang & Sunshine, Xenia, Wynn and Tionel head for the orphanage. Tionel does not seem to be himself, but does not say a word, but has a big satisfied grin on his face.
Angus attempts to talk with people on the way, but just gets pleadings for help and people asking why this is happening and where is the guard. Most people are attempting to rescue trapped friends and family.
The group passes areas of devestation and areas that are not so hard hit. It is easy to see the buildings that are of the original constructions as they are all standing. Dust is everywhere and most people are coughing.
The group arrives at the orphanage and from a distance it seems fine, but something is off. Wynn notices it first. The building is shorter. As the group approaches they can see several orphans sitting outside crying and some hanging out of windows looking sad and forelorn. The first floor of the orphanage has been compressed or caved in, but the upper floors look ok for now.
There are a group of guardsmen running toward the Shields with weapons drawn. Several young boys, orphans Xenia thinks, are trailing behind. The guards are kicking up a tremendous amount of dust and people scramble out of their way as they run by. They are heading right for the Shields
Wynn Tuesday May 31st, 2005 8:18:42 PM
Wynn notices it first. The building is shorter, and several orphans are sitting outside crying while some are hanging out of windows looking sad and forlorn. The first floor of the orphanage appears to have caved in.
Wynn turns around to block the rogue's view and holds his arms out in order to block her physically from what he has just witnessed. "Don't look, Xenia," he mumbles, trying to physically block her from the devastation. The bard's mind reels at the horror and mayhem.
"You guys, help the kids. Get the orphans out of there" he calls to the others.
Belkior (HP 40/40) d20+6=15 d20+5=13 d20+2=21 Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:49:04 PM
The halfling cleric continues to tend to the wounded, injured and simply scared people. The crowd of people around him muffle the scream, so much so that Belkior doesn't really notice it over the sharp intake of breath from the man whose broken arm is being set.
Listen = 15 You didn't mention which skill, but this seemed appropriate
During a slight pause in the arrival of injured people, Belkior stands to his full height. Not being able to see over the crowd, he scrambles onto a fallen piece of building and looks around. He spots Syr, after a time, and sees that Florin continues to dig through the rubble of the building. Spot = 13
The pause gives him a chance to begin trying to organize the uninjured and barely wounded people to look after the more seriously injured. He rises to the occasion and manages to communicate what he wants in a polite fashion. Diplomacy = 21
"You, I think your name was Mireire, can you start moving the people who have had their injuries treated to make room for anyone coming? Thank you, for Alemi."
Gesturing to a teenage girl, "Hello, can you and your friend take any children who can't find their parents over across the street? Maybe play some games with them?"
To a burly shopkeeper sitting on a block with a splint on his arm, "You surely know the people from around here? Can you watch for anyone looking for their children?"
Lang (ac 21; hp 46/55) & Sunshine (ac 22; hp 47) d20+6=12 d20+12=21 Tuesday May 31st, 2005 10:21:35 PM
It takes Lang a long moment after Wynn's plea to Xenia not to look at the orphanage to realize what has happened to the building. Thoughts then run through his mind at a quick pace.
Where is Gordo ... Sunshine will be able to hopefully sniff out survivors ... we need to figure out how to safely excavate the area to search for survivors ...
Lang's thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of the armored men approaching. Seeing their weapons drawn Lang quickly draws his shortswords and looks around quickly for an enemy (spot 12). Realization of the intent of the guardsman comes even quicker than drawing his trusty shortswords. There can only be one reason for the guards not helping the residents of the Floating City. They are looking for someone and that someone is probably the Crimson Shields.
With a grim look on his face Lang moves quickly and positions himself between the group and the guards. They will not stop the Shields from helping the orphans. As he moves, Lang is amazed at how light and fast his swords seem to have become. He wonders if he will be able to test his new found skills.
Positioning Sunshine in front of him, Lang orders him to "Defend" (handle animal 21). In this ever-increasing strange day he is surprised that Sunshine does not immediately move at his command. He is even more surprised that Sunshine appears to be out-growing the new armor Lang just bought for him.
"Angus I may need your magic if things get ugly."
"Xenia, Wynn, Tionel stay alert."
Xenia (AC20, HP 29/35) d20+17=36 d20+2=17 Tuesday May 31st, 2005 10:45:03 PM "No ... " Xenia feels her jaw tighten and a bright sting come to the corners of her eyes. "No, please." The girl rogue pushes blindly to get past Wynn, to get to the orphanage, climb in the upper floors and dig down to whoever might be trapped, anything ... Anything.
"No," she sobs again, pushing at Wynn. Pushing and pushing, until she realizes that she's really holding to him and sobbing into his chest.
Her breath comes in sharp jags as she fights to control herself, and to speak. Her hands roam aimlessly over the comforting expanse of the bard's chest, and she looks up into his face for strength.
"I'm *sob* alright now. I think. Lets *sob* go help the others."
"Huh?" Xenia's eyes narrow as the armed men approach at a fast trot and Lang prepares for violence.
Rolls Spot 36 Sense Motive 17 (Guards: Do I get a +4 Favored Enemy bonus against Guards? ^_^ )
Angus (AC 10/14 w/Mage Armor; HP 18/25) d20+2=7 Tuesday May 31st, 2005 11:01:03 PM
Upon seeing the collapsed orphange, Angus thinks through his spells for anything that might help in the search for surviving children. Nothing he has will help outside of Light spell if it gets dark.
Frustration starts to set in as Angus realizes that his magic and frail body will not be much help in clearing the rubble of the orphanage.
Angus turns towards Lang when he hears the Ranger issue a warning to the group. Hope goes through Angus as he sees the guard approaching. With all these extra men the searching will go much quicker. The hope fades as Angus sees Lang move towards the guard with his weapons drawn and a determined look in his eye.
A wry smile comes across Angus's face as a plan develops in his head.
"Lang, give me a chance to diffuse the situation if it starts to escalate towards violence."
Angus positions himself towards the rear of the group, trying to blend in and look like someone of no importance. He does keep a clear sight line to the guards and tries to determine which one of them is the leader (spot 7).
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 1 of 6 1 level: 2 of 8 2 level: 1 of 6 3 level: 2 of 4
Florin Jadenth d20+2=17 d20+4=24 d20+2=8 Wednesday June 1st, 2005 1:59:55 AM
(Listen:17, almost there.)
Florin continues working as fast as he possibly can but also being careful. His fears mount as he continues in his work of his wrecked home. When Florin sees Syr he shakes his head to the man, Florin's face is showing his worry and alittle hope of finding Jella alive is starting to slip from him and as it does he is starting to become slightly angry.
Florin closes his eyes as he hefts some of the ruined apartment up and whispers, "Domi...please lend me some type of aid here my lord. I've devoted myself to you but still, Jella is my life also."
Florin grits his teeth as a few tears roll down his face and his eyes look to darken in worry and anger at how long it's taking to find any clues.
(Str check: natural 20=24 Spot:8)
Taking a moment as a thought hits him Florin calls to Syr, "Jella is in here so I must find her now....if you like to help then please do but otherwise Belkior might need help with those injured. Tell him I will lend aid when I can."
Tionel Wednesday June 1st, 2005 2:47:21 AM
Tionel whispers to Angus, "I'm about out of magic, so I hope it doesn't resort to violence..."
This whole thing has upset his entire world. Tionel tries his best to cope, but really, he's at a loss at what to do. But he can't give up... "We have to do something. But what can we do...?" he muses out loud to his companions. "I'm not a healer, not trained that way, and my magic's all gone, and the Overlord is probably being bugged by everyone... Maybe we should start trying to leave the city..." He mumbles the last though, almost an admittance of defeat...
Syr (49/62 d8+1=6 d20+4=20 d20+8=28 d20+13=32 d20+9=16 Wednesday June 1st, 2005 10:21:39 AM
The elf rounds the corner to Florin's apartment and slows to a jog as he stares in amazement at the pancaked building. Seeing the paladin climbing atop the rubble he joins him. Hearing that Jella is inside the rubble the elf pauses for a moment of silence (Listen 20). Excited he calls to the paladin, "I think I hear something there," as he points to a spot in the rubble and moves closer. Seeing that Florin is moving with a purpose, he says, "I'm going to check on Belk, he looks swamped." Making it to the halfling's side, he sees the predicament and hears his words. He nods in agreement, "Hey Belkior, let's put your back to Florin's apartment." Assuming he complies, he guides the halfling to the new location. Jumping above him on the debris, he yells out to the crowd, "EVERYONE! Please form a line to the right around the building. The most holy of priests, Belkior, will assist all that he can. Let all who come here praise Alemi and his disciple Belkior (diplomacy 32, woohoo)." He beams down at Belk and shrugs his shoulders at the embelishment, "Gotta make someone a hero out of this?"
Pointing to three of the able shop keepers that Belkior has helped he gestures, "You three, I need your help with crowd control, make sure everyone forms an orderly line so the priest can help all as efficiently as possible (Intimidate 16)." He smiles down at them kindly to soften his words. At that moment he looks up as he hears a scream (Spot Nat 20).
ADM Jim: Hope & Death Wednesday June 1st, 2005 6:24:16 PM
Syr reaches Florin as he is attempting to single handedly move his former house. Syr is sure he hears a whimper and shows Florin where to concentrate his efforts. Florin is crushed he did not hear it himself as he strains to listen, but he digs on. It could take hours to remove all the rubble safely and Florin is tiring.
Florin Roll a DC 8 Fort save or become fatigued.
The crowd injured or not are taking direction from Syr and Belkior when the scream is heard.
Sry spots the trouble not 100 feet away, it appears a group of two men and one women have grabbed an injured man and are beating him to death. Syr also notices a green tint to the attackers, that is getting splashed with red. The victim falls under the attackers blows.
The injured are moving as best they can to put Belkior between them and the assailants. "Alemi save us." is heard from many a mouth.
Wynn attempts to comfort Xenia to limited effect as the full weight of what has occurred hits Xenia.
Lang prepares for battle with Sunshine as the guards approach.
Angus fades into the background, but keeps a watchful eye.
Tionel is concerned about his limitations to help the wounded.
The guardsmen pull up short on Lang and the fierce looking dog. There are at least a score of them, well armed and armored. Several of the guards look concerned, especially since the large dog is biting at its slightly undersized armor in a pecular fashion. The guards fan out in a semicircle.
One of the trailing young boys steps though the closing noose of guards and says. "Not him." pointing at Lang. "He's a good guy. In there." The lad points at the orphanage and is shocked to see the damage. "What happened?" the lad, Barkley, Xenia seems to remember asks no one in particular.
One of the crying girls, Lilly, Angus is sure her name is, speaks up. "Those bad green men came in after the last tilt and killed George, before Godo pushed us up stairs." Lilly can not continue as she breaks down in tears, head in hands.
Another lad speaks up. "Gordo could not keep them from the stairs so he took out the cracked center beam. I saw it from outside." The lad falls down cross legged with head bowed and begins to cry again.
The guard is taken aback by the scene and one, the leader speaks to Lang. "You know these kids? If so, help them. We will leave two of our number with you to help as you see fit. The rest of us have to go to the trash level. Major problems down there." The rest of the guards take off at a trot.
Off in the distance, something akin to rolling thunder can be heard. It is not in the Floating City, but must be outside.
There is a slight correction is the tilt of the Floating City back to verticle (20 degree tilt), which does not do too much damage, but there is a whole bunch of screaming, scared people, all throughout the City.
A new dust cloud settles down on everyone and everything.
OOC: I will have to post by 4 pm EST tomorrow, so please post accordingly. Thanks
Lang (ac 21; hp 46/55) & Sunshine (ac 22; hp 47) d20+12=16 d20+6=20 d20+6=18 Wednesday June 1st, 2005 10:04:09 PM
Lang sheathes his weapons and relaxes a bit after the leader of the guard has spoken and the intention of the guardsmen is not the Shields.
"Yes, we just arrived here and are trying to get organized to find any orphan survivors in the wreckage of the building. Thank you for the assistance of two of your guardsman."
After the bulk of the guard moves off, Lang turns to the two men and says, "What are your names? We need to get inside the orphanage and rescue anyone who is alive. We also have to be ready to fight any infected people we encounter."
"Ok, let's spread a bit around the building and see if we can hear or see anyone alive. Xenia, if you think it is safe can you climb up and get into a window and search around a little. Angus can you organize the children into a group and keep an eye out for those plant infected people."
"Does anyone think we should not concentrate our efforts here and should go somewhere else?"
Before moving off towards the orphanage, Lang attends to Sunshine. "Sunshine come here. Sunshine heel. Let me look at that armor." As Lang takes off Sunshines armor he hopes it is the reason the dog is acting ornery (animal handling 16).
"Are you growing boy? I do not think armor can shrink," Lang says in amazement as he looks at the stressed straps and buckles on his dogs armor.
Spot 20/24 Listen 18/22
Angus (AC 10/14 when Mage Armor is on; HP 18/25) d20+2=12 Wednesday June 1st, 2005 10:17:29 PM
Angus watches the guardsmen move off, thankful that he will not have to use his magic against them. He silently thanks the guard leader for the two soldiers that will help them in their efforts to rescue orphans.
Angus listens to Lang's instructions and responds to his question, "The orphans need us. Who else will help them? They are our responsibility."
Angus surveys the area (spot 12) looking for an area to gather the children that will also provide a place to help the injured and provide some defense if needed.
"Tionel can you help me gather the children? Your healing wand may be needed for any injuries out here and for anyone brought out of the rubble."
"Ok children come over here, gather around me. Are any of you injured?"
Angus attends to the children.
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 1 of 6 1 level: 2 of 8 2 level: 1 of 6 3 level: 2 of 4
Florin Jadenth d20+10=18 Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:35:39 PM
Florin looks over at the commotion going on down the road from his ruined apartment and frowns as he wipes sweat from his brow and was working <Fort:18>.
Knowing he is getting tired and that he will need help he calls out to some of the men standing around that might be in good shape, "Hey you guys, can you give me a hand here. My daughter is inside this rubble. I'll even help take care of the rukus down there is you all help and be careful please."
Florin will leave his house to help with the green skin people if a few guys come over to work at digging his daughter out.
Wynn d20+1=15 d20+8=28 d20+5=10 d20+7=25 Thursday June 2nd, 2005 12:01:02 AM
The bard folds his arms around Xenia for a moment, then lets her go and steps back as he eyes the approaching guards. When the city guard take off for the trash level, he visibly relaxes, removing his hand from the hilt of his sword.
"You are right Lang, we must search for any survivors," is Wynn's response. He watches Xenia carefully, trying to guage her emotions (Sense Motive=15) as he follows her into the orphanage. "Watch our backs!" he calls to those who stay behind, ministering to the children and wounded.
Search=28 Spot=10 Listen=25
Tionel (hp 26/44) Thursday June 2nd, 2005 1:25:21 AM
Tionel feels good that he has a job...he gathers the kids, whom he has had long experiences telling stories to, with quick words. "Children, come here and you'll be safe. Now, I want each of you older ones to assign yourselves into pairs with the youngest kid you can find...Timmy, Sank, Yel'ta, Mellam, Rhea, Shay, you all keep watch for any green men, while you three, Thrull, Pellin, and Nike, watch the ceiling for any falling rocks and warn us if it's falling towards us. Okay, stay here in a group, and we'll be okay." Tionel gathers the kids in a group and begins having them organize themselves tentatively, and treats it seriously, but gives it the positive flavors of being sort of a game or task to keep them off the horrors itself...
Belkior (AC 22; HP 40/40) d20+2=8 d20+8=12 d4+2=5 d8+2=4 d20+6=13 Thursday June 2nd, 2005 7:46:52 AM
The halfling cleric is still directing the crowd when their movement directs his attention to the commotion up the street.
"Everyone! Watch out for more infected people!"
Attempting to organize the group, Belkior tries issuing some commands. "Anyone who can fight, protect the children and injured. Try to keep them at a distance!" Whatever influence Belkior may have had seem to be dissipating. Diplomacy = 8
Deciding that the Shields may need to deal with this themselves, Belkior invokes a prayer to Alemi. A small glowing weapon springs into being and streaks towards the nearest of the green-tinted people. Those closest to Belkior recognize the weapon as a sap. Once it arrives, it swings at the head of the person.
Attack = +4 BAB +4 WIS +4 = AC 12 Damage = 4 (first roll was in error) Caster level check vs. spell resistance = 13, if needed
Belkior then moves to put himself between the green-tinted people and the injured, shrugging on his shield as he moves.
Actions Standard = cast Spiritual Weapon, hitting AC 12 for 4 pts of non-lethal damage Move = move 15' towards green-tinted opponents Free = ready shield
Xenia (AC20, HP 29/35) d20+8=16 d20+9=29 d20+7=24 d20+17=35 d20+12=18 d20+14=20 d20+12=18 Thursday June 2nd, 2005 8:33:25 AM Greenies in the orphanage.
Xenia's hands tighten into fists against Wynn's chest.
"Oh stars. Greenies in the orphanage!"
"Wynn, we gotta go in." She lifts up on her toes to give Wynn a quick kiss, heartfelt thanks for nothing more than simply being there, strong and solid when she needs him. Then she reaches to her haversack.
"Sweetheart," as the dark rogue secures her rope to the loop at the end of a grappling hook, she calls out to Lilly, "is there anyone else still up on the second floor of the orphanage? Did you hear anything from inside? Anything at all?"
"It's gonna be crumbly and dangerous in there, Wynn. But we gotta make sure everyone got out. Maybe there's even someone still trapped alive down in a pocket on the first floor. Maybe Gordo. Maybe even Greenies. They're pretty tough."
Second story work's easy when they bring the second story down to you a bit. Xenia pushes the bit of humor away, and then quickly changes her mind and embraces it.
Swinging the grapple in a widening arc, she lets loose. The prongs catch on the edge of a window sill and almost sink themselves into the wood.
"Watch my back, Hon?" She turns to Wynn for one last kiss before going quickly and quietly hand over hand up the silk rope to the window above.
Roll Rope Use 16 Ranged Touch 29 Climb 24 Spot 35 Listen 18 Move Silently 20 Hide 18
Syr (AC 19/18 (dodge) hp 49/62) d20+10=19 d20+10=29 d20+5=19 d10+4=5 d10+4=12 d10+4=10 d20+13=23 Thursday June 2nd, 2005 11:47:02 AM
He moves beside the priest and comments, "Try not to get hit?" Seeing Florin join them he glances over, "You okay big guy?"
Ordering the injured, "Those of you that are able, get some make shift clubs from the debris and be on watch for any more people that are infected. Look for the green tint to their skin and irrational behavior." (diplomacy 23)
If the 'greenies' (nice name Al) approach, Syr drops into combat stance and attacks (Attack 19,29,19 for damage 5,12,10).
ADM Jim d20+5=17 d20+5=11 d20+5=19 d8+4=8 Thursday June 2nd, 2005 1:44:34 PM
It is strange that after all of the building shifting and damage, vines and flowers can be seen growing in and amongst the debris already.
Upon Syr's orders the injured and others fall back. Two strapping men pick up clubs and stand guard over Belkior, but behind Syr and Florin. The two have a look of fear in their eyes.
Belkior sap did not seem to have any effect on the "greenie" and he swats at it as if anoyed by a bug, but goes on beating the man underneath him.
After beating the man to death the three "greenies" move on Syr and Florin with murder in their eyes. Two of the "greenies" attack Syr and one Florin.
AC 17 and 11 for Syr
Two "greenies" swing wildly at the fleet footed monk and he drops one with three well placed blows.
OOC: Why does Syr get three attacks?
AC 19 for Florin for 8 damage
The last "greenie" take a double handed swing a Florin that rocks the Paladin.
No one is digging for Jella, as all eyes are on the combat.
Xenia easily climbes up into the last two levels of the orphanage and if followed by one lad. The two remaining levels are in reasonable shape as they are the boy and girls dormatories. Xenia finds 37 kids in the orphanage ranging in ages from 2 - 14 years, mostly human, but the occasional elf and half elf.
Xenia does find Kyria on the top floor. Kyria is crying and whispering Gordo's name.
All of the kids are gathering around Angus and Tionel, and are complaining about being hungry as the kitchen and pantry were on the first floor and basement. There are 11 youths outside the orphanage.
None of the kids go close to Sunshine as he does not seem as nice as he was the last time he came to the orphanage. Sunshine seems to snap and growl much more than normal.
Angus does not see a building that could house so many children in the area, and everyone he speaks with is busy looking for a loved one to offer much help.
The two guards introduce themselves to Lang as Frank and John Necal, they are brothers. "How do you want us to help." John the older asks Lang.
One of the lads pulls on Lang's Mithiral vest and asks. "Where's Gordo?" There are tears welling in his eyes as he waits for the answer.
OOC: Remember that I will not be able to post until Monday. Thanks and have a great weekend.
Xenia (AC20, HP 29/35) d20+8=27 d20+17=20 d20+12=29 Thursday June 2nd, 2005 3:34:26 PM
"Come here, Sweetie," Xenia collects little blonde Kyria into her arms. "We'll look for Gordo, but for now we've got to get you out of here. The building's not safe anymore."
"C'mon kids," she calls out as she lifts the little girl and heads for the exit. "We're leaving now. Lets buddy up! Everyone grab a partner! Now everyone's responsible for each other. We're gonna all march quietly out of here and head for the Giggling Ghost. You remember the Giggling Ghost, right? We had a fun time there."
The dark rogue moves through the building gathering together her army of children, and leading the way back to the window and the rope of escape.
Unhook the grapple and tie it down firm to something firm. (Rope Use 27)
"Alright, big kids first. Climb down the rope."
Sticking her head out the window she calls down to the guys below. "HEY! I NEED SOME HELP GETTING THESE KIDS OUT!!! CAN SOMEONE GIMME A HAND?"
" ... thirty three, thirty four, thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven ... " she counts the heads to see that everyone's still with her.
Between calming the kids and moving them along, Xenia turns eyes and ears to the building itself, listening to the creaks and groans, listening for anything that might just be another person.
Rolls Rope Use 27 Spot 20 Listen 29
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52/60 d20+11=18 d20+6=13 d8+5=13 d8+5=12 Thursday June 2nd, 2005 10:16:46 PM
Florin growls as he is hit and speaks to Syr first before making more actions, "Fine as expected my friend."
Florin before attacking calls out over his shoulder, "A couple of you people in okay shape get to work on my house like I asked. We have this taken care of. Or would you rather I go back to digging and let this fellow here at you all."
Florin moves his shield in his hand to defend as best as possible as he swings his longsword in a quick slash and then a quick slash back in a double cut. (Can hit AC:18/13 Damage:13/12)
Tionel d20+5=15 Friday June 3rd, 2005 1:16:29 AM
Tionel takes out his waterskin. "Okay, smallest ones share first. And I have some food..." He empties his backpack. He even has treats saved from that elven dinner a few days ago. Since he's become more used to shapeshifting he's been eating other things, not really his own food anymore. "Okay...Xenia has a good idea. The Ghost is gonna be safe. It has to be. When she gets down, we're gonna head down there." While the kids picnic, Tionel ponders the rocks. "I could become a giant badger, and dig through the rubble...but I fear we'll need my powers later on," he quietly comments to Angus. "For now, I guess we'll just have to search as best we can..."
While the children are safe and before Xenia descends, Tionel slowly searches the remains of the orphanage, keeping his ears tuned for anything under rubble.. If he does find anyone still around, at that point he will consider becoming a badger to rescue them.
Belkior (AC 22; HP 40/40) Spiritual Weapon d20+8=14 d8+2=10 d20+5=21 d4=3 Friday June 3rd, 2005 7:22:15 AM
The halfling cleric's Spiritual Weapon continues to swing at the head of the greenie. It swings, hitting AC 14 for 10 pts of non-lethal damage.
(OOC - assuming that the original target is still standing. If not, Belkior will spend a move action to re-target the spell.)
While his spell continues to work, Belkior hurries to take his place behind Syr and Florin. While moving up, he loosens his mace and prepares to swing it if one of the greenies comes too close.
If one is in range, Belkior will swing his mace trying to disable the greenie. He does connect (AC 21, no reduction for non-lethal attack due to class feature) and does 3 hitpoints of damage. (OOC - If Belkior had to re-direct his spell, no attack is possible.)
Actions Free = Spiritual Weapon attacks, hitting AC 14 for 10 pts of non-lethal damage Move = move 15' towards green-tinted opponents Attack = hits AC 21, 3 pts of non-lethal
Syr (49/62 AC 18/17) d20+10=24 d20+10=30 d20+5=22 d10+4=12 d10+4=8 d10+4=9 d10+4=5 d20+5=10 d20+13=17 Friday June 3rd, 2005 11:30:26 AM
The elf slides over to the remaining foe. He lands two solid kicks and a punch to the green figure. (Attack 24,30,22, crit confirm fail, damage 12,8,9)
Trying to reassure the two shopkeepers standing near Belkior (Diplomacy 17) "Well done! It takes a brave heart to stand and face the unknown. Do you mind if I ask your names?"
OOC: monk 8th = 3 attacks. PS I hate posting from hotels that make you log in... Gotta love losing the 1st post.
Lang (ac 21; hp 46/55) & Sunshine (ac 22; hp 47) d20+12=26 d20+6=26 d20+6=8 Saturday June 4th, 2005 12:11:52 PM
Lang is glad to see that a lot of children survived and are up on the upper floors of the orphanage.
Taking a quick head count of the children outside, Lang calls out to everyone, "Does anyone know how many children were in the orphanage? So far we have found 48 alive with 1 child confirmed killed. Does 49 sound correct?"
Lang looks to the older children and the Shields to see if he gets any confirmation of the amount of children in the orphanage.
Turning to John and Frank he says, "Help get the children down from the upper floors. Then please help escort them along with Angus and Tionel to the Giggling Ghost. If that fulfills your obligation to us, then I thank you in advance otherwise you may come back and help us search for survivors."
After all the children are down and on their way to the Giggling Ghost Lang will re-group with Xenia and Wynn.
"I do not think that Gordo made it through the collapse of the building. I think he sacrificed himself to save the children. What more do you want to do before we head to the Giggling Ghost as it is getting into the evening?"
Sunshine is obediant and follows Lang around with little disruption (animal handling 26).
Spot 26; natural 20 Listen 8
Angus (AC 10/14 when Mage Armor is on; HP 18/25) d20+3=14 d20+2=7 Saturday June 4th, 2005 12:19:01 PM
Angus does his best to keep the children quiet and in one place. He tries to remember how many children he has seen at the orphange.
OOC - If he knows the head count or approximate head count he will tell Lang and the rest of the group.
Angus will help the 2 soldiers with the task of getting the children off the upper floors. Once that is done he will lead the group towards the Giggling Ghost. He hopes that happy has enough room for everyone.
"Tionel and I will take the front of the group. John and Frank please take up the rear of the group as we move towards the Giggling Ghost."
He will also stay alert, looking for any of the infected people.
Spot 14 Listen 7
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 1 of 6 1 level: 2 of 8 2 level: 1 of 6 3 level: 2 of 4
Wynn d20+6=23 d20+2=10 Saturday June 4th, 2005 12:40:30 PM
Wynn helps the children out of the rubble and keeps them grouped until all are out. He keeps a wary eye for danger [Spot=23] as well as listening for sounds from within the collapsed building itself. [Listen=10]
Frank and John Necal Saturday June 4th, 2005 4:47:49 PM
"We'll hang with you, Sir," Frank says. Or is it John? "John there has chillen of his own a'home."
No, must be Frank. "I'm sure he be liking to be with 'em now. The little ones and his Mary. All this crashing about and to do. But we know our duty too. We takes protecting folk as important work."
John Necal lifts his arms up as one of the older boys slides out of the window and begins climbing down the rope. "Just a bit more, Lad. Don't ye worry. I'll be here to catch you."
"Not too many at a time on the rope! We ken do without any more injuries during the evakuashun."
ADM Jim: Evacuation & Battle d20+4=17 Monday June 6th, 2005 1:40:57 PM
Lang give Frank and John instructions and they go at it with gusto.
Xenia sets up the rope and helps the kids get started on their climb down to Frank, John and Wynn. The climb is not difficut and all of the children eventually make it out of their former home.
As the kids leave the orphanage, Tionel attempts to organize them and give the hungry ones something to eat. Several are now thirsty and some need to go to the bathroom.
One of the older girls, tells Lang that there were 51 kids at the orphanage, she give a wary eye to Sunshine.
After Tionel is done with the kids, Angus sets them up for the walk to the GG. Angus sets up a buddy system to keep the kids together, based on what Xenia started for the climb.
Florin is clearly frustrated. Now he has to save people, when his own daughter could be dying. No one is heading his call for help, as they are all to shocked by the attack and the destruction around them.
Florins only recourse is to take action into his own hands and he slashes the "greenie" twice and severs one arm and a leg. The "greenie" will never get to sprout as it falls to the ground dead.
Belkior's sap strikes again, but the non lethal damage does not seem to bother these creatures. Belkior grabs his mace, readying himself for combat.
The last "greenie" attempts to time Syr's movements as he closes, but the quick monk is too much for him, AC 17 (miss), as he shatters air. Sry presses his advantage and those watching gasp as they hear bones breaking under Syr's blows. The "greenie" attempts at breathing fail and he falls dead in the dust of Florin's house.
All of the townsfolk that can walk press in on the three heros for saving them and taking care of them. After several moments of congradulations and back slapping one store keeper with a bandaged arm asks Florin "Which house was yours?"
Tionel Monday June 6th, 2005 2:27:39 PM
Tionel will spend his time with the kids well, making sure they're all buddied up and watching out for each other. The smallest tired kid he'll pick up and carry. "Let's get going... I don't think we'll get the chance to rest for the evening. I know I wouldn't be able to sleep while people are still suffering..."
Xenia (AC20, HP 29/35) d20+17=19 d20+12=17 Monday June 6th, 2005 3:32:23 PM "Hey!" Xenia shouts from the window. "Gordo could still be under here somewhere. Still alive! He could be hurt."
"Ok, so maybe not. Maybe he's dead. But if you were under there, trapped with the only hope you had was someone to dig you out, how would you feel if you heard folks just leaving???!!! Just walking away to leave you to die! Buried alive."
"Gordo used to be a member of this group. He caught you when you fell from out of the coils of that vine. Remember, Angus? We owe it to him to at least look."
"Um," the dark rogue things fast, "maybe Sunshine can sniff him out, Lang. I heard someplace that they do that for people who get buried under snow."
Xenia turns an ear to the place listening for voices, any calls for help.
"What do you say, guys. We owe it to him, huh?"
Rolls Spot 19 Listen 17
Angus (AC 10/14 when Mage Armor is on; HP 18/25) d20+3=22 d20+2=13 Monday June 6th, 2005 9:20:38 PM
Angus joins Tionel at the front of the group as it moves towards the Giggling Ghost.
"John and Frank please take up the rear of the group as we move towards the Giggling Ghost. Everybody please be on alert for any more of the infected people. If you see any, let one of the adults know as soon as possible."
Angus stays alert, looking for any of the infected people.
Spot 22 Listen 13
OOC: If needed Angus will cast Light spell(s).
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 1 of 6 1 level: 2 of 8 2 level: 1 of 6 3 level: 2 of 4
Lang (ac 21; hp 46/55) & Sunshine (ac 22; hp 47) d20+6=8 d20+6=15 d20+12=21 d20+7=8 d20+5=9 d20+5=8 Monday June 6th, 2005 9:45:40 PM
Lang walks over to Tionel and Angus.
"Keep the children safe. By my count we are 3 children short, 1 of which we are pretty sure is dead. Xenia, Wynn and I will be along shortly after we search little more for Gordo and the missing children."
Lang will stop by John and Frank as he walks back towards Xenia and Wynn.
"Thank you for your help. After you escort the children to the Giggling Ghost, you are free to go back to your guard duty or go back to your families."
After the large group has left and the noise quiets down, Lang will look & listen carefully around the rubble for any movement or sounds of life.
Spot 8 Listen 15
Lang looks at Sunshine, wondering if all this Elf craziness is what is causing all the changes in Sunshine. Lang is not happy that Sunshine does not immediate obey him and that he appears to be in some discomfort.
Lang will cast Speak with Animal upon himself (duration 3 minutes). He turns to Sunshine and says, "Sunshine there are still people in the rubble here. Can you sense anyone?"
Lang will lead Sunshine around the building and to see if Sunshine is able to pickup any scent or sound or noise.
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52/60 Monday June 6th, 2005 11:16:45 PM
Florin whips his sword quickly down to make any blood on the blade clear off and then sheathes his sword. Seeing a shop owner asking him about which house is his, Florin points out his house and moves over to it, "Syr said he heard noise coming from that spot there." Florin points out the spot and then sighs as he prepares to start digging again, "If anyone can help then it would be helpful sir. If your arm needs looked at more then please ask my friend there named Belkior or I might beable to lend alittle aid."
Syr (49/62 AC 18/17) d20+13=33 d20+13=19 Tuesday June 7th, 2005 12:02:27 AM
Syr marches past the onlookers and goes to the spot where he heard the sounds in the shattered home. "Everyone! Listen up! I want a chain of people formed right here to clear the debris faster. There is a little girl buried under here and I want her out now!" (Diplomacy critical!)
Belkior (AC 22; HP 40/40) Tuesday June 7th, 2005 7:16:35 AM
The halfling cleric looks down at the bodies of the green-tinted city residents. He had wanted to simply subdue them, not kill them. However, the infection seemed to render them invulnerable to his attempts. Since he realizes that the people were not responsible for their actions, Belkior prepares to send their souls on. With a thought,he dismisses the Spiritual Weapon that remains hovering over their bodies.
"Anyone who can help Florin search for his daughter please do so! In a moment, I will tend to anyone who is injured."
"Does anyone know who these people are?" Since the men and women were from the neighbourhood, several people volunteer their names.
Pointing to a pair of men who were too injured to help move rubble, Belkior asks, "Can you two move their bodies over to the side of the street? Once I have healed all of the injured, I will perform a brief service for the fallen."
Belkior returns to his aid station on the opposite side of the street. "Does anyone here know anything of healing? Enough to assist me?" With no response, Belkior takes a moment to reorganize the people into lines, getting some teenagers to look after the children and some of the slightly injured to tend to the seriously wounded.
Wynn d20+6=25 d20+5=12 Tuesday June 7th, 2005 8:10:22 AM
The bard immediately begins searching for gaps in the rubble, through which they might find Gordo or any of the missing children. [Search=25]. He carefully begins moving rubble aside to enlarge any opening to the now collapsed lower floor and continues to work with silent determination [Fort=12]
ADM Jim: Searching Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:12:19 PM
Syr call out to help and organizies an additional 9 men to help dig for Jella. The effort is much more efficient and safe for those digging and those that may be trapped alive.
After several minutes a torn and bloody dust covered boot with the foot still in it is found. Florin identifies it as Mort's. Shortly there after Mort's body is found.
One of the men helping, yells out. "I found a pink dress and a leg." Everyone carefully evacuates the debris around the leg that looks broken. A weak cry can be heard under the large table on top of the body of Jella. Jella is covered in dust and blood; she is grey from loss of blood, but she lives, even if she is not concious.
Belkior determines that Jella has a broken leg, arm and pelvis and has lost much blood.
The crowd gives an estactic cheer when they find out Jella lives. Too many people are being found dead.
An innkeeper answers Belkior "They just moved to the city a few weeks ago. They were staying at my inn. Nice folk, always paid on time. What a shame. Why do these thing happen to us, healer? What have we done to deserve this fate?"
Belkior says a few words over the bodies of the fallen, but he is alone. People are attending to the living at the moment.
Tionel and Angus with an escort from Frank and John, lead the children to the GG. each of the adults, even Angus, ends up carring at least one child. The children are tired and hungry and ready to go to bed.
The group notices that as they travel closer to the GG there are more roses and vine than when they left earlier. Some of the older girls even pick some of the flowers and put them in their hair.
Happy is outside the GG, giving food and water to his neighbors. Happy notices the rag taggled train of children and ushers everyone inside.
Frank and John take their leave of the children upon reaching the GG as they go searching for their patrol.
Lang organizes the search for Gordo and the missing kids, with Xenia's help from the upper floors.
Wynn can not see much, but from his searching it appears that the basement of the orphanage has caved in.
Lang talks with Sunshine and he goes sniffing around the base of the structure and relates. "I smell only death here and much new growth." Lang thinks he might smell the new growth also. It is almost as if there is pollen in the air.
Xenia hears a weak banging on the second floor. It appears that a small boy was knocked unconcious in a closet, during the collapse of the building. The door is jammed shut and must be broken down.
It is late and everyone is tired it has been a long day that started with rowing, before buildings started to fall.
Xenia (AC20, HP 29/35) d20+2=16 Tuesday June 7th, 2005 6:07:38 PM
"Framble macking togar bending %#@& ... " Xenia swears a blue streak as she tugs on the solid and unmoving doorhandle.
"Hey! I got someone alive up here," She cries out to those below. "But this door is stuck. Gonna have to maybe break it down. Can someone give me a hand here?"
The rogue takes pulls a crowbar from her haversack, and pries at the crack in the door.
"Any luck finding Gordo?"
Rolls STR 16 (+2 for Crowbar. Not bad. Must be good leverage.)
ADM JIM: A crowbar and 10 minutes and Xenia can open the stuck door.
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52/60 Tuesday June 7th, 2005 9:41:33 PM
Florin nods a silent thnks to Syr and helps as best he can. When Mort's body is found he sighs deeply and pulls his water skin up and uses alittle bit of the water to mark Mort's head and whispers gently as he looks to the man, "I'm sorry Mort, you watched over Jella great. Domi would be very proud of you and may Gargul welcome you with open arms and with the knowledge that he is receiving a good man."
When Jella is uncovered finally and found alive he rushes to her and dorps down beside her, he would hug her to him if it wasn't for he is afraid he might hurt her more then she is.
Looking to Belkior he speaks in a calmer but still very worried tone, "Can you give her any aid Belkior my friend? I have some healing potions if it will help." Florin pulls a potion of cure light wounds from his backpack just incase it will help.
Florin does bend down lower to Jella and gently washes her face with some of his water and whispers to her, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better darling. I'll do my best to get you better though. Just hold on and don't give up on me here." Florin brushes Jella's hair back as he thinks and begins to stand, "We need to see about getting people to one of the temples. There probably flooded with people who need help though so taking them all to one place might be a bad idea."
Angus (AC 10/14 when Mage Armor is on; HP 18/25) d20+3=22 d20+2=9 Tuesday June 7th, 2005 9:49:49 PM
Angus gets all the children into the Giggling Ghost and settled for the night. He then goes downstairs to the bar and orders a glass of fine wine and waits for the rest of the Shields to arrive.
"Happy, thank you. Once again you have shown the goodness within all humans."
Spot 22 Listen 9
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 1 of 6 1 level: 2 of 8 2 level: 1 of 6 3 level: 2 of 4
Lang (ac 21; hp 46/55) & Sunshine (ac 22; hp 47) d20+6=20 d20+6=24 d20+12=28 d20+3=17 Tuesday June 7th, 2005 10:27:42 PM
Lang helps Xenia recover the last child from behind the door. He will climb up the rope if need be.
"Xenia, Sunshine was not able to sense any life among the rubble, just death. I am afraid that Gordo is dead."
Before leaving the area, Lang will take out a piece of chalk and write on a part of the building.
"Gordo, we hope you find this message. We have taken all but 2 of the children to a Happy place. Please join us there."
On the way to the Giggling Ghost Lang will take a quick detour by the apartment building. He glances at the main buildings damage, but is more interested in how the garden and its walls are holding up.
Spot 20 Listen 24 Animal Handling 28 Climb 17
Syr (49/62 AC 18/17) Tuesday June 7th, 2005 11:42:56 PM
Watching as Jella's body is uncovered, he looks over at Belkior. Seeing how tired he appears and occupied tending to the townfolk, he decides to act. Carefully moving around Florin he places his hands on her small frame and concentrates. Feeling the healing power flow from his body to hers he breathes a sigh. Once finished, he leans back exhausted from the effort.
(OOC:I'm on the road but doesn't the monk healing ability work on others? Also, how many hps did that use up?)
Tionel Wednesday June 8th, 2005 5:16:49 AM
Tionel will stay late in the night, trying to help survivors and various people find shelter, do as best as he can, but at around midnight he returns to the Giggling Ghost and finds a quiet spot in a room to reverie and meditate in. It's a disturbing meditation, his angst and fears trying to come out his natural peacefulness, but one he conquers.
Tionel has changed his spell selection notably, trying to memorize spells that limit plant growth in particular. (Diminish Plants will be his 3rd level spell 3 times...) Perhaps if he tries to cast one at a crucial part of the Floating City when the vines are overthreatening... It's an idea that he grasps onto, as something that might be able to get done...
Wynn Brightsong d20+6=15 d20+5=22 Wednesday June 8th, 2005 7:49:37 AM
Lost in his own thoughts, the bard continues moving rubble aside in hope of finding Gordo. The work is hard and his hands bleed from where he has mishandled some of the more abrasive pieces, but Wynn hardly notices as he focusses on the task at hand. [Search=15, Fort=22]
Belkior (AC 22; HP 40/40) d8+5=13 Wednesday June 8th, 2005 8:04:08 AM
After drawing his vestments from his haversack, Belkior delivers a quick service for the deceased.
"Alemi, First among Equals, Healer and Protector of the Wold.
These beings were beyond the ability of your humble servant to heal and protect, for which I am eternally sorrowful.
Shepherd their souls into the care of Gargul, Where they may find eternal rest from their pain and troubles.
Blessed be Alemi and the Gods of the Wold.
Stowing his vestments, the halfling cleric will move to Jella's side. After determining that she has been sorely wounded, Belkior prepares to cast a healing spell upon her. Unlike the others that he has treated so far, Belkior judges that Jella may not survive without the magic of Alemi.
Belkior kneels and prays over the injured girl, then a warm glow surrounds his hand as the halfling transfers the healing energy granted him by Alemi into the girl.
Items Pearl of Power - used today
Spells Cast Cure Light Wounds - 13 ps healing for Jella, using Command
ADM Jim: Coming Together Wednesday June 8th, 2005 1:11:54 PM
Xenia rescues little William from the closet and brings him down to street level with no problem. William is a 10 year old human that now stands behind Xenia, using her for cover where ever she goes. William is very terrified by his ordeal.
Despite is best efforts, Wynn can not make any headway to free Gordo. There is just too much debris.
Lang escorts Wynn, Xenia and William back to the GG. The Shields arrive just as Tionel, Angus, Happy and Daphne finish getting all the kids to sleep. Both groups of Adults and Ghost looks very exasperated and tired from the trials of the day.
Lang inspects the garden next to the former Shields apartment. Some of the building fell on the gardens, but what remains looks like a Jungle and it is grown outward in all directions, at least by four times.
Syr attempts to heal Jella to no avail, then it dawns on him that he can only heal himself.
Belkior completes the job of curing Jella, fully. Jella wakes up screaming. Florin can calm her down, but she will not be put down as she clings tightly to his neck and whispers "Daddy I love you, please don't leave me again. Where is Mort? Where am I going to sleep tonight?"
The un and less injured city folk are going back to cleaning up each others houses and tending to the hurt as Belkior instructed. There are many thank yous to Florin, Syr and Belkior for their assistance and promises to return the favor.
Angus (AC 10/14 when Mage Armor is on; HP 18/25) Wednesday June 8th, 2005 8:59:32 PM
Angus is glad to see Lang, Xenia and Wynn arrive at the Giggling Ghost, but is dismayed upon hearing that Gordo was not found alive.
"Do we send someone out to find Florin, Belkior and Syr? Or do we wait for them here?"
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 1 of 6 1 level: 2 of 8 2 level: 1 of 6 3 level: 2 of 4
Lang (ac 21; hp 46/55) & Sunshine (ac 22; hp 47) d20+6=13 d20+6=15 d20+12=22 Wednesday June 8th, 2005 9:14:14 PM
Lang breathes a sigh of relief upon entering the Giggling Ghost. He thinks it could have been a lot worse even though losing anyone is bad enough.
After hearing that some of the Shields haven't arrived yet, Lang realizes that their work is not yet complete.
"Why don't the rest of you go to bed. Sunshine and I will wait up a few hours to see if they show up. I will wake up everyone in 2 or 3 hours if they have not arrived and we can decide at that point what we want to do."
Lang scrounges up some food and water for Sunshine and himself. Grabbing a chair he takes the food, water and Sunshine and goes outside and seats himself by the door and watches and waits.
Spot 13 Listen 15 Animal Handling 22
Xenia (AC20, HP 29/35) d20+15=26 Wednesday June 8th, 2005 11:14:55 PM "Oh Wynn, what's happening?" the dark rogue whispers. Things are so bad. It would be so easy to just collapse into his arms. To let him take her away from all of this within the warmth of his strong arms.
But if things are so bad, then they'll need everyone to help. And the more that stand strong and help out, the more folks will likely come out of this with their own skins.
The frightened boy, William is testament to that. Can't let go now. She's just gotta stay strong.
"Hold on, Lang. I'll go with you," Xenia calls to the ranger as he heads out to the ruins of the Apartments. "Maybe I can recover our emergency loot. We may need it."
Out at the Apartments, the rogue paces off the dimensions that would put her over the spot where the secret compartment would be. Switching the lenses on the end of her nose, she begins searching for the package that would contain their emergency cash.
Rolls Search 26
Florin Jadenth Thursday June 9th, 2005 12:02:13 AM
Florin grabs up Jella when she awakens and starts her panic and worry. Holding her close he strokes her hair and whispers to her gently, "I know Jella, please calm down darling." Florin looks at Jella after a moment, "Me and my friends are to meet up with the others at the Giggling Ghost and then make plans from there. I'm taking you to the Giggling Ghost with me and you will be spending the night there and then I'll arrange something come morning."
Florin looks to Belkior and Syr before laying a hand on Jella's shoulder, "I'm sorry Jella, Mort didn't make it. When we found him he was already gone." Florin hugs Jella tightly and whispers to her, "You got to be strong Jella. Mort would laugh at you if you went to pieces now. He was training you to be a strong girl." Florin stands, picking Jella up when he does and being gentle with her, "We need to get you cleaned up and some clean clothes."
Florin looks to Belkior and Syr and nods to them before looking to the crowd around them, "Everyone, we need to stay as calm as possible. becoming frantic over any of this will not help. My advice right now is some of you should help get anyone seriously injured to one of the temple in the city. Your going to need to be patient and careful as things are settled here and also since the temples will most likely be very busy. If everyone here is not seriously injured or wish to come along with us then me and my friends need to get back to our friends at the Giggling Ghost and you may come along with us. I'm sure Happy and Daphne would be happy to see all of you doing well and it would have food and drinks to help out for now."
Tionel Thursday June 9th, 2005 3:05:02 AM
"Florin...what are we going to do tomorrow? Confront the Overlord? Ask the druids? Calm mobs, do riot control, save people...? What can we do in the face of this...?" Tionel seems a bit desperate...
(Uh, and I guess i'll put most of my yesterday's post applying for today's post :) )
Wynn Brightsong d20+6=7 Thursday June 9th, 2005 7:58:24 AM
The bard is pulled away from the rubble by his friends and they make their way to the Giggling Ghost. The enormity of the situation has a quieting effect on the normally talkative half-elf.
With no better plan in mind, he accompanies Xenia to the apartments and keeps a watch as she searches through the debris. His mind occupied by the death of Gordo and the potential destruction of the city, he notices little about his surroundings [Spot=7]
Belkior d20+2=15 Thursday June 9th, 2005 8:22:36 AM
The halfling cleric returns to his impromptu aid station. The few people left there have only minor injuries. It seems that they want the reassurance of beign examined by a Healer.
When that is done, Belkior packs up his kits and prepares to leave. Stepping up on a block, he addresses the people remaining. "Everyone, my friends and I are needed elsewhere. As my companion said, you should stay outdoors or in one of the older, original buildings."
"Trust that the Overlord and Underlord are making plans to protect the City and its people. Wait for word from them and please, please follow their commands."
"I have done what I could to assist all of you. If anyone is still injured, or more shocks occur, seek aid at one of the Temples." Diplomacy = 15
Belkior moves over to Florin, Syr and Jella. "We'd better get going, before anything else happens."
As the halfling cleric prepares to head towards the Giggling Ghost, he muses on how rapidly people adapt. The tilted streets and buildings are beginning to seem normal and, when he looks about, people are already beginning to adjust to moving about in this altered streetscape.
Syr Thursday June 9th, 2005 12:31:43 PM
Syr frowns in frustration as he now realizes he is unable to help little Jella but as Belkior rushes over his expression evaporates. Patting the tired halfling on the back, he says, "I knew it was good having you around?"
Looking to himself he covers his wounds and concentrates, healing all damage done. Feeling better and more relieved that his power still works he makes a mental note to only use it on himself in the future. Shaking his head, he just thinks how selfish that is and looks down on the halfling with a smile of appreciation.
As the three of them move to leave, Syr takes a moment to shake the hands of all those that helped, "The Shields appreciate your help and your good hearts will carry you through this troubled time." He gives each a smile meant to instill confidence in their own abilities.
ADM Jim: The dawning of a new Day Thursday June 9th, 2005 7:00:54 PM
Later That night after the kids are asleep, Lang, Xenia and Wynn search the ruins of the apartment and get a good fix on the Shields loot. It is buried under a few tons of debris, but it is all in small enough pieces to move, it will just take a long time.
Florin, Syr, and Belkior take their leave of the survivors around the remnants of Florin's Home. All are said to see their healer and protectors leave, but wish them well and are thankful.
The Shields finally are whole when everyone meets up at the GG. There is talk of Gordo and the orphans and the calamity at hand, but mostly the group is tired and hungry.
Happy provide for the group, but is concerned. "We do not have much food left. We always used fresh and there have not been any deliveries for two days. Take what you need though."
Tionel questions what course of action to take tomorrow.
Tomorrow arrive early and with a SCREAM! One of the young girls was collecting all manner of flowers from in front of the of the main entrance to the GG, it is a veritable garden; she drops them and is just pointing down the street.
When you wake up, you see that vines and roses have invaded the GG. It is a joy to your eyes and noses. When you take a look outside you see a horrible sight.
There are several score of the purple orcs carrying people away. There are even two shambling mounds ripping apart homes so the orcs can get in. They are only 100 feet down the street.
The Shields witness a shopkeeper jumped on by 5 of the purple orcs after a Shambler ripped off his door. He collapes and two take him back down the street the way they came, with many many more surging forward looking to repeat the process.
OOC: Everyone gains normal nightly healing back. Please post spells, AC, HP, and spells in effect.
I will not post on Friday, but early Saturday
Angus (AC 14 with Mage Armor on; HP 24/25) Thursday June 9th, 2005 9:32:52 PM
Angus casts Mage Armor upon himself. He then turns to the fighters in the group.
"Quickly get into your armor! I will help you."
Angus helps the fighters get into their armor. When the group moves outside he takes his customary position in the middle of the group.
Active Spells: Mage Armor (duration 6 hours)
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 0 of 6 1 level: 1 of 8 2 level: 0 of 6 3 level: 0 of 4
Lang (ac 21; hp 52/55) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 47/47) d20+12=32 Thursday June 9th, 2005 9:51:04 PM
Lang views the scene unfolding in front of him, wondering how all the people who voted for the return of the elf are feeling now.
Well at least I get to kill more of the disgusting plant monsters Lang thinks to himself.
Lang quickly runs up to his room and grabs his Mithral Shirt and puts it on. Lang eyes Sunshines armor, but decides against putting it on due to time and the fact it may not fit anymore. Shouldering his backpack and quiver, he then runs downstairs and helps anyone else put their armor on. Drawing his weapon, calling Sunshine to his side, Lang then strides purposefully outside ready to deal some violence.
Lang wonders if Sunshine is over his weird behavior from yesterday. (animal handling 32; natural 20).
OOC - If the battle is close to the GG then I will have my short swords out. If it is still a ways away I will have my bow out.
OOC - need at least a minute to put my armor on plus the time needed to run to my room and back to the entrance.
Spells: Speak with Animals Longstrider
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP = 46] Thursday June 9th, 2005 10:59:16 PM
The bard spots the mound of vegetation and purple orcs attacking the townsfolk and reacts instinctively. He unshoulders and readies an arrow, moving forward all the while, until he gets into range. [Double move - no attack]
Xenia (AC20, HP 35/35) Thursday June 9th, 2005 11:37:15 PM The Wold is coming apart. The Wold is coming apart and plants are coming up through the cracks.
What to do?!? Holy Stars, what to do?!?
Xenia rushes out the front door of the Giggling Ghost and scoops up the young girl.
"Get inside, Honey. NOW! Have everyone work on barricading the windows and doors. Do it quick."
"We need to get everyone inside and off the streets!" the rogue shouts. "It's the only way we can defend against all of 'em!"
Xenia runs back inside and grabs up the masterwork mace she has yet to use. "Happy! You need to board up all the entrances!". She bites her lip and spares a glance back out the door to where Wynn had gone with his bow.
What do you do when the Wold is coming apart at the seams? What do you do when everything you've built with loving hands is coming down around you?
You fight for it with everything you've got. Down to your last dying breath.
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:60 Thursday June 9th, 2005 11:43:23 PM
Florin awakes and goes about his morning rituals if able but is slightly happy and unahppy about the flowers.
When the rukus starts outside he breathes out a heavy sigh, "Sure yesterday even ended, we went from one horribly thing to another."
Florin will do his best to get his armor on in a hurry but half-plate only goes on so fast even if it is +1. He readies all his gear afterwards and calls out to those who are ready quicker, "Get down stairs just incase they come here also. The rest of us will be down as quick as possible. Warn Daphne and Happy and all others here also. There are children here who deserve defense after the horrors they have already been through also."
Florin thinks and glances to Tionel and Angus, "if you have any spells that might help slow them down then that would be of a great help."
Tionel Friday June 10th, 2005 8:02:46 AM
{I don't have access to my spell list yet, I'm not at home, I'll post it tomorrow... But I think I can presume his first actions for this round}
Tionel sees the action and blinks in amazement. "We have to get everyone we can in here... You guys be prepared to stop them, I'll send monsters to slow them down!" He begins summoning. (since it takes a round to cast I can post next time what he's summoning/using :) )
Belkior (AC 21; HP 40) Friday June 10th, 2005 8:26:28 AM
The halfling cleric has jsut completed his prayers when her hears the screams from outside the Giggling Ghost. A quick glance out the window shows Belkior what he feared would happen - a full assault on the Floating City by the creatures of the Woods.
Belkior jumps back down from the window ledge and begins donning his breastplate. He had removed his armor to sleep, as he normally does, but on reconsideration it may not have been wise. Eying Florin's progress with his armor, Belkior hastily dons his armor , opting to get ready and guard the party until Florin is ready.
"Florin, where are we going to take the children to? One of the temples, or to one of the upper levels?"
OOC Belkior will take one minute to don his armor, so -1 AC until he gets a chance to adjust it.
ADM Jim: Battle at the Ghost Saturday June 11th, 2005 8:56:24 AM
Angus coats himself in Mage Armor and goes to see how he can help Lang, Florin, and Belkior don their armor.
Wynn just reacts and runs out into the flower covered street to help those in need, without his armor. Wynn sees what appears to be an entire family of seven that is unconcious being dragged away from their home.
Wynn is concern when all of the purple orcs turn and look at him in unison. Twenty break off and head toward the Bard, they are 50 feet away.
Several animals appear between Wynn and the purple orcs, giving the Bard some protection at least for the moment. Wynn is unsure how long the creatures will last though.
OOC: Tionel, in the future at least tell the DM the level of the summoning spell you are casting and they can roll the creatures up for you. You are effecting the stories flavor with lack of information.
Tionel stands in the main doorway to the GG and watches the purple orcs surge toward his creatures.
Xenia grabs the girl that was picking flowers in the street and hustles her into the GG. Xenia then calls for help to barricade all of the windows and doors.
Xenia is standing in the doorway with Tionel watching nature on the rampage and moving toward her man. Little William also looks out on the scene from between Xenia's legs.
Happy appears and quickly assesses the situation. "Move tables and chairs in front of the doors! I will grab a hammer and nails for windows!" Happy disappears into a back room, only to reappear moments later with a hammer in hand and a fist full of nails.
Florin starts to Don his armor, but is having some problems as Jella is hanging onto his leg. Jella looks up at Florin and with soft eyes full of tears she asks "Daddy please pick me up. I am scared."
Belikor starts to don his armor and questions Florin about leaving the GG.
Syr snores.
Sunshine barks uncontrollably and his hackels raise, but he stays at Lang's side.
Several of the children are screaming and even more are crying as they pick up the excited activity of the adults.
OOC: Two combat rounds elapsed for those doning armor.
Xenia (AC20, HP 35/35) Saturday June 11th, 2005 1:56:14 PM The children. They need something to do.
"William, Honey," Xenia says in a firm and commanding voice. "See the halfling over there. That's Belkior. He's a healer of Alemi. Go help him with his armor, please."
"Kyria!" she calls to the little blonde girl. "Take Jella and both of you help Florin with his armor, Sweetheart."
"We need to be brave, Everyone," Xenia calls out to the children scattered across the floor. "We need to be brave, and we need to do something to help. We're here, and we're all here to help. And we're here to save the one's that we love. 'Cause that's what Heroes do in a bad situation. AND I KNOW THAT ALL OF YOU ARE HEROES! EACH AND EVERY ONE!"
"Start moving the heavier furniture toward the doors," she says to a group of older boys. "Start collecting wood that Happy can nail to the windows," the dark rogue directs a group of girls.
Glancing out the door, Xenia catches the purple orclets moving on Tionel's summoned animals.
Standing anxiously by the door, the rogue readies her mace to bash anything plant-like that tries to get in while watching both the action inside and outside the Giggling Ghost.
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:60 d20+3=23 Saturday June 11th, 2005 9:22:13 PM
Florin looks to his daughter and gently pats her head before speaking to her, "Jella darling you must be brave okay? I promised no harm will come as long as I can help it. Your daddy needs to help defend your friends from the orphanage and you and also help his friends who are also trying to protect all of you."
Florin hopes he can calm his daughter enought to get his armor fully on and then he kneels and hugs his daughter tightly, "Listen my little princess, Your daddy has to do his best to make sure those monsters don't get in here to hurt anyone including you. I want you to stay safe and out of harms way. I'll be fine but you have to stay safe for me."
Florin hugs Jella tightly and whispers in her ear, "Our home might be wrecked for now but you have to protect this place right here for me and stay safe while I protect you too." Florin looks into Jella's eyes and kisses her cheek, "Your a amazing girl Jella and will grow up to be strong. Now come on and stay with the other kids. You can help by pitching in and also being a example for the other kids at how strong you are."
Florin will rush down stairs to help his friends now, moving what he can to help block the GG off and speaks loud enough to the others while he glances over his shoulder at Jella and the other kids, "Okay Shields, nows the time to prove ourselves as being worthy of the name we uphold. This is a goal we all can choose to stand under at THIS moment. These kids here need us and we will protect them no matter what. I chose the design for the ring and now will tell you all that the shield on the ring is our goal of defending those who need it. We all chose to help the orphans in the past and we have always tried to side with the right side. The dove ingraved in the ring is for the hope we offer the people we defend. We hold lives in our very hands when the enemies attack here and I say they will not make it past us and harm these children." Florin pulls his mithril+1 longsword from it's sheath and holds it into the air, the high woldian runes along it's sides that give the sword's name glows in the light, "Show me your courage my friends." Florin hopes to boost spirits of his companions, the last day and hours have been frightening and dispearing and he had to try and boost spirits with his words as leader. (Charisma:23 nat:20)
(OOC:I know Florin is not a bard to try and encourage people but being the leader and seeing past events in the city I figured a good leader speach might help. Hoefully decent rp anyway :).)
Wynn Brighhtsong [AC=14, HP=46] d20+10=13 d6=4 Sunday June 12th, 2005 10:29:12 AM
It is only after Wynn has reached a position from which he can engage the enemy that he realizes the precariousness of his position. When a sore of purple orcs pick him out of the crowd, the bard realizes he is in too deep.
Wynn looses an arrow at the nearest of the purple orcs [Hit AC=13 dmg=4] and beats a hasty retreat back towards the Giggling Ghost without even watching where his arrow ends up.
"FALL BACK, FALL BACK!" he yells out as he runs. "Fall back to the inn, we can defend ourselves there!"
Matt C. Sunday June 12th, 2005 12:04:57 PM
OOC - Jim or anybody - Do we have a map of the GG?
[There's one at Duncan's Travel Agency. Right here. -Al]
Angus (AC 14 with Mage Armor on; HP 24/25) 6d6(4+5+2+5+6+5)=27 d20+3=4 Sunday June 12th, 2005 12:24:07 PM
Angus sees all the armor-wearing members of the shields rush off to their rooms to get their armor. As none are back in the main room yet for Angus to help, he decides that it may be best to try and slow down the purple Orcs a little bit. But then again maybe this will just draw more attention to the Giggling Ghost. Taking position in one of the windows facing the Orcs, Angus will cast Lightning Bolt at the advancing Orcs, trying to hit as many as he can. He picks a window so that he does not include Wynn in the Lightning Bolt's path, and tries not to hit Tionel's summoned animals, but will if necessary. He will not cast the spell if it will hit Wynn.
0 level: 0 of 6 1 level: 1 of 8 2 level: 0 of 6 3 level: 1 of 4
DM JIM: Matt, Angus got a full nights sleep and thus all of his spell slots are full prior to casting the Lbolt.
Lang (ac 21; hp 52/55) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 47/47) d20+12=32 Sunday June 12th, 2005 9:50:28 PM
OOC - After seeing the map from Al's link above. I would imagine that after 12 seconds Lang would just be reaching his room whether it is on the 2nd or 3rd floor.
OOC - Map clarification - Is there just 2 entrances? Dagger Point entrance which appears to be the main entrance which enters onto the balcony level that is actually ground level? Happy Park Entrance which appears to be a stairs down entrance into the tavern which is below ground? Does this mean that we are on the balcony level looking out the the Dagger Point entrance (those not in their rooms that is)?
Lang continues putting on his armor up in his room. He wonders where the guard is and why there was no warning before the creatures reached this far into the Floating City. He also wonders if there are some traitors within the Floating City leadership.
"Sunshine be quiet!"
Animal Handling 32; natural 20 once again; wasting them here instead of in battle.
OOC - need at least 10 combat rounds to put my armor on plus the time needed to run to my room and back to the entrance (est. at 4 combat rounds; 2/14).
Spells: Speak with Animals Longstrider
Tionel (AC 12, hp 32/42) Monday June 13th, 2005 1:20:04 AM
(I apologize. I imagine Tionel would start off with a small spell, probably a spell to harry and annoy the monsters more than attack or stop them. So it'll be Summon Monster I.)
Tionel finishes his summon spell (takes a full round) and on the second round, as he moves next to the entrance to the Giggling Ghost, he calls,
"Come to the Giggling Ghost, the Crimson Shields of Hope will stand against these fowl beasts!"
Then he begins casting again.
(He doesn't know the outcome of the # of creatures he will summon, and it takes a full round for his spell to go off, so GM, he's casting a Summon Nature's Ally III in place of his Diminish Plants. He's going to be attempting to summon 1d3 2nd level creatures. I imagine him using Black Bears, since that's an animal he's familiar with) For once, Tionel feels this...hatred...towards nature. He can understand how people in cities fear and hate what he had always felt was just peaceful and serene. Then he has to remind himself, these purple orcs are anything but natural. This whole thing is unnatural! His elven blood calls out in anger against it...
(Eagle's stats: EAGLE
Small Animal Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 80 ft. (average) Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +0/--4 Attack: Talons +3 melee (1d4) Full Attack: 2 talons +3 melee (1d4) and bite --2 melee (1d4) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: -- Special Qualities: Low-light vision Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Skills: Listen +2, Spot +14 )
Spell list: Druid Spells Per Day: 5 0-level, 4 (3+1) 1st-level, 4 (3+1) 2nd level, 3 (2+1) 3rd level. 0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Cure Minor Wounds, Know Direction, Purify Food and Water. 1: Pass Without Trace, Entangle, Charm Animals, Speak W/Animals. 2: Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Lesser Restoration, Hold Animal. 3: (Unusual change as mentioned in earlier post): Diminish Plantsx3.
(Oh, and did Tionel get his Bag of Tricks from the Catacombs yet?)
DM JIM: I have no word on the Bag of Tricks. Also, Tionel get +1 creature on all of his summonings.
Belkior Monday June 13th, 2005 7:30:05 AM
The halfling cleric is still struggling into his armor. Somehow, the process always seems longer when you're trying to hurry.
As he dons his armor, Belkior attempts to speak to his companions. "If we can bar the doors ... oomph ...", as Belkior gets a tight buckle cinched.
"... And the windows shuttered ... ouch ...", as his greaves pinch him in a delicate place.
"... The Ghost should probably stand up to their attacks for a while." The room resounds to a clanging as Belkior stamps his small foot to secure it within his boot.
Suddenly, an idea comes to Belkior. During the elf conclave and other visits here, he had seen people entering the Ghost in many different ways. "Hey! Does anyone know how to activate thsoe tapestries? Or the other magical entrances to the Ghost?"
"Could we send the children through to someplace safe, then bring them back when or if the city is secured? Or maybe retreat there with them?"
Once his armour is in place, Belkior will move to the common room since he expects that to be the centre of activity. Belkior will provide what assistance he can to the staff who are barring doors and securing windows. "Where's Happy? Is Happy around?"
Syr (HP 62 AC 19/18) Monday June 13th, 2005 10:27:20 AM
Through his peaceful rest, the elf faintly hears Xenia's call to action. Rising and kicking the growing vine off his leg, he moves to the main portion of the Inn. Seeing the others, he jumps down from the balcony closest to them (slow fall). Stifling a late yawn, he moves to the doorway to examine the action.
ADM Jim: Battle at the Ghost 2d6(2+1)+2=5 d20+5=10 d20+5=9 d20+5=17 d20+5=11 d20+5=13 d20+1=21 Monday June 13th, 2005 1:26:06 PM
Wynn fires his arrow and turn and runs back to the relative saftey of the Inn. Wynn is unable to save any other city folk and will have to be happy with his skin for the time being.
Tionel summons bears to assist his two eagles. Tionel knows the beasts will not last long, but they will buy the Shields time.
Angus also try to buy time and a clap of thunder is heard as he unleashes a lightning bolt, hitting five. All five of the purple orcs were caught off guard by the lightning bolt and three die a horrible death, with two not very happy at all.
Syr finally wakes up and comes down to help close up the Inn.
Xenia attempts to organize the Shields and the Orphans. The children are scare, but understand what the excited half elf wants and slowly get to the tasks at hand: helping to board up the windows and get the small children upstairs. William reluctantly leaves Xenia's side.
Lang continues to don his armor and quites Sunshine.
Belkior continues to don his armor.
Florin attempts to console Jella, but she begins to cry. "You are going to leave me again, arn't you? the young girl sobs. Florin's consoling is slowing down is armor preparation.
Florin gives a rousing pep talk to the Shields.
Xenia slams the doors to the Inn and locks it. Several of the older male orphans help her put tables in front of the door.
Happy nails shut two windows, but is clawed by a purple orc as he works on a third window(made save). Happy steps away as it attempts to climb through. Many of the children scream at the sight of a purple orc that has obvious scared the adults.
Happy drops his hammer and clutches at his bleeding forearm.
Daphne helps move children up the stairs. "Must go faster young ones, much faster." she cooes.
8 more combat rounds have gone by.
Tionel knows all of his animals have been killed, but they finished off the two scorched purple orcs and killed one other.
Scratches can be heard on the door and then nothing for a moment. Finally a loud band is head against the door. Dust falls from the ceiling as the frame and support structure a shaken. The door holds for now.
Lang (ac 21; hp 52/55) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 47/47) d20+6=18 d20+12=19 d20+5=17 Monday June 13th, 2005 9:27:52 PM
Lang hears alot of noise coming from down below (listen 18). Lang continues putting on his armor, but as he is getting close to having it all buckled up, he starts to move back towards the group hoping to get back quicker (trying to move and finish up that last bit of buckling on the run to save some time. Dexterity check maybe, 17).
"Sunshine heel!"
Animal Handling 19.
Spells: Speak with Animals Longstrider
Angus (AC 14 with Mage Armor on; HP 24/25) 3d4(3+1+1)+3=8 Monday June 13th, 2005 9:34:10 PM
"Fighters where are you? We have enemies penetrating the building."
Angus moves away from the window where the Orc is coming in. He will ready action Magic Missile if the orc moves towards him (damage 8).
Active Spells: Mage Armor (duration 6 hours)
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 0 of 6 1 level: 1 or 2 of 8 2 level: 0 of 6 3 level: 1 of 4
Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=46] Monday June 13th, 2005 9:58:13 PM
Wynn dashes upstairs and hastily dons his chain shirt and readies himself for battle.
Xenia (AC20, HP 35/35) Monday June 13th, 2005 11:08:39 PM
Already armored and fully kitted up, Xenia scrambles up the tilted staircase with Wynn to help him on with his armor. This Mithral ain't bad stuff. And it kinda pays not to expose yourself when the Wold is coming down on you like it is now.
"WAH!!!" Xenia almost slips down the slanted floor as something shakes the building and little clouds of plaster dust drift from the ceiling.
"Framble macking heaven, Wynn," her green eyes take a turn around the room as though whatever it might have been could be all around them, "what was that?"
Tionel d20+10=14 d8=2 Tuesday June 14th, 2005 5:19:29 AM
They're surrounding the place. Ravenous, inhuman beings... When the door shakes from the boom, Tionel shivers all over and nearly yelps himself. He's spent the last few rounds trying to reinforce the door, putting chairs up against windows, and so on. He's holding himself together, but only due to willpower (will save 14 for game effect). He draws the slim wand at his side. "Everyone, get all non-combatants to the stairs! We have to be prepared to fall back inch by inch, hurting them every step! Happy, here..." Tionel touches the innkeeper with the wand of healing, knowing it has precious few charges left.. (3 hp back) He keeps it out in his hands, as he really figures he'll need it. A panicked thought enters his mind... he could just change into a bird, fly away, get away from all this mess...but instantly he berates himself, hates himself with all his might for even thinking such a thought. He couldn't leave his friends, the children, everything like that. He would never be able to forgive himself. "Happy, grab as many supplies as you can while you go up." Tionel pushes a large sack into the innkeeper's hand. "Food, strong drink, supplies... You have about 20 seconds." Tionel turns to the door and waits near the bar. "Everyone, hold them, and I will summon the most powerful creatures I can to keep them at bay for as long as possible." He begins casting a summon nature's ally II in place of his lesser restoration. (You said I get +1 creature, does that include for spells that summon just 1 creature?) He plans on bringing into being air elementals to whip and inflict pain upon the creatures at the windows...
Belkior (AC 21; HP 40) Tuesday June 14th, 2005 7:13:43 AM
The halfling cleric stands after finishing with the final buckle on his armor. It's not seated completely correctly, but it will have to do.
Looking about, Belkior rushes into the common room. Seeing that the only injured person is Happy, Belkior will move to assist the cook and proprietor of the Ghost. While tending to Happy's wound, Belkior will question her.
"Happy, do you know how to activate the magic portals from the Ghost? The tapestries or the other entrances?"
Note: Armor is hastily donned in 1 minute / 10 rounds for -1 to AC, +1 to armor check penalty
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:60 Tuesday June 14th, 2005 8:19:21 AM
Seeing Jella as more of a problem right now since his friends need him Florin picks Jella up for a moment so she is eye level with him before talking to her, "Now listen Jella, I have to protect you as best as I can. Those purple orcs out there with the plants want to hurt people. An those purple orcs feed people to trees who eat you. This is a serious threat and you need to be a big girl and let me do what I can to save you and the others."
Florin puts Jella down and will finish his armor as quickly as possible before joining his friends and reading his sword and shield for the attack that is surely to come, "Well, everyone, looks like it's time to fight." Florin nods on the comments and thinks, "Happy, these kids need to be in the safest place. Those orcs can probably climb so we need a secure place."
Xenia-OoC Tuesday June 14th, 2005 8:38:11 AM
As far as I know, you exist within the Tapestries in dream. Your bodies are still physically here.
Syr (HP 62 AC 19/18) Tuesday June 14th, 2005 10:45:35 AM
Syr stands defensively near the door awaiting any creature or creatures that may burst through. As he listens to the plan he chimes in, "Maybe it's just me but I would think the MOST defensable position would be the cellar?" Just two of us can hold the stairs with ease. As you said these things can climb." He offers the alternative but will go along with whatever the group decides.
Belkior - OOC Tuesday June 14th, 2005 9:17:54 PM
Well, let's kill some people off in the Taps and get their bodies up and helping us!
DM JIM: That is great!!! Very Funny!!
ADM Jim: Battle at the Ghost d20+6=12 d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=26 Wednesday June 15th, 2005 12:21:30 AM
Syr takes up a defensive position by the front door and offer an alternative place to fight from, the celler.
Most of the kids were in the process of running up stairs, but now a few are running down in the cellar.
Florin is more stern with Jella and her only reaction is to sit down on the floor and start to cry. Jella seems very very scared, as she has had a tough day or two as have the other orphans.
Tionel cures Happy and calls for all Shields and kids to fall back.
The children are panicing. Most are running upstairs, some downstairs, some jumping up and down, some still moving tables, some crying, and some screaming. PANDIMONIUM!
Belkior moves Happy away from the purple orc that is now stuck in the window and treats Happys injury.
The purple orc struggles mightliy, but can not get in the Inn. The orc struggles again and get itself back onto the street outside.
At Tionel's instruction, Happy goes can gathers food and drink and runs up stairs.
Wynn and Xenia run upstair to make sure Wynn is properly dress for the coming engagement.
Lang and Sunshine run down the stairs fighting the tide of those coming up. Lang is hastily finishing his armor.
Angus is left downstairs to wonder where all the warriors are?
Something big is attempting to smash the now reinforced door.
The door holds.
Screams outside of the Inn.
The door holds again.
THe door is woobling.
The door caves in with an explosion of dust and splintered wood.
All that is seen is a big green mass with long tendrils and root like feet, a Shambler.
The opening is now significantly larger, but the Shambler must pass though a sea of tables and chairs.
Five more combat rounds go by for those doning armor and preparing defenses or calming and/or organizing children.
Tionel Wednesday June 15th, 2005 4:32:33 AM
Tionel's two air elementals are whipping around, attacking any creature that attempts to come through the windows. Someone else will deal with the chaos that is behind him, Tionel hopes. The children will find their way, someone in the pack will help them. Florin, assuredly, or Wynn...the bard, the true musician, will play them to safety, he imagines warmly for a second. But meanwhile, it is the duty of the elven druid to fight this thing, to hold it back as much as possible. As the door booms, he begins chanting. He finishes chanting on his next action, whereupon he summons the most ferocious kings of the wild to protect him. (Replacing yet another of my 3rd level Diminish Plants to spontaneously summon a 3rd level creature. As you said, an extra one will appear? So, that makes two of these:
Lion's stats: Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (32 hp) Initiative: +3 Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) Armor Class: 15 (--1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+12 Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d4+5) Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d4+5) and bite +2 melee (1d8+2) Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+2)
(They act again on my turn). Tionel wonders if they must continue this a war of time? Is there a chance of them surviving this? He doesn't wonder, he knows he just must fight. For the children.
Florin Jadenth-AC_19_HP:60 Wednesday June 15th, 2005 11:52:10 AM
(OOCLI don't know if Florin has his armor on yet or not so I will post if he does.)
Florin sighs and looks to Jella, "Jella, I know you this has not been a easy time but I really need you to be strong ad help me out. Those kids frm the orphanage need help to and I need your help right now. Now stand up and try getting as many of them to one single room while we work on getting rid of the enemy. Things will be fine but we really have to have your and everyones help."
Florin will go out the door now and to the aid of his friends. If he sees Happy he motions to his room or where ever Jella is and calls out to him, "Get the kids as gathered together as much as can and in the safest room."
Wynn (AC 19, 46 HP) d20+8=18 d8+3=11 Wednesday June 15th, 2005 8:27:26 PM
Wynn shrugs on his equipment with Xenia's help, then races down towards the commotion. When the floor tilts, he reaches out to grab the rogue's arm as much to lend her support as to steady himself. The bard-fighter uses the opportunity to slip past the half-drow in order to get between her and whatever it is they will be facing that comes through the door. He holds his longsword high, ready to slice down on an attacker.
(Held Action until some enemy comes within reach. Hit AC 18, 11 dmg)
Lang (ac 21; hp 52/55) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 47/47) d20+10=23 d20+10=15 d20+5=21 d8+2=3 d8+2=3 d8+2=9 d20+12=25 d20+6=25 Wednesday June 15th, 2005 9:32:17 PM
From Lang's position on the stairs he can see the Shambling Mound as it breaks down the door. Seeing no other creatures to shoot at (spot 25), Lang fires his composite longbow 3 times into the beast.
Hit AC 23 for 3 damage. Hit AC 15 for 3 damage. Hit AC 21 for 9 damage.
Sunshine remains by his side, ready to protect Lang should any enemy approach them.
Animal Handling 25.
Spells: Speak with Animals Longstrider
Angus (AC 14 with Mage Armor on; HP 24/25) 3d4(3+4+1)+3=11 d20+3=20 Wednesday June 15th, 2005 9:43:39 PM
Angus realizes he must try to create more time for the fighters to get into position. He is happy to see 3 arrows fly by and strike the Shambling Mound (Spot 20).
"Hurry kids. Keep moving upstairs and stay away from the monster. Hide if you must, but stay away from it."
Angus moves towards the stairs where Lang and Sunshine are making there way down. Knowing that his spells are limited against the Shambling Mound, he casts Magic Missile striking the beast with the 3 missiles.
Magic Missile damage 11.
Active Spells: Mage Armor (duration 6 hours)
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 0 of 6 1 level: 2 of 8 2 level: 0 of 6 3 level: 1 of 4
Belkior (AC 21; HP 40) Bless Wednesday June 15th, 2005 9:59:33 PM
The halfling cleric completes his tending of Happy who seems to be unable to answer Belkior's questions.
He takes a moment to mutter one of the earliest prayers taught to him in the temples. A rush of holy power spreads from the small cleric to all of the Crimson Shields and everyone else close enough to him, reducing any fear of the plant creatures and strengthening their arms.
His Pearl of Power flares briefly, preserving the Bless spell for later use.
"Children! Follow Happy or me, we'll take you to safe places!"
If he can encourage the children up from the basement, he will do so. Even though it might be more defensible, Belkior thinks that keeping the children all in once place will be better.
If he can't get the children back from the cellar, Belkior will lead some children there to protect and encourage all of them.
Actions Standard = Cast Bless affecting all allies within 50', so many of the children will also be affected Move = towards either stairs up to the inn, or down to the cellars
Items Pearl of Power = used today
Active Effects Bless = +1 attack, +1 saves vs. fear, 60 rounds
Xenia (AC26, HP 35/35) Wednesday June 15th, 2005 10:22:15 PM Yeek! Another mound thing. Xenia hides behind Wynn's shoulder clutching the light mace. Looking at the size of the thing, and the way it reaches out with those wavy, ropy things, the rogue makes a mental note to stay well outside 15 feet of it unless she's really serious about moving in and attacking.
"Wynn, it's one of those mound things again," she whispers," feeling too terrible close even now.
(Total Defense +6 to AC, Dodge vs Shambler +1 AC, Total vs Shambler AC27)
Question Are we in combat rounds?
ADM JIM: We will start next round with the lions and mound clash.
ADM Jim: Battle at the Ghost - Combat Round 1 d20+12=27 d20+12=23 2d4(2+1)+6=9 2d4(1+2)+6=9 2d6(3+6)+6=15 Wednesday June 15th, 2005 11:29:40 PM
Tionel's air elements harried the purple orc out the window.
OOC: Forgot the elementals last post. Tionel remember this is the 6th round for them.
The large moving mound of vegatation moves into the GG, pushing tables as it goes. This Shambler looks larger than the one the group faced previously in the jungle.
Three arrows strike it and so do three magic missles, but it shrugs them off.
Two rope like appendages reach out and grab a lion.
AC 27, hit 9 damage AC 23, hit 9 damage
Rend damage 15 damage
The lion disappears in its grasp, which only seems to enrage it more.
Wynn bravely interposes himself between the Shambler and Xenia and he slashes the Shambler and leaves fly with the satisfying swing.
Xenia watches the Shambler, and sees that most of the children are either up the stairs or in the celler, but there off to her left is William not 15 feet from her.
Tionel and Belkior noticed at least four or five boys had headed down in the celler. One calls up to Belkior. "You want us to what now?" as he looks up from the bottom of the stairs.
Belkior cast bless on the heros and all seems fine for the moment.
Belkior notices two or three kids hiding in the back of the inn and not too well, but he also notices that most others are safe for the moment.
Syr watches the Shambler advance.
OOC: Everyone downstairs (Syr, Angus, Tionel, Wynn, and Xenia, and Belkior) had time to prepare and can position themselves accordingly n relation to the Shambler. It was not attempting to surprise anyone as it knocked on the door.
Florin is upstairs attempting to reason with and upset five year old, at least he has hastily put on his armor. Jella is crying and pouting. "Daddy you don't love me anymore do you!" as she kicks her feet against the floor.
Happy and Daphne are rounding the kids into several of the upstairs bedrooms.
DC 15 spot check for everyone but Florin to see what is pressing in behind the Shambler.
A group of a dozen purple orcs in an impossiblely tight order behind the Shambler and they immediately break into two groups as they enter the room, looking to move on the flanks of the Shambler. All of the Orcs will be visible next round with no spot check.
Tionel (AC 12, hp 42/42) Thursday June 16th, 2005 7:19:48 AM
Tionel notices the orcs moving and realizes there's very little they can do to stop them... he casts slowly, and if he were to start doing that now, they'd swarm him. "You kids in the cellar! GO upstairs, all children go upstairs as many floors as you can! We fall back!" Tionel hopes that the stairways-entrance will hold the shamblers, and knows that standing at the top will prevent more than one orc from coming up at a time, hopefully. He steps up the stairs and to the side of the passage, and begins casting. (Full round casting another spontaneous summon, on my next action, this time I'm going to summon a single brown bear in the midst of the orcs, hopefully to cause as much trouble as possible. 2nd level spell: Barkskin used up)
Bear stats:
Medium Animal Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6 Attack: Claw +6 melee (1d4+4) Full Attack: 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+4) and bite +1 melee (1d6+2)
ADM JIM: Tionel, are your elementals still around? How long do they last? Also, is your lion attacking this round?
Remember that you get +1 creatures per summoning.
Xenia (AC26, HP 35/35) 3d6(6+3+4)=13 Thursday June 16th, 2005 1:13:41 PM WAH!!! More of those orclets. More and more and more and more.
Xenia buckles down and rips the last bead from the Necklace of Fireballs. Worked last time.
Tossing it while they're still bunched up behind the walking Mound, the dark rogue skips to the side before she even registers the results.
Dodging around to the far side of the mound, she shouts back to Wynn. "We gotta hold it till till Florin and Syr get out here. I'll try and flank it, Wynn."
"Kids! Get Up Stairs!" she shouts. "I'm not sure that thing can climb. And if we burn out the stairs below it might not be able to get up to us!"
"Angus! Do you think you can take out the stairs with a lightening bolt?"
Rolls and Actions Fireball Damage 13hp
Position and Movement Try to move in a semi-circle to the other side of the shambling mound and flank vs Wynn. Do NOT approach within 15 feet of it.
Are we getting a map? I know from personal experience how hard it is to create a map of the GG.
Syr (62/62 AC 19) d20+10=26 d20+10=24 d20+5=9 d10+4=11 d10+4=12 Thursday June 16th, 2005 3:45:32 PM
Fearing for the children's safety Syr steps in front of the Shambler and attacks. (Attack 26,24,9 Damage 11,12)
After hitting the mound, he moves slightly to the side allowing Tionel's Bears to become the focus of it's attacks. Looking up the stairs, he calls out, "Florin! Hurry up and get your turtle suit on and get down here."
(OOC: sorry guys, was staying at a hotel room with no access)
Lang (ac 21; hp 52/55) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 47/47) d20+6=21 d20+10=30 d20+10=21 d20+5=11 d20+10=18 d8+6=7 d8+6=12 d20+5=6 d20+12=24 Thursday June 16th, 2005 9:27:31 PM
OOC -- Jim I forgot to add in my +4 favorite enemy bonus last round. Please add it for any of my shots that damaged the shambling mound last round.
Ahhh, things are starting to come together for the Shields. The group is starting to converge on the Shambling Mound, attacking it from all directions. It will not last much longer from all this concentrated firepower. But the real problem may be the multitude of purple Orcs that are starting to enter the Giggling Ghost (spot 21). Lang realizes that the Shambling Mound is still the biggest threat and once again fires his bow 3 times into the beast. Lang is amazed that he is able to fire more arrows, but maintain his accuracy.
Hit AC 30 for 7 damage; critical roll 18 for 7x3=21 damage. Hit AC 21 for 12 damage. Hit AC 11 for n/a damage.
Sunshine remains by Lang's side, eyeing the large plant beast in front of him, oblivious to the purple Orcs entering the building (spot 6; natural 1).
Animal Handling 24.
Spells: Speak with Animals Longstrider
Angus (AC 14 with Mage Armor on; HP 24/25) d20+3=19 3d4(1+2+4)+3=10 Thursday June 16th, 2005 9:35:14 PM
Angus sees the purple Orcs trying to squeeze past the Shambling Mound and into the building. He thinks that they must finish off the Shambling Mound as quick as possible so they can then concentrate on the smaller plant creatures (spot 19).
Angus moves up the stairs and takes position behind Lang and Sunshine. He casts the ever-dependable spell magic Missile striking the mound with the 3 missiles.
Magic Missile damage 10.
"We must defeat the Mound quickly and protect the children from being taken by the purple Orcs."
Active Spells: Mage Armor (duration 6 hours)
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 0 of 6 1 level: 3 of 8 2 level: 0 of 6 3 level: 1 of 4
Wynn (AC 19, 46 HP, Bless) d20+9=24 d8+3=9 d20+6=23 Thursday June 16th, 2005 9:37:45 PM
Wynn acknowledges Xenia's instructions with a grunt as he brings his longsword down heavily upon the green monstrocity. There is added power to his sword arm, as he is infused with a devine power.(Hit AC 24, 9 dmg)
The bard sees the purple orclets and hopes the rogue or one of the magic types will take it upon themselves to dispatch the creatures.
Active Effects Bless, from Belkior = +1 attack, +1 saves vs. fear, 60 rounds
Belkior (AC 21; HP 40) Bless d20+2=17 d20+5=16 Thursday June 16th, 2005 9:41:27 PM
The halfling cleric will move to shoo the children from the back of the inn, taking them upstairs to be with Happy.
"Children, can you come with me upstairs? Happy will take care of you up there, and we will be down here getting rid of the nasty garbage heap." Diplomacy = 17
When, or if, the children move, Belkior will remain between them and the approaching danger of the shambling mound and the purple orc-things. Spot = 16
"Hurry, children! Let's be quick up the stairs.!"
Actions Move = staying between the children and the monsters
Items Pearl of Power = used today
Active Effects Bless = +1 attack, +1 saves vs. fear, 59 rounds
ADM JIM: Battle at the Ghost Round 2 d20+5=23 d20+5=12 d20+5=6 d20+5=11 d20+5=14 d20+5=8 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=7 d20+5=15 d20+5=17 d20+5=21 d20+5=20 d20+5=12 d20+5=13 d20+5=8 d20+5=21 d20+5=20 d20+5=17 d20+5=6 d20+5=24 d4=2 d4=2 d4=3 d20+5=25 d20+5=20 d20+5=15 d20+5=16 d20+5=11 d20+5=11 d20+5=11 d4=1 d4=4 d20+12=28 d20+12=13 2d6(2+6)+6=14 Friday June 17th, 2005 12:11:53 AM
OOC: Sorry about no map, just not had time this week to hone my map making skills. Will attempt to work on it.
Florin remains upstairs debating with his daughter.
Tionel brings more animals into the fray, but they take no action. In fact those that are here are watching the mound kill them.
OOC: Round 7 on elementals, 2 on Lions, 1 on Bears.
Tionel yells for everyone to fall back up stairs. At Tionel's prompting 3 boys and a girl come up from the celler. All four stare wide eyed at the battle arrayed before them.
Belkior rounds up the children in the back of the inn and asks them to go upstairs. One runs to stairs, but the other two kids are frozen with fear and stick by the Cleric of Alemi.
Xenia does her best to not injure the Shields with the fireball and in doing so does not get the Shambler with it, but does get the six other orclets coming into the inn.
Save verses Fireball DC 13 ?
6 failed and 12 made it. All Lived, to Xenia's dismay.
Syr lands heavy blows on the Shambler and come away holding a branch. Syr sidesteps to make room for Tionels animals, but they do not take the opening. Syr steps into the path of six orclets.
The purple orclets swarm over Syr and they take up much less space than expected when they attack the much smaller elf.
AC 8, miss AC 21, hit damage 2, DC 11 fort save or fall asleep AC 20, hit damage 2, DC 11 fort save or fall asleep AC 17, miss AC 6, miss AC 24, hit damage 3, DC 11 fort save or fall asleep
Wynn lands a nasty slash on the Shambler and leaves go flying. The six orclets that round on his side size him and Xenia and must decide that Wynn is larger and better tree food as they all attack him. The orclets are able to squeeze together and all attack Wynn, much to Xenia's horror.
AC 25, hit and critical AC 20 for 5 damage, DC 11 fort save or fall asleep. AC 15 miss AC 16 miss AC 11 miss AC 11 miss AC 11 miss
Lang and Angus rain missiles down on the Shambler from the stairs of the normal and magical variety. The Shambler takes a step back from all the damage it has absorbed this round. It does not look in good shape.
The Shambler lashes out at the lion before it that just watched its brother ripped in half.
AC 28, hit for 14 damage AC 13, miss
The lion ROARS in pain. Several of the children on the main floor scream when the lion roars.
Syr (55/62 AC19/18) d20+8=15 d20+8=21 d20+8=16 d20+12=20 d20+12=25 d20+12=17 d20+7=16 d10+4=10 d10+4=8 d10+4=9 Friday June 17th, 2005 2:39:11 AM
As he is beset by the 6 orcs he shrugs off their blows, "Tionel, you are the nature guy, these plant-orcs are getting annoying! Is there anything we can do about them?" (Made saves 15,21,16)
Focusing on the mound still, the monk tries to grab another thick branch from it's torso. (Attack 20,25,16 Damage 10,8,9)
Belkior (AC 25 (21+4); HP 40) Bless d20+2=3 Friday June 17th, 2005 9:18:24 AM
The halfling cleric continues to move towards the stairs, speaking words of comfort to the children standing beside him.
"Let's go upstairs to Happy. I may not be any taller than you two, but I'm going to be between you and those nasty things. I will protect both of you." However, a note of impatience may be heard in Belkior's voice. Diplomacy = 3, natural 1
Hoping that the children will follow him, Belkior moves to the stairs. Belkior will stand between the children and any attacker, fighting with total defence.
Actions Move = staying between the children and the monsters Total Defence = +4 AC, no AoO possible
Items Pearl of Power = used today
Active Effects Bless = +1 attack, +1 saves vs. fear, 58 rounds
Tionel (AC 16, hp 44/44 (modified in new form to 56/56)) Friday June 17th, 2005 12:09:12 PM
The thin elf bites the compulsion to start chewing on his nails. "Druid magic isn't working right..." he responds to Syr, peering at his sitting animals. He wonders what he can do., his hold animals spell won't work on these, they're plants. However weird they might act. His diminish plants spells affects only regular vegetation. Nothing will work. Except... Tionel crouches over, falling on his knees, as he follows natural instincts. His clothing almost seems to transform into black fur and his form grows, his face becoming a thick mask, his arms and legs becoming powerfully thick, as he takes on the form of a giant pig.
(Full round action to transform...hope everyone survives long enough...)
Spell list: 0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Cure Minor Wounds, Know Direction, Purify Food and Water. 1: Pass Without Trace (used up), Entangle, Charm Animals, Speak W/Animals. 2: Barkskin (used up), Bull's Strength, Lesser Restoration, Hold Animal. 3: Diminish Plantsx3. (1 used up)
(Btw, the air elementals are gone now)
DM JIM: Please roll attacks for your animial if you want them to attack!
Wynn (AC 19, 41/46 HP, Bless) d20+5=20 d20+9=19 d8+3=8 d20+9=16 d20+9=25 d20+9=10 d20+9=11 d20+9=22 d20+9=19 d8+3=9 d8+3=7 d8+3=6 d8+3=8 Friday June 17th, 2005 12:18:05 PM
Wynn shrugs off any negative effects of the attack from the purple orclets[Fort=20]. Surrounded on all sides by the shambling mound and the six orclets he braces himself and springs into action, slashing his sword in a furious spinning action as he launches himself into the air [Whirlwind Attack - Hit AC 19 for 8 Dmg to the shambling mound and hit AC 16, 25, 10, 11, 22, and 19 for 9,7,6,and 8 HP damage to the 4 orclets I hit]
ADM JIM: Wynn you must roll and attack on each opponent. The orclets are AC 16. - BOB - I adjusted the post accordingly]
Yaaaugh! he cries out as he feels his sword strike home.
Xenia (AC20, HP 35/35) d20+11=21 d6=4 Friday June 17th, 2005 1:17:09 PM
With a two handed swing, Xenia takes bash at the nearest thing standing between herself and Wynn. Then she gets back to back with him. "Head for the stairs?" she asks.
Rolls and Actions Hit AC21 Damage 6hp (4*1.5 for wielding one handed weapon with two hands.)
Active Effects Bless (58 rounds remaining)
Question Aren't elves and half-elves immune to sleep magic?
ADM JIM: The ruling from our DM is that this is poison and effects elves. So no dice.
Angus (AC 14 with Mage Armor on; HP 24/25) d20+3=14 3d4(2+2+2)+3=9 d20-1=13 4d6(3+2+3+2)=10 Friday June 17th, 2005 9:51:05 PM
Angus looks to see if any more of the purple Orcs are entering the building (spot 14). If the Shambling Mound is still standing then Angus will fire another magic missile at it (damage 9). If it has fallen, Angus will cast Scorching Ray at one of the uninjured Purple Orcs attacking Wynn (hit touch ac 14 w/Bless; damage 10).
Angus remains in his position on the stairs.
Active Spells: Mage Armor (duration 6 hours)
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 0 of 6 1 level: 3 or 4 of 8 2 level: 0 or 1 of 6 3 level: 1 of 4
Lang (ac 21; hp 52/55) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 47/47) d20+6=17 d20+8=20 2d8(3+6)+12=21 d20+12=20 Friday June 17th, 2005 10:14:24 PM
Lang watches as the group rips apart the Shambling Mound, wishing he was down there finishing it off with his short swords. He turns his eyes towards all the purple orcs, smiling as he realizes there is still sonme more fun to be had.
Spot 17 on the battle for anything new.
Lang fires his bow at the Shambling Mound if it is still alive or at a Purple orc if it has died.
If they are within 30' (2 arrows at +8): PBS Manyshot Hit AC 21 for 21 damage if Shambling Mound. PBS Manyshot Hit AC 17 for 14 damage if Purple Orc.
If they are over 30' away (1 arrow at +12): Hit AC 24 for 9 damage if Shambling Mound. Hit AC 20 for 6 damage if Purple Orc.
OOC - above numbers adjusted for +1 bless, -4 for shooting into combat and 1/2 damage for piercing weapons against the orcs. I calculated half damage for my weapon damage, strength damage and weapon magic damage. I took full amount for Ranger favorite enemy.
"Come on Sunshine let's go."
Lang and Sunshine move down the stairs towards the Purple Orcs. As Lang moves he will draw his shortswords (Animal Handling 20).
Spells: Speak with Animals Longstrider
Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:60 Monday June 20th, 2005 12:22:59 PM
(OOC:I'm really sorry everyone, RL really dragged me down the last few days. I know you needed Florin this whole time so once again sorry.)
Florin shakes his head and slams his foot down hard to get Jella's attention, "You know I care for you Jella and you know from hearing about it that I did my best to dig you out of that rubble alone. If your trying to hurt me with your words your doing a great job of it. If you can't be a big girl and try to help when things are getting hectic then stay here in this room. You should be safe and WE will finish this once I'm done helping my friends and trying to protect YOU and the others here."
Florin tries to give Jella's shoulder a gentle squeeze, getting on to her ripping at him but he HAS to help his friends so now after shutting the door to his room he quickly moves to help the others, readying his sword and shield as best he can as he moves, "Florin thinks as he moves and yells to his companions, "If there are kids in the celler a couple people need to fall back to the celler to protect them, us the smaller space to your advantage. Everyone else should move to the stairs where the orcs have to come less at a time."
Florin thinks over things and sighs, "I have oil in my backpack that can be used against the flesh eating vegitable there."
(OOC:Doing my best to get Florin ready to combat.)
ADM JIM: Battle at the Ghost Round 3 d20+6=23 d20+6=24 d20+6=13 d20+6=22 d20+6=24 d20+6=18 d20+6=23 d3+3=6 d3+3=6 d3+3=6 d3+3=6 d3+3=5 d20+6=11 d20+6=9 d20+6=23 d20+6=8 d20+6=20 d3+3=6 d3+3=5 d20+6=8 d20+6=10 Monday June 20th, 2005 7:17:46 PM
Wynns blade becomes a blur as he strikes out at all opponents around him, wreaking damage everywhere. Syr follows up Wynn's dancing blade attack on the Shambler and comes away with two branches this time. The Shambler shakes and attempts to reach out, but just falls into a pile of mulch.
OOC: Wynn is combating Orclets 7 - 12 now with more moving in. Wynn hit orclet 7, 8, 11, and 12. Syr is being attacked by Orclets 1 - 6 with more moving in. Orclets 13 and 14 will be attacking Wynn, with 15 attacking Xenia. Orclet 16 is going to help the Syr battle with 17 and 18 looking for softer targets past Syr. All orclets have taken some sort of fire damage.
Lang sees the Shambler fall apart and sends three arrows at orclet 8 knocking it to the ground.
Xenia goes to protect her love and stabs orclet 7 and it is very damaged now.
Angus just hits Orclet 9 and piles on the fire damage and it goes down is a charred heap.
Tionel turns into a large pig and his two bears and lion turn to it looking for direction. The lion turns its nose up at the stinking pile of dead Shambler.
Belkior gets two of the kids moving, but the are real scared. There are animals and plant monster showing up all over the place. The kids latch onto the Cleric of Alemi, but there seems to be one missing.
There is a child at the top of the celler steps that sees two orclets round Syr and head for him. THe boy runs back down the stairs.
Other hiding kids make for the stairs up.
Florin admonishes his daughter and whimpers but is quite. FLorin closes her in their room, but as he heads to go downstairs, he sees her standing in the doorway, getting ready to follow.
Syr Attack
AC 23, hit 6 damage AC 24, hit 6 damage AC 13, miss AC 22, hit 6 damage AC 24, hit 6 damage AC 18, miss AC 23, hit 5 damage
The orclets swarm over Syr and he is no longer visible. The orclet claws are visibly red with blood.
Syr must make 5 DC 11 poison saves or fall asleep.
Five orclets close on Wynn:
AC 11, miss AC 9, miss AC 23, hit 6 damage AC 8, miss AC 20, hit 5 damage
Wynn move as fast as his blade and only two strike home. Two DC 11 saves needed or fall asleep.
Two orclets head to Xenia:
AC 8, miss AC 10, miss
The orclets are not prepared for the quick rouge and launch poor attacks.
Plant parts litter the GG as orclets are cut up and vines and flowers are trampled.
Wynn (AC 19, 30/46 HP, Bless) d20+5=17 d20+5=15 d20+9=17 d20+9=23 d20+9=11 d20+9=17 d20+9=20 d8+3=8 d8+3=11 d8+3=10 d8+3=11 Monday June 20th, 2005 10:18:33 PM
Wynn shrugs off the attacks from the surrounding orclets [Fort=17 and 15] and launches into yet another spinning flurry of blades. Again he strikes home and cuts deep into several of the maurading plant-like creatures [Whirlwind Attack - Hit AC=17,23,11,17,20 for 8,11,10,11 HP].
Wynn can't help but notice how easily Xenia evaded her adversary's attacks, but the bard grows worried about Syr, who seems overwhelmed by the orclets. "Hang on Syr! Help is coming" Wynn casts his eyes to his friends, "Help Syr if you can, Xenia and I will make short work of these stinking eggplants!"
Angus (AC 14 with Mage Armor on; HP 24/25) d20+3=21 d20-1=12 4d6(6+5+3+2)=16 Monday June 20th, 2005 10:33:50 PM
A loud "Yes!" escapes from Angus's mouth as the Shambling Mound falls to the ground into a pile of rotting sticks and leaves.
Angus looks over the battle scene to see who is in the most trouble (spot 21). Unsure of what is going on, he sticks with his current game plan of attacking the largest mass of purple Orcs and casts another Scorching Ray. This time targeting an Orc attacking Syr.
Hit touch ac 13 w/Bless; 16 damage).
Angus holds his position on the stairs.
Active Spells: Mage Armor (duration 6 hours)
Spell Slots (used/total):
0 level: 0 of 6 1 level: 3 of 8 2 level: 2 of 6 3 level: 1 of 4
Lang (ac 21; hp 52/55) & Sunshine (ac 19; hp 47/47) d20+6=14 d20+13=30 d6+3=9 d20+7=10 d20+12=21 Monday June 20th, 2005 10:47:11 PM
As the Shambling mound crumbles to the floor into a pile of mulch, it reveals to Lang as he is moving towards the battle, Orcs heading towards some unprotected and defenseless children (spot 14). Lang and Sunshine move past the fighting involving the rest of the Shields and close on the 2 Orcs, giving them something a little more dangerous than defenseless orphans to worry about.
Lang standard attack hit AC 31 w/Bless; damage 8 (9/2 = 4 +4 = 8).
Sunshine standard attack hit AC 11 w/Bless; damage none.
Animal Handling 21.
Spells: Speak with Animals Longstrider
Xenia (AC20, Dodge vs Nearest Orclet, HP 35/35) d20+11=18 d6=4 d20+16=23 Monday June 20th, 2005 11:04:46 PM "Aaaaaaaaah-AH!" Xenia whacks at another purple orclet with an overhand swing.
"Gotcha, Wynn!" The slim rogue uses the back swing of her mace to turn her body, and she throws the momentum into a spring away from the attacking orclets. Tucking into a roll, she rises up behind one of the little purple monsters, providing Syrdeth with some flanking distraction.
Rolls and Actions Hit AC11 Damage 4hp Tumble 23 (Mobility also adds +4 to AoO from movement. AC Becomes 24)
Active Effects Bless (57 rounds remaining)
Belkior (AC 25 (21+4); HP 40) Bless d20+6=22 d4=2 Tuesday June 21st, 2005 7:42:54 AM
The halfling cleric calmly tells the children clinging to his shoulders, "Go up the stairs, I'll be right behind you, keeping these things away from you."
IF the children let him loose, Belkior turns and moves to interpose himself between the approaching orclets and the child on the basement stairs. As he moves he works his fingers through the loop on the end of his mace and pulls it from his belt.
When he reaches the orclets, Belkior makes a looping overhand swing at the closer one with his mace and screams, "Leave him alone!". Belkior's swing connects with the shiny pate of the purple orclet, doing only slight damage but hopefully attracting it's attention.
Actions Move = to interpose himself between orclets and child on basement stairs Free = draw weapon Attack = hit AC 22, for 2 pts blunt
Items Pearl of Power = used today
Active Effects Bless = +1 attack, +1 saves vs. fear, 57 rounds