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Battle in the Inner Sanctum

DM Kelly  d20+10=17 d20+10=22 d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d20+10=27 d20+10=29 d20+10=21 d20+10=17 d20+10=16 d20+10=16 d20+10=24 d20+10=24 d20+10=26 d20+10=25 d20+10=15 d20+10=15 d20+10=29 d20+10=20 d20+10=18 d20+10=14 d20+10=21 d20+10=19 d20+10=26 d20+10=27
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 7:46:28 PM

Kendry has found out what you already suspected. The Red Testers have made it to the Inner Sanctum first, and they are planning an ambush.

A quick plan is made, with the fighters in the front of the group entering first. Spells are cast, and both Airin and Podo become invisible.

Since some of the spells cast are for short duration, the group decides that the time is now. Bralin throws open the door and the group moves through the doorway into a large cavern, decorated in gold and jewels. A huge pile of treasure is in the center of the cavern.

As the group rushes in to meet the enemy, Bralin triggers a glyph. A flash of light, and then both Airin and Podo can be seen. You see 4 Blackguards step our from behind the columns, and 4 Priests of Marteaus furthur back.

OOC: The following spells are dispelled, roll Intelligence check against DC 12 to notice.
Bralin: Prot. Evil, Divine Favor
Nezamil: Prayer
Airin: Spider Climb, Invisibility
Peerimus: Greater Shillelagh
Wilfire: Prot. Evil, Prot. Energy, Bear's End., Divine Favor, Rightous Might
Gilan: spells okay
Tishe: Resist Fire, Dark Vision
Podo: Invisibility

Spells not mentioned are still in effect.

Map on the way.

Post will probably be late on Wednesday. Worst case scenario is that I can't get to a computer while traveling, but I will try.

Bralin(AC 24, 96/96hp, entropic shield, pwr attk [8])  d20+2=7 d20+9=26 d10+16=21
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 8:52:52 PM

Bralin sees he's triggered a spell, but nothing seems to happen [int 7].

The ambush is sprung, and the dwarf wastes no time in doing his best to disrupt it. Without a word, he breaks into a full dwarven sprint, barrelling down upon B2.

With the full momentum of a 40' run behind it, Bralin's axe whistles shrilly as it cuts through the air.

[charge B2. hit ac 26 for 21 hp damage]

Podo Danderfluff [AC 25; 78/78hp](Cat's Grace: 27 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC) & Bear's Endurance: 28 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp))  d20+1=2 d20+16=29 d20+12=19 d10=7 d20+20=29
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 9:32:33 PM

The open door
Podo doesn't notice anything but a flash of light.


As soon as Podo sees an opening in the rush through the doorway, Podo moves into the cavern making a bee line for blackguard #4, which he attacks with a jumping flying kick. [jump=29; Attack=19; Damage=7]
Podo lands on the ground, tumbles parallel to the column into a horse stance ready for another attack.[tumble=29]
(OCC: Podo has a normal move range of 70ft or 14 squares. He will run to about 60 feet or 12 squares before launching the flying kick.)

Now that he's made his attack, he knows he's visable to the enemy. When able Podo will make a stunning fist attack to that same bg#4 enemy.

Tishe' (AC 20 HP56/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP32/32)  d20+4=7
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 11:22:15 PM

Concerned with the battle, the brown-haired mystic doesn't notice the loss of spells nor concentrates on the spell effects of the glyph. Whatever it was, it has already happened.

Taking a step to the right to clear the door, she weaves a quick incantation and targets six of her friends with a Haste spell.

Bralin - hasted 6 rounds
Nezamil - hasted 6 rounds
Peerimus - hasted 6 rounds
Wilfire - hasted 6 rounds
Podo - hasted 6 rounds
Kendry - hasted 6 rounds

Snout moves to flank his human and looks around through magic enhanced eyes to protect her from any enemies. His hard reptilian eyes gleam knowingly, for his experience has shown his human is a great magic wielder, but needs Snout to deal with physical threats.

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic, Haste*, Slow

Wilfire Ironhouse  d20+2=18 d20+13=21 d20+8=19 d8+3=8 d8+3=4
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 1:33:24 AM

"Where'd me spells go?" Wilfire asked aloud, for several were no longer active (INT check = 18).

"Yue pay fer dat!" Wilfire exclaimed as he directed his spiritual flail at the closes priest (move action, if you consider this 'switching attackers' than only count the first attack, hit AC 21 and 19, damage 8 and 4).

As the spiritual flail attacked on its own, Wilfire cast another spell. (Righteous Might again).

Spells Active:
directed Magic vestment- 10 hours
--> +2 to enchantment to AC

Spiritual weapon- 10 rounds
--> Summons spirit flail.

Divine power- 10 rounds
--> Base attack to 9, +6 strength,, +10 HP

Righteous Might- 10 rounds
--> enlarge, +4 size bonus to strength/+2 to con, +2 natural AC, damage reduction 3/evil

Sanity Totals:
1) +10 strength
2) +2 constitution
3) +1 AC (this includes - size mod)
4) +9 base attack
5) Damage reduction 3/evil
6) +28 HP
7) Large size

Kendry (HP: 58+18=76; AC: 20+4+2=26, invisible (50% miss, total concealment), hasted, levitating, inspired courage, barkskin, longstrider, cat's grace, bear's endurance)  d20+15=34 d20+15=30 d20+15=32 d20+15=29 d20+15=17 d20+15=32 d20+15=17 d20+15=34 d20+15=30 d20+15=35
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 3:51:04 AM

[Note to all: Power went out earlier right in the middle of a post just past noon today: thus, in part, my lateness.]

Just before door the door is opened
Kendry would have accepted a barkskin spell from Gilan, if possible. He also pulls out and uses different wands on himself and any others who want their effects: Cat's grace (+4 to dexterity, +2 to AC); bear's endurance (+4 to constitution, +18 hit points); levitate; invisibility (+4 to AC). On Patterton the cat's grace fails (rolled 17), but the bear's endurance takes effect (+4 to con, +18 hit points). To Airin, he says, "You sure are beautiful, girl," as he tries cat's grace (failed with 17) then bear's endurance (succeeded). Podo receives cat's grace and bear's endurance, if desired. [Use magic device rolls of 34, 30, 32, 29- Kendry, 17, 32- Patterton, 17, 34- Airin, 30, 35- Podo]. A 20 is needed for the wand to work.]

As the door opens
Kendry touches a Brahmah's tattoo at the base of his neck (longstrider, move 30).

A moment after the door opens and his friends step forth (kicking off the glyph)
The now invisible bard starts to sing, [inspiring courage and giving all his allies +2 morale bonuses to all attacks and weapon damage rolls, as well as +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects - INCLUDE THESE IN YOUR ROLLS, EVERYONE, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! (except DM Kelly ;-) ]

As he sings, he hustles forward (100' speed), and, as he gains full forward momentum after several steps, allows his levitation to cause him to rise into the air of the cavern (up 20 feet by the end of the round, and continuing to rise 20 per round) (aiming for a spot roughly above the treasure pile and Priest #3).

On Kendry:
Barkskin (if Gilan cast it on Kendry): 78.9 minutes (+4 natural armor bonus to AC)
Cat's Grace: 20 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC)
Bear's Endurance: 21 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp)
Levitate: 22 rounds
Invisible: 23 rounds (visually undetectable, total concealment from invisibility, opponents have 50% miss chance, immune to extra damage from sneak attack, +2 bonus on attack rolls vs sighted opponents, ignore opponents' dexterity bonuses to AC))
Haste: 6 rounds (from Tishe' - thanks!)
Current movement speed: 50
On Patterton:
Bear's Endurance: 24 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp)
On Airin:
Bear's Endurance: 26 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp)
On Podo:
Cat's Grace: 27 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC)
Bear's Endurance: 28 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp)

[Song in next post]

Kendry's Song 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 3:53:18 AM

Gargulus took the monsters bold
By Eberyon's help he sent down souls
This twisted plan from days of old
Made races evil, orcs and trolls

Now you who think the old ways best
Seek to turn back Lord Gargul's will
Marteaus', Dark Lord's bitter tests
Have caused you noble blood to spill

Now stand you all arrayed for battle
Trying to defeat good hosts
But, you see, you'll not soon rattle
Us who passed Alemi's tests

WILFIRE (2ND POST)- AC22/ HP 121- magic vestment, spiritual weapon, divine power, righteous might 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 7:49:16 AM

OOC- Sorry forgot to post key stats at top of page and I made a mistake on AC, so I reposted.

"Where'd me spells go?" Wilfire asked aloud, for several were no longer active (INT check = 18).

"Yue pay fer dat!" Wilfire exclaimed as he directed his spiritual flail at the closes priest (move action, if you consider this 'switching attackers' than only count the first attack, hit AC 21 and 19, damage 8 and 4).

As the spiritual flail attacked on its own, Wilfire cast another spell. (Righteous Might again).

Spells Active:
Magic vestment- 10 hours
--> +2 to enchantment to AC

Spiritual weapon- 10 rounds
--> Summons spirit flail.

Divine power- 10 rounds
--> Base attack to 9, +6 strength,, +10 HP

Righteous Might- 10 rounds
--> enlarge, +4 size bonus to strength/+2 to con, +2 natural AC, damage reduction 3/evil

Sanity Totals:
1) +10 strength
2) +2 constitution
3) +3 AC (this includes - size mod)
4) +9 base attack
5) Damage reduction 3/evil
6) +28 HP
7) Large size

Airin and Erwen  d20+3=5 d20+6=11 d20+14=25 d20+9=26 d6+1=6 d6+1=4 d20+10=29 d20+25=36
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 10:11:12 AM

Airin has no idea those Marteaus men can see her and neither does she know she lost the ability to climb the walls! (failed Int check -- so she continues with her original plan to climb the walls and find a nice spot to attack feeling comfortable they all can't see her.)

She decides to move 10ft to the right towards the wall and then simply tries to crawl upon the walls. However it appears to be much harder than the potion would grant her! She even falls back to the ground!! "My spell has failed!" Airin thinks to herself.

"What if my invisibility has failed as well?!?" she thinks in panic as she turns around to face Blackguard 4 (about 55ft away from her). Is he looking directly at her?!?
No time to find out and take the chance. She aims her crossbow and fires! Thanks to her rapid reloading she's able to send two bolts in BG5's direction!

Having fired two bolts Airin frantically looks around to find possible hiding places, but is petrified when she finds none at first sight. All she can do is hope to blend into the shadows as the only light in this room was located in the center (so the edges of the room should be much darker)

Erwen flies through the room close to the roof and flies to the center of the room shrieking loudly. Hopefully this will distract those on the ground a little. If possible she will drop some ... euhm ... you know ... hoping to make it drop on one of those clerics heads!

Int Check: 5
Climb: 11
Bolt 1 hits AC: 25
Damage Bolt 1: 6
Bolt 2 hits AC: 26
Damage Bolt 2: 4
Spot: 29 (finding hiding places)
Hide: 36

Active Spells:
HP Link to Kendry (this quest only)

Prepared Spells:
Post: Tuesday October 18th, 2005 9:49:25 AM

Nezamil Ac 25 (22base) Hp 80/80 SR 21,RE(fire 20),Inspire courage (+2 AC)Haste(+1 ac)  d20+14=33 d20+9=14 d20+14=21 d8+7=8 d8+7=11 d20+1=14
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 3:11:35 PM

Nezamil follows Bralin only a half step behind him as his legs churn closing the gap between him and Bg2 "DOOOOOOMMMMIIIII" shouts the Cleric as he teams up with Bralin on the Red Robed enemy(bg2)....his shield in front and mace tracing deadly arcs thru the air as it smashes (1st swing d20+14=33)(d8+7=8 dam) into Bg2 his backswing missing wide(d20+9=16) but the overhead smash(3rd swing hasted d20+14=21)(d8+7=11 dam) crunches into his chest(maybe)

Nezamil to hit = +10 base +1 magic weapon,+1 haste,+2 inspire couarge = +14
d20+1=14 spot ch

Peerimus [AC 24 HP 68] and Shaylin [AC 23 HP 66]  d20+17=28 d20+16=27 d20+16=18 d20+18=33 d20+16=17 d20+16=34 d6+7=8 d6+7=8 d8+11=17 d6+7=11 d6+7=9 d20+17=29 d20+1=6
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 3:38:08 PM

"Shaylin, kill" the words come with cold calmness from the druids lips and the leopard is off in a shot towards the man pointed at. [B3] Shaylin pounds across the short distance and Peerimus casts a spell just as she arrives. Instead of 120 pounds of leopard, the blackguard finds himself on the recieving end of over 800 pounds of leaping claws and fangs. [Animal Growth] Peerimus targets Snout and the eagle as well. If the animal wishes to avoid the effects Will Save DC 21.

Shaylin arrives on a short charge and pounces. [Claw Hit AC 27/18 Bite 33 Rake 17/34 Dmg Claw 8/8 Bite 17 Rake 11/9
Grapple 29, Def grapple 27]

Peerimus then moves up 25' to within 5' of the blackguard Shaylin is tearing into, staff still in hand.

Level 0:
Detect magic, Mending, Read Magic, Create water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Level 1:
Pass w/o a Trace, *Longstrider, CLW, Hornets Nest x2, Speak with Animals
Level 2:
Flame Blade x2, Resist Elements, *Barkskin x2
Level 3:
CMW, *Greater Magic Fang, Poison, Protection from Energy
Level 4:
*Greater Shillelagh x2, Flame Strike
Level 5:
*Animal Growth, Stoneskin

Active spells
Peerimus Longstrider 9 hours
Barkskin 89.4 mintues
Haste from Tishe +1 AC and hit +30' speed
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

Shaylin Greater Magic Fang 9 hours
Barkskin 89.4 mintues
Animal Growth 9.0 minutes DR 10/adamantine
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

DM Kelly 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 10:33:01 PM

OOC: I had to go out of town to take some people on tours of Zion National Park. I was not able to take my laptop, so I don't have all my information. The short of it, I can't make an adequate DM post, very sorry.

Sooo, since Kim was detained from posting, I am allowing more 'conversation in the mirror room' prior to opening the door. The dispel magic still happens, and you don't know about it. You can keep your initial actions in the cavern the same, or change them.

Great postings BTW, sorry I can't react to them right now.

Tishe' (AC 20 HP56/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP32/32) 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 11:18:28 PM

The wild militant song echoes in the cavern and makes the young woman's heart soar; 'bravely into battle!' she thinks, grinning fiercely.

Snout grunts as he expands and suddenly a 12 foot crocodile is inbetween his human and any blackguard. The reptile hisses like a gnomish steam contraption, grinning openly and inviting any to come near his large maw and deadly tail.

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large(from Peerimus)

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic, Haste*, Slow

Airin and Erwen 
Thursday October 27th, 2005 9:35:53 AM

In slomotion Airin sees her bolts veer to Blackguard 2. The aerodynamic points of the bolts slowly push the air molecules aside causing them to whirl in chaos once the bolt has passed... ever closer comes the blackguards body and it's almost as if a little red dot marks the place of impact... almost...

Erwen watches her poo fall and gazes as it slowly closes in on the Cleric in the middle of the Pile of Gold...


DM Kelly 
Thursday October 27th, 2005 5:37:33 PM

OOC: Sorry everyone, still out of town. Large post coming Friday morning, I promise. I may even kill someone to make it up to you. At least I want to, my character was just killed in the Swords of Light game.

Tishe' (AC 20 HP56/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP32/32) 
Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:53:09 PM

In his small reptilian brain, the 12 foot croc remembers that his human is special; His human protected him when he was hurt and others wanted to clean his bones. Snout hisses again, readying his actions should an enemy be so foolish to approach HIS human.

Tishe' is glad she is clear of the door and gazes with mage-enhanced vision to see if there are invisible enemies about while she prepares her thoughts for another spell.

Wart grunts and stays within his satchel.

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large(from Peerimus)

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic, Haste*, Slow

Airin and Erwen 
Friday October 28th, 2005 7:27:56 AM

waiting to post. I'm curious to see what will happen ;-)

DM Kelly - sorry for late post  d20+16=18 d20+16=33 d10+25=29 2d6(3+2)=5 10d6(1+4+1+4+5+6+6+5+2+5)=39 d20+13=21 d20+16=33 d10+25=32 2d6(5+6)=11
Friday October 28th, 2005 7:06:34 PM

The trap sprung, the brave bearers of the tapestry rush into the room. The priest upon the pile of treasure says in a booming voice:

"We will have the tapestry, our great need demands it. Give it to us or die."

Bralin rushes at the blackguard B2, swinging his axe it bites deeply into the blackguard. B2 staggers back, but recovers and utters a curse as he swings his bastard sword with both hands. Whether caused by the force from the rushing dwarf or the wound opened in his side, he sword swings wide.

Podo rushes at blackguard B4, and leaps into the air, his foot aiming for the throat of the blackguard. With a sideways step, he causes Podo to miss. As the small halfling flys by, he swings his sword. He too utters a curse as the sword swings, catching the halfling in the air, cutting a nasty wound in the halfling (34 Hp damage). The momentum carries Podo away and he lands near the column.

Tishe steps to the right side of the door, and casts a spell. Bralin - hasted 6 rounds
Nezamil - hasted 6 rounds
Peerimus - hasted 6 rounds
Wilfire - hasted 6 rounds
Podo - hasted 6 rounds
Kendry - hasted 6 rounds
The crocodile steps in front, waiting for an attacker to come close. Instead, priest P2 looks at Tishe and utters some words, clutching at the holy symbol of Marteaus. A column of flame streaks down, catching Tishe, Airin and Snout in its path. (39 HP damage, roll reflex save DC 20 for half damage)

Airin tries to climb the wall and fails, instead she whirls around and fires two bolts at the blackguard B4, one of which hits for 4HP damage. (Roll for Save from Flame Strike)

Wilfire casts a spiritual weapon at priest P2, but it misses. The flames come down next to him, but miss him.

Kendry starts running and then levitates off the ground, floating toward the priests who stand on the pile of treasure. Priest P3, seeing the singing halfling float towards him, points towards Kendry while chanting. (Roll Will save DC 16 or tremble with fear for 10 minutes "Doom")

Nezamil follows Bralin into battle, and smashes his mace into the wounded Blackgaurd (B2) for 8HP damage. His second swing misses.

Peerimus gives a command, and Shaylin leaps toward the blackguard B3. The blackguard swings at the cat, and misses as Shaylin jumps onto him and bites him while raking him with both a front and rear paw (34 HP damage). Latching on, the cat continues attacking as Peerimus closes the distance.

Gilan and Patty rush towards the blackguard B1. Looking at the stout halfling, the blackgaurd utters a curse and swings his bastard sword. The sword cuts deeply into Patty (43 HP damage). P4, seeing that B1 is being overrun, casts blindness on Cairan (Fort Save DC 18) while P1 cast blindness on Gilan (Fort Save DC 18).

OOC: Those hasted who did not roll a second attack may do so. Gilan and Patty need to roll attacks also.

Peerimus [AC 24 HP 68] and Shaylin [AC 23 HP 66]  d20+13=26 d20+13=32 d20+13=30 d20+13=23 d20+15=17 d6+6=7 d6+6=7 d6+6=11 d6+6=12 d10+10=18 d20+17=23 d20+9=28
Friday October 28th, 2005 8:47:49 PM

Shaylin continues to grapple with the Blackguard. The now massive cats thrashes about, razor like claws ripping at the man.
[Claw AC 26/32 Rake 30/23 Bite 17 Dmg 7/7 11/12 Bite 18 Grapple 23

Peerimus will hold his action and attempt to Counter the clerics spell. If no cleric throws a spell he can counter Peerimus casts Greater Shillelagh upon his staff again.
[Spell craft 28 to determine cleric spell]

Level 0:
Detect magic, Mending, Read Magic, Create water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Level 1:
Pass w/o a Trace, *Longstrider, CLW, Hornets Nest x2, Speak with Animals
Level 2:
Flame Blade x2, Resist Elements, *Barkskin x2
Level 3:
CMW, *Greater Magic Fang, Poison, Protection from Energy
Level 4:
*Greater Shillelagh x2, Flame Strike
Level 5:
*Animal Growth, Stoneskin

Active spells
Peerimus Longstrider 9 hours
Barkskin 89.4 mintues
Haste from Tishe +1 AC and hit +30' speed
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

Shaylin Greater Magic Fang 9 hours
Barkskin 89.4 mintues
Animal Growth 9.0 minutes DR 10/adamantine
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 80/80 Sr 21 ,RE (20-fire) Inspire courage (+2 ac) Haste (+1 Ac)  d20+14=18 d20+9=24 d20+14=26 d8+7=14 d8+7=13
Friday October 28th, 2005 10:47:07 PM

The dwarf's mace whistles thru the air arcing back and forth as he looks for an opening in the blackguards defense and launches three(3) quick strikes (1st swing d20+14=18) as he see's his chance (2nd swing d20+9=24)(d8+7=14 damage)finishing his attack with an overhead smash(3rd swing is hasted d20+14=26)(d8+7=13 damage)(total damage is 27)

i didn't add flanking bonus(+2) not sure if you consider Nezamil flanking bg2 when Bralin also attacks same bg2

" hows that feel ya diseased filth " growls out the dwarf

" cut this dog down Bralin " barks out Nezamil

Gilan(hp77/77: ac22)[wildshape:girallon] Ciaran(hp48/48:ac21)  d20+10=21 d20+10=23 d20+17=24 d20+17=23 d20+17=26 d20+17=33 d20+14=24 d4+8=12 d4+8=11 d4+8=9 d4+8=10 d8+5=6 d20+10=23 d6+4=5 d20+11=12
Friday October 28th, 2005 11:10:12 PM

Gilan's shape changes as he tears in at the blackguard before him. Claws swipe in at the man, not those of a man but those of a large four armed gorilla. He ends it with a bite at the man's face.

Ciaran charges in at the same man. He attempts to hit him low and take his down to the ground.

[(Gilan)hit: 24/23/26/33/24 and damage: 12/11/9/10/6]
[(Ciaran)hit: 23 and damage: 5, trip 12]

[Fort 21 and 23]

[barkskin(Gilan & Ciaran) - 800 rounds, +3 AC]
[greater magic fang(Gilan & Ciaran) - 16 hours]
[barkskin(Kendry) - 799 rounds, +3 AC]

0th(6): detect magic, read magic, guidance(2), mending(2)
1st(6): entangle, longstrider(2), pass without trace, speak with animals(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(3)***, bull's strength(2), cat's grace
3rd(4): greater magic fang(3)**, meld into stone
4th(3): rusting grasp(2), spike stones
5th(2): baleful polymorph(2)

Kendry (HP: 58+18=76; AC: 20+4+2=26, invisible (50% miss, total concealment), hasted, levitating, inspired courage, barkskin, longstrider, cat's grace, bear's endurance)  d20+14=17
Saturday October 29th, 2005 2:15:09 AM

[Will save vs fear effect of Doom: 17 (saved by a whisker or two)]

As Kendry's horizontal speed brings him above the treasure pile, now at a height approaching 40 feet from his take-off point (not sure how high the treasure stands), he drops a feather into the middle of the pile. If the ceiling is close enough to grab (unlikely), he will do so. Otherwise, inertia likely will cause him to continue his forward momentum, again, gaining 20' altitude per round.

So as to draw the attention of the priests away from his friends, as well as to continue to inspire courage in his allies, Kendry's song goes on:
Your 'need demands' the tapestry
'Give us it or die!'
Your brusk commands are blustery
To spurn them is right just, you see
For foolish mandate must not be
Carried forth, is our reply
Meanwhile, the feather flutters down. When it touches the pile of treasure, it transforms into a swan boat (Quaal's feather token: swan boat), large enough to carry eight horses and gear or 32 medium-sized characters or any equivalent combination. Depending on its orientation when it lands and expands, it may knock one or both of the priests off of the treasure pile, or interfere with them in some way - DM call on that. :-)

Tishe' (AC 20 HP36/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP12/32)  d20+7=27 d20+7=27 d20=9
Saturday October 29th, 2005 2:49:57 PM

The blessings of Alemi so soon on Tishe' and her companion eases the force of the flaming column (Tishe': Nat 20, Snout: Nat 20! Only take 10 points of damage.

"Go back, Snout!" urges the brown-haired spellweaver (Handle Animal: 9), but she is unsure if her worry over her companion is able to make him get out of the fight.

Not seeing any invisible creatures, Tishe' turns to keeping the enemy spellcaster heads down, and weaves a quick and delicate pattern that expands rapidly to engulf P3 and the pile of treasure in a sticky web, anchored at floor and cieling. (DC 17 to save 10+4int+2lvl+1for conjuration)

She then moves forward 30 feet to put a column in between herself and as many spellcasters as possible.

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large(from Peerimus)

Bralin - hasted 5 rounds
Nezamil - hasted 5 rounds
Peerimus - hasted 5 rounds
Wilfire - hasted 5 rounds
Podo - hasted 5 rounds
Kendry - hasted 5 rounds

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor*, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic, Haste*, Slow

Bralin(AC 26, 96/96hp, entropic shield, haste, inspire courage)  d20+11=25 d10+16=17 d20+17=20 d20+12=31 d20+12=23 d20+17=20 d10+10=13 d10+10=14 d10+10=14 d10+10=19 d10+10=11
Sunday October 30th, 2005 8:32:50 AM

[Hasted attack on B2 from previous round - hit ac 25 for 17 hp damage.]

Bralin nods imperceptably to his dwarven companion. He is endeavoring to do just that. Shifting his stance, he launches a furious assault on the blackguard.

Attack B2
First: hit ac 20 for 13 hp damage
Second: hit ac 31(crit threat - ac 23 on threat roll) - 14 hp damage (if crit 47 hp)
Haste: hit ac 20 for 11 hp damage

Airin [dodge vs B4] and Erwen  d20+9=26 d20+6=22 d20=20 d20+3=11 d20+3=17 d4=4
Sunday October 30th, 2005 1:44:11 PM

(Ref Save 26)

As she was watching her bolts veer into the body of the Blackguard Airin also sees the Flame Strike fall down on her and her friends. The nimble halfling lady jumps spins around... seems to run up the walls, tumbles sideways, and ultimately she dodges the Flame Strike ENTIRELY!!! (Evasion! - no damage)

Airin observes the situation and feels the power of the Clerics is very dangerous. She knows something has to be done about them first for they will most likely be able to cure the blackguards. These foes are not to be underestimated!

"Let's bluff..." Airin thinks to herself. She tries to position herself so that the Clerics can not see her all to well and starts to cast a spell. Those eyeballing her will see a young woman who appears to be panicking instead! Basically Airin will try to fool those oberserving her to hide the fact that she's chanting a powerfull spell!

Airin calls upon the very powers of nature to bring down lightning bolts!

[ooc: casting this spell takes an entire round so she will be subject to concentration checks - therefore she tries to fool her opponents to conceal the fact that she's casting such a spell]

"GIVE THEM THAT BLOODY THING!!! I DON't WANNA DIE HERE!!! I'm too young to die!!!" is what her opponents will hear while they see the Halfling move a little further to the east.

Erwen is petrified when she watches the column of fire fall down on her master, but shrieks from pleasure as she watches Airin dodge the fires. Erwen is able to determine it was Priest 2 who send those flames upon Airin, and with pure rage in the predetor bird's eyes she takes a dive at P2! Her claws extend outward ready to tear the Priests face open. (She attacks with both claws)
Even if her attacks are unsuccesfull, she'll have the pleasure to break the priests concentration!

ref save: 26
bluff: 22
Concentration: 20
Erwen claw 1 hits AC11
Erwen claw 2 hits AC17 for 4Hp

HP link to Kendry
Call Lightning: 5 minutes / max 5 bolts

Podo [AC 25; 44/78hp](Cat's Grace: 27 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC) & Bear's Endurance: 28 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp))  d20+2=10 d10=2 d20+7=10 d10=7
Sunday October 30th, 2005 7:46:34 PM

Podo's shock of being hit and cut by the Blackguard's sword does not sway him from his stunning fist attack.

Pivioting on the balls of his feet, Podo attacks the blackguard with a stunning fist. (hits AC:12; Dmg:4; if hit BG must make Fort save vs. DC 19 or be stunned). Podo follows the stunning fist with his 3rd unarmed attack (the hasted one) hitting AC 12; dmg: 9.

[OCC: added +2 to attacks and each damage roll from bardic inspire courage!, after the fact; as I forgot about it when I rolled]

After Podo finishes his attacks, he will ready to go again.

WILFIRE- AC 22/HP121- magic vestment, spiritual weapon, divine power, righteous might, haste  d20+14=17 d20+9=23 d8+3=10 d8+3=11 d20+18=26 d20+17=31 d20+19=31 2d8(8+7)+14=29
Sunday October 30th, 2005 11:31:18 PM

Wilfire's spiritual flail continued to attack (hit AC 17 and 23, damage 10 and 11), as Wilfire charged towards the nearest Blackguard (#3, if he's down then #2, if he's down then #4, move with haste and boots is 60").

When he got within 10" of his enemy (enlarged=reach) he stopped short and swung low with his huge flail (trip attempt).

OOC: Touch attack hits AC 26, opposed check= 31(14 roll, +4 large size, +4 improved trip, +9 strength modifier).

OOC2- If trip is successful he gets free attack, hit AC 31 on prone opponent (+9 base, +9 strength, +1 flail focus, +1 weapon, -1 size). Damage 29.

Spells Active:
Magic vestment- 10 hours
--> +2 to enchantment to AC
Spiritual weapon- 10 rounds
--> Summons spirit flail.
Divine power- 10 rounds
--> Base attack to 9, +6 strength,, +10 HP
Righteous Might- 10 rounds
--> enlarge, +4 size bonus to strength/+2 to con, +2 natural AC, damage reduction 3/evil

Sanity Totals:
1) +10 strength
2) +2 constitution
3) +3 AC (this includes - size mod)
4) +9 base attack
5) Damage reduction 3/evil
6) +28 HP
7) Large size

Patterton (by Kim) (AC: hp 84+18-43=59)  d20+17=30 d20+17=34 d20+17=19 d20+12=31 d20+12=30 d6+10=15 d6+10=12 d8=4 d6+10=14 d6+10=16 d6+10=12 d8=7 d8+1=2 d8+1=7
Sunday October 30th, 2005 11:40:35 PM

From end of last round
Shocked by the power of the blow he just received, ire immediately erupts in the strong halfling. Patterton's hips power his torso around as he swings his bastard sword against the blackguard. He connects with a critical hit ((forgot to add in +2 on attack from Inspire Courage, and 1.5x, rather than 1x, strength bonus on weapon damage; also, should be rolling 1d8, rather than 1d6, for weapon damage with bastard sword, which is a 33% increase, therefore multiply d6 results by 4/3 & round to nearest) Hit AC 32, threat, confirmed crit with AC 36) for 15+2(inspire courage)+2(round to accommodate d8 rather than d6)+12+2+1=34 hp weapon damage and 4 hp from sonic damage as the sword emits a small sonic boom as it slices downward just above the left hip. (Total 39 hp)

This round
At the beginning of the current round, he hits AC 21 for 14+2+1=17 hp damage. His follow-up attack, however, swings upward, catching the taller human on his right inner thigh for another critical hit [threat AC 33, crit AC 32] for 14+2+1+16+2+2=35 hp weapon damage, and 7 hp sonic damage. (Total 59 hp (or 42 hp if AC 21 does not hit).) [OOC: Note: Did not compensate for grappled or prone on AC hit. See below.

Patterton, unlike some of his more voluble friends, has nothing to say to this fellow whom he plans to kill. At the moment, his blade speaks well enough.

The blackguard must make two fortitude saving throws, DC 14, or be deafened* permanently by the thunderous sound of Patty's sword.

IF the blackguard is dead after Patty's first attack last round and Gilan's & Ciaran's attacks this round, OR after Patty's first attack this round, THEN Patty will open and down a potion of cure light wounds (healing 7 hp of damage - rerolled natural 1) as he hustles to assist Podo with B4 - avoiding coming close enough to other blackguards to provoke an AoO; ELSE, if it is not until Patty's final blow that the B1 dies, he will then at the end of the round start to do what I just outlined here.

* [Deafened: A deafened character cannot hear. She takes a -4 penalty on initiative checks, automatically fails Listen checks, and has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components.]

[Oh, great. I failed to note that Gilan is grappling with blackguard #1. If that would modify any rolls, please adjust. If grappled, the blackguard loses Dex bonus to AC vs people he is not grappling. If prone, his AC takes a -4 penalty against melee attacks. Sorry for missing this. -Kim]

Kendry - OOC (Kim) 
Monday October 31st, 2005 2:08:00 AM

[Everyone: Remember to add +2 to attacks and each damage roll from bardic inspire courage! Also, if you need to save vs. fear or charm, you get the +2 on your save. -Kim]

Wilfire (OOC) 
Monday October 31st, 2005 7:46:44 AM

I forgot to add the +2/+2 to my attack rolls. So:

Spiritual hammer- hits AC 19, 25. D 12, 13

-touch attack hits AC 28
-opposed strength check = 31
-prone attack hits AC 33, damage 31

DM Kelly  d20+13=27 d10+21=29 2d6(4+6)=10 10d6(1+3+4+6+5+4+1+6+2+6)=38 d20+13=23 d20+13=16 d20+13=24
Monday October 31st, 2005 4:32:26 PM

While the fight heats up, it appears that the Red Testers have gained the advantage with their ambush. Flames erupt on Tishe and Airin, and while Airin deftly avoids the flames, Tishe is barely singed. The Blackguards deal massive amounts of damage to Patty and Podo, yet it is the Blackguards who seem to be taking the worst of the damage. Above it all, an invisible Kendry sings a taunting song.

Blackguard B1 (AC 26) is wounded deeply by Gilan and Patty's attacks, yet stands and delivers another blow at Patty (Hit for 39 HP damage). The four armed gorilla, wolf and massive halfling continue the attack, and the Blackguard drops to the ground. Unfortunately, at the same time Priest P1 weaves a spell and a column of flame envelopes Gilan, Ciaran and Patty (38 HP damage, roll reflex save DC 20 for half damage).

Blackguard B2(AC 26) is attacked by the dwarves. Bralin hits with his second attack for 14 HP Damage. Nezamil hits for 13 damage. The Blackguard fights back, swinging again at Bralin, missing him yet again.

Blackguard B3(AC 25) is being grappled by Shaylin, who bites and claws for 25 damage. He is still on his feet, and manages to swing his sword at the cat, missing him.

Blackguard B4 seems to be smiling. Only a small halfling as a foe. He has the intent of quickly finishing him so that he may help his brothers. Podo leaps and kicks, but cannot connect. The Blackguard swings his sword, but this time the quick halfling stays out of his reach.

Wilfire directs his spiritual weapon at Priest (AC 25) P2, and hits him for 13 HP damage. He points his finger at Wilfire, and utters a word. (Roll Will save DC 16 or tremble with fear for 10 minutes "Doom".)

Then Tishe, makes an incantation and a thick mass of web engulfs P3. A fraction of a second later, a small feather floats down from above and sticks in the web. Almost instantly, a huge boat materializes and crashes down through the webs. It lands on the 30 foot high pile of treasure. Priest P3 screams in agony as the boat pins him against the pile of gold and jewels. Kendry, who is also above the web, needs to save DC 17 or be caught in the webs. Priest P2 slides down to the bottom of the pile, unaffected by the boat.

Priest P3 had a special treat in store for Airin, but it appears that Airin is free to chant while making claims of surrender.

Priest P4 sees that the fight is not going well at all. Did not all the scouting reports indicate that all they had to do was take out a few halflings, a couple of dwarves and a few renegade humans? Realizing that the battle needs to take a different turn, casts a spell and foggy mists envelope the priest near the edge of the treasure pile.

OOC: Not sure which priest Peerimus was watching, or how you planned on disrupting the spell. Please give more info.

Peerimus [AC 24 HP 68] and Shaylin [AC 23 HP 66]  d20+17=31 d20+17=36 d20+17=28 d20+17=22 d20+17=18 d6+6=12 d6+6=9 d6+6=10 d6+6=8 d20+13=16
Monday October 31st, 2005 5:38:26 PM

Shaylin continues to grapple with the Blackguard.
[Grapple Claw 31/36 Rake 28/22 Bite 18 Dmg Claw 12/9 Rake 10/8 Bite miss Def Grapple 27]

Peerimus catches several spells going off by the clerics, Trying to counter them is pointless, I do not have the repertoire. The druid then invokes his second Greater Shillelagh and leaving Shaylin to deal with his one, goes to help Podo. Arriving quickly under the Haste spell he sends his enhanced staff in a straight thrust to the man's midsection.
[Hit AC 16] The blow glances off the heavy armored Blackguard. Setting his face, Peerimus prepares for the counter attack

Level 0:
Detect magic, Mending, Read Magic, Create water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Level 1:
Pass w/o a Trace, *Longstrider, CLW, Hornets Nest x2, Speak with Animals
Level 2:
Flame Blade x2, Resist Elements, **Barkskin x2
Level 3:
CMW, *Greater Magic Fang, Poison, Protection from Energy
Level 4:
**Greater Shillelagh x2, Flame Strike
Level 5:
*Animal Growth, Stoneskin

Active spells
Peerimus Longstrider 9 hours
Barkskin 89.3 mintues
Haste from Tishe +1 AC and hit +30' speed
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

Shaylin Greater Magic Fang 9 hours
Barkskin 89.3 minutes
Animal Growth 8.9 minutes DR 10/adamantine
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

Patterton (by Kim)  d20+7=22 d20+17=30 d20+17=19 d8+12=13 d8+12=19 d8=5 d8+1=5 d20=6 d20+2=16
Monday October 31st, 2005 8:51:24 PM

[Reflex save 22 vs. column of flame, half damage of 19.]

The toughness of the onslaught from the blackguard rattles Patterton, and then as the flames descend, Patterton momentarily tosses his cape over his head, lessening, though not eliminating, the painful burning.

He thrusts one time at the downed blackguard, hoping to help finish him off, hitting AC 30 (threat, but only a crit if the blackguard's AC is 19 or less when prone, with no dexterity bonus, and with an AC -4 penalty for being prone vs. melee attack). If the attack is critical, then he takes 13+19=31 weapon damage and 5 points sonic damage (and he must make a fortitude save or be permanently deafened). If not critical, then he takes only 13 hp weapon damage from Patterton.

Rather than attacking a second time, Patty hopes that Gilan and Ciaran can finish off the fellow. Patterton drinks a potion of cure light wounds, regaining 5 hp, to bring him to 6 hp total. He steps back five feet, and looks around [Spot: 6] and listens [Listen: 16] as he readies another potion to drink.

Bralin(AC 26, 96/96hp, entropic shield, haste, inspire courage)  d20+17=37 d20+17=34 d20+12=15 d20+17=22 d10+10=15 d10+10=14 d10+10=19 d10+10=16
Monday October 31st, 2005 9:09:30 PM

Bralin presses forward, annoyed with his inability to deliver a solid blow. The dwarf is convinced the blade is missing more through his own lack of technique than any real defense by the blackguard.

Redoubling his effort, Bralin sends an enormous blow flying at the Blackguard. So powerful is the first blow, he cannot recover sufficiently, and the second sails wide. The third is also poorly timed.

Atk B2
First: nat 20! (Crit threat - ac 34!) for 48 hp damage
Second: hit ac 15
Haste: hit ac 22

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 80/80 SR 21,RE(20-fire),Inspire courage(+2 ac)Haste(+1 ac)  d20+14=22 d20+9=13 d20+14=15
Monday October 31st, 2005 11:04:53 PM

The Dwarf eyes Bralin with admiration as his axe slashes the BlackGuard#2 " By Domi what a blow " shouts Nezamil out loud " bet dat hurt eh " growls the dwarf to BG2

Nezamil's feet move deftly as he jockeys for a good postion to attack BG2 and with Bralin's mighty blow knocking BG2 for a loop the dwarf reacts with lightning quickness his mace slashing thru the air but none of his attempts find their mark " stand still ya dumb Ox " growls out the dwarf in frustration

Tishe' (AC 20 HP36/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP12/32) 
Monday October 31st, 2005 11:21:04 PM

The brown-haired mage is pleased by her webs, but has no idea where that boat came from! The one Blackguard against only little Airin has her a little concerned, but Nezamil said to concentrate on the spellcasters, so what to do?

Perhaps if she takes out the Blackguard against Airin, then Airin can help against the spellcasters?

"Airin, stike towards the clerics!", she calls, and takes out a scrol (move action) to quickly read and strike at Blackguard #4. The urge to do nothing but giggle, guffaw, and FOFL strikes the beater; but will he succumb? (Hideous Laughter Will DC 16, or be unable to take action for 6 rounds.)

Reptilian eyes look around. His human is doing well, and though the flames hurt beyond anything he's experienced, Snout knows the best place for him to be is to keep his 20 foot body betweeen his human and the nestkillers. His readied action awaits anyone (invisible or not) to come near.

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large 24'(from Peerimus)

Bralin - hasted 4 rounds
Nezamil - hasted 4 rounds
Peerimus - hasted 4 rounds
Wilfire - hasted 4 rounds
Podo - hasted 4 rounds
Kendry - hasted 4 rounds

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor*, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web*, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic, Haste*, Slow

Gilan(hp39/77: ac22)[wildshape:girallon] Ciaran(hp29/48:ac21)  d20+8=13 d20+8=27 d20+6=23 d20+17=23 d20+17=31 d20+17=29 d20+17=31 d20+14=32 d4+8=9 d4+8=12 d4+8=9 d4+8=10 d8+5=11
Monday October 31st, 2005 11:28:00 PM

Gilan roars in pain as the fire slams into him and he staggers some under the blaze. Still it does not drop him as he bends to tear into the prone form of the blackguard at his feet. Tears rip and tear at any exposed flesh and he even tries to grab and rip the man's head off. Teeth decend at what he hopes is an exposed neck as well or maybe an arm if the head comes off.

Ciaran is luckier as he is able to dodge out of most of the flames blast. He slips back out of the way and tries to slip from pillar to pillar to get at a priest.

[(Gilan)hit: 23/31/29/31/32 and damage: 9/12/9/10/11]
[(Ciaran)hit: and damage: , trip ]

[Reflex 13 and 27, hide 23]

[barkskin(Gilan & Ciaran) - 799 rounds, +3 AC]
[greater magic fang(Gilan & Ciaran) - 16 hours]
[barkskin(Kendry) - 798 rounds, +3 AC]

0th(6): detect magic, read magic, guidance(2), mending(2)
1st(6): entangle, longstrider(2), pass without trace, speak with animals(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(3)***, bull's strength(2), cat's grace
3rd(4): greater magic fang(3)**, meld into stone
4th(3): rusting grasp(2), spike stones
5th(2): baleful polymorph(2)

Podo Danderfluff [AC 25; 44/78hp] (Cat's Grace: 27 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC) & Bear's Endurance: 28 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp)) 
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 12:30:02 AM

Podo seeing the enemy miss his swing, Podo is energized for another round. This time though he will start with a stunning fist and then finish him off with the rest of his unarmed strikes!

Podo summons all his being and lashes out at the Blackguard with his Stunning fist attack! (Nat 20+16=36; AC 36! & 2nd hit AC=27; If the target is hit, he must make Fort save vs. DC 21 or be stunned; Damage: if only a hit damage is 7hp, but if it is a critical, damage is 17HP!)

Feeling successful and energized, Podo spins pummelling into the enemy with 2 additional unarmed attacks. Second attack (AC:24; Damage: 10 hp) & the 3rd attack is (AC:21; Damage: 9 hp)

Finishing his round of fist flying and dizzying barrage of unarmed attacks Podo yells a sound akin to ...UT... as he readies himself back into another ready stance waiting for the opportunity to strike the final blow!

If the guard is still standing, Podo will finish him off with a flurry of blows next round.

Kendry (HP: 58+18=76; AC: 20+4+2+1(haste)=27, invisible (50% miss, total concealment), hasted, levitating, inspired courage, barkskin, longstrider, cat's grace, bear's endurance)  d20+12=32 d20+3=21 d20+15=24
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 3:10:55 AM

Kendry sails smoothly past the webbing [Reflex save vs web: 32 (nat 20)]. In the air he turns to face the rising fog surrounding the priest off to one side [P4], and aims his wand of dispel magic (pulled, free action (function of quiver and quick draw feat, either one), from the efficient quiver, a.k.a. quiver of Ehlonna) at the foggy area [use magic device roll: 24].

Extra standard action due to haste
As the fog clears (or, even if it does not), Kendry sings the bardic spell grease, centered where the priest stands (if he can see him due to the fog disappearing), or where last he saw him (if the dispel fails). There is now a 10'x10' square of well-greased ground underfoot of priest #4.

[Any creature in the area when the spell is cast must make a successful Reflex save or fall. This save is repeated on your turn each round that the creature remains within the area. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Balance check. Failure means it can't move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Balance skill for details).]

Kendry remains invisible, as he did not target his actions directly against a person. He just wants the fellow to see clearly, and then observe his ability to dance. If the priest slips and falls, that may disrupt any spell he is trying to cast. Besides making him look silly.

[How high is the ceiling?]

[Note: The effects of bardic inspire courage (+2 att/+2 dam; +2 saves vs fear; charm) continue in effect for four more rounds, including this one. Use 'em, friends!]

Airin and Erwen  3d6(3+5+4)=12 d20+14=31 d6+3=6 2d6(5+3)=8 d20+9=25 d6+3=7 2d6(6+1)=7
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 7:05:46 AM

Airin wickedly smiles as she realises her bluff has paid off. She also sees BlackGuard 4 attacking Podo thus he has turned his back on Airin!

First things first...

Airin looks to the Priest raises her hand and suddenly points at P4! There's a loud crack and with a bright flash of crackeling energy a lightning bolt strikes upon Priest 4 (12Hp - Reflex DC16 for half)

Then she takes a 5ft step to the right, looks at Blackguard 4's back and sneakily sends two bolts!

Call Lightning Priest4: 12Hp
Bolt1 hits AC31 for 6Hp + 8Hp Sneak Attack
Bolt2 hits AC25 for 7Hp + 7Hp Sneak Attack
Total damage 28Hp

Wilfire Ironhouse- AC22/HP121 (magic vestment, spiritual weapon, divine power, righteous might, haste , inspire courage)  d20+14=16 d20+21=30 d20+21=37 d20+16=20 d20+17=37 2d8(5+4)+16=25 2d8(4+3)+16=23 2d8(2+3)+16=21 2d8(7+3)+16=26 d20+21=31 d20+15=17 d20+15=16
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 10:39:56 AM

OOC- What happened to the rest of Wilfire's attack? (i.e. trip attack) The spirit weapon attacked the same target (P2) thus it doesn't need to be directed.

"Is dat deh bes' ya can do?" Wilfire asked aloud as he fought off the effects of the spell.

Wilfire then countered with a powerful attack...

OOC- last round I mentioned that Wilfire moved up and attempted a trip on blackguard #3 if standing, or #2 or #4 if not. However, the trip was never done, so I', not sure where he is, and if his opponent is standing. With that in mind, this is what Wilfire does:

If opponent is prone, full attack with flail:
Hit AC 30, 37, and 20 against PRONE opponent (-4 AC). DAMAGE= 25, 23, and 21.

If opponent is standing:
Trip on first attack (touch AC 30, opposed check +37, strength +9, size +4, feat +4, roll 20), followed by two attacks against prone opponent (Hit AC 37 and AC 20, damage 25, and 23). Also gets a free attack on tripped opponent (hit AC 31, damage 26)

If for some reason he isn't within range of the Blackguard he will trip on the first attack (hit AC 30, opposed check= 37, and then take his free attack for the trip, hit AC 37, damage 23).

Lastly, his spiritual flail will continue to attack P2. (hit AC 17 and 16- misses I guess)

Spells Active:
Magic vestment- 10 hours
--> +2 to enchantment to AC
Spiritual weapon- 10 rounds
--> Summons spirit flail.
Divine power- 10 rounds
--> Base attack to 9, +6 strength,, +10 HP
Righteous Might- 10 rounds
--> enlarge, +4 size bonus to strength/+2 to con, +2 natural AC, damage reduction 3/evil

Sanity Totals:
1) +10 strength
2) +2 constitution
3) +3 AC (this includes - size mod)
4) +9 base attack
5) Damage reduction 3/evil
6) +28 HP
7) Large size
8) +1 attack/round
9) +30 movement
10) +2 hit/+2 damage

DM Kelly  Roll to see if B2 get attack (1=no, 2=yes) d2=2 d20+13=30 d20+13=20 critical miss d10+25=28 2d6(3+5)=8 Roll to see if B3 get attack (1=no, 2=yes) d2=2 d20+13=21 Roll to see if B4 get attack (1=no, 2=yes) d2=1 d20+5=11 d20+5=24 d20+4=10 d20+4=13 d20+10=23 d20+10=16 d20+10=30 3d6(3+4+2)=9 d20+10=28 d20+10=24 d20+10=13 d20+10=29
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 7:40:02 PM

The battle rages, and the assault on the blackguards is taking its toll.

Blackguard B1 fell at the end of last round, yet a strange four armed creature that was once Gilan continues to tear the man apart, ripping through his throat, his head rolls to one side. Ciaran, move towards the priests, while Patty in a more civilized manner steps back and drinks a potion of healing.

Blackguard B2 is under assault by dwarves, and attacks Bralin for 36 HP of damage. Just then Bralin's axe swings low and cuts beneath the man's defences, cutting him nearly in half. He drops, causing Nezamil to swing over him. There is no question, he is dead.

Blackguard B3 is knocked prone by Wilfire, who comes forward to finish him. In a desperate move, he swings his sword at Shaylin, missing him. Soon the combined efforts of the cat and Wilfire's flail are too much, and the man lies still.

Blackguard B4 readies himself for the halfling who has become quite bothersome. Looking at such a small creature daring to attack him brings a smile to his cruel lips. Then, it becomes too much and he laughs, a long hideous laughter making it difficult to even breath. He stands laughing. Podo, takes advantage and kicks and punches at the laughing man, doing a tremendous amount of damage (36 HP total). Yet the man still laughs. Peerimus comes over to help, but misses the man.

The fog surrounding priest P4 clears, and Airin calls forth lightning from above. The lightning hits the man fully. Almost immediately, a coating of grease forms around the priest, and he slips to the ground.

Looking upward, priest P3 who is smashed against the pile of treasure, hears singing. He works his hands and gestures upward, casting Dispel Magic (area). Kendry immediately becomes visible, yet his actions are still at twice his normal movement. Most of all though, he drops to the pile of treasure just on the northern edge (taking 9HP damage). (only haste and cat's grace spells are still active.

Seeing that the battle is going bad, priests P1 and P2 yell to each other, and together they weave a spell. Soon, a wall of stone separates them from the rest of the cavern. (wall is near south side of treasure pile, and goes east-west across cavern). Kendry is the only one on their side. The wall is 30 feet tall, the roof of the cavern is 80 feet tall in the middle, and slopes down to 40 tall at the sides.

Podo Danderfluff [AC 25; 44/78hp] (Cat's Grace: 27 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC) & Bear's Endurance: 28 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp))  d20+16=23 d20+19=32 d20+16=21 d10+2=5 d20+11=30 d10+2=9 d20+16=19 d10+2=11
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 9:01:35 PM

Podo's Stunning Fist

Seeing the BlackGuard fall to his feet laughing and then seeing aid in the form of his companions come to his aid, Podo breaks free of this battle in an attempt to help his Cousin Kendry and to eliminate those pesky priests.

Podo's Boots

Podo witnesses the evil priest's spell as a solid stone wall 30 feet high materializes out of thin air trapping his cousin Kendry with the two remaining vile priests and isolating Kendry from his friends.

Knowing that the blackguard is no longer a threat to him, Podo gives pause to joining Kendry by leaping over the wall, which appears from his point of view only 30 feet tall.

Still hasted, and while wearing Boots of Striding and Springing, Podo sets off to jump over the wall. Hopefully, a 30 foot head start and a springing leap will allow him to clear the wall. Podo is praying to Domi and Alemi as he heads off to the wall...30 feet to the wall itself... 30 feet high... I'll have at least 65 feet left to close ranks after I tumble onto the treasure pile... and if anything I can always use my slow fall 40 feet knowledge to break my fall on the other side....

(Checks: jump=23, tumble=32, & slow fall 40' is automatic within reach of a wall)

The Other Side

Once Podo clears the wall and tumbles across the treasure pile and comes to a halt, he will quickly try to close the gap between himself and the Priest (P2)(should be 30 feet or less based on the 2nd map leaving him a chance to attack). Podo strikes the priest (hit AC=21 & Damage=5) quickly and without mercy. Spinning, Podo unloads all his unarmed attacks... (hit AC=30 and Damage = 9) and the 3rd attack from haste spell (hit AC=19, damage=11).

Podo is in such a sweat, he doesn't even give thought or pause but readies himself to strike the killing blow.

Gilan(hp39/77: ac22)[wildshape:girallon] Ciaran(hp29/48:ac21)  d20+8=9 d6+2=5
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 10:30:24 PM

Gilan flings the severed arm to the side as he looks to the wall. A smile widens upon his gorillion face as he hoots and howls out what must be a spell. He then takes off towards the wall at a dead run.

Ciaran growls and back off as his brother moves away from him. He lets out a howl of encouragement as he looks around for something to do. He notices the laughing man and charges at him, jaws snapping as he closes..aiming for a vital area.

[(Gilan)hit: //// and damage: ////]
[(Ciaran)hit: 9 and damage: 5, trip ]

[climb 26, can take 10 in this form even when rushed or threatened]

[bull's strength(Gilan) - 90 rounds]
[barkskin(Gilan & Ciaran) - 799 rounds, +3 AC]
[greater magic fang(Gilan & Ciaran) - 16 hours]
[barkskin(Kendry) - 798 rounds, +3 AC]

0th(6): detect magic, read magic, guidance(2), mending(2)
1st(6): entangle, longstrider(2), pass without trace, speak with animals(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(3)***, bull's strength(2)*, cat's grace
3rd(4): greater magic fang(3)**, meld into stone
4th(3): rusting grasp(2), spike stones
5th(2): baleful polymorph(2)

Tishe' (AC 20 HP36/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP12/32)  d20+4=11
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 10:37:20 PM

Tishe' smiles, seeing her spell paid off handsomely against the Blackguard. Though not helpless, he's cleared the way for Airin to move against the clerics.

"He'll still be a problem in minute when the spell wears off", she tells Peerimus. And then she turns her concentration on the stone wall.

"Dispelling magic can be accomplished through Divine and Arcane means", the brown-eyed woman lectures, "and is another commonality in the weaving of spells no matter the source. And the mystic weaves an arcane tapestry with overtones of the power of Mother Wold, sending both power and prayer to vie against the stone wall in a targeted Dispel Magic (DC 11)

Snout keeps his scorched hide right where it is, thank you very much. He eyes the laughing blackguard as he might a dangerous bit of prey...

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry 4 rounds)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large 24'(from Peerimus)

Bralin - hasted 3 rounds
Nezamil - hasted 3 rounds
Peerimus - hasted 3 rounds
Wilfire - hasted 3 rounds
Podo - hasted 3 rounds
Kendry - hasted 3 rounds

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor*, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web*, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic*, Haste*, Slow

Patterton (by Kim)  d8+1=4 d8+1=2 d8+1=7
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 12:29:31 AM

Patterton swallows a potion of cure light wounds. He has seldom felt as bad as he does now. Then he swallows another potion of cure light wounds. (4, then reroll nat 1, then 7, for 11 back, to bring his hit points to 10, then 17.) He looks around, to see what needs to be done next.

Kendry (HP: 58; AC: 20+2+1(haste)=27, hasted, inspired courage, cat's grace)  d20+15=25 d20+9=29 d20+10=17 d6+1=6 d20+15=16 d20+16=27
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 2:27:59 AM

After falling the first 5 feet when the levitation spell is dispelled, Kendry, as a free action, sings a single syllable in a high-pitched tone, and floats safely down in a feather fall (thus taking no damage). He takes a tanglefoot bag, and tosses it down on P3 (ranged touch attack vs AC 25 - prone & pinned priest has -4 to AC, and, likely, no dex bonus). [An creature entangled by the goo of a tanglefoot bag takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness.]

As he nears the top of the treasure pile, he throws a second tanglefoot bag at P2, with a ranged touch attack vs. AC 29.

Finally, with the extra standard action due to the haste spell, Kendry takes another feather - this one black, and activates it - and it changes into a dancing whip, that he sends against the pinned P3 [feather token: whip. A token that forms into a huge leather whip and wields itself against any opponent desired just like a dancing weapon. The weapon has a +10 base attack bonus, does 1d6+1 points of damage, has a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls, and a makes a free grapple attack (with a +15 attack bonus) if it hits. The whip lasts no longer than 1 hour.]

The first crack of the whip hits AC 17 for 6 hp damage. The grapple attempt fails (nat 1). [Pinned priest has -4 AC due to being prone, -4 to dexterity for being caught in tanglefoot, so it is likely AC 17 is good enough to hit, even though it could not grapple. I don't think a whip gets an inspire courage bonus. :-) )

Wilfire Ironhouse  4d8(3+3+3+2)+9=20
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 8:04:34 AM

OOC- Wall of Stone can't be dispelled because it's an instantaneous effect.

"Git yerself o'er here!" Wilfire yelled out to Patterton, but the rattled halfling ignored him.

"Wax build-up er somefin?" Wilfire grumbled as he ran over the Patterton (move 60" with haste).

"Incogitatus Curatio!" Wilfire yelled out as he touched the halfling, causing a bright white light to fall over the pair.

OOC- burn dismissal for 4th level healing spell. (heal 20)

Airin and Erwen  3d6(2+6+6)=14
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 9:32:48 AM

The sparkling energy from Airin's call lightning spell crashes through the room and brings a wicked smile on the halfling's face. Once again she raises her arms but this time sends a lightning bolt down on Blackguard 4 (damage 14Hp - ref save for half DC1+ for half).

Fear hits her as she sees Kendry being split of from the rest. The wall however is ideal for Airin.

She folds her arms and closes her eyes calling once again upon the powers of nature. The already small Halfling suddenly seems to shrink even more and grows feathers on her arms and legs! Her armor seems to dissolve completely into a feathery shapeless body. One second later a splendid eagle sits where Airin stood before! Immediately Airin, now in Bird Shape flies of towards the wall and goes to sit near the sides hopefully out of the line of sight from the Blackguards on the one side and the clerics on the other.

Erwen is shrieking from joy as she watches her master approach in bird shape. She will cross Airin's bird shape hoping to confuse anyone who would be willing to shoot her.

Up there Airin will return to normal shape and ready her crossbow! To fire away next round.

Lightning bolt on BG4: damage 14Hp

Active Spells:
HP Link to Kendry (this quest only)

Prepared Spells:
Post: Tuesday October 18th, 2005 9:49:25 AM

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 80/80 SR 21,RE(20-fire),Inspire courage (+2ac)Haste (+1ac)  d20+9=17
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 2:06:09 PM

The dwarf watches as BG2 falls to Bralins mighty blows " well done"

With a quick look about to see how the rest of the battle is going he spots the wall of stone appear "Heh ...think thats gonna save ya " shouts Nezamil " ya can run but ya can't hide.....by Domi we'll get ya "

With a quick prayer "disappear magik " the cleric touches his anvil holy symbol and it radiaties a faint glow (casting dispel magic)(d20+9=17 dc ch)and points at the wall of stone

Peerimus [AC 24 HP 68] and Shaylin [AC 23 HP 66]  d20+17=23 d20+15=30 2d6(6+6)+6=18 d20+18=29 d8+11=19 d20+21=24
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 9:03:27 PM

Peerimus looks at Tishe and then back at the man laughing uncontrollably, it was hideous. "We shall keep an eye on this one."
He was unsure what exactly to do about the man. A sharp whistle, brings Shaylin over and then of course there was the wall. Neither he nor Shaylin could easily get over it so he chooses what seems to be the most sensible and stands guard over the prone Blackguard, kicking the mans weapon away from him.

If he stands from prone, Peerimus and Shaylin take the AoO.
Peerimus Hit AC 30 Dmg 18
Shaylin Hit AC 29 Dmg 19 grapple 24

Level 0:
Detect magic, Mending, Read Magic, Create water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Level 1:
Pass w/o a Trace, *Longstrider, CLW, Hornets Nest x2, Speak with Animals
Level 2:
Flame Blade x2, Resist Elements, **Barkskin x2
Level 3:
CMW, *Greater Magic Fang, Poison, Protection from Energy
Level 4:
**Greater Shillelagh x2, Flame Strike
Level 5:
*Animal Growth, Stoneskin

Active spells
Peerimus Longstrider 9 hours
Barkskin 89.2 mintues
Haste from Tishe +1 AC and hit +30' speed
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear
Greater Shillelagh .8 minutes

Shaylin Greater Magic Fang 9 hours
Barkskin 89.2 mintues
Animal Growth 8.7 minutes DR 10/adamantine
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

DM Kelly  2d6(4+5)=9 5d8(2+1+2+4+6)=15 5d8(8+5+1+7+6)=27 d4=2 d4=1
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 9:15:48 PM

The wall goes up, and the group is cut-off from the priests and Kendry.

Patty drinks a potion while Wilfire goes over to him and heals him.

Ciaran rushes B3, and attempts to bite the blackguard, but is unable to find a way through the armor.

Nezamil and Tishe both think the same, and cast Dispel Magic at the stone wall. The wall still stands (wall is just stone now, magic was instataneous).

Podo decides to leave the laughing blackguard to Ciaran and Peerimus, and rushes the wall to leap over it. He runs with all his might, and leaps into the air. Unfortunately, the wall proves too high. Podo crashes into the wall and falls to the floor (9 HP damage).

Gilan rushes to the wall and starts to climb. By the end or the round, he is just to the top of the wall.

Airin calls lightning down on the blackguard, who does not make any attempt to move. The lightning singes him, yet he stands laughing. Airin then transforms into an eagle, and flys to the top of the wall. She transforms back into herself, just as the round ends.

Meanwhile, from the other side of the wall you hear a priest P3 yell out.

"Him, he has the tapestry. I can feel it."

You can hear Kendry moving up the pile of treasure, gold clattering with every step. Priests P1 and P2 look at him, and with a word and gesture and Kendry feels a cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness. (P1's attack 15 HP damage - Roll Will Save DC 18 or be sickened for 2 rounds, save for half damage) (P2's attack 27 HP damage - Roll Will Save DC 18 or be sickened for 1 rounds, save for half damage)

OOC: Kendry roll saving throws and then we will finish this round.

Podo Danderfluff [AC 25; 35/78hp](Cat's Grace: 27 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC) & Bear's Endurance: 28 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp))  d20+11=27 d20+16=22 d10+2=11
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 9:33:24 PM

Podo shocked that he is having a jumping problem, Podo will use the ring to go invisable, and then climbs the wall instead.
(Climb =27)

Once on top, he will survey the scene, before moving down the wall to the pile using his skill in slow fall* to drop to the treasure pile without damage. Once on the other side of the wall, if the priests are still a threat, Podo will not watse time, but close distance between and engage the enemy.

*(Slow fall 40 feet;At 4th level or higher, a monk within arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow her descent. When first using this ability, she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The monk's ability to slow her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with her monk level until at 20th level she can use a nearby wall to slow her descent and fall any distance without harm.)

If able, Podo will use a stunning fist attack on the closest Priest. (to hit, AC=22, Damage:11; if hit: Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw DC 21, in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned character can't act, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a --2 penalty to AC. )

Bralin(AC 26, 60/96hp, entropic shield, haste, inspire courage) 
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 10:06:07 PM

The Blackguard is down, and Bralin regards him for a moment.
Realizing there is still a battle to be finished, and an obstacle to be overcome, the dwarf reorients on the task at hand.

Which appears to be a large wall.

The dwarf grabs a potion from the side pouch of his pack, and drains the contents.

Tishe' (AC 20 HP36/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP12/32) 
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 10:31:37 PM

(OOC: Don't have my PHB with me. I know you can dispel a summoned creature, because it is limited duration. So, if the wall of stone has a duration, the magic isn't gone and it can be dispelled. There is no duration, it is instataneous. Stone lasts forever. - Kelly)

Tishe' glowers at the stone wall permenantly set across the cavern. "We have to use other picks to help Kendry and keep the Tapestry!"

"Peerimus, share this spell with Shaylin and get over there!"

A light incantation and airy weaving of the hands, and Tishe' touches Peerimus with a Fly spell.

She then takes her wand (move action) and watches the laughing Blackguard.

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry 3 rounds)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large 24'(from Peerimus)

Bralin - hasted 2 rounds
Nezamil - hasted 2 rounds
Peerimus - hasted 2 rounds
Wilfire - hasted 2 rounds
Podo - hasted 2 rounds
Kendry - hasted 2 rounds

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor*, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web*, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic*, Haste*, Slow

Gilan(hp39/77: ac22)[wildshape:girallon] Ciaran(hp29/48:ac21)  d20+12=20 d20+8=22 d6+2=5 d20+9=29 d20+19=25
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 10:47:24 PM

Gilan reaches the top of the wall and crouches at the top to survey the other side. He sees the little halfling in trouble and the spells thrown at him. A low rumble issues from his throat as he judges the distance to his target. His large form sprints across the top of the wall and then he jumps out and across towards the two clerics, a grin on his feral face and arms open. He has effectively turned himself into an eight hundred pound missile aiming for the clerics or at least one of them.

Ciaran pads back around at the laughing Blackguard, growling all the while. He takes his time this time around as he lunges at the man.

[jump 20, able to clear 20 feet maybe more from the height of 30 feet]

[(Gilan)hit: 25//// and damage: ////]
[(Ciaran)hit: 22 and damage: 5, trip 29]

[bull's strength(Gilan) - 89 rounds]
[barkskin(Gilan & Ciaran) - 798 rounds, +3 AC]
[greater magic fang(Gilan & Ciaran) - 16 hours]
[barkskin(Kendry) - 797 rounds, +3 AC]

0th(6): detect magic, read magic, guidance(2), mending(2)
1st(6): entangle, longstrider(2), pass without trace, speak with animals(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(3)***, bull's strength(2)*, cat's grace
3rd(4): greater magic fang(3)**, meld into stone
4th(3): rusting grasp(2), spike stones
5th(2): baleful polymorph(2)

Not sure how much damage a girallon missile will deal from a flying leap. I am assuming that when he comes off the top of the wall the clerics are only about twenty feet away as well. If they are further than that than he will drop off the side of the wall instead.

Kendry - (HP: 58-8-27-1= 22); AC: 20+2+1(haste)=27, hasted, inspired courage, cat's grace, sickened, blink, mirror image:6)  d20+12=31 d20+12=13 d2=1 d2=2 d6=1 d10=6 d4+3=6 d2=1
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 11:29:25 PM

Kendry saves versus the attack from P1 (31). He fails to save against the second priest's spell, however (and thus is sickened for one round). [Sickened: The character takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.]

Kendry, now feeling ill, yet still hasted and able to act, casts blink, then mirror image (d4+3=6 image). He moves (at a speed of 30: 20+20 from haste, times .75 for blinking effect) past P3 (provoking AoO from P3, if the latter is able to move, and has a melee weapon at hand, and is not stuck fast, and can figure out which of the six images to strike at, and, if so, has a 50% miss chance due to Kendry's blinking) so as to blink through the hull of the boat (assuming 1 foot thickness), then again through the opposite hull, to get to the opposite side away from the priests. [blink: 1d2: 1=success, 2=failure.) He does get through (rolled d10 to determine percentage of the way through the hull to help decide which side of the hull he appears on), but takes 1 hp damage as his calf was only part way through the far hull as his body blinked back to the material plane, being expelled on the far side, then he continues through the stone wall (success), coming out near where Podo is. His complexion has gone pallid, and sweat rolls down his face.

Wilfire Ironhouse  d20+15=33 d20+10=16 d8+5=11 d8+5=7 d20+9=18
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 11:32:05 PM

OOC- To Tishe- Dispel magic doesn't dispel any spells that are listed as instantaneous. Summon monster isn't an instantaneous effect so it can be dispelled, but wall of stone is an IE so it can't be.

OOC2- rope trick would sure come in handy right now.

Irritated by the laughing Blackguard, Wilfire directed his spiritual flail to attack the downed Blackguard (move action- hit AC 33 and AC 16, damage 11 and 7).

Wilfire then charged towards the wall (move action), and drove himself into the wall in an effort to break through. However the wall didn't budge.

OOC- long shot I know! Needed a DC 20 +2 /inch of thickness of the wall, so I went for it. rolled 9+9 (str mod) = 18, so I guess I came up short.

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 80/80 SR 21,RE(20-fire),Inspire courage (+2ac)Haste (+1ac) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 12:44:44 AM

Nezamil looks at the still standing stone wall "anybody got any rope ? asks the dwarf loudly as he looks back and forth at his companions

"nice try Wilfire....you really think we can break thru it ??.......maybe if we all hit one small section of the wall at once we could crack it open ....whatcha think ? " asks the dwarf as he watches Gilan climb over and disappear to the other side " go get em Bralin " encourages Nezamil to the dwarf as he takes flight

Peerimus [AC 24 HP 68] and Shaylin [AC 23 HP 66] 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 7:27:06 AM

Peerimus and Shaylin maintain their watch over the guard

Airin (HP60 -- AC25) (Dodge vs P4) and Erwen (HP19 -- AC16)  3d6(1+3+5)=9 d20+13=31 d20+13=32 d20+13=32 d20+13=16 d6+1=7 d6+1=7 3d6(6+4+2)=12 d20+8=23 d6+1=5 3d6(2+3+6)=11 d20+25=38
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 9:55:31 AM

For the third time in a row Airin calls upon the powers and a bright flash illuminates the cave reflecting the dragon hoard casting gold spots all around the room. Priest 4 is engulfed in crackling energy dealing 9Hp damage -- reflex DC16 for half.

Then Airin sees Kendry being charged by all priest as they realize Kendry has the parchment. "If only Erwen could grab it and fly to the top of this room with it..." she thinks to herself.

Priest 4 was Prone on the ground with the grease around him and this is the second time lightning strikes him. Priest 2 and 3 appear to be tangled up by Kendry's favourite weapon. They all most likely have their backs turned on Airin so they are all subjected to the Rogue's sneak attack.

Airin walks along the large stone wall (20ft - balance 31) so she can position herself within 30ft from Priest 1 who has just been struck by lightning. She ducks, aims, and fires two deadly bolts that veer toward the Priest with merciless accuracy. (If AC lower than 23 total damage is 42Hp!)

Then Airin ducks hoping her elevated position will make her less visible and harder to hit.

Lightning bolt on P4: damage 9Hp
Balance: 31
Bolt 1 SUDDEN DEATH -- AC16 -- Probably not.
Damage Bolt 1: 7Hp + 7Hp Crit Damage + 12Hp Sneak Attack = 26Hp total damage
Bolt 2 hits AC23
Damage Bolt 2: 5Hp + 11Hp = total 16Hp
Hide: 38

Active Spells:
HP Link to Kendry (this quest only)

Prepared Spells:
Post: Tuesday October 18th, 2005 9:49:25 AM

DM Kelly - final post for last round  d20+2=18 d20+3=4 d20=7 d20=11
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 12:05:30 PM

As Kendry floats down, light as a feather, he throws a tanglefoot bag at priest P3, whose legs are pinned beneath the boat. The priest then attempts to wriggle his hands free to cast a spell, but is unable to.

Priests P1 and P2 both cast Unholy Blight at Kendry, who looks to be in terrible anguish and appears to be very sick. Somehow he is still able to throw another tanglefoot bag, this time at priest P2. He is caught flat footed, and fails his reflex save and cannot break free of the glue. Gold and jewels stick to him, making it difficult to move.

Bralin drinks a potion, and starts to fly over the wall, looking like a giant bumblebee.

OOC: Sorry for the fragmented post, my inexperience at DMing in the Wold is starting to show. Just wanted to clean-up a few things. If I did not mention your action since last night, it is because I want to deal with that in the next post. This was only a clean-up post for last round.

Kendry, vocal addendum (HP: 58-8-27-1= 22); AC: 20+2+1(haste)=27, hasted, inspired courage, cat's grace, sickened, blink, mirror image:6) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 3:20:32 PM

"Four priests, one stuck under boat and tanglefooted, another tanglefooted, one on the grease, one on the loose," the halfling bard reports in a strained voice to his friends and allies. He pulls out a wand (or will do so at the beginning of next round).

His friends see six images of the auburn-haired halfling, his shoulders shaking, and the images seem to be winking in and out of view in a random fashion.

DM Kelly 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 6:51:29 PM

OOC: Steep learning curve on DMing battles in the Wold has slowed my post until tomorrow (Friday) morning. If you have not sent in your actions, do so now. Sorry about the delay. I'll be glad when were back to non-battle 'action'.

Bralin(AC 26, 60/96hp, entropic shield, haste, inspire courage) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 8:52:38 PM

Bralin flies over the wall. Seeing the "one on the loose" [P1], the dwarf drops down between him and his tanglefooted companion.

[Fly - Double move - 120'. Land between P1 and P2]

Tishe' (AC 20 HP36/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP12/32) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 10:58:30 PM

Concentrating as she is on the last Blackguard, Tishe' misses Kendry's very important information.

Snout's 20+ feet of croc glides along with his human, wincing at his seared scales.

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry 3 rounds)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large 24'(from Peerimus)

Bralin - hasted 2 rounds
Nezamil - hasted 2 rounds
Peerimus - hasted 2 rounds
Wilfire - hasted 2 rounds
Podo - hasted 2 rounds
Kendry - hasted 2 rounds

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor*, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web*, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic*, Haste*, Slow

Patterton (by Kim)  d20+21=35 d20+16=36 d20+16=28 d8+14=15 d8+14=22 d8+14=16 d8=5 d20+21=24 d20+16=31 d20+21=31 d8+14=19 d8+14=16 d8+14=15
Friday November 4th, 2005 12:43:01 AM

Last Round
"Thank you Wilfire," Patterton says as the healing washes over him. Refreshed, he dashes over to the laughing blackguard (B4). His bastard sword does 15 hp damage to it.

This Round
Patterton swings again, with a critical hit, doing 38 hp damage plus 5 hp sonic damage. If still alive, B4 needs to make a DC 14 Fortitude save or be permanently deafened. On his second attack he hits AC 24 for 19 hp damage.

Patty makes sure he is between the man and his sword that Peerimus kicked away earlier. If he tries to get away, Patterton will not hesitate to use an attack of opportunity. To Peerimus, he says, "They will keep trying to kill us. Get the priests."

If, however, B4 was killed last round, then he goes to the wall, and tries to bash a hole (use first and last roll in the second paragraph).

Post modified by Kim, taking away two attacks, as he earlier posted mistakenly thinking that Patterton was hasted. Sorry for the brain burp.

Airin addendum 
Friday November 4th, 2005 4:08:11 AM

Seeing her loved one in such a battered state makes Airin make a radical decision.
The suddenly remembers the words she saw in the Mirror encounter and closes her eyes while she whispers:

"my lifeforce for the one I love!"

Airin feels the drainage of her own lifeforce and suddenly time seems to freeze as a tiny shiny star leaves her heart and floats to Kendry's. Kendry's body is filled with loving warmth and he feels healed.

Kendry gains 20Hp!
Airin temporarily looses 10Hp!

DM Kelly  d20+4=6 2d6(6+2)+4=12 2d6(4+3)=7 d20+4=14 d20+4=23 d20+4=20
Friday November 4th, 2005 12:47:39 PM

Kendry moves through the magically created stone wall, which he discovers is only one inch thick. Sickly and severely wounded, he gives an account of what happened on the other side.

Not stopping to visit, several of the group take action.

Podo quickly scales the wall and attacks priest P2, who is covered in goo. Because the priest is glued in place, his fist hits into him with force. Caught total unprepared for the strike, the priest slumps down, stunned. The goo however causes a problem, and his fist sticks to the stunned priest. (Make strength check DC 17 to break free).

Tishe casts a spell on Peerimus and Shaylin, and they are now able to fly, but may not know it. Tishe quickly explains the situation, and tells them to fly over the wall.

Gilan in the shape of the girallon leaps down from the top of the wall onto P1. (the priest takes 12 HP damage). Ciaran runs at the laughing blackguard, and trips him. The guard falls to the floor, laughing.

The laughing has become too much for Wilfire, who brings his spritual flail against the blackguard. The flail strikes hard, yet he still laughs. Wilfire then runs at the wall, attempting to break through it. Although the wall is not as thick as first thought, he cannot break it. (take 7 HP damage from impact)

Nezamil wishes for a rope, but instead encourages Wilfire's attempt to break through. He cannot help but smile as Wilfire bounces off.

Airin, sitting upon the thin wall directs a bolt of lightning at Priest P4, who is still dealing with the grease. It hits him directly. She then fires two bolts at priest P1, and hits him with the first with a critical shot. The second bolt misses. She then looks down as Kendry moves through the wall, injured and sick. Her heart almost breaks, and through sheer will she gives some of her life energy to Kendry. Airin almost topple from the shock, but is able to grab onto the wall.

Bralin drops down out of the sky, and lands at the feet of priest P1 and the girallon who dropped on top of him.

Patty, who spent last round drinking a potion and being healed by Wilfire, decides to move over to the blackguard and attack. Because of the distance, he is only able to get in one attack upon arrival, but does 19 HP of damage. The blackguard is still alive, but his laughs lack the volume they had before.

Priest P1 rolls out from under the girallon, and attempts to cast a spell while on the defensive, however the girallon attack disrupts his spell.

Priest P2 has a halfling stuck to him, and through sheer will of concentration is able to cast a spell (decided to use only concentration check - yea I know). (And as you know, having a halfling stuck to you can really make it hard to concentrate). Suddenly, the Priest backs away from Podo, who now is no longer stuck. The goo's effect does not seem to hinder him (Freedom of Movement). (Podo does not need to roll a save now.)

Priest P3 attempts to also cast a spell (Freedom of Movement), and struggles out from under the boat and power of the goo.

Priest P4 also concentrates and casts a spell (Freedom of Movement), and is no longer affected by the grease.

Patterton (by Kim)  d20+21=41 d20+21=25 d20+16=20 d8+14=21 d8+14=18 d8=6 d8+14=15
Friday November 4th, 2005 2:29:24 PM

Patterton again attacks the blackguard. Crit hit vs AC 25, 39 damage, plus 6 sonic damage (Fort save DC 14 or permanently deafened), total 45 hp damage from first attack. Second attack he makes with the flat of his sword to the base of the man's skull, trying to knock him out, if he's not dead already: AC 20, 15 hp subdual damage.

Wilfire Ironhouse (AC22/HP114/121)  d20+9=26 d20+15=26 d20+10=18 d8+5=11 d8+5=10
Friday November 4th, 2005 4:01:17 PM

Wilfire let out a mighty grunt as he slammed both arms against the stone wall and started to drive forward, using every finely honed muscle in his powerful body.

Suprisingly the wall groaned in protest, which only fueled Wilfire's determination and fury.

"GRAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" he screamed out like a beast. Cracks started to appear, and with one final push, Wilfire was through.

OOC- Strength check 26. I believe it's a DC 22 to break through the wall.

That is correct, wall is broken. - Kelly

OOC2- Also the spiritual hammer will automatically continue to attack the laughing Blackguard- (hit AC 26, and 18, damage 11 and 10)

Gilan(hp39/77: ac22)[wildshape:girallon] Ciaran(hp29/48:ac21)  d20+19=36 d20+19=21 d20+19=31 d20+19=27 d20+15=31 d20+12=17 d4+12=13 d4+12=14 d4+12=16 d4+12=15 d8+6=12
Friday November 4th, 2005 4:08:26 PM

Gilan smiles at the cleric showing savage teeth. His four arms pump as he swings them at the cleric, using a savage roar escape his lips as well. Claws hitting will cause him to draw the cleric to him in a nice little hug and bit at his face.

Ciaran backs off as others seem to have the Blackguard in hand and moves to the wall. He paces back and forth in front of it and whines. He does not care to be away from his companion in times of trouble.

[(Gilan)hit: 36/21/31/27/31 and damage: 13/14/16/15/12, grapple: 17]
[(Ciaran)hit: and damage: , trip ]

[bull's strength(Gilan) - 88 rounds]
[barkskin(Gilan & Ciaran) - 797 rounds, +3 AC]
[greater magic fang(Gilan & Ciaran) - 16 hours]
[barkskin(Kendry) - 796 rounds, +3 AC]

0th(6): detect magic, read magic, guidance(2), mending(2)
1st(6): entangle, longstrider(2), pass without trace, speak with animals(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(3)***, bull's strength(2)*, cat's grace
3rd(4): greater magic fang(3)**, meld into stone
4th(3): rusting grasp(2), spike stones
5th(2): baleful polymorph(2)

Kendry's whip vs. Priest 3  d20+10=24 d20+10=29 d6+1=7 d6+1=3 d20+10=22
Friday November 4th, 2005 8:33:11 PM

Keeping about 10' away from P3, Kendry's whip continues to attack the priest. Hits AC 24 for 7 hp. Second roll was supposed to be d20+15 for the grapple attack, rather than d20+10. Grapple roll of 34 against P3. Hit while grappling vs AC 22, damage 3. [Not sure about details here.]

Podo Danderfluff [AC 25; 35/78hp](Cat's Grace: 27 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC) & Bear's Endurance: 28 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp))  d20+16=20 d10+2=11 d20+16=17 d10+2=9 d20+11=29 d10+2=12
Friday November 4th, 2005 9:05:07 PM

Podo, seeing that the Priest(P2) is free after a successful stunning attack against him, screams out loud, For the love of Alemi, no!!!!

Podo becomes furious, closes the gap between himself and Priest (P2) choosing at this moment to attack him with a Flurry of Blows.

Spinnning furious fists of precious control, Podo delivers the flurry to the Priest (P2). "This, my evil man, is for you" says Podo as he unleashes his first attack, (AC: 20, Damage:11)Second Attack (AC: 17, Damage: 9), Third attack ( AC:29, Damage: 12). Finishing out the flurry with a subtle movement returning to a horse stance awaitingthe out come of his strikes against this priest, Podo pauses seeing if another attack is needed. (Podo still has the Hasted attack left).

Tishe' (AC 20 HP36/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP12/32)  5d4(3+3+1+3+2)+5=17
Friday November 4th, 2005 10:29:06 PM

"Shady picks, Wilfire!", calls the beige-clothed mystic, and she moves towards the pile of rubble where the wall used to be, keeping her defenses up (move 30'). A slim wand in her hands she looks about for invisible creatures, and then targets P3 as he gets out of the boat, web, and tanglefoot. Five streaks of magic fly and strike the priest for 17 damage.

The Large crocodile hisses as he passes the laughing blackguard and continues to escort his human. Nothing is going to get by Snout!

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry 2 rounds)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large 24'(from Peerimus)

Bralin - hasted 1 rounds
Nezamil - hasted 1 rounds
Peerimus - hasted 1 rounds
Wilfire - hasted 1 rounds
Podo - hasted 1 rounds
Kendry - hasted 1 rounds

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor*, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web*, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic*, Haste*, Slow

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 80/80 SR 21,RE(20-fire),Inspire courage (+2ac)Haste (+1ac) 
Saturday November 5th, 2005 12:13:23 AM

Nezamil watches as Wilfire first bounces off then breaks thru the wall of stone "allright Wilfire"!! ....right behind ya

Nezamil follows Tishe and the large croc thru the broken wall stepping over the debris " nice shooting young lady " as she shoots P3

As the dwarf surveys the chamber he peeks back back the way he came to see if they left anyone behind then turns and his eyes settle on a red robed priest (P4) "not so fast ya deceiver growls Nezamil as he runs full speed(with haste) at P4 " i got something for ya " as he raises his mace for a strike as he closes the distance

( too much distance to move and attack to target is the reason i didn't roll attacks)

somebody playing Peerimus and Shaylin ??

[I'll be playing P&S - should post later today (Saturday, that is) -Kim]

Bralin(AC 26, 60/96hp, entropic shield, haste, inspire courage, pwr atk [4])  d20+13=26 d20+8=14 d20+13=21 d10+14=20 d10+14=21
Saturday November 5th, 2005 10:28:34 AM

Bralin glances from the priest getting eaten by the bear to the one getting pummelled by the halfling. Neither needs aid, but the dwarf is already here, and thus will strike anyway.

The warrior decides to start with P2. If he goes down, he'll switch over to P1 [Cleave Feat].

atk 1 hits ac26 for 20 hp damage
atk 2 hits ac14
haste atk hits ac19 for 21 hp damage

Peerimus & Shaylin (by Kim) 
Sunday November 6th, 2005 1:11:01 AM

post holder...

Kendry (HP: 58; AC: 20+2+1(haste)=23, hasted, inspired courage, cat's grace, blink, mirror image:6, coming off of sickened)  2d8(8+7)+3=18 d20+15=27 d20+14=32 d4+7=9 d20+15=35 d20+15=30 d4+7=11 d4+7=9 d4+7=9 d10=5 d10=6
Sunday November 6th, 2005 2:58:10 AM

Kendry felt a refreshment, a healing, that he did not know the source of. The warmth, affection that came with it. How? Whence?

He uses his wand of cure moderate wounds to regain an additional 16 hit points (rolled 18, but 16, after 20 healing, brings him to full, and d20+15=27 was use magic device check). He turns and sees the opening in the wall. Those red eyes must be defeated, irrevocably. Their plans for the Wold are plans for pain, and evil, and destruction. They are twisted.

Wilfire opened a breach in the wall. Airin's voice, up on the wall! She's safe. He moves to the breach, nocking an arrow in his composite darkwood strength shortbow, a bane to the fey. He looks through the breach, and fires an arrow at Priest 1 (hit AC 33 (should have rolled +15, not +14) for 9 hp damage, and another arrow for a critical hit (AC 35 threat, AC 30 crit) for 29 hp damage (11+9+9), dealing 38 hp total to P1. [Feats: quickdraw, point blank shot, precise shot.]

[Note: I am assuming that Wilfire went through the wall on the map approximately between the words 'Stone' and 'Wall' on the map, heading toward P1. If, instead, he was going through more in line with P4, then Kendry's arrows are directed at P4. I'll let you resolve that ambiguity, Kelly, then mark his new position on the map!]

[Rolling d10 twice to make sure arrows were fired when on material plane, rather than ethereal due to blinking. A d1 or d2 means a miss for this cause, d3 through d10 is okay --> d5 & d6, hits. Remember opponents have a 1/6 chance of determining which image to strike, and a 50% miss chance due to blinking.]

Airin (HP50/60 -- AC25) (Dodge vs P4) and Erwen (HP19 -- AC16)  3d6(6+4+3)=13 d20+13=26 d6+1=7 d20+8=19 3d6(4+5+4)=13 d20+13=25
Sunday November 6th, 2005 5:14:46 AM

Airin watches Kendry as he walks through the wall and then sees Willfire bump into it and bounce of... a little chukle escapes her mouth.
But then the wall shudders as Willfire bursts through the wall at last!

"HEY! Carefull lads! I'm on top of this wall here!"

In horror she observes the Priests breaking free from their entangled positions. Once again a lightning bolt strikes down upon P4 dealing 13Hp - ref DC16 for half.

P1 is under attack from the Girallion.
P2 is dealing with Podo
P3 is facinated by Kednry's whip.
P4 is looking at the stars again from the lightning bolt.

"Time to stop playing" airin thinks as she launches 2 bolts at P4...

balance: 25
Bolt 1 hits AC26
Damage Bolt 1: 7Hp + 13Hp sneak damage (if applicable)
Bolt 2 hits AC19 - probably no damage

Active Spells:
HP Link to Kendry (this quest only)

Prepared Spells:
Post: Tuesday October 18th, 2005 9:49:25 AM

Peerimus & Shaylin (by Kim)  9d6(4+5+6+2+4+4+2+3+5)+2=37 d20+15=31 d6+8=10 d20+14=29 d20+14=17 d3+6=9
Monday November 7th, 2005 5:31:59 AM

With Tishe's casting of the fly spell on himself and the leopard, Peerimus heeds her counsel and launches himself into the air, going up and over the wall.

While up there, he sees that P4 is not in melee combat with any party member. He directs a flame strike at the priest, for 37 hit points damage (Reflex save vs DC 21 for half damage).

Shaylin leaves the laughing blackguard behind and takes a few steps to get up to speed, then leaps into the air, bounding all the way over the wall (flying). He comes down on P4 just after the flame strike, and bites him (AC 31) for 10 hp damage, and grapples with a 29, raking vs AC 17 for 9 hp damage.

Level 0:
Detect magic, Mending, Read Magic, Create water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Level 1:
Pass w/o a Trace, *Longstrider, CLW, Hornets Nest x2, Speak with Animals
Level 2:
Flame Blade x2, Resist Elements, **Barkskin x2
Level 3:
CMW, *Greater Magic Fang, Poison, Protection from Energy
Level 4:
**Greater Shillelagh x2, *Flame Strike (this round)
Level 5:
*Animal Growth, Stoneskin

Active spells
Peerimus Longstrider 9 hours
Barkskin 89.2 mintues
Haste from Tishe +1 AC and hit +30' speed
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

Shaylin Greater Magic Fang 9 hours
Barkskin 89.2 minutes
Animal Growth 8.8 minutes DR 10/adamantine
Bard song +2 att and dmg +2 save fear

DM Kelly "The wall comes tumbling down."  d4=3 d20=16 d20=10 d20=3 d20+4=9 d20+4=16 d20+10=11
Monday November 7th, 2005 5:21:04 PM

The battle rages and the sound of hidious laughter suddenly stops, as Patty attacks the blackguard with his sword and Wilfire directs his spiritual hammer against it. Now the blackguard only quivers on the floor.

Wilfire once again launches himself at the wall, and this time he crashes through. A ten foot gap opens up, and the wall starts to crumble.

Gilan pounds and bites priest P1, the deformed gorilla tears at the man and bites his face, blood spurts from the wounds. As the man dies he reaches up with his hand and tries to push Gilan away, his hand then falls limp. (Gilan, roll fortitude save DC 18 or contract Blinding Sickness and loose 3 Strength points and make another fortitude save DC 16 or be blinded).

Kendry, seeing Gilan struggle with P1, shoots an arrow at the man, who then quickly dies. Looking through the breach, the crumbling wall starts to fall apart. A large chuck barely misses Kendry.

Podo sets off a series of attacks at P2, his fists flying in a blur. Twice he punches and misses, when finally his third attack hits the man. Podo stands ready to attack again.

Bralin rushes forward to help Podo, and swings his mighty axe at P2 and it bites deeply. Twice more he attacks, yet the heavily armoured priest proves difficult to hit.

Kendry sets his magical whip to work on priest P3. The whip does not hit, and when the whip attempts to grapple the priest it merely slips off.

Tishe, relying on more tried methods, sends bolts of energy at P3, striking him hard. Chunks of the wall fall, but miss both Tishe and Snout.

Airin is balanced upon the wall, when Wilfire crashes through it. She barely keeps her balance, and notices that the cracks in the wall are growing and moving towards her. She brings down a lightning bolt on priest P4. The lightning hits directly, and the priest cannot dodge out of the way. She then needs to decide whether to stay on the wall and shoot her crossbow or get off before the wall collapses beneath her. (If you shoot, you hit, and I will deal with the wall at the beginning of next round.)

Peerimus flys up above the wall, and calls down a flame strike on priest P4, a taste of their own medicine. The priest cannot move quick enough, perhaps because a wolf is flying at him. The flame hits him directly.

Shaylin then flys in, and makes the final bite, causing the man to drop to the ground.

It appears that the last blackguard and two of the priests are now dead.

Priest P2 looks around in a panic. The battle should have been easy, after all look who they are up against. Perhaps the gods have turned on them. Looking at Podo, he curses:

"Foul gopher, you will have the blessing of Marteaus."

He then lunges at Podo with his outstretched hand, while the quick halfling merely moves deftly aside.

Priest P3, who only has to deal with the whip, decides that the battle is not to be won. He pulls out a forked metal rod and strikes it, and is gone.

Only priest P2 remains alive.

Bralin(AC 26, 60/96hp, entropic shield, haste, inspire courage)  d20+17=26 d20+12=30 d20+17=18 d10+10=14 d10+10=17
Monday November 7th, 2005 8:14:02 PM

Bralin endeavors to rectify that little oversight.

atk 1: Hit ac26 for 14 hp damage
atk 2: Hit ac30 for 17 hp damage
haste: nat 1 - miss

Tishe' (AC 20 HP36/56) and Snout (AC 21 HP12/32)  d20+15=24
Monday November 7th, 2005 11:00:58 PM

Tishe' moves futher into the room and to the left to clear the wall and see where P3 might have gone (move 30'). P2 is of no concern as the Tappack are all about them like a bounder swarm. Good.

But P3 appears to have gotten away. She notes the spell he used (Spellcraft: 24), and looks at him using her see invisibility spell, attempting to target him with a Faerie Fire.

If she can't see P3, Tishe' keeps her wand ready as Snout curls his 24 foot body around her feet, also ready to attack should nestmurderers come near.

Mage Armor [6 hours] shared
See Invisible [60 minutes] shared
Mirror Bonus [adventure] +2 STR
Bardic Morale +2 morale bonuses to attacks/damage/saving throws v charm/fear (from Kendry 1 rounds)
Animal Growth (Snout) doubled size to Large 24'(from Peerimus)

Bralin - NOT hasted
Nezamil - NOT hasted
Peerimus - NOT hasted
Wilfire - NOT hasted
Podo - NOT hasted
Kendry - NOT hasted

Peerimus and Shaylin Fly [6 minutes]

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider
2: Cats Grace, Gust of Wind, Resist Energy*, Restoration(Lesser)
3: Diminish Plants, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing

0: Acid Splash, Light, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
1: Shield, Mage Armor*, SummonI, Magic Missle, Grease
2: Web*, Knock, See Invisible*, Scorching Ray, Darkvision*
3: SummonIII, Dispel Magic*, Haste*, Slow

Gilan(hp39/77: ac22)[wildshape:girallon] Ciaran(hp29/48:ac21)  d20+14=18 d20+14=20 d20+19=36 d4+12=14 d20+23=35
Monday November 7th, 2005 11:30:44 PM

Gilan throws the mangled priest to the side and then looks around to find out how the others are doing. With another roar he moves in at the last priest left in the room or that last he can see. His large arms flex as he prepares for the attack he is about to launch.

His right arm shoots out at the preist, claws leading the way and that terrible grin on his face. He knows that if he hits this priest it will be time to give him a hug and share the love.

[Fort 18 and 20]

[(Gilan)hit: 36//// and damage: 14////, grapple: 35]
[(Ciaran)hit: and damage: , trip ]

[bull's strength(Gilan) - 87 rounds]
[barkskin(Gilan & Ciaran) - 796 rounds, +3 AC]
[greater magic fang(Gilan & Ciaran) - 16 hours]
[barkskin(Kendry) - 795 rounds, +3 AC]

0th(6): detect magic, read magic, guidance(2), mending(2)
1st(6): entangle, longstrider(2), pass without trace, speak with animals(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(3)***, bull's strength(2)*, cat's grace
3rd(4): greater magic fang(3)**, meld into stone
4th(3): rusting grasp(2), spike stones
5th(2): baleful polymorph(2)

Podo Danderfluff [AC 25; 35/78hp](Cat's Grace: 24 rounds (+4 dex, +2 AC) & Bear's Endurance: 25 rounds (+4 con, +18 hp))  d20+16=35 d10+2=7 d20+11=27 d10+2=7
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:03:53 AM

Podo having defly moved to one side, lunges after the priest with a stunning fist attack...(Hit AC:35, Damage:7; forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 4 + 5 = DC 19), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned creature drops everything held, can't take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC.)

Finishing the Stunning Fist strike, Podo moves to take his other unarmed attack,(Hit AC:27 Damage:7). Rounding out the unarmed strikes Podo returns to a different martial arts stance awaiting the outcome of his moves on the priest. Silently Podo Whispers, Alemi praise be to thou on High that my strikes against this foul evil creature makes their mark on his hide....

Kendry's whip and Kendry's bags.  d20+10=22 d6+1=6 d20+7=13 d20+15=24 d6+1=6
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:43:51 AM

Kendry tumbles through and past the falling wall (DC 13). With a brief mental command, he redirects the whip to attack P2 (Hit AC 22 for 6 hp damage, grapple AC 24, 6 hp damage).

As he goes about his work, he asks if any are wounded, as he has a full wand of cure light wounds. The bard already told many members of the party the command word for it (all who were at the Red Wyrm Inn, and those who later read his account of what has happened thus far should know it). He offers the wand to a cleric or one who can use it, and reminds him or her of the command word. "Heal those who need it." [Each charge cures 1d8+1, and reroll any natural 1s.]

He heads toward the remains of P1, and casts detect magic. From his haversack he takes two empty bags. One bag he uses as a mitten of sorts, covering his left hand. His right holds the other bag, and he picks up any magical items he may locate, and places them in the right-hand bag. Rings, wands, cloaks, robes, scarabs, periapts, broaches, belts, gloves, armor, shields, weapons, and any other magical item (books, toothbrushes, socks, bracers, etc.) he will treat this way. If an item is too big for his bag (such as a suit of armor?), he sets it aside, letting someone near him know it is magic. Once this is done with P1, he next will go to P4, with detect magic still active, and, in a new bag, place any magic items from the dead priest into the bag. Lastly, he will do the same with P2, when and if he is defeated. He avoids taking any items from the treasure pile not specifically on the body or in the possessions of the fallen priests.

He suggests someone do likewise with the fallen warriors, and that their bodies be gathered together - say over by where P4 fell, and placed on the grease spot.

Once the items are gathered, Kendry reports his inventory to all.

There are other matters to address, and the halfling intends to get to them right soon. There's a lass in particular he wants to spend some time with.

Note from Kim (Kendry) on bardic inspire courage 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:47:11 AM

Nota bene: This is the last round the encouraging effects of Kendry's bardic inspire courage remain in effect. So, this last round, remember, everyone, you get +2 on attacks and damage, and +2 on saves vs fear or charm.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 80/80 SR 21,RE-fire-20,Inspire courage (+2ac) 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 1:39:33 AM

Nezamil feels himself slow a step as Tishes magic wears off just as he nears the red robed priest (P4) thankfully too as Peerimus's flame strke scorches down on the priest and Shaylin divebombs a moment later and puts an end to him.

With a nod to Peerimus and Shaylin " nice teamwork "

Nezamil quickly turns and scans the room for other signs of possible danger and watches as his companions put the final touches on this battle

" nicely done for our 1st battle.....quick....decisive.....lethal....a good start on this journey ......will build trust among us" thinks Nezamil to himself as he takes in the aftermath

" everyone ok ?....anybody need any help? " shouts Nezamil as he searches his companions for injuries

Airin and Erwen  d20+10=11 d20+15=29 d20+12=20
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:35:58 AM

"aaaahhh ... .wooooow .... gentlyyyyyy ... wowowowwwwpoooops..."

Oh golly look! There's that crazy halfling lady standing on top of a 1 inch thick wall Wilfire just burst through and no one seems to think about :-)

"Gggeheheeet meeee dooowwwwnn", Airin says at last quickly flings her crossbow onto her back and attempts to decend the crumbling wall.

yet the damage Wilfire has caused to the wall makes it swing sideways and Airin can no longer hold on! She falls down!!

She hopes to tumble down avoiding a painfull fall...


After the nasty fall she tries to dodge any blocks that could fall into her (ref save 20)

Well this battle is won! She turns to see if anyone was badly hurt and then goes to check on Kendry. "How are you doing love?"

(The drainage of lifeforce has caused her to loose 10Hp - not counting the fall from the wall...)

Climb: 11 - NAT 1 !!! NOOOOOO
Tumble: 29
Ref Save: 20

(OOC question to Kelly: not sure how those "temporary hitpoints" work. Are they restored in a certain amount of time? Must they be healed as normal Hp's? )

DM response - Yes, you need to use normal healing. You are giving HP's to Kendry, they are gone. - Kelly

Patterton (by Kim)  d20=3
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 6:25:59 PM

The halfling sees the wall starting to crumble, and Peerimus and Airin atop it. Oh, Peerimus is hovering, but not Airin. He runs over to try to break her fall (rolled a 3 on a 'break fall' attempt - likely failed). All he gets for his trouble are bruises from some of the falling debris.

"Sorry, Airin. I missed," he says to her.

As he gets wind of what Kendry is up to, he decides to do unto the blackguards as Kendry is doing to the priests. He takes off his singed cloak, and uses that as a buffer between his hands and whatever items the downed fighters might be wearing that look of value. He wraps up their swords. "Hey, I need some bags. Anyone have some?" If the blackguards have cloaks, he will use those to help bundle their possessions.

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