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Monday August 29th, 2005 12:01:20 AM

Seeing the man exit, Uriel leaves off sensing evil in him.

{OOC: Does Uriel see anyone else that looks promising? I rolled a spot:16 on last post...}

Otherwise, Uriel will chuckle at his companions antics and open his own prayer book also.

The Priest Approaches (DM JohnP) 
Monday August 29th, 2005 7:23:51 AM

The party allows Jab to scurry away, with his prayer rug tucked behind him. Was it truly a case of mistaken identity, or did Jab have some motive in approaching the party.

After the thin man runs away, Xenia exchanges some pointed glances with the other party members. Toros returns to toying with the loose thread on his rug. And the rest of the party calmly awaits the approach of their real contact.

After a very short time, Uriel and the other sharp-eyed members of the party see the elderly man they had spotted earlier leave the entrance to the western Dome of Death. The human moves slowly, as if his knees and hips are bothering him. Nauthiz'Ull and anyone else who directly watches his approach sees that a Black Eye of Gargul hangs about his neck.

When the man is standing over the party, he speaks in a dry, rasping voice. "Chapter 6 is a very old and powerful chapter. Would you seek enlightenment on it's power for your life?"

DM - editted for purposes of clarity.

Xenia  d20+20=28 d20+13=31
Monday August 29th, 2005 7:50:42 AM

This guy's got the holiness goin' on him. Xenia leaves the intros to Gargul to those who've got the knack for rinse and spit.

Instead, still alert for sounds of danger, Xenia watches the watchers. Her eye moves over the room pinpointing anyone who might be just that little bit more curious about them than curious should be.

... would we seek enlightenment blahblahblah ...

More secret feeling around stuff. Looking around this room at who else is wearing black cloaks and carrying prayer books, and he's *still* not sure it's us?! But then again, we got this Jab thing that just happened, and we got the Red Cloaks before him, a lotta folks sniffin' around. A lotta *different* kinds of folks.

"If this is supposed to be a secret meeting," she whispers so that only the her group can hear. Her mouth barely moves to hide the words as she speaks, "then I'm pretty sure we're blown already."

"Dunno if this guy wants keep his meeting with us secret. But if he does, there are ways to do it."

Rolls and Actions
Spot 28
Listen 31

Monday August 29th, 2005 12:43:33 PM

The priest's words bring Ash out of his meditative reverie.

"What was that? Enlightenment? I think I could use some of that! Where do I sign up?"

Remembering why he is there, and no wanting to speak for the rest of the group, Ash adds, trying to sound as mysterious as possible.

"That is, of course, if the enlightenment that you bring is indeed the enlightenment of those that think we need enlightenment... hmmm?"

Shaking his head to clear the confusion he brought upon himself, Ash sits and waits for a response from te priest and the rest of his comrades.

Monday August 29th, 2005 1:37:33 PM

Garrett watches the old priest with interest, but says nothing, thinking it best to defer this conversation to Nauth. Being a follower of Gargul, Nauth would be better suited when speaking of Gargul's enlightenment.

Monday August 29th, 2005 3:37:37 PM

Appolo looks up at the man"Yes we do need some enlightenment and chapter 6 is very interesting inddeed.A friend of ours sent us here to seek enlightenment about the ways of nature,life and death.Perhaps you can help us."

Monday August 29th, 2005 10:02:12 PM

Uriel whispers to the man, "Yes it is dealing with matters most important, life and death for many if not all."

"Let us be quick and decisive in this sir" Uriel continues.

Monday August 29th, 2005 11:54:37 PM

Chapter 6! Feeling humiliated that he even have not had one look at that part yet, Toros picks up the book and tries to read something on it. It is better not to notice the priest or be noticed by him at this moment. However he still tries to listen attentively all the conversations.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 4:37:51 AM

Thanks for the correction in Toros's previous post!!

Ussel, Priest of Gargul 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 8:20:34 AM

Nodding to Uriel and Appolo, the old priest smiles at the group.

"I am Ussel, a very old and nearly forgotten devotee of Gargul. Come with me, please." Looking specifically at Uriel, "You are correct, now is the time for quick action."

The old human turns slightly and gestures towards the darkened Dome of Death. "We can have more privacy there. Not many choose to do more than appease the Death aspect of my Lord."

After waiting for the group to stand, he leads them slowly into the western part of the Temple. The Dome of Death is dimly lit by large candles that burn with purple flames. There is barely enough light to see that the walls are draped with tapestries or cloth and a shadowy altar looms at the far end of the round room. Shadows exist anywhere beyond the small areas illuminated by the purple candle flames. Somehow, the footsteps of the party on the stone floor are muted and the Dome is hushed.

Some members of the party can see more details of the Dome. Ashalana, Syrdeth, Toros and Xenia, please Highlight to display spoiler: {The walls and ceiling of the dome are draped in alternating swaths of dark purple and black tapestries. The altar is a plainly finished stone block with a carved screen above it. You are too far to see any of the details of the screen. The floor is a mosaic of black, white and grey marble that forms a complex geometric pattern that you have not had time to understand.}

Ussel leads the group away from the doorway into a shadowed alcove. He sinks to a prayer rug that was left on the floor. After waiting or the party to do the same, he looks at each member. "How was Gurbo, my old bardic master? Is he still well?"

Xenia  d20+22=40 d20+22=41 d20+20=40 d20+13=33 d20+2=5
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 11:20:54 AM

"Gurbo?" Xenia whispers to Toros. "I don't remember any Gurbo."

"Hey. I'll be around," she says.

Slowing her pace ever so slightly, the dark rogue merges with the shadows of her companions and disappears. On silent feet, she ghosts to the right wall, following parallel and behind. Here eyes rove the lofty space of the dome. Her ears are alert for sounds other than those made by her companions.

What is with this weird floor?

Rolls and Actions
Hide 40
Move Silently 41
Spot 40 (Nat 20)
Listen 33 (Nat 20)
INT 5 (Guess Who's not going to be figuring out the Floor Pattern.)
(Hope I'm not wasting all my Nat 20's)

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 5:20:20 PM

Gurbo? Who in the name of Alemi is Gurbo?

Thinking he might have missed something, Ash scrunches up his face and tries to remember back to the start of this quest...

No... I am sure there was no Gurbo. So who is this guy talking about?

Trying to listen carefully to the black robed priest to see if the man will offer any insight into who he is, Ash is continually distracted by the hypnotic pattern of the mosaic tiles beneath his feet.

Wednesday August 31st, 2005 12:31:18 AM

"Not sure of Gurbo, Sir but I am glad we agree on the importance and expedience of the problem at hand," Uriel continues, "If I may speak freely, how is it you propose to aid us and what is the exact need at hand."

Wednesday August 31st, 2005 3:09:13 AM

I'm worse than you, I remember I heard about Gurbo but I can not remember where, when and who!! replies Toros to Xenia. This is enough for the Taur to move away his attention from the topic for the moment to the stimulating surroundings... Just out of curiosity, he comes closer to the screen and tapestries, while others are talking. Should the lion-taur hope that curiosity does not kill the cat!

Wednesday August 31st, 2005 9:15:27 AM

"Sorry sir, I must say that I for one have never heard of Gurbo, but I must also admit that I am unfamiliar with most people that are not from my homeland."

Ussel Falters (DM JohnP)  d20+8=14
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:16:57 AM

The old priest looks back and forth between the people still sitting with him. After heaving a deep sigh, he examines each of you in turn, as if peering deep inside of you. The only one exempted from this examination is Xenia, who has escaped his notice. He appears satisfied with his examination of the party.

Nodding to both Uriel and Garrett, Ussel looks ready to say something but then reconsiders. He replies to their statements, "No, you wouldn't know Gurbo, would you. Who did send you to meet me?"

Xenia, who has been hiding in the shadows close to the party, follows the discussion.

Ashalan sits quietly, trying to discern the pattern of the mosaic. Maybe Nauthiz'Ull could explain it, but that devotee of Gargul is silent. Syrdeth and Appolo also sit, not responding to the priest's earlier question.

Looking after the liontaur who has wandered off, Ussel sighs again. "Maybe one of you should bring your companion back before he touches anything he shouldn't. And wasn't there another person with you, before?"

Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:25:51 AM

Appolo speaks up and tells the Priest everything hwe knows about the Fae King Belkior,the Giggling Ghost."We where told you could help us."He then calls Torros back over"Hey Torros over here.Don't touch anything.It could bea one way ticket to meet Gargul."

Xenia  d20+22=32 d20+22=40 d20+20=30 d20+13=17
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 3:51:06 PM

The dark rogue stays in the shadows, moving along the wall wicked silent to keep the sharp of eye from locking on her position.

This guy ain't said nothing reassuring yet.

Xenia keeps her eyes and ears open, waiting for the guy's reaction to Appolo's story.

Rolls and Actions
Hide 32
Move Silently 40
Spot 30
Listen 17

Uriel  d20+7=27
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 10:10:16 PM

Uriel will let Apollo explain their tale. While listening Uriel will try to spot the shadowy lady that has seemed to disappear.

{Nice Roll but no Chance!}

Thursday September 1st, 2005 1:15:33 AM

The liontaur replies to Appolo, "OK, OK, I am coming back. I have not touched anything, just looking", and returns back to where the others are.

Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:59:41 AM

Garrett nods back to the priest,and then will listen as Apollo gives the details of being sent on this mission. Garrett tries to add in any spots that he may remember after Apollo has finished.

Ashalan  d20+5=15
Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:24:54 AM

Ash sits back and lets Appolo tell their tale, with a little help from Garrett of course. Content just to listen with one ear while he continues to study their surroundings. (Spot: 15)

Nauthiz'Ull [drew.icevein]  d20+9=27 d20+3=16
Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:58:28 AM

The ebony man stands with eyes wide in wondernment as he tries to take in this great temple of his spiritual master.

For a while his mind wanders into thoughts of where Gargul's hand has lead him in life and what Gargul's eye has shown him.

He observes the priest with interest and thinks upon both his name and the name of Gurbo to try and recall any info about either.
DM JohnP, I do not have a character sheet handy so could you please make the following rolls for me? If not then this post will just be me adding flavor, which is okay as well.

Sense Motive
Any other Knowledge skills that may pertain to this scenario.

DM rolls for you:
Knowledge Religion = 27 (with +2 for being Gargul worshipper)
Sense Motive = 16

Finally, A Clue! 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 12:25:56 PM

Ussel begins to listen to Appolo's recount of the group's travels and trials since they first met. The others in the party also listen with varying degrees of attention. Xenia doesn't spot anyone remotely interested in the party or Ussel. Nauthiz'Ull studies the floor's patterns for a moment, then has a flash of recognition. The pattern flows from the doorway and, no matter which path is taken, the lines all end at the altar to Gargul. He has never seen the pattern made at this scale before, but it represents the paths that all souls take on their journey to finally meet the God of Death.

The old priest nods with recognition when Appolo mentions the old bard, Ursis, who first spun the tale in the Giggling Ghost. "Ahh, Ursis! I had to make sure that he was the one who sent you. There are others seeking the information that I have, don't you know," the old priest says with a conspiratorial wink.

The old priest leans forwards and speaks in a hushed tone. "An ancient remnant of a book has literally fallen into my hands. One of the acolytes, dusting the library in the basement, found it and brought it to me for repairs and seeking where to place it in the library."

Looking about, Ussel stands and moves to the nearby wall. He wiggles a piece of marble and slides out a hidden drawer. From it, he extracts a small chest. Carrying the chest in both hands, he returns to the party. After sitting, he mutters a few words that release the clasps on the chest. Ussel opens the chest and removes a rolled piece of vellum or parchment. Unrolling it, anyone with an interest in old things recognizes it's age. "Here it is."

The party sees an illustration on the corner of the parchment. An evil man in black has the name Gargulus written below him. He has something in his hand wrapped in a black cloth. He leans over an orc, sniveling in his evilness and a ray is shooting out from the things under the cloth at the orc. The painting shows several orcs in a row with each looking a bit more sophsicated and intelligent. Then a ghost form, a soul?, joins with the orc, making the final result is a very confident looking orc who runs off towards the Orhirr House in the distance with his hooked sword drawn. Above looking out from a cave in the clouds is a godlike figure smiling and giving power to the item.

Ussel asks the party, "What do you think the parchment means?"

"I have determined that the piece dates back to the first age of the Wold. This is my master," pointing the figure labelled Gargulus, "as a mortal and very evil, putting souls in monsters to fight Alemi in the Oshirr House. But what intrigues me is the figure in the sky who supplies the power for the device. Who knows how much the artist of this tapestry knew about the goings on in that time, but we do know that the crisis of the age was Gargul and his army of monsters vs. Alemi and his adventures and allies. We also know that it ended with Alemi and a host of Gold Dragons destroying the current gods."

The old priest pauses to catch his breath, or maybe for effect. "Apply that knowledge to this scrap of parchment. On an offchance, I did a divination and with an extra question I had, asked on a whim if this parchment has anything to do with the current flooding in the city and this Eberyon Fey King causing us our current problems. The answer came back yes."

"Now, look closely." Ussel reaches into his robes and removes a seeing glass. He extends it to the party, letting whoever reaches for it to take the lens.

"Now one can see ivy around the gods neck, daisies in the clouds growing through the being's feet. His arms look like tendrils. And small fairies fly around his head forming the circlet there."

The priest says, "See the ivy around the being in the sky's neck? See the way the daisies in the clouds grow through his feet? See how his arms look like tendrils of a plant? I now believe that the creature in the Sky is Eberyon."

After another pause, Ussel continues. "I inquired of the acolyte where where this parchment was found. He answered, 'the recently delivered books stacks'. He checked the records and this was part of a set of books denoted by the Cathedral of Light, Alemi's temple."

Ussel has gradually becomoe tense or excited as he recounts this last piece of information. "I wonder if someone sent it intentionally or if this is a holy miracle of an accident!"

DM JohnP 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 12:47:40 PM

Feel free to discuss this with multiple posts.

I will be heading out of town tomorrow for the long weekend, so my DM post will occur very early (at my usual time). I will not be back until late Monday, so the post will be late then.

If I can't get the link to work, I will e-mail the jpg to everyone.

Edit - fixed the link. Helps a lot if you capitalize the file name :)

Thursday September 1st, 2005 2:51:45 PM

As Ussel winds down his story, Ash begins to nod his head in earnest.

"I do believe that Alemi can and does work those miracles here in the Wold. This may serve not only as a warning to all peoples as to the evil power of Eberyon, but it may also speak to what this fey kings plans to do now that he is back."

Looking up to Ussel, Ash continues. "Tell me priest, is there a chance that there are minions of Gargul willing to join forces with Eberyon?"

Thursday September 1st, 2005 3:27:11 PM

"What he said."

Xenia detaches herself from the darkness and appears suddenly next to Ash.

"I mean, if the Old Gargul was a playmate or a puppent-boy of Ebyron, you know there's folks out there who are gonna be interested in kicking in with the Fey King."

"Betcha that's what those Red Cloaks were on about."

"You know what worries me, though," the dark rogue takes a few paces around behind the cleric Ussel guy to wind up on his other side, "you gotta know how dangerous this info is, otherwise you wouldn't have made us do all this secret stuff just to meet you," she asks the cleric. "Right?"

"But still, we got these Red Cloaks who know to follow us in the market. We also got this Jab guy trying to probe us in the temple."

"Who knows, maybe it's runnin' around in these black cloaks that makes us magnets for everyone who thinks someone is up to something. Who knows? But I think it's worth asking ourselves ... "

"Who else knows about this piece of parchment thing? How did they find out about it? And how did they find out we were coming?"

Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:35:16 PM

Responding to Xenia.
"It's likely that not all those at the GG on the night we began were there to help. With the scope of what we have just learned, Eberyon has quite enough power to know much of what is being sent against him, and how."

Turning to the Priest.
"Perhaps I am a bit shortsighted, But I fail to see how this actually helps us. It shows us that Eberyon is perhaps even more powerful than anyone feared. But it doesn't seem to do much for helping us stop him."

Friday September 2nd, 2005 12:48:58 AM

Even if he does not see or understand everything the priest tells, what he has heart is enough to make Toros amazed. He asks,

"What do you know about this hand and what it is doing in the middle... I see it gives power to the monsters, what it is exactly..."

"And the Gargalus and the Eberyon Fey King seems to be enjoying the existence of each other... Why a High Priest of Gargalus would like to help adventurers like us to deal with the Fey King?"

OOC: Nice Parchment!!

Friday September 2nd, 2005 2:52:09 PM

Appolo looks at the parchment and listens to the old priest"Well it looks like this Eberyon made aplay with Gargul and lost big.Now he's back for a rematch.I don't think this parchment being delivered here is an accident eitherthe gods wanted us to find it,but Garret is right it doesn't tell tell us how to kill him."

Ussel's Reply 
Monday September 5th, 2005 10:05:57 PM

The old priest bows his head, listening to the questions from the group.

Looking at Ashalan, Ussel replies in his old voice. "Maybe some followers of Gargul will choose to side with Eberyon. Especially those who prefer the original Gargul, the evil god of Death. Now, I think most will try to remain neutral in the current events."

Turning to the dimly lit area where Xenia lurks, Ussel pauses for a moment. "It's possible that I did not exercise enough caution when I was first looking into this parchment. One of the acolytes may have mentioned my interest to others ... you know how acolytes gossip."

To Garrett, Ussel provides some instruction. "The parchment came from the temple of Alemi. Since it was just a fragment, it's likely that the remainder of the document is still there. If you go there, you can probably easily find out who sent the document over here, and what else they have."

"Well, would you like a lesson in theology and history, liontaur?," Ussel asks Toros. "The origin of the dispute between Gargul and Alemi, when they were both mortal, was my Lord's work to improve the monsters of the Wold to challenge the Gods of Yore. Of course, I could tell you much more, if you wish."

Finally, he answers Appolo. "Kill Eberyon? My learning tells me that it may not be possible to kill a primal power like Eberyon. Defeat them, yes. Force them to retreat or reverse their actions, possibly. Killing such a one as the Fey King would require action by one as powerful as him."

Looking around at the group, Ussel has some final words. "I should be going, before anyone else notices my absence and inquires too closely. I will lay a blessing upon all of you. But first, which of you will carry the parchment?"

When a party member volunteers to take the parchment, Ussel will roll it and place it into a scroll case that he removes from a pocket. Then he mutters a prayer and blesses the party.

Group Effects
Bless - 17 minutes

Monday September 5th, 2005 11:59:57 PM

Uriel thanks the priest for his information and looks around for the most likely volunteer.

"I, for one, should not carry it. I tend to get into the thick of it a bit too often," he says to the others.

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 9:40:30 AM

Xenia gives a small but audible sigh.

"Alright, so anyone might know about this chummy deal between Old Gargul and Ebyron, right? Just anyone. Terrific. That's just terrific."

"So, let me get this straight. We're going to the temple of Alemi, sorry, the Cathedral of Light, right? And we're gonna be looking for the book or books that this page come out of, right? Maybe in the books, we can find something out that could chill this Ebyron guy down. At the very least, we can keep the books out of the hands of guys like the Red Cloaks. Keep them from using the books to maybe, like, bring back the bad Old Gargul or something."


"That's a mission. Right?"

"That's good, Padre," Xenia beams at the priest of Gargul, her white teeth shining in her dark face as she receives the god's blessing. "You can count on us."

Then the dark rogue eyes the scrap of parchment. "I could carry the Gargul Parchment, but, I'm usually up front and scouting and stuff, you know. So, maybe it should go to someone else, huh? Maybe someone more churchy-like."

Active Effects
Bless (Duration 17 minutes from 'Ussel's Reply')

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 10:15:19 AM

Ash frowns as the priest lays his blessing upon him. As a devout follower of Alemi, he is not sure how his God would feel about him accepting the help of a minion of his adversary.

But as his Master Ly had once told him... "Strange times can produce strange bedfellows."

Looking to his fellows, Ash speaks on the matter at hand.

"I for one belive that the Temple of Light would be a wise choice as a place to start. For if nothing else, a blessing from Alemi could do nothing but help."

"As to the parchment, I am afraid I am not as hardy as one should be to be called upon to do this task. Perhaps Garrett would be the wisest choice."

Natuhiz'Ull [drew.icevein] 
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 10:42:18 AM

The follower of Gargul closes his eyes as his master's powers flow over him. The surge of power gives him a renewed excitement.

"Father Ussel, your wisdom shall be a pillar to which we can start from. May the Eye watch over you and grant you wisdom unparalleled."

As the group begins to leave the temple, Nauth sheds his cloak and looks to the others.

"I would be honored to carry the relic if it suits everyone enough."

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 3:45:40 PM

"If you wish to carry the parchment Nauth, then so be it. I trust no one more than you."

Garrett aceepts the blessing of the priest with a nod, as long as it doesn't set of his phylactery of faithfulness.

"Well, then I guess it's off to the temple of Alemi."

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 8:05:19 PM

Appolo thanks the Priest and turns to the others"Yes Natuhiz should carry the parchment.Now to the Temple of Light."

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 9:55:36 PM

Explanation by the Priest is enough for Toros for the moment, and thanking him he gets ready to depart all with the others

Off to the Cathedral of Light (DM JohnP) 
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 10:20:48 PM

Ussel stands and hands over the rolled parchment in the scroll case to Nauthiz'Ull. "Take care with this, young one. It seems to be vital to resolution of the current crisis with Eberyon. And, there are others who seek the parchment."

With that, he casts the blessing over the party and moves away. Glancing either way, he enters the main part of the Temple.

The party seems to agree with Ussel that the Cathredral of Light is the obvious place to continue the investigation. After some sorting out and waiting a discreet amount of time, the party picks up their prayer rugs and follows Ussel towards the main part of the Temple.

As soon as each of you look into the main part of the Temple, you see people running into the Temple of Gargul. Some are running headlong into the Temple, while others are looking behind them as they run. There is no danger of the party being swept up in the rush, but it's obvious that something outside the Temple has caused the people to run in seeking shelter.

Listen DC 5 Highlight to display spoiler: {"Run, Jaim! Away from the fire!," one woman says as she hurries her child along.}

There is no organized response by the acolytes, priests or other attendants in the Temple. The main doors remain open.

What does the party choose to do?

Garrett  d20+8=25
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 8:40:02 AM

Listen check: 25

"There is a fire in the city." Garrett advises his companions.

"We should help if we can, but not at the expense of our mission. Too many lives are in the balance and dependent upon our mission."

"This could be a ruse or a trap to split us up and try and get ahold of the parchment. We nee to keep the majority of the group together and with Nauthiz'Ull."

"I shall go and investigate this fire, and see if I can help the people. If one of you wishes to come with me you would be welcomed, but I think that everyone else should wait here with Nauthiz'Ull."

At that, Garrett waits a moment to see if anyone else wishes to come and then heads for the front doors. He will head out, trying to stay close to whomever comes with him so as not to get separated. After going out, Garrett will look to the sky for smoke to try and determine where the fire is, and how big it might be.

Garrett (supplemental) 
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 8:42:07 AM

Garrett's spell list:

Spell List
0-6 Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance
1-6+1 Bless, Bless Water, Divine Favor, Doom, Endure Elements, Shield of Faith (Enlarge Weapon)
2-5+1 Align Weapon, Bear's Endurance, Remove Paralysis, Spiritual Weapon, Status (Spiritual Weapon)
3-4+1 Curse, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Searing Light (Magic Vestment)
4-3+1 Airwalk, Divine Power, Restoration (Divine Power(cast))
5-2+1 Greater Command, Righteous Might (Flame Strike)

Xenia  d20+13=18 d20+8=24 d20+22=28 d20+20=29
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 10:23:41 AM

"Um, Gar, if this is a ruse or trap to split us up, you just walked into it. Splitting even one person away is splitting us up."

"Why don't we just go outside first and see what's happening. Then maybe we can decide whether folks need help." Xenia's eye travels over the flow of people moving into the temple for sanctuary.

"From the way folks are talking, it don't look too bad. But heck, depending on what's out there, could be us needing help."

"Anyway, before we get into this mess, um, Uriel, you're from around here, right? How do you get to the temple of Alemi from here? I think we should all know that. Just in case, you know."

After securing direction. The dark rogue moves with Garret to the door of the temple. Melting into the shadows near the door, Xenia's eyes search for signs of fire. They also scan the crowd for others who might be watching for the group to emerge, that, and signs of ... ambush.

Rolls and Actions
Listen 18
Escape Artist 24 (if necessary to move against the crowd coming in the door)
Hide 28
Spot 29

Nauthiz'Ull [drew.icevein]  d20=19 d20+9=14 d20+13=27
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 11:02:36 AM

Nauth proudly receives the scrollcase and inspects it for any type of magical propoerties{spellcraft-14} before slipping it into his HHHaversack.

"Do not single me out too much wunjo, or I will be just as obvious. Plus," he says with a wink, "I would feel bad if everyone else had fun and I couldn't be a part of it."

The ranger gives his cloak to the poorest looking person in the immediate vicinity and follows the group out of the cathedral.

Appolo  d20+8=24 d20+11=27
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 11:34:21 AM

Appolo loks at the others"Whoe people.We are heading for the Temple of light all of us together.Let the local authorities deal with the fire.We only get invovled if we have no choce.I know it's hard,but we can't waste time getting involved in evwery crisis that comes down the pike.We have a job to do.So let's go do it."Appolo heads out and looks aroun seeking to aviod the crowd and lead the group away from the fire.

Listen 24 Spot 27.

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 1:59:40 PM

"As much as it pains me to to agree with the pirate, I too feel that our larger calling is of much more pressing import for the well being of those in the entire Wold. Let us assume the local authorities will be able to handle it. If they cannot, I assume we will still be available to assist."

Almsot in contradiction to hs words, Ash's eyes gaze across the skyline trying to spot the source fo the fire, just in case.

Toros (Elixir of Hiding, Bless)  d20=16 d20=16 d20=7
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 6:04:24 PM

Following others to the outside of temple Toros returns the rug at the entrance, then takes time to retrieve an Elixir of Hiding and drink it. The liontaur shadowdancer elegantly melts into the shadows (Hide, 16+22=38), informing his friends, "I am also just going out of sight for a while. However, I will be next to you, just talk to me whenever." Hiding in the shadows, Toros investigates the surroundings for any sign of trouble for the group or the crowd around (spot 21, listen 12)

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 11:51:28 PM

Uriel looks relectant to leave the fire to the authorities but he shakes his head finally, "We must focus on the larger fire - the Fae King threatens to consume the entire world. I have learned the hard way in my experience not to split off the party. Please reconsider this."

Market on Fire! (DM JohnP)  d20+7=26
Thursday September 8th, 2005 8:49:19 AM

After Ussel's departure and seeing the townspeople rushing into the Temple, the party debates what to do. Some argue for investigating the fire, some for proceeding directly to the Cathedral of Light.

Uriel has a pretty good idea of how to get to the Cathedral from the Temple of Gargul. The party could walk, but taking a water taxi, or two, is probably faster.
Main Plateau City page. The Cathedral of Light is the large island in the river on the west side of the city.
Where you are now

Nauthiz'Ull accepts the responsibility of carrying the parchment and places it into his amazing HHHaversack, knowing that he can grab it whenever he wants.

As the party moves through the entrance hall and out of the Temple, they can plainly see the source of the fire. One of the booths in the market is on fire, with flames licking at the posts of the awning and smoke billowing up into the air.

Looking more closely, the party realizes that it is the bookseller's stall that is on fire. Flames are leaping from the stacks of books and writings and Teufel is running madly about with flames on his clothing and hair. One of his neighbours tackles him and extinguishes the flames, while the other vendors are trying to extinguish the flames and prevent them from spreading to their own stalls.

From the ground, Teufel looks towards the Temple of Gargul, directly at the party. He pushes himself to his feet and points at the party. "They did it. Call the guards! The heroes set the fire! They insulted me, I refused to sell to them and they set the fire."

The attention of the crowd is drawn to the party as they stand in front of the doorway to the Temple. Teufel continues to shout, "They accused me of cheating them! Said they'd teach me a lesson!" Two patrols of the City Guard, a total of six guards, clatter up in their full plate armor and look back and forth between the party and Teufel.

Appolo, Nauthiz'Ull, Toros and Xenia Highlight to display spoiler: {Beyond the crowd, you can see one of the Red-cloaks smirking at you, tossing off a mocking salute. Then he moves back into the crowd and disappears.}

At a command from one of the guards, each patrol of three Guards moves towards the party and Teufel. The merchant turns to run and three Guards charge after him.

The patrol approaches the party, two of them clutching their halberds while the third draws his longsword. All three of them look at the party, trying to judge their strength. However, their eyes slide over both Xenia and Toros, not seeing them in the shadows. The one with the drawn longsword barks a command, "You're all under arrest! Hands away from your weapons, and come with us!"

Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:34:38 AM

Those framble macking polly pumpers!

Xenia watches the Red Cloak walk away all smirky faced and leaving this mess for the group to handle. The dark rogue is torqued. But no way to link this thing to the Red Cloaks. Yet.

She stomps down out of the shadows, hands on hips.

"Alright you guys," the slim dark dressed girl appears from nowhere and addresses the guards, "lets think this through before we go taking anyone anywhere, alright?" The rogue throws back her cloak to show her hands. Guards are always touchy about hands.

"See that guy," she points at the fleeing bookseller, "why do you think he's running away if his books are burning and he's got the folks who done it right here? Huh?"

"'Cause we ain't the one's who done it."

"He tried to cheat us, and we called him on it. We caught him trying to cheat us, and we can pull a dozen of these folks around here to prove it. That's a grudge. That's a grudge that he's got against us, and that's why he's fingering us for it."

"Personally, I think he set fire to his own books. But whoever did it, it wasn't us."

"So, why don't we get his plompy little butt over here and ask him a few questions. Like, if he's the injured party, why is it he's running away? We're not gonna run. And we're not gonna fight. 'Cause we're innocent. Lets see if he can say the same."

Thursday September 8th, 2005 11:27:30 AM

"And additionally my good man, we have been in the temple of Gargul for quite some time now, and our presence there can be vouched for by those inside. This fire started most recently and even the people fleeing it saw that we were already in there when they entered. Please let us not jump to hasty conclusions regarding arresting the innocent."

Garrett's voice turns a slight bit more forceful. "I am a priest of Domi sir, and one of my friends here(Pointing to Uriel) is a Paladin of Domi. Surely you would not even consider that we would set a fire that could endanger half the city over some silly little bookseller trying to make a few extra gold."

Thursday September 8th, 2005 1:49:17 PM

Nodding in agreement to the qick thinking of his friends, raising his empty hands to show no threat Ash steps forward to add his own two cents.

"My companions have the right of it, we have played no part in this unfortunate occurance. I have faith that with a few moments of quiet discussion our innocence will be readily apparent and you good fellows will be free to apprehend the true culprit."

Thursday September 8th, 2005 7:32:34 PM

Appolo just drifts back a bit and remains quiet.He let's the others do the talking.

Toros  d20=1
Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:05:51 PM

No need for him to reveal his presence, Toros thinks, but his presence does not think like that and accidentaly drops the Prayer Book on the ground in front of Uriel. Would there be no need for Toros to hide any more (hide natural 1, +22, 23)?? Even this book could be used as an evidence to prove he and his friends are innocent or guilty!! Would his friends or the guards notice the book or the Toros??

If you want to know the answers of these questions, wait for the next posts of his friends, DM and Toros... To be continued... Cut! And Commercial!... Woldian Weekly, your 5 Minute Fix every weekday!...

Nauthiz'Ull [drew.icevein]  d20+13=21 d20+12=28 d20+4=20 d20+5=25
Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:32:37 PM

A look that crosses between a grimace and a smirk is returned to the Red Cloak as the ranger has a feeling that the Red Cloaks will get their deservance in the near future. His ice blue eyes dart from one spot to the next as he tries to take in the entire situation {spot-21, listen-28, gather info-20}.

The lithe frame of the ebony man stands strong and sturdy, knnowinng that he will not be pushed around or threatened by these lowly guards.

"I think that you all ought to listen to us, for everyones safety." These words came out with a tone of caution towards to guards, along with a voice that could frighten a ghoul {intimidate-25 NAT 20!}.

Uriel  d20+6=18
Friday September 9th, 2005 1:34:17 AM

Uriel steps forward also to speak, "On my honor as a Paladin of Domi who has stood fast against many problems within this city, I nor my companions burned the bookseller's books. Also, we just exited from the Temple whereas the fire has been burning longer than a few seconds from its intensity and size."

Friday September 9th, 2005 3:20:35 AM

The elf growls about more delays, "Guys, I hate to interrupt but don't lose sight of the bigger picture, we are in a race and I'm betting those red cloaks are ahead of us... I'm all for taking off right now for the temple and leaving one behind to explain our innocence."

(OOC: Sorry guys, first computer then Katrina issues, no big deal just time consuming)

The Guard (DM JohnP)  d20+14=27 d20+6=12
Friday September 9th, 2005 9:01:59 AM

Across the boulevard, the vendors seem to have extinguished the flames licking at the contents of the bookseller's stall. Smoke still hangs in the air but it is now being moved away by the gentle breeze.

In front of the party stand the three City Guards. The one with the longsword listens to the arguments put forward by Xenia, Garrett and Ashalan. He looks ready to reply when Nauthiz'Ull speaks up. Gripping his sword more tightly, the Guard does reply. "Don't try to push your weight around, son, where it's not wanted." The two Guards bearing halberds bristle at Nauthiz'Ull's tone but take no action.
Level + WIS check to resist Intimidation = 27

Uriel's words mollify the Guards and they seem to relax.

"Okay, why don't you come along to the Constable's Castle. Teufel is, ah, known to us. And he did run off."

He makes a motion and two nondescript people come from the crowd, a male human and a halfling woman. He moves aside somewhat and has a quiet conversation with them.

Listen DC 11 Highlight to display spoiler: {Gesturing to the halfling woman, "Lyde, find out from the neighbours what happened at the bookseller's stall. Meet up with us at the Castle."

The halfling replies, "Okay. It would be the first time he ever did something like this, but ...," and she shrugs.

The Guard turns to the human. "Makin, see if anyone inside the Temple will vouch for their story about being inside."

The two people, who are probably Constables, move away. The halfling heads into the market while the human goes into the Temple.

The Guard turns back to the party. "I'm Breknar. Will you come with us?" He motions to the entire party, including Appolo and Syr but somehow overlooking Toros.

Location of Constable's Castle

Xenia  d20+13=29 d20+20=26
Friday September 9th, 2005 10:02:51 AM

Xenia rolls her eye. She gives her big fur wearing companion a look that says, Men! Sheesh, always trying to swing a bigger one!

"Excuse me, Mister Officer Sir," she adds as she picks up the conversation between the one city guard who looks like he's in charge and his two investigators, "I also noticed one of them Red Cloaked guys of Gargalus. They didn't like us going into the temple earlier. And he was standing next to the stall you see, and when we came out, he gave us this sort of look like, 'frang you and goodbye' if you pardon me saying, and then he took off."

"Dunno if they could have started the fire, or been working with the book guy or something, but you might have your folks check up on that too. Maybe someone saw or hears something."

"Or maybe ... " The rogue runs her eye over the crowd. If they're lucky, Smirky-Face might have stuck around to watch and gloat.

While she's looking, a thought occurs to her.

"Constable's Castle, huh? That's on the way to the Temple of Alemi, isn't it? Sounds like just the way we're looking to go."

Rolls and Actions
Listen 29
Spot 26

Appolo  d20+10=26 d20+8=12
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:45:48 PM

Appolo overs the conversation with the two people and follows along quietly while keeping a sharp eye out for trouble.His hands restingon the hilts of his swords underneath his cloak.

Friday September 9th, 2005 5:10:18 PM

Glad to see that things appear to be working out peacefully, Ash steps back and prepares to follow the group.

Whispering to Uriel, " They seem to like you, perhaps on our way to the castle you could convince them to let us go... hopefully before we reach the Temple of Light."

Friday September 9th, 2005 5:25:55 PM

hearing Xenia's words about the Constable's castle being on the way to the temple of light, Garrett thinks it a wise idea at this time to placate the city guard.

"We will come with you to the constables castle. When we get there would it be possible for most of us to continue on to the temple of Alemi? We have some very pressing business there. One of us would be able to answer all the same questions you would ask, as we were all together."

Toros  d20=17 d20=1
Friday September 9th, 2005 8:35:40 PM

Thanking Wardd that he still remains unseen, Toros picks up the book from the ground and starts following the group to the Constable's Castle. (Hide, 38) He searches the surroundings with the hope to see any of the red-cloaks around, however when he turns his eyes the sun enters his eyes, causing him to see hardly anything. (spot, natural 1, 5)

Breknar's Company  d20+6=26
Sunday September 11th, 2005 6:32:31 PM

Taking the group's actions for consent, Breknar moves away from the entrance of the Temple of Gargul. Glancing back to ensure that the group is following, he moves to the east towards the river. The other two Guards fall in behind the party.

Toros and Xenia do not see any Red-cloaks or anyone else paying more than normal curiosity to the party and the guards.

When they get to the river, Breknar pulls a whistle from his tunic and puts it to his mouth. A piercing squeal issues from it as the Guard turns to the party. "Our ride will be here soon."

Anyone looking out to the river sees a launch move across the current and towards Breknar and the party. As is pulls up to the shore, the blazon of the Plateau City Guards are visible on the boat. Breknar speaks again, "Just step in and we'll head downriver to the Constable's Castle." Standing aside, he waits for the party to enter the boat. There's room for everyone.

DM Note - Toros, if you choose to remain hidden and enter the boat, you need to make Move Silent, Hide and Balance checks against DC26. If you want to stay hidden and not enter the boat, you'll have to go through city streets to meet the party later.

Once every member of the party is seated in the launch, the Guards enter and the boatmen push off. Moving downriver with the current, the boatmen do little more than maintain steerage so that the launch can avoid the many other small boats on the river. It's clear that this is a much faster way to get about the City.

After a short while, the river rounds a bend and a gleaming white temple can be seen on an island in the centre of the river. Once it's in sight, the boats moves towards what is now the west bank. It puts in at a dock where several other Guard launches are moored. The two silent guards disembark and wait for the party to come along. Breknar disembarks and moves into the city towards the high walls than can be seen ahead. After threading through some streets, he points and announces, "Constable's Castle. That was the Temple of Light back there on the island." The party judges that it is no more than a five minute walk to the Temple of Light.

Breknar leads the party through the open doors of what it, for all purposes, the headquarters of the Constable's and Guards. The party is lead into a waiting area, which is much better than cells. The chairs aren't comfortable but it's better than a cold stone floor.

"Cool your heels here, it will probably be a while until the others round up Teufel and get him here. Want anything while you're waiting?," Breknar asks. "If you do, knock on the door and ask the guard." With that, he closes the door.

Xenia  d20+15=17 d20+13=17
Sunday September 11th, 2005 9:41:51 PM

"So close, and yet so far," Xenia says to no one in particular. "Least we didn't have to walk.

"Hey. Could be worse," the dark rogue grins at her fellow companions. "They coulda taken all our stuff. Mean's they trust us a bit. Mostly. Doncha think?"

Out of professional curiosity, she eyes the hinges and the other hardware on the door. Removing some slim picks from a vest pocket, she probes the lock a bit, just enough to tell how good it is. Kinda distracting though, with everyone else in the room with her, and some of them being paladin types who aren't too approving of this sorta stuff. With a sigh, she gives it up, puts her tools away, leans up against the wall and crosses one leg over another.

Rolls and Actions
Search 17
Open Lock 17

Nauthiz'Ull [drew.icevein] 
Sunday September 11th, 2005 11:17:07 PM

Watching the city float by, Nauth marvels at the sights yet again. The sensation of floating rarely feels normal to the arctic man and this ride sets an uneasiness in his stomach.

As they reach the constable's quarters Nauth watches the silent guards intently, eyeing them severly. As they sit in the room waiting Nauth tries to figure out what has happened thus far.

"Do you think it would be possible for a couple of us to head to the temple while the rest of us wait?"

Monday September 12th, 2005 2:14:05 AM

Sitting idly in the boat he watches the city pass by.

Once they make it to the castle, Syr watches Xenia work with ease and then casually goes over to the door. Having witnessed this before he is unsurprised by her actions. Whispering, "Shouldn't you have checked to see if it's locked first?" He knocks once and then tries the door. Whether he opens the door or a guard from the outside, he requests some water for the group while they wait. He also takes the opportunity to peer through the opening to see how many are watching them.

Monday September 12th, 2005 8:01:36 AM

He nods about the guard's comfort of him but whispers,"not here wait til we get the Castle."

Uriel shakes his head at Xenia's antics but says nothing.

To the group, "The Guard has a good reputation in the city they are known for dealing fair, we should be fine."

He sits back in a chair and closes his eyes while he waits.

Monday September 12th, 2005 8:15:51 PM

"Guess we're waiting. I don't think we've seen the last of the red cloaks."

Garrett sits and looks impatient as we wait for the constable

"Those guys got a little payback coming."

Toros  d20+8=19 d20+8=27 d20+15=30 d20+22=38 d20+3=9 d20+3=12
Monday September 12th, 2005 8:23:24 PM

Continuing the journey by boat is truely unexpected for Toros. He has to do something but what? There is no time to think, just act He takes one step to the boat, and the weight shift could be noticed by everyone(balance 19<26). The Liontaur quickly takes another step to re-balance, and hopefully the guards would think that the sudden weight shift was due to the sudden wave came from another bigger boat. (burned one hero point and rerolled (balance 27>26). Continuing to move silently and hide is easier for the liontaur (move silently 30, hide 38) and everything seems to be OK for now.

Once again on the ground, Toros again starts following the others. However once in front of the Constable's Castle, he hesitates to enter the building together with them and starts waiting at the gate. He tries to determine whether casting another Message spell would be useful to communicate with the others inside (what is the distance between Toros and others, could the message find its way through openings etc) (wisdom check 9). He will also try to evaluate his chances to sneak in without being noticed, if he has to (how many guards are waiting outside, are the doors open etc).... (wisdom, 12)

Interview Over (DM JohnP) 
Monday September 12th, 2005 11:14:19 PM

The group waits in the interview room for a short period, interrupted by a guard passing a pitcher of water and several cups into the party, as requested by Syr. After sitting quietly for perhaps thirty minutes, as counseled by Uriel, Breknar returns to the room. Xenia manages not to get hit by the door when it opens. Nauthiz'Ull had been dissuaded from asking to leave.

"It seems that Teufel managed to find a hiding spot from the Guards, so we haven't spoken to him yet."

Looking around at the party for reaction, he continues. "The constables did talk to people in the market and the Temple of Gargul who confirmed your story. So, as far as I'm concerned, you're free to go."

As Breknar steps back to the door, he turns and addresses the party again. "Don't take the law into your own hands if you find Teufel in town. There's laws against public brawling, and anything else that you might think to do." With that, the Guard opens the door. "Either of the Guards here can show you out."


Meanwhile, Toros has been lurking outside the Castle. Wondering what to do ... trying to decide where to go. Those two Guards at the entrance look too alert to try sneaking past them. And, besides, what police station wouldn't have some kind of magical detection for just this sort of thing.

He's not waiting too long before he sees the party return.


Once the party is ready to depart, one of the Guards does show them back to the entrance to the Constable's Castle.

Looking to the west, the towers of the Temple of Light can be seen gleaming with reflections of the sun. As expected, you could walk there in a couple of minutes. Moving in that direction, it's not long before the party crosses a bridge linking the island to the main part of the City.

Besides the worshippers crossing to the island, there are people seeking healing and curing and groups of people who seem to be heading in or out of the building to visit sick or ailing relatives. The city residents provide a simple clue to the location of the main entrance of the temple.

The entrance hall contains many people moving in and out of the Temple and several people wearing the robes of Alemi. Some of these people are leading people further into the building, while others are performing menial tasks such as cleaning. There are even a pair of acolytes, you guess, sitting behind tables.

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 1:02:00 AM

Appolo remained quiet the whole time following the others out to the Temple of light.Once in side he steps up to the Acolytes"Hello my name is Appolo.My friends and I are researching apiece of parchment we hve and it's orgins.Who would we talk to about such a thing/"He smiles warm and friendly like at the acolytes.

DM JohnP 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 7:37:01 AM

I'm switching to night-time (9:00 or 10:00 p.m., Wold time) posts for this week because of my work schedule.

Next week, I will stay on night-time posts. I'll be on my normal work schedule, but it will be easier that way.

I'm scheduled to start working 12-hour shifts in the last week of September, unless there's a contract settlement first. I don't know my shift schedule yet, but you might see posts from me at really strange times. I will try to keep posting once a day.

Xenia  d20+20=21 d20+13=29
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 10:26:57 AM

The Law is just like another Gang, Xenia ... Or so Da always says. ... They're bigger than most, sure. But, in the end, they can be worked in the same way as any other gang. Get used to them. Get to know them. They're not so bad, really.

And Da was right. As usual. Xenia walks out of the Constable's Castle (What a name ...) and into the sunlight. She looks around for signs of those Red Cloaks. But the city is wondrous, and one can't blame a girl for dropping her guard and looking around at the scenery a bit every now and then, can you?

Entering the Temple of Alemi the girl rogue stands back and lets Appolo be the 'Face'. Stepping up next to Syr she whispers, "Betcha Belkie woulda loved to have seen this, huh?"

Rolls and Actions
Spot 21 (Nat 1)
Listen 29

Ashalan  d20+5=23 d20=18
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 4:20:23 PM

Ash remains quiet as justice prevails. ash feels that the guiding hand of Almei is watching over them. And thus is eager to get to the temple of light to pay his respects.

Upon entering the temple, Ash detaches himself from the group, pays his respects to the acolytes and approaches the shrine for some quick prayer time.

Having paid his respects to his God, Ash scans the Temple hall for someone who can help them. (Spot: 23, Knowledge Religion: 18)

Syr  d20+11=31
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 5:47:18 PM

Syr grins in response to Xenia's comment, "Too bad he had to take off."

Syr scans the room looking for anything of out the ordinary (Spot natural 20 to balance out Xenia's nat 1)

Nauthiz'Ull [drew.icevein] 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 6:30:04 PM

The tall many runs a few fingernails along his jawline, scratching at the stubble spotted here and there.

"Alemi has many followers it seems. Wunjo, how does this place make you feel? I am at odds here, perhaps because I know too little about this god to know his intentions."

Nauth walks around taking in everything that he can; partly to satisfy his curiosity and partly to know figure out what is going on.

Aralius Archive Acolyte (DM JohnP) 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 10:57:54 PM

Appolo approaches one of the acolytes seated at the tables and inquires about the parchment. The acolyte looks up and studies Appolo briefly. The acolyte notes that Ashalan, a fellow follower of Alemi, accompanies the rogue. "You'll want Aralius, he's the one assigned to the archives right now. If you and your friends will wait, I'll send someone for him." He summons one of the novices performing menial tasks and tells the young elven woman to take the party to the archives.

Xenia and Syr reminisce about past companions as they walk into the Temple of Light. Syr noticed that the novices and acolytes in the entrance area are watching the party, perhaps expecting something to happen, and they were whispering.

Nauthiz'Ull quietly studies the temple as he walks, trying to determine the difference between it and one devoted to Gargul.

The party passes down the main corridor then turns right at the first intersection. Going past several closed doors, the novice leads them to a double set of oaken doors. Opening one, the young elf motions them through. "Brother Aralius is at the desk, inside."

The party enters a brightly lit room filled with desks. A small number of acolytes and novices stand at the desks, working with documents. Close to the door, a severe looking young human is seated behind a heavy desk. The acolyte looks at the party, taking in their varied garb and professions. "What is it? I don't have time to be interrupted every time some group of adventurers finds an old document? This is the second time today!"

Looking back and forth, he continues. "Well, what do you want? Obviously, it's something too complex for you to understand."

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 11:11:20 PM

Uriel whistles at the man's comments and says simply, "We do understand courtesy and patience, though good Sir." His delivery is even and polite as he continues.

"Do you think you could help us understand the meaning of this? If you do understand it, you might notice a coincidence with the events that have been happening in the city and the wider world and one of the people on the drawing. You might also understand that there is good reason for people to be curious about this sort of connection and other things it might mean..." Uriel let's his voice trail off as he looks at the man.

Toros  d20=7 d20=3
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 11:50:59 PM

Still not showing himself (hide, 29, move silently 18), Toros lets his friends know that he is around and follows their interactions.

Wednesday September 14th, 2005 1:41:18 AM

"The second time today? that does sound a little odd. Perhaps the documents are related or similar somehow. If you could kindly assist us with this perhaps it will shed light upon the situation."

"Garrett gives the man a friendly smile "And truly sir, we would have no wish to disturb someone as obviously busy as you were it not very important. do you think you might find a way to take a few moments from your other work?"

Xenia  d20+3=5
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 8:34:59 AM

"Second time! Xenia's copper brows raise in alarm. "These other guys, they didn't happen to wear red cloaks did they? Did they say, I mean, actually *say* that they had a parchment? Or were they just looking for a parchement? Did you give them anything? How many of them were there? Where did they go? Did you see which way they went?!?!?!?"

Sometimes things just kind of take on too much urgency to ask nicely, and they all just kinda spill out at once. *sigh*

Rolls and Actions
Diplomacy 5 (nope)

Nauthiz'Ull [drew.icevein] 
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 11:19:25 AM

The ranger enters the archives with fluid steps. He removes the scroll case from his HHHaversack and pulls the parchment out from within it.

"The questions that this little lady asked are of great importance sir, would you be kind enough to answer them?"

The ranger lays the drawing ouut on the table in front of the archivist.

Appolo  d20+9=22 d20+10=18
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 10:01:07 PM

Appolo agian steps back, watches and listens.He allows the others to do the talking as they step forward.

Listen 22 Spot 18

Archives of the Temple of Light (DM JohnP) 
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 10:09:30 PM

After Nauthiz'Ull produces the parchment, Aralius carefully pushes the ranger's hands aside. "Careful! Careful! This is an old and very delicate document!"

He turns his attention to the parchment. Anyone close can hear him muttering to himself, "Adventuring philistines! Don't know how to handle an old document!"

The questions of Uriel, Garrett and Xenia cause Aralius to look up at them. He overlooks Toros lurking just inside the doorway.

"I told that other group, the followers of Marteaus who also wear the Red Eye of Gargul. Why don't you talk to them?" Looking at Xenia, he continues, his voice rising slightly. "I don't have time to answer questions like that! Why would it matter how many of them were here? They were even more impolite that you, if that's possible."

Anyone watching the room will notice the acolytes and novices nudging one another, and pointing the party speaking with Aralius. It seems that Aralius' little tirades are a source of amusement to his juniors.

Aralius gets louder still. "I'll tell you exactly the same thing that I told them. I'll even say it slowly using small words, so that everyone of you understands it."

"I found this parchment in some new records, saw the Gargalus name and decided to send it there. It's old, but it doesn't have anything to do with Alemi so I didn't bother cataloguing it. We were sending some other books over to the Temple of Gargul, so I just added it to that carton."

As he says this, a female gnome looks out from a door across the room. She seems to overhear his words and approaches the party. She emerges from the office and the party can see that she is dressed in the robes of a full cleric of Alemi. She comes up to Aralius' and issues an order, "Aralius! Maybe we should go to the Master of Acolytes and tell him that you need to be instructed in the virtues of humility. Again."

After Aralius moves away and out into the corridor, the gnome looks up at the party. "Please excuse Aralius. He is brilliant, but does not yet fully understand and accept the place and purpose that Alemi has for him."

"Please wait here, and I will return to explain further." The gnome makes a polite bow, then follows Aralius out into the corridor.

The party has barely waited before they hear a commotion through the open door to the hallway. Anyone investigating realizes that something is happening at the main entrance to the Temple of Light.

Toros  d20=11 d20=11
Thursday September 15th, 2005 9:21:02 AM

Still hiding in shadows Toros moves closer to the main entrance to see what is going on, with a feeling mixture of caution and curiosity. What is it this time, blue cloaks, flooding?

Toros - OOC, Rolls 
Thursday September 15th, 2005 9:22:42 AM

Hide check 33, Move Silently check 26.

Xenia  d20+22=35 d20+22=26 d20+20=21 d20+13=28
Thursday September 15th, 2005 11:46:42 AM

Xenia's got a word or two for Mister I'm-So-Temple-Of-Alemi. Adventuring philistines! Now where's he get off with that?!?! Deserves a punch in the mouth, Alemi or none.

"And maybe you should ask him to teach you a thing or two about the virtues of not calling folks names too," she hisses at the man as he goes past.

The gnome woman goes a long way to calming things with the flame headed rogue. But, one thing leads to another, as they say. Commotion goes on outside door, rogue has curiosity piqued.

"'Scuse me," she apologizes, "I'm gonna see what that's about. Be right back."

Then Xenia fades into shadow. Maybe she's still a bit steamed at that Acolyte Guy, or maybe there's just not much to see. Still, on her way, Xenia hears something where something ought not to be.

"Toros?" she whispers into the darkness. "Is that you?"

Rolls and Actions
Hide 35
Move Silently 26
Spot 21 (Nat 1)
Listen 28 vs Toros Move Silently of 26

Appolo  d20+9=25 d20+10=16
Thursday September 15th, 2005 2:47:27 PM

Appolo is about to give the isolent acolyte a serious piece of his mind,when the cleric comes out and drags him off.Good thing for the acolyte.

Then theres a commotion at the entrance.Oh great he thinks as turns and follows closely behind Xenia.Watching and listening as usaul.
He is hoping it's some fool starting trouble,that little punk has teed him off sligthly.

Listen 25,Spot 16.

Thursday September 15th, 2005 2:51:56 PM

Garrett follows the others to check on the commotion. "This should be interesting. I'm sure that somehow the city guard will get involved."

Thursday September 15th, 2005 7:00:51 PM

"I am sure we will be suspected again," Uriel says sourly. He moves to see the commotion as well

Unwanted Guests at the Temple of Light (DM JohnP) 
Thursday September 15th, 2005 10:38:42 PM

Most of the party leaves the library, intent on investigating the commotion at the entrance. Xenia catches a slight sound that is the hidden Toros trailing the party. Garrett and Uriel are simply curious, while Appolo may be spoiling for a fight.

Once the party reaches the main entrance of the Temple of Light, they can clearly hear some shouting. Armed Temple guards are blocking the entrance while the acolytes and novices are scurrying back into the Temple. Outside, the party can see a group of the Red-Cloaks. There are several men and women openly wearing Constable's badges with them.

Roll Spot vs. DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {Your observant eyes see that Teufel, the bookseller, is in the middle of the Red-Cloaks.}

Spot vs. DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Two of the Red-Cloaks seem to be holding Teufel.}

One of the Constables says, in a loud voice that carries to the party, "We're here investigating an accusation of arson! Turn over the people that the victim has described!"

A priest shouts back, "This is the House of Alemi! No one will be arrested here unless our gaurds feel it is necessary!" The Red-Cloaks press forward, jostling the Constables closer to the entrance and the Temple guards. The priest continues, pointing at the Red-Cloaks, "Do not come closer, Followers of Marteaus!"

From outside, the party members can hear someone shouting, "Fetch the Guard! Fetch the Guard!"

Toros and Xenia notice that the gnome cleric is approaching from behind them with Aralius in tow. The human bends down to the gnome and whispers something to her.
Listen DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {Them! The ones in the red cloaks! They're the ones who threatened me earlier!"}

The gnome comes closer. "I'm Silvyre, Cleric of Alemi. Aralius tells me that those followers of Marteaus out there were asking about the same document that you were. Did someone tell or suggest that you come here?"

** THUNK ** "Ahhhh! Push them back! Don't let them in!" ** CRASH **

The party, Silvyre and Aralius hear the sounds of fighting at the entrance. Aralius responds by running further into the Temple.

Silvyre calls, "Come quickly!", and starts to move back towards the library where she met the party.


What does the party do?

Nauthiz'Ull - did you stay in the library to retrieve the parchment, or leave it there to come with the others?
Syr and Ashalan - did you stay in the library or come with the party?

Toros  d20=13 d20=11 d20=17 d20=9 d20=12 d20=13
Friday September 16th, 2005 1:46:46 AM

Toros whispers back to Xenia, not knowing where she is (Toros's spot and listen checks are lower than Xenia's hide and move silently checks):

"Yes I am here... Do you see what is going on outside? The red-cloaks are holding Teufel! (spot 22>20, DC) What should we do now?"

Focusing on what is happening outside Toros does not seem to pay attention to what the Clerics are talking (listen, 14<25 DC). In fact, when they approach to the gate he still remains to stay hidden (hide, 34; move silently, 28)

Do the clerics see Toros?

Dm JohnP - Nope, they were too distracted by the fighting to bother looking into the shadows.

Toros - OOC 
Friday September 16th, 2005 1:48:43 AM

May do a second post, depending on the actions of the other party members...

Xenia  d20+22=38 d20+22=24 d20+20=38 d20+13=21
Friday September 16th, 2005 7:57:42 AM

"Yup," the dark rogue replies from her place within shadow. "In fact, I just heard that little drip Aralius say that these are the ones that were here before."

"Now, you gotta ask yourself, Toros, 'Why are they back?' And 'Why are they back with Teufel?'"

"Now, Teufel's a bookseller and must know *something* about books. But, they're here with Constables, so I don't think it has anything to do with Teufel, you know, identifying any books for them."

"And that leaves *us*. They must be here for us. Teufel musta run to the Red Cloaks after the fire. Then they must have gone to the Constable's Castle and found out that we were interested in coming here. They wanna cause us more grief."

"I guess that makes us kinda responsible for this mess ... "

Silence for a moment.

"Tell you what, gather the guys together and take them back to that library room. If the Red Cloaks don't see us, and the Alemis don't let them in, then, maybe we can avoid the whole problem. I'll wait here and watch them. If a fight breaks out, I'll run back and get you guys, and we can clean their clocks."

"Make sure the parchment thingy is safe, 'kay?"

Rolls and Actions
Hide 38
Move Silently 24
Spot 38
Listen 28

Garrett Jax (AC: 27, HP:80/71) 
Friday September 16th, 2005 8:26:06 AM

Garrett looks back at Sylvire heading towards the library. "The followers of Marteus are attacking the temple of Alemi. There is only one place I'm headed and it Ain't back that way. These guys need to be handled."

Garrett casts Divine power upon himself and takes a 20' move out toward the fight, pulling his sword as part of the move.

Divine Power: +2BAB, +6STR, +9hp's. lasts 9 rounds.

Spell List
0-6 Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance
1-6+1 Bless, Bless Water, Divine Favor, Doom, Endure Elements, Shield of Faith (Enlarge Weapon)
2-5+1 Align Weapon, Bear's Endurance, Remove Paralysis, Spiritual Weapon, Status (Spiritual Weapon)
3-4+1 Curse, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Searing Light (Magic Vestment)
4-3+1 Airwalk, Divine Power(cast), Restoration (Divine Power(cast))
5-2+1 Greater Command, Righteous Might (Flame Strike

DM JohnP - I will post / e-mail a combat map tonight.

Toros - second post 
Friday September 16th, 2005 8:47:05 AM

"OK, but I do not understand why the constables are with them, arent we freed of all charges, when we visited the Constab..."

Before Toros is able to finish, sounds of fighting at the entrance interrupt his words.

** THUNK ** "Ahhhh! Push them back! Don't let them in!" ** CRASH **

He watches the red-cloaks and constables' fighting with the guards of the temple with worried eyes. What they do here is so different from how they did in Gargul's Temple. I wonder what has changed!"

"I think it is too late to avoid the problem, Xenia, it seems they will be here in a minute... and the temple may need our help... if any one is injured we would be the ones responsible for that..."

...I wonder what the others will want to do, though... Burst into worries, Toros looks back to see what the other party members are doing.

DM JohnP 
Friday September 16th, 2005 8:56:30 AM

I understand that Syr has more Katrina related connectivity issues. Since Garrett is defending the Temple of Light, can someone volunteer to sub for him? I will send the character sheet to the volunteer.

Al - OoC 
Friday September 16th, 2005 10:02:14 AM

I'm subbing for Syr in the Crimson Shields Game, John. I can sub for him here as well.

Nauthiz'Ull [drew.icevein]  d20+10=28 d20+10=28 d20+13=29 d20+12=28
Friday September 16th, 2005 1:24:32 PM

As the others rush out of the room to find out what is going on, Nauth calmly rolls the parchment back up places it gingerly into the scrollcase. After storing the case in his HHHaversack the ranger slides out of the library and heads to a place in the temple where he can see outside to where the commotion is taking place (hopefully a balcony type thing).

His eyes flash like that of an eagle as he surveys the scenario. He rushes to find Garret and when he sees the drawn sword the rnager unshoulders his bow and immediately nocks an arrow.
Move Silently-28

Friday September 16th, 2005 7:11:00 PM

Appolo moves forward with Garret"Im with ya my friend.These guys need to be put down."Appolo draws his sword and moves as he nears the entrance.

Map (DM JohnP) 
Friday September 16th, 2005 10:35:46 PM

Here is the map for the first combat round.

Appolo, Garrett, Nauthiz'Ull, Toros, and Xenia have posted and moved already.

If Appolo wants to move further he has another 10' (move) or 40' (double move) to go.

Map - Round 1

Syr (Sub/Al) 
Friday September 16th, 2005 11:07:28 PM

Syr's eyes narrow in disapproval. He emerges from the midst of his companions and streaks across the temple floor with his characteristic startling speed. Moving in amongst the guards of the Temple of Alemi, the short elven monk.

"State your business now, or leave," he Syr says, his words belying his size. "The followers of Alemi don't look like they want you in here. And we're here to help them make sure you don't get in."

Movement and Position
Double Move to H16

Toros - OOC 
Friday September 16th, 2005 11:43:32 PM

John, I was thinking Toros was a bit in front of the main group. Could we please place him to U-T 20-21? Would you also allow Toros to retrieve his magic missile wand as a part of his movement or action, observing that his friends are getting ready for the upcoming encounter.

Also could you please tell whether there is enough plant for Toros to cast entangle outside the gates?

Thank you...

DM JohnP - The DM post will contain that information.

Sunday September 18th, 2005 9:14:52 PM

Uriel will cast Bulls Strength while he moves up next to Apollo and Garrett. He will also draw his two-handed sword.

DM Apologies (JohnP) 
Monday September 19th, 2005 7:29:33 AM

I missed the post last night (tabletop gaming will do that). I will post this afternoon / tonight for the combat round.

Fight at the Temple of Light - Round 1 (DM JohnP)  A1 d20+10=21 A2 d20+9=13 A4 d20+6=25 d20+1=18 d8+2=9 A5 d20+6=23 d20+6=7 d20+1=2 R1 d20+16=24 d20+11=31 d20+11=25 d10+6=13 2d10(2+6)+12=20 d20+9=20 d20+9=23 R2 d20+16=35 d20+11=17 d10+6=16 R3 d20+16=22 d20+11=26 d10+6=16 d20+9=25 R4 d20+16=20 d20+11=15 d20+3=5
Monday September 19th, 2005 1:28:59 PM

The fight outside the Temple of Light continues, with more crashing and banging of arms and armor.

Toros and Xenia lurk in the shadows near the hallway leading to the library. Toros has his Wand of Magic Missiles in hand, ready to shoot something. Looking outside, there is no grass growing between the paving stones but there are some lovingly tended flower beds nearby.

Garrett Jax, Priest of Domi, will not stand to see the Temple of Light profaned by the red-cloaked followers of Marteaus. He casts Divine Power on himself and moves forward towards the doors, drawing his longsword as he moves.

Nauthiz'Ull, follower of Gargul, also can't stand to see the heretics profane the Temple of Light. He finishes packing the parchment into his HHHaversack and draws his bow.

Appolo draws his sword and moves to stand beside Garrett.

The monk Syr moves forward, joining the melee raging in the entrance of the temple. He finishes standing just in front of a young human woman wearing shining full plate and he feels heartened by her presence.

Uriel casts Bull Strength on himself and moves forward to join Appolo and Garrett.

Ashalan stands, contemplating his options.


The Temple Guards move forward, trying to keep the Red-Cloak followers of Marteaus and Gargul from the Temple.

The first guard, A1, casts a net at the nearest Red-Cloak R1, draping it over the Red-Cloak. He keeps hold of his net while readying a quarterstaff with his other hand.

The second guard A2 is lightly dressed and unarmed. She issues a cry and launches a powerful strike at the Red-cloak to the south R2 and misses badly.

The guard standing behind Syr A3 attempts to cast a spell. However, one of the Red-Cloaks in the rear row (R8) makes similar motions and a clash of magic occurs over the heads of the combatants. The guard then steps forward to G16, pulling a flail as she moves.
Spellcraft DC 16 Highlight to display spoiler: {The guard attempted to cast Bless, which was counterspelled by Bane}

The fourth guard A4 swings his warhammer at R3, trying to pummel him into submission. He connects once, doing soem damage to the Red-Cloak.
Spot DC 10 Highlight to display spoiler: {The guard inflicted non-lethal damage, trying to knock out the Red-Cloak.}

The fifth guard A5 makes a wheeling attack with his quarterstaff against R4. He's disheartened by the failure of his first attack and doesn't even come close to hitting with his second and third attacks.

The clattering of hooves can be heard from outside the temple doors. Four more guards run from the south door in the entry way, variously preparing themselves for battle.

Beyond the doorway to the north of the party, they can see an elderly human man leaning on a polished staff coming towards them. He is accompanied by two armored dwarves and moving rather slowly.


The two constables (C1 and C2) scramble further from the melee, blowing their whistles to summon the City Guard.


The Red-cloaks press the attack. It's immediately apparent that none of them have drawn weapons, yet.

R1 is entangled but steps forward and pummels at the guard who threw the net at him with his cruelly clawed gauntlets. He strikes twice, catching the guard in a weak place in his full plate on the second blow. The guard is clearly staggered by the assault.

R2 swings at guard A3 with his spiked and clawed gauntlets, hitting once.

R3 attacks A4, hitting once with his gauntlets.

R4 attacks A5 with the clawed gauntlets. He swings wide both times, clearly disappointed.

R5 casts a spell that shakes the resolve of the guards and their allies. He then draws his heavy mace.
Spellcraft DC 16 Highlight to display spoiler: {The Red-Cloak cast Bane}

Syr - Will DC 20 (Wisdom), or -1 to attack and saves vs. fear

R6 and R7 continue to hold Teufel, who whimpers in fear.

R8 casts a spell directed at A5, who becomes shaken.
Spellcraft DC 16 Highlight to display spoiler: {The Red-Cloak cast Doom}

DM JohnP 
Monday September 19th, 2005 1:30:07 PM

Map to come tonight.

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23  d20+10=19 d20+10=24 d20+17=26 d10+4=6
Monday September 19th, 2005 4:14:31 PM

Appolo moves throughthe doorway and attacks the nearest red Cloak.Unlike the followers of Alemi he strikes with the intent to kil.He will show know mercy as he wields his blades.
He swings twice.Foghting in silence as he does so.He thinks he conected once.

Attack rolls 19,24 Damage 6 Move Silently 26

Xenia (AC21, 22 vs R6, HP 55/55)  d20+22=37 d20+22=35 d20+12=28 d6=3
Monday September 19th, 2005 4:45:09 PM

Xenia rolls her eyes as stuff starts happening. Men. Always gotta try and hit something.

At the back of her mind, she plays the scene over again, trying to figure out who threw the first punch. Then again, though, who actually threw the first punch is not always as important, she knows, than who winds up with the blame in the end. Now that they're committed, there ain't no way out but straight through.

Silently, she pads across the floor cloaked in Shadows. As she moves, the rogue draws a shortbow, and then kneels, waiting for her target to act.

Rolls and Actions
Hide 32 (-5 for full range of movement)
Move Silently 35
Ready Action: Shoot R5 if he begins to cast. Attempt to disrupt casting.
Hit R5 AC28, Damage 3hp

Movement and Position

Would R6 cast defensively, if he sees no immediate threat?

Ashalan (AC 22, HP 35/35) 
Monday September 19th, 2005 7:40:09 PM

Ash, snapping out of his reverie, springs into action, hoping to aid where it matters most.

Seeing the darkin skinned ranger unlimber his bow, Ash quickly mutters an arcane incantation and with glowing eyes touches the northman, instilling in him the agility of the feline. (Cast: Cat's Grace [+4 Dex/ 9 rounds] on Nauth)

Toros 81/81 (Elixir of Hiding)  d20=14 d20=8 d20=11 d4=3 d4=4 d4=4 d4=3 d4=4 d20=12 d20=10
Monday September 19th, 2005 7:52:39 PM

AC, Mendicant: 17 (18 vs R1) +3 fight defensively

Toros observes the surroundings and fighting for a second. The guards will get killed, while they try to stop the red-cloaks without harming (spot 20, using one luck point > 10, DC, gained additional luck point with the successful skill check) ..It is too late to try to stop the fight... Still... For a moment, Toros becomes visible, activating his wand to shoot five magic missiles. (roll for DC of spell resistance, 20). Each missile hits one Red-Cloak, Would the missiles stop them? No!! Would they make the Red-claoks hesitate? Perhaps!! (hits: R1 4 hp, R2 5 hp, R3 5 hp, R4 4 hp, R8 5 hp) Then, the liontaur enters into the shadows again, trying to move to the front line as best as he can (hide, 34, move silently, 25, moving to the other side of gate, closer to A1 and R1, base speed 40ft) Surrounded by shadows, moving forward, Toros will use his free hand to retrieve a scroll...

OOC: Al, how is the AC of Syr, would a mage armor or protection from evil be help?

Syr (AC23, 24 Dodge vs R8, HP 68/68)  d20+8=28 d20+11=28 2d6(6+3)+4=13
Monday September 19th, 2005 9:42:16 PM

Syrdeth Redbow raises his fists as fighting begins in earnest. Toros, watching from behind, can see the Bracers of Armor upon the monk's wrists. He knows that a spell of Mage Armor, though helpful, would not be as helpful as one might wish. (Bracers of Armor +2, Tunc. Mage Armor would only add another +2. Protection from Evil would be nice. The +2 to save could come in handy.)

With a burst of speed, the monk races around the outside of the push and shove. Stepping neatly in behind one of the spell casters, Syr tags him with a quick blow to the kidneys, a blow designed to cause stunning pain.

"That's got to hurt some," he quips, before springing back five feet

Rolls and Actions
Will Save 28 (Nat 20)
Spring Attack At C20 Hit Non-Lethal R8 AC28, Damage 13hp (Stunning Fist DC15 or be Stunned for One Round)
Spring back to end at B21

Movement and Position
Working with yesterday's map. From the description, it doesn't seem much changed.
Move around the outside H17,G18,G19,G20,F21,E21,D21,C20,B21

Map - Round 2 
Monday September 19th, 2005 9:56:51 PM

Here's the map for the end of the last round of combat.
Map - Round 2

Since I can only post the maps from home, I'm going to be posting tomorrow night.

Natuhiz'Ull [ac21 hp90/90]  d20+14=17
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 12:02:53 AM

With Ull'Heimdall's Favor drawn, the lithe man rushes forward and lets loose a single shot at the end of his stride. His arrow sails wide as the true skill with his bow is just etching the surface.
moves to R13

Shot at RedCloak2

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 7:44:36 AM

Uriel moves forward intending to close with the Red Cloaks and releave the Alemi Guards before they are butchered.

{I don't think I can attack this round}

Garrett (AC:27, HP: 80/71) 
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 8:33:59 AM

(OOC: is the scale of the map 5' per square? just want to check since it doesn't look like Garrett can get to the battle this round without running. I will assume that this is the case for this post.)

Active Spells: Divine Power: +2BAB, +6STR, +9hp's. 8 rounds remaining.

Garrett takes a quick look at the battle and realizes that there is no way he is going to be able to get in the mix quickly without running. So he does, running to G16.

Garrett yells out to his companions "Careful guys, the red cloaks are again trying not to kill. They came with the constables, and there are more on the way. They just want us to get arrested so we go no further while we await a nice lengthy trial. Try not to kill them unless they go to deadly force first."

Spell List
0-6 Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance
1-6+1 Bless, Bless Water, Divine Favor, Doom, Endure Elements, Shield of Faith (Enlarge Weapon)
2-5+1 Align Weapon, Bear's Endurance, Remove Paralysis, Spiritual Weapon, Status (Spiritual Weapon)
3-4+1 Curse, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Searing Light (Magic Vestment)
4-3+1 Airwalk, Divine Power(cast), Restoration (Divine Power(cast))
5-2+1 Greater Command, Righteous Might (Flame Strike

Fight at the Temple of Light - Round 2 (DM JohnP)  R8 d20+11=31 A1 d20+9=12 d20+9=25 d6+3=4 A2 d20+11=14 A3 d20+16=31 d20+11=31 d20+11=23 d20+6=12 d8+2=10 d8+2=7 d6=2 d6=4 A4 d20+6=21 d20+1=13 A5 d20+6=24 d20+6=18 d20+1=16 d6+4=8 R1 d20+16=30 d20+11=21 d10+6=14 A1 d20+9=15 d8=2 d6=5 R2 d20+16=17 d20+11=26 d10+6=11 R3 d20+16=36 d20+16=22 d20+11=21 2d10(8+7)+12=27 d10+6=12 A4 d20+9=17 d20+9=28 R4 d20+16=20 d20+11=18 R5 d20+19=35 A1 d20=20 R8 d20+10=22
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 10:27:07 PM

The party is coming to the aid of the Temple Guards who are sorely beset by the Red-Cloaks. There's some doubt as to whether the Guards will survive before the party can intercede.

Appolo charges in to attack the nearest Red-Cloak. He swings at the man and just barely connects.

Xenia moves forward while staying in the shadows. She readies her bow to fire at one of the Red-cloaks (R5) if he prepares to cast a spell.

After considering his options, Ashalan casts a spell on his ranger companion.

Toros fires off his Wand of Magic Missiles, hitting 5 of the Red-Cloaks. Then he ghosts forward again, trying to get to the opposite side of the entrance hall.

Syr moves around the swirling melee, trying to attack one of the Red-Cloaks standing in the rear row. He moves in, smashing the cleric R8 in the lower back and then springs back. The cleric shakes off the attack and laughes at the monk.

Nauthiz'Ull, moves forward then looses his bow at one of the Red-Guards. His shot flies wide.

Uriel and Garrett Jax move forward, trying to close with the Red-Cloaks before the Temple Guards are routed.


Guard A1 is bleeding heavily from the puncture wounds from the claws on the gauntlets worn by his opponent Redcloak 1. He drops the net, grasps his quarterstaff in both hands and whirls it in front of him. He connect once, barely fazing the Red-Cloak.

Guard A2 tumbles past Redcloak 1, deftly avoiding any attempt at attack from Redcloak 2. She launches a powerful strike at the Redcloak 1, hoping to catch him just below the rim of his helm. Her blow goes wide, barely drawing the attention of the Redcloak.

Guard A3 swings her flail at Redcloak 2 in front of her. She connects with her first two swings, striking the Redcloak hard. Somehow, the flail doesn't inflict any wounds but seems to stagger the Redcloak.

Guard A4 swings his warhammer at Redcloak 3, trying to pummel him into submission. He doesn't strike the Redcloak.

Guard A5 makes a wheeling attack with his quarterstaff against Redcloak 4, connecting once for a small amount of damage.

The group of guards from the south move forward. One of them moves as quickly as Syr and finishes standing next to the elven monk.

The elderly human and his two dwarven guards moves slowly forward. The human is dressed in fine robes and he is speaking in a surprisingly strong voice. "Stop this! Stop this fighting!"

Syr and the others at the door can see a centaur charging from the north. It will reach the melee next round.


The two constables (C1 and C2) keep on running, still blowing their whistles. Looking beyond, two squads of the Guard can be seen approaching.


Redcloak 1 gloats at the guard he hit last round, "Did you like my little love taps, weakling? Why don't you try fighting back, for a change?" He then swings again at Guard A1, hitting him once. The guard begins laughing hysterically, but doesn't back down from the fight.

"You should use a real weapon, paladin! Just be glad that we're only playing with all of you!", exclaims Redcloak 2. He swings twice at the young woman, hitting once.

Redcloak 3 attacks Guard A4 again, but doesn't feel the need to speak. He hits twice and nearly knocks the guard from his feet with the first blow.

Redcloak 4 motions to Guard A5, "Let's see if I can make you cry like the others." But he misses again with both swings.

Redcloak 5 sees the effect of the attack on Guard A1 and casts a spell directed at him. Xenia's arrow strikes, but easily makes the required concentration check to complete the spell. Somehow, Guard A1 shakes off the spell and is unaffected. He then moves forward, hoping to avoid the charge of the centaur guard.

Redcloak 6 and Redcloak 7 give Teufel a shake, and one grumbles at him, "You're staying here, worm, to tell the Guard what happened, aren't you?"

Redcloak 8 shouts at Syr, "Don't try to stop us! We need the parchment!". He draws his heavy mace, steps forward 5 feet and swings at the elven monk, but doesn't connect.

Map - Round 3

Toros  d20=8 d20=2 d20=5
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 2:09:31 AM

AC, 17 (12 vs R1)

Once more Toros becomes visible and activates the scroll he holds. An unseen servant comes to existence in K13. He orders the servant to go to H13 in order to prevent the attacks of R1 and protect A1. When the unseen servant starts to move, Toros will also again sneak into shadows and move with it (hide, 24, move silently, 20). When the invisible servant comes into position it will do its best to distract the redcloak, pull his hair, punch, shake his hands, hopefully providing a protection for the badly wounded Alemi Guard (I think, it is DM's discreation to determine the level or type of protection, +1 - +4 bonus?, take R1's attention away from the guards for 1-2 rounds?) Trying to hide in shadows and retrieving one more scroll from his Haversack, Toros will end up at 15-16 I-J.

Garrett (AC: 27, HP: 80/71)  d20+9=23 d8+8=13
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 8:05:14 AM

Active Spells: Divine Power: +2BAB, +6STR, +9hp's. 7 rounds remaining.

Garrett moves 20' to H16 and then swings with the flat of his blade at R5 trying not to kill him, but instead knock him out.

Attack: Hit Ac: 23. Damage: 13hp (subdual)
Att:(+9 bab, +7 Str, +1 Wf, +1 mw wpn, -5 under wing, -4 non-lethal)

While attacking, Garrett uses his protector ability to "take under wing", and will take an additional -5 to hit on the swing. This gives a +5 ac bonus to all within 5' of Garrett (Appolo, A4, and A3)

Garrett will then designate guard A4 as the person he is protecting for the purposes of "Interpose".

Spell List
0-6 Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance
1-6+1 Bless, Bless Water, Divine Favor, Doom, Endure Elements, Shield of Faith (Enlarge Weapon)
2-5+1 Align Weapon, Bear's Endurance, Remove Paralysis, Spiritual Weapon, Status (Spiritual Weapon)
3-4+1 Curse, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Searing Light (Magic Vestment)
4-3+1 Airwalk, Divine Power(cast), Restoration (Divine Power(cast))
5-2+1 Greater Command, Righteous Might (Flame Strike

Nauthiz'Ull ]ac21 hp90/90:Cat's Grace]  d20+13=23 d8+2=7 d6=3
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 10:41:22 AM

As the large frame of Toros steps in the rangers line of sight an audible grunt can be heard. Quickly swinging around the wall of flesh in front of him.

His eyes appear white as they dart from spot to the next, trying to find a suitable target. With liquid motions a hand glides past a quiver where an arrow is drawn. The motion continues upwars and the arrow finds a seat on the bowstring. Tension and torque pulls back and a flick of his fingers lets the arrow do its job.

Move to P15
Attack R5-23
Damage-(d8+2)7+(d6 fire)3=10

Xenia (AC21, 22 vs R6, HP 55/55)  d20+18=28 d20+22=27
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 10:54:33 AM

After the parchment. I knew it. Probs gonna have to hurt these guys.

The dark rogue hustles forward on silent feet. She nocks another arrow as she moves up behind Appolo.

Tell that to them, she thinks to herself, as the well dressed priest of Alemi arrives with his dwarven guard.

Rolls and Actions
Hide 28 (-5 for full range of movement)
Move Silently 27

Movement and Position
Double Move to J14

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 11:11:23 AM

Observing that he will be of little use in his current locale, Ash hustles forward to take position next to Uriel. (Double Move to: L15)

Available Spells
0 Level (Max Known 6, Castable 6)
Dancing Lights (Creates globes of light surrounding caster)
Detect Magic (Detect spells and magic items within 60 ft.)
Ghost Sound (Figment Sounds)
Prestidigitation (Performs minor tricks)
Read Magic (Read Scrolls and Spellbooks)
Resistance (+1 on Saving Throws)

1st Level (Max Known 4, Castable 6+1)
Mage Armor (+4 Armor Bonus)
Enlarge Person (Humanoid Creature Doubles in Size)
Expeditious Retreat (Speed increases by 30 ft)
Shocking Grasp (Touch Delivers 1d6/level elec. Damage)

2nd Level (Max Known 2, Castable 4+1)
Cat's Grace (+4 Dex) - Cast
Scorching Ray (Ranged Touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage/+1 ray for every 4 levels: Ash gets 2 rays)

Syr (AC23, 24 Dodge vs R8, HP 68/68)  d20+11=31 d20+11=31 d20+11=26 d20+6=19 2d6(2+3)+4=9 2d6(5+4)+4=13 2d6(6+1)+4=11 2d6(4+1)+4=9
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 11:12:30 AM

"You've had your chance," Syrdeth whispers to the Red Cloak. The monk's hands flash at the evil cleric's face. His first strike is to the nose, designed to draw stunning pain. This time, he does not hold back. His strikes break bone and shatter fragile internal organs.

"Withdraw," Syr warns, before stepping quickly to the side, "or I will put you down."

Rolls and Actions
Flurry of Blows
Hit AC31 (Crit Threat AC31 /Double Crit: Is that an Auto Kill?)
Hit AC26
Hit AC19
Damage 9+13/Crit = 21hp (Stunning Fist Fort vs DC15 or be stunned for 1 round)
Damage 11hp
Damage 9hp

Movement and Position
Move 5 feet to A20

Stunning Fist 7/9

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+10=27 d20+10=14 d10+4=8
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 8:13:38 PM

Appolo is totally focussed on the Redcloak in front of him and continues to swing his swords.Slicing into the man agian.

Attack 27,14 Damage Longsword 8

Fight at the Temple of Light - Round 3 (DM JohnP)  R8 d20+11=14 A1 d20+9=26 d20+9=19 d6+3=6 A2 d20+9=10 d20+9=10 A3 d20+16=22 d20+11=25 d20+6=13 d8+2=6 d6=4 A4 d20+6=9 d20+1=20 d20+1=18 A5 d20+6=24 d20+6=11 d20+1=5 A9 d20+7=14 d20+7=12 d20+2=17 A13 d20+10=25 2d8(4+8)+4=16 R1 d20+15=32 d20+10=22 d10+5=15 d10+5=14 R2 d20+15=19 d20+10=15 R3 d20+15=21 d20+10=28 d10+5=12 A4 d20+10=19 R4 d20+15=17 d20+10=25 d10+5=13 d20+10=18 R5 d20+9=16 d20+4=9 R8 d20+9=10 d20+4=19 d8=1 d8=6 d4=2 d8=4
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 10:57:38 PM

While the Temple Guards have the edge in numbers, especially with their allies, it seems that the Redcloaks are individually more powerful. Some of the Temple Guards have been sorely wounded and the Redcloaks barely seem to be scratched.

Toros invokes the magic of a scroll, bringing an unseen servant into being. He sets the pestering Redcloak 1, hoping to provide some protection for Guard A1. It's difficult to tell how effective the servant is. The liontaur then moves forward to the line of battle.
DM JohnP - Pulling a scroll would be a third action -- Activate Magic Item / Move / Manipulate an Item.

Garrett moves ahead and tries to strike down Redcloak 5 with the flat of his sword. His swing goes slightly wide, but is enough to concern the evil cleric.

Nauthiz'Ull continues to slide forward and looses an arrow at the very same Redcloak 5. His shot again misses.

The dark rogue Xenia moves closer to the combat, her bow at the ready. She mouths an imprecation at the humble servant of Alemi who is coming out to defend his Temple, doubting his ability to halt the combat.

Ashalan also moves forward.

Syr launches a series of blows at the evil cleric in front of him. His first strike at Redcloak 8 flattens the woman's nose, while his second adds to the injury. His third strike misses and then he skips away. The cleric stands there, blood running from her nose.

Appolo swings his blades at Redcloak 5 in front of him, hitting once.

Uriel pauses, collecting his thoughts.


Guard A1 continues to defend his god's Temple against the evil group. Laughing wildly, he attacks twice with his quarterstaff at Redcloak 1, then steps back 5 feet. His first swing hits the Redcloak.

Guard A2 launches two strikes at Redcloak 1 before he has a chance to turn. Her ineffective combat continues, not even coming close to the Redcloak.

"Feel the peace of Alemi's grace, heretic!", issues from the mouth of the paladin Guard A3 as she swings her flail at Red-Cloak 2 in front of her. She connects once, again doing only non-lethal damage.

Guard A4 is also trying to subdue Redcloak 3, but doesn't manage to connect.

Guard A5 spins his quarterstaff again, but doesn't do more than keep the Redcloak's attention.

One of the guards from the south, Guard A6, comes up to the melee and invokes a prayer to Alemi.
Everyone receives benefit of Prayer spell - +1 attack, damage, saves and skill checks

Guards A7 and A8 move beyond the cleric and take up positions at the south side of the doorway.

"Take this, heretic!," shouts the Guard A9 beside Syr. He launches a series of attacks at Redcloak 8 but doesn't hit even though the cleric doesn't react to his swings. The monk then skips back.

The elderly human continues to urge a halt to the melee, "Stop! In Alemi's name, this is a house of peace and healing!" He and his guards continue to move ahead.

The centaur Guard A13 completes his charge and hits Redcloak 6 with a levelled lance.


The constables have met the squads of City Guards who are nearing the Temple of Light. The guards should be arriving in two rounds.


Redcloak 1 moves to pursue Guard A1, but halts and doesn't cross the threshold of the Temple of Light. Instead, he swings his clawed gauntlets at Appolo.
-- Hits AC 32 (hit) and AC 22 (miss) for 15 hitpoints. Appolo also has to make a FORT save vs. DC 16. If you fail, Appolo has been diseased with Blinding Sickness, taking 2 STR damage. If you fail the initial save, make another FORT save vs. DC 17, or be struck Blind.--

Redcloak 2 swings at the paladin Guard A3 but doesn't hit.

Redcloak 3 swings at Guard A4 but Garrett interposes himself between the guard and the cruelly clawed gauntlets of the Redcloak.
-- Hits AC 17 (miss) and AC 25 (hit, because of Take Under Wing), for 12 damage. Make a FORT save vs. DC 16, if you fail Garrett has been infected with The Shakes, and take 4 DEX damage. --

Redcloak 4 shifts to the south and continues to attack Guard A5. He also hits just once.

Redcloak 5 swings at Garrett, but can't overcome the Protector of Domi's armor.

Redcloak 6 loses his grip on Teufel. The bookseller starts trying to pull loose from Redcloak 7. "Let me go! Let go!"

Redcloak 8 stands there, stunned, with blood and mucous leaking from her ruined nose.


Player Sanity Info:

Redcloak 1 - Entangled and AC22
Redcloaks 2-4 - AC 25
Redcloaks 5-7 - AC 24
Redcloak 8 - Stunned and AC 19

All players but Syr under the effect of a Prayer spell.

And the Map

DM JohnP - editted at 6:30 a.m. WT, for clarity and more content.

Garrett (ooc for DM) 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:22:42 AM


It looks like you have my AC decreasing for take under Wing. The way I read it, I don't gain any AC bonus, but I don't lose any either. I took the -5 on my to hit, but I thought my AC would still be at 27. I'll copy the section down below. I'll post as if I did get hit, and then will disregard it if I did not. Thanks.

Take Under Wing: When the protector takes an attack action or full attack action in melee, she can take a penalty of up to -5 on her attack(s) and add the same number (up to +5) to the armor class of all allies within five feet. The protector herself gains no AC bonus. At sixth level, all allies within 10 feet gain the bonus.

DM JohnP - Yes, I did misread that. So ignore the hit and the FORT save.

Garrett (AC:27, HP 68/71  d20+14=23 d20+13=33 d20+13=26 d20+8=25 2d8(7+2)+16=25 d20+13=25 d8+8=12
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:55:00 AM

Active Spells: Divine Power: +2BAB, +6STR, +9hp's. 6 rounds remaining.

Garrett Maintains both the take under wing, and the target of his interpose. The +5 ac bonus should now apply to A3,A4,A6,A8,Appolo, and Toros this round.

Garrett grunts in pain as the clawed gauntlet rips into his side(fort: 23). "You'll pay for that Infidel!" Garrett yells at him. "You drew first blood. remember that"

Garrett then swings at the only red cloak within his reach(A5). No longer caring to do non-lethal damage, as his blood had been spilled, Garrett swings hard with the business end of the blade twice.

Attack 1: AC 33. Critical threat. AC 26 to critically hit (sweet)

Damage 1: 25hp

Attack 2: AC 25. Hit

Damage 2: 12hp

(Sorry, forgot the prayer. +3 damage. since I already hit on everything, I'll just adjust the damage. My bad, alot to keep track of.)

Total damage to A5: 40hp

Spell List
0-6 Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance
1-6+1 Bless, Bless Water, Divine Favor, Doom, Endure Elements, Shield of Faith (Enlarge Weapon)
2-5+1 Align Weapon, Bear's Endurance, Remove Paralysis, Spiritual Weapon, Status (Spiritual Weapon)
3-4+1 Curse, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Searing Light (Magic Vestment)
4-3+1 Airwalk, Divine Power(cast), Restoration (Divine Power(cast))
5-2+1 Greater Command, Righteous Might (Flame Strike

Xenia (AC21, 22 vs R6, HP 55/55)  d20+9=25 d6=4 4d6(2+4+5+6)=17 d20+23=43 d20+23=42
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 11:00:38 AM

From the depths of shadow, the dark rogue watches the melee.

Hmmm. Curious.

Out of the darkness, she fires her bow. She aims for that vital spot that they always leave open when they don't know you're there, and she on her dexterity to avoid hitting any of the good guys. The arrow leaves her bow, and the attack gives away her position.


Then the rogue is on the move. She dives into the many shadows of the men around her, and simply circles back to the very spot in which she had been before. In silence, she prepares another shot.

Rolls and Actions
Hit R1 AC25 (+1 Prayer, -4 firing into melee)
Damage 5 + 17 sneak = 22hp (forgot to add +1 for prayer into the rolls)
Hide 43 (Half Speed)
Move Silently 42

Movement and Position
Short circle back to J14 (K15,K14,J14)

Active Effects
Prayer (Begun round 3)

DM JohnP - Al, which Redcloak are you attacking? The same as before? Or the entngled one?

Al - Gak. Forgot to put that in there. It was R1. I ddin't even realize he was entangled. He was the outer most one.

Syr (AC23, 24 Dodge vs R7, HP 68/68)  d20+11=22 d20+8=17 d20+11=27 2d6(5+2)+4=11 d20+11=17 d20+6=23 2d6(2+5)+4=11 2d6(2+2)+4=8
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 11:17:50 AM

"Maybe I'll take you down anyway," Syr says to himself, and steps in to quickly plant his leg behind the Red Cloak's knee and then he shoves her with an elbow.

Before he even knows whether his opponent has fallen or not, Syr's hands flash at least twice more.

"You want some of this?" he says to the nearest Red Cloak holding Teufel the Bookseller. Syr's eyes tell the man that any additional participation would be welcome.

Rolls and Actions
Flurry of Blows
Trip Attack
Touch AC22
Trip 17 (+4 Improved Trip, +4 STR)
::If Tripped, then follow up strike from Improved Trip::
Hit AC27 , Damage 11hp

Resume Regular Flurry
Hit AC17 (Opponent might be Prone /-4 to AC)
Hit AC23 (Opponent might be Prone /-4 to AC)
Damage 11hp
Damage 8hp

Movement and Position
Move 5 feet to B19

Stunning Fist 7/9

Appolo Hp 44 Ac 23{+5}From Garret  d20+11=31 d20+11=14 d20+11=16 d10+4=13 d10+9=16
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 4:12:11 PM

Appolo spins grunts and luanches another attack on A5 directly infront of him"Xenia could use alittle help here."Hitting once more.

Attack 31,114 Critical 16 Damage 13 Fortitude 16Made save

Toros  d20=10 5d4(4+4+1+2+1)+5=17
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:02:24 PM

AC, 10 (d20) +9 + 5 (Take Under Wing) + 3 (Defensive Fight) +1 (Dodge against R1)

Toros wonders what is so funny that A1 laughs so hysterically! Anyway, the guard is at least safe for now?! Realizing its small tricks do not help much, the unseen servant stands in front of R1's gauntlets with a hope to divert if not totally block the attack of them. Would it decrease the effectiveness of the redcloak's strikes? Meanwhile, Toros becomes visible and activates its magical wand again, which generates five missiles to strike at R1 (17 hp damage). Being protected by Garrett, Toros does not hide again. Rather, he maintains his defensive presence, while retrieving a scroll from his HHaversack.

"Appolo, Garrett, I am right behind you. Hope a couple of magic missiles would do well against these redcloaks. I can cast a protective spell on you, if it would help." (Toros can cast mage armor, or protection from evil - whatever would help best)

OOC: Sorry John, I have thought you can retrieve a scroll (from your HHaversack or scroll compartment etc) as a part of your move, as if you draw a weapon. And sorry Al, Toros cannot reach Syr at the moment!

DM JohnP - This has been discussed multiple times on the rules board. I understood that consensus was that only weapons could be drawn this way, not other items.


[[Yup. Looks like that's the general consensus. Any allowances and variations on the rule seem to be aberrations local to one particular DM or another. In general, retrieving an item from storage is a Move Equivalent action that provokes an AoO. Heward's Handy Haversack removes the AoO from the equation, but retrieving is still a Move Equivalent Action. Bummer, IMO, but that's the general consensus. -- Al]]

Sub for Uriel Needed (DM JohnP) 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 10:26:53 PM

Hello all

Uriel has been activated due to Hurricane Rita and unable to post for the next couple days.

Can someone (other than Al, who is already subbing for Syr) sub for him? If there are no volunteers, I will 'bot him.

Posting Delay (JohnP) 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 10:27:45 PM

While waiting for a potential sub, and two other player posts, I'm going to delay the DM post.

Nauthiz'Ull [ac20 hp90/90:Bless: Cat's Grace] 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 9:35:57 AM

The ranger grunts in fristration as his line of sight keeps getting filled in with guards. As the group of three guards near him he yells, "Where is the nearest window?! Or better yet, is there a balcony on the second floor? Which way?

Nauth will take off in whatever direction they tell him, in search of the nearest window that he could possibly fire from, or if the mention of a balcony is made, he will move as fast as possible towards that.

Move-As fast as possible to where he is going

DM Sanity Info
Cat's Grace [5/7 rounds remaining]
Bless [+1 ATT, AC, Saves]

Uriel (Sub - DM JohnP)  d20+12=31 d20+12=21 d10+11=19
Friday September 23rd, 2005 9:02:49 PM

The paladin briefly considers his tactical options since the doorway is jammed solid with combatants. He moves to the north, around the bulk of Toros, passing by Xenia and the first temple guard.

Once there, he launches a mighty attack against Redcloak 1 with his greatsword, hoping to drive the Redcloak into the ground.

Attack = 13 + 1 (prayer) - 2 (power attack) + 19 = AC 31 (critical threat, not confirmed)
Damage = 19

Fight at the Temple of Light - Round 4 (DM JohnP)  A2 d20+10=13 d20+10=15 A3 d20+17=31 d20+12=18 d20+7=26 d8+3=9 d6=6 d8+3=4 d6=4 A4 d20+7=13 d20+2=22 d20+2=17 d8+3=9 A5 d20+7=13 d20+7=25 d20+2=6 A7 d20+10=11 d20+5=11 A8 d20+11=14 d20+6=22 A9 d20+8=22 d20+8=16 d20+2=15 d10+2=5 d10+2=6 d10+2=3 A13 d20+9=23 d20+4=20 R1 d20+15=34 d20+10=11 d10+5=15 d8=7 d4=4 R2 d20+15=26 d20+10=19 R3 d20+15=20 d20+10=26 d10+5=7 d8=5 A13 d20+10=17 R4 d20+15=34 d20+10=29 d10+5=8 d10+5=14 d8=6 A5 d20+10=14 d8=6 R5 d20+8=22 d20+3=5 R6 d20+16=28 A9 d20+10=17
Friday September 23rd, 2005 10:46:08 PM

The fight continues to build as more of the Temple Guards pile in and the party gets fully involved.

Garrett resists the corrupting influence of the Redcloak's gauntlets and replies with a mighty blow. He chops into Redcloak 5 with a vengeance.

Xenia fires an arrow into the unprotected throat of Redcloak 1, with the satisfaction of seeing it draw blood. She then disguises her position by doing a do-se-do.

Syr knocks Redcloak 8 to the ground, then follows up with two solid blows to her body.

Appolo also resists the corruption from the gauntlets and then attacks Redcloak 5.

Toros fires five magic missiles into Redcloak 1 then offers protective magics to his companions.

Nauthiz'Ull scrambles for a vantage point to fire at the Redcloaks. He recalls seeing a staircase at the end of the corridor past the library.

Uriel moves in and slashes Redcloak 1 with his greatsword.

Ashalan considers his options.


Guard A1 simply stands there laughing.

Guard A2 continues with the futility of her attacks.

Guard A3 swings at Redcloak 2, hitting twice and nearly knocking the evil follower of Gargul to the floor.

Guard A4 hits Redcloak 3 once, still trying to subdue.

Guard A5 hits his opponent, Redcloak 4, dealing a small amount of damage.

Guard A6 circles around the melee, hoping to treat whatever is afflicting Guard A1.

Guard A7 steps ahead, trying to surround Redcloak 3, but isn't able to hit.

Guard A8 also steps up and trys to hit Redcloak 3, with exactly the same result.

Guard A9 takes advantage of the fallen opponent and rushes in to stomp on Redcloak[/8].

The elderly cleric shuffles forward to stand just back from the doorway. "Stop this! Stop this sacrilege!", and he starts waving his staff.

The centaur [b]Guard A13
continues to attack Redcloak R6.


Redcloak 1 calls out, Look at the heretic run!" as he swings again at Appolo.
-- Hits AC 34 (hit) and AC 11 (miss) for 15 hitpoints. Appolo also has to make a FORT save vs. DC 15. If you fail, Appolo has been diseased with Slimy Doom, taking 4 CON damage.--

Redcloak 2 continues the jibes. "Gargul will turn his face from you, coward!". He then swings at the paladin Guard A3 but doesn't hit.

Redcloak 3 steps away from his attackers and swings at the centaur Guard A13. He hits, but doesn't do much damage and fails to inflict a disease.

Redcloak 4 calls out to Nauthiz'Ull, "Run now, coward! Gargul will turn from you when we send you to him!" He then attacks Guard A5, doing a fair bit of damage. Guard A5 also starts shaking stiffly and uncontrollably.

Redcloak 5 swings at Garrett, but again can't hit the cleric.

Redcloak 6 defensively casts a spell at the centaur Guard A13.

Redcloak 7 continues to wrestle with Teufel.

Redcloak 8 starts to recover from the stunning blow from Syr, and rolls away from the two monks. Guard A9 misses the attack.
-- Syr, make an attack of opportunity at AC 20 --

The Map

Toros - OOC 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 10:54:38 PM

This is what I was assuming, when I draw the scroll as a part of move, it is from the archives of rules center:

Ruling on drawing small magic items as if they were weapons during movement:

Monday February 28th, 2005 6:14:05 PM
My feeling on grabbing an item while moving or not as a free movement is thus.

If said item is noted on your PC sheet, which the DM supposedly has, as being in a specific place; front left small pouch, then I say it should be free action accessible. If it is just generically listed as on my left side, or in my back pack, or in a large pouch with 15 other things, then absolutely not.

So, I think if you specify the item on CS, you can draw it, as if you draw a weapon with your action.

A Sound Conclusion (DM JohnP) 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 10:59:12 PM

The elderly cleric shouts, "I said STOP!"

With that shout, he slams his staff down on the floor of the Temple. Suddenly, a loud crash echoes through the Temple of Light and a force hits all of the combatants, throwing them to the floor or stunning them. In the deafening silence that follows, the City Guard clatters up and moves into the crowd of combatants. The groups are rapidly separated, with Teufel held by the two constables off by himself. The guards are about to move the party off, but the gnome cleric Silvyre steps forward with the elderly human and stops the Guard. "These people assisted our guards with defending the Temple from intruders. Leave them with us."

The Guard sergeant isn't completely happy, and he demands an explanation from the party.

Xenia  d20+1=7
Saturday September 24th, 2005 9:03:37 PM

Lining up the shot. Boy is this guy ever gonna get it.

Then *bam*! The Wold gets rough. And the ground is hard.


Xenia picks herself up off the floor.

"Whaddya think?!?!?" the girl rogue snaps at the guard sergeant. "We were in there talking with the Alemi's and we hear shoutin' and yellin'. So, you know, we come out, and we see the Red Cloaks tryin' to push their way in. They start beatin' on the Alemi's, so we figure we'd even the odds."

"Whatcha asking us for anyway?" The dark girl is clearly not in a good mood after having been slammed to the ground. "Whyn'cha ask one of your Constables?"

Xenia fowns and rubs her sore elbow.

Rolls and Actions
Diplomacy 7 (Not so much to influence the Guards, as to decide whether or not my girl was going to be nice about things or not.)

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