DM Kelly Monday December 12th, 2005 1:37:50 PM
The evening is getting late, as the sun starts to sink on the horizon.
Gilan and Peerimus have set a number of snares and traps, mostly at the woodline which is about 500 yards from the walls. Between the woodline and the fort the area is cleared, except for some grasses.
Ammunition is gathered, and posts are set. Ten of the students report to you. One of the older students steps forward as says:
"We have been trained on the catapults, and will stand ready upon your command. You will need to tell us the direction and distance, as we cannot see the battlefield from below."
He points out the catapults which are down in the courtyard.
As you look, you seem Alemi himself walk towards you. He comes up the steps onto the battlement, where he can look over the battlefield to the North.
"I see you have made preparations and traps. I will not worry about being overrun from the North. My time will best be used seeing to the other walls. Time now is getting short, the monsters will come soon. You need to select a general amoung your group. We have a meeting with the generals in half an hour in the war room. Please send someone."
Bralin Monday December 12th, 2005 1:48:23 PM
The dwarf just points to Kendry.
Peerimus and Shaylin Monday December 12th, 2005 5:17:06 PM
Peerimus acknowledges Alemi's arrival with a nod. "I believe we are about as ready as can be." Looking to Kendry, "I second good Bralin's nomination. Upon your return I would propose Shaylin and I take position 500' out to announce the attack. The army will be closing in the dark and our catapaults will be useless unless someone can signal back here when they enter range. We can do this and return with almost certain safety and far in advance of the enemy."
Gilan and Ciaran Monday December 12th, 2005 8:17:29 PM
Gilan looks to those around and then shrugs. "He will be the choice...I am not strategist." He looks to Peerimus and then nods his own head. "I would be of more use to the group on the battlefield...meeting the enemy head on." His grin widens as he has an idea. "I will lure some of the enemy forces away from the main group...I think that I can get enough help to crush most forces that will follow." He looks to some of the others and then shrugs his shoulders again. "If anyone would rather meet the enemy head could work with me...I can funnel them and then we hit from two sides." Most will realize that the tactic is most like a hammer and anvil maneuver but Gilan would not realize that. "Ideas...suggestions?"
Kendry Tuesday December 13th, 2005 2:49:37 AM
"Yeah, I hope they're effective," Kendry answers Airin, speaking of the flaming arrows. "I think Alemi told us that they don't have much to spare in the way of oil, though." He would love to be able to place just the type of thing that she suggests.
Regarding a coin with the daylight spell, he comments, "My concern for Erwen is that the light might make an attractive target to some of the enemy. Do you think they might try to shoot the eagle? What if the light were on a coin at the end of a long string, so that there was separation between the bright light and the bird? Oh, of course, the light would light up the bird, too. Hmmm. Well, it's for you to decide." He scratches his head, troubled, but unsure of what's best in this regard.
When the older student steps forward and explains the availability of the catapults, Kendry asks, "What is your name?" After the student replies, he addresses him by that name. "I can include you in a message spell, along with Domi, Alemi, and my mates. Also, during the battle, I'll try to sing out the locations of suitable targets."
On the map of the area, Kendry draws out a grid, giving letters and numbers to match grid coordinates (just like on our map!). "So, if I say, 'R fourteen,' then you'll want to fire off to that spot. Make sense? I may give a few coordinates at a time - and you can figure out which of your team will fire at which of the coordinates. So, 'R fourteen and S twelve and S thirteen' gives you three different targets to hit. I'll try to anticipate, based on the enemy's movements, to allow for the time it takes you to aim and fire." He asks them to simulate firing and reloading and re-aiming, spending a few minutes in drill to get a feel for what they'll be doing, and how to pace his instructions. "Also, if I see you are shooting too far in one direction, or are short or long, I'll try to pass on that information, too, so you can make adjustments. Surely you've practiced with these before. What is your maximum range?" he asks.
He checks among the party members to see if there is another who might be ready to call out coordinates, as well, if necessary.
Then comes Alemi to discuss a planning meeting, and Bralin, Peerimus and Gilan indicate that Kendry should join the generals for their upcoming meeting. "I - I'm, but, I'm not a general. Just a bard," explains the halfling. "I've never, uh, 'generaled' before." If no one else is suggested, however, he'll be willing to stand in as an officer, for this battle, at least. He gulps, feeling somewhat inadequate to the honor - and responsibility - among such august company, yet, still, willing to give it his best shot.
He considers Peerimus' and Gilan's suggestions to work from below. "Yes, yes, having someone on the ground, at least initially, could prove an advantage. I'm concerned for your safety, though. And the time likely will come that you'll need quickly to return to the safety of the compound. Could we have a knotted rope extended for you to ascend when you need to get back in? Or do you have other means of return?" He asks some of the students to go ahead and knot a few lengths of rope - long enough to reach from the top of the wall down to the ground once knotted and anchored.
He also considers the channeling tactic that Gilan raises. "Do we have enough people to carry that out? Back in the cavern we were evenly matched, with similar numbers. I fear tonight there will be few of us, and many opponents. How will, say, three to five on the ground deal with four or five score opponents at once? Speak freely, explain more of what you have in mind."
He asks Tishe', "You are able to summon allies of different sorts, are you not? What kinds of creatures might you bring to aid us?"
When the time comes for the generals to meet, again, unless someone else is selected, Kendry will join in, and see what plans there are to be shared.
Airin and Erwen d20+10=14 d20+10=17 Tuesday December 13th, 2005 8:46:58 AM
Somewhere deep down Airin is proud Kendry was chosen to be their general. In any case he has been leading the Crescent Valley gang into nasty places as well.
Airin stays outside and peers towards the forest lines. The sky turns darker. Soon night will fall and then...
She considers Kendry's idea of Erwen being an easy target flying through the air illuminated by daylight. He's right she thinks. But the string could also be cut by swords... But if this Erwen flies high enough so no one on the ground can hit the string... great idea!
Instead of tying a small piece of string around Erwen's neck, Airin takes a large 10 to 20ft light piece of string. Fishing thread would be just excellent! She accustoms Erwen to this odd thing and whispers to the bird. Erwen senses something is about to happen and gently picks in Airin's hand in anticipation.
Rolls: spot:14 listen:17
Nezamil Tuesday December 13th, 2005 3:32:27 PM
Nezamil listens as several plans are discussed and mentions to Kendry "you'll do fine ...your a good comunicater....just keep everyone informed as things happen....the battlefield is constantly in staying on top of any changes as they occur will give us a good advantage "
" if ya need help co-ordinating the catapults i'll help ya ...and remember we're all in this together...teamwork is very important" adds the dwarf
Turning to Bralin " as the enemy closes in i'll cast a strength and enlarge spell on ya to help ya but pick a apartner to fight alongside of ya ...teamwork is a valuable asset in battle .....i'll keep an eye out on ya from my post directing the catapult and my spells at the enemy "adds Nezamil
Podo Danderfluff Tuesday December 13th, 2005 9:25:33 PM
Podo points to his Cousin Kendry, "that's our General! Take him!" Podo giggles to himself.
Airin and Erwen d20+16=35 d20+10=22 Wednesday December 14th, 2005 11:47:04 AM
Airin takes position on the wall somewhere around the center tower. X20 for instance.
From there she has an overview of the battle ground in front of her. She takes her silk rope and ties several knots in it. Then she ties it on the top of the wall. She throws the rope over the edge of the wall so all can climb up and down easily.
She ties a 15ft string to Erwen's neck with a small coin at the end.
"Fly high my friend. Fly high and let your eagle eyes detect those who will come at night to destroy this grand House. Return to me once you see them.
Go... go now."
Erwen takes altitude and heads north 80ft.
Rolls: Erwen Spot: 35 Rope Use: 22
DM Kelly Wednesday December 14th, 2005 1:19:28 PM
Kendry is selected as the general, and soon he must leave for the meeting. The student who is helping to man the catapults, responds to his questions.
"My name is Kardon, Sir."
He salutes Kendry by bringing his sword arm across his chest, his hand resting on his heart.
"Communication is vital, Sir. Your message spell will work fine. You are probably not familiar with our signals, no offense Sir. Our range is 100 to 500 feet. Yes, we have practiced, though we are not very precise. We await your commands."
He then bows, and steps back.
Airin ties a coin on a long string around Erwen's neck, with a daylight spell cast upon it. Erwens takes off, illuminating the ground below her. Erwen sees well looking ahead, but when she looks down the brightness of the coin temporarily blinds her. Her flight becomes eratic.
The council is called, and Kendry goes to meet with the other generals.
Kendry Highlight to display spoiler: {At the meeting is Domi, Alemi and a few others. Alemi runs the meeting. He pulls the sheet off the table, and you see a model of the Oshirr House fortress.
"As you know, I will be in charge of the South and East walls. Domi will guard the West wall, and our new friend Kendry will man the North wall with his companions. I expect attacks to all four of the walls that surround their compound. Attacks will most probably be by only one monster type per wall. They do not work well together. There may be a second wave beyond possibly hidden by illusion, so do not commit your forces into a plan of action until you actually encounter group 2, if there is one. They may appear to be orcs and instead become swarming kobolds.
When they can spare it, the town of Winter will send reinforcements after their attacks are repelled. So may the elves to the east. If reinforcements come, they will be assigned to the wall that needs them most if they can break through the attacking lines. If not, then they will try to pull as many off the rear of the attacking foes as they can on the side of my choosing. We communicate with semaphore flags like on ships with them.
You have a supply of over 2000 arrows in quivers up on the ramparts. You shouldn't even come close to running out.
There are dozens of extra swords, etc. in case they are needed.
Stay strong, and hold your wall."}
Evening has come, darkness washes over the land. In the distance you see the glow of many torches.
Gilan and Ciaran Wednesday December 14th, 2005 1:53:22 PM
Gilan looks to Kendry and wrinkles his brow. "I doubt you would have to worry about numbers...we druids can get help from many different places." Shaking his head he nods once. "I will stay on the wall and wait till we can join in the hand to hand other help will be minimal as I am not too good with the ranged stuff." Looking to Peerimus he smiles again though. "Still I think I will follow my brother out and have a little fun before returning." He quirks an eyebrow at Peerimus to make sure that he is welcome.
Ciaran lays on the floor and looks up only once to make sure that all is well. He seems to be resting up for what is to come.
Peerimus and Shaylin Wednesday December 14th, 2005 5:33:12 PM
Peerimus nods to Gilan, "I don't know how much fun it will be. I was going to Airwalk myself and Shaylin. My thought is to sit before the Spike Growth and goad them to charge. I welcome the company of course."
Peerimus casts a couple spells and tells those on the wall around him. "I will be taking up a position 350' straight away from the center north tower. When you hear the roar let fire at maximum range of the catapults."
The druid nods to his leopard and shifts to a similar looking great cat. Leaping over the parapat, the two run across the air just above the grass. Within seconds, the pair has covered almost half of the distance.
Peerimus and Shaylin set up about 400' from the walla dn sit on thier haunches. Waiting for the enemy to break the tree line. Peerimus blinks and looks over at Gilan, assuming he came and licks his chops.
Battlefield Spike Growth x2 9 hours I/6-7 to R/6-7 20x360'
Kendry Wednesday December 14th, 2005 10:50:24 PM
Kendry asks his party members, "Please don't leave until I've cast the message spell, if you would. I'll do that right after the planning meeting." ----- "Kardon, well met. No, you are right, I do not know your signals, but if you can translate my coordinates into your method, then I trust you and your companions shall serve well in our mutual defense, good man." ----- At the meeting, the garrulous halfling feels, for a moment, cowed, as he considers that he is in council with two who one day shall be called gods. He sees strong seeds of their future greatness in their presence now. And yet, Alemi - Alemi to whom Kendry has directed countless prayers down through the years - this Alemi calls him 'our new friend.' But quickly the sense of intimidation is replaced by something approaching euphoria. 'Alemi calls me "friend",' he thinks to himself.
Realizing the grave importance of paying attention to the content of the meeting, however, the halfling bites his tongue, looks at the scale model, and listens to the instructions.
"So, Domi to the West, Alemi to the South and East, my friends to the North, with help from five catapults in that direction," Kendry gives a summary to indicate he has heard, and to make sure he has not misunderstood anything. "Likely a different type of monster attacking each wall. Kobolds, orcs - any goblins, do you suppose? Beware, perhaps, a second wave, hidden by illusions, or with illusionary disguises.
"Reinforcements may come later from the town of Winter, and from the elves to the east, assigned where most needed, or, perhaps, attacking our enemies' flanks or rear. You communicate with flags. Plenty of arrows, swords. And courage.
"Now, we're sending out a few to deal with the first to arrive. Can a gate be opened and shut quickly to let them back in?" he asks.
Toward the conclusion of the meeting, Kendry asks, "Have you healers, clerics, to assist the wounded? We cannot hope to come out unscathed. With healing resources, our endurance is increased, and it is as though our numbers have grown. Where shall those most in need of healing go to?"
He calls out, asking all members of the party to join him, along with Kardon, Domi and Alemi. He casts the message spell to include them. "Blessings, sirs," he says to the bearded one, the monk, and the student.
He asks among the students manning the catapults to see if any there has the ability to use a wand of cure light wounds. A cleric, a druid, a bard, a ranger, a paladin, or someone similar. If so, he tells him, or her, of the wand he carries. "If I no longer can use it, nor my companions, perhaps one of you can use it to sustain our people." He passes on the command word, and shows him where he keeps it in his unusually high-capacity quiver.
Kendry passes on to the members of the group what was discussed.
[OOC: Note to all: The message spell allows you to communicate with any who were affected by the spell by whispering within a range of 190 feet. It will last for the next 90 minutes.
Affected: Alemi, Domi, Kardon, Kendry, Airin, Podo, Nezamil, Tishe', Bralin, and Gilan. I think Peerimus already left the area. Oh, wait - only nine can be included, and that's ten. Anyone (besides Airin - he will refuse to exclude her) willing to forgo the spell? It should be someone who plans to stay within the bounds of the grounds of Oshirr House, perhaps. Or, should I exclude Domi?]
"Gilan, you have the spell, so, if you wish to join Peerimus, do so. You'll need to get closer than 200 feet to the walls for us to hear a whisper, though. Don't stay out long enough for the masses to overwhelm you. Come back quickly once you have had whatever time you feel is needed to slow the early ones."
If he was informed that there is a gate or doorway, quickly open and shut, that Peerimus and Galin, and anyone else who plans to be outside the walls, can use, he passes that information on to them.
"To signal that you are allies, and that they will open the gate to you, strike your chest thrice: with fist clenched, with hand open, and again with clenched fist. I'll make sure that those who man the gates recognize this as a sign of an ally."
He asks, "Does anyone else, who can move very, very swiftly, wish to accompany the druids? It's a dangerous undertaking, and you will need to use your head if you choose to go.
"I do not know the enemy well enough, nor their formations, to choose to deploy anyone else outside the walls - and, though I know you are resourceful, you must know my concern for you two, and your companions."
Wall assignments: Kendry's main spot will be just to the left of the center north tower, at W21, next to Airin (X20/21). But he may from time to time range from H21 to QQ21. He may also ascend the central tower.
The sacks of rocks and sacks of sand he has placed at: K20, N20, Q20, T20, V20 EE20, HH20, KK20, NN20.
Two quivers of 20 arrows each (40 total) are at: I20, L20, O20, R20, U20, W20, CC20, FF20, II20, LL20, OO20. Six quivers of 20 arrows each are in each of the end towers, and ten quivers of 20 arrows each in the north central tower.
To the group "Podo, Nezamil, Tishe', Bralin, Airin - I am open to your suggestions and insights." If Peerimus and Gilan still are at hand, or within whispering range, he includes their names. "We all know that ideas will come to mind that will help us as things develop. Where would you like to start out? Are there additional preparations? What things are best left until immediately before initial contact - or best left for later, when more of the enemy is in range? I seek your counsel, friends. Many torches approach."
Nezamil Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:04:51 AM
The dwarf climbs the stairs of the center tower to (Z20)and observes the soon to be battlefield .
Unslinging his heavy(repeating)crossbow he slaps home a 5 bolt clip and readies it for action.
Nezamil peeks down on the wall and checks where his fellow defenders are taking up positions and taking note of Bralin to ensure his whereabouts for when casting spells for his brother dwarf .
Replying to Kendry " well i would like to co-ordinate daylight and lights spells with Airin to help herd the enemy into shooting zones so hopefully we can use some area spells on tight formations "
Nezamil spell list Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:05:43 AM
0-lvl- Create water x2,Detect magic,Light x2,Mending 1st-Bless,Command,Divine favor,Obscuring mist,Shield of faith,(Enlarge) 2nd-Aid,Owls wisdom,Spiritual weapon,Resist energy,Status,(Bull str) 3rd-Dispel magic,Daylight,Windwall,(pro-from-energy) 4th-Airwalk,Freedom of Movement,Neutrlize poison(spell immunity) 5th-Flame strike,(Spell resistance)
Kendry, addendum Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:47:57 AM
He tries to make sure there are some of the 'ladder' pushers spaced every ten feet or so along the wall. He takes a moment to talk to the students. "If enough of the enemy should mass against the walls, to where they are out of close range of the catapults, perhaps some of you could come up to the walls, and use the long forked poles to push away any ladders they try to place and climb."
Kendry also communicates with the keepers of the gates the fist, open hand, fist signal to identify friends, and to open the gates to them - or offer them some means of entering the compound.
He returns then to the northern ramparts. "Podo, cuz, you ready with those sling bullets? I'll be keeping my eye on you, as best I can, all right, buddy?" A thought occurs to him. He puts Podo in touch with Kardon, the leader among the students. "Kardon, this is my cousin, Podo Danderfluff Pipewood. Is there someone among you who can coordinate the defense against the ladders, assuming we get to that point? I figure we'll still need you to handle oversight of the aiming."
He makes sure that materials are near to light the torches in the wall sconces once the enemy draws close enough to hit with missile fire for his flaming arrows. [He will have prepared a total of 200 oil-soaked-cloth-wrapped arrows.]
As the torches draw nearer, he takes a moment to massage Airin's shoulders. "I'll be thinking of you much tonight, Airin." He wants to talk of other things, but asks, "What spells do you have at hand, love?"
Bralin Thursday December 15th, 2005 11:21:59 AM
Bralin has nothing to add. The dwarf taps Podo and indicates the right side of the Wall.
He moves to JJ20, hoping the halfling will join him.
He also volunteers to be out of the Message loop. Bralin isn't going anywhere, and should be easy to find. He gets himself a score of crossbow bolts, unlimbers his crossbow, and waits.
Airin and Erwen Thursday December 15th, 2005 4:58:56 PM
Erwen continues to fly towards the edge of the forest with the coin haning below her (not lit with daylight spell). She tries to see the number of enemies, the type, any possible things they bring with them. Once she has seen enough she will return to Airin.
Airin waits for Erwen's report and tells the spells she holds to Kendry. "I want to cast a daylight spell on that coin that hangs beneath Erwen. I also have a few water spells either to quench fires, or to make the ground in front of the castle really wet. Then I can alter that ground to thick sticky mud which will cause any enemy to get stuck in the mud. That ball of fire is in my pockets also. And of course I need to be abel to speak to erwen when she reports back"
While Airin finishes this conversation she sees Erwen return. Airin casts a speak with Animals spell on herself and listens to erwen. She then carefully explains the idea of the coin... Not casting the daylight spell yet though. Airin plans to let the enemy draw nearer and then suddenly let Erwen fly away.
"What have you seen Erwen? How many? Do they bring weaponry? Did you see some leader type? Tell me everything dear."