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Jagar  2d8(1+3)+8=12
Monday June 13th, 2005 7:57:44 PM

Jagar smirks in satisfaction as the 3rd orc attacker drops to the ground "wanna rematch ?" asks the Monk with sarcasm

Jagar turns quickly at Riggings order and leaps over to the fallen Ari and kneels down next to him " hang in there " urges the Monk to the fallen wildcard as he reaches into one of his pouches and yanks a vial(cmw potion) out, one of the looted prizes from the last battle and adminsters(2d8+8=12 cmw ) it to the fallen wildcard.

Once Ari opens his eyes and takes a fresh breath
of air the Monk will help him to his feet " you ok ?"

may 8th post list the loot (9 CMW potions
10 CLW potions) just assuming Jagar got one of each

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 55/65 waterwalk 
Monday June 13th, 2005 7:59:35 PM

just adding his numbers

Nezamil Ac 25(29 vs giants) Hp 34/60 waterwalk 80 mins Sof 78/80  3d8(8+2+5)+8=23
Monday June 13th, 2005 10:59:30 PM

The dwarf catches up to Bart as he is slammed by the flaming boulder and immeaditly calls upon Domi's healing powers causing his anvil holy symbol to flare slightly(spontanously casting csw(3d8+8=23)and touches Bart to heal the damage (cured 23 pts to Bart)

" send him to the shadowlands " growls the dwarf
as the fire giant closes in

spontanously casting csw inplace of windwall 3rd level

spider climb 7hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght) 
Monday June 13th, 2005 11:21:16 PM

(ooc sorry about missing the post guys. I gave two courses of action and neither chould be chosen for what turned out to be one orc left. I worked from 7am till 4 am on Fri at two different jobs. Got up at 10 on Sat so I could work from noon until 4am on Sat, so that I could goto a company sponsored picnic at 10 on Sun. As soon as I got home I fell asleep and woke up late Monday morning because I did pick up a lot of sun. I didn't have time to post on Monday before I left for work, as I do not have Inernet access from work. So I tried to give instructions as to what Ari's decisions were. They didn't work)

As soon as Ari's eyes are open he begins to recover his footing. "I am still alive. But I don't know how much longer that might be".

Looking around Ari tries to locate the cleric and tries to move to a supporting position.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Animated Shield, Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10) 
Monday June 13th, 2005 11:31:21 PM

Ashira is sorely tempted to step forward and slice into the nearest giant, especially after the attack on Bart, but she remembers the last battle....and her encounter with Gargul. No, best to wait for the others. Working as quietly as possible, Ashira activates her animated shield and then moves around to the side of one of the fire giants. Anticipating that the giants will close with Bart and Nezamil, Ashira moves forward only 20 feet and then angles off to the side so as to be easily within striking range for next round (she'll park herself about 15 feet away from the side of the giant to her left).

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (32/80 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)

OOC (Sorry I didn't mention the Animated Shield previously...I always assume that Ashira's got it animated when they enter combat...which would have been back on the ship.)

DM JIM: Nellie, Since the animated shield is not touching you, it becomes visible? I believe it does. Comments.

Nellie: Good point Jim! Well, since it doesn't make since that she would have a shield floating around in front of her (giving away her position) why don't we just say she activated it this round.

Enlarged Bart AC22 (+1 to closest giant) hp 68/71  d20+15=18 2d8(5+7)+10=22 d6=4
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 3:05:59 AM

Oucch thanks Nez After Nezamil heals his wounds Bart tries to come as close as possible to the giants so he can attack them (spring attack ac 18 for 22+4shock)(dodge feat +1 ac against closest giant)

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 33/53  d20+10=18 d10+3=12
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 4:40:27 AM

Mykael smiles at the remaining orc in front of him, "Dont feel lonely, you are about to meet your friends." Mykael swings his sword for the 2nd time this battle(AC 18, for 12 dam).

OOC: Mykael wasnt among the group during the last battle, therefore he didnt receive any loot, as he shouldnt have. My only question was did he receive any of the healing potions that were passed out. If so I didnt know it and I need to note it on my character sheet. If not, just need to know that too. Thanks

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+9=15 d20+9=11
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 12:08:40 PM

Appolo move quickly toward the large beast and strikes it twice for all he is worht.

When he missses he moves quickly as posible back going inviisble once agian.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 7:32:48 PM

Val knows she could reach the giants quickly but holds off. They are very formidable and there are two of them. Val moves with Bart and joining Ashira when they get close to the giants.

"Quite a situation we have here."

DM Jim: Battle at the Beach Combat Round 5  d20+3=21 d20+6=21 d20+5=23 d8+5=8 d20+5=22 3d6(5+5+3)+46=59 d100=67 d20+6=22 d20+5=25 d20+5=18 d12+5=9 d20+5=20
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 11:53:49 PM

Ashira moves up to a flanking position on the giants but does not attack. The smell of sulfur is strong this close to the giants and they seem to be giving off their own heat or so she thinks, it is so hot here.

Ashira also smells burning flesh and sees over her shoulder, several human roasting on top of a pourch of a burning building a 100 or so feet away.

The larger of the two giants and the one closest to Ashira snaps his head in her direction at the appearance of the animated shield (spot 21). The giant exclaims something that Ashria does not understand and then a few short gutteral words to his companions.

The giants stop, but the ettins move up and each throw a spear at Big Bart. The ettins draw one morning star each, but still have one throwing spear each too.

AC 21, miss - bounces off Big Bart's small animated shield
AC 23, damage 8, the shield was too occupied to help.

As the ettins move up the fire giant by Ashira takes what she thinks is a wild, but powerful swing with his great sword. There is no way it will hit her. The great sword slices into the animated shield (Improved sunder).

Hit AC 22, hit shield and forgot the +8 for sunder bonuses Powder attack 15 for 59 damage.

Shield Hardness 19 and 40 hp

The shield is cleanly split in two and falls to the ground useless as its magic is spent. The giants howls with laughter.

Big bart can still not spring attack but will at the begining of the next round as he will be 30 feet from the giants and 40 from the ettins.

Val and Nezzamil cautiously move forward and are now abreast of Big Bart.

Nezzamil picks up a few words from the lead giant: Mythrl, goats and women?????? What a combination, his giant is a bit rusty.

Rigging summons his two bison and they will appear 40 feet from the giants with feet moving fast, ready to charge.

OOC: I will need the Bisons stats and consider that they may get struck by AoO's

Giants are AC 23
Ettins AC 15
Hell Hounds AC 16
Orcs AC 15


Rigging also spots a black and red dog like form running through the trees toward the beach. The hound is 80 feet away and closing fast.

Apollo strikes at a similar hound, but misses twice. Apollo is now visible and the hound gives chase as he attempts to escape.

Apollo goes invisible, but the hound has a real good idea where he is (67 for 50% miss chance) and bites at him.

AC 22, miss - just barely, Apollo can feel the flames from his mouth as they singe his backside.

Apollo is now 75 feet from the orc battle and 195 from the fire giants, but the hell hound is much closer.

Mykael runs the last orc facing him through the heart. Mykael see the hell hound snapping at somthing on the beach and a second one running through the tree at him and his companions.

Jager administers aid to Ari, but at his peril. The orc standing over the both of them is seriously offended and drops his axe on Jager.

AoO AC 25, hit, missed critical, 9 damage
AC 20, miss as he buries his axe between Ari and Jager.

Ari stands and moves toward Nezzamil and a fire giants.

Ari leaves the orc battle and is 90 feet from Nezzamil and curing.

Jager is left to face the irate orc alone.

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 33/53 
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 6:31:28 AM

Mykael notices the on coming hound and moves toward the party to intercept it.

Ari (spider climb 7hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght)  2d4(2+3)+2=7
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 7:31:40 AM

Having forgotten about the orc, Ari stops long enought to cast magic missle at the orc.

(ooc I currently don't have access to my sheet, can you roll for me?)

DM JIM: Damage to the Orc is 7 hp. Ari must know that he is a 4th level wizard and that he get two magic missiles. Please roll your damage in the future.

Enlarged Bart Ac 22 (+1 to closest giant) hp 60/71  d20+15=34 d20+15=32 2d8(3+5)+10=18 2d8(7+8)+10=25 d6=4
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 10:51:40 AM

Bart makes an spring attack to the nearest giant his sword hits the giant at an critical place (threat ac34 crit ac 32 for 18+25+4). After his attack bart jumps away as far as possible from the giant

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+9=17 d20+9=23 d10+4=9 d8+4=5
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 1:25:12 PM

Appolo jumps forward coming visible agian and slashs at the creature visiosly twice before stepping back and going invisible agian.

Attack17,23,Damage Longsword 9, Shortsword 5

Jagar Ac 26 Hp 46/65 waterwalk ,mage armor 
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 3:49:14 PM

The Monk faces the orc ready to finish him off but can only watch as Ari's magic's slam into the wretched thing.....turning to survey the battle to decide his next action .

Jagar reachings into a pouch and deftly pulls out a vial and quickly imbibes it(mage armor potion)" that should help againist the big fellows "

Jagar yells out to Mykael " hurry and finish the puppies quickly i'm going to help out the Captain " with that the fleetfooted monk sprints after Ari hoping to join in a flanking attack on the big ugly's

Nezamil Ac 26(30 vs Giants) Hp 34/60 waterwalk Sof 77/80,haste 1 rd  d20+11=12 d20+7=14 d20+12=31 d8+5=8
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 4:23:05 PM

The dwarf watches Bart engage the giant 1st then clicks his heels of his new boots as he whips his mace from his ring holster on his hip and charges in against the fire giant (1st swing
d20+11=12 and misses badly not used to recent fighting vs the Giants "gosh durnit " growls the dwarf as he continues to miss badly (2nd swing d20+7=14) "By Domi hold still " grunts the Cleric of Domi as the dwarf's mace finally finds its mark (3rd swing hasted d20+12=31)(1d8+5=8 dam)"bout time "

1st swing did not include haste which is +1 to hit, included it on 2nd+3rd swings

Ac= 22 + 3 Sof=25 +4 vs giants=29+1 haste=30

Rigging ac 21 blinking, mage armor, mirror image  d20+10=26 d20+10=29 d8+14=20 d8+14=18 d100=10 d4+1=3
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 10:47:45 PM

Rigging sends his celestial bisons after the two fire giants one on each. They charge forth bellowing and snorting. Each will hit and do a smite evil on the giant foe.

OOC quick stats on the Bison
+8 to hit, +10 while charging, gore damage 1d8+9
smite evil +5 on damage
damage reduction 5/magic
hps 37 is average
ac 13, 11 while charging

Giant #1 takes 20 points of damage
Giant #2 takes 18 points of damage

Rigging is irritated that the group is split apart. Bad things seem to happen when that happens. "Jagar, Ari, Lets close the gap with the others"

Rigging will move forward 30' towards the giant battle and pull out a wand and activate it, giving himself mirror image. (ooc) Jim, I am not sure if it matters in this case but I blinked as I cast this one. Since it is personal, I think it just happens in the etheral plane but let me know.

If it works, 4 Riggings are now standing there.

blinking 5/6 rounds
mirror image 1/60 rounds
mage armor hours

Swirl hovers above and keeps an arial eye out communicating with Riggging about any possible surprises and troop locations

Ashira (AC25 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10)  d20+14=24 d20+9=11 d20+14=18 d20+6=11 d6+5=11
Thursday June 16th, 2005 12:22:15 AM

The invisible half-elf sighs as the giant butchers her shield. Alright...hard way then. She moves over into a flanking position with Val (5 foot step), though every inclination of her aquatic ancestry screams at her to run away from this blazing torch of death. Ashira then lays into the giant...popping into sight as she does so. Her attack proves highly ineffective as she only manages to cut into the giant once (AC24 for 11). As she visualizes once more, Ashira smiles at the giant before her. "Hey there handsome...you know...you owe me big time for that shield."

OOC: Note that this round the giant does not benefit from any Dexterity bonus to AC, though with those suck rolls, I doubt it will make a difference.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp  d20+11=27 d20+11=17 d20+6=26 d20+6=11 d6+12=16 d6+12=16
Thursday June 16th, 2005 6:38:16 AM

Val watches the shield get sliced in half. It was hard to believed and reminded her just how lethal these giants are. Gripping her blade tightly she hacks savagely at a giants leg.

ooc: power attack -5 to hit/ +5 to damage. Both attacks were crits but negative on the confirmation roll. First attack his ac 27 for 16 and the second hit ac 26 for 16

DM Jim: Battle at the Beach Combat Round 6  d20+5=20 3d6(5+1+1)+48=55 d20+17=35 3d6(6+5+1)+48=60 d20+12=31 3d6(1+6+5)+48=60 d20+5=25 d20+5=11 3d6(4+4+4)+44=56 3d6(5+4+4)+44=57 d20+5=16 d20+5=11 d20+5=21 d20+5=12 d20+6=11 d20+11=30 d20+12=15 2d6(4+2)+6=12
Thursday June 16th, 2005 9:32:39 AM

The bigger Fire Giant (FG1)sees opponents appear around him, Ashira, Bison, and Val slash in. FG1 takes his AoO on the charging Bison.

AoO Attack AC 20, PA 15 for 55 damage. The bison's charge is stopped as its head is chopped off.

The giant absorbs several blows from the ladies and he looks over his new opponents and rolls his eyes. Nezamil can hear FG1's curse as he speaks of "women and goats" again. FG1'a eyes light up when he notices Ashira armor is Mythrl and he yells over to FG2 something Nezamil thinks was "Jackpot".

FG1 attacks Val to sunder weapons

AC 35 PA 15, +5 to hit +12 for sunder, 60 damage
AC 31 PA 15, +12 to sunder, 60 damage again.

Vals two swords snap off fron the great swinds of FG1 sword and he speaks in common. "Go away women and live, but leave your Mythrl." FG1 points his sword at Ashira, holding his last attack.

OOC: According to the new Wold rules, Val takes a 10 for her attack and adds her attack bonus, unfortunately, she can not beat the Giants attack, so the blades are sundered.

FG1 is bleeding from four wounds, two from Val and one for Ashira and an arrow from Ari.

Bart leaps in and stabs FG2 who is awaiting the second Bison's charge. Big Bart leaps back and yells something to the Ettins that Nezamil knows is "Kill him!"

FG2 AoO AC 25 critical threat AC 11 for 113 damage, the bison is bisected and stoped dead in its tracks.

Nezamil rushes in and swings twice missing both times, his third swing hits the top of the giants foot. FG2 looks down between his legs at the dwarf and swings three times.

AC 16 PA 15, miss
AC 11 PA 10, miss
AC 21 PA 21, miss

The giant shatters air and sand as he attempts to cut the dwarf in half. Nezamil finds he is showered with sand.

The two ettins throw spears at Bart and move in to attack.


AC 11, miss
AC 12, miss

Big Bart easily side steps the spears.

Morning stars

AC 30, solid thunk for 12 damage.
AC 15, miss

The ettins each draw a second morning star and prepare for battle.


Ari Downs the last orc with a two magic missiles.

Jager and Ari move toward the whirling blades of the giants to support their friends. Jager and Ari are 30 feet from the Giant battle.

Rigging watches as his Bisons are descimated by the giants.

Mykael and Riggins see a fast approaching hell hound get caught in the whirlwind that is Swirl.

Rigging feels Swirl. "I got this one. There are two more lurking about, I saw a total of three." Excitedly Swirl adds. " I found a party! Nice music too."

Mykael and Rigging were anticipating the dog charge and now they have no opponent.


Apollo becomes visible again and stabs the hell hound looking for him twice. Apollo goes invisible again. The hell hound thinks twice about attacking and runs away from Apollo and averyone else down the beach.

Apollo can take an AoO on the dog, 15 damage will kill it.

Rigging ac 22 hps 52/70 blinking, mage armor, mirror image, haste  d100=29
Thursday June 16th, 2005 11:18:53 AM

Rigging dashes forward another 30' to close the range and casts his spell. He castes haste affecting, himself, Ashira, Val, Bart, and Nezamil. (OOC Jim I can get more but they have to be 30' from each other. Not sure if any other friendlies are in range. Made blink roll)

haste gives 30' extra movement, gives +1 to hit, +1 to ac and allows you one more attack each round. It will last 7 rounds.

Rigging says to Swirl, "Thanks Buddy! Where is this party. If we are alive afterward we might want a drink!"

blinking 6/6 rounds
mirror image 2/60 rounds
mage armor hours
haste 0/7

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 33/53  d20+8=28 4d6(1+1+6+5)=13
Thursday June 16th, 2005 2:12:34 PM

Mykael moves 30' up beside Rigging and casts Scorching Ray at the closest Ettin(nat 20 to hit, for sorry 13 fire damage).

OOC: Hope to get included in the haste spell, if I am close enough to the others.

DM JIM: Roll critical for the ray!!!!!

Jagar Ac 25(26mob vs opp) Hp 46/65 waterwalk, mage armor  d20+8=24 d10+3=10 d20+8=11 d20+3=15
Thursday June 16th, 2005 3:03:04 PM

Jagar sprints into action hoping to flank FG2 who's attention is held by the dwarf and lands a front kick to the giants leg (1st swing d20+8=24)(d10+3=10 dam)and continues his assault a blur of motion (2nd swing d20+8=11) missing as the giant shuffles his feet in searching the the dwarf missing again (3rd swing d20+3=15) as the fleetfooted monk tries to keep the fire giant in the middle between himself and Nezamil

Nezamil Ac 26(30 vs giants) waterwalk Sof 76/80 haste 2nd rd(boots)  d20+12=22 d8+5=12 d20+7=21 d8+5=9 d20+12=24 d8+5=10
Thursday June 16th, 2005 3:28:27 PM

The dwarf suddenly realizes what the giants are infering "Goats !! i aint no Goat .....by Domi you overgrown ogre i'll make fertilizer out of ya " yells Nezamil as he see's Jagar join the fight..... he whips his mace in a enraged frenzy at the big ugly (1st swing d20+12=22)(d8+5=12 dam) just grazing the giant as he bashes away (2nd swing d20+5=21)(d8+5=9 dam) again just grazing the giant " I told ya to hold still gosh durnit" growls the dwarf as his new boots enable him to go in for a final smash (3rd swing d20+12=24)(d8+5=10 dam)

hoping to get flanking bonus(+2) if the fire giant turns to face Jagar, would be 3 hits instead of just one ;-)

Nezamil doesn't need Riggings haste as he gots boots of speed so let Mykael recieve haste instead since it will have no affect on the dwarf

Enlarged Bart Ac 22 (+1 to closest Ettin) hp 48/71  d20+10=28 d20+10=18 2d8(5+3)+10=18 2d8(3+3)+10=16 d6=3 d20+5=24 d20+5=6 2d8(7+5)+15=27 d6=4
Thursday June 16th, 2005 5:07:05 PM

I asume the Ettins are in front of Bart
Bart attacks the closest Ettin usingn his strength and hiiting him hard (power attack hit ac 28 crit ac 18 for 23+21+3shock). His second attack is also well aimed but didnt hit a critical part of the Etiin (ac 24 for 27+4 shock) (78 damm total)

DM JIM: Bart is correct, the Ettin's are in front of him.

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+9=25 d20+9=20 d10+4=11 d8+4=9 d20+12=30 d20+11=15
Thursday June 16th, 2005 8:22:19 PM

Appolo swings twice at the fleeing hound as it turns to run connnecting both times,finishing the animal.He then goes insible agian and surveys the scene.He doesn't like what he sees and runs silently toward the the giants.

Attack 25,20 Damage 11,9 Move silently 30,Hide 15

Ari (spider climb 7hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght)  d20+5=13 d20+5=21 d20=18 d8+3=4 d8+3=9
Thursday June 16th, 2005 10:28:59 PM

With so many bodies up close and personal. Ari decides to stay back and pepper his closest target with some darkwood arrows. As he does so he continues to try to move into a support position with the parties cleric. (AC 13, 21, 18. 4 pts for the 21 and 9 pts for the 18)

0-level (6)
*Resistance, *Detect Poison, *Daze, *Disrupt Undead, *Detect Magic, *Read Magic

1-level (5)
-Shield, -Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Obscuring Mist, -Spider Climb

2-level (4)

*Alter Self, *Resist Elements, *cats grace, -bulls strength

Ashira (AC26 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste, Spider Climb 
Friday June 17th, 2005 12:15:24 AM

Ashira grimaces as Val's weapons are destroyed. Then she watches as the giant turns her way. This is gonna get ugly fast. Bringing her hands in to her chest and kicking off her boots (a move action?) as she smiles. "Sure big fella, not a problem...just let me slip this stuff off..." With a flick of her hands, Ashira disappears once more, having activated her invisibility ring again (Drawing No AoO) . When she disappears, Ashira moves out (5 feet back away from the giant). There is a faint glow in Ashira's backpack (Activating Seal of Helping Hand) and then suddenly her spider climb slippers appear in her hand. Grinning, Ashira ducks down into a crouching position to lessen her profile from the giant's impending attack as she slips on her slippers of spider climb.

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (32/80 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)
Haste (7/7 rounds)
Slippers of Spider Climb

OOC Jim, I need a ruling as to what type of action you would consider kicking off one's boots...if it were a free action, then I have something else in mind.

DM JIM: Activating the boots is a free action. Get ready for a really mad Giant.....

Mykael  d100=31 d20+8=19
Friday June 17th, 2005 5:05:09 AM

OOC: First off, forgot to roll spell failure, made the check 31% for the Ray, 2ndly thanks for catching that Jim. I didnt realize I could get a critical with the ray and had to look up the rules. So.. 19 AC confirms the critcal for double damage, thus a total of 26 fire damage is dealt to the Ettin.

Friday June 17th, 2005 7:20:24 AM

OOC Hey guys, Jim asked me to hand out the weapons that we still have from the last battle.
Since we haven't been back to the ship yet and haven't sold them, we must be carrying them.

Bart has a magical halbard
Val has a magical heavy flail
Ashira has a magical steel shield
Nezamil has a magical warhammer

We also got lots of potions, 19 of them. Believe we determined they were all healing 10 cure lights and 9 cure moderates. Lets say Mykael has one of each as do the rest of us. Nezamil will carry the spares.

Ari is carrying a suit of chain, Jagar is carrying a suit of banded. Appolo has a ring. Ari has the bow and arrows. Rigging will carry the banded.

I believe the weapons are all +1 which might become important with Mr. Sunder as our DM

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Friday June 17th, 2005 7:21:44 AM

Val stands in shock as her blade (just one) is destroyed with the skill of a god. The fact that the giant used a blade that was bigger than her body severed a rapier that was probably just a little bigger than the giants index finger.

ooc: Could the GM please send me an e-mail so I can voice how totally wrong this scenario is without clogging up the board.

Walter ooc 
Friday June 17th, 2005 7:32:21 AM

I seriously doubt a +1 bonus will matter when my +2 was destroyed with ease. Since I didn't know about the flail and Val wouldn't have taken it anyway. Tthe flail is on the ship or with someone else.

DM JIM: Battle at the Beach Combat round 7  d20+1=9 d20+11=31 d100=96 d20+11=25 3d6(4+3+6)+31=44 d20+6=24 d20+13=27 d20+13=22 2d6(4+5)+6=15 2d6(3+5)+6=14 d20+6=21 d20+11=20 d20+11=17 d20+11=25
Friday June 17th, 2005 9:03:55 AM

Val stands in stunned shock looking at the hilt in her hand and the blade of her rapier 20 feet away.

Ashira goes invisible, enraging FG1 and he unleashes his fury in her direction. In common the Giant roars "Bring me back my metal, Wench! Now I am going to make bread from your bones; forget the goats. That blue hair of your will make a nice tassle for my boots."

AC 19, PA 10, miss, should have been +11 not +1
AC 31, PA 5, 50 % miss chance and rolled 96, missed critical threat AC 25, damage 44 damage.

FG1 bellows in triumph "I got you now missy!"

AC 24, PA 5, miss, but Ashira is showered with sand as the massive blade just misses her and buries itself in the sand next to her.

Mykael cast his excellent ray at one of the ettins and hits the left head. Big Bart uses the opportunity to run the beast through the heart. It drops dead on the sand.

OOC: Watch your ranges Mykael, I think you may be just out of range for your ray, so you had to move up.

The second Ettin is infuriated at the death of its friend and wants to take it out on Bart.

AC 27, hit for 15, a heavy blow
AC 22, hit for 14, another massive body blow.

One head is screaming at Big Bart and the other is calling to his downed friend, no one can understand either of them.

As Jager runs in to attack FG2, the giant take an AoO on him.

AC 21, PA 15, miss as the giant slices air over the monks head.

The monk kicks the giant and it feels like he is kicking an Oak tree.

The giant turns his attentions back to the dwarf attempting to pound on his feet. Nezamil is FG2's main opponent, so no flanking bonuses.

AC 20, PA 10, miss
AC 17, PA 5, miss
AC 25, miss

FG2 swings are getting more controlled as he takes his measure of the dwarf.

Ari stands his ground 30 feet from the giants and fires at FG1 (?) and misses with all three shots. remember AC 23.

Rigging cast haste on several of the Wildcards in an attempt to gain advantage over the giants. All of Riggings images move forward, with Mykael in tow. Rigging and Mykael can easily get in range of the massive swords this round, if they dare.


Apollo finishes off the wounded Hell hound and move toward his friends, but he is still 150 feet away and invisible.


OOC: I will make up my missing post on Saturday morning, so post accordingly.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp Haste  d20+11=22
Friday June 17th, 2005 9:49:00 AM

Plagued by indecision Val doesn't move as the giant tries to cleave Ashira in half. She hoped that Ashira got away but that hope died when the Fire Giant laughed loudly. Valanthe sighed and pulled a throwing axe from her thigh and hurled it at the giant missing badly.

ooc: so whats the new plan? I'm pretty much useless and nobody can stop either of the giants if they really want to kill us. Are we running? If Ashira's visible again and survives this round I could probably grab her and just run though the flaming boulders will most likely flatten us along the way. I think the only way everybody lives is if we simply run for it. There's no way we can win with them tearing through our weapons with ease. I'll volunteer to stay back and keep the giants busy if thats needed.

Ashira (AC26 52/96HP) Barkskin, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste, Spider Climb  d20+15=33 d20+15=35 2d6(3+5)+10=18
Friday June 17th, 2005 10:17:07 AM

Blood pours down from the massive gash in Ashira's shoulder, dripping down on the sand below. Time to move fast... Smiling as she moves quicker than normal, Ashira runs quickly behind the giant and walks up his back! She climbs to a position that is roughly in the middle of his back and then takes a mighty swing, popping back into sight as she does so. She smiles as she sees the giant's blood gush from under her sword (AC33/35 confirmed crit. for 18dam). "No, no, no dear...that's my metal. And I'm using it right now, so you'll just have to wait."

"Val, pull back and take this beast down! Bart, let Mykael handle the freaks, I need your help with this guy. Rigging, my love, a few magic missiles might be nice. Jager and Nezamil, keep the other guy busy, will ya? Ari, keep it up." she calls out in Elven from her bareback position on the giant's back.

OOC Ashira was still in the giant's threatened area last round, so no AoO for getting on his back. Since Ashira's on the giant's back, I figure it will be denied a dexterity bonus for any future attacks (if she lives that long).

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (32/80 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)
Haste (6/7 rounds)
Slippers of Spider Climb

George to Walter 
Friday June 17th, 2005 10:40:19 AM

OOC Walter, Val is carrying the mace. It isn't hers but part of the loot we had from the last battle. Everyone is carrying something. You are carrying that. No one says you have to use it but you do have it. We haven't been back to the ship yet and we haven't sold it yet so we do have it on us.

Rigging ac 21 haste, mage armor, mirror image  d4+1=5 d4+1=3 d4+1=5 d4+1=5
Friday June 17th, 2005 10:49:51 AM

Rigging hears his wife's request and responds "Yes dear." He raises his hands and 4 darts streak out and hit the one engaged with Ashira doing 18 points of damage.

Rigging will then move 60' to try to circle around the giant and be able to come at him from behind or a flanking position next round.

"Gang up on one and kill it quick!" he call out trying to sound confident!

Enlarged Bart Ac 23 (+1 to Ettin) hp 33/71 haste  d20+10=22 d20+10=18 d20+5=18 2d8(5+1)+16=22 2d8(8+4)+16=28 2d8(7+3)+16=26 d6=4 d6=4 d6=5
Friday June 17th, 2005 1:18:04 PM

The hasted Bart makes another attack towards the ettin. His attacks are furious hetting the creature three times ac 22 ac 18 ac 18 for 22+28+26+(4+4+5 shock)89 dam total

Ashira (2nd post) 
Friday June 17th, 2005 2:23:49 PM

Ashira sighs as Bart continues to focus on the ettin. "Hey, big guy, you going deaf? I need help over here! Nezamil, can you close? I really need some back up!"

Jagar Ac 25(26 vs opp) Hp 46/65 waterwalk,mage armor  d20+8=24 d10+3=9 d20+8=17 d20+3=4
Friday June 17th, 2005 2:40:04 PM

Jagar persistantly keeps chopping away at the FG2's leg (1st swing d20+8=24)(d10+3=9 dam) landing a roundhouse kick but the well armored Giant resists the followup kicks(2nd swing d20+8=17)and punches (3rd swing d20+3=4)

"c,mon Nezamil lets finish this one off " shouts the fleetfooted monk

Nezamil Ac 26(30vs giants) Hp 34/60 waterwalk ,Sof 75/80 haste rd 3 (boots)  d20+12=26 d8+5=12 d20+7=21 d20+12=25 d8+5=13
Friday June 17th, 2005 3:16:31 PM

The dwarf drins at Jagar's relentless assault on FG2 " Domi be proud of ya " yells of the Cleric as his mace smashes(d20+12=26)(d8+5=12 dam) into Fg2 but misses(d20+7=21) wide of the mark with the backswing " gonna get him this time " growls the dwarf as he brings his mace in an overhead smash(d20+12=25) into the Fg2's knee (d8+5=13 damage) "Timber " shouts out the dwarf hoping to antagonize the giant into letting his guard down

total 25 damage

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs closet Giant), HP 33/53, Haste  d20+11=31 d20+11=19 d20+11=22 d10+3=8 d10+3=6
Friday June 17th, 2005 3:39:43 PM

OOC: I thought that Mykael was 30' from the battle with the Giants and the Ettins. The range on his ray is 40' total. I guess I need range restated. Mykael was moving up to get to the Ettins, so I am assuming he has a clear shot to them. However, since he moved to Riggings side, I am not sure of how he is positioned other than, you stated he could get into range with the Giants this turn. Bart was moving toward the Giants and the Ettins intercepted him, so I am also assuming they are within range.

IC: Mykael moves up 30' to finish off the remaining Ettin, and trys to stay out of range of the Giants. First attack(AC 31, Crit confirmed, Dam = 13), Haste attack(AC 22, Dam = 6)(19 total Damage).

"Nez! sure wish I was as big as Bart. I could possibly deal a good attack then!" Mykael yells over the combat at the Dwarf. "Can you make it happen!?"

DM JIM: I agree with you on the ray. I thought the range was 25 feet. Rigging ran to the Back of FG1. You have no problem engaging the Ettin, although he will get an AoO on you.

Friday June 17th, 2005 3:44:07 PM

OOC: Can I get a size on the Giants? I am assuming Huge, and enlarged Human would be only Large? Thus, only one size difference?

DM JIM: The fire giants are about 13 feet tall.

Appolo OOC 
Friday June 17th, 2005 6:36:15 PM

I always thought Fire Giants where more like 22 ft.tall and Ettins 16 ft tall.

DM JIM: I will double check

DM Jim: Battle at the Beach Combat Round 8  10d6(1+4+2+3+4+3+6+2+2+3)=30 d20+16=24 d20+16=29 d20+11=31 d20+11=19 3d6(6+1+6)+16=29 d20+13=18 d20+13=28 2d6(2+5)+6=13 d20+13=23 d20+6=23 2d6(2+2)+6=10 2d6(6+6)+6=18 d20+13=25 d20+6=7 2d6(5+2)+6=13 3d8(5+4+8)+5=22
Saturday June 18th, 2005 7:08:15 AM

What a move from Ashira (earned hero Point)as she climbs the back of FG1. The giant howls in pain and disgust as Ashira stabs him. FG1 points his bloody great sword at Val with one hand and says "I am coming for your Mythryl next." With his free hand FG1 pulls a small golden orb from his belt and holds his hand over his head and behind his back and crushes it. There is a tremendous blast as a fireball erupts. Ashira can hear the giant say. "I like my food burnt and my metal hot." and then under his breath almost to himself. "The goat was right, I do like these."

The giants red stringy hair is blown around by the blast, but he is unscathed.

Val and Ashira must make a DC 14 reflex save. Ashira can not make the save and stay on the giants back. 30 damage or 15 if save.

OOC: The giant does not have a dex. bonus, but a dex. penalty.

FG1 has taken 76 points of damage. FG1 takes note of where those magic missiles that hit him are coming from, but he is busy and has Mythryl on his mind.

Rigging circles around getting in position and is just outside the blast radius. Over the noise of battle and the crackling of building fires, Rigging does think he hears music off in the distance.

Rigging DC 17 spot check for third hell hound comming on his flank at 60 feet distance form the direction of the burning village.

Rigging feels swirl. "Take that! Ouch, these things breath fire!"

FG2 smiles as he enjoys the heat of fireball but is getting concerned as he has taken 109 damage from Jager and Nezamil. He whistles and presses his attack on the dwarf, hoping to finish off one opponent.

AC 24 PA5, miss
AC 29, miss as the dwarfs new quickness saves him.
AC 31, critical threat miss for 29 damage

Ari stands stunned, bow in hand, at the violence arrayed before him.

The Ettin takes his AoO on Mykael.

AC 18, miss
Ac 28, hit for 13 damage.

One side of the attacks Bart and the other Mykael.


AC 23, hit damage 10
AC 23, hit damage 18


AC 25, hit damage 13
Ac 7, miss

Mykael and Bart chop the Ettin. The wounds look mortal and he looks more than shaky, but he does not fall. They both notice that a simple leather armband on the monster flashes.

Rigging ac 21 mirror image (4 images) mage armor, haste.  d20+11=27 d20+12=26 d4+1=4 2d6(4+6)=10 2d6(4+5)=9
Saturday June 18th, 2005 9:56:25 AM

Rigging notices the hellhound darting in and decides he has to ignore it this round as these giants must go down. He darts in from the back and backstabs FG1 who is engaged with Ashira. He thrusts his holy dagger into the monsters calf.

He does 23 points of damage. OOC to hit base of 8, +1 to haste, and 2 to flank for ac of 27. Damage holy dagger plus 2d6 backstab and 2d6 holy dagger against evil. Total damage 23

Rigging thinks to Swirl, "Be careful, Just try and keep them busy and distracted. I know you are feeling big now but those are nasty dogs!"

To Val, "Snap out of it. This bully is gonna kill Ashira....Again! Do you really want to go before Gargul again!"

mage armor hours
haste 1/7
mirror image 3/60

Saturday June 18th, 2005 9:58:12 AM

DM Jim, I disagree that Ashira has to drop from the giant. A case could be made that she uses his fire resistant body as a shield. With her slippers of spiderclimb, she runs down to the small of his back etc.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+9=28 d20+9=12 d20+9=18 d10+4=13 d6=4 d6=6 d6=3 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6
Saturday June 18th, 2005 1:58:42 PM

Appolo appears behind FG2 going for backstab.He swings twice with everything he has.Hitting solidly once with his longsword.

Attack 28 Damage 13 Backstab 28 total 41

Jagar Ac 25(26 vs opp) Hp 46/65 waterwalk , mage armor  d20+8=24 d10+3=10 d20+8=15 d20+3=6
Saturday June 18th, 2005 4:25:10 PM

Jagar watches in horror as Fg2's sword slashes open a large gash on the dwarf staggering Nezamil

The Monk unleashes his fury on the fire giant (d20+8=24)(d10+3=10 dam) with a spinning back kick to its knee but can't topple the sulfer loving beast

" you'll not send any of my friends to the shadowlands " remarks the fleetfooted monk heatedly

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp Haste  d20+9=25
Saturday June 18th, 2005 4:41:42 PM

Val was already turning to run back away from the giant when the fireball exploded, singing her back. She moves away from the giant and secures her shield while drawing her bow.

ooc: Val will move however much she can while still being able to secure her shield and draw her bow from the pocket of her magical quiver.

Nezamil Ac 26(30 vs giants) Hp 5/60 waterwalk , Sof 74/80 haste 4th rd(boots)  d20+16=30 d10+9=19 d20+11=26 d10+9=13 d20+16=23 d8+9=14
Saturday June 18th, 2005 4:46:12 PM

Nezamil is staggered by the power of the fire giants sword strike Domi grant me strength " growls out the Cleric thru gritted teeth as he calls upon his god (granted domain power +8 str) and lashes out at the fire giant his mace whipping thru the air in deadly arcs slamming into the Giant (1st swing d20+16=30)(d10+9=19 dam)again (d20+11=26)(d10+9=13 dam) and again (d20+6=23)(d8+9=14 dam)

"By Domi you shall fall ? " utters the dwarf as he hopes his last bit of strength is enough to send the big ugly to the shadowlands

jim -2 on 1st and 2nd swings i hit the 10 sided instead of 8 sided die total should be 42 not 46

Enlarged Bart Ac 23 (+1 dodge to Giant) hp 33/71 haste  d20+10=28 d20+10=29 2d8(2+5)+16=23 2d8(3+4)+16=23 d6=4 d20+10=21 d20+5=24 d20+5=17 2d8(3+2)+16=21 d6=5
Saturday June 18th, 2005 5:21:52 PM

Mykael kill it, says Bart as he turns (using mobility feat) towards the giant Nezamil is fighting with. (dont know the distance to it, if it is to far Bart makes an spring attack (move 60ft due to haste) (power attack+6) 1st attack threat 28 crit 29 for 46 +4 shock. 2nd attack miss 3rd attack threat 24 no crit 17 for 21 +5 damm

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs Ettin) - HP 7/53 Haste  d20+6=18 d20+6=18 d10+8=9 d10+8=12
Saturday June 18th, 2005 7:51:04 PM

"Consider it done, Big Boy Bart," Mykael yells after him as he cuts into the Ettin. (+5 Power Attack, AC 18, 9 dam)(Haste attack: +5 Power Attack, AC 18, 12 dam)(21 damage total).

Ashira (AC26 32/96HP) Barkskin, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste, Spider Climb  d20+13=18 d20+8=28 d20+8=26 d20+13=23 d20+5=13 d20+13=21 2d6(3+5)+10=18 d6+3=6
Sunday June 19th, 2005 11:53:30 PM

Ashira shudders as the fireball erupts around her. The very core of her being screams for her to rip off her boiling hot armor, throw it to the ground and run very far away. After all, no one seemed that interested in helping her out right now. NO! These were her friends...her family, and they were doing her best...and that's just what she was going to do...her best. Stoically, she remains planted on the giant's back.

"You know, I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you..." Ashira swings her blades rapidly, but finds it a little more difficult to connect than she would have thought...and she misses with her first swing. She focuses her attention and plunges her shortsword deep into the giant's kidney (AC28/26 for 18) and then follows up with a blow from her off-hand shortsword (AC23 for 6). Her remaining two blows are deflected easily off of the giant's armor. Still, Ashira smiles as blood pours from the giant's back. "I need you to do me a favor...give Gargul my regards when you see him in a few minutes!"

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Waterwalk (30/80 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)
Haste (5/7 rounds)
Slippers of Spider Climb

Ari (spider climb 7hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield, bulls strength)  d20+5=15 d20+5=17 d20=16
Monday June 20th, 2005 4:25:10 AM

Ari continues his sporatic attack by focusing on FG1. But Ari is unable to connect as the Fire Giant is distracted by Ashira.

Battle at the Beach: End of Combat  d20=3 d20+11=28 d100=38
Monday June 20th, 2005 10:05:30 AM

Nezamil and Jager chop FG2 down to size and he makes the slow fall to the sand barely missing the very quick dwarf.

Upon seeing his demise the charging hell hound stops (moral 3) and turns tail and runs back to the burning buildings, a mournful howl can be heard as it runs.


Mykael stabs the ettin in the heart, adding to its apparent mortal wounds, and puts it down for good. Mykael does notice that one of Bart's slashes has healed over already.

Bart sees FG2 falling and has more than enough spring in his step to reach FG1.

FG2 is not dead, but dying and fast.


Ari sends three more arrows at FG1 but his armor turns them all.

FG1 is feeling surrounded and alone. The blue haired banshee has not left his back. A mage with blades is attempting to close. A female warrior with Mithryl armor is leaving his range of attack and an enlarged human is closing fast.

FG1 foregoes his AoO on Val, thinking the charging wizard is more of a problem, since there are four of him. Val stores her shield and retrives her bow and readies an arrow.


AC 28, hit and one of the images disappears.

Rigging rushes in and stabs deep and hard, getting a grunt of pain for his efforts.

Ashira stands her gound and rains blows down on the giant, with blood flowing from two wounds.

Bart springs over and slashes the giant twice. The beast topples and is dead, his blood turning the sand red. Ashira is still standing on his back, hot and thirsty.

The invisible Apollo arrives just after all of the creature fall.


OOC: Bart took 28 damage last round, please take note.

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp Haste  d20+4=24
Monday June 20th, 2005 10:12:51 AM

Val leaves the arrow notched and scans the area for other enemies. Giants and orcs weren't known for their intelligence and this was no random attack. Somebody was behind this attack and they would be watching.

ooc: spot check 24

Bart ac 23 hp 45?17?/71  2d8(5+1)=6
Monday June 20th, 2005 11:26:32 AM

Jim Bart has a dodge modifier of +1 ACto one opponent, after he kills one of the Ettins his attention goes to the other Ettin, so an +1AC is in place.

Bart grabs an cure moderate potion and drinks it (heals 2d8+6? = 12)

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible 
Monday June 20th, 2005 1:27:24 PM

Appolo arrives just as the giants go down.He appears next to Valanthe."Are you ok/"He looks around."Everyone ok?"

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 7/53 Haste  d20+4=9 d20+4=5
Monday June 20th, 2005 4:33:52 PM

Mykael drops to one knee to steady himself and survey's the area(9 spot). "We need to spread out some and look for survivors and be on the lookout for anymore threats," Mykael turns to Rigging, "Wouldnt you agree, Riggin?"

Mykael also takes a look across the water to see how the boat and people on board are fairing(spot 5).

OOC: got to get this boy some glasses!

Rigging 64/70  2d8(2+7)+3=12
Monday June 20th, 2005 6:39:03 PM

Rigging smiles when he sees the Giant fall. He sees the sad state of some of the Wildcards and says, "OK there is some kind of mastermind behind this and I want to have a rather harsh word with him. Still we need some time to regroup here.

Nezamil, we need some cures. Val needs a melee weapon, anyone have spares? We do have a lot of healing potions, we might want to take a few before we get after this party fellow."

Rigging start searching the giants while talking and will pause to quaff down a potion.
He will glance at his wife and grin, "You really got on that back dear. That is why I love you."

Potion of cure moderate

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk , mage armor 
Monday June 20th, 2005 9:22:23 PM

Jagar watches in relief as Fg2 finally falls ....with barely a beat of his heart gone by he turns to the lone remaining giant readying to join the battle but the swords mistress swords slice into the beast finishing it for good!

"well done Mrs Arrack! " shouts the Monk as he steps over to veiw her handi work

Jagar take a moment to meditate and heal himself (wholeness of body)(16 pts) focusing on the deepest wounds 1st and working his way to the less serious ones

"whats next Captain ?" inquires the monk " shall we recon the twon ?"

Nezamil Ac 26(30 vs giants) waterwalk,Sof 73/80  2d8(6+5)+5=16 2d8(3+1)+5=9
Monday June 20th, 2005 9:47:11 PM

The dwarf deactivates his magical boots (4 rds used)

"By Domi that was close " sighs Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi shakes the gore from his mace then slides it in the ring holster on his right hip quickly moving his hand to a pouch he withdraws a wand (cmw)...stepping over to Mykael the newest wildcard he taps him twice on the chest(2d8(6+5)+=16) 2d893+1)+5=9)( total 25 pts cured) "here my friend is some of Domi's healing touch "

Nezamil wipes his brow of sweat " in answer to your question about enlarging you i can only cast that spell once per day...it is a special spell Domi grants me ...but stick by me next time and i'll be happy to bestow it upon you " grins the Cleric

not sure how much time we have but Nezamil will use multiple uses of the wand on each member if possible , will roll in an additional post if requested

Ashira (AC26 32/96HP) Barkskin, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste, 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 12:03:22 AM

Ashira grins wickedly as she rides the giant down to his final resting place on the ground. She smiles and nods at Jager, and chuckles at Rigging's comment. As the Wildcards regroup, Ashira shakes her head vigorously as several people suggest scouting. "No, first we heal up, then we scout." Ashira looks very firm about the matter, and smiles as Nezamil begins using the wand. "Yeah, we should probably use that right now. Let's spread out those healing potions right now before we head into more trouble. How many do we have? Let's split them up more evenly. And remember folks, stick with battle buddies this go round. Val, Appolo and I...Rigging, Bart and Mykael...Nezamil, Jager and Ari. Let's do a better job of prioritizing our targets this go round...big guys first, then peons. And remember to take advantage of flanking people."

After giving out her instructions, Ashira moves over to Val. Placing a hand on her shoulder, she looks deeply at the Elven warrior. "You ok? Looks like that giant spooked you back there." Ashira hands Val one of her shortswords. "Here, use this till we can get you a replacement. I know it's not as delicate as you're used to using, but it'll get the job done." (+2 Shortsword)

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 12:16:13 AM

"No thanks you keep it. I have this heavy flail from the ship and I can probably use that better than most in the group due to its weight and my strength. This whole thing spooks me. Things like this don't just happen. Somebody sold us out and there are only a couple of people that knew we were on that ship."

Ari spider climb 7 of 60 hp, 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 7:13:26 AM

With the battle ended, Ari slumps in pain. Ari does his best to wait patiently for the healing that will come.

Hearing Ashira coach the others, Ari hopes the lessons take this time. Though the battle is finished, it could have been better.

"Val, I have my melee weapons if you want to use them. I haven't been using them too often as of late. Or you could just ask for them, if that happens again."

DM Jim: End of Battle 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 9:05:12 AM

The Wildcards catch themselves and are all happy to be alive. There is talk of healing and fighting organization.

All can see that the majority of the large structures of this village are on fire or burnt out. Several of the burnt out structures look like they may be a few days old as they are no longer smoking, but further inspection will be required for a better assessment.

Up the beach form the Wildcards is a greatly oversized heavy crossbow and it is doubtly that anyone could wield such a weapon, at least upon quick inspection. There is also a giant size pull wagon not far from one of the burning structures. The one that has the roasting people on the porch.

The smell of sulfur and burning flesh is heavy on the night air.

There is a crack in the earth 30 yards down the beach that runs from the river and through the village. There is steam rising from the crack. The crack is only a few feet wide at its widest, but does get wider as it moves inland.

The "Elenna Queen" does not seem to be burning any worse than before and she is still disembarking passengers upstream of your position approximately 50 yards. The oarsman is working hard against the current, but does not want to get too close to the battle scene.

Above the crackle of building fires a light cloying tune can be hear to carry on the wind. The music is north of your position.

Rigging does not find much on FG1 as he seems to be laying on it all.

OOC: One minute of time will elapse as the group prepares and visually scouts.

Bart I will give you 10 hit points back, as I will give you one Ettin miss.

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp44/60 water walk Sof 63/80  2d8(8+7)+5=20 2d8(8+5)+5=18 2d8(2+1)+5=8 2d8(1+7)+5=13 2d8(3+6)+5=14 2d8(2+3)+5=10 2d8(4+4)+5=13 2d8(2+6)+5=13 2d8(1+6)+5=12 2d8(1+8)+5=14
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 2:50:49 PM

The Cleric of Domi tends to his fellow wildcards 1st making sure they are in good shape.

Double tapping Ashira 1st 2d8(8+7)+5=20 2d8(8+5)+5=18 (total 38 hit pts) " gotta have our combat leader up and ready " smiles the dwarf to the sea elf

Then the dwarf taps the other front line pounder Bart (total of 21 cured)

Stepping over to Ari " this should get ya back up on your feet " as the dwarf taps him twice with the wand ( total of 24 cured)

Nezamil then taps Mykael one more time for 13 cured

"Eveyone looks better " grins the dwarf " time for a few on myself " The cleric taps himself 3 times for 39 total

10 charges is 10 rds , one min of game time ,12 charges used so far total

everyone make sure you add the hit pts to yourselves

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk , mage armor  d20+6=9
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 2:59:44 PM

"i'll recon ahead a little in the direction of that music " remarks the Monk to Rigging " does that sound familar to anyone ?"

Jagar then jogs ahead towards the music scanning the horizen for movement( d20+6=9 spot ch) but keeping the Wildcards in sight

Bart AC 23 HP60/71  2d8(4+5)+3=12
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 5:09:27 PM

Bartdrinks another cure moderate wounds. I dont recognize the music, wonder where that crack is leading to. Shall we follow it? Or shall we help with the boat and the passengers?

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 6:14:13 PM

Rigging starts to pull on the giant but the lug is to heavy for him. He glances up at the enlarged Bart and smiles, "Uh Bart, can you flip this guy over. He might have some interesting stuff.

When Bart turns the giant, he will take a quick look see at his pouches and pockets. He will ask Appolo to check the other bodies.

"Why don't we find the author of the music. I think we should try and take care of it first before the other passengers start to land. I am definitely getting my money back though!"

Rigging will think to Swirl, "Hey buddy, can you tell what is making that music. By the way, great job on the hellhounds. When did you get so big?"

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 10:36:59 PM

"thank you" as cleric heals Ari. Ari then takes a quick look at the fissure to see if anything comes to mind. (any kind of knowledge check?).

"I'm not sure if they really had anything good, or whether it was brute strength."

Listening to the music, Ari ponders whether it is something that was enhancing the Giants.

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste  d20+12=22 d20+11=31
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 12:01:32 AM

Ashira smiles and thanks Nezamil for the healing. She looks over the party and makes sure they're combat ready once more. She nods at Rigging's assesment and motions for Appolo and Jager. "Why don't you two scout ahead for the source of the music and fill us in on what Swirl misses." As she gets ready, Ashira keeps a sharp eye to her surroundings, not wanting anything to sneak up on them before they sneak up on the musicians. (Spot=22, Listen=31)

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 1:05:09 AM

Valanthe sighs as she sees Ashira getting ready to head out. She would really just like to stand in the back and shoot arrows but the formation calls for her to be in the front line. Sighing again she puts her bow and arrow back into the magical quiver and grasps the unfamiliar heavy flail in her hands. It feel wrong, the grip is too big and it weighs more than she's used to but she can handle it. She's used a flail a few times before and knows the basics but that will be little use in the heat of battle.

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 2:11:49 AM

Appolo looks around"Hey Jager wait up;I coming with ya."Appolo then moves quickly up withthe monk."When we get close we seperate and circle come at it from opposite directions."

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53  d20+10=15 d20+6=21 d20+4=13 d20+1=7
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 5:40:54 AM

"Thanks for the healing taps, my dwarven friend, but do you have to poke it into the wounds?" Mykael says to Nez with a toying smirk.

Mykael recalls his battle with the Ettins and walks over to thier bodies. He reaches down and takes the simple leather armband off of the last one killed, and does a quick search of all of them for loot.

He then takes note of the scouts heading off and considers a quick spell. Mykael casts Detect Magic. He will concentrate first on the Giants and thier items, including the big crossbow. Then on the Ettins and thier equipment. Finally, on the Orcs and thier equipment. If any magic auras are noticed then Mykael will go and collect the item or items. If it is worn clothing or armor that needs to be taken off, he will note it to the group standing thier and hope they act to help him.

Once finished, Mykael will follow Bart watching his flank as the group moves in. He will take note of the wagon and its contents as they move by. He will also keep an eye on the crack in the ground(Knowledge Arcana - 15, Knowledge Planes - 21). He is also keeping an eye out for survivors.

(Spot - 13, Listen - 7)

Bart  d20+5=24
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 6:41:23 AM

Of course i can turn the giant Rigging (str check 25) No question about that!

DM JIM: Scouting and Searching 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 9:47:02 AM

Nezamil puts his wand into overdrive and starts to get the Wildcards back into fighting shape. By the end the wand feel warm in his hands.


Mykael and Rigging search the bodies with the help of Bart, while he is still enlarged.

Items of Note:


Magic Great sword
3 magic golden orbs, similar to the one Ashira experienced first hand.
Bag of 10 semi cut diamonds and 1000 gp


Magic Great sword
Silver and Mithyrl broach, magic
Bag of 9 semi cut diamonds and 900 gp


magic leather band
bag of 5 semi cut diamonds and 500 gp


magic leather arm band
bag of 5 semi cut diamonds and 500 gp

Giant sized two wheeled wagon:

Much sundered Mithyl armor and weapons
Bags of sulfur and barrels of pitch
Giant sized tindersticks


A total of 400 gp

Catapults, slightly singed, are of poor construction, but the giant crossbow is of masterwork quality, but real big.


Ari, Val and Ashira get their bearings and get ready for more action.


Jager and Apollo go and scout ahead.

They find most of the village either burning or burnt as it appears the Giants had been here for a few days. They scouts find a large morter and pestal that has bones in it.

The two follow the crack through the village to a large, several acre, boiling mud pit. The music is stronger on the other side of the village, but they do not see much. They look in and around the building, but find no one alive.

It is dark and Jager and Apollo and they are standing is the light of the burning buildings. They realize it would be much easier to see them from their back lite position. The music seems to be coming from a wooded area a few hundred yards from the village.

It takes an extra 30 seconds to do the scouting and return to the group.


Swirl responds to Rigging. "Glad to hear you are alive. I was worried. Did your WIFE, die?"


Everyone can smell the eight or nine roasting people on the porch a 100 feet away.

OOC: Please adjust spell effect times.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk , mage armor  d20+6=20 d20+6=26
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 5:02:10 PM

The Monk turns to Appolo " lets stick together and get away from the flames lighting up our postion and sneak forward a little more..... that music sounds close by " urges Jagar to Appolo as he moves forward a little more scanning(d20+6=20 listen ch)(d20+6=26 spot ch) the horizen and keeping alert

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk Sof 62/80 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 5:13:58 PM

Nezamil laughs at Mykaels humour " well gotta poke where it hurts to heal it " replies the dwarf with a equally sly grin

"Captain i think we're healthy enough to move forward again .....i certainly would like to know more of what is going on here " mentions Nezamil as he sweeps his hand towards the burning village " somebody sent these giants here and we need to figure who ? "

Rigging, mage armor, mirror image 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 7:16:59 PM

Rigging replies to Swirl, "No Ashira didn't die. Stop being so jealous. You know that I love you."

Rigging will help gather up the loot and then say, "Yes lets go find this creature that was sending the giant after us. Be careful though, it must be dangereous to be able to control this lot." Rigging points to the slain monsters.

Rigging agrees with the dwarf and leads the way. "Let's find out what is behind this."

mage armor hours
mirror image (2 images) 23/60

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 7:22:47 PM

Appolo looks at Jager"Yes your right,Back through the village.We'll circle around wide and enter the woods from the otherside.Agian stay together until we;re close and sure of it's position."Appolo then moves back into the village quickly.

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 11:45:11 PM

Ari follows the others and waits for the scout to report back. As he waits, he tries to wrack his brains for any information that would be beneficial.

(ooc adjust spell effects by how much? Spider climb for Ari lasts 40 minutes.)

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 5:18:11 AM

Mykael follows the group and remarks, "hmmm... gotta come back and get some of that giant blood when this situation is under control." "Could be useful for something," Mykael ponders.

DM JIM: more Scouting and Loot gathering 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 1:04:58 PM

Jager and Apollo decide not to go back to the others on the beach and cirlce around to keep out of the fires light. From the shadows the two creep forward, the music gets stonger and their is an occasional voice, male and female added. After carefully moving 200 yards foreward, the two scouts notice people, mostly what appears to be women, tied to a rope line, 30 yards in front of them. There are two orcs standing on stumps straining to see what is in front of them.


All the others start gathering the loot and piling up the valuables.

Rigging feels excitement and frustration from Swirl.

Everyone wonders what has become of the scouts; at least no sounds of battle can be heard, just the sweet tune being carried on the wind.


OOC: Remember folks the giants great swords are 12 feet long. What is to be done with the giant sized items, swords, crossbow and pull cart?

Total elasped time since the battle 5 minutes.

Jagar Ac 25 Ho 64/65 waterwalk, mage armor  d20+6=10 d20+6=16
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 4:00:12 PM

Jagar sits quietly observing the events infront of him (d20+6=10 listen ch)(d20+6=16 spot ch) then quietly motions Appolo with hand signals that they should head back .

The Monk will quietly back away and make his way back to the wildcards staging area and inform Captain Rigging of their findings

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 4:56:06 PM

Bart has shrunken to his normal size and follows riigig into the woods. His sword is ready.

I think it could be handy to buy a portable hole or one of those bags at the catacombs to store our treasure

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 5:02:19 PM

Rigging smiles at Bart and nods his agreement. "Lets not worry about the larger items right now. Grab the gold, gems and the smaller magic things and if we get a chance then we can come back for the larger. That crossbow might make a nice ballista for the Sword.

Lets go find Jagar and Appolo." Rigging will lead the others toward the direction of the party.

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk Sof 61/80  d20+5=15
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 5:21:24 PM

The dwarf takes up a postion near Ari making up 2/3's of their fighting triad " lets keep together "remarks Nezamil to Ari as he moves forward after Captain Rigging " lets keep a lookout for Appolo and Jagar "

" Hopefully we can surprise them this time instead of being ambushed ourselves " grins the dwarf as he gives the tall human a friendly tap on the back "

"By Domi we live in intresting times " murmers Nezamil as he walks past the dead bodies of fire giants and ettins as peers(d20+5=15 spot ch) into the night with his dwarven eyes

Appolo  d20+12=26 d20+11=20
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 5:40:18 PM

Appolo sees the woman and the two orcs,he whispers to Jager"Well we have to choices.We can go back for the others or we can take out the orcs and rescue the woman ourselves.What do you think.Appolo creeps silently for ward,staying in the shadows.

Move Silent 26,Hide 20

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10),  d20+7=25
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:27:14 PM

After she has gathered up as much of the loot that she can carry without over burdening herself, Ashira gathers the potions that they retrieved from the last battle and hands them out. She gives keeps 2 potions for herself and then hands out one potion to each of the other wildcards (and 2 to Rigging). "There, now stick with your battle groups...and remember the game plan. Watch each other's backs and maybe we won't have to see Gargul again." Ashira unconciously rubs the tattoo that indicates her service to the god of death.

When they head out, Ashira joins up with Val. She moves stealthy into the forest, making very little noise despite her bulky armor (move silently=25).

Active spells
Barkskin (10min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (4min/10min remain)

OOC I really can't remember...do we know what kind of healing potions they are? I don't think we got them identified.

Friday June 24th, 2005 3:13:43 AM

I take one of the swords and store it in my glove of storing, could be handy as Nezamil enlarges me again

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53  d20+4=21 d20+1=13
Friday June 24th, 2005 5:13:31 AM

Mykael puts the 2nd giant sword and crossbow in the pull wagon.

Then he follows after the group keeping his eyes and ears open. Taking a rear defensive position for the whole of the group.

(spot = 21, listen = 13)

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp 
Friday June 24th, 2005 7:35:51 AM

Ari helps pack away the loot. Ari becomes more anxious as he waits for the scouts to come back, or for the group to move out.

DM JIM: Closer and Closer....... 
Friday June 24th, 2005 8:02:28 AM

Apollo and Jager move up as quitely as possible and are now 30 feet from the orcs backs. They can see at least 2 score of women, mostly older, with hands bound and tied to a line over their heads. The line is tied between two larger trees.

All of the women look very scared and uncomfortable, some have torn cloths and obvious cuts and brusies.

Apollo and Jager can see a bondfire 30 yards beyond the two orcs and the captive women and in a shallow depression. Dancing and singing are at least 20 young and nubile women (human and elf by the size) dancing and singing around the bondfire. Dancing with them are several men with horns and fur covered bodies. The men have hooves too! One of the goat men is playing a wind instrument and very well. The tune is very rythmic and enchanting and Jager and Apollo almost want to dance.

There are what appear to be two very small male elves in the group also and somthing that looks like a cross between a grasshopper and an elf, but also very small.

There is very little cover from the captive women to the bondfire.


Apollo and Jager notice that the rest of the wildcards are slowly coming up on them. Their friends are 50 yards behind them in the light tree cover. They are easier to spot as they are back lit by the burning buildings behind them. No one else has noticed them yet.

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Sunday June 26th, 2005 9:41:12 AM

Many questions still plague her as the silence continues to linger. Just what was going on here? Did they stumble into something more or did these monsters do this because of them. She knows that the chance of finding out such things are slim.

Sunday June 26th, 2005 11:09:43 AM

Rigging will whisper behind him as he leads his friends into the next ambush, "Shhh try and be quiet, what yourselves and remember we have friends out there somewhere. No mass spells until we know where they are."

Rigging then pulls out a wand of his bag (fireballs)

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk Sof 62/80 
Sunday June 26th, 2005 7:14:10 PM

The dwarf nods at Riggings assessment of possible friendly fire possibility .....keeping close to Ari one of his trio of battle bretheren Nezamil whispers to him " lets stay behind Rigging's trio till the action starts then move a little to the right side covering their right flank "

The Cleric thinks thru his available spells smiling slightly as a couple come to mind that can be useful

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 64/65 waterwalk  d20+6=17
Sunday June 26th, 2005 7:22:21 PM

Jagar quietly hand signals Appolo of their fellow wildcards movement.

Sidling quietly up next to Appolo " if they get seen we can surprise the elves and goat people from the flank causing some disruption to their ranks " whispers the Monk to Appolo as he prepares for such a action scanning(d20+6=17 spot ch) the crowd for spell casters using his vast experience in hunting mages as a slave

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10)  d20+12=21 d20+11=15 d20+7=18
Sunday June 26th, 2005 11:00:30 PM

Ashira continues to sneak in toward the music...balancing her weight carefully from foot to foot as she moves steadily forward (Move Silent=18). Still, there is the slight clink, clink from her armor. As she travels, her ranger instincts kick in to overdrive....her keen eyes flitting over the landscape (Spot=21, Listen=15). Whoa there...will ya look at that. We stick out like a sore thumb! With several sharp handsignals over to Val and Rigging, Ashira tries to point out the fact that they are backlit. She starts traveling more quickly toward the edges of the music, trying to rectify the Card's tactical error.

Active spells
Barkskin (10min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (4min/10min remain)

Monday June 27th, 2005 3:17:24 AM

Bart knows that his sneaking skills are not so good, Stepping on a branch or two, noises from the rings of his chainshirt. He stays in the back of the group, ready to rush forward with an spring attack if necesary.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 59 Invisible  d20+12=18 d20+11=28 d20+9=19 d20+9=20 d10+4=9 d8+4=12 d6=5 d6=6 d6=4 d6=5 d6=1 d6=1 d6=3 d6=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=2
Monday June 27th, 2005 3:47:28 AM

Appolo getures toward the two orcs"Let's just take out those two orcs,before they hear and see the rest of our group.Come on I got the one on the right."Appolo draws his blades goes invisible and rushes silently forward to take the orcs from behind.He backstabs the orc on the right twice.

Move Silently 28 Hide 18

LOngsword attack 19 Damage 9
Shortsword Attack 20 Damage 12
Backstab damage 40
Total Damage 61

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 
Monday June 27th, 2005 5:22:53 AM

Mykael stays at the rear of the group, watching the back, as they are advancing. He moves as quietly as possible.

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp  d20+7=19 d20+6=26
Monday June 27th, 2005 7:22:31 AM

Ari winces as he realizes others of his group are not being very sneaky like. (Hide=19, MS=26 (crit succ)). If he can help at all, he'll try to show those around him where to step, maybe how to set, in order to try to make them quieter.

Ari is glad that he doesn't wear heavy armor, as it would rub and chafe with his current injuries.

DM JIM: Blood is Spilled - Combat round 1  d20=11 d20+4=23
Monday June 27th, 2005 8:59:00 AM

The bulk of the Wildcards are moving up on the sound of the music through a lightly wooded area with with little undergrowth. Ashira directs the Wildcards off to the side so that the building fires are not directly behind the Wildcards. All of the Wildcards are slowed as they attempt to move with as little sound and as much stealth as possible.

The main group of Wildcards can now make out what appears to be a group of people sitting down between two trees, but their is not much detail as they are still 30 yards away.


Jager moves over to Apollo, suggesting that they set up in a flanking position. Apollo moves forward and stabs one of the two orcs watching the dancing and music in front of him in the back and then decapitates him. The second orc is surprised by the quick action (Intitiative 11 vs. 23 for Apollo) and all everyone hears is the ringing of metal on metal as he draws his long sword and closes with Apollo.

Apollo and the Orc are 5 feet from one another to start the next round.

The bound women see the blood before them and the weapons drawn and at least a half a dozen sream in suprise and horror at the dead orc and the combat that is sure to come.

All of the music stops. Jager and Apollo can see everyone in the slight depression around the campfire stop dancing. The people and creatures around the campfire are 30 yards from Jager and Apollo and 60 yards and not visible to the other Wildcards.

OOC: Jager and Apollo DC 22 spot check to notice anything interesting going on down in the

An additional minute has gone by from all active spells.

List AC, HP and active spells, also spell lists and check of all spells cast.

Rigging 64/70  d20+12=17
Monday June 27th, 2005 11:19:34 AM

Rigging hears the screams and knows that Jagar and Appolo are gonna be in trouble and need help. "OK time for secrecy is over. We need to move!"

Rigging leads by example and hustles forward stopping short of the clearing and ducking behind some cover...tree, boulder, shrubs...something, and takes in the scene (spot 17) (Hustle is movement X3)

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, charm person, mage armor, shield
Second level spells: Glitterdust, Cat's grace, Flaming Sphere, Resist elements
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Monster Summon 4

have used mage armor, haste, magic missile, monster summoning 4

mage armor hours

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp AC 18 
Monday June 27th, 2005 3:11:31 PM

"So much for taking anyone by surprise" Ari grumbles.

"While the fighters engage, shall we try to free the tied up ones? Or do you think they'll need your services right away?" Ari whispers to Nezamil.

0-level (6)
*Resistance, *Detect Poison, *Daze, *Disrupt Undead, *Detect Magic, *Read Magic

1-level (5)
-Shield, -Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Obscuring Mist, -Spider Climb

2-level (4)

*Alter Self, *Resist Elements, *cats grace, -bulls strength

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk, Sof 51/80  d20+5=7
Monday June 27th, 2005 3:55:46 PM

"By Domi they've seen us " utters the dwarf " nah lets take care of the thugs first....we need all of us to attack at once to bring the full weight of our powers to bear for a quick victory " replies the Nezamil to Ari " then we can free them "

"now lets follow the Captain "urges Nezamil to Ari " remember we protect his right flank"

The dwarf sprints after Rigging bearing slightly to the right to take a protective flanking postion on the leader scanning(d20+5=7 spot ch) that side for signs of danger

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,Mage armor  d20+6=20 d20+8=21 d10+3=8 d20+8=24 d10+3=7 d20+3=4
Monday June 27th, 2005 4:06:05 PM

The Monk grimaces as Appolo initiates the attack early but springs into action and makes a beeline to the orc on the left engaging it with a flurry of blows (1st swing d20+8=21)(d10+3=8 dam) and pounds away (2nd swing d20+8=24)(d10+3=7 dam)but missing with his final leg sweep (total 15 damage) as his eyes search for mages(d20+6=20 spot ch)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+9=22 d20+9=27 d10+4=10 d8+4=12
Monday June 27th, 2005 5:03:07 PM

Appolo doesn't miss a beat and immediately attacks the next orc.Slashing into it viciusly.
"Ok move."He then goes invisible and steps back.

Atack 22 damage 10 Attack 27 damage 12

Appolo OOC  d20+6=26 d20+6=20
Monday June 27th, 2005 5:04:20 PM

Sorgot Spot check 26 Listen 20

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Monday June 27th, 2005 6:29:00 PM

Val moves forward gripping the heavy flail uneasily in her right hand. It felt odd but she didn't have time to worry about it. Later when things were quiet would she try to examine it further.

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10) 
Monday June 27th, 2005 9:27:14 PM

Ashira hears the women's screams. Son of a pickled herring! Well, that would be Appolo's work...Jager's a lot cleaner. Silently the unique ranger fumes as she casts a spell (Longstrider) and then streaks across the wooded area sticking close to Valathe. "Alright" she calls out in Elven "Remember the plan...stick with your partners...focus on the worst threat...and don't get too spread out. C'mon, let's go."

As she hussles along, Ashira looks over at Val. "I told him to scout...all I told him to do was scout... You know, one day his impulsiveness is going to get him killed."

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

Bart AC 24 hp 60/71 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 3:24:07 AM

Bart rushes forward following his friends, grabs his potion of bull strength and drinks it

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53  d20+4=10
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 5:55:55 AM

Mykael stays right on Bart's tail. He trys to see ahead survey the whole scene and looks to the left flank, and rear for danger.

(spot = 10)

1st - Read Magic, Mending, Mage Hand
2nd - Alarm, Comp Langs
3rd - Haste

DM JIM: The Party is Over - Combat Round Two  d20+5=16
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 1:14:13 PM

The second orc swings his sword wildly over Apollo's head and then Jager and Apollo make quick work of him. The second Orc falls into a bloody pile.

The women tied to the line are all screaming now, some in horror at the ferocity of the attack and some for their freedom. "Please free us! Help us and our Children!"

Apollo scans the depression and notices that two of the goat men and both of the small elven men and the small cricket taur creature have disappeared.

The remaining three goat men are herding the young and nubile human and elf females around themselves as they scan the area. The women seem to have adjusted their clothing to be much more provacative. All of the women seem to be helping the goat men get themselves organized.

This is the scene that Rigging sees as he takes cover behind a medium sized tree.

The other Wildcards either have cast spells or have not run as fast as their leader, but will arrive at his position, or to either flank, in the next round.

One of the goat men seems to be calling out something over and over again. It appears to be two words.

OOC: Apollo will go invisible at the start of the next round, since he was in combat.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,mage armor  d20+6=25
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 3:13:08 PM

As the orc's bloody body drops to the ground Jagar continues to scan(d20+6=25 spot ch) for spellusers

Catching a glimpes of the trio of goat people herding the young women an idea pops into the Monks head .Turning to the women tied up screaming for help Jagar deftly whips out a dagger from its sheath on his left thigh and steps over to the rope and slashes it freeing the women " go get your children " shouts the Monk to them " that should cause some confusion in the goatmens ranks helping the Captain's attack " thinks the monk

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk ,Sof 50/80  d20+5=16
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 4:19:19 PM

Nezamil does his best to keep up with his Captain but his dwarven heritage slows him a little "Ari hurry we can't let him be caught alone " remarks Nezamil as he chugs along

"When we catch up we take his right flank" huffs the dwarf as he closes in on Rigging..... quickly looking(d20+5=16 spot ch) for danger

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 7:23:25 PM

"Jager their children are being controlled by the goat men. Keep them away or our job will get infinitely harder. Captain I could draw my bow but I fear that the goat men would used the charmed women as shields."

Rigging ac 19 mage armor blinking 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 10:31:57 PM

Rigging is tempted to just fireball the whole bunch. He doesn't really know that the women our under enchantment. They could be allies. He sighs and says, "Bart and Mykael with me. We will take out those 3 among the girls. I want you others to find the ones that disappeared. Anyone have detect magic?"

Rigging will activate his ring of blinking and stride forward, pulling out his weapons, to engage the goat men next round. (Move 30 to engage)

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=22 d20+11=23
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 11:46:58 PM

Ashira sighs...it was going down bad. She guides Val over to the left flank of Rigging's group. "Ok...you heard the Captain. Let's find the escapes...Fan out a little bit." Ashira moves into the forested area looking for the bad guys who ran away (Spot=22, Listen=23). She makes absolutely positive not to move too far from where Rigging is planning his attack.

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+6=9
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:33:19 AM

Appolo crouches down goes invivible and scans the are for the missing opponents.Sees Nothing.he waits for the next move.

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 - SI 60/60 mins  d20+4=24 d100=37
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 6:11:44 AM

"Nezamil can back you up, Rigging," Mykael hollers at the Captain. "I believe that I may be of better use searching for the others."

Mykael casts See Invisibility. (made spell failure 37%)

And scans the whole area. (Spot = 24, Natural 20, if it helps)

OOC: in my last post I messed up my spell list.. I posted my 0-level spells as 1st level, my 1st level as 2nd, forgot my 2nd, and posted my 3rd levels correctly... so here is my correct list of my remaining spells...

0 lvl - Read Magic, Mending, Mage Hand
1 lvl - Alarm, Comprehend Lang
2 lvl - Web, Invisibility
3 lvl - Haste

Bart AC 24 hp 60/71 Bullstrength  d20+15=20 d10+9=11
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 8:44:29 AM

Bart rushes forward with Rigging if possible he makes an spring attack (ac 20 for 11) (didn calculate the benefits of bullstrength)

DM JIM: Combat Round 3  d3=3
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 1:14:31 PM

Jager goes and frees the tied up women and orders them to get their children. The women are not quick to act with so many armed warriors running by. Most of the women are huddling together, for now, and they seem to take Val's words of interferrence to heart.

Many of the Wildcards rush forward and look for opponents. Rigging and Bart in the center, Val and Ashira on the left flank and Nezamil alone on the right flank.

Three Bison's appear in front of Rigging and Bart, too far for combat this round.

Mykael sees two small elves move off toward the Wildcards left flank. They are interesting in that they have very fine gossamer wings. They have bows out. Only Mykael can see them.

Mykael also sees two Satyr's in the back of the group with wands out. Only Mykael can see them.

Mykael also sees the cricket taur (still small sized) move out toward Nezamil. Only Mykael can see him.


Apollo goes invisible and watches.

Ari stands his ground and does nothing.

Map coming

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 - SI 60/60 mins  d100=22 d20+10=27 d20+6=18
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 2:59:28 PM

Dang it!!!

"Ash, Val... Flying elves with bows by you, Nez... you are about to have insect probs, and wand wielders to the rear... SO SPREAD OUT!!!" Mykael barks off what he sees.

Mykael turns and faces the satyrs with the wands to the rear, He looks at two trees one on either side of the satyrs and casts web(22% for failure, made it). Mykael anchors the web between the two trees trying to catch the satyrs in the web.

Knowledge Arcana = 27, Knowledge Planes = 18, to remember any information on all these creatures, especially helpful info.

Bart AC 23 (+1 dodge to nearest bison)HP60/71 Bullstrength  d20+17=36 d20+17=32 d10+12=15 d10+12=20 d6=5
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 5:13:51 PM

How do the bisons appear? Out of thin air? Hostile behavior?
Bart goes further forward towards the goatmen.
If the Bisons are hostile aka attacking him he will counter attack (spring attack threat crit ac 32 for 40 dam)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+12=28 d20+11=20
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 5:21:33 PM

Appolo sees Nezamil alone and hears Mykael's warning.Appolo moves quickly and silently to dwarf.He will be in position to flank anyone who attacks Nexamil.Once Appolo arrives he will crouch low and wait.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,mage armor  d20+6=18
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 8:02:54 PM

The monk sheaths his dagger as he scans the battle field (d20+6=18 spot ch) and spots Nezamil standing alone on Riggings right flank.

Jagar turns and looks back as Mykael yells out his warnings and heads back to help the dwarf ......sweeping around to get behind whoever is heading the dwarfs way and looking to flush them out in the open "we fought well together in that last fight taking out that giant........ hope its a mage trying to sneak up Nezamil " grins the monk to himself

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk ,Sof 49/80  d20+5=8
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 8:33:17 PM

The dwarf hears Mykaels scouting report " good eyes " murmers Nezamil to himself " he's got skills "

The Cleric surveys(d20+5=8 spot ch) the woods looking for the culprit but see's nothing but bushes and trees " too much scrubbery to hide behind even my good dwavern eyes can't catch a glimpse of anything...gonna change that " thinks the dwarf as he reaches into a pouch drawing forth a little moss and a silver coin "Domi grant your humble servant light " intones the Cleric as he touches the silver coin and it begins to glow brightly(casting light spell ) and throws the coin into the forest in front of him shedding light in a 40 ft radius " come out and play " laughs Nezamil as he searches for the interloper while standing his grounding on Riggings right flank

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 10:22:45 PM

Val looks up toward the unseen archers, raising her shield to try and protect herself from any arrows. It would be a bad thing to get taken down by a couple of arrows from somebody in a tree.

"Ashira do you see them?"

Rigging ac 19 hps 64/70 blinking mage armor  d100=37
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 11:55:55 PM

Rigging guages the distance and realizes that he can't reach the goatmen this round. He decides to try and take some allies away and interrupt some spells. He casts dispel magic on the area centered on F11. (it bursts out in a 30' radius from there. Jim have no idea how many spell checks to make. Would have to make one for each female who is charmed and I believe all the goatmen and other allies who are invisible)

Rigging would like to move forward and will cut the angle to try and avoid the bison (Jim not sure where to go since the bison should take up a 10 area each). Rigging heads to the right trying to get close enough to engage the goatmen next round.

blinking 1/7
mage armor hours

Spells used magic missile, haste, dispel magic, mage armor, monster summoning 4

made blink check for dispel magic

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=32 d20+11=12 d20+14=33 d20+14=22 d6+5=10 2d6(2+6)+10=18
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 11:59:59 PM

Ashira carefully scans the surrounding area (Spot=32, nat. 20-Success!, Listen=12, nat. 1-failure). Wait...what was that?? She does a double take as she catches an almost undetectable movement of the leaves in a nearby tree. That's not right!! Ashira grins as she realizes that she has just located one of the winged archers that Mykael indicated.

If the floating archers are within 40 feet
Carefully, she works her way over to it and takes a swipe, not exactly sure the invisible opponent is, but willing to give it a go (AC 33/22 for 18 crit, 10 if no crit.)

If the floating archers are not within 40 feet
The ranger smiles. Fair is fair...I can play that game too... Ashira calls to Val "Don't worry about the invises...lets go with what we've got...protect the children." Then, with a quick rub of her ring, Ashira disappears from sight and begins to head toward the satyrs.

OOC (Jim, as I understand the conditions on DMG pg. 295, with the natural 20 on the Spot, Ashira would know where the creatures are...assuming it's within 30 feet, but would suffer a 50% concealment penalty. I'll leave that for you to roll).

DM JIM: How does Ashira get AC 26??????

Nellie: (10base+8mithral plate+3Dex+1Ring of Prot.)=22+3 Barkskin...sorry, my bad...should be 25.

DM JIM: The Music Returns - Combat Round 4  d20+5=19 d20+6=17 d20+10=19 d20+18=38 d20+24=28 d20+7=27 d20+7=22 d20+8=13 d20+8=15 d20+8=24 d100=4 d3=2
Thursday June 30th, 2005 1:05:33 PM

Mykael effectivly arranges his web to catch the two wand wielding invisible Satyr's in the back of the group. Each seems to be moving out of the web, but one uses his wand and the web disappears.

The still invisible Satyr's are attempting to hide from Mykael gaze (Hide 38 and 28), in and among the bushes.

Rigging casts his dispel magic and gets all of the excited young human and elvish women. Several of them seem to change their demenor and look scared. The three visible Satyr's are in the dispell magic. Rigging is unsure if anyone else was caught in its effect as they are still not visible.

A soft calm soothing male voice calls down to them from behind "Do not worry lovlies, we will protect you from the brigands."


Nezamil helps everyone with their vision by casting a light spell. Apollo and Jager join Nezamil on the right flank.

All can hear a toe tapping fiddle begin to play. The tune is infectious and makes you want to dance. Only Nezamil, Apollo and Jager fall under its magical effects.

DC 16 will save or fall into a dancing fit. See O. Irresitable Dance.

The fiddle player is not visible, but the sound is pretty close by and at ground level.


Ashria notices some tree branches move and figues it is the flying elves. They are too high and far away for an attack, so she goes invisible and forward 40 feet.

Val readies her shield to where Ashira points the archers may be and follows Ashira.

In elvish Val and Ashria hear a high pitched conversation not too far away. "Very high quality women flesh." "Yes, but very dirty." " We will just have to let them clean themselves up." Some high pitched giggling.

When Ashira goes invisible one adds. "We will find you my big beautiful blue haired half breed."

Two arrows are shot at Val in response.

AC 27, hit, no critical possible as there is no damage.
AC 22, miss, Ashira's warning was just in time. I did not give a flanking bonus becasue of the warning.

DC 16 will save or fall asleep.

The archers do not become visible.

DC 26 spot check to know their general area, if not Val or Ashira or Mykael.


The three bisons move in on Rigging and Bart.

Bisons are AC 13

Two move to crush Bart and one the smaller human, Rigging.


AC 13, miss and killed by Bart's attack
AC 15, miss


AC 24, hit, if Rigging was not blinking at the time (4), so a miss.


Ari is frozen in fear as two more bisons appear.

The freed older women (Still have hands bound, but are now mobile) move and huddle around the frozen hero for protection.


One each of the visible Satyr's moves forward. One toward each flank and one up the center. The one in the center calls out in elvish. "Brigands, stand down, you can not win. How about we trade you for the two fine female specimen's you have, even if they could use a little work?" The Satyr scans Val and the just disappeared Ashira with an apraising eye.

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 3:11:02 PM

Heading down the depression, there is a scowl on Ashira's invisible face. Half breed, huh?? Ohh....they'll eat those words. Thousands of rather crass comeback lines come to mind, but Ashira knows better than to blow her cover by talking. She continues to stalk the satyrs...moving closer to the lead satyr in preparation to strike (n9).

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

Walter OOC 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 4:37:58 PM

Before I post I was wondering since its a will save is it a special magical sleep that gets past Val's natural elven immunity to magical sleep?

DM JIM: It is of a very powerful nature, but I will give you an additional +2 for the reference.

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 44/60 waterwalk Sof 48/80  d20+10=29 d20+5=22 d20+13=25 d8+5=8
Thursday June 30th, 2005 8:38:25 PM

The dwarf feels the pull of the music momentarily but resists its insidious charm.

Looking(d20+5=22 spot ch) about for the source of the song Nezamil thinks he see's somthing in the scrubbery "there ya are" exclams the dwarf stepping forward into the magical lit area as his mace whistles out of his ring holster and points it towards "ya can't hide anymore " Nezamil charges(Z-15 to the pesky critters spot) the culprit swinging(d20+13=25) his mace with fury bashing it(d8+5=8 dam) "over here " shouts the dwarf .

[i] OOC : i didnt get the maps so i'm not accurate on my exact postion

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,Mage armor  d20+12=30 d20+9=19 d10+3=11
Thursday June 30th, 2005 9:17:58 PM

As Jagar moves to helpout Nezamil he hears the music floating in the air " thats a nice song (d20+12=30 will ch)wonder if they play that in the taverns of South Harbor " asks the monk to no one particular.

When Nezamil pinpoints the source of the music the fleetfooted Monk surges forward his speed (moves 50') taking him to Nezamils right flank cutting of one of its escape routes hopefully.

Closing in on the dwarfs shouted postion "i'm gonna kock you out " whispers Jagar(stunning fist attack) as he launches (d20+9=19 )himself at the creature(d10+3=11 dam)
striking it the chest (hopefully ;))

stunning fist Dc fort ch 10 +( 1/2level)+4 +wis +4= 18 (dc fort ch=18) stunning fist , failing is stunned for 1 rd

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp  d20+9=15
Thursday June 30th, 2005 10:00:29 PM

She heard the twang of a bowstring and sighed when she didn't feel the sting of an arrow against her flesh. Looking over she was suprised to find an arrow had gotten past her shield and logged into her shoulder. She reached to pull it out but her limbs felt heavy. It was hard to move and her eyes were becoming heavy.

"Ashira I've been poisoned." She gasps out before collapsing upon the ground.

ooc: will save 15

Rigging ac 19 62/70 hps  d100=76 d20+11=30 d6+1=7 2d6(5+6)=11
Thursday June 30th, 2005 11:13:36 PM

Rigging will dart forward to N12 and stab the goatman with his shortsword. Rolled blink roll and made it. Hit ac 30 for 18 points of damage.

OOC Since I am blinking, I get flanking bonus and backstab damage hence the 2d6.

"You really shouldn't say such nasty things about my wife. She is twice as mean as me!"

Bart AC 23 (+1 dodge to nearest goatmen)HP60/71 Bullstrength  d20+8=25 d20+8=19 d10+21=29 d10+21=25 d6=3
Friday July 1st, 2005 3:23:44 AM

Bart place an coupe de grace ont the second bison and then jumps away towards a goatman (spring attack, power attack +9, threat crit ac 19, 57 dam)

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 - SI 60/60 mins -  d100=86
Friday July 1st, 2005 5:55:57 AM

Running out of spells... Mykael casts Haste(spell failure roll 86%, made). He can only effect Rigging, Bart, Ari, Appollo, Jager, and himself.

"Lets pick of the pace a little," Mykael comments.

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18 
Friday July 1st, 2005 7:24:30 AM

Shaking off the effect of the fear, Ari wakes up to the situation. Ari does a quick scan to see what is going on.

(sorry about posting, time constraints)

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+4=24 d20+12=16 d20+11=18 d20+6=20 d20+9=19 d20+9=15 d10+4=12 d6=4 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d6=4 d6=6
Friday July 1st, 2005 12:22:02 PM

Appolo shakes off the music and follows Jager moving as quickly and silently as possible toward the source,blades ready.He attacks the same area that Nexamil and Jager attack.Suddenly coming visible Appolo swings twice with out saying a word.BAckstabbing the creature once.

Will save 24,LIsten 20 Hide 18,Move silently 16
Attack 19 Damage 12 Backstab 29

DM JIM: The Music Stops - Combat round 5  d20+8=18 d20+10=24 d8+9=13 d20+9=25 d20+9=27 d100=13 d100=96 d20+1=2 d20+5=8 d20+8=13 d20+8=18 d100=84 d8+9=14 d3=1
Friday July 1st, 2005 1:07:33 PM

Jager, Nezamil and Apollo move out and strike wildly, but their weapons find nothing.

OOC: Need a natural 20 spot check to have a chance to know where they are unless they just went invisible in front of you.

As the right flank moves out in an attempt to engage the fiddler the music stops. The grasses and bushes start to grab at clothing and limbs.

Entangle DC 16 reflex save or be held fast, save for half movement.


Ari comes out of his funk and scans the battlefield. Ari does notice the 40 or so old women pressed around him, all with bound hands.

The women by Ari move back and slightly and take him with them as Bart fights the bisons in front of them.


Mykael keeps watch and gives his friends a bit of haste help. Mykael does see the small cricket taur make a spectacular leap over the advancing left flank and is now behind them, hiding somewhere in the grasses.


Bart is still fighting the bisons. Two attack him with one flanking.

AC 18, miss - and Bart carves up some bison steak as he kills the creature
AC 24, hit, damage 13, raming Bart and getting some retribution for his friends.


Val sucummbs to the poison and stumbles and falls forward. Val is not completely asleep as her elven blood fights the affliction. Val feels like she just woke up from a deep slumber and is just not fully awake yet.

OOC: Effect as slow spell, -4 to all abilities (Str, Int, etc.). Roll DC 16 will save each combat round(No more +2 bonus). Each sucess gives back +1 to all abilities. Slow effects end after four sucessful saves.


Rigging stabs the Satyr hurting it. The Satyr seems surprised that he is hurt and go on the full defensive.

AC 20

The Satyr's attack on Rigging is feeble.

AC 2, nat. 1

The young nubile females move to the opposite side of the bondfire to be away from Rigging's attack. One fiesty looking red head even yells "Leave us alone Brigind!"

The invisible archers call out to Ashira. "Where is our blue haired beauty?" " I saw her first, she is mine! You get the other one." In there high squeeky voices.

Two arrows streak toward Rigging.

AC 25, hit, but misses as he blinks
AC 27, hit, no damage, DC 16 will save or lose all memories (including spells)

The Satyr closest to Ashira seems to be searching for her, spot 8, but is not looking in the right direction.

The two free bisons move to attack Rigging.

AC 13, miss
AC 18, hit made blink (84) for 14 damage

One more bison appears to support the hurt Satyr.


Map coming

Rigging ac 20 haste, blink, and mage armor  d20+7=23 d20+11=24 d20+11=20 d20+11=19 d100=77 d100=56 d100=83 d6+1=7 d6+1=2 2d6(6+2)=8 2d6(4+1)=5
Friday July 1st, 2005 2:10:54 PM

Rigging feels the pinprick and his mind goes fuzzy for a second but the image of Ashira snuggling with a goatman snaps his mind back to attention. (Made save of 23)He silently thanks Mykael for his spell and his improved speed.

He swings 3 times hitting twice with his shortsword stabbing the Goatman in the kidney area. (Made all three blinks) He does 23 points of damage to the horny creature.

blink 2 of 6
haste 1 of ?
mage armor hours

Nezamil Av 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 47/80 ,inviso purge 80/80 
Friday July 1st, 2005 8:50:38 PM

The dwarf changes tactics to fight their unseen foe "Domi grant me to see what is hidden " intones the Cleric as he touches his anvil holy symbol....it pulses slightly (casting inviso purge 40 radius) and advances a little (5 ft move to Q-17)

As the hidden becomes discovered " there is what we seek " points out the dwarf

Nezamil  d20+3=22
Friday July 1st, 2005 8:55:29 PM

Dc 16 reflex ch = d20+3=22 reflex save !! woohoo!!

forgot to roll

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,Mage Armor  d20+10=29 d20+8=26 d10+3=6 d20+8=9 d20+3=12
Friday July 1st, 2005 9:08:18 PM

Jagar waits for a moment as the dwarf casts a spell waiting for its effect "hope he's casting something good " thinks Jagar

As the unseen foes become visible " nice one stout one " comments Jagar

Just then the brush comes alive but the agile Monk deftly avoids its clutches (d20+10=29 reflex save) and streaks towards the now visible foe "sneaky mage you are but not for long " as he again launches himself at the now visible creature , Jagar becomes a blur of motion (d20+8=26 1st swing)(d10+3=6 dam) smacking the creature but awakened plants throw his aim off(d20+8=9 2nd swing nat 1) swing way wide of his mark even his final front kick misses (d20+3=12 3rd swing)
"Pretty quick on your feet " adds the monk as he maneuvers for around the creature

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp (-3 to all abilities)  d20+7=22 d20=16
Friday July 1st, 2005 10:50:03 PM

Valanthe fights to stay conscious and she slowly staggers to her feet. She wobbles and wavers like she had too much wine but thats not the case. Valanthe has never slept before and has no idea what she's feeling nor how to truly fight it. She stumbles and staggers around in a circle finding it hard to stay in one spot. She tries to look for whatever shot her but her blurred vision can't spot an invisible creature. Needing to do something she staggers toward a satyr.

ooc: will save 22, spot check nat 16

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+13=18 d20+6=20 d20+6=14
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 11:04:30 AM

As the Nexamil casts his spell Appolo jumps backward away from the vines trying to entangle him.He looks around and sees Valanthe in trouble.Now visible Appolo says to his comrades"Guys Val is in trouble.I'm going to go take care of her.You guys waste thse punks."He then sprints headlong to Valanthe's side"Val.Sunshine what is wrong?Here let's go you need to sit down."He tries to lead Valanthe away from the battle.He also keeps his head on a swivel looking for any would be attackers.

Reflex 18 Spot 20 listen 14

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 - SI 1/60 mins - Haste 1/6 - Invisible  d100=25
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 4:24:32 PM

Mykael casts invisibility(made spell failure, 25%) on himself them moves 30' straight towards the winged elves.

Bart AC 24 (+1 dodge to nearest goatmen)HP47/71 Bullstrength Haste1/6  d20+15=29 d10+12=18 d6=6
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 7:39:48 PM

Bart makes an spring attack to the goatman Rigging is fighting with (ac 30 for 24)

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp (-3 to all abilities) 
Monday July 4th, 2005 7:47:51 AM

Val pulls her arm free before she took a step. "While I stand I shall fight! Expecting anything less of me is an insult. You want to help kill whatever shot me or a satyr they are allied with." She says with anger dripping from each word.

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+14=20 d20+9=16 d20+14=29 d20+6=9 d6+5=7 d6+5=7 d6+3=4
Monday July 4th, 2005 9:55:19 AM

Taking a 5 foot step (n10), Ashira is tempted to take down the bison that is attacking Rigging, but remembers the battle plan. Better make this one count... She launches a full attack on the lead satyr, taking full advantage of her invisibility (AC20 for 7, AC16 for 7, AC29 for 4). As she pops back into view, there is a large grin on her face.

OOC: Jim, I think you listed the satyr's AC's but I can't find it.

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

DM JIM: The table turn - Combat Round 6  d20+8=26 d20+8=23 d100=85 d100=98 d20+8=9 d20+8=21 d8+8=13 d8+8=15 d20+7=17 d20+7=23 d3=3
Monday July 4th, 2005 1:20:12 PM

Rigging thinks he may have killed the Satyr in front of him. It is down and bleeding very badly. Bart springs to the area of his captain hoping to help, but all that is around are bisons.

Two bison each attempt to run over Rigging and Bart.


AC 26, hit (85 blink)13 damage
AC 23, hit (98 blink)15 damage


AC 21, miss
AC 9, miss


Ashira becomes visible and lashes out at another Satyr, wounding him. The Satyr is very surprised by the savageness of the attack and withdraws and retreats at high speed.

Two arrows streak toward Ashria, as she is now visible, but both miss the quick ranger.

AC 17, miss
AC 23, miss

Mykael can see the two small winged elves gaining altitide and drifting away from the battle field.

Mykael also sees the two hidden Satyrs break cover and leave, but not after a short note on a wind instrument is blow.

The note seems to turn around the remaining visible Satyr as he head in the opposite direction.


Nezamil cast his spell and he, Jager and Apollo see the cricket taur, all two feet tall of him.

Apollo heads to help Val in her current state.

Jager and Nezamil pound the Grig into the land of the dead. There is a small fiddle right next to its broken body.


Three more Bisons appear looking real mean and nasty.

Moving away the Wildcards can hear that same calm soothing voice. "Have fun with those, but be careful of the horns." In a very strong voice the same individual call out. "Come my pretties, flee from the brigands! Follow my voice and my pipes!"

Several, but by no mean most of the young ladies start to move off after the invisible and visible Satyrs.


Map tomorrow AM

William (bart) OOC 
Monday July 4th, 2005 2:47:44 PM

Jim, remember Bart has the mobility, dodge and spring attack feat, and is also hasted giving him a movement of 60 ft more then enough the dodge around the bisons and attack a satyr. I see no reason why i cant attack the Satyr Rigging is fighting with

DM JIM: I agree with you William, but Bart can see once he arrive on the scene that the Satyr is done for. Rigging killed it with his last stroke. You are now next to Rigging and ringed by Bison.

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 2/60 mins - Haste 2/6 - Invisible 
Monday July 4th, 2005 5:06:09 PM

Mykael notices the Satyr with the wind instrument and the one that spoke. He makes a full run of 120' to or just short of his position.

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 46/80,Inviso purge 78/80 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 12:35:51 AM

The dwarf kneels down next to the small creatures bloody and broken body 1st holstering his mace then picking up the little fiddle and its bow in one hand then tossing the limp form over his other shoulder "Jagar go help the Captain....i'll be right behind ya " growls Nezamil as he follows the fleetfooted Monk carrying creature and fiddle

Jagar Ac 25(23 for charge) Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage Armor  d20+11=26 d10+3=5
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 12:53:01 AM

With a nod at the dwarf " better hurry or you'll miss all the fun " replies the Monk as he charges(move 50'x2) towards Rigging attacking(stunning fist attack) one of the Bison that just gored the captain (d20+11=26)(d10+3=5 dam)(fort ch Dc10+4+4=18)(stunned for 1 rd + loses dex bonus to Ac and -2 penalty to Ac)

"The dwarf should be along shortly " chuckles Jagar to Rigging as he postions himself on the Captains right flank

Bart AC 24 (+1 dodge to bison)HP47/71 Bullstrength Haste1/6  d20+10=19 d10+19=28 d6=6
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:50:33 AM

Bart makes an spring attack towards the nearest bison (power attack +7 hit ac 19 for 34), hopefully killing it, he dodge around it and follows the goatmen hoping to free the women.
Rigging follow me!
(i think barts attack was diverted to one of the bison last round if he did noticed the dead of the satyr, i leave to your judgement Jim)

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp (-2 to all abilities)  d20+7=20
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:51:41 AM

Val intended to draw her bow and fire but her body was just too sluggish. She couldn't see straight and her body wouldn't respond. These feelings confused her greatly and Val didn't know how to fight off the lingering effects of sleep. Seeing the two large Bison still standing Val heads over that way.

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18  d20+5=22 d20+5=11 d20+5=6 d20+1=21 d20+1=7 d8+3=5 d8+3=4 d8+3=8
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 7:28:09 AM

Having been distracted by the various women milling about, Ari comes to his senses and fires off a round of arrows.

AC 22, 11, 7, and 21 (crit threat, no crit) for 5, 4 and 8 if the 11 hit.

(ooc I believe I remembered Ari combat numbers)

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+11=23 d20+12=23
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 10:24:45 AM

Noting the voice of the leader, Ashira takes a look around and gets a very good idea of where he's at (Spot=23, Listen=23). She moves with renewed haste toward the leader (double move-80feet or sprint-160feet...whatever she needs), drawing AoO's from the bison if needed. "Free the children and we might let you live...otherwise...I don't think you're going to like what these brigands have in store for you!"

OOC Since the leader is singing, according to DMG pg. 295 the DC to detect would be 0. Not sure how far away the leader is, but if it's within 30 feet of her, she beats the DC check by 20 and has pinpointed him. If not, then she ought to have a pretty good idea of where he is. :)

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 12:50:07 PM

Appolo gfoes invisble and follows alongside Valanthe.he will defend and kill any opponent that get to close."I'd love to hunt them down and kill them,but your in bad shape and I'm not leaving you."

DM Jim: The Chase - Combat Round 7  d20+7=27 d20+8=12 d20+8=23 d20+8=24 d20+8=20 d8+9=14 d20+8=13 d20+8=15 d20+8=25 d100=63 d8+9=17
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 1:25:33 PM

Mykael takes off after the two invisible Satyr's along with Ashira. Mykael can see Ashira, but not vice versa.

The Satyr's are moving 80 feet per combat round according to Mykael's calculations. Ashira is just using sound to follow them, along with about a dozen half naked young females.

Ashira, by sound, and Mykael, by sight can tell that they are closing the distance, which is now only 50 feet.


Appolo is minding his love, and keeping Val safe and sound as she recovers.


Jager leaves Nezamil and goes to assist Rigging. Jager soundly smacks the bison, but it is not stunned (nat. 20) and it turns to gore the monk.

AC 12, miss

Nezamil inspects the small Grig for all the problems it gave him and its small fiddle.


Bart stabs another bison and is surprised that it does not die. It looks very hurt and mad at the big warrior.

Three of the hairy creatures attempt to run over Bart.

AC 23, miss
AC 24, hit for 14 damage. A solid blow to help his bleeding friend.
AC 20, miss

Rigging seems to contempate his actions as the bison close in on him.

AC 13, miss
AC 15, miss
AC 25, hit (63 for blink) for 17 damage, a nasty combination of horns to the Captain's chest.

Rigging is unconcious under a big hairy smelly beast.


Ari shoots the bison's as they move in on Rigging, and it only makes it madder.

OOC: In the future pick your targets as you may not like the one I pick.


The Visible Satyr's are taking off at high speed running with the nubile dozen women. These two Satyr's are very close to Mykael and Ashira.

"Come on ladies follow the music, we will save you from the brigands." One of the visible Satyr's says to calm the women.

The music can still be heard by all and Mykael can see the invisible Satyr skipping along and enjoying himself, while the other still has its wand out and is looking back, much more concerned.


The twenty or so other young women yell and scream and run away from the "Brigands" and the bison and the Satyr's.

Some of the older women by Ari are venturing past him toward the confused young ladies.

No new bison's show up this round.

Map coming: Mykael, Ashira and the four remaining Satyr's will be off the map.

Bart AC 24 (+1 dodge to bison)HP47/71 Bullstrength Haste3/6  d20+9=28 d20+9=13 d10+30=35 d10+30=33 d6=5 d20+9=23 d10+30=33 d6=1 d20+4=20 d10+30=38 d6=4
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:21:12 PM

Leaving the heavily wounded bison, Bart changes to another more healthy bison Bart makes an full attack on him using all of his power (power attack +9) (hit ac 28 threat, ac 13 crit for 35+33+5shock damm, 2nd hasted attack ac 23 for 33+1 shock 3d attack hit ac 20 for 38+4shock)(total dammage 149)

Bart HP 33 instead of 47 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:22:41 PM

soory did forget to subtract the dealt dammage

Rigging hps 19/70 ac 20 mage armor, blink, haste  d20+11=19 d20+11=24 d20+11=20 d100=93 d100=71 d100=33 d6+1=5 d6+1=6 d4+1=4 2d6(6+6)=12 2d6(3+6)=9 2d6(5+5)=10
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:37:13 PM

ooc Jim, After the hit today, I show I still have 19 hitpoints. Not sure why you have my unconcious

Also I was waiting for the map, You can't give it to us in the morning and then expect us to post in 3 hours.

IN character. Rigging is wounded but not out. He was contemplating attacking the Goatmen but decides against it. He will call out, "Ashira, Mykael...let them go! We need to regroup!"

Rigging will then attack the bison in front of him. (Jim please number the bison so we know which is which.)He blinks to the flank of it and attacks with sword, sword and dagger. He hits 3 times doing 43 points of damage to the bison.

DM JIM: My bad George, I looked at Nezamil's HP. Please put your HP in your header each time during combat.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+8=18 d10+3=12 d20+8=27 d10+3=5 d20+3=22 d10+3=4
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 4:04:02 PM

The monk remains calm under the bisons attack all the years of training coming to bear becoming a blur of motion (1st swing d20+8=18)(d10+3=12 dam)(2nd swing d20+8=27)(d10+3=5 dam) whirling about he lands a round house kick to the beast(d20+3=22)(d10+3=4 dam) with a quick sidelong glance to see how the Captain is doing

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk ,Sof 43/80,Inviso purge 77/80  d20+5=8
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 12:14:55 AM

Nezamil lugs the creature on his shoulder while hold the fiddle and bow heading(o-12) towards Rigging following in Jagar's footsteps "By Domi he's quick " mumbles the dwarf at Jagar's quickness afoot.

The dwarf surveys(d20+5=8 spot ch) the battlefield but nothing really jumps out to his eyes

Inviso purge 40'ft radius

Valanthe ac 22, 99 hp (-1 to all abilities)  d20+7=23 d20+14=33 d20+14=24 2d10(2+10)+12=24
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 1:08:33 AM

Feeling almost like her old self Val moves forward (o9) and brings the heavy flail down upon the bison. The weapon felt strange in her hands and she wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible but for now it was proving quite effective.

ooc: crit hit, ac 24 to confirm, for 24 damage

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 2/60 mins - Haste 3/6 - Invisible 
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 3:36:49 AM

Mykael watches the directions the Satyrs are moving. He makes a full running move of 180', around the satyrs to line himself up, so that when they move, he will be within 10' of the one playing and the one with the wand. Hopeing to be 10' from the one playing music and in direct line of the one with the wand so that the Satyr playing the music provides cover for Mykael.

Mykael ready's for his attack next round.

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18  d20+5=11 d20+5=7 d20+5=12 d20=16 d8+3=7 d8+3=4 d8+3=4
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 7:32:50 AM

(according to map that I received on Tues morning for Monday's move, umm, lets see. closest sensible bison would be o13.)

Continuing his attack if he is unhampered by the women around him. (AC 11, 7, 12 and 16 for what I think is 3 hits for 15 points of damage).

(slept thru alarm and woke up late)

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=13 d20+11=22
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 8:57:17 AM

Ashira sighs as Mykael continues after the Satyr even after Rigging's command. New guys. Well, she couldn't leave him out there on his own... Ashira calls over to Rigging. "Sorry dear, but I've got to go help out the new guy... don't forget about those potions I gave you!" Ashira sprints forward (80 feet if needed) searching for the location of the invisible Satyr. Though she can't see him (Spot=13), she can still hear him singing (Listen=22), though she not sure exactly where he is.

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

DM Jim: Combat Round 8  d20+8=12 d20+8=27 d100=25
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 10:18:59 AM

Mykael and Ashira track the two invisible Satyr's by sight and sound. Mykael sprints in front of them and Ashria is right behind them. The two visible Satyr's and the dozen young women are trailing Ashira by at least 30 feet.

The music can still be heard and Mykael can see the lead Satyr blowing on a wind instrument. The other invisible Satyr is holding his wand 10 feet to his side. Mykael is right where he wants to be, and ready.

As Ashira responds to Rigging request to return, the music stops. Ashira knows she is close, very close.


Val moves up to help Bart and Rigging (who is concious) and she lays the flail out on the back of a bison (o10).

The bison turns on her, but misses badly as it gets oriented on a new foe.

Appollo shadows Val.


The mortally wounded bison at M10 sucuumbs to his wounds.

Bart unleashes a vicious attack on the last remain bison in front of him (M11) and kills it Fire Giant Style.

Jager drops the bison (o12) facing him with a flurry of attacks and help from one of Ari's arrows.

Bisons are AC 13

Rigging blinks to the flank of a bison (n13) and kills it. Its friend (M12) attempts to get revenge on the blinking mage.

AC 25, hit, (25 blink) Rigging blinks again just as the horn are about to tear into his body.


The older women are now moving forward and away from Ari as they attempt to go collect some of their screaming children.

OOC: George use the map placements for the bison #'s, Also post your HP, I mistook Nezamil's for yours since I did not find yours quickly.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+10=19 d20+10=28 d10+4=14 d8+4=12 d6=4 d6=4 d6=4 d6=6 d6=4 d6=1 d6=4 d6=1 d6=2 d6=1 d6=3 d6=6
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 11:24:46 AM

Appolo supports Vals attack by swinging twice at the creature hinself takinf a flanking position and backstabbing the creature.

Atack 19,28 Damage 14 12,Backstab 38
Total 64

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk, Mage armor  d20+6=26
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 2:46:02 PM

After Jagar finishes off the bison he looks about(d20+6=26 nat 20!!) spotting Mykael and Ashira in the distance "Captain i'm gonna help out Mrs Arrack and Mykael chasing the Goat folks its just the two of them " remarks Jagar

The Monk dashes(run x4)(50' x 4=200' in 1 rd) towards the two wildcards giving chase to the Satyrs

Rigging hps 19/70 ac 20 haste, blinking, mage armor  d20+11=21 d20+11=24 d20+11=22 d100=62 d100=43 d100=69 d6+1=3 d6+1=3 d4+1=4 2d6(1+5)=6 2d6(4+1)=5 2d6(3+4)=7
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 3:30:41 PM

Rigging sees his orders being disregarded again...by his wife again...."Maybe she should be Captain. Then se can see what its like to be ignored. Mykael isn't listening either. I will have to find a punishment so horrible that they will never not listen to me again." Rigging fantasizes about punishments as he swings on the final bison.

Hit all three times and made blink rolls. Do 28 points of damage to the beast.

blink 5 of 6
haste 4 of ?
mage armor hours

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk ,Sof 42/80,Inviso Purge 76/80  d20+11=13 d8+5=10 d20+6=20 d8+5=10
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 4:17:53 PM

The dwarf drops the little creature and fiddle then quickly draws his Mace from his ring holster and lashes out at the bison Rigging engaged smashing(1st swing d20+11=13)(d8+5=10 dam) the bison swinging his mace with effiecent strokes(2nd swing d20+6=20)( d8+5=10 dam) making the beast vanish.

"Do we follow them Captain?" inquires the dwarf as he stoops to pick up the fiddle and bow and again slinging the creature over his shoulder after sheathing his mace

Inviso Purge 40 ft radius

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp  d20+7=21 d20+14=24 d20+9=13 d10+6=8 d10+6=13
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 7:15:06 PM

Val watches as the Bison takes hit after hit and remains on its feet. It looks bad but Val wants to make sure that it actually dies. Raising the heavy flail she brings it down twice upon the creature.

ooc: will save 21, hit ac 24 for 8 and ac 13 for 13

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 2/60 mins - Haste 4/6  d20=15 d20+6=7
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 10:30:20 PM

Mykael has set himself up good, and is ready to give these Satyrs the surprise of thier lives.

Bringing up his shield and throwing all his strength and weight behind it, Mykael trys to Overrun the Satyr playing the music(Improved Overrun, Satyr cant avoid, Str chk 15, +4 for feat, +3 for Str = 22, also surprise???).

Mykael becomes visible.

Assuming the Satyr fails his opposed check, Mykael knocks him prone and moves forward engaging the Satyr with the wand(Haste Attack, Power attack +5,nat 1... Mykael slamming into the first Satyr too hard and threw himself off balance, thus causing his attack on the Satyr with the wand to go way wide, and Mykael to

Mykael... continued... hit wrong key...  d20+3=9
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 10:32:11 PM

..... (dex check 9) fall on his butt.

Bart AC 24 (+1 dodge to bison)HP33/71 Bullstrength Haste4/6 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 3:25:09 AM

Rigging i cant leave them on their own Bart yells as he dodges around the dead bison and runs (120 ft) after Jagar towards the goatmen and the group of charmed women

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18  d20+5=15 d20+5=11 d20+5=8 d20=14 d20+3=15 d8+3=10 d8+3=5
Thursday July 7th, 2005 7:16:13 AM

Ari will continue to send arrows into the Bison (O10) should the others not prove its downfall. (5th d20 wrong die type). AC 15, 11, 8, and 14 for 2 hits of 15 (10+5) points.

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=31 d20+11=28 d20+12=15 d20+7=15 d20+12=18 d20+4=20 d6+5=11 d6+5=10 d6+3=7 d6+3=5
Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:31:06 AM

Ashira smiles as Mykael slams into an invisible opponent...ahh...now that helps things out quite a bit!! Heading for the spot that the new guy just plowed into, Ashira takes a good hard look and listen (Spot=31, Listen=28). She's almost positive she knows where the enemy is...and so she makes a full attack, aiming slightly lower than normal, since she doesn't know whether he's prone or still standing (AC15 for 11, AC15 for 10, AC18 for 7, AC20 for 5). Still, attacking an invisible opponent was tricky, and Ashira has the feeling she could have done much better.

OOC Jim, can you remind me what the Satyr's AC's are? Since Ashira's so close to the Satyr, the Spot of 31 ought to do the trick, but since he's being overun, I don't suppose he's got a very high Move Silent score, so a Listen of 28 ought to be able to pinpoint him...not that all of that matters with those sucky attack rolls. :(

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

DM JIM: Combat Round Nine, The Chase End for Now  d20+3=20 d100=24 d100=75
Thursday July 7th, 2005 11:29:01 AM

The original field of battle is now clear of live bisons as Rigging, Nezamil and Ari finish off one and Val and a now visible Apollo takes care of the other.

Rigging is feeling concerned that half of his Wildcards are not listening to his orders.

Nezamil notices small saddle bags on the Grig he is carrying.

Jager saw a tree branch move on its own, but he is very far away and does not know if his keen eyes will help him one he get to the tree.

Jager and Bart leave the depression and take off after the group of young well formed females in front of them. They also see two Satyr moving at high speed through the light forest and underbrush.

Jager and Bart see Mykael suddenly appear and fall down. Commands are barked in a language that no one understands and the two visible Satyr's start running in opposite directions, as apparently the commands were obeyed.


Mykael smashes into the singing Satyr and just knocks him down (oppose roll 20). Mykael rises at the same time as the singing Satyr to strike at the wand carrying Satyr and misses badly and falls.

The wand carrying Satyr takes off like a shot and so does the other invisible Satyr once he stands. All four Satyr are moving on different tracks away from each other. None of the Satyr's are talking or singing anymore.

The young women start to slow down as they are being outpaced by the visible Satyr's and there is no more singing direction from the invisible ones.

Ashira attackes the downed Satyr, potentially hitting twice. The first two swings narrow down the area where the Saty can be the next lands solidly and the final one misses as the Satyr must have moved.

The Satyr is running flat out from Ashira, so you will get an invisible AoO, at AC 20.

OOC: Ashira has a very good idea where the Satyr is, but he is invisible and there is still a 50% miss chance. You need a natural 20 to get a better indication on a spot check to help notice an invisible creature. All of the Satyrs have different AC's This once is AC 16 in his current position.

I was posting at the same time as you Nellie, so my post had to be amended and as a result is a bit disjointed. Sorry.

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=16 d20+11=27 d20+14=18 d100=94 d20+8=26
Thursday July 7th, 2005 3:31:37 PM

The half-elf's keen senses tell her that her foe is out there somewhere (Spot=16, Listen=27), and she whips out with an attack as the invisible satyr rises (AC18, 94-fail). She feels her blade bounce harmless cut into air as the satyr moves away from the attack. She smiles as the goatman begins to run away.
"That's right cowards! Run, run from the brigands!!" Satisfied that the children are rescued, Ashira gives Mykael a hand up and then sheathes her swords. She heads toward the children, speaking softly and soothingly. "There, there...it's alright...we're not going to hurt you...we're here to help." (Diplomacy=26)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=13
Thursday July 7th, 2005 3:41:41 PM

As Jagar nears Ashira and Mykael (after x4 movement last rd) he eyes(d20+6=13 spot ch) one of the Satyrs moving away and takes a couple steps as to give chase but thinks better of it "Mrs Arrack and Mykael you both ok " as Jagar see's Mykael rising from the ground

Knowing that his two fellow wildcards are fine Jagar appraises the young women that had followed the Satyrs "maybe i should learn to play a musical instrument to entice the girls too " comments Jagar " what instrument should i choose Mrs Arrack " inquires Jagar of Ashira

Rigging 19/70 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 9:06:22 PM

Rigging yells out, "Let them go. They aren't worth chasing." He turns back to the other women who have either been freed from the spell or never under its influence, "Go get your sisters and friends. They are more likely to listen to you."

Rigging will ask Swirl to do a high recon to make sure that nothing is trying to sneak up on them.

Rigging will then say to Nezamil, "You don't have a cure handy do you? I feel worn."

Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:45:47 PM

Looking over at Jager, Ashira just rolls her eyes and laughs. "We need to get you a woman my friend!"

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk, Sof 41/80,Inviso Purge 75/80  2d8(8+1)+5=14 2d8(8+3)+5=16
Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:47:38 PM

Nezamil drops the Grig and places the fiddle and bow on its body " sure i think i have just the thing " grins the Cleric of Domi

The Cleric pulls forth a wand and taps the Captain twice (total 30 cured)" that should help " says the dwarf as he returns the wand to his pouch

Inviso Purge 40' ft raduis

"Lets see what this little fellow has on him " as he kneels down next to the small creatures body then proceeds remove its saddle bags and searches its body throughly " don't recall seeing anything like this little creature before ....have you Captain?" asks Nezamil

Friday July 8th, 2005 2:42:18 AM

Seeing the Bison dead and the remaining enemy fleeing Appolo looks around,then looks over Vlanthe"Ok everyone .Anyone hurt.Lewt's fre those women and round up those girls."He sheathes his swords draws a dagger and moves to cut the women free.

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 3/60 mins - Haste 5/6  d20+6=12 d20+6=21 d10+8=12 d20+6=14 d10+8=18
Friday July 8th, 2005 4:33:40 AM

Mykael stands and makes his AoO on the Satyr with the wand as he flees from Mykael (Power Attack +5, AC 12, miss).

Mykael then turns and moves to attack the rising Satyr that was playing the music (Power Attack +5, AC 21, 12 dam), Haste attack (Power Attack +5, AC 14, miss?, dam 18... just in case)

"Surrender or die you brainwashing bastard," Mykael yells.

Bart AC 24 HP33/71 Bullstrength Haste5/6 
Friday July 8th, 2005 8:02:43 AM

Bart is running behind Jagar, he sees that the Satyr are running away and that the women are free of their influence. Bart decides there is no need to follow the satyrs anymore. Bart tries to calm and help the women instead

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Friday July 8th, 2005 10:04:46 AM

Valanthe stands ready for a few extra minutes wondering if there were more invisible archers around in the trees. It was highly unlikely that any remained but what they did to her was unnerving. She had never felt like that, her body so sluggish and unresponsive. It was something that even words couldn't describe correctly.

"Captain perhaps the villages these women were taken from could yeild more information on these satyr's. Somebody has to know something on these unique slavers."

DM JIM: Combat Round 10, Opponents Anyone? 
Friday July 8th, 2005 1:10:08 PM

Nezamil cures Rigging upon request and checks out the Girg's saddle bags. The bags are well worn but of very good craftsmanship. Inside is 10 pp, 2 rough cut diamonds similar to those the giants had and two potions.

Rigging feels Swirl. "Wow! I am so high I can not even see your Wife, but then again I can not see you either. I will be down in a bit."

Appolo checks on Val and Val comments about the strange effects she just experienced. Val scans the trees, hoping there are no more invisible archers around.


Mykael swings (misses) at the departing Satyr with the wand. In fact, Mykeal notices at least one more on his belt as he takes off.

Mykael then move the 10 feet to engage the other departing Satyr. Mykael is please with the grunt the Satyr can not stifle after being struck. The Satyr whispers to Mykael "I will see you again." and then he sprints off through the woods. Mykael sees at least two wands on his belt also.

The two visible Satyr are no longer visible as they have dissapeared into the woods and underbrush.

Jager and then Bart arrive and form up on Ashira. Jager oggles the lovlies all around.

The young ladies are very confused and some are scare and one or two seem upset the Satyrs are gone.


Appolo goes and frees the older women of their hand bindings. They are all very greatful and he gets lots of hugs. Most of the older women go and claim half of the young ladies and are giving them a tounge lashing and lots of hugging.

The unclaimed young women (humans and elves), maybe 15 or so, move over to the bonfire and look over the "Brigands".


Ari is standing off to the side bow in hand, waiting for somthing.

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 3/60 mins - Haste 6/6  d20+6=26 d20+6=17 d10+8=13 d20=18
Friday July 8th, 2005 3:54:44 PM

Mykael grits his teeth, "Sooner than you think!" (AoO, Power attack +5 - AC 26, crit threat AC 17.. miss?, Dam = 13).

Mykael still having the ability to out run the Satyr charges straight after it, and performs a Charging Overrun, (Str chk 18, +2 charge, +4 Feat, +3 Str, = 27) and knocks the Satyr prone again.

Mykael turns to engage, "We are not done yet."

Friday July 8th, 2005 11:17:35 PM

Rigging decides to check on the ship and the passengers. He has this sudden vision of the ship leaving them behind and he really doesn't want to walk.

"I will be back in a few minutes. Wanna check on our ride. Start moving these women to the riverbank."

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 40/80,Inviso Purge 74/80  d20+5=19
Saturday July 9th, 2005 12:17:13 AM

The dwarf repacks the saddle bags and tosses it on his shoulder....with a look down at the little creature the dwarf kneels down on one knee next to him " Domi grant him peace for the courage he showed " says the Cleric in a prayer

Picking up the fiddle and bow the dwarf stands up and surveys(d20+5=19 spot ch) the battlefield
with a wave to Ashira,Jagar,Bart and Mykael trying get their attention Nezamil will try and motion them to comeback " good to see them sticking together....we need better teamwork " thinks the dwarf as he awaits by himself

Inviso purge 40" ft radius

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=26 d20+8=16 d10+3=12 d20+8=20 d10+3=5 d20+3=8
Saturday July 9th, 2005 12:30:26 AM

Jagar watches as Mykael attacks the air his blade slicing expertly as it suddenly meets resistance (d20+6=26 spot ch)(nat 20!!)"huh ? thats weird " puzzles the Monk then with sudden realization he springs into action with a flurry of blows at the spot where Mykaels weapon met resistance (1st swing d20+8=16)(d10+3=12 dam)punching again(2nd swing d20+8=20)(d10+3=5 dam) and trys to stomp on the spot (3rd swing d20+3=8) but kicks nothing but clumps of grass as he whirls around the target area " where did it go "chatters Jagar to Mykael

Saturday July 9th, 2005 11:11:33 AM

Appolo relies to Rigging"Aye Aye Captian.Ok Ladies lets move.We see if can't find some clothing on the way to the river bank."He says with handsome friendly smile and begins to gently move the women back through the burning village and to the riverbank.

Sunday July 10th, 2005 2:04:15 PM

Bat is amazed when he sees Jagar and Mykel fighting with an invisible opponent. He is to far away to interfere and he is also busy helping the women. He keeps an eye on them if necessery he will come for the rescue, but since the goats where running away that wouldn't be necessary

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=24 d20+11=18
Monday July 11th, 2005 12:23:27 AM

Ashira watches as Mykael and Jager continue to press the battle. With a little shrug, she moves over to see if she can help out with the last remaining invisible satyr (Spot=24, Listen=18).

OOC...Jim, by this point in time, I have no idea how far Ashira is from the Satyr, so I leave this one up to your judgement.

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18 
Monday July 11th, 2005 6:44:39 AM

Believing that the battle is done, Ari stows his gear in the quiver. Then he goes to recover gear, look the battle scene over, and help the women to find their clothing.

Finding the other women fighters in the group Ari says, "I believe I shall scout ahead to keep the path clear, and look for other clothes."

With that Ari takes quick blushing look at the women, and then moves out so that they don't have to be embarrassed about their lack of clothing.

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Monday July 11th, 2005 8:57:17 AM

Val moves over to the unclaimed women and tries to explain that they are not brigands. That they are there to help. She asks them nicely to move to the riverbank.

DM Jim:Combat Roud 10, battles still rage  d20+5=23 d20+5=15
Monday July 11th, 2005 1:19:59 PM

Mykael chases down the Satyr. The Satyr learned from his last experience and goes to sidestep, but Mykael changes course and runs him down.

The Satyr calls out in an unknown language and draws a short sword (free action) and attempt to stand.

AC 21, combat expertise for AoO

Jager runs over and get in one attack, but to no avail as he can not find the invisible Satyr.

Ashira also comes charging over and is now ready for action, but against what, as she also can not see the Satyr.


Mykael is the subject of a targeted dispel magic.

See Invisible 23 - dispelled
Haste 15 - in place

The Satyr rising before Mykael starts to fade out of his vision.


Bart goes over to the young women and helps to get the young ladies organized. Bart keeps a watchful eye on Ashira, Jager and Mykael. The young ladies are quite aminable to the big warriors presence......


Rigging goes to check on the status of the "Elenna Queen", but it is a ways away at present.

Nezamil hoists the small saddle bags onto his beefy shoulder and attempts to get the attentions of his wandering Wildcard teamates.

Appolo and Val attempt to get the two groups of women moving back toward the burning village and the riverbank. All of the women seem interested in moving. The older women seem concerned about their waylayed daughter and the status of their village and menfolk. There are hushed murrmers amongst themselves as they seem too fearful to talk with the former brigands as Val has convinced them they are not.

Ari can not find any spare cloths around. Either the young ladies did not bring them or they burned them in the bonfire.


Smoke is still rising from the burning village and the crakle and pop of the fires can be heard occasionally.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=24
Monday July 11th, 2005 6:34:57 PM

Jagar scans(d20+6=24 spot check) about after missing the Satyr lets regroup and head back to see what the others are doing" remarks the Monk to the near him " don't want to get caught in another ambush ......i'd rather fight on our terms " reflects Jagar

Jagar will take a few steps towards where they left their comrades in arms and waits for the other to join him before trotting back to the Captain

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 39/80,Inviso Purge 73/80  d20+5=22 d20+5=24
Monday July 11th, 2005 6:50:02 PM

The Dwarf awaits his fellow wildcards "hope they put a little zip in their steps to get back here" mutters the dwarf outloud to the wind

As Nezamil calmly waits for his friends he peruses(d20+5==22 spot ch) the horizen in all directions listening(d20+5=24 lsiten ch) to the wind for any sound other then his own voice taking in Val and Appolo's attempts in guiding the women to the riverboat.,

The dwarf continues to chat to himself "By Domi wonder what will happen next ....these are indeed troubling and perilous times " as he rubs his Anvil pendant with his fingers absently

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53  d20+5=14
Monday July 11th, 2005 8:27:00 PM

Mykael takes a swing at the disappearing Satyr, (AC14, miss).

"Better hope you never run into me again!" curses Mykael, "Lucky you someone help you!"

Mykael turns to Jager, "Lets go, but keep an eye out. I wanted that music playing bastard. Perhaps, if he had been taken, or even just his instrument, then that would have prevented this from happening to other innocents for a long time, if not, ever by these same creatures."

Mykael curses himself, "Damn, I should have been faster or better. If they are able to enslave another, it will be my fault."

Mykael moves toward the rest of the group.

Monday July 11th, 2005 10:10:00 PM

Rigging will sprint back to the beach 4x speed

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=13 d20+11=21
Monday July 11th, 2005 11:40:28 PM

Her luck finally over, Ashira can't make heads or tails of where the Satyr has gone (Spot=13, Listen=21). She puts a consoling hand on Mykael's shoulder. "You win some, you lose some. But at least the girls are free. Let's see what we can do to help these folk out." Ashira heads back with the other, and takes in the situation. Noting the young women who don't have family, Ashira pulls Nezamil aside. "We need to do something about this. We need to find these girls someplace to live. Any ideas."

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 2:17:32 AM

Appolo pulls out a couple of spare blankets and hands them to two of the girls"Come on Ladies he says with smile let's get to the river.Then we'll see about getting everyone taken care of."He is smiling a handsome rougish smile as he tries to herd them along.

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 9:44:22 AM

Val works the other end of the group, herding them almost as one would cattle. She's not sure what type of enchantment, if any, these women are under. Considering that elves are naturally resistant to enchantments, and what she suffered, these satyr's must be powerful. She asks the women about the satyrs and their devotion to them.

DM Jim: End of Combat 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 1:10:50 PM

Rigging sprints through the burning village and smells the overcooked men on the front porch. Quickly passing the barbarqued people, Rigging reaches the beach and the bodies of the giants and the orcs.

Rigging can see that the "Elenna Queen" is off the bar and has dropped anchor. The ship is still on fire, but they seem smaller now. The lone rescue boat is still ferrying passengers upstream of the beach battle area and there must be at least 60 or so already. The boat is going back for more on the fantail.


Val and Appolo have the old and young women organized. Val askes questions of the women, but the young one are quite. The older ones ask "What has become of our men folk? Our homes? We saw all the smoke and heard screams."

Two of the unattached young ladies, that is without an older women in attendance, move over to Appolo and take his offered blankets. "Thank you. We are not from this village. We choose to travel with you." The young ones seem to be appraising Appolo with their eyes. THey giggle to one another.

Ari does nothing again.

Nezamil ponders the wisdom of everyones actions and what the future may hold for the wildcards. Nezamil does not see any further immediate trouble. The women give the dwarf a wide berth.


Mykael and Jager miss the slippery Satyr and he makes his escape. THe Satyr does not answer Mykeal and seems to be attempting as much stealth as possible, as his mouth got him in eough trouble.

Jager trots off attempting to catch up to Rigging, which he eventually does on the beach.

Mykael wonders if the group only postponed a return of the Satyr. Ashira attempts to console the warrior.

Ashira wonders what to do with all of the women without family and consults Nezamil for his opinion. One of the unattached young women approaches Ashira. "I am thirsty, do you have any wine. THe Satyr's provided for us." she finishes almost forelorn. "What will become of us?"

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 3:09:24 PM

Mykael stewing on his failure, wonders back through the village.

Mykael suveys the situation, now that he is back with the group.

"Nez, you may want to see if any of the passengers from the boat needs your medical assistance." Mykael comments. "We should probably work to getting these fires under control and graves dug."

'I wonder if the blood of those Giants is worth anything?'

OOC: Knowledge Arcana, Appraise, Craft Alchemy? For info on Fire Giant blood?

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 4:39:38 PM

Bart investigate the nearby buildings or what is left of it, he hopes to find out what happend to the men

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 8:30:12 PM

Appolo smiles at the women in friendly manner and replies to the older ones"I'm sorry,but they're dead."He then turns to the girls"Yes you can travel to the city with us I guess.Now let's move.The smeel is starting to get to me."He gent;y continues to herd the women.

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 8:35:35 PM

Rigging trots up to the group of sixty and asks, "Is everyone OK? Been sort of exciting around here. Not quite what the brochure said.

When his joke falls on deaf ears, he will sigh and say, "My friends and I have destroyed the giants and driven away the other creatures. You are all safe for now but why don't we get a fire built. Shouldn't be to hard with all of these burning buildings around."

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 10:05:49 PM

With Rigging off chasing ships again, Ashira is left to direct traffic. She sees that Val and Appolo have done an excellent job of getting the ladies together. She gets out the blanket in her pack and passes it to whichever lady might need it. Seeing as there is no loot to gather up, Ashira heads over to the others. Let's get back to the beach...we can regroup there and hopefully meet up with Rigging and the other survivors from the ship. Then I suppose we'll take it from there. From the looks of it, we're going to have to arrange alternate transportation. Appolo, ask the older ladies if there are any other villages nearby...maybe we'll luck out and they'll have horses or even better, a boat or two." She pulls Appolo in close and keeps her voice low. "And let's stay away from the burning village...I don't want the ladies to have to see their men this way." Then she motions over to Bart, Mykael and Nezamil. "Mykael's right. Let's get the others settled and then lets get to work burrying the dead. No need to let them rot. Nezamil, if you will say a word or two, I'd appreciate it."

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=20
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 12:19:22 AM

As Jagar catches up to Rigging he scans(d20+6=20 spot ch) about checking for any sighns of danger "Captain is the riverboat done for ? ...can it be patched up to help us finish the trip to South Harbor ? " asks the Monk

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 38/80,Inviso Purge 72/80 
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 12:39:36 AM

Noticing the wide berth the women are giving him " I think we should see how the riverboat is doing...perhaps we can send them with the survivors to the nearest town " replies the dwarf to Ashira " we don't have the resources to care for all of them "

The dwarf pauses for a moment " I'm thinking we mix them in with any Riverboat survivors so they won't be discrimated against because of being enspelled "

"Yeah good idea Mykael ,lets help the women to the river so i can check the riverboaters and women in one place " adds the Cleric " all their suffering might bond them together a little till we get them to safety ....make it a little easier if everyone helps each other "

Inviso Purge 40" ft radius

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp  d20=12
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 7:29:41 AM

As the group wanders through the village, Ari will search through the tracks and see if there are any stray prints.

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 10:05:56 AM

Angry, Val moves around the group of women and stands between the two harlots and Appolo. She looks briefly at him and then glares at the women, smacking her flail against her shield.

"Get moving and if you so much as speak to my man I'll reconsider my descision not to be a brigand."

DM JIM: The Revelation 
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 1:08:23 PM

Appolo tells several of the young ladies that they can accompany the Wildcards and they are estatic. "We will be right back, we are going to spread the word." Appolo can not help himself, but watches them run to another small group of young women.

Appolo also updates the older women on the status of their husbands and several stop and start to wail. Several more break and run to the burning village. A few approach Appolo and ask "Are you sure they are all dead?" tears welling in their eyes. The darkness echos with the screams and anguish of the women. Even the young women break down and add to the sorrow of them all.

Val's threats to protect her man are drowned out by the groups sorrow. One young girl adds "THey did the same to my village."

Mykael is still upset at himself at the Satyr's escape and maybe more so now.

OOC: Roll DC 18 Alchemy or K. Arcane for info on the blood.

Nezamil takes Mykael's advice and goes to check on the status of the "Elenna Queen" refugees. Rigging is also with them and they seem alright, but wet, with some with minor burns. Several people are discussing a few of their friends that were killed and are not happy about it; as they are waiting for their opportunity to address the Captain.

Ashira does find travel information from one of the ladies that is comforting a friend "We have no horses as they were all taken recently by a large group of centaurs. They claimed to be freeing them." The women goes back to sobbing with her friend that seems unconsolable.

Ashira knows there are dead to be buried, but the grief must be taken care of first.

Jager is inspecting the "Elenna Queen" in the darkness for its seaworthiness, but can not tell from this distance. It will certainly not be as comfortable as before.

Bart checks out the buildings in the village and finds them either totally engulfed or previously burned. In the one that were burned earlier he finds some bones.

OOC: Ari needs to roll survival if he wants to track.

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