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The Inner Sanctum

DM Jamie 
Friday October 21st, 2005 3:09:34 AM

OOC: I will send a map to everyone in the morning I am at work

Inside is a natural cave. Well it used to be. Now it's adorned with gold jewels, etc; Made into as much of a holy room as is possible.

Huge stalactites and columns now banded with gold and jewels.

In the center, a carefully arranged pile of treasure. As if it has to remain a pile, but every item and coin has its place and has been that way for millennia.

The parchment pulls slightly on the person carrying it as if telling it where its place is and where it belongs. Theodore it is pulling you towards the back of the room.

As you all follow Theodore's pants towards the back of the room the doors burst open behind you and the eight Red Testers enter. They are the same eight that you saw before. Four of them wearing robes and four of them wearing some type of plate mail. How did they get in? Looking slightly beat up with blood already on them, they approach.

One speaks, "You will give the parchment to us. Our great need demands it. The evil nature of Gargul must be returned to him. It is our quest and our lives. Our test and our great need!"

Friday October 21st, 2005 7:30:49 AM

Brahmah is hoping someone tells him what is going on soon or he'll go mad.

Zeoll  d20+24=30 d20+11=24 d20+23=26
Friday October 21st, 2005 10:44:47 AM

[OOC: Huh? What about Zeoll's actions last turn reading the runes on the door? Did he get a chance to do that?]

DM OOC: My appologies. The runes are in High Woldian. If you can read High Woldian Highlight to display spoiler: { Enter and bask in the glory of the inner sanctum}

Zeoll steps forward and calls out, "Let us talk beforre we join in hasty battle, Followerrs of Garrgul! Yourr goal is is to rrestorre yourr god. Ourr goal is to rretrrieve an arrtifact. These goals arre not opposed. Let us have trrust. Let us talk peacefully, and then we will each achieve ourr trrue victorries."

With these words, Zeoll has two purposes. he hopes to calm the Red Cloaks and to buy a little time. To that end, his Diplomacy check is a 30! His second purpose is to send a secret message ONLY to his friends. To that end, his Bluff check is 24. Through nonverbal cues and subtle inflections, he tels his friends:

Please please let me try this! Make no threats! Draw no weapon! Do not attack! I can buy us time to gain an advantage! Trust me!

Then the liontaur bard continues. "I once met the Grreat God Garrgul myself, afterr I dwelled in the lands of the dead. Listen to my song, and I will tell you the tale. I think it will inspirre us all."

Zeoll takes out his drum and begins to sing, using his Bardic Fascinate ability. He especially focusses on three of the Red Cloaks -- the one who just spoke, and two others -- at least one fighter and one caster, if he has a choice.

Zeoll's Perform Check is the will save DC vs. the Fascinate. His check is a 26. His song:

[OOC: Song to come in a moment.]

Zeoll Continued 
Friday October 21st, 2005 11:45:32 AM

Zeoll's song tells the story of his meeting with Gargul ...

A strrong and muscled man is he,
With blacksmith's arrms and noble mien
His might inspirred awe in me,
His scowl was fierrce. His eyes were keen.

He told me of a sworrd he made.
And in these verry worrds, he said:
"Once long ago I forrged a blade
"Of powerr darrk and grreat with drread."

He told me then to seek it out,
This blade that otherrs would prrofane.
He did not want the undevout
To touch that which was his domain.

I darred to ask the Lorrd of Hell,
"How will I know this sacrred steel?"
He smirrked, and frrom this I could tell
The prride he chose not to conceal.

He then descrribed what I would seek:
"Jet black and evil thrrough and thrrough,
The blind could sense its evil rreek."

His prride in it was clearr and trrue.

So sworre I then an oath to serrve,
I serrve him still, as do we all.
Ourr differrences let us rreserrve,
Let's worrk as one to heed his call.

Zeoll's song continues like this for a total of four rounds (he could go as long as seven, but he does not want to push it). Note! he can only fascinate up to three creatures. He hopes that the other Red Cloaks will listen anyway -- since his Diplomacy was strong and since the topic of his song's theme may be of interest.

The liontaur weaves a subtle persuasive argument into his music. He Suggests that the two groups work together first to find The Fae King's relic, then to advance the goals of the Red Cloaks.

Assuming that Zeoll has fascinated all three of his targets, then in the second round of his song he tries to make his Suggestion against one of the Red Cloaks. Since his Suggestion does not count against bard songs per day, he tries it again in the next round against another Red Cloak. And in the next round he tries again against the last fascinated Red Cloak -- if he has fascinated all three!

Zeoll's will save DC vs Suggestion is 19 (10 +half his bard level round down +Chr mod)

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours)  d100=77
Friday October 21st, 2005 5:51:19 PM

Mad Jack starts to move his mount in retreat at the sound of Zeolls song. He tries to make it look like he is calming his upset mount, from the shrill(hehe) voice of the cat man. As he is backing off, casts mage armor on himself. He also conveys to Trya that they may need to fly soon, by making subtle jestures with his knees.

OOC Casr Mage armor/ 9 hours

Friday October 21st, 2005 10:39:59 PM

hmm, looks like my post didnt post this morning. Oh well I'll do it again tomorrow since its the weekend.

Dm Jamie thats a ok map, but could you mark where we are and where the testers are, and maybe say how far away they are?

Ashira (AC21 HP87/87)  d20=15
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 12:23:58 AM

Ashira stares at Zeoll...slack jawed at his actions (Sense Motive=15...she didn't catch on). But she trusts her friend, and remembers his previous instructions about no immediate attacks. Her hands twitch in eager anticipation of spilling the Red eyes blood, but she holds off...for now. She does, however reach into her pack and pull out a potion (Shield of Faith) to ready should things go south.

Mad Jack 
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 2:15:28 AM

OOC I received no map.

Cayzle OOC 
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 6:26:47 AM

Regarding Understanding Zeoll's Secret Message

Under the 3.5 rules, you don't have to make a sense motive check to receive a secret message. So long as the sender makes a DC15 (for simple messages) or DC20 (for complex messages) Bluff Check, the message is sent. So Ashira and all Zeoll's friends should have no trouble understanding him.

(Although if Ashira for some reason did not understand, but still trusted Zeoll anyway, and if Zeoll ever realized that, then surely he would think it one of the best gifts a friend had ever given him.)

Eavesdroppers (like the Red Cloaks) can make an opposed Sense Motive check to understand the message too, but then they would have to beat my Bluff 24 roll.

Regarding durations of spells in effect

Just before entering the Temple of Light in Plateau City, Zeoll cast Heroism on himself. In the Vast Ancient Temple here, Zeoll cast Heroism on Ashira and Brahmah just before the Red Cloaks showed up in the outer temple. Zeoll's Heroism lasts 70 minutes. Are any of these Heroisms still in effect?

Waaayyyy back in Plateau City at the very beginning of the adventure, Bohdi cast Mage Armor on Zeoll -- that had a duration of nine hours. Later, when Mad Jack first appeared, he offered Brahmah a Mage Armor spell, that Brahmah turned down and Zeoll volunteered to receive. That had a duration of five hours. Any chance that either of those mage armors is affecting Zeoll still?

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
4 of 5 first level bard spells
3 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
2 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Saturday October 22nd, 2005 10:49:38 AM

Tratain is willing the let Zeoll attempt what he is doing but readies and action to cast Shield of Faith on himself if they become threatening.

DM Jamie 
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 10:55:38 AM

OOC Sorry for the lack of a Friday post. We had a local foreign exchange student run off last night and we are still looking for him. I will get a post in tonite.

OOC I will get a map out to Mad Jack. Did anyone else not receive one?

OOC Cayzle, thanks for the info. The Mage Armor is the only spell that would still be active. It has about 2 hours left on it.

OOC: I sent out a new map to everyone with locations.

Rose  d20+10=20 d4+4=8 d20+11=20 d8+6=14
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 1:10:07 PM

When the testers enter the room Rose starts to reach for her weapons however as Zeoll starts talking she decides not to grab them for now.

If the testers attack Rose will either

1. If the testers are more than 20' away she will draw her bow and fire at the tester who seems to be in charge and then move towards them
attack bow: 20, +1 if within 30'
damage: 8, + if within 30'

2 if the testers are less than 20' away she will move towards the nearest one (or the one in charge if she can reach him without an aoo) then attack him with her sword.
attack sword: 20
damage: 14

feats used
point blank shot
precise shot
quick draw

DM Jamie  d20=7
Sunday October 23rd, 2005 2:14:10 AM

The man who spoke (red 1) holds up his hand for a moment while Zeoll speaks and then sings. The look on his face goes from anger to that of thought.

The others with him stop and listen for a second as well.

Sunday October 23rd, 2005 10:02:21 AM

Zeoll continues with his plan, hoping to Suggest three of the Red Cloaks.

Sunday October 23rd, 2005 11:39:06 AM

Not blessed with the gift of gab herself, Vorelle really appreciates it in other people. She watches Zeoll with a kind of awe, and takes no actions until she sees the effects.

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday October 23rd, 2005 7:15:36 PM

Macaw stretches his wings from atop Theodore's head, but otherwise retains his composure.

Theodore's fist tightens around his staff, but he also remains stationary.

Brahmah (AC 22, hps 97) PfE Fire 
Monday October 24th, 2005 6:48:17 AM

The ranger keeps his swords drawn.
Casts Protection from Energy fire.

Active Spells:
Protection from Energy fire (12 points a round upto 48 points, 40mins/discharged)

Prepared Spells:
First Level: Resist Energy x2
Second Level: Protection from Energy*
Plus a small library of scrolls in their leather case.

DM Jamie  d20+4=17 d20+4=20 d20+4=23 d20+4=19 d20+4=23 d20+4=15
Monday October 24th, 2005 11:19:50 AM

OOC: R1-R4 are fighters as far as you can tell each wearing fell plate that looks like some sort of demon. They each carry a bastard sword. R5-R8 are wearing robes and carry a mace.

The three testers targeted (R1, R4, and R8) all become fascinated. The speaker (R1) lowers his blade, one of the fighters (R4) and casters (R8) lower their as well. The other 5 continue to keep up their weapons, but begin to look at one another while they are listening to the song.

Of those fascinated, only the caster (R8) takes the suggestion. He hangs his mace at his side and approaches the speaker (R1).

"Sir," he says, "a word in private."

The two procede to the back of the rest of the red testers and begin to talk. Soon the debate becomes a little heated as their voices egin to rise. You can hear phrases like "In our best interests" and "the are no help to us".

The other red testers are cautiously watching you all, but they are also aying attention to what is going on behind them.

Everyone gets their spells cast upon themselves and is ready for what may happen.

Zeoll (mage armor) 
Monday October 24th, 2005 12:44:44 PM

When the liontaur thinks he can get a word in without being rude, he addresses the Red Cloak leader.

"Sirr, I'd like to tell you that we have morre inforrmation than you know ... and we will sharre this info with you if we worrk togetherr. Come, help us find the Fae King's rrelic, which he rreceived from Garrgul in ages past, and then we will help you."

[OOC: The bard is weaving a Suggestion spell into his words. With any luck, the DC20 Will save will tip the argument in Zeoll's favor. Maybe Zeoll gets a one or two point bonus on the DC for making a reasonable suggestion??]

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
4 of 5 first level bard spells
4 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
2 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Tratain AC 28 HP 58/58 [Shield of Faith] 
Monday October 24th, 2005 5:00:21 PM

Tratain again stands at the ready to cast a spell (Bears Endurence) Upon himself if they become hostile.

He hopes Zeoll has some plan in mind, because there is no way he will help these Followers of an Evil God Find something that they deem important, or that will Turn Garugl Evil.

Ashira (AC21 HP87/87) 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 12:13:02 AM

Her potion at the ready, Ashira watches and waits. It's killing her, but she trusts Zeoll with her life if need be.

Tuesday October 25th, 2005 1:09:15 AM

Vorelle doesn't move, tries not to even breathe, for fear it will draw attention away from Zeoll and break the spell.

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 1:42:34 AM

Jack moves his mount a little bit so he can see what is happening. Knowing that these people were shown to him in a vision by the dead guy, he has absolutely no trust in them. The liontaur has the gift of speech, and Jack is glad for once it is not him creating a diversion.

Rose  d20+10=15 d4+4=8
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 1:42:37 AM

Rose remains still and silent but ready to attack if the testers attack first.

held action: draw bow and arrow and shoot at whoever is attacking (or r1 if several are attacking)

attack: 15
damage: 8

Tuesday October 25th, 2005 6:56:13 AM

Brahmah says loud enough for the Red's leader to hear.
"I wouldn't take that from my subordinate if I was him. My people wouldn't dare disobey me!" He turns and barely winks at Zeoll. "I'd as soon kill them than let them disobey me again!"

Jay B (Brahmah) 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 6:58:27 AM

OOC: Brahmah's intent isn't to disrupt Zeoll's song, and in fact, wouldn't even say anything if he knew it might break the spell.
He travels with Zeoll and would know the effects of the song.

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 9:49:12 AM

Theodore is awed by the strength of Zeoll's voice. This is a new kind of magic. A bard's magic. Very intriguing.

The young wizard is becoming increasingly curious about Zeoll's abilities, his attention slowly drifting from the enemy threat to discovering the secrets of the liontaur's magic.

Zeoll OOC 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 11:55:37 AM

Just to clarify ... after four rounds of singing, Zeoll stops his song (as described in the first post). Then the leader and the other go off to chat. Then Zeoll, when he can get a word in edgewise, speaks (not sings) his Suggestion spell to the leader.

DM Jamie  d20+3=4
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 4:34:52 PM

"We will work with you for a time, " says the man in red with a sneer," But do not think we are friends, allies, or companions. We have our goals and nothing will stop us from attaining them. You are merely running paralell to them at the moment."

He casts a glance over to R8.

"We need to see the parchment in order to determine what you know compared to what we know." He motions to R8 to begin to walk towards the group.

"Let him see the parchment. We will remain back here in the spirit of good faith." He says that with a large smile on his face.

Everyone make a Sense Motive check vs DC 4 (yes I said a 4). If you make it Highlight to display spoiler: { The men are all making gestures towards one another and they all look to be readying for something.}

Zeoll (AC14, HP69, mage armor)  d20+9=12
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 6:05:01 PM

[OOC: Did Zeoll cast that Suggestion last turn? I see no save rolled in the DM Post dice field, so maybe Zeoll did not get the chance? Which is fine by me ... I just want to be able to cast the spell in the rounds to come!]

Zeoll senses that the Red Cloaks are up to something (sense motive 12). He decides not to wait to find out what. He shouts, "Sprread out! Buff Up! Don't attack!"

Zeoll casts a Confusion spell. He targets all creatures in a 15-ft. radius burst -- getting as many of the Red Cloaks as he can and for sure NONE of his friends.

After casting the spell he heads backwards away from the Red Cloaks 40 feet.

The Will DC vs Confusion is 21:

Roll on the following table at the beginning of each subject's turn each round to see what the subject does in that round.

d% Behavior
01-10 Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11-20 Act normally.
21-50 Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51-70 Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71-100 Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).
A confused character who can't carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused character. Any confused character who is attacked automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still confused when its turn comes. Note that a confused character will not make attacks of opportunity against any creature that it is not already devoted to attacking (either because of its most recent action or because it has just been attacked).

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
4 of 5 first level bard spells
(3 or 4?) of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
2 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Rose  d20+4=23 d20+10=18 d4+4=7
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 8:46:11 PM

Rose will order Mandy to follow Theo and will sit on Mandy backwards so she can see the testers at all times. If at any time they attack she will fire her bow.

sense motive: 23
held action: draw and fire bow
attack: 18
damage: 7

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+3=19 d20+18=20
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 10:01:57 PM

Theodore also catches the odd body language passing among the red robed folks and moves backward about ten feet. He lets his quarterstaff slip to the floor and flings his arms out wide, his sleeves snapping back to leave his hands free for spell-weaving.

(Readying an action to counterspell the first baddie who casts a spell. Has improved counterspell feat. Spellcraft check 20.)

Available Spells
0 - Dancing Lights, Prestidigation,
Resistance X2
1 - Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Protection from Chaos, Sleep
2 - Alter Self, Darkness, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Web
3 - Dispel Magic
4 - Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Summon Monster IV
5 - Telekinesis

Vorelle  d20+2=13
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 10:33:43 PM

Vorelle picks up on the movements of the men in red and senses there is going to be a fight. Unobtrusively, she shifts position to give herself the best lines of fire.

Ashira (AC24 HP87/87) Shield of Faith +3 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 12:37:25 AM

Ashira nods grimly at Zeoll's instructions and slams down her potion. She moves away from the others and slightly toward the Red testers, itching for the fight that looks to be imminent. Her swords appear in her hands at a moment's notice, as she waits to give the spellcasters some time before she charges in.

Wednesday October 26th, 2005 1:54:27 AM

Brahmah readies for attack. (If the Reds attack, Brahmah will retaliate.)

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours)  d20=5
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 2:41:48 AM

Jack watches as the red cloaks exchange hand signals. He had not seen that type of communication for sometime. Seems his partners are all picking up on it as well. He prepares for battle.

DM Jamie Tuesday Post  d20+4=24 d20+4=18 d20+4=8 d20+4=15 d20+11=16 d20+11=24 d20+11=20 d20+11=20 d100=58 d100=99 d100=92 d100=78 d100=13 d100=71 d20+18=26 d20+13=17 d10+11=14 d10+11=12 2d6(6+4)=10 2d6(6+4)=10 d20+10=12 d20+10=19 d4+6=7
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 8:04:22 AM

Zeoll's spell catches the men in red unawares and they are all caught in its radius. R1 and R5 are NOT affected

R1 and R5 are caught completely off guard as their forces begin to run amuck. R2 and R8 let out a scream of terror as they turn and flee from the room running through the great doors as quickly as they can.R3, R4, and R6 all close to attack. R7 begins to cast.

Theodore Highlight to display spoiler: {, he is preparing to cast obscuring mist OOC: I picked web to counter. If you have another spell in mind let me know.}

Theodore lets loose with a burst of magical energy and is able to counter R7's spell

R6 and R3 close with Solgrin to attack.

R4 closes with Rose to attack

DM Jamie 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 10:49:22 AM

We interupt you regularly scheduled roleplayer for an important announcement:

Please note that I screwed up the last post. I missed something important. I have since edited the above post to reflect the change.

You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled game

Zeoll (AC14, HP69, mage armor, inspire courage) 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 4:24:51 PM

Zeoll shouts out to his friends: "They arre confused! If you attack a confused crreaturre, it will forr surre attack you afterr that! Leave the confused alone and they might rrun off orr do nothing!"

"Instead, focus firre on the unconfused! "

"Fight that one!" Zeoll points to R1. "And that one!" Zeoll points to R5.

Then the bard sings a song designed to inspire his allies:

When Domi was a morrtal man
Alemi was his frriend.
And Domi guarrded him frrom harrm
Wherre everr they would wend.

Now let us step in Domi's shoes
Herre in Alemi's shrrine!
Be brrave! Be strrong! Make Domi proud!
Defeat these foes malign!

[OOC: Inspire Courage gives everyone a +1 on attacks and damage, plus a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear.]

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+9=21 d20+9=26 d20+4=22 d4+5=8 d4+5=7 d8+2=5 d20+12=25 d20+9=12 d4+2=4
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 7:50:27 PM

Theodore begins to weave a spell and a beautiful golden lion suddenly appears behind R4. The celestial lion roars his challenge and rears up on its to swipe at the back of the red priest twice, ending with a powerful bite. (Attack 21, 26, 22 (+2 for flanking) Damage 8, 7, 5; If 22 hits for the bite, he attempts a grapple (check 25) then tries to rake (attack 12; doubt that hits, but damage is 4)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+11=19 d20+11=31 d20+11=18 d20+6=19 d8+1=3
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 9:16:55 PM

As the men in red move to attack, Vorelle whips out her bow [Quick Draw feat] and snaps off three quick shots at R1. The first and last shot go pinging off the man's armor, but the middle shot finds a weak spot.

[Hit AC 19, 31 [natural 20, but no crit], 18. 3 points damage.]

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence] 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 10:56:17 PM

Tratain casts Bears Endurence upon himself and readies to meet any of the Enemy that make it close.

OOC: I can't open the excel map

Ashira (AC24 HP87/87) Shield of Faith +3, Y29  d20+15=34 d20+15=32 2d8(4+8)+8=20
Thursday October 27th, 2005 12:22:19 AM

Ashira grins as the red testers move forward and engage. "Finally!" she calls as she steps up and attacks the nearest one (R6). "Fool...tell my master that I have sent you to him. You'll be meeting him face to face soon enough..." the ranger taunts as she slices into the warrior with a nice juicy critical hit (AC34/32 for 20 dam).

DM Jamie 
Thursday October 27th, 2005 1:11:28 AM

OOC: My grandmother passed away today and I have been working on travel arrangements all day for her funeral. I will get a post in on Thursday. Sorry for the mess up.

rose  d20+12=20 d8+7=12
Thursday October 27th, 2005 1:50:48 AM

Rose tosses her bow behind her as she draws her sword and quickly attacks R4.

attack: 20
damage: 12

ooc: jaimie take all the time you need, I'm sorry about your grandma.

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours)  d20+9=16 4d6(1+5+4+3)=13 d100=2
Thursday October 27th, 2005 2:21:54 AM

Jack sees the man attacking Rose and casts a spell in her direction, aiming at the red cloaked man.(R6)

ASF10% 2 is failure

OOC So never mind. I acciddently hit the reset button before this and then came back. too bad to, I hit on the first roll.

Brahmah  d20+15=32 d20+15=28 d20+10=18 2d4(2+1)+7=10 2d4(2+3)+7=12 2d4(1+4)+7=12
Thursday October 27th, 2005 3:06:45 AM

OOC: Sorry about your grandma Jamie.

Brahmah moves to action against R6. (AC 32(crit 28) and 18, for 10(crit 22) and 12 damage)

DM Jamie  d20=20 d100=45 d100=71 d100=2
Thursday October 27th, 2005 1:35:02 PM

For this tap I will allow the use of a summoned creature in the same round. Just remember tha I can do it too :)

Also, be aware something happened with my first post with all of my dice rolls, but I ad copied all of my text. I merely copied the text back in. So if you are counting my rolls across the top they will not match.

OOC: Thanks for support from you guys during this difficult time. I am leaving on a light first thing Friday morning and will be returning on Sunday. I should have access to the internet while I am gone so I will try to get Fridays post in something his weekend.

AC for R1-R4 is 23. AC for R5-R8 is 13.

R3 falls to the ground and begins to babble incoherently.

R7 turns and runs back the way he came through the doors. You can continue to hear his screams as he runs into whatever they fought through to get into the room in the first place.

R4 attacks the lion with his sword. (Hitting AC 38 and 26 doing 22 hp and 24 hp worth of damage)

R5 begins to chant and chanel energy into a spell. Spellcraft DC 15 to know it is Highlight to display spoiler: { Flame Strike}

Zeoll begins by weaving a heroic and inspiring song that is able to bolster everyones spirits to hieghts they did not think possible.

Theodore's lion attacks the fighter (R4) and is able to get in one attack. It does damage, but the attack is not enough to knock the fighter off balance. He turns to face his new attacker. Theodore Highlight to display spoiler: {the parchment is begining to get warm. In fact it is getting white hot and pulling hard towards the star in the back of the room.}

Vorelle is able to draw first blood on R1, but only a mall amount. It is anough to annoy him at best.

Tratain is able to get off his spell and he eels a rush of energy as it takes effect. He will soon need it as it looks as if the men are going to advance.

OOC: Tratain I will get you something that will show you where everyone is. Crrently Rose is 10 feet in front of you and their is an attacker (R4) in front of her. Solgrin is about 15 feet to the left and 15 feet forward of our position and has two attackers (R3 and R6)

Ashira revels in the attack she performs on the robed man in red. Blood explodes out from the wound as she cuts deep into bone and sinew. He staggers backwards a bit and grips his left shoulder as his arm is almost siced from his body.

Rose attempts an attack against her aggressor, but is unable o get through his defenses.

Mad Jack, your spell fizzles.

OOC: Mad Jack if something like that happens again I trust the players anough that you can let me know what the roll was an go with it from there

Brahmah advances and engages R6 who is not paying any attention as he is trying to fix his arm. Not showing any pitty towards this man Brahmah easily slices his leg off at the knee and as he falls to the ground finished him off with a slice through the mans chest.

Everyone the light in the room is begining to dim quite a bit.

Zeoll (AC14, HP69, mage armor, inspire courage)  d20+9=18
Thursday October 27th, 2005 2:45:29 PM

Zeoll stops his song -- the effect of the song continues for five rounds. But his main concern is that dimness. He is worried that someone is trying to hide in the shadows. He looks all around, trying to see into the dimness. [OOC: Spot check 18]

If he sees someone trying to hide, Zeoll will cast Hideous Laughter on that person. If he does not see anybody sneaking, then he will cast the Hideous Laughter spell on R1. The save DC is 19 to resist the spell's magic.


This is round 2 of 7 rounds of Confusion
This is round 1 of 5 rounds of Inspire Courage
This is round 1 of 7 rounds of Hideous Laughter if it works.

(The countdown on the bardsong does not start until Zeoll stops singing)

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
5 of 5 first level bard spells
3 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
4 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence]  d20+15=26 d8+7=8
Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:38:48 PM

Tratain incants a spell quickly (Quickened Divine Favor) and steps forward and attacks R4.

Hit AC 26 for 8 Damage.

Tratain also uses his Protector Ability to Intercept the First attack directed at Rose as long as she stays within 5 Feet of Him.

Ashira (AC24 HP87/87) Shield of Faith +3  d20+13=27 d20+8=25 d20+12=21 d20+4=13 d8+5=12 d8+5=6 d20+15=34 d20+15=25 2d8(4+7)+10=21
Friday October 28th, 2005 12:26:31 AM

Wiping the blood spray from her face, Ashira takes a 5 foot step to move in with the new aggressor R1. Her longsword dances through the air and slices into the Gargulite twice (AC27 for 12, AC25 for 6). Her attacks with her shortsword prove much less effective. Still, Ashira leers at the man with glee. "Hello, sunshine...time for your appointment with your master...time to find out if he is pleased with your actions."

OOC Jamie I'm sorry about your grandmother. Also, I'm confused by the map...it shows that R1 moved past Ashira to be by Solgrin. Shouldn't Ashira get an AoO? Also, Ashira's at the wrong spot on the map...and since we don't have a grid anymore, I can't indicate where Ashira is located.

DM Insert: Sorry. I have moved you on the new map and have sent out the new map. You should get the AoO on R1 so go ahead and role it with your next move if you want and we will work it in.

Went ahead and added the AoO...AC34/25 for crit...21 dam. Thanks Jamie!!!---Nellie

Rose hp: 52/52 ac: 16  d20+14=23 d20+12=26 d8+6=8
Friday October 28th, 2005 1:07:27 AM

Rose yells out "Theo can you cast shield on someone?" as she continues to attack R4

spellcraft: 23

attack: 26
damage: 8

ooc: is my mage armor still active? it's supposed to last 5 hrs (unless i extended it) but I dont remember when i cast it or if i extended it. if it is please add +4 to my ac and let me know

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP (Mage Armour 9 hours)  d20+12=15 2d6(5+1)+5=11
Friday October 28th, 2005 1:51:28 AM

Roaring in frustration at the spell failure, Jack spurs his mount into action. Drawing his sword he brings it down on the head of the intended victim, riding past. Once he is 20-25 feet away, he will turn his mount and look to charge the man again. (R4)

OOC Using the rideby attack feat, no AoO
Hit AC15 11 dam

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+17=25 d6+4=9
Friday October 28th, 2005 10:00:12 AM

All of Vorelle's good targets have closed in and are now too close to her friends to risk shooting at them. So she puts away her bow (move-equivalent), draws her axes (free action), takes a five-foot step to flank R1 with Ashira, and attacks. She lands a solid blow.

[Hit AC 25 for 9 points damage. If by some chance these guys are magical creatures or undead, I get to add sneak attack damage, but I think that's unlikely. :) ]

DM Jamie 
Friday October 28th, 2005 6:20:02 PM

I made it to Dubuque Iowa and will get in a post later tonite. Now I am off to see if my Grandfather wants some company for the night.

Friday October 28th, 2005 8:22:49 PM

Brahmah readies for another attack.

DM Jamie 
Friday October 28th, 2005 10:32:02 PM

OOC: I have to admit that I made a big mistake. I had not placed Mad Jack on the map and I had Solgrin on there. I have corrected the error.

OOC: One more thing. For some reason the internet connection through my hotel will not let me send out the new map. I will get it out when I get home on Sunday.

Zeoll as you gaze into the darkness it is magical in nature, but you feel as if it is the place that is doing it and not any one person. R1 makes the save vs your hideous laughter.

R4 drops to the ground and begins to babble in a dialect that none of you have. Tratain and Rose take advantage of this and get in their attacks.

R1 takes Ashira's and Vorelle's attacks in stride. He is moving rather sluggishly now though.

Mad Jack makes a valiant attempt at charging, but R4 drops to the ground as he charges by and he misses.

R3 turns and begins to run in fear.

As R5 begins to cast something strange happens. The parchment that Theodore had taken out has become almost white with energy. There are sparks dropping here and there off the parchment. It is pulling towards the back of the room (the star on the map).

Theodore valiantly tries to hold onto the parchment, but to no avail. It flies from his hands and their is an explosion of lights and a wave of magical energy washes over everyone in the room as it causes you all to fall to the ground where you stand.

As soon as the light expands out to fill the room it is gone. The room is completely black except for a light at the very top of the cave that appears to be a hole of some type.

As your eyes adjust you see that their is no gold or adornments surrounding you anymore. Gone are the alters and the artifacts. Even the stalagmite are gone. Their is just the pool of water in the back of the cavern.

The men in red have been knocked down as well.

Everyone make a listen or spot check (whichever is higher) DC 15. If you make it Highlight to display spoiler: { You notice 2 groups of creatures come through the doors. You don't know how many are in each group, but they are fighting one another.}

Mad Jack  d20=17
Sunday October 30th, 2005 1:17:07 AM

Jack crawls to his hands and knees, shaking his head, clearing the cobwebs. Standing slowly, he reteives his sword that he had dropped on his fall. Finding Trya standing next to him, shaking and trembling, he soothes her with a few words. Rubbing her nose he looks around to see what has happened to everyone else. Then he sees the newcomers come into the battle, and his heart sinks. Swinging into the saddle he readies himself to charge.

DM Note: Mad Jack did not fall off his horse. R4 is the one that fell that led to you not hitting him.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+4=20 d20+13=20
Sunday October 30th, 2005 2:21:04 PM

Theodore spots the new group of fighters (spot 20) entering the room and quickly looks back to the light above. Deciding on a course of action, he pulls forth a scroll of levitate and activates the magic from the scroll. (Concentration check 20, if needed)

Theodore sends Macaw flapping up towards the light, being the quicker flier at the moment, to see what's going on.

(By the way, my celestial lion is dead.)

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence; Divine Favor]  d20+7=9 d20+15=18 d8+7=9
Sunday October 30th, 2005 10:24:36 PM

Tratain quickly Stands up after being knocked down and swings again at the enemy infront of him, failing to notice anything else.

Hits AC 18 for 9 Damage

Tratain continues to intercept for Rose.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+14=34
Sunday October 30th, 2005 10:34:16 PM

Vorelle easily sees the two other groups enter [Spot 34 - natural 20], but is unsure what it means. She puts away her axes, draws her bow, and five-foot steps away from R1 so that she's no longer in melee range. Uncertain which (if any) of the combatants are friend or foe, she nocks an arrow to the string and holds it there, waiting for the situation to become clearer.

Zeoll (AC14, HP69, mage armor, inspire courage)  d20+9=14
Monday October 31st, 2005 6:44:27 AM

Zeoll stands up and does not notice anything. He tries again to cast a Hideous Laughter spell on R1 (using a level 2 slot to do so). The save DC is 19 to resist the spell's magic.


This is round 3 of 7 rounds of Confusion
This is round 2 of 5 rounds of Inspire Courage
This is round 1 of 7 rounds of Hideous Laughter if it works.

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
5 of 5 first level bard spells
4 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
4 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Ashira (AC24 HP87/87) Shield of Faith +3  d20+12=25 d20+11=12 d20+15=16
Monday October 31st, 2005 8:51:55 AM

Ashira spots the new entrants (Spot=25). "Folks, we got some incomings. Get ready." Ashira points the groups out and then rises to her feet and lashes out at R1 once more but fails miserably (AC=16, nat. 1).

Monday October 31st, 2005 8:55:02 AM

OOC: Happy Halloween.

Brahmah continues his vigilance.

rose  d20+12=14
Monday October 31st, 2005 2:51:20 PM

Rose is confused when everything changes and scoots back a few feet before standing up. She keeps her sword ready in case the testers should attack again. Unfortunatly she doesnt see the groups who enter.

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours)  d100=63 4d6(4+1+1+2)=8
Monday October 31st, 2005 6:58:44 PM

Mad Jack eyes the robed figure off to the side, and far away from the action. Not knowing what complications the newcomers will bring, he casts a spell at the man.(R3)

OOC Cast Scorch ray at r3 DC15
8 for damage. This die roller hates me.

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 4:23:10 PM

"What's going on!?"

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 2:14:45 AM

Brahmah waits for reaction from the others.

DM Jamie 
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 11:16:47 AM

Sorry for being such a slouch this week. I didn't have access to anything until today. My wife and I had a baby boy yesterday. We went in Monday night and he was born tuesday at 1630. I will get a post in tonite.

Again sorry for the screw up.

DM add on: Just got my internet fixed today. I will get in a post in a few hours.

Thursday November 3rd, 2005 5:31:34 AM

Still waiting.

DM Jamie  d20+4=24 d20+4=15
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 5:46:38 PM

As the battle unfolds the two groups who came through the doors are noticed by everyone now that Ashira points them out to everyone. Any experienced adventurer is able to distinguish that one of the two groups are kobolds and the other is humanoid, maybe human or elf.

Those two groups are fighting one another and the humans appear to be winning. They are attacking with a flurry of punches and kicks that would easily take out a group of ruffians.

Mad Jack, you are set for the charge.

Theodore & Macaw, Macaw heads up towards the ceiling to look through the hole. It will take him until next round to make it there. Theodore you have no problem getting off your spell.

Tratain, as you bring down your attack he throws his arm up to defend himself. Your attack easily goes through his arm and crushes him to the ground. He is dead.

Vorelle, Rose, & Brahmah, you all step back to assess the situation.

Zeoll, as you weave your words into the spell you feel the power build and project toward your target. He falls to the ground unable to do anything but laugh.

Mad Jack, your spell, although weak, is enough to distract him (R5) from his casting.

Those of you close to your gods now sense nothing. You do not feel any divine presence good or bad.

The men that are left are R1 and R5.

As this round ends you see the kobolds have been dispatched. The humanoids turn and one of them calls out "Friend or Foe? This is Domi of House Oshirr with my students."

This post was brought to you one handed as I hold my son :)

Brahmah  d20+2=19
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 7:45:06 PM

"Domi?!" He says under his breath.

Brahmah isn't sure what to believe. (Sense Motive human 19)

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 7:45:54 PM

Macaw continues to go higher, Theodore follows slower. He moves 20' directly up, keeping an eye on the situation below and the light above.

Spells Active
Mage Armor - ?
Levitate - 2 min, 9 rounds

Zeoll  d20+11=20 d20+24=39
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 9:26:56 PM

Zeoll gasps and is stunned for a second, in which the truth -- or what must be the truth -- comes crashing into his head.

Quickly, he says some harmless words to his friends, but in reality he is passing them a secret message (OOC: Bluff check 20 to do so).

We have traveled somehow into the past, when the gods were mortal! Don't tell him about the future, for fear of messing up what should be!

Then the liontaur steps forward, with his hands held out to show that he means no harm. "We arre a grroup of adventurrerrs," he says, "welcoming those who come in peace and goodwill."

Then the liontaur turns to the remaining Red Cloak who is not confused or prone with laughter. "Come, stop fighting and lay down your arrms. You will be trreated fairrly if you do no morre harrm. You have my worrd on that."

(Diplomacy check 39 to convince the Red Cloak to stop)

"Everrybody, subdue the leaderr. He will stop laughing in seven rounds. Knock him unconscious so that we can tie him up."

Then the liontaur turns back to Domi. "Parrdon us while we finish subduing these evildoerrs."

Friday November 4th, 2005 1:08:58 AM

The half-elf's eyes bulge at first the human's and then Zeoll's words. "You've got to be kidding me..." Looking down at her gear she is very, very, very glad that she gave away the bow that Alemi carried when he was a mortal. But then a terrifying thought enters her mind...if indeed Zeoll is right, then Alemi himself is sure to be around somewhere... Sweat trickles down her greenish-gray skin as her heart races with anxiety at the potential meeting. Desperately, she tries to push the thought out of her head. Seeing that she has no rope to tie up the leader, Ashira opts for moving in closer (but not too close to spoke him) to the other Red Gargulite, prepared to shut him down should he not head Zeoll's words.

Brahmah  d20+15=35 d20+15=29 d20+10=23 2d4(3+2)+7=12 2d4(1+4)+7=12 2d4(1+1)+7=9
Friday November 4th, 2005 1:53:03 AM

The follower of Domi doesn't want to look weak in front of his God, if that is truly him. He moves in for an attack or two on whatever target is in reach.

(AC 35(crit29) and 23, for 24 and 12 damage)

Mad Jack 
Friday November 4th, 2005 2:32:12 AM

A god among them? By all the... The liontaur must be drunk. Took too much of that singing to heart, and now thinks he is entertaining the innsfolk. Being a simple man, not terribly versed in gods, Jack will pull his sword free and ready to charge, should one of the red cloaked figures move.

As he is preparing to do so, he remembers some of the reds had left the room, so Jack will move over to the doorway, to intercept anyone else from coming in unannounced.

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence; Divine Favor]  d20+11=15 d8+7=15
Friday November 4th, 2005 4:47:47 PM

Tratain is dumbfounded at the words spoken by the Man Calling Himself Domi, and at Zeoll's words not to reveal anything. He moves over to the Redcloak Leader and Swings at him trying to knock him out.

Attack hits AC 15 for 15 points of Subdual Damage.

DM Jamie  d20=1 d20=19
Saturday November 5th, 2005 12:43:13 AM

R4, pulls back his right sleeve and touches a marking on his forearm. There is a flash of blue light and he disappears.

R1, continues to writhe on the floor in laughter.

Everyone moving into position around the remaining man in red gets there.

Brahmah and Tratain get their attacks in. After Brahmahs he does not look too good.

The man identifying himself as Domi turns towards his students and says, "You are Students of the Oshirr House. Your decisions and demeanor determine what your reputation in The Wold will be. Mind yourselves."

He then turns towards the group, "I can see you are all weary. Quickly tell me who you are and why you are here."

And for Macaw: Highlight to display spoiler: { Macaw bursts from the hole in the ceiling of the cave to discover a very rugged looking landscape. A lot of the landscape looks the same from when he flew around the citadel, but there are not cities or buildings around here. }

[OOC: Spoiler for Macaw uploaded by Cayzle]

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday November 6th, 2005 8:44:04 PM

Through the empathic link, Theodore feels confusion from Macaw. The wizard glances down to see that everything is under control and continues to float up towards the hole.

Sunday November 6th, 2005 9:42:31 PM

For once in her life Rose is stunned into silence we travled through time.....we're talking to a god...this cant be real...... thoughts run through her head like water and she stares in amazement.

Monday November 7th, 2005 12:38:35 AM

Ashira waits for Zeoll to reply, at a complete loss of what to say in these strange circumstances.

Brahmah  d20+15=30 d20+15=28 d20+13=16 d20+8=22 d20+10=29 d20+10=24 2d4(4+3)+7=14 2d4(2+1)+7=10 d6+4=9 2d4(4+3)+7=14 d6+4=8 d6+4=5
Monday November 7th, 2005 6:55:25 AM

He attacks again and splits attacks if need be.

(Hits AC 30(crit 28), 16, 22 and 29(crit 24), for 14(24 crit), 9, 14 and 8(13 crit) damage)

Monday November 7th, 2005 9:23:01 AM

Vorelle opens her mouth to try to answer the man called Domi, but the only sound that emerges is a kind of strangled squeak.

Zeoll  d20+24=30 d20+11=27
Monday November 7th, 2005 11:10:22 AM

Zeoll bows, honored by his companions' confidence in his ability to come up with something to say. And words -- howsoever mangled by the sharp teeth in his mouth -- do not fail him this time, either.

Of course, lying or deceit is absolutely out of the question. It does not even cross Zeoll's mind to fool this person. But he does understand the need for discretion, since he fears the ramifications of thoughtless revelation.

Zeoll bows in greeting, and speaks. First, he introduces all his friends by name, without mention of title or occupation. Then he says, "We are pilgrrims, adventurrerrs on a sacrred quest. We seek a parrticularr arrtifact that will help us set rright a grreat unbalance that has affected ourr farr-away homeland."

"I would gladly say morre to any of good hearrt who wish weal to the innocent and weak. But firrst, frriend, may I ask you to tell us morre of yourrself and your ... Oshirrr House?"

Zeoll does his best to communicate friendship with his words. (Diplomacy check 30)

Zeoll looks around to see that the Red Cloaks are all subdued or fled. If not, he says to the person named Domi, "Please excuse us as we finish dealing with these enemies." Then he urges his friends to finish subduing the laughing Red Cloak.

If the Red Cloaks are all subdued or fled, or as soon as they are, the liontaur says to Domi, "You arre keen-eyed -- we have not slept in ages. Would you sharre a camp with us, so that we can talk afterr washing the blood frrom ourr wounds and blades?"

The liontaur tries very hard to keep a smile from his lips when he says that the group has not slept in ages. (Bluff check 27)

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence; Divine Favor]  d20+11=12 d20+6=23 d8+7=13
Monday November 7th, 2005 4:32:32 PM

Tratain again swings at the Leader to knock him out. Afterwords he listens to the conversation between Zeoll, and the Man who will one day become His God.

First attack Miss
Second attack Hit AC 23 for 13 Subdual Damage

DM Kim  d20=7
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:57:59 AM

R1 either dies or is knocked out very cold. Hard to tell without a close inspection.

The priest (R5) hears Zeoll's words. "You are right. I will quit this fight you started." He takes his mace, and returns it to the holder at his waist to signify compliance. He undoes the strap on his buckler, and moves it to a little hook at his waist. As he fastens it there, in his fingers appears a forked brass rod. He chants dark words, waves his left hand, then disappears in a wink of a brass-colored light. [Ashira and anyone else in striking range of R5 may use an attack of opportunity against him as he casts his spell if you so choose.]

Domi listens to Zeoll's words, and observes the comportment of members of the group. "You are from distant lands, indeed," he remarks, noting their attire. He looks at Zeoll. "And your accent one I've not heard before. The Oshirr House is many things. The Oshirr House is a place of learning. I am a teacher, and therefore a student." He nods towards a tall and wirey young man with short brown hair who took down their last opponent a few moments ago by leaping in the air, wrapping his calves around the neck of a kobold, then spinning so that the small opponent was upended only to land on his head. "This is Yabál, an able student." Quietly, he says to Yabál, "Next time, do not land on the hip. That will be sore a few days to remind you."

A big-boned girl in her teens with dark brown braids he introduces as Faiyth. Faiyth wears a symbol around her neck. If you can read High Woldian, Highlight to display spoiler: {It is the symbol of the Law of Right, held within a circle}. Tharpeia, with long red hair and large freckles, wears a satiny green and blue dress. She twirls a wand in the fingers of her right hand, and is perhaps 16. Qwar is a dwarf who bears an axe and a hammer. Paxx is a gnome clad in black leather, with blade handles showing in numerous places on his person. All of them are young - teens and early twenties, or the equivalent ages for the nonhuman noble races among them. There are other students, but Domi does not introduce them all.

"Tharpeia, the spell of cleaning - have you learned it for today?" he asks her.

"Yes, master," the girl replies.

"See then to our guests."

Tharpeia asks the group to gather together. She says words in a strange language and moves her fingers in small circles. In a moment, any dust, dirt, sweat, blood, or other surface contamination falls off and each of those who stood in the area she indicated find themselves totally clean, clothes and skin and hair.

As they stand there (or not - no one is forced to receive Tharpeia's ministrations), Domi stands, legs shoulder width apart, hands behind his back.

"What is this land called from which you come, and how distant is it?" He pauses, but not quite long enough for someone to answer. "How came you here?" Domi asks.

Tuesday November 8th, 2005 2:48:14 AM

Brahmah places his hand on Zeoll's shoulder in silent confidence.

Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:13:59 AM

Zeoll thanks the mage for her magical tidying. He answers Domi, "We come frrom many places, but we werre brrought togetherr and forrmed into a team in one of the grreatest cities of ourr land, Plateau City. In that grrand metrropolis, we looked in two temples forr the rrelic we seek orr forr inforrmation about it. In the second temple we werre attacked by the enemies you saw, the ones in rred cloaks. A prriest urrged us to pass thrrough an ancient gate deep in the temple, which we did. It brrought us herre. Ourr enemies followed, and we fought them herre."

"But how farr we arre frrom Plateau City I have no idea. I do know that we arre so farr away that we cannot feel the connection to the divine that usually supporrts prriests such as myself. So I think that we arre verry farr frrom home indeed -- I think that we may have somehow ended up in anotherr dimension altogetherr. I worrry how we will get home, but that prroblem can wait until afterr we obtain the rrelic."

"Please, let's sit down and eat togetherr. I hope you will forrgive the confidences I am sharring with you, not to mention my long-windedness!"

"Let us make a camp. Perrhaps you will know something that will help us find ourr rrelic. Perrhaps you arre on some quest orr mission with which we can help you? Orr perrhaps you would be interrested in hearring morre about the rrelic we seek, and why we seek it."

When he can turn his attention from Domi, Zeoll whispers to his minotaur and half-elf friends, "Captain, Ashirra, could you move the captive away off to one side? I do not want ourr new frriends to be offended by the filth he will surrely shout when he comes to. Tomorrrow I can prrobe his thoughts and charrm him into cooperration. Until then, let us keep his foul mouth quiet. If he yet lives, that is."

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 2:32:59 PM

Theodore continues to levitate towards the hole in the ceiling. What is up there?

Spells Active
Mage Armor - ?
Levitate - 2 min 7 rounds

What Theodore sees (DM Kim) 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 3:12:24 PM

As the two parties dialogue in the cavern below, Theodore's levitation eventually allows him to poke his head and shoulders and, with a bit of wiggling, the rest of his body out the hole in the ceiling above.

As he emerges, he notes that grass and wildflowers cover the ground in the immediate vicinity. The landscape round about, however, is very rugged looking. The contours of the land look similar to what Macaw reported to Theodore earlier, as well as the limited glance Theodore had just prior to entering the Cathedral of Alemi/Lemtrovex. What is missing are the ruins of the city, and the cathedral itself. No buildings are visible from this vantage point to Theodore. A small herd of elk grazes perhaps a hundred yards away, at the edge of a stand of deciduous trees. The leaves on some of the trees turn to autumn colors. In the opposite direction a hill rises starting a few hundred yards away, well covered with birch trees, and clumps of maple and oak.

There are trails here and there. Clouds cover much of the sky, including a thin cover over the sun, but there are patches of blue in one direction. Judging by the position of the sun, it's either mid morning or mid afternoon.

Macaw dives toward the ground, grasps a squeaking field mouse in his talons, and takes off back into the air.

Theodore has two minutes left on his levitation spell. Getting himself and his gear through the opening took a little more than half a minute.

Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:33:36 PM

After the cleaning spell is cast, Vorelle spends a few moments marvelling at the sensation of being really, truly, free of dirt and grime. And, unlike in Dirt City, the condition is likely to last for a bit. She rubs her fingers and thumb together, fascinated by the complete lack of grit to get in the way.

Ashira  d20+14=29 d8+4=6
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:13:11 PM

As the Red Gargulite begins to cast, Ashira lashes out with her longsword, tagging the man and causing him a slight amount of damage (AC29, 6hp dam.) She wonders if it will be enough to disrupt his spell.

Ashira watches Zeoll in awe. The wemic is truly in his element. She nods savagely at Zeoll's suggestion and moves over to the other Gargulite and checks him for signs of life. If he proves to be alive, she pulls a small piece of cloth out of her backpack and quickly gags him. Then she turns to Brahmah. "You got any rope? Or you just want me to brake one of his legs so he can't run away?" she asks half in jest.

DM Kim  d20=5 d20=6 d20=2
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 2:42:55 AM

Almost got away
Ashira's sword strikes the forearm of the cleric P5 as he is wrapping up the spell. He bobbles the tined brass, almost regains possession of it (hero point), but drops it after all. A gross obscenity parts his lips. He reaches to grab Ashira as he calls on the name of Marteaus. He barely fails to contact her, though. He starts running for the door.

"Deserted! I am deserted!" he growls, followed by more cursing.

Meanwhile, body bruised, his left wrist with a compound fracture, from which blood drips, the smallest signs of shallow breathing are evident to any who draw close to P1 and observe for a moment or two.

Domi and company
"Plateau City," Domi echoes.

"Would that betimes they were more attentive," he says after Zeoll mentions the distance from home and the loss of connection to the divine.

The imprecation of the last priest standing, now running, gains the attention of Faiyth. "His words ring most foul in mine ears, my lord. Shall we assist these nobles in his demise or capture?" she asks.

Domi turns his attention to his students. His gaze runs over them. "Yes, if they ask it of you."

"When what needs be done here is finished, I invite you to the Oshirr House," he says to Zeoll and the group. "Your questions can there be discussed more fully, and we, in turn, will learn of you."

The students look to the group to see their answer. Calculations are clear in Yabál's eyes.

Brahmah  d20+18=22
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 4:06:46 AM

"The captive won't be going anywhere." Brahmah lifts the prisoner into his arms and gives him a bear hug. (Grapple 22)

If the grapple doesn't work, Brahmah will snap the leg like a twig. :)

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 5:56:48 AM

Rose gratefully gets clean, and mandy and piper as well. She remains silent as she's a little scared at being in a different time and being in front of a god.

...how are we going to get home... is one of the main thoughts going through her mind.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 9:51:39 AM

Seeing that they have indeed gone to another time or place, Theodore decides there's little he can do, at the moment. He decides to rejoin his friends below, and wriggles back through the hole and levitates to the ground. He leaves Macaw outside to keep an eye on things...just in case...

DM Kim  d20=6
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 5:31:44 PM

The grapple works, and Brahmah has a wiggling priest in his arms.

Meanwhile, Qwar takes a few steps forward and looks toward Mad Jack's pegasus. "Br-r-rfsk! That horse hath wings!" His jaw goes slack.

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 6:19:54 PM

Zeoll nods his thanks at the offer of help. "But please, help us subdue these ruffians rather than kill them."

He looks at his friends to see what they think of going to the Oshirr House. If no one objects, Zeoll accepts the invitation. "It would be an honor," he says.

Mad Jack 
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 8:29:42 PM

Looking down at the man who comments about Trya, he nods.

"Yes sir, she does have wings, and they work to." Jack then dismounts and allows the pegasus to stretch her wings.

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 9:03:50 PM

Tratain waits to see what happens with the others, particularly what Zeoll says to Domi.

When the Priest of Martaeus Yells about being abandoned, a question he was thinking seems to be answered. He tries to cast a Cure Minor wounds spell to see if it works or Fails, because Domi is not a God in these times.

Ashira  d20+14=33 d20+14=33
Thursday November 10th, 2005 12:33:19 AM

Ashira smiles at the success of her attack, though she reviles at the failed touch attack. "Oh, no, that's what got me into the whole mess with Alemi to begin with! she thinks as the priest bolts (should have got an AoO, but that's cool). [Yes, you are correct. But you made up for it! :-) -Kim]

As Brahmah grapples the priest, Ashira joins in and slams the hilt of her longsword into the man's temple with expert precision (Crit AC33/33 for a lot of non-lethal damage). Ashira smiles "I don't think we'll need much help."

Thursday November 10th, 2005 1:30:56 AM

He stands holding the cleric. "Stop wiggling."

Thursday November 10th, 2005 3:42:34 AM

Brahmah and Ashira seem to have things well in hand, but Vorelle stands by in case her help is needed with the prisoners.

DM Kim - The wiggling priest  d20=5
Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:16:40 AM

Following the pommel strike by Ashira to P5's head, he complies completely with Brahmah's command. His head flops down, and drool begins to come from his mouth. A narrow stick falls and bounces on its end once, then clatters to the ground. There is a ring on the man's finger.

DM Kim - Domi et al  d8+5=8 d100=35
Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:44:05 AM

Domi nods in affirmation to Zeoll's acceptance and condition. Several of his students step forward, but see that the party already has things in hand.

Tratain finds that the cure light wounds spell works fine, healing up 8 hp damage. But the spiritual presence of the god of one's devotion, naturally felt by a devout cleric, is no longer sensed.

Mad Jack sees that Qwar is not a man, but rather a youthful dwarf, whose beard is wispy in spots, as first beards sometimes are, even among the generally hirsute dwarfs. When Trya spreads her wings, Qwar exclaims, "AMma goma!" [The 'M' is made with the lips pressed together, as when one makes the 'm' sound, but is voiceless, and the only sound is that of air expelled through the nose.] After a beat, he asks, "Hath a dwarf yet ridden her?"

"We have before us a good walk," Domi says. "If your things are gathered, then may we keep one another's company upon the path." He looks to one of the students whose name he had not yet given, this one a human teenage boy. "Martenus, give unto them your coil of rope that they might bind their captives."

The tow-head boy does so, handing a 50' coil of hempen rope to Vorelle, who seems to be standing by, or to any other who steps forward to take it from him.

From above, a few little pebbles and a clod of dirt fall as Theodore wedges his way back down through the hold. Macaw lands near him as he descends, and eats the mouse. No one is struck by the debris.

Faiyth approaches Rose. "Hello, there. I'm Faiyth," she says, a little shyly. "What was your name again?"

Once all are ready, and if agreed, Domi leads the way toward the narrower part of the cavern, next to a pool of water, and out a passage until recently (from the party's perspective) covered by treasure. The passageway is a bit of a squeeze in places for the pegasus.

[Please state any last things you wish to do in the caverns, how you will bind and carry the two prisoners, and marching order.] Domi invites Zeoll to walk next to him. A couple of students follow right behind. The rest of the students volunteer to bring up the rear. Domi's disciples seem excited to meet these strangers.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=19
Thursday November 10th, 2005 10:04:50 PM

After Macaw's meal, he hops up onto Theodore's head and putters about until finding an acceptable perch. Theodore looks about immediate vicinity, hoping to find a parchment to match the piece they had brought with them. (Spot 19)

Getting close to Vorelle, the wizard whispers in her ear, "We came here to find a clue as to where this parchment came from." He fingers the old paper in his pocket. "I am a little unsure about leaving just now after all the trouble it took us in getting here."

Ashira  d20+12=20 d20+11=31
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:21:47 AM

The ranger picks up the stick and takes the ring off the Gargulite's hand and stows them in her backpack for later. Ashira watches to see whether anyone ties up the captives. If not, she will do so herself and carry one fireman style across her back.

Her work done, Ashira sheathes her nicely cleaned swords and pulls her cloak back over her head. If unencumbered by a hostage, Ashira sticks close to Zeoll, but remains silent, carefully watching and listening to this strange group of companions...paying particularly close attention to the one calling himself Domi (Spot=20, Listen=31).

Mad Jack 
Friday November 11th, 2005 2:34:17 AM

"What is your name little man? Ahh, Qwar, and not a man, a dwarf you say. I'm Jack. Interesting. I tell you what, lets follow the bosses for a while, get to know one another. As we walk, Trya will also decide if she will allow you on her back. If so, I would gladly teach you the basics in riding. Good plan?"

Friday November 11th, 2005 2:40:18 AM

As soon as rope is found, Brahmah will bind the prisoners together.

DM Kim 
Friday November 11th, 2005 3:55:16 AM

[Still need to know how the two unconscious priests are being carried, and a general marching order. Will Ashira be stuck lugging the one priest? Or, did Brahmah mean he was tieing them to each other? If tied together, or tied separately, who will carry them, and how? Will the brass tine knocked out of P5's hand be left in the cavern?]

The bodies of those killed earlier disappeared along with the treasure.

The group comes out of the cavern after passing through a tunnel forty feet long.

The sky is partly cloudy, but, for an early autumn day, it is fairly warm - in the low 70's Fahrenheit (just over 22 degrees Celsius).

The landscape is similar to what people saw just before entering the temple - but bereft of any buildings. The group passes through grass and wildflowers, then they start a hike up a tree-dotted hill. Mainly birch trees, but oak and maple are occasionally spotted, too. Once up the hill a ways, over the shoulder water spreads out into the distance, with regular, smallish waves dampening the shore. The clouds gradually disappear, and, as the hike continues eastward, the day warms further.

Qwar answers Mad Jack, "Yea, that would be wise, Jack, to see if - Trya - would want me to ride her. Errh, how make I her friend? Mmu Mmu!"

Other students make themselves known to different members of the group. Two boys who look much alike, and whose voices are indistinguishable, introduce themselves to Vorelle. She learns their names - Watakh and Welaq, brothers, twins. "You look like," says Welaq.

"Our sister," says Watakh. "Her name is Sutsi. Your hair..."

"And your nose are the same," picks up Welaq. "But her eyes..."

"Are more hazel," concludes Watakh. "Do you have brothers or sisters?" he asks her.

"Do you like qimshah sticks?" Welaq asks her, handing her a stick about seven inches long, with a thin skin or bark. "You eat the inside, you know." The inner pulp is a creamy white, a little granular.

"Are you and Zeoll really people?" the apparently youngest teen boy asks Brahmah. He forgets to offer his name.

As Faiyth awaits Rose's response to her earlier question, she comments, "You seem to have a few nice animal friends. I have a cat at home. Her name is Jasmine. Just a grown-up kitten, really. It's 'Play with me, play with me!' one minute, and 'leave me alone, won't you?' a few minutes later. Tell me of your animal friends, won't you?"

Janos, the only one with red hair in the group, asks Tratain about the symbol he wears around his neck, with the circle and two triangles.

The party then changes course, now heading north.

Domi says to Zeoll, "Tell me your story. Not your present troubles. How did you become an adventurer? What is the most significant thing that has happened in your life? What are your life goals?"

He waits for Zeoll's answer. Then he speaks with Ashira. "I have met some of your people. Do they not live in the sea?" He listens to her answer, then asks, "What has caused you sorrow?" He pauses, then adds, "You need not answer so forward a question. If the burden of this question is too great, then, perhaps you will tell me of your greatest joy?"

Theodore is accosted by Paxx, the gnome. "Tell me how you float in the air. Not many people can float in the air, you know."

Walking for two hours now, someone says it should take another hour or so to reach the Oshirr House.

[DM Note: Made a few modifications at 12:28 PM today, 11-11-2005. Rose and Ashira read please before posting. -Kim]

Zeoll  d20+10=25 d20+10=18 d20+10=20 d20+10=19
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:01:47 PM

[ooc: omigosh! missed a post! sorry! no reflection on you, Kim -- you are doing a superlative job!]

Zeoll checks the bonds on the captives and carries one on his back. He personally makes sure that all the possessions of the captives are accounted for, including the brass thingie.

He will gladly walk with Domi and Ashira at least for the first part of the walk. But from time to time the liontaur walks back through the group, to introduce himself to Domi's students and to chat with his friends.

On one of these walk-throughs, Zeoll asks his friends about the brass thingie, "Does anyone know spellcrraft well enough to guess what this is forr?"

Zeoll answers Domi when he asks about his background. "When I was young, my family was killed and I was purrposeless. Then I felt a vocation to a higherr calling, and that has given my life meaning. Now I seek to brring peace to my people, who too often make warr on each otherr, blind to theirr common bonds. Peace is my goal, and unity among the childrren of my rrace."

As he speaks, Zeoll focusses on the pores of the man's face, on his fingernails. Are they smooth or rough? dirty or clean? By looking at these signs of mortality, Zeoll tries to silence the tiny voice whispering in amazement in the back of his mind ... this is domi! the creator of all the taurs! the god who chose you personally to heal the sundered heart! and who blessed with his touch the very sword you carry on your back!

Zeoll looks at mortal Domi's clothes and looks for signs of wear or repair. He asks him, "And you, good sirr? What has been the defining moment of yourr life? What are yourr goals?"

On another foray among his friends, Zeoll imparts a secret message to each one [Bluff check to pass a secret message ... Bluff checks 25, 18, 20, 19]:

Please be discreet! Reveal as little as possible. But do not lie. Be careful!

Zeoll worries about the consequences on his history ... and on Domi's future ... were certain facts to be revealed.

Saturday November 12th, 2005 12:19:41 AM

Ashira's hood bobs slightly as she nods in the affirmative. "Yes, my people are beneath the waves... or at least half of them are, for I am only half elven."

Ashira is struck by Domi. There is a long pause as Ashira takes in a deep breath. It was amazing that even as a mortal he could almost instantly identify your weakest spot...but yet somehow she felt compelled to answer him. "Sir, my life has been so full of so sorrow, pain, anger and bitterness that I would hardly know where to begin...and I doubt it would make for an interesting story." Ashira pauses once more. Joy...yes, she had felt that once, though it seems like it had been so long ago... Ashira stares down at the ground, her heart pricked. Look at me. I've been so caught up in my bitterness that I've been completely blind to everything around me. Of course there has been joy in my life since I was freed from the Quad... It's just that I was so busy feeling sorry for myself that I didn't even notice it. And for the first time in a very long time, there is a stirring in Ashira's heart, like the smallest glimmer of light in a the darkest cavern. Ashira toys with her wedding band on her finger. "I would have to say sir, that my greatest joy would be my husband. I wish you could meet him, he is a magnificent man and a great leader, not to mention a fine lover." A deep blush works its way into Ashira's greenish gray cheeks and a faint rogue smile forms on her lips.

Brahmah  d20+2=21
Saturday November 12th, 2005 4:34:46 AM

Brahmah will be carrying both priests tied together. (Use Rope 21, plus type of rope... Brahmah borrowed rope... I hope)

Brahmah looks at the boy, contemplates for a moment and answers, "Well, I was actually going to ask you the same question."

Zeoll (illegal extra post) 
Saturday November 12th, 2005 6:48:45 AM

Well, if Brahmah want to be the strong man, that's fine with Zeoll! The liontaur chuckles to see the minotaur's muscular prowess in action.

Saturday November 12th, 2005 10:01:54 AM

Tratain walks with the others, when asked about His Holy Symbol, he tries to think of what he can say that will not reveal too much.

He says, "It is a Symbol of the Ideals that I follow, Courage, Strength, Protection of Those unable to Protect themselves."

Sunday November 13th, 2005 2:54:43 AM

"I-I-I h-have a b-b-b-b-brother," Vorelle answers Watakh. Tentatively she takes the qimshah stick from Welaq and gives it a taste.

"W-w-we d-d-d-don't have these in D-D-D-Dirt C-City," she says.

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday November 13th, 2005 2:54:14 PM

"Oh, you must mean my levitate spell!! A very handy thing indeed," he smiles at the lad. "I actually haven't got the spell memorized, but I had it on a scroll. You know how those work, don't you?"

Mad Jack 
Monday November 14th, 2005 1:31:20 AM

As they walk, Jack finds himself liking the little man. When times are slower, Jack points out parts of the pegasus, and what each does. Not knowing what Qwar would or not know, Jack starts with basics.

When they come to a rest, Jack tells Qwar to come closer, and pat Tyra on the neck. Rub her shoulders, and offer his hand to allow her to smell him.

"Well Qwarm the nystery is over, I can see that she trusts you. How far? Well probably as far as she can throw you." Jack laughs at his own humor and Qwar joins in. Who knows whether the dwarf is understanding the humor or not. He is curious, and to Jack that is all that matters.

"Soon, when we get to where the others will meet and discuss, well, whatever these people findto talk about, you will be ableto ride her, Sound ok Qwar?"

Monday November 14th, 2005 1:53:20 AM

The ranger simply stands, waiting with the captures.

Monday November 14th, 2005 8:42:49 PM

"I'm Rose, my dog's name is Mandy and Piper here is my familiar" Rose says to Faiyth.

Unlike the others Rose will not mention where she's from (was dirt city even around then?), try any spells (what if even as a mortal it can be sensed?), or stare at the people from the past (how rude).

She will answer a few questions if asked and will talk about Mandy and how much faster she gets around now that she has a riding dog.

ooc: sorry for not posting the last few days. I would get on the computer and check my email, go to the wold, check in at the loot & booty then get off for some reason (someone needed phn, sis needed comp for homework, i was tired) and later i would just remember that I had been at the wold and forgot that I hadnt posted.

DM Kim - last posting advisory 
Monday November 14th, 2005 9:28:32 PM

[I will be posting in the wee hours - likely between 2-3 am CST. Sorry - two separate times I thought I would have time to post were interrupted by unexpected visitors. Feel free to get an extra-credit post in the interim, if you wish. -Kim]

DM Kim - Along the Trail  d20+8=25
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 4:23:40 AM

As is natural when walking with a large group of people over the course of a few hours, people find themselves drawing next to different people from time to time.

The longer-legged members of the group sometimes get a ways ahead, but then stop, briefly, to wait for the halflings and dwarfs to catch back up.

"Bringing peace to a people is a worthy goal. Peace is worth fighting for," Domi says to Zeoll. "Unity built on truth, fastened by bands of love, make a potent foundation for peace. A strong arm may be needed to marry love and truth, to let mercy kiss justice." He walks along in silence for a minute or two. "How, Zeoll, would you define peace?"

Domi's face is tanned. When he squints once when glancing toward the sun, Zeoll notes a few crinkles at the outside corners of his eyes. His dark brown hair is just over an inch long. Calluses protect much of the skin of his hands and large-knuckled fists. His fingernails are smooth, and not long. His calves are bare above his sandals, with well-defined muscles. He exudes good health, and his movements show both strength and grace. The material of his short pants - which drop to just below his knee - look to be made of canvas, reinforced at the knee. The fabric shows light wear but, aside from the extra layer at the knee, no patches.

Tharpeia looks at the brass item Zeoll shows her - the one that the priest (P5) was holding, and that Ashira knocked from his grasp. "Tuning rod. For plane shift, probably," she tells the liontaur. "How many more of the like of your people are there?"

Brahmah's burden is consistently floppy, until the last to fall, P5, begins to make groaning sounds. He mumbles incoherently. The rope given Vorelle and passed on to Brahmah has abraded the men's skin here and there.

The boy stares with incomprehension at Brahmah's reply to his question. He shakes his head and moves away. Yet less than a minute later, he chuckles, then laughs, and still more until he cannot walk. "If you can make such a jest, then you must be a person, indeed!" He clenches his right hand into a fist that he draws to his chest, then extends before him about 18 inches in front of Brahmah's chest. His eyes look up at the minotaur in expectation.

"Love good and strong between a man and woman is a gift, indeed, Ashira," Domi tells her. He smiles briefly and says no more on this matter.

Qimshah is sweet, and satisfying to chew on, Vorelle finds. It seems to give her energy as they walk along.

"Oh? What is his name?" asks Welaq.

"Your brother," Watakh clarifies. "Is he older than you?"

Welaq adds, "Or are you older than he? Are you farmers?"

"In Dirt City?" Watakh finishes Welaq's sentence.

"A scroll? Well, how it works, is, you read it to find out what it says. Right?" Paxx answers Theodore. Then he winks and says, "Of course, if it is a magic scroll, then a proper reading will activate the spell inscribed on it. Right? Do you have more scrolls?"

"Ni mai yan ti walla!" Qwar exclaims when Jack tells him that he will be able to ride on his winged horse later. "That sounds - what is 'ohkay'?" he asks.

Janos hears Tratain's answer. "Those ideals are bold. Bold and just." He stares briefly again at Tratain's holy symbol.

Walking another fifteen minutes, Domi turns and holds up his hand to signal a halt. "We are at war. Be alert to other than ordinary sights and sounds."

He turns and the group continues on its way.

If you wish, you may make two or three spot checks, listen checks, and any other rolls you think appropriate for discerning the 'other than ordinary'.

Zeoll  d20+9=29 d20+9=19 d20+9=24 d20+18=31 d20+18=26 d20+18=21
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 2:01:48 PM

Zeoll is a little puzzled by Domi's question. "I am not a philosopherr, Sirr Domi, to dissect the meanings of worrds. To me, peace is simple: I want to stop larrge grroups of my brretherrn frrom trying to kill off otherr grroups. And if I could go furrtherr, I would want my brretherrrn to stop teaching hatrred and grrudges to theirr childrren. I want to encourrage all to see each otherr as siblings."

Zeoll listend to Tharpeia and answers as bet he can. "Ourr home is small, and we arre crramped in it. Maybe therre arre a hundred of hundreds of us? A merre guess."

Zeoll looks at the prisoners to make sure they are taking no lasting harm.

When Domi warns of current danger, Zeoll looks around carefully and keep his mouth shut. [Spot checks 29 (nat 20!), 19, 24.]

But the seer also watches Domi and his friends. Do they think the danger is real? Where are they looking -- sky? earth? How scared are they? [Sense Motive checks 31, 26, 21]

Tuesday November 15th, 2005 9:45:42 PM

Brahmah replies in kind in identical manner.

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+12=18 d20+12=23 d20+11=13 d20+11=20 d20+11=14
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 10:07:43 PM

Ashira returns Domi's smile and then returns to her ruminations. Though she does keep track of the surrounding territory (Spot=16, 18 and 23...Listen=13, 20, and 14).

Vorelle  d20+14=21 d20+14=20 d20+13=16
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 10:47:37 PM

A little bewildered by the barrage of questions in stereo, Vorelle pauses a moment before answering. "H-h-he's older. H-h-his n-name's V-V-V-V-Vaun. And n-n-n-no, w-w-we're n-not f-f-f-farmers."

She gestures with the qimshah stick. "Th-this is g-g-g-good."

As she walks, she keeps her eyes and ears open for anything unusual.

[Spot 21; Listen 20; Knowledge (nature) 16]

Mad Jack  d20=11 d20=20
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:27:21 AM

Jack likes the enthusiasm the young dwarf shows. It wouldgive him pleasure, and Trya as well, he hoped, letting the dwarf ride. While watching the young man, Jack also takes in his surroundings. Never knew when danger was about.

OOC Spot 11
Listen 20, natural even.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 9:33:46 AM

Theodore scratches his head, Macaw stepping easily out of the way. "Of course, I have more scrolls," he replies to Paxx. "You can never have enough, in my estimation. Are you a magic user, as well?"

Theodore, as usual, is too caught up in the current conversation to bother keeping an eye on his surroundings.

Rose  d20+10=26 d20+10=13 d20+10=23 d20+10=22 d20+10=18 d20+10=22 d20+5=25 d20+1=9 d20+8=24 d20+10=20
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 11:00:30 AM

Rose rides Mandy with Piper flying overhead. She stays near to Vorelle as she knows that talking about her family upsets Vorelle and she keeps an eye out for anything strange (or stranger than being in the past and talking to a god)

listen checks (dm add +2 if piper is within 5')
26, 13, 23

spot checks (dm add +2 if piper is within 5')
22, 18, 22

mandy listen check: 25, nat 20
mandy survival check (for smelling): 9, nat 1 I guess she has a stuffy nose

piper listen check: 24
piper spot check: 20

Brahmah  d20+15=21
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 8:22:32 PM

The ranger calls to his Golden eagle, Pah'caw, for assistance in scouting from the air.

Pah'caw's view. (Spot 21)

Brahmah  d20+11=22 d20+11=22
Thursday November 17th, 2005 2:39:13 AM

Brahmah continues his search for other stray trolls and other inhabitants of the area.

He looks around. (Spot 22, Listen 22)

Thursday November 17th, 2005 11:01:01 AM

Tratain continues to walk with the others. He says "Aye, but Hard to follow. But Very much worth doing."

Friday November 18th, 2005 3:37:39 PM

As the group approaches the Oshirr House, Zeoll can only imagine what it will be like. In his heart, it is a palace! Only an amazing structure could hold the wonders the liontaur associates with that place of legend. But in his mind he wonders if it will be more than a rough structure made of logs and roofed with thatch.

Friday November 18th, 2005 6:27:30 PM

The minotaur continues his activities.

Saturday November 19th, 2005 12:28:52 AM

The ranger waits patiently as time seems to stand still. ;)

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