"I have determined that the piece dates back to the first age of the Wold. This is my master," pointing the figure labeled Gargulus, "as a mortal and very evil, putting souls in monsters to fight Alemi in the Oshirr House. But what intrigues me is the figure in the sky who supplies the power for the device. Who knows how much the artist of this tapestry knew about the goings on in that time, but we do know that the crisis of the age was Gargul and his army of monsters vs. Alemi and his adventures and allies. We also know that it ended with Alemi and a host of Gold Dragons destroying the current gods.""Um, yeah. I guess you could say they're related to Gargulus. Least ways, that's what I hear. Um, look, why don't you help us convince these guys that they really shouldn't bother us, then we can talk. This ... I think this is gonna take some pretty big 'splaining."
... Give up the parchment! We need it to restore Gargul to his former glory ..."Hey guys! Hey guys! What if those Red Cloaks are here to help this Gargulus guy?!? What if they needed the parchment to do just the very thing that we've just done? To come back here in time and mess with things."
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