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An Ancient Tapestry

DM Kelly 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 5:46:08 PM

The old priest walks into the entry foyer of the temple and then turns into a large domed room similar to the one you just left. The main difference is that it is very dark, lit only by candles that cast a weak purple light. You can see the red bud of the incense burning, and see wisps of smoke rise from them. The old man stops when he reaches the center of the room, standing still and looking up. As your eyes adjust to the lighting of the room you can see a fresco depicting the liberation of souls of those who are dying.

In a voice, seemingly loud enough for others to hear, he says:

"This fresco has the answers for which you seek."

You notice that there is only one other person in the room. The old priest walks over to him and whispers in his ear. He then leaves the room, and as he passes the candles you see that he is another priest of Gargul. You are now alone in the Temple of Death, the old priest your only company. He leads you to a small side room, and closes the door after you enter. Lighting a lamp for better light, he then gestures for you to gather close, and says in a quiet voice:

"An ancient remnant of a tapestry has literally fallen into my hands. One of the acolytes, dusting the library in the basement, found it and brought it to me for repairs and seeking where to place it in the library."

He silently goes to the wall and gets a small chest. Opening it with a few words of command, he pulls out a dusty stinky old rolled up tapestry remnant.

"Here it is. What do you think it means?

"I'm sure that the piece dates back to the first age of the Wold. This is Gargul as a mortal and very evil, putting souls in monsters to fight Alemi in the Oshirr House. But what intrigues me is the figure in the sky who supplies the power for the device. Who knows how much the artist of this tapestry knew about the goings on in that time, but we do know that the crisis of the age was Gargul and his army of monsters vs. Alemi and his adventures and allies. We also know that it ended with Alemi and a host of Gold Dragons destroying the current gods.

"On an off chance, I did a divination and with an extra question I had, asked on a whim if this parchment has anything to do with the current flooding in the city and this Ebryon Fey King causing us our current problems. The answer came back yes.

"Now, look closely."

He hands them a seeing glass.

Now one can see ivy around the gods neck, daisies in the clouds growing through the being's feet. His arms look like tendrils. And small fairies fly around his head forming the circlet there.

The priest says, "See the ivy around the being in the sky's neck? See the way the daisies in the clouds grow through his feet? See how his arms look like tendrils of a plant? I now believe that the creature in the Sky is Eberyon.

I inquired of the acolyte where where this parchment was found. He answered, the recently delivered books stacks. He checked the records and this was part of a set of books denoted by the Cathedral of Light, Alemi's temple.

I don't know if someone sent it intentionally or if this is a holy miracle of an accident!

Here, take it with you. Try and find the truth. I am shackled to the temple, and dare not make it known to others that this exists."

He puts the tapestry fragment in a tube and hands it to you.

"I will give you a blessing to help you in your quest. Please, all kneel."

He then prays over you, circling burning incense around you, in a ritual that takes several minutes. You all feel the power of the blessing. You also notice that the message spell has ended.

Meanwhile, out in the courtyard the two dwarves and the strange man keep an eye out while trying to listen to whispered information from inside the temple.

For Wilfire, Bralin and Peerimus, roll spot 10 to highlight:
Highlight to display spoiler: {You notice that a young man is attempting to make a purchase from Tueful, the booth that sells prayer books. He is asking questions and pointing, taking all of Tueful's attention.}
roll spot 15 to highlight:
Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a priest of Marteaus come up behind Tueful's booth and slip a package beneath the booth.}

Wednesday August 31st, 2005 6:03:50 PM

Gilan follows along and keeps his thoughts on other things, blocking out as much of the incense as he can. With a smile he falls back into the skills and patience needed for a great hunt.

As the priest talks and then shows them the tapestry, he at first humphs and shakes his head. That is untill they are called to have a closer look at the man in the clouds. Gilan stares when it is his turn and laughs lightly. "An avatar for nature...or maybe a god?" He does not voice his other thoughts as he lets others look and ponders this turn of events. He figures it is not a god but an avatar, but of nature?

He takes to knee when the cleric offers a blessing. He cannot see no reason not to accept it, after all this is a priest of Gargul...not a red eye.

Kendry [Message ... tic tic tic ... done]  d20+10=14
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 6:47:30 PM

As the priest talks and shows the tapestry, explaining his interpretation, Kendry passes on the information in a whisper so that Wilfire also can have some idea what those in the temple are seeing and learning.

[Listen 14 to try to pick up the commands the priest used to open the chest.]

If no one objects, Kendry places the case holding the tapestry in his quiver. If another wishes to safeguard it, he does not mind. Just prior to the blessing, he whispers to Wilfire, "We'll try to meet you in a quarter hour or so, a stall or two away from Corela's fruit stand. Long distance whispering is about to stop."

Likewise as Gilan, Kendry kneels as the priest offers a holy boon. "Our deepest thanks, most venerable and worthy priest," he says after the blessing. "If there is aught more you believe we should know, please tell us. If not, then we shall leave. Is there another exit out the Temple than the doors we came in? Some back way or such? If so, we should be much obliged if you would show us. If not, then out we'll go the way we came.

"Also - might we know your name? Your kindness will not be forgotten. I will tell you mine if you wish to know. Also - please mind the warning - the Red Eyes warned of reprisals, and I fear for all who may seek to help us. Please, have your people set guards, and set what wards you might." Kendry looks for a moment to Airin, and the thought crosses his mind that he is learning paranoia from his sweet and astute friend. Well, at times, such is appropriate - especially when it appears someone really is out to get you. His thoughtful gaze rests on her for a moment, but he then lowers his eyes, not wanting to make her feel uneasy.

"Oh, sir - this sphere held by the hand in the tapestry - what is that? Do you know? Is it still to be found in the Wold?"

If the priest has nothing to add, then Kendry suggests, "Let us return to Wilfire and those who have joined him." If by a back way, great. Kendry leaves his carpet in the Temple of Death. If by the front door, he returns the carpet to the man at the door, and gives him another gold piece. He whispers, "Good man, beware those who wear the red eye. I think they mean ill. Ask the priests to set a guard against their intrusion." He hopes that this does not totally confuse the man.

Podo  d20+7=19
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 8:06:50 PM

Podo takes it all in, this monologue by the old priest. He notices the hand off of the decaying tapestry into a scroll tube then into the hands of the bard Kendry.

Podo remains silent straining to hear the sounds around them, drinking them into his conscious thought; hoping to decipher them into 3 catagories -- normal, caution, danger. (listen = 19)

Bralin  d20+8=9
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 8:37:17 PM

Bralin stands with the druid and the other dwarf. He is still seriously disoriented and working hard to cover that fact.

"Who do we seek?" he asks Wilfire.

[Spot - nat 1]

Thursday September 1st, 2005 12:39:57 AM

The dwarf follows the old priest into the temple of death and looks up at the fresco ponted out by the old priest "the answers to what we seek? " whispers Nezamil as he looks upward taking in the details and depth of the fresco ....memorizing as much as he can " this is truly a work of art " murmers Nezamil as he stands in the middle of the room

Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:31:02 AM

Airin closely pays attention to what the priest has to say and is horrified when she sees the figure in the clouds. She heard the tales that the Ebryon she met in the Valley, was a rebirth of a creature from long ago ... was this that creature ? She remembers Ebryons tale well when he told that he knew Alemi well ! That Alemi was greedy ! Could it be ?!? Was this his origine they now saw revealed.

Later she let's the blessing of the priest wash over her till her eyes connect with those of Kendry. She can not lower her eyes as she feels lost in the depths of his eyes wondering what he's thinking now. As Kendry suddenly lowers his, she wakes up and smiles thinking : "He likes me"

Then she gets up and asks the others :

"Now what ? This tapestry came from the Temple of Light in Alemi's temple. Alemi is on this tapestry as well ... do we go there to find more answers ?"

Peerimus and Shaylin  d20+13=21 d20+13=16 d20+17=27
Thursday September 1st, 2005 12:04:25 PM

The jungle cat is still draped over the druids shoulders as he looks about the crowded area [Spot 21/16] and his eyes narrow at the booth where the prayer books are sold. "Marteaus." the man says in a low and dangerous tone.

Peerimus touches Bralin on the shoulder, "Marteaus's servants are about by the Prayer book seller." Looking into the eyes of Shaylin [Handle animal 27] the leopard hops down and moves with Peerimus as he quickly strides to towards Tueful.

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