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Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  d20+11=29 d20+6=14 d8+5=10
Sunday November 6th, 2005 10:47:42 PM

Nezamil grimaces at the sight of the refugees dying "Domi watch over us " prays the dwarf

Nezamil whips his mace out and lashes out at the fiend(1st)(d20+11=29)(d8+5=10 dam) smashing it with a solid blow but misses (2nd)(d20+6=14) with a back handed swing

" lets get this thing boys " growls Nezamil to Bart and the bash brothers as he tries to dodge its' attacks

Bart Ac 24 Hp 71/71  d20+15=34 d20+15=16 d10+11=21 d20+10=14
Sunday November 6th, 2005 11:06:11 PM

The warriors swords leaps out of the glove and he follows the brave dwarfs lead.....his shield floating in front Bart grips his sword with two hands slashes at the fiend (1st swing d20+15=34crit)(d20+15=16 missed crit)(d10+11=21 dam) as the warrior continues his assault (2nd swing d20+10=14 missed) " grrrr"

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43  d20+10=19 d8+4=12 d20+9=26 d10+1=2
Sunday November 6th, 2005 11:20:25 PM

Hal leads his brother in the attack by a step swinging his mace as he flanks Nezamil on the dwarfs left......his mace smashes the earthy beast (d20+10=19)(d8+4=12 dam) "your turn brother" grunts Hal as he manuvers around

Kirk gives his brother a savage grin as he attacks the earthy beast on the dwarfs right flank his heavy flail crunches into it (d20+9=26)(d10+1=2 dam) but just chunks a chunk of earth of the beast " at least i hit the thing " shouts Kirk back to his brother

Redux HP 50, AC 20  3d6(2+5+3)=10
Sunday November 6th, 2005 11:20:42 PM

Redux wishes the water wasn't all over the place. He knows he's going to regret not frying the others around along with that wall of water. (Being chaotic neutral, he could choose to release the spell and let everyone take damage if it were the best thing.) He casts Phantasmal Killer. Looking sternly at the elemental he says, "You are afraid of this!"

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath, Invisible, g16  d20+8=17
Monday November 7th, 2005 12:29:01 AM

Ashira sighs. She had feared this would happen. He was beyond reasoning and she would have to kill him. But then, he hadn't killed the refugee when he could have...perhaps there was still hope. She screams out in Elven "Rigging, I think this is working...let's try it again. Appolo, get those refugees out of here and help the others finish off the elementals."

Once more she turns her attention to Swirl...willing to continue this dangerous game in order to buy more time. "You are right Swirl! Look at how strong and powerful you are! None of us doubt your power. But does it bring you any closer to Rigging. He is what you truely want. Are the things you are doing right now bringing you closer to him? Ask him...search him." (Diplomacy=17

Ashira moves away from the dangerous elemental once more and toward her husband, not wanting to stay in one place too long.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  d100=67 3d4(3+3+3)+1=10
Monday November 7th, 2005 1:10:19 AM

Mykael moves toward Val and the Fire Elemental, "All refugees near the fire elemental move to the river quickly! Help each other, we will handle this!"

Mykael casts Magic Missle at the Fire Elemental, (made spell failure roll, thus 10 damage).

OOC: I will not be able to post tomorrow, therefore someone post for me please. Mykael will finish moving to Val, pull his spell book from his pack and using it as a scroll, thus losing the spell... sniffle... cast Protection from Energy (Fire) on Val.

Darain... aka Mykael 
Monday November 7th, 2005 1:12:24 AM

OOC: I miss rolled my damage for the magic missles... I rolled 3d4+1... should have been 3d4+3... so the actual damage was 12... not 10, that the Fire Ele received.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+15=20 d20+10=18
Monday November 7th, 2005 3:59:29 AM

Appolo continues to enciurage the refugees to move forward up the trail as moves as quickly as he can to Vlanthe.Dodging deftly around the people"Move people move up the trail stay together." Once he reaches Valanthe"We'll face this thing together.Use that Bow of yours."

Tumble 18 Blance 20 Run feat

Rigging  d3=3
Monday November 7th, 2005 8:50:34 AM

Rigging is torn and confused. His two greatest loves of his life are trying to kill each other. Then Ashira's words penetrate and he calls out. "Swirl, I love you! You love me! Please don't do this thing. Don't let the King confuse you. He isn't offering you love. He only wants to use you as a tool.

If you kill Ashira, you will be killing me. You will be killing us, our friendship. Don't you love me still. Please don't do this. Fight against the King's control and confusing words."

Rigging can't seem to bring himself to attack Swirl so he summons Celestial Bisons that will arrive next round. (OOC rolled d3 but wasn't sure if I should give myself +1 or not. They will show up next round.)

DM Jim: The Clash - Combat Round 3  d20+17=31 4d8(2+1+1+8)+5=17 d20+8=25 d20+17=34 d20+17=24 d20+6=23 d20+6=25 d20+6=16 d8+4=8 d8+4=11 d20+10=30 d20+10=17 2d10(4+9)+14=27 d20+14=29 d20+14=33 2d10(7+3)+14=24 2d10(3+3)+14=20 d20+6=7 d20+10=22 d8+2=3
Monday November 7th, 2005 1:33:41 PM

Appolo quickly gets the refugees organized and on there way all the while yelling encouragement to Val at the end of the line. Appolo then takes off in Val's direction, hoping to get there in time to help....

Ashira calls to her husband to keep talking to Swirl. Swirl reacts badly to Ashira's voice and launches himself at her former location and vegetation goes flying.

Rigging words to Swirl do elicit a reaction "I am not trying to kill you. I am trying to free you of that half breeds influence." Swirl does not make a move for the retreating refugees.

Rigging summons 4 bisons that will appear next round.

Kirin Fires at Swirl with his bow.

AC 22 for only 3 damage.

Swirl does not look pleased. "Look what she has done!!!" Swirl screams in Riggings head.

The fire elemental takes Mykaels magic missiles in stride, but does notice the threat from the north. The elemental then hear babble from a small two legged creature swinging a stick and chain. The ball of fire make the path and burns and elf to a crisp AC 31 for 17 damage. The elves break and run, all but one, swining the flail. The ball of fire start to bear down on Val.

Mykael is doing is best to fight his way through the refugees to get to Val.

OOC: Can someone post for Mykael tomorrow and follow his slated course of action.

Redux casts his Phantasmal killer at the wall of water. The Water Elemental bobs and weaves against an imaginary foe and starts to steam (made save 25, but I believe it still takes damage - please roll).

The water elemental takes its frustrations out on the helpless Calibine and he is pummeled into the forest floor AC 34 and 24). Calibine's blood is staining the water elemental red and his spirit rises out of the elemental.

Beltro tries to avenge Calibine and gains purchase against the water with his claws (AC 23 and 25 - damage 19), but his bite misses. The Wall of water looks down on the Owlbear and almost seems to be scolding him.

Jager yells out that he is coming to help and starts to fight his way though the refugees toward Beltro.

John takes another shot at the Water Elemental, but fear seems to unsteady his hands (Nat 1).

Bart and Nezamil step up and each strike the earth elemental and rock and dirt flys off of it. The creature sees two more puny creature swinging metal that are attempting to strike it.

Aoo on Kirk (Awesome blow -4 PA -5) Hit AC 30 critical threat failed for 27 damage. Kirk must make a DC 27 save or take 1D6 more damage as he flys 10 feet back. Kirk did no damage this round.

The mound of rock and earth turns it attention to Bart and unleashes his full fury on the human.

(PA - 5) AC 29 and 33 The two hammer blows do 44 points of damage to the proud warrior. How much can he take.


I can not send a map until tomorrow morning.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  3d6(4+1+5)=10 2d6(3+4)=7
Monday November 7th, 2005 7:54:50 PM

ooc: the 3d6 for 10 was the dmg for the elemental.

Redux follows up his previous attack by reading from a scroll for Ice Storm for 3d6(4+1+5)=10 of bludgeoning damage and 2d6(3+4)=7 of cold damage. A drop of sweat forms on his brow as the elemental proves to be a challenge.

DM JIM: Yes there is water all around the elemental and Beltro as he is the only one fighting it hand to hand. jager is on the way.

ooc: question--is there water (but not deep) all around, or just in the vicinity of the elemental?

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath, Invisible, L15 
Monday November 7th, 2005 10:43:35 PM

This is taking too long. We don't have this kind of time. She needs to help the others. Moving quickly out of range of Swirl, Ashira moves in toward the earth elemental and breathes ice shards down on him. As she does so, she pops back into view. She braces herself for the pounding that she is sure that will come her way once Swirl discovers her.

OOC Jim, checking with Inge on the specifics of the Ice breath. Will amend when I get the info.

Rigging  d20+8=19 d20+8=24 d20+8=22 d20+8=27 d8+9=15 d8+9=17 d8+9=17 d8+9=15 d20+8=23 3d4(1+2+3)+3=9
Monday November 7th, 2005 11:09:58 PM

Rigging has his spell take effect as close as he can to the earth elemental. All 4 of the bison will charge, if possible, and attack the elemental.

OOC Jim, spell range is effectively 40 and then the bison get 40 of normal movement and 80' if they are allowed to charge. I didn't give them +2 on the charge since wasn't sure if they were allowed.

Rigging, will once again try and calm down his friend and companion. "Swirl, please stop. I promise you and I will spend more alone time together. Quality time together. I can fly now! You can show me the wonders of flying! Please don't attack anyone. What your doing is evil. Do you want to be evil?"

Rigging launches 3 darts, (magic missiles) which strike the earth elemental for 9 points of damage.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 63/65 mage armor  d20+8=23 d20+8=17 d20+3=17 d10+3=9
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:35:33 AM

The Monk breaks thru the ranks of refugees to launch a flurry of attacks at the watery beasts flank(d20+8=23)(d10+3=9 dam) his 1st blow hits with a resounding thud with a couple more blows possible

" i'm with ya buddy " shouts Jagar to Beltro

trying to get flanking bonus when attacking the water elemental, if you allow it i'll roll damage in a 2nd post

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  d20+11=26 d20+6=23 d8+5=13 d8+5=10
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:44:20 AM

The dwarf watches out of the corner of his eye as Hal gets whacked by the earthy beast as he gets flung backwards "Domi protect us "

Nezamil unleashes a furious attack on the earthy beast with an overhead smash (d20+11=26)(d8+5=13dam) followed up by a quick backhanded chop (d20+6=23)(d8+5=10 dam)

"careful hal... step back" growls the dwarf

Bart Ac 24 Hp 71/71 (power attack +5)  d20+10=24 d20+5=17 d10+14=19 d6=3
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:54:13 AM

The big warrior slashes at the earth thing(d20+10=24) his blade creating a deep rent(d10+14=19 dam) his magical blade crackles with electricity (d6=3 shock dam)(total dam=22)

He dances sidesway hoping to avoid retalition

not sure what size the creature is of if its possible to get flanking bonus

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 19/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 42/42  d20=15 d6=6 d20+9=26 d10+5=8
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 1:04:50 AM

dc check d20=15

Hal gets hammered by the earthy creature (d6=6 dam from being flung) and staggers backwards away from its lethal reach "good idea " grunts Hal in pain to the dwarf

Hal steps out of reach of the beast and shuffles away from it and tries to circle behind it(not attacking this rd staying out of reach)

Kirk watches in horror as his brother gets tossed backwards like a ragdoll "grrr"
the younger of the brothers lashes out with his heavy flail seeking to vent his rage on it (d20+9=26) his flail crunches into the earthy beast (d10+5=8 dam) " yeah "

Mykael Ac 23 Hp 53 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 1:11:18 AM

Mykael weaves his way to the back of the line dodging refugees as he makes he way towards elven barbarian Val .....he deftly reaches into his backpack and yanks out his spellbook a flips to a page and rips it out and without missing a beat he quickly reads and releases its magic on Val(protection from energy -fire-10)
" that will help protect you from its flames " barks out the crafty Mykael to Val

posted by Chris

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+14=18 d20+15=17 d20+10=15
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:55:01 AM

AS Appolo makes his past the retreating refugees he goes invisible and heads toward the fire elemental.Heading quickly and silently to a flanking position.

Move Silently 18 hide 17 Balance 15

Valanthe (HP 68/ 125, AC 20, Protection from energy- fire 10)  d20+15=27 d20+10=27 d10+13=17 d10+13=17
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:44:56 AM

She heard Mykael shout something but she wasn't totally sure what it was. Her focus was on the elemental The malevolant way it's flames crackled. The wounded warrior stepped forward without hesitation, without fear of what might happen. The flail chain clinked loudly as the spiked ball attatched to the end pulled the chain taut as Val began to swing. She didn't know the anatomy of a fire elemental so she offered a quick prayer and swung the heavy flail through the main part of the fire.

ooc: power attack -3 to hit/ +6 to damage. hit ac 27 twice for a total of 34 damage.

DM Jim: Combat Round 4 - reinforcements  d20+18=30 d20+18=19 2d8(5+2)+6=13 2d8(1+6)=7 d20+9=27 2d10(5+5)+19=29 d20+14=16 d20+14=28 2d10(7+8)+14=29 d20+18=35 d20+18=32 2d8(4+4)+4=12 2d8(1+8)+4=13 d20+6=19 d20+6=10 d20+6=16 d6+3=9 d20+10=26 d8+3=8 d20+10=24
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 2:18:56 PM

Mykael sprints toward Val as the refugees scatter into the woods and get their in time to rip a page out of his spellbook and cast the resist fire on Val, just before the ball of fire prepared to envelop another elf.

The fire elemental slams into Val and comes around for another smack, but the barbarian ducks out of the way. The fire just leaps over her head.

Ac 30 for 13 damage and 7 fire damage that is resisted
AC 19 miss.

total damage 13

Mykael is holding his spell book in is hand, not the best defense agaist a fire elemental...

Val rocks the Fire elemental with her flail. It finds purchase among the flames.

Fire Elemental AC 19

Appolo moves back down the path, but not very far as he is attempting to hide and move silently. At this rate the battle will be long done when he gets to Val.

The Earth Elemental sees several four footed furry join the battle (None can charge as a result of the people and terrian, but all attack).

AoO on Bison (PA -10)AC 27 for 29 damage

The mound of rock is surrounded and attackers and he lashes out at the foe that hurt it the worst, Bart. There are several piles of rock and dirt around the elemental resulting from all the strikes that it has absorbed so far.


AC 16 miss
AC 28 for 29 damage Bart is crushed into the ground in a bloody mess (Bart is at -2 hp)

The earth elemental is AC 18 and all the elementals are Huge sized.

Ashira runs through the woods toward the mound of rock pounding Bart, but is not close enough for her sword, maybe her breath. The ice breath coats the elemental as if he is a snow capped mountain. (Save 24) Maybe it will make the mountain more brittle to attacks??

Three missiles from Rigging ping the earth elemental and they shower everyone with rock.

Redux drops an ice storm on the Water elemental and Beltro, just missing Jager as he runs up. Beltro is realing from the damage.

AC 35 and 32 for 25 damage

Beltro claws back in his death throes before sucuumbing to his pounding from the wave.

AC 19 hit for 9 damage before he is killed.
Ac 10 and 16 miss

Jager splashes against the elemental with kicks and punches thus gaining its attention for the coming round.

The water elemental is AC 19

Swirl howls in frustration in his search for Ashira. Is that he down by the earth elemental????

Kirin shoots at Swirl again.

AC 26 for 8 damage. Swirls grins and bears the pain and redoubles his effort to find Ashira and glowers at Kirin, giving the indication that he is Swirls next interest, after Ashria. "There she is!" Rigging hears in his head, right after the earth elemental gets it snow cap.

Rigging  d20+6=22 d20+8=13 d20+8=24 d20+8=27 d20+8=11 d8+9=11 d8+9=17
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:35:55 PM

Rigging directs his bison to attack the earth elemental again.

He then spins on Kirin and snarls, "If you shoot my familiar one more time, you will find that unpleasant things will happen to you. Go shoot at the water elemental. I am trying to talk my friend down and your not helping."

He then looks over at Swirl and projects to him, "Swirl the bad man won't shoot at you anymore. If he does, I told him, he will answer to me. Please come here so we can talk.

Swirl where is the King. Can you take us to him. We want to talk to him."

Rigging will do nothing but start moving south towards the other elementals. Moves 60' this round going to S18. Staying out of earth elementals long reach.

Diplomacy of 22 on Swirl

The bison attack the earth elemental yet again.
Two miss but the other two gore the creature again. They do a total of 28 points of damage to the elemental

Redux HP 50, AC 20  3d4(3+2+2)+3=10
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:46:41 PM

Redux shoots a minor Magic Missiles. He yeals at Jager, "Get away and let me take this one or i'll wind up hurting you too!"

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath, U14  10d6(2+2+4+4+4+2+1+5+3+1)=28
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:30:56 PM

"Nezamil!!! Bart is down!! Heal him!" Ashira screams as she sees Bart fall under the elemental's might.

Hoping that Rigging is able to control Swirl for a little longer, Ashira breaths on the earth elemental once more (28 dam) and then closes with it, preparing to launch a full attack next round...if she lives that long.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  3d4(3+4+2)+3=12
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:47:56 PM

Mykael casting his spell on Val from behind, shouldnt be in melee range of Elemental. Mykael backs away from the battle to a safer distance(max move distance).

Mykael casts Magic Missile at the Fire Elemental again. (12 pts of Damage)

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:58:09 PM

Jagar heeds the Redux's wise words and quickly withdraws to Q54 and waits to see what the powerful mage casts

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  4d8(3+4+1+2)+9=19
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:08:13 AM

The Cleric of Domi changes tactics and heads straight for the fallen warrior and kneels down next to him dropping his weapon .

"Domi heal this brave warrior " prays the dwarf as he quickly touches his anvil holy symbol and releases Domi's healing touch into Bart(4d8+9=19 healed)

Valanthe (HP 55/ 125, AC 20, Protection from energy- fire 10)  d20+13=26 d20+8=22 d10+17=21 d10+17=26
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:13:11 AM

Val grimaces as the fire chars her skin and heats the metal of her armor. Though it seemed less intense that she assumed it would be. She would have to thank Mykael later if she survived this battle. Shouting defiantly at the elemental Val swung the heavy flail once more.

ooc: -5 to hit/ + 10 to damage, hit ac 26 for 21 and ac 22 for 26

Bart Ac 24 Hp 26  2d8(5+1)+3=9
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:18:41 AM

The warrior opens his eyes to see the dwarf kneeling over him " wha....wha...what happened? " studders Bart

As the pain from the earthy beast blows flash back in his mind he cringes slightly but he quickly reaches into a pouch and withdraws a vial which he quickly quaffs down (2d8+3=9 cmw potion) and shakily grabs his sword and stands up wobbling slightly as he gathers his wits about him

Bart -2 ,+19 healed=17 ,+9 cmw=26 total

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 42/42  d8+3=11
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:25:24 AM

Hal reaches into a pouch as he keeps his distance from the earth elemental and grabs a vial .....popping the top he sucks its contents down (d8+3=11 CLW POTION) as he watches the bison's attack the earthy beast

Kirk withdraws from the battle and moves next to his brother Hal " you ok Hal ?" asks Kirk with concern as he keeps alert

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+10=18 d20+2=5
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:38:28 PM

Appolo for goes all attempts at stealth come visible and races forward toward Valanthe.Pushing shoving and dancing his way through the refugees."Out og the way move up the trail."

Balance 18

DM Jim: The Tide turns - Combat round 5  d20+10=29 d20+10=26 2d10(4+7)+14=25 d20+7=8 d20+14=31 d20+14=29 2d10(4+7)+14=25 2d10(6+4)+14=24 d20+10=17 d20+10=30 d20+10=30 3d8(1+2+5)=8 d20+18=23 d20+18=24 2d8(4+3)+4=11 2d8(5+4)+4=13 2d8(7+8)=15 2d8(3+5)=8 d20+3=20 d6=3
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 1:46:30 PM

Refugges continue to scatter in all direction and scream when they catch sight of the elementals.

Nezamil rushes to Bart's aid and saves the brave warrior, but both are on the ground before its might.

Ashira coats the earth elemental in another layer of frost, but it does not go down (save 29). One of the bison also takes the full brunt of the blast (save 8 for 28 damage). Ashria closes with the massive mound of rock and earth only to have a huge appendange swing at her.

(PA-5 AB-4, AoO)

Ac 26 for 25 damage, Ashira must make a DC 25 fort save or be thrown 10 feet and take 1D6 of damage more.

The bison rage and gore at the mounds feet and two take out large chunks of it.

Hal and Kirk survey the battle before considering any rash actions.

The earth Elemental is on its last legs and looses dirt and rock with each movement, but it still stands and lashes out at the furry beasts by its legs.


AC 31 damage 25, the frosted beast is sent back to its home plane.
AC 29 damage 24, this beast joins his brother back home as he was injured previously.

The two bisons remaining are just fine, but covered in dirt from the elemental.

Rigging runs down the path after giving a stern warning to Kirin about Swirl. Kirin rebutts "That creature is twisted and demented and trying to kill your wife and our leader." Kirin does refrain from shooting swirl again and stowes his bow and takes out his club and follows Rigging.

Swirl howls upon seeing Ashira and dashes toward to attack, but hold back some of his fury upon hearing Riggings voice in his head. The distraction seems to have made him miss (AC 17). Swirl is hovering next to Ashira and as her blue hair whips in the wind she can just feel the hate and envy flowing out of Swirl.

Appolo throws all caution tot he wind and then runs like it too in an attempt to save Val.

Jager withdraws at Redux's insistance, but the tide of water turns and follows close on his heels. The broken bodies of Calibine and Beltro are left on the muddy trail. Beltro is now back in elf form and his spirit is rising.

This time John takes careful aim at the water elemental and hits it dead center (AC 20, nat. 20 and critical 20 again for 8 damage. The wall of water barely notices the arrow floating in it.

Mykael back up a safe distance from the fire elemental, hoping that Val can keep it at bay. Three missiles strike the beast, but its attentions are on Val for the moment, since the barbarian whacks it hard and twice.

The fire elemental returns the favor and slams the elven barbarian twice.

AC 23, 11 damage 15-10 for 5 fire damage
AC 24, 13 damage 8-10 no fire damage.

total damage this round 29 hp.

Val feels the fires engulf her and penetrate some of Mykaels magic.

Melonie is again concerned for Val's saftey and throws her spear at the ball of fire, striking it. The spear then burns.

AC 20, for 3 damage

Redux HP 50, AC 20  2d8(3+6)+3=12 9d6(2+2+2+6+3+3+3+3+2)=26
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 2:32:19 PM

Redux will take one of the two following actions, depending upon the current fate of Beltro. If Beltro may be saved, the mage will bend down and administer a CMW potion for 12 pts. If Beltro is not able to be saved, the mage will fireball the elemental for 26 pts damage (hope the next one is better)(the usual save for 1/2 thing) and will attempt to detonate without harm to friendlies. If he throws the fireball, he will step away 5 feet from the elemental.

ooc: please use kenknotts@earthlink.net on the list for sending out the map. i only pull mail from this one, Janell pulls from both accounts, so she'd still get it and not get two (dial-up connection...don't have cable yet). thanks

DM Jim: Beltro is very dead and it is obvious that the potion would be wasted. Your fireball goes off and has a 20% chance to get Jager.

Ashira (AC25, HP 90/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath,  d20+13=33 d20+13=31 d20+13=28 d20+8=23 d20+13=14 d20+5=14 2d8(7+8)+10=25 d8+5=7 10d6(1+2+2+1+4+2+2+6+2+5)=27
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 11:09:34 PM

Ashira grunts as the boulder slams down on her shoulder, but stays very firmly on her feet (Fort.=nat. 20). Time for this fight to end. Her swords bob and weave, and she watches her opponent carefully. As the mound of earth and stone turns and extends to smash the bison, she strikes. Her longsword digs into the creature's leg, carving out a small piece (Crit. AC31/28 for 25). She juts in for a follow up with her shortsword, but it pings off of rock (AC14). Grimacing, Ashira twists her longsword once more, and once again finds purchase in the creature's earthy legs (AC23 for 7). But yet again, the perry with her shortsword proves to be off the mark (AC14). She watches to see whether her attacks down the pesky bugger. If not, she breathes ice on it once more, trying to take it down and free herself up (27 dam if needed). Otherwise, she holds the attack for her next target.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 12:19:46 AM

OOC: Mykael's spell of Protection from Energy(fire), should protect her until 60 mins are up or until it has taken 72pts of fire damage, which ever comes first. So she shouldnt be taking damage yet. Or am I missing something?

IC: Out of spells that will affect the Fire Elemental, Mykael hardens his resolve and readies his sheild and draws his sword. He prepares to move into melee and attack.

"Stay strong Val, I am here with you!" Mykael yells encouragement.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  2d8(7+6)+9=22
Thursday November 10th, 2005 12:51:17 AM

The dwarf again calls upon Domi's healing touch (casting spontanously CMW 2d8+9=22 healed)(in place of hold person) on the groggy warrior and pushes him 5 backwards away from the earthy beast (5 ft move)"Ashira's gonna finish that pile of dung" growls Nezamil to Bart

Bart Ac 24 Hp 44/71 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 12:54:51 AM

The warrior grips his sword as the dwarf heals and pushes him backwards away from the elemental " git out my way....i will hack that thing apart " shouts Bart to Nezamil pushes him away from the monstrous beast

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 63/65 Mage armor  d100=60
Thursday November 10th, 2005 1:01:39 AM

The monk easily gets out of the way of Redux's spell and moves towards the mage readying himself to charge in front of Redux to thwart the watery beasts attack on the mage .

" heh i'm used hunting these mages not saving them " chuckles the monk to himself as he see's the irony in his planned action

Jagar will interpose himself in front of Redux and attack it if it comes for Redux

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Ho 43/43 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 1:12:59 AM

Hal grins at his brother as he watches the blue haired ranger slash the earthy mound " eh she's pretty good " as he hefts his heavy mace and ready's himself to charge in and help her if needed

Kirk nods to himself as vigor returns to his brother after he consumed the potion

returning his brothers grin " yeah i wouldn't mess with her .....poor guy who marry's her is gonna wear the skirt " laughs Kirk to his brother .

Hal and Kirk break up in laughter but quickly regain their composure incase they need to step in and help

Rigging  d20+8=27 d20+8=20 d8+9=13 d8+9=16
Thursday November 10th, 2005 8:44:13 AM

OOC Jim, I am not sure if the earth elemental is dead so I will give two actions. Once assuming he is still alive and the second assuming he is dead.

Option 1 Rigging directs his bison to continue the attack and bring this horror down. Both bison attack and hit doing 29 more points of damage to the elemental.

Option 2: Rigging sees that Ashira has killed the elemental with her attacks, calls for the other two to move down the path and attack the water elemental. Since I am not sure which are alive, I assume both are around o/mm. The have base 40 and will do a double move.

Rigging sees the hit on attempt on Ashira and screams in his outrage, "Swirl I have had enough. If you love me, you will listen to me. If you hurt or kill Ashira, we will be through. I will release your from our mutual vows and will have nothing else to do with you. Stop this insanity!"

Rigging will keep moving down the path getting to DD/R. He will make sure to keep out of the path of the elemental if it is somehow still up and moving.

Valanthe (HP 26/ 125, AC 20, Protection from energy- fire 10)  d20+13=18 d20+8=13
Thursday November 10th, 2005 9:42:48 AM

Val feels her skin redden and blister from the intense heat. Sweat was pouring down her body doing nothing to cool her heated armor. She staggered back a step, flail nearly slipping from her hands as her vission blurred temporarily. Determined to destroy this creature Val swung the flail with as much strength as her tired muscles would allow.

ooc: I forgot to pray to the woldian dice roller and look what happened. Val missed with both attacks.

DM Jim 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 11:21:28 AM

I have a very busy day and will not post till later tonight.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+2=10 d20+14=26
Thursday November 10th, 2005 3:12:06 PM

Appolo continues to race toward Valanthe"I'm coming!!" he yells as races toward her. {Double move run feat.}Pushing the refugess out of the way and dancing arounf any obstacles."Out of the way!"

Blance 26 strenght 10

DM Jim: The Mountain Falls Combat Round 6  d20+18=38 d20+18=24 2d8(2+1)+4=7 2d8(4+7)+4=15 d20+18=21 d20+18=24 d20+18=25 d20+18=31 2d8(2+7)+4=13 2d8(2+3)+4=9 2d8(6+6)=12 2d8(7+6)=13 d20+10=23 d8=6
Thursday November 10th, 2005 5:07:59 PM

Ashirs shakes off the massive blow and strikes back at the walking mountain, taking huge chunks out of its legs. It is tittering, but not down, but her icy breath knocks it over and it breaks apart.

Nezamil administers to Bart again and the big warrior starts to feel more like his old self.

The Bison, under Riggings comand take off around the Bison and head down the path.

Rigging and Kirin are behind the bison and Appolo is in front trying to keep from getting gored.

Rigging can feel that his words stung Swirl and he sulks away from Ashira and envelops one of the Refugees, seeming to take his anger out on him. (AC 38 & 24). The refugee is broken against the trees, bones breaking can be heard by all, at least the screaming does not last long.

Jager interposes himself between the wall of water and Redux and gets doused for his effort.

AC 21 miss
AC 24 miss

Redux's mage armor potion saves him from the worst of the water.

John takes a shot at the wall of water again and hits again.

AC 23 for 6 damage. There are now two arrows floating in the beast.

The ball of fire slams Val twice after she fans the flames with her fail.

AC 25 for 13 damage + 12-10 fire damage
AC 31 for 9 damage + 13-10 fire damage

Total damage 27 to Val.

Mykale steps up into the breach, right next to Val's body. There is smoke rising from some of Val's equipment.

Melonie screams when she sees Val fall.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  9d6(5+1+2+6+5+4+3+3+1)=30
Thursday November 10th, 2005 8:04:20 PM

OOC Reminders:
1) did Mykael fire protection spell help Val at all?? it looks like it should have absorbed the last attack.
2) did the first fireball to the water elemental have any effect??

Redux again sends a fireball at the creature, this time with a bit more power. He sends it up at an angle to ignite about 30' off the ground. This should be above the elemental (and still hit it) and well above the ground where Redux and Jagar are located.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 63/65 Mage armor  d20+8=22 d20+8=26 d20+3=6 d10+3=11 d10+3=13
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:45:22 AM

The monk shakes his head vigorously to shed the water from his eyes and launches a furious counterattack on the watery beast ....his fists a blur as they find their mark (d20+8=22 1st swing)(d10+3=11 dam)(2nd swing d20+8=26)(d10+3=13 dam) as he whirls about for a round house kick he misses wide as he slips slightly in the wetness of the trail

total dam 24

Ashira (AC25, HP 90/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath  10d6(5+2+6+5+1+6+5+2+6+5)=43
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:47:50 AM

Ashira breathes a small sigh of relief as the earth elemental falls, but it is cut short by the screams of the tortured refugee. Her teeth grind as Ashira seethes with rage. "Swirl, I have tried to be patient with you...give you the benefit of the doubt. But, I swear to you. If you touch one more of these people, I'll kill you myself!" Ashira spins and faces Swirl but holds her breath attack for the time being.

Should Swirl attack any of the refugees, Ashira will spit ice at him, doing 43 dam.

If he does not attack, Ashira moves quickly through the brush around her (double move) toward the water elemental (ending in EE13). As she passes by Nezamil, Bart she calls out "Nezamil, Bart...Val needs a lot of help get down there and help her out!" Then she looks over at the Bash Brothers. "Well, gentlemen, don't just sit around, we've got a water elemental to take out and a mage to save!"

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71 
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:59:43 AM

" lets follow Ashira " yells the dwarf to Bart as he charges down the now empty path ....with a wave to the bash brothers " come on guys lets go " growls Nezamil as he runs towards the battle with the water elemental

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Friday November 11th, 2005 1:06:56 AM

Hal nods at the blue haired warrior " we're with ya " and rambles down the path and takes a postion on Nezamils left flank easily keeping pace with the dwarf as he runs

Kirk cheeks turn red "gulp" as Ashira admonishes them " uh ...er ....coming " adds the younger brother as he breaks into a run catching up with his brother and Nezamil and falls into postion on the dwarfs right flank

Bart Ac 24 Hp 44/71 
Friday November 11th, 2005 1:27:23 AM

Nez thank you for saving me Bart rushes forward following Nezamil and hopefully they will be in time to safe Val

DM Jim 
Friday November 11th, 2005 11:13:22 AM

I will give some extra time for Val to repost as she is actually still standing at 9 hp. Darian and Nellie showed me the error of my ways as I got fixated with protection and not resist energy.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Friday November 11th, 2005 2:53:09 PM

Appolo continues to Sprint toward Valanthe."Mykeal get her out of there.!!"

Rigging  d20+10=11 d20+10=30 d20+10=22 d8+9=17 d8+9=15 d20+6=14
Friday November 11th, 2005 3:53:34 PM

Rigging directs his bison to attack the water elemental next. They charge and try to gore the watery foe. The first stumbles over something as he comes in missing badly but the second makes up for it. He sticks both of his horns in.

(OOC rolled a natural 1 and then a natural 20. Hit with the critical hit for a total of 32 points of damage)

Rigging sees Swirls actions and then hears Ashira's response. "There is gonna be no living with the two of them." he thinks to himself. He projects to Swirl, "My friend. Please stop your attacks on innocent people. This isn't you. Something is warping you. Please just fly up into the sky and attack no one else. We can talk after this battle is over."

Rigging then hurries down the path towards the waterelemental switching his bling ring for his ring of invisibility. He doesn't activate it yet for fear of Swirl's reaction.

Valanthe (HP 27/ 125, AC 18) Rage 1 of 8, Resist Energy 59/ 72  d20+15=29 d20+10=25 d10+21=27 d10+21=26
Friday November 11th, 2005 5:02:16 PM

The vision ends as soon as it began. She was in a bad situation and wasn't going to die like that. Screaming defiantly Val gives into her rage feeling a rush of strength. She stepped closer to the fire, bringing the heavy flail around in a vicious overhanded smash.

ooc: power attack -5 to hit/ +10 damage. Hit AC 29 for 27 dmg. Hit AC 25 for 26 damage.

DM Jim: Combat Round 7  d20+18=26 d20+18=36 2d8(1+8)+4=13 2d8(2+6)+4=12 2d8(7+2)=9 2d8(6+3)=9 d20+10=28 d20+18=20 2d10(2+3)+4=9 d20+18=30 d20+18=27 2d10(3+4)+4=11 2d10(1+5)+4=10 d20+10=14
Saturday November 12th, 2005 3:02:54 PM

Val almost falls under the ball of fires last assault but find the strenght to fight back and her flail rakes flame out of the elemental that starts small fire around her and Mykael. Mykael stands transfixed by the swirling flames and it strikes out at its tormentor.

AC 26, damage 13 fire damage 9 (resisted)
Ac 36, damage 12 fire damage 9 (3 resisted 5 actual)

Val took 30 damage this round and Mykael's Fire RESISTANCE, not protection, spell ends. Val is at -3 Hp and smoking.

THe Fire elemental stands before Mykael ready to consume him next.

Melonie jumps out of the forest and takes several halting steps toward Val, but stays out of the elementals reach, for now.

112 damage to the Fire elemental to date

Swirl backs up slightly and sucks up another refugee in his wirlwind, but does not throw him. The refugee is screaming and he spins within Swirl. "You can not threaten me. You Usurped my friendship and Love of Rigging." Swirl stops in mid rant as if listening to some unseen voice. Swirl does not advance but rises 30 feet in the air, still holding the screaming refugee within him.

Nezamil, Hal, Kirk and Rigging run toward the wall all water with the bisons leading them. Appolo heads into the woods to circle around the water elemental and get to Val and Mykael either can not hear his pleas or is ignoring them.

Bart rises and follows his friends into battle.

OOC: I am unsure of which action of the two presented Ashira followed last round: Attack Swirl or move?

Redux lets another fireball go over the wall of water (save 28). Steam rises off of the elemental and Jager feels the heat wave push him toward the ground. Jager redoubles his attack on the wall of water, but it still stands.

As the Bison run up a tendril crashes down on one of the Bison.

AoO - AC 20 for 9 damage

One of the Bison slams into the elemental and the other gets tangled in the underbrush.

The elemental saves its best fury for the monk and two waves crash on him.

Ac 30,10 damage
Ac 27,11 damage

John again takes careful aim at the wall of water and lets loose an arrow, but he too too much care for his friends battling the beast and missed.


I will not post until late on Monday.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23 
Sunday November 13th, 2005 9:13:03 PM

Mykael pulls a CMW potion from his pack, pops the top and pours the potion down Vals throat. Then he side steps 5ft to the right of Val, waving his sword threatingly at the Fire Elemental to keep its attention.

"Come and get me you overgrown torch!" Mykael taunts it.

Sunday November 13th, 2005 9:14:27 PM

OOC: I cant post tomorrow, therefore someone please make one attack for me if the Fire Elemental is still standing.

Rigging  d20+8=21 d20+8=17 d8+9=15 3d4(4+1+3)+3=11
Sunday November 13th, 2005 10:14:11 PM

Rigging glances up and sees the refugee being swirled around in Swirl and sighs. Not much he can do with it now. The bisons attack the waterelemental One hit only but it doesn 10 points of damage after reduction

He follows ups up with a strong magic missils spell striking the water elemental for 11 points of damage

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 42/65 Mage armor  d20+8=12 d20+8=14 d20+3=13
Sunday November 13th, 2005 10:52:33 PM

The Monk continues his assault on the water elemental but is staggered by the water washing over him and almost slips in the muddied trail and doesnt connect with any blows

With water in his eyes Jagar tries his best to keep the beasts attention so Redux can be free to cast his magic againist it

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  d20+11=28 d8+5=11 d20+6=18 d8+5=8
Sunday November 13th, 2005 11:43:38 PM

The dwarf having run to the battle with the water elemental jumps into the fray his shield in front he whirls his mace at the flowing beast (1st swing d20+11=28)(d8+5=11 dam)and lands a splashing hit and again strikes out (2nd swing d20+6=18)(d8+5=8 dam)and splashes it again " you will fall to Domi's strength " growls out Nezamil

total damage 19

Bash brothers Hal ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43  d20+9=25 d8+4=7 d20+9=28 d10+5=7
Monday November 14th, 2005 12:11:48 AM

The bouncers from the riverboat easily keep pace with the dwarf and follow him into battle againist the water elemental .

Hal attacks the water wall on Nezamils left flank and lands resounding blow (d20+9=25)(d8+4=7 dam) as he beats his brother to the attack " come on in Kirk the water is fine " jokes the big bouncer

Kirk moves in on Nezamils right flank and hurls a overhead smash at the waterwall and it finds its mark with a splash (d20+9=28)(d10+5=7 dam)

" very funny brother " laughs Kirk as he tries to dodge the waterwall

Bart Ac 24 Hp 44/71  d20+11=25 d10+19=29 d6=1 d20+6=10
Monday November 14th, 2005 2:22:16 AM

Bart makes an smashing attack against the waal of water using a lot of his strength in his slash (power attack +5) (hit ac25 for 29 + 1 shock) hi second attack misses.

Monday November 14th, 2005 10:25:41 AM

Appolo continues to head for the Fire Elemental intent on putting it out for good.He is pissed after seeing Valanthe fall.

Ashira (AC25, HP 90/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath , AAA11 
Monday November 14th, 2005 2:27:06 PM

OOC Since Swirl didn't overtly attack, Ashira will have moved.

The refugee would die...of that she knew, but for now she was needed elsewhere. Ashira begins to run through the forest (run 4x) toward Val and the fire elemental. Dodging through the brush and the trees as if they were not there, Ashira knows that she will not be able to make it to Val but at least she can in few more seconds. "Hang in there Val." she says under her breath as she sprints forward.

DM Jim: The Water Falls Combat Round 8  d4=1 d20+18=30 2d8(4+7)+4=15 d20+18=25 d20+18=25 d20+18=38 2d8(6+1)+4=11 2d8(7+7)+4=18 2d8(2+8)+4=14 2d8(4+3)=7 2d8(1+5)=6 2d8(7+3)=10 d20+18=37 2d8(2+2)+3=7
Monday November 14th, 2005 7:19:24 PM

OOC: No map today as my luggage was lost during travel. We will see about tomorrow.


The Wall of Water takes attacks for all sides from those already engaging it. As the four new combatants charge the Waterfall it lashes out at Nezamil before he gets close to it. Nezamil gets doused by the crashing wave.

AC 30, for 15 damage

The wall of water falls under the combined blows and spells of the wildcards. The area is completely drenched. Ashira runs around the remains of the battle and will be ready to engage the ball of fire next round. Appolo will also be ready to seek vengence on the fire elemental next round.

Riggings hands go to his head as he hears a scream of Swirl by their touch. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Do not abandon me!! I will do better! I have failed everyone!" Rigging feels intense shame from Swirl. Swirl drops the refugee and takes off at high speed in the direction the group was planning on traveling.

The Ball of fire sees a combustable life form kneel next to the one it just snuffed out and attacks.

AoO AC 25 for 11 damage + 7 fire damage
AC 25 for 18 damage + 6 fire damage
AC 38 for 14 + 10 fire damage. Ciritcal AC 37 for 7 more

Total damage 73. Mykael is another burned form and the Fire elemental heads north looking for more prey.

Mykael's spirit starts to rise out of his body.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  5d4(3+1+3+2+2)+5=16
Monday November 14th, 2005 11:12:17 PM

Redux will attempt to levitate up to be able to see the fire elemental. He'll cast Magic Missile at the inferno for 16 dmg.

Ashira (AC25, HP 90/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath, TTT12 
Monday November 14th, 2005 11:51:34 PM

Ashira bolts through the overgrown night once more and finally ends up where she can do something. Unfortunately, it took all her energy to get this far (Run 4x). Ashira stares at the elemental in her path. "Yeah, come on ugly!! Come to mama!!" she taunts as she calls out for the refugees to run away.

Valanthe (?/ 125, AC 20) 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 10:01:16 AM

OOC: Valanthe was at -3 when Mykael gave her a potion of CMW. How much did that give back?

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 56/71 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 2:53:10 PM

The dwarf wipes the water out of his eyes in time to see the watery beast fall and lose its form and washes across the trail

" lets go get that last fiery beast " growls the dwarf to the bash brothers and Bart

Nezamil runs full tilt down the trail towards the fire elemental(move 120' is not enough to get there this rd but brings him within spell range )" i'll wet that thing down when we get close " adds the dwarf as he chugs along

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 hp 43/43 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 2:56:38 PM

The bouncers trot along side the dwarf as they head to the back of the group to fight the fire elemental

Hal gives the dwarf a quizical look " what you gonna do ? give it a drink of water ? "

Kirk lopes easily along side the dwarf and laughs at his brother " i could use a drink of something stronger "

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 42/65 mage armor 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 3:04:18 PM

Jagar charges towards the battle at the back of the trail (move x3=150') and looks on in anger as he see's the bodies of his fellow wildcards on the ground and readies himself to charge and launch himself at the fire elemental " you'll pay for this " grunts Jagar

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+2=22 d20+14=18
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 3:28:39 PM

When Appolo arrives he goes invisible then sprints over to Valanthe and picks her up carrying her away from the fire elemental.He will then pull out two cure moderate wounds potions and give them to her."Don't worry sunshine I'm here I got to you.I'll finish that thing."Once he fills she is safe he will get ready to go put out a fire.

Strength check 22 Balance 18

Bart Ac 24 Hp 44/71  d20+11=28 d20+11=28 d10+19=25 d10+19=25 d6=5
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 4:43:31 PM

Bart is making an spring attack towards the fireelemental (powerattack +5 hit ac 28 for 25 + 5 shock)

Rigging  d20+6=13 d20+10=17 d20+10=28 d8+9=11
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 4:49:21 PM

Rigging grabs his head in anguish as he hears Swirl's pain. He projects out to his rapidly moving familiar, "Swirl, come back! I don't think you have failed me. I just think your confused. I still love you. Please don't leave!"

Diplomacy 13

Rigging keeps moving south as fast as he can sprinting down the path towards the fire elemental. He sees Mykael fall and snarls in frustration. This must stop! He sends his bison also running down the path to engage the fire elemental. ooc not quite sure where they are now. total movement of 160. They can charge with 80' movement)

I rolled possible to hit rolls for the bison. One should have hit for 11 points of damage if they were in range. The bison will stop at 20' away if they can't attack this round. So will Rigging.

DM Jim: Firey Confrontation Combat Round 9  d8+3=9
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 12:05:43 AM

Ashira and Val see the damage that the ball of fire has wrought. There are small fires everywhere and that is hard to do in this lush forest. Mykael is a smoldering pile and Val is hanging on to life (Val had gotten 9 back from Mykaels last effort) and is regaining her composure.

Appolo sneaks up invisible and attempts to extract Val. The elemental notices the movement and prepare to launch and a new attack on Val and her invisible rescuer, but is struck by four darts of light and the ball of fire looses form and seems to become an ordinary fire, although a large one.

The rest of the group that are on foot arrive at the seen an survey the burning path and several chared bodies.

Rigging attempt to touch Swirl and is sucessful, but all he feels is shame from the elemental and on many levels and for many reasons.

Mykael's spirit has risen out of his body and is floating north and into the forest.


End of Combat....for now.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 12:21:11 AM

OOC Quick post...more to come tomorrow...

Seeing the fire change into a normal one, Ashira uses the last 3 charges of her icy breath to put it out. She looks around at the devistation around her and shakes her head in sorrow.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 7:03:07 AM

Rigging walks over to his new and now dead companion Mykael and feels for a pulse. (Assuming since we saw his spirit float away there isn't one. Does he want to be raised?)

Rigging will then look up and down at the devastation of the refugees and say to Ashira, "So much death. This is why I didn't want them to come along. They aren't the heroes. We are."

Rigging will then cast a detect magic spell focusing on the dead. He knows it is shameful to loot the dead of friends but he is more concerned with the living.

He will project comforting thoughts out to Swirl the entire time, projecting love, friendship and forgiveness. "Please come back my friend."

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 56/71 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:37:55 PM

The rushes to within 50' of the fire elemental and watches as he disapiates " well done Ashira "adds Nezamil as he touches his anvil holy symbol "Domi quench these fires " prays Nezamil (casting create water on the fires )

The dwarf then charges over to Val and quickly yanks out a wand(cmw) from his pouch and prepares to activate it on Val (readying it for next rd)" this will heal you Val "

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 42/65 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:46:36 PM

As the fire elemental burns out the Monk turns and scans the surrounding woods "allright who's next ??" shouts Jagar into the woods in frustration

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hhp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:50:42 PM

The bouncers look around grimly at the destruction that the fire elemental has reaked and shake their heads in dismay at the savagery of the battle

Hal and Kirk tag along after the dwarf unsure of what to do next

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 4:41:41 PM

Ashira sighs. "Yes Rigging, I know. But I think you are forgetting something. We were just like these people once. And to be honest, I think it is they who are the heroes, not us." Ashira winces as Mother makes contact once more. She listens to the voice inside her head for a few moments and then nods briefly.

"Mother says we should bury those who have passed...but let us keep Mykael's body for resurrection. And we should all rest. We need our rest for the morning. Everyone set up camp...we're staying the night here." Ashira speaks loud enough for all the refugees to hear her and does not seem to be too worried about what anyone else might think of her orders. She begins to direct the refugees in how to set up the camp and begins to assign watches and defensive positions for all of the warriors. With so many, she can easily set up enough to watch the camp and still let everyone get enough rest. Not that she knew what was going to happen tomorrow, but if Mother says they need their rest, then she was sure they would.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 7:25:01 PM

Appolo takes care of Valanthe.He gives her the two potions and helps her get cleaned up a little.He also makes sure she gets some food and water.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 7:48:43 PM

The mage makes his way to Rigging and is glad to hear of the preparations for rest. He'll ask Ashira to be excused from duties so that he might rest fully and be able to start tomorrow with fresh and with all spells.

To Rigging he inquires about Swirl. "Where is he? i'll ask Talon to go to him and help."

If he is knows where to send Talon, he'll ask his winged friend to go and search out Swirl.

Valanthe (6hp) 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 10:13:29 PM

Valanthe breathes heavily and finds herself unable to stand. Her body hurts in ways that she didn't know possible. She should have died this day. For a moment she thought she did.

"Thanks Appolo, Nezamil. I underestimated Ashira's resolve. I'm positive that mother told her to press on knowing that I was badly injured from the previous battle. I should not be alive right now. Like Mykael my spirit should be gone."

DM Jim: Camp 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 10:25:44 PM

The heros look around them at the devestation they and their foe just brought to the forest. Ashira puts out the flames from the last of the fire elemental.

The refugees start to come out of the woods and huddle around the Wildcards. Not much is said as the refugees are tired and sore from running around in the dark, not to mention the hard march. All of the refugee just fall where they are once Ashira tells them they are to camp for the night.

Rigging scans those that are dead and detects obvious magic on the bodies of Beltro, Calibine and Mykael. (I do not have access to the character sheets so I will have to post the items later)

Hal and Kirk start to dig graves and find markers for the dead.

The dead are brought together for burial, but many of the Domi faithful request that Nezamil say words over the fallen before they are interned.

Val is battered, bruised, clawed (raptors), bite (same) and burned. Appolo attends to her and give her potions (please roll HP recovered as you did not specifiy the type of potion).

Rigging still feels shame from Swirl and receives a one word response "Tomorrow." in a very subdued tone.

Redux asks Rigging is Talon should seek out Swirl?

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 11:53:58 PM

The battle weary ranger sees to the making of the camp and then pulls the acorn bearers aside. "Has Mother spoken with you? What has she told you? I am confused by some of what she has told me. Shall we bury the acorns?" Ashira consults with the bearers and then sees to the camp arrangements and the burial duty. After Nezamil offers his words, Ashira heads over to Val. "You were fantastic out there!! And you took quite a beating. I know Nezamil has been busy lately. Here, take my last Cure Moderate Wounds. Normally I'd save it for use in combat, but it looks like you could use it now. And sounds like we've got quite a fight on our hands in the morning. Better cure up now."

Thursday November 17th, 2005 7:59:48 AM

Rigging with some disgust loots the bodies of magic, valuables and other weapons. He will distribute the weapons to other refugees, (taking note of the magic ones)who look like they can handle them.

He gathers all the refugees together even if he has to wake a few up. He tries to get them into an area where all can be watched without to much trouble. Appolo, please make a fire. A big one. Then keep watch, wake me in two hours and I will take over.

Rigging will take a quick 2 hour nap and then get up and memorize any spells he has used making some switches to try and get more effective. (Will send spell list later)

He keeps broadcasting thoughts of comfort and love out to Swirl.

Thursday November 17th, 2005 8:16:21 AM

The nearly dead elven woman doesn't look all that happy. But considering what just happened who in their right mind would be. "Keep your potion. You may very well need it tomarrow. Mother must be dissapointed in what's happened. Was it not her voice that told you we should keep moving despite the fact that the raptor mauled me pretty well? No rest for the bleeding eh? I'm sure that you could find the trail of my blood marking the path back the way we came. Her hold over you must be really strong."

Thursday November 17th, 2005 10:40:08 AM

When Valanthe refuses Ashira's potion Appolo reaches up and takes"Ashira's right you need this as well as these."Appolo will gently insistys that she drink the three cure moderate wounds potions one after another."Ashira does care about you,strange things have been happening.Now drink all three of them my love."He gently removes and cleans her armour,then uses whatever water he has left to clean her wound.Breaking out his pack he onrolls his bed roll.Makes a bed for her and wraps her in his cloak and blanket."You sleep now rest I'll stand watch"Ahira could you make a fire.My skills as a woodsman are some what limitted."Appolo never leaves Val's side when he gets tired he lays down besides her and sleeps next to her.

Thursday November 17th, 2005 1:45:35 PM

Ashira is both stung and confused by Val's words. "Sister, what has gotten into you? You know I love you and I don't want you to be hurt. I had no idea that you didn't heal yourself up. Why didn't you talk to someone? I'm sure Nezamil would have cured you if he had known how badly you were wounded. Mother asked me to keep moving because she knew we would be attacked again. We needed to press on. We are safe here and so we can rest. Mother is not the source of these attacks, the Fae King is. He is the one who has sent these things against us...he is the one you should be angry with. We will see to him soon and then all this senseless bloodshed will be over. He will pay for his crimes against these people and us. Of that I swear!" Ashira looks over at Val, love and concern clearly written on her face. "I'll send Nezamil over and have the rest of you wounds tended to. We need your strength for whatever it is that waits for us in the morning. And rest...I know this battle has been hard on everyone."

Thursday November 17th, 2005 2:33:04 PM

The mage takes some time with Talon; he's unsure why Rigging didn't want Talon to help.
'Get some meat; bring it back here in the morning. If you meet Swirl, ask him to come back soon.'
Redux will then find a comfortable spot amongst the grass and rest. He'll take care of anything that's still wet before sleeping. In his mind he goes over the spells he has trying to think of any changes.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 56/65 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 3:21:22 PM

Jagar helps the bouncers bury the dead taking a few minutes to heal himself (14 pts wholeness of body)

Nezamil Av 22 Hp 66/71  d8+9=10 4d8(8+5+1+4)+9=27 4d8(7+4+8+8)+9=36
Thursday November 17th, 2005 3:33:52 PM

Nezamil helps organize burial details among the refugees and prays for the fallen upon their burial.

Nezamil makes ure water is collected from the nearby stream to help quench the thirst of all the tired refugees

The Cleric of Domi also will cast spontanously a (cure light mass spell d8+9=10)to all the wildcards that need it and to any major npc's)

The dwarf will step up to Val and spontanously cast to csw spells (27+36=63 healed to Val)" that should help you feel better " adds the Cleric to the elven warrior

everyone gets 10 pts healed that needs it and val gets 63+10=73 total healed

Bash brothers Hal 40/52 Kirk 43/43 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 3:35:48 PM

the brothers quietly work burying the dead the savagery of the last few days having taken a toll on the lively bouncers

Thursday November 17th, 2005 7:44:05 PM

OOC Jim, Nezamil should be allowed to reroll that healing spell. Woldian rule: You can reroll ones on healing spells and hitpoints

DM Jim: You are correct, but Chris must reroll.

Valanthe (73/ 136)  6d8(4+5+8+3+2+6)+9=37
Thursday November 17th, 2005 8:05:12 PM

Feeling better but a long way from a hundred percent Val is able to rest easier. She doesn't argue as Appolo takes care of her. It's one of the little things he does that she really enjoys despite her verbal protests most of the time.

ooc: how much did she get back from the potions?

DM Jim: I rolled for you and you got 37 if you drank them all: 12, 14 and 11 in order.

Appolo OOC 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 8:22:53 PM

Not Sure Valanthe consumed three cure moderate wound potions.Two given to her by Appolo one from Ashira.Not sure on the dice for Cure Potions.

DM Jim: I believe cure moderate is 2 d8 +3, but Val must role the dice and say she is taking the potions, if not she has them on her person.

DM Jim: Settling in for the Night 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 10:11:32 PM

OOC: Just lost my post. Will have to start over. GRRRRRR!


Mary and John come over to confer with Ashira and Mary starts " I think Mother wanted us to plant the acorns, although I hate to part with it, it made me feel so confident." John goes over and borrows the makeshift shovel from Hal and starts to dig three holes 30 feet apart. John looks up at the women and comments "They are really big acorns."

The two hulking brothers stand behind the fresh markers for the dead and Kirk clears his throat in an attempt to get Nezamils attention "A few words for the fallen, please." Upon hearing Kirk 22 of Domi's faithful file in behind the brothers and await Nezamil's words of wisdom.

Redux send Talon off to hunt and all he hears from his friend is "Off to find the fat hare...." repeated over and over again.

The rest of the refugees that are not waiting for the sermon drift off to sleep.

Appolo starts taking care of Val and she reluctantly lets him, with a smile on her face.

Nezamil goes and heals the Wildcards and Jager heals himself. Jager waits with Hal and Kirk for Nezamil.

Rigging goes through the greusome task of collecting all of the valuables and weapons from the fallen before they are buried. Mykael is placed off to the side and not interned in the earth.

Kirin comes back from the forest with arm loads of wood, intent on keeping the fires going. "It has been rough and we do not know what is still out there. At least the fire elemental dried out alot of the wood so it is ready to burn properly." Kirin adds with foreboding.

Rigging thinks Swirl is sleeping or resting very deeply.

When camp tasks are complete everyone starts to fall into a deep well earned sleep.


Nellie please post the items of value found on Beltro and Calibine as I believe you have a copy of their items.

Mykael had a bastard sword and magic armor and shield, plus a slightly singhed spell book.

A Male Elf ??? 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 11:08:44 PM

One of the dead male elves starts to rise. He rubs his head and eyes, while groaning.

"Ugh, what a fight..." the elf moans. "Did we get them all? Is Val ok?"

Then the elf passes out.

Nezamil  d8+9=10 d8+9=15
Thursday November 17th, 2005 11:11:59 PM

re-roll of cure light mass spell 15 pts healed

jeez rolled another 1 !!

Valanthe (124/ 136)  2d8(6+8)+3=17 2d8(5+2)+3=10 2d8(7+5)+3=15
Friday November 18th, 2005 1:16:44 AM

She didn't know how weary she was until she allowed herself to relax. Since Mykael died because of her actions, Val can't get too happy. Without his magic she would have died. But as good as the night was the day was going to bring more hardship and death.

Bart hp67/79  2d8(5+7)+3=15
Friday November 18th, 2005 2:25:02 AM

Bart is searching through his backpack, underneath all his stuff he finds 4 potions 3 cure light and 3 cure moderate wounds. He uses 1 cure moderate for him self and offers Val and Ashira the other tw0. Here you can use them now or save it when you need it

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 66/71 
Friday November 18th, 2005 10:15:34 AM

The Cleric of Domi makes time to address the refugees concerns and performs prayer services for all the dead .

Nezamil will talk to all the surviving refugees and try and raise their spirits " this is journey almost over that i'm sure of another day or two at the most please don't give up hope we are all in this together ....Domi's watches over all of us " preaches the dwarf

Friday November 18th, 2005 10:17:14 AM

Jagar participates in Nezamil's prayer service for the dead and will help finishing any burial's that need to be done with Hal and Kirk

Ashira (AC25, HP 100/103)  d20+2=18
Friday November 18th, 2005 11:22:29 AM

Ashira smiles at Nezamil's healing touch. "Thank you friend!"

At the sudden raising of the formerly dead elf, Ashira's eyes light with understanding. She goes over and stops the members of the burial brigade. "Wait!! I understand now!! The dead do not truely die here, but come back in the bodies of the fallen!! Do not bury the dead. We need to give the fallen a place to return! Nezamil, come over here! I believe this elf is none other than our own Mykael!! Looks like he needs healing too."

When Bart offers her the potion, she declines. "Looks like some of the others need it more than me."

Ashira waits for John to finish the holes and then places her acorn in the ground. She shudders as she immediately feels weaker. "Mother, grant us the strength we will need tomorrow." she whispers as the acorns are buried.

Friday November 18th, 2005 3:58:06 PM

With interest in the proceedings, Redux looks on at the funeral. He too is interested in the dead that have come back. Pondering Ashira's words, he wonders if they are keeping around food for the scavengers or making it possible for some to return. A shudder goes thru him as the thought of coming back in someone else's body comes to him. There probably aren't any limits to what the gods might make possible at this time. He'd rather not find out, either.

Friday November 18th, 2005 5:01:21 PM

Rigging wakes from his sleep and studies his spells. He listens to Ashira's explanation about the spirits inhabiting the bodies of the slain and shudders, "That is horrible. You could come back as a butterfly or a squirrel. If that is truly Mykael in that body what happened to the spirit of the the person who died? Is he going to want his body back?

Rigging calls Nezamil over and brings him to the elf. "He might need some healing." Rigging will gently shake the elf and ask, "Mykael?"

Rigging's spells: Zero Level: daze, detect magic, read magic, dancing lights.
First level: magic missile, true strike, burning hands, mage armor, shield
Second level: Detect invisibility,Resist engery, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust
Third level: Summon monster 3, dispel magic, lightning bolt,
Fourth Level: Greater invisiblity, Summon Monster 4

DM Jim: Exhuming  d20+10=23 d20+5=15
Friday November 18th, 2005 11:45:40 PM

Nezamil performs the burial ceremony and talks to many of the tired refugees and seems to bouy their spirits. Ashira's suggestions seem to change all of Nezamil's good work.

Many of the Refugees and Domi's faithful balk at Ashira's suggestion that they dig up those that were buried. One women comments " Are you mad. They were just given a decent funeral and now you want us to desecrate them." She walks off in disgust too tired to protest anymore.

John hands Ashira Hal and Kirks makeshift shovel. "I can't bring myself to do it. I understand it, but can't do it. It is tough sometimes for those who lead." John walks away and checks on the plantings before finding a spot to sleep.

Several of the Wildcards discuss Ashira revelation about the no longer dead elf that may be Mykeal.

Bart offers up curing potions to those in need.

Kirin lets the campfire burn down as everyone starts to fall asleep. "I doubt we will catch the ants in the morning. I do not think I can track them." Kirin comments to the crackling fire.


Rigging I need a DC 15 (23) spot check and a DC 20 listen check.


Come morning I will need spell lists from everyone that can cast them. Rigging is already set.

Rigging  d20+12=27 d20+10=23
Saturday November 19th, 2005 8:17:58 AM

Rigging watches the camp settle down as he keeps watch. He alternates scanning the shadows as he sits next to the elf who might be Mykael reborn. (OCC Jim you never responded to Rigging trying to wake him up last post)

He watches the shadows, waiting for the next bogey man to jump out at them. His concentration never waivers as he keeps watch but his brain spins as he thinks over the last few days. He longs to be back on the Sword, feeling the salt spray in his face. That is where he belongs. Not stuck in some jungle, herding a bunch of stupid villagers and degenerate gamblers. How is this helping his people become free of Ga'al?

He comes to the conclusion that he will give it one more day. If it doesn't get better or they don't make progress then he will leave. If the others wish to stay, so be it. Maybe it was time for him to strike out on his own. Ashira could be the become the Captain of the Sword. She was probably more qualified anyway. Yes he would miss her and the others but he feels that he is on the wrong path.

Rigging scans the woods again with his keen eyes. He sends his thoughts out to Swirl, "I am still here. Are you OK?" Rigging sits as the depression takes him again.

spot check 27
listen check 23

DM JIM: George, i want Darian/Mykael to respond to you.

Saturday November 19th, 2005 1:57:08 PM

spell list
Zero Level - Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue, Flare
First-level spells - Grease, Magic Missile (2), Ray of Enfeeblement, True Strike
Second-level spells - False Life, Ghoul Touch, Glitterdust, Invisible, Spectral Hand, Web
Third-level spells - Vampiric Touch, Fly, Fireball, Lightening Bolt (2)
Fourth-level spells - Enervation, Phantasmal Killer, Ice Storm
Fifth-level spells -- Teleport, Magic Jar

Valanthe (124/ 136) 
Monday November 21st, 2005 10:25:26 AM

Tired and weary from this challenging trip Val did her best to gather the elven refugees and bolster their spirits. She had no idea how many more days this would continue. Val didn't know how much she missed her life on the sword. Sailing the ocean, facing the fierce storms, and watching dolphins play on sunny days.

Bart hp76/79  d8+3=9
Monday November 21st, 2005 11:35:44 AM

Bart uses one of the cure light potions, And still offers the other to Val and Ashira, "We are low on healing potions take it keep it until you need it"

DM Jim: Middle of the night 
Monday November 21st, 2005 12:43:12 PM

OOC: I am posting a bit early today as compared to last week, but I want to get on an earlier schedule.


Everyone is exhausted and is sleeping. The are night sounds all around, crickets, owls, and the babbling brook all carried on a warn breeze. Rigging is watching over the sleeping masses, when he notices something, some sort of movement on the edge of the camp. As Rigging prepares himself he hear a soft and muffled "What the heck?" and then he sees a rush of movement and then a "Umpf.".

All of the activity is taking place by the area that the acorns were planted in. In fact the firelight now seems to outline three small trees in the area that were not there a few hours ago. Rigging also hears what sounds like alarm in a language he has neve heard before.

Roll DC 17 listen to hear the commotion and wake up.

Appolo  d20+6=17
Monday November 21st, 2005 1:01:22 PM

Appolo is sleeping and exhausted sleep deep sleep next to Val,when he hears something and wakes.Thinking oh great here we go again.He lies awake verys till waiting to move at moments notice.

Redux  d20+2=16 d20+14=28
Monday November 21st, 2005 2:24:53 PM

The mage continues to sleep, though fitfully. Talon does wake up and flies down with curiosity. He'll call to Redux, but it may take a round or two to stir him.

Monday November 21st, 2005 4:20:31 PM

Rigging nudges Ashira with his foot to wake her and then casts the cantrip, dancing lights over the area to get a better look at what is happening.

Nezamil  d20+5=11
Monday November 21st, 2005 5:57:50 PM

The dwarf sleeps soundly throughly exhausted from the journeys pitfalls

Jagar  d20+6=9
Monday November 21st, 2005 6:01:46 PM

Jagar sleeps deeply (d20+6=9 listen ch) oblivous to the sounds of the night

Ashira  d20+12=15 d20+11=31
Monday November 21st, 2005 9:51:50 PM

Having had to have swapped out her Ring of Sustenance for her Ring of Invisibility, Ashira moans when Rigging awakens her. Her eyes bleary and bloodshot, she scans the immediate area for threats (Spot=15, Listen=nat. 20). She quickly awakens any of the Wildcards and warriors who might still be asleep and points to the trees. "I think I heard something over there. Look sharp!" Unsheathing her longsword and retrieving her everburning torch, Ashira heads over toward the trees.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 12:35:25 AM

Appolo continues to ly perfectly still in the dark.Waiting for something to happen.His hands resting on the hilts of his swords.

Nezamil  d20+5=12 d20+5=17
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 1:05:43 AM

The dwarf snaps awake at Ashira's warning "what ?" grumbles the dwarf

Nezamil peers into the night with his dwarven vision towards where the Swords mistress is heading (d20+5=12 spot ch) and quickly steps over and wakes up Hal and Kirk "come om guys lets go " growls the dwarf

listen ch d20+5=17

Bart  d20=18 d20+4=16
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 2:18:18 AM

Bart is sleeping, suddenly he awakes from a noise (listen 18) , he sits up and looks around (spot 16)

Valanthe (124/ 136) 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 8:03:15 AM

Waken from her reverie by the others Val slowly stirs. She was rather deep this time and needed an extra moment to become aware. Before doing anything however, Val begins putting on her magical armor.

DM Jim: Struggle in the Shadows 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 8:43:52 AM

Rigging hears movement on the edge of camp and spots shapes creeping in the shadows. Rigging casts his dancing light spell and the area is illuminated. The new light and Rigging's warning start to wake up the camp. Several people scream at the disterbance, obviously effected by the tough day yesterday.

It is about an hour before dawn.

Rigging see clearly, and everyone else catches glimpses as they wake up.

Melonie is over by the area that John planted the acorns. Although now there are three small 13 foot trees. Melonie is swinging Hal's makeshift shovel at one of the trees, but she is tackled by Kirin. During their struggle, one of the trees bends down and plucks the shovel out of Melonie's outstreched hand. Upon loosing the shovel Melonie goes slack with shock and Kirin gets her under control, but he lets go of her when he notices the tree holding the shovel.

The two outside trees each take a step toward their brother holding the shovel and begin uttering noises that are not understood by anyone, but themselves.


Everyone got enough sleep to get a full nights worth of healing (One HP per level).

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 9:12:37 AM

Ashira starts as the trees begin to move, her sword wavering uncertainly. She winces and touches her head then smiles. "Don't fear, friends! These creatures are gifts from Mother and they are our allies! Please welcome them...the more we show them our support, the bigger they will grow. None of us know what dangers await us today, and for once it is nice to have someone on our side. So I recommend that everyone give our friends a nice friendly greeting." Being one who believes in practising what she preaches, Ashira casts Speak with Plants and heads over to the tree bearing the shovel. "Greetings brother. It is an honor to have you at our side. Can you tell me how far of a journey it is to Mother?"

DM Jim: Talking with Trees - Supplimental post 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 1:07:16 PM

OOC: I just want to keep things moving, So I will answer Ashira and lets everyone continue to post.


Ashira approaches the middle moving tree, the one holding the shovel and talks with it. "It was trying to hurt me." and it points the shovel on a long thin branch at Melonie.

The tree seems to now realize that Ashira is speaking to it "You can talk? Strange. I was listening to you kind before and you did not make much noise than then lots of noise, but you can talk." The tree seems surprised. "Mother is not far. If the Sun were up I would be able to see her meadow. I can feel her now and the Fey King. We must make our choices soon, all of us."

The other two trees huddle close to Ashira and one comments. "This one feels good." The last tree comments harshly. "It can only pick from one of us."

Redux  d20+5=19
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 1:45:04 PM

Redux wakes with a start at all the commotion. He's a bit bleary eyed, this early in the morning, but sees clear enough on what's going on. He rubs his temple and notes a slight headache, probably not enough sleep he thinks. He'll rise, collect his robes together and move towards Ashira and the trees to find out more from her.

ooc: what how many levels of spells will spellcasters be able to regain for the day?

DM Jim: You had enough rest to get a full complement of spells.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 2:35:19 PM

Rigging will walk over towards the trees and then looks at Melonie. He will pull out his wand of detect magic and zap off a charge looking closely at the woman. "Why were you trying to attack the trees?"

He will then glance at his wife to see what she is doing. He wished this mother person would talk to all of them, not just his wife.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 7:23:24 PM

Qhwn the lights go on and panic starts to breakout Appolo comes up quickly sword drawn looks around a sees the tree s he immediately heads in that direction.Seeing that Ashira is talking to them,he figures they aren't a threat so he sheathes his swords.
Standing next to Rigging"Relax brother she just thought we were under attack.As did I."

"Ashira ask it if we can have the shovel back.Explian that Melonie was just frightened and that we will not harm them.Also ask them to take us where we need to go.This Fea King has alot of payback coming."

Valanthe (125/ 136) 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 9:46:17 PM

"I told her to keep watch with some of the other elves while I was out of comission. If I had been awake I would have done the same thing." Val says to Rigging as she helps Melonie to her feet.

"With everything that has happened how did Kirin know these trees didn't mean us harm? He's lucky that I wasn't out here because if he tried that with me I'd have crushed his skull. He must be privy to information that we are not."

Valanthe supports Melonie's weight until the young woman can stand on her own. As she makes her way back to camp she looks at the tree standing apart from the other two. "Well come on. It's going to be a while before we are ready to travel. You might as well come back and introduce yourself."

Mykael  d20=8 d20+4=5
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 9:52:10 PM

After a good rest and some healing, the unconscious male elf wakes to the commotion.

Standing on unsure legs, with wide eyes and a slightly confused look, the elf curses mostly to himself, but other around may hear, "Damn, *&$*&#, stupid Fey.. %&*$$@#&, ok.. this is weird. Guess I should just be happy to be alive, that is if I even am."

The elf starts to run his hands over his body, checking it out for wounds, and to just get a feel of his form, finishing with running his hands through his hair and touching his ears.

Then he starts to scan the area and takes in all that is going on. (listen = 8, spot = 5)

Still in a fog, the elf takes a step or two.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:02:03 AM

Ashira smiles at the trees. "It is thanks to a spell that I can speak with you." She nods at Appolo. "Can you take us to the Fae King?"

As she waits for an answer, Ashira turns to Val and shoots her a very ugly look. She returns to her attention to the trees and points at Melonie "Please forgive her. We have been under constant attack. I do not think she meant you any harm."

Looking up, she calls to Appolo. "Get ready to get the refugees moving. We need to roll soon."

DM Jim: Ashira you feel that your speak with plants spell will last hours longer than normal.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:16:09 AM

Nezamil takes in the unfolding events " Domi's faithful please help your fellow travelers get ready to move out soon " requests the Cleric of Domi

"Hal and kirk stick with me .....we worked well together and i feel trouble brewing so stay alert " adds the dwarf to the bouncers

whats Mykaels life total at ?

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:18:35 AM

Jagar looks about for Mary as he notices the trees moving for he knows she carried one of the acorns " all the acorn bearers gather by Ashira " shouts out Jagar as he does his best to collect the acorn bearers

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 1:04:57 AM

OOC: He has a max of 45 HPs... I am assuming that when he awoke and passed out, he was at 0 or 1... so with the night rest he would be at 8 or 9, plus how ever much healing he received, although I am unaware of that total.

IC: The elf notices the human corpse of Mykael, he walks over and gently starts pulling equipment off of it and sorting it. Once done, he will start putting it on. The cloths are big, but the armor will fit, magic.

DM Jim: We will say Mykael is at 10 HP. Please supply your spell list.

Bart hp 77/79 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 2:31:54 AM

Bart stands up and sees what he can do, cleaning up their campsite preparing a small meal

DM Jim: Dawn March 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 1:16:54 PM

The camp wakes up early with all of the commotion with the talking trees that can move about on their own. Most of the refugees are tenative around the new trees, but several are curious.

There is much discussion amongst the Wildcards about Meloine's actions and those of the trees. Kirin responds to Val's heated words. "It looked like Melonie was getting herself in trouble and I did not want to see her killed. We need every elf we can get when we get to the center of the trouble here."

The now no longer dead elf goes over and pillages the non magical items from Mykael's body. Rigging is still holding Mykael's magic items and money, in addition to Calibine and Beltro's.

Ashira gets the feeling that the three trees are not in agreement with what is in store for them. One of the trees is attempting to convince the other two that the Fey King must return to prominence at the expense of the mother of the valley. One tree argues for the status quo and the third for for the Fey Kings demise. Ashira notes that the Ents conversations take a long long time.

Everyone eat a hasty breakfast and waits for the sun to raise over the valley walls. In the sunlight it seems that the talking trees grew a few feet since your first encounter with them a few hours ago.

Once the sun peaks over the valley, Kirin takes point again to mark a trail. The three talking trees lumber after Kirin and actually help widen the trail. After only 30 minutes the dense forest starts to thin and Kirin can be seen in front of group. In another half an hour almost all of the trees disappear and everyone can see the the stream feed into a beautifully calm lake in the middle of a large plain. This seems to be the center of the valley and also its lowest points. The walls of the valley are off in the distance and seem to tower over your heads.

On the other side of the stream and lake is an enormous tree standing all by itself. The tree is a just under a mile away. The stream is about 20 feet across at this point and looks to be about five or six feet deep at the middle.

The plain before you is covered by a deep grass about 4 feet deep.


OOC: What is the marching order? There is almost as much width as you want to spread out. Please describe your position for moving forward or I will find a place for you.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I may not post tomorrow, depending on if everyone else is able. If we skip tomorrow, I will make it up over the weekend.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 6:07:40 PM

"Who has plundered my magic? AND my spellbook! It would be nice to have them back, please," Mykael, the elf states as his head clears and he looks around the group.

"I am Mykael, the magic in this area has caused my soul to inhabit this body, or that is the way it appears," Mykael offers up an explaination.

OOC: Spell list, assuming I get my spellbook back.

0 - Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Open, Mage Hand
1 - Comp. Lang., Magic Weapon, Magic Missle X2
2 - Bulls Strength, See Invis, Scorching Ray X2
3 - Haste, Fireball, Vampiric Touch

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 7:44:50 PM

Rigging hears Mykael's complaints and sticks his hands behind his back, starts whistling, and kicking at the ground. He will say to the elf, "Mykael, that is you? I tried talking to you before but you didn't answer. Your missing your magic items? How shocking! I wonder if any of these refugees are thieves!?" After a suitable period, Rigging will give him back his items.

He will call out to Ashira as they march with the treants, "I want the Wildcards put into their fighting groups. I want no more than 50 seperating those groups. The refugees will just have to look after themselves. I have a feeling that we will need ourselves at our full fighting capacity soon and I will not have us seperated by much."

OOC Jim, I am confused by your description of the lake, stream and valley. You made the point that the stream feeds the lack which is in the center of the valley. Does the stream block off the entrance to the valley? Can we go around it?

DM Jim: You can easily not cross it, but it you want to get to the large tree you either have to ford the stream or go all the way around the lake.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 10:19:27 PM

Appolo move3s out organizing the refugees"Come on people let's move we got another day of marching and fighting to do."
He then finds Valanthe"Come Sunshine let's take point.It's pay back time."He then sprints forward moving quickly down the trail behind the tres.

Thursday November 24th, 2005 2:24:12 AM

Bart is somewhere in the front ready to react when necessary

Appolo OOC 
Thursday November 24th, 2005 6:10:19 PM

I am Very THANKFUL to be a WOLDIAN.

Thank You All ,

Nezamil  4d8(1+3+3+7)+9=23 d8=8
Thursday November 24th, 2005 9:44:37 PM

"By Domi is that you Mykael " inquires the dwarf " this is certainly strange happenings but it is good to have you back with us "

" you seem a little beat up ...i'll help take some of the hurt away " Nezamil spontanously casts Cure crit wounds on Mykael(in place of freedom of movement for 30 pts healed)(rerolled the 1)

"that should get ya back on ya feet " adds the Cleric as he slaps the elf on his back

As they start the journey down into the valley Nezamil calls to the brothers "Hal...Kirk walk with me "

Nezamil will stay near the center of the group and looks about for Sam the crossbowman

0-level-Create water x2,Detect magic,Light x2,Mending
1st-Command ,Doom,Pro-evil,Sof,Divine Favor(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Hold person,Owlswisdom,Silence,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf,Inviso purge,Waterwalk,Windwall(pro-energy)
4th-Diemensional anchor.Freedom of movement,Neutralize poison(spell immunity)
5th-Flamestrike(spell resistance)

Thursday November 24th, 2005 9:52:46 PM

Jagar sadly leaves his battle friend Beltro behind and trudges along the trail and catches up to Mykael " whoa Mykael hows it feel to be in someones else's body " inquires the curious monk " thats got to feel a little weird "

Friday November 25th, 2005 12:30:19 AM

Ashira nods at Rigging's advice. "Alright, folks, link up. Val, Appolo you're with me. So is John and Kirin. Rigging, Bart and Mykeal you guys are together. Nezamil, Jager and Redux take Hal and Kirk with you...I have the feeling we're going to need all the firepower we can get. I want the main fighting force up front, like Rigging said. We can't spread ourselves too thin amoung the refugees. But don't leave them behind...we need our army."

Ashira takes in the valley and considers the best method to lead the army to Mother.

OOC Jim, I'm confused too. A little more description on what it will take to get to Mother and the Fae King would be helpful. :)

Friday November 25th, 2005 9:37:41 AM

Redux makes his way thru the grass as best he can. He doesn't like it much and so walks behind the bigger fighter types.

DM Jim: The Cautious March 
Friday November 25th, 2005 1:55:30 PM

OOC: No one mentioned fording the stream, so I am assuming that you are not and just follow it to the lake. The large tree is on the other side of the lake and stream.


The Wildcards split into three fighting groups that keep a good 50 feet distance between them. Mary has joined Ashira's group and Melonie has joine Val's. The three groups trial out in a line with Val's in front, Rigging's in the middle and Nezamil's in the rear. THe refugees follow 50 feet behind Nezamil, with the elves all the way in the back like Val put them previously.

The way is easy going especially for those following farther behind. Those in front beat the grasses down. The stream empties into the medium sized lake with hardly a ripple. The water seems very inviting to Ashira. Once the Wildcards get down to the lake they can see that several other streams feed the lake, but the one they followed is the largest. The tree on the other side of the lake from them is truely collosal, at least 200 feet high, but there is something strange about it (DC spot 20 to determine).

The front fighting group is 350 yards from the massive tree.

The walking/talking trees start to ford the stream down by the lake. Ashira can hear them talk among themselves. "We are coming Mother." and one says "Do not forget the King." to admonish his brothers.

The tree have no problems crossing the steam and even breifly pause in the middle to enjoy the water.

There are four of those large ants close by where the trees crossed the stream. They are milling about and seem frustrated by the stream. The ants wave their feelers at the first group of Wildcards.

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20 
Friday November 25th, 2005 1:55:45 PM

Val moves up front. The lake and stream make her a bit nervous since her armor doesn't exactly float all that well. When this is over she's going to find some magical item that helps her in the water. Either moving or breathing.

"Let's get this overwith. I long to be back sailing the open sea."

Rigging  d20+12=18
Friday November 25th, 2005 4:27:08 PM

Rigging doesn't notice anything different about the tree. He picks up his pace and starts walking a little more quickly. He to shares Val's feelings about this whole walk in the woods and wants to get back to the ship. spot check 18

Rigging then sends his thoughts out to Swirl, "Buddy! Where are you? It is morning now. Please come and rejoin us."

Rigging as they move closer to the tree will cast mage armor knowing it should last hours.

OOC Jim, you never told me what I saw in the detect magics when I cast it a couple of posts ago. I was primarily looking at Meloine, but Kirin should have been detected as well

spells cast
mage armor

Appolo  d20+9=25
Friday November 25th, 2005 7:30:29 PM

Moving quickly forward Appolo reaches the stream and stops.He looks over the giant tree,the stream and the area in general."Well the that tree is interesting.Could be our destination,but first we need to cross this stream.Ashiara ask those trea guys about giving us a hand."

spot 25

Friday November 25th, 2005 11:57:20 PM

Ashira smiles at Appolo. "Great minds think alike." She turns to the treants. "Brothers, do you think you could lend us a hand and help us cross this lake?"

Saturday November 26th, 2005 12:51:42 AM

The dwarf trudges along down towards the lake and nods as Ashira barks out the foghting teams " good thinking " observes Nezamil

Noticing the powerful mage joining them "this should be intresting " as he hears Ashira talking to the trees " well i ain't looking forward to swimming this thing " as he re-adjusts his chanmail slightly

"come on guys " calls the dwarf to the bouncers " you too ya gazelle " grins Nezamil to Jagar

Saturday November 26th, 2005 12:55:04 AM

Jagar slides over to Redux and the dwarf's group and takes a postion a few feet in front (5ft) and glances back at Nezamil's remark " you might be wishing you was a gazelle soon " nods the monk at the large tree in the distance "well at least quicker then the tree " chuckles Jagar

Saturday November 26th, 2005 3:35:54 AM

Never thouight about that riding a tree. Which group you want me Ashira in front or the middle?

Mykael - HP 40/45 
Saturday November 26th, 2005 11:17:58 AM

"Are you proposing to leave the refugees on this bank? That would be a bad idea, there is no way the trees could carry us all at once." Mykael remarks.

Redux  d20+5=24 d20+6=8
Saturday November 26th, 2005 4:20:41 PM

The mage also finds the tree interesting (spot+24). He looks it over as he continues to walk along. Regarding the water, he contemplates the distance (how far across?). He wonders if a running leap combined with a activating the levitation ring would work to keep him dry.

'Talon, how's an up-close view of that tree?' He then notices his bird friend is not overhead (spot=8). 'Hey, buddy, look at this tree.'

DM Jim: The Crossing 
Saturday November 26th, 2005 7:05:49 PM

Redux and Appolo notice the the giant tree is wrapped by a thick vine of some sort. The weight of the vine seems to have broken of several branches, and if they can be viewed from this distance they must be big. The vine is rooted next tot he giant tree.

Upon Ashira inquiry the treants stop their crossing and form a chain across the stream and grab and Wildcard or refugee and hand them over to the next tree. The trees are very gentle and keep everyone dry, but the process takes 30 minutes. A few people even notice the trees starting to blosum during the process and there are at least a score of different blosums on each treant. (250 exp. for the crossing suggestion to Ashira)

Talon is flying overhead and lands on the other side of the stream and waits for Redux. Talon eats a 50 pound rabbit in the mean time.

Swirl beams to Rigging. " I am over here." And he then rises to be seen, just beyond the giant tree. "I am watching the battle."

Rigging had scanned the group and notices faint tranmutation magic on Ashira, Val, Kirin, John, Melonie, and Mary, when he was not blinded by all of the Wildcards magic.

Once across the group is approximately 300 yards from the giant tree. The three treant's start striding forward and with each step their blosums mature and start fruiting. The trees speech is now understandable by all.

Tree One says "The King must be brought to his full splendor. The Fey will reap rewards for millenium and nature will take its rightful place."

Tree two says "The King must be put back to sleep and the balance of nature be brought back to order."

Tree three says "The King's reign must end, too much destruction has happened and he must pay with his life for his afront of nature."

The three combat groups are arrayed behind the treants with 50 foot separation, with the refugees following tentativly behind.

The treants are now 150 yards from the giant tree and the massive vine (observable by all at this distance). The tree and the vine seem to shimmer and are rapidly shrinking.......

Sunday November 27th, 2005 11:27:18 PM

The mage smiles as Talon puts away the huge rabbit. "That a bo...ummm...way to go big guy." Redux stands anxiously with his little band of warriors and watches the exchange between the tree and the vine. "Well...that's....interesting." he mumbles as he sorts through his scroll case in search of a Fireball scroll.

Monday November 28th, 2005 7:36:50 AM

Bart moves forward and keeps an close eye to the trees. "I wonder if there will be a fight?"
Anyway i'm ready for it

Rigging  d20+12=13
Monday November 28th, 2005 8:09:00 AM

Rigging will start walking towards the large tree, scanning the area trying to see what he can see. He will call out to the others, "Same marching order as before. Keep alert. Swirl tells me he is watching a battle. Not sure if he is talking about the tree and the vine but I think we are coming to the end of this. At least I hope so!"

spot natural 1, Guess I don't see much.

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20 
Monday November 28th, 2005 9:04:14 AM

Val glances over at the trees. The temptation to break formation and move over to guard the tree is strong but she holds.

"What's going on?"

Monday November 28th, 2005 10:10:54 AM

As the dwarfs feet finally touch dry land after being passed along by the 3 trees " that feels better " as he stomps his feet on solid ground and moves forward keeping formation with the bouncers and Redux

Monday November 28th, 2005 10:12:46 AM

Jagar lands deftly when dropped by the trees and moves to the front of his battle group

Ashira  d20+12=18 d20+11=31
Monday November 28th, 2005 10:18:23 AM

The ranger leads the groups forward. Her group takes the lead while the other two flank (forming a triangle). She attempts to make a mental link. "Mother, we are here. Where are you? What do we do?" She scans the immediate area trying to get a sense of what is going on (Spot=18, Listen=nat. 20). "Be careful everyone the King is strong." she calls out the group.

DM Jim: The Changing? 
Monday November 28th, 2005 12:50:12 PM

The WIldcards follow the growing and blossuming Treants and form a triangle of their combat groups. Ashira in front and Nezamil on the left flank (closest to the lake).

Ashira hears some confusion and worry from behind in the ranks of the refugees. When Ashira alterts the others and everyone turns back to see, there is a knot of refugees staring at a Satyr, a Dryad, a grig, and two elves. Most are pointing but one calls out "That was just Celine." in astonishment.

When the WIldcards prepare to move forward again the giant tree is gone, along with the massive vine. A women's scream rises above the plains in front of the groups. Only Swirl can be seen in the area where the trees were.

Rigging can feel from Swirl. "Now that was a neat trick...."

Ashira's group is just behind the treants and is 100 yards from where the giant tree was......

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Monday November 28th, 2005 2:38:02 PM

After crossing the stream,Appolo takes up position and watches as the gigantic tree disappears."Well that is interesting.Ok forward ho.Once more into to the breach my friends."He then moves forward to where the tree was."Come people let's get this over with."He has alook of grim determination on his face.

Rigging  d20+12=17
Monday November 28th, 2005 6:45:44 PM

Swirl! What was a neat trick! If you don't start giving me more complete information, I am gonna make you kiss Ashira!

Rigging will hurry forward, eyes scanning everywhere. spot 17 He motions with his arm to have the Wildcards to stay with him. He is prepared for battle but hopes that he doesn't have to fight a god today.

mage armor (hours)

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20  d20+10=30 d20+10=25 2d10(10+10)+50=70
Monday November 28th, 2005 6:54:37 PM

Val breaks formation and moves over to the treant that represents death. "Excuse me but I think one as important as yourself requires special attention." She says with a smile. Her hands tighten around the heavy flail and spins around smashing the flail into the treant with a thunderous impact.

ooc: power attack -9 to hit/ +18 to damage. Critical hit, ac 25 to confirm, for 70 points of damage. To get this damage I doubled the 18 point bonus for power attack. I know critical hits modify the dice and bonuses but I don't know if the power attack bonus is included or not.

Ashira (AC22, HP 125/125) Barkskin???  d20+15=35 d20+15=29 2d8(2+7)+10=19
Monday November 28th, 2005 11:09:27 PM

Ashira is shocked and abhorred by Val's actions. Wasting no time, she bolts in front of Val. "Valanthe what the hell do you think you're doing??? We need all of the trees alive. They are not our enemies. Everyone must have a free choice." Her swords at the ready, Ashira protects the tree. If Val should make any move to attack any of the trees she will attack the barbarian (AC35/29 crit for a lousy measly 19).

Monday November 28th, 2005 11:58:25 PM

Mykael stays with his battle group. Upon noticing the changing situation, he turns toward the new fey creatures, and waits for a sign. Already sure though, they have chosen to be his enemy.

Walter OOC 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:41:38 AM

please clarify if Val will be able to take a 5ft step to the side of Ashira and still attack the treant. Val was right infront of the treant so I believe its possible though I want to make sure. Val doesn't really want to go through Ashira to get to the treant but she will if she has to.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:57:25 AM

The dwarf stands rooted to his spot for few moments trying to comprehend what is taking place

" who was that screaming ?.....lets find out growls Nezamil as he starts forward waving his battle group forward and to the left flank of Ashira's group

with a wistful shake of his head Nezamil looks on as the leading wildcards break from their battle group " they gotta learn to cover each other"

" keep together " barks the dwarf to bouncers

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:03:41 AM

Jagar takes point postion in front of the dwarf and leads them to Ashira's left flank

" this is sooo strange " as he scans the the ground where the large tree and vine just dissappeared from

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:07:07 AM

The two tall bouncers move to keep Redux and the dwarf in the middle with Hal flanking Redux's outside flank and Kirk on the opposite side covering Nezamil's outside flank

Bart hp76/79 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 2:23:33 AM

Bart is very confused by the situation he doesn't know what to do. Should he attackt the treants? Should he wait and say what will heppen next. Bart decides to stay and scan the perimeter

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 10:38:01 AM

Walter, I'm having Ashira hold her action dependent on Val's action next round. There's nothing Ashira could have done about Val's attack this round, but next round she will be in position to defend it. But then of course, it doesn't matter what I think...it's really DM Jim's decision. :)

DM Jim: Final Combat - Combat Round 2  d20+3=23 d20+3=7 d6+1=7 d20+10=25 d20+5=14 d8+1=8
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:14:56 PM

Val walks up to one of the treants and assults it viciously. The treant howls in pain as one of its main arm branches is broken off. Sap is running freely. The critically injured treant withdraws from Val and its two fellow move to block Val's path; both treants have arms raised to strike if Val moves forward. Ashira moves to intercede also and is between Val and the two poised treants.

The injured treant falls. A women is heard screaming and a man laughing, both coming from Swirls directions.

Swirl beams back to Rigging. "The transformation was what was soo cool. They are wrestling now, or at least he is."

Jager, Nezamil, Rigging, Hal and Kirk all move forward to merge with the front battle group (almost make it - see map). Bart and Mykael take no overt action and watch the strange happening going on.

Redux does not move from his position even though his group abandoned him. Appolo moves forward towards where the tree disappeared. Appolo is out in front of the treants.

Melonie attacks Ashira with her short spear.

AC 23 (Natural 20 not critical) damage 7

Melonie yells "Do not hurt her!" as she withdraws her spear from Ashira.

Kirin steps to the side and sends two arrows at another treant hitting it once.

John readies his bow and Mary grabs her spear tightly, unsure of what action to take.

AC 25 for 8 damage
AC 14, miss

All of the elves armed by Val are moving forward in two groups. None of them are smiling.....

Map to come later.

Rigging illegal post 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:25:50 PM

Rigging's mouth will drop open in shock at Val's attack. He will turn and snarl at both the women, Val, Ashira, Stand down now! That is an order! If we don't stick together now, we are doomed! By Lemetrox's firey breath, I swear if you don't listen you will be swimming home!

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 3:33:02 PM

The dwarf peeks over his shoulder to make sure everyone is together and spots the mage lagging behind " come on Redux hurry up " yells Nezamil as he waves the mage forward

As he is about to turn to face the 3 large trees he see's the unhapy elves quickly approaching " whats up with them ?" adds the dwarf but suddendly it dawns on him "Hal Kirk Jagar form a line in front of them don't let them pass " growls Nezamil

Nezamil steps in front of the fast approaching elves "Stop right there " [b] barks out the dwarf as he holds both arms up in a stopping motion [b] " you ain't gonna go any further " says Nezamil in a menacing voice " nobody is attacking them trees you hear me " as he interposes himself between the elves and the 3 trees

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 4:39:15 PM

Jagar turns around from his point postion in his battle group at Nezamil's shout and quickly moves to take a blocking postion on the dwarfs left flank leaving a gap for one of the bouncers to fill

Following Nezamil's lead he also holds his arms up in a stop motion

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 4:42:36 PM

Turning in tandem with the dwarf the brothers each take a flanking postion on the dwarf with hal on the left between jagar and Nezamil and Kirk taking the right side

Bboth bouncers are imposing figures at 6'6" and scowl at the elves in their best i'm gonna kick you butt if you step closer bar room scowl

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 5:58:31 PM

Appolo stops and looks back.Seeing what is going on he sprints back.Interposing himself between Val and Ashira."Valanthe what are you doing.Leave the trees alone.They aren't the enemy.Now if you want to kill something.Let's go kill the Fae King.I'll serve up his head on silver platter for ya."

Looking to Melonie"Melonie go stand with the rest of the elves.Tell them they'll be needed for the final battle."Then over to Nezamil"Nezamil go see what you can do for that wounded tree.Save it if you can."

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20  d20+9=26 d10+27=30
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 7:16:53 PM

"Ashira I'll give you one chance. I will go through you if I must though I would prefer not to. Kirin use your bow and make sure the injured treant is finished." Val says loudly. She moves past Ashira and Appolo to the treant that represents sleep (not sure which one it is) and smashes it with her heavy flail.

ooc: power attack -10 to hit/ +20 to damage. Hit AC 26 for 30 damage.

Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 7:57:37 PM

Watching, the mage contemplates the movement of the elven group. "Rigging, they don't look friendly; nor do they look like following your direction."

Redux pulls out his Web wand and begins weaving stickiness between the groups, especially around the elves.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  d2=1 d20+4=16 d20+1=12
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 8:12:06 PM

Slow realization coming to him, Mykael screams out information, "The Fey King has ahold of the elves and Val. He tried to take me too, but I believe that my Human soul helped me fight him off. The other Fey creatures are probably against us also. We need to see if we can affect the struggle directly, or if WE are the struggle!"

Mykael then turns and runs toward Swirl, looking for the screaming woman and laughing man. He keeps his eye on Swirl, still unsure of where his allegiences lay.

(Spot = 16, Listen = 12)

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 8:14:52 PM

OOC: wrong HPs and AC in previous post.. wanted to correct it

Ashira (AC22, HP 118/125)  d20+15=21 d8+5=6
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 1:16:26 AM

Ashira grunts as Melonie's attack takes her by surprise.

"Valanthe! I cannot let you do this!" hisses Ashira as she slices into Val as she passes (taking the AoO against Val). "I can understand the others buying into the Fae King's lies. But you...you...my own sister." Ashira takes little joy as her blade cuts into Val's side (AC 21 for 6 stupid points...OOC Walter, did you subtract the 19 points of damage from Ashira last round?)

Ashira looks around at the battlefield, knowing that there was much more at stake than her own personal betrayal. Seeing Mykael's quick thinking, Ashira shouts out. "The Fae King's pathetic attempt to thrwart justice will not succeed as long as there is life in my body! Mykael take your group and find the King and Mother. Defend her at all costs! Nezamil, I need you and your group check on the fallen tree. Heal it and protect it. Redux, keep up the good work! Take out the other group next. Appolo, you and I need to tend to family matters..." Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out some small sticks. Then she begins to work intricate lines through the air, casting a spell. Knowing from her previous experiences with the spell that it affects a much larger area, Ashira aims the center much farther out (to the Northeast) than she normally would. Immediately, the grass and plant life around herself, Melonie, Kirin, Swirl the Fae King and Mother (maybe), the treants and Val begin to wriggle and writhe, grasping for anything nearby. (Entangle...Reflex DC 12 or be stuck...if Reflex is passed, then movement is cut in half). Ashira looks over at John and says "Take down Kirin if he shoots at that treant. Mary, I need you to take care of Melonie for me."

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 7:31:24 AM

Rigging will yell to Nezamil, "Cure that Treant. I think we are gonna need it!" Rigging then pulls out a wand and aims it at Val. He discharges it, casting hold person on the barbarian. Will save dc 17

"I need everyone to calm down right now!"

Walter OOC 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:44:47 AM

I did not subtract the 19 points yet because I was waiting for something from the DM on the matter. The attack was in case Valanthe did something but then Appolo said he got inbetween them. Was the attack able to be executed?

Valanthe (102/ 136) AC 20 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:56:22 AM

"Why is Father the one to lie? Who do you think you are to tell me that I'm wrong and your right. I gave you a chance Ashira. I will do whatever it takes to fulfill Father's wish. You will have to kill me to stop me. If you are not prepared to do that then just quit now. Your tactics are terrible Ashira. Your spell has greatly hindered any effort to heal the dying treant."

ooc: Val took 23 due to damage reduction. I will make the saves once next round begins. Just wanted to post more conversation to keep things going.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+7=18
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 10:30:48 AM

Appolo says witha sad look on his face"Please forgive me my love."He then side steps and Flanks Val,just before tackling her.Lowering his shoulder quickly he dives into her hopefully knocking her down and landing on top of her."My love.Please .I can not let you harm Ashira or be harmed.Please stop.Who is this father you speak o.Please calm down.Those treants aren't the enemy and niether is Ahira."

Untrained Grapple attempt 18 to Tackle Valanthe.

DM Jim: Combat Round 3 - A house Divided  d20+7=9 d20+7=10 d20+7=8 d20+10=24 d6+5=8 d20+6=17 d20+6=23 d20+3=20 d20+3=5 d20+3=10 d20+3=12 d20+3=12 d20+3=14 d20+3=4 d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20+3=18 d20+3=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=4 d20+3=20 d6+1=3 d20+4=6 d20+4=7 d20+5=14 d20+6=11
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 1:16:22 PM

Confusion seems to reign suppreme and friends contront one another.

Val sidesteps Ashira on her way to the next treant and Ashira draws Val's blood in the process. The Treant uses it long reach (AoO) to smash Val, but misses and actually gets closer to hitting Ashira (AC 9).

Val whollops the tree and hard and it strikes back.

AC 10, miss
AC 8, miss

The treant seems surprised by the suddenous of the attack.

Appolo rushes back tohis love and attempts to wrestle Val to the ground, but she shrugs him off. (Val wins the grapple after the take 10)

Rigging holds his ground and casts hold person on Val (save 23, I rolled it to keep the battle going, as people may want to post before waiting for your post.) The barbarian throughs off her captains contolling magic.

Mykael also holds his ground as he watches Swirl and yells out encouragement.

Bart does nothing, shocked into inaction by the events.

Nezamil and the bash brothers for a line of battle to meet the oncoming elves, but the Mistress of the Sword yells contrary orders to them.

Redux uses his web wand on the elves advancing on his side snagging all but one. That one elf drops his weapon and closes the distance to Redux and tackles him.

Grapple check 18: I do not believe that Redux can beat an 18 with a take 10 roll, so he is knocked to the ground with the elf on top of him.

Kirin drops his bow and pulls his club and move over toward Val and smacks Appolo (flanking). The club is shiney as if wet.

AC 24 for 8 damage

Kirin yells out "I will save you." Entangle save 17

The second group of elves split and four go to engage Mykael and Bart and the others push past.


AC 10, miss
Ac 10, miss


AC 4, miss
Ac 20, hit for 3 damage

Melonie attempts to stab Ashira again, but is entangled by the long grasses. Melonie screams in frustration. Save 6

Mary attempts to attack Melonie at Ashira's urging and is also entangled by the grasses. save 7

John watches Kirin smack Appolo with his club and decides to shoot him even though he did not attack one of the treants.

AC 14, miss for firing into combat.

John is then also overcome by the grasses as they entangle him and his bow.

Nezamil sees several more of the refugees turn into Elves and start to move forward.

Map to come.

Nezamil ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:24:54 PM

Ashira's warning Rings in the dwarfs ears and the magnitude of what is unfolding sinks in as he spots the transformation of refugees into elves " this is madness "

" ok guys we need to fall back towards the treants " growls Nezamil " Jagar your in charge of the three of ya ......keep the line as you walk back to Ashira....i'm gonna go heal the wounded treants "

With that the dwarf spins about and sprints towards the wounded treant his head spinning from the ramifications of what is unfolding " By Domi the future of the path of the wold can change with what happens here " thinks Nezamil

Nezamil makes aa double move to get to the wounded treant and looks up at the wounded towering tree " i can help you if you let me .....let me heal you " implores the Cleric of Domi

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:39:59 PM

" ok " replies the monk to the dwarf " ok guys fall back and lets stay in line " remarks Jagar to the bouncers as he starts backwards towards Ashira

" Hal and Kirk if we get close enough to Val we should try and take her down ...just gang tackle her .....alright......thats the plan so keep that in mind as we get closer "

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 and Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:44:50 PM

The brothers acknowledge Nezamil's orders and stay with the Monk

Hal looks over to where Val is and how Ashira and appolo are dealing with her " ah that ain't going to be easy ...she is a handful for sure ....but if we all do it at once maybe "

Kirk nods agreement with his brother " ya i'm with you Hal.....all at once is best " agrees the younger bouncer

the two riverboat bouncers move in step with Jagar back towards Ashira and Val

Valanthe (124/ 158) AC 18 Rage 1 of 8  d20+16=34 d20+11=31 d20+11=21 d20+6=14 d20+9=25 d10+17=26 2d10(2+3)+34=39
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 7:54:15 PM

Her scream echoes like thunder across the heavens. She taps into her rage pushing her already impressive strength to levels that rival some giants. Her eyes lock on the treant that could put father to sleep. He must be stopped just like the other one. None of them has the conviction to do what it will take to stop her. She essentially grew up alone in the woods. None of them know what that is like. Nor how good it is to hear a father's voice or the love he gives. Feelings that she will do anything to keep ... anything. Val lashes out again at the treant with everything she has.

ooc: relfex save 25. power attack -5 to hit/ +10 to damage. 1st attack hit ac 34 for 26. 2nd attack crit, ac 21 to confirm, for 39, 3rd attack miss ac 14

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24  d20+4=14 d20+1=6
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:10:16 PM

OOC: I stated in my previous post that Mykael was running toward Swirl... and watching him. Therefore Mykael should have gotten a full run toward him and not be attacked.

Mykael continues his movement toward Swirl, looking for the screaming woman and laughing man. He is still keeping an eye on swirl, unsure of his alliegence.

(spot = 14, listen = 6)

DM JIm: I missed and will adjust in the next post.

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 10:38:07 PM

Rigging realizes that the two forces battling each other are taking over his wife and friend. He calls out into the air, "Fey King! Mother! Stop controlling my friends! Let them go! If Val attacks again, I will vote for death. If Ashira attacks again, I will vote for life. Let them go! We will have free will in this or you will regret your actions. Keep the others back as well. Do you hear me!

Nezamil, Appolo, Bart, everyone. Stand with me! Do as I do. This must stop now. We vote in a block! It is the only way to stop this insanity!"

Ashira (AC22 vs. Val, 19 vs others, HP 118/125)  d20+10=27 d20+13=14 d20+13=30 d20+9=25
Thursday December 1st, 2005 1:24:52 AM

Ashira grimaces as Val attacks once more. It was time to finish this foolish game. She had been caught by surpirse by someone she thought was a friend. It was clear that she was a friend no longer.

She looks to see if the treant is still alive...though she doubt it can be after that attack... But then a smile forms on Ashira's lips...like some kind of hidden secret. She looks over at Rigging sadly. "My love, how you cast your vote is your choice. But I will fight to give you the right to that vote."

Turning her attention to Val, Ashira sighs. "You must be feeling mighty smug about now, child. But I think you just might be forgetting something. I will not let you warp justice to meet this perverted Fae King's whim. If he is to live it will be because everyone has a chance to decide his fate...not just the fools he has tricked into serving him."

Taking a 5 foot step, Ashira easily breaks free of the grasses trying to entangle her (Ref.=26). Reaching over, Ashira grabs ahold of Val (Touch=30...used 1 hero point to reroll) and then succeeds in grappling her (Grapple=25+4=29(used 2 hero points to bump). As she wrestles with the raging barbarian, Ashira calls out to Appolo. "Sneak attack her now. We need to take her down quickly. I don't want to kill her, but I don't want her to kill us either. Do it Appolo!" Ashira smiles as Nezamil and the bouncers head her way. That should even things up a bit.

OOC Don't forget to roll the Reflex. vs. Entangle each round of combat that you're in the entangled area!

Valanthe (124/ 158) AC 18 Rage 1 of 8  d20+16=24 d10+17=27 2d6(6+5)=11 d20+18=32
Thursday December 1st, 2005 2:17:55 AM

As Ashira rushes in to grab her, Val whips the heavy flail into her without hesitation. Her eyes are wide and unblinking, mouth curled into a smile. The rage had her now. There was no conversation, no hesitation based on stray thoughts or feelings.

ooc: I took the opportunity to roll out some of these numbers I had to. On the AoO that Ashira provoked when initiating the grapple Val hit ac 24 for 27 regular plus 12 more if Ashira is of good alignment (power attack -5/ +10). Her opposed grapple check is 32. By the way please don't hold back just because. Right now her already magically enhanced strength is boosted even more by her rage. Pinning her probably won't work. Stopping her may require her health to drop into the negatives which I perfectly understand.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+9=27 d20+9=17 d10+4=14 d6=3 d6=3 d6=6 d6=1
Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:46:05 AM

With tears in his Appolo draws his blades and flanks Val.He Swings twice at her impaling her with his Long Sword.Cutting her deeply.Thinking this Fae King guy is going to pay big time.Sleep he he's going to die for this."Ashira take the others and go find this fae King.Put his head ona pike.I'll play tag with Val."Ashira can see the great sorrow in his eyes as the light goes out and grim darkness passes over him.Lending hima truelly terrible visage.Appolo then goes invisible.

Attack 27 Critical 17 miss Damage 14x2= 28+13+41 Total.

Bart ac 24 ho 76/79  d20+15=33 d20+15=25 d10+9=18 d10+9=10 d6=3 d20+10=25 d10+9=12 d6=5
Thursday December 1st, 2005 6:14:30 AM

In a reflex Bart defends himself against the elves attacking the foe in front off him (threat 33 crit 25 for 28+3 shock) His second attack does less dammage (hit ac 25 for 12+5 shock)He then hears Rigging, still confused he tries to fight defensively.

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Teleporting  d20+14=28
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:06:04 AM

As the elf grabs a hold of him, Redux clicks his tongue in disdain. He casts a spell and is immediately teleported over to Rigging (w11). (no somatic or component required, so he can cast without a grapple check, Concentration=28...success) He calls out to Talon via his mental link "Hey buddy, I little help over here would be nice." Then he calls out to "Rigging how about a little help with this guy."

DM Jim: Combat round 4 - Bad Things Happening  d20+3=17 d20+3=20 d2=2 d20+10=15 d8+3=9 d8+3=10 d20+10=27 d20+10=24 d20+10=24 d6+4=6 d6+4=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=14 d20+6=15 d20+3=9 d20+3=12
Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:12:40 PM

OOC: I has been brought to my attention that the new wold rules do not allow an AoO for grappling anymore. Not a good Idea in my opinion, but that is the rule we have to play with. In this instance, I will disallow Val's AoO on Ashira and not allow Appolo to flank Val since the attacks were basically simultaneous. Unless Val, breaks Ashira's grapple, Appolo will be able to flank her next round.

Appolo did no damage to Val at all since he failed his save verses the entangle (I had to roll it 15).


Redux does not like his postion under the elf and quickly teleport away, with the unhappy elf still on top of him. The elf maintains his hold and attempts to choke Redux and is sucessful.

grapple check 17
AC 20 for 2 damage.

Talon hears Redux's call for help and large wings beat air to gain altitude. Redux feels that help is on the way.

Rigging can see the struggle going on in front of him, two feet away.

Appolo attempts to strike his love, but is entangled by all the grasses (Roll your own save next time).

The sleep treant withdraws from Val's onslaught, and it is horriblly wounded.

Val start to enlarge and grow much to Ashira's dismay and she breaks Ashria's grapple (Grapple check is now 30). Val also feels some of her wounds heal (9 hp). Val is large sized now.

Ashira feels her skin toughen (barkskin +5) and some of her wounds heal also (10 hp).

The live treant back up by its brethern and away from the combat and the overgrown entangle spell.

Kirin is still active in the entangle (Save 27)and swings at the almost helpless Appolo.

Ac 24 hit for 6 damage
Ac 24 hit for 10 damage

Appolo has now taken 24 points of damage.

Mary and Melonie are still each held fast and just scream at one another.

John is still struggling against the grasses too.

Mykael runs toward swirl and sees a male elf pick up a female elf and drop her over his knee. The female crumples into the grass and is not seen anymore. The male elf gestures to Mykael "Come here my son and join my ranks. You reward will be great." Mykael sees that Swirl is smaller than there last enounter, but still larger than normal. Swirl makes no threatening moves.

Bart cuts down the two elves facing him. The other two jump on him, but he easily sidesteps them.

Grapple checks 9 and 12

Several more elves move out of the ranks of the refugees and come forward menacing.

Rigging calls out for calm that seems to be ignored by all. Rigging even calls out to the Fey King and Mother. The Fey King answers on the wind "What do you want for your vote and infulence? I see that you are coming closer to me as it is." Rigging feels his wings twitch.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:50:00 PM

Ummm...Jim, I believe the Grapple roll has to be actually rolled before Val can break free. If she rolls a 1, 2, or 3 then it automatically fails. It's not a sure thing. And I'm also confused as to whether or not Ashira is entitled to a grapple roll as well.

Walter, so we're all on the same page, here's the Woldian rules about grappling.

Addendum...you know what, let's just let this one go. Val was Enlarged so that broke Ashira's hold. I accept that.

Ashira (AC27, HP 125/125) Barkskin +5  d20+10=17 d20+13=21 d20+8=22 d20+13=28 d20+5=23 d8+5=13 d8+5=12 d6+3=7 d6+3=7
Thursday December 1st, 2005 5:34:11 PM

Ashira screams as her face twists in rage "Mother!!!" She locks her gaze on Val...the traitor...the source of her frustration. "Then this is how it ends" she growls through gritted teeth. "Fine with me." Her swords slash and slice into the huge barbarian in front of her. (AC21 for 13, AC23 for 12, AC28 for 7, AC23 for 7).


OOC So since Val is Enlarged I guess she gets the -1 on attacks and -1 to AC that goes with it?

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65  d20+14=28 d20+9=15 d20+10=19
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:09:23 PM

Jagar having moved too Ashira's postion watches with a stunned expression as the trio of wildcards battle it out but quickly takes action as he leaps into the fray and tries to sweep Vals legs out from under her (d20+14=28)(improved trip) and as she falls to the ground he launchs a stunning fist attack on her(d20+9=15)(will use two hero pts to add +4 to the stunning fist attack)(Val is Ac 18 this should bring up Jagar's stunning fist to 19 ac)(pg 101 phb)
and lands a solid blow hoping to stun the elven barbarian (Val needs to make a fortitude save vs Dc 10+4(1/2 level)+4 (wisdom mod)=18 fort save or be stunned for a rd)

"Come on guys pile on her " shouts Jagar to those nearby

Jim improved trip is vs a touch melee attack and she should be prone i believe , let me know if i'm right

OOC Reflex=19 for entangle.

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43  d20+24=44 d20+23=29
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:41:43 PM

Both brothers follow Jagar towards the raging elf and quickly follow Jagars orders and gang tackle her with Hal a step ahead of his brother
does a flying tachle (d20+24=44 nat 20!!)and pins her on her back (i hope )Kirk follows his brothers lead and also does a flying tackle (d20+23=29) and helps his brother try and pin the enraged elf on the ground " just like on the riverboat eh Hal " grunts the bouncer as he struggles with Val

Grapple DC = 10 + Str Modifier + Size Mod + BAB + Feats

Hal 10+4+0+5+4=28 -4 for va's enlarged size=20
Kirk 10+4+0+4+4=27 -4 for va's enlarged size =19

DM JIm: To attack with grapple you must roll the D20, you do not take 10. Please roll.

Bash brothers entangle save rolls  d20+2=16 d20+2=4
Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:15:03 PM

forgot the reflex saves for the entangle spell

Hal d20+2=16 made it !!
Kirk d20+2=4 failed !!

Rigging  3d4(3+1+3)+3=10
Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:57:48 PM

Rigging steps back 5' to gain some room and then chants a couple magic words. Missiles dart from his hands and strike the elf grappling his buddy Redux doing 10 points to the bothersome creature.

He then calls out to the Fey King. "If you want my vote, you can have it! First thing you have to do though is stop this battle! Then we all can discuss it. Were all pirates. We can be bribed! But I assure you, if you don't then we will vote the other way. We are pirates after all! You can't permanantly kill us. Everything seems to come back to life here. We will eventually get our vote. Now stop this battle!"

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 Flying 
Thursday December 1st, 2005 11:19:20 PM

The dwarf observes the brush taking hold of people " i ain't gonna be hog tied by a tree " growls the dwarf as he reaches into a pouch and yanks out a vial(potion of flying) and quickly chugs it down "

"i'll get to ya later i gotta take care of a few things first " growls the dwarf to the treants and he changes course and follows after Mykael towards the fae king as he becomes airborne " don't go hiding on me ya corruptor " growls Nezamil to the Fae king as he gains altitude

Redux  d20-3=5 d20-3=17
Friday December 2nd, 2005 1:39:56 AM

The mage activates his levitation ring and floats up as fast as possible. When he feels his legs get lighter, he'll kick off. He hopes to get his feet above his head (or at least get the elf off balance). (btw strength check to break grapple; used a hero point to re-role, nat 20.)

Bart ac 24+4? ho 76/79 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 2:46:43 AM

Bart fights defensivly (ac+4?) he tries not to kill anymore elves. He is jumping around circling around his opponents making fake strikes and hoping to attract more eleves to keep them away from his friends so they can do what has to be done, whatever it is

Valanthe (70/ 158) AC 16 Rage 2 of 8, Enlarge Person  d20+9=15 d20+15=28 d20=17 d20=20 d20+15=25 d20+15=27 d10+29=34 2d6(1+6)=7 d20+10=28 d10+29=37 2d6(1+5)=6 d20+5=16
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:36:32 AM

Fueled by rage and the desire to fulfill Father's wish Val feels no pain. Her blood flows from several wounds, turning her armor red in places. Her eyes almost glow red, teeth clenched in anger. She finds only minor difficulty as she rises to her feet and brings her now massive flail crushing into anybody near her.

DM Jim: Remember that standing from a prone position gives your attackers AoO's

OOC: Entangle save 15, Stunning Fist save 28, took 10 on both grapple checks for a grapple of 29 each and rolled a 17 and 20 to avoid the failure on 1, 2, or 3.

Power attack (-8/ +16) for all attacks. Used 1 hero point to reroll attack roll against Ashira. Hit AC 27 for 34 + 7 (if of good alignment). Second attack against Jagar- hit ac 28 for 37 + 6 (if of good alignment). Third attack against Kirk misses with a 16.

Friday December 2nd, 2005 1:24:12 PM

Standing from prone is a move action, so you can't make a full attack too. Val can only make one attack this round.

Appollo AC23 HP35/59 Invisible  d20+10=22 d20+2=22 d20+9=12 d20+9=22
Friday December 2nd, 2005 4:20:57 PM

Appolo untangles himself from the grasses and swings at Kirin,then goes insisible.

Appolo OOC 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 4:21:52 PM

Reflex 22 Strength 22 Attack 12

DM Jim: Combat Round 5  d20+3=10 d20+3=6 d20+3=17 d20+3=17 d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d20+10=27 d20+9=28 d6+4=7 d6+4=10 d6+4=5 d20+3=7 d20+3=5 d20+6=9
Friday December 2nd, 2005 5:23:55 PM

OOC: I had to answer some of Val's questions prior to her posting so I will have several things happen simultaneously. Please bear with me.


Val is fully engraged and seems out for blood, and some of hers is flowing freely too. Ashira draws Vals blood, but Val returns the favor with a heavy wack with the flail.

Jager speeds into the fray and takes a blow from the flail. Jager is sucessful in taking down the now enlarged Val and punches her square in the face. Jagers blow seems to enrage her further.

Kirk and Hal also rush in, but Kirk is held by the grasses. Hal makes it though and jumps on the downed Val (Natural 20) and grabs hold (29 verses 29 on grapple).

OOC: Val is prone, it is a move action to rise and then she would only get one attack.

Rigging knocks the elf off of Redux with a magic missle and converses with the Fey King and he responds. "Let me see you vote, go an eat the fruit from the tree of your choice. Your vote and conflict are base on free will and everyone has a choice to make. Let us see what a leader will do." The Fey King observes Rigging for a bit. "After you vote, we can see what we can do about your wings....."

Redux takes to the air just as Talon is diving in his direction. The two friends pass each other in the air.

Nezamil takes his potion and takes flight and he too feels gossamer wings grow out his back.

Bart tries to keep the now four elves at bay and is sucessful.

Appolo swings back at his tormentor and lands solid blows (roll damage). Kirin attempts to return the favor. Kirin avoids the worst of the grasses (save 28)

AC 30 hit and critical, damage for 17
AC 27 hit for 5 damage.

Appolo is realing with another 22 damage.

Melonie and Mary are still held fast by the gasses and spit curses at one another. John is still held fast too.

There are 4 elves closing in on Rigging and fast.

Mykael watches everything with mouth wide open.

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 6:50:31 PM

Mykael moves toward the male elf, "You will leave the lady elf be, or I will fry your elven butt! I am my own man, you hold no sway over me. You have repeatedly sent attackers against me, my friends, and innocents. Stop this non-sense now!"

Mykael will cast Magic Missle at the Male Elf if me makes a move toward the female elf in the grass.

OOC: Can we all hear the conversation between the Fey King and Rigging?


DM Jim: Everyone can hear the converstation, especially Mykael since he is closes to the Fey King.

Nezamil ac 22 Hp 67/71 Flying,enlarge person 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 10:55:33 PM

" What madness is this ?" growls Nezamil as he feels the wings grow " this madness has to stop "

The dwarf starts to fly over towards Mykael he reaches into a pouch and withdraws a grey powder "Domi grant your humble follower giant power to fight this madness " prays the Cleric of Domi as he sprinkles the grey powder and touches his anvil holy symbol (casting enlarge person) and the dwarfs size increases as he flys overhead of Mykael " your madness will end " as he draws his mace and ready's his shield and his eyes seek out the Fae king

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65  d20+14=27 d20+9=11
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:01:37 PM

Jagar bounces on the balls of his feet waiting to sweep the barbarians legs out from under her again and quickly seizes the moment (d20+14=27 trip) "stay down and you won't get hurt " announces the Monk as he again tries to strike a stunning blow with his fists(d20+9=11 stunning fist) but the agile elf avoids the blow again

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43  d20+4=8
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:16:01 PM

Hal steps away from the now large sized enraged elven barbarian "she's crazed " yells the bouncer as he makes his way over to help his younger brother free himself from the entangle spell " i'm here Kirk shouts Hal as he appraoches his brother

Kirk struggles againist the foiliage gripping him (d20+4=8 str ch) but to no avail " Hal help me! " shouts Kirk

Ashira (AC27, HP 84/125) Barkskin +5  d20+11=25 d20+15=35 d20+15=27 d20+10=13 d20+5=19 d20+15=22 d20+7=18 2d8(4+6)+10=20 d8+5=8 d8+5=8 d6+3=4 d6+3=4 d20+17=35 d20+17=18 2d8(5+3)+10=18
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 1:37:55 AM

The pain from Val's blow ripples through Ashira's body. She watches as the giant Val falls. Now was the time. She looks over at Jager who is standing nearby. "The rage has her now. Even if she would give up before, she won't now. We must take her down." Moving easily past the grasses once more (Refl.=25), Ashira moves in for the attack. Her swords move with speed and grace and are soon dripping with the barbarian's blood (AC35/27 crit for 20, AC13 for 8, AC19 for 8, AC22 for 4, AC18 for 4...44 total). She watches Val carefully, and should she attempt to rise, Ashira will make good use of her attack of opportunity (AC35/18 crit. for 18).

OOC: Since Val is prone, I am assuming that her AC is 4 lower against melee.

DM JIm: You are correct about Val's AC

Valanthe (8/ 158) AC 16 Rage 3 of 8, Enlarge Person  d20+12=27 d10+35=38 2d6(2+4)=6 d20+9=16
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 3:25:22 AM

Feeling reacting on instinct and anger, Val rises without hesitation. She sees Ashira's blade once again bite deep, drawing much blood Val has her target. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knows she's probably hurt bad. But she doesn't feel the pain nor do her limbs tremble and weaken. The massive flail whips around in a high circle before coming down square on Ashira.

ooc: reflex save 16. Hit Ashira AC 27 for 38 plus 6 extra if good alignment (power attack -11/ +22). Jagar last round you took 37 + 6 (if of good alignment) from one attack.

Jagar -delete post later 
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 11:01:56 AM

how did jagar take that damage ? no AoO , he has improved trip which negates any AoO Val has, Val tripped and can only make one attack per rd after standing up

DM Jim: Yes, Jager did take damage last round. Read the top of my last post. Val will be swept this round and not be able to attack. That is for Jager's AoO.

Rigging  6d6(2+1+2+5+4+6)=20
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 10:17:04 PM

Rigging sees the elves coming and shakes his head. He pulls out a different wand and launches a fireball at the four doing 20 or 10 points of damage to them. Rigging will only do this if he doesn't get any of his friends.

If he would get his friends or the elves are scattered enough to make the fireball impractical, Rigging will simply activate his ring of invisibility. He scoots towards the trees and says, "I really don't care if you live, die or go to sleep. If you want my vote, then you need to stop this battle. Then we talk. Otherwise I make a decision you might not like. Stop this battle now! This is your last and final warning."

Appollo AC23 HP12/59 Invisible  d20+15=17 d20+14=33
Sunday December 4th, 2005 10:02:12 AM

Appolo hurt bad stays invisible and breaks and runs.Moving a silently and as swiftly as he can.When and if he reaches safety he will dink his last potion of cure moderate wounds.{Not sure about hit oints recovery.}

Hide 17,Move Silently 33

Redux (AC20, HP50/50)  d4=4
Monday December 5th, 2005 12:38:15 AM

Redux steadies himself in the air. He will only settle to the ground if it is clear to do so, otherwise he will continue to rise until he is.
Seeing his chance for old time spells, the mage casts Spectral Hand (4hp). He will keep it beside him if he needs it for his own protection. If not needed in the immediate vicinity, he'll send it off towards the entangled area (i assume that something floating above the grass cannot be held, otherwise he'll keep it above the tallest grass).

Bart Ac 28 HP 76/79 
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:19:30 AM

Bart is still fighting defensive tryonmg to keep the elves around him busy. If an attack will succeeed bart wil counterstrike

DM Jim: Combat Round 6 - Up and Down  d20+10=13 d20+10=15 d20+7=14 d20+3=23 d20+3=19 d20+3=14 d20+3=8 d20+3=22 d20+3=22 d20+3=16 d20+3=15 d20+3=14
Monday December 5th, 2005 1:16:39 PM

Val attempts to rise as the grasses grab at her and opponents surround her. Val gets to her feet only to have them swept out from under her again and she falls hard on the ground. Jager launches another speedy hand at Val, but she moves just in time to see the dust rise where Jager struck the ground next to her head. Val's rage is at its peak, especially with little release while lying on her back.

Jager and Ashira Circle Val as Kirin closes with Ashira now that the invisible Appolo slinks off through the grasping grasses (save 13 for the entangle: Appolo you must start rolling your won saves).

Kirin entangle save 14

AC 15 miss, Kirin's glistening war club swings wide of Ashira even as the ranger concentrates so hard on Val.

Melonie and Mary finally break free of the grasses and leap at on another, not far from the main battle with Val. Mary seems to have a better hold (14 verses 8) on Melonie, but the young women are mostly hidden by the four foot grass that is still attempting to entangle them.

Hal goes and helps his entangled brother.

Redux rises high above the fray and Talon comes to join him. Talon is flying is cirlces around Redux.

Nezamil enlarges himself and is very surpirsed by the results as he has gained to size categories, and those small gossomar wings are beating so fast that they can not be seen. Nezamil seems somewhat thinner than normal in his really big new form.

00c: Nezamil moved up 2 size categories and has triple the bonuses from enlarge and three times the minues.

Mykael watches the Fey King stomp on the women and sends his missiles at the elf. The fey King recoils at their impact and comments very calmly "Very dissapointing."

There are now five elves attempting to jump on Bart, and two get holds on the quick warrior (grapple touch attack 22, twice, what is your grapple check, you need +13 to break free? Put in your next post)

Rigging kills the largest group of elves moving forward, eight, with his fireball and starts several small fires, none of which look to last.

The Fey King immediately looks at Rigging. "That was unwise." The King points a finger at Rigging and he feels himself changing and shrinking (Polymorph any object: DC 25 save). Rigging is getting much more sprite like, but on the plus side the wings seem to be working better. "You are not choosing well, how will you vote creature of mine." The Fey King spits at Rigging.

Ashira (AC27, HP 40/125) Barkskin +5  d20+11=15 d20+15=24 d8+5=10 d20+10=24 d20+5=17 d20+15=27 d20+7=20 d8+5=13 d8+5=13 d6+3=7 d6+3=8
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:23:35 PM

Ashira is almost oblivious of the four foot tall grasses, moving easily through them (Ref=15). The ranger looks at the fallen Val with contempt. "I probably ought to just kill you...but out of the love and respect that I had for you in the past..." Ashira lances her sword into the barbarian once more, easily making it past her defenses and cutting into her right side (AC 24 for 10). She checks to make sure that Val is unconscious before she swirls, turning on the other traitor, Kirin. (OOC if for some reason, the previous attack does not make Val unconscious, she will use her next attack to do so) "I'm afraid I don't owe you the same courtesy." she snarls, beginning to look enraged herself. Incredible, almost intoxicating power courses through her arms as she feels stronger, more capable than she has all her life. Her longsword snakes out two more times, looking for blood, and finding it. (AC24 for 13, AC17 for 13) She follows up with two quick thrusts of her short sword. (AC27 for 7, AC20 for 8). She calls out to the others, yelling above the din of battle "Go to the treants if you can and cast your vote. It is what the Fae King fears the worst...and it is Mother's last wish."

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Spectral Hand 
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:49:31 PM

Redux will ask Talon to give him a lift towards the trees, while being levitated. Redux expects that Talon will be able to grab his cloak and pull him along. If this will not work he will lower himself to the ground to walk (given, of course that there is not an unfriendly elf around; I haven't heard).

Rigging ac 19, hps 70/70  d20+7=14 d20+7=27 d20+8=21
Monday December 5th, 2005 3:10:41 PM

Rigging will feel himself changing and he will concentrate trying to hold his form. He is able to barely stabilize himself and then sprints over towards the trees. He will grab a piece of fruit from the sleep try and say, "Nighty night" and bite into it. He yells to the others, "Let's put this useless old god to sleep and get back to the ship!"

If he needs to, he will tumble past any foes who might want to get an AOO on him.

first fort save 14
rerolled burning hero point nat 20
tumble roll 21

mage armor lasts hours

Bart Ac 24 hp 76/79  d20=19 d20=19
Monday December 5th, 2005 3:48:53 PM

OOC Bart was jumping around and trying to avoid the grappling attempts from his opponents (bart has ac 26 when fighting defensive and also has the spring attack feat) barts grapple check is (take ten+base attack+strength mod= 10+14+4=28

Bart is getting tired of keeping away from the elves, he moves towards the fea king (+4 to Ac= Ac 28 to AoO)

Valanthe (-24/ 136) 
Monday December 5th, 2005 4:30:52 PM

With the loss of conciousness the rage that was empowering her fades away leaving her corpse hidden among the tall grass, her blood turning the ground crimson.

Appolo Hp 32/59 Ac23 invisble  d20+10=26 d20+14=20 d20+13=29
Monday December 5th, 2005 6:55:58 PM

Appolo watches as Val falls and a truly murderous rage engulfs him.Looking at Ashira you want my vote kill the Fae King.I'm going to let my blades cast my vote,Appolo then moves swiftly and silently toward the Fae king cirling around behind him to line up for a seak attack.

Reflex 26 Hide 20,Move Silently 29

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Monday December 5th, 2005 9:10:21 PM

Seeing the Fey King stomp on the female elf almost pushes him to a boiling point, however, years of training and experience have taught him to always remain in control. Mykael hears Ashira's plea, and states to the Fey King, "I am voting for your death, you deserve worse for all you have caused!"

Mykael turns and runs toward the treant that votes for death and pulls a peice of fruit from that treant and takes a bite.

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