DM Jamie Sunday July 31st, 2005 6:00:04 PM
The Mortician steps through into the TAP. The first thing you notice is you stepped right into the Giggling Ghost. Only difference is there is no one is around but you eight.
"A place for everything, and everything in it's place." The Mortician whispers. He pulls out his quill pan and his ledger again and begins scribbling some fervished notes. He pauses, looks up, scans the group, and begins to scribble again.
He pulls his pocket watch out and opens it. You again get the sickening feeling of the ebb and flow of time flowing around you. "The time is right," he comments,"You will receive instructions on how to proceed. I am tasked with watching, but I can not intercede for either side. I am here to cronical which direction the scales will go and to record it in the ledger." He hold out the ledger before placing it back into his jacket pocket.
"Remember who you are and whose you are. It will help keep you from falling into darkness. You will see me one more time. The circumstances of which depend on whether you succeed or not." He sneers at the last comment. His eyes begin to turn a sickly orange color. That color begins to radiate out until it takes over all vision in the room. Just before you think you can take no more brightness it is gone. You open your eyes and you are in the TAP version of the Giggling Ghost. There is a sealed note on the table.
Upono close inspection the note is folded into an envelope shape and appears to be made of a very high grade parchment. There is a red wax seal in the center holding the four corners down. Inside of it is an image of the pocket watch the mortician carried.
OOC: We officially post on Monday. I will try to make my posts later in the afternoon giving you all time to post during the day. If this will not work for some of you let me know. I am flexible.
Rose d20+11=14 Sunday July 31st, 2005 6:44:23 PM
Rose goes and checks the enevelope for any traps and then opens it and reads it aloud.
search: 14
ooc: whoever takes bread let me know how many loaves. 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, more, less. I need to know for my weight limit (unless the dm says food takes no space and weighs nothing in this tap)
Tratain Sunday July 31st, 2005 7:11:50 PM
Tratain steps through the Tapestry with the others and Listens as the Mortician speaks.
When he disapears he waits while the Halfling examines the Note and then listens as she reads it.
Tratain then pulls out a Large sack from his backpack and opens it, telling the Halfling "If you wish you can store your bread in my bag here, It should Hold all of it."
When the bread is all in the Bag he puts it back in his backpack and gets ready to move with the others.
OOC: its a Bag of Holding that can hold up to 250 Pounds.
Brahmah (OOC:) Sunday July 31st, 2005 8:15:05 PM
OOC: Should everyone be so inclined, I'd like to know your characters race, primary features, noticable skills and visible gear.
I've posted Brahmah's discription on Saturday's post, with on addendum...
... the ranger wears two blades and a buckler. His falchion is much too small for him (medium sized), however, his kukri seems right. He also wears a very nice and fine mithril shirt, a large mithril shirt.
Brahmah Sunday July 31st, 2005 8:30:18 PM
"Little one..." He turns to Rose. "... I suggest dumping that food. We will need to move fast and swift. You collection of goodies will also attract all manner of beasts, even IF we tie it in a tree bag." He looks curiously at the halfling. "Besides, why bring along supplies, you yourself can't carry?" He places his hands on his hips with the demeanor of a father type figure looking down on a child, with a kind understanding smile.
He finally turns to Solgrin and Zeoll and says, "Yeah, my papers were resent. The mortician seems to have lost his first ledger..." He glances at the mortician. "... when I die, don't use this mortician. I would hate to have my body go missing." He winks.
"Now!" Looking at the group.
"Three taurs. Excellent! Halfling with a dog. Great. Gnome, Bohdi my friend. The illusionist of great fame. Tratain is it? I seen you in the Catacombs once or twice. Some sort of protector cleric, right? Domi, right?
Anyone know the others coming in?"
Bohdi Nackle Sunday July 31st, 2005 9:32:59 PM
The gnome Bohdi bowed deeply at Brahmah's words. "Glad to hear you say so, my dear 'taur," the gnome replied with a flourish. "Although, truth be told, I cannot claim to be Wold-famous just yet, although I like to think of myself as Wold-famous in my dreams. And, seeing as all of this is just a dream, why not?" He grinned.
Bohdi was young for a gnome; a slight goatee had just begun to grace his chin. Standing just 3' 4" tall and weighing just 42 lbs., Bohdi was of average size for his kin. His tan skin, fair hair, and blue eyes hid behind his prominent gnomish proboscis, but for all of that he was not unattractive. He wore thick gnomish furs, a hat, and gloves--he clearly came from a cold-weather climate. A noisy raven hopped and flapped about him. "This is Squork," Bohdi said, indicating the bird.
Bohdi carried a small club, a dagger in his belt, and a crossbow with a case of bolts--but there was no mistaking the wizardly air about this gnome. A spellbook bulged from the sides of his pack, and a wand with streaks of flames painted on its sides was firmly tucked in the sash of what could only be a spell component pouch at his waist. A careful eye would note the rings that the gnome wore, as well as the necklace with three strange beads around his neck. Bohdi seemed a little self-conscious about one of the rings and the necklace--were anyone to look over-long at them, he would blush and explain, "They're a gift from a--a friend."
Bohdi peered over Rose's shoulder--one of the few shoulders in this group he could do that with, and he planned to take advantage of it. "What's in the note, duckie?"
His eyes sparkled. "Once we have a sense of what's before us, I can finish preparing spells for today." He looked at the other spellcasters. "I'm a big believer in coordinating our efforts. I'm glad to let you know what I plan on preparing, and I always welcome suggestions. We casters have to hang together, you know--or we'll surely hang separately."
Here's a proposed spell list. As indicated, Bohdi always welcomes input on his spell preparation from anyone in the group. Next post will be the "final" spell list for the day:
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi d20+8=18 d20+6=22 d20+11=29 d20+11=12 d20+4=21 d20+14=31 d20+14=33 Monday August 1st, 2005 8:11:59 AM
The minotaur smells the air, with a look as if he's trying to detect something. (Smelling for sea air, salty odors or even the unmistakable aroma of death and decay.) He listens for birds. He's trying to find his bearings to see if they are anywhere near recognizable terrain. [Knowledge geography 18, Knowledge nature 22, Listen 29, Spot 12, Search 21, Survival to predict weather for 24 hours, Survival to see any immediate nature dangers 33+2]
Then he turns to the Chosen in the group. "Friends, we have a mission." He smiles.
He looks at the mortician again, not sure what to think. "Okay Bob, which way?"
Spell list, though its not NEARLY as extensive as our gnome's!
First Level: Resist Energy x2 Second Level: Protection from Energy Plus a small library of scrolls in their leather case.
(OOC: Are the characters going to be in the tap long enough to reprepare spells if needed?)
Zeoll Monday August 1st, 2005 10:22:59 AM
The liontaur sees that Tratain has the wherewithal to carry all the food. "That is verry good of you, frriend," he says. "No harrm in having prrovisions."
Looking over the others in the group, Zeoll feels decidedly underdressed. He is a large liontaur with beads and feathers braided into his mane. He has on a fine cloak, an amulet, and leather armor. He carries a staff, and has an odd-shaped backpack. The pack would be too big for a human, but the liontaur manages. Two belt pouches and a shortbow round off his gear.
He is glad to enter into an esoteric discussion of the magic he has ready.
Druid spells: Lvl 0: Det Magic, Det Pois, Guidance x3 Lvl 1: Speak with Animals x2, Calm Animals, Charm Animal Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Hold Animal x2 Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal
Once again he emphasizes his main strategies Before a Fight (1) and During a Fight (2):
(1a) Stall / co-opt foes with diplomacy and bardic music. (1b) Co-opt / charm foes with Suggestion and Charm spells.
(2) Summon animals and creatures to fight. Buff with Bard song and Heroism spells, Shoot arrows, and Avoid melee.
Zeoll wonders if Bohdi would be interested in trading Buffs -- say a Heroism for a Mage Armor? Zeoll's Heroism last 70 minutes, so Bohdi would have to choose when he wanted it.
Zeoll wishes he still had his metamagic wand of extend, but, alas.
Theodore and Macaw Monday August 1st, 2005 10:25:14 AM
Suddenly, a rag-a-muffin youth with peach fuzz on his upper lip appears with the group. He is a rather short fellow with a pile of mousy brown hair atop his head and an intelligent looking raven atop that. He sports plain brown eyes and a wide smile perfect for giving goofy smiles.
His clothes appear to be too big for him, perhaps hand-me-downs from an older brother? The sleeves of his tunic completely cover his hands and the hem of his trousers spill out over his shoes.
He bobs his head in excitement as Rose retrieves the sealed letter. "Oh, I do hope we can figure out what's going on with this Fey King."
OOC - Theo has a wand of detect magic, if Bohdi wants to exchance those two cantrips for something else.
Ashira d20+12=13 d20+11=25 Monday August 1st, 2005 4:37:39 PM
With little fanfare, a dark cloaked figure appears next to Zeoll. She looks at the gathered champions...though it's hard to tell with the cloak pulled around her, you get the feeling that the figure is sizing you up...getting a feel for combat prowess and the like. There is the faint chink of metal armor underneath the cloak, and two bulges on the figures sides that are sure to be swords. The figure quickly scans the area (Spot=13, Listen=25) and not detecting any signs of danger, pulls back the cloak.
With greenish-gray skin, blue hair, and black form fitted mithral breastplate armor, the aquatic elf is quite a sight to those unused to her...but fortunately she knows most of the party. Ashira looks over at Brahmah and Solgrin, then Bohdi and Tratain. "Interesting...not exactly how I thought this would begin. Still...Ashira watches as Rose reads the note, listening closely to every word.
OOC: Very few spells to speak of, but not that bad for a BDF.... ;)
(2)1st level Ranger Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level. Animal Messenger: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place. Calm Animals: Calms (2d4 + level) HD of animals. Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend. Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. Detect Animals or Plants: Detects kinds of animals or plants. Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object. Detect Snares and Pits: Reveals natural or primitive traps. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius circle. Hide from Animals: Animals can't perceive one subject/level. Jump: Subject gets bonus on Jump checks. Longstrider: Increases your speed. Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls. Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks. Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. Speak with Animals: You can communicate with animals. Summon Nature's Ally I: Calls animal to fight for you.
Rose Monday August 1st, 2005 5:17:27 PM
Rose gladly puts the food into the bag of holding and says to Brahmah "We werent told how long we'll be in this place, and if you dont eat you'll be no use in a fight so I tried to bring enough for everyone."
When she sees Theo she immediatly begins to scold him. "Theo why are you wearing those nasty old clothes. I made you some nice clothes for a reason, what if we meet important people you have to look decent not like some tramp....." :)
Level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisibility
Level 3: heroism, magic circle against evil
DM Jamie Monday August 1st, 2005 5:56:13 PM
OOC: You will have time to relearn spells.
Rose picks up the note and begins to turn it in her hands. She looks it over with great enthusiasm and upon seeing no danger opens the letter by breaking the red wax seal. There is a faint glow about the note and then it is gone.
Whe you open it you can see it is written in common. By a hand that shows great control and knowledge. It reads:
Go to the Temple of Gargul during the noon hour when the marketplace near there is at it's fullest as the people of the city feed their hungry bellies. Enter by the front door as if going in for noon prayers. Wear black hoods and carry the new prayerbook available in the market. Inside open it to Chapter 6 and wait to be recognized.
Good luck,
After you read through it and ponder it for a second the words begin to fade and then all together disappear.
OOC: Again, you are all inside a version of the Giggling Ghost. Only difference between the one you were in and the TAP verion you are in now is you are the only people inside this one.
Tratain Monday August 1st, 2005 7:55:42 PM
Tratain Nods at Brahmah's words and says "Aye, I think I remember seeing you once or twice in the Catacombs. I serve Domi and one of His Clerics and Protector."
Tratain is a Human, wearing simple white Robes, but his Full Plate Armor is easily seen underneath. A shield is strapped to his back, and a Warhammer hangs from his belt.
After Hearing what the Note has to say Tratain says "Well, it looks like we're off to the Market to buy some Robes and Prayer books, then to the Temple to find out whats going on."
Theodore and Macaw Monday August 1st, 2005 9:45:01 PM
Theodore agrees with Tratain. "Do we all need a book?" he asks of no one in particular. Then he stands aside and rubs at his eye.
Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Message, Protection from Arrows) Monday August 1st, 2005 10:57:39 PM
"Well, as long as we're going to dress like bloody Gargul-worshippers, might as well come equipped like them. Let's get one book each--can't do for all of us crowding around one bloody book. 'Cept those of us who might have trouble readin', of course, and no offense," he added quickly.
Bohdi was enthralled by all of the casting ability in the group. "We should have no trouble with this little trip with all of us casters around!" he exclaimed. "I couldn't hope to make many suggestions to all of you. But now, see here, I notice that we don't have much in the way of powerful healing spells. What about Restorations, or Remove Curses, or just a good old fashioned Heal-type spell--don't we have any of those? Won't do us much good to cure wounds if we've been sapped of our bloody strength or life-essence, now, would it? Tratain, or you other divine types--would any of you happen to know a spell or two like that?"
"Theo--thanks for the advice about detecting magic. I'll memorize something else. In fact, I'll memorize some Message spells so that the entire group can communicate surreptitiously as we set out here. And I thought your spells sounded downright duckie. You happen to have the diamond dust ready for that Stoneskin spell now, do you? I have a few scrolls handy of that spell just in case."
"Zeoll, I'll be glad to prepare a Mage Armor spell for you--in fact, I'll cast it here, right before we set off. You feel free to hold on to that bardic spell of yours--no telling what we'll need, or when we'll need it. I've always been impressed with spontaneous casting that way."
Bohdi was visibly impressed with Ashira. "M'lady, I have got to hear more about your fascinating background at some point."
"Now, I'm sure we're all anxious to get underway, but I'm sure, too, that all of us are careful to prepare ourselves first, eh? So, if you'll excuse me, I have just a few more wrinkles to add to my spell preparation for the day, and I should be ready to get going."
With that, the gnome hoisted himself up on a low stool, pulled out his spellbook, and read for a time, occasionally tracing a rune in the air or consulting a clear ivory plaque. After an interval, Bohdi traced several more runes in the air, each bursting into brilliant light and twisting in midair before subsiding once more. (Cast: Mage Armor (x2), one on himself and Squork, one on Zeoll; Rary's Mnemomic Enhancer, used to memorize (3) additional L1 spells; Message, cast to connect the entire group for 90 minutes; Protection from Arrows)
"Ready," he announced. "We should all be able to whisper to each other at a distance now. I could 'magic up' someone's weapon, too, if they wanted."
"By the way--does anyone know where we're going--" he pointed at the door-- "Out there? I mean, I've never gone out that way before."
Active spell effects: --Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll --Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft. --Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
Spell list: Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast) Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells) Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana
Brahmah (AC 22,TAC 11, FfAC 20) Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 5:36:30 AM
First Level: Resist Energy x2 Second Level: Protection from Energy Plus a library of scrolls.
"Well, Bohdi, I can read." He smiles. "Common is easy."
He tightens his gear and looks at the little folk. "Um, are we going to be too fast for you?"
Solgrin Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 6:30:30 AM
Solgrin looks to the others then calmly says "As Brahmah and Seoll have seen in the past I like to keep my spells a bit varied with a bit on the combat side. I do this as I prefer to hit them from rage with my spells and only use my chain here incase they don't let me stay at range."
Solgrin takes his spiked chain in hand then casts touch of idiocy storing it in the chain and places the chain back at his hip.
Solgrin moves along trying to keep a pace that everyone can match.
Rose Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 1:57:29 PM
As rose follows the others and listens to their conversation something happens. Rose stands still for a moment as some horrible knowledge fills her. Although normally when in a tapestry people dont know what is happening to their waking selves sometimes the knowledge seeps through.
Rose suddenly starts crying and grabs theo "He...He's dead Theo! My brother's dead! I want my brother!" Wails Rose she just cries and cries and cries.
Bohdi (illegal second) Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 3:37:14 PM
Bohdi frowned as he heard the halfling explode into tears. He hadn't known her long, but he felt a strange affinity to this lone other diminutive member of the group.
He walked over to her side and patted her hand gently. "There, there, love," he murmured, a worried crease forming on his brow. His mouth twisted in search for words--he was never very good at such moments.
Somehow, he sensed that this loss was tied to their present quest. "I know it's not much comfort, but maybe we'll find some answers for you in this dreamquest, eh? What do you think?" He pursed his lips and said nothing more, simply offering what meager consolation he could.
DM Jamie Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 4:04:05 PM
OOC: I will make another post when everyone has posted their turn today.
Everyone is comparing their spells in order to maximize their effectivesness with one another when Rose bursts into tears. Some are more moved than others at this time and try to console her in their own way.
You notice, through the windows, that the sun has set in Plateau City. Upon careful examination you see that it is about 2100 (9 o'clock in the evening). A table has been set for 8 people with different types of foods and drinks.
Zeoll d2=2 Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 5:15:22 PM
Zeoll is a little put off by the idea of wearing Gargul priest robes.
"I wonderr if this is some kind of prractical joke. No matterr what rrobes I wearr, I doubt that anyone will be fooled by me."
He nonetheless agrtees to go along to the temple.
Anyone noticing will see that he is holding his book upside down (rolled even-odd for that!).
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 10:53:54 PM
The ranger has no problem throwing on the robes. "Come on Zeoll. Fact is Gargul is a relatively neutral God. Domi won't mind."
"Wait, whose dead?" He looks at the wailing little one. "How'd he die so fast? Poison?" He asks tactlessly.
Ashira Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 11:28:36 PM
Ashira nods at Bohdi's comment...the movement causing her bangs to shift a little, and giving Bohdi the briefest, flickering view of something on her forehead. A smudge, a mark...something is hidden beneath her bangs.
As the message is read, Ashira's shoulders sag a little at the mention of the trip to Gargul's temple, though she doesn't say a word.
Rose's outburst provides an almost welcomed distraction to a very uncomfortable topic. Turning, Ashira lays a hand on Rose's shoulder and does her best to try and adopt a comforting tone. "Rose. I know this is hard...almost unbearable. But trust me. You will survive. And believe it or not, is it all that uncomfortable in the lands of the dead." Ashira crouches down so that she is eye to eye with Rose and her voice drops to a whisper. "Death is not always the end..." With a trembling right she moves her bangs out of the way so that Rose can see the mark that Gargul placed on her not all that long ago (open eye tattooed on her forehead). "But sometimes there is a high price to be paid." Ashira quickly brushes her hair back in place and stands back up. She walks briskly over at the table. Sitting down, she picks at the food there. "If you would like, I can go get the robes and prayer books in the morning for all of you."
Zeoll Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 12:13:14 AM
Zeoll gives a look to Brahmah and walks over to the distraught Rose. He pats her on the head and says, "Listen to Ashirra. It's not so bad being in the Lands of Rrest. I spent two yearrs therre myself! If Domi didn't have a job forr me among the living, I'd be therre still. Rreally it is verry nice. The grrass and plants arre morre rreal and alive therre. You meet many wonderrful people. And it is verry peaceful."
Tratain Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 8:36:50 AM
Tratain sits with the others and Eats. He says "I can turn any of my prepared spells into Healing spells when needed, though in this place I lack the power to cast the Heal spell. I also have several scrolls of lesser restoration stored in my backpack, if we need anything more powerful than that I can memorize it the next day."
Brahmah Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 9:21:27 AM
Brahmah just looks on, confused at the death and the reactions from the others. "Did... I miss something important?" He moves closer to Rose.
DM Jamie Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 12:35:53 PM
OOC: Just to let everyone know my wife was admitted to the hospital yesterday. So I was a little short with the posting. She was sent home this morning because they couldn't do anything for her and I am still moving. I will get in a post, but it will be later today.
And remember you have to find the robes and books.
I have also made it late at night so if you want to rearrage spells by morning do it.
Again, I will post later today.
My new email is
Solgrin Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 1:18:30 PM
"lets go find ourselves some robes and books" Solgrin comments to everyone as he starts to head for the door. When Solgrin is outside he will head off to towards the market to look for some robes and books like they need for the temple of Gargul.
Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 2:17:58 PM
"Agreed," nodded the gnome. He released Rose's hand with a parting, sorrowful nod, before turning his attention back to Solgrin. "But the message said not to enter the Temple until noon, and here it is closer to midnight. It would appear that we'll need lodging for the night."
"I suggest that a few of us purchase the robes and books. Those who have the knack for it should try to scout out the Temple. We can meet back here for the night and set a watch."
"When the time comes, I could cast a spell of Greater Invisibility and a spell of Fly, Jump, or Spider Climb on one or more of the scouts, if desired. The effects last about nine minutes, or ninety minutes for the Spider Climb."
Bohdi followed Solgrin to the door and thence to the market. He would be true to his word and cast whatever spells were desired to facilitate a scouting mission, before returning himself to the tavern to find accommodations for the group for the evening.
ooc: If someone wants Bohdi to cast a spell, just list it in your post and consider it done, pending the DM's approval. Note the Shadow spells give access to the Evocation and Conjuration schools, if desired.
Active spell effects: --Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll --Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft. --Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
Spell list: Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast) Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells) Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana
Theodore and Macaw Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 4:42:52 PM
Theodore is surprised momentarily when Rose grabs him and begins to cry. He pats her head soothingly. "It will be all right. It will be all right."
Looking at the others. "I will stay here and see if I can't get us some food and rooms for the night. Rose will stay with me."
Brahmah Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 5:35:43 PM
"I will be happy to scout with someone." He says. He looks at the gnome. "To be an affective scout, I should remain on the ground."
DM Jamie Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 6:39:21 PM
As night falls the fellowship breaks in two. One group, their mission to find robes and books for the party. The other, to check out the temple of Gargul to see what thye can find out.
Theodore you have no problem securing loging for the night at the GG and you are able to find a warm meal for everyone upon their return.
As you leave the GG through the front door you find yourselves in Platau City. And you feel as if this is real and not a dream. As you get your bearings you are on the other side of town from the market place, which just so happens to be outside the entrance to the temple of Gargul.
Normally you would think the regtag group you have formed would bring about glances of disbelief, but quite the contrary. No one seems to pay you any real attention through your walk to the temple.
Although no one gives you glances you do feel a sense of dispair from the citizens of this once happy city. They have the look of fear in their eyes from their current fight with nature. You can see it in the way they look at something as simple as grass. You even see some people killing weeds with a vengence as if they might somehow strike out and attack. It fills your heart with great pride as you walk, with the knowledge that you are about to change all that.
OOC: I want spot checks from everyone. DC 18. Also, I think you guys are doing great playing off of each other so far. Keep it up because in the later sections of the game it will keep you alive.
One last thing, I will allow you to cast on each other as long as it does not get out of hand and it is possible for you to do. If something would happen in the game that would not allow it I will let you know.
Good luck
Zeoll (mage armor) d20+9=25 Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 8:02:31 PM
As the party walks through the city, Zeoll explains to Brahmah in Tauric, not Common. "Rrose said that herr brrotherr had died. I deduce that she meant he died in some otherr wherre, not in the Giggling Ghost, but wherreverr it is she hails from when she is not drreaming the Tapestrry Drream. No doubt in some otherr place, anotherr Rrose is grrieving even morre deeply."
As he talks, Zeoll keeps a sharp eye out. (Spot 25)
Ashira d20+12=23 d20+11=20 Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 11:58:51 PM
Throwing her dark robe around her, Ashira sets off with the group that is scouting out the temple of Gargul. She keeps to herself as she examines the surroundings (Spot=23, Listen=20) mindful of any nasty surprises anyone might set up for the group.
rose d20+10=11 Thursday August 4th, 2005 1:01:08 AM
Rose cries, eat her dinner and cries, goes to bed and cries. In the morning she still looks sad but has stopped crying.
For those of you who have known rose outside of this tapestry she seems different. She's not making sure everyone has food, she's not laughing and running around, she's not even scolding theo about his clothes (something that happens so often he ignores it). She's just sitting quietly at the table picking at her food, her clothes are rumpled, her hair hasnt been brushed (although it is tied back with a ribbon that has continual flame on it), and she's quiet.
spot: 11, natural 1 (too much crying)
Brahmah d20+11=13 Thursday August 4th, 2005 8:04:30 AM
A look of comprehension falls over Brahmah's face as Zeoll explains. "There is one among us now called Theo. I thought he had died." He smiles and goes about his business. (Spot 13)
Theodore and Macaw Thursday August 4th, 2005 9:43:19 AM
Theodore keeps a watchful eye on Rose, and passes the time flipping through his spellbooks and thinking on their current situation.
Tratain d20+7=19 Thursday August 4th, 2005 11:15:09 AM
Tratain walks along with the others to the Market to buy robes and prayer books, keeping an eye out for anything unusual as the group travels around. (Spot 19)
Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) d20+2=18 Thursday August 4th, 2005 12:00:09 PM
Bohdi accompanied those buying robes and books. He felt largely useless to those scouting, although his eyes were keen enough to pick up a few details along the walk (Spot 18!).
He watched Ashira with great interest. "Forgive me, my lady," he whispered through their Message spell link as they walked. "But I've never seen a creature such as yourself before. I'm from a land of ice and snow, but your background ... seems ... more aquatic, in origin. Am I right?"
As the scouts parted ways with the book-buyers, Bohdi renewed his offer of magical assistance, should any of the scouts desire it. He would not be accompanying them.
Active spell effects: --Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll --Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft. --Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
Spell list: Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast) Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells) Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana
Solgrin d20+4=18 Thursday August 4th, 2005 8:36:26 PM
Solgrin looks around at the passing people as he goes to the market with the others.
*** Spot 18 ***
DM Jamie Thursday August 4th, 2005 10:45:50 PM
OOC: This is what I have figured out. If I am wrong let me know. Theodore and Rose are staying behind. Ashira is the only person who said she is scouting the temple. And I am guessing everyone else is buying books and robes.
The city darkens around you as you make your way down to the temple area known as the Sister Square, a neighborhood marketplace for the Hindquarter.
The name "Sister Square" is antiquated, but has remained, even though the gods have changed eliminating all three sisters from the pantheon. This is where the best food is to be found in the city. Most inns of quality shop here for spices, meat, vegetables, etc. Religious trinkets are also prevalent for all the gods.
Those of you who made your checks notice that from the corner of your eye you detect movement from shadow to shadow behind you. When you stop to look, though, you see nothing.
When you arrive at the "Sister Square" you see the areas that would normally be full of vendors. There are colorful tents, now closed for the night, all set up around the area. There are still people milling about as the evening continues, but they are mostly drinkers and are paying the group to mind.
The temple is very fearsome looking in the nightlight, although you don't think it would look much better in full sunlight. There are two torches lit, one on each side of the main entrance, outside of the temple. Underneath are two acolytes who are standing as though they are waiting for something.
For those of you who scout out the temple: Gargul's temple is dimly lit as you enter the main area which is totally open. No seats. Those worshipping in the open area stand or sit on rugs that are available from a priest acolyte before the alter in the main room. Most however move into one of the three Inner Sanctums. To the left is the Dome of Life which is bright and celebrates birth, living, reincarnation, and the positive aspects of Gargul. To the right is the Dome of Death which is almost completely dark. Some purple flamed candles allow sight, but it is still very dark. This area celebrates death, release from pain, etc. The rear dome called the Dome of Gargul is where those go who want to worship the god itself. There is a statue of him sitting on a throne just as he appears when you die. This area is lit with bronze and gold colored lighting and the walls seem to be lined with dark golds offset with obsidian stone.
Brahmah d20+11=31 d20+11=23 d20+4=8 d20+1=10 d20+14=19 Friday August 5th, 2005 10:27:45 AM
OOC: Jamie, I said Brahmah would scout as well.
Remembering the time he met Gargul to plead for a friend's life hits Brahmah hard in the moment he sees the statue. A few seconds later he thinks to himself, 'Just a statue. Yeah, just a stone statue.' He shakes the cobwebs out and concentrates.
Silent, the ranger turns to Ashira, he gestures that he is going toward the Dome of Death to look around (points in the general direction, then points to his eyes, then to himself). He is noting her cautious actions and decides to follow suit. (Spot 31, Listen 23, Search 8, Knowledge (High Woldian) 10[the ancient writings], Survival 19)
He has left his eagle with Zeoll.
Tratain Friday August 5th, 2005 1:01:01 PM
Tratain looks around the square and says "It looks like we will have to return early tomorrow to purchase our robes and books, everything seems to be closed."
In a quieter tone he says to those nearest him "I think we are being followed, I saw something out of the corner of my eye but when I looked it was gone, did anyone else see it?"
Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) d20+2=13 d20+5=8 Friday August 5th, 2005 2:49:36 PM "I saw it, too," Bohdi whispered back to Tratain. Although they were merely whispering, their words were clearly audible to their companions who were within about 200 feet of them, owing to Bohdi's previously cast Message spell. "Let me shed a little light on the subject."
Discarding subtlety and relying on surprise, Bodhi touched Squork and chanted, "Illusorium evocantorum solarum!" A dark, sworling rune wreathed in smoke appeared and wrapped itself around the raven. Immediately, the raven burst forth with dazzling sunlight! (Cast: Shadow Evocation-Daylight)
With a nod, Bohdi sent the raven off in the direction of the furtive movements he had seen, having the winged corvid circle around and illuminate the area. With their master-familiar link, Bohdi listened to the raven's reports on what it was seeing in addition to Bohdi's own observations. The bright, shining raven was like an apparition, rising above the Sisters' Square and illuminating all the dim corners with brilliant light as bright as day.
Spot, Bohdi: 13 Spot, Squork: 8
Shadow Evocation-Daylight: works the same as a Daylight spell, only with a Will save DC 23 to disbelieve its effect. Cast on raven familiar, who flies 40' tactically or 80' as a double move.
Daylight: lasts 90 minutes. Illuminates 60' with bright, day-like lighting; 60' dim lighting beyond that. Penalties from daylight apply, although not damage.
Active spell effects: --Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll --Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft. --Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage --Shadow Evocation: Daylight, described above
Spell list: Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast) Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells) Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2, cast 1), Mirage Arcana
DM Jamie Friday August 5th, 2005 11:37:50 PM
Bohdi, your crow sheds light, but when it lights the shadows their is nothing there.
With Tratains suggestion the group heads back to their rooms to sleep. Ever watchful of the shadows.
Solgrin d20+4=24 d20+5=19 Saturday August 6th, 2005 5:34:53 AM
Catching the movement out of the corner of his eye, Solgrin asks Rozca 'keep watch I thought I saw some movement'
Solgrin looks to Tratain and Bohdi then quietly tells them "yes, I thought I saw some movement."
A moment later Solgrin asks "shall we go find ourselves a drink and maybe some food?"
**** Solgrin: Spot - 24 (nat 20)
Rozca: Spot - 19
Brahmah Saturday August 6th, 2005 1:07:06 PM
He continues toward the Dome of Death.
Theodore and Macaw Saturday August 6th, 2005 1:34:38 PM
Theodore has the cook in the Giggling Ghost on standby for when the scouts return. Upon their arrival, they should find a hot meal awaiting them, and their quarters set up for the night.
Theodore, himself, waits in the common room, flipping through several scrolls and books. He looks up at their arrival. "Did you find anything of import?"
Zeoll d20+9=15 d20+18=38 d20+18=38 d20+18=30 Sunday August 7th, 2005 11:32:57 AM
Zeoll is alert to whatever is following in the shadows. (Spot 15).
Back at the inn, he looks to se if there are any other patrons or staff around. If so, he does some discreet information gathering -- where could one go to buy the robes and books needed? And what does Gargul have to do with the Fae King? (Gather Info checks 38 and 38!!!!!! Omigosh!!! TWO natural 20s!)
Zeoll is amazed at his success in gathering info! That night he meditates on that, on the information he sought, and on the answers he got, and uses his Read Dream ability to understand the omens. (Sense Motive Check to Read Dream is a 30.)
Rose Sunday August 7th, 2005 6:00:07 PM
as it's still night, rose is crying.
Ashira-Temple of Gargul d20+12=18 d20+11=19 d20+9=22 Sunday August 7th, 2005 9:13:04 PM
Ashira nods her acknowledgement of Brahmah's scouting. She notes Gargul's statue, and knows what she must do. She heads directly toward Dome of Gargul traveling slowly but surely toward the statue (Spot-18, Listen-19). Yes, it wasn't all that long ago at all...she can still hear his voice...his words of questioning...of condemnation. Ashira shudders as she reaches the feet of Gargul. Slowly she stoops...taking up a prostrate position before the statue. She keeps her voice low...not wanting to draw too much attention to her. "Master, your servant awaits your instruction. I wait faithfully to serve you to the best of this half-breed's ability. Ask and I will obey." Ashira rises, kisses the statues feet and readjusts her cloak. Then she sets about searching the area for...well...she's not really sure what she searching for, but she figures she'll know it when she sees it (Search-22).
Brahmah d20+4=20 Monday August 8th, 2005 5:54:31 AM
Brahmah searches the Dome of Death for nothing specific. (Search 20)
Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) Monday August 8th, 2005 9:42:54 AM
Bohdi shrugged as Squork returned to his shoulder. "Guess we're imagining things," he said, and accompanied those returning to the Giggling Ghost for late supper and bed.
Active spell effects: --Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll --Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft. --Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage --Shadow Evocation: Daylight, 90 minutes, 60' radius day-like lighting, 60' dim lighting beyond that
Spell list: Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast) Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells) Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2, cast 1), Mirage Arcana
Tratain Monday August 8th, 2005 10:06:31 AM
Tratain accompanies the others back to the Inn for some needed rest.
In the mourning he will go with the others to buy the Robes and Book, and then to the temple of Gargul to wait to be recongnized by whoever they were waiting for.
DM Jamie d20=11 d20=20 d20=4 d100=48 Monday August 8th, 2005 12:35:43 PM
Brahmah - The dome of death is a very somber room. There are a few people there going about their business. Whether is be sending wishes of well to the deceased or just looking for solitude. The dark purple of the candles make it difficult to see any more than that.
Ashira - As Brahmah checks out the dome of death you are looking at the main temple. You almost feel as if Gargul is in the room with you as you kiss his feet and then the feeling is gone. It is as if he was approving of your decision to join the group. And then there is a voice that you hear, seemingly from a distance, "I will see you at 12 o'clock sharp." And then there is nothing.
Zeoll - You don't see alot of people in the GG, but their are a few and they are more than happy to strike up a conversation with someone of your stature. "Not often we get folks like yourself here. Good to see nice young woldians out trying to make a difference. It warms this old heart," says an old man with a twinkle in his eye. "If I were half my age I would be out trying to help you all find out what is wrong with nature." He motions out the doors of the GG.
"Sure I know where you can get the items you desire. Just go down to the market in the morning... I think somewhere near or in Sister Square. You have to understand it has been years since I made it down there. No reason for me to go down there anymore with my wife passing. She's been gone now for 30 some odd years. Was a great woman she was. She would have been 300 today in fact. She was a little older than me, but we loved each other."
"She was one of those elves from the culverwood. When she came to live with me in the city she seemed distant. I always wanted to move out to the wood so she would be happy, but she wouldn't have it. Didn't want me to leave my livelyhood in the city. I used to be one of the cities politicians, but that was a long time ago...." He looks absentmindedly through the window as if living some long forgotten dream.
With a little cough Zeoll brings him back to present day. "Oh, sorry about that young man. What was I saying... Oh that's right. Sister Square. Teuful is the one you want to talk to. He deals alot in the religious stuff. You have a good day then..." With that the man turns back to his drink and nurses his ale for about another 15 minutes and then gets up and walks out.
Everyone else makes it back to the Giggling Ghost for the evening. Theodore has food waiting for each of you. As you each enter the front door a man comes up and asks what you would like to eat and drink. If you give him and order he brings it to you at one of the tables and tells you it has already been taken care of. He also lets everyone know where their room is for the evening.
OOC: I am going to try to jump start this. I take responsibility for the slow start. If there is something you want to do the prior evening just let me know and I will work with it.
As dawn breaks and the city is washed anew in sunlight for the begining of another day you all rise and come down for a good breakfast that is waiting for you. After doing whatever it is you will need to do to get ready you get it done and set out towards Sister Square for a morning of shopping and hopefully an afternoon of intrigue and adventure.
Zeoll Monday August 8th, 2005 9:22:43 PM
Zeoll reports his news to the group -- "We must look forr a perrson named Teuful in Sisterr Squarre."
He leads the group there and hopes this Teufel has a robe that won;t look rediculous on a liontaur.
Theodore and Macaw Monday August 8th, 2005 9:43:03 PM
Theodore gets a well-needed rest and awakes with a wide grin, ready to meet the new day.
"Oh, boy! This is going to be exciting!" His youthful eyes are wide with wonder as he takes in the sights of a city he's never seen before.
"You know they don't have this kind of a view where I'm from. Just a lot of tunnels and such."
Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) Monday August 8th, 2005 10:18:47 PM
"Mmmmm...mornin'" Bohdi mumbled as he stumbled into the common room. He pulled out his spellbook and began his usual rituals of preparing spells, offering, as usual, for others to provide input. And, as usual, he prepared and cast several protective dweomers--including the Message spell on his group of comrades and Mage Armor on Zeoll.
"Ready," Bohdi grimaced.
Active spell effects: --Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll --Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft. --Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
(Proposed) Spell list: Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast) Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells) Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana
Brahmah Tuesday August 9th, 2005 6:05:17 AM
Brahmah, who at this point is quite bored with the Dome of Death, turns and moves back to Ashira.
He stabs a thumb in the direction of the Dome of Death. "Seems 'dead' over there. Nothing." He smiles.
Solgrin Tuesday August 9th, 2005 7:07:40 AM
While back at the inn Solgrineats lightly then gets some rest while waiting for the others to come back from their scouting.
In the morning Solgrin will get cleaned up the tell the others "I think a couple of us should go get robes and books for everyone then we meet and do some more scouting."
Tratain Tuesday August 9th, 2005 1:08:49 PM
Tratain follows the others to the Market, Zeoll seems to know where hes going so he will stick with him.
Rose Tuesday August 9th, 2005 2:53:06 PM
Rose comes down a little later than usual. Her clothes are wrinkled, her hair although it's tied back doesnt look like it's been brushed, her little face that's usually laughing is sad and has tearstains on it.
Theo and Ashira who know Rose realize that this is unusual. Rose usually gets up early, whenever possible her clothes are neat and clean, and she's always laughing. Ashira remembers how the last time they were together, when they would take a break Rose would go and play tag, or have Swirl fly her around laughing all the while. Theo notices that Rose doenst make any comments on his clothes or hair, Rose always tries to have her friends look neat and will sometimes nag Theo and Vorelle to death trying to get them to wear clothes that fit and arent raggedy.
Piper stays near Rose and Mandy keeps licking her and whining. Mandy doesnt understand why Rose is acting like this, but she knows something is wrong. Piper will make sure Mookie doesnt upset rose and will try to do stuff to make her laugh.
Rose barely picks at her breakfast and just follows the others doing what she's told by Ashira and Theo.
Ashira Tuesday August 9th, 2005 6:05:50 PM
Ashira rises and tends to her duties quietly. Praying for her daily spells and eating a light breakfast. She looks over sorrowfully at Rose, but is a lose at what to say. Grief was something that had to be worked through. When the time comes to head out into the marketplace, Ashira joins the group looking for robes and then makes sure that the group arrives at the temple and is in place well before noon. She may not like the fact that she has sold her soul to Gargul, but she doesn't intend to diappoint him so quickly in their relationship.
DM Jamie d100=46 d20=3 d20=12 d20=12 Tuesday August 9th, 2005 10:12:52 PM
The sun is shining today and with that comes all of the other niceties you would come to expect from a day such as today. Birds chirping, wind blowing through the leaves, even the chirp of the crickets seems to be part of some larger song.
SPLAT. You also notice that although the sound might be somewhat pleseant to you the folk of this city have had anough with the sounds. People seems to take come type of sick pride from stepping on the cricketts.
As you approach the marktet you notice a HUGE difference between the market you saw last night and the market you see sprawling before you. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people crammed into thie area and they are all shopping and haggling. Through some questioning and some wandering you eventually come to Teuful's stand
As you approach you see him standing behind the counter. He looks to be about 5'5" with hair the color of midnight. He has a huge belly that protrudes beyond his greasy shirt. At the end of that belly is a huge belly ring. And to top off the typical fat man persona, he smiles and holy cow what a smile. It looks like they doubled the amount of teeth a normal man was supposed to have and doubled it. If they were sharp you would think you were looking at a shark.
"Welcome to my humble storefront my friends," he says as he comes around the front of the counter arms extended in the air. "Please look around and don't be afraid to ask about any of our new products." He looks around a quietly says, "What is it you look for my friends? Perhaps the unauthorized drawing spead of Flower in this months issue of PlayWold? Or perhaps you are looking for Wolds Blood? Or perhaps you are looking for something a little less rare, like a holy symbol. You can find it all here." With that he throws a couple of more glances around and goes back behind the counter to watch.
For those of you who go to the temple you notice that there is mnothing really going on. There seem to be the normal goings on of the temple.
OOC: Those of you that went to the temple give me two spot checks the first is DC 20 and the second is a little harder to notice with a DC 25.
Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) d20=7 Wednesday August 10th, 2005 2:10:05 PM
Bohdi smiled at the merchant and idly thumbed through a copy of Better Gnomes and Gardens. "Somebody say something," Bohdi whispered to the others through their Message spell contact. "I'm no good at this sort of thing."
Nervously looking about, Bohdi finally walked over to Teuful and gestured for the merchant to bend down to allow the gnome to address him quietly. "We're--ah, I'm looking--that is, I was interested to purchase ... a number of robes. And prayer books. For, ah--over there." Bohdi jerked a thumb in the direction of Gargul's Temple. "A number of robes, all different sizes, for, ah, any number of different races, you see--and I'll need them today. Now."
It was a good thing that this wasn't a china shop. Subtlety was not Bohdi's realm of expertise. (Diplomacy, untrained: 7.)
Active spell effects: --Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll --Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft. --Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
Spell list: Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast) Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells) Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana
Zeoll d20+11=15 d20+24=30 Wednesday August 10th, 2005 3:23:54 PM
Zeoll nods in agreement at Bohdi's words and then speaks to Teuful. "Yes, good fellow, as my tangle-tongued tovarrich is trrying to rrelate, we need cerrtain rreligious items which should not be difficult forr a merrchant of yourr talents to obtain, if indeed you do not carrry these items in stock alrready."
"You see, we arre going as a grroup of frriends to a masquerrade, a fancy-drress Ball, in costume as prriests of the Lorrd of the Afterrlife. Naturrally, some discrretion is rrequirred, because we want no one else to steal ourr idea forr the Ball."
[Bluff check 15 -- by no means Zeoll's best effort, but if the salesman wishes to believe, perhaps enough to get by.]
"So we will need rrobes and prrayerr books for all of us. I'm surre this will prrove no challenge forr a masterr merrchant such as yourrself, and of courrse we will be willing to negotiate a prrice that I think will be morre than fairr."
[Diplomacy check 30 -- somewhat better]
Zeoll details the numbers and sizes of robes the group will need.
Tratain d20+7=9 Wednesday August 10th, 2005 4:47:55 PM
Tratain sticks with Zeoll to do the shopping keeping an eye out for anyone attempting to follow the group again. (Spot 9)
DM Jamie Wednesday August 10th, 2005 8:39:53 PM
OOC: I am waiting for everyone else to post and I have to leave for work. I will get my post in during the morning hours.
Theodore and Macaw Wednesday August 10th, 2005 9:07:29 PM
Theodore is more interested in his surroundings. He gawks at the tents and people walking about so casually. Back in Dirt City, it seemed everyone had one eye on the path ahead and another on their purse.
Content to let others haggle for the necessaries, he lets his attention wander.
Ashira d20+12=14 d20+12=21 Wednesday August 10th, 2005 10:05:39 PM
Her mind focused on the events to come, Ashira finds it very difficult to keep track of her immediate surroundings (Spot=14, Spot=21).
Brahmah d20+11=23 d20+11=16 Wednesday August 10th, 2005 11:40:30 PM
(Spot 23 and 16)
Brahmah is quiet as he follows Ashira from the temple. His mind isn't so much on the task as on what or who they might face.
Rose Thursday August 11th, 2005 1:20:30 PM
Rose stays very close to Theo, he's the person she knows and has been her friend for a long time. in fact she stays so close that if someone cant tell she's a halfling they may think she's a child and he's her father. She doesnt pay any attention to what is going on right now.
Brahmah Thursday August 11th, 2005 4:24:09 PM
Haggling isn't Brahmah's favorite thing to do, he usually lets others handle the bargains.
DM Jamie Thursday August 11th, 2005 7:22:31 PM
OOC: Had network problems this morning. Sorry. Although I did get all of my moving done today so I just have the moving out inspection in the morning.
"Ah, my friends," says Tueful," I can help you with the books for I have them in stock, but let me check on the robes. Allow me to work a deal on your behalf." With that he snaps his fingers and several young boys appear seemingly out of nowhere.
"Black prayer robes." He barks. He hands each boy a piece of paper with the groups measurements and the boys are off. "They will come back with severl prices and you can choose from there." He turns to a bookshelf behind his counter and pulls out 16 books. "Now, I can tell you are not ones to be deceived. Keepers of the peace and protectors of the weak." He says this with a great deal of admiration towards the group." When I was in my younger years I used to work with the constublary of the city. I would run errends for the guards and help out all I could. All I ever wanted was to be a guard for the city and to protect those people that couldn't protect themselves." The his demeanor changes to that of one more sour and dark. "It was my father you see. I won't have a son of mine going off and doing good. What would the reast of the family think? You see the rest of my family is nefarious and they planted stolen good on my to prevent me ever attaining my dreams. So now I do what I must to get by. Oh, but the days I worked with the guard.... Those were the days." He drifts off and mumbles some other comments about upholding the law and such.
Soon Bohdi has to snap him back with a throat clearing. "Oh excuse me my friends, never give up on your dreams. Do you want the regular prayer book with the normal prayers. Or do you want the new book with the specific prayers?"
A few second later the boys return with more notes scrawled on their pieces of paper. Tueful takes a look at them and announces to the group. "Their are three different offers. The first two are, in my opinion too expensive, 30 gold per robe. The last one come from JC Pixies, that is new clothing place just opened up at the other end of the market. They can get you all the robes you need for 10 gold per robe." He looks tot he party waiting for an answer.
Brahmah, while you are looking you notice that someone is watching you from the temple. Not good enough that you could identify them, but you know they were wearing black. When they see you looking they quickly turn and go back into the temple.
Ashira Thursday August 11th, 2005 10:57:25 PM
The cloaked half-elf tamps her foot impatiently...this was all taking too long. "10 gold each would be fine, and let's get the new books and be done soon." she whispers over to Zeoll.
Brahmah Friday August 12th, 2005 1:22:59 AM
Brahmah mentally notes the lurker at the temple.
When the man speaks of robe prices, Brahmah looks into his money pouch and blushes a bit. "Got anything used?" He smiles at the man. "Oh, and the book too?"
Rose Friday August 12th, 2005 1:31:26 AM
Rose snaps out of her fog to say "books? lets get some of each."
Solgrin d20=15 d20+2=14 Friday August 12th, 2005 2:48:57 AM
"The 10 gold robes will do fine and the newer book please. That will be 8 robes, 8 newer books, and 4 of the regular prayer books." Solgrin tells Tueful.
**** sense motive 14 diplomacy 15 ****
Tratain Friday August 12th, 2005 7:28:09 AM
Tratain waits at the Market with the others. When they get the robes and books Tratain will go with the others to the Temple and open the book to the indicated chapter and begin reading until whoever they are waiting for makes himself known to the group.
Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) d20+11=22 d20+8=24 d20+19=30 d20+10=29 d20+8=14 d20+5=23 Friday August 12th, 2005 9:25:29 AM
Bohdi nodded in agreement with the others. "Yes, please, the robe and the books as indicated would be fine." He fished the necessary coin from his belt pouch. "Might I ask you to have one of each of the more expensive robes brought as well, so that we can examine their quality? Many thanks."
Squinting at the delivered books, Bohdi turned them over carefully and inspected them from cover to cover, examining spines, folios, and pages, then scrutinizing the text. He was particularly interested in the "specific prayers" that the merchant had mentioned.
"Pssst, Theodore," the gnome whispered through their Message connection. "Would you mind casting a magic-detection spell on these items, especially the books? I'm curious to see if anything turns up."
Then, to Tratain and the rest, Bohdi added, "I'm no expert on religious items. Does anyone have a background in that here? Got any sense of anything unusual about these books or robes?"
Lacking any specific theological training, Bohdi nonetheless concentrated his efforts on understanding the nature of the items they had been instructed to use, especially noting differences in the texts of the two prayerbook editions. (Knowledge-arcana, if applicable = 22; Knowledge-High Woldian, if applicable = 24; Spellcraft, if applicable = 30; Appraise = 14; Search = 23.) As the group turned its attention to the Temple of Gargul, Bohdi studied that structure, too, watching for any clues that might reveal themselves to a careful observer trained in the art of architecture and the science of engineering (Knowledge, architecture & engineering = 29).
Active spell effects: --Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll --Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft. --Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
Spell list: Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast) Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells) Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana
Theodore and Macaw d20+18=20 Friday August 12th, 2005 10:22:53 AM
Theodore takes the book offered by Berlon and attempts to discreetly check it out. Turning his back to the merchant, he pulls forth a wand of detect magic and taps the book. (Spellcraft 20 to determine school of magic, if indeed magical)