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Gilan and Ciaran 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 12:59:58 AM

Gilan nods to Trellus and then thinks a little. "I could easily prepare a potion that will allow you to move through the grass easier...flying is not one I know." He thinks it over and shakes his head for sure. "Now if I could change you into another form..." He lets that thought die as he does not have a way to do that either.

Over the next few days Gilan will be working on a few potions and taking care of his brother. Ciaran lazes about and takes it easy but still stays near his pack brother.

Not really interested in anything that we got. Like Ulgren and Anuk, if you see something that will beef up your character speak up...it would be better to put it to immediate use than to wait on being able to purchase something in the CC later.

A grand set of options. (DM Jim) 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 1:24:19 AM

Flea comes out of her little dream world and then picks up the gems that she was fiddling with. As she sits and goes through them one at a time she is happy to note that most of them are of good quality.

Ulgren speaks up about maybe taking the ring if everyone would be ok with that, him being new and all. He then moves off to put on a little show that all the Manfri have a hoot over. Later he sets himself up to get some sleep but Trellus meets up with him before he has the chance to truly settle in.

Anuk strikes up a conversation with Ulgren as he has found out that Twinge is just fine. He picks up the shock bow and turns it slowly in his hands and voices a request to hold onto it as part of his spoils.

Trellus had found both Ulgren and Anuk together a little later. He takes a seat near them as everyone is talking. He lets Ulgren know that he is part of the group and there is no old and new. He also talks over potions with Gilan before he too retires for the night.

Grymash had woken up later in the day and is paying for his excess the night before. He just lays on the ground as the whole Plains spins about him. He does voice a complaint and a request for it to stop. Still that does not help but to make his head pound harder.

Jake spends his time relaxing and mainly taking it easy around the little village. He has not had this much free time for a long time and he is enjoying it to say the least. Not really interested in the shorter women of the Manfri he moves off to find Osaku and attempts to make grasps at thier language with the Manfri's help.

Gilan takes the idea of potions and then makes a few comments. He then moves off to work on his potions, finding that the Manfri have a wide variety of natural items that he can make use of to make potions.

The Manfri go about their business and are soon relaxing as well. Each memeber of the group feel more at home now with these people than they had at first. The Manfri seem to have taken a liking to the group as well and many of the odd stares are not present.

It is the night of the third day with the Manfri and you are all tucked nicely in your own little sleeping areas around the village. This night is different though as you all have a dream, the same dream, though none knows this yet.

The elder Manfri that you had only seen about three times over the past three days is standing in the middle of a large open area in the Plains. He turns slowly to regard the group with those knowing eyes and then he points in the opposite direction of your home. "Needed...that direction you are." He points in another direction and gives a slight smile to the group. "Interesting place...that way." He then points in another direction that you have gotten from Osaku earlier. "Home there."

The elder Manfri turns to look at the sun that has just started to top the grass, bathing it in light. "Moons ago...no grass here...trees as high as hundred Manfri here." You notice that his shoulders seem to slump as he continues what must be an ancient tale of the Plains. "They die...some live still...druids make them live." He turns back around to look at the lot of you with a new sense of understanding. "You...choices to make...direction to choose...more dreams I may visit." His smile is slightly sad and also paternal as he seems to fade into the grass. Then you understand that you are waking.

8 worth roughly 700 gold
6 worth roughly 475 gold

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 6:29:43 AM

At some point in the otherwise quiet day(s) Mac looks through the assorted, identified gear. Despite the obvious benefits of wearing either set of chain shirts, he puts them aside. He picks up the potion, saying, "We need to keep this!" Otherwise nothing else from the sack catches his interest.

The awakening taur mutters "Three directions?!"

+ + + + + + + + + + +

[OOC] Do we have any clue what the 'stick' does? Bears it any markings the magically inclined might recognise?

Also, some time back I made a party treasure distribution sheet in Excel. One sheet is the table where the calculations happen, the other provides the wordy output for post, like this:

Before trade-in the party has 1x chain shirt of light fortification+2, 1x chain shirt+1, 1x composite shortbow of shock+1, 1x shortbow+1, 1x gloves of dexterity+2, 1x ring of protection+1, 1x cure moderate wounds potion, 1x stick(light magic/enchantment), 8x good quality gems, 6x average quality gems, with a total resale value of 33034.5 GP and coinage to the value of 2900 GP. The party trades-in 1x chain shirt of light fortification+2, 1x chain shirt+1, 1x composite shortbow of shock+1, 1x shortbow+1, 8x good quality gems, 6x average quality gems for coinage to the value of 26689.5 GP, increasing the party fund to 29589.5 GP. The party wishes to retain at least 0 GP in party funds after distribution, leaving up to 29589.5 GP to distribute. Members of the party wish to claim 1x gloves of dexterity+2, 1x ring of protection+1 valued at 5400 GP as parts of their share(s). This brings us to a total of up to 34989.5 GP worth of items and coinage for dividing into shares. The goods and money making up each character's share are to be made in equal multiples of 1 GP. The 8 shares are worth 4373 GP each, totalling 34986 GP, leaving 1x cure moderate wounds potion, 1x stick(light magic/enchantment) valued at 945 GP in Party Treasure and 3.5 GP in Party Funds.

Trellus receives 1 share comprising 4373 GP in coins.
Anuk receives 1 share comprising 4373 GP in coins.
Jake receives 1 share comprising 4373 GP in coins.
Gry receives 1 share comprising 4373 GP in coins.
Flea receives 1 share comprising 1x gloves of dexterity+2 valued at 3600 GP and 773 GP in coins.
Tishe' receives 1 share comprising 4373 GP in coins.
Mac receives 1 share comprising 4373 GP in coins.
Ulgren receives 1 share comprising 1x ring of protection+1 valued at 1800 GP and 2573 GP in coins.

So, noting that the above is just an example based on the info I have at hand, and a little guess work (for the stick), what do people think of the above?

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 10:07:11 PM

Upon waking, Anuk yawns and stretches while the words of the dream run through his head. He looks up at the sky and mumbles, "...trees high as a hundred manfri...musta been what...fifteen, twenty feet?"

After standing, Anuk looks to the three different directions, though they all look pretty much the same to him. When the pack gets together he's anxious to relay the dream. "Had the oddest little dream just before I woke up this morning..."

Anuk ooc 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 10:07:58 PM

[ooc: I like the spreadsheet. Great job putting it together, Mac!]

Gilan and Ciaran 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 10:57:43 PM

Gilan is up early the next morning as usual. He sits and ponders the dream that he had that night and waits for the sun to top the grass. Like every morning he breaks into a song to Mother Wold which Ciaran is quick to join in on. Ciaran cannot understand why his brother does not howl at night and to the moon but at least they can spend time together.

As he returns to camp later that morning he cannot get the dream out of his mind. He makes his way over to both Mac and Anuk as they are the first to be up. "Same here Nuk." He looks to Mac and raises an eyebrow as he speaks. "You too?" He has a feeling that they might have all had a dream, but did they all have the same one. He takes a seat and picks up a plate of breakfast that had appeared with a female Manfri. "Thanks." He cannot give out any other words to her as he is not even sure that all the Manfri can understand this language.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 11:17:44 PM

The gnome walks over to stand beside the minotaur and looks at the neat piles of loot. "For me?" she asks pointing at the gloves and the smaller pile of treasure. There is a happy light in her eyes as she confesses, "I was sort of hoping no one wanted the gloves, for I fancied them for myself."

The rogue will wait to see what the consensus is on the division of the loot. If the party seems content with Mac's work, Flea will try on her new gloves after pocketing the coins.

Thinking over what the old manfri had said, Flea offers her opinion, "I'm for going where we are needed," she says.

Grymash  d20+9=17
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 11:17:48 PM

Eventually ... Grymash makes his up off the ground. He eats whatever is presented to him or what happens to be crawling by (Survival 17). Grymash only mumbles when spoken to, and he gives a vicious stare to anyone speaking, breathing or walking too loudly.

He finds a clearing and begins to train with his double axe. Twirling it around and slashing at the open air. Hopefully he will soon purge the toxins from his body with a little exercise.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 8:18:46 AM

The blond man watches Grymash with a grin - from a distance. Trellus has known the half-orc way too long to even consider interrupting him during one of these "need to kill something" sessions.

Returning the to the idea of treasure, he says.
"OK, my guess is the wand of a Wand of Holding, seeing what it did to Jake. I got
Flea - Gloves of Dexterity
Ulgren - Ring of Protection +1
Anuk - Short bow of Shock +1
Party treasure- Potion of CMW (volunteer Mac to hold that)
Everyone else - cash.

Mac - Can you cash in the rest at the Catacombs and let us know?

Trellus is getting the itch to go somewhere else. These four days have been the longest stretch of time spent in one place in, well, forever.

The discussion of dreams comes up, and he grins wryly.
"These dudes love that dream message pick, don't they?" he asks rhetorically. "And do you notice how 'where we are needed' is always way over here, while 'home' is way over there."

Trellus sighs, pondering the injustice of it all.
"Light. Yeah, I guess we should go where we're needed, too."

Thursday December 15th, 2005 9:36:20 AM

Ulgren slides the ring in place before he nods off, a slight smile on the drows face. The next few mornings are teh same, wake memorize spells and work with the Manfri. The morning after the dream Ulgren wakes earlier than usual, the usually quiet drow seems more subdued as he memorizes his spells and begins the day paying close attention to Trellus as he speaks.

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armor x1, Shield x2, Enlarge x2
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 3/3

Thursday December 15th, 2005 11:12:59 AM

Quick question before I get the red ticket:
We don't want to keep the wand?

Mike K - no

To start out. (DM Jim) 
Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:35:33 PM

The group wakes the morning of the fifth day to find that the Manfri have taken down thier small huts and seem prepared to move out. Soon a long line of Manfri are heading to the north except for a group of six that have stayed behind.

The elder Manfri steps forward with that knowing gaze. "Decision you made?" He waits long enough for you to ponder it a little more and then just gives a slight smile. "You...use...weaved together...meet again we will." He slowly turns and starts to follow his people, flanked by a pair of guards. You have the feeling that you will be meeting him again...on the Plains or in your dreams.

Osaku steps forward and smiles to the group as a whole. "I believe that you have several choices ahead of you...remember that you have a choice." It seems an odd custom but he moves foward and clasps hands with each of you before he too turns and falls into the line moving.

Tishe' moves closer to her pack, with tears in her eyes. She hugs each of you as she speaks. "I must stay here for awhile with the Manfri...I have much to learn from them and am needed here for awhile." She has a smile upon her face but a sadness in her eyes as she searches each persons' face for some glimmer of understanding. The two Manfri woman that had stayed behind with Tishe' step forward and lay a hand upon her shoulders.

You realize that you must say some farewells and then strike out in the direction of your destiny and choosing.

Special treats to come.

Jake, is your plate magical? I also am needing a character sheet so that I can look it over. Thanks.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 8:38:16 PM

Trellus grabs Tishe in a big hug. "You sure?" he asks, stepping back to look her in the eye. The girl looks sure. The cleric sends her a heart touch. "Walk in the shade," he tells her.

And another Bloodpacker has moved on.

And as usual, they aren't given a whole lot of time to dwell on it.

Trellus watches Tishe and the manfri disappear into the Grass before sighing heavily.
"OK, dudes. Let's go see what we're needed for now."
He turns into the Grass in the direction indicated in the dream.

Spells Prepared:
0 - Create Water (x3), Detect Magic (x2), Read Magic
1 -- Endure Elements (x4), Prot from Evil, Remove Fear
2 -- Hold Person, Owls Wisdom, Spiritual Weapon (x2)
3 - Dispel Magic (x2), Prayer, Searing Light
4 -- Air Walk, Freedom of Movement, Summon Monster IV

Domain Spells:
1st Level: Sanctuary
2nd Level: Bull's Strength
3rd Level: Magic Vestment
4th Level: Spell Immunity

Friday December 16th, 2005 4:18:23 AM

Catching Tishe' for a moment he gives her something akin to a bear-hug. "Be safe, listen to your teachers, and know that we will all meet up again soon."

After all the farewells are said and done, Mac joins the Pack line venturing 'that way'.

OOC: Slight hiccup at the Catacombs. Check it out if you wish. Should be resovled shortly, or at least before we need to spend any of it! : )

Anuk  d20+12=22 d20+12=24
Friday December 16th, 2005 10:55:48 AM

Anuk watches Tishe' and Mac say their goodbyes. Then he steps up to Tishe' and says, "We will see you soon again...I'm, uh...I'm sure of it." Feeling the weight of the awkward pause that follows he mumbles, "Not much good at farewells...I...uh..." not finding the words he needs, he simply sends out the heart touch they've all learned to feel so well.

Grinning, he turns and says, "We're needed that way, eh? Shady. Let's go." Checking to ensure that Twinge is with him he sets out a little ahead of the pack, taking point as they move out.

Spot 22, listen 24

Gilan and Ciaran 
Friday December 16th, 2005 2:04:50 PM

Gilan returns the hug from Tishe' and whispers in her ear. "Be safe sister and learn well." He then steps back blushing lightly as he watches the rest. He moves over to Trellus and holds out a hand palm up. Seated in his hand are four potion vials and he grins. "You will find that that greenish one will help in the grass, the two blue ones are healing and the last is for those that use natural weapons." He then looks in the direction that Trellus indicated and frowns a little. "Would that be the way to that place that needs our help?"

Ciaran is standing by his brother with a lopsided grin upon his face. He moves forward and noses Tishe''s hand before she leaves and then whines. He comes back over to his brother and noses his hand. This immediately gets him scratched between the ears.

freedom of movement potion CL8
cure serious wounds potion(2) CL8
greater magic fang potion CL8

Saturday December 17th, 2005 6:47:01 AM

Picking up the thread of Trellus' earlier conversation, Mac calls ahead, "Yes! That and how 'Interesting place...that way.' is nowhere near the same direction as the other two!"

"On the treasure question" he says more broadly, "I need to speak up. Anuk's crossbow better than compensates for his not receiving a share of the coinage, but Flea and Ulgren are left short if they do not receive coinage making up the balance of their shares - they would both be better off having traded them in at a discount, received a share, and then purchased the items at full cost. I offer the following suggestion:

Anuk gets his crossbow. At sometime we will all want to keep something whose value exceeds a single share, and I don't see how giving someone half a wand or two-thirds of a bow is helpful, and similarly with requiring the wand were only used every alternate round, or the bow fired two out of every three rounds. Hopefully this sort of thing balances out over time.

The rest of the cash and money from sales back to the Catacombs totals 27597gp. To factor in what the gloves and ring would have fetched, we add 5400gp to total 32997gp. Divided 8 ways gives everyone except Anuk a share worth 4124gp.

Trellus, Jake, Gry, Tishe' and Mac each receive 412pp 4gp
Flea receives the gloves (RV 360pp) and 52pp 4gp in coinage.
Ulgren receives the ring(RV 180pp) and 232pp 4gp in coinage.

Any dissenting opinions or can we all get our shares before we have totally toddled off into the grass? : )

Saturday December 17th, 2005 1:45:26 PM

(Sending in that character sheet soon as I get it from my backups... Oh, and the full plate is magical and +1)
Jake is fine with the money. In fact, he kinda needs it, since he's spent just about every silver of his cash getting his stuff upgraded last time...!
Giving Tishe one last hug goodbye, Jake, of course, can't resist doing the wrong thing and giving her a pat on the butt as well. Hopefully she doesn't slap him too hard. Or maybe she's just accepted the chauvinist fighter's ways by now...

A little hiccup. (DM Jim) 
Saturday December 17th, 2005 3:57:29 PM

Tishe' just smiles at all the group and accepts Jake for who he is, though she does plot her revenge for later. As she waves a final farewell to the group she gives another sad smile. "We will meet back up...I just have some stuff to take care of." Looking to Mac she gives him a brighter smile and you see tears start to swell in her eyes. "Take care of them Mac and be safe." She leaves with the two Manfri females before she truly breaks into tears.

The group turn in the direction that Trellus is facing and then everything stops. It has been brought to the attention of all that they have not actually selected where they are to go. They have three destinations that they could go...a small village that needs their help...a place of interest....finally home.

The choices abound and everyone turns to Trellus with an expectant look...as if to say...well.

Anyone that plans on doing some shopping in the Catacombs please let me know with your next post. Whatever you plan to buy as far as equipment is concerned than update your CS and send it to me please. I will allow this to be done on an honor system before all purchases are final. I will also be sending out some emails to people on little gifts from the Manfri that you will discover ingame.

Saturday December 17th, 2005 4:31:52 PM

Trellus takes the Potion of Freedom of Movement from Gilan.
"Many shadows, Gil. How much do I owe you?"

To the questioning looks of the rest of the pack, he responds.
"I vote for weaving to the place that needs our help. What do you think?"

Trellus buys two potions of Fly from the Catacombs.

Sunday December 18th, 2005 3:38:11 PM

"Where we're needed!" Mac responds in kind.

Mac sells his Amulet of Natural Armour and his Ring of Protection, leaving him just under 50gp in cash after enhancing the magic of the Greataxe (to +3) and the Bracers of Armour (to +4) and purchasing one divine scroll each of Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength.

Gilan and Ciaran 
Sunday December 18th, 2005 7:35:47 PM

Gilan smiles to Trell and thinks for a few seconds. "How about two hundred gold....no a date with your sister." His smiles widens as he watches his packmate and then shakes his head. "No need if it helps you out." He looks to the others and then holds out the two potions of healing. "Any takers on some big healing?"

Ciaran waits near his brother to see where they will be heading. He is eager to check out this new land and see what it holds. "To the place that needs our help then."

Sorry the freedom of movement potion is an extended version. The two csw potions are 3d8+8 in healing. The greater magic fang is extended as well but I think that my character is the only one that can make use of it besides any companions we have.

Mac  d20+5=9
Monday December 19th, 2005 10:58:27 AM

Grass. Tall grass. Taller grass... [Spot: 9]

Grymash  d20+9=22
Monday December 19th, 2005 7:47:07 PM

Grymash, his body drenched in hot sticky sweat, decides to take a break from his training to take a rest and a drink of water. Even with his extraordinary potent fortitude, his exhaustion is at a point of almost passing out. He looks upon his bounty with little interest at the moment. Money is great to have in civilized society, but not worth a skin of water or a roasted prairie pig out in the grass. His only concern is to keep his friends alive until they all get home. A job, he feels, he hasnt performed too well. (survival 22)

Monday December 19th, 2005 10:56:13 PM

"Everyone ready? Seems we're needed that way," says the curly-haired ranger. He's feeling eager to move out and is ready as soon as everyone else is.

(ooc: planning to buy something in the catacombs, will post info tomorrow.)

The ash. (DM Jim) 
Monday December 19th, 2005 11:18:32 PM

Moving out the pack finds the walking to be just as hard as earlier. Despite thier rested condition the ash covered grass makes it hard to breathe and the heat is not helping.

Coming to a small clearing of about eight feet across you notice three bounders in the middle of it. They appear to be having trouble breathing as well and are doubled over. As you watch for a few moments one of them falls over and does not rise. The other two take off into the grass wheezing and not moving as fast as they should.

An early stop is called for lunch as the group looks physically drained. Noses hurt from breathing in through them to help filter out the ash and your chests hurt as well with the lack of oxygen. You are all hungry and tired from the trek, but realize that you should try to make another few miles if possible before you camp for the night.

Fort DC 14 or take a -2 to Con

Gry needs to make a Will DC 12 as well

Trellus  d20+8=25
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 9:50:13 AM

[Fort 25]

Prior to moving out, Trellus hands Gilan 20 pp in exchange for the potion.
"I'm not some whiteface taking something for nothing," he says with a smile. "Sides you need to save up some cash for all them presents you're gonna owe your girlfriend when we get back."

A few hours fighting through the thick, dust covered grass, and the cleric is sweating hard. He's still breathing better than those bounders, but you'd have to be a total piggie not to realize the dust is gonna be a major problem.

He pulls his red bandana over his nose and mouth.
"Everyone cover their faces," he instructs the pack. "And slow down."

He turns to Ulgren. "When we camp tonight, it'd be totally shady to get out of this dust. Have you got that magic house handy? How many will it hold?"

Mac  d20+9=15
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 1:34:19 PM


"Right Trellus!"
Mac checks the light cover on Galea's carrier and adjusts his own bandana to help protect his eyes and nose.

Ulgren  d20+5=17
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 2:22:36 PM

Ulgren follows the rest of the pack into the grass. Ulgren manages to fight the dust, (fort dc 17). "Yes I have the house memorized. The house will sleep eight comfortably, has an alarm spell and unseen servant spell built in." Ulgren wets his bandanna as he places it over his nose and face to help collect the dust a bit better.

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armor x1, Shield x2, Enlarge x2
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 3/3

Ulgren will do some shopping in the catacombs as well.

Jake  d20+7=27 d20+8=28
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 3:32:46 PM

Dust? What dust? Jake has no problems with the weather. Actually, he thinks its helped clear up a bit of a cold he's had.
Then Jake sees the bounder fall over...Pity washes over him. Poor guy... just died from breathing! Bounders never have seemed particularly dangerous to the half-elf, more just another creature of the plains, and seeing one die from this makes Jake just plain saddened. The half-elf rushes over and checks the poor creature. But as he does so he makes sure to stay out of reach of anything weird it may do; twitch and bite or whatnot, if it's still alive...
"Hey, Gilan...can you help this poor guy? Ah mean... No need for him to die, out here, in this weather..." Jake's voice is oddly pleading.
(Wow... Two natural 20's in a row, 1 for the fortitude check, one for the handle animal check. Hey, Jim, can I have a bounder as a pet or a mount? That'd be SWEET!)

Gilan and Ciaran  d20+9=15 d20+11=14 d20+6=11
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 7:19:02 PM

With a smile and a nod he takes the platinum from Trellus. "You know that this is not really needed." He turns a bright red at the mention of Kaili back in Rattledam and then his face saddens. "Yeah...this seems to be leading me further away...but we will get back home." You get the idea that there is a slight questioning tone as he stats this fact.

Gilan coughs a few times from the intake of ash but is able to avoid the worst of it. Ciaran, being closer to the ground, is effected a little worse by it but is also able to avoid any damage that may occur from the ash.

Gilan watches as Jake moves over to have a look at the bounder. He has a bad feeling as he moves over as Jake asks for help. Even with his limited skill he is afraid that the creature is gone, beyond his help. Still he does move over and examine the creature from a short distance. "We will have to be extra alert for watches this night...we are all tired and may find it hard to stay awake."

Flea  d20+3=5
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 7:31:32 PM

Flea trails behind the pack. Being shorter than the rest of the party she inhales a fair amount of the ash that has sifted through the grass. (Fort=5, failed) The gnome doesn't say much, but her breathing is laboured and she wheezes as her small lungs struggle to bring oxygen to her her muscles.

Embarrassed by the show of weakness, Flea hangs back from the rest of the party.

Anuk  d20+11=30 d20+6=22 d20+18=33 d20+11=12 d20+12=14 d20+12=22
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 12:06:48 AM

Anuk ranges along, keeping his eyes and ears open for trouble. (listen 14, spot 22**) The ash is annoying, but he steadies his breathing enough to keep it from becoming a problem (fort 30*). Twinge stays buried in Anuk's pack, napping in the heat while they travel.

When Anuk notices Flea's wheezing he pulls out a cloth she can wear to help filter out the dust (heal 22). "Here Flea, try this...hope it helps. This dust is sunbaked stuff."

When they stop for the midday meal, Anuk looks at the bounders, checking to see if their demise might be from more than dust (survival 33**, knowledge (plains) 12 - nat 1), informing everyone of what, if anything, he finds.

*Endurance feat added +4 for fort against suffocation. If that doesn't work with the ash, then fort roll is 26.

**+4 to survival for favored enemy (rapke/bounders). If spot or listen includes rapke or bounders then rolls become 18 and 26.

(ooc: will be going to catacombs to trade in longsword for a masterwork longsword and 50 masterwork arrows.)

That night. (DM Jim) 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 7:14:04 PM

With a little bit of preparation the group plods on through the grass. The bounder was dead and beyond any help that could have been mustered, the other two had run off. Several of the group will notice that Flea, despite her best efforts to hide it, is falling behind in your little march. There are no physical wounds and nothing seems to have been out of the ordinary with the bounder...your best guess is that it died of the ash.

With a little bit more care the group moves out. The ash continues to be a problem but it is now a little easier to take as you have taken steps to slow it from hurting you.

Looking up at the sun you notice that it is starting to sink low in the sky and the late evening will soon be upon you. Though you have found no open areas in the grass, you do find several large sort of flat rocks in the grass. There are five of them close together and when standing the tallest of you can see out above the top of the grass.

Fort DC 12 or take a -2 to Con

Grymash:Highlight to display spoiler: {"If you failed your last save you hear a woman's voice in your head talking to you. She speaks of your likes and dislikes, your dreams for the future. She seems sympathetic to you and your doubts about the last fight. But she does caution you to not mention this to anyone.}

I need another Will DC 14 check from Grymash.

Mikey - Had any luck sending that CS to me again? I have been keeping my email cleaned out for it.

Grymash  d20+12=18 d20+6=19 d20+12=32 d20+6=11
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 8:07:14 PM

(sorry for being late. Save rolls for both days: Fort 18, Will 19. 2nd day: Fort 32 nat20, Will 11.)

Grymash travels with his pack keeping a watchful eye out for dangers. He mumbles to himself, under his breath, answering the woman that's talking to him. But wait! Grymash looks around, left and right. "Huh!!" He's never heard this woman's voice before. He darts around clumps of tall grass to see if that is where she is talking from. But alas, it was only Flea! And this voice isnt Flea's voice.

"Who be yooz?" Grymash whispers silently. He doesnt want his pack to think his brain pan is boiling over from the heat. Maybe it is!

Flea  d20+3=18
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 8:40:54 PM

The gnome looks up at Anuk. There is a hint of panick in the pale blue eyes. "Thanks...'nuk..." she says as she labours for breath.

With Anuk's cloth tied 'round the lower part of her face, the rogue gets on a little better (Fort=18) as she follows behind the pack.

Mac  d20+9=24
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 7:28:39 AM

Mac wanders on [Fort:24].

Trellus [-2 Con]  d20+8=11
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 7:55:20 AM

[Fort 11]

Despite his own advice, Trellus works hard throughout the afternoon. The blond man drops back to check on Flea and Anuk, and then charges up to the front of the line to get Gilan to slow down. He drops back again, monitoring the condition of every member of the pack. Every member except himself.

By the time night approaches, Trellus is having difficulty breathing even with the mask in place. Coming to a halt by the big rocks, he pulls away the bandana from his face and takes several large breaths. On the second one he is interrupted by a coughing fit that lasts a good half-minute. The cleric grabs a waterskin and chugs down half of it to calm his complaining lungs.

"Ow," he whispers wryly when the fits stops. His grin reappears.
"How 'bout we stop here?" he asks.

"Ulgren, can you weave your house by those rocks? We'll sleep in there and take watch up top. Let's go with Ulgren and Mac, Gry and 'Nuk, Gilan and Jake, and me and Flea for watches."

Ulgren -2 con  d20+5=10
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 9:09:41 AM

Pouring the water on his mask didn't help and by the end of the day the drow mage is exhausted, hardly able to move( fort 10). Ulgren nods at Trellus' words and begins to cast Leomunds Secure Shelter. As the drow begins to cast a coughing spell overcomes the mage. For what seems an eternity the mage coughs and sputters until he is finally able to stand up. Ulgren quickly casts the spell and when the house appears teh drow opens the door and looks at his packmates, "Your castle has arrived."

Gilan and Ciaran  d20+9=20 d20+11=15 d20+6=18
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 1:42:19 PM

Gilan trudges along but slowes when Trell makes his way up to him. He grimly nods, not realizing he had set that hard of a pace. The light clothe had helped in cutting off the ash from his lunges and he finds the rocks easily with no labored breathing. "That is the best news I have heard today Trell." He looks around to the others and wonders if they will be able to move out tomorrow.

Ciaran had been loping along at his brother's side. He seems to be unaffected by the ash as he stays close to the whole pack. When at last they reach the rocks, he is quick to climb up on top of the first one and lay down.

Gilan laughs at his brother's actions and shakes his head. "Seems that Ciaran is not moving another paw either." He watches Ulgren go about his work with setting up the tent but is more worried with the coughing of some of his pack. He moves over to check upon Ulgren and then Trellus in turn. He just silently hopes that he is up to the task this time around.

Anuk (endurance)  d20+11=24
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 5:59:57 PM

With the pack moving along, Anuk just keeps pace while keeping an eye on the increasingly labored breathing of his packmates. He nods in agreement with Trellus. "I think a little rest will be good for everyone." Ulgren's castle is indeed a welcome sight.

fort 24

Flea (-2 Con)  d20+1=17 d20+11=28 d20+9=25
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 9:21:29 PM

When Ulgren's house appears, Flea picks up her pace and brushes past the drow to get inside. Finding a safe corner, Flea dumps her pack, then follows suit, slumping to the ground her head on the pack and her arms and legs akimbo.

"I'm soooo tired," she moans hoping someone else will do the cooking. Remembering that Jake often volunteers causes the rogue to rouse. Flea slips out of her cloak, the scarlet sash used as a turban and her shoes. Padding about the house barefoot, she calls out, "there any grub in this place?"


When it is time for her watch with Trellus, Flea climbs to the top of the house (Climb=17), finding a perch on the highest part (Balance=28). She scans the horizon for signs of...the red baron? (Spot=25)

Friday December 23rd, 2005 2:27:07 AM

"Ah dunno, ah don't trust the rocks. Ah mean, midst the plains and stuff..." Jake ponders. "Hey, guys, guess what, ah've got some nice ingredients them manfri gave me.. Wanna try them? Really interesting tasting grasses, all kinds.."
Jake volunteers to cook up some food. Unfortuanately, his attempt leaves much to be to desired, for the grass soup tastes too much like onions, the main course of noodl-ish grass is undercooked, and he admits with a grimace that his veggie sides did not come out at all...

No biggies. (DM Jim) 
Friday December 23rd, 2005 1:26:57 PM

Lounging inside of the hut that Ulgren calls up the group finds the ash and the last bits of the heat to be no problem. Jake makes an attempt at cooking up some different items with the grass that he got from the Manfri, but nothing turns out too well.

The watches are uneventful as everyone takes thier turn, with their partner, upon the rocks. You hear the buzzing of insects as the night drifts on but no signs or sounds of anything worse.

The morning sun starts to top the grass as the temp slowly starts to rise. It appears to be another warm day upon the Plains, much like most of the others...except for the ash.

Grymash:Highlight to display spoiler: {Will DC 18 or the voice gets a little clearer in your head. "The female voice talks to you about some of her life as a simple peasant girl and how she has been trapped for many years now. She confides in you that she is waiting for a knight in shining armor to save her. Then laughs as she says this is a silly dream and hopes you do not think less of her for it." You do have the feeling that you should not mention this to anyone else as they would not believe you anyways.}

Trellus [-1 Con] 
Monday December 26th, 2005 11:55:05 AM

Trellus cringes when Jake starts cooking, and is greatly relieved when Flea jumps in. The blond cleric takes his helpings from both cooks, but his plate remains conspiciously full of Jake's efforts when he pronounces himself full.

Before settling in for the night, he confers with Gilan.
"I'm going to prepare a bunch of Lesser Restoration spells for tomorrow. Can you take a few as well? If we gotta weave through this dust all day, we might need some help before we see shade."

The watch is uneventful. The night's rest did some good, and Trellus finds he can breathe a bit better (rest healed 1 con point).

In the morning, Trellus prays to Domi and prepares his spells.

"OK, Dudes. Let's get some breakfast and see what today has in store. Uh, Flea. You're cooking, right?"

Spells Prepared:
d -- domain spell
0 - Create Water (x3), Detect Magic (x2), Read Magic
1 -- Endure Elements (x4), Prot from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary(d)
2 -- Lesser Restoration (x3), Spiritual Weapon, Bulls Strength (d)
3 - Dispel Magic (x2), Prayer, Searing Light, Magic Vestment(d)
4 -- Air Walk, Freedom of Movement, Summon Monster IV, Spell Immunity (d)

Gilan and Ciaran 
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 1:18:22 PM

Gilan looks up at Trell's approach and gives him a smile. "What's up?" He listens as the man talks of spells and then nods his head. "I can have two of those spells ready just in case." He looks out across the grass and sighs as he once again shakes his head. "If we get one good rain this ash would disappear...but I doubt we would want to be around when that happens." He takes his turn at watch with Jake and they find nothing of interest.

The next morning he moves to the top of the rocks and watches the morning sun rise. Going through his ritual song to Mother Wold he receives his spells for his devotion. Finally he comes down and eats a light breakfast before they have to start out. He moves over to sit by Anuk and shakes his head. "Do you think our survival skills can help the others handle this ash better...you know...anything we can do?" He is soon ready to move out with the rest as he pulls out his extra faded red sash and wraps it around his mouth and nose.

Spell List
0th(6): create water(3), guidance(2), mending
1st(7): clw(2), entangle, faerie fire(2), longstrider(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(2), bull's strength(2), lesser restoration(2)
3rd(6): cmw(3), greater magic fang(2), poison
4th(4): csw(2), dispel magic, flamestrike
* used

Flea  d20+3=21
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 11:25:15 PM

Flea shoos Jake away from the cooking area. She does her best with what is on hand, and keeps the flavourings simple, seeing as it is the morning meal and she doesn't want any of the pack to suffer gastric upset.(Craft/Cook=21)

The gnome worries about how she will keep up with the pack, and explains to Trellus that her boots will help her move faster, but their magic doesn't last very long. The gnome hates to be a burden on the stronger of her pack-mates. She worries about the ash being carried on the air, too. "Where can it be from?" she asks the party as she serves up the meal.

Wednesday December 28th, 2005 2:14:01 AM

After dinner the night before, Mac is quite hungry, but depite this he pauses to ponder Flea's question. "Is there any reason not to think this is from the mountain we saw? That it is from the same place that the ash in the ice peaks and beach and the mountains is from?"

After looking from one pair of eyes to the next, he gives some food to Galea and settles down to his own preceeded by a "Dinner smells great Flea!"

Ulgren (-1 con), Mage Armor(extended) 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 10:20:42 AM

Ulgren rests easily for the night and wakes up feeling a bit refreshed, (+1 con), but not fully rested. The drow mage pulls out his spellbook and spends his customary hours memorizing daily spells. Ulgren casts an extended Mage Armor on himself and quietly pads to the door to look out on the dusty plains.

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armorx1*,Shieldx2,Enlargex2,Greasex1
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 3/3

Moving along. (DM Jim) 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 3:31:46 PM

With breakfast eaten and the group feeling at least somewhat better then all prepare to move out.

Anuk and Gilan move to the front of the group as usual to try and give some advance warning of enemies or hazards.

The rest of the group travels a ways behind so the they can prepare if the worst happens. As the group moves along through the grass, you find the area suddenly goes silent...no sound at all. Gry can still hear that female voice in his head and it seems to be urging him to some action. He so wishes to help her but will he be able to? Will he follow the directions that will allow her, her freedom?

[Fort DC 12 or suffer the -2 to Con from the effects of the ash. I will adjust this if someone does a nice Survival check.]

Grymash:Highlight to display spoiler: {Will DC 20 or find that you want to help the female voice so much you pull out the other red gem you found in your earlier adventures. With a simple Strength DC 12 you can crush the gem in your beefy hands.}

I am also happy to announce that, very soon, Tishe' will be joining back up with the group. SteveK says that he has the time once again to join up with the group and add her magical powers to the group. Look for Tishe' to reenter the game in the next post or two.

Grymash  d20+12=22 d20+6=24
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 8:02:07 PM

(Fort 22, Will 24)

Grymash shakes his head or nods his answers to the female voice inside his head. She is quite presistent and doesnt seem to need to stop and breathe to keep talking in his ear. Grymash wants to help her, but he isnt sure if breaking the shiny, blood-red rock is the best idea. The ritual that Gargul taught him, the one that made him able to read his rune-covered bones, foretold something dire if the red rock was broken. He feels the compulsion to break the stone, but is able to fight the urge. All he can think to say, "Where be dat blood rock weez found ... Gry wants ta look at it!"

Anuk (Twinge con-2)  d20+14=29 d20+11=17 d20+12=20 d20+12=17 d20+3=8
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 10:15:40 PM

Anuk's conversation with Gilan about helping with the ash has him thinking all night long, and in the morning he has a few ideas. Working with Gilan, Flea and the others, he contrives a system of woven small grasses that layer over each other enough to let air through but keep most of the dust and ash out when worn like a mask over the mouth and nose. (Survival 29) He makes as many as he can and distributes them to the group, hoping that they'll work throughout the day. "Not too pretty, but I think they'll work for a while anyway. Thanks for the help, everyone," he says, surveying the group's handiwork.

The heat rises and as they trek forward, Anuk lets Twinge out on his own for a bit. But the ash proves too much for the snake (fort 8) and Anuk can't figure out how to make a mask that small, so soon he lets the green viper slither up over his shoulders and back into his pack.

fort 17 (endurance)
spot 20 (22 if rapke or bounder - favored enemy)
listen 17 (19 if rapke or bounder - favored enemy)

spells prepared: entangle, endure elements

Ulgren  d20+5=19
Thursday December 29th, 2005 9:48:55 AM

Ulgren trudges along through the dust covered plains and with the help of Anuk's mask does well, (fort 19). The drow mage doesn't pay much attention to his surrondings hoping to keep up with the pack.

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armorx1*,Shieldx2,Enlargex2,Greasex1
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 2/3

Jake  d20+7=13 d20+4=19 d20+5=14
Thursday December 29th, 2005 3:29:31 PM

Walking along in it, suddenly the area goes silent. Jake stops simultaneously, and draws his sword and gets his shield ready.
Then he notices Ulgren still walking up behind him. He puts his shield arm out, blocking the drow's path and hopefully making him realize that something's up.
(Spot 19, listen 14)

Trellus [-1 Con]  d20+8=10 d20+9=22 d20+9=14
Thursday December 29th, 2005 3:47:00 PM

[Fort 10 - how nice a survival check?]

Trellus tries Anuk's mask and proceeds to put in on backwards. Oblivious to his error, he goes tromping through the Grass, checking up on everyone else.

Gry's question doesn't make much sense, and for the thousandth time the cleric wishes the half orc would stop vocalizing the very last sentence he's thinking and understand nobody else heard the thought process that got there.
"Uh, what blood rock was that, dude?"

Its at this point that the Grass gets way too quiet for Trellus' liking.
He quickly stops and looks around, while pulling out his metamagic rod.
[Listen 22, Spot 14]

Flea (-3 to Con)  d20+3=7
Friday December 30th, 2005 12:06:32 AM

Despite her best attempts, Flea once again succumbs to the polluted air. She coughs and her breath comes in little wheezing gasps as she struggles to keep up with her pack mates.

(OOC: Fort=7, failed. Figured 1 pt. Con restored for a night of rest, thus -3 to Con. Is this right?-C.)

Mac  d20+9=21 d20+5=13 d20+1=18
Friday December 30th, 2005 3:07:40 PM

Mac takes a long deep breath through the bandana and mask, taking it all in his stride. [Fort: 21]

This time he is in a better position to help Flea - lifting her up to sit and cough on his shoulder is she wishes. Meanwhile he tries to keep an eye and an ear on the goings on. [Spot:13, Listen:18]

Gilan and Ciaran  d20+6=18 d20+10=18 d20+10=28 d20+20=29
Friday December 30th, 2005 5:35:45 PM

Gilan follows along with the rest of the group or more to it he scouts ahead with Anuk. He had helped in putting together masks to help in the breathing.

As they move along he falls back several times to check on the group. He does his best to assess thier condition and help out as he can.

[heal 18, listen 18, spot 28 and survival 29]

Spell List
0th(6): create water(3), guidance(2), mending
1st(7): clw(2), entangle, faerie fire(2), longstrider(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(2), bull's strength(2), lesser restoration(2)
3rd(6): cmw(3), greater magic fang(2), poison
4th(4): csw(2), dispel magic, flamestrike
* used

Arrival of an old friend. (DM Jim) 
Saturday December 31st, 2005 4:50:12 PM

Gry inquires about the little blood gem and then realizes that he has it in his pack. Though he will tell none of the group his true interest in it, he could make something up.

Everyone that is wearing a mask and then Gilan moving along the lines trying to help people in stepping just so, helps to eleminate some of the ash problems.

When the surrounding area goes deathly quiet, everyone falls into a combat ready position. Eyes scan the area and ears strain to pick up the slightest noise. Gilan is the first to spot Tishe' wandering through the grass and in their direction, but Anuk and Trellus soon pick her outline out as well.

For those wearing masks the DC is reduced to 10, for those getting help from Gilan the DC is reduced to 10 and for those getting both types of assistance the DC is reduced to 8.

Flea was healed of one con damage from the nights sleep.

I will also be letting Tishe' hand out some packages that she was given by the Manfri to give to the group. Each one will have a Bloodpack memebers name on it. She could also hold onto them till we get to a camping area as well.

Flea (-3 to Con)  d20+13=16 d20+9=24 d20+11=30
Sunday January 1st, 2006 12:19:34 PM

Flea re-wraps the crimson sash about her head taking more care to cover her mouth and nose and therefore provide a greater measure of protection from the ash. She accepts Mac's offer of a ride, and is grateful when he lifts her up onto his shoulder.

When Tishe' makes her appearance, the rogue's smile is covered by the mask, but her light eyes shine with recognition and happiness at the return to the young woman.

From her position astride the minotaur, Flea keeps a lookout for the group. Her sense of hearing is more acute than her sight, however.


Tishe' and Company 
Monday January 2nd, 2006 2:16:54 AM

"You are exactly where the Manfri said you would be!", exclaims the happy voice of Tishe'. Her mouth is also covered by her red sash, but her brown eyes gleam with merriment at seeing her packmates again. "It seemed much longer than it actually has been since I have seen each of you last." Putting down her parcels, Tishe' moves to give everybody a hug, even Jake! "Would everyone like to open their presents now, or wait until we're safer?"

Pacing out behind the small woman is a strange sort of dog; striped in tan and black, the dog's shoulders are taller than its hindquarters and a homely face is dominated by a strong-looking muzzle. Larger than Flea, it paces protectively next to Tishe' with tongue lolling out the side of its mouth, grinning at everyone.

"The Manfri rescued him when he wandered too far into the Sargrass, poor thing." she explains to her packmates. "While I was working with the village, Stripes just sort of started following me around, so I guess I have a Companion." Tishe's easy hand on Stripes shoulder and an answering grin is all the affirmation anyone would need.

Trellus [-1 Con]  d4=1
Monday January 2nd, 2006 10:09:59 AM

Trellus grins behind his makeshift grass mask and gives Tishe a fierce hug.
"Welcome back," he tells her happily.

Looking down at Stripes, he shrugs extravagantly. "Light, we're gonna need a stable soon." He turns teasingly to Jake. "Whaddya think dude? How 'bout you and me go out and get us a couple rapke companions?"

The blond man is not especially patient around presnets.
"Let's open em up!" he cries enthusiastically.

While all that is going on, he slides on over to Flea.
"Looks like you could use some help."
Trellus pulls out his holy symbol, a small silver hammer glowing with light. He recites an incantation over the gnome.

The spell helps a little, but not much.
[Lesser Restoration - heal 1 Con point]

As long as he's casting spells, Trellus throws another one down on his shield.
[Magic Vestment (extended): +2 enhancment bonus for 16 hours]


Spells Prepared:
d -- domain spell
0 - Create Water (x3), Detect Magic (x2), Read Magic
1 -- Endure Elements (x4), Prot from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary(d)
2 -- Lesser Restoration (x3)*, Spiritual Weapon, Bulls Strength (d)
3 - Dispel Magic (x2), Prayer, Searing Light, Magic Vestment(d)*
4 -- Air Walk, Freedom of Movement, Summon Monster IV, Spell Immunity (d)

Monday January 2nd, 2006 2:29:25 PM

Jake happily returns the hug, (again giving that pat on the bottom) and smiles and gives the dog-thing a pat on the shoulders. "Hmmm, seems everyone's getting a companion of some sorts. Ah kinda had ya figured for a cat-person myself." Jake abruptly realizes the presents and grins. "Ah've got present for you and Flea, too, well, presents in the making..."
Jake fishes out a thing outta his coat pocket. It's a grass-woven circlet (similar to the one he gave at the Christmas party). Each strand of grass is a different color, woven in the same overarching pattern, and the whole thing is a splendid affect. Then, using some treatment the manfri taught him, it's heated and hardened.
"Ah'm making one for Flea too...heck, we should teach 'em all how to make 'em back in Rattledam, it'll be like a crafts class or somethin'." Jake just has a natural talent for it, though it's the kinda un-macho thing he doesn't like showing to his fellow packers.

Ulgren  d20+5=11
Monday January 2nd, 2006 8:44:34 PM

Ulgren smiles as Tishe' rejoins the pack although her companion seems a bit odd to the drow. Ulgren smile at Tishe' under his mask and waits with patience until he can whisper,
"I am glad your back, we missed you."

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armorx1*,Shieldx2,Enlargex2,Greasex1
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 2/3

Gilan and Ciaran 
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 12:08:41 AM

Gilan glances in the direction of the moving grass and then breaks into a wide smile as he spots Tishe'. He lets the others greet her as he hangs back a little, looking over both her and her new friend. At last he moves forward, shaking his head a she goes. "Glad to see you back....and with a friend no less." He looks over the new addition with a chuckle.

As he glances back to Tishe' he nods his head. "Extra defense when casting." He wraps her in a hug at last and you notice a few tears on his cheecks though he will most likely deny it.

Finally he looks to Trellus, eyes narrowing. "Do you think it was Tishe' that quieted the surrounding grass?" He seems to have his doubts as it would take more than that or at least he had thought so.

Spell List
0th(6): create water(3), guidance(2), mending
1st(7): clw(2), entangle, faerie fire(2), longstrider(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(2), bull's strength(2), lesser restoration(2)
3rd(6): cmw(3), greater magic fang(2), poison
4th(4): csw(2), dispel magic, flamestrike
* used

Will hold off on a DM post for a crucial post from Gry.

Tishe' (Second Post) 
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 3:37:09 AM

She gives hugs back in kind, lightly slapping Jake on the cheek at his forwardness, but her resigned sigh indicates she didn't really expect him to do anything else. She accepts his ring eagerly and is very interested in how to make the band herself. "Its a side of you that the ladies would like to see more of, Jake."

She nods at Gilan's words and the unspoken companionship in Mother Wold. "The Manfri called Stripes a Hyena." She carefully pronounces the srange word.

Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 6:21:07 AM

Mac smiles at Tishe's return, and at the 'high-eena'. He tries the word - it doesn't go well.

"If you've go' stuff needin' carryin' then pass it here. I'm sure were better off movin' while we've go' the day, an' checkin' out stuff over dinner."

Grymash  d20+2=6
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 4:49:04 PM

"Oh yeah!" Grymash thinks to himself. The blood gem was in his pack. He wonders if he heard the woman's voice sigh with impatience. Grymash turns his back to the rest of his friends and digs the blood-red gem out of his backpack. It's his favorite color and it glimmers in the bright light of the day. He stares closely at it trying to see if he can see the girl inside.

(Spot 6)

Anuk (endurance)  d20+11=13 d20+12=26 d20+12=26
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 7:32:18 PM

Anuk's eyes light up at the return of Tishe' and he greets her with a mask-hidden grin and a hug. "Good to know you're okay...I figured you'd be in a shady spot with the manfri and all, but still...it's good to know you're safe and back with us," he tells her. He looks nervously at her new friend, reminded a little of the wolves they encountered in the snow. "Nice puppy you brought back," he says without taking his eye off Stripes.

He's excited about the gifts, but when Tishe' and Jake exchange presents Anuk can't help teasing a bit, calling up an old rhyme from his youth. "Tishe' and Jakey, sitting in the grass...with one hand he pats her--" but a look from Tishe' cuts him off before he finishes.

fort 13
spot 26
listen 26

The dusky woman. (DM Jim) 
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 10:26:58 PM

Tishe' finds her meeting back up with the pack a round of hugs and welcome backs. She is stunned a little to know that her friends and pack have missed her so much in those short days gone.

As thoughts turn to presents that the Manfri sent along the wiser heads have the idea of moving along to a safer spot. Preferably one that they can set up a night camp at.

Meanwhile Gry has dragged out that gem that they found earlier and looks into it's depths. In the sun it catches the light and reflects it but Gry is sure that he sees a woman standing in the gem waving to him. She even blows him a kiss and he feels all warm inside all of the sudden.

Grymash:Highlight to display spoiler: {You feel a need to smash the gem so bad that you cannot fight it off. You find that you want to set this woman free and see her a little closer up.}

Flea (-2 to Con)  d20+9=20
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 10:45:36 PM

Flea feels a tad better after Trellus weaves some restorative magic over her, but she is starting to have some serious concerns about her ability to withstand the polluted air much longer. She is happy to sit atop Mac's shoulder, one hand holding a great horn to ensure she doesn't slip. She scans her pack, and hopes they get going pretty soon.

She wonders what Grymash is up to. He has been so quiet of late.

Spot=20 (to notice any funny business)

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 6:14:03 AM

Her mother always told her that THAT look was good for stopping boys. And see? it worked on Anuk, too. She gives a crisp nod as the ranger stopped his chant and turns to other matters.

The average-looking woman idly pulls a stray lock of brown hair behind one ear. All ready to open the packages, she hesitates and then nods at Mac's wise words.

"We should find a place that is safe before we take time to open presents. Let's keep going!"

Scarf around her mouth and nose, the spellweaver hefts the packages and is ready to march.

Anuk  d20+12=13 d20+12=31
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 11:05:06 PM

Still grinning at Tishe's gentle rebuke, Anuk scans the horizon, watching and listening for any change in the gray landscape surrounding the pack.

spot 13
listen 31

Gilan and Ciaran  d20+10=11 d20+10=29 d20+20=28
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 11:06:18 PM

Gilan merely nods as he looks to Anuk with a nod in the direction that they have been moving. "So we find a place to camp the night." He looks to the sky and shakes his head as it appears they will be losing daylight in maybe six or so hours.

Looking to Trell he smiles and then slips the mask back up over his mouth. "I will be moving around the group to see if I can help out more with the ash." He is ready to move out when the rest are.

[listen 11, spot 29 and survival 28]

Spell List
0th(6): create water(3), guidance(2), mending
1st(7): clw(2), entangle, faerie fire(2), longstrider(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(2), bull's strength(2), lesser restoration(2)
3rd(6): cmw(3), greater magic fang(2), poison
4th(4): csw(2), dispel magic, flamestrike
* used

Trellus [-1 Con]  d20+9=18 d20+9=28
Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:06:15 AM

Trellus nods to Gilan, causing the makeshift mask to shift upward onto his nose. The blond man reaches up to readjust it as he replies.
"We'll use Ulgren's house again tonight, so I think we're shady on shelter. Let's just keep weaving nice and easy."

The cleric waits for Anuk to take the lead again, and falls into position, pushing through the tall, thick Grass. For a brief moment, he wonders what Tishe brought from the Manfri. But only for a moment. Then he's back into "plains mode", pushing through the Grass, checking on his packmates, and always listening.

[Listen 18, Spot 28]

Spells Prepared:
d -- domain spell
0 - Create Water (x3), Detect Magic (x2), Read Magic
1 -- Endure Elements (x4), Prot from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary(d)
2 -- Lesser Restoration (x3)*, Spiritual Weapon, Bulls Strength (d)
3 - Dispel Magic (x2), Prayer, Searing Light, Magic Vestment(d)*
4 -- Air Walk, Freedom of Movement, Summon Monster IV, Spell Immunity (d)

Ulgren: Mage Armour(extended) 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:09:50 AM

Ulgren falls in line with the others and walks into the plains. The drow mage becomes lost in his thoughts again as the heat of the day begins to beat on him.

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armorx1*,Shieldx2,Enlargex2,Greasex1
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 2/3

Jake  d20+7=10
Thursday January 5th, 2006 1:16:24 PM

Unlike Ulgren, Jake LIKES the sun, loves the heat. This darned choking stuff, however, is a little annoying. Wearing the scarf over his mouth provides him with just enough protection from the ash.
"Y'know, ah can't wait ta get back ta Rattledam and take it easy for a few days. A nice little vacation, a few quick dips in the water. And having all this money, well, ah can make my foster father have to shave his hair off or something fun ta get a piece of the action."

A new development. (DM Jim) 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 2:31:15 PM

The group moves out and has gone about ten feet when they notice that one member of the group is not along for the ride. With a little bit of wonder and annoyance you all move back to find Gry standing in the same place that he had been in. One end of his double axe is stuck in the ground and he holds a red gem in his hand.

Flea had noticed him looking at it earlier but had thought little about it as the half-orc liked shiny things. She had quickly put it out of her mind, but now she wishes she had said something.

As you stand and watch your big friend for only a couple of minutes you notice him clasp the gem between his hands. Muscles bulge and veins stand out as he applies an ever increasing amount of pressure to it. With a sudden slowness, as if time itself has slowed to a crawl, you hear the sound of something breaking from Gry's direction. He has a look of complete joy upon his face as he hears the gem go. Then from between his fingers a dark mist starts to form and billow, as it travels a couple of feet from the half-orc.

The mist starts at the bottom and slowly starts to rise, forming into the most beautiful woman that you have seen in a long time. She is dressed all in black with tight fitting pants that are low cut on the hips, high black heeled boots that come to her knees and a black bustier that is held together in the front by several silver rings...still it shows off a little too much.

You have noticed that the light has seemed to fade from the area as the mist had rolled out of the broken gem. Time still seems to be slowed and you are stunned for a few seconds with no idea what to do.

The lady moves over to stand pressed up against Gry, looking up into his eyes. "You have freed me at last my large champion." She stands on the tips of her boots and kissed Gry first on the cheek and then on the lips as she purrrs. "My name is Elenea VenCleave and you are my champion and hero." She holds onto Gry's arm as she presses against him and then turns slowly to take in the rest of the group.

Gry should feel elation at having succeeded in turning the lady loose. Her attention is all you want though you will make no move to combat your friends. Think adoring fan.

Trellus [-1 Con] 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 4:05:45 PM

Shocked into immobility, Trellus stands before Gry and this new lady. His mind races.

That's the gem from the Ant Cave, he tells himself. The one Domi said would be sunbaked to break. And Gry's on her side. Well, this totally bites grass, don't it?

"Everyone stay shuttlecocked," he murmurs. Trellus takes an easy couple steps toward Gry and his girlfriend.

"Uh, many shadows," he says cautiously. "Can we help you?"

Thursday January 5th, 2006 7:54:15 PM

Grymash cant help but pull her in to him. His massive arms wrap around her, even lifting her off the ground to pull her in tighter. "Gry lets yooz out ... Gry so happy yooz free. Gry takes care and keep safe from da beaters an creepers." Grymash nuzzles her neck while in his loving embrace. "Gry loves yaz ta death!" There is a short uncomfortable pause, that seems to last forever, before the barbarian thinks to put her back down.

Flea (-2 to Con) 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:42:10 PM

Flea brings her free hand up to her mouth and coughs into it. "More like VenCleav-age, I should think!" she stage whispers to Mac, adding, "What do you think? Another nymph?" Flea looks around to see how Jake is reacting.

Mac  d20+1=13
Friday January 6th, 2006 12:40:34 AM

"Could be." Mac whispers back to Flea as he shuffles his weight from one foot to the other "Let's be watchful an' wait." [Sense Motive: 13]

Friday January 6th, 2006 5:06:07 AM

Not realizing anything is amiss, Tishe' first notices they aren't going anywhere when the ones supposed to be leading turn around and stare. Obligingly and with growing curiosity, the average-looking woman also turns.

And Stares.

Black was never her color, but how can this woman appear like an adonis wearing so little? Tishe' thinks even her sisters would pale next to the lady draped all over Grymash.

"Good and bad. Wasn't that the prediction?", whispers Tishe' to herself. "Wonder which will it be?"

Feeling positively dumpy with Elenea present, Tishe' says nothing to her; only sizing her up and down.

Stripes stands close to his human, feeling the vibes from her and wondering if he's going to have to bite anyone today.

Friday January 6th, 2006 6:00:25 AM

Jake takes a gander and his jaw drops. Ha-chacha. And yet she's going for Gry, his buddy. Still...nothing says she can't go for him, later, after she's realized how unnappealing Gry is. The important thing, of course, is to present a pleasant front, and later, form a battleplan to capture the woman's heart. So, for right now, Jake stays in the background. Trying to appear innocent, even as he's sure half the pack is gonna check to make sure he doesn't do anything bad.

Ulgren: Mage Armour(extended)  d20+14=22 d20+1=21
Friday January 6th, 2006 8:05:01 AM

Ulgren watches the black smoke form into the woman and can only remember the haughty women of the drow Undercity before he was sent to the Southern Continent the drow mage sucks in a deep breath and reaches for his wand. The mage stands up fully and bellows with authority "Who are you? What sway do you hold over our friend?"
Spellcraft DC 22, Spot 21 (nat 20)

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armorx1*,Shieldx2,Enlargex2,Greasex1
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 2/3

Anuk  d20+12=26 d20+12=22
Friday January 6th, 2006 10:16:57 AM

From his position at the front of the group, Anuk is one of the last to turn around and see the stranger. "Great Gargul!" he gasps. None of the monks ever looked like this...and none of the professors from his youth did either. He stares wide-eyed for a moment before re-gaining his composure.

With Trel and Ulgren asking the questions, Anuk begins to look around for signs of movement...he's not entirely sure how she got here, but suppose she wasn't alone...

spot 26
listen 22

Gilan and Ciaran  d20+17=30
Friday January 6th, 2006 1:52:37 PM

Gilan turns back around when he notices that Gry is not with the group. He stops dead in his tracks as he stares at the woman draped over Gry. Part of his senses are reeling from what he senses and the other half is reeling from the things that he is feeling.

With some effort he forces his eyes up higher as he repeats a mantra under his breathe. "Look to the face...look higher...think of...a..." He finally finds his voice and steps to stand by Trell. "Did she come out of that soul gem?" His eyes dip back down and it takes several seconds for him to force them to her face again. "There is something unnatural about her."

[knowledge(nature) 30]

Spell List
0th(6): create water(3), guidance(2), mending
1st(7): clw(2), entangle, faerie fire(2), longstrider(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(2), bull's strength(2), lesser restoration(2)
3rd(6): cmw(3), greater magic fang(2), poison
4th(4): csw(2), dispel magic, flamestrike
* used

An invitation. (DM Jim) 
Friday January 6th, 2006 11:55:37 PM

Trellus is a little distracted as he tries to go over everything in his mind. He knows what he saw with the gem and the appearance of the woman but with Gry on her side this will not be good. He tries diplomacy first as he inquires if they can help her.

Gry just wraps an arm around her and hugs her to him as he keeps that wide smile upon his face. He is quick to offer his protection to her as also states his undying affection.

Flea is taken back as well but she is able to cough out a reply that Mac is able to catch. Something to do with the ladies name and her assets.

Mac is able to reply to her as he shifts in his own spot. He is waiting to see where this will go and if he will be needed for something more.

Tishe' is so far out of it that she cannot do much more than stare and then she feels a little bit of envy. Here is a woman that is barely wearing anything and she looks like a goddess, but she does have one nice thought. It would have made her sisters look plain. Her companion stripes shys back a little ways as he stays partly behind Tishe'. In fact it appears that he does not want to have much to do with what is going on.

Jake is beside himself with envy but takes it in stride. He is sure that his big friend will do something or say something that will allow him to get into the woman's good graces. He does check on the rest to make sure that they are not interested too much or checking his own activity.

Ulgren is sped forward in his dealings with the woman from his early years in drow society. He is more demanding than anyone else in the group as he wants answers. He even reaches slowly towards a wand that he might have the need to use.

Anuk silently wishes that more of the teachers or even the older woman of Rattledam would look that good. It takes him more time than he is comfortable with to get his mind back in the game and maybe his eyes back in his head. His eyes search the surrounding area as he looks for more people, figuring that she is not alone and Trel and Ulgren can handle it.

Gilan is automatically worried about Gry when he does not notice him with the group. As he returns with the rest of the group he is stopped in his tracks. When he does finally get his mind back into working order he poses a simple question to Trel, hoping that he does not get the answer he fears. As his eyes dip back down lower on the woman's body he is only able to mutter the fact that she is unnatural...something does not feel right. The fact that Ciaran and Stripes both are acting weird and will not approach is more than enough for him.

The woman's eyes travel over each member of the Bloodpack and she gives a winning smile. "Ohh...your big friend is fine Ulgren...he just wanted to help out a lady in dire need." Looking to each person in turn she taps a finge to her chin. "You would be Trellus, Anuk, Tishe', Flea, Gilan, Mac and of course naughty little Jake." It is a statement that each of you is who she indicates and what is really wrong is that she is right about each of you. "That would make these two lovely animals your companions...Ciaran and Stripes...oh but I must not forget about little Wart." She laughs lightly as she looks up to the large half-orc and runs a hand over his jaw.

With a sigh she looks back to the group and then nods to each. "I have been searching through each of your memories for sometime...learning about each of you so that I could have a taste and link to the outside world." With another loving caress of Gry's cheek she pats it lightly. "Gry here was my choice to set me free...he has a big heart and cares more than he lets on...some of you have other things that you hold to too strong to allow me to get help out of." Her eyes stray to Jake as she gives an impish look. "Though some of your was very tempting to think about...still I needed someone strong of will and body." She looks to Gry with some sadness as she kisses his cheek again and lays a hand upon his chest. "My Champion here will be able to survive without me...for I cannot stay for long...he knew what I was from the very begining that I started to talk to him but he did not care...he just saw me." She leans into Gry and you notice a tear roll down her cheek. "The first person that has loved me for me." With a look back at the pack she nods her head. "You may ask me questions for the span of six minutes...then I must leave." She gives another smile as she stays leaning against Gry for protection...not from the pack but what she knows that she must do. "Do not fear my nature...your thoughts have given me strength and a sense of friendship that I have not had for many centuries." It seems that you have a chance to ask some questions but with a time limit to it.

Hope everyone got my email and will be able to give me a reply. I want the game to be fun for all of us and not start to lag.

Trellus [-1 Con]  d20+5=17 d20+7=19 d20+7=21
Saturday January 7th, 2006 1:07:54 PM

Trellus' shoulders noticeably tense when Ulgren goes for the direct route.
Du-ude, he thinks with exasperation.

The pattern is set, but Ms. VanCleave...cleavage...truly...seems to have other plans.

The woman throws out phrases the cleric doesn't like at all -
he knew what I was from the very begining
I have not had for many centuries
Coupled with Gilan's pronouncement of "unnatural", Trellus ain't at all comfortable around this lady. He stands ready, watching, letting his packmates ask the questions while his mind tries to pick out any memories that might give him a clue as to who she is.

Knowledge(arcana): 17
Knowledge(religion): 19
Knowledge(Sargass): 21

After a moment, he asks carefully "Where are you going in six minutes?"

Sunday January 8th, 2006 1:30:10 PM

"Ummm..." Jake looks at the woman, still trying to figure her out. This six minute thing sounds like some sort of time commitment, yet why just six minutes? Maybe she's like one of those magical genies he read in a story, and he can have whatever he wants, like an oracle! The mind boggles at that thought, and Jake starts thinking about what he wants. However, all this thinking overtakes casual conversatino, and Jake just stands there dumbly.

Flea  d20-1=7 d20+6=11 d20+6=11
Sunday January 8th, 2006 7:59:10 PM

Flea grits her teeth. She clenches them so hard her jaw aches. She didn't like it one bit when the monks threatened to 'cleanse' her memory, and now this...this...this miss thing announces she was rattling around in Flea's head all this time! It is more than one gnome can endure!

Flea's eyes narrow. They are the only thing visible above the mask of maroon scarf and head wrap. Slits of cold pale blue stare at the creature wrapped around Gry as she tries to figure the woman's motives (Sense Motive=7). Flea wracks her brain for any reference to such as this one, but she was never one to pay much attention to her books when she should have (Knowledge History=11)

The rogue can only think of one thing that will shake the half-orc out of this folly, and blurts out, "but Gry! What will Grand-Maw think?" (Bluff=11)

Grymash  d20+2=22
Monday January 9th, 2006 2:50:28 AM

"Ohhh... uhh!? Flea's words hit Grymash like a falling bag of hammers (which happened once). Then it dawns on him (Sense motive 22, nat 20), Flea doesn't really care about Grand Maw's feelings! Grymash becomes rigid, crosses his arms, and stares a Flea with his grimacing, dagger-like gaze. "Flea, yooz jus jealous of Gry. Flea wants ta be da champeon!"

Monday January 9th, 2006 3:29:08 PM

"Maybe she does, but you would be wise to consider Flea's question. Of course, bein' a champion has it's benefits... and it's requirements. Perhaps,.. " as Mac turns his gaze from Gry to Miss VanCleave, "...you would explain to our friend what this gift you bestow actually costs?"

Monday January 9th, 2006 7:21:07 PM

Mac's concern stirs the same feelings in Anuk. Gry has always been the pack's protector, but some situations he wasn't really meant to take on. "Mac's right, miss...uh...VanLady. What more has Gry got to do for you now that you're free?"

Ulgren: Mage Armour(extended) 
Monday January 9th, 2006 10:25:42 PM

Ulgren looks at the rest of the pack for an instant then turns and squarely faces the scantily clad woman, "You say that you feel a sense of friendship with my packmates and yet you dominate our friend, force him to be your champion. How is that friendship? Who are you and what task do you have for your champion, knowing that any task or tasks you place before him is really a task for all of us." Ulgren pauses for a second to gain his breath and plunges ahead, "you say the Gry was the first to love you for you. Well, who and what are you?" Ulgren looks over at his friends and asks a final question, "if Gry loves you, and if your tear is one of love then why not let him choose to be your protector free of any coercion?"

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armorx1*,Shieldx2,Enlargex2,Greasex1
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 2/3

Gilan and Ciaran 
Monday January 9th, 2006 10:34:45 PM

Gilan watches all that is unfolding before him and swallows as he comes to a realization. If this woman is what he thinks she is than they all might be in trouble. Laying a hand upon Trel's shoulder he squeezes lightly. "Provoking her will not aid us in any way...if she is what I think." He waits to see if his friend has picked any knowledge out of his brain, with his clerical studies.

Looking to the rest he lets out a sigh. "She has made no move to hurt anyone and I am not sure she has bewitched Gry...most of us have seen him sticking up for others at home." He hopes that the group will settle out before they possibly make it worse.

Spell List
0th(6): create water(3), guidance(2), mending
1st(7): clw(2), entangle, faerie fire(2), longstrider(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(2), bull's strength(2), lesser restoration(2)
3rd(6): cmw(3), greater magic fang(2), poison
4th(4): csw(2), dispel magic, flamestrike
* used

True nature. (DM Jim) 
Monday January 9th, 2006 11:05:14 PM

Trellus holds to his diplomatic ways and tries to find out where she is going in the next few minutes. He also realizes why the Plains have become so dark all of the sudden. The woman that stands before them is a vampire, he can feel it.

Jake starts to run through old faerie tales that he had read as a kid. He hits upon the idea that maybe she is a genie or one of those types that can grant a wish or hearts desire. This spins him into contemplation mode as he tries to think of the perfect wish.

Flea tries a different tack with Gry and just reminds him of a certain dragon that he has a thing for. She is also just a little upset with the fact that this woman has been poking around in her head. What little bit she can glean from the woman's manner she intends no harm and seems to be telling the truth.

Gry is quick to pick up on what Flea is saying about his love and then he has a flash of thought...why would Flea be concerned for Grand Maw. The first thing that comes to mind is that she is jealous of his position of Champion for this woman. He also knows that what he feels for this woman is not love but just a need to protect her. He has even seen her vampiric nature when she has talked to him but for some reason he felt no threat from her.

Mac tries to play upon the benefits and requirements of being a Champion to Gry but does not figure he will get far. Gry has a head as hard as rock...well really harder. He then turns his questions to the Miss VanCleave to see if she will provide any answers.

Anuk is quick to drop onto the questions that Mac has asked. He can see this going bad as Gry is one of thier best hitters and to have him out of the way would not help them out.

Ulgren runs a totally different tack as he gets a little bit mad. He demands answers to this friendship and why she would bewitch a friend. He also lays the whole whatever Gry must face than they all must face at the feet of the vampire woman.

Gilan tries to get Trel to settle the pack down and even tries to do that a little himself. He also has an idea of the woman's nature and feels that if they press her too far...it could go bad.

Elenea looks to each of the members of the pack with ever narrowing eyes. "The love that Gry has for me is for someone that he feels needs protected...though I have tried to tell him several times that he does not have to go that far." She looks to Gry and sighs. "What I feel for him is...complicated...he is the first person for many years that has looked at me for who I am without worrying about what I am." She is virtually hissing through her teeth as she speaks, anger coming to the front. "I got to know each of you through some of your memories, due to what Grymash spoke of...nice people that give someone a chance." With a look to Flea that she feels she has offended the most she lets the anger fade. "I did not go into personal memories or too deep...I just wanted a sense of being human again."

Taking a couple of steps away from Gry she bares her fangs in Ulgren's direction. "I am a vampire...I could very well have drank from any of you...could have tried to get Gry to break the stone in the night and left him for dead or better yet another of my kind." Her eyes flare as she takes another step forward. "You accuse me of bewitching him but I tell you that he could walk away right now if he wished...I have no hold on him of that kind...then again, why have I not done that to anyone else...it is well known that we charm the fighters and then turn them on thier friends." Taking a step back she tries to bring emotions back under control and she takes several breaths."

Turning to Trellus she gives a little bit of a smile. "You have been polite...though I think you knew my nature before." Looking a little drained and the light started to come back a little she cringes. "I plan to go back to my house and leave you about your business...I do not take Grymash with me and the only task I ask is...if I am in need of help in the future can I call upon my Champion and his friends for help." Holding up a hand to stall any arguements she speaks again. "You will have full details on what I need and you are free to refuse." Holding out her hand to her side, you see bits of dust start to move from the ground to her hand. As you watch and think the dust melds back into the very soul stone that she had been trapped in. "Though it has no value now...it is a token of my friendship with the Bloodpack." She holds out the gem to Grymash as she chuckles. "You know...I like that name...has an invigorating smell to it."

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 12:09:38 AM

...a sense of being human again...

Flea stares at the predatory woman when she addresses her. The gnome holds tighter to Mac's horn as she sits rigidly on his shoulder. Pointing her free hand at the gem, the rogue asks, "if you are so well meaning then why were you inside that...that...thing? And, who put you there?"

Grymash  d20+4=16
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 3:41:47 AM

Grymash puts his hand to his forehead and pulls back his hair from his eyes. He contemplates what his words will be. He seems somewhat confused. The half-orc prefers things to be simple. Things that perplex him usually end up making him angry. However, Gry is able to keep his calm and he chooses his words carefully before just blurting them out. "Gry's brain hurt like a slobber knocker! (Knowledge Religion: 16) "No, Gry no forced ta break da bloody rock. Gry do it wit own will. All souls belong ta Gargul, dat whut Gargul say. Dat whut Gry say too! No soul deserve ta be kept from da master. So Gry set free. But Gry also knows Gargul's will when it come ta, uhh, wit those who be mostly dead!" Grymash looks at Elenea compassionately. "Gry know whut vampires be. Gry read it in book. Gry read wit own eyes. But Elenea not like da others dat be mostly dead. Gry look in to Elenea brain too."

Grymash paces back and forth, rubbing his forehead, and then turns back to Elenea. "Whut confuse Gry most be why Elenea want ta stay away froms Gargul? Do Elenea not hear Master's call? Gry knows Elenea. Yooz no like da vampires in da words of Gry's holy book. Whut keeps yooz here?"

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 5:15:52 AM

OOC: I swear I posted yesterday! Don't know what happened to it... :(

Tishe' is stunned at the revelation that this woman is a vampire! She doensn't know anything except what she has heard in horror stories,and that was quite bad enough. And if they are a little true, what Ms. Thing says is also true; that she could have escaped when everyone was asleep and killed everyone! And she didn't...

And Grymash has made a real point. "If you don't want to be a vampire, you can greet the sun or some such thing. What is it that you have to live for?" Then the brown-haired girl looks confused at her own words. Live? Un-live? Too confusing.

Stripes keeps well away from the woman and Grymash, and Wart is nowhere to be seen.

Trellus [-1 Con] 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 8:01:08 AM

Trellus' tone is sharp - "Dudes, warp down."

The cleric isn't entirely certain what to make of the vampire, but this situation is already pretty sunbaked. Uncertain of her powers, and all too aware of Gry's special talents, the blond man doesn't want this meeting to go beyond the verbal stage.

Trellus also doesn't like the answer he thinks of when Flea asks her question. Anyone with the power to put a vampire into to that gem would have the power to destroy her outright...if she was just a farmer's wife or something.
She's got power beyond that of vampirism, he decides. Light, we're in trouble.

To Elenea, Trellus only adds, "Gry's got a point. Gargul would take you back. Light, He WANTS you back."

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:34:32 AM

A vampire!?

Anuk's concern melts into curiosity...his old desire for knowledge about the Wold's strange creatures wells up inside him. He's heard about these unliving beings, but never even seen one, let alone talked to one. He wishes he still had his old journals so he could sit down and start drawing and taking notes of the experience.

Less than six minutes to talk. His mind races with questions, but the only thing he manages to blurt out is, "Light...uh...so...what's your favorite kind of blood?"

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 1:29:02 PM

Unlike the others, Jake hasn't been listening. He's been thinking of heaping piles of gold, of beautiful women all fawning at his feet, of returning to Rattledam on a giganting skyship with an army of giants...
"Huh?" he looks around. Something about a vampire. Oh well. "Ummm, perhaps y'all can tell me, where ah'd find one of them legendary swords or something, ta fight the Barons with. You know, some kinda weapon that can pulverize them, or maybe something ta fix the diseases they always cause... Hey, why y'all looking at me like that? Ain't she a genie?"

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 3:43:08 PM

"So, in return for Gry's releasing you from the gem, we'd owe you a favour to a [pause] did you say 'Vampire'?"

Clearly that word has some significance, but it eludes him for the moment. Quietly to Flea on his shoulder he asks, "What's a Vampire?"

Ulgren: Mage Armour(extended) 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 6:07:45 PM

Ulgren flinches at the vampires bared fangs then in a bit of bravado bares his teeth as well, "I was taken from my family once, it will not happen again, vampire or not!" the drow hisses at the now calm temptress then heeding Trellus' words the mage steps backwards towards the pack and watches through his smoke colored goggles.

Spells Memorized:
0- Lightx2 Message x2 4/4
1- Mage Armorx1*,Shieldx2,Enlargex2,Greasex1
2-Scorching Rayx3, Blurx2 5/5
3-Fireballx2, Hastex1 3/3
4-Leomunds Secure Shelterx1, Confusionx1 2/2

Drow abilities 3/3
Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestigitation, Darkness

Lesser Rod of Extend 2/3

Gilan and Ciaran 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 11:15:45 PM

Gilan sighs as the tension is somewhat taken out of the picture. He does give the woman the once over when she reveals her true nature. She is not what the typical vampire is suppose to be. He can think of really nothing to say that would further their goals and the questions being asked are what he himself would like to know.

Spell List
0th(6): create water(3), guidance(2), mending
1st(7): clw(2), entangle, faerie fire(2), longstrider(2)
2nd(6): barkskin(2), bull's strength(2), lesser restoration(2)
3rd(6): cmw(3), greater magic fang(2), poison
4th(4): csw(2), dispel magic, flamestrike
* used

Time grows short. (DM Jim) 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 11:34:17 PM

Elenea laughs at the antics of Ulgren as she tries to come up with the best answers to the groups questions. "I have not crossed to Gargul for really one reason...Duke McElinv is one of two vampires that hold sway in my homeland and he is as evil as they come. It was him and another Dutchess LiNoth that sealed me in that gem to get me out of the way and I have been in there for two hun...no, nearer three hundred years now." She pats Gry on the shoulder as she shakes her head. "Of course a bit of thier taint remained with the gem and though I have power...I could not break it from the inside." She tries to hold each of your gazes equally so that you can tell she tells no lies. "I stay simply to try and make my home a better place...something I could not do in my life...so I am trying to do it in my death."

Looking to Anuk and his question she smiles and her eyes glitter for a minute. "Unlike most vampires that feel the need to feed to gluttony...I only feed when I am truly hungry or in need of power to do something. Most of my blood comes from animals that my human servants cook and eat for lunch and supper. I do have a pair of young woman that serve me loyally that also serve in times of dire need...though I only take what I need." She shudders as she watches the revoltion that will most likely pass across most of your faces.

Laying a hand upon Gry's arm she hands him the gem again with a smile. "As I said...I may ask for a favor in the future but you all are free to refuse and know the full details before you accept." Turning back to the group as a whole she bows her head to the with a look of...is it friendship. "Remember that friendship is a two way street...though I ask a favor now...in the future you will have the same option of me." With a last look to the group she steps a little ways off to the side of the group and seems to cring more from the little bit more brightening of the surrounding area.

Closing her eyes she falls into the powers that flow through any mage and arcane words spoken in a strange language spill from her mouth. She raises her hands even with her head and then slowly moves them down as far as possible. As she opens her eyes slowly she spreads her hands and a door opens in front of her. "My home of Koshe Marr." She turns slowly as you see the outline of a large mansion in the background and a beautiful garden. Though you do notice that there is a bit of gloom about what you see beyond the portal. "Any last questions Bloodpack?"

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